8 10112022073529 7 NutritioninPlant
8 10112022073529 7 NutritioninPlant
8 10112022073529 7 NutritioninPlant
Importance of photosynthesis:
○ A source of food
○ Reduces the CO2 conc. in the environment
○ Provide O2 to the atmosphere
○ Keep the soil water level near the ground.
○ Retain rain water
○ Maintain moisture in the atmosphere
1. Cuticle:
2. Upper epidermis
· cells are columnar (elongated) and packed with chloroplasts to trap light energy
4. Spongy mesophyll
· air spaces between cells allow gaseous exchange – CO2 to the cells, O2 from the cells
during photosynthesis
5. Vascular bundle
6.Lower epidermis
vapour (transpiration)
7. Stomata
Effect of gas exchange of an aquatic plant kept in the light and in the dark:
Jamiun Islam/Cambridge Biology 5
Nutrition in Plant
Hydrogen carbonate indicator is used to show carbon dioxide concentration in
solution. It is:
● yellow in high concentrations of CO2
● red in equal conc. Of CO2 in the atmosphere and inside leaf
● purple in low conc. of CO2
Place a leaf from a plant in a stoppered boiling tube containing some hydrogen
carbonate indicator. You can then investigate the effect of light over a period of a few
Essential ions:
Principles of investigations
1. Investigations need controls
· Control plant (or leave) has all the substances it needs.
· Test plant lacks one substance (light/chlorophyll/CO2)
2. Plants must be destarched
· Leaves should not have any starch in them at the beginning of the experiment.
· So, the plants must be destarched by keeping them in the dark for 48 hours. The plants
use up all stores of starch in its leaves.
Starch test with Iodine solution
· After a few hours, a starch test is carried out on both the plants: Iodine solution is used; a
blue-black colour on the leaves is positive.
· Boil the leaf in water for 30 seconds. This kill the cells in the
leaf ----> break down the membrane -----> iodine solution gets through the cell membrane
to reach starch inside the chloroplasts and react with them.
Limiting factor: Factors that can control the speed of a process or a reaction.
Light Intensity
● In the dark, a plant cannot photosynthesise at all.
● In dim light, it can photosynthesise slowly.
● As light intensity increases, the rate of photosynthesis will increase, until a limiting
factor is limiting the speed.
● At this point, even if the light becomes brighter, the plant cannot photosynthesise
any faster.
Jamiun Islam/Cambridge Biology 8
Nutrition in Plant
Between A and B in the graph, light is a limiting factor. The plant has a limited rate of
photosynthesis because of insufficient light. Between B and C, light is not a limiting factor.
The plant still cannot photosynthesise any faster though it has sufficient light.
Carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide can also be a limiting factor. The more carbon dioxide a plant is given, the
faster it can photosynthesise up to a point, until a maximum conc. is reached.
At low temperatures, photosynthesis can only take place very slowly. So a plant can
photosynthesise faster on a warm day than on a cold one.
● The carbon dioxide diffuses into the leaf through the stomata. If the stomata are
closed, then photosynthesis cannot take place.
Able to control the rate of gaseous diffusion in and Can not control the rate of gaseous
out of the leaf by controlling the size of stomata. diffusion.
Cell wall near the stoma is thicker than elsewhere Uniform thickness in the cell wall.
in the cell.
● Although plants make glucose in photosynthesis, leaves cannot be tested for its
presence as the glucose is quickly used, converted into other substances and
transported or stored as starch.
● Starch is stored in chloroplasts where photosynthesis occurs so testing a leaf for
starch is a reliable indicator of which parts of the leaf are photosynthesising.
● A leaf is dropped in boiling water to kill and break down the cell walls
● The leaf is left for 10 minutes in hot ethanol in a boiling tube. This removes the
chlorophyll so colour changes from iodine can be seen more clearly
● The leaf is dipped in boiling water to soften it
● The leaf is spread out in a Petri dish and covered with iodine solution
● In a green leaf, the entire leaf will turn blue-black as photosynthesis is occuring in all
areas of the leaf
● This method can also be used to test whether chlorophyll is needed for
photosynthesis by using a variegated leaf (one that is partially green and partially
● The white areas of the leaf contain no chlorophyll and when the leaf is tested only
the areas that contain chlorophyll stain blue-black
● The areas that had no chlorophyll remain orange-brown as no photosynthesis is
occurring here and so no starch is stored