KaziKidz Health and Hygiene and Nutrition Grade 2

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Project management
• Prof. Dr. Uwe Pühse, Principal Investigator, University of Basel, Switzerland
• Prof. Dr. Cheryl Walter, Principal Investigator, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
• Prof. Dr. Jürg Utzinger, Director of the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel, Switzerland
• Prof. Dr. Markus Gerber, University of Basel, Switzerland
• Dr. des. Ivan Müller, Project Coordinator, University of Basel, Switzerland
• Stefanie Gall, PhD student, University of Basel, Switzerland

Physical Education - Swiss and South African experts and advisors

• Melanie Glover, University of Basel, Switzerland
• Roman Aebischer, University of Basel, Switzerland
• Danielle Smith, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
• Siphesihle Nqweniso, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
• Larissa Adams, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
• Nandi Joubert, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
• Drusilla Deysel, Eastern Cape Department in Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture (DSRAC), South Africa
• Heather Gibbon, primary school physical education teacher, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
• Margie Botha, primary school teacher, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
• Prof. Dr. Rosa du Randt, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
• Prof. Dr. Darelle van Greunen, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
• Dr. Christian Herrmann, University of Basel, Switzerland
• Dr. Harald Seelig, University of Basel, Switzerland
• Marina Wälti, University of Basel, Switzerland

Moving-to-Music - Swiss and South African experts and advisors

• Chantal Brügger, University of Basel, Switzerland
• Lize van der Walt, University of Basel, Switzerland
• Dr. Marelize Marx, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
• Beatrice Goetz, dance expert and lecturer, University of Basel, Switzerland
• Gareth Williams, music producer, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
• Christine Joubert, music therapist, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
• Nicki-Ann Rayepen, choreographer, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Health, Hygiene and Nutrition - Swiss and South African experts and advisors
• Nicola Hausner, University of Basel, Switzerland
• Tracey Marais, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
• Dorelle Isaacs, Department of Education, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
• Dr. Peter Steinmann, public health specialist, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel,
• Dr. Bruce Damons, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
• Prof. Dr. Annelie Gresse, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Illustrations and design

• James Scholtz, director of Rooftop, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
• Kathryn Smith, project manager, Rooftop, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
• Sarah Jane Collins, Rooftop, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
The KaziBantu project (Healthy Schools for Healthy Communities) has been developed with
funding from the Novartis Foundation
Novartis Foundation, Basel, Switzerland: Dr. Ann Aerts, Head of the Novartis Foundation, in collaboration
with Christina Wadhwani (Head Incubator Models in Public Health) and Zaahira Gani (Project Manager)
Address Media
Novartis Foundation For media inquiries, please contact Nikolaus Guntrum
Novartis Campus Phone: +41 61 696 57 62
Forum 1-3.97 nikolaus.guntrum@novartis.com
4002 Basel
Phone: +41 61 696 23 00

Warm thanks goes to all the DASH (Disease, Activity and Schoolchildren’s Health) schools for the
trialling and pilot testing of the lessons. Principals and school teachers of the pilot schools provided
valuable input during the development of the KaziKidz teaching material. Furthermore, for the support
a heartfelt thank you goes to Prof. Dr. Hedwig Kaiser, Head International Affairs, University of Basel;
Helene Budliger Artieda, Swiss Ambassador to South Africa; Prof. Dr. Derrick Swartz, former Vice-
Chancellor of the Nelson Mandela University; Prof. Dr. Andrew Leitch, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Nelson
Mandela University; Prof. Dr. Lungile Pepeta, Dean Health Sciences, Nelson Mandela University; Ernest
Gorgonzola, Education District Director, Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality; Dr. Patrick Maduna, Deputy
Director for Clinical Services, Eastern Cape Department of Health, Port Elizabeth; and Dr. Patricia
Machawira, UNESCO, Advisor for East and Southern Africa and Zimbabwe.

The KaziKidz teaching material reflects the views of the authors. The Novartis Foundation cannot be
held responsible for the content or any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The copyright and all other rights to content and illustrations belong exclusively to KaziBantu or the
specifically named rights holders. For the reproduction of any elements, the written consent of the
copyright holders must be obtained in advance.
© 2018 KaziBantu


Health & Hygiene Physical Moving to

and Nutrition Education Music


1 Instructions for Health-and-hygiene & Nutrition content pillar..................................................................................6

2 Grade 2 Health-and-hygiene & Nutrition content ........................................................................................................9

3 Health-and-hygiene
Lesson 1: Clean water and safe food .............................................................................................................................10
Worksheet: Kazi has food poisoning ..............................................................................................................................12
Lesson 2: Healthy lifestyle - good habits ........................................................................................................................13
Worksheet: Healthy lifestyle habits ................................................................................................................................15
Lesson 3: Coughing and sneezing .................................................................................................................................17
Game cards: Symptoms memory game .........................................................................................................................19
Poster: Give your sneeze the sleeve..............................................................................................................................21

4 Assessment: Health-and-hygiene: Clean water and food, good habits, & preventing colds & flu ......................22

5 Nutrition
Lesson 1: The food plate ................................................................................................................................................28
Worksheet 2.1.1: Colour your plate crazy ......................................................................................................................30
Poster: My food plate .....................................................................................................................................................33
Lesson 2: Make good food choices ...............................................................................................................................34
Worksheet 2.2.1: My good food choice ..........................................................................................................................36
Poster: Eat smart, play hard ...........................................................................................................................................37
Lesson 3: Food hygiene: food safety .............................................................................................................................38
Worksheet 2.3.1: Word finder game ...............................................................................................................................40
Worksheet 2.3.2: Food storage match-up ......................................................................................................................42
Poster: Fight Bac (Keep food safe from bacteria) ..........................................................................................................44

6 Assessment: Nutrition .................................................................................................................................................45

7 Exit ................................................................................................................................................................................49


The KaziKidz toolkit is a holistic educational and instructional tool for primary school teachers
and arose from the project KaziBantu. Kazi means “active” and Bantu means “people” in
Swahili, one of the national languages of South Africa. The lessons have been designed in
conjunction with South Africa’s Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). Ready-
to-use assessments can be found at the end of each section which may be integrated into formal
assessments of learner performance and can supplement the school academic curricula. The
aim is to lead learners through content, games and activities, and conducted in a joyful manner
that encourages and promotes a healthy lifestyle throughout childhood into adolescence. By
using KaziKidz you will be contributing to the wellbeing and health of your learners.

While neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) do not feature prominently in the burden of disease
statistics of South Africa, some NTDs are common in disadvantaged populations, especially
in children growing up in poor neighborhoods. Chronic helminth infections (worms) not only
cause morbidity, but also negatively affect the cognitive and physical development and school
performance of children. By addressing these conditions through education about appropriate
health and hygiene behaviors for your school child (3 x 40 minute lessons per grade for grades 1
to 7), both you and the school child are at a reduced risk for infectious communicable diseases.

Inadequate intake of nutritional foods may adversely affect the

health and well-being of primary schoolchildren from disadvantaged
areas. The limited dietary diversity is further influenced by the lack
of nutritional options offered at the tuck shops and food vendors
at the schools.

