KERR OceanAcidificationUnprecedented 2010
KERR OceanAcidificationUnprecedented 2010
KERR OceanAcidificationUnprecedented 2010
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saysFabry* ||§|SE^^ gïtsh wi| on ä par with what burning ©the IN,
^^^■H^^Kpytsed by rising carbon dioxide.
ally neutralize the added acid. The PETM Colder waters with a suffering in this lower pH
release appears to have been slow enough greater capacity for carbon environment. Paleoceanogra-
that no biological catastrophe struck in the dioxide will be affected first. pher Andrew Moy and his col-
upper ocean, only an extinction among tiny Feely's modeling projects leagues at the Antarctic Cli-
shell-forming organisms living on the deep that by midcentury, all Arctic mate and Ecosystems Coop-
sea floor. But today's emissions are so rapid waters will corrode the most erative Research Centre in
that they are piling up in surface waters. vulnerable crystal form of cal- Hobart, Australia, found that
cium carbonate, called arag- the shells of one type of foram
And the acid flows onite. By the end of the cen- growing in today's Southern
The latest evidence of raging acidification tury, all of the Southern Ocean Ocean are 30% lighter than
of surface waters comes in the first direct, and parts of the North Pacific those of the same species from
basinwide observation of plunging pH.will be corrosive to sea snails the past few thousand years.
Marine chemist Robert Byrne of the Univer- called pteropods and other In a paper published online
sity of South Florida in St. Petersburg and aragonitic organisms. 8 March 2009 in Nature Geo-
colleagues reported 20 January in Geophysi- The other effect of fall- science, they point to acidifi-
cal Research Letters that the pH of surface ing pH is already at work. As cation as the cause because
waters along a line running 3200 kilometers hydrogen ion concentrations they find a correlation between
north from near the island of Hawaii fell go up, more and more of the higher atmospheric carbon
between 1991 and 2006 (see figure, p. 1500).ocean's carbonate ions - the dioxide and lower shell weight
The pH decline attributable to human activi-building block of all carbon- in a 50,000-year-long South-
ties over the 15 years was 0.026 pH unit, ate
a shells and skeletons - ern Ocean sediment record.
drop Byrne calls "startling" in its rapidity.combine with hydrogen ions Curtailed shell growth
Overall, researchers estimate there has beento form bicarbonate, driv- may be fatal for some organ-
a 0.1-pH-unit decline for the global oceaning down the concentration isms. Water naturally low in
since industrialization began a couple ofof the essential carbonate. pH wells up along the coast of
centuries ago. In logarithmic pH units, the Organisms have a harder Oregon and sometimes floods
change may seem tiny, but in absolute terms,time extracting the carbonate into Netarts Bay, from which
Going, going, ... In seawater
that translates into a 30% increase in sur- they need from the surround- the Whiskey
of the pH that may prevail by Creek Shellfish
face-ocean acidity. ing water. the century's end, theHatchery
shell of in Tillamook draws
Now ocean pH is lower than it's been In a compilation of con- itsa water.
a pteropod dissolves in mat- Alan Barton, now of
for 20 million years, and it's going to gettrolled acidification studies, Bear Creek Shellfish Hatch-
ter of weeks (top to bottom).
lower, says marine chemist Richard Feely marine chemist Scott Doney ery in North Carolina; Sue
of the National Oceanic and Atmosphericof the Woods Hole Océanographie Institution Cudd of Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery
Administration's (NOAA's) Marine in Massachusetts and his colleagues found in Tillamook, Oregon; and chemical ocean-
Environmental Laboratory in Seattle, that all 11 species of tropical coral studied ographer Burke Hales of Oregon State Uni-
Washington. He and his colleagues have under falling pH slowed their aragonite pro- versity, Corvallis, found a strong correlation
modeled future pH based on what he calls the duction. Among noncoral calcifiers, most between corrosively high concentrations of
irrefutable chemistry of acidification. Thealso slowed their carbonate building, though carbon dioxide in hatchery water and mass
model assumes a business-as-usual growth a few, such as certain coralline red algae and mortality of oyster larvae forming their first
in carbon dioxide emissions. As they report echinoderms, increased it. partially aragonitic shells. "We're getting
in the same Oceanography issue, the model- So far, field observations tend to sup- a window into the future of what the open
ing predicts a drop from a pre-industrial pH port the deleterious effects of falling pH. ocean will be like in 100 years," says Hales.
In the 2 January 2009 issue of Science
of 8.2 to about 7.8 by the end of this century. In April, the National Research Council
That would increase the surface ocean's acid- (p. 116), marine scientists Glenn De'ath, (NRC) pointed out in a report that getting a
b ity by about 150% on average. Janice Lough, and Katharina Fabricius of clearer view through that window will take
the Australian Institute of Marine Science in more time and money, which governments are
I Living with add Townsville reported on their broad survey of starting to spend. For the European Project on
I The future of marine life in an acidifying coral across the Great Barrier Reef of Aus- Ocean Acidification, a 27-institute research
ο ocean is far less clear than the chemistry tralia. Reading the rate of growth recorded consortium is expanding the monitoring of
I of acidification but nonetheless looks bleak
in coral skeletons, the group found that cal- ongoing acidification and examining biologi-
ξ for many organisms. Falling pH has two cification across the Great Barrier Reef had cal effects. The 2009 Federal Ocean Acidi-
| effects on species that build shells or skele-declined 14.2% since 1990. And they found fication Research and Monitoring Act got
| tons of calcium carbonate. These organismsno sign that such a asevere and sudden interagency coordination going in the United
decline" had occurred in the past 400 years.
| include tropical corals, echinoderms, mol- States, and $5.5 million in NOAA's fiscal
Although the group could not pin down what
| lusks, microscopic foraminifera floating in year 2010 budget has boosted research in that
| surface waters, and certain algae. When caused the slower growth, they pointed to a agency. But the NRC report also concluded
rise in ocean temperatures combined with
% the hydrogen ion concentration of seawater that "development of a National Ocean Acidi-
| gets high enough, the calcium carbonate indeclining p$i fication Program will be a complex undertak-
δ these organisms begins to dissolve. Planktonic foraminifera also seem to be ing" They got that right -RICHARD A. KERR