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I n t e g r at e d e n v I r o n m e n ta l t e c h n o lo g y S e r I e S

Treatment Plants
Economic Evaluation of Innovative
Technologies for Energy Efficiency

Editors: Katerina Stamatelatou

and Konstantinos P. Tsagarakis

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Sewage Treatment Plants:
Economic Evaluation of
Innovative Technologies
for Energy Efficiency

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Integrated Environmental Technology Series

Sewage Treatment Plants:

Economic Evaluation of
Innovative Technologies
for Energy Efficiency

Edited by
Katerina Stamatelatou and
Konstantinos P. Tsagarakis

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About the Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii

Part I
Innovative technologies and economics in sewage
treatment plants – an overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 1
Reducing the energy demands of wastewater treatment
through energy recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1 ​Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.1 ​Wastewater management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.2 ​Energy demands for wastewater treatment . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 ​Energy Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.1 ​Use of efficient mechanical parts and sensors . . . . . . . . 7
1.2.2 ​Anaerobic digestion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.3 ​Fermentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2.4 ​Microbial fuel cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.2.5 ​Energy recovery from sewage sludge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3 ​Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.4 ​References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

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vi Sewage Treatment Plants

Chapter 2
The principles of economic evaluation and cost-benefit
analysis implemented in sewage treatment plants . . . . . . . 15
María Molinos-Senante, Nick Hanley,
Francesc Hernández-Sancho and Ramón Sala-Garrido
2.1 ​Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2 ​Cost Benefit Analysis Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.1 Cost benefit analysis basis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.2 ​Internal benefit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.2.3 ​External benefit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.3 ​Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.4 ​References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Chapter 3
Introduction to energy management in wastewater
treatment plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Catarina Silva, Helena Alegre and Maria João Rosa
3.1 ​​Energy management of wastewater treatment plants
put into context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.2 ​Energy management systems: highlights
of the ISO 50001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.3 ​Energy management and infrastructure asset management . . . 40
3.4 ​A Framework of Energy Performance Indicators and Indices
for WWTPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.4.1 ​Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.4.2 ​Energy performance indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.4.3 ​Energy performance indices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.4.4 ​Methodology for PAS application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.5 ​References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Chapter 4
Innovative energy efficient aerobic bioreactors
for sewage treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Eoin Syron
4.1 ​Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.2 ​Aeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.2.1 ​Innovative process design and improvement . . . . . . . . . 58
4.3 ​Increasing Oxygen Transfer from a Bubble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.3.1 ​Fine bubble diffusers and oxygen transferring
technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.3.2 ​Increasing contact time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

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Contents vii

4.4 ​Bubbleless Aeration–Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor . . . . . 61

4.4.1 ​Submerged membrane aerated biofilm reactors . . . . . . 63
4.4.2 ​Passively membrane aerated biofilm reactors . . . . . . . . 65
4.5 ​Low Energy Ammonia Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.5.1 ​Ammonia removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.5.2 ​Shortcut nitrification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.5.3 ​Anammox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.6 ​Other Aerobic Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.6.1 ​Aerobic granules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.7 ​Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.8 ​References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Chapter 5
Integration of energy efficient processes in carbon
and nutrient removal from sewage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Simos Malamis, Evina Katsou and Francesco Fatone
5.1 ​Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5.2 ​Regulatory Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.3 ​Energy Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.4 ​Conventional Biological Nutrient Removal Processes . . . . . . . . 74
5.4.1 ​Description of alternative conventional BNR
processes and configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
5.4.2 ​BNR processes implemented in Europe and Northern
America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5.4.3 ​Energy requirements and cost of conventional
BNR processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
5.5 ​Innovative Bioprocesses in the Mainstream
and Sidestream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.6 ​Nitrous Oxide Emissions in BNR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.7 ​Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.8 ​Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.9 ​References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

Chapter 6
The aerobic granulation as an alternative to conventional
activated sludge process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Anuska Mosquera-Corral, Ángeles Val del Río,
Helena Moralejo-Gárate, Alberto Sánchez,
Ramón Méndez and José Luis Campos
6.1 ​Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
6.2 ​Basics of Aerobic Granulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

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viii Sewage Treatment Plants

6.2.1 ​Conditions for aerobic granular biomass formation . . . . 97

6.2.2 ​Sequencing batch reactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
6.2.3 ​Factors affecting aerobic granule characteristics
and stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
6.2.4 ​Biological processes inside the aerobic granules . . . . 103
6.3 ​Comparison with Activated Sludge Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
6.4 ​Full Scale Applications of the Aerobic Granular
Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
6.5 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
6.6 ​References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

Chapter 7
Anaerobic digestion of sewage wastewater
and sludge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Katerina Stamatelatou
7.1 ​Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
7.2 ​The Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
7.3 ​The Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
7.4 ​Anaerobic Digestion of Sewage Sludge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
7.4.1 ​Sonication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
7.4.2 Microwave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
7.4.3 ​Thermal hydrolysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
7.4.4 ​Autohydrolyis – Enzymatic hydrolysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
7.4.5 ​Other methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
7.4.6 ​Economic analysis of the pretreatment methods . . . . . 124
7.5 ​Anaerobic Digestion of Sewage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
7.5.1 ​Pretreatment of sewage via anaerobic digestion . . . . . 130
7.5.2 ​Treatment of preconcentrated sewage via anaerobic
digestion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
7.6 ​Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
7.7 ​References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

Chapter 8
Resource recovery from sewage sludge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
M. G. Healy, R. Clarke, D. Peyton, E. Cummins,
E. L. Moynihan, A. Martins, P. Béraud and
O. Fenton
8.1 ​Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
8.2 ​Defining Trends for Municipal Sludge Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . 140

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Contents ix

8.3 ​Sewage Sludge as a Resource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

8.3.1 ​Nutrient recovery from sewage sludge . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
8.3.2 ​Volatile fatty acids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
8.3.3 ​Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
8.3.4 ​Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
8.4 ​Legislation Covering Disposal of Biodegradable
Waste on Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
8.5 ​Existing and Emerging Issues Concerning the Re-Use of
Biodegradable Waste on Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
8.5.1 ​Societal issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
8.5.2 ​Nutrient and metal losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
8.5.3 ​Pathogens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
8.5.4 ​Pharmaceuticals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
8.6 ​Quantification of Costs and Benefits from Re-Use of
Sewage Sludge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
8.6.1 ​Impact of nutrient recovery, energy/product
generation on energy and cost savings in
a sewage treatment plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
8.7 ​Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
8.8 ​References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

Chapter 9
Odour abatement technologies in WWTPs: energy
and economic efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
José M. Estrada, Raquel Lebrero, Guillermo Quijano,
N. J. R. Bart Kraakman and Raúl Muñoz
9.1 ​Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
9.2 ​Odour Abatement Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
9.2.1 ​Design and economical parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
9.3 ​Comparative Parametric Efficiency
Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
9.3.1 ​Energy consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
9.3.2 ​Energy efficiency parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
9.3.3 ​Sustainability efficiency parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
9.3.4 ​Robustness efficiency parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
9.3.5 ​Influence of the H2S concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
9.3.6 ​Exploring alternatives to increase technology
efficiency: L/D ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
9.4 ​Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
9.5 ​References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

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x Sewage Treatment Plants

Chapter 10
Instrumentation, monitoring and real-time control
strategies for efficient sewage treatment
plant operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Sergio Beltrán, Ion Irizar and Eduardo Ayesa
10.1 ​Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
10.2 ​Instrumentation for Monitoring and Control Purposes . . . . . . . 190
10.3 ​Control of Aeration Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
10.4 ​Control of Chemical Addition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
10.5 ​Control of the Internal, External and Sludge Wastage
Flow-Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
10.5.1 ​Control of the nitrates internal flow-rate and the
carbon external addition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
10.5.2 ​Control of the external flow-rate or sludge
recirculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
10.5.3 ​Control of the sludge wastage flow-rate . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
10.6 ​Control of Anaerobic Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
10.6.1 ​Technological barriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
10.6.2 ​Applications of control in anaerobic digestion . . . . . . . 202
10.7 ​Plant-Wide Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
10.8 ​Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
10.9 ​References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

Chapter 11
Microbial Fuel Cells for wastewater treatment . . . . . . . . . . 213
V. B. Oliveira, L. R. C. Marcon, J. Vilas Boas, L. A. Daniel
and A. M. F. R. Pinto
11.1 ​Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
11.2 ​Operating Principle of a MFC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
11.3 ​Fundamentals and Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
11.4 ​Scale Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
11.5 ​Operational Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
11.5.1 ​Effect of pH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
11.5.2 ​Effect of temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
11.5.3 ​Organic load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
11.5.4 ​Feed rate and shear stress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
11.6 ​Modelling Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
11.7 ​Economic Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
11.8 ​Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
11.9 ​Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
11.10 ​References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231

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Contents xi

Part II
Innovative technologies and economics in sewage
treatment plants – case studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237

Chapter 12
Management optimisation and technologies application:
a right approach to balance energy saving needs and
process goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
P. Ragazzo, L. Falletti, N. Chiucchini and G. Serra
12.1 ​Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
12.2 ​Energy Saving with Maintenance and Control Operations . . . . 240
12.2.1 ​Initial situation of plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
12.2.2 ​Interventions on pumps and piping system . . . . . . . . . 242
12.2.3 ​Interventions on mixers and engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
12.2.4 ​Interventions on air compression and distribution . . . . 244
12.2.5 ​When energy and process efficiency do not agree . . . 246
12.3 ​Energy Saving Choosing the Right Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
12.4 ​Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
12.5 ​References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

Chapter 13
Energy factory: the Dutch approach on wastewater
as a source of raw materials and energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Ruud M. W. Schemen, Rutger Dijsselhof ,
Ferdinand D. G. Kiestra, Ad. W. A. de Man,
Coert P. Petri, Jan Evert van Veldhoven,
Erwin de Valk and Henry M. van Veldhuizen
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
13.1 ​Energy Factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
13.1.1 ​The concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
13.1.2 ​The history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
13.1.3 ​The present state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
13.1.4 ​Economic aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
13.1.5 ​The future (Wastewater management roadmap
towards 2030) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
13.2 ​Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
13.2.1 ​LNG production at ‘s-hertogenbosch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
13.2.2 ​Thermophilic digestion at STP echten . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
13.2.3 ​Delivering biogas from STP olburgen to
potato industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263

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13.2.4 ​Centralised sludge treatment at STP Tilburg . . . . . . . . 264

13.2.5 ​Hydrolizing secondary sludge with TPH at
STP Venlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
13.2.6 ​Digestion of external biomass at STP Apeldoorn . . . . 266
13.2.7 Reclamation of energy and resources at STP
Amersfoort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
13.3 Conclusion(S) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
13.4 ​References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268

Chapter 14
A new perspective on energy-efficiency and
cost-effectiveness of sewage treatment plants . . . . . . . . 269
Helmut Rechberger and Alicja Sobańtka
14.1 ​Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
14.2 ​Methods and Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
14.2.1 ​Application of eSEA for the assessment of
the N-removal performance of STPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
14.2.2 ​Data of Austrian STPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
14.3 ​Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
14.3.1 ​Assessment of the N-removal performance of
STPs: eSEA vs N-removal rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
14.3.2 ​Determination of the best practice STP:
energy-efficiency and cost-effectiveness . . . . . . . . . . . 275
14.3.3 ​The influence of plant size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
14.4 ​Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
14.5 ​References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279

Chapter 15
Techno-economic assessment of sludge dewatering
devices: a practical tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Matteo Papa and Giorgio Bertanza
15.1 ​Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
15.2 ​Description of the Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
15.2.1 ​Operating procedure for test execution . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
15.2.2 ​Data processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
15.3 ​Application to a Real Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
15.3.1 ​Technical issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
15.3.2 ​Economic issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
15.4 ​Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
15.5 ​References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293

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Contents xiii

Chapter 16
Short-cut enhanced nutrient removal from anaerobic
supernatants: pilot scale results and full scale
development of the S.C.E.N.A. process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Daniele Renzi, Stefano Longo, Nicola Frison, Simos Malamis,
Evina Katsou and Francesco Fatone
16.1 ​Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
16.1.1 ​Removal or recovery? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
16.2 ​Short-Cut Nitrogen Removal and
Via-Nitrite Enhanced Phosphorus Bioaccumulation:
Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
16.3 ​Capital and Operating Cost of Anaerobic Sidestream
Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
16.3.1 ​Energy consumptions and costs of short-cut nitrogen
removal from anaerobic sidestream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
16.4 ​S.C.E.N.A. System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
16.4.1 ​Pilot-scale results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
16.4.2 ​S.C.E.N.A. system integrated in conventional
treatment of sewage sludge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
16.5 ​Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
16.6 ​References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307

Chapter 17
Investigation of the potential energy saving in a pilot-
scale sequencing batch reactor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Luca Luccarini, Dalila Pulcini, Davide Sottara and
Alessandro Spagni
17.1 ​Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
17.1.1 ​Sequencing batch reactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
17.1.2 ​Automation of sequencing batch reactors . . . . . . . . . . 313
17.2 ​Description of the Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
17.2.1 ​Pilot plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
17.2.2 ​Process monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
17.2.3 ​EDSS architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
17.3 ​Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
17.3.1 ​Nitrification time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
17.3.2 ​Dissolved oxygen consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
17.3.3 ​Cost analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
17.4 ​Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
17.5 ​Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
17.6 ​References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324

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xiv Sewage Treatment Plants

Chapter 18
Economic impact of upgrading biogas from anaerobic
digester of sewage sludge to biomethane for public
transportation: Case study of Bekkelaget wastewater
treatment plant in Oslo, Norway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
Rashid Abdi Elmi and G. Venkatesh
18.1 ​Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
18.2 ​Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Handling at
Bekkelaget WWTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
18.3 ​Biogas Handling at Bekkelaget WWTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
18.4 ​The Economics of the Upgrading Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
18.5 ​Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
18.6 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339

Chapter 19
A wind PV hybrid system for power supply of a sewage
treatment plant in a small town in southern Brazil . . . . . . 341
Giuliano Daronco and Alexandre Beluco
19.1 ​Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
19.2 ​The Sewage Treatment Plant Considered in this Study . . . . . . 342
19.3 ​Components of the Energy System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
19.4 ​Simulations with Homer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
19.5 ​Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
19.6 ​Final Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
19.7 ​References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354

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About the Editors

Katerina Stamatelatou is an assistant professor in the Democritus University of

Thrace in Greece (Department of Environmental Engineering) and member of
the part time academic staff of Hellenic Open University, included in the post
graduate course “Environmental Design of Infrastructure Works MSc”. She is
a chemical engineer and obtained her diploma and Ph.D. in the Department of
Chemical Engineering of University of Patras. Her field of research focuses on the
study and development of anaerobic digestion processes, design and operation of
bioreactors and bioprocess modeling, targeting in waste and biomass valorisation.
She has been chair and member in Committees of International Conferences. Her
published work enumerates more than 40 papers in peered review international
journals and chapters in collective volumes. She is currently an associate editor in
“Water Science and Technology” and reviewer in international scientific journals.

Konstantinos P. Tsagarakis is Associate Professor in the Department of

Environmental Engineering at the Democritus University of Thrace. He holds a
degree from the department of Civil Engineering of the Democritus University of
Thrace (Greece), a BA degree from the Department of Economics of the University
of Crete (Greece) and a Ph.D. Degree from the School of Civil Engineering
from the University of Leeds (UK). His research interests include: wastewater
management, environmental economics, energy economics, environmental policy,
public awareness and behavior, quantitative methods, and techno-economic
project analysis. His research work has been published in more than 50 papers in
prestigious refereed journals. He is Associate Editor in Water Policy journal. He is
the Director of Postgraduate Master Course “The Technologies of Environmental

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Sewage treatment plants (STPs) have been evolved over time to adapt to the growth
of cities, the environmental changes (including climate change), the economic
conditions and, finally, the requirements of society under the influence of both
environment and economy. Initially, the goal of STPs was to simply release
the water of the drains from the pollutants before discharging it back to the
environment. As a result, the STPs were designed on the principle of the activated
sludge process, which is energy consuming and does not take into account the
potential of energy and nutrient recovery. The technological achievements in the
fields of monitoring and control, the design of stable and efficient processes (both
physicochemical and biological), the development of suitable benchmarking and
economic tools have begun to change the philosophy of STP from treatment to
valorisation facilities. This means that, sewage treatment should be incorporated
into a more holistic management scheme, which aims at reducing the pollutants
as well as enhancing nutrient, water and energy recycling in order to maintain the
environment’s integrity in an economic feasible but also efficient way.
In this respect, “Sewage Treatment Plants: Economic Evaluation of Innovative
Technologies for Energy Efficiency” focuses on the novel, energy and/or economic
efficient technologies or modification of the conventional, energy demanding treatment
facilities towards the concept of energy streamlining and their economic impact. The
book brings together knowledge from Engineering, Economics, Utility Management
and Practice and helps to provide a better understanding of the real economic value
with methodologies and practices about innovative energy technologies and policies
in STP. It consists of two parts; the first part is dedicated to critical discussion of
technologies aiming at enhancing the energy efficiency of STP including economic
aspects as well, while the second part includes case studies demonstrating the
economic impact of applying the energy efficient technologies at full scale.
The first two chapters are introductory. The first one briefly overviews novel, but
well established technologies in a STP as well. The second one explains how the

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xviii Sewage Treatment Plants

cost benefit analysis methodology can be used to assess the economic feasibility
of a technology or change in the operation of a STP. Chapter three focuses on how
strategic management, when regarding a STP as a whole, may lead to a better
performance at a lower cost (from a total asset life cycle point of view). Chapter four
presents the save in energy in the case of aerobic bioprocesses alternatives to the
conventional activated sludge process and when advanced technologies of oxygen
transfer are applied. More particularly, the nutrient removal technologies in energy
efficient integrated systems are discussed in chapter five, while the promising
aerobic granulation is the subject of chapter six. The application of anaerobic
digestion and recent developments in the field of both sewage and sewage sludge
treatment is presented in chapter seven. Focusing on the sewage sludge not only for
energy but also for nutrient recovery is the subject of chapter eight. Besides liquid
and solid effluents, STP produces gases that affect the atmospheric environment.
In chapter 9, an energetic and economic efficiency analysis of common odour
abatement technologies in STPs is performed. The advances in monitoring and
control boosted the performance and improved the economics of the STP. This is
examined in chapter 10, which also addresses the plant wide control. Although the
Microbial Fuel Cell technology is still technically far from its full scale application,
it deserves attention due to the rapid evolvements in this field (chapter 11).
Chapter 12 is the first case study presented in the second part of the book,
based on the experience of two companies managing integrated water service
in northeastern Italy and focusing on the energy savings in municipal STPs.
Next, the concept of the energy factory for STP is introduced and case studies
of implementing this approach in the Netherlands are presented (chapter 13). In
the case studies of Austrian STPs, the energy consumption and costs are related
to nitrogen removal efficiency and plant size (chapter 14). A methodology for
evaluating sludge dewatering devices is presented in chapter 15 and a case study
example of the implementation of this methodology is given. Chapter 16 proposes
an enhanced nutrient removal process, which is necessary if anaerobic digestion
becomes the core technology in STP, so that the nutrient rich anaerobic effluents
are adequately treated. The subject of chapter 17 is the Sequencing Batch Reactor
(SBR) technology and the potential for energy savings though aeration schemes,
as has been demonstrated in pilot scale studies. Next, the cost impact of changing
the end use of biogas and transform a STP in Norway to an energy supplier of the
public transportation sector is presented. Chapter 19 finalizes the second and last
part of the book with a study that shows how the alternative energy sources can be
integrated into STP to contribute into cost reduction of the plant.
On the completion of this collected volume, we would like to thank the
contributing authors for sharing their experience and perspective of future STPs.

Katerina Stamatelatou
Konstantinos P. Tsagarakis

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Part I
Innovative technologies and
economics in sewage treatment
plants – an overview

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Chapter 1
Reducing the energy demands
of wastewater treatment
through energy recovery
Efthalia Chatzisymeon
Institute for Infrastructure and Environment, School of Engineering,
The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 3JL, United Kingdom

1.1 ​Introduction
Wastewater treatment is a significant aspect of water industry that safeguards
public health, natural environment and allow for a high quality of life and
economic development. The rapid population growth in highly urbanized and
industrialized societies has resulted to the production of large volumes of
wastewater, which require energy and cost-intensive treatment to be sanitized
and safely discharge into receiving water bodies. In order to meet discharge
limits, existing wastewater treatment facilities utilize energy-intensive
treatment techniques, although current scientific knowledge can provide the
know-how to achieve energy saving and recovery in treatment plants. This
chapter gives a brief overview of well-established as well as novel technologies
that have the potential to reduce energy demands of existing, typical wastewater
treatment facilities, either by energy recovery or saving during treatment, in
order to reduce the environmental footprint and attain energy efficient treatment

1.1.1 ​Wastewater management
Water and wastewater management are highly important and interdependent tasks
that can strongly affect human well-being and quality of life. If left untreated,
wastewater can pollute surface and ground water reservoirs, thus posing serious
threats onto public health and the environment. Hence, the role of water and
wastewater industry is to provide reliable protection and safely discharge wastewater
into the aquatic environment. However, rapid and localized population growth has

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4 Sewage Treatment Plants

led to large volumes of clean water being consumed daily and respectively large
volumes of wastewater being produced, which stresses even more the existing
wastewater facilities. On top of this a rapid deterioration of the quality of water
reservoirs, mainly due to the increased urbanization, industrialization and farming
activities, is observed. This is evident by the excess of organic pollutants and
nutrients (N and P) loads in aquatic bodies. All the above indicate that more
intensive water and wastewater treatment technologies, which are associated with
high energy demands and costs, need to be adopted to safeguard public health and
the natural environment.
Although estimations vary, on average the daily municipal water use per
capita reaches 400 L in USA (USGS, 2014), while the mean municipal water
consumption in Europe is half, about 200 L (EC, 2012), with substantial
differentiations among EU countries. In developing countries the municipal water
use per capita is substantially lower, reaching an order of magnitude less than
the developed ones (UNDP, 2006). Used water is collected in sewage systems
and then is led to treatment plants, as to be sanitized and safely discharged to
environment and/or recycled for agriculture and other uses. In the UK about
625 × 103 km of sewers are used daily to collect over 11 × 106 m3 of municipal
and industrial wastewater (DEFRA, 2012). These vast quantities should be
treated before ending up to receiving water bodies, but that is not always the case.
For example, in Abbey Mills Pumping Stations, London around 16 × 106 t of raw
wastewater is annually discharged to the River Lee, ending up to river Thames.
In USA, in 2008 60.41 × 109 m3 of municipal wastewater were produced, of
which 47.2 × 109 m3 were collected and finally only 40.89 × 109 m3 were treated
(FAO, 2014).
Wastewater treatment comprises various physical, chemical and biological
processes, as well as their combination, in order to produce an effluent that can
be safely disposed to environment without causing any short or long term adverse
effects to humans or other living beings. Nonetheless, in order to meet wastewater
discharge permits, high energy demands are required, leading to high operational
costs and making wastewater management unsustainable. Therefore, more efficient
and energy friendly treatment systems, that require lower to zero external amounts
of energy to operate and hence lower operational costs, should be introduced in
large scale.

1.1.2 ​Energy demands for wastewater treatment

Wastewater treatment has improved significantly over the past 20 years, with
approximately 75% of UK surface waters now being in good biological and
chemical quality (POST, 2007). However, the energy required to treat wastewater
to this standard is high; with energy being used to collect, treat and discharge
wastewater and manage sewage sludge. Insufficient data were available to
assess accurately the actual energy intensity of each step of the water treatment.

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Reducing the energy demands of wastewater treatment 5

However, there is no doubt that as our demand for clean water increases, so
does the total amount of energy needed to safely discharge wastewater into the
For example, over 1010 L of sewage are produced every day in England and
Wales and it takes approximately 6.34 GWh of energy to treat this volume
of sewage, which is almost 1% of the average daily electricity consumption of
England and Wales (POST, 2007). Moreover, Shoener et al. (2014) reported that
current energy-intensive approaches to wastewater treatment, which consume
roughly 0.3–0.6 kWh m−3 (i.e., 3% of U.S. electricity demand), further contribute
to climate change through greenhouse gas emissions from electricity production
(Shoener et al., 2014).
Nevertheless, to accurately estimate the actual energy demands of a wastewater
treatment facility, treatment stages and utilized technologies should be taken into
account. In addition, energy demands are strongly related to the physicochemical
characteristics of sewage (i.e., organic load, total solids, etc.) and the desirable use
of the final effluent (i.e., aquifer recharge, agriculture use, etc.), since these affect
the degree of treatment intensity. Typically, a sewage treatment plant consists of
five main stages, as described below (POST, 2007):
• Pre-treatment: includes bar screens to remove large objects, a flow
equalization tank and a grit removal channel.
• Primary treatment: consists of a primary sedimentation tank where solids
are physically settled out by gravity.
• Secondary treatment: typically is based on an activated sludge system,
where bacteria are used to convert organic pollutants to carbon rich
• Tertiary treatment: might include UV irradiation, activated carbon filters
or other advanced techniques to further remove non-biodegradable organic
matter and/or disinfect the water.
• Sludge treatment: usually incineration, or sludge thickening and disposal is
Table 1.1 presents a typical energy demands’ breakdown for a common
wastewater treatment facility. It is evident that the highest amount of energy,
that is, 55.6%, is consumed in the activated sludge aeration process. The primary
clarifier and sludge pumps is the second largest energy demanding stage, it
consumes 10.3%, followed by heating for digesters (7.1%) and solids dewatering
(7%). All the above stand for about 80% of the total energy demands of a
common treatment facility. Since, as described above, conventional wastewater
treatment processes are energy-intensive and hence not environmentally friendly,
future strategies should focus on reducing energy demands and enabling zero
to negative energy treatment requirements, as to create economic incentives
and enable access to sustainable sanitation in both developed and developing
communities (Shoener et al., 2014).

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6 Sewage Treatment Plants

Table 1.1 ​Typical energy demands for a wastewater treatment facility

(Tchobanoglous et al., 2003).

Stage Energy demand (%)

Inlet pumping and headworks 4.9
Primary clarifier and sludge pumps 10.3
Activated sludge aeration 55.6
Secondary clarifier and RAS 3.7
Thickener and sludge pump 1.6
Effluent filters and process water 4.5
Solids dewatering 7.0
Tertiary treatment 3.1
Heating 7.1
Lighting 2.2

1.2 ​Energy Recovery
To take a step towards wastewater treatment facilities that have zero to negative net
energy demands (i.e., energy produced during treatment is greater than the energy
required for their operation), all potential energy saving and energy production
steps in a typical treatment facility should be identified. Figure 1.1 illustrates how
and where within the train system of wastewater treatment, the greatest potential
for energy saving and recovery can be achieved.

Figure 1.1 ​Processes that have the potential to save and/or recover energy within
a wastewater treatment facility.

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As shown in Figure 1.1, well-established processes exist, such as anaerobic

digestion, that are already applied at industrial-scale treatment plants, as well
as novel technologies, such as microbial fuel cells (MFCs) and gasification, that
need further investigation and optimization for their application at larger scale. In
specific, energy demands can be reduced either by decreasing energy consumption
or by achieving energy recovery, by the means of the technologies described in the
following paragraphs.

1.2.1 ​Use of efficient mechanical parts and sensors

Significant savings can be achieved in the most energy-intensive stages of a typical
treatment facility, with the use of efficient mechanical parts. For example in aeration,
the most energy demanding stage, it is possible to reduce energy consumption by
about 30% (Caldwell, 2009). Therefore, replacement of aged machine parts, such as
pumps, motors, and so on, with more efficient ones should be carefully considered,
since they can significantly decrease energy consumption. A typical energy saving
of 10–20% can be achieved through efficient blowers in the aeration process.
Modern blowers are usually based on high speed, oil free turbo systems, which can
be further improved if aeration supply and control is well designed. Efficient motors
can be used to replace existing ones, hence achieving energy savings of about 5–15%.
Furthermore, real-time monitoring with automatic instrumentation (i.e., sensors
technology) of the treatment facility can significantly contribute to energy and
cost savings, through the precise and rapid estimation of important operating
parameters. Up to date, technological advances allow the real-time monitoring
of several parameters, such as conductivity, pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and
other. This enables the optimization of the process by properly adjusting addition of
chemicals, flowrates, retention time and other significant operating conditions, thus
avoiding the excess of chemicals use and air sparging.
A successful case study of energy reduction through efficient mechanical parts
and sensors technology was presented by an Anglian Water treatment facility.
This was achieved by replacing the aeration system, which was approaching its
treatment limit due to the increased load of wastewaters entering the plant with a
higher efficiency one and by using a plate aerator that gave higher area coverage
of the aeration zone and created smaller air bubbles (Caldwell, 2009). It is well-
known that small bubbles rise more slowly and offer a larger surface area, which
increases oxygen transfer into the wastewater from a typical 5.5% to more than
7.0% per meter of water depth. This reduces air requirements to treat the same
load of wastewater by about 27% and allows more oxygen transfer in its volume.
Moreover, the old blowers of the sewage plant were replaced with efficient oil
free turbo blowers. These use 10–20% less energy to eject the same volume of
air in the system. The combination of the use of efficient aerators and blowers
with a new real-time monitoring system can significantly improve total energy
and cost savings. A real-time control system, comprised of air flowmeters and

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pressure sensors, allowed air flowrates optimization, thus avoiding excess of air
sparging consequently reducing its energy demands. The aeration capital cost
for this solution was similar to conventional disc aerators, while energy and air
requirements were reduced by 20% and 33%, respectively.

