Robot Wiring Guide
Robot Wiring Guide
Robot Wiring Guide
Revision 1: 8.3.2022
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4 | FIRST® Tech Challenge Robot Wiring Manual
Revision History
Revision Date Description
1 8/3/2022 Initial Release
Introduction........................................................................................................................................................ 3
What is FIRST® Tech Challenge? .................................................................................................................. 3
Gracious Professionalism® ................................................................................................................................ 3
Contents ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
2. Introduction to Robot Wiring ....................................................................................................................... 6
3. Best Practices ............................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 Appropriate Tools ..................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Strain Relief ......................................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Securing Wires and Connectors ........................................................................................................ 10
3.4 Wire Management ............................................................................................................................. 15
3.5 Wires on Moving Parts ...................................................................................................................... 16
3.6 Battery Security ................................................................................................................................. 17
3.7 Battery Safety .................................................................................................................................... 18
3.8 12V Power Switch ............................................................................................................................. 19
3.9 12V Power Distribution ...................................................................................................................... 20
3.10 Protective Side Shields...................................................................................................................... 20
3.11 Wi-Fi Considerations ......................................................................................................................... 22
3.12 ESD Mitigation................................................................................................................................... 23
3.12.1 Grounding .................................................................................................................................. 23
3.12.2 Ferrite Choke ............................................................................................................................. 25
3.12.3 Placement of Wires .................................................................................................................... 25
3.12.4 Avoid External Exposed Metal .................................................................................................... 26
3.12.5 Wheel Considerations ................................................................................................................ 26
3.13 Driver Station..................................................................................................................................... 27
4 Adapting Power Systems.......................................................................................................................... 28
4.1 Types of Wires and Connectors .................................................................................................... 28
4.2 Making an Adapter ............................................................................................................................ 29
4.3 Installing Anderson PowerPoles ........................................................................................................ 29
5 Adapting Logic Levels .............................................................................................................................. 31
5.1 Level Shifters..................................................................................................................................... 31
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Gracious Professionalism® - “Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
6 | FIRST® Tech Challenge Robot Wiring Manual
The wiring of a robot serves two primary purposes. The first purpose is to provide electrical power to
the devices on a robot. The second purpose is to provide a communication network for the many
devices that make up a robot’s control system.
Here’s a list of items that will improve security and organization of the wiring system. Items
highlighted in orange are recommended for best performance, but items highlighted in blue are
Item Source Part No. Cost QTY
Grounding wire Resistive Grounding Strap REV-31-1269 $4.00 1
Ferrite chokes Ferrite Cable Clips REV-39-1224 $2.00 4
Spiral wire sheath Spiral Sleeving 7378K43 $6.00 10 ft.
XT30 Power Distribution Hub XT30 Power Distribution REV-31-1293 $10.00 1
Rubber Grommets Grommet Assortments 9600K25 $7.00 100
Velcro Hook and Loop Fasteners 94985K41 $2.00 per ft.
3M Dual Lock Snap-Together Fastners 94935K17 $3.65 per ft.
Total $62.65
Teams should follow best practices when wiring their robots. This will help to ensure that the
placement, connections, and security of their wires will lead to improved robot performance, eliminate
intermittent electrical problems, and allow for easy troubleshooting and resolution of electrical and/or
signal-related problems.
This guide shows the basics of properly wiring a robot, how to improve wiring reliability, and how to
handle hardware issues associated with wiring.
As always, the FTC Q&A Forum and Game Manual rules take precedence over recommendations
made here. Please refer to these sources before embarking on the electrical wiring task.
NOTE: This guide primarily uses the REV Robotics Expansion Hub in its examples, but the guidelines
apply equally well to the REV Robotics Control Hub (used in certain test regions for the 2019-2020
season). These Hubs provide electronic input/output (or “I/O”) ports that are used to “talk” to a robot’s
motors, servos, and sensors. The layout of I/O ports is the same for both the Expansion Hub and
Control Hub.