The general wellbeing of primary schoolchildren from poor neighbourhoods may also be
affected by lack of nutritional value, since schoolchildren usually eat food served by tuck shops
and vendors during school hours. The South African National School Nutrition Programme
(NSNP) attempts to address energy, protein and micronutrient deficiencies and alleviate short-
term hunger by providing food that supplies 30% of the daily energy requirements of a child. In
order to complement this, the nutritional education lessons (3 x 40 minute lessons per grade
for grades 1 to 7) should bring dietetics closer to the learners in a playful way. Furthermore,
it aims to encourage sustainable healthy eating habits throughout their life. Kazi and lesson
plans in green will guide you through the Health, hygiene and Nutrition teaching materials.

Now, we wish you a lot of fun with the implementation of the KaziKidz teaching material
and many great experiences with your schoolchildren.






Health and hygiene lessons: 3
Nutrition lessons: 3
Assessments incl. solutions: 2

Foundation Health and hygiene lessons: 3

Nutrition lessons: 3
Phase Assessments incl. solutions: 2

Health and hygiene lessons: 3

Nutrition lessons: 3
Assessments incl. solutions: 2

Health and hygiene lessons: 3

Nutrition lessons: 3
Assessments incl. solutions: 2

Intermediate Health and hygiene lessons: 3

Nutrition lessons: 3
Phase Assessments incl. solutions: 2

Health and hygiene lessons: 3

Nutrition lessons: 3
Assessments incl. solutions: 2
13 13

Health and hygiene lessons: 3

Senior Phase Nutrition lessons: 3
Assessments incl. solutions: 2




Grade 2 | Lesson 1 | Time: 40 min

Clean water and safe food

Health-and-hygiene: Foundation phase

• ‘Kazi has food poisoning’ worksheet.

Materials • A glass of clear/clean water and a glass of dirty water.

• To learn about the importance of clean water and safe food.
• To understand how to prevent food poisoning.
• To learn about the causes of food poisoning and what the signs and symptoms are.

Show the children a glass of clean water and a glass o

which glasses have germsIntroduction
Introduction in them. They normally say the
Time: ~ 5 min

Welcome the learners and introduce the daily topic: Clean waterShow
andthe children a glass of clean water and a glass of dirty water. Ask them
safe food.
which glasses have germs in them. They normally say the one with the dirty wat
Show the children a glass of clean water and a glass of dirty wa
Group Discussion which glasses have germs in them. They normally say the one with

• Show the learners a glass of clean water and a glass of dirty

water. Ask them which glasses have germs in them.
• Possible answer: They normally say the one with the dirty water.
• Explain to the learners that both glasses can contain germs.
Germs are sometimes too small to see.
Show the children a glass of clean water and a glass of dirty water. Ask them
which glasses have germs in them. They normally say the one with the dirty water.
Write the following methods on the board (even if they do
answers). Explain simply how each meth

do notpart
Safe and unsafe water to drink Write the following methods on the board (even if they
Time: ~ 10 min
answers). Explain simply how each method
give you all these po

How to discuss Write the following methods on the board (even if they do not give y
answers). Explain simply how each method works
• Tell the learners that not all water is safe for us to drink.
Cover the food so no flies
• Ask the learners to share with the class where they get their
water from (e.g. a tap or a bottle).
• Tell the learners that it is very important to drink clean water to
stay healthy. If water is dirty there are a few different ways to
clean it and makeWrite the following
it safe methods on the board (even if they do not give you all these possible
to drink.
answers). Explain simply how each method works.
• Ask the learners if they know of any ways to make dirty water
safe. Boiling Add chemicals

Write the following methods on the board (even if they do not give Boiling Add chemicals Filtration
you all these possible answers). Explain simply how each method
• Boiling
• Add chemicals
• Filtration (tell the learners that a filter will be built in class at the
end if there is enough time.)
Boiling Add chemicals

Boiling Add chemicals Filtration

Page 1 of 2

Always wash your hands before eating or touching food.

Grade 2 | Lesson 1 | Time: 40 min
Main part
Food poisoning
Always wash your hands before eating or touching food.

Time: ~ 10 min
Always wash your hands before eating or touching food. Always wash your hands before eating or touching food

How to implement
Tell the learners that the ‘rules for good eating’ are very important. Cover the food so no flies can land on it. Don’t eat rotten or old food.
Cover the food so no flies can land on it. Don’t eat rotten or old food.

Rules for good eating

• Always wash your hands before eating or touching food
• Cover the food so no flies can land on it Cover the food so no flies can land on it. Cover
Don’t eat rotten thefood.
or old food so no flies can land on it. Don’t eat rot

• Don’t eat old or rotten food

Tell the learners that without following these rules they could get sick with
Hand out something
a copy of called
the Kazi has food poisoning food
worksheet poisoning.
and tell the class the story of Kazi
Hand out
who hasaeaten
of and
Kazi has
foodfood poisoning
and become worksheet
very sick with foodand tell the class the story of Kazi
who has eaten old and rotten food and become very sick with food poisoning.
Ask the learners if any one of them has ever had very bad tummy ache or a sickness called food poisoning. If
anyone says ‘yes’ ask them how they felt and what kinds of things were wrong with them.
Hand out a copy of the Kazi has food poisoning worksheet and tell the
Hand out a copy of the Kazi has food poisoning worksheet and tell the class the story of Kazi
who has eaten old and rotten food and become very sick with f
Tell the learners that the sickness caused by foodwhopoisoning normally lasts from a few hours up to several days
has eaten old and rotten food and become very sick with food poisoning.

and that if it gets worse, they should go to see a doctor.

Tell the learners that there are different signs or symptoms of food poisoning.
Hand out a copy of the ‘Kazi has food poisoning’ worksheet and tell the class the story of Kazi who has eaten old
and rotten food and become very sick with food poisoning. Ask the learners if any of them know what the signs
or symptoms might be and write the correct answers on the board for them to copy onto their worksheet. Let the
learners colour-in the worksheet once they have filled out the answers.

Nausea • Vomiting • Diarrhoea • Tummy pain • Fever
If you have enough time (at the end of the lesson or in the next lesson) you can make a homemade water filter
with the class.

Main part
Make your own water filter Time: ~ 10 min

How to make
You will need:
• Plastic bottle cut in half (by the teacher). • Dirty water (this you could create by adding food
• Napkins, serviettes or paper towels. coloring, tiny pieces of paper or sand.)
• Gravel, sand and cotton balls.
1. Place the top half of the bottle upside-down (so that it forms a funnel) inside the bottom half. The top half will
be where you build your filter, the bottom half will hold the filtered water.
2. Layer the filter materials inside the top half of the bottle. Start with the cotton as the lowest layer. Add sand
as the next layer and as the last layer add the gravel.
3. Pour the dirty water through the filter. What does the filtered water look like? Compare some of the original
dirty water with the water that comes from the filter. Show the class this result.
4. Show the learners the different layers again. Ask them if they can tell what each layer removed from the
dirty water.
Remind the learners that it is not possible to filter EVERYTHING out of the dirty water and that they might not
be able to drink the filtered water at the end.