1.2.2 ​Anaerobic digestion
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a well-known natural process where biodegradable
materials are broken down by the action of microorganisms, in the absence of
oxygen, which result to decreased organic loads and simultaneously to the
production of biogas. Biogas is a mixture of gases that mainly consist of methane
(typically 60–65%) and carbon dioxide. The process takes place in sealed anaerobic
digesters under appropriate temperatures of about 30 to 38°C (mesophillic
digestion) or about 49–57°C (thermophillic digestion), with the first being a more
stable process (Reith et al., 2003). AD can be divided into three main steps, (a)
hydrolysis, where microorganisms split the organic matter to simpler forms in the
presence of water, (b) volatile acid fermentation, which include acidogenesis – and
acetogenesis, with end products being acetic acid, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen,
and (c) methane formation, where products from the previous step are converted to
methane and carbon dioxide. AD can take place either in a single stage, digestion is
performed in a single tank at constant temperature, or in multiple stages, different
tanks or different temperatures or both, are used. The latter finds favourable use
in wastewater management since it allows AD facilities to optimize both organic
removal and biogas production.
Wastewaters, as well as the sludge that is generated in the aeration stage, are
rich in organic matter and therefore can be used to produce energy (biogas) and
simultaneously reduce their organic load through AD. Depending on its quality
and quantity, biogas can be used for heating purposes, electricity production or can
be fed into a combined heat and power (CHP) system to provide heating to AD and
power the high energy intensive processes within the treatment plant, such as the
aeration blowers (Cao & Pawlowski, 2012). In general, anaerobic digesters are able
to create enough biogas to maintain their own heating temperature and provide
heat and/or electricity to other stages of the plant and to the building facilities on
site (Caldwell, 2009).
AD is a well-established solution for energy recovery and organic load
reduction, presenting both environmental and economic benefits, while its
application is steadily increasing in wastewater treatment facilities throughout
the world. For example, the volume of biogas captured and utilized in two
Norwegian wastewater treatment facilities rose from 8.1 × 106 m3 in 2000 to
14.6 × 106 m3 in 2007 (Venkatesh & Elmi, 2013). Furthermore, in 2005–2006
the UK water industry generated 493 GWh from AD, while currently, with 110
AD facilities installed, it annually generates approximately 800 GWh through
AD of sewage sludge treatment (Mills et al., 2014; POST, 2007). To add, most

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Reducing the energy demands of wastewater treatment 9

of the regional sludge centres already produce enough energy to be able to

provide for all of their internal processes and also are able to export electricity
to the grid. Interestingly, the most recent UK strategy plan, after estimating the
AD potential, sets out a goal that heat and electricity production could reach
3–5 TWh by 2020 (DEFRA, 2013).
Although AD is a widely applied technology, with significant contribution to
treatment sustainability and wastewater and sewage sludge valorisation, there is
also an increasing interest to enhance biogas quantity and quality (e.g., high ratio
of methane to carbon dioxide) and further optimize the process. Hence, research
efforts investigate possible alternatives, such as optimization of process conditions
(e.g., sludge retention time and sludge loading rate), application of multi-stage
process (e.g., temperature-phased and microorganism community-phased), and
sludge pre-treatment to increase biodegradability (Cao & Pawlowski, 2012).

1.2.3 ​Fermentation
During fermentation specific microorganisms, in the absence of oxygen, follow
a certain metabolic pathway and convert monomers (sugars) to acids. Anaerobic
wastewater digestion to generate methane as a final product is a well-established
technique. Nonetheless, if the growth of methanogenic bacteria is inhibited, thus
preventing methane formation, and only hydrogen producing microorganisms
are left to flourish, then acetogenesis will be the last step of AD, thus generating
hydrogen (H2), acetic acid and CO2 (Reith et al., 2003).
H2 is a high energy density (122 KJ/g) fuel that produces zero CO2 emissions
when burned. Nonetheless the most common H2 generation processes are steam
reforming of natural gas and water electrolysis, which are extremely energy
and cost-intensive (Su et al., 2010; Argun & Kargi, 2011). Therefore, increasing
research interest has been directed towards more sustainable and energy-efficient
techniques for its production. Among them, anaerobic wastewater fermentation has
proven to be a promising process that operates under mild conditions and requires
low energy demands, since it achieves both waste reduction and clean energy
production, namely H2 (Chen et al., 2008).
H2 production through wastewater fermentation can be achieved (a) under the
presence of light (photo-fermentation), where light provides metabolic energy,
(b) under the absence of light (dark-fermentations), where organic compounds
provide metabolic energy, or (c) by a combination of both techniques (combined-
fermentation) (Su et al., 2010; Argun & Kargi, 2011). The latter has been reported
to provide higher H2 yields and can also achieve higher reduction of the effluents’
organic load (Chen et al., 2008).
In photo-fermentation anaerobic photosynthetic bacteria, such as Rhodobacter
and Rhodopseudomonas, catalyze organic acids, such as acetic and butyric acids
and more simple ones, as glucose, fructose and sucrose, while in dark fermentation
anaerobic bacteria, such as Clostridium and Enterobacter, can catalyze glucose,

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sucrose, starch and cellulosic materials to produce H2 (Su et al., 2010). Restriction
factors of applying the process at large scale include low hydrogen yields (i.e.,
typically less than 15% of the maximum theoretical potential), high cost and
the need for carbohydrate-rich wastewaters, thus this technology has yet to be
effectively introduced at industrial scale.

1.2.4 ​Microbial fuel cells

Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are an emerging sustainable technology that can
achieve both the removal of organic pollutants and electricity generation (Ahn
et al., 2014). When utilizing MFCs for wastewater treatment, microorganisms use
organic matter to produce electricity as well as water, CO2 and other inorganic
residue as by-products (Barua & Deka, 2010; Du et al., 2007). MFCs are bioreactors
that operate under anaerobic conditions and consist of two electrodes, an anode and
a cathode separated by a positively charged ion membrane. On the anode organics
(i.e., wastewater) are oxidized by microorganisms, thus generating CO2, electrons
and protons. Electrons are transferred to the cathode compartment through an
external electric circuit, generating electricity, while protons are transferred to
the cathode compartment through the membrane. Water is also produced by the
combination of electrons and protons with oxygen, on the cathode (Oh & Logan,
2005; Rabaey & Verstraete, 2005).
The main benefits of MFCs are (a) their low-cost, since they use inexpensive
catalysts; namely microorganisms present in wastewaters, (b) their high energy
efficiency, theoretically energy can be recovered by far beyond 50%, and (c) their
ability to operate under mild reaction conditions (Barua & Deka, 2010; Scott &
Murano, 2007). Moreover, when MFCs are used significant lower amounts of solid
needs to be disposed of, since they can achieve solids removal in the range of
50–90% and therefore potentially can reduce the energy required for the aeration
treatment of wastewater by up to 50%.
Two different types of MFCs exist, the ones that require a mediator and the
mediator less, with the latter showing significant potential for wastewater treatment
applications (Oh & Logan, 2005). Also, various designs exist, with the single-
chamber, air-cathode MFCs being promising for practical applications (Ahn et al.,
2014). For wastewater applications close electrode spacing is favorable, whilst
very close electrode spacing can be achieved by placing a separator between the
electrodes, as to avoid short-circuiting. The separator configuration can produce
a 16% higher maximum power density but the separator-less closely spacing
configuration requires significant less time for wastewater treatment and hence is
better in terms of treatment efficiency (Ahn et al., 2014).

1.2.5 ​Energy recovery from sewage sludge

Sewage sludge constitutes one of the most significant challenges in wastewater
management, since large volumes are produced that apart from the high organic

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Reducing the energy demands of wastewater treatment 11

content, may contain hazardous substances, such as heavy metals and persistent micro-
pollutants. Sewage sludge contains from 0.25–12% solids by weight, depending on
the wastewater treatment technique that was adopted (Tchobanoglous et al., 2003).
Therefore, sludge management tradition handling routes, such as agricultural use,
can be unsafe, while sludge incineration is associated with high energy demands
and costs and landfill disposal faces various legislation restrictions, for example,
Directive 2000/76/EEC and 2003/33/EEC (Manara & Zabaniotou, 2012).
Alternative management processes include the thermochemical treatment of
sludge in the absence of oxygen or in oxygen-starved environments, as to prevent
combustion. Under carefully controlled conditions and extreme temperatures
(350–1000°C), sludge may undergo chemical reactions to produce fuels that can
be used for heat and/or energy production and simultaneously achieve organic load
removal. Processes include gasification, which produces syngas, and pyrolysis,
which produces bio-oil. These are potential alternatives to sludge incineration, but
similarly operational costs are still high, especially when using high temperatures.
Also, special consideration should be given to the monitoring of operating
conditions to avoid any formation of harmful by-products, such as hydrogen
cyanide (Samolada & Zabaniotou, 2014). ​Pyrolysis
During pyrolysis sewage sludge is thermally decomposed in an oxygen-free
environment to gases (biogas), liquids (bio-oil) and solids (biochar). The major
product obtained from this process is the bio-oil, which can be used as a fuel, the
same stands for biogas, as well as a source of valuable chemical products. Biochar,
a carbon-rich solid, can be used in various applications ranging from agriculture
to adsorbent material for contaminants in soils, depending on its quality (Agrafioti
et al., 2013).
Pyrolysis, a rather endothermic process (100 kJ kg−1), operates at temperatures
ranging from 350°C to 1000°C. Pyrolysis by-product formation is affected by
the process operating conditions, such as temperature and pressure as well as the
initial sludge characteristics. Therefore, when bio-oil is the target, fast pyrolysis is
employed, during which high heating rates, moderate temperatures (500°C) and
short gas residence times (<2 s) are applied, whilst when biochar is the desired
product, slow pyrolysis, characterized by mild temperatures (350–600°C) and
heating rates, is applied (Leszczynski, 2006).
Pyrolysis is a ‘greener’ technology when compared to incineration, since the
lower operating temperatures applied and the absence of oxygen result to toxic-free
by-products. In contrast, oxygen utilization and high temperatures applied during
incineration process can result to the formation of toxic substances, such as furans
and dioxins. Although research has been focused on pyrolysis of sewage sludge
for bio-oil production, thus recovering energy within the wastewater treatment
facility, large scale applications of the technology is limited. This is due to the

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12 Sewage Treatment Plants

need for relatively complex and expensive equipment and the need for using drying
feedstock (Samolada & Zabaniotou, 2014). ​Gasification
The gasification process uses heat, pressure and steam to convert carbonaceous
materials, in the presence of oxygen and/or steam, into a synthesis gas called
syngas, which is a mixture of CO, H2 as well as N2 and traces of CO2, CH4 and
other hydrocarbons and slag. Gasification mainly transforms organic materials to
combustible gas or syngas, using between 20% and 40% of the oxygen required
for total combustion, whereas pyrolysis is a thermochemical reaction carried
out at elevated temperatures (500–1000°C) and theoretically in an oxygen-free
Gasification has the advantage of reducing the volume of sewage sludge and
toxic organic compounds; while simultaneously it generates syngas that can be
used for heat (e.g., syngas from sewage sludge has a heating capacity of about 4 MJ
m−3) or electricity (i.e., in fuel cells) production (Dogru et al., 2002; Judex et al.,
2012). In addition, problems commonly faced in incineration process, like the need
for supplementary fuel and emissions of toxic by-products, such as SOx and NOx,
heavy metals and fly ash, can be avoided by the gasification process.
Limitations of the technology include feedstock characteristics, such as moisture
(>90% dry solids) content, and the complexity of the reactors design, such as design
of the feeding system, mixing and separation of the feedstock. Also, the generated
syngas must be cleaned and purified before its further use and the high cost of the
initial set-up still prevents the wide application of this technology at large-scale.

1.3 ​Concluding Remarks
Reducing energy demands and increasing energy recovery in wastewater treatment
facilities can be a feasible venture by means of current technological advances. If
existing treatment facilities are upgraded as to achieve lower energy demands and
simultaneously take advantage of energy harvesting techniques from wastewater
and sewage sludge, then positive net energy facilities could exist, that will further
benefit local or national communities by providing the excess heat and energy.
In this chapter the energy demands of a typical sewage treatment plant as well
as options to reduce them were demonstrated. Furthermore, techniques that can
achieve substantial energy recovery, within the various treatment stages, were
presented. It is clear that scientific knowledge and the know-how to create energy,
and thus save cost exist and can lead to the establishment of highly sustainable
sewage treatment plants. These technologies are described and discussed in detail
in this book, while emphasis is given to economic aspects of wastewater treatment
facilities. Finally, successful case studies of energy recovery during wastewater
treatment are demonstrated in Part II of this book.

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Reducing the energy demands of wastewater treatment 13

1.4 ​References
Agrafioti E., Bouras G., Kalderis D. and Diamadopoulos E. (2013). Biochar production by
sewage sludge pyrolysis. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 101, 72–78.
Ahn Y., Hatzell M. C., Zhang F. and Logan B. E. (2014). Different electrode configurations
to optimize performance of multi-electrode microbial fuel cells for generating power
or treating domestic wastewater. Journal of Power Sources, 249, 440–445.
Argun H. and Kargi F. (2011). Bio-hydrogen production by different operational modes
of dark and photo-fermentation: an overview. International Journal of Hydrogen
Energy, 36, 7443–7459.
Barua P. K. and Deka D. (2010). Electricity generation from biowaste based microbial fuel
cells. International Journal of Energy, Information and Communications, 1(1), 77–92.
Caldwell P. (2009). Energy efficient sewage treatment can energy positive sewage treatment
works become the standard design? In: Proceedings of the 3rd European Water and
Wastewater Management Conference, 22–23 September.
Cao Y. and Pawłowski A. (2012). Sewage sludge-to-energy approaches based on anaerobic
digestion and pyrolysis: brief overview and energy efficiency assessment. Renewable
and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16, 1657–1665.
Chen C.-Y., Yang M.-H., Yeh K.-L., Liu C.-H. and Chang J.-S. (2008). Biohydrogen
production using sequential two-stage dark and photo fermentation processes.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33, 4755–4762.
DEFRA (2012). Waste water treatment in the United Kingdom – 2012. Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Nobel House 17, Smith Square London SW1P
DEFRA (2013). Anaerobic digestion strategy and action plan. Department for Environment,
Food and Rural Affairs, Nobel House 17, Smith Square London SW1P 3JR.
Dogru M., Midilli A. and Howarth C. R. (2002). Gasification of sewage sludge using a
throated downdraft gasifier and uncertainty analysis. Fuel Processing Technology, 75,
Du Z., Li H. and Gu T. (2007). A state of the art review on microbial fuel cells:
a promising technology for wastewater treatment and bioenergy. Biotechnology
Advances, 25, 464–482.
EC (2012). Would you drink your wastewater? European Commission, Directorate-General
for the Environment, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, ISBN:
FAO (2014). AQUASTAT database, food and agriculture organization of the United Nations
(FAO). Website accessed 12 September 2014.
Judex J. W., Gaiffi M. and Burgbacher H. C. (2012). Gasification of dried sewage sludge:
status of the demonstration and the pilot plant. Waste Management, 32, 719–723.
Leszczynski S. (2006). Pyrolysis of sewage sludge and municipal organic waste. Acta
Metallurgica Slovaca, 12, 257–261.
Manara P. and Zabaniotou A. (2012). Towards sewage sludge based biofuels via
thermochemical conversion – a review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
16, 2566– 2582.
Mills N., Pearce P., Farrow J., Thorpe R. B. and Kirkby N. F. (2014). Environmental
& economic life cycle assessment of current & future sewage sludge to energy
technologies. Waste Management, 34, 185–195.

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14 Sewage Treatment Plants

Oh S. E. and Logan B. E. (2005). Hydrogen and electricity production from a food

processing wastewater using fermentation and microbial fuel cell technologies. Water
Research, 39, 4673–4682.
POST (2007). Energy and Sewage, Postnote number 282. Parliamentary Office of Science
and Technology, 7 Millbank, London, SW1P 3JA, UK.
Rabaey K. and Verstraete W. (2005). Microbial fuel cells: novel biotechnology for energy
generation. Trends Biotechnology, 23(6), 291–298.
Reith J. H., Wijffels R. H. and Barten H. (2003). Bio-methane & Bio-hydrogen: status
and perspectives of biological methane and hydrogen production. Dutch Biological
Hydrogen Foundation, The Netherlands.
Samolada M. C. and Zabaniotou A. A. (2014). Comparative assessment of municipal
sewage sludge incineration, gasification and pyrolysis for a sustainable sludge-to-
energy management in Greece. Waste Management, 34, 411–420.
Scott K. and Murano C. (2007). Microbial fuel cells utilising carbohydrates. J. Chem.
Technol. Biotechnol., 82, 92–100.
Shoener B. D., Bradley I. M., Cusick R. D. and Guest J. S. (2014). Energy positive
domestic wastewater treatment: the roles of anaerobic and phototrophic technologies.
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16, 1204–1222.
Su H., Cheng J., Zhou J., Song W. and Cen K. (2010). Hydrogen production from water
hyacinth through dark- and photo-fermentation. International Journal of Hydrogen
Energy, 35, 8929–8937.
Tchobanoglous G., Burton F. L., Stensel H. D. and Metcalf & Eddy (2003). Wastewater
engineering treatment and re-use, 4th edn, McGraw Hill, New York.
UNDP (2006). Human development report 2006. United Nations Development Programme,
1 UN Plaza, New York, 10017, USA, ISBN: 0-230-50058-7.
USGS (2014). Water Questions & Answers. U.S. Geological Survey, available online at:
http://water.usgs.gov/edu/qa-home-percapita.html (accessed 12 September 2014).
Venkatesh G. and Elmi R. A. (2013). Economic-environmental analysis of handling biogas
from sewage sludge digesters in WWTPs (wastewater treatment plants) for energy
recovery: case study of bekkelaget WWTP in Oslo (Norway). Energy, 58, 220–235.

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Chapter 2
The principles of economic
evaluation and cost-benefit
analysis implemented in
sewage treatment plants
María Molinos-Senante1, Nick Hanley2, Francesc
Hernández-Sancho3 and Ramón Sala-Garrido1
1Department of Mathematics for Economics, University of Valencia,

Avda. Tarongers S/N, 46022 Valencia, Spain (maria.molinos@uv.es;

Department of Geography and Sustainable Development,

University of St Andrews, Scotland (ndh3@st-andrews.ac.uk)

3Department of Applied Economics, University of Valencia, Avda.
Tarongers S/N, 46022 Valencia, Spain (francesc.hernandez@uv.es)

2.1 ​Introduction
Traditional wastewater treatment technologies, most of them based on activated
sludge, have been widely implemented in the last decades over the world (Gavasci
et al. 2010). However, growing public concern over environmental protection and
increasing energy costs have led to the development of innovative technologies for
energy saving. Improving energy efficiency is a challenge that should be taken into
account in the construction of new wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), in the
renovation of the plants and in the operation of all facilities.
The development and implementation of innovative technologies for energy
efficiency involves costs and benefits that should be assessed. Economic feasibility
studies are an essential tool in the decision making process for the implementation
of new technologies alternatives in the field of wastewater treatment (Molinos-
Senante et al. 2012).
One of the most popular tools to assess the economic feasibility of any project is
cost-benefit analysis (CBA) since it ensures the economic rationality of investments
testing whether the benefits of action outweigh the costs. The approach followed
in the performance of CBA in the evaluation of projects has been modified taken

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into account the objectives of the development policies. There are three stages
(Molinos-Senante et al. 2010):
(1) Traditional approach: it is a financial analysis based on the comparison of
incomes and costs generated during the life of the project, that is, what are
known as internal or private impacts. It follows a clear economic approach
aimed to increase the level of welfare in monetary terms, typically defined
as profits.
(2) Socio-economic approach: this arises when the concept of social equity
is incorporated. The aim is to achieve equitable income distribution, or at
least to include some kind of income-related weights into the calculation of
benefits and costs to different groups.
(3) CBA involving environmental externalities valuation: It results from the
incorporation of environmental criteria in the decision-making process.
This type of CBA originated in the 1980s and become more widespread
in the 1990s (Pearce & Nash, 1981; Sudgen & Williams, 1988; Hanley &
Spash, 1993; among others).
Wastewater treatment in general and innovative wastewater treatment
technologies for energy efficiency in particular have important associated
environmental benefits which are defined in economic terms as positive
externalities. Hence, the assessment of the economic feasibility of wastewater
treatment processes must be carried out through CBA instead of financial analysis.
Otherwise, the environmental benefits of cutting pollution and to reduce energy
consumption and consequently greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions would be
underestimated since they are not accounted by the market (unless governments
or the market offers payments for reductions in carbon emissions, for example
through carbon trading).
Other reasons for selecting CBA as the preferred method to assess the economic
feasibility are that: (i) it allows planners and decision-makers to take a long-term
view of the project lifetime; (ii) it provides a project ranking, which, for all practical
purposes, proves to be quite scientific and satisfactory (Molinos-Senante et al.
2013a) and; (iii) it clearly sets the impacts of a project in terms of who is affected,
by how much, and when (Hanley & Barbier, 2009).

2.2 ​Cost Benefit Analysis Methodology

2.2.1 ​Cost benefit analysis basis
The objective of a CBA is to compare the economic feasibility (net social benefit)
of several scenarios, including the ‘do nothing’ scenario, that is, maintain current
conditions. CBA proposes various decision rules in the decision making process:
(i) an intervention is only feasible if benefits are greater than costs; (ii) if alternative
options are available, the best option is the one with the highest net present value;
and (iii) time can be incorporated in the assessment through the use of discount rates.

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The principles of economic evaluation and cost-benefit 17

Since CBA starts from the premise that a project should only be commissioned if
all benefits exceed the aggregate costs, the benefits of each proposal are compared
with their costs by using a common analytical methodology (Eq. (2.1)).

NP = B1 + BE (2.1)

where NP is the net profit (total income – total costs); B1 is the total internal benefit
(internal income – internal costs); and BE is total the external benefit (positive
externalities – negative externalities). A project is economically feasible if, and
only if, NP > 0. If the result of the calculation is NP < 0, then the project is not
economically feasible. The best option offers the highest net profit (Benedetti et al.
2006; Chen & Wang, 2009). Moreover, total income can be divided by total costs
to get a ratio which can be used to rank policies/project that are competing for
scarce funds, with the option of having the highest benefit to cost ratio being the
most preferred (De Anguita et al. 2011).
The implementation of an innovative wastewater treatment technology is a
project whose life period is more than one year, and as a result, the internal
and external benefits must be adjusted for the time they will occur. For this
reason the NP must be expressed in present value terms. By means of a properly
chosen discount rate the investor becomes indifferent regarding cash amounts
receiving at different points of time. The net present value is calculated as shown
in Eq. (2.2):

NPV = ∑ (1 + r )
t =1
t (2.2)

NPV is the net present value, NPt is the net profit at time t; r is the discount rate
and T is the project lifespan.
NPV results will determine the project’s feasibility. As well as NP, a positive
NPV means that the investment will be profitable and the project can be accepted.
If NPV is negative, the investment is not economically feasible. Therefore, the
decision rule is to select the option that will induce NPV optimisation. This NPV
rule can be linked to overall social welfare by the Kaldor-Hicks principle, namely
that a positive NPV implies that the gainers could compensate the losers and still
be better off (Hanley & Barbier, 2009).
It should be highlighted that the selection of the lifespan of the technologies is
always a controversial choice since it is well known that it depends on many factors
including the maintenance and management of the facilities.
Regarding the discount rate, higher discount rates favours solutions that are
weighted toward future spending, that is, those with relatively high operating costs
and lower investment cost (Woods et al. 2013). There is much debate over which
discount rate governments should use in public sector policy and project appraisal.

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The opportunity cost of investments should be reflected in the discount rate

because, when a particular project is invested in, it is assumed that this capital may
not be invested elsewhere, in other words, there is an opportunity cost. In water
reuse-projects, the opportunity cost generally refers to land on which the WWTP
is placed (Seguí, 2007). For projects that last for a long time, it is recommended to
use lower values of discount rate than in projects with a shorter lifespan (Termes-
Rifé et al. 2013). When dealing with a long-term project, a declining value for
the discount rate at different time periods may be used. When a decision is about
environmental aspects, a very low value should be used, even near to zero, since
environmental damages may have an impact that is likely to last for many years in
the future. Pearce et al. (2003) stressed the need for modification of the traditional
assumption in discounting rates using for example a declining discount rate
which replaces the exponential discount factor with a hyperbolic function. The
UK government uses a declining discount rate formula for long-term impacts. In
particular, Her Majesty’s Tresure (2003) recommends a discount rate of 3.5% for
1 to 30 years, a 3% rate for 31 to 75 years, a 2.5% rate for 76 to 125 years, a 2%
rate for 125 to 200 years, 1.5% for 201 to 300 years, and 1% for longer periods.
Similarly, in 2004, France replaced its constant discount rate of 8% with a 4%
discount rate that decreases to 2% for longer maturities (MacLeod & Filion, 2012).
Another approach suggested by Almansa and Martínez-Paz (2011) is the use of
a dual-rate discount rate which involves the use of different discount factors for
tangible and intangible goods.
A weakness of the CBA approach is that the final decision depends on the
alternatives proposed. Thus, other alternatives not evaluated in the CBA may be
considerably better.
Any investment project that is analysed through the CBA tool should follow a
series of steps (see Figure 2.1).

Step 1 Set of alternatives

Step 2 Identify incomes, costs and externalities

Step 3 Quantify incomes, costs and externalities

Step 4 Calculate the net present value

Step 5 Sensitivity Analysis

Step 6 Recommendations

Figure 2.1 ​Steps of a cost benefit analysis.

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(1) Specify the set of alternatives to the project. The CBA compares the NPV of
investing resources in different projects or alternatives. In the majority of the
situations, the alternative to be compared with the one proposed is the status
quo situation, that is, the situation in which the project is not carried out.
(2) Identify the incomes, costs and positive and negative externalities. Once the
alternatives to the project have been specified, the next step is to establish
the internal and negative impacts of each one. Wastewater treatment creates
a number of externalities, including negatives such as GHG emissions
and biological and chemical risks if the treated water is reused and
positive externalities as health benefits, education services, and especially
environmental benefits.
(3) Quantify the incomes, costs and positive and negative externalities. Almost
certainly, this is the most complicated phase of a CBA. On the one hand,
internal impacts are those that have a price determined by the market and
therefore, can be quantified directly. On the other hand, the quantification
of the externalities is much more complex since they have not a price
determined by the market. However, it does not mean that they do not
have value since they contribute to improve people welfare. To quantify
externalities, specific economic valuation methods are needed. Hence, it is
possible to standardize all the units involved in the CBA.
(4) Calculate the net present value. As it is shown in Eq. (2.1), the NPV is
defined as the addition of internal benefits and external benefits. Hence
all the parameters involved to calculate the NPV must be expressed in the
same units (monetary units).
(5) Carry out a sensitivity analysis. So far none of the steps described to
apply a CBA has been taken into account the existence of uncertainty.
Accounting for uncertainty is important in the development of any CBA
since uncertainty could influence the ranking of selecting projects (Flores-
Alsina et al. 2012). Xu and Tung (2008) reviewed a large number of
methodologies applied to deal with uncertainty in the water and wastewater
management including Monte Carlo simulations (Prat et al. 2012), fuzzy
logic models (Kafetzis et al. 2010), Bayesian network models (Barton et al.
2005), statistical tolerances (Bonilla et al. 2004), among others.
(6) Make a recommendation based on the NPV and sensitivity analysis. As it
has been pointed out, the alternative that generates the highest NPV will
be chosen, assuming that some other alternatives have a positive NPV.
Moreover, the sensitivity analysis could show that the project with the
highest NPV is not the best option when uncertainty is considered.

2.2.2 ​Internal benefit
Internal benefit is the difference between internal costs and internal incomes (that
is, private benefits minus private costs). The internal impacts are those directly

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linked with wastewater treatment or with the implementation of a technology to

save energy in a WWTP. This can be calculated directly since both costs and
incomes have market value. ​Internal cost
In a wastewater treatment project, internal costs are composed by investment costs
(IC) and operation and maintenance costs (OMC) of the facility. If we focus on
cost assessment, both IC and OMC should be adjusted for the time they will occur.
The cost estimation on an annual basis, that is, the total annualised equivalent cost
(TAEC) can be calculated (Eq. (2.3)):

r (1 + r )T
TAEC = I + OMC (2.3)
(1 + r )T − 1

where TAEC is the total annualised equivalent cost in €/year; IC are the investments
costs in €; OMC are the operation and maintenance costs in €/year; r is the discount
rate; and T is the useful life-span of the project.
In the planning of a new investment, cost functions are a useful tool to quantify
IC and OMC as they show the relationship between the dependent variable (cost)
and independent variables (a set of representative variables of the process). Costs
functions are also useful for comparing different treatment technologies from
an economic point of view (Hernández-Sancho et al. 2011). Therefore, cost
functions are widely used to predict IC and OMC of wastewater treatment projects
(Panagiotakopoulos, 2004; Tsagarakis et al. 2003; Nogueira et al. 2007).
In the framework of ‘water and wastewater economics’, there are three main
methodologies to develop costs functions (Molinos-Senante et al. 2013b):
(1) The facility is viewed as a system consisting of components or subsystems,
each of which is simulated in detail (Panagiotakopoulos, 2004). Following
an engineering approach, the design parameters are allowed to assume
values within a wide but realistic range, thus simulating many alternative
facility forms, each with its own estimation.
(2) In the so-called ‘factor method’, major cost drivers related to specific major
cost parameters are known and they are directly estimated (Le Bozec,
2004). Though the use of conversion coefficients for the cost drivers,
estimates from one region or country can be transferred to another.
(3) Statistical and mathematical methods are often used when cost figures
(actual or estimates) are available. These figures might relate to set-up cost
and/or operating cost to the main variables of the facilities.
Previous studies (Sipala et al. 2005; Gonzalez-Serrano et al. 2006) illustrated
that the statistical method is the most common approach for developing cost
functions. Steps from the collection of the raw data to the generation of the costs
functions are shown in Figure 2.2.

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Step 1 Sort data according technology or process

Step 2 Select a reference year

Step 3 Select cost components

Step 4 Selectthe functional form of the function

Step 5 Adjust available data regarding cost components

Step 6 Generate the cost function

Step 7 Evaluate the quality of the adjustment

Figure 2.2 ​Steps for cost function modelling.

(1) Sort through the data basis of technology. Sorting means distinguish
between the various options for saving energy or achieving other objectives
previously defined.
(2) Choose a reference year for economic valuation. Due to the difficulty to
obtain economic data in the framework of wastewater treatment, sometimes
the reference year of all available information is not homogeneous. In this
case, it is necessary to choose a reference year, which generally is the year
of analysis. The costs for other years must be updated.
(3) Decide on the cost components that will be included in the cost functions.
Usually, the treatment capacity of the plant is considered the most important
factor to determine IC and OMC. In this sense, it is very important choose
the size measure of the facilities. In WWTPs, two functional units can be
used, namely population equivalent and volume of wastewater treated.
(4) Choose the functional form of the cost function. The formulation of IC
and OMC functions is based on the assessment of the relationship between
the dependent variable C (cost) and the independent variables X (volume
treated or population equivalent). For this purpose, different models can be
used, such as:
Inverse: C =a+
Power: C = aX b
Logarithmic: C = a + blnX
Quardratic: C = a + bX + CX 2

where a, b, c are the parameters of the model to estimate.

