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N e ws
s e p / o c t 2008
Wa l d o r f e d u c a t i o n f o r h e a d , h e a rt , a n d h a n d s
Foundations of Learning:
in Practice
By Regine Shemroske, Class Teacher
Hawthorne Valley School News lesson work
e main
, 5th
words were alive as a concrete pictorial ’15
st on
force, and abstract terms and abstract Ea
d er
thinking were not yet born. Grade an
school children still live in a world ex
where this consciousness is their reality.
Therefore, the stories told in grades one
through eight have the strongest value if
brought to the children with something
drawn from the older experience of
mankind. We see this in the curriculum
as fairy tales, fables, Old Testament
stories, Norse Mythology, Ancient
History, the Romans, the Middle Ages,
the Renaissance and biographies in
modern times. Thus the eight years of
lower school curriculum are filled with
imagination, in a brushstroke.
When teachers use pictures, the
feeling life grows in the child. We
then follow through with related
activities so learning is stimulated and
true insight ensues. The more alive
the pictures are, the more learning
and the ability to remember increase.
A child’s development of memory development of memory, strengthening In Waldorf schools, the first reader
depends on these imaginative pictures. and deepening skills. Furthermore, the in first grade is the child’s own writing.
With interest, the capacity for memory teacher understands the importance of So the mood and feeling through which
develops and blossoms. The teacher repetition as a means to strengthen the teacher presents the main lesson
trusts in his/her innate ability to meet the child’s will. To do something material is of paramount importance:
the child at each appropriate juncture allows the child to remember it. To presentation fosters the children’s
and educates with a sophisticated tone listen with interest evokes the child’s capacity to listen, and becomes the
and presence, to ‘draw forth’ (Latin: feeling, while repeating and reviewing foundation for speaking, writing and
educare) something asleep from the the content encourages understanding reading. The vocabulary of the teacher
depths of the child’s soul: interest. and knowledge. Through interest, and his/her conscious choice of words
The teacher presents the topic in a repetition and action, the child in the course of eight years promote
manner whereby the human voice is becomes not just a “know abouter” the capacity for sophisticated thinking,
the vehicle for transmitting stories, but a true knower, someone who has flexible feeling and wakefulness in the
anecdotes, knowledge, and evokes in experienced knowledge. The teacher student’s will.
students the capacity for listening and who has artistically presented a lesson Science classes begin in kindergarten
memorization. allows the child to become intimately with nature walks and seasonal
The other component used to connected to the learning process. activities; over the years, gradually
strengthen the capacity of memory is This active and participatory process but consistently, with interest and
rhythm. The very fact that in Waldorf cannot be compared to memorizing repetition, children’s capacities to
education a teacher continues the information and accumulating facts become scientists, not just to learn
journey year after year with the same of pre-digested and delivered lessons. about science, are strengthened. They
class, and remains with a class ideally for Active teaching draws forth living become observers of phenomena,
eight years, provides a truly wonderful thinking from the child’s imagination, surmise information, record it in
experience of rhythm and nourishes the while building memory. science main lesson books, illustrate
Hawthorne Valley School News
what they observe and conclude a People today are increasingly less dolls and stuffed animals, and when
circle of wholesome knowing. able to listen. The power of listening studying the Industrial Revolution in
With the arts integrated into all is reawakened by the art of movement grade eight, they sew with a sewing
classes, the students’ senses become (eurythmy), through which speech and machine, using patterns they create.
fine tuned. An historical example is music are made visible. This is further This education is not measured by
Leonardo daVinci, who knew during enhanced through yearly drama standardized tests; rather, Waldorf
the Renaissance that art and science and classroom improvisation during teachers measure each child by his
worked hand in hand, if one wanted language, history and geography or her individual tone, resounding
to understand the world. The true lessons. The children study two in what is truly his or her strength
artist is a scientist. The true scientist foreign languages (usually contrasting and skill. We do not educate or train
is an artist. This understanding seems a Romantic and a Germanic language) children to learn a specific profession.
especially relevant in today’s world. from grade one onward, which aim We help the child unfold his/her
Great students and great teachers are at developing capacities for flexibility predisposition for science, music and
proficient in both science and art. of soul, cultural diversity, and the art. These foundations allow students
An example from our valley is Gary children’s understanding of their to find their own way through Waldorf
Ocean, who has created artistically own cultural and linguistic roots. education.
beautiful landscapes with plants, based Interesting differences and similarities Through the right education, the
on his scientific understanding of in words and structure are noted. Such child is drawn forth from a world of
nature, climate, location and soil. exercises bring to light the cultural sleep. Listening in a dreamy way, the
Through enthusiasm and reverence background out of which each language child’s imagination awakens through
for the world we live in, thinking, developed. living pictures, active participation
feeling and willing extend into the Students learn through doing. The and wholehearted insight. Deep
depth of the child’s soul and span children spend time in a vegetable learning encompasses three crucial
a bridge to the world through the garden, where they plow, cultivate components: feeling-imagination,
curriculum. Sharing the experience and harvest. The patient effort doing-acting and insight-knowing, in
of tone, color, music and texture, involved in raising farm products is a that order. The lessons become the
Waldorf teaching goes beyond the wholesome social experience for the child’s own: what has been digested,
facts to educate the human being. It children. Inner and outer engagement assimilated and transformed becomes
is our highest endeavour as teachers strengthens their will forces. In weekly inner experience.
