1808607-Spelljammer Wildspace System Generator
1808607-Spelljammer Wildspace System Generator
1808607-Spelljammer Wildspace System Generator
by Ben Fogle
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Table of Contents
Determine the System Core .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Wildspace System Cores Table ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Sidebar: Black Holes
Sidebar: Waterspace systems
Determine the System Quirks ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Wildspace System Quirks/Hooks Table ................................................................................................................................. 4
Determine the Worlds ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Nature of World Table.................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Gravity Table ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Climate and Geography Table ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Civilization Table.............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Inhabitants Table ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Civilization starting attitude Table ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Monsters Table.................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Sidebar: Odd combinations
World Quirks Table ......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Strange Worlds Table ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Water Inhabitants Table ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
Water Monsters Table .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Existing Settings Table ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Note: Monsters in bold appear in a Dungeons and Dragons publication. Ones without designations appear in the
Monster Manual. Below is a list of D&D books, followed by their designations in the document. If a monster has a
book’s designation next to it, it may be found in that book. Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse (M),
Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons (F), Spelljammer: Adventures in Space (including free DnD Beyond Content) (S),
Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden (I), Candlekeep Mysteries (C), Mythic Odysseys of Theros (T), and Eberron:
Rising from the Last War (E).
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Building a Wildspace System
This supplement allows you to roll on Black Holes
tables to build planets, moons, and
Any craft within 100,000,000 miles of the
entire wildspace systems. The first black hole must make a DC 15 Constitution
few tables determine the features of saving throw, being sucked 10,000,000
the entire system: the system core, miles towards it on a failed save, and
the amount of planets and moons, and escaping its gravity on a successful one.
other system quirks. Later tables are A spelljammer may add their intelligence
used to build individual planets, modifier to the roll. For each 10,000,000
moons, and other celestial bodies. miles the vessel moves towards the black
hole, the escape DC increases by 1. Once
the vessel is within 50,000,000 miles of
Determine the system core the black hole, it crosses the event
horizon and cannot escape. The DM may
First, roll a d8 to determine what is choose what happens next or may roll a d4
at the center of the system. to determine what happens:
1. The vessel and characters are
permanently destroyed.
D8 Wildspace System Cores 2. The vessel is floating in the void, an
1 A normal yellow sun. aspect of the negative energy plane. The
2 A red giant sun. characters must find a way out.
3 A white or brown dwarf star. 3. The vessel is spat out in another
Planets are in dim light during wildspace system with a white hole at the
the day. center.
4 A black hole. One or more 4. The vessel is ejected into a plane of
systems may be drawn towards the DM’s choosing.
the black hole, to be consumed
in years, months, or even
hours. (see “Black Holes”
5 A white hole. This is the exit
point of one or more black Waterspace systems
holes of other systems. The A waterspace system is a wildspace system
space around it is filled with that is filled with water, rather than
the flotsam and jetsam of other the empty void of space. From the Astral
worlds. Sea, it appears as a wall of water that
6 1d8 suns. In a system of 3-5 disappears into the distance in all
suns, the planets experience directions. If there is a sun in the
night time at infrequent center, the sun gives light, but a
intervals, from months to relatively low amount of heat.
years. With 6-8 suns, a system Spelljamming ships that enter a
may experience night only once waterspace system maintain their gravity
in thousands of years, an event planes and air envelopes, creating a
that could mean chaos and moving bubble in which they are the
terror for any civilizations. center (unless the ship is submersible).
7 An astronomically sized bizarre Rocky planets resemble the ocean floor.
object. It could be an Floating air bubbles may provide respite.
artificial star, a swirling Even stranger things may be found in a
maelstrom, a quasar, or a waterspace system: planets made of coral,
colossal clown face. sargassos thousands of miles across, and
8 Nothing. The system is cold, civilizations of water-breathing people,
any heat coming from a world’s or air-breathers living beneath domes or
volcanic interior. The worlds in air-filled caves. Water pressure is
are also in darkness, unless generally not a problem, as there is no
otherwise lit. gravity unless you are on a planet or
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Determine the system
10 The system is filled with large
manta-ray shaped spelljamming
vessels with settlements on
quirks their backs.