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(5) Adjust all available data to comply with the choices in Step 3 regarding
cost components. In case that a cost component is missing from the report
cost figure, it must be estimated on the basis of information from other
(6) Having the sets of the adjusted figures and using appropriate statistical
methods, ‘best-fit’ cost functions are generated. A common method
to get model parameters is ordinary least squares regression analysis.
Subsequently, the significance of the independent variables should be
tested. In doing so, a statistical hypothesis test should be carried out.
(7) Evaluate the quality of the adjustment. The most common indicator to
evaluate the quality of the adjustment is the coefficient of determination (R)
which measures the proportion of total variability of the dependent variable
relative to its average according to the regression model. Its value is ranged
within [0, 1]. If the determination coefficient value is 1, the adjustment
between actual and estimated data is perfect. A value of 0 indicates that
there is no relationship between the variables. ​Internal income
In a general study of the economic feasibility of a WWTP, internal income
includes revenues obtaining from the sale of the by-products that can be recovered
during the wastewater treatment process. In areas under water stress, the sale
of the recycled water may play a vital role to ensure the economic feasibility of
some water reuse projects. It should be taken into account that if the reclaimed
water is used in agriculture, the nitrogen and phosphorus content in the water
entails a saving in the fertiliser costs (Nogueira et al. 2013). Other incomes may
be obtained from the sale of nutrients (mainly phosphorus) recovered during
wastewater treatment and from the sale of stabilised sewage sludge to be used
after composting.
Focusing on the implementation of technologies for improving energy efficiency,
additional incomes must be quantified and incorporated in the economic feasibility
study. Some technologies involve a reduction in the consumption of energy;
therefore, there is an economic saving that should be taken into account. Other
processes allow recovering energy from wastewater or from sewage sludge that
can be used in the WWTP itself or sold, which supposes an additional income that
cannot be overlooked in the economic feasibility study.
Taking into account internal cost and internal income, the internal benefit for
one year is expressed as follows (Eq. 2.4). To estimate the NPV for the life-span of
the project, the internal benefit must be updated using Eq. (2.2).

BI = ∑ AUM ⋅ SPM + ∑ AE
i i
j ⋅ SPE j − ( IC + OMC ) (2.4)

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where BI is the internal benefit (€/year); AUMi is the annual unit of the material i
recovered such as reclaimed water (m3), phosphorus (kg), nitrogen (kg), composted
sludge (kg), and so on; SPMi is the selling price of recovered material, i (€/m3
or €/kg); AEi is the annual energy recovered through anaerobic digestion, sludge
incineration, and so on, in the form, j such as heat, electricity, and so on (kWh);
SPEj is the selling price of the recovered energy, j, (€/kWh); IC are the investment
costs (€/year); and OMC are the operational and maintenance costs (€/year).

2.2.3 ​External benefit
An externality is an effect of a purchase or use decision by one party (or group
of parties) on another party who did not have a choice and whose interests were
not taken into account (Hussen, 2004). In other words, an externality is generated
when an economic operation between agents A and B, produces effects on a third
agent C, without any monetary transaction between A and C, or between B and C.
However, the absence of market does not imply the absence of value.
While any internal impact can be calculated directly in monetary units, the
quantification of external impacts requires the use of economic valuation methods
due to the absence of market prices. This requirement is a major difference in
applying CBA rather than of financial analysis (Molinos-Senante et al. 2013a).
Following the same approach as for the internal benefit, the external benefit for
one year is expressed as follows (Eq. (2.5)). As well as internal benefit, it should be
updated for the life-span of the project.

BE = PE − N E (2.5)

Where BE is the external benefit (€/year); PE are the positive externalities such
are health and environmental benefits (€/year); NE are the negative externalities
such as GHG emissions (€/year). External benefits should include the value of
avoided damage costs due to the operation of the plant for example, the value of
avoided damages to recreation. ​External cost
The benefits of wastewater treatment are obvious, however treatment processes
also result in environmental impacts (Friedrich et al. 2009), such as eutrophication,
and contributions to climate change (Lassaux et al. 2007).
Due to social and political concerns about climate change, there is growing
interest in minimising the consumption of energy in WWTP. Energy consumption
is twofold from the perspective of assessing the economic feasibility of the
wastewater treatment process. On the one hand, as it has been pointed previously, it
is an internal cost. On the other hand, energy consumption is a negative externality,
which should not be overlooked since WWTPs consume a significant amount of
electricity which involves the indirect emission of GHG.

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Although IPCC Guidelines (2007) state that CO2 emissions have an impact
factor of 0 kg CO2eq when CO2 has biogenic origins (Doorn et al. 2006) nowadays,
there is an increasing interesting in estimating not just indirect GHG emissions
from energy consumption, but also direct GHG emissions. This is because it has
been verified that IPCC guidelines underestimate the values of GHG emissions
regardless of its origin (biogenic or not) (Foley et al. 2010).
Subsequently, a methodology is described that estimates the economic value
of the GHG emissions, that is, to estimate the value of the negative externalities
associated to wastewater treatment (Molinos-Senante et al. 2013a).
Indirect GHG emissions should be estimated based on WWTP energy demands.
At first, taken into account the national electrical production mix (national scheme
of electrical production), each GHG emission can be estimated. Subsequently, both
direct and indirect emissions should be converted to equivalent CO2 emissions
using 100-year global warming potential coefficients (IPCC, 2007).
Once total GHG emissions have been quantified in physical terms, the next
step is to express them in monetary units. For this purpose, it should be noted
that in the context of the Kyoto Protocol, a well-organised emissions trading has
been developed. For example, in Europe the European Union’s Emissions Trading
System (EU ETS) was implemented in 2005, which integrates more than 11,000
power stations and industrial plants accounting for the 40% of total GHG emissions
in the European Union. The price of CO2 emissions depends on supply and demand,
as well as other macroeconomic factors (Molinos-Senante et al. 2013a).
The average price paid through the EU ETS (or other CO2 market) during a time
period may be used as a proxy to the price of CO2eq emissions. As a reference and
based on SENDECO database, the average market price of CO2 from 2009 to 2012
was 11.9 €/t (SENDECO, 2013). However, there is some concern that the European
carbon market currently set lower prices for CO2 emissions. ​External benefits
In the context of wastewater treatment, the US Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) identified that wastewater regeneration and reuse provides the following
environmental benefits (EPA, 1998): (i) decreased diversion of freshwater from
sensitive ecosystems; (ii) decreased discharge to sensitive water bodies; (iii) recycled
water may be used to create or enhance wetlands and river banks; and (iv) recycled
water can reduce and prevent pollution.
Different methodologies for the quantification and internalisation of
environmental externalities arising from investment projects have been developed
from economic theory. Conventional valuation methods can be classified as follows
(Molinos-Senante et al. 2012):

– Methods not based on demand curves such as the replacement cost method,
opportunity cost method, dose-response method, among others. They use
production or cost functions and provide a ‘value to cost’ type approach.

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From a methodology point of view, these methods are not complex but they
require considerable experimental information.
– Methods based on demand curves. They belong to the ‘value to value’
approach and they are used to determine the total economic value of goods
and services that have no market (Hanley & Barbier, 2009). They are
classified as:
Indirect methods such as travel cost method and hedonic price method. They

rely on the use of data from actual transactions by individuals. The value of
the environmental good is deducted from the complementary relationship
between it and other goods with market price (Pearce & Turner, 1990).
Direct methods. They are known as stated preference methods since they

are based on the demand approach (Hanley et al. 2006). This approach
responds to the neoclassical view that economic value arises from the
interaction between an individual and an environmental asset as an
expression of individual preference, assuming that these preferences
are a reflection of the maximum utility. The primary categories of
stated preference methods are the contingent valuation method and
choice modelling techniques (see Figure 2.3). The contingent valuation
method is based on the creation of a hypothetical market through a
surveying process where individuals declare their willingness to pay
(WTP) (or be compensated) for an improvement (or degradation) of the
quality of the environmental good being analysed (Genius et al. 2005).
There are several ways to ask WTP questions in contingent valuations
surveys, which are known as elicitation methods. As it is shown in
Figure 2.3 there are four types of elicitation methods. In the open-
ended format, repondents are asked to state their maximum WTP for
the amenity to be valued while in dichotomous choice, respondents
are asked if they are WTP single randomly assigned amount on all-or
nothing basis. The iterative bidding is a series of dichotomous choices
questions starting with an initial low bid that nearly all respondents who
have a WTP > 0, would be willinging to pay. Finally, in the payment
card format, respondents might announce their WTP to the values
listed on the card. Alternatively, the choice modelling techniques are
based on ranking or rating a series of “product profits” that characterise
products with specific attribute levels (Pearce & Özdemiroglu, 2002).
The idea of the contingent ranking method is to give a set of alternatives
which consists of a given amount or a given level of a specific good and
a corresponding realistic price. The alternatives specified in advance
are then ranked (ranking contingent), scored (rating contingent) or
selected (discrete choice experiments) (Slothuus et al. 2002). In most
of the applications related to water resources, the quantification of
these externalities has been made using the stated preference methods
(Guimaraes et al. 2011).

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Contingent Valuation Method Choice Modelling Techniques

Open-ended Contingent ranking

Dichotomous choice Contingent rating
Iterative bidding Pair comparisons
Payment card Discrete choice experiments

Figure 2.3 ​Scheme of the stated preference methods.

Alternatively to methodologies based on the demand approach and from the

pioneering work by Färe et al. (1993) a stream of research has been produced
within the framework of efficiency studies that aims to provide a valuation
methodology for those undesirable outputs that have no market. Based on the cost
production approach and using the concept of distance function or directional
distance function, a shadow price is calculated for undesirable outputs associated
to production processes. Wastewater treatment can be considered as a production
process in which a desirable output (treated water) is obtained together with a series
of pollutants (organic matter, suspended solids, nutrients). Contaminants extracted
from wastewater are considered undesirable outputs because if they were dumped
in an uncontrolled manner they would cause a negative impact on the environment
(Molinos-Senante et al. 2010).
The shadow prices of undesirable outputs can be interpreted as an estimation
of the environmental benefits gained from wastewater treatment, that is, they
are a proxy to the value of the positive externalities associated with avoiding the
discharge of pollution into water bodies.
The distance function provides the distance of a vector of outputs from the
maximum output frontier and starts from a vector of constant inputs. Assuming
that the production process uses a vector of N inputs x ∈ R+N to produce a vector of
M outputs u ∈ R+M , the distance function is defined as in (Eq. (2.6)):

  u 
D0 ( x, u) = Min θ :   ∈ P( x )  (2.6)
  θ  

where P(x) is a vector of outputs that are technically viable and use the vector of
inputs x, (u/θ) is the outputs ratio in production frontier, while θ is a ratio between
zero and one, that is, D0 ( x, u) ∈ [0,1].
The relationship of duality between the distance function and the revenue
function (Shephard, 1970) is the basis to estimate shadow prices since it creates

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the link between relative and absolute price. The relationship between the two
functions can be expressed as in (Eq. (2.7)):

R( x, u) = Max u{ru: D0 ( x, u) ≤ 1}
D0 ( x, u) = Max r{ru: R( x, u) ≤ 1}

where R(x, u) is the revenue function and r represents output prices. Under the
assumption that distance and revenue functions are differentiable, the Lagrange
multiplier method and Shephard’s dual lemma enable us to calculate shadow prices.
This deduction of shadow prices for undesirable outputs means assuming that the
shadow price of an absolute desirable output coincides with the market price. If m is
a desirable output (treated wastewater or reclaimed water in our case) whose market
price is rm equal to its shadow price (rm0 ), and if m′ is undesirable output (a pollutant
removed from wastewater) and rm′ is the shadow price of each undesirable output,
for all m′ ≠ m, the absolute shadow prices are given by (Färe et al. 1993) (Eq. (2.8)):

∂D0 ( x, u) /∂um
rm′ = rm0 (2.8)
∂D0 ( x, u) /∂um′

In most of the applications of the Färe’s methodology in the framework of

wastewater treatment (Molinos-Senante, 2011) the translog function has been used
as distance function due to its great flexibility. When applied to a problem with k
units, n inputs and m outputs the formula is (Eq. (2.9)):

ln D0 ( x k , u k ) = α 0 + ∑β
n =1
n ln xnk + ∑α
m =1
m ln umk
2 ∑∑β
n =1 n ′=1
nn ′ (ln xnk )(ln xnk′ )

+ ∑∑
m =1 m ′=1
α mm ′ (ln umk )(ln umk ′ ) + ∑∑γ
n =1 m =1
nm (ln xnk )(ln umk )

To calculate all the parameters of the translog function linear programming

should be used (Molinos-Senante, 2011).
The advantages of the cost production approach to estimate positive externalities
from wastewater treatment include the following: (i) it can help society understand
the benefits generated as a result of environmental improvement programs; and (ii)
it offers economists a further check on estimated measures to willingness to pay
that are produced by alternative models (stated preference methods) (Färe et al.
2011). It is worth emphasising that costs incurred to determine the environmental

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benefits based on the estimation of shadow prices of pollutants are much lower
than in the case of the traditional methodologies (demand approach) since it is not
required any surveying process.
Nevertheless, the quantification of environmental benefits using the shadow
price methodology also has some limitations in relation to the stated preference
methods since they may be more appropriate than the shadow price method when
the aim is to estimate the total economic value. The cost production approach
methodology may be useful to quantify environmental impacts derived from
production processes while demand approach methodologies can be applied in a
wider context.

2.3 ​Conclusions
Economic analysis provides tools, information, and instruments for streamlining
the decision-making process. Hence, in the field of wastewater treatment, economic
feasibility studies are a useful tool for selecting the most appropriate option from
among a range of technological alternatives.
Within methodologies to evaluate the economic feasibility of any project, cost
benefit analysis (CBA) provides a comprehensive assessment since, unlike financial
analysis, CBA integrates not just the costs and income with the market value but
also with the positive and negative externalities.
The current chapter presents a framework to assess the economic feasibility of
any innovative technology taking into account both internal and external impacts.
Regarding internal costs it has been illustrated that using cost functions is a common
methodology to estimate both investment, as well as operation and maintenance
costs. Since externalities are not considered by the market, their quantification
requires economic valuation methods. There are two main approaches to estimate
the positive externalities associated to wastewater treatment namely the demand
approach and cost production approach.
As a general conclusion, we emphasise that when the economic feasibility of
a wastewater treatment technology is assessed, water companies and/or water
management authorities should consider impacts with and without market values.
Otherwise, the quality and relevance of the results will be seriously biased and an
mis-estimation of benefits will occur. Moreover, uncertainty could influence the
economic feasibility of wastewater treatment technologies. To narrow uncertainty,
it is essential to perform a sensitivity analysis based on statistical methodologies or
follow the ‘ceteris paribus’ approach.

2.4 ​References
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Chapter 3
Introduction to energy
management in wastewater
treatment plants
Catarina Silva, Helena Alegre and Maria João Rosa
Urban Water Division, Hydraulics and Environment Department,
LNEC – National Civil Engineering Laboratory, Av. Brasil 101,
1700-066 Lisboa, Portugal

3.1 ​​Energy management of wastewater

treatment plants put into context
Water and energy nexus within the urban water services is a key topic in the
utility managers and researchers’ agenda. The main drivers are of economic and
of environmental nature. Energy costs typically represent a main component of
wastewater utilities’ operational costs (e.g., UNESCO, 2014). According to the
US Environmental Agency, “for many local governments, drinking water and
wastewater plants are one of the largest energy consumers, accounting for 30–40
percent of total energy consumed. Because these services are so energy intensive,
they provide an excellent opportunity for efficiency, savings, and reductions in
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions”1. Any savings may have a significant impact on
the economic efficiency of the organisations. From the environmental viewpoint,
the carbon footprint of the wastewater service provision is by no means negligible
and has, in general, significant room for improvement.
A part of the energy consumption refers to the drainage network, mainly
due to pumping another part refers to energy required for the wastewater
treatment process. The relative importance of each of these parts in the overall
operating costs depends on topography, network layout, treatment processes
and technologies, as well as on the operation and maintenance practices and
procedures. Wastewater utilities also have energy consumption associated to


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34 Sewage Treatment Plants

the supporting services, such as in vehicles and office and workshop buildings,
which is not addressed in this chapter.
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are pieces of a more general complex
puzzle – the wastewater system as a whole. While recognizing the importance
of improving the efficiency of use of energy in economic and environmental
terms, most utilities and research teams tend to explore and implement sectorial
approaches – equipment or process-based, thus lacking a global analysis of the whole
system functioning. Instead, a strategic approach may lead to much better service
at lower total asset life-cycle costs. Selection of plant location, targets of treatment
process effectiveness and reliability, and control of rain water inflow are examples
of aspects that should be addressed in an integrated way (i.e., understanding the
behaviour of the wastewater system as a whole), and incorporating a long term
analysis planning horizon of WWTPs.
Let us take a simple example to illustrate the idea. An energy manager needs
to compare the behaviour and potential for improvement of two similar systems
in terms of energy, in order to prioritize intervention efforts (Figure 3.1). Both
systems start at a pumping station at level 0.00 m, that pumps the wastewater from
a gravity network to a wastewater treatment plant. The diameter, material and
length of the pressurized sewer are identical in both cases. The level of the WWTP
inflow point is 65.00 m in System 1 and 45.00 m in System 2. A volume of 800
m3/day is pumped daily during 8 h per day,in both cases. There is a flow control
valve upstream the WWTP in the case of System 2.

Figure 3.1 ​Comparing energy efficiency in two pressurised wastewater systems.

The question this energy manager needs to answer is ‘which system is less
efficient and, therefore, has more potential for improvement?’. The table in Figure
3.1 shows that System 1 has a lower pump efficiency, and a higher specific and
total energy consumption. These are typical indicators to assess energy efficiency.
When comparing the two systems using these indicators, it seems safe to reply
‘System 1’ to the question. However, a system analysis may provide a different

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Introduction to energy management in wastewater treatment plants 35

view. Table 3.1 shows the calculations of the global energy efficiency, assessed
as the ratio between the energy supplied to each system and the energy actually
supplied to the users, assuming a no-losses situation. If there were losses, the
downstream flow should be the authorized consumption.

Table 3.1 ​Total energy efficiency of Systems 1 and 2.

System 1 System 2
Daily energy input supplied to the system 212.5 184.5
(Einput = γ ⋅ Qt ⋅ Ht /η × 8) (kWh)
Daily energy supplied to the consumers 141.6 98.0
(Esupplied = γ ⋅ Qt ⋅ Hs × 8) (kWh)
Overall energy efficiency 1.50 1.88
(Einput /Esupplied) (−)

Table 3.1 shows that the conclusion is opposite: System 2 is globally less efficient
than System 1. Figure 3.2 shows the energy line for both systems.

Figure 3.2 ​Comparison of the energy lines for Systems 1 and 2.

The head-loss caused by the flow control valve is much higher than the pump
inefficiency. This example demonstrates that managing energy on an ‘asset by
asset’ basis may easily fail to pinpoint the critical energy inefficiencies. The most
cost-efficient intervention is likely to be changing the pump of System 2, in order
to eliminate the need for the flow control valve.
Although not exclusively, typical sources of inefficiencies are:
• Control valves: as illustrated in the example, are a very typical asset where
energy is wasted, particularly in the network part, in general less relevant
inside the WWTP; as a result, special attention shall be paid to the valves
located downstream pumps.
• System design: very rarely systems are solicited as planned by the time
of their original planning, design and construction; as illustrated in the

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36 Sewage Treatment Plants

example, sometimes small changes in the infrastructure may provide major

positive gains.
• Operating modes: may affect energy consumption and intensity, as well as
energy and power use costs (e.g., pump scheduling versus variable energy rates).
• Energy and power tariffs: often there is room for negotiation and
improvement of the energy and power tariffs (e.g., in order to optimise the
maximum contracted power utilities do not explore as they could the room
they have for negotiation energy and power.
• Infiltration and rainwater inflow in separated systems: increasing the flow
to be transported and treated generally impacts the energy consumption.
• Pumping equipment: selection, maintenance and operation modes of
pumping equipment have major influence of its efficiency.
• Other electro-mechanical equipment: as previous, for other relevant
equipment (e.g., mechanical aerators, diffusers, mixers, sludge dehydration,
etc. ASK CS/MJR to correct and complete).
• Network maintenance practices: head-loss in pressurized sewers, influent load
to the WWTPs, and treatment units and cleaning frequency of some treatment
units is often affected by inadequate maintenance practices, such as cleaning.
These sources of inefficiencies are often interdependent.
In complement to fixing the inefficient uses, wastewater management also offers
opportunities to explore, such as:
• Energy production from wastewater (e.g., sludge biogas production);
• Production of wind energy in the utility facility sites;
• Exploration of in-sewer treatment processes.

3.2 ​Energy management systems: highlights

of the ISO 50001
ISO 50001 (ISO, 2011) provides organizations with a structured framework
to manage energy aiming at increasing energy efficiency, reducing costs and
improving energy performance. This standard follows the same principles and
common elements of other management systems standards, ensuring compatibility
with ISO 9001 (quality management), ISO 14001 (environmental management)
and ISO 55000 (asset management). Similarly to the other management systems
standards, it is based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle (Figure 3.3).
Its principles and requirements are an excellent basis for managing energy within
wastewater utilities as a whole, and in wastewater treatment plants in particular.
ISO 50001 Energy Management System requires organizations to:

• Continually improve energy performance, including energy efficiency,

energy use and consumption (Figure 3.4); in the case of WWTP, energy
production is also an important axis of energy performance;

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Introduction to energy management in wastewater treatment plants 37

Figure 3.3 ​Plan-Do-Check-Act in ISO 50001: 2011.

Figure 3.4 ​A xis of energy performance (adapted from ISO 50001: 2011).

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38 Sewage Treatment Plants

• Review energy use, consumption and efficiency at defined intervals;

• Document the methodology and criteria used to develop the Energy Review
considering facilities, equipment, systems or processes;
• Establish an energy baseline and identify Energy Performance Indicators
appropriate for monitoring and measuring energy performance;
• Establish, implement and maintain documented Energy Objectives and
The benefits include:
• Identifying opportunities for improvement;
• Ensuring greater level of control;
• Enhancing image;
• Satisfying the expectations of most stakeholders;
• Reduced costs and improved business performance;
• Improving compliance with energy legislation;
• Reducing carbon emissions;
• Demonstrating transparency and commitment.
Figure 3.5 summarizes the main aims and benefits of applying ISO 50001 in the
case of wastewater utilities, according to the authors’ view.

Figure 3.5 ​Aims and benefits of applying ISO 50001 in a wastewater utility.

ISO 50001 Energy Management System is suitable for all businesses regardless
of their size, geography or industry. It is particularly effective in energy intensive
industries, as it is in the general situation of wastewater utilities. It is also effective
if the utility faces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions regulation or legislation, or for

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Introduction to energy management in wastewater treatment plants 39

environmental sustainability motivations aims at decreasing its carbon foot print.

ISO 50001 formalizes energy policies and objectives and embeds them into energy
efficient thinking throughout the organization.
The management model advocated in ISO 50001, summarized in Figure 3.6, is
very similar to the management model of the other existing management system

Figure 3.6 ​Management system model of ISO 50001 (ISO 50001: 2011).

Each box of Figure 3.6 corresponds to a set of requirements in ISO 50001: 2011.
The most relevant for the establishment of a framework of energy performance
assessment system for WWTPs, object of the following section, relates to the
planning and checking stages of this model and of its overarching Plan-Do-Check-
Act framework. For instance, under the item ‘Energy objectives, targets and
programmes’ of the ‘Plan’ section, this standard states that the organization shall:
• Establish and document measurable energy objectives and targets at the
relevant function and levels within the organization.
• Set specific targets for those controllable parameters that have a significant
impact on energy efficiency.

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40 Sewage Treatment Plants

• Establish and document energy management programmes which define

responsibilities and the means and time frame by which individual targets
are to be achieved.
With regard to ‘Checking’, the ‘Monitoring and measuring’ requirements
establish that the organization shall:
• Establish the monitoring, measuring and targeting requirements of its energy
management programme.
• Have a demonstrable plan for improving the provision of meters.
• Monitor, measure and record significant energy consumption and associated
energy factors at defined intervals.
• Maintain records that demonstrate the accuracy and repeatability of
monitoring and measuring equipment.
• Assess and review the relationship between the energy consumption and its
associated energy factors and defined intervals.
• Maintain records of all significant accidental deviations from expected
energy consumption, including causes and remedies.
• Compare its energy performance indicators against similar organizations or

3.3 ​Energy management and infrastructure

asset management
Previous sections demonstrate that energy management shall be addressed in
harmonization with the other utility’s management processes, infrastructure asset
management (IAM) being one of the most important. In fact, there is a lot in
common between these two processes. By bringing the IAM principles and tools
into energy management, both processes have a lot to gain.
The ISO standards on asset management (ISO 55000/55001/55002) define the
basic requirements that any asset management system shall comply with. The key
management principles are common and also follow a continuous improvement,
plan-do-check-act (PDCA) loop.
However, the fact that wastewater systems are network-based public
infrastructures demands the adoption of complementary principles, methods and
tools that are not commonly needed and explored in other asset systems. The main
differentiating characteristics are the indefinite life of public infrastructures, the
long duration of most physical assets, and the fact that wastewater infrastructures
have a system behavior: individual sewers do not have a function or performance
by themselves, but only as part of the functional unit; symptoms (e.g., overflows)
and causes (e.g., infiltration of insufficient capacity) typically occur in different
locations. Diagnosis, prioritization, design of intervention works and selection of
the best intervention alternatives need to be based on functional units, and not on
an asset by asset basis.

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Introduction to energy management in wastewater treatment plants 41

The IAM analyses shall therefore be based on the long term behavior of
functional units of assets. Inevitably, assets in different stages of their life cycle
coexist. A time window of some decades needs to be used in the analysis, in order
to embrace the life cycle of the key assets (Alegre & Coelho, 2012).
The IAM AWARE-P methodology, developed in Portugal, incorporate industry’s
best practices and is currently being promoted and adopted internationally (e.g., by
the international Water Association), associating the ISO 24500 (ISO 24510/24511:
2007) and the ISO 55000 (ISO 55000/ISO 55001/ISO 55002: 2014) principles with
the characteristics of the urban water systems. In the core of the methodology
(Figure 3.7) are the establishment of clear corporate objectives and an educated
choice of assessment criteria, supported by adequate metrics and quantifiable
targets (Alegre & Covas, 2010; Almeida & Cardoso, 2010; Alegre & Coelho, 2012;
Alegre et al. 2013).

Figure 3.7 ​IAM planning process at each decision levels (Alegre et al. 2010).

The process is applied at the strategic, tactical and operational decisional levels
in the utility, striving for alignment of objectives, metrics and targets between
levels, as well as consistent feedback across levels (Figure 3.8).
One of the main advantages of such a structure approach is the establishment
of a decision process that is transparent, defendable and yet simple, allowing to
compare and prioritize intervention alternatives potentially of a very different

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42 Sewage Treatment Plants

Figure 3.8 ​Alignment and feedback between decision levels (Alegre et al. 2010).

3.4 ​A Framework of Energy Performance

Indicators and Indices for WWTPs
3.4.1 ​Background
As demonstrated in the earlier sections, wastewater systems’ management should
ensure the continuous improvement of the systems’ performance through PDCA
cycles (Figures 3.3 and 3.6), where quantitative performance measures, such as
performance indicators (PIs), play a key role.
In this context, a Performance Assessment System (PAS) for WWTPs has been
developed in Portugal (at LNEC – National Civil Engineering Laboratory) to assist
the benchmarking of these infrastructures, that is, the continuous assessment and
improvement of performance (Cabrera et al. 2011). The system herein presented
for WWTPs (and the analogous one developed for WTPs) is currently in its 3rd
generation (Silva et al. 2013). The 1st generation of PASs were tested in four
WTPs (Vieira et al. 2008; Silva, 2008; Vieira, 2009) and two WWTPs (Quadros
2010; Quadros et al. 2010). The 2nd generation was an output of «PASt21» –
the Portuguese initiative for performance assessment of water and wastewater
treatment plants (2009–2011), a project involving 18 institutions, 17 WWTPs and
10 WTPs distributed nationwide (Rosa et al. 2010; Silva et al. 2012).
Following the PDCA approach, the developed PAS is objective-driven and
assumes two general objectives for any undertaking with regard to WWTP
performance: (1) its effectiveness and reliability, that is, the compliance over time
with the quality requirements of the treated water and (2) its efficiency (in terms

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Introduction to energy management in wastewater treatment plants 43

of resources utilization) and sustainability (economic and environmental) (Rosa

et al. 2010; Silva et al. 2012).
The system comprises (i) a PI system for the overall assessment of the plant, on
an annual-basis, in terms of treated water quality, plant efficiency and reliability
(ER), use of natural resources and raw materials (RU), by-products management
(BP), safety, personnel, financial resources (Fi), and planning and design (Silva
et al. 2012) and (ii) a system of performance indices (PXs) for assessing the daily
performance in terms of treated water quality (Silva et al. 2014a), operating
conditions and removal efficiencies (Silva et al. 2014b). The integrated analysis of
PIs and PXs allows identifying improvement actions.
Energy costs may vary significantly from one utility to the next, with estimates
ranging from 2%–60% of total operating costs (NREL, 2012). In WWTPs, energy
represents one of the higher costs of wastewater services, and is the second largest part
of the running costs of a WWTP, right after the personnel costs (CEC & AWWARF
2003; PG&E, 2003; WERF, 2010; Rodriguez-Garcia et al. 2011; Silva et al. 2012).
The energy consumption in WWTPs depends on treatment processes (Burton
1996; WEF, 2009) and plant fingerprint, mass removed (Lingsten & Lundkvist,
2008; Hernández-Sancho et al. 2011) and treated wastewater quality requirements
(carbon or carbon and nutrients control, disinfection, etc.), treated wastewater
volume (Burton, 1996; Lingsten & Lundkvist, 2008; Mizuta & Shimada, 2010;
Yang et al. 2010; Hernández-Sancho et al. 2011; WERF, 2011) and the percent of
facility design capacity at which a plant is operating (WERF, 2011), as well as on the
operation and maintenance practices (USEPA, 2008; Guimet et al. 2010). Pumping
requirements associated with wastewater drainage system depend on topography
and network layout and not on the treatment plant itself, and are therefore out of the
scope of the PAS developed for WWTPs.
Energy performance indicators (PIs) and indices (PXs) are thus core measures
of the PAS for WWTPs, and were further developed in the current 3rd generation
of this system (Silva et al. 2013), including the reference values for judging
the performance, taking into account the earlier aspects affecting the energy

3.4.2 ​Energy performance indicators

The performance indicators were formulated according to the IWA approach
(Matos et al. 2003; Alegre et al. 2006) and the principles established in ISO 24510-
11-12:2007(E). The developed PIs are defined as ratios between variables (of the
same or of different nature), and may be therefore dimensionless (e.g., %, –) or
intensive (e.g., kWh/m3). The numerator expresses the PI objective and, to allow for
comparisons, the denominator represents one dimension of the system (Alegre et al.
2006). The PIs are calculated for a reference assessment period, preferably a year.
The full portfolio of PIs available in PAS for WWTPs is very broad and is not to
be calculated in every application, plant and assessment period. Instead, from the

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44 Sewage Treatment Plants

PI system one should select a set of PIs according to the assessment objectives, in
this case the WWTP energy performance in a given year.
The energy performance is transversal to four assessment groups described above,
ER, RU, BP and Fi. Hence, the PI set for energy includes (Silva et al. 2013): (i) four
1st level PIs (Table 3.2), one from each of those groups, and (ii) 14 complementary
PIs (Table 3.3), related to WWTP reliability (e.g., adequacy of plant treatment and
pumping capacities, recycling and aeration control, and inspection of key equipment)
and renewable (wind and solar photovoltaic) energy production.
The reference assessment period is the calendar year, though PIs expressed in
temporal terms are formulated to accommodate other reference assessment periods.
In order to ensure unit coherence and allow for comparisons, for these PIs (e.g.,
wtER35.1, Table 3.3), values calculated for other reference assessment periods are
converted into annual values, multiplying by ‘(365 days/year)/Assessment period
(day)’ (Silva et al. 2012).
The PIs are identified by a code that includes six or eight fields (the last two
are optional). These fields identify the system (t for WTP and wt for WWTP),
the assessment group (e.g., ER for the plant Efficiency and Reliability assessment
group) and the number (e.g., 01) of the PI. Two additional fields (number and/
or letter) can be used to identify an alternative processing rule (designated by
a different number) or a speciation (using a different letter for each species).
Examples of alternative processing rules are wtER35.1 and wtWER35.2 for Pump
inspection or Inspected pumps, respectively (Table 3.3) and wtRU03.1, wtRU03.2
and wtRU03.3 for energy consumption per m3 of treated wastewater, per kg BOD
removed or kg COD removed, respectively (Table 3.2).
PIs are defined by default per m3 of treated wastewater (e.g., wtRU03.1,
Table 3.2) but they may be expressed per kg BOD or kg COD mass removed
by dividing the obtained value by the explanatory factor wtEF03 for BOD or
wtEF04 for COD (Silva & Rosa, 2014). The explanatory factors (EFs, Table 3.4)
evaluate complementary aspects of the plant performance that assist the correct
interpretation of some PIs.
Tables 3.2 and 3.3 also present, whenever applicable, the PI reference
values defining three performance levels: “good” (), “acceptable” () and
“unsatisfactory” ().
The reference values are based on the PI results of 17 Portuguese WWTPs in a
5-year period (2006–2010) and on the relations derived from literature data. The
reference values for the unit energy consumption reflect the inverse relations with
the volume treated and are specific for activated sludge systems (conventional, with
coagulation/filtration (C/F) and with nitrification and C/F) and trickling filters.
The reference values for energy production were derived based on the methane
generation potential and literature data; those of net use of energy were considered
the difference between the references for energy consumption and energy
production (Silva & Rosa, 2014).
Examples of application of the energy PIs are given in Silva and Rosa (2014).