Wrap up
Summary Time: ~ 5 min
Ask the class what they remember from the lesson. Try to do a quick recap with the learners of the things they have
learnt about food poisoning and clean water.

Page 2 of 2
Grade 2 | Lesson 1 | Health and hygiene 12

Kazi has food poisoning


Name: Date: Class:


Grade 2 | Lesson 2 | Time: 40 min

Healthy lifestyle – good habits

Health-and-hygiene: Foundation phase

Materials • ‘Healthy lifestyle habits’ worksheet.

• To learn the meaning of a healthy lifestyle.
• To understand how a healthy lifestyle stops infections, getting sick and the spread of germs.

Introduction Time: ~ 5 min

Welcome the learners and introduce the daily topic: healthy lifestyles and good habits.
Ask the learners what they think you mean when you say the words “healthy lifestyle”. Allow for some responses.
Ask them to give you some examples of what they think are good habits when it comes to food.

Find out the ‘Healthy lifestyle habits’ Time: ~ 15 min

How to execute
Distribute the “Healthy lifestyle habits’ worksheet and let the learners work out which pictures depict the healthy
lifestyle habits. Give them some time and go through each picture afterwards.

Say to the learners that they need to care for their own bodies to stay healthy (according to each picture):

• Eat good food to grow healthy and strong.

• Drink clean water.
• Get enough sleep every night (8-9 hours a night).
• Clean and wash your body.
• Wash your hands regularly.
• Exercise to stay fit and strong.
• Get enough sunlight by being outside - playing and having fun.
• Do not watch too much television.
• Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.
• Stay in bed and rest when you are sick.

Page 1 of 2

Grade 2 | Lesson 2 | Time: 40 min

Main part
Keep the germs outside the body Time: ~ 15 min

How to play
Go outside with the learners or make some space in the classroom. Tell them that 10 good habits that were
mentioned in class will make them feel healthy. Tell them that the 10 good habits will stop germs from entering
their bodies to make them feel sick.

Place the learners into groups of 11. In each group, 10 learners will form a very tight circle while the 11th learner
will be the “germ” outside the circle. Let the 10 learners make an impenetrable circle by looping their arms. Tell
In each
them that the group,
strong circle10 children will
represents theirform
very tight circletries
The germ whiletothe 11th
break child
into the will beas
circle thefast as possible.
germ outside the circle.
Tell the learners that they must hold each other’s arms closely so that the germ cannot get in.

Tell the learners that it is very important that they practise all the good habits; otherwise the germ/s can get into
their bodies and make them sick.

Let the learners play

In each the game
group, a few will
10 children times! Change
form a very the ‘germs’
tight after every
circle while round,
the 11th childsowill
every learner can try to
be the
break into the circle. germ outside the circle.

Let the 10 children make an impenetrable circle by looping their arms. The germ
tries to break into the circle

Let the 10 children make an impenetrable circle by looping their arms. The germ
tries to break into the circle

Wrap up
Summary Time: ~ 5 min
Allow the learners to tell you and the class what they remember from the lesson. Let them ask any questions they
might have. Ask every group from the game if they can repeat any of the 10 good habits mentioned in the lesson.
Let them chat in their group before you get each group to give you an answer.

Page 2 of 2

Grade 2 | Lesson 2 | Health-and-hygiene

Healthy lifestyle habits


Date: Class:

Make a tick ( ) in the box under a picture that shows a healthy (good) lifestyle
habit and a cross (X) in the box if it shows an unhealthy (bad) habit.

Grade 2 | Lesson 2 | Health-and-hygiene

Healthy lifestyle habits

Worksheet (Memo)

Make a tick ( ) in the box under a picture that shows a healthy (good) lifestyle
habit and a cross (X) in the box if it shows an unhealthy (bad) habit.

x x

x x


Grade 2 | Lesson 3 | Time: 40 min

Coughing and sneezing

Health-and-hygiene: Foundation phase

• ‘Give your sneeze the sleeve’ poster.

Materials • Symptoms memory game’ worksheet.

• To understand what it means to have the flu or a • To learn what to do to treat the flu and feel better.
cold. • To understand the difference between a cold and
• To understand the symptoms of the flu. the flu.

Introduction Coughing Coughing
Time: ~ 5 min
Sneezing Sneezing

Welcome the class and introduce the daily topic: coughing and sneezing. Tell the
class that everybody occasionally needs to cough or sneeze. Explain that while
people cough or sneeze, a lot of germs are set free into the air. These germs will
look for someone else to land on and will infect them so that they will feel sick.

Ask the class if anybody has ever been sick before or had a cold/the flu. Allow the
learners to raise their hands in response.

Now ask those who have been sick before if they can remember and would like to share how they felt. Before they
answer tell the class that how each part of the body feels when it is sick can be called a symptom. Write this word
One child getsOne
virus. The
as the
or her
or walks
her eyes and walks
on the board and write down some of their answers. around the classroom
around theandclassroom
tries to touch
and tries
to touch
the other
the other children.

Symptom memory game Time: ~ 10 min

How to play
Divide the class into groups of 4 or 5. Give each group a set of the symptom cards and picture cards from the
‘Symptoms and memory game’ worksheet. The aim of the game is for the cards to be turned over and for the
learners to take turns choosing cards. They each start with one card and need to pick up a card to match with
what they have. If the card they pick up does not match with the card they have they should put it back face-down
and wait their turn again. Once they have a pair they should put it face-up so that the group can see the pair. They
need to match the pictures and symptoms together until all the cards are paired. They can play it like a matching
game or a memory.

When every group has finished, discuss the symptoms together as a class. Correct the learners if they have
something wrong. Let them play the game again at the end of the lesson if there is time. Afterwards you can stick
the pictures of the symptoms on the wall so the learners can see them.

Main part
Do not get infected by the virus game Time: ~ 15 min

How to play
One learner gets chosen as the virus. The ‘virus’ closes his or her eyes and walks around the classroom and tries
to touch (‘infect’) the other learners. Every learner who gets touched by the virus mutates to another virus and
tries to infect the other learners. The last learner standing who has not been ‘infected’ (touched by anyone) is the
Get the learners to move their desks and chairs back and to sit down and look at the board.

Page 1 of 2

Grade 2 | Lesson 3 | Time: 40 min

Difference between a cold and the ‘flu’ Time:Main part

~ 5 min

How to discuss
comes quicker
comes and
quicker andincludes
and aching muscles.
Explain to the class that there is a difference between having a cold and
having the ‘flu’.