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D4 Gravity Roll a d6 to determine at what level a
1 Low Gravity: Weight is halved, world’s civilization exists. It may
speed is increased by 10 feet, vary by continent, especially for
jump distance is doubled, and earlier civilizations. If you wish for
creatures have disadvantage on
Strength Checks and Strength
this variation, roll separately for
Saving Throws. each continent. Adventuring in a
2 Normal Gravity modern or futuristic world may present
3 High Gravity: Speed is reduced a challenge to DMs, as these genres
by 10 feet, jump distance is are only lightly supported by the D&D
halved, and creatures have rules. If this is daunting or against
advantage on Strength Checks the tone of your campaign, you may
and Strength Saving Throws. roll a d4 instead. You may also decide
4 Normal Gravity if the world is familiar with
The climate and geography may be D6 Civilization
modified to fit one or more other 1 Wild world: little or no
results on the tables. If you wish for civilization—stone age at the
multiple continents with varying
2 Bronze to Iron age world:
climates and geographies, the planet cities of 10,000 or so people
has 1d8 continents, and roll exist, separated by wild areas.
separately for each continent. You may use ancient Egypt,
Mesopotamia, China, Greece,
D10 Climate and Geography
Rome, India, or other old
1 Bare and rocky, with little to
civilizations as inspiration.
no water or vegetation.
3 Medieval world: cities of up to
2 Frozen world: glaciers, cliffs,
100,000 people separated by
ice, snow, blizzards, the
well-traveled roads, but
works. Use the rules for
surrounded by wilderness.
extreme cold.
Similar to medieval Earth, or
3 Desert world: sand, dunes,
Faerun. You may use medieval
hives of scum, the works.
Europe, feudal Japan, the
4 Volcanic world: rivers of lava,
Arabian Empire, the Aztec
volcanoes, the works. Use the
Empire, or other medieval
rules for extreme heat.
cultures as inspiration.
5 Temperate world: deciduous
4 Steampunk world: Cities up to
forests and fields, pleasant
temperature and conditions. 1,000,000 or so people, well-
Perhaps even idyllic. settled surrounding areas, with
6 Swamp world: muck, big nasty fantastical elements perhaps,
trees and things, the works. like Eberron. It may or may not
7 Jungle world: tropical trees, have trains, gunpowder, or
teeming life, the works. steam power. You may use
Victorian England, the American
8 City world. The entire world is
Wild West, the Ottoman Empire,
covered with by a city
Renaissance Italy, or other
thousands of feet off the
cultures from the Renaissance
ground. (If you roll low on the
to the modern era as
civilization table, the
cityscape is an ancient,
5 Modern world: Cities of up to
crumbling ruin).
20,000,000 people. The
9 Cave world: bare on the
technology is on par with
surface, but with thousands of
modern Earth from between WWI
miles of caverns and tunnels
to the present—electricity,
under the surface, containing
phones, perhaps even planes.
whole ecosystems.
6 Cyberpunk/futuristic world: an
10 Water world: the entire world
advanced civilization, with
is one large ocean.
robots, lasers, and perhaps
even starships.
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The inhabitants table tells what kinds 9 Other humanoids: roll a d10.
of intelligent life call the planet The world is inhabited by
home. Roll one or more times on this tabaxi on a 1, tortles on a 2,
table to determine a system’s aaracockra and owlin on a 3,
goliaths on a 4, loxodons on a
“people.” If you rolled or desire a 5, firbolgs on a 6, hadozee on
wild planet without even primitive a 7, plasmoids on an 8, thri-
inhabitants, you may choose to skip kreen on a 9, and astral elves
this table. Roll on the “Water on a 10. (Last four in (S)).
Inhabitants” table for water worlds or 10 Dragons: the world is entirely
waterspace systems, if you prefer. inhabited by dragons of
different types and sizes.
D20 Inhabitants 11 Giants: the world is inhabited
1 Intelligent giant spiders. by giants of different types.
Their method of communication 12 Aartuks (S) and other plant
is unfortunately tactile. creatures rule the world.
Misunderstandings may result as 13 Fey World: the world is
they attempt to communicate. inhabited by fairies, pixies,
2 One or more of the following: eladrin, harengon, and other
elves, dwarves, humans, gnomes, fey creatures. Feel free to
orcs, and halflings, and/or change the geography and
smaller numbers of various climate to reflect a world that
other races. It could be a is dominated by the feywild. Or
mixture, like many D&D perhaps the fey living there
settings, or it could be have been exiled from the
dominated by a single species. feywild.