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Table 3.2 First level PIs for energy performance (adapted from Silva & Rosa, 2014).

PI code, units, processing rule and reference values for “good” (), “acceptable” () and “unsatisfactory” () performance
wtRU03.1 – Energy consumption [kWh/m3]
Energy consumption (kWh)/Treated wastewater (m3)
Trickling filters  ≤0.185 + 1127/TW  ]0.185 + 1127/TW; 0.231 + 1409/TW[  ≥0.231 + 1409/TW
Activated sludge (AS)  ≤0.280 + 1192/TW  ]0.280 + 1192/TW; 0.350 + 1490/TW[  ≥0.350 + 1490/TW
AS + Coagulation/Filtration  ≤0.325 + 1384/TW  ]0.325 + 1384/TW; 0.406 + 1730/TW[  ≥0.406 + 1730/TW
AS with nitrification +  ≤0.424 + 1362/TW  ]0.424 + 1362/TW; 0.530 + 1703/TW[  ≥0.530 + 1703/TW
wtRU03.2 – Energy consumption [kWh/kg BOD removed]
Energy consumption (kWh)/BOD mass removed (kg)

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It may be computed from wtRU03.1 and wtFE03, that is, wtRU03.2 = wtRU03.1/wtFE03
 ≤2  ]2; 10[  ≥10
wtRU03.3 – Energy consumption [kWh/kg COD removed]
Energy consumption (kWh)/COD mass removed (kg)
It may be computed from wtRU03.1 and wtFE04, that is, wtRU03.2 = wtRU03.1/wtFE04
wtBP18.1 – Production of energy from biogas [kWh/m3]
Energy produced from biogas (kWh)/Treated wastewater (m3)
 ≥0.0009 BOD5  [0.0007 BOD5; 0.0009 BOD5[  <0.0007 BOD5
Introduction to energy management in wastewater treatment plants 45

by marinhoeng@hotmail.com
Table 3.2 First level PIs for energy performance (adapted from Silva & Rosa, 2014) (Continued).

PI code, units, processing rule and reference values for “good” (), “acceptable” () and “unsatisfactory” ()
wtBP18.2 – Production of energy from biogas [%]
Energy produced from biogas (kWh)/Energy consumption (kWh)*100
wtER08 – Net use of energy from external sources [kWh/m3]
(Energy acquired to external sources – Energy sold to external users (kWh))/Treated wastewater (m3)
Trickling filters  ≤0.185 + 1127/TW  ]0.185 + 1127/TW − 0.0009 BOD5;  ≥0.231 + 1409/TW
− 0.0009 BOD5 0.231 + 1409/TW − 0.0007 BOD5[ − 0.0007 BOD5
Activated sludge (AS)  ≤0.280 + 1192/TW  ]0.280 + 1192/TW − 0.0009 BOD5;  ≥0.350 + 1490/TW

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− 0.0009 BOD5 0.350 + 1490/TW − 0.0007 BOD5[ − 0.0007 BOD5
AS + Coagulation/Filtration  ≤0.325 + 1384/TW  ]0.325 + 1384/TW − 0.0009 BOD5;  ≥0.406 + 1730/TW
− 0.0009 BOD5 0.406 + 1730/TW − 0.0007 BOD5[ − 0.0007 BOD5
Sewage Treatment Plants

AS with nitrification + Coagulation/  ≤0.424 + 1362/TW  ]0.424 + 1362/TW − 0.0009 BOD5;  ≥0.530 + 1703/TW
Filtration − 0.0009 BOD5 0.530 + 1703/TW − 0.0007 BOD5[ − 0.0007 BOD5
wtFi05 – Electrical energy costs [€/m ]
Electrical energy costs (€)/Treated wastewater (m3)
TW = treated wastewater (m3/d); BOD5 = influent BOD5 (mg/L); PI code, units, processing rule and reference values
Table 3.3 ​Complementary PIs for assessing WWTP energy performance (adapted from Silva et al. 2013).

by marinhoeng@hotmail.com
PI code, units and processing rule Ref. Values
wtER13 – Adequacy of plant capacity [%]
n n  [80; 100]
 
Qtd × Jd + Qtd × K d  [60; 80[
 ∑ d =1 ∑ d =1 
1 − n  × 100  [0; 60[
 Qtd 
∑ d =1

Qtd = plant capacity (daily average flowrate) at day d′ (m3/day)

Qrd = daily average flowrate recorded at day d’ (m3/day)
n = assessment period (day)
Jd = 1, if Qrd > 0.95 Qtd in day d   Kd = 1, if Qrd > 0.7/S Qtd in day d
0, if Qrd ≤ 0.95 Qtd in day d     0, if Qrd ≤ 0.7/S Qtd in day d
S = Daily correction for flowrate seasonality (varies from 1 to 3)

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 ​ ​ S = Qr30 max./Qrd or S = fs, the lowest value; If S < 1, S = 1; If S > 3, S = 3
fs = Seasonality factor (varies from 1 to 3)
fs = Qr30 max./P20
Qr 30 max. = Qrd maximum average for 30 consecutive days (m3/day) ↔ high season
P20 = Qrd percentile 20 (m3/day) ↔ low season
wtER15 – Adequacy of BOD5 mass capacity [%] = wtER13 with Q = BOD5 mass capacity
wtER16 – Adequacy of COD mass capacity [%] = wtER13 with Q = COD mass capacity
wtER17 – Adequacy of TSS mass capacity [%] = wtER13 with Q = TSS mass capacity
wtER18 – Adequacy of nutrient mass capacity [%] = wtER13 with Q = nutrient mass capacity
wtER19 – Adequacy of aeration capacity [%] = wtER13 with Q = plant aeration capacity

Introduction to energy management in wastewater treatment plants 47
Table 3.3. ​Complementary PIs for assessing WWTP energy performance (adapted from Silva et al. 2013) (Continued ). 48

by marinhoeng@hotmail.com
PI code, units and processing rule Ref. Values
wtER20 – Pumping utilisation upstream of the WWTP [%] = Maximum daily volume of raw  [80; 90]
wastewater (RW) pumped (m3)/RW maximum pumping capacity (m3)*100
wtER21 – Pumping utilisation downstream of the WWTP [%] = Maximum daily volume of treated  [70; 80[ or
wastewater (TW) pumped (m3)/TW maximum pumping capacity (m3)*100 ]90; 95]
 [0; 70[ or
wtER28 – Recycling control [%]
Recycling pumps with automatic control (no.)/Recycling pumps (no.)*100
wtER29 – Aeration or mixing control [%]
Aerators or mixers with automatic commands (no.)/Aerators or mixers (including reserves) (no.)*100
wtER35.1 – Pump inspection [no./(pump.year)]
(Pump inspections (no.) × 365 (day/year)/Assessment period (day))/Pumps (no.)

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wtER37.1 – Aerator or mixer inspection [no./(aerator or mixer.year]
(Aerator or mixer inspections (no.) × 365 (day/year)/Assessment period (day))/Aerators or mixers (no.)
wtER47 – Dewatering and sludge transportation equipment inspection [no./(pump.year)]
Sewage Treatment Plants

(Dewatering and sludge transportation equipment inspections (no.) × 365 (day/year)/Assessment period (day))/
Dewatering and sludge transportation equipment (no.)
wtER35.2 – Inspected pumps [%/year]  100
Inspected pumps (no./year)/Pumps (no.) × 100  ]90; 100[
 [0; 90]
wtER37.2 – Inspected aerators or mixers [%/year]
Inspected aerators or mixers (no./year)/Aerators or mixers (no.) × 100
wtBP19 – Production of wind and solar energy [%]
Energy produced by wind power and solar photovoltaic (kWh)/Energy consumption (kWh)*100
“good” (), “acceptable” () and “unsatisfactory” () performance
Introduction to energy management in wastewater treatment plants 49

Table 3.4 ​Explanatory factors (Silva & Rosa, 2014).

FE code, units and processing rule

wtEF03 – BOD mass removed/Treated wastewater ratio [kg BOD5/m3]
BOD mass removed (kg)/Treated wastewater (m3)
wtEF04 – COD mass removed/Treated wastewater ratio [kg COD/m3]
COD mass removed (kg)/Treated wastewater (m3)

3.4.3 ​Energy performance indices

The performance indices (PXs) are obtained by applying a processing rule
(performance function, Figure 3.9) that converts state-variable data, expressing
the relevant operational performance assessment aspects of the plant, into a
dimensionless performance index.

Figure 3.9 ​Types of performance functions to assess the operational performance

of WWTPs (Silva et al. 2013).

The PXs range between zero and 300, in which: 300 corresponds to a situation
where the performance is ‘excellent’; values between 300 and 200 reflect ‘good’
performances; values between 200 and 100 are ‘acceptable’; 100 corresponds to
the ‘minimum acceptable’ performance; values below 100 reflect ‘unsatisfactory’
performance (Silva et al. 2013, 2014a, b).
To define the performance function, reference values are defined for each
performance level based on the ranges recommended in the literature for each unit
operation/process variant.
A portfolio of state-variables of energy PXs is proposed in Table 3.5. The
reference values for energy PXs are under development. Whenever necessary,
equations are being developed to produce the reference values as a function of
other key-parameter(s).

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50 Sewage Treatment Plants

Table 3.5 ​State-variables relevant for assessing the WWTP energy performance
(adapted from Silva et al. 2013).

Treatment unit or step State-variables relevant for energy

(type) performance [Units]
Main pumping Unit energy consumption [kWh/m3]
Preliminary treatment Unit energy consumption [kWh/m3]
Chemical addition Average velocity gradient [s −1]
Detention time [s]
Unit energy consumption [kWh/m3]
Flocculation Average velocity gradient [s −1]
Detention time [min]
Unit energy consumption [kWh/m3]
Primary sedimentation2 Unit energy consumption [kWh/m3]
Trickling filters (TF) Organic loading [kg BOD/(m3.d)]
Rock (low, intermediate Recirculation ratio [-]
and high rate) and plastic Unit energy consumption [kWh/m3]
packing (high rate)
Activated sludge (AS)3 Dissolved oxygen in the aeration tank [mg O2/L]
Return of activated sludge4 [%]
Solids retention time3 [d]
Oxygen availability [kg O2/d]
Installed aeration capacity [kg O2/L]
Unit energy consumption for aeration and mixing
Unit energy consumption for recirculation [kWh/m3]
Unit energy consumption for sludge wasting [kWh/m3]
Biofilters (BF) Air and/or water backwash flowrate [m/h]
Air and/or water backwash time [min]
Organic loading [kg BOD/(m3 ⋅ d)]
Filtration rate [m/h]
Unit energy consumption [kWh/m3]
Microscreening Unit energy consumption [kWh/m3]
Granular filtration5 Air and/or water backwash flowrate [m/h]
Air and/or water backwash time [min]
Filtration rate [m/h]
Unit energy consumption [kWh/m3]
Membrane filtration Membrane hydraulic permeability [L/(m2 ⋅ h ⋅ bar)]
(MF, UF) Pressure increase (bar)
Fouling rate (Pa/min)
Net treatment capacity6 [m3/(m2 . day)]
Unit energy consumption [kWh/m3]


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Table 3.5 ​State-variables relevant for assessing the WWTP energy performance
(adapted from Silva et al. 2013) (Continued).

Treatment unit or step State-variables relevant for energy

(type) performance [Units]
UV disinfection UV dose [mJ/cm2]
Unit energy consumption [kWh/m3]
Thickening7 Daily operating hours of mechanical thickeners
Relative centrifugal force (g-force) [× g]
Unit energy consumption [kWh/m3]
Stabilization Solids retention time (without recirculation) [d]
(aerobic and anaerobic Biogas production8 [m3/kg converted VSS]
digestion) Production of energy from biogas [kWh/m3]
Unit energy consumption [kWh/m3]
Dewatering9 Daily operating hours [hours/day]
Rotational speed10 [rpm]
Relative centrifugal force (g-force)10 [× g]
Unit energy consumption [kWh/m3]

3.4.4 ​Methodology for PAS application

The first step of PAS application is the definition of the objectives and of the
assessment criteria for a given WWTP or a group of WWTPs. The PIs must then
be selected and calculated accordingly, and analysed against the references values.
Further insights may require the use of complementary PIs.
The next step is the selection and calculation of PXs to complement the information
provided by the homologous PIs. The latter assess the overall performance in the

2Applicable to conventional (with or without sludge return) and enhanced primary sedimentation.
3Variables applicable to several AS variants: complete mix; plug flow (conventional, extended
aeration); oxidation ditch (C removal, C + N removal); A/O; MLE; Bardenpho (4-stage, 5-stage); A2/O;
UCT; VIP; SBR (C removal), SBR (C + N removal) and SBR (C + N + P removal). The performance
functions are AS-type specific.
4Except for SBR.

5Variables applicable to different filter packing (mono and dual media) and height; performance

functions are filter-type specific.

6Net treatment capacity accounts for the water filtered minus the water spent for cleaning and the

filtration time plus the cleaning time.

7Excluding the g-force, the variables listed are applicable to gravity, dissolved air flotation, gravity belt

and rotary drum thickening. The performance functions are thickener-type specific.
8Applicable only to anaerobic digestion.

9Applicable to centrifuge, belt filter press, recessed-plate filter press and sludge drying beds. The

performance functions are dewatering-type specific.

10Applicable only to centrifuge.

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52 Sewage Treatment Plants

assessment period (usually, a calendar year) and the PXs assess ‘where’ (unit
operations/processes and equipment) and ‘when’ the performance did satisfy or fail
the pre-established objectives and the distance that remains to achieve these targets
(Silva et al. 2014a), enabling the identification of improvement actions.
As introduced earlier, prior to WWTP energy efficiency one should verify
the plant effectiveness and reliability, that is, the compliance over time with the
quality requirements of the treated water (Silva et al. 2014a). One may then select
the parameters and unit operations or processes for which one intends to assess and
optimise the removal efficiency to enhance the treatment reliability (Silva et al. 2014b).
The continuous improvement of WWTP performance requires the verification
and, eventually, the (re)definition of objectives and (re)selection of the corresponding
PIs and PXs, which restarts the PDCA cycle of PAS application (Figure 3.10).

Figure 3.10 ​PDCA methodology for the continuous improvement of WWTP energy

3.5 ​References
Alegre H., Baptista J. M., Cabrera Jr. E., Cubillo F., Duarte P., Hirner W., Merkel W. and
Parena R. (2006). Performance Indicators for Water Supply Services. 2nd edn, Manual
of Best Practices Series, IWA Publishing, London, ISBN: 1843390515.

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Introduction to energy management in wastewater treatment plants 53

Alegre H. and Coelho S. T. (2012). Infrastructure Asset Management of Urban Water

Systems. Chapter 3 of “Water Supply System Analysis”, Avi Ostfeld (ed.), Open
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472 pp. (in Portuguese) ISBN: 978-989-8360-04-5.
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Newport Beach, CA.
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Hernández-Sancho F., Molinos-Senante M. and Sala-Garrido R. (2011). Energy efficiency
in Spanish wastewater treatment plants: a non-radial DEA approach. Science of the
Total Environment, 409, 2693–2699.
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Guidelines for the Management of Wastewater Utilities and for the Assessment
of Wastewater Services. 1st edn, International Organization for Standardization,
ISO 24512: 2007(E) – Activities Relating to Drinking Water and Wastewater Services –
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of Drinking Water Services. 1st edn, International Organization for Standardization,
ISO 50001: 2011. Energy Management Systems. Requirements with Guidance for Use.
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ISO 55000: 2014. Asset Management — Overview, Principles and Terminology. 1st edn,
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ISO 55001: 2014. Asset Management — Management Systems — Requirements. 1st edn,
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ISO 55002: 2014. Asset Management Guidelines for the Application of ISO 55001. 1st edn,
International Organization for Standardization, Geneva.

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54 Sewage Treatment Plants

Lingsten A. and Lundkvist M. (2008). Description of the Current Energy Use in Water
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Association, SWWA.
Matos R., Cardoso A., Ashley R., Duarte P., Molinari A. and Schulz A. (2003). Performance
Indicators for Wastewater Services. Manual of Best Practices Series, IWA Publishing,
London, ISBN: 19002229006.
Mizuta K. and Shimada M. (2010). Benchmarking energy consumption in municipal
wastewater treatment plants in Japan. Water Science and Technology, 65(10), 2256–2262.
NREL (2012). Energy Efficiency Strategies for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities.
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PG&E (2003). Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Energy Baseline Study. Pacific Gas
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M. T. and Feijoo G. (2011). Environmental and economic profile of six typologies of
wastewater treatment plants. Water Research, 45, 5997–6010.
Rosa M. J., Ramalho P., Silva C., Vieira P., Quadros S. and Alegre H. (2010). PASt21 –
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the Portuguese initiative for performance assessment of water and wastewater treatment
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Águas do Algarve water treatment plants). MSc Thesis. Algarve University, Faro,
p. 286 (in Portuguese).
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Introduction to energy management in wastewater treatment plants 55

USEPA (2008). Ensuring a Sustainable Future: An Energy Management Guidebook for

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Vieira P. (2009). Avaliação de desempenho de estações de tratamento de água para
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Chapter 4
Innovative energy efficient
aerobic bioreactors for sewage
Eoin Syron
School of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering, University College
Dublin (UCD), Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland; OxyMem, Blyry, Athlone,

4.1 ​Introduction
Sewage treatment accounts for over 1% of the total electrical requirements in the
developed world and with increasingly tighter effluent discharge regulations the
energy requirement for acceptable sewage treatment will increase even further.
With this in mind there is a growing demand for energy efficient technologies
(Caffoor, 2008). These technologies must achieve equivalent or superior levels of
effluent treatment using fewer resources and therefore having less total impact on the
environment. Biological treatment technologies which have been the cornerstone
of Sewage Treatment Plants (STP) for the past 100 years have traditionally fallen
into two categories (1) Extensive and (2) Intensive. While extensive, low or zero
energy systems can be used in rural or remote areas, for urban settlements intensive
treatments systems are required to reduce the space required for the STP and hence
a high energy demand is associated with these technologies. In recent decades
there has been significant development and improvement in intensive biological
treatment processes with the development of processes such as the Membrane
BioReactor (MBR) and the Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR). While these
technologies have reduced the volumetric capacity required for treatment they also
have a high energy consumption rate. Anaerobic treatment processes on the other
hand require little or no energy input above pumping and mixing requirements.
There have been major advances in anaerobic treatment with the direct anaerobic
treatment of sewage possible in warm climates, (Sghezzo et al. 1988) and currently
there is a strong focus on the development of the anaerobic MBR for the treatment
of sewage. Despite these advances aerobic treatment is still required for the removal

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58 Sewage Treatment Plants

of many different pollutants which are not broken down anaerobically for example,
ammonia, and also to treat the wastewater to a sufficient quality so that it can be
discharged back into the surface water. Recently there has been a move toward
innovation in aerobic biological reactors, with reduced energy requirement being of
key importance. Not only does this save on operating cost and carbon footprint but
there is also the added incentive of achieving an energy neutral STP by maximizing
the energy being produced and minimizing energy consumed. With this in mind
this chapter will focus on innovative aerobic biological processes and technologies
which are still in development or are at the early stages of development. The main
aspect of these technologies will be their potential for significant overall energy
reduction. While some of these bioreactors may or may not be utilised for the
direct treatment of the sewage stream they still have the potential to be used in a
STP for the treatment of one of the streams and offset the total energy demand and
operational cost.

4.2 ​Aeration
In STPs the single largest user of energy is the aeration of the biological treatment
processes. The current standard technology of using fine bubbles created via blowers
and diffusers, has been studied for many years and despite many improvements being
made throughout this time, the process remains highly inefficient, with a Standard
Oxygen Transfer Efficiency (SOTE) of 5% per m water depth, resulting in only 30%
of the oxygen supplied being transferred to the water in a 6 m deep tank. Activated
Sludge aeration requires 55.6% of the total energy consumption in a treatment plant
having an average energy requirement of 0.634 kWh/m3 sewage treated (Caffoor,
2008). Therefore the direct aeration energy requirements are 0.348 kWh/m3 of
sewage treated. It is estimated that thru optimisation of operations, retrofitting of
more energy efficient blowers and diffusers and innovation in the process design
used in existing wastewater treatment systems a reduction of the energy consumption
by 20% is quite feasible. (UKWIR Report 2010) While it is important that this is
carried out on existing systems to give a ‘quick win’ the potential for further energy
savings still exist through innovative aerobic treatment processes.

4.2.1 ​Innovative process design and improvement

The simplest way of reducing the aeration requirement is through effective primary
treatment, increasing the percentage of biologically degradable solids removed
reduces the load of BOD entering into the aeration basin and requiring oxidation.
An increase of 10% in the BOD removal in the primary treatment stage can result
in an energy saving of 2MWh per annum per 1000PE (@1 kgO2/kWhr). If the
removed BOD is anaerobically digested it can result in a total energy swing of
9.3MWh per annum per 1000PE (@3.5 kWh/KgBOD). To achieve this increased
solids removal two potential approaches can be taken, Chemically Enhanced

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Primary Sedimentation (CEPS) or Mechanically Enhanced Primary Sedimentation

(MEPS). The implementation of CEPS requires very little if any additional capital
expenditure and can increases the treatment capacity of a primary settler by a
factor of 2, but does create an additional operational expense, as it requires the
addition of a coagulant. In an economic comparison by Rashed et al. (2013), CEP
resulted in an overall 23% reduction of sewage treatment cost. MEPS on the other
hand does require a capital investment to acquire the screens or sieves and there
is also an energy and maintenance requirement to operate the machinery. Ruiken
et al. (2013), estimated the total energy saving including wastewater treatment,
sludge treatment and incineration at 40% due to the implementation of 0.35 mm
sieves as compared to the scenario with fine mesh sieving.
Additionally significant aeration energy savings can be made by creating
pre-anoxic zones for denitrification. By creating internal recycle streams within
the sewage treatment plant, nitrate produced by the oxidation of ammonia can
be returned toward the inlet and produce an oxygen credit (2.86 g O2/g NO3-
N), lowering the overall oxygen requirement for the treatment of the BOD and
resulting in an energy saving of 6–8 MWh per annum per 1000PE. Additional
benefits to this operational regime have been identified by Rosso and Stenstrom
(2007), where the biosorption of readily biodegradable surfactants in the pre
anoxic zone has a positive effect on the subsequent aerated section, increasing the
α-factor by up to 2 fold. In some cases the increase in alpha factor can be the most
significant energy saving mechanisim, because although the installation of a pre-
anoxic zone reduces the BOD load of the wastewater treatment plant it also creates
an additional pumping overhead with recirculation rates up to several multiples of
the inlet flow being required. Therefore the additional savings from the increase
in α-factor can result in a further halving of air supplied and the energy required.
The most effective reduction of energy requirement in aerobic bioreactors for
sewage treatment plants today comes at the design stage where consideration
of the overall energy footprint can be made. Notwithstanding the optimisation
of current aeration systems, the entire oxygen transfer process remains highly
inefficient with oxygen and energy literally being blow away. These inefficiencies
leave a large scope for improvement and innovation to provide the oxygen in a
more efficient manner.

4.3 ​Increasing Oxygen Transfer from a Bubble

4.3.1 ​Fine bubble diffusers and oxygen transferring
Haney’s (1954) evaluation of bubble aeration effectively outlines the basic
controlling parameters for subsurface aeration design are: (1) bubble size, (2) relative
velocity and (3) residence time. By influencing these parameters it is possible to
increase the OTR and the OTE from a rising bubble in a Wastewater Treatment

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Tank, but in most cases the influence of the parameter requires additional energy
and the modification may have an energy neutral or even energy negative impact.
e.g., By increasing the tank water depth from 3 m to 6 m a rising bubble has
approximately twice the residence time in the water with which to transfer oxygen.
But for air to exit a diffuser plate underneath 6 m of water it must have pressure
greater than 6 m hydrostatic head. This results in an increase of 80% in the
theoretical energy required to achieve a two fold increase in OTE. ​Smaller bubbles
Decreasing the bubble size which results in an increased gas-liquid surface area
available for mass transfer (Table 4.1) has so far achieved a relatively good success
at increasing the overall energy efficiency. This has resulted in fine bubble aeration
becoming the standard aeration system recommended a head of coarse and
medium bubble aeration, despite fine bubble aeration having a higher maintenance

Table 4.1 ​Increase in bubble surface area available for mass transfer due to
decreasing bubble size.

Increase in contact area

Bubble diameter (mm) Number of bubbles Total bubble surface
per m3 area (m2)
15 5.66 × 105 400
10 1.91 × 10 6 600
3(FBDA) 7.07 × 107 2000
1(UFBD) 1.91 × 109 6000

Smaller than fine bubbles are ultrafine bubbles or micro bubbles, but concerns
still exist regarding these technologies for the aeration of wastewater. Microbubbles
can produce a much higher gas liquid interfacial surface area, but they also have
a higher energy cost than typical gas distributors, the microbubble generators can
allow downsizing of the aeration tank and shorten the overall residence time of
the wastewater so that a reduction in the overall cost can be achieved (Terasaka
et al. 2011). Despite having close to 100% Oxygen Transfer Efficiency it has been
observed that microbubble generation is influenced by fouling which can occur on
the porous membranes (Liu et al. 2013) and the aeration process can have adverse
effects on the overall process, causing floatation and/or the break-up of activated
sludge flocs. (Liu et al. 2012). Disadvantages of micro bubble aeration include
higher capital cost, a higher head loss across the diffuser, increased air filtration
requirements, and a tendency for the microbubble generation membrane to tear
when over-pressurized.

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4.3.2 ​Increasing contact time

Along with smaller and smaller bubbles other approaches have been taken to
increasing the oxygen transfer efficiency for bubble aerated systems, many of these
have looked at providing more contact time between the introduced air and the
liquid. ​Diffusaire
With a view to achieving a higher Oxygen Transfer Efficiency with respect to the
energy input Duiffusaire, an Israeli company have developed a system to increase
the retention time of the bubble in an activated sludge tank. Air is added to the
wastewater in a vertical tube placed in the Activated Sludge tank. The wastewater
to be aerated is then pumped in such a manner as to create a downward flow in
the tube and thereby increase the residence time of the bubble in the liquid, and
allow more time for oxygen transfer. (Yousfan et al. 2011) The aerated liquid along
with some entrapped air then escapes from the bottom of the tube back into the
activated sludge tank. It is claimed that diffusaire proprietary technology can
reduce the energy requirements for aeration by up to 50% (Diffusaire, Advanced
Aeration Solutions). ​Sorubin
Although somewhat similar in outer appearance to the diffusaire technology,
OptusAir developed by a Sweedish company Sorub in creates a vortex in the centre
of the vertically mounted tube through the use of an impellor placed at the bottom
of the tube. The vortex entraps air from the surface and disperses this air liquid
mixture from the bottom of the vertical tube into the wastewater treatment tank.
Optusflow could enhance the effect of aeration and other treatment methods by
up to 50%. ​Sansox OY
The OxTubeBySansox (Finland), also increases the contact time and relatively
velocity between the gas and liquid, but do so in a pipe. Using a specially developed
static mixer to break up the flow pattern and create lots of eddies the OxTube
minimises the boundary layer diffusional resistance between the liquid and gas
bubble (Sansox, Oxytube).

