Ed4153 Computer Application in Design Question Bank

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(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)

I- Semester
ED4153 – Computer Applications in Design


(Regulations 2022)
1. Define persistence

2. Quote the term resolution

3. Define aspect ratio

4. Express the term frame buffer or refresh buffer

5. Contrast the terms pixel, bitmap and pixmap.

6. Label the term output primitives.

7. Deduce the techniques used in colour CRT monitors.

8. List the line drawing algorithms used in scan conversions.

9. Compare analog flat panel displays and digital flat panel displays.

10. Point out how flat screen CRT varies from curved CRT.
11 Differentiate between regular CRTs and flat screen CRTs.

12 Compare DDA algorithm with Brenham’s algorithm

13 For the position vectors P1[2, 3] and P2[4, 5]determine the parametric
representation of the line segment between them
14 Illustrate the Scan-conversion process of a straight line in terms of pixel position

15 Define persistence

16 Quote the term resolution

17 Define aspect ratio

18 Express the term frame buffer or refresh buffer

19 Contrast the terms pixel, bitmap and pixmap.

20 Label the term output primitives.

1. Describe principle and working of CRT with the aid of neat sketch. 13
2. Summarize any 10 parameters that are used in CRTs 13
3. Write short notes on the analog flat panel displays 13
4. Rotate the triangle ABC counterclockwise by 30°, where the triangle has coordinates 13
A(1,1), B(3,1) and C (1,3).
5. Describe about the 3 D translation and 3 D rotation. 13
6. Translate a triangle ABC with coordinates A (1, 1), B (5,2), C (3,3) about the origin 13
by 3 units in the x-direction and 2 units in the y-direction.
7. Scale the polygon ABCD with vertices A(5,7) B(12,9) C(10,15) D(7,16) by 2 units 13
in X direction & 3 units in Y direction by keeping the vertices D as fixed.
8. Explain the working of Digitizers and Image scanners 13
9. Identify and describe the reasons for implementing a computer aided design 13
10. Explain how an image is generated and maintained in a direct beam refresh 13
11. Explain the working of CPU 13
12. Elaborate on the basic requirements that a CAD software has to satisfy. 13
13. Discuss the working of the digital flat panel displays. 13
14. Describe about the reflection. 13

1. Enumerate on the various types of the output primitives. 15

2. Write notes on Homogenous Transformation Matrices, Digital differential 15
analyzer and algorithm.
3. Explain the various types of mapping of the geometric models. 15
4. Consider the line of coordinates (1,1) and (2,4) rotate the line about the origin 15
300. Determine the transformation of the line.
1. Define segmentation.
2. Point out the types of surfaces.
3. Quote the expression for the surface representation.
4. Define patch.
5. Differentiate between the beizer curve and cubic spline curve.

6. Mention the requirements of curves and surface design.

7. List the features of the curve manipulations.

8. Write the parametric equation of a plane surface defined by three points P0, P1 and P2

9. Differentiate between analytical surfaces and synthetic surfaces.

10. List the applications of trimming in surface entities.
11 Give the examples of prismatic and revolved parts.
12 Differentiate between Bezier surfaces and hermite cubic surfaces.
13 Mention the advantages of B-spline surfaces over the Bezier’s surfaces.
14 Mention the methods of defining points.
15 List the methods of defining circles.
16 State the methods of defining ellipses and parabolas.
17 Give the explicit non parametric representations of a curve.
18 Mention the limitations of the non-parametric representations of a curve
19 Differentiate between analytical curves and synthetic curves.
20 Define Bezier curves.
1. Explain any two features of the surface manipulations. 13

2. Explain the various types of surface entities. 13

3. Briefly explain about the plane surfaces. 13

4. CAD/CAM systems use parametric representation for surfaces as they do for 13

curves. Explain how a surfaces is represented.
5. Sketch the geometric parameters required to create the following surface 13
a. Tabulated cylinder b. revolve c. sweep d.loft
6. Sketch the geometric parameters required to define a helix. 13

7. Determine the equation of the plane that passes through points Po(1,2,3), P1(3,4,- 1) 13
and P2(1,-2,2). Find the coordinates of the center point of the plane. Find the
tangent vectors and the normal vector at this point.
8. Elaborate the curve generation techniques. 13

9. Summarize the characteristics of a Bezier curve. 13

10. Summarize the characteristics of a B-spline curve. 13

11. Explain the necessity of surface analysis. 13

12. Derive the expression for [MH] for a hermite cubic spline. 13

13. Derive the vector parametric equations of a straight line for a line connecting 13
two end points.
14. Derive the vector parametric equations of a straight line passing through a point 13
P1 in a direction defined by a unit vector
1. Find the shape of cubic spline curve if the result is (i) Po= P1,P1’=Po’ ii) Po = P1, 15
P1’= -Po’
2. Discuss the various features of the curve manipulations. 15
3. Explain about the Bezier curves. 15
4. Discuss the representations of the curve and obtain its parametric equation. 15


1. Define NURBS.

2. List the advantages of NURBS.

3. Define geometry
4. Define topology

5. Write the expression for NURB arc equation.

6. Mention the divisions of B-spline curves.

7. Differentiate between rational and non-rational B-spline curves.

8. Define open knot vectors.

9. Distinguish between valid solid and complete solid.

10. Differentiate between boss and cut command.

11 Define unambiguous solid.

12 Sketch some non-uniqueness of solid models.
13 Mention some commonly used solid primitives
14 Distinguish between finiteness and finite describability.
15 Quote the term ‘non sense model’
16 Differentiate between closed surface and orientable surface.
17 List the limitations of half-spaces.
18 State the expression for Euler equations in B-rep.
19 Mention the types of sweeps.
20 Point out the building blocks of B-rep.
UNIT-III (Tittle)
1. Summarize the steps involved to NURBS equation of a curve. 13

