Commen Interview Questions
Commen Interview Questions
Commen Interview Questions
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If you are managing data, Microso Excel is your go-to application. Spreadsheets in
Excel have been in use for around more than 30 years. Excel has a better user
interface and numerous contemporary features than its original edition. All major
operating systems, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android, are compatible
with Excel. Some of the key features of Microso Excel include:
Graphing so ware
Integrated capabilities (SUM, DATE, COUNTIF)
Tables, charts, and filters that allow for data analysis
Visual Basic for Applications(VBA)
Process of the worksheet and flexible workbook
Enables quick data validation
Spreadsheets remain crucial and are a fantastic resource for learning about data.
Excel is not always the best or the only option for data projects, but it is still a reliable
and affordable analytical tool. It is a vital framework for advanced analytics since it
makes the analytical procedure easier to understand.
Many industries and organisations still emphasise the importance of Excel skills since
it is still a wise technique to gather organisational insights. Excel can do it all, from
making reports to performing basic computations. Excel proficiency is becoming a
need in the modern world.
The top Excel Interview Questions and Answers for freshers and experienced are
included in this article:
As can be seen above, the exponentiation process is performed a er the data in the
parenthesis is processed. Following that, either the division or multiplication
procedures may be performed. The outcome is then added and finally subtracted, to
provide the result.
9. How can we combine text strings from several cells into one
Use the CONCATENATE command to combine text strings that are contained in
numerous cells into one cell. Up to 30 text pieces can be joined using the Excel
CONCATENATE function, which returns the result as text.
The Excel Concatenate function has the following syntax: CONCATENATE (text1, text2,
The following formula can be used to CONCATENATE the values of two cells, A2 and
B2: CONCATENATE (A2, B2). There will not be any delimiters used when combining
the values. Use a space (" ") to demarcate the values: CONCATENATE(A3, " ", B3).
11. What are the steps to split a column into two or more
The following are the steps to split a column into two or more:
Choose the cell you would like to split. Then, click on Text to Columns under the
Data tab.
Decide on a delimiter.
Choose the location where you wish to display the split a er selecting the
column data format.
Excel's VLOOKUP (which stands for Vertical Lookup) function is used to find and
produce data from a specific set. To make use of this functionality, we need to
arrange the data vertically because V is for Vertical in VLOOKUP. Whenever we need to
find a certain amount of data from a vast amount of data, VLOOKUP is tremendously
The VLOOKUP function in Excel has a lookup value and starts searching in the le -
hand column. VLOOKUP will move right, or into the search value row if the value of
that search appears first. It keeps on until the specified column number is returned.
This function compares estimated and true search values. Nonetheless, the default
match is approximate.
lookup_value: The value that you wish to check for is known as the lookup
table_index: The set of data to be taken from is the table index.
col_index_num: col index num specifies the column you wish to extract the
value from.
range_lookup: Logical value, i.e., TRUE or FALSE, is the range lookup (TRUE
finds the closest match; FALSE will check for an exact match)
range (necessary): the set of cells you want to subject to criterion. Each range
must include only numbers, names, arrays, or references containing numbers.
Values that are blank or text are ignored. Dates in the typical Excel format could
be found in the selected range.
criteria (necessary): A number, expression, cell reference, text, or function that
specifies which cells will be added can all be used as criteria
sum_range (optional): the actual cells to add if you wish to add cells that are
not listed in the range argument. The cells that are given in the range parameter
are added by Excel if the sum_range argument is not present (those cells to
which the criteria are imposed).
18. Highlight the cells with total sales > $5000 using the sales
information below.
Cells that meet the criterion are highlighted in this case using conditional formatting.
Choose "Conditional Formatting" from the home tab, then "Greater Than option"
under the Highlight Cells Rules section. Choose the color for the highlighted cells and
specify the criterion.
You may eliminate duplicate values by choosing the 'Remove Duplicates' option from
the Data Tools menu on the Data tab.
Source: SpreadsheetWeb
Source: Simplilearn
Let text at A1 be happy77
SUBSTITUTE(A1,”7″,”8″,1) =>happy87
SUBSTITUTE(A1,”7″,”8″,2) =>happy88
The REPLACE function changes any portion of the old text string with new text.
Source: Excelcampus
The data needed to create the pivot table must be kept apart from the other
data in the sheet.
Select the table, then click on the Insert tab to create a pivot table. Then choose the
Pivot Table command, and the following window will appear:
Click OK a er specifying the location where the table will be created. You will observe
that a blank pivot table has been created once this is complete. Moreover, the
PivotTables Fields window, which aids with pivot table configuration, will open.
Once that is finished, select the region where you wish to construct the table by
clicking Next and then clicking Finish.
You will observe that the pivot table was produced by combining the two tables.
The alternative is EPPlus. It has NPOI and is compatible with Excel 2007/2010 format
files (.xlsx files). Pivot Tables are also supported by EPPlus.
35. How can you prevent Excel from turning specific text values
into dates automatically?
That is a common problem encountered by Excel users. But, you can include a '='
before the double quotes to prevent Excel from turning certain text values into dates
automatically. The data must be text due to this operation. Example: =”2022-11-27″.
Data tables and scenarios offer a selection of inputs for potential results. While
several variables can work with scenarios, a limit of 32 input values is allowed. Data
tables only work with one or two variables, but they can all take on a variety of
different values. Unlike Scenarios and Data Tables, Goal Seek takes outputs and
determines prospective inputs to the same.
Source: Wmfexcel
Function Subroutine
A function's
Subroutines, on the other hand,
responsibility is to give
don't return the result of the
the result of the task it
task they are carrying out.
When there are no exact matches for the provided lookup_value, VLOOKUP will fetch
values to get an approximate match. Set the range_lookup value to TRUE for a rough
match. Keep in mind that for VLOOKUP to do an approximate match, the table must
be ordered in ascending order. In this case, VLOOKUP basically starts by searching for
a roughly matching value to the specified lookup value before stopping at the value
that is the next largest. It then enters that row to return the value from the
designated column.