4.4 ​Bubbleless Aeration–Membrane Aerated

Biofilm Reactor
With increasing oxygen transfer efficiencies coming from smaller and smaller
bubbles, the next step has been to develop aeration system without bubbles altogether.
This has resulted in the use of diffusive gas permeable membranes for aeration.

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Although the initial goal for the development of this technology was to increase the
oxygen transfer efficiency to the wastewater, the subsequent biofilm which formed on
the gas permeable membrane surface, which was initially seen as barrier to oxygen
transfer, was later discovered to take an active role in the wastewater treatment process
and lead to the development of the Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR)
(Timberlake et al. 1988). As a means to increase the oxygen transferred from the
air to the wastewater, by placing the oxygen containing gas inside of amembrane,
the residence time of the air in the wastewater is decoupled from the buoyancy
forces which normally limit the contact time between the air and water. Therefore
it is possible to dramatically increase the Oxygen Transfer Efficiency (OTE) up to a
theoretical maximum of 100%. By controlling the flowrate and the partial pressure
of Oxygen through the membranes the OTE and the Oxygen Transfer Rate (OTR)
can be controlled. This allows for an additional level of control over the oxygen
transfer process for an operator. Although a biofilm colonises the membrane surface
preventing the transfer of oxygen to the wastewater the membrane supported biofilm
takes an active part in the wastewater treatment and because the consumption of
oxygen occurs locally to the membrane surface the active biofilm increases the rate
of oxygen flux across the membrane (Shanahan & Semmens, 2006).
The unique counter diffusional concentration profile which is created through
the membrane aeration, also results in the natural development of aspatially unique
biofilm. This membrane aerated biofilm is a counter diffusional biofilm (Figure 4.1)
as opposed to a conventional co-diffusional biofilm.

Figure 4.1 Schematic of a membrane aerated biofilm.

Along with increasing the OTE the gas pressure required to supply the oxygen
to the MABR is dramatically reduced and subsequently the overall energy
requirement. The structural integrity of the membranes themselves prevents the
hydrostatic pressure closing off the lumen of the membrane and if non-porous
membranes are used no flow of water back into the membrane lumen can occur.
Therefore the supplied gas does not have to overcome the hydrostatic head and the
only pressure which the supplied gas has to overcome is the pressure drop due to
the air flow within the membranes. It must also be noted that because oxygen is
not being transferred to the wastewater there are no wastewater surface tension

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forces to be overcome, therefore the alpha factor does not play a role in the oxygen
transfer in a MABR.
While university based research groups have been examining this technology
for some time with one of the first papers identifying the wastewater treatment
potential being published by Timberlake et al. 1988, until recently the technology
had not progressed beyond the lab scale. During this time the MABR has been tested
for different applications including high rate BOD removal, tertiary nitrification
and simultaneous nitrification and denitrification. These have all been identified as
areas where the MABR has a significant Advantage over conventional systems and
due to the increased level of process control the MABR can be tailored for each of
these processes or for a multiple of different processes sequentially.
Despite this concept being around for many years 2 major stumbling blocks
have prevented it from being commercialised.
(1) The availability of cheap suitable membranes to exploit the cost saving
which results from the reduced energy requirement.
(2) The ability to achieve effective long term stable performance, this has
typically been most difficult in wastewaters with high BOD loading rates.
In an economic evaluation of the MABR (Casey et al. 2008), the two major
economic factors for the commercialisation of the MABR were identified as
membrane replacement cost and energy cost as these directly influence the increased
capital cost associated with membranes in a tank and the operational saving. Today
with more and more membrane providers coming to the market and increased
membrane operational and production knowledge, membrane technology has now
become commoditised and the cost of membranes has reduced significantly over
the past 10 years. This coupled with the increased process knowledge, higher levels
of biofilm understanding and the ability to have effective biofilm control has led to
a number of companies commercialising the MABR concept.
Two different approaches have been taken to the scale-up of the membrane
aerated biofilm concept.

4.4.1 ​Submerged membrane aerated biofilm reactors

Both Oxymem and GE Water and Process technologies have taken a more
conventional approach towards the MABR by placing the gas permeable
membranes into a wastewater treatment tank in place of other aeration devices.
This has been the approach taken by many research groups including those of
Semmens (WERF, 2005) and Nerenberg (Downing, 2008) and is summarised
in the reviews Syron and Casey (2008) and Martin and Nerenberg (2013).
This configuration of the MABR allows the wastewater to flow around the gas
permeable membranes and the oxygen/air is then supplied via a pipe network to
interior of the membranes. The biofilm grows on the outside of the membrane and
can be removed or have its outer layers sloughed off by a change in shear force

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usually carried out by through intermittent coarse bubbles scouring or a change in

liquid flow direction. The mixing and oxygenation are independent in this system
and can be controlled or modified according to the requirement or needs of the
system. The configuration also allows for the use of oxygen enriched air or even
pure oxygen to be used with up to 100% oxygen transfer efficiency (VOSS, 1994).
To make the systems very compact there is a tendency to provide as much surface
area per unit volume although this has led to problems with biofilm over growth.
Both Oxymem and GE have chosen to uses dense (non-Porous) membranes
which although having a higher initial resistance to mass transfer than hydrophobic
microporous membrane, are not effected by long term operation (Semmens, 2005).
The GE MABR uses very fine bore polymethylpentane (PMP) membranes while
Oxymem have developed a PolyDimethylSiloxane (PDMS) membrane for use in
their MABR (Figure 4.2).

Figure 4.2 Photograph of gas permeable membranes covered with biofilm (provided
courtesy of Oxymem.)

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A summary of the membranes used from both systems is given in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2 ​Submerged MABR data taken from (1) Syron et al. (2014), (2) Stricker
et al. (2011), (3) Adams et al. (2014).

Summary of OXYMEM and GE Zeelung results

OxyMem GE (Zeelung) GE membrane
Configuration Hollow fibre Micro bore hollow Hollow fibres
fibre around a cord
Wall thickness 100 μm 5–20 μm 15–20 μm
Internal diameter 300 μm 30–60 μm 80 μm
Outer diameter 500 μm 50–70 μm 100 μm
Arrangement Vertically in Vertically in large Placed around a
bunches of 400 bunches central cord kept
in place by a warf
Specific surface 250–400 776–845 655
area m2/m3
Air Pressure mBar 100 mBar 410 mBar 550 mBar
OTE >50% 31% >60%
SOTE kgO2/kWh 8 6
Energy <0.1

Operational data has been presented by both of these companies at international

conferences and it is very likely that larger scale systems will be installed in the
coming years.

4.4.2 ​Passively membrane aerated biofilm reactors

In a concept similar to a trickling filter or biotower two companies Emefcy and
BioGill pump the wastewater to be treated to the top of their membrane aeration
unit. The wastewater then flows down through the inside of the membranes with
the oxygen/air surrounding the membranes and the oxygen in the air at atmospheric
conditions diffusing through the membrane into the pollutant degrading biofilm
inside the membrane. This approach requires no energy for an air blower or mixing,
only pumping energy is required.
The Spiral Aerobic Biofilm Reactor or SABRE has been developed by Emefcy
an Israli company. The technology uses a membrane envelope wound into a spiral

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with a defined space between each coil so that air can flow all around the membrane.
The wastewater to be treated is then pumped into the top of the membrane envelope,
and flows around the spiral to the end where it exits the membrane. The biofilm
grows on the inside of the membrane and any sloughed or detached biomass leaves
with the treated wastewater to be removed in a subsequent unit operation. Energy
requirements of 0.02 kwh/m3 of water treated have been reported for this system
(Spiral Aerobic Biofilm Reactor-Emefcy).
Another similar concept which pumps the wastewater to be treated to the top
of an above ground membrane unit is the Biogill developed by Biogill Operations
Pty ltd (Australia). Biogill utilises folded Nano Ceramic membranes and the
wastewater flows downward inside the membranes with a biofilm developing on
the inside of the membrane. The nanoceramic membranes chosen by Biogill are
porous to water and some of the wastewater permeates through the membranes
creating a wet membrane surface and an environment suitable for the growth
of fungi when contributes to nutrient removal. The wastewater is then collected
in a decant tank underneath the membrane unit where the detached biomass is
allowed to settle out of the wastewater. Based on the design parmeters given in
the Biogill Technical System and specification guide the energy required for
treating the water is 0.17kWh/m 3 at the scenario given in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3 ​Energy requirements for biogill, using

operational data available through www.biogill.com.

Biogill energy requirements

BOD 500 mg/l
Flow rate 8000 l/hr
Recirculation rate 15
Recirculation pump flowrate 120 m3/hr
Height 2.5 m
Pump efficiency 0.6
Pumping energy 1.36 kw
Energy required per unit volume 0.17 kw/m3

4.5 ​Low Energy Ammonia Removal

4.5.1 ​Ammonia removal
Biological nitrogen removal is an oxygen intensive process with 4.57 g of O2
required for every g of N-NH4 oxidised. Traditionally the pathway for complete
nitrogen removal was through the complete oxidation of ammonia all the way to
nitrate (NO3) and then denitrifying the nitrate through the addition of a carbon
source and allowing heterotrophic bacteria to utilise the nitrate as a source of

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oxygen. The product of this two stage biological process was nitrogen gas which
escaped back into the atmosphere. Depending on the exact configuration chosen this
process generally required significantly more air, additional recirculation pumps,
longer biomass retention and significantly larger tanks than the more traditional
biological carbon removal processes. Overall the energy increase for the addition of
nitrification was estimated at 69% in a case study by Menendez and Veatch, 2010.
Thanks to an increased understanding of the biological nitrogen removal process,
scientists and engineers have been able to provide the suitable conditions for the
each of the different bacterial groups which are involved with multiple stages of the
nitrogen removal process and through the control of these conditions along with
reaction time, the nitrogen removal process can be split up into its component steps.

4.5.2 ​Shortcut nitrification
The first step of ammonia removal is carried out by Ammonia Oxidising Bacteria
(AOB), these bacteria oxidise ammonia to nitrite, while the second group of
bacteria Nitrite Oxidising Bacteria (NOB) oxidise the nitrite to nitrate. To achieve
complete nitrogen removal it is not necessary to oxidise ammonia all the way
to nitrate, by controlling the process in such a way as to prevent the complete
oxidation of ammonia to nitrate, the intermediate produced nitrite can be
subsequently denitrified to N2 resulting in a saving of 1.17 gO2 per g of N-NH4.
Shortcut nitrification, as it known, uses effective process control to reduce the
growth rate of the NOB and minimise the amount of nitrite converted to nitrate
through a better understanding of the growth rates of the two groups of bacteria
required for the nitrification process and their kinetic parameters such as oxygen
affinity (Ciudad et al. 2006). Trials have shown that process can be applied to
wastewater with high ammonia concentrations for example, leachate (Akerman,
2005). The process has been scaled-up and is available commercially from Veolia
under the name Anita-shunt.

4.5.3 ​Anammox
The identification of the Anaerobic Ammonia Oxidising group of bacteria
(anammox) and the ability to construct full scale anaerobic ammonia oxidising
reactors further reduces the energy required for nitrogen removal. This anaerobic
ammonia oxidation process has been successfully scaled up by many companies
including Paques and Gronmij. To date there are many different variants of the
anammox technology including suspended culture (flocs) self-supporting biofilm
(granules) and attached biofilm based systems (MBBR).
Although the anammox bacteria do not require Oxygen, some oxygen is
required to produce the Nitrite which the anammox bacteria utilise for the
ammonia oxidation. Therefore through the implementation of anammox the
oxygen requirement for the aerobic treatment is significantly reduced.

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4.6 ​Other Aerobic Technologies

4.6.1 ​Aerobic granules
The development of the Aerobic Granules technology Nerada® developed by
Royal Haskoning DHV is another novel aerobic biological process which similar
to Anaerobic Ammonia Oxidation and Shortcut Nitrogen Removal systems
encourages the growth of the desired biomass through the effective control of
the environmental growth conditions. Several full scale installations currently
exist and these are showing that along with the improved process outcomes
there is a significant energy saving achieved through the implementation of the
Aerobic Granule technology. In Epe, Netherlands, the overall energy requirement
for the wastewater treatment plant was reduced by 35% after the installation of
the Nerada® process and while at Frielas, Portugal, the specific air requirement
(m3 air/kg CODremoved day) is 60% of the parallel Conventional Activated Sludge
system. (Giesen & Thompson, 2013).

4.7 ​Conclusions
Aerobic biological treatment has formed the corner stone of sewage treatment
for the past 100 years and is likely to continue to form a major part of the sewage
treatment plant of the future. Aerobic biological treatment produces clean
water suitable for discharge to surface waters or further processing into usable
water cheaply and efficiently without the use of chemicals or the production of
more concentrated streams. Despite being an economical process the delivery
of oxygen to the bacteria is still energy intensive and very inefficient, thereby
presenting the opportunity for innovative aerobic biological processes which
treat the sewage more efficiently and economically using less energy. Over the
past 10 years several processes have been developed and are beginning to be seen
at full scale sewage treatment plants. While these innovative processes reduce
operation cost the overall impact on the capital cost on a new build or a upgrade
site has yet determined.

4.8 ​References
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oxidation, nitrification and denitrification in a permeable-support biofilm. Water
Research, 22(12), 1513–1517.
Voss M. A. (1994). Membrane Gas Transfer: Practical Applications. MS Thesis, University
of Minnesota, MN.
Yousfan and Shechter (2011). Device and Method for Dissolving Gas into a Liquid. US
Patent application US 2011/0309034 A1.

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Chapter 5
Integration of energy efficient
processes in carbon and
nutrient removal from sewage
Simos Malamis, Evina Katsou and Francesco Fatone
Department of Biotechnology, University of Verona, Strada Le Grazie 15,
37134, Verona, Italy

5.1 ​Introduction
The anthropogenic activities of the combustion of fossil fuel, the production of
nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, intensive cultivation as well as other actions
have resulted in accelerating the global nitrogen and phosphorus cycles (Vitousek
et al. 1997). As a result, several environmental problems have occurred to aquatic
ecosystems which include groundwater pollution by nitrate, acidification and
cultural eutrophication of water bodies and toxic effects caused to aquatic organisms
by organic and inorganic nitrogen forms (Cervantes, 2009). Consequently, nutrient
removal from sewage is important within wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs)
and can help alleviate the aforementioned environmental problems related to the
discharge of nutrient rich effluents.
Wastewater facilities are increasingly being required to implement treatment
process improvements in order to meet stricter discharge limits with respect to
nitrogen and phosphorus. Wastewater treatment is an energy intensive process,
accounting for approximately 3% of electricity use in developed countries. The
greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, energy consumption and the cost of wastewater
treatment increase when nutrient removal is implemented (Keller & Hartley, 2003;
USEPA, 2007). Balancing between nutrient removal efficiency and the cost of
treatment is critical in order to implement a solution that will meet the required
limits at an acceptable cost (WERF, 2011).
This chapter reviews the conventional organic carbon and nutrient removal
bioprocesses and the latest technologies for nutrient removal, which include partial
nitritation coupled with the anoxic ammonium oxidation (anammox), nitritation/
denitritation and via nitrite/nitrate phosphorus accumulation. The various biological
nutrient removal (BNR) processes are evaluated based also on the energy aspect.

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5.2 ​ReguLatory Background
The urban wastewater treatment directive (91/271/EEC and its amendment 98/15/
EEC) of the European Union (EU), is an emission oriented regulation which defines
the required treated effluent quality of municipal wastewater discharged into water
bodies in terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand
(BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS), nitrogen and phosphorus concentration. The
Directive imposes nutrient limits in the treated effluent that is discharged to sensitive
water bodies subject to eutrophication; these limits are based on agglomeration
size (i.e., population equivalent PE) (Table 5.1). The EU Nitrate Directive (91/676/
EEC) imposed limits to the amount of nitrate that is applied to land within nitrate
vulnerable zones, in order to protect the surface and groundwater.

Table 5.1 ​EU Nutrient limits imposed for the discharge of treated effluent from
municipal WWTPs into sensitive water recipients (Council Directive 91/271/EEC).a

Parameter Concentrationb Minimum decrease of load

N 15 mg/L (PE 10,000–100,000) 80
10 mg/L (PE > 100,000)
P 2 mg/L (PE 10,000–100,000) 70–80%
1 mg/L (PE > 100,000)
a Either the concentration or the minimum decrease conditions should be satisfied.
b Concentration refers to annual mean values.

The Water Framework Directive (WFD – 2000/60/EC) presented a

breakthrough in European Water Policy and set the nutrients as a major element
of ‘good water status’ to be reached by 2015 for water bodies, confirming the
importance of nutrient control to prevent water pollution. As the WFD focuses
on the quality of the water bodies it signals an official move from emission to
imission based standards. Responding to the need for upgrading the quality of
water bodies EU countries has set strict nutrient limit values to treated effluents
discharged into specific water bodies and/or to nutrient limits to the actual water
bodies. Such examples are the Lagoon of Venice in Italy and Asopos River in
Greece (Table 5.2).
In the United States of America (USA) and Canada the nutrient effluent permits
are determined at the state or provincial level based on imission criteria. In this
approach, the capacity of the receiving water bodies are considered and are
translated to different effluent requirements at a local level. As a result, certain
water bodies such as Canada’s Great Lakes region have strict limits concerning
the treated effluents (0.25–0.5 mgP/L for phosphorus and lower than 6 mgN/L
for nitrogen). The US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has set very
strict nutrient limits for 14 selected eco-regions in the USA in order to address the
total maximum daily load (TMDL) standards for surface waters. In some regions

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Integration of energy efficient processes 73

the WWTPs have to meet the limit of treatment technology (LOT). The LOT is
defined as the lowest economically achievable effluent quality, which for nitrogen
is <1.5 to 3 mgN/L and for phosphorus 0.07 mg/L to 0.1 mgP/L (Barnard, 2006;
Oleszkiewicz & Barnard, 2006).

Table 5.2 ​Examples of limit values for nutrients in the treated effluent discharged
into water bodies.

TN NO3 –N NO2–N NH4 –N TP PO4 –P Location Legislative

(mgN/L) (mgN/L) (mgN/L) (mgN/L) (mgP/L) (mgP/L) Act

10 – 0.3 2 1 0.5 Lagoon Ministry

of Venice, Decree
Italy 30/07/99 –
10 7 0.5 2 1 Asopos KYA
River, 20488/
Greece 2010

The potential energy available in raw wastewater entering a municipal WWTP
exceeds the electricity requirements of the treatment process. Energy contained
in organics entering the plant can be related to the COD load of the influent flow.
This organic load is subjected to aerobic and anaerobic degradation processes,
partly releasing the captured energy. Three different types of energy can be
distinguished: heat, synthesis energy and electricity. Aerobic metabolism yields
a high amount of energy which can hardly be put to good use. Energy is produced
by catabolic biochemical reactions as the substrate is oxidised by bacteria.
The energy is used for the synthesis and maintenance of the cells. Synthesis
energy is thus used by bacteria during their anabolic biochemical reactions in
order to develop new biomass. Synthesis energy is related to high excess sludge
production. The anaerobic digestion process generates much lower synthesis
energy and less heat than aerobic processes, which has much higher impact
because of high concentrations in the solids train. A major part of the energy
content is captured in methane. This amount of energy can be transformed by a
combined heat power (CHP) unit to electrical energy and heat, which can then be
used. These energy products can be recycled to the wastewater treatment line and
thus provide energy for the aeration system and heat the digesters. The process
should divert as much organics as possible, from the wastewater treatment line
to the anaerobic solids train in order to increase as much as possible energy
recovery. However, compliance with nutrient removal requirements remains the
overriding objective.

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5.4 ​Conventional Biological Nutrient Removal

5.4.1 ​Description of alternative conventional BNR
processes and configurations
Biological nutrient removal (BNR) has emerged as the preferred approach for
nutrient removal as it has much lower operating expenses compared to physico
chemical processes. BNR is currently integrated within the biological treatment
of municipal wastewater; nitrogen is removed through the biological processes of
nitrification and denitrification, and is finally converted into a gaseous form and
escapes into the atmosphere. In the nitrification bioreaction, ammonium (NH4+)
is oxidized first to nitrite (NO−2) by the autotrophic ammonium oxidizing bacteria
(Nitrosomonas) and then to nitrate (NO3−) by the autotrophic nitrite oxidizing
bacteria known as Nitrobacter and Nitrospira. These reactions take place strictly
under aerobic environment. During denitrification, nitrate is biologically reduced
to nitric oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (N2O), and finally to nitrogen gas (N2) by
heterotrophic bacteria in an anoxic environment (absence of oxygen, presence of
nitrate/nitrite) (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003). Figure 5.1 summarizes the nitrogen related
bioreactions that can take place in a WWTP. The two stage oxidation of ammonium
to nitrate consumes alkalinity (7.14 g of CaCO3 are required to oxidize 1 g N) and
requires oxygen. According to stoichiometry, 4.57 g O2 is required to oxidize 1
g N, if all the nitrogen was oxidized. However, the bacteria also require nitrogen
for growth, thus reducing the oxygen requirements to 4.33 g O2 per g N removed.
The denitrification process requires anoxic conditions and the presence of organic
carbon as electron donor. To denitrify nitrate to gaseous nitrogen the amount of
organic carbon required is given by 2.86/(1 – YH) where YH is the heterotrophic
biomass yield.

1. Aerobic ammonium oxidation to

2. Aerobic nitrite oxidation to
3. Nitrate reduction to nitrite
4. Nitrite reduction to nitric oxide
5. Nitric oxide reduction to nitrous
6. Nitrous oxide reduction to N2
7. Anoxic ammonium oxidation to
N2 (Anammox reaction).

Figure 5.1 ​Nitrogen bioreactions which can take place in a WWTP.

Phosphorus removal from wastewater effluents within WWTPs can be

achieved in two fundamentally different ways: by chemical precipitation and

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by enhanced biological removal. In both ways, phosphorus is trapped in the

solid matrix and is then separated from the liquid through the subsequent
secondary sedimentation process. Chemical removal of phosphorus is
accomplished through the addition of aluminium and iron coagulants or lime
to form phosphorus precipitates. It is a flexible process for phosphorus removal
which can be implemented at various stages, in the WWTP. Specifically, the
chemicals can be applied (i) before primary sedimentation, (ii) directly inside
the biological treatment process or (iii) at the secondary effluent, as a tertiary
treatment process. In the first case, the phosphorus precipitates in the primary
settling tank and is thus removed with primary sludge. In the second case
phosphorus precipitates in the mixed liquor and is removed with waste activated
sludge. The last case is less often practiced due to increased costs and the need
for an additional separation stage (Morse et al. 1998). The chemical removal
of phosphorus has the disadvantages of having higher operating expenses,
producing more sludge and resulting in the addition of chemicals compared
to biological phosphorus removal (US EPA, 2007). In the enhanced biological
phosphorus removal (EBPR) process, phosphorus accumulates in activated
sludge by phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs). These bacteria have the
ability to accumulate much more phosphorus (up to 10% of their dry weight)
compared to normal bacteria. This is accomplished through the implementation
of a sequence of anaerobic and aerobic conditions. Under anaerobic conditions,
the PAOs break the polyphosphate chains stored in their cells to generate energy;
as a result phosphorus is released from the solid to the liquid phase. Then PAOs
use the generated energy to convert the readily biodegradable organic matter
(volatile fatty acids) that is present in the liquid into organic carbon which is
stored internally in the form of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) as an energy
and food reserve. Then, under aerobic conditions the PAOs utilize PHA as an
energy reserve to uptake phosphorus (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003). Figure 5.2 depicts
diagrammatically the EBPR process.

Aerobic conditions


Poly-P PHB H2O
PO43- O2
PO43- Anaerobic conditions H2O

Figure 5.2 ​Diagrammatic representation of the enhanced biological phosphorus

removal process.

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Based on the above biological principles of BNR various technologies and

configurations have been successfully adopted for biological nitrogen and
phosphorus removal. Figure 5.3 shows the various configurations, for both
suspended and attached growth processes, that can be used to remove nitrogen
from wastewater. The existing conventional nitrogen removal technologies
can decrease the treated effluent nitrogen concentrations to levels lower than
10 mg/L. The modified Ludzack Ettinger (MLE) is a suspended growth process,
with an anoxic reactor where denitrification occurs followed by an aerobic
reactor where nitrification takes place. The recirculation of mixed liquor to the
anoxic reactor provides the required nitrates for denitrification. During aerobic
conditions, the aerobic biodegradation of the organics takes place together with
nitrification. The organic source required for denitrification of nitrate is provided
by the influent sewage. The MLE can also be combined with simultaneous
nitrification/denitrification (MLE/SND). In SND micro-aerobic conditions
prevail, resulting in aerobic conditions at the exterior of the flocs and anoxic
conditions in the interior. Thus, nitrification and denitrification takes place
within the same reactor simultaneously. The four stage Bardenpho process is a
suspended growth process with the sequence of anoxic/aerobic/anoxic/aerobic
which could also include a SND stage. An external organic carbon source
should be added in the second anoxic reactor to accomplish denitrification
at a significant rate. This configuration having two aerobic and two anoxic
zones results in higher nitrogen removal and in an effluent with lower nitrogen
concentration than the two zone. The moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) is an
attached growth process where many biofilm carriers are suspended inside the
biological reactor. The biofilm develops on the surface of these carriers. Suitable
anoxic and aerobic conditions can be maintained to favour the nitrogen removal
processes. The biological aerated filter (BAF) is an attached growth process
consisting of submerged media filter. Wastewater is pumped through the filter
media and is treated as it comes into contact with it. The media filter provides
a surface for microorganisms to grow on. Aeration is provided from the bottom
part of the reactor. The BAF is a flexible system where filtration and biological
treatment of wastewater are combined. The rotating biological contactor (RBC)
is an attached growth process in which biofilm develops on parallel rotating
disks mounted on a rotating shaft (Barnard, 2006). The sequencing batch reactor
(SBR) process is a suspended growth process in which all processes take place
within the same reactor in a sequencing manner. The sequence that is followed
is: fill, reaction phase, sedimentation and decant. In the reaction phase aerobic
and subsequently anoxic conditions can be maintained for nitrogen removal.
The oxidation ditch is a continuous flow suspended growth process with uses
looped channels to create time sequenced anoxic and aerobic zones to remove
nitrogen. Nitrogen removal is also integrated in membrane bioreactor (MBR)
processes. In these cases, suitable anoxic and aerobic reactors are integrated
with the membrane modules. The latter can be placed within the aerobic

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tank, in a separate reactor or as an external membrane module in the external


Figure 5.3 ​Attached and suspended biomass configurations which can be applied
to remove nitrogen (SND = simultaneous nitrification/denitrification, C = dosing of
external organic carbon).

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Figure 5.3 ​(Continued)

Several configurations for the EBPR have been invented, developed and
implemented (Figure 5.4). In practice, the EBPR is successfully implemented when
the alternation of anaerobic/aerobic is ensured. Any bioprocess in which the nitrate/
nitrite is prevented from entering the anaerobic bioreactor and an adequate readily
biodegradable COD is provided during the anaerobic phase can accomplish EBPR
(Barnard, 2006). Therefore, EBPR can be integrated within any of the configurations
described above for nitrogen removal, provided a dedicated anaerobic phase is
established. The phosphorus removal configurations shown in Figure 5.4 place the
anaerobic reactor upstream of the biological process. This has the advantage that
volatile fatty acids present in sewage can be used by the phosphorus accumulating
organisms (PAOs). The simplest configuration is the Phoredox (A/O) process with
one anaerobic reactor placed before the aerobic one. In the SBR process, EBPR can
be accomplished by including an anaerobic phase just after the filling and before the
aerobic reaction. Thus, the sequence of anaerobic, aerobic, anoxic phase in an SBR
can successfully remove phosphorus and nitrogen from wastewater. The two and
four stage Bardenpho processes can be modified to remove phosphorus by inserting
an anaerobic reactor upstream. These configurations are known as the three and five
stage modified Bardenpho processes (Wentzel et al. 2008).
In the University of Cape Town (UCT) process and its modified version (which has
two anoxic tanks), an internal recycle of nitrate is carried out from the aerobic tank to
the anoxic one in order to achieve effective denitrification. Furthermore, to minimize
the entrance of nitrates in the anaerobic zone, the mixed liquor is recycled from the
anoxic tank to the anaerobic one and the settled sludge is returned to the anoxic tank.
By manipulating the nitrate recycle ratio, the nitrate concentration in the anoxic tank

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Integration of energy efficient processes 79

can drop to zero. As a result, the anoxic recycle will not introduce any nitrate into
the anaerobic tank. The modified version includes two anoxic tanks in order to have
better control of the recycle. In the Johannesburg configuration, the elimination of
nitrates in the mixed liquor recycle to the anaerobic tank is accomplished by a second
anoxic tank which removes the nitrate from the recycle. The Biodenipho/Biodenitro
process is a phased isolation ditch system where nitrogen removal is accomplished by
the phased aerobic/anoxic reactors which are interchanged. The anaerobic conditions
are accomplished upstream in a separate tank (Wentzel et al. 2008).

Figure 5.4 ​Configurations applied in WWTPs to removal phosphorus biologically

(most schemes also integrating nitrogen removal).

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Figure 5.4 ​(Continued)

5.4.2 ​BNR processes implemented in Europe and

Northern America
In Europe different BNR processes have been implemented depending on the
financial resources and the regulatory framework. The most common process that
is applied is the activated sludge BNR system that consists of a series of anaerobic,
anoxic and aerobic reactors. BNR systems that are commonly used in Northern
Europe are the modified Bardenpho process, the Johannesburg process and the
alternating continuous processes of Biodenitro/Biodenipho. In WWTPs where
EBPR is practiced, the modified Bardenpho or the Johannesburg process are often
applied, having a three-stage reactor in the sequence of anaerobic, anoxic, aerobic
with a pre-denitrification of the return activated sludge. Other plants employ
an anaerobic zone followed by simultaneous nitrification/denitrification. The

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fermentation of primary sludge to produce short chain fatty acids that can be applied
as carbon source to the BNR process is increasingly being applied in WWTPs in
Europe. MBBR and IFAS plants are often implemented when a small footprint is
required (Oleszkiewicz & Barnard, 2006). These processes use suspended carriers
onto with the biofilm develops and are compact leading to significant reduction in
the bioreactor volumes.
Many WWPTs in Central North America still practice only carbon removal or
have recently been upgraded for BNR as a response to the imposed regulations.
The tendency for upgrading is to conduct chemical precipitation of phosphorus
and extend the aerobic phase in order to accomplish complete ammonium
oxidation. In WWTPs where a low total nitrogen concentration limit must be
met, post-denitrification using denitrifying filters is usually carried out (de
Barbadillo et al. 2005). In several US plants the activated sludge BNR system is
increasingly being adopted either as Bardenpho-like process or as MLE coupled
with chemical precipitation. In western Canada the Westbank process being the
most popular process. In Eastern Canada the high rate activated sludge process
is typically used together with chemical precipitation. Since denitrification
is not practiced, the mixed liquor contains nitrates and thus EBPR cannot be
carried out. Finally, in Quebec attached growth processes (BAF) are usually
employed (Oleszkiewicz & Barnard, 2006). In the last several years, nitritation/
denitritation and partial nitritation with the anoxic ammonium oxidation (i.e.,
the completely autotrophic nitrogen removal process) are being implemented as
alternative low cost treatment options for nitrogen removal. These processes are
further discussed in Section 5.5.

