HR Planning - Aviso2019
HR Planning - Aviso2019
HR Planning - Aviso2019
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This study deals with the problem of human resources planning due to the additional workforce re-
Received 7 January 2019 quirements of research activities. In practice, planning of human resource expansion is seldom done in a
Received in revised form systematic manner, thus leading to sub-optimal results. In this work, a P-graph model is developed as a
22 February 2019
decision support tool to aid in planning expansion of staffing levels for Higher Education Institutions.
Accepted 19 March 2019
Available online 20 March 2019
Many higher education institutions in the developing world are undergoing the transition from being
teaching-intensive to becoming increasingly research-oriented. This shift is widely recognized as an
important adjustment to the need for universities to play a greater role in creating knowledge capital,
Higher education institution (HEI)
which is an essential component to fuel the next phase of growth of developing countries. Research
Human resource (HR) planning universities are an essential resource for facilitating eco-innovation in industry. New targets that involve
Input-output model increased research output tend to put strain on institutional processes and resources that were previ-
Optimization ously configured to meet the demands of teaching-intensive organizations. The model formulation is
P-graph based on an input-output framework that reflects interdependencies among different employee cate-
gories. The use of the model is illustrated with a representative case study of a typical Higher Education
Institution in the Philippines.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction transfer and industry engagement success rate (Sengupta and Ray,
2017). Similar correlations are found at national scales between
Higher education institutions (HEIs) play an important role in research output and technology innovation (Wong and Wang,
promoting sustainability through their core functions of research, 2015). Knowledge transfer can then drive eco-innovation that will
instruction and outreach. Current international trends show provide new solutions to environmental or regulatory issues faced
increased emphasis on sustainability in university culture (Adams by industry (Pham et al., 2019). For example, new technologies for
et al., 2018), organizational structure (Soini et al., 2018) and infor- recycling of waste electronic products will be essential to conserve
mation systems (Goni et al., 2017). Integration of sustainability in finite mineral resources and to operationalize Circular Economy
the institutional mission helps shape student attitudes (Dagiliu te_ (CE) policies (Amato and Beolchini, 2018). Such trends are well
et al., 2018), and potentially paves the way for sustainable entre- established in mature research-intensive HEIs in developed coun-
preneurship that translate research output into commercial green tries, but will also be needed in the developing world in order to
technologies (Fichter and Tiemann, 2018). In universities, a strong enable emerging economies to develop along sustainable growth
research foundation has been found to be linked to knowledge trajectories (Lee et al., 2018). Such gains can be made possible
through the knowledge-based (scientific or technological) outputs
(Hamdoun et al., 2018) as well as social influence (i.e., through
education and public engagement) (Lin et al., 2016). Thus, there is a
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (K.B. Aviso).
need for HEIs in developing countries to take on a greater role in
0959-6526/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
812 K.B. Aviso et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 224 (2019) 811e822
building knowledge capital through research on sustainable 2019). Thus, effective decision support tools for HR management
technologies. in HEIs need to have a strong structural component that accounts
For HEIs, becoming research-intensive is desirable not only for for workflow linkages. Input-output (IO) models present a prom-
the prestige that such status brings, but more so for the capacity ising approach. IO models were first developed for economic sys-
that it gives to contribute to the socio-economic and cultural de- tems analysis (Leontief, 1936). This framework is discussed in great
velopments of their home countries through the continuous gen- detail, along with many extensions, by Miller and Blair (2009); it
eration of knowledge and innovations, as well as formation of more can be readily implemented in spreadsheets or equation-based
critical, creative and productive citizens. Most of the leading modelling software (Tan et al., 2018a). Correa (2002) proposed
research-intensive universities at present were either established the application of IO models to the analysis of large-scale social
as research universities right at the outset, or were teaching- systems. In subsequent works, the IO approach was used for HR
intensive universities that were re-designed as research univer- planning problems in organizations (Correa and Craft, 1999). In this
sities before the onset of the current age of mass and universal approach, the fundamental problem was to determine the correct
higher education. However, in developing countries, which more staffing levels for different employee categories or office units,
often than not came out from long periods of colonization, the given organizational workload. The IO framework is able to account
establishment of research-intensive universities also involved the for workload resulting from the demands of both external and in-
re-designing of selected teaching-intensive universities into ternal customers. This methodology has been applied to deter-
research universities, but already during the era of mass and uni- mining staffing levels in libraries (Correa and Correa, 1996),
versal higher education (Altbach and Salmi, 2011). This means that municipal offices (Correa and Guajardo, 2001) and hospitals
such selected teaching-intensive universities were already (Correa and Parker, 2005), among others. For organizational sys-
burdened with huge numbers of academic staff and students, tems with zero degrees of freedom, unique solutions for correct
making their transition into research universities more challenging, staffing levels can be determined. For systems with positive de-
requiring more financial resources and political will power, and grees of freedom, optimization models based on the IO matrix can
more importantly sharper human resource planning. Sloppy or be formulated. For example, a fuzzy optimization model was
non-existent human resource (HR) planning will only result to developed by Aviso et al. (2018) to determine optimal personnel
dysfunctional combinations of teachers, researchers, administra- reassignment during a temporary crisis in an understaffed organi-
tors, students and support staff. This situation may be reflective of zation. A subsequent work used the P-graph framework to solve a
what is happening in countries such as the Philippines, where the similar problem (Aviso et al., 2017); this approach results from the
few universities that are venturing into such re-designing had capability of representing the optimization of IO systems as a
concentrated their efforts in increasing the numbers of their Process Network Synthesis (PNS) problem (Aviso et al., 2015).