NOTE: One Of the important differences between the Expansion Hub and the Control Hub is the
external Android device used with Expansion Hub and the internal Android device used within the
Control Hub to accomplish the same task of wireless communication with the driver station.
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Gracious Professionalism® - “Doing your best work while treating others with respect and kindness - It’s what makes FIRST, first.”
8 | FIRST® Tech Challenge Robot Wiring Manual
3. Best Practices
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Figure 9: Heat Gun for Scrink wrap insulation Figure 10: Tempature Controller Soldering
Immobilize the wire an inch or two from the connector and leave a little slack on the connector side.
This prevents unintended tension on the wire from damaging the connector and allows the connector
to be unplugged, if desired, for testing or module replacement. This can easily be done with a few zip
ties. It may be acceptable to mount the connector more rigidly, but only if all parts involved are also
mounted solidly on a rigid panel.
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A. The power and encoder wires for this drive train are strain relieved at the motors themselves
B. Secured to each other and to the plastic chassis base-plate.
C. The metallic chassis beams are insulated with plastic strips to prevent electrostatic discharges
as the robot rolls off its metal platform.
Wires should be tied down (secured) at regular intervals to prevent them from moving or shaking
loose during a match. It is best to run wires along stationary parts of a robot. Zip ties offer a sturdy
way to secure wires, but electrical tape or Velcro® straps can also be used.
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12 | FIRST® Tech Challenge Robot Wiring Manual
In some instances, the connectors on the ends of wires should also be secured in place. This is true
for USB connections and some 12V power connectors. These connectors are susceptible to vibration
or impacts, which may cause temporary or permanent loss of control.
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On this robot, many servo wires had to pass a rotating arm joint with several gears.
To prevent loose wires from being pinched, the wires were bundled and then wrapped in a split sheath
(orange). The sheath was anchored to the base at one end, and to the arm at the other end.
A service loop of extra cable was created to allow full rotation of the arm without putting tension on the wires.
Connectors can be secured using zip ties or Velcro®, or teams can use 3D printed connector
mounts. REV Robotics provides a USB connector restraint for its REV Expansion Hub.
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14 | FIRST® Tech Challenge Robot Wiring Manual
If interconnected connectors are used to extend sensor/servo cables, or extend 12V DC power
cables, the connectors should be firmly secured to each other. Electrical tape is often the simplest
and most effective way to do this.
NOTE: Locating the phone next to a metal beam, may not be optimal, as it may reduce wireless signal
strength, but it was a compromise to achieve the desired camera location.
If wires need to be shortened or extended, soldering provides a robust yet compact splicing
method. In this case, all soldered joints should be protected with heat shrink tubing. Slightly
oversized tubing should be cut to length and placed over one wire before soldering the two wires
together. Then a heat gun can be used to shrink the tubing to hold it in place.
Various sizes and colors of heat shrink tubing can be purchased from most electronics suppliers,
such as Digi-Key or Mouser.
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A. This robot utilizes multiple actuators, requiring level converters, boosters and wire extensions. Clutter
is eliminated by organizing a logical flow through the robot, then bundling and constraining wire clusters
wherever possible.
B. Four encoder Level Converters are mounted to a plastic plate which is bolted to the main
chassis. Wires to and from these converters are strain relieved on either side.
C. Motor wires pass through Anderson PowerPole connectors and are bundled and restrained.
D. Servo PWM cables (and their extensions) are grouped in a flat bundle and routed to the white Servo
Booster Module. Wires from the Booster Module are bundled and wrapped with a spiral sheath (yellow)
which runs all the way up the arm support and to the rotating grabber. A service loop is created and
attached to the arm on one side, and the grabber on the other side.