An elven world may be beautiful 14 Dohwars (S): the little penguin
but closed to outsiders, while folks have turned this world
an orc world may be a bit into a giant market, with
rough, but friendly. ranches for raising space swine
3 Ssuran (S) or lizardfolk and/or and who knows what other
Yuan-ti. If both live there, illicit creatures.
flip a coin to determine if 15 Aberrations: roll a d6. The
they are at peace or at war world is inhabited by mind
with one another. flayers on 1, beholders on 2,
4 Bards. Every single person in psurlons (S) on 3, aboleths on
the world is a bard. The 4, peaceful gnome flayers (I)
inhabitants often break into and gnome ceremorphs (I) on 5,
spontaneous song and dance that and neogis (S) on 6.
seems impossibly choreographed. 16 Frog world: the planet is
5 Dead world: some cataclysm has inhabited by bullywugs, grungs,
left this world inhabited by and grippli (C).
nothing but undead. Roll a d6 17 The world is inhabited by
to determine the primary type genasi, and perhaps ruled by
of undead: zombies on 1, ghosts genies.
on 2, vampires on 3, mummies on 18 Construct world: inhabited by
4, ghouls on 5, wraiths on 6. warforged (E) and/or autognomes
6 Classical world: the world is (S). Perhaps the world is
inhabited by humans, minotaurs, entirely artificial, or post-
centaurs, satyrs (T), or other apocalyptic.
creatures of mythology. 19 Githyanki outpost: here,
7 Angels: One or more species of Githyanki raise and train their
humanoids are ruled by angels. young.
Lawbreaking is not kindly 20 Fungi world: the world is
looked upon. (In a stone age inhabited by myconids and
world, they are worshipped, flumphs. You may change the
while in a more advanced world, planet’s geography to reflect
they are benevolent dictators). an abundance of fungi.
8 Goblin world: goblins,
hobgoblins, and bugbears are
the world’s primary
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This table helps determine the 7 Ooozes: civilization is
attitude of the planet’s civilization. threatened (or already
destroyed) by an insane number
D4 Civilization starting attitude of gelatinous cubes, black
1 Hostile. puddings, gray oozes, and other
2 Indifferent and incurious. oozes. Alternatively, the
3 Indifferent but curious. inhabitants have mastered the
4 Friendly. oozes, farming them for sundry
8 Braxats (S) or Trolls (flip a
Most worlds will have a large variety coin if desired): they live on
of monsters. Roll on the monsters the edges of civilization,
table if you wish for a world to be hunting and feeding on unwary
dominated or otherwise story-driven by humanoids.
a single type of monster. For 9 B’rohgs (S): They live in
instance, if you roll purple worm, isolated places, preferring to
purple worms are numerous in the be left alone.
world. Perhaps the world’s inhabitants 10 Froghemoths (M): They may be
hostile or indifferent, or even
are in constant war with the worms. Or
friendly with inhabitants that
they worship the worms, capturing appease them with food.
adventurers and offering them as 11 Owlbears. An overabundance of
sacrifices. Roll on the “Water owlbears.
Monsters” table for water worlds or 12 Tarrasques: The world’s
waterspace systems, if you prefer. inhabitants likely live in
constant fear, hiding in caves
D12 Monsters and other remote locations.
1 Purple worms crisscross under
Odd combinations
the ground, causing frequent
earthquakes and near-constant Some combinations on the table may seem
danger for the inhabitants. odd or unworkable. You are always free to
2 change it or reroll. But if you are
Dinosaurs of all types rule the
feeling creative, you can invent a story
world alongside, or perhaps to make it work. For instance, if you
above, whatever else inhabits roll a frozen world inhabited by
the world. Lizardfolk, you could decide that the
3 Demons: the world has been world used to be a tropical paradise, but
overrun by the forces of the became frozen in a catastrophe 100 years
Abyss. The climate and ago. The Lizardfolk survived by moving
geography is hostile and their villages to a few precious
chaotic. volcanically active areas, living among
4 Mimics: the world is full of hotsprings and geysers. They travel and
mimics. Maybe the inhabitants hunt with the aid of heatlamps. The fuel
peacefully coexist, even for the heatlamps is a precious resource.
training and using the mimics
for a variety of tasks. Maybe You can make it silly if it fits the tone
the people are at constant war of your campaign. Maybe you roll
with the mimics, living in “Dragons” but in a modern world. The
paranoia of inanimate objects. dragons live in dungeons, but all watch
Maybe the world is eerily giant TVs and carry briefcases to work.
empty, and the adventurers Perhaps they play a role-playing game
don’t realize what has happened called “Houses and Humanoids.”
until the doors turn sticky.
