he speaker describes the eyes of the woman he loves, noting that they are
not like the sun. He then compares the colour of her lips to that of coral, a Playful/ humorous/ teasing
reddish-pink, concluding that her lips are much less red. Next, he compares
her breasts to the whiteness of snow. His lover's skin, in contrast, is a dull HEMES
grey. He suggests that his lover's hair is like black wires. Then he notes that Escape from Idealism
he has seen roses that blend together pink and white hues like a lush Femininity
embroidered fabric, but that his lover's cheeks lack such colours: they are not Love
rosy pink. He then notes that some perfumes smell better than the breath his _______________________________________________
mistress exhales. He loves to listen to her talk, but he understands that music
2. THE CHILD WHO WAS SHOT DEAD ● T he poet’s diction conveys the distress of the child and all others in the
senselessApartheid time. Her choice of “screams” and “raises his fists”
DICTION highlights his anger.
Word Meaning ● The onomatopoeia in “screams” is repeated to emphasise his anger.
● The alliteration in lines 3 and 8 emphasises the urgency and desperate
Heather A plant with small flowers cries of the oppressed people.
Siege attack ● Enjambment creates a free flow of thought.
● There is an allusion to the Bible (Gospel of Mark 38-43: “38 When they
Saracens An armoured car that is synonymous with Apartheid in South Africa came tothe home of the synagogue leader, Jesus saw a commotion,
Pass permit issued to black people during Apartheid. It specified an area in
A with people crying and wailing loudly. 39 He went in and said to them,
which a black person may move/work/live “Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead but asleep.”)
There are also allusions to all the places where protests turned violent,
S and people were injured/killed.
The poem reflects on the pass laws of Apartheid South Africa. Jonker wrote ● The paradox in the third stanza (“the child is not dead … where he lies
this poem in reaction to the shooting of a young child in his mother’s arms with a bullet in his head”) highlights the fact that this child died
during a protest against the Pass Laws. This happened in Nyanga township, physically, but he is still alive in the hearts of all Africans. He becomes
near Cape Town. The child was killed while on his way to the doctor with his the symbol of innocence, resistance, and hope.
mother – the senselessness of his death is a result of the senselessness of
the Apartheid laws. This child remains nameless to represent all innocent lives ONE :
taken during Apartheid. The poem highlights the idea that violence within a The tone in the poem is bold, passionate, inspired and determined.
country destroys innocent members of society (women and children) and Despite the sadness about the innocent child’s death, the tone is not
damages the country and its future. This child’s death has inspired others to sympathetic or sad. There is a sense of outrage and loss. The speaker
take up the cause of freedom and given newenergy to the struggle against remains determined in his/her message and relays it with a clarity of
Apartheid. Jonker yearns for a time when any child can grow and make purpose.
his/her impact on the world, without restrictions of the Pass Laws.
Freedom – ultimately the speaker dreams of a timewhen all people
● The repetition of “the child”throughout the poememphasises the
age and innocence of the youthand highlights howmany children
will be free. This freedom includes the freedom of speech, movement
were killed because of the apartheid laws. This repetition iscalled an and in all human rights.Freedom from Apartheid and its brutal laws.
anaphora. The child becomes asymbol of resistance,hope and Resistance –This child stands up for what he knowsit right and he
innocence. (the symbol) can never die. He is not a physical person, but an idea.
● The child is a metaphor for the thought of resistance and, ultimately, There is resistance against the blatant brutality and barbarism against
freedom. In the second last stanza the child is a “giant” to portray the the innocents. His raised fist symbolises the yearning for freedom,
growing sense of freedom, justice and resistance by all those who are identity, and protest
oppressed. This “giant” travels the world – anti-Apartheid protests did _______________________________________________
not only take place in South Africa. The world watched and protested
the brutal and unjust system.
It's about a young woman called Valencia Majombozi, an African woman
DICTION who managed to qualify as a doctor after enormous hardship and
Word Meaning sacrifice by her parents. She got her medical degree and then, by an
incredible irony, just after Valencia had completed her internship, she
Pageantry Elaborate display or ceremony
died during the Sharpeville Massacre. The speaker went to her funeral.
Stubbled Small, sticking out, protruding, rough The poem is about the years of sacrifice that end in nothing, and you
Expectant Expecting, rising up could read the poem entirely on that level or just as an expression of
frustrated and aborted hopes. Oppressed people cannot live their lives
Eternity Timeless, infinite or unending in time fully! He urges active resistance – “Arise!”. He ultimately states that
Gush Fast flowing death is a better fate than yielding to “defeat and dearth”
Bounty Generosity
Frothing anger Froth from the mouth because of illness or excitement ● Personification in lines 2 and 6. (Graves expecting their content;
hungry mud) – the earth seems hostile.
Bugled Played on a bugle - trumpet like musical instrument usually at funerals
● Use of various capital letters – draws attention and emphasises
Dirging Playing a funeral song the words.
● Exclamation points (Salute! and Arise!) suggest strong emotions –
Ponder Think about something carefully
call to arms
Hollow Empty or meaningless
Panoply An impressive display/collection
Stanza 1 – Calm and Reverent
Devours Swallows/completely destroys Stanza 2 – Anger & Contemptuous