Activity M2.4 GROUP2 Faith in Action
Activity M2.4 GROUP2 Faith in Action
Activity M2.4 GROUP2 Faith in Action
The world is filled with various cultures, beliefs, and practices. However, the
people that share the same traditions and even religious beliefs are composed into
rules and regulations, which their members follow. These organizations also share
the same goal: introducing Jesus Christ and teaching about faith and Christ’s life
(Campbellsville, n.d.). Not only that, but the organization also helps needy individuals
by donating the money or fund they have collected, which can be seen in different
educational facilities like schools that are under religious organizations, charity works
Furthermore, this paper will look at the background, accomplishments, and plans of
the religious organization that is non-profit but has a goal to spread the Words of
God around the world, known as the Bible League International. They believe
evangelical Christian service organization, they coordinate with the local churches
worldwide to supply them with bibles to help them spread and meet Jesus. They also
The Bible League International was founded in 1938 by Bill and Betty
providing them with bibles and practical training to help improve lives worldwide
through God’s words. The organization's faith aligns with the statement of faith by
Bibles worldwide through its various programs, products, and partners, particularly
the local church. The Bible League International has allocated billions of Bibles since
it was established in 1938, reaching individuals in more than 80 nations. Today, this
God's Word, Bibles, and training materials based on the Bible. Since the Chapmans'
God's Word worldwide. This organization envisions thriving churches all over the
globe, with hopes to spread spiritualism and optimistic hope for society.
businessman from the Chicago region. In 1938, William Chapman and his wife, Betty
free Bibles to anyone who would read them after they had purchased 1,000 Bibles.
After many years have passed, to explore new approaches to helping churches and
mission partners, Bible League International maintains offices and centers worldwide
Drunen, a CRC (Christian Reformed Church) member and chair of the international
board, got involved with the Bible league not long after Chapman founded it. Several
CRC pastors played a significant role in the organization's early years. Additionally,
the CRC has significantly benefited from and supported the organization over the
The work of the Bible League International is not only founded by CRC
churches but also by other movements or churches around the world and by
Vision to share accessible scriptures with even more people (Christian Reformed
Church, 2013). Since 1938, More than 840 million Bibles and other biblical resources
have been distributed worldwide by Bible League. In addition, more than 3.5 million
people have been educated to share God's Word, over 3.5 million people have been
reached with God's Word, and more than 67,000 churches have been established.
church so that God's Word might change lives worldwide. Through biblical-related
training and materials that address their communities' social, moral, and spiritual
needs, the organization wants to see thriving local churches worldwide, bringing
local churches, the Bible League International achieves this goal by providing hands-
Having been founded in 1938, the Bible League International has been
through a lot and has persevered through the challenges over the years. Having
been one of the largest producers and distributors of Biblical Resources worldwide,
the organization has been consistent with helping people over the world and
establishing new churches while helping other less fortunate churches. As time goes
on, the organization’s mission and vision for the future remain. The Bible League
them with Bibles, biblical-related resources, and spiritual training to transform and
influence lives globally through God’s word. Lastly, they also desire to continue
establishing churches and providing aid to less fortunate churches, offering world
hope, life change, and salvation through biblically based training that meets the