Ledmx4 Max User Manual (En)
Ledmx4 Max User Manual (En)
Ledmx4 Max User Manual (En)
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Connections................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Thanks for purchasing a DMXking product. Our aim is to bring you high quality products with great features we know you’ll
In many LED pixel installations, especially where the majority of pixels may be running simultaneously at full brightness, it is
necessary to inject DC power at various points along the pixel strip/string/array. Although the LeDMX4 MAX can only provide up
to 8A per output port terminal block this is not a limitation since currents higher than that will require power injection along the
strip anyhow.
From time to time minor hardware changes occur in our products usually small feature additions or unseen optimizations. The
table below lists LeDMX4 MAX product variants. Check the product label for P/N details.
Firmware updates are released on a semi-regular basis. We recommend updating to the latest available firmware version so all
product features are available. Please take note the user manual reflects latest firmware version features unless otherwise noted.
V4.1 Improved port LED intensity. Fixed startup hang with certain SD cards.
V4.2 DMX-IN recording issue fix. ArtNet subnet broadcast traffic issue fix – resolves problem with being unable
to scan for (L)eDMX MAX units.
V4.4 Extension to 6 universes per pixel port. Problem with I/O port triggering resolved, earlier firmware
versions will not function correctly.
IMPORTANT: In many LED pixel installations, especially where the majority of pixels may be running simultaneously at full
brightness, it is necessary to inject DC power at various points along the pixel strip or string. Although the LeDMX4 MAX can only
provide up to 8A per output port terminal block this is not a limitation since currents higher than that would require power
injection along the strip anyhow. Contact DMXking technical support for additional advice.
− DC Power Input x2 – Supply polarity marked on board. Note supply voltage is marked. Pay careful attention!
− Ethernet 10/100Mbps RJ45 socket
− 4x 4way 3.5mm pitch pluggable terminal blocks for pixel strip outputs. GND, Clock [CK], Data [DA], V+
− 1x 3way 3.5mm pitch pluggable terminal block for DMX512 port.
− 1x 10way 3.81mm pitch pluggable terminal block for I/O triggering. See eDMX MAX Recorder Manual.
− Warning not all pixel strips/products use the same wire color code. Double check the signal names match wire colors.
Note earlier production units have incorrect I/O Port labelling where I/O 1 – 8 are flipped 8 – 1. Above image shows the
incorrect label.
LED Indication
Protocol Protocol activity. Flash Red = Art-Net/sACN. Solid Red = Bootloader mode
LeDMX4 MAX units ship with default static IP address settings. Please reconfigure for your local area network requirements before
Default configuration is for WS2811/2812 pixel output with automatic RGB color order correction and 1 DMX universe mapping
to 170 RGB pixels per output.
Network Tab
IP Address
Settings Tab
Null Pixels 0
Primary ZigZag 0
Alternate ZigZag 0
Async Update Rate 40 [DMX512 frames per second]. Universe Sync will override.
Channel Offset 0
The eDMX Configuration utility provides a simple interface to all device parameters. Typically, these are set once during initial
configuration and left untouched.
eDMX Configuration functions with primary Art-Net UDP 6454 and an alternate UDP 16454 port for device configuration. This is
helpful when simultaneously running eDMX Configuration and a lighting control application. Automatic selection of alternate port
is performed upon utility startup if the primary Art-Net port is unavailable. It is also possible to lock eDMX Configuration to the
alternate port via the Advanced menu. Note that DMXking nodes are always listening on both primary and alternate ports so there
is no device configuration required to change.
eDMX Node configuration can be saved/loaded from a simple Key:Value YML file. Select the node and perform Load/Save
accessible in the File menu. Configuration files can be loaded from a file named “conf.yml” on the SD card however updates
made to configuration are not currently saved by the node back to the conf.yml file. This is intended as a deployment
mechanism where complete device configuration and show content can be prepared externally on an SD card.
Upon startup eDMX nodes are automatically detected and displayed by IP address. To poll for new devices or just check the
communications is okay by clicking Search. Polling is automatic every 8 seconds but can be disabled through the Advanced | Auto
Device Poll menu option. Mute Responses option prevents any new nodes from being listed regardless of their status on the
network. With large node counts this can be helpful.
