Key Words and Definitions For Money Management
Key Words and Definitions For Money Management
Key Words and Definitions For Money Management
The following are a list of key words and their definitions to use during the Card Sort Activity. Providers may elect
to only use some of these words and definitions, and may even add to these words and definitions.
A financial
A type of account to
Savings account Bank establishment that
help you save money
helps customers
manage their money
An amount of money
a lender is willing to
A type of account for loan another person
Checking account active or daily Credit based in trust and
spending with the expectation
it will be repaid with
A report of your
A state of having
financial history that
enough income or
includes information
Self-sufficiency assets to support Credit report
on credit accounts,
essential needs
such as loans or
credit cards
The money a bank
takes out of your A plan to track
Bank fees account to pay for Budget income and expenses
services or because
of penalties (these
will vary by bank)
Itemized accounts of
cost of goods sold, Cost incurred for
Bills Expenses
services provided, or items or services
work done
A machine used to
ATM access cash, deposit Products and services
(automated teller cash or checks, check that are essential for
account balances, and Needs life
complete other
Additional money
paid over time for Products and services
Interest money borrowed, Wants that are not essential
normally as a set for life
percentage rate