2. Explain the following polyhedral object using B-rep elements and verify the 13
Euler equation for the same
(i) Simple Polyhedra.
(ii) Polyhedral object a face may have loops.
(iii) Objects with holes that do not go through the entire
object. (iv) Objects have holes that go through entire objects
3. Sketch the following feature operations using CSG. 13
(i) Extruded
(ii) Revolved feature
(iii) Chamber
(iv) Loft
feature (v)
(vi) Shell
(vii) Fillet
(viii) Draft
(ix) Rib
and (x)
4. List the differences and the similarities between nonlinear sweeps and lofts 13

5. Write short notes on the various solid entities. 13

6. Summarize the mathematical properties of a solid model. 13

7. Point out the design applications of a CSG tree. 13

8. Explain the features of the solid manipulations. 13

9. Discuss the various types of the sweep representations. 13

10. Sketch the CSG tree for the solids shown below. 13

11. Check the validity of 3D solids. 13

12. Verify the Euler equation for the following solids and check the validity of 3D 13

13. Write short notes on the curved and faceted B-rep models. 13

14. Describe about the surface/surface intersection. 13

1. Write notes on Boundary representation method and Constructive Solid 15
2. Explain about the NURBS and their necessity . 15
3. Write notes on Boolean set of operations and Primitive instancing. 15
4. Develop the NURB equation for a circle. 15


1. List the various hidden line algorithm.
2. Identify the algorithms used for hidden surface removal.
3. List the various hidden line algorithm.
4. Identify the algorithms used for hidden surface removal.
5. Differentiate between raster algorithm and vector algorithm.
6. Classify the removal algorithms.
7. Mention few visibility techniques.
8. List the parameters used for visibility of object views.
9. Write the plan equation for surface test.
10 Define Silhouette edges.
11 List the types of coherence identified in object space and image space.
12 State the necessity of hidden surface algorithms.
13 How does edge coherence help to reduce computational effort?
14 Infer how does the basic scan line method determine which surfaces are hidden?
15 Interpret how does area coherence help to reduce computational effort?
16 List the various hidden line algorithm.
17 Identify the algorithms used for hidden surface removal.
18 Differentiate between raster algorithm and vector algorithm.
19 Classify the removal algorithms.
20 Mention few visibility techniques.
1. Explain the method of back face removal. Give its advantages and limitations 13
with reference to hidden line removal.
2. Write short notes on visibility of the object views. 13
3. Write short notes on a.) minimax test 13
b.) containment test
4. Explain in detail about the various types of coherence. 13
5. Summarize the steps involved in the priority algorithm. 13
6. Describe the procedures followed in area oriented algorithm for hidden line 13
7. Explain the methods or the algorithms that are deployed for the hidden solid 13
8. Discuss the effects of shading enhancements in the visualization. 13
9. Explain the algorithms used for shading of solids. 13
10 Describe about the characteristics of the various color models. 13
11 Write short notes on a.) surface test 13
. b.) computing silhouettes.

12 How will you formulate and implement a technique for the hidden line removal. 13
13 Describe about a.) Z-buffer algorithm 13
. b.) Warnock’s algorithm.

14 What is lofted parts? Explain how are they created? 13

1. Explain briefly with sketches any six tests used for hidden line identification. 15
2. Discuss the various steps involved in hidden line removal algorithms with neat 15
3. Explain the procedures and implementation of the ray tracing algorithm. 15
4. Elaborate on the shading and brief their impact on visual realism. 15



1. Identify the elements of assembly analysis.

2. Define assembly tree.

3. List the various mating conditions.

4. Mention the difference between the tangent and coincident mating condition.
5. Differentiate between WCS method and mate method.
6. Examine the need for tolerances.

7. List the various methods of tolerance synthesis.

8. Interpret the three layers used in STEP architecture.

9. Assess the steps involved in assembly analysis.

10. Define tolerance analysis.
11 Deduce the objective of tolerance analysis.
12 Mention the uses of form tolerances.
13 Sketch the ANSI symbol for straightness and flatness.
14 Sketch the ANSI symbol for position and angularity.
15 Classify the types of geometric tolerances.
16 Define datum.
17 Indicate the difference between mass property and geometric property.
18 Expand IGES and STEP.
19 Interpret the methods of verification of processors.
20 Differentiate between loopback test and transmission test.
1. Explain the worst case arithmetic method for tolerance analysis. 13

2. Discuss the worst case statistical method for tolerance analysis. 13

3. Discuss how the surface area and first moment of inertia is calculated using 13
CAD software.
4. Label the various ANSI from tolerances with neat diagram. 13

5. Elaborate the various mating conditions for an assembly. 13

6. Express IGES file structure with examples. 13

7. Enumerate the concept of product data exchange using STEP in detail 13

8. Use the bottom-up approach to create the model of the universal joint shown in 13
9. The figure below shows a pin and a block with their MCSs. The pin and the 13
instances to be assembled into the hole in the block. Use WCS and write
the transformationmatrices to merge the three instances of B into A.

10. Write short notes on assembly planning and mention the issues arising during 13
11. Explain the steps involved during the modelling of the assembly. 13

12. Discuss the need for tolerances. 13

13. Collect the steps involved in the Monte Carlo simulation method. 13

14. Analyze in detail about the Tolerance Vs Cost relationship. 13


1. Explain with the help of an example the concept of interferences of positions and 15
orientation by which the parts are assembled.
2. Elaborate on the various methods of the tolerance analysis 15
3. Derive the expression for any 4 parameters of the mass properties. 15
4. Describe the architecture, file format of the various product data exchange 15

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