Click on the desired node’s entry and all Settings will be retrieved. Note that if no response is received the settings will be greyed
out and no additional tabs visible. An activity box shows both transmitted and received messages to help with diagnosing
communication issues. If your network configuration has multiple adapters and or IP addresses you should select the same
network range as the eDMX from the Network Adapter IP Address dropdown box and also ensure the subnet mask is appropriate.
Settings Broadcast is supported by eDMX MAX which allows node settings to be updated regardless of the network adapter subnet
Unicast single node discovery and configuration is possible by selecting Advanced | Unicast Poll and entering the destination IPv4
address then click Search. This will function over routed networks provided a Default Gateway has been specified in the node
Network Settings.
To change the node Network Settings make applicable changes then click Update Network Settings.
Selecting Firmware Update will prompt for an appropriate firmware file and upload upon confirmation. A built-in boot loader
permits updating of the eDMX firmware. We do not recommend performing firmware updates over routed networks. Note only
signed encrypted firmware files from DMXking.com can be successfully loaded to ensure you won’t brick your device by accident.
Future firmware releases for this product will be in the form 0128-500-VersionMajor.VersionMinor.enc
Make changes as required then click “Update” to save settings in your LeDMX4 PRO unit.
Parameter Usage
Update Rate Frequency LED strip receives updates from Incoming Universe data. Universe Sync takes
Master Level Pixel output master level control for all outputs. Has no effect for Raw Colour Order modes
and is overridden by Playback Universe Master Level (see Recorder Manual).
Alternate Master Level Pixel output master level control for all outputs when Alternate Mapping is in effect. Has no
effect for Raw Colour Order modes.
Alternate mapping priority sACN Priority below which Alternate Mapping parameters are used if no higher Priority sACN
threshold stream is present. Threshold is assessed on the Start Universe only.
Alternate mapping priority threshold. When incoming stream priority is > threshold then Primary mapping applies. Priority <=
threshold Alternate mapping applies. For Primary source 100 Priority and Alternate source 50 set threshold between 50 and 99
for example. Note only first universe mapped to pixel port is used to determine priority.
Port tab
Make changes as required then click “Update” in the Settings Tab to save settings in your LeDMX MAX unit. The Disable Full
Mapping button returns Start Channel, Pixel Group Size, ZigZag and Direction to defaults that ensure Full Mapping mode is not
automatically activated.
Parameter Usage
Pixel Type Must match your connected Pixel type. There are clock speed options for many pixel types
and we recommended slower rates for longer cable runs.
Null Pixels Number of pixels to ignore at the start of the pixel strip. Minimum 0. Maximum 16.
Commonly used to extend the drive distance from source to the first active pixel.
Color Order DMX channel mapping to pixel elements. RGB, RBG, GRB, GBR, BRG, BGR, raw 1/2/3/4/5ch,
2ch swapped, RGBW, WRGB, WRBG, GRBW, Raw I+3ch, Raw 3ch 16bit, Raw 4ch 16bit, RGB
16bit, RGBW 16bit.
Primary Start Universe sACN/Art-Net Universe number pixels are mapped to.
Primary Start Channel DMX512 channel number pixel data starts from.
Primary Pixel Group Size Multiple sequential pixels can be mapped to a channel group. Set to 255 for ALL pixels
regardless of actual Pixel Count.
Primary Direction Reverse makes pixel 1 appear at the far end of the strip.
Alternate Start Universe Alternate sACN/Art-Net Universe number pixels are mapped to.
Alternate Start Channel Alternate DMX512 channel number pixel data starts from.
Alternate Pixel Group Size Alternate map. Multiple sequential pixels can be mapped to a channel group. Set to 255 for
ALL pixels regardless of actual Pixel Count.
Alternate Direction Alternate map. Reverse makes pixel 1 appear at the far end of the strip.
Some examples of Full Mapping from source DMX512 data ch1 = Full (Pixel 1 Red), ch14 = Full (Pixel 5 Green). Port 1 configured
with Pixel Count = 12, Null Pixels = 0, Start Universe = 1, Start Channel = 0.
