Section 122
Section 122
Section 122
Explanation: A lease is a contract wherein the lessor grants the lessee temporary use and
pleasure of a thing, in whole or in part, in exchange for payment (rent).If the lease is for real estate
that cannot be moved, the lessor is the owner and the lessee is the tenant. In this situation, the
rent may take the form of cash or a share of the property’s profits.
Leases how made.—A lease of immovable property from year to year, or for any term exceeding
one year or reserving a yearly rent, can be made only by a registered instrument. All other leases
of immovable property may be made either by a registered instrument or by oral agreement
accompanied by delivery of possession.
Where a lease of immovable property is made by a registered instrument, such instrument or,
where there are more instruments than one, each such instruments shall be executed by both the
lesser and the lessee.
Provided that the State Government may from time to time, by notification in the official Gazette,
direct that leases of immovable property, other than leases from year to year, or for any term
exceeding one year, or reserving a yearly rent, or any class of such leases, may be made by
unregistered instrument or by oral agreement without delivery of possession.
In simpler words, Section 107 of the Act covers three aspects:
Registered Deed: When the lease of immovable property is for a term of 1 year or more.
Other leases of immovable property can be either made by a registered deed or by an oral
agreement accompanied by the transfer of possession.
A lease will be made by both the parties when the lease is of multiple properties that require
multiple deeds.
The court in the case, Punjab National Bank v. Ganga Narain Kapur held that the provisions of
Section 106 of the Act will apply if the lease is done through an oral agreement.