5 Dire world: all animals in the If you roll a dead world and get zombies,
world are of dire size. and also roll Dinosaurs on the monster
6 Elementals: the world is filled table, you may ask, “Wait, is this world
with elementals, including inhabited by undead or dinosaurs?” The
mephits, firenewts (M), answer is “yes,” and you should be
leviathans (M), phoenixes (M), terrified. (Zombie T-Rexes aho!)
galeb duhrs, and other such
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Roll one or more times on the “World 7 Beautiful world: the world has
Quirks” table to give your world a an otherworldly beauty. Perhaps
strange quirk. These quirks can be all the colors are deep and
drastic, so skip this table unless you rich like stained glass, or the
world is mostly flowers, or the
want a world that is truly bizarre. landscape is filled with
enormous crystals (or the world
D12 World Quirks is made of crystal!).
1 Brobdingnagian world: the world 8 Artificial world: the world is
is inhabited by colossal humans entirely artificial. It may be
(or another humanoid of your obvious, like a planet made
choosing), everything on the entirely of metal and populated
world being to their scale. by constructs, or nonobvious, a
Characters here seem like tiny coat of dirt and life on top of
people landing in a tiny an artificial interior.
spelljamming vessel. 9 Hollow world: the world may be
hollow, with a star or other
2 Lilliputian world: the world is light source in the center, and
an entire second world on the
inhabited by tiny humans (or
underside of its crust.
another humanoid of your
10 Living world: the world is
choice), everything on the alive! It may manifest one or
planet being to their scale. more entities your size to talk
The characters seem like to you. You may be a welcome
colossal humanoids. guest. Or perhaps you are
considered a virus, and it is
3 Quiet world: there is no sound only a matter of time until the
on the world. All creatures are world’s “immune system” detects
deafened. you.
4 Psychic world: all living 11 Flat disc: the world is located
things on the world are on a flat disc, the edges
telepathically connected and terminating in a cliff or
may communicate telepathically waterfall facing space. It may
if they are within 120 feet of be free-floating or on the back
each other. This effect is of a titanic creature.
passive (watch your thoughts!) 12 Wildmagic world: magic here is
and can be disorienting to the unstable. Each time a spell is
unaccustomed. You may choose to cast, roll on the Wild Magic
give the unaccustomed table in the Sorcerer section
disadvantage on wisdom and of the Player’s Handbook. Other
intelligence saving throws. magical anomalies exist at your
5 Library world: the entire world discretion.
is a library of some sort, with
thousands of miles of books,
discs, or other media storing
the information of the cosmos.
Perhaps the whole world is a
labyrinth. The inhabitants may
be the library’s keepers, or
may not even know the library
is there, or what it is.
6 Awakened world: every creature
in the world is as if affected
by the awakened spell, having
an intelligence at least 10.
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Some celestial bodies are so strange, 4 Koalinths and/or Sahuagin. They
it is not fair to call them a planet may share a world with others
or moon. These are strange worlds. on this list. You may flip a
coin to determine if they are
at peace or war.
D6 Strange Worlds
5 Chuuls (M). They could be
1 Space tree: titanic floating
guarding ruins, still working
earthmotes are connected by the for Aboleths, or they may have
branches and roots of an struck out on their own to
astronomical tree said to be a create a truly alien
splinter of Yggdrasil. civilization
Yggdrasti (S) may make their 6 Awakened aquatic beasts such as
home here. Roll on other tables fish, whales, and dolphins are
to change it as you desire. this world’s primary
2 Space turtle: a turtle the size inhabitants. (Whales and
of a planet swims through dolphins in a waterspace system
space. Perhaps a world is on may have to rely on air
its back. bubbles).
3 Spiderspace: what at first
seems to be a planet or moon is
actually an enormous tangle of Even though most worlds will have a
giant spider web. The spaces wide variety of monsters, use this
between the webs are just big table if you want a water world or a
enough for most spelljamming rocky world in a waterspace system to
vessels. Or maybe not… be dominated by a particular type of
4 What at first seems like a moon
monster. The monster may be at war
is no moon…it’s a space
station! with the inhabitants (see previous
5 Far Realm Incursion: An object table, some of whom are rather
of incomprehensible geometries, monstrous themselves) or may live
such as an infinite staircase peacefully or cooperate with them. It
that goes in circles, a flat is up to you.
disc of water that goes down D6 Water Monsters
forever, or a giant sphere that 1 Sea Serpents (F).
turns out to be an egg. 2 Sea hags. The planet may be
6 The Spelljammer: a legendary ruled by a particularly
spelljamming vessel of powerful coven.
astronomical proportions, 3 Water elementals. They may be
shaped like a manta ray, an hard to see.
entire city on its back. 4 Dragon Turtles (F).