DMX512 ports can be individually configured as either DMX-OUT, with automatic dual sACN/Art-Net protocol support, or DMX-
IN, with manually selected sACN or Art-Net protocol. When configured as DMX-IN a single Unicast IP address destination may be
specified but in the majority of applications leaving this field at is appropriate.
Timeout all sources can be used to override default ArtNet defined behavior of holding the last sent or received frame forever.
• DMX-OUT mode: Whenever 2 sources are present and being merged together a 2 nd source will always timeout when
the stream stops. In DMX-OUT mode if Timeout all sources is unchecked and Hold Last mode selected the output will
hold last frame forever. Timeout all sources checked and Failsafe Mode other than Hold Last selected will cause the
output to change to Zero, Full or Snapshot Scene.
Channel Offset provides simple re-mapping for both DMX-OUT and DMX-IN port configurations. Set to 0 for no re-mapping.
• DMX-OUT mode: Incoming ArtNet or sACN stream(s) are re-mapped so channel 1 is pushed up to channel 1+N. When
channel 1+N exceeds 512 the incoming stream channels are ignored/lost.
• DMX-IN mode: Incoming DMX512 is re-mapped so channel 1 is pushed up to channel 1+N on the outgoing ArtNet or
sACN stream. When incoming DMX512 channel 1+N exceeds 512 to channels are ignored/lost.
Make changes to the applicable Port settings then click Update. Changes on all port tabs are updated regardless of which tab the
Update button is clicked.
Please refer to the eDMX MAX Recorder manual for more information. This functionality is common to all eDMX MAX and LeDMX
MAX that include an SD card socket. Backup battery replacement procedure can also be located in that document.
Select View | DMX Display for a simple DMX512 test utility. To generate an Art-Net output stream click Transmit then select one
of the 10 Transmit Options and change Art-Net Universe as applicable. When in Manual mode you can click on any of the channels
(represented by small boxes with hexadecimal channel level inside) to set ON level and double click to set zero. The mouse scroll
wheel adjusts a channel by a defined increment. Channel number increases left to right, top to bottom and the roaming tool tip
provides information about a specific channel.
Both the ON level and mouse wheel step can be set by right clicking anywhere within the black display area. Number of channels
transmitted and the refresh rate can be adjusted using the applicable sliders adjacent to transmit options.
The DMX Display utility works with any manufacturers Art-Net hardware and can be useful for diagnostics and simple testing of
DMX512 fixtures. In Receive mode only Art-Net I broadcast traffic is supported. To display channel data from an eDMX/LeDMX
DMX-In port you must configure Broadcast Threshold to 0 otherwise Art-Net messages will be unicast.
Node provides a brief status report indicating DMX frame rates, PIXel output rate, SYNC status, SHOW playback selection and
RECorder status.
Above an LeDMX2 MAX reports Port A at 0fps, Pixel output at 30fps with no synchronization present (Async mode) and the
recorder state Idle.
In the example above the recorder status indicates there is No SD card present.
The Art-Net protocol supports device naming which can make larger installations more manageable. Both Short Name (17
characters) and Long Name (63 characters) for an eDMX Device can be edited in the Node Information box.
Factory Reset should only be used when all communication is lost over network and that is typically caused by incorrect network
setup rather than a problem with the LeDMX MAX node.
Button S1 is marked FORCE B/L and S2 is marked FACTORY RESET. Functions are swapped so press FORCE B/L for FACTORY RESET.
• Level 1: Factory Reset LeDMX MAX configuration. With the device powered on press and hold FACTORY RESET button for
10 seconds.
• Level 2: Factory Reset to Bootloader and no firmware. With the device powered off press and hold FACTORY RESET button
whilst powering on. Follow procedure to manually load firmware to default IP address or use Find My eDMX application.
• Level 3: Force ROM Bootloader. Not for end user.
eDMX Configuration Factory Reset (Legacy devices) menu is not relevant to LeDMX MAX devices and will not have any effect.
