DNGNGEN - Orphan's Maze

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A dungeon generator for

Orphan's Maze
Status Imminent danger Who or what dwells here now?

Inactive, because of the Traps everywhere. Painful A mindless, giant golem of

curse. and maiming but not lethal. iron, smoke and spikes.

What brings you here?

Someone you know is supposed to have been dragged here.

Entrance Guarded by Distinctive feature

A simple cave opening in A family of starving Black prism which twists all
Bergen-Chrypt. cannibals. Powers.

Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4

Locked sarcophagi. Almost Torture chamber. 6 vials of Humming turns fingernails Shelves with obscure
impossible to breathe. life elixir stacked on a and teeth black. 4 zombies literature. Plant of
podium. carry a chest with pearls Strength.
(worth 70s).

MÖRK BORG is ©2020 Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell. Web app by Karl Druid.
v1.0.0 - "Enter the dungeon, and weep"

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