If you suffer from the ‘flu’ you will feel sicker but will not have a runny
nose. Explain that the flu comes quicker and includes fever and aching
Flu comes quicker and includes fever and aching muscles.
muscles. It will make you feel so bad that you cannot do your usual

Tell them that a cold, on the other hand, will mainly affect the nose and
the throat, and that people who have a cold are still able to do their
usual activities. The symptoms of a cold come slowly without fever or
Tell them that a cold, on the other hand, will mainly affect the nose and the throat.
Tell them that a cold, on the other hand, will mainly affect the nose and the throat.
What to do to feel better
• Tell the class that it is important to:
• stay at home, so you cannot infect your friends
• get enough sleep and rest
• drink a lot of water or juice
• eat healthy food
• eat soft food if your throat is sore Tell them that a cold, on the other hand, will mainly affect the nose and the thro

Tell them that they should not while they are sick:
• sneeze or cough over people around them
• visit their friends or have their friends come to visit them When they sneeze without covering their mouth they will spread germs.
• do sports or play active games When they sneeze without covering their mouth they will spread germs.
• wipe their nose on their sleeve (but rather on a tissue)

Tell the learners that this behaviour will help them to get better quickly. If they do not feel better after doing these
things they should see a doctor.

What to do to not spread germs

Present the ‘Give your sneeze the sleeve’ poster to the class and attach it to the wall.
When they sneeze without covering their mouth they will spread germs.
Explain it to the learners that:
• If they have a cold or the flu and need to sneeze or cough they should
cover their nose and mouth.
• When they sneeze without covering their mouth they will spread
• They should sneeze into a tissue and put used tissues into the bin.
• Never cough into the hands but rather the elbow.
• They should always wash their hands after sneezing and coughing in
case they have germs on them.
• If they sneeze a lot but do not have a cold or the flu they should go
and see the doctor. It may be an allergic reaction to something.

Wrap up
Summary Time: ~ 5 min
Briefly recap what you have taught the learners. Ask them if anybody remembers any of the symptoms they have

Tell the learners that if they ever feel sick, they should tell their mother, their father or a teacher.

Page 2 of 2
Grade 2 | Lesson 3 | Health-and-hygiene

Symptoms memory game


Feeling weak
Fever Coughing
or tired

Tummy pain Runny or

(diarrhoea) blocked nose

Vomiting Sore throat Headache

Chills Body aches

Grade 2 | Lesson 3 | Health-and-hygiene

Symptoms memory game


Coughing Sneezing Headache

Feeling weak or Runny or blocked

Chills tired nose

Sore throat Body aches Fever

Tummy pain
(diarrhoea) Vomiting

YOUR ELBOW, W ro n g W ro n g Right


Do not share your germs
if you
with others! sue ha


Us e
The reason for not
coughing into your hands:
It is easier for the germs to be spread onto
other objects and people when they are found
on your hands.
• Brush your hair. • Cut and clean your nails.

Grade 2 | Evaluation sheet | Health-and-hygiene

Assessment: Clean water and food, good habits

& preventing colds and flu

First and last name:



Wash your hands after using a toilet. • Use a tissue when you sneeze or co
1. Which of these are rules for good eating?

Grade 2 | Lesson 1 | Health and hygiene Grade 2 | Lesson 1 | Health and hygiene

g Kazi has food poisoning


ate: Class: Name: Date: Class:

(1 mark)

2. Symptoms of food poisoning – write the symptom under the correct picture.
Grade 2 | Lesson 1 | Health and hygiene

Kazi has food poisoning

Word Bank: Worksheet

Name: Date:
Fever Nausea Diarrhoea Tummy Class:
pain Vomiting
Grade 2 | Lesson 1 | Health and hygiene

Kazi has food poisoning


Name: Date: Class:

Kazi has food poisoning


Name: Date:

(2.5 marks)

Page 1 of 3
Name: Healthy lifestyle hab
Worksheet 2.2.1 23

Name: Date: Name: Class:

Grade 2 | Evaluation sheet | Health-and-hygiene

Assessment: Clean water and food, good habits

Date: & preventing colds and fluClass:
Make a tick (Date: Clasa
) in the box under a picture that shows
3. habit
Which of these and a
are healthy cross
lifestyle (X) in the box if it shows an unhealth
Make a tick ( ) in the box under a picture that shows a healthy (good) lifes
Mark the correct box: Make
habit and a cross (X) in the box if itashows
tick ( )an
in the box under
unhealthy a picture
(bad) habit.that sho
habit and a cross (X) in the box if it shows an unhe

Grade 2 | Lesson 2 | Health-and-hygiene

Healthy lifestyle habits Healthy

Worksheet 2.2.1 Worksheet 2.2.1

e: Name:
: Class: Date:

tick ( ) in the box under a picture that shows a healthy

a tick (lifestyle
) in the box u
d a cross (X) in the box if it shows an unhealthy (bad) habit.
habit and a cross (X) in the

(2.5 marks)

4. What is the correct way to sneeze?

(1 mark)
Page 2 of 3

Grade 2 | Evaluation sheet | Health-and-hygiene

Assessment: Clean water and food, good habits

& preventing colds and flu

ezing Headache Chills

5. Match the symptoms.

r blocked
ose Sore throat Body aches
ughing Sneezing Headache Chills


my pain or
g weak Coughing
Runny or blocked Sneezing Headache
tired nose
Vomiting Sore throat Body aches


Tummy pain
ever (diarrhoea)
Feeling weak or Runny
Vomiting or blocked
tired nose Fever Sore throat
Coughing Sneezing Headache Chills

Sneezing Headache Chills

Feeling weak or Runny or blocked
tired Tummy
nose pain
Sore throat Body aches
ny or blocked
nose Fever
Sore throat
Body aches Vomiting

Feeling weak and tired

(3 marks)
Tummy pain
Tummy pain
diarrhoea) Fever (diarrhoea) Vomiting Page 3 of 3
re throat Body aches

Grade 2 | Evaluation sheet memo | Health-and-hygiene

Assessment Memo: Clean water and food, good

habits & preventing colds and flu

1. Which of these are rules for

Washgood eating?
your hands after using a toilet. • Use a tissue when you sneeze or co

Grade 2 | Lesson 1 | Health and hygiene Grade 2 | Lesson 1 | Health and hygiene

g Kazi has food poisoning


(1 mark)
ate: Class: Name: Date: Class:

2. Symptoms of food poisoning – write the symptom under the correct picture.
Grade 2 | Lesson 1 | Health and hygiene

Kazi has food poisoning

Word Bank: Worksheet

Name: Date:
Fever Nausea Diarrhoea Tummy Class:
pain Vomiting

Grade 2 | Lesson 1 | Health and hygiene

Kazi has food poisoning


Name: Date: Class:

Kazi has food poisoning

Diarrhoea Vomiting Worksheet
Name: Date:

Tummy pain Nausea

(2.5 marks)

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Name: Healthy lifestyle hab
Worksheet 2.2.1 26

Name: Date: Name: Class:

Grade 2 | Evaluation sheet memo | Health-and-hygiene

Assessment Memo: Clean water and food, good

Date: habits & preventing colds Class: and flu
Make a tick ( ) in the box under a picture that shows Clasa
3. habit
Which of these and a
are healthy cross
lifestyle (X) in the box if it shows an unhealth
Make a tick ( ) in the box under a picture that shows a healthy (good) lifes
Mark the correct box: Make
habit and a cross (X) in the box if itashows
tick ( )an
in the box under
unhealthy a picture
(bad) habit.that sho
habit and a cross (X) in the box if it shows an unhe