research faculty members without giving due attention on whether In this work, a P-graph model for HR planning in HEIs in tran-
they had the proportionate numbers of research-capable students sition towards becoming more research-intensive is developed. The
and support staff. Thus, HEIs that are currently re-designed, or will common practical response in such institutions is increased
be re-designed, into research-intensive universities will benefit recruitment of faculty researchers. However, such transitions also
from a planning tool that can peer into their current HR configu- require augmentation of staffing levels in administrative support
ration and project at any given development phase their optimal offices in order to manage the increase in overhead workload for
combinations of teachers, researchers, administrators, students and managing research projects. The IO framework provides a means of
support staff relative to their targets and financial considerations. quantifying interactions among staff categories in order to account
It has been found that globalization and internationalization in for both direct and indirect workload changes; the use of P-graph
higher education institutions is accomplished through the then allows optimal (and near-optimal) HR plans to be developed.
achievement of academic excellence, innovation and research The methodology developed in this work is intended to provide a
productivity. Nonetheless, many institutions fail to realize the static snapshot of ideal staffing levels for short- or medium-term
importance of HR management for the creation of a knowledge projections, and does not account for dynamic effects accounting
economy (Chatterja and Kiran, 2017). The core function of human for factors such as turnover, retirement and international mobility.
resource management is to iterate organizational strategy into The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The next section gives
human resource prerogatives. Hence, human resource plays a ma- an overview of the P-graph framework as it applies to HR problems.
jor role in the fulfilment of organizational vision and aspiration A formal problem statement is then given. Then, a representative
(NOE et al., 2003). The main function of HR planning in an HEI is to case study is solved to illustrate the P-graph approach. The alter-
ensure that the staffing complement is sufficient for the institu- native staffing schemes generated are discussed from a practical
tional plans and policies. Effective HR planning in HEIs needs to human resource management perspective. Finally, conclusions and
consider both direct and indirect staffing requirements (Yousif and prospective research directions are given.
Shaout, 2018). In an HEI undergoing transition to a research uni-
versity, an extensive review of the functions of its staffing levels is 2. P-graph framework for HR planning
imperative to address the growing targets. Rigorous analysis of the
nature of the work assigned to the institution's personnel is P-graph is a mathematical framework for solving PNS problems,
essential. Furthermore, HR management should also consider the originally in the area of chemical plant design, but more recently for
different processes and management strategies to contribute to the a broad range of problems characterized by a common structure
growth of the organization (Kucharcíkov a et al., 2015). (Tan et al., 2018b). It is based on five axioms that are common to all
Strategic HR management is imperative in the attainment of an PNS problems (Friedler et al., 1992a). Efficient algorithms for
institution's competitive edge (Allui and Sahni, 2016). There is generating combinatorially feasible networks have been developed
relatively sparse literature on the use of systematic decision sup- using the information implicit in the five axioms (Friedler et al.,
port tools to aid in human resource planning in HEIs (Macke and 1992b). P-graph also allows the determination of the maximal
Genari, 2019). Early examples of methods used include goal pro- structure, which differs from superstructures used in many Process
gramming (Feuer, 1985) and simplified population balance models Integration (PI) problems because it is generated with mathemat-
(Wei, 1998). Optimal organizational structure and task allocation is ical rigor that eliminates the risk of human error (Friedler et al.,
critical for fostering an innovative work culture (Fonseca et al., 1993).