Parameter Usage
Subnet Mask Subnet mask, typically, or for class A,B & C respectively
Default Gateway Address of network gateway (router) for communications beyond local subnet
IGMPv2 Unsolicited Report IGMPv2 Report messages sent at 5-255 second intervals
Port Operation Mode DMX-IN Art-Net, DMX-IN sACN, DMX OUT (both Art-Net and sACN are always enabled). Fixed
IP is by default which equates to multicast sACN or automatic unicast/broadcast Art-
Net. Setting a Fixed IP forces DMX-IN ArtNet or sACN unicast to 1 IP only.
Timeout all sources Last Art-Net or sACN stream source if lost will timeout DMX-OUT. Loss of DMX-IN signal will
timeout outgoing ArtNet or sACN stream.
Async Update Rate DMX512 output frame rate/frequency. Universe Sync takes precedence.
Merge Mode HTP (Highest Takes Precedence - dimmers), LTP (Last Takes Precedence – moving lights)
Full DMX Frame Force DMX-OUT or DMX-IN to full 512 channel frames with zero levels filling gaps
Broadcast Threshold 0 = Force Art-Net broadcast mode, > 0 Art-Net II/3/4 unicast until threshold (DMX-IN)
Unicast IP Single IPv4 destination for unicast ArtNet or sACN from DMX-IN
sACN Priority DMX-IN sACN Priority value assigned to sACN stream. 0 – 200, default 100
RDM Discovery Period Number of seconds between internally initiated RDM Discovery attempt. Setting Discovery
Period = 0s will disable RDM
RDM Packet Spacing Number of 1/20sec intervals enforced minimum between RDM messages on DMX line
DMX-OUT Failsafe Mode ArtNet failsafe mode selection. Timeout All Sources must be checked for all options other
than Hold Last.
Recall DMX snapshot at startup Recall snapshot scene at power on and output until Art-Net or sACN stream received.
Snapshot DMX button records current DMX output to snapshot memory.
DMX Universe sACN 1-63999 which is translated to an Art-Net Port-Address (Net:Sub:Uni). Setting DMX
Universe = 1 results in sACN Universe = 1 and Art-Net 00:0:0 (Universe 1 = Art-Net Universe
eDMX Products are capable of several advanced merging and stream selection functions. Support for both HTP (Highest Takes
Precedence) and LTP (Latest Takes Precedence) merging of 2 sources producing a single DMX512/pixel universe output thus
permitting 2 controllers to co-exist for 1 lighting rig. To achieve DMX stream merging simply send 2 Art-Net or sACN streams with
the same Universe ID and configure the applicable merge scheme HTP or LTP. If the number of sources exceeds 2 only the first 2
will be processed and all others are dropped. Possible merging sources are:
Source Notes
Art-Net I, II, 3 or 4 Priority 100 is assigned to permit Art-Net + sACN merge/priority functionality.
sACN / E1.31 Only sACN sources of the same Priority will be HTP or LTP merged.
LeDMX MAX supports HTP merging of 2 sources producing a single pixel universe output thus permitting 2 controllers to co-exist
for 1 lighting rig. To achieve DMX stream merging simply send 2 Art-Net or sACN streams with the same Universe ID. If the number
of sources exceeds 2 only the first 2 will be processed and all others are dropped. Possible merging sources are:
Source Notes
Art-Net I, II, 3 or 4 Priority 100 is assigned to permit Art-Net + sACN merge/priority functionality.
sACN / E1.31 Only sACN sources of the same Priority will be HTP or LTP merged.
DMX-IN Art-Net Configure DMX-IN port universe to match a DMX-OUT port universe. Priority is locked to 100
since Art-Net does not have a Priority value.
DMX-IN sACN Configure DMX-IN port universe to match a DMX-OUT port universe. Priority is defined by
the port configuration sACN Priority.
Art-Net Art-Net Sources are timed out 3 seconds after last received frame.
sACN / E1.31 sACN / E1.31 Sources will end immediately upon sACN stream termination flag, otherwise 3 second
timeout after last received frame.
Art-Net sACN / E1.31 Art-Net source timed out 3 seconds after last received frame, sACN stream termination flag
otherwise 3 second timeout after last received frame.
DMX-IN Art-Net Merge external DMX512 source with incoming Art-Net stream.
DMX-IN sACN / E1.31 Merge external DMX512 source with incoming sACN stream.