5.4.3 ​Energy requirements and cost of conventional

BNR processes
Figure 5.5 shows the typical energy requirements of a typical medium size
WWTPs serving a population equivalent (PE) of 400,000. The majority of the
energy demand (55%) is due to aeration requirements for the biological processes.
The energy requirements due to pumping can vary considerably depending on the
morphology and plant configuration. Given, the capital and operating expenses
of the anaerobic digestion process, it is usually implemented in WWTPs having
a PE higher than 40,000 in order to realize energetic benefits within a reasonable
time horizon.
To evaluate the impact of the implementation of nitrogen removal on the plant
efficiency, it is important to document the increase in the treatment cost that is
incurred due to the adoption of nitrification/denitrification. The implementation
of BNR increases the cost mainly due to the increased aeration requirements of
nitrification, internal nitrate recirculation and potentially the addition of chemicals
to provide the organic carbon source for denitrification and enhanced biological
phosphorus removal (EPRI, 2002).

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82 Sewage Treatment Plants

Pre-treatment, 1%
Disinfec on, 4%
Other, 5%
Dewatering, 9% Primary Sedimenta on, 2%
Pumping, 9%

Anaerobic diges on, 9%

Thickening, 1%
Sludge recircula on, 3%

Aera on, 55%

sedimenta on, 2%

Figure 5.5 ​Contribution of various processes to the energy requirements of a

typical medium sized WWTP having a population equivalent of 400,000.

In several cases, particularly in North America, retrofitting of existing

WWTPs is required to include BNR together with organic carbon removal. In
other cases new BNR WWTPs plants are developed. The BNR cost for new plants
is very different from that of retrofits. The cost of new BNR plants depends on
the influent loads and on the required treated effluent quality. The retrofit costs
are more difficult to present and discuss as they are more site specific and vary
significantly for any given plant size. They depend on the same parameters as the
new BNR plants as well as on the layout and design of the existing WWTP (US
EPA, 2007). Tables 5.3 and 5.4 summarize the total capital cost for the retrofitting
of different BNR plants in Maryland and Connecticut respectively and Table 5.5
shows the capital and operating and maintenance (O&M) costs for new BNR
plants and for retrofits. Clearly, the retrofits result in much lower construction
and O&M cost compared to new BNR plants. Furthermore, the ratio of capital
BNR cost/design capacity is very wide ranging from 16 $/(m3/d) to 5234 $/(m3/d)
showing that BNR retrofit cost varies greatly depending on the specific case
study. Even in WWTPs with similar design capacity, the BNR retrofit cost can
vary significantly.
In terms of phosphorus removal, studies show that the cost is relatively low if
the goal is to achieve total phosphorus concentration in the treated effluent up to
1 mgP/L. However, the cost increases significantly when the treated effluent should
have a phosphorus concentration lower than 0.5 mgP/L.

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Table 5.3 ​Costs for upgrading WWTPs with BNR for Maryland (US EPA, 2007).

Facilities with Design Treatment Capital Capital BNR

BNR capacity process BNR cost cost/design
(m3/d) (2006$) capacity
(2006 $/(m3/d))
Leonardtown 2461 Biolac 2,811,448 1142
Little Patuxent 68,137 A 2/O 7,263,879 107
Marlay Taylor 17,034 Schreiber 4,986,641 293
(Pine Hill Run)
Maryland City 9464 Schreiber 1,375,866 145
Maryland 4656 Bardenpho 2,703,932 581
Mt. Airy 2271 Activated 5,235,575 2305
Northeast 7571 Activated 4,225,029 558
Pakrway 28,391 Methanol 15,869,228 559
Patuxent 22,712 Oxidation 2,106,763 93
Piscataway 113,562 MLE 24,778,239 218
Pocomoke City 5300 Biolac 3,924,240 740
Poolesville 2366 SBR 1,593,640 674
Princess Anne 4770 Activated 4,311,742 904
Seneca 18,927 MLE 34,886,034 1843
Sod Run 45,425 MLE 21,999,198 484
Taneytown 2650 SBR 3,808,298 1437
Thurmont 3785 MLE 3,122,264 825
Western Branch 113,562 Methanol 47,132,782 415
Westminster 18,927 Activated 5,274,444 279
Aberdeen 10,599 MLE 3,177,679 300


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Table 5.3 ​Costs for upgrading WWTPswith BNRfor Maryland (US EPA, 2007)

Facilities with Design Treatment Capital Capital BNR

BNR capacity process BNR cost cost/design
(m3/d) (2006$) capacity
(2006 $/(m3/d))
Annapolis 37,854 Ringlace 14,687,326 388
Back River 681,374 MLE 138,305,987 203
Ballenger 7571 Modified 2,891,906 382
Broadneck 22,712 Oxidation 3,165,193 139
Broadwater 7571 MLE 6,892,150 910
Cambridge 30,662 Activated 11,740,209 383
Celanese 4732 Sequential 7,424,068 1569
step feed
Centreville 1420 SBR/Land 7,336,020 5166
Chesapeake 2839 Oxidation 2,158,215 760
beach ditch
Conococheague 9464 Carrousel 6,620,888 700
Cox Creek 56,781 MLE 11,466,657 202
Cumberland 56,781 MLE 12,929,990 228
Denton 1703 Biolac 4,203,767 2468
Dorsey run 7571 Methanol 3,967,307 524
Emmitsburg 2839 Overland 2,562,722 903
Frederick 30,283 MLE 11,916,504 394
Freedom 13,249 Activated 1,462,798 110
Fruitland 1893 SBR 7,546,764 3987
Hagers town 30,283 Johannesburg 11,190,344 370
Havre DeGràce 7154 MLE 7,596,882 1062
Hurlock 7571 Bardenpho 5,200,000 687
Joppatowne 3596 MLE 2,433,205 677

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Table 5.4 ​Costs for upgrading WWTPs with BNR for Connecticut (US EPA,

Facilities with Design Treatment Capital Capital BNR

BNR capacity process BNR cost Cost/design
(m3/d) (2006$) capacity
Branford 17,034 4-stage 3,732,049 219
Bridgeport East 45,425 MLE 2,323,766 51
Phase 1
Bridgeport West 109,777 MLE 2,640,643 24
Phase 1
Bristol Phase 1 40,693 MLE 649,320 16
Derby 11,470 MLE 3,513,514 306
East Hampton 14,763 MLE 890,548 60
East Windsor 9,464 MLE 1,407,617 149
Fairfield Phase 2 34,069 4-stage 14,235,676 418
Greenwich 45,425 MLE 703,809 16
Ledyard 908 SBR 4,752,461 5234
Milford BB Phase 1 11,735 4-stage 1,407,617 120
New Canaan 5,678 MLE 1,570,463 277
New Haven Phase 1 151,416 MLE 11,134,336 74
New London 37,854 MLE 3,495,615 92
Newtown 3,528 MLE 1,436,601 407
Norwalk Phase 1 56,781 MLE 1,548,379 27
Norwalk Phase 2 56,781 MLE 7,042,287 124
Portland 3,785 MLE 1,266,843 335
Seymour 11,091 MLE 379,597 34
Stratford Phase 1 43,532 4-stage 1,126,094 26
Thomaston 4,543 SBR 1,451,708 320
University of 7,495 MLE 1,489,259 199
Waterbury 94,635 4-stage 22,074,225 233

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Table 5.5 ​Average BNR Costs for new small scale WWTPs (US EPA, 2007).

System 15 m3/d 40 m3/d 100 m3/d 190 m3/d 380 m3/d

MLE process
Construction (2006$) 348,771 415,585 563,912 803,108 1,167,914
O&M (2006$) 37,263 43,515 60,553 61,636 122,699
4-Stage bardenpho process
Construction (2006$) 448,992 491,753 634,736 889,966 1,293,524
O&M (2006$) 64,353 70,604 90,462 117,551 162,169
3-Stage process
Construction (2006$) 388,859 444,983 589,302 837,851 1,220,029
O&M (2006$) 44,005 51,360 69,133 93,403 142,066
SBR process
Construction (2006$) 448,992 509,125 644,090 931,391 1,290,852
O&M (2006$) 34,321 41,799 60,185 82,862 122,577
Intermittent aeration process
Construction (2006$) 306,009 499,771 780,391 1,150,542 1,371,029
O&M (2006$) 34,321 41,799 60,185 62,862 122,577

5.5 ​Innovative Bioprocesses in the Mainstream

and Sidestream
Two innovative BNR processes are the nitritation/denitritation process and
the completely autotrophic nitrogen removal process (Figure 5.6). Nitritation/
denitritation is the oxidation of ammonium to nitrite and its subsequent reduction
to gaseous nitrogen. The adoption of nitritation/denitritation as opposed to
conventional nitrification/denitrification has significant advantages, since it
theoretically reduces the oxygen demand up to 25% and requires up to 40% less
external carbon. Furthermore, it decreases sludge production by 30% and carbon
dioxide emissions by 20% (Gustavsson, 2010). To accomplish effective accumulation
of nitrite, while arresting the formation of nitrates, the growth of the ammonium
oxidizing bacteria (AOB) should be promoted, while the growth of nitrite oxidizing
bacteria should be inhibited (Malamis et al. 2014). The NOB can be inhibited
by maintaining a high free ammonia (FA) concentration (FA > 1 mgNH3 ⋅ L −1) or
high free nitrous acid (FNA > 0.02 mgHNO2-N L −1) concentration in the biological
reactor (Anthonisen et al. 1976; Vadivelu et al. 2007; Gu et al. 2012). The AOB are
also favoured over the NOB at low dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations during
aerobic conditions (DO = 0.4 − 1.0 mg ⋅ L −1)(Blackburne et al. 2008a) and high
temperature (30–40oC) (Hellinga et al. 1998). Significant cost savings can further
arise when fermented sewage sludge is supplied as carbon source to accomplish

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the denitrification process (Mayer et al. 2009; Ji & Chen, 2010; Longo et al. 2015).
Short chain carbon sources produced from fermentation can promote nitritation/
denitritation and denitrifying phosphorus removal via nitrite from the anaerobic
supernatant (Frison et al. 2013a).

Figure 5.6 ​Nitritation/denitritation and nitritation/anammox processes.

The nitritation/denitritation process has been successfully implemented to treat

the sludge reject water resulting from the dewatering of the anaerobically digested
sewage sludge (Frison et al. 2013b). In this situation, the nitrite accumulation is
easy to be established since the reject water is characterized by high ammonium
concentration which also results in high FA (>2 mgNH3 ⋅ L –1) for the typical pH
in which it is found. The nitritation/denitritation can also be employed in the
wastewater treatment line (Yang et al. 2007; Blackburne et al. 2008b). In this case
the free ammonia and the temperature are lower. Therefore, effective control of the
process is required to achieve the via nitrite pathway. Previous work has shown that
an elevated nitrogen loading rate combined with low dissolved oxygen during the
aerobic phase can accomplish complete nitrite accumulation (Katsou et al. 2015).
According to the classification made by US EPA, the treatment of reject water
through nitritation/denitritation is an innovative process with very few full scale
applications worldwide (US EPA, 2013).
An alternative short-cut nitrogen removal process which is increasingly being
adopted to treat nitrogenous effluents, including sludge reject water in WWTPs
is the completely autotrophic nitrogen removal process or deammonification
process (as it is also known) In this process ammonium is partially oxidized
to nitrite (50%) and subsequently the anoxic ammonium oxidation (anammox)
process is employed to remove nitrogen. In latter process the anammox bacteria
convert the remaining ammonium and the produced nitrite into gaseous nitrogen
under anoxic conditions (Figure 5.6). The biochemical reaction also results in the
production of a small amount of nitrate. The deammonification process has been
successfully implemented as a side-stream process for treating the sludge reject
water produced from the dewatering of anaerobically digested sewage sludge.
The relatively high temperature and high ammonia concentrations typically
found in these recycle flows facilitate this process. Very few applications of the
deammonification process exist for the treatment of the main wastewater treatment
line. In this process, AOB should be promoted and NOB inhibited to allow nitrite
accumulation. At the same time, the need for selective retention of the anammox

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bacteria is required. A full scale deammonification plant has been installed at

the Strass WWTP in Austria where a side stream deammonification process
can provide seed for bioaugmentation in the full-plant. The deammonification
process has the advantages of no requirements for external carbon source
(since the process is completely autotrophic), very low aeration requirements
(57% reduction compared to conventional nitrification/denitrification) and very
low excess sludge production. The deammonification process is considered as
innovative for the treatment of the reject water with several full scale plants
worldwide and emerging/research for the treatment of municipal wastewater (US
EPA, 2013).
The disadvantages of the anammox process are that the anammox bacteria grow
very slowly, and are very sensitive to environmental conditions. Nitrate, nitrite,
dissolved oxygen and organic matter can inhibit anammox activity. Therefore,
process stability can be a challenge particularly for full scale applications.
Furthermore, the deammonification process does not remove phosphorus; it
thus needs to be coupled with a phosphorus removal or recovery process. The
DeAmmon, CANON, OLAND are all autotrophic nitrogen removal processes.
Depending on the developed process nitritation and anammox can take place in
one reactor or in separate reactors. Table 5.6 summarizes the oxygen and COD
requirements, the produced sludge and the treatment cost for conventional BNR,
nitritation/denitritation and deammonification.

Table 5.6 ​Comparison of the conventional BNR with the advanced BNR processes.

Process Oxygen Organic Sludge Total

requirements carbon source produced treatment
(kgO2/kgNrem.) requirements (kgVSS/ cost1
(kgCOD/kgNrem.) kgNrem.) (€/kgNrem)
Nitrification/ 4.33 2.86/(1 – YH) 0.5–1.0 3.5–5.5
Nitritation/ 3.25 1.72/(1 – YH) 0.4–0.7 2.5–3.5
Deammonification 1.85 0 <0.1 1.5–2.5
1Total cost includes both capital and O&M cost.

Enhanced biological removal via nitrite can also be integrated with nitritation/
denitritation in order to remove phosphorus biologically. Studies have documented
the occurrence of denitrifying phosphorus accumulating organisms (DPAOs) that
can utilize nitrate or nitrite as electron acceptors instead of oxygen (Carvalho
et al. 2007). The denitrifying phosphorus uptake can reduce the requirements for

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Integration of energy efficient processes 89

organic matter and sludge production through the simultaneous denitrification

and phosphorus uptake. Ji and Chen (2010) investigated denitrifying phosphorus
removal via nitrite in an SBR treating synthetic wastewater using sludge fermentation
liquid as an external carbon source. The soluble phosphorus removal achieved was
97.6%. The main difficulty in applying denitrifying phosphorus removal via nitrite
is that the DPAO activity is inhibited when these bacteria are exposed to significant
nitrite concentrations (Saito et al. 2004).

5.6 ​Nitrous Oxide Emissions in BNR

During the operation of a WWTP several off gas emissions can occur, including
nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitric oxide (NO).
N2O is of particular environmental concern, since it has a global warming potential
that is 298 times higher than that of CO2. In terms of CO2 equivalents (eq) nitrous
oxide contributes by 7.9% to the total anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions. The global production of N2O emissions from WWTPs corresponds
to approximately 3.2% of the total estimated anthropogenic N2O emissions
(IPCC, 2001; Kampschreur et al. 2009). The N2O emissions from wastewater
management contribute by 26% to the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
of the water chain. The guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC, 2006) have decreased the standard N2O emission factor from 1%
to 0.5% of the influent nitrogen load of the WWTP influent (Kampschreur et al.
2009). It is estimated that N2O emissions from wastewater correspond to 100 Mt
CO2 eq., while CH4 emissions to 630 Mt CO2 eq. for 2010 (Monni et al. 2006).
Several practical design and operating decisions in WWTPs (including the BNR
processes) have considerable impact on the overall environmental performance,
including the GHG emissions (Keller & Hartley, 2003). At the level of a BNR
treatment plant, the N2O emissions can reach up to 83% of the operational CO2
footprint (Desloover et al. 2011).
N2O emissions during BNR occur during the biological processes of nitritation
and denitritation (Figure 5.7). During the nitritation process, N2O can be formed
via two routes: the first pathway is as a by-product of the incomplete oxidation
of hydroxylamine (NH2OH) to nitrite. Hydroxylamine is formed through the
oxidation of ammonium by ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and then NH2OH
is oxidized to nitrite a biochemical reaction which produces nitrous oxide. The
second pathway of N2O formation is attributed to the process known as nitrifier
denitrification. In this biochemical process nitrite is used as electron acceptor
instead of oxygen; this can occur during nitritation under limiting dissolved
oxygen (DO) conditions. In this pathway, the reduction of NO2− to NO and to N2O
by AOB takes place. The third pathway occurs during the anoxic conditions. In this
process, NO and N2O are produced as process intermediates of nitrate reduction
to N2. This is the only stage in which N2O is also consumed as it is reduced to N2
(Ni et al. 2011).

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90 Sewage Treatment Plants

Figure 5.7 Simplified representation of biochemical processes responsible for

nitrous oxide production during nitrification and denitrification: Route 1: aerobic
ammonium oxidation by AOB, Route 2: nitrifier denitrification by AOB and Route 3:
heterotrophic denitrification.

It is important to determine whether the implementation of the advanced

bioprocesses described in the previous section, could increase the potential carbon
footprint of the WWTP. Desloover et al. (2012) performed an overview of the
quantified N2O emissions from full scale BNR plants that apply the conventional
nitrification/denitrification and advanced nitritation/anoxic ammonium oxidation
(anammox) and nitritation/denitritation processes; they concluded that nitritation is
the bioprocess that mainly contributes to N2O emissions. Full-scale measurements
also point to nitrite as a factor in N2O production (Ahn et al. 2010). Taking
into account the much higher greenhouse gas impact of N2O compared to CO2,
it is necessary to determine whether nitrogen removal bioprocesses based on
transient nitrite accumulation are systematically greater contributors of N2O
than full nitrification processes (IPCC, 2001; Ahn et al. 2011). N2O emission
rates can vary considerably due to the differences in the wastewater composition,
the applied treatment process, the operating parameters and the environmental
conditions. The most important parameters that affect the N2O emissions include
the DO concentration, the nitrite in the mixed liquor and the COD/N ratio during
denitrification. Nitritation/denitritation is increasingly being applied, particularly
for the treatment of nitrogenous effluents, due to the lower energy and organic
carbon source requirements compared to conventional nitrification/denitrification.
However, such processes can result in significant N2O emissions (Kampschreur
et al. 2009). Furthermore, the use of SBR technology, particularly when combined
with the treatment of highly nitrogenous effluents such as sludge reject water can
enhance the nitrous oxide emissions. The implementation of strategies to mitigate
N2O emissions in the BNR processes via nitrite can increase their sustainability.

5.7 ​Conclusion
Several configurations are currently applied for BNR in full scale WWTPs. Both
attached and suspended growth processes are implemented. The adoption of the

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Integration of energy efficient processes 91

most appropriate BNR scheme is closely related to the treated effluent requirements
for phosphorus and nitrogen. In cases where treated effluents are discharged to
sensitive water bodies, the nutrient limits can be very low and the technology
selection is critical. Nitritation/denitritation and the completely autotrophic nitrogen
removal have emerged as alternative BNR processes compared to the conventional
nitrification/denitrification. Such processes have the advantages of lower aeration
requirements, resulting in lower operating expenses. They are increasingly being
adopted for the treatment of the nitrogenous sludge reject water. In BNR processes
it is also important to consider the GHG emissions and particularly nitrous oxide
emissions. The aforementioned innovative processes should be implemented with
care in order not to increase the overall carbon footprint of the WWTP.

This work was supported by the Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-2012 project with
title Low environmental footprint biological treatment processes for waste and
wastewater treatment, LEF-BIOWASTE (Number 322333).

5.9 ​References
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Chapter 6
The aerobic granulation as
an alternative to conventional
activated sludge process
Anuska Mosquera-Corral1, Ángeles Val del Río1,
Helena Moralejo-Gárate2, Alberto Sánchez2,
Ramón Méndez1 and José Luis Campos1
1Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Technology, University

of Santiago de Compostela, Lope Gomez de Marzoa, s/n, 15705,

Santiago de Compostela, Spain
E-mail Address: anuska.mosquera@usc.es, mangeles.val@usc.es,
ramon.mendez.pampin@usc.es, joseluis.campos@usc.es
2Galician Water Research Center Foundation (CETaqua), Emprendia

Building, Campus Vida, E-15782, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

E-mail Address: hmoralejo@cetaqua.com, asanchez@cetaqua.com

6.1 ​Introduction
It has already been more than 20 years since the first studies were performed
in the field of aerobic granular biomass (Mishima & Nakamura, 1991). By that
time, aerobic granules were developed in a UASB type reactor using pure oxygen.
However, this work was not really appreciated at that moment. It was only in the
late 90’s when the interest on the aerobic granular systems appeared again. Initially
only organic matter was removed (Morgenroth et al. 1997; Dangcong et al. 1999;
Beun et al. 1999, 2002) and later research works indicated that the simultaneous
removal of organic matter, nitrogen and eventually phosphorus compounds
was feasible in the same unit (Arrojo et al. 2004; de Kreuk et al. 2005a; Bassin
et al. 2012; Isanta et al. 2012). The interest for this kind of technology increased
when its advantages compared to the conventional activated sludge systems were
identified: excellent biomass settling properties, large biomass retention, the
ability to withstand shock and toxic loadings, the presence of aerobic and anoxic
zones inside the granules to perform different biological processes, and so on.

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(Morgenroth et al. 1997; Dangcong et al. 1999; Beun et al. 1999; Peng et al. 1999;
Tay et al. 2001a; Lin et al. 2003; Liu et al. 2003; Yang et al. 2003; Campos et al.
2009; Khan et al. 2013).
Due to this great interest the ‘1st IWA-Workshop Aerobic Granular Sludge’ took
place in Munich in 2004, where a definition for aerobic granules was stated as
(de Kreuk et al. 2005b):
“Granules making up aerobic granular activated sludge are to be understood as
aggregates of microbial origin, which do not coagulate under reduced hydrodynamic
shear, and which settle significantly faster than activated sludge flocks.”

Furthermore, aerobic granules should fulfil the following requirements: (i) the
values of the sludge volume index after 10 and 30 minutes of settling (SVI10 and
SVI30, respectively) do not differ more than a 10% (Schwarzenbeck et al. 2004a);
(ii) the position of microorganisms inside the granules is fixed and it does not
change due to the existence of a matrix of biomass and exopolymeric substances
(EPS); (iii) no carrier material is intentionally involved or added; (iv) the minimum
size of the granules is considered to be around 0.2 mm (de Kreuk et al. 2005b); (v)
it is a general convention to consider those bacterial aggregates with an SVI10 value
equal or lower than 60–70 mL/g TSS as to be aerobic granules.
Nowadays, much research work has been performed producing significant
knowledge. From this knowledge, some patents belonging to different countries about
aerobic granular systems have been elaborated and some full-scale plants are running
in different countries. However, to the authors’ knowledge, regarding this full-scale
application, only one of all the technologies is a reality at the moment, the Nereda®
one. In the following sections the gathered knowledge up to date in the field of aerobic
granulation has been summarised. Information related to the full-scale implementation
of the aerobic granular systems is also provided, along with information regarding the
advantages of this technology compared to the conventional ones.

6.2 ​Basics of Aerobic Granulation

The formation of aerobic granules occurs gradually during start-up period of the
reactor systems in such a way that the seed sludge evolves into compact aggregates,
further to granular sludge and finally to mature granules (Tay et al. 2001a). For
the production of aerobic granular biomass, the type of reactor used, the imposed
settling times, the applied organic load, and so on, are important parameters to
take into account.
In principle, there are two possible strategies of operation to obtain aerobic
granules. One is based on the operation of bioreactors under aerobic conditions
with very short feeding periods (COD and nitrogen are simultaneously removed). The
alternative strategy is based on feeding under anaerobic conditions (based on COD,
nitrogen and phosphorous simultaneous removal). Parameters affecting the production
of granular biomass in both alternatives are reviewed in the following sections.

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6.2.1 ​Conditions for aerobic granular biomass formation

In order to produce aerobic granules, two operational conditions are crucial: the
existence of a feast-famine regime and the application of short settling times.
The appropriate feast-famine regime will contribute into selecting the organisms
capable of accumulating polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) and form aggregates;
the application of short settling times will contribute into removing the biomass
fraction with low settling velocities and to concentrate the fast settling biomass,
which corresponds to the granules, inside the reactor. ​Feast–famine regime
Conventional activated sludge systems are facilities operated in continuous
mode with biomass grown in suspension. The concentration of organic matter in
the liquid media of these systems is always low. When high loaded wastewater
enters the system, problems related to the dissolved oxygen concentration and,
consequently, with biomass floatation frequently appear. Under these conditions,
to produce aggregated biomass like aerobic granules is not possible. In order to
produce the granular biomass in aerobic conditions, the heterotrophic biomass
must be cyclically subjected to periods of availability (feast phase) and absence
(famine phase) of organic substrate in the liquid phase. This is achieved if the fed
organic matter is supplied to the system, operated in sequencing mode, within a
very short time period (Figure 6.1a). In this way, the organic matter concentration,
after feeding addition, is increased, leading to high concentration gradients. The
dependence of the biomass aggregation capacity on the organic matter availability
in the liquid is explained by Chudoba’s theory of the kinetic selection (Chudoba
et al. 1994).

(a) Aerobic reaction

(b) Anaerobic reaction Aerobic reaction

Feeding Aeration
Anaerobic feeding Settling Withdrawal

Figure 6.1 ​Distribution of the phases within a cycle of operation of aerobic granular
systems in the case of simultaneous (a) organic matter and nitrogen removal and
(b) organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorous removal.

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98 Sewage Treatment Plants

This theory states that, due to the higher maximum specific growth rate (μmax)
and half saturation constant (Ks) values (according to Monod kinetics), the growth
of the granule forming microorganisms is favoured at high substrate concentrations.
When the substrate concentration is low, the filamentous microorganisms, with
low half saturation constant, grow at higher rates than the granule forming
organisms and the settling properties of the sludge are deteriorated.
Furthermore, it has been observed that, during the feast phase, the organic
biodegradable substrates present in the wastewater are stored inside the biomass in
the form of PHA, while, during the famine phase, the PHA are used for biomass
growth (Beun et al. 2002; Val del Río et al. 2013). Under these conditions, when
stable granules are formed in the system, organic matter and nitrogen can be
removed simultaneously.
The aforementioned procedure can also be applied to produce granular
biomass when the system is operated under anaerobic-aerobic alternating
conditions (Figure 6.1b). In this alternative option, the granulation occurs due
to the development of slow growing organisms like the phosphorous removing
bacteria (de Kreuk et al. 2004, 2005a). In this case, the feast phase occurs under
anaerobic conditions, when the phosphorous is released from the cells while
PHA is accumulated, and the famine period takes place under aerobic conditions,
where the phosphate is uptaken at the expense of the stored PHA. As in the first
option, the feast-famine alternating conditions function as the selective pressure
to favour the development of phosphorous removing bacteria, which are slow
growing organisms known to form aggregates like granular biomass (de Kreuk &
van Loosdrecht, 2004). In this case organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorous are
removed in the unit. ​Short settling times

To select for a certain kind of organisms is not enough to guarantee the development
of granules. To remove the possible competition with other bacteria with faster
growth rates is also needed. The settling velocity of biomass reaches values in
the range of 25–70 m/h in the case of aerobic granules compared to the 7–10 m/h
in the case of activated sludge. For this purpose, the imposed settling times
during biomass separation are chosen in such a way that settling velocity values
are normally larger than 10 m/h (Winkler et al. 2013). Under these conditions,
the biomass which does not settle fast enough to be retained inside the reactor is
removed during the effluent withdrawal (Beun et al. 2002; Qin & Tay, 2004; Liu
et al. 2005b; Val del Río et al. 2012b; Morales et al. 2013). To achieve these high
settling rates, and depending on the geometry of the reactor, the use of reactors
characterized by large H/D ratios (column height/column diameter), normally
around 5–20 m/m, is necessary.
With regard to the biomass settling properties, the SVI is also an important
parameter to take into account. The typical values of SVI are between 30 and

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75 mL/g TSS in the case of aerobic granules compared to the 100–200 mL/g
TSS obtained in the case of biomass from conventional activated sludge systems.
These low values allow the achievement of high concentrations of compact
biomass inside the reactors and facilitate the separation of the effluent after

6.2.2 ​Sequencing batch reactors

Although some works are available where aerobic granules are produced in
continuous mode (Mishima et al. 1991; Dangcong et al. 1999; Morales et al. 2012;
Zhou et al. 2013), sequencing batch reactors (SBR) have been mainly applied
(Morgenroth et al. 1997; Beun et al. 1999; Schwarzenbeck et al. 2004a; Liu et al.
2005b; Zima et al. 2007; Wang et al. 2009; Morales et al. 2013). These systems
operate in cycles broken down in phases of different duration, namely: filling,
reaction, settling, effluent withdrawal and idle phases (Wilderer et al. 2001). This
operation in cycles provides SBR systems with a great flexibility to fulfil the
required conditions for aerobic granular biomass production, that is existence of
feast-famine regime and short settling periods (Figure 6.1). Furthermore, these
systems must guarantee that the reaction phase occurs either under complete
mixing conditions or in a plug flow regime.
In previous works, the air is supplied to achieve the required level of mixing,
necessary to favour the mass transfer of the substrates and oxygen, necessary to
carry out the aerobic reactions. However, aerobic granules can be formed and grow
in mechanically stirred SBRs (Mosquera-Corral et al. 2011). When phosphorous
removal occurs, the system operates in plug flow from the bottom. In this way, the
organic matter present in the wastewater is accumulated inside the biomass in the
form of PHA while phosphate is released (feast phase). When the feeding period
ends and substrate is no longer present in the liquid media, aeration is switched on.
At this point the accumulated PHA is used to uptake the phosphate released in the
previous period (famine phase).
The feeding can be performed within very short periods (Figure 6.1a) when
the reactor operates under aerobic conditions or in plug flow under anaerobic
conditions (Figure 6.1b). The establishment of the feast-famine regime or periodic
starvation (Wilderer et al. 2001), where alternating presence-absence of organic
carbon compounds occurs in the liquid, is possible due to the feeding strategy
applied. Furthermore, the possibility to achieve the separation of the biomass inside
the reactor instead of in a secondary separate settler is an important advantage of
the SBRs.
The idle phase connects the successive cycles and does not always exist.
A general scheme of the SBR operation is shown in Figure 6.2. The duration of
each phase within a cycle is variable and influenced by the level and variability of
the hydraulic load as well as the organic load, the oxygen requirements for removal,
the necessity of low energy consumption, and so on.