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16 | FIRST® Tech Challenge Robot Wiring Manual
Constraining wires is the first line of defense. An unconstrained wire is very likely to get caught and
pulled as one component moves past another. However, moving parts often need “extra” wire when
they are fully extended or rotated, so it’s important to plan this extra wire when the part is
retracted. The extra wire should be formed into a “service loop”, which keeps wires bundled together,
and provides a predictable movement. These bundled wires can be further protected by an
expandable, spiral, or split sheathing. This sheathing serves as a flexible outer protector for the wire
bundle as it moves near potential pinch/entanglement points.
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A. The upper motor is mounted to a movable arm, which rotates relative to the robot chassis.
B. Notice that the motor’s power and encoder wires have been bundled (yellow and green zip ties)
into a service loop.
C. Anchored to the motors (white zip ties). This maintains control over the wires when the arm
rotates and ensures that none are pinched.
The battery is often one of the heaviest parts on the robot and its placement can have a dramatic
effect on drivability and stability. A good rule of thumb is to place the battery as low as possible for
stability. Omnidirectional drives require constant pressure on all wheels so position the battery to
help with even weight distribution.
Since batteries need to be removed to be charged, extra thought should be given to how they are
mounted in the robot. A loose battery can get caught in moving parts and be damaged or can tug on
the battery connector and cause the robot to lose power. Since they are heavy, batteries tend to
want to shake free as the robot maneuvers, so it’s important to ensure that they are firmly fixed in
place. This can be achieved by creating a mechanical “receptacle” that snugly holds the battery in
place. They can also be restrained with Velcro attached to the battery and robot, or by using a Velcro
strap to hold the battery against the frame.
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18 | FIRST® Tech Challenge Robot Wiring Manual
A. REV Robotics flat battery pack is mounted vertically next to an Expansion Hub.
B. A 3D printed container was created to loosely constrain the battery, and a Velcro strap was
added to prevent the battery from bouncing out during robot deployment.
NOTE: In the case of a Control Hub, this mounting method could block radio waves traveling to and
from the Hub’s wireless adapter.
C. For security, the battery connector (yellow XT30 plug) is plugged into a mating connector on the
robot, which is zip tied (yellow) in place.
Some teams use zip ties to secure their battery, but unless the team only has one battery, these zip
ties will need to be cut and replaced each time the battery is removed to be charged. Consider using
a method that can be “un-done” rather than replaced each time. If zip ties are used, make sure the
ties are not overtightened to prevent damaging the internal connections of the battery.
Care should also be taken to make sure the mounting points for the battery do not puncture or break
the insulation of the battery or battery leads. Ensure there are no sharp edges that can cut into the
• For safety reasons, batteries should not be left unattended while charging. The charging
process may cause faulty batteries to overheat and create a fire hazard.
• Be sure to protect the battery terminals while storing batteries. Do not store or transport
batteries with other loose metallic items which could inadvertently cause a short circuit across
the battery terminals.
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• Under no circumstances should there be exposed ends on both battery wires. Bare wires that
touch will short out and damage the battery and may create a fire hazard.
• Do not mount the switch outside, or flush with, the chassis perimeter of the robot.
• Angle the switch upwards to prevent contact from basic robot movement.
• Place the switch behind a cover plate or side shield with a small opening for manual operation.
• Ensure that game pieces cannot fall onto the switch.
Figure 22: Power Switch Placement, Side Shield and Chassis Insulation
A. Here the power switch has been mounted inside the robot frame using TETRIX hardware, facing
outwards for easy operation. The switch has been located behind a transparent (PETG) side shield,
with a hole cut for easy access. This protects the switch from accidental contact, but still provides
FTA’s with great visibility and access. Notice the approved power switch label.
B. The side shields are also used to protect internal electronics from entanglement and possible ESD
events. Also note that black rubber edge guards protect the circular chassis plates from external
electrical contact.
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20 | FIRST® Tech Challenge Robot Wiring Manual
However, for robots that have high current loads (from many motors) or have a larger number of 12V
components (like Servo Power Modules or SPARK mini motor controllers), it may be desirable to
utilize a 12V power distribution bus. A power bus takes a single input power feed and splits it into
several 12V outputs, each can power a dedicated device instead of daisy chaining the power from
one component to the next.