At any time if a higher priority sACN stream is received it will take over control a DMX Out channel / Pixel Universe regardless of
other incoming streams or merging. When an sACN stream is stopped gracefully via a stream terminate message the eDMX port
/ Pixel Universe will immediately revert to whatever other sources are present, otherwise the default stream timeout of 3 seconds
applies. If you want to merge 2 sACN streams together they must be of the same priority.
When a port is configured for DMX-IN sACN operation the sACN Priority can be set. This permits DMX Inputs to generate sACN
multicast or unicast streams with a specific priority.
When you feed a DMX512 signal into an eDMX Port configured as DMX-IN Art-Net the following will determine Art-Net unicast or
As you can see there are multiple ways broadcast could occur. The implementation is done like this to ensure compatibility with
mixed Art-Net I/II/3/4 device networks but still permit unicast when Art-Net II/3/4 devices are used exclusively.
For DMX-IN sACN multicast frames will be generated when Fixed IP is otherwise frames are unicast to the specified
Art-Net/sACN and DMX512 are the most commonly used lighting control protocols with roots in simple theatrical light dimming.
These days almost any lighting or stage effect equipment may be controlled using DMX512 including LED pixels.
The DMXking LeDMX4 MAX unit is a 4 Pixel Output + 1 DMX512 sACN/Art-Net device designed for use with computer-based show
control and effect software.
There are many sources for LED pixels in strip and other formats. Pretty much all of it comes out of China and it can be more cost
effective to source through sites such as Aliexpress which provide individual item sales without much effort.
• https://kinggreen.aliexpress.com/store/713947
• https://www.aliexpress.com/store/701799
• http://www.shiji-led.com/Index/index.html
A: We highly recommend APA102/SK9822 pixels because they have a higher clocking rate and an additional 5bit master current
control. This really helps with smooth fades at reduced Master Level.
A: Yes and No. Actually, more No than Yes. Someone thought it would be a good idea to use DMX512 signaling for pixel control
but it really makes no sense and creates confusion because it’s not a differential signal like real DMX512. Connect DMX512P pixels
to the Pixel Ports only so the signal levels are appropriate.
A: It depends on the pixel count, output intensity, and how many pixels will be lit simultaneously. Often power supplies are over
sized when calculations are done assuming all pixels might be on at full intensity. There is no straight answer and per pixel current
consumption should be ascertained from the product datasheet.
Q: Why do my pixels start going pink instead of white further along the strip?
A: What’s happening is the power supply voltage is dropping and generally blue LEDs will drop in current first since they have the
highest forward voltage. This is simply V=IR and different strips will exhibit different results because their conductor resistance
might be higher/lower. By injecting power again (from the same power supply or another power supply) along the strip at intervals
it is possible to mitigate the voltage drop effects. Higher voltage strips/pixels (12V or 24V) are usually less susceptible to color fade
A: These have been merged together in the new eDMX MAX product so there is no longer a supply option that works from 5V up
to 24Vdc.
Q: Is it possible to control pixel outputs from DMX512 rather than Art-Net/sACN over the network?
A: Yes but there’s only 1 DMX512 port and thus 1 DMX Universe available so you’re constrained in how many pixels can be
controlled. Of course using Full Mapping mode with >1 Pixel Group size it’s possible to stretch that 1 universe a little further. Just
configure Port A as DMX-In sACN on the same universe you’ve configured a pixel output.
Q: I’m use WS2813 pixels with dual signal wires. What should I connect to the LeDMX MAX pixel port?
A: Only the DATA IN wire from the pixel strip should be connect to DA on the LeDMX MAX. Do not connect the DATA OUT return
wire to anything.
Q: The power supply I purchased has exposed AC input terminals. Is this safe?
A: No. Unless you are suitably qualified please defer all AC mains wiring to applicable professionals. Safety first.
A: Ask your distributor for technical support. Maybe it’ll appear in the next user manual too.
What is covered
This warranty covers any defects in materials or workmanship with the exceptions stated below.
This warranty runs for two years from the date of shipment from an authorized DMXking distributor.
DMXking will repair or replace, at its sole discretion, the defective hardware.