K.B. Aviso et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 224 (2019) 811e822 813
Fig. 1a. Block diagram for interactions between staff categories in an HEI.
814 K.B. Aviso et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 224 (2019) 811e822
Table 1
Summary of HEI staff classifications and functions.
Faculty General academic staff with teaching, research and extension functions; the relative proportion of these functions can give rise to further
Teaching assistant Contractual staff engaged to assist in teaching-related functions.
Research staff Contractual staff engaged to assist in research-related functions. This category includes postdocs and research associates, but excludes
graduate students.
General support staff Staff employed for various organizational support functions (e.g., finance, procurement, legal, etc.)
Faculty with administrative Administrators appointed to part-time management functions, while still retaining partial faculty duties.
Pure administrators Administrators appointed to full-time management functions.
Table 2
HEI staff interaction matrix in person-hours/week.
General 2 2 2 2 2 4 15 40
Research 0 6 3 0 4 0 2 0
Research 0 24 12 0 36 0 8 0
Teaching 36 0 18 36 0 0 12 0
Knowledge 0 6 3 0 2 0 2 0
Support 12 12 12 8 10 40 30 60
adjusted in the P-graph studio software to indicate minimum and 4.1. Baseline scenario
maximum limits as defined by the problem specifications.
The average weekly salary for each staff category is reflected in Using SSG, it is possible to identify 86 different structures,
Table 4. Note that the approximate exchange rate is PhP60 ¼ V1. indicating that different combinations of these staff categories can
Additional assumptions used here are as follows: exist in the HEI. Due to space constraints, these potential structures
are not shown here. The baseline scenario assumes the following:
Legal restrictions force HEIs to retain their personnel.
The retained personnel can be trained to gain improved skills to the minimum weekly total output for teaching is equivalent to
allow them to assume new tasks pertaining to research and 18,000 person-hours
knowledge transfer.
816 K.B. Aviso et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 224 (2019) 811e822
Table 3
Nomenclature for P-graph representation of case study.
Table 4
Baseline salary and number of personnel.
Faculty Faculty Faculty (Teaching/ Teaching Research Support Administrator/ Pure Total
(Teaching) (Research) Research) Assistant Staff Staff Faculty Administrator
the minimum weekly total output for research is 1,500 person- Suppose that the HEI seeks to increase research output by 300%
hours over a planning horizon of five years, under the assumption that
the minimum weekly total output for knowledge transfer is 500 such an increase will require a proportionate level of increase in
person-hours research person-hours. The new requirements and assumptions are
there are no teaching assistants and no faculty that have purely as follows:
research duties
the minimum weekly total output for teaching is 18,000 person-
The minimum weekly total output corresponds to a university hours
with an output profile of 90% teaching, 7.5% research and 2.5% the minimum weekly total output for research is 6,000 person-
knowledge transfer. Upon optimization, the baseline scenario re- hours
sults in an academic staff requirement of 628 faculty members, of the minimum weekly total output for knowledge transfer is 500
which 417 have only teaching duties, 79 have combined teaching person-hours
and research, 132 faculty administrators. Also, 248 support staff are the total number of faculty and support staff employed should
needed as indicated in Table 4. This structure generates 18,000 be more than the baseline scenario
person-hours of teaching, 2,000 person-hours of research and 500 a maximum of 500 teaching assistants may be hired while an
person-hours of knowledge transfer. The cost of personnel salaries unlimited number of research faculty can be employed
(including employee benefits) is PhP 20.877 M per week (V 347,956
per week), or PhP 1,085 M per annum (V 18,093,712 per annum). The HR problem that faces management is to determine the
The last row in Table 4 summarizes the total personnel cost asso- most cost-effective means of achieving this target, by identifying
ciated with each staff category. The detailed allocation of workflow possible ideal staffing schemes and their associated costs in salaries
for the baseline scenario is summarized in Table 5 and illustrated in and employee benefits. It is possible to use the capabilities of P-
P-graph form in Fig. 4. graph to generate structurally distinct HR plans, each of which
Table 5
Baseline scenario total workflows (in person-hours/week).
