p4 Poetry Term 2

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Old Macdonald had a farm, ee ii ee ii o

And on his farm he had a chicken, ee ii ee ii o
With a cluck cluck here and a cluck cluck there
Here a cluck, there a cluck, everywhere a cluck cluck
Old Macdonald had a farm, ee ii ee ii o

Old Macdonald had a farm, ee ii ee ii o

And on his farm he ahd a cow, ee ii ee ii o
With a moo moo here and a moo moo there
Here moo, there moo, everywhere moo moo
Old Macdonald had a farm, ee ii ee ii o

A 1. Cluck – noise made by a hen.
2. Moo – deep long sound made by a cow.
3. Farm – An area of land used for growing and keeping animals.

B Give examples of animals found on a farm.

Goat, pig, sheep, horses, donkeys

C Birds found on a farm.

- chicken - turkeys
- ducks - geese

D Noises made by
- a goat – bleats
- a monkey – chatters
- a pig - grunts

- a horse – neighs
- a lion - roars
- a snake – hisses
- a dog – barks

E What crops are grown on a farm?

- Maize - Coffee
- Potatoes - Cotton, etc

1. What is the heading of the poem?
2. How many animals did Macdonald have on his farm?
3. What do we call a young one of a calf?
4. What is a home of a cow?
5. What do we call young ones of;
a) chicken _________________ e) fish ________________
b) goat _________________ f) elephant ______________
c) cat _________________ g) bird ________________
d) dog _________________ h) duck ________________
6. What noise is made by?
a) A chicken _________________________________
b) A cow _________________________________
c) A dog __________________________________
d) A snake __________________________________
7. Who has a farm?
8. How many stanzas are there in the poem?
9. What word describes Macdonald?
Food in our body
Medical care for the sick

Clothes for warmth
All basic needs for man

Water to quench our thirst

Security for protection
Shelter for a proper home
All basic needs for man

Education for knowledge

Someone to love
Hope for future
Light from above
Steve Turner

- Warm – a pleasant temperature / not cold not hot.
- Warmth – state of being warm.
- Basic – important to all people.
- Need – things that somebody requires in order to live a comfortable life.
- quench – to satisfy one’s thirst by drinking.
- thirst – feeling of wanting to drink.
- security – protection against any attack.
- protection – state of being not harmed.
- shelter - Atate of having a place to live.
- Hope – a belief that something desired will happen.
- Future – the home that will come after the present.

Oral work
a) What does a school child need?
b) What does a baby need to grow well?
c) What does a teacher need to teach well?

Read the poem and answer the questions that follow in full.

1. Why do we need food?

2. Which people need medical care?
3. Mention five basic needs of a man.
a) _____________________ d) ___________________
b) _____________________ e) ___________________
c) _____________________
4. Why do we drink water?
5. What type of home does one need?
6. Why do we put on clothes?
7. What are basic needs?
8. Why do we go to school?
9. Who wrote the poem?
10. Where do we get light?
11. Why do we need education?
12. Why do we need hope?

Be polite
Greet all elders.
Listen to them
and obey them.

Try not to talk

with a mouthful of food
be well behaved
and don’t be rude.

Don’t interrupt
when people are speaking
if something is private
there shouldn’t be peeking.

By Trevor Romain

- Polite - showing consideration for others.
- rude - showing no respect for others.
- interrupt - to make somebody stop what he is doing.
- Private- not public / belonging to a particular person or group.
- peeking - to look at something quickly and secretly because you should not
be looking at it.

Read the poem and answer the questions that follow in full
1. What is the heading of the poem?
2. Why shouldn’t the writer talk about a mouthful of food?
3. What shouldn’t the writer do when people are speaking?
4. What should one do if something is private?
5. Who wrote the poem?
6. Give the opposites of the following:-
a) Polite _____________________ c) rude
b) old _____________________ d) public
7. To whom will the writer listen?
8. How many stanzas are there in the poem?
9. Give three things one should do to the elders.


There is no one in this world
Who does not do wrong.
We all do wrong.
Everyday and every week.

We cant be wrong all the time.

We cant be right all the time.
Sometimes we think wrongly
Other times we act unkindly.

The young say sorry when in wrong.

The old say sorry when in wrong
Remember to say sorry
Say so and do not worry
You will be forgiven.

1. Unkindly - Acting cruelly / not friendly.
2. Sorry - To apologise
3. Forgive - Stop being angry / stop blaming somebody.
4. Worry - to be troubled about something.

