Des643 FCH
Des643 FCH
Des643 FCH
Course: DES643, Design for Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (3-0-0-0) 9 Credits
Class Timings: Tuesdays and Thursdays - 17:15 hrs to 18:30 hrs, L19 for lectures, DJ 204 for labs
Course Contents: Historic perspective and modern applications, AR/VR equipment and software, Preparing to prototype for AR
and VR, Tools and Prototyping for AR and VR, Working on an AR/VR design project, Geometry of visual world, Light, optics and
visual perception, Visual perception, Tracking, Head mounted displays, Computer vision for augmented reality, AR concepts,
Frontiers, Project Prototyping & Documentation
Reference Texts:
Exam(s): 40 marks
Pass Percentage: 40% (a minimum of 40 percent marks will have to be scored to pass this course)
Distributed on 3/1/2024