Grade 2 | Lesson 2 | Health-and-hygiene

Healthy lifestyle habits Healthy

Worksheet 2.2.1 Worksheet 2.2.1

e: Name:
: Class: Date:

tick ( ) in the box under a picture that shows a healthy

a tick (lifestyle
) in the box u
d a cross (X) in the box if it shows an unhealthy (bad) habit.
habit and a cross (X) in the

(2.5 marks)

4. What is the correct way to sneeze?

(1 mark)
Page 2 of 3

Grade 2 | Evaluation sheet memo | Health-and-hygiene

Assessment Memo: Clean water and food, good

habits & preventing colds and flu
Sneezing Headache Chills
5. Match the symptoms.

unny or blocked Headache

nose Sore throat Body aches
Coughing Sneezing Headache Chills

weak or Coughing
Runny or blocked Sneezing Headache Chi
tired nose
Vomiting Sore throat Body aches


Tummy pain
Fever (diarrhoea) Vomiting
Feeling weak or Runny or blocked
tired nose Sore throat Body a
Coughing Sneezing Headache Chills

Sneezing Headache Chills

Feeling weak or Runny or blocked
tired Tummy
nose pain
Sore throat Body aches
or Runny or blocked
nose Fever
Sore throat
Body aches Vomiting

Feeling weak and tired

(3 marks)
Tummy pain
Tummy pain
(diarrhoea) Fever (diarrhoea) Vomiting
Sore of achievement:
throat Grading
Body aches
Description of competence Percentage Final mark
Outstanding achievement 80-100 7
Meritorious achievement 70-79 6
Substantial achievement 60-69 5
Adequate achievement 50-59 4
Moderate achievement
Vomiting 40-49 3
Elementary achievement 30-39 2
Not achieved 0-29 1

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Grade 2 | Lesson 1 | Time: 40 min

The food plate

Nutrition: Foundation phase

• The Food Plate Poster • Large White Disposable Plates (as

Materials • Worksheet 2.1.1: described in the activity below)
Colour Your Plate Crazy • Ruler
• Board and Board Markers • Crayons

• To learn about and name the five food groups. as an example.
• To understand how much of each food group • To understand how important it is to eat different
should be eaten using the picture of the food plate foods from each food group.

Introduction Time: ~ 2 min

To learn about and name the five food groups.

To understand how much of each food group should be eaten using the picture of
the food plate as an example.
To understand how important it is to eat different foods from each food group.

Group Discussion Time: ~ 10 min
Ask the learners if they know that there are five food groups. Ask them if anyone can name any of the five food
Possible answers: ½ the plate is made up of the fruit and vegetable groups.
A ¼ of the plate is made up of the bread, cereal, rice and pasta group.
The 5 food groups are: A ¼ of the plate is made up of the meat and meat substitutes group.
1. Bread, cereals, rice and pasta 4. Milk and dairy products
2. Fruit and vegetables 5. Fats and oils
½ the plate is made up of the fruit and vegetable groups.
3. Meat and meat substitutes A ¼ of the plate is made up of the bread, cereal, rice and pasta group
(Give the class healthy food examples from each group as each group is named.) A ¼ of the plate is made up of the meat and meat substitutes group.

Explain to the learners that eating a variety of foods from each group helps us to stay healthy,
grow, learn and play. Explain that the foods are divided into groups to help us to understand
how to create a balanced meal.

Hold up one hand with your fingers spread and display your hand to the class. Ask the
learners to follow suit. Explain that choosing a variety of food from each food group is
important to stay healthy. Then call each food group out loud, bending each finger inwards
as you go through the groups until eventually your hand is closed. Ask the learners todairy
Mention that copy products such yoghurt, cheese and low-fat milk can be
included at meal times too.
your actions and repeat each group after you.

Create a class discussion where you ask the learners what kinds of food should be on a
healthy plate of food. Stick up the ‘My food plate’ poster and speak about theMention that dairy products such yoghurt, cheese and low-fat milk can
following included at meal times too.
points with the learners: Just an example how this plate would look:

• ½ the plate is made up of the fruit and vegetable groups (enjoy a variety of colours
on your plate).
• A ¼ of the plate is made up of the bread, cereal, rice and pasta group (choose
whole-grains wherever possible).
• A ¼ of the plate is made up of the meat and meat substitutes group (highlight healthier
choices such as chicken, fish, eggs, beans and lentils).
• Mention that dairy products such yoghurt, cheese and low-fat milk can be included at meal times too.
• Mention that potatoes and sweet potatoes fall under the bread, cereal, rice and pasta group and not the fruit
and vegetables group as one would think.

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Grade 2 | Lesson 1 | Time: 40 min

Main part
‘Colour your plate crazy’ game Time: ~ 10 min

How to play
On the plate
‘Make half of your plate fruit and vegetables - Colour your board, create
game columns for each colour. Ask the children to call out their
answers and record each fruit and vegetable on the board under the corresponding colour.

Divide the learners into pairs. Give each learner a copy of ‘Colour
Green Orange Yellow Purple White
your plate crazy’ worksheet. In pairs ask them to write down as
many fruit and vegetables they can for each colour. Give the
learners a short set amount of time to do this (e.g. 2 minutes).

On the board, create matching columns for each colour. Ask the children to call out their
On the board, create matching columns for each colour.answersAsk and record each fruit and vegetable on the board under the corresponding colour.
the learners to call out their answers and record each fruit and
vegetable on the board under the corresponding colour. Green Orange Yellow Purple White

Remember to use the catch phrase: ‘colour your plate crazy’ and
encourage the class to eat brightly coloured fruit and vegetables
where possible.
Using a marker divide large paper (disposable) plates up into the 4 categories as per the
food plate poster (½ plate - fruit and vegetables, ¼ plate – meat and meat substitutes, ¼ -
Main part
Create your own plate
plate bread, cereal, rice and pasta). Label each section with the relevant heading.

Time: ~ 15 min

How to execute Using a marker divide large paper (disposable) plates up into the 4 categories as per the
food plate poster (½ plate - fruit and vegetables, ¼ plate – meat and meat substitutes, ¼ -
plate bread, cereal, rice and pasta). Label eachcereal,
Bread, section with the relevant heading.
rice etc
In preparation for the class: using a marker divide large paper
(disposable) plates up into the 4 categories as per the food plate
poster (½ plate - fruit and vegetables, ¼ plate – meat and meat
substitutes, ¼ - plate bread, cereal, rice and pasta). Label each Meat and
section with the relevant heading. Ensure there are enough plates Veg
Fruit Bread, cereal,
rice etc
for each learner. substitutes

Hand out a plate to each learner. Ask the learners to plan and
create/draw a healthy meal according to the food plate guidelines. Meat and
Encourage the learners to include foods from each group and draw meat
the corresponding food under each section. Highlight that these
should be foods that they enjoy and a meal they would like to eat at

The plates can be displayed in the classroom once completed.

Wrap up
Summary Time: ~ 3 min
Ask the learners what they remember from the lesson.
Create some time to allow the learners to ask any questions about the five food groups or the food plate guide.
Ask the learners how they might apply this at home.
Reflect on the importance of enjoying healthy, balanced meals that include a variety of foods from each group.

