Pipes+ +Sector+Update+170608
Pipes+ +Sector+Update+170608
Pipes+ +Sector+Update+170608
Jindal Saw
The management of Jindal Saw is expecting its financials taking hit to the extent of
Rs 200 mn during April-June 2008 quarter. Due to this CY08E EPS of the company
is expected to get negatively impacted by 3.5% and thus we downgrade our EPS
estimate for the year to Rs 50.5 from our previous esimate of Rs 52.3. We maintain
BUY and target price of Rs 1045 on the scrip.
C-6, Ground Floor, Paragon Center Pandurang Budhkar Marg, Worli, Mumbai – 400 013. India
17 th June, 2008 Emkay - Private Client Research
and FY09E EPS of Rs 12.3 and Rs 16.2 by 7.7x and 5.9x respectively. We maintain
BUY on the scrip with downgraded target price of Rs 150. At our target price the
scrip discounts FY09E EPS by 9.25x.
Financial Estimates :
Welspun Gujarat Jindal SAW Man Industries
Financials Rs mn FY09E FY10E CY08E CY09E FY08E FY09E
Net Sales 52131 74230 40425 57025 15192 19836
Growth 31% 42% -42% 41% 34% 31%
EBITDA 11380 16447 5709 8313 1776 2307
Growth 70% 45% -29% 46% 38% 30%
EBITDA Margin 21.8% 22.2% 14.1% 14.6% 11.7% 11.6%
Net Profit 4883 8428 2831 4543 831 1119
EPS Rs 24.9 44.9 50.5 81.0 12.3 16.2
P/E (x) 15.0 8.3 11.4 7.1 7.7 5.9
*CMP: WGSRL Rs373, Jindal Saw Rs 574, Man Industries Rs 95
Source Emkay PCG Research
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Steel Pipes - Sector Update 3
17 th June, 2008 Emkay - Private Client Research
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