A power bus can be created by building a custom wiring harness or by purchasing a commercial
power distribution block, like the REV XT30 Power Distribution Block or the Anderson Powerpole
Power Distribution Block from Powerwerx (shown below).
One popular way to prevent undesired intrusion is to add one or more side-shields to your
robot. These should be constructed from non-conductive materials. They can also be used to add
strength or industrial design elements to your robot. Shields are also useful for preventing loose,
game, scoring elements (balls, blocks, etc.) from falling into your robot and counting against any
maximum holding allowance.
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Durable, clear, plastic, side shields can be constructed using polycarbonate, PVC or PETG to allow
internal visibility for status lights or mechanisms.
NOTE: Plexiglass (Acrylic) is a commonly available clear plastic, but it is quite brittle, so it may not be suitable
for protective shields.
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22 | FIRST® Tech Challenge Robot Wiring Manual
• It is important to protect the phone and Control Hub from robot-to-robot contact. Attach the
phone or Hub to the robot in a location that is protected from physical impact.
• Choose a location on the robot where the radio waves that are traveling to or from the phone
or Control Hub will not be blocked/reflected by large pieces of metal or by a 12V battery or a
• Choose a location on the robot where the radio waves that are traveling to or from the phone
or Control Hub will not be disrupted by electromagnetic interference that could potentially be
generated by a 12V DC motor.
• Reduce the risk of an electrostatic shock between the phone and the metallic frame of the
robot by mounting the phone on an insulator, like plastic or wood.
• Make sure the phone is easily accessible for charging, programming, and emergencies.
• Make sure the phone sits so the camera is available for Vuforia, if needed.
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E. A ferrite choke is attached to the USB cable, and held in place with Dual-Lock. The Expansion Hub is also
bolted to a plastic base plate to provide additional ESD immunity.
3.12.1 Grounding
Grounding the electrical system to the frame of the robot will reduce the risk of a shock between the
frame of the robot and the control system electronics. The grounding wire helps keep the electronics
at the same potential as the frame, preventing arcs between the two systems. In addition to insulating
the electronic components of the control system from the frame, grounding the electronics to the
frame will safeguard against an ESD event.
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A. The grounding wire is plugged into the last Expansion Hub in the power chain and bolted to a
metal component of the robot’s chassis.
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For example, the 4-wire sensor cables that are used by the REV Robotics Expansion Hub and
Control Hub have plastic connectors that are poorly insulated. If a charge accumulates on the metal
frame of the robot and the end of the sensor cable is placed too close to the frame, a shock can
occur, and this shock can disrupt or even damage the I2C port of a Hub.
Similarly, some servo extension cables have exposed portions of metal that could be vulnerable to
ESD unless properly isolated or insulated.
Moving these vulnerable areas of the electronics system away from the frame (with an air gap greater
than 3/8” or 10 mm) can help reduce the risk of an ESD disruption.
Using electrical tape to insulate these areas can be equally effective and may be easier.
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26 | FIRST® Tech Challenge Robot Wiring Manual
These level shifters are being used to interface to the NeveRest Motor Encoders.
A. Four motors require four encoders. The shifter modules have been mounted to a plastic bracket to
minimize ESD events, and then bolted to the chassis.
B. Wires leading to and from the modules have been restrained to provide strain relief to the connectors,
and the cables are bundled to consume minimal space.
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To ensure stable and consistent operation it’s recommended to mount the Driver Station phone, USB
hub and Game Controller connectors to a rigid base plate. This base plate should be non-metallic
(wood or plastic), and it can also provide an easy way to store the game controllers. Items can be
attached to the base plate with Velcro®, zip ties, Dual Lock or even hot glue. All connectors should
be strain relieved.
A. The game controllers are attached to the board using 3M Dual Lock, but any hook and loop system
could be utilized.