Page 2 of 2
Grade 2 | Lesson 1 | Nutrition

Colour your plate crazy

Worksheet 2.1.1

Date: Class:

Red Green Yellow or White Blue or

orange purple

Red Green Yellow or White Blue or

orange purple
Grade 2 | Lesson 1 | Nutrition

Colour your plate crazy

Worksheet 2.1.1 (Memo)

Red Green Yellow or White Blue or

orange purple
Beetroot Artichokes Apricots Apples Black currants
Blood oranges Asparagus Bananas Bananas Blackberries
Cherries Avocados Butternut squash Cauliflower Blueberries
Cranberries Broccoli Cantaloupe Garlic Brinjals
Broccoli Carrots Ginger
Guava Eggplant
Brussel sprouts Corn Jerusalem artichoke
Papaya Celery Golden Kiwifruit Mushrooms
Pink grapefruit Cabbage Gooseberries Onions Grapes
Red grapefruit Cucumbers Grapefruit Parsnips Plums
Pomegranates Endive Lemon Pears Pomegranates
Radishes Green apples Mangoes Potatoes Prunes
Raspberries Green beans Mandarins Shallots Purple potatoes
Red apples Green cabbage Nectarines Turnips Purple cabbage
Red bell peppers Green chilli Oranges White nectarines Purple carrots
Red chills Green grapes Papayas Purple figs
Green onion Peaches
Red chili peppers Purple grapes
Green pears Persimmons
Red grapes Green peppers Pineapples
Red onions Honeydew Pumpkin
Red pears Kale Naartjies
Red peppers Kiwifruit Sweet corn
Red potatoes Leafy greens Sweet potatoes
Rhubarb Leeks Tangerines
Strawberries Lettuce Yellow apples
Tomatoes Limes Yellow figs
Watermelon Peas Yellow pears
Rocket Yellow peppers
Samphire Yellow potatoes
Spinach Yellow summer
Sugar snap peas squash
Watercress Yellow tomatoes
Waterblommetjies Yellow winter
Watermelon squash

How does your plate look?

Whole grains
fill your

Milk builds
strong bones
s W and teeth!





Fill half your

plate with D air y
prod ucts
fruits and

Fr i n
uit t e
s r o
Beans, lentils,
eggs, soya
and nuts are
protein too!


Grade 2 | Lesson 2 | Time: 40 min

Make good food choices

Nutrition: Foundation phase

• Make Good Food Choices Poster • Markers

• Worksheet 2.2.1. • 2 Sheets of Cardboard (preferably one
Materials • Crayons green and one red)
• 2 Interest Tables • Food Flash Cards and Food Packaging

• To understand what the words ‘nutrients’ and ‘nutrition’ mean.
• To be able to tell the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods.
• To be able to tell the difference between ‘everyday’ and ‘sometimes’ foods.
• To understand how important it is to make good food choices to stay healthy.

Introduction Time: ~ 5 min
Nutrition can be described as getting nutrients fr
bodies to be healthy and grow
Welcome the learners and introduce the daily topic: good food choices.
Link with the previous lesson:
Provide a short recap of the previous lesson. Mention the five food groups and the plate model.
Remind the learners that enjoying different foods from all the food groups is important for good health.

Group Discussion Nutrition can be described as getting nutrients from the food we eat for our
Time: ~ 10 min
bodies to be healthy and grow well.

Ask the learners if anyone knows what the word ‘nutrition’ means. Allow for responses. After this, ask the class if
anyone knows what the word ‘nutrient’ means.
Possible answers:
• Nutrition can be described as getting nutrients from the food we eat for our bodies to be healthy and grow well
• Nutrients are found in food and are needed for good health. The body can’t make its own nutrients, so they
must be supplied by the food we eat. Examples of healthy and unhealth

Write the words ‘nutrients’ and ‘nutrition’ on the board.

Ask the class if anyone knows why some foods are healthier than other foods.
Tell them:
• Healthy foods contain lots of nutrients to keep us healthy and strong. We call healthy
foods nutritious foods as they are high in nutrients and keep us healthy and strong. We
Examples of healthy and unhealthy foods.
should try to eat healthy foods as often as possible.
• Unhealthy foods do not provide the proper nutrients for our bodies to stay strong
and grow. We say these foods are non-nutritious foods. These foods can be eaten
‘sometimes’ and should not replace healthy foods. Sometimes foods are usually high in
sugar, salt and unhealthy fats.
• Making good food choices means choosing a variety of nutritious, healthy foods as often
as possible. (Highlight that these are ‘everyday’ foods that can be enjoyed at every meal.)

Provide examples of healthy and unhealthy foods as the discussion progresses. Avoid labelling food as good or
bad, rather explain again that we have ‘everyday’ healthy foods and ‘sometimes’ foods. Also, try to not talk about
high sugar or high fat foods e.g. chocolates/sweets/ice-cream etc. as treats or reward foods.

Stick up the “Make good food choices” poster to remind the learners of the lesson while you are discussing
healthy and unhealthy food choices.

During the discussion, try to link this lesson with the previous lesson. Allow the learners to see that when choosing
food from the five food groups, nutritious and healthy foods are the best choices. These foods can be enjoyed
‘everyday’ and they make sure that people stay healthy, grow and learn.

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Grade 2 | Lesson 2 | Time: 40 min

Main part
My good food choice Time: ~ 8 min

How to execute
Hand out a copy of the “My good food choice” worksheet to each learner. Ask them to complete the worksheet.
(The worksheet requires the learners to mention a favourite healthy food item, identify which food group the food
item belongs to, indicate which meal time they like to eat the food at and what they like to eat with the food item.
The learners then draw a picture of the Hide
food pictures or food package items around the class. Ensure that you have
examples of both healthy and nutritious foods and unhealthy and non-nutritious foods.
Hide manyHide
food package
or fooditems
class. Ensure
the class.
you have
that you have
Main part
Healthy foods treasure hunt examples of
both healthy
of both
and foods
and unhealthy
foods and unhealthy
and non-nutritious
and non-nutritious
foods. foods.
Time: ~ 15 min
Hide many food pictures or food package items around the class. Ensure that you have
How to play examples of both healthy and nutritious foods and unhealthy and non-nutritious foods.

Hide many food pictures or food package items around the class. Ensure that you have
examples of both healthy and nutritious foods and unhealthy and non-nutritious foods.
In preparation for class, before the learners
arrive, hide many food pictures or food package
items around the class. Ensure that you have
examples of both healthy and nutritious foods
and unhealthy and non-nutritious foods.Set Keep
up two interest tables. Using cardboard or colourful paper label one table ’every-
in mind that this is a treasure hunt. Setday/healthy
up two foods’ – this could be written on green paper and the other table ’sometimes/
interest tables. Using cardboard or colourful Set up two unhealthy
interest foods’–
up two
Using can be
cardboard written
Using on red paper.
or colourful orpaper
colourful labelpaper
one table
one table ’every-
paper label one table ‘everyday/healthy foods’ day/healthy day/healthy
foods’ – this foods’
could– bethiswritten
could be on written
green paperon greenand paper
the otherandtable
the other
table ’sometimes/
– this could be written on green paper and the Set up two interest tables. Using cardboard or colourful paper label one table ’every-
unhealthy unhealthy
foods’– thisfoods’–can bethis written
can be on written
red paper. on red paper.
day/healthy foods’ – this could be written on green paper and the other table ’sometimes/
other table ‘sometimes/unhealthy foods’ – this unhealthy foods’– this can be written on red paper.
Set up two interest tables. Using cardboard or colourful paper label one table ’every-
can be written on red paper. Healthy foods Unhealthy foods
day/healthy foods’ – this could be written on green paper and the other table ’sometimes/
unhealthy foods’– this can be written on red paper.
Give the learners some time to find as many Healthy foods Healthy foods
Healthy foods

Unhealthy foods
Unhealthy foods

Unhealthy foods

food items in the class as they can.

