Lect11 230929 162643
Lect11 230929 162643
Lect11 230929 162643
1 Transmission Line Theory 2
1.1 Time-Domain Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Frequency-Domain Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
ECE 604, Lecture 11 Mon, Feb 4, 2019
Figure 1:
Transmission lines were the first electromagnetic waveguides ever invented. The
were driven by the needs in telegraphy technology. It is best to introduce trans-
mission line theory from the viewpoint of circuit theory.
Circuit theory is robust and is not sensitive to the detail shapes of the com-
ponents involved such as capacitors or inductors. Moreover, many transmission
line problems cannot be analyzed with the full form of Maxwell’s equations,1
but approximate solutions can be obtained using circuit theory in the long-
wavelength limit.
Examples of transmission lines are shown in Figure 1. The symbol for a
transmission line is usually represented by two pieces of parallel wires, but in
practice, these wires need not be parallel.
1 Usually called full-wave analysis.
ECE 604, Lecture 11 Mon, Feb 4, 2019
Circuit theory also explains why waveguides can be made sloppily when
wavelength is long or the frequency low. For instance, in the long-wavelength
limit, we can make twisted-pair waveguides with abandon, and they still work
well (see Figure 2). Hence, we shall first explain the propagation of electromag-
netic signal on a transmission line using circuit analysis.
ECE 604, Lecture 11 Mon, Feb 4, 2019
Figure 3:
ECE 604, Lecture 11 Mon, Feb 4, 2019
we have used Kirchhoff current law to surmise that the current through the
capacitor is −∆I, where ∆I = I(z + ∆z, t) − I(z, t). In the last approximation
in (1.5), we have dropped a term involving the product of ∆z and ∆V , since it
will be very small or second order in magnitude.
In the limit when ∆z → 0, one gets from (1.3) and (1.5) that
∂V (z, t) ∂I(z, t)
= −L (1.6)
∂z ∂t
∂I(z, t) ∂V (z, t)
= −C (1.7)
∂z ∂t
The above are the telegrapher’s equations. They are two coupled first-order
equations, and can be converted into second-order equations easily. Therefore,
∂2V ∂2V
− LC =0 (1.8)
∂z 2 ∂t2
∂2I ∂2I
− LC 2 = 0 (1.9)
∂z ∂t
The above are wave equations that we have previously studied, where the ve-
locity of the wave is given by
v=√ (1.10)
Furthermore, if we assume that
ECE 604, Lecture 11 Mon, Feb 4, 2019
V (z, ω) = −jωLI(z, ω) (1.17)
I(z, ω) = −jωCV (z, ω) (1.18)
The corresponding Helmholtz equations are then
d2 V
+ ω 2 LCV = 0 (1.19)
dz 2
d2 I
+ ω 2 LCI = 0 (1.20)
dz 2
The general solutions to the above are
ECE 604, Lecture 11 Mon, Feb 4, 2019
To see the solution in the time domain, we let V± = |V± |ejφ± , and the
voltage signal above can be converted back to the time domain as
V (z, t) = <e{V (z, ω)ejωt } (1.24)
= |V+ | cos(ωt − βz + φ+ ) + |V− | cos(ωt + βz + φ− ) (1.25)
As can be seen, the first term corresponds to a right-traveling wave, while the
second term is a left-traveling wave.
Furthermore, if we assume only a one-way traveling wave to the right by
letting V− = I− = 0, then it can be shown that, for a right-traveling wave
V (z) V+ L
= = = Z0 (1.26)
I(z) I+ C
In the above, the telegrapher’s equations, (1.17) or (1.18) have been used to find
a relationship between I+ and V+ .
Similarly, applying the same process for a left-traveling wave only, by letting
V+ = I+ = 0, then
V (z) V− L
= =− = −Z0 (1.27)
I(z) I− C
Figure 4:
ECE 604, Lecture 11 Mon, Feb 4, 2019
I = −Y V (2.2)
where Z = jωL and Y = jωC. The above can be generalized to the lossy case
as shall be shown.
The geometry in Figure 4 is homomorphic2 to the lossless case in Figure
3. Hence, when lossy elements are added in the geometry, we can surmise that
the corresponding telegrapher’s equations are similar to those above. But to
include loss, we generalize the series line impedance and shunt admittance from
the lossless case to lossy case as follows:
where R is the series line resistance, and G is the shunt line conductance, and
now Z and Y are the series impedance and shunt admittance, respectively.
Then, the corresponding Helmholtz equations are
d2 V
− ZY V = 0 (2.5)
dz 2
d2 I
− ZY I = 0 (2.6)
dz 2
d2 V
− γ2V = 0 (2.7)
dz 2
d2 I
− γ2I = 0 (2.8)
dz 2
where γ 2 = ZY , or that one can also think of γ 2 = −β 2 . Then the above is
homomorphic to the lossless case except that now, β is a complex number. As
before, the above are second order one-dimensional Helmholtz equations where
the general solutions are
√ p
γ= ZY = (jωL + R)(jωC + G) = jβ (2.11)
ECE 604, Lecture 11 Mon, Feb 4, 2019
Again, letting V± = |V± |ejφ± , the above can be converted back to the time
domain as
The first term corresponds to a decaying wave moving to the right while the
second term is also a decaying wave moving to the left. When there is no loss,
or R = G = √ 0, and from (2.11), we retrieve the lossless case where β 00 = 0 and
γ = jβ = jω LC.
Notice that for the lossy case, the characteristic impedance, which is the
ratio of the voltage to the current for a one-way wave, can be derived using
r s r s
V+ V− L jωL Z jωL + R
Z0 = =− = = → Z0 = = (2.15)
I+ I− C jωC Y jωC + G