5 Giant Sharks.
Roll one or more times on the Water 6 Krakens. Probably best not to
Inhabitants table to determine the linger…
civilization of a water world, or a
rocky world in a waterspace system.
D6 Water Inhabitants
1 One or more of merfolk,
tritons, sea elves, or
2 Kuo-toa make for a strange and
possibly dangerous
3 Aboleths. A dangerous world to
visit. The Aboleths might share
this world with others on this
list as masters.
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The table below lists existing 38 Sea of Sorrows (VGGR)
published Dungeons and Dragons 39 The Shadowlands (VGGR)
settings and mini-settings. The mini- 40 Souragne (VGGR)
settings are taken primarily from Van 41 Staunton Bluffs (VGGR)
Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft (VGGR), 42 Tovag (VGGR)
and Journeys through the Radiant 43 Vhage Agency (VGGR)
Citadel (JttRC). Use this table if 44 Zherisa (VGGR)
you want to adapt a setting or mini- 45-47 Arcavios (Strixhaven: A
setting into a Wildspace moon or Curriculum of Chaos).
planet. Some of the smaller ones, 48-50 Exandria (Explorer’s Guide
like the Vhage Agency, may be more to Wildemount, Call of the
suitable for an asteroid outpost or Netherdeep)
other bizarre location. Any entry 51-53 Abeir-Toril (Sword Coast
that reads “[BLANK]space” is an Adventurer’s Guide, plus
entire wildspace system. The many other adventures).
resources detailing each setting are 54-56 Oerth (Ghosts of Saltmarsh)
noted in parenthesis. 57-59 Eberron (Eberron: Rising
from the Last War).
D100 Existing Settings 60-62 Krynn (Dragonlance: Shadow
1-3 Ravnica (Guildmaster’s Guide of the Dragon Queen)
to Ravnica). 63-64 Siabsungkoh (JttRC)
4-6 Theros (Mythic Odysseys of 65-66 Godsbreath (JttRC)
Theros) 67-68 Milpazul (JttRC)
5-7 Barovia (VGGR and Curse of 69-70 Zinda (JttRC)
Strahd) 71-72 Yeonido (JttRC)
8 Bluetspur (VGGR) 73-74 Sensa Empire (JttRC)
9 Borca (VGGR) 75-76 Tletepec (JttRC)
10 The Carnival (VGGR) 77-78 Shankhambumi (JttRC)
11 Darkon (VGGR) 79-80 Dayawlongon (JttRC)
12 Dementlieu (VGGR) 81-82 Akharin Sangar (JttRC)
13 Falkovnia (VGGR) 83-84 Djaynai and Janya (JttRC)
14 Har’Akir (VGGR) 85-86 Yongjing (JttRC)
15 Hazlan (VGGR) 87-88 Atagua (JttRC)
16 I’Cath (VGGR) 89-90 Tayyib Empire (JttRC)
17 Kalakeri (VGGR) 91-92 Umizu (JttRC)
18 Kartakass (VGGR) 93-95 Doomspace (Light of Xaryxis)
19 Lamordia (VGGR) 96-97 Xaryxispace (Light of
20 Mordent (VGGR) Xaryxis)
21 Richemulot (VGGR) 98 Realmspace (Spelljammer
22 Tepest (VGGR) Academy)
23 Valachan (VGGR) 99 Prismeer (The Wild Beyond
24 Forlorn (VGGR) the Witchlight).
25 Ghastria (VGGR) 100 The Rock of Bral (Astral
26 G’henna (VGGR) Adventurer’s Guide).
27 Invidia (VGGR)
28 Keening (VGGR)
29 Markovia (VGGR)
30 The Nightmare Lands (VGGR)
31 Niranjan (VGGR)
32 Nova Vaasa (VGGR)
33 Odaire (VGGR)
34 The Rider’s Bridge (VGGR)
35 Cyre 1313 (VGGR)
36 Risibilos (VGGR)
37 Scaena (VGGR)
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