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Figure 6.2 ​Operational phases of a cycle applied in a sequencing batch reactor.

However, to take benefit from the advantages of a SBR system, some special features
should be considered in the design stage of the full scale plants such as the fact that SBR
implies higher costs in control, data acquisition and instrumentation in comparison
to continuous processes due to its high level of sophistication. Furthermore, the use
of several SBRs in parallel is necessary to cope with high flow rates. A previous
tank is usually installed to homogenise the peaks of flow to be treated along the
working day. Although this homogenisation tank presents the advantage to avoid high
fluctuations in the influent composition of the SBR, it also means an increase in the
installation and control system costs. Another point to have in mind is the quality of
the produced effluent which depends on the settling properties of the granular sludge.
The detriment of the settling properties can occur if the denitrification process takes
place during the sedimentation phase, with the consequent production of nitrogen gas
which causes the sludge bed flotation. To finalize, an equalization step after the SBR
might be a potential requirement depending on the downstream processes.

6.2.3 ​Factors affecting aerobic granule characteristics

and stability
Once the operational conditions are determined to produce aerobic granular
biomass, it is still important to take into account the potential effect of other
parameters on the properties and stability of the aerobic granules. These parameters
include the substrate composition, the organic loading rate and concentration, EPS
formation, presence of divalent cations, dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration and
hydrodynamic shear forces.

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The aerobic granulation versus activated sludge 101 ​Substrate composition
Aerobic granules can be produced in SBR systems when the readily biodegradable
organic matter content of the treated wastewater is larger than 75 mg COD/L
(Mosquera-Corral et al. 2011). Lower concentrations do not provide the minimum
concentration gradient conditions for the establishment of the required feast-famine
regime. Taking into account that the aerobic granules are a special kind of ‘biofilm’,
the knowledge obtained regarding the effect of the organic matter composition on
the biofilm formation and characteristics could be applied in the case of the aerobic
granule formation. In this sense, previous works on biofilms have demonstrated
the relationship between the degree of reduction of the substrate and the biofilm
density (Mosquera-Corral et al. 2003). For example, acetate results in high
maximum biomass growth rates (µmax = 9.6 d−1) and produce less dense biofilms
(18 g VSS/Lbiofilm) than methanol resulting in slow maximum biomass growth rates
(µmax = 5.26 d−1) and high biofilm density (80 g VSS/Lbiofilm). In the case of aerobic
granules it is necessary to take into account that the organic compounds present
in the wastewater are first transformed into storage compounds (PHA), during the
feast period, and these are latter used for growth during the famine period. In these
conditions, slow growing microorganisms are developed because the biomass growth
rate using an intracellular polymer (PHA) is slower than using a simple extracellular
compound. Furthermore, some authors have proposed to operate SBR systems to
select for Poly-P accumulating bacteria (PAO) and glycogen accumulation organisms
(GAO) which are known to grow at slow rates (de Kreuk & van Loosdrecht, 2004).
From a microscopic point of view, previous works have also indicated that
substrates containing carbohydrates favour the uncontrolled growth of filamentous
bacteria (Schwarzenbeck et al. 2005), while acetate is more suitable to produce aerobic
granules. In general, simple substrates are better than complex ones because are easy
to store by the biomass. Aerobic granules have been successfully cultivated on a wide
variety of substrates (Figure 6.3) including glucose, acetate, ethanol, peptone, phenol
and industrial wastewater (Morgenroth et al. 1997; Beun et al. 1999; Yi et al. 2003;
Arrojo et al. 2004; Schwarzenbeck et al. 2004b; de Kreuk & van Loosdrecht, 2006;
Sun et al. 2006; Figueroa et al. 2008; Ho et al. 2010; Val del Río et al. 2012a).

Figure 6.3 ​Aerobic granules formed in SBRs fed with acetate solution (a), pig
manure (b) and effluent from the seafood industry (c). The bar in the images
corresponds to 2 mm.

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102 Sewage Treatment Plants ​Organic loading rate

The properties of the aerobic granules depend on the organic loading rate (Tay et al.
2004; Adav et al. 2010). High organic loading rates result in the production of less
dense and resistant granular biomass (Moy et al. 2002). This can be related to the
fact that there is a limit to the storage rate of the biomass. Furthermore, high organic
loading rates are related to limitations of dissolved oxygen concentration which are
known to promote the development of filamentous organisms and the deterioration
of the physical properties of the aggregates (Mosquera-Corral et al. 2005a).
The organic load treated is directly related to the biomass concentration in the
reactor. In aerobic granular systems the biomass concentration ranges normally from
4 to 15 g VSS/L (Beun et al. 1999; Di Iaconi et al. 2004; Val del Río et al. 2012a).
These values are higher than those conventionally achieved in activated sludge
reactors of 1–2 g VSS/L. The systems can operate under an organic loading rate of up
to 19 g COD/(L ⋅ d) on such a high level of biomass concentration (Adav et al. 2010). ​Exopolymeric substances
EPS produced in the granules include different kinds of compounds in variable
amounts comprising proteins, polysaccharides, lipids, glycoproteins, humic-like
substances, nucleic acids, among others. These compounds are produced under
different conditions such as substrate or oxygen limiting conditions, ionic strength,
temperatures of operation and so on. There are conflicting results reported in
literature regarding the function of the EPS on the formation of aerobic granules
(de Kreuk et al. 2005b). It is believed that one of the EPS functions is to act as
a ‘glue’ among the microorganisms present in an aggregate due to its physical
properties (Tay et al. 2001a). Moreover, according to previous research, the EPS
content increases with granulation, there are differences in loosely bound and
tightly bound EPS and, within the granule structure, insoluble versus soluble
polysaccharide gradients occur.
The polysaccharides have been identified as the major compounds forming
the granular EPS and the gel-like structures responsible for bacterial granule
formation (Lin et al. 2010). Furthermore, two different exoplysaccharides have
been identified by isolation techniques as the responsible for the gel-forming
matrix of the granules: alginate-like polysaccharide (Lin et al. 2010) and granulan
(Seviour et al. 2011). At the moment it is still not clear which EPS is responsible
for the formation of aerobic granules and, even new compounds could arise as
important components of these structures (Seviour et al. 2012). ​Presence of divalent cations

From research works there is evidence that divalent cations as Ca2+ and Mg2+
attach to negatively charged groups present on the bacteria surfaces and to the EPS
molecules promoting the aerobic granulation process. Jiang et al. (2003) reported

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The aerobic granulation versus activated sludge 103

that the addition of Ca2+ accelerated the aerobic granulation process. In the case
of other cations, such as Mg2+, it was demonstrated that the presence of this ion in
the feeding media enhanced the sludge granulation process in sequencing batch
reactors (Li et al. 2009). The external addition of these ions should not be an
option, since they are often already present in the wastewater and may have a
positive role during the granulation process. ​Dissolved oxygen concentration

In aerobic reactors the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration is an important
parameter and must be kept at sufficient high levels to allow the different biological
processes to occur (Mosquera-Corral et al. 2005a), and simultaneously, avert the
growth of filamentous which decrease the granule density.
In systems where the mixing is performed pneumatically, the DO supply is
also directly linked to the degree of mixing. For this reason, modification of the
hydrodynamic conditions of the system by reducing the supplied air flow will
affect the quality of the formed granules (Tay et al. 2001b). However, this fact is
not always taken into account. ​Hydrodynamic shear forces

Evidence shows that application of high shear forces favour the formation of more
compact and dense aerobic granules (Shin et al. 1992; Tay et al. 2001b; Liu & Tay,
2006; Di Iaconi et al. 2006). Tay et al. (2001a, c) reported that the production of
extracellular polysaccharides, and, consequently, the stability of aerobic granules
is closely associated to the applied shear forces. The collisions between the
granules provoke the detachment of weakly attached materials from the surface of
the aggregates helping to maintain their high densities and smooth surfaces. The
detached solid parts are removed through the effluent of the reactor.

6.2.4 ​Biological processes inside the aerobic granules

The bacterial populations form layers in different depths inside the granules during
granulation. Their position will depend on the required conditions for their growth.
As a result, since oxygen is difficult to penetrate the granule, external layers will
be comprised by mainly aerobic organisms (heterotrophic and nitrifying bacteria),
while anoxic (denitrifying bacteria) and anaerobic populations will develop in the
inner zones (Figure 6.4).
Aerobic granules were produced in SBR systems initially to oxidise the
organic matter contained in the treated wastewaters (Beun et al. 1999). Later, the
operational conditions allowed the development of aerobic granules capable to
remove nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) simultaneously (Beun et al. 2001; Lin
et al. 2003; Yang et al. 2003; de Kreuk & van Loosdrecht, 2004; de Kreuk et al.
2005a; Bassin et al. 2012; Isanta et al. 2012).

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104 Sewage Treatment Plants

CO2 O2 Organic AEROBIC
ANOXIC source
PHA Bacteria
O2 NO3-


Figure 6.4 ​Transformation of the organic matter and nitrogen inside a granule
during the feast and famine periods.

However, depending on the composition of the wastewater treated, the share of

the different populations inside the granules changes and one of them can become
predominant. In some extreme cases, the aerobic granules can only perform a
single process, such as nitrification as has occurred in either continuous (Campos
et al. 2000) or sequencing conditions (Mosquera-Corral et al. 2005b).
When the reactor is intermittently fed, a feast-famine regime is established.
This alternating conditions impose different environmental conditions for the
biomass inside the granules in both feast and famine periods. During the feast
period the concentration of external organic carbon (e.g., acetate) is high in the
liquid medium. Therefore, this substrate completely diffuses into the granules and
it is stored as PHA in aerobic (where DO is present) and anoxic conditions (using
NO3− in the inner layers of the granule). A minor transformation of the organic
carbon to CO2 also occurs. Dissolved oxygen (DO) has a small penetration depth
because it is very rapidly consumed by the heterotrophic bacteria, and eventually
by the autotrophic microorganisms (nitrifying bacteria), in the outer layers of the
granules. Although the nitrification process can occur during this period, usually,
the heterotrophic bacteria consume the most part of the oxygen for organic carbon
removal. In this situation the available oxygen for nitrification is not enough. The
NO3− formed, mainly during the famine period of the previous cycle, is used to
store PHA in anoxic conditions in the inner zones of the granule.
During the famine period the DO penetration depth is larger than during the
feast period, since the consumption due to the activity of the microorganisms
gets lower. In the centre of the granules, the NO3− is present and part of it can
be used as electron acceptor to degrade the stored PHA. Aerobic conversion of
PHA for biomass growth and nitrification, as long as there is NH4+ present, occur
in the aerobic layer. The autotrophic organisms oxidize NH4+ into NO3− and this
compound diffuses both towards the centre of the granule and towards the liquid

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The aerobic granulation versus activated sludge 105

phase surrounding the granules. The nitrate produced is removed during feast
phase of the next operational cycle.
In those cases where phosphate is simultaneously removed, the distribution of
the different processes is shown in Figure 6.5. During the feast phase, anaerobic
conditions are imposed to the granules, and organic matter (volatile fatty acids,
VFA) is uptaken to accumulate PHA, while the Poly-P is hydrolysed as phosphate
to the liquid medium to provide the energy needed for PHA accumulation (de
Kreuk et al. 2005a). If the organic matter is in excess, glycogen accumulating
organisms (GAO) will use the VFA left to produce PHA consuming the already
accumulated glycogen produced for energy production (not shown in the Figure
6.5 to simplify the process). During the famine phase, the reverse process takes
place: the stored PHA is consumed for biomass growth (or for eventual glycogen
production) and the released energy is stored in the phosphate bonds during the
poly-P formation. If nitrification also takes place during this period, the stored
PHA is used for denitrification.

FEAST (anaerobic) FAMINE (aerobic)

NO2- O NO3-
O2 NO3 -
Poly-P Poly-P CO2

Organic Biomass
source PHA

Figure 6.5 ​Transformation of the organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorous inside
a granule during the feast and famine periods.

6.3 ​Comparison with Activated Sludge Systems

The potential of the aerobic granular technology is very promising since complete
granulation with municipal wastewater as substrate has been shown and extensive
nutrient removal seems well feasible (de Bruin et al. 2005). Besides urban,
industrial wastewater can also be treated in these systems.
In addition to the advantages of this process mentioned, a comparison between the
conventional activated sludge systems and the aerobic granular technology for sewage
treatment indicates that the latter presents several improvements regarding costs
and quality of the produced effluent. These systems perform similar or better than
activated sludge in terms of process stability, sludge production and effluent quality,

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106 Sewage Treatment Plants

while required surface for implantation decreases to 25% and energy consumption
to 65–75% (de Bruin et al. 2004). These preliminary calculations indicated that the
annual costs of the granular SBR including primary and post treatment are 17%
lower while mechanical/electrical works account for 40–45% of the capital costs.
Further studies in pilot plant confirmed some of the previous estimations. Di
Iaconi et al. (2010a, b) determined a biomass productivity of 0.04–0.14 kg TSS/kg
CODremoved which represent 74% less sludge production than conventional activated
sludge systems (0.4–0.6 kg TSS/kg CODremoved).
Regarding energy associated to aeration, data collected from pilot-plants
operation do not provide reliable information due to the highly oversized air flows
as shown in Table 6.1. Information gathered indicates that pilot plants operate at
shorter HRT, around 6 hours, and higher applied organic loading rates (OLR) as
high as 9 kg COD/m3 ⋅ d much higher than activated sludge systems.

Table 6.1 ​Operational parameters of pilot-scale plants based aerobic granular


Type of feeding HRT OLR Vreactor VSS Air Sludge Ref.

(d) (kg COD/ (L) effluent (m3 ⋅ d) production
m3 ⋅ d) (mg/L) (kg TSS/kg

Synthetic 0.33 2.4 34 ND 54 ND [1]

wastewater + sodium
Effluent from 0.21 5.5 40 194 20 ND [2]
Primary effluent from 0.33 1.0 1000 70–20 ND ND [3]
a municipal WWTP
Synthetic 0.25 2.4–9.7 100 <200 121 ND [4]
wastewater + sodium
Synthetic low-strength 0.23 1.74 100 ND 46 ND [5]
Primary effluent from 0.31 2.5 800 ND 230 0.12–0.14 [6]
a municipal WWTP
Primary effluent from 2 2.9 800 35–50 110 0.04–0.08 [7]
a tannery WWTP
Pig slurry 0.25 2–4 100 <250 137 ND [8]
[1] Tay et al. (2005); [2] Inizan et al. (2005); [3] Ni et al. (2009); [4] Jungles et al. (2011); [5] Isanta et al.
(2012); [6] Di Iaconi et al. (2010a); [7] Di Iaconi et al. (2010b); [8] Morales et al. (2013). OLR: Organic
loading rate. ND: No available data.

With regards to CAPEX and OPEX of industrial scale plants not much
information is available as in the case of activated sludge due to the novel application
of this technology (Table 6.2).

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The aerobic granulation versus activated sludge 107

Table 6.2 ​Comparison of aerobic granular pilot and industrial scale plants to
activated sludge systems.

Location Type Vreactor CAPEX OPEX Sludge Ref.

of wastewater (m3) % reduction % reduction production
% reduction

Pilot plants
Standard Dutch – – 7–17 – [1]
Primary effluent 0.8 – – 74 [2]
from a municipal
Primary effluent 0.8 – 60a 87a [3]
from a tannery

Indrustrial installations
Gansbaai Municipal + 3 × 1600 20 50 – [4]
Epe Municipal + 3 × 4500 25 25 –
Frielas Municipal + 1000 – 30b/50c –
Wemmershoek 2 × 1800 – 50/75c –
aAfter ozonation and compared to Activated Sludge+ Fenton process. bElectricity for aeration. cTotal
electricity consumption. References: [1] De Bruin et al. (2004); [2] Di Iaconi et al. (2010a); [3] Di Iaconi
et al. (2010b); [4] Giesen and Thompson (2013).

Regarding the performance some aspects have to be taken into account different
from activated sludge systems. During the start-up, large quantities of the added
inoculum are washed out from the reactor, temporarily decreasing the quality of the
produced effluent. This can be avoided by inoculating the reactor with previously
developed granular biomass (Liu et al. 2005a) or with a mixture of crushed aerobic
granules and floccular sludge (Pijuan et al. 2011).
The solid content of the effluent has to be reduced previously to its discharge to
natural water bodies by means of filtration systems (membrane systems, settlers,
sand filters, etc.).
Another aspect to take into account during operation is the aeration cost.
This is relatively high due to the need of high air flows to keep the required DO
concentration and the mixing. The air requirements can be reduced by the use
of slow-growing microorganisms, such as the nitrifiers or phosphorous removing
bacteria (de Kreuk & van Loosdrecht, 2004).

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108 Sewage Treatment Plants

6.4 ​Full Scale Applications of the Aerobic

Granular Technologies
The research on aerobic granulation was initially focused on the use of lab-scale
reactors fed with synthetic wastewater. Later, several studies with industrial
wastewater have been performed. Nowadays, the technology is in the stage of
demonstration and full-scale plants for the treatment of urban wastewater operate.
Some applications in the industrial wastewater sector are also available.
Although several patents belonging to different companies of the water sector have
been filed, only the technology Nereda® has realised at full scale. Information regarding
the operation of these plants is provided in Table 6.3 and discussed in this section.

Table 6.3 ​Information of operational conditions of NEREDA® existing plants.

WWTP Type of Reactor Inhabitant HRT WW OLR
wastewater volume equivalent (day) concentration (kg COD/
(m3) (mg COD/L) m3 ⋅ d)

Ede Cheese 100 1500–5000 0.4–2 4000 2–10

The Netherlands Industry
Gansbaai Municipal + 3 × 1600 63,000 0.96 1200 1.25
South Africa (2006) Industrial
Rotterdam Edible oil 2 × 1600 10,000–30,000 4.6 5000–10,000 1.1–2.2
The Netherlands industry
Oosterwolde Food 300 5000 0.6 3600 6
The Netherlands industry
Epe Municipal + 3 × 4500 59,000 0.375 680 1.8
The Netherlands Industrial
Frielas Municipal + 1000 10,000 3.3 500 0.15
Portugal (2012) Industrial
Wemmershoek Municipal 2 × 1800 40,000 7.2 870 0.121
South Africa
Dinxperlo Municipal 3 × 1250 15,730 0.27 570 2.1
The Netherlands
Garmerwolde Municipal 2 × 9500 140,000 0.19 525 2.76
The Netherlands
Vroomshoop Municipal 2400 25,000 0.08 800 10
The Netherlands

The first pilot plant based on aerobic granular biomass was started up in the
Netherlands in October 2003 to treat urban wastewater (de Bruin et al. 2004,
2005), this was the origin of the Nereda® process (Nereda® 2013). Since 2005,

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over 10 full-scale aerobic granular sludge technology (AGS) systems had been
implemented in the Netherlands, Portugal and South Africa, for the treatment of
both industrial and municipal wastewater based on the Nereda® process.
In Gansbaai (South Africa) a demonstration plant, comprising three SBRs of
1600 m3, was constructed in 2006, to minimize the risks of implementation of
the technology, for the treatment of sewage and industrial wastewater to handle
capacities up to 5000 m3/day.
The Nereda® process was also implemented as a demonstration plant in a WWTP
in Portugal in 2012 (Frielas WWTP). The plant has a capacity of 70,000 m3/day
for the treatment of domestic wastewater from 250,000 inhabitants. It consists of a
conventional activated sludge system with six complete mix biological reactors and
12 settlers. One of them was retrofitted into a Nereda® pilot reactor with a volume
around 1000 m3, that is working in parallel with the remaining five activated
sludge reactors. The granular excess sludge from the Nereda® reactor is pumped
to the activated sludge lines, improving the sludge characteristics and settling
performances of the existing activated sludge plant.
After the success of the Gansbaai WWTP, the first municipal full-scale installation
in the Netherlands was constructed in Epe to treat a flow rate of 1500 m3/h. This
plant consisting of three SBRs of 4500 m3 was inaugurated in May 2012. Nowadays,
three new plants are being started up in the Netherlands with this technology
(Garmerwolde, Vroomshoop and Dinxperlo WWTPs). Also a second Nereda®
plant with a capacity of 5000 m3/day is under construction in Wemmershoek (South
Africa). The design equivalent inhabitants of these plants ranged from 15,700 and
140,000 and the COD concentrations from 500 to 875 mg COD/L.
Furthermore, there are about 20 new plants scheduled to be built in different
countries including Australia, China, Brazil, India, the Middle-East, Belgium, UK,
Poland, Ireland and the USA.
Besides the application to treat municipal wastewater, a number of Nereda®
plants had been constructed in the Netherlands to treat industrial wastewater from:
cheese speciality industry (Ede), edible oil company (Rotterdam), food industry
(Oosterwolde) and pharmaceutical industry. In this case the organic matter
concentration ranged from 1200 to 10,000 mg COD/L.
With respect to the operational conditions these plants can cope with organic
loading rates as high as 10 kg COD/m3 ⋅ d similar to those obtained from pilot
scale experiments (Table 6.1) at HRTs as short as 0.4 days. Shorter HRTs of 0.08
days are applied at Vroomshoop WWTP treating municipal wastewater with a
COD concentration of 800 mg COD/L.
Although Nereda® process is the clearest example of AGS technology application,
other works were also performed at pilot scale. Tay et al. (2005) operated a pilot plant
for the development of aerobic granular biomass with a height of 1.6 m and a diameter
of 0.19 m (working volume of 34 L). These authors treated a synthetic effluent. Inizan
et al. (2005) performed experiments at pilot scale with a reactor of 1.8 m of height
and 0.2 m of diameter (working volume of 40 L) and using either a synthetic medium

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110 Sewage Treatment Plants

or the effluent of a pharmaceutical company; the aerobic granulation successfully

occurred. Later, Ni et al. (2009) used a pilot reactor of 1 m3 to treat urban wastewater
reaching COD and nitrogen removal percentages of 90–95%.
From the basis of the AGS but using a contention system for the granules, a
Sequencing Batch Biofilter Granular Reactor (SBBGR) with a volume of 3.1 m3
was developed by IRSA (Istituto di Ricerca Sulle Acque, Italy). Different studies
were carried out in this plant treating sewage from an Italian WWTP (Di Iaconi
et al. 2008; Di Iaconi et al. 2009; Di Iaconi et al. 2010).
Further research focused on the development of new technologies based on
aerobic granular biomass is under development nowadays at pilot scale (Isanta et al.
2012; Morales et al. 2013), and, it is expected that in the future, new technologies
will be available as an alternative to the already existing Nereda® process.

6.5 Acknowledgements
This work was funded by the Spanish Government through the NOVEDAR_
Consolider (CSD2007-00055) and Plasticwater (CTQ2011-22675) projects. Anuska
Mosquera-Corral, Ángeles Val del Río, Ramón Méndez and José Luis Campos
belong to the Competitive Group of Reference GRC2013/032, Xunta de Galicia.

6.6 ​References
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Chapter 7
Anaerobic digestion of sewage
wastewater and sludge
Katerina Stamatelatou
Department of Environmental Engineering, Democritus University
of Thrace, Vas. Sofias 12, 67100, Xanthi, Greece

7.1 ​Introduction
Anaerobic digestion has been closely related to energy production since the major
final product of the process is a gaseous mixture of carbon dioxide and methane
(biogas). From this aspect, anaerobic digestion is by default an energy producing
technology and, depending on the substrate and the operating conditions, the
energy produced may exceed any energy required so that the net energy balance
may be positive.
Anaerobic digestion is practically an ‘energy transfer’ process. The energy
captured in the chemical bonds of the organic compounds of solid or liquid media
is transferred mainly to the C-H bonds of the gaseous methane where the carbon
atom is at its utmost reduced state, meaning that methane is the highest energy
density organic compound. This energy transfer is carried out by microorganisms
growing in the absence of oxygen by degrading a great range of organic substrates
or feedstocks. The microorganisms belong to groups of different physiology and
substrate affinity; they co-operate to break complex compounds into successively
smaller ones in a balanced anaerobic environment of natural ecosystems or robust
The common application of the anaerobic digestion is the treatment of sewage
sludge and slurries in digesters. Landfills are also gigantic bioreactors where
biogas emissions indicate the anaerobic biological activity upon the organic
fraction of the municipal solid wastes. Other feedstocks considered to be ideal
substrates for anaerobic microorganisms are the high organic loaded liquid or
solid wastes of industries such as food, pulp, petrochemical and so on industries,
livestock establishments, and so on. Recently, dedicated crops or crop residues

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116 Sewage Treatment Plants

after harvesting and several waste streams of biorefineries may be directed to

centralized biogas units for producing biogas, fertilizers and a nutrient rich liquor
which can be sold or become a part of the crop nutrient management plan. The
anaerobic digestion is a core technology role in the integrated resource recovery
systems (Batstone & Virdis, 2014).
Traditionally, municipal wastewater treatment plants are based on aerobic
processes as the core biochemical conversion process and anaerobic digestion
was restricted to sewage sludge treatment. Anaerobic digestion of municipal
wastewater has been carried in warm climate countries but stability and other
problems have arisen and there are doubts about the suitability of this technology
on this type of wastewater.
However, several alternatives have been developed with the aim to replacing
the energy consuming steps of a typical sewage treatment plant. The pillars
for improving the performance of the anaerobic digestion in the sewage
management sector are the bioreactor technology, the control and automation and
the pretreatment methods. Moreover, a redesign of the sewage treatment plant
configuration based on the anaerobic digestion, would involve the improvement
of many more steps preceding or following the anaerobic digester(s), so that the
whole plant is optimized. In what follows, the main issues of anaerobic digestion
of sewage and sewage sludge will be discussed and an economical assessment of
this technology will be addressed.

7.2 ​The Process
Anaerobic digestion is a bioprocess consisting of a complex network of individual
steps catalysed by different groups of microorganisms. The microorganism
groups generally grow at different rates and become sensitive at a different degree
when exposed to certain environmental conditions (pH, ammonia, concentration
of metabolites such as volatile fatty acids, hydrogen etc.). The basic steps of the
process and the breakdown of the organic content of the initial feedstock (expressed
in Chemical Oxygen Demand, COD, units) are depicted in Figure 7.1. A brief
description of the steps follows:

• Disintegration. This step lumps processes such as lysis, non enzymatic decay,
phase separation and physical breakdown (e.g., shearing) (Batstone et al.
2002) and is responsible for the initial separation of the organic complex
(e.g., sludge particles) into carbohydrates, proteins and lipids as well as inert
material. It is regarded as the slowest step when the feedstock consists of
solid particles.
• Hydrolysis. After disintegration, hydrolytic enzymes are excreted by
microorganisms to breakdown the organic polymers (carbohydrates, proteins
and fats) into their respective monomers (sugars, amino acids, lipids), so that
they can be taken up by the microorganisms for further degradation.

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Anaerobic digestion of sewage wastewater and sludge 117

Figure 7.1 ​COD flux for a particulate waste consisting of 10% inerts and 30% each
of the main organic polymers (in terms of COD) (Batstone et al. 2002).

• Acidogenesis. Following hydrolysis, the monomers can be converted to a

mixture of volatile fatty acids, alcohols and other simpler organic compounds
by a versatile group of microorganisms called acidogens. The electron
donors and acceptors come from the organic compounds degraded. This
‘internal’ electron transfer is a characteristic of fermentation processes and
often acidogenesis is regarded as identical to fermentation. The acidogens
grow rather fast and are pH resistant (5–6) giving them the advantage of
prevailing in the anaerobic consortium at adverse conditions. In the case of
disturbances, the rapid acid formation may not be followed by degradation
at the same rate, resulting in acid accumulation (and concomitant pH drop).
This often brings an unbalance with an imminent potential of the process
• Acetogenesis. What produced during acidogenesis (propionate, butyrate,
valerate, lactate, alcohols etc.) are transformed to acetic acid, carbon dioxide

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118 Sewage Treatment Plants

and hydrogen by the acetogenic bacteria. This is a thermodynamically

infeasible step if hydrogen is not maintained at low levels (10−4 –10 −6
atm; Harper & Pohland, 1987) by the hydrogen consuming bacteria.
In the case of hydrogen accumulation, propionic and butyric acids also
accumulate and the pH drops. The acetogenenic bacteria are slow growing
• Methanogenesis. Methane can be produced from acetate or hydrogen
utilisation by the acetoclastic and the hydrogen utilizing methanogens
respectively. The methane content of biogas is about 60% in most cases but
depends on the oxidation state of the organic carbon in the initial substrate;
the more reduced the carbon in the initial substrate is, the more methane
will be produced (Gujer & Zehnder, 1983). Acetoclastic methanogens,
which produce almost 70% of the total methane) are slow growing
microorganisms and sensitive to pH, lack of nutrients, certain compounds
and so on.
Any unbalance among the anaerobic digestion steps may influence the
methanogenesis adversely. It has been recognised that the most important factors
that may cause such an unbalance are the pH, the temperature, the nature of the
feedstock (composition, nutrients), the presence of toxic or inhibitory substances
and the organic loading rate. Depending on the feedstock characteristics (solid
content, carbohydrate or protein concentration etc.), the rate limiting step of the
process may be the disintegration/hydrolysis or methanogenesis.

7.3 ​The Technology
Due to the variety of factors influencing the anaerobic process efficiency, many
aspects of technology have been developed to improve and make the process
cost-effective: reactor engineering, operation practices – integration with other
processes, control and automation. All these aspects are based on the deep
comprehension of the biochemical processes of anaerobic digestion (Angelidaki
et al. 2012).
Reactor engineering in anaerobic digestion aims at (a) maintaining the
microorganisms inside the reactor and sustaining sufficient contact between them
and the substrate (b) increasing the reaction rates and eliminating the limiting
transport phenomena, and (c) providing the microorganisms with a suitable
environment to adapt and coexist under the operating conditions (Lettinga, 1995).
Based on these principles, high-rate configurations were developed based on the
contact process and the ability of the microorganisms to aggregate into granules
or form biofilms (filters, fluidised beds, sludge blanket reactors).
The innovation connected with the boost of anaerobic digestion technology
came with the development of the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors
(UASBR) by Lettinga et al. (1980). They found that, under certain conditions, the
microorganisms tend to aggregate with a dense structure forming the granules.