Faculty Faculty Faculty (Teaching/ Teaching Research Support Administrator/ Pure Final
(Teaching) (Research) Research) Assistant Staff Staff Faculty Administrator Output
represents an option to be considered for implementation. These failure to do so can result in process bottlenecks within the HEI.
alternatives can be evaluated based on cost, as well as non- This new structure meets the desired teaching and research out-
quantitative aspects that cannot be directly integrated in P-graph. puts, and results in 692 person-hours for knowledge transfer. Total
Key features of the four HR scenarios generated using the P-graph cost of personnel salaries increases to PhP 20.61 M per week
model are described in Table 6. Each scenario is then discussed in (V376,785 per week), or 8.29% increase from the baseline.
detail in the following subsections. In all the succeeding scenarios, While this is a cost-optimal solution, it can be seen that the
the HEI retains its current employees due to legal restrictions. A segregation of teaching and research functions can have serious
summary of the different scenarios is shown in Table 7. repercussions on the quality of education, as it effectively hinders
the bulk of the student population from learning from the top re-
4.2. Scenario A: cost-optimal staffing plan searchers of the HEIs. Furthermore, excessive reliance on research
staff (who generally have lower salaries than faculty) may threaten
The cost-optimal network can be generated simply by directly the long-term sustainability of the research growth of the institu-
minimizing total salaries and is illustrated in Fig. 5. This solution tion. Thus, the capability of P-graph to generate alternative struc-
requires a slight shift in workforce structure such that there are tures becomes valuable for HR planning. In this case, 23 additional
now teaching assistants and research staff. For this scenario only 1 near-optimal structures are generated which provide options for
additional teaching assistant is necessary. There should be 448 the kind of HR structure an HEI will prefer.
faculty dedicated to purely teaching duties, and 25 research faculty
without teaching duties. There is also a requirement for 115 4.3. Scenario B: use of teaching assistants
research staff plus 155 faculty administrators. This new structure
maintains the faculty count at 628. There is now a need to employ The near-optimal structure shown in Fig. 6 demonstrates a HR
research staff, teaching assistants and identify faculty dedicated to profile which employs teaching assistants, but does not have
just conducting research. The general support staff requirement has research staff. This network was identified from the 23 near-
increased to 287, which is a 15.7% increase from the baseline. The optimal structures generated using the assumptions in Scenario
latter increase is difficult to deduce intuitively, but in practice, A. However, it is possible to restrict the optimization model to this
Table 6
Key Features of four HR scenarios.
Scenarios Features
Table 7
Summary of scenarios.
Number of Number of Number of Faculty Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Pure Cost (in M
Faculty Faculty (Teaching/Research) Teaching Research Staff Support Staff Administrator/ Administrator PhP/week)
(Teaching) (Research) Assistant Faculty
particular network topology where the maximum research staff 4.4. Scenario C: expansion of faculty talent pool
and faculty with dual duties of research and teaching are set to zero.
The total faculty population is still 628. Of this total, 268 faculty This scenario relies on aggressive expansion of the faculty talent
(43%) are assigned to perform purely teaching roles and 195 (31%) pool through recruitment, and does not consider hiring teaching
to purely research roles. The remaining 165 (26%) function as fac- assistants and research staff to handle the increased requirements
ulty administrators. The faculty pool is now supported by 177 new for research productivity. Similar to the structure in Scenario B, this
teaching assistants, who can absorb the teaching load previously network was identified from the 23 near-optimal structures
assigned to research faculty. This structure results in a total cost of generated using the assumptions in Scenario A, the network is
PhP 25.04 M per week (V417,358 per week), and meets the output shown in Fig. 7. As a result, the total number of faculty needed to
requirements of 18,000 person-hours of teaching, 6,000 person- meet the minimum requirement for research is now 750, which is a
hours for research and 1,500 person-hours for knowledge trans- 19.4% increase from the baseline scenario. Furthermore, an addi-
fer. The cost of salaries is 19.95% higher than the baseline scenario. tional 71 personnel have to be hired to function as pure adminis-
This scheme offers the prospect of stronger long-term research, as trators. The main feature of this structure is having the personnel
it relies on research faculty to increase output levels. It can be work only on dedicated roles, where 500 faculty (67%) are involved
argued that this HR plan is still subject to a similar weakness as purely on teaching and 250 faculty (33%) are focused purely on
Scenario A, in that research knowledge will have limited capacity to research. A total of 331 support staff are needed to support these
trickle down into the curriculum. activities, which is a 33.5% increase from the baseline. This network
K.B. Aviso et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 224 (2019) 811e822 819
results in a total cost of PhP 29.25 M per week (V487,500 per week) proportions. The network was also identified from the 23 near-
with 18,000 person-hours of teaching, 6,000 person-hours for optimal structures obtained using the assumptions of Scenario A
research and 1,500 person-hours for knowledge transfer. The total and the network is shown in Fig. 8. This scenario maintains the
cost of staff salaries is 40.10% higher than in the baseline scenario. faculty population at 628, as in the baseline scenario. However, they
are now expected to be engaged in both teaching and research.