to develop free human beings, who in handwork lessons, the children learn The process of deep learning
turn develop their own purpose and through the grades to knit, crochet, awakens the child’s capacity for
direction. needlepoint, sew and felt. They make learning, developing an awareness
of him or herself and others in the
process. As Waldorf teachers, the
No one should become a botanist or a zoologist through what he learns in grade capacities we aim at fostering in our
school; that can only come through his special gifts, which are revealed by his choice students are the heartfelt effort and
love for learning—a free self with a
of vocation and which should be sure to appear during his life if there is a true art of unique voice.
education. Through his gifts! That is, if he has the gift necessary for a botanist, he
can become a botanist…that can only be the result of the gifts of the child in question, ...
which is to say: predetermined karma. This must come about through the recognizing
When asked what he hoped to evoke in his
that this child has the makings of a botanist…it must never be the result of making students, a master mentor emphasized the
our grade school lessons in any way a preparation for special scientific activity. importance of finding one’s own voice—be
Rudolf Steiner, Balance of Teaching it reading, conventional writing, science,
math, arts or social learning.
Hawthorne Valley School News
The Healing
of Puppetry
By Janene Ping, Kindergarten Teacher
Hawthorne Valley School News
Hawthorne Valley School News
Q To begin, Andy, what are stand upright and gain control of Learning to incorporate other child-
some of the important themes their physical bodies leads to further ren in the process of play, explore
of the early years in a child’s refining of the sensory motor skills. new possibilities and negotiate with
life? Learning about their own physical peers fosters creativity and cooper-
nature encourages the littlest ones to ation. There is a natural progression
First of all, one must recognize that we see among young children.
experience the world and all it has
the child as a spiritual being. While the three-year old child
to offer.
When encountering a young typically plays individually or along-
child, we acknowledge that here is a Although an infant is quite capable
side peers, 4 and 5 year-olds are
large soul in a small, immature body. in many ways, we also see how
more likely to engage in social play.
Truly, this little person carries with the growing child needs to learn
The beauty of mixed ages in the
him much wisdom, “trailing clouds to inhabit his/her body and move
kindergarten setting is that the older
of glory.” within the world. The infant has
ones become role models for the
certain movement patterns built
The work of early childhood is for younger children.
in, so to speak, and there is a drive
children to become active self- to imitate. This is not a mechanical What about the importance
learners. By strengthening this sense imitation. Young children inhabit the of rhythm in the child’s life?
of self, the child is ready to embark people around them and take it all
upon future schooling. The goal of in. Therefore, it is essential that the There is a natural “breathing
education is to help human beings environment be worthy of imitation. in” and “breathing out” which
on their journey to be creative, self- is necessary for the child’s
directed and healthy individuals. As Young children need frequent and
healthy development. Predictable
Rudolf Steiner said, “All education is appropriate physical activity to dev-
rhythms allow the curious and
self education.” This applies even to elop properly. In order to integrate all
their sensory systems, children must independent nature of the child
young children who are beginning to to emerge. When routines are
uncover their inner voice. have many varied opportunities for
using their bodies: running, jumping established, the child knows what to
over puddles, climbing trees, etc. In expect; this in turn gives the child
Can you characterize the
the kindergarten classroom, we may confidence and a sense of calm.
physical development of the
child? build an obstacle course or practice Of course, it is appropriate to have
jump rope. During our mornings some surprises and experiences
Hawthorne Valley School News
children, yet our culture is children to gain confidence. It is a
Parents often hear conflicting inundated with mechanized toys,
messages about discipline. first big step, which then leads to
computer games, and TV shows other stages. Each developmental
How would you advise aimed at very young children.
parents on this topic? phase is an important building block
A An over-emphasis on rewards
and punishment, and extrinsic
behavioral control, does not
help the child learn self-discipline.
A We spoke about the hugely
important aspect of healthy
physical development and
self-initiated play in a child’s life.
Screen time and the commercial toy
for the next period in one’s life. This
sense of soul warmth is essential for
the child to gradually venture out
into the world.
