A Switch in Time Chapter 0
A Switch in Time Chapter 0
A Switch in Time Chapter 0
A Switch in Time
How to take all your tricks on defense
for Pat
A Switch in Time 3
A Switch in Time
Introduction .................................................................... iv
4 A Switch in Time
Last Board — Open Room
North-South Norway, East-West Brazil
Running Score: Brazil +9
East dealer
East-West vulnerable
North (Aa)
ß Q J 4 2
∂ A J 7 6 3
ç 8 4 3
West (Barbosa) East (Comacho)
ß K ¡ 8 5 ß 9 7 6
˙A K543 5çX ˙Q 8 6 2
∂ Q 4 ∂ K ¡ 9 5 2
ç A J ç K
South (Groetheim)
ß A 3
ç Q ¡ 9 7 6 5 2
A Switch in Time 5
“Five clubs doubled goes down only one in the closed room. The
Brazilian supporters are screaming with relief and delight. How
can they possibly lose now?
. . . The Open-Room contract flashes up. It is five clubs doubled,
too. The South Americans are cheering.
“Barbosa leads the ˙A and East plays the deuce (standard
attitude signals). . . . Barbosa then switches to the ace of trumps,
crashing the king. . . .There is a hush over the room now. Barbosa
has not yet continued trumps. He is wondering what Camacho’s
discouraging heart card was all about. Did it not say: ‘Make your
normal switch’?
“The normal switch appears to be a spade, looking at the
dummy. Or did it say: ‘Play whatever you like’?
“From Barbosa’s point of view, passive defense would allow the
contract to make if declarer held the ∂K and not the ßA, and if
his partner could not stand a spade switch, why didn’t he play an
encouraging heart at trick one?”
6 A Switch in Time