Once all the items have been found, ask the
learners to come up, one by one and place
Healthy foods Unhealthy foods
their healthy and unhealthy food items onto Give the children some time to find as many Ask the children to come up, one by one and

the right table. Give the children some time to find as many
food items in the class Ask
as they the
can. children to
place come
their up,
healthy one
and by one
unhealthy foodanditems
onto the right table.
place their healthy and unhealthy food items
food items in the class as they can.
(As the learners bring up each food item,Give
callthe children
Give thesome
to findtime
as many Ask onto
to find as many
the childrenthe table.
come up,toone
andby one a
food items food
in the
as they can. place theirplace
and unhealthy
food itemsfood ite
out each food and mention to the rest of the onto the right
the right table.
class why the food is an example of a healthy
or unhealthy food choice. For example, jelly Give the children some time to find as many Ask the children to come up, one by one and
babies are high in sugar which is not a healthy food items in the class as they can. place their healthy and unhealthy food items
choice but whole-wheat bread is a better onto the right table.
choice than white bread.)

Wrap up
Summary Time: ~ 2 min
Ask the learners what they remember learning in the lesson. Try to have a class discussion and encourage the
learners to ask any questions they may still have. Ask the learners how the lesson might change what they do at
home. Remind the learners again of the importance of making good food choices and enjoying healthy, balanced
meals that include different foods from each group.

Page 2 of 2

Grade 2 | Lesson 2 | Nutrition

My good food choice

Worksheet 2.2.1

Date: Class:

Complete the sentences and then draw a picture of your favourite food item in
the block below. Use the words in brackets under each line as a hint of what
to fill-in.

I like to eat ,
(My favourite food)

which is part of the ,

(Food group)
at .

I like to eat it with .

(Other food items)

Everyday foods Sometimes foods

Grade 2 | Lesson 3 | Time: 40 min

Food hygiene: food safety

Nutrition: Foundation phase

• Food Safety Poster • Worksheet 2.3.2. – Food Storage

Materials •

Board and Board Markers
Worksheet 2.3.1. – Word Finder •
Match Up
Game, 4 Steps to Safer Food

• To understand that poor food hygiene is linked to illness.
• To know what bacteria are and why they can be harmful.
• To learn four important ways to keep food safe for eating: clean; separate; cook and cool.
• Understand how to correctly store certain foods.

Introduction Time: ~ 3 min

Welcome the learners and introduce the daily topic: food safety.

Link with the previous lesson: Remind the learners how important it is to eat healthy food to grow and be well.

Sometimes harmful germsIntroduction

Group Discussion grow on the food that we eat and
Time: ~ 10 min

Tell the learners that they have learned that eating healthy food keeps them healthy
and strong. Ask the learners if they think there is ever a time that food can be unsafe
to eat and harmful to people.

Possible answers:
• Certain foods may be poisonous and unsafe to eat.
Sometimes harmful germs grow on the food that we eat and cause us to become ill.
• Food spoils over time and may become unsafe to eat (old, expired food for
• If we do not work with food in a safe way, the food may make us sick.

Ask the class if anyone knows why food becomes unsafe if it is not prepared correctly.
Allow the learners to respond. Then ask them if there is anyone in the class who has Highlight that germs and bacteria are too sm
hear the word ‘bacteria’ before. Allow them to respond.

Tell the learners:

• Sometimes harmful germs grow on the food that we eat and cause us to become
Bad bacteria love wet, nutritious foods like milk, eggs, and meats.

• These germs are called bacteria. There are good bacteria and bad bacteria.
When the bad bacteria grow on food, the food becomes unsafe to eat and makes
Highlight that germs and bacteria are too small to see.

people sick.
• Food needs to be prepared in a safe way to stop bad bacteria fromthat
Highlight growing onbacteria
germs and it. are too small to see.

Write the word ‘bacteria’ on the board.

Bad bacteria love wet, nutritious foods like milk, eggs
Explain to the learners that during the lesson they will do some fun things that will
help them learn how to keep food safe. They will learn how to keep harmful bacteria
out of food and prevent the food from becoming unsafe for them to eat.

Highlight that germs and bacteria are too small to see and that the best way to protect
themselves from getting sick is to prepare food in a safe way.

Bad bacteria love wet, nutritious foods like milk, eggs, and meats.
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Grade 2 | Lesson 3 | Time: 40 min

Main part
Word finder game Time: ~ 15 min
Wash your hands by rubbing them together using Clean kitchen count

How to play
soap and warm running water. food o

Wash your hands by rubbing them together using Clean kitchen c

Hand-out a copy of the “Word finder game” worksheet to each learner. Explain to the soap and warm running water. fo

learners that they need to choose a word from the word bank that best fits in theWashblank your hands by rubbing them together using Clean kitchen counters before you make
space at the start of each sentence. Each word can only be chosen once.
Wash your hands by rubbing them soap
andusing Cleanwater.
warm running kitchen counters before you make food on them.
Wash your
soaphands by rubbing
and warm runningthem together using
water. Clean kitchen counters
food on them. before you make
soap and warm running water. food on them.
Rinse fruits and veggies before Chill foods like milk, eggs and
you eat them. them in the refrige
Give the class some time to do this. When everyone is finished go though the answers
Wash your hands by rubbing them together using Clean kitchen counters before you make
soap and warm running water. food on them.

with them. Rinse fruits and veggies before Chill foods like milk, eggs
Answers: you eat them. them in the r

Wash your hands by rubbing them together using soap and warm running water. Always
Rinse fruits and veggies
Rinse fruits and veggies before before
Chill foods Chill
like milk, eggs and foods
meats bylike milk, eggs and meats by keeping
do this before you touch food. you eat them.
Rinse fruits and veggies before
you eat them. them in the refrigerator. them in the refrigerator.
Chill foods like milk, eggs and meats by keeping

Clean kitchen counters before you make food on them.

you eat them. them in the refrigerator.

Keep cold foods cold. Separate raw and c

Rinse fruits and veggies before you eat them.
Rinse fruits and veggies before Chill foods like milk, eggs and meats by keeping
you eat them. them in the refrigerator.