To the child, this can feel hollow and By sharing warmth and modeling
industry are antithetical to young appreciation for life’s gifts, both large
empty. Rather, it is important for children’s development, and are
parents and teachers to find ways of and small, Waldorf kindergarten
totally opposed to the tasks of early teachers help children form the
allowing children to gain self-esteem childhood.
through their actions. In this way, broad foundation of awe, gratitude
an inner compass is forged. Family A child seeks authentic experience, and wonder on which they will build
chores and contributing to the welfare not the virtual impressions of mass their emotional and moral life.
of others is important learning for media. Children need the space to
young children. As adults, we must learn about their own bodies, their William A. Ward died peacefully at
often do things because a situation family and nature; to have sensory home on Sunday, October 5, 2008,
calls for it, not because we expect experiences grounded in the real, after a courageous three-year journey
a reward for our deeds. This sense physical world. Also, when children on the cancer path. He moved to
of responsibility is gradually fostered are given so much by the way Harlemville with his family in 1976
throughout childhood. of material things, they come to to take a class teacher position at
expect so much. They lose track of then-fledgling Hawthorne Valley
Setting limits is important, as is appreciation, failing to understand
informing children, sometimes School, where he devoted the next 30
what goes into making a balanced years of his life to classroom teaching
playfully, about expectations. meal, for example, or what it takes
Children don’t enjoy being out of and to the growth and development
to heat one’s home with wood. of the school. At his request, in lieu
control. They may test boundaries,
but they feel safest when there is
adult guidance.
Q Can you address the quality
of warmth and its value in
early childhood?
of flowers, gifts may be made to the
“Children of the Future” Fund of the
Hawthorne Valley School.
Hawthorne Valley School News
S arah Clark, our new first grade Waldorf education, I was moved and poetry, speech and drama).
teacher, brings a wonderful joy and excited. Something about the teaching When Sarah was visiting Hawthorne
enthusiasm to her life and work. On a path I was on had never felt quite Valley last June, she had the
beautiful late August morning, I had right. Like walking into a Waldorf opportunity to observe our year-end
the opportunity to give Sarah a tour of Kindergarten, this new discovery just Rose Ceremony, and was very moved
our farm and forest, introducing her felt so right.” by the experience. She saw grace,
to farmers and others we met along Sarah began her Waldorf teacher poise and intelligence displayed by
the way. Afterward, we sat down and training at the Rudolf Steiner College our graduating seniors, and it affirmed
had a chance to talk about Sarah and in Fair Oaks, California during the her belief in Waldorf education as the
what brought her here to Hawthorne summers, while “class teaching” at The right education for our time, as well as
Valley. Hill School in New Orleans during enhanced her excitement to participate
Raised in northern Nevada, Sarah the school year. Her experiences at in guiding young people at Hawthorne
received a B.F.A. in performing arts The Hill School were powerful. The Valley toward their individual paths in
from California Institute of the Arts young school was severely impacted the world.
(Cal-Arts) in Los Angeles. After by the effects of Hurricane Katrina in Sarah has found genuine fulfillment
traveling abroad, she settled in New 2006 (only 3 days after the first day of as a Waldorf teacher and doesn’t wish
York City and began teaching the school), which resulted in the need to to do anything else! She has been
Drama section for the East Harlem find a new home for the school, as well looking for a place to finally “put down
Tutorial Program for grade school as the loss of more than three quarters roots,” and feels that Columbia County
aged children, and also taught in an of its enrollment. It took a few months is it. She finds it very exciting now to
early childhood classroom in Brooklyn. to get the school up and running again be part of a school that is fully realized,
After a few years, opportunity knocked in its smaller form – by that time, the with special subjects being taught
in New Orleans, and Sarah relocated students had missed most of the fall that truly reflect Rudolf Steiner’s
there to teach drama in an after school semester. Families and faculty alike indications. Sarah was also drawn to
arts program, while attending the were displaced; many were living Hawthorne Valley School as part of
University of New Orleans’ teaching in FEMA trailers. The worldwide a greater Association rather than just
certification program. Waldorf movement a school, with the beautiful farm and
During that time, Sarah was stepped in and gave other aspects that make
introduced to Waldorf education support from all corners our valley unique. She
through a friend who worked at the Hill of the globe, sending loves the bucolic setting,
School in New Orleans, the only school money, supplies and and also the fact that she
providing Waldorf education in the prayers. is only a couple of hours
state of Louisiana. Her friend explained Sarah acknowledges from New York City. Sarah
the basics of Waldorf education, which that the big challenges has found a charming mid-
intrigued and inspired Sarah to begin she and her colleagues nineteenth century house
reading some suggested books. Sarah faced post-Katrina near Stockport, where she
describes this pivotal point in her life: have given her a “deep makes her home with her
“Like many educators when they find reserve of endurance Sarah Clark partner and two dogs.
Hawthorne Valley School News
9 Gary Lamb
Hawthorne Valley School News
Hawthorne Valley School News
Hawthorne Valley School News
his planned gift Families are invited to come in costume for a spirited flurry of
dance beginning with simpler reels for children and building to
traditional contra dances for the more experienced crowd.
to the Scholarship With music by Caryn Niedrenhaus and Andy with caller.
Hawthorne Valley School News
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Children’s Care
Therapeutic Eurythmy
Movement Coaching
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