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IT Sem-VI Green-IT Sample-Questions 22

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Sample Questions (30 MCQs and 30 Descriptive Questions

Department of Information Technology (R-2019 Scheme)

Subject Name: Green IT Semester: VI

Multiple Choice Question Bank
Choose the correct option for following questions. All the Questions are
compulsory and carry equal marks
1. what are the three 'Rs' of green IT: Reuse,Recycle and
Option A: Reduction
Option B: Redeploy
Option C: Reduce
Option D: Refurbish

2. Role of ISO 14048 standard is ________________ .

Option A: Life cycle assessment. Principles and framework
Option B: Life cycle assessment. Goal and scope definition and inventory analysis
Option C: Life cycle assessment. Data documentation format
Option D: Life cycle assessment. Life cycle interpretation

3. What is green data centre?

Option A: It is a server facility which utilizes energy-efficient technologies
Option B: It is a cloud based facility centre
Option C: It cloud base mining warehouse
Option D: It provides data on virtual platform

4. which is not a part of sustainability metrics

Option A: Collect metrics
Option B: Analyze results
Option C: Define action
Option D: Sustainable performance

5. What is the last stage of SITS curve?

Option A: Sustainable product design
Option B: Legal, compliance, standards and risk management
Option C: Sustainable processes
Option D: SITS innovation platform

6. what are the two characteristics of risks

Option A: Plan and analysis
Option B: Track and plan
Option C: uncertainty and loss
Option D: loss and plan

7. Main factors of SITS value curve graph are ___ &______.

Option A: service value, time
Option B: Product value,time
Option C: Total value,time
Option D: Energy, time

8. What is core feature of sustainability reporting ?

Option A: Triple bottom line
Option B: Employee Performance
Option C: Motivation
Option D: Strategy definition

9. Reduce energy consumption by 10% of its current level per year

for three years"" this statement can be taken as Key Performance Indicator for
measuring the green strategies implemented by the company"
Option A: Economic outcome
Option B: Technical
Option C: Process
Option D: People

10. The "Natural Step" sustainability framework defines four system conditions, derived
from the _______, for a sustainable society
Option A: Laws of Motion
Option B: Laws of Thermodynamics
Option C: Law of Gas particle
Option D: Laws of Cooling

11. Which of the following is not a stage of Life-Cycle Assessment?

Option A: Goal and scope definition
Option B: Inventory analysis
Option C: Return on Investment Analysis
Option D: Impact assessment

12. Which one of the following is not a software process quality

Option A: Productivity
Option B: Portability
Option C: Timeliness
Option D: Visibility

13. Optimizing the protocols in their design through removal of support for ______
Option A: Newer
Option B: older
Option C: changed
Option D: updated

14. ICMPv6, there may be an opportunity to reduce the amount of __________

associated with the protocol
Option A: Accuracy
Option B: performance
Option C: redundancy
Option D: reliability

15. Primary contributions in the IEEE Standard _________ az include a low-power state
for activation during idle periods and times of low utilization.
Option A: 802.11
Option B: 802.3
Option C: 805.5
Option D: 808.8

16. In UDP there is _____ of overhead in UDP packets prior to the encapsulation of
application data.
Option A: 16 bits
Option B: 32 bits
Option C: 64 bits
Option D: 132 bits

17. According to Energy Star, data centers can reduce energy costs by what percentage
for every 1°F increase in server inlet temperature ___________ .
Option A: Upto 1%
Option B: Upto 2%
Option C: Upto 5%
Option D: Upto 15%

18. What provides the fundamental virtual machine upon a server can be built?
Option A: Infrastructure as a service
Option B: Software as a service
Option C: Power system
Option D: Service-oriented architecture

19. DCIM stands for?

Option A: Data centre infrastructure management
Option B: Data centre information management
Option C: Data cooling infrastructure management
Option D: Data centre information management

20. What is server management?

Option A: Server management is the process of monitoring and maintaining servers to operate
at peak performance
Option B: Ensure server hardware performance
Option C: Verify that the task has been configured to run in unattended mode
Option D: Make sure the time is properly synchronized on the computer

21. what CRAC stands in for cooling IT servers?

Option A: Computer room air conditioner
Option B: Computer room air control
Option C: Computer rated air controller
Option D: Control room automated control
22. what is server farm?
Option A: A collection of computer servers
Option B: A collection of processor
Option C: A collection of memories
Option D: A collection of grid

23. which is not a part of sustainability matrics

Option A: Collect metrics
Option B: Analyze results
Option C: Define action
Option D: Sustainable performance

24. what describes a distribution model in which applications are hosted by a service
provider and made available to users
Option A: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
Option B: Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
Option C: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
Option D: Cloud service

25. what is green data centre?

Option A: It is a server facility which utilizes energy-efficient technologies
Option B: It is a cloud based facility centre
Option C: It cloud base mining warehouse
It provides data on virtual platform
Option D:

26. Minimizing data movement and keep data close to reduce unnecessary activity is

called as ___________.
Option A: Power polices
Option B: data efficiency
Option C: computational efficiency
Option D: Idle efficiency

27. Data efficiency can be achieved by ________.

Option A: Managing I/O
Option B: power policies
Option C: C states
Option D: Timer resolution

28. Which metal is not prohibited by ROHS?

Option A: Tungstan
Option B: Lead
Option C: cadmium
Option D: mercury

29. Context awareness can be achieved by _____________.

Option A: Managing I/O
Option B: power policies
Option C: Thresholding
Option D: Timer resolution

30. What is green data centre?

Option A: It is a server facility which utilizes energy-efficient technologies
Option B: It is a cloud based facility centre
Option C: It cloud base mining warehouse
Option D: It provides data on virtual platform

Descriptive Question Bank

Q No 10 marks each
1 What is meant by green IT? Why is it gaining greater relevance and importance now?
What are the features that make cloud computing different from other distributed
2 system
3 Describe the key facilities and IT components within data centres
4 Briefly describe and compare the major system level energy management schemes
5 Explain life cycle of a device or hardware in details
6 What are the key elements of data centre in IT infrastructure
7 Explain the business dimensions for Green IT transformation
8 What are the key metrics for data centre energy efficiency
9 Describe the strengths and weakness of G readiness framework
10 What must business and other organizations that are considering greening their IT do to
gain better value from their green IT initiatives
11 Outline the current state development of sustainable IT services
12 Identify the potential risk in implementation of green IT technical project
13 Differentiate between RoHS,REACh and WEEE
14 Describe the quality attributes of Software
15 How can companies implement sustainable IT services development practices

Q 5 marks each
1 What is a green data centre and why should it be on the radar screen for companies?
2 Explain the hierarchy of sustainability models
3 Discuss Primary sustainability dimensions of IT
4 What is difference between strategic thinking and strategic planning
5 What is green washing? Do you think companies engage in it
6 Distinguish between Green and Sustainable
7 Why is there an increasing need for green data storage
8 Which steps are required in developing a Green IT strategy
9 Explain four stages of LCA
10 Discuss the major Green IT and Standard regulations
11 What are the major elements of the value chain
12 Describe 3Rs of green IT
13 Describe the key facilities and IT components within data centres
14 What are the different power states of a hard disk
15 What are the objectives of green networking and communications


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