Read the poem and answer questions that follow in full
1. What is the poem about?
2. Is there anyone who doesn’t do wrong?

3. When do we do wrong?
4. Can we be in wrong all the time?
5. How do we think?
6. When do we act unkindly?
7. Give the two groups of people who say sorry.
a) __________________________ b) _______________________
8. When do the young say sorry?
9. Why aren’t we supposed to worry after saying sorry?
10. When is one forgiven?
11. What should one do when in wrong?
12. What mustn’t we do after saying sorry?


Love means joy, happiness ad friendship.

It’s shown by a smile.
Love cares for nature and loves it.
It makes the world peaceful.
And if there was no love,
Who would sing like a dove?

Love is never happy with evil.

It’s patient and kind.
It’s not jealous or proud.
Love is happy with the truth
Love doesn’t give up
And if there was no love
Who would sing like a dove?
Extracted from 1Corinthians 13

- Joy - Feeling of great happiness.
- Nature - Things created by God
- Peaceful – Not involving war or violence
- Evil - Bad or cruel
- Patient – able to wait for so long
- Jealous – Unhappy because someone j=has something better than yours.
- Kind – Showing that you care.

1. In which way is love shown?
2. Mention three ways which mean love.
a) ________________ b) ________________ c) _____________
3. What makes the world peaceful?
4. Is love happy with evil?
5. What bird sung in the poem?
6. What does love care for?
7. From which book in the bible was the poem extracted?
8. Give the opposites of:-
a) happy _______________ e) proud _________________
b) friend _______________ f) happy _________________
c) love _______________ g) peace _________________
d) patient _______________ h) kind _________________

9. How many stanzas are there in the poem?

10. What is the poem about?

11. Give the title to the poem?



The sky is blue

It’s bright and very hot
It’s calm
Everything is still
It’s a dry season

Animals are thirsty

No water to drink
Everywhere is dry
Dams and well are dry
It’s a dry season.

Nothing is green
Nothing blossoming
Everything brown
Almost no food
All crops are burnt by the sun

a) Calm - Still/ very little wing
b) Still - Not moving
c) Thirsty- need to drink something.
d) blossoming – to produce flowers.

Oral work
a) How many seasons do we have in Uganda?
b) What activities are done during dry season and wet season?
c) What other seasons do you know?

1. What colour is the sky?
2. What kind of season is talked about in the poem?

3. What happened to dams and wells?
4. Why are animals thirsty?
5. What is still?
6. Why is there almost no food?
7. What burnt the crops?
8. How many stanzas are there in the poem?
9. What is the heading of the poem?
10. What colour is everything?
11. What season is being talked about?
12. Give the opposite of:-
a) hot _______________ c) dry _________________
b) bright _______________ d) calm _________________

God is wonderful in his creation
He created tall and short people
Black and brown people
Strong and weak people
All look beautiful.

God is wonderful in his creation

He created strong and weak animals
Big and small ones
Rough and fierce ones
All look beautiful.

God is wonderful in his creation

He created the stars, moon, sun and the sky
The stars shining brightly in the sky
The sun providing light and heat
All look beautiful.

a) Wonderful - Extremely good.
b) Domestic - animals kept at home.
c) tame - trained animals to be calm
d) Wild - grows and lives on its own and its not raised by human
e) Creation - the act of making new things.
f) rough - not gentle
g) fierce - ready to attack / very angry

Oral Work
1. In which book in the Bible is the creation story?
2. What did God create first and last?
3. Who created the universe?
4. What is a universe?
5. What other things did God create?
6. Mention five examples of wild animals.

1. What is the heading of the poem?
2. Who created the world?
3. Give six adjectives describing people in the first stanza.
a) ____________________________ d) _____________________
b) ____________________________ e) _____________________
c) ____________________________ f) _____________________
4. In which stanza are animals talked about?
5. Give five examples of domestic animals.

a) ____________________________ d) _____________________
b) ____________________________ e) _____________________
c) ____________________________
6. What are wild animals?
7. Where do wild animals live/
8. What is found in the sky?
9. What shines brightly in the sky?
10. What provides light and heat?
11. Who is wonderful in his creation?
12. Give the opposite of the following:-
a) tall _____________________ d) rough ____________________
b) fat _____________________ e) strong ____________________
c) small _____________________ d) rough ____________________


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