Astm C36 C36M 03
Astm C36 C36M 03
Astm C36 C36M 03
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
(excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be consideredwallboard with a layer of aluminum foil laminated to the back
as requirements of the standard. surface.
4.3 Gypsum wallboard, type X (special fire-resistant) des-
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2
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ignates gypsum wallboard complying with this specification
that provides not less than 1 h fire-resistance for boards 5⁄8 in.
C 11 Terminology Relating to Gypsum and Related Build- [15.9 mm] thick or 3⁄4 h fire-resistance for boards 1⁄2 in. [12.7
ing Materials and Systems mm] thick, applied parallel with and on each side of load
ASTM C36/C36M-03
C 473 Test Methods for Physical Testing of Gypsum Panel bearing 2 3 4 wood studs spaced 16 in. [406 mm] o.c. with 6d
Products coated nails, 17⁄8 in. [48 mm] long, 0.0915 in. [2.32 mm]
C 645 Specification for Nonstructural Steel Framing Mem- diameter shank, 1⁄4 in. [6.4 mm] diameter heads, spaced 7 in.
bers [178 mm] o.c. with wallboard joints staggered 16 in. [406 mm]
C 840 Specification for Application and Finishing of Gyp- on each side of the partition and tested in accordance with the
sum Wallboard requirements of Test Methods E 119.
C 1264 Specification for Sampling, Inspection, Rejection,
NOTE 2—Consult producers for independent test data on assembly
Certification, Packaging, Marking, Shipping, Handling, details and fire resistance classifications for other types of construction.
and Storage of Gypsum Board See fire test reports, or listings from recognized fire testing laboratories,
E 84 Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of for assembly particulars, materials, and classifications.
Building Materials 4.4 Gypsum wallboard shall have a flame spread index of
not more than 25 when tested in accordance with Test Method
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C11 on E 84.
Gypsum and Related Building Materials and Systems and is the direct responsibility
of Subcommittee C11.01 on Specifications and Test Methods for Gypsum Products. 5. Physical Properties
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2003. Published November 2003. Originally
approved in 1921. Last previous edition approved in 2001 as C 36/C 36M – 01. 5.1 Specimens shall be taken from the samples obtained in
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or accordance with Specification C 1264.
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM 5.2 Specimens shall be tested in accordance with Test
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website. Methods C 473.
C 36/C 36M – 03
5.2.1 Flexural Strength—The specimens shall be tested face 6. Dimensions and Tolerances
up and face down. The average breaking load shall be not less 6.1 Specimens shall be taken from the samples obtained in
than the following: accordance with Specification C 1264.
Method A Method B 6.2 Thickness, width, length, and end squareness shall be
Load, lbf [N] Load, lbf [N]
Load, lbf [N]
Bearing Edges
Load, lbf [N]
Bearing Edges
determined in accordance with Test Methods C 473.
Bearing Edges Bearing Edges
Across Fiber
Parallel to
Across Fiber
Parallel to 6.2.1 Thickness—The nominal thickness shall be 1⁄4 , 5⁄16
Thickness, Fiber of Fiber of , ⁄8 , 1⁄2 , 5⁄8 , 3⁄4 in. [6.4, 7.9, 9.5, 12.7, 15.9, 19.0 mm] with
of Surfacing of Surfacing
in. [mm] Surfacing Surfacing
1⁄4 [6.4] 50 [222] 20 [89] 46 [205] 16 [71] tolerances in the nominal thickness of 6 1⁄64 in. [0.4 mm] with
5⁄16 [7.9] 65 [289] 25 [111] 62 [276] 21 [93] local variations of 6 1⁄32 in. [0.8 mm] from the nominal
3⁄8 [9.5] 80 [356] 30 [133] 77 [343] 26 [116]
1⁄2 [12.7]
110 [489] 40 [178] 107 [476] 36 [160]
5⁄8 [15.9] 150 [667] 50 [222] 147 [654] 46 [205] 6.2.2 Width—The nominal width shall be up to 48 in. [1220
3⁄4 [19.0] 170 [756] 60 [267] 167 [743] 56 [249] mm], or up to 54 in. [1370 mm], with a tolerance of 3⁄32 in. [3
5.2.2 Humidified Deflection—The specimens shall have an mm] under the specified width.
average deflection of not more than the following: 6.2.3 Length—The nominal length and tolerance shall be as
Thickness, Humidified Deflection,
in. [mm] Eighths of an inch [mm] Thickness Length Variation
in. [mm] ft. [mm] in. [mm]
⁄ [6.4]
14 not required 1⁄4 [6.4] 4 to 12 [1220 to 3660] 61⁄4 [6]
5 16[7.9] not required 5⁄16 [7.9] 4 to 14 [1220 to 4270] 61⁄4 [6]
3⁄8 [9.5] 15 [48] 3⁄8 [9.5] 4 to 16 [1220 to 4880] 61⁄4 [6]
1⁄2 [12.7] 10 [32] 1⁄2 [12.7] 4 to 16 [1220 to 4880] 61⁄4 [6]
5⁄8 [15.9] 5 [16] 5⁄8 [15.9] 4 to 16 [1220 to 4880] 61⁄4 [6]
3⁄4 [19.0] 5 [16] 3⁄4 [19.0] 4 to 16 [1220 to 4880] 61⁄4 [6]
5.2.3 Core, End, and Edge Hardness—The specimens shall 6.2.4 Tapered Edge Depth—The average thickness of the
have an average hardness of not less than 15 lbf [67 N] when edge of recessed or tapered edge shall be not less than 0.020 in.
iTeh Standards
tested by Method A and 11 lbf [49 N] when tested by Method [0.51 mm] but not more than 0.090 in. [2.29 mm] less than the
B. average thickness of the gypsum wallboard.
5.2.4 Nail Pull Resistance—The specimen shall have an 6.2.5 End Squareness—Corners shall be square with a
Thickness, Method A
average nail-pull resistance of not less than the following:
Method B
tolerance of 6 1⁄8 in. [3 mm] in the full width of the board.
6.3 Edges and Ends—The edges and ends shall be straight
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in. [mm] Nail Pull Nail Pull and either square, beveled, featured, tapered, or featured and
Resistance, lbf [N] Resistance, lbf (N]
⁄ [6.4]
14 40 [180] 36 [160]
5 16 [7.9] 50 [220] 46 [200]
3⁄8 [9.5] 60 [270] 56 [250] 7. Finish and Appearance
1⁄2 [12.7]
5⁄8 [15.9]
80 [360]
90 [400]
ASTM C36/C36M-03 77 [340]
7.1 The surfaces of gypsum wallboard shall be true and free
87 [390]
3⁄4 [19.0] 100 [440] from imperfections that render the gypsum wallboard unfit for
97 [430]