Chill foods like milk, eggs and meats by keeping them in the refrigerator.
Keep cold foods cold.
Keep cold foods cold. Separate raw a

Separate raw and cooked foods. Keep cold foods cold. Separate raw and cooked foods.
Keep cold foods cold. Separate raw and cooked foods.
When you cook foods like meats, poultry and eggs, cook them well to kill the bad bacteria.
Sometimes harmful germs grow on the food that we eat and cause us to become
Keep cold foods cold. Separate raw and cooked foods.
When you cook foods like meats, poultry and eggs, cook them well to kill

Link each key word with one of the four steps to safer food – ‘Clean’, ‘Separate’, ‘Cook’ Keep cold foods cold.
Separate raw and cooked foods.
When you cook foods like meats, poultry and eggs, cook them well to
and ‘Cool’. Write these words on the board under the heading “Four Steps to Safer Food”
and point to each word as you call each word out. As each word is mentioned, trypoultry
When you cook foods like meats, to and eggs, cook them well to kill the bad bacteria.
When you cook foods like meats, poultry and eggs, cook them well to kill the bad bacteria.
provide examples for the learners of what each one would look like in theirWhen
everyday lives.
you cook foods like meats, poultry and eggs, cook them well to kill the bad bacteria.

Teach the learners that each of these four steps stop harmful bacteria from growing on
When you cook foods like meats, poultry and eggs, cook them well to kill the bad bacteria.

our foods. Remind the learners that harmful bacteria can make them sick.

Main part
Food storage match-up Highlight that germs and bacteria are too small to see.
Time: ~ 10 min

How to play
Hand-out a copy of the “Food storage match-up” worksheet to each learner. The worksheet directs the learners
to match up a food item with its correct storage method.

Give the learners some time to do this. Remind them that cold items need to be stored inlove
Bad bacteria a wet,
nutritious foodsalways.
like milk, eggs, and meats.

Explain to the class that just like food helps us grow, bad bacteria also need food to grow
and multiply (to make more of itself). Bad bacteria love wet, nutritious foods like milk,
eggs, and meats. If these foods are not kept cold, bacteria can move-in and multiply.
Bad bacteria hate cold temperatures, so to help keep food safe it needs to be chilled.

Ask the learners where canned/tinned food should be kept.

Answer: In the cupboard. Cans of food can be safely stored in the cupboard because
they have been heated in a special way to get rid of the bad bacteria and can now be kept at room temperature.

Tell the class that whole fruit like apples, pears, bananas, naartjies and oranges can be stored on the counter.
Bad bacteria do not grow well on these kinds of fruit because they have a skin to protect themselves. Remind
the learners that once fruit has been cut it should be stored in the fridge.

Wrap up
Summary Time: ~ 2 min
Ask the learners what they remember from the lesson. Try to start a class discussion where you allow the learners
to ask any questions they may have about food and food safety. Try to encourage them to take what they have
learnt and practice it at home.

Page 2 of 2

Grade 2 | Lesson 3 | Nutrition

Word finder game

Worksheet 2.3.1

Date: Class:

Choose a word from the word bank below that best completes each sentence.
Fill your chosen word in the blank space provided. Each word should only be
chosen once.

Word Bank:

rinse separate wash

cold clean chill cook

1. _________ your hands by rubbing them together using soap and warm running
water. Always do this before you touch food.

2. _________ kitchen counters before you make food on them.

3. _________ fruits and veggies before you eat them.

4. _________ foods like milk, eggs and meats by keeping them in the refrigerator.

5. Keep cold foods _________.

6. _________ raw and cooked foods.

7. When you _________ foods like meats, poultry and eggs, cook them well to
kill the bad bacteria.

Grade 2 | Lesson 3 | Nutrition

Word finder game

Worksheet 2.3.1 (Memo)

Choose a word from the word bank below that best completes each sentence.
Fill your chosen word in the blank space provided. Each word should only be
chosen once.

Word Bank:

rinse separate wash

cold clean chill cook

1. Wash your hands by rubbing them together using soap and warm running
water. Always do this before you touch food.

2. Clean kitchen counters before you make food on them.

3. Rinse fruits and veggies before you eat them.

4. Chill foods like milk, eggs and meats by keeping them in the refrigerator.

5. Keep cold foods cold.

6. Separate raw and cooked foods.

7. When you cook foods like meats, poultry and eggs, cook them well to kill the
bad bacteria.

Grade 2 | Lesson 3 | Nutrition

Food storage match-up

Worksheet 2.3.2

Date: Class:

Draw a line to match each food item with the place it should be stored:



Canned food

Chicken drumstick



Grade 2 | Lesson 3 | Nutrition

Food storage match-up

Worksheet 2.3.2 (Memo)

Draw a line to match each food item with the place it should be stored:



Canned food

Chicken drumstick




Wash hands and Don’t cross-
surfaces often. contaminate.

Refrigerate Cook to proper


promptly. temperatures.





• Wash yourself regularly. • Brush your teeth Grade 2 |

(twice a day). Evaluation sheet | Nutrition

Assessment: Nutrition

First and last name:



1. Which is the healthy plate of food?

• Brush your hair. • Cut and clean your nails.

Cover leftovers to keep out flies and insects that spread diseases
choco choco cho
bar bar ba

(2 marks)

Keep the food as cool as possible (use the refrigerator Store dried or baked goods
2. Steps to safer food in an airtight tin
Using the letter clues provided, viruswrite the bacteria
steps under fungusthe correct picture:
Wash your hands after using a toilet. • Use a tissue when you sneeze or cough.

Wash your hands with soap

Wash utensils and food surfaces

W_S_ C_I_L CL__N C__K

(4 marks)

Page 1 of 2

Grade 2 | Evaluation sheet | Nutrition

Assessment: Nutrition

3. Which are the healthy ‘everyday’ foods?

Mark the correct box: bread, rice, potatoes

meat fish chicken

Chips Beans Sweets

eggs beans lentils

baked vegetable chips yoghurt cheese
Milk Doughnut Sweet potato

Carrots Peaches Soda/Cooldrink

baked not fried no added preservatives (5 marks)

locally sourced organic ingredients Page 2 of 2


Grade 2 | Evaluation sheet memo | Nutrition

Assessment Memo: Nutrition

1. Which is the healthy plate of food?

• Brush your hair. • Cut and clean your nails.

Cover leftovers to keep out flies and insects that spread diseases
choco choco cho
bar bar ba

(2 marks)

Keep the food as cool as possible (use the refrigerator Store dried or baked goods
2. Steps to safer food in an airtight tin
Using the letter clues provided, viruswrite the bacteria
steps under fungusthe correct picture:
Wash your hands after using a toilet. • Use a tissue when you sneeze or cough.

Wash your hands with soap

Wash utensils and food surfaces


(4 marks)

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Grade 2 | Evaluation sheet memo | Nutrition

Assessment Memo: Nutrition

3. Which are the healthy ‘everyday’ foods?

Mark the correct box: bread, rice, potatoes

meat fish chicken

Chips Beans Sweets

eggs beans lentils

baked vegetable chips yoghurt cheese
Milk Doughnut Sweet potato

Carrots Peaches Soda/Cooldrink

baked not fried no added preservatives (5 marks)

locally sourced organic ingredients Page 2 of 2



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