B. The Micro USB connector entering the phone is strain relieved. It has enough free wire to be easily
unplugged to charge the phone.
C. The phone holder, USB hub and connectors are all anchored in place to prevent them from
disconnecting due to jostling.
D. These images show a driver station constructed from a thin sheet of plywood (any non-metallic could
be used).
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28 | FIRST® Tech Challenge Robot Wiring Manual
REV Robotics: The REV system uses XT30 connectors for the power wires. These connectors are
used in the RC vehicle industry and are designed to withstand repeated connect and disconnect
cycles. It is not necessary to replace these connectors with Anderson PowerPoles. However, there
have been credible reports of occasional disconnects between the XT30 connectors provided with the
REV Robotics hardware.
If you suspect that you might have a loose XT30 connection, then conduct a careful physical
inspection of the connection. Check to make sure the connectors fit snugly together and there is a
slight amount of retention between the connectors when you try to pull them apart. Also check to
make sure that power is not disrupted when the ends of the power cables that connect through the
XT30 connectors are jiggled. If you do find a loose connection, replace the bad cable or contact REV
Robotics if the bad connector is mounted on the Hub.
If you prefer to use Anderson PowerPoles as your primary connectors, then you can attach an
XT30/Anderson PowerPole converter cable to the Hub and strain relieve it properly. Once this
converter is plugged into the Hub, it can be left in place, and the battery can connect or disconnect
using the Anderson PowerPole connection. This will reduce wear experienced by the XT30
Warning: Do not reverse the polarity of the input DC power. Although the REV Robotics Hubs have
built-in reverse polarity protection, there have been credible reports of damaged Hubs when reverse
polarity power is applied.
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When removing the unwanted connectors from the battery, do not cut the wires flush with the end of
the connector. Instead, leave a 1/2” length of wire attached to the connector.
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30 | FIRST® Tech Challenge Robot Wiring Manual
2. Cut one of the wires close to the attached Tamiya connector. Do not cut too close to the
battery or the fuse housing, that will make installation difficult or impossible.
3. Strip the wire to the Anderson PowerPole specs.
4. Crimp the connector to the wire. Make sure the wire is in the proper orientation before doing
this -- the PowerPoles need to connect properly.
NOTE: Red positive raised side should slide into the black negative recessed side.
8. Slide and snap red housing to the other red housing, repeat for the black housings.
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A video demonstration of this can be seen in the Gear Up with FTC! Robot Wiring Troubleshooting
Video (skip to 10:10 in the video). More details can be found at
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32 | FIRST® Tech Challenge Robot Wiring Manual
These level shifters are being used to interface to the NeveRest Motor Encoders.
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7 Additional Resources
Careful incorporation of the solutions and wire management tips in the previous four sections should
ensure more robust electrical system performance and increase robot reliability. For teams looking to
further increase their wiring knowledge, the following may be useful:
· NASA Guide to Crimping, Interconnecting cables, Harnesses, and Wiring
· Gear Up With FTC Presentation: Robot Wiring Troubleshooting
· Basic wiring instructions that are provided by REV Robotics for its
Expansion Hub Control System.
FIRST also has a number of resources for teams looking for more information on the Android based
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34 | FIRST® Tech Challenge Robot Wiring Manual
Appendix A – Resources
Anyone may view questions and answers within the FIRST® Tech Challenge game Q&A forum without a
password. To submit a new question, you must have a unique Q&A system user name and password for your
Volunteer Forum
Volunteers can request access to role specific volunteer forums by emailing You will receive access to the forum thread specific to your role.
FIRST Websites
FIRST homepage –
FIRST Tech Challenge Page – For everything FIRST Tech Challenge.
FIRST Tech Challenge Volunteer Resources – To access public volunteer manuals.
FIRST Tech Challenge Event Schedule – Find FIRST Tech Challenge events in your area.
We strive to create support materials that are the best they can be. If you have feedback about this manual, please email Thank you!
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