Furthermore, an additional 74 personnel should be hired to act as
4.5. Scenario D: integrated research and teaching
pure administrators, along with 186 teaching assistants. The latter
are needed to take up the teaching load so that faculty can spend
For this scenario, the faculty members are expected to perform
more work hours on research. Furthermore, the number of support
multiple functions (i.e. both teaching and research) in various
820 K.B. Aviso et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 224 (2019) 811e822
staff should be increased to 337, which is a 36% increase from the (Salmi, 2009). Of these options, upgrading an existing HEI is typi-
baseline. As a result, this HR structure has the total cost of PhP cally the least costly path, but is also subject to management con-
29.95 M per week (V499,120 per week), and can provide 18,000 straints such as institutional culture and inertia. Institutional
man-hours for teaching, 7,536 man-hours for research and 1,884 reforms need to be managed to ensure acceptance by the university
man-hours for knowledge transfer. This scenario thus exceeds the personnel and stakeholders (e.g., students and alumni), and should
minimum man-hour requirement for both research and knowledge also be adequately supported by rigorous projections. The model
transfer, but total salaries increase by 43.44%. developed here is intended to provide support for both strategic
Qualitative analysis of intangible aspects of this HR plan sug- decision-making and communication.
gests that it may be the most sustainable one among the four The absence of systematic HR planning in many HEIs means that
scenarios. First, reliance on faculty to do research (including the increasing number of faculty researchers, with their increasing
research mentoring) ensures continuity of research, through the capacity to undertake research, is not accompanied with propor-
training of early career researchers (i.e., junior faculty) by their tionate increases in the number of research staff and support staff.
seniors (Carpintero, 2015). Development of the talent pool in this Thus, the capacity of support units (e.g., finance, legal or procure-
manner, while more costly in the short-term, will ensure the long- ment offices) can become a bottleneck during a period of rapid
term sustainability of gains made in research output. Training of growth in research intensity. Such bottlenecks can result in friction
junior faculty will ensure that the HEI staffing becomes robust in among co-workers and demoralization among researchers, and
the face of disruptions due to turnover or retirement, which needs may cause compliance issues for the institution (e.g., project delays
to be considered as part of HR dynamics (Wei, 1998). Integration of and cost overruns). Hence, the computer-aided capability to
teaching and research functions, even in varying proportions, en- generate a menu of HR planning scenarios could benefit not only
sures that knowledge generation within the HEI remains strongly HEIs in the Philippines, but also universities with a similar macro-
linked to the students’ educational experience. In particular, con- environment that are undergoing a similar transition from
tact with active researchers will thus ensure that the HEI produces teaching-intensive to research-intensive institutions. In practice,
graduates who understand the process of innovation and knowl- university leaders need to be able to map out medium-term plans
edge generation. Such additional knowledge ultimately translates projecting directions over a period of approximately 3e5 years.
into better career prospects and mindsets as educated citizens. Such a time frame is sufficient to allow for policy directions to
trickle down through the management levels, so that decisions for
staff recruitment, training, and reclassification can be done with
5. Implications for HR management in HEIs adequate lead time. The P-graph model can generate alternative HR
plans to be considered for implementation, and the final plan
HEIs play a critical role in establishing an ecosystem that enables selected serves to provide benchmark or targets for staff recruit-
innovation-drive development through generation of both human ment and reassignment to suit strategic goals of the HEI.
and knowledge capital. These influences are reflected, for example, The model as presented here assumes that general staffing
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sessments. Given the importance of HEIs in national development, ling framework can be applied at a higher level of resolution to
governments typically stimulate upgrading or merging of in- reflect individual departments or offices. The current model has
stitutions, or else create entirely new ones based on strategic needs
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