Inggris Genap - 8

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Choose the correct answer!

1. Lukita : “Did you know? Yunita got 10 for

his English.” 9. When was Berlian born?
Dzikrina : “Wow! .....” A. in 2007 C. in 2004
A. How intelligent B. in 2006 D. in 2005
B. I’m sorry to hear that
C. How are you 10. Where does she live?
D. Yes, he is A. Jl. Merdeka no.10 C. Jl. Pramuka no.10
B. Jl. Merdeka no.9 D. Jl. Pramuka no.11
2. Iwan is ..... soundly in his bedroom.
A. Sitting C. Sleeping 11. The ..... delivers the letter.
B. Reading D. Working A. newspaper boy C. postman
B. costumer D. policeman
3. Father is hospitalized because he ..... an
accident on his way to office yesterday. 12. She ..... the floor five minutes ago.
A. Met C. Put A. sweep C. sweeping
B. Send D. Got B. swept D. sweeps

4. does your father have? 13. A : You had read the novel. Do you
A. How many understand story?
B. When B : Yes I do. The story exciting.
C. Where are
D. How much The underlined sentence expresses .....
A. Getting attention
5. She ...................... some food when I saw her B. Asking opinion
A. Is C. Showing appreciation
B. Are eating D. Checking someone’s understanding
C. Were eating
D. Was eatingA. 14. How much _________ do you need?
A. Money C. Sugar
6. Hilda : Citra, which dress do you think I B. Book D. Pencil
buy? The red one or the black one? 15. Nuril : Do you think that Math is a difficult
Citra : In my opinion, the red dress suits you lesson?
better. Fahril : I don't think so. I think if we learn
seriously, there is no difficult lesson
From the dialog, we know that Citra is including Math.
expressing her .....
A. understanding C. opinion According to the dialogue, which one is the
B. attention D. appreciation expression of asking for opinion?
A. Do you think that Math is a difficult
7. Tegar : What do you ..... about this painting? lesson?
Gilang : I think it's a great painting. B. I don't think so.
A. think C. think of C. I think if we learn seriously
B. like it D. for D. there is no difficult lesson including Math

Quation no 8 - 10! 16. Which of the following adjectives cannot be

Berlian is an Indonesian. She is a student. She used to express compliment?
is 13 years old. A. Awesome! C. Cool!
Her birthday is august 7th. She lives at B. Awfull! D. Lovely!
Jl.Pramuka No.10.
She is a dilligent student. She likes sport. Her 17. A ..... sells meat.
hobby is swimming and reading. She has long hair. A. farmer C. carpenter
She is a beautiful girl. B. gardener D. butcher

8. How old is Berlian ? 18. She went to the ..... to pay the bill.
A. twelve years old A. policeman C. teacher
B. thirteen years old B. cashier D. secretary
C. fourteen years old
D. fifteen years old 19. Watch The Following Pictures!
What is the purpose of the expression?
A. To ask opinion
Look! The cat is .....… fish because the cat is B. To get attention
hungry! C. To show appreciation
A. sleeping C. walking D. To give an opinion
B. eating D. fishing
28. I think anisa is an irresponsible woman. She
20. Mr. Ahmad is a civil servant. He ..... at a doesn not care about ..... Family
government office A. Her C. She
A. worked C. works B. His D. Him
B. working D. work 29. Which expression is used to get attention?
A. Do you know what I am saying?
21. Watch The Following Pictures! B. Excuse me, may I talk to you?
C. Oh my god, I think you are annoying.
D. With me so far?

30. "what do you feel about this room?"

Danil : What are they doing in the field? What is the purpose of the expression?
Ikhsan : They are ..... football there A. To get attention
A. cooking C. drinking B. To ask opinion
B. painting D. playing C. To give opinion
D. To show appreciation
Quation no 22 to 23!
31. Which sentence is correct?
A. Do you ready to lose?
B. Does anita call you?
C. We does not use our phone
D. She do not care about him

22. The mouse is the ..... among the animals 32. Monkey is not ..... ugly animal.
A. smallest C. as small as A. An C. It
B. smaller D. small B. A D. Its

23. The elephant is the ..... among all of them 33. A : Jimmy, ...................your cell phone’s
A. small C. biggest number please?
B. as big as D. bigger B : Of Course!
A. I don’t think so
24. tell (1) - about (2) - she (3) - the news (4) - me B. Can I have
(5) - doesn`t (6) C. What do you think of
A. 2-3-1-4-5-6 C. 3-6-1-4-2-5 D. Can you
B. 3-6-1-5-2-4 D. 5-1-4-2-6-3
34. Prepare. Translite to Indonesia ….
25. Agung : What's your opinions of the disasters A. Melihat C. Menyiapkan
that keep happening in our country? B. Mengulang D. Membosankan
Ayub : .....
A. That's very good 35. Aku fikir, kelelawar adalah seekor hewan yang
B. Well I must say that I feel so sad menarik.
C. I hope it is always like that Translite to English .....
D. I think I have a headache A. I think, bat is an animal interesting
B. I think, bat is a interesting animal
26. Bentuk kalimat yang digunakan untuk C. I think, bat is a animal interesting
menyatakan pekerjaan yang biasa dilakukan D. I think, bat is an interesting animal.
(rutinitas) adalah .....
A. Simple present tense 36. Your ugly boyfriend ..... not care about you.
B. present continues tense A. Do C. Is
C. past tense B. Does D. Are
D. past continues tense
Announcement Text 5
27. "Excellent, your painting is awesome. You Our school will celebrate its 17th anniversary
deserve to win." on:
Day/ Date: Saturday, 17 February 2022 43. Write the second form (V2) of the following
Place : Sport Hall verbs.
Time : 8.00 am – 11.00 am Eat
To highlight this event, a special bazaar will be Run
held together with music show of the school Wake up
band featuring a well known singer. All the Sing
teachers and students are supposed to attend Drink
this celebration. For this reason all school
44. Translate the following sentences into English
extracurricular activities at school such as
basketball, Martial art, Football and English  Aku sedang makan
Sunday meeting will not be done for that day.  Ibuku pergi ke Jakarta minggu lalu
37. What did the school do to celebrate its 45. Translate the following sentences into
A. To hold a special bazaar
 Luna is taller than Joy
B. To have a martial art competition.
C. To do all extracurricular activities.  Fany is the strongest student in the clas
D. To highlight all events well.

38. Alfikar : .....

Annisa : I think that book is not interesting. It
is really boring.
What is the suitable expression?
A. What do you think about this book?
B. Are you with me?
C. What do you feel about this classroom?
D. Do you understand what i mean?

39. Repeat ……
A. Mengulang C. Menyiapkan
B. Kotor D. Peduli

40. "do you understand what I am talking about?"

What expression is it?
A. Asking for an attention
B. Asking for an opinion
C. Checking understanding
D. Showing appreciation

Read the following instructions carefully and write

the answer based on the instruction given!

41. ` Read each sentence and decide whether it’s true

(T) or false (F)
Sentences T/F
 My mom went to school every
 I study math every day.
 Sonya and Debi study together last

42. Complete the following sentences with am, is,

or are.
 My brother and I ______ talkative.
 Vina ______ beautiful and kind.
 Septi and Amar _____ smart students.

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