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Anaerobic digestion of sewage wastewater and sludge 119

Due to the high settling velocity, the granules are maintained in the interior of
the reactor in the lower part. UASB is a vertical column filled partially with
granules which are kept in suspension by introducing the wastewater from the
bottom at an appropriate upward velocity (to keep suspension but not break or
wash out the granules from the reactor). On the top of the reactor there is the
three phase separator device, the design of which is very important. When the
granules hit on the separator as they rise up, the biogas bubbles attached get
separated from the granule and as a result, they fall back on the bottom while the
effluent is removed from the top of the reactor. According to Tiwari et al. 2006)
there are more than 1000 full scale applications in the world based on UASB
technology. Since then, there are a lot of modifications developed combining the
features of UASBR, filters etc.).
The anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBR) is another type of bioreactors
focusing on the complete retention of microorganisms by combinations of
microfiltration (MF) or ultrafiltration (UF) modules. High conversion rates are
achieved but the main disadvantages (membrane fouling and the concomitant
operating cost as well as the cost due to energy required for the pressure-driven
membranes to function) still remain and hinder the widespread application of this
technology (Lin et al. 2013; Stuckey, 2012).
Besides the basic reactor configuration, other important details of an
anaerobic digestion plant are the necessary number of reactors-units in series,
the organic loading of each reactor, the pH and the temperature, the addition
of trace metals and nutrients and so on (Stamatelatou et al. 2010; Takashima
& Speece, 1989; Zandvoort et al. 2006; Lv et al. 2010; Demirel & Yenigün,
2002). Other tools such as molecular techniques, developments on analytical
chemistry, modeling and simulation have contributed to a deeper insight of the
process itself (Vanwonterghem et al. 2014; Batstone et al. 2002; Pavlostathis &
Giraldo-Gomez, 1991), while developments on control and automation make the
anaerobic systems more robust (Pind et al. 2001).

7.4 ​Anaerobic Digestion of Sewage Sludge

Sewage sludge is a byproduct from biological sewage treatment. It consists mostly
of particulate organics, initially contained in the sewage and removed in the
primary sedimentation tanks, and microorganisms, called as ‘waste activated
sludge, WAS’ and removed in the secondary sedimentation tanks. Sludge is
produced mainly during primary and secondary treatment (Figure 7.2). The
concentration of solids in primary sludge varies in the range of 2–7% total solids),
while in the case of WAS is much less ranging from 0.5 to 1.5% (Turovskiy &
Mathai, 2006). The composition of the mixture of the two sludge types depends on
the sewage treatment plant configuration and operation and, in general determines
the performance of the subsequent anaerobic digestion step. The reason for this is
that the WAS is harder to biodegrade than the primary sludge. Moreover, it is often

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the major component of the total sludge produced, since some sewage treatment
plants may not use primary treatment.

Figure 7.2 ​Sewage sludge route in a typical layout of a sewage treatment plant.

In general, sewage sludge management has been a serious and difficult to

solve issue, because of its high moisture, its slow biodegradation rate, its poor
dewaterability, its instability and odor problems induced, as well as the large
quantities produced (a typical value is 20 kg/capita/y according to Bundgaard &
Saabye, 1992). On the other hand, there is a great potential of material and energy
recovery from sewage sludge (see Chapter 8).
Anaerobic digestion has been traditionally applied as the core technology
for sewage sludge management. The energy potential of sewage sludge and its
recovery in the form of biogas is an attractive option to reduce the high energy
requirements of the other processes entailed in a typical sewage treatment
scheme. The anaerobic digestion subunit in a sewage treatment plant consists of a
thickening step to increase the solid concentration in the sludge from 0.5–1.5% to
4–6% (in the case of a mixture of primary and secondary sludge, Tchobanoglous
et al. 2003), a heating step to increase the temperature of the sludge to mesophilic
(preferably) or thermophilic temperature levels, the main anaerobic digester
operating under a solid retention time (SRT) of 15–30 d and a post treatment step
aiming to prepare the digested sludge (drying, composting, conversion to liquid
or solid fuel) for its final use or disposal (landfill, agricultural use, biofuel). The
volatile solid reduction can be correlated to the SRT (valid for a range from 15 to
20 d) according to:

VSdes = 13.7 ln(SRT ) + 18.9 (7.1)

where the VSdes is the destruction of the volatile solids (%) and SRT the solid
retention time.

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The production of biogas VQH4 (in m3/d) can be estimated according to:

VQH4 = 0.35 ⋅ CODdes ⋅ Q − 1.42 PX (7.2)

where 0.35 is the stoichiometric coefficient of the production of methane (m3)

from 1 kg COD converted at 0°C, CODdes is the reduction (destruction) in COD
(CODinflunet-CODeffluent) in kg/m3, Q is the flowrate of sludge (in m3/d), PX is the net
biomass produced during anaerobic digestion (in kg/d). PX is calculated according to:

Y ⋅ CODdes ⋅ Q
PX = (7.3)
1 + kd ⋅ SRT

where Y is the yield coefficient (0.05–0.1 kg VSS/kg COD destroyed and kd is the
biomass decay constant (0.02–0.04 d−1)
The biogas can be transformed either to thermal energy in boilers or both
thermal and electrical energy in combined heat units (CHP). Other alternatives are
upgrading it to biomethane to resemble the natural gas.
The main barrier for the anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge is the slow
hydrolysis step of the particulate matter; especially in the case of WAS, the
extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) contribute into forming a complex of a
slurry mass consisting of organics, inorganics and microorganisms. As a result,
the enhancement of the anaerobic digestion process has been often correlated
with the development of cost efficient pretreatment steps that would increase
the accessibility of the hydrolytic enzymes to the extracellular complex network
(formed by EPS) as well as the intracellular compounds.
Besides the energy recovery potential, anaerobic digestion of WAS results in the
improvement of sludge dewaterability, especially when combined with pretreatment
methods (Xu et al. 2011). EPS have been shown to influence the dewaterability
of sludge; although they favor the flocculation of sludge, their high water affinity
promote the hydration and decrease the dewaterability (Neyens & Baeyens, 2003).
The pretreatment methods considered to be suitable for enhancing the
anaerobic biodegradability of sewage sludge are ultrasonic treatment, mechanical
disintegration, chemical oxidation, treatment with alkali, thermal hydrolysis
and biological treatment (Stamatelatou et al. 2012). Combinations of the above
methods have also been studied (Dhar et al. 2012). However, with the introduction
of a new technology, new problems may arise; the energy consumption is usually
increased, the cost (operation and capital) is higher, environmental or other
economical problems result because of the harsh conditions applied. Consequently
the development of a pretreatment method is intriguing and the scientific interest
on this is growing. Some of these scientific developments have been proved in
numerous sewage treatment plants in the world (Table 7.1) according to a study of
Jolly and Gillard (2009). In the sequel, the principles of the most common studied
and evaluated economically methods are presented.

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Table 7.1 ​Experience on sewage sludge technologies at full scale (Jolly & Gillard,

Technology First installation Number of Year of

of a full scale full scale record
plant plants
Thermal hydrolysis 1996 24 2004
Biological – enzymatic hydrolysis 2002 11 2008
Thermophilic anaerobic digestion 1954 >20 2000
Sonication 2000 >10 2004

7.4.1 ​Sonication
During sonication, the ultrasound waves (sound waves at a frequency higher than
20 kHz) are emitted and transmitted into the slurry medium and create alternating
regions of positive and negative pressure (compression and rarefraction regions
respectively). When negative pressure is developed in a liquid medium, the gas
dissolved forms bubbles (cavitation bubbles) which collide due to the vibrations of
the ultrasound and become large up to a size that become unstable and collapse.
This phenomenon is known as cavitation. The bubble collapse is followed by sever
conditions of temperature and pressure (5000°C and pressure of 500 atmospheres)
which last a few microseconds (Pilli et al. 2011). These harsh conditions cause
high shear forces on the cells and disrupt them. Another effect of cavitation is
the generation of oxygen hydroxide radicals (•OH) which also contribute into the
disintegration of sludge through oxidation. However, Wang et al. (2005) concluded
that the main mechanism for disintegration by ultrasonication is the shear forces
induced by cavitation.
The ultrasonic pretreatment of sludge has been reviewed and evaluated with
respect to the effect of frequency, duration, the sonication density (power supplied
per volume of sludge treated), specific sonication energy (energy supplied per kg
of sludge solids) on the particle size reduction, the dewaterability and settlability
of sludge, the COD and nitrogen solubilization and the biogas production when
anaerobic digestion is applied on the sonicated sludge (Carrere et al. 2010; Pilli
et al. 2011). It would be expected that the positive effect of sonication would be
enhanced as the sonication density increases. However there seems to be a certain
limit beyond which, the intracellular polymers released will cause the flocculation
of the small particles through hydroxyl and negatively charged carboxyl groups.
Another negative effect of breaking the particles into smaller parts is that their
specific surface is increased and so is the water bounded per surface unit. In any
case, sonication favors COD solubilisation and, therefore, digestability. The increase
of biogas up to 50% has been observed after sludge pretreatment with sonication in
lab and full scale digesters (Carrere et al. 2010; Barber, 2005; Hogan et al. 2004).

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7.4.2 Microwave
The microwave pretreatment is based on the electromagnetic radiation emitted
at a frequency of 0.3 to 200 GHz into a polar medium. The dipoles of the polar
medium (water molecules in the case of sludge) rotate to align with the alternating
electromagnetic field. The molecule rotation causes friction which produced
thermal energy. Due to reported results on the cell lysis and the change in the
structure of the proteins of the microorganisms, microwave has been considered to
be a potential method for sludge pretreatment. Compared to ultrasonic pretreatment,
it was found by Park et al. (2004) that the same level of COD solubilisation could
be achieved by providing a 3 time less energy per mass of sludge solids than in the
case of ultrasonic treatment.

7.4.3 ​Thermal hydrolysis
During thermal hydrolysis the sludge is subjected to elevated temperature levels
(150–200°C) under high pressure (600–2500 kPa). These severe conditions disrupt
the microbial cell membrane and the structure of other solids present in the sludge
mixture. As a result the soluble COD, which is more accessible to microorganisms,
is increased. The effectiveness of thermal hydrolysis depends on the combination
of temperature and pressure levels applied as well as the duration of pretreatment.
Generally, thermal pretreatment is considered suitable to be implemented before
mesophilic digestion and not thermophilic digestion because in the latter case,
the digestion process is much more efficient than the mesophilic digestion and the
thermal pretreatment does not result in substantial higher methane yields (Appels
et al. 2008). There are several full scale applications of thermal hydrolysis as a
pretreatment step of sewage sludge, developed by companies such as Cambi and
Kruger Inc (a subsidiary of Veolia Water).

7.4.4 ​Autohydrolyis – Enzymatic hydrolysis

Enzymatic hydrolysis is based on methods that would enhance the ability of
hydrolysing enzymes to promote bacterial wall lysis and breakdown of other cellular
macromolecules. There is evidence that these enzymes are adsorbed on the EPS and
therefore, their bioavailability is limited. The enzymatic hydrolysis methods aim to
make these enzymes bioavailable through the application of mild conditions such
as heat treatment at low temperatures (below 100°C), sonication, radiation, addition
of surfactants and so on (Guo & Xu, 2011). Microaerophilic conditions may also
activate the hydrolysis process prior to digestion (Carrere et al. 2010).

7.4.5 ​Other methods
The application of pressure has been used to enhance the cell disruption of the
WAS. Specifically in the MicroSludge process, alkaline pre-treatment and milling

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precede the application of pressure in homogenisers to reduce the viscosity of the

sludge streams. The sludge is pressurised up to 12,000 psi (82,700 kPa) and pressure
is released accelerating the sludge up to sound velocity. Under this velocity, the shear
forces disrupt the cells and almost liquify them. On a similar concept of pressurising
and releasing, the thickened sludge can be compressed to a pressure between 3 and
6 bar (less than the MicroSludge). Under these conditions, sludge is introduced into
the sludge stream and diffuses easily into the microbial cells though the cell wall
to equilibrate the inner and outer cellular pressure. Upon pressure release, the inner
pressure is significantly higher than the outer and the cell is burst out.
Cell disruption takes place during the OpenCel process too. The principle of
this method is based on the charged and polar nature of the molecules of the cell
membranes and wall. Under the influence of imposed high voltage electrical micro
pulses, the cell walls are destroyed and the membranes become porous.

7.4.6 ​Economic analysis of the pretreatment methods

The operating cost of the pretreatment methods is mainly correlated with the
energy consumption during pretreatment. However, energy consumption cannot
be the only parameter to be considered since the potential for energy recovery
(Dhar et al. 2012) as in the case of thermal pretreatment should be taken into
account too. Moreover, the cost of energy required by the different methods may be
different depending on the form of energy provided; for example thermal energy
is required by thermal hydrolysis method and can be partially provided by the
biogas transformation on-site. On the other hand, sonicators’ operation is based
on electricity which is more expensive than thermal energy (Carrere et al. 2010).
In the case of sonication, the index used for estimation of the energy required
is the specific energy input (SE) expressed in kJ/kg TSS and is defined as the ratio
energy to solid mass according to eq. (7.4)

P ⋅ ∆t
SE = (7.4)

where P is the power (kW), Δt is the duration of sonication (s), V is the volume of
the sludge under sonication (L) and TSS is the concentration of the total suspended
solids of sludge (kg/L).
The energy imparted to the sludge volume, however, is lower, due to
losses from the electrical energy of the ultrasonic generator to the acoustical
energy transmitted in the medium. The series of energy transformations
during ultrasonic treatment is (Kobus & Kusinska, 2008): electrical →
mechanical → acoustical → cavitation → thermal. The imparted energy is
expressed as the acoustical energy and can be estimated from the thermal energy,
assuming that the acoustical energy will finally result in heat when cavitation and
bubble collapse occur. The thermal energy is the most used method for estimating

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the acoustic energy in the medium and is based on the temperature change of the
medium with time (Kobus & Kusinska, 2008).
On the other hand, the thermal energy imparted in the medium during thermal
hydrolysis can be calculated directly based on the energy (Qs, kJ) needed to elevate
the temperature of the sludge (To, °C) to the temperature of the pretreatment (T, °C)
according to eq. (7.5):

Qs = ρsl ⋅ Vsl ⋅ C p ⋅ (T − To ) (7.5)

where ρsl is the sludge density (kg/m3), Vsl is the volume of the sludge under thermal
hydrolysis and Cp is the specific thermal capacity of the sludge (4.18 kJ/kg °C). The
actual thermal energy consumption is calculated based on the heat losses during
heating. Moreover the recovery of thermal energy from the heated sludge should
be taken into account when estimating the cost of the process.
Dhar et al. (2012) studied the effect of sonication (from 1000 to 10000 kJ/kg),
thermal hydrolysis (from 50 to 90°C), and sonication at elevated temperature
(combined ultrasonic and thermal hydrolysis treatment) on sludge and found that the
increase of the ratio of soluble COD to total COD (Y, %) correlated to the imparted
energy to the sludge (X, kJ): Y = 0.247X + 7.056, R2 = 0.0801 regardless the
pretreatment method used. However, the increase in the biogas production did not
follow a linear correlation with the soluble to total COD ratio; Ultrasonic treatment
was more effective than thermal pretreatement under the conditions tested in terms
of biogas production, but the opposite was observed in terms of COD solubilisation.
Thermal pretreatment results in agglomeration and increase in particle size and
this could have influenced the methane yield (Bougrier et al. 2005). The increase
in temperature and the SE input did not seem to affect the methane yield either,
but the combination of both methods resulted in higher yields. Similar results were
obtained with volatile sulfur compounds generated. Sludge dewaterability was not
improved by temperature raise and was rather decreased at the highest SE input.
The assumptions for the cost estimation of the pretreatment technologies (ultrasonic
and thermal hydrolysis) were (a) the sludge temperature was 25°C, the heat recovery
from the thermally pretreated sludge was 80%. The cost for dewatering, transportation
and landfilling was $250/ton TSS, while for electricity and natural gas was $0.07/
kWh and $0,28/m3 respectively. The cost for biogas purification and specifically H2S
removal through non regenerable KOH-AC bed was $0.0005/m3 biogas (cost per unit
of biogas purification) and $12/kg H2S (cost absorbent per unit of H2S removal). The
results of this economic assessment showed that (Dhar et al. 2012):

(a) ultrasound pretreatment yielded a net saving of $54/ton TSS at a moderate

SE input (1000 kJ/kg TSS), while the net savings were negative in the case
of the low and high SE inputs.
(b) the thermal pretreatment, at all temperatures tested (50–90°C), yielded a
net saving from $45/ton TSS to $78/ton TSS.

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(c) the thermal hydrolysis (at 50–90°C) combined with the untrasound
pretreatment (at 1000 kJ/kg TSS yielded a net saving from $44/ton TSS to
$66/ton TSS.

Other aspects which have an economic impact in the long term, but were not
included in the assessment of Dhar et al. (2012), are the prevention of erosion
of the equipment from sulfur compounds, the enhanced dewaterability of sludge
after pretreatment and digestion as well as the optimization of the polymer dose
and, finally, the investment cost for purchasing and installing the pretreatment
equipment. Jolly and Gillard (2009), on the other hand, retrieved data from full scale
applications of various technologies and estimated that pretreatment technologies
as well as thermophilic anaerobic digestion enhanced dewaterability allowing the
production of a sludge cake containing 25–32% Total Solids (TS). The cost of the
polymer dose (decreasing as the volatile solid content decreases) as well as the cost
of the anaerobic digestion liquor treatment (higher in ammonia concentration with
increasing the process efficiency) were taken into account.
An important factor for the economic evaluation is the energy balance and the
breakdown of the energy into thermal and electrical needed in each technology. The
energy required depends on the performance of each method which vary according
to the conditions (type of sludge – primary or secondary, solid content, temperature
conditions and duration of treatment, etc.). Table 7.2 summarises the estimation of
energy required in the case of some common pretreatment technologies and the
biogas yields obtained. The main assumptions are also included where available.
In some cases, the energy estimates are obscure to decipher, because it is
not clear if they concern the individual steps of the pretreatment or they refer to
the whole anaerobic digestion unit. For example the electrical energy required
for a mesophilic digester is 0.04 kWh kg−1VS or 0.032 kWh kg−1 TS according
to Carrere et al. (2010) and 0.150 kWh kg−1 TS according to Jolly and Gillard
(2009). These values are not comparable probably because Jolly and Gillard (2009)
have considered the electrical consumption of the whole plant (consisting of the
following stages: pre-digestion thickening, pre-treatment, anaerobic digestion,
CPH plant, post digestion storage, post digestion dewatering, and liquor treatment).
Comparison between the different technologies with respect to the mesophilic
digestion (as the control case) reveal that sonication requires much higher electrical
energy than the others and all three studies agree that the energy balance is negative.
In the case of thermal hydrolysis, the assumption of Pérez-Elvira (2011) that the
electrical demand is zero may be optimistic since electricity is indeed required to
drive the various units of the process. In any case the electrical energy required
is low compared to the thermal energy. All three studies concluded that the high
thermal energy demand of thermal hydrolysis has not a negative impact on the
economics since this form of energy can be recovered though the heat generated
by the CPH units, the hot streams of the process itself, and if more thermal energy
is needed, a part of biogas can be used in boilers (reducing the biogas available

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Table 7.2 ​Electrical and Thermal Energy required in sewage sludge treatment and biogas yields.

by marinhoeng@hotmail.com
Technology Jolly and Gillard (2009) Pérez-Elvira (2011) Carrere et al. (2010)
Assumptions Electrical/ Assumptions Electrical/ Biogas Assumptions Electrical/ Biogas
Thermal energy Thermal yield (L Thermal yield
(kWh kg−1 TS) energy kg−1VS) Energy (kWh kg−1
(kWh m−3) (kWh kg−1 TS)
None (only Input: 6% TS 0.150/NR Input: 8% TS NR 488 Input: 6% TS, 0.04/0.5 1.9
mesophilic HRT: 18d 35°C, HRT: 17d 80% VS 35°C,
digestion TS reduction: 45% TS reduction: HRT: 20d VS
applied) 42% reduction: 40%
None (only Input: 6% 0.178/NR Input: 6% TS, 0.03/1.0 2.4
thermophilic) TS HRT: 22d 80% VS
VS reduction: 56% 55°C, HRT: 15d
VS reduction:

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Thermal Input: 11% TS 0.310/ NR Input: 8% TS 0/NR 652 Input: 9% TS, 0.04/2.0 2.9
hydrolysis 165°C, 30 min 11 bar steam 170°C, 30 min 80% VS 170°C,
VS reduction: 60% from CHP/boiler TS reduction: 15–30 min VS
55% reduction: 60%
Biological – Input: 7.5% 0.304/NR Input: 6% TS, 0.03/1.0 2.4
Enzymatic TS 42°C, 15 h 80% VS
hydrolysis VS reduction: 52% 70°C, 9–48 h VS
reduction: 50%
Sonication Input: 6% TS 0.675/NR nput: 8% TS 70/NR NR Input: 6% TS, 0.37/0.5 2.4
VS reduction: 100 kWh m -3 80% VS 100W,
Anaerobic digestion of sewage wastewater and sludge

55.5% 16s 30 kWh m-3

VS reduction:

NR: Not Reported.

128 Sewage Treatment Plants

to the CHP and thus ‘consuming’ the potential electrical energy that could be
produced. Pérez-Elvira (2011) showed that the process can be self sustained in the
case of a 13% TS, that is, the thermal energy for the pretreatment was obtained
by recovering the heat from the process itself, increasing the profitability of the
combined process. The author estimated that the economic benefit of treating
the sewage sludge from a population of 100,000 is €132,373/yr (8% TS inlet) and
€223,867/yr (13%TS). The biogas productivity reached 1.4 L L −1 d−1 compared to
0.26 observed in conventional AD systems (Pérez-Elvira et al. 2011).
The savings in energy is not the only criterion for selecting a treatment scheme.
Mills et al. (2014) studied five scenarios for conversion of sewage sludge to energy.
The core technology in all five scenarios was the anaerobic digestion process.
Thermal hydrolysis was selected as a pretreatment step in most of the scenarios.
Post treatment steps for biogas exploitation (in CHP or as biomethane) and digested
sludge disposal (land application, solid fuel production or conversion to pyrolysis
gas to be used in CHP) were considered as alternatives and evaluated against
the conventional scenario of an anaerobic digestion unit coupled with CHP and
the digested sludge be utilized in land applications. They performed a life cycle
analysis (LCA) to include both inflow and outflow materials and energy of each
scenario as well as the emissions to the environment on the assumption of treating
100 total dry solids per day. They also estimated the Capital Expenditure (CapEx)
based on the simplified equation (eq. (7.6)) as well as the annual operating expenses
(OpEx). Based on CApEx and OpEx and assumptions made for the discount rate
(8%), they calculated the internal rate of return (IRR) of the investment for each
scenario and considered both cases of the offer or absence of incentives by the
UK state.

CapEx = k ⋅ S 0.6 (7.6)

where k is the cost of the asset and S is the scale assumed.

The combination of the environmental and economical impacts for each scenario
indicated the thermal hydrolysis pretreatment is preferable to the conventional
anaerobic digestion scenario. The IRR was estimated to be 10.6% with incentives
or 4.05 without incentives in the case of the conventional case, while the application
of the thermal hydrolysis pretreatment step increases these values to 12.75% and
5.98% respectively. The environmental impact was also positive in the case of
thermal hydrolysis pretreatment compared to the conventional case.
The final use of biogas and the digested sludge alter both the economics and the
environmental impact of the processes. In the case of biogas upgrade to biomethane
(for injecting it to the grid) and use the digested sludge to land, the IRR raised up to
18.92% (with incentives), but was negative without incentives (the investor would
not see a return on the investment within the operational life of the plant) and the
environmental impact was the most negative of all scenarios. The reasons for this
is due to the particular incentives policy of UK, as Mills et al. (2014) state, which

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is rather high in this case, and poses high risks for the investment if this policy
is adjusted or cancelled. The use of biomethane as vehicle fuel is a better option
since the higher prices of biomethane as vehicle fuel would make the investment
less independent on the incentives. The scenarios of using the digested sludge for
solid fuel or in CHP after pyrolysis are comparable with high IRR (14.39% and
17.46% with incentives and 8.48% and 7.64%) and the most positive environmental
In the same line, Jolly and Gillard (2009) have concluded that the choice for
the final disposal of sludge determines the economics and the payback period.
Incineration of digested sludge, despite the high capital cost, results in more
positive cost balance and shorter payback period than land application. In their
study, they concluded that the thermal hydrolysis and thermophilic digestion are
the best choices in this respect. They admit that their conclusion on the efficiency
of thermophilic digestion should be verified by other works too, since they relied
their estimations on data taken from one single plant.
Co digestion of sludge with other feedstocks such as organic residues as glycerol
(Athanasoulia et al. 2014), landfill leachates (Pastor et al. 2013) agricultural wastes
or energy crops (Hidaka et al. 2013; Galitskaya et al. 2014) or food wastes (Serrano
et al. 2014; Belhadj et al. 2014; Powell et al. 2013; Dai et al. 2013) would increase
the efficiency of the process as well as the quality of the digested liquor and sludge.
The economic evaluation of developing a biogas unit within a sewage treatment
plant accepting more inflows than sewage to increase the methane potential could
be based on the work of Karellas et al. (2010). They developed an investment
decision tool for biogas production from biomass feedstocks. This tool requires
inputs such as the feedstock characteristics, availability and their gate fees (in
the case of outputs of industrial activities) or cost (in the case of biomass), the
market prices for the end products (electricity, heat, deigested sludge, liquor) and
additional revenues, the total capital and annual operating costs and any economic
incentives (loans, existing subsidies and grants). The output of this tool is the
economic evaluation of the investment in terms of essential economic indicators
such as the internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV) and so on.

7.5 ​Anaerobic Digestion of Sewage

The anaerobic digestion process has not been limited to sludge treatment in a
sewage treatment plant. WAS biodegradability energy content may be limited if the
activated sludge process has been operated at high solid retention time (Bolzonella
et al. 2005), which is a common practice leading to sludge minimisation but at
the expense of less methane potential of the excess sludge and higher aeration
cost. Even at typical solid retention times, the activated sludge process converts
almost half of the organic matter into microbial cells that are harder to biodegrade
and yield biogas. Based on this fact, an alternative option to trying to increase
sludge biodegradability though energy intensive pretreatment methods is to apply

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anaerobic digestion upstream; (a) as a pretreatment method of sewage and (b) as a

treatment method of sewage after preconcentrating it.

7.5.1 ​Pretreatment of sewage via anaerobic digestion

Anaerobic digestion and, particularly, UASB technology has been applied for
sewage treatment in tropical and subtropical and low income countries such as
Brazil (Vieira & Garcia, 1992; Vieira et al. 1994), Colombia (Schellinkhout &
Collazos, 1992), India (Draaijer et al. 1992; Khalil et al. 2008) at ambient
temperatures. In many cases, where there was not any treatment facility,
anaerobic digestion was only applied to remove BOD up to 80% (Vieira et al.
1994). The concentration level of COD, BOD and TSS (in mg L −1) in the effluent
have been reported to be 140, 75 and 30 (Lew et al. 2004). Khalil et al. (2008)
estimated that 80% of total UASB reactors worldwide for sewage treatment
operate in India.
Campos et al. (2009) made an economic evaluation of a sewage treatment plant
installed in a 200,000 inhabitant city in Brazil. At the time of the study, the first
part of the plant had been constructed including a UASB reactor followed by an
activated sludge system with air flotation. Based on the first year of operation,
the first stage seemed to yield good performance (BOD removal at 20 C: 72%
in UASB and 91.4% in total; TSS concentration in the effluent: 16 ± 8 mg L −1).
The economics and energy consumption also seemed attractive: USD$ 219.05
and 0.5233 kWh per 1000 m3 respectively. For the second step, denitrification,
coagulation applying ferric chloride and UV disinfection would be included.
Low temperatures deteriorate the UASB performance. Hybrid UASB reactors,
having substituted the three phase separator on the top of the UASB with a filter
was tested but only marginal improvement in COD removal but a better colloidal
fraction removal was noticed (Elmitwalli et al. 1999; Lew et al. 2004). An option
to increase the efficiency of UASB at low temperatures is to increase the influent
concentration through co-digestion as suggested by Zhang et al. (2013). The
increased growth of methanogens will increase their population to compensate for
the negative effect of the low temperature on the growth rate.
Problems of stability and low performance also arise when the sewage
is stronger. This is the case of arid areas, such as Jordan and Palestine, where
the consumption of water is limited resulting in the production of sewage with
a higher COD concentration than usual (COD > 1000 mg L −1, the 70% of which
is particulate). Moreover, the temperature fluctuations are wider (15–25°C) than
other areas. Mahmoud (2008) applied a modification of the UASB reactor, called
UASB-digester, in Palestine. In the UASB-digester, a parallel digester unit is added
for enhanced sludge stabilisation and generation of active methanogenic sludge
which are recirculated to the UASB reactor (Mahmoud et al. 2004). The results
showed that removal of total COD increased from 54% (one stage UASB) to 72%
and this system seems promising for further study.

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Although the methane solubility in water is low, the huge quantities of

wastewater treated per time result in an appreciable total methane mass dissolved
and removed though the treated effluent. Seghezzo et al. (1998) estimated that
the biogas recovered though digestion of sewage in a UASB was 60–80% of the
anticipated amount based on a COD balance. Moreover, sulfide formation due to
sulfate reduction results in mal odors; this is more intense for wastewaters with low
ratio of COD per sulfate as in the case of sewage (Subtil et al. 2012). As a result, the
pretreatment of sewage in UASB reactors may be restrained, especially near dense
populated areas. Another problem with anaerobic digestion of sewage is that, due
to the low growth rate of methanogens (a) more time is required for the start-up if
the inoculum is not appropriately adapted, and (b) the process is more susceptible
to toxic or inhibitory compounds.
The need for subsequent treatment steps to remove nutrients, pathogens and
solids was addressed in all cases UASB technology was implemented. As a result,
integrated processes combining anaerobic and aerobic steps have been extensively
studied at lab and pilot scale, as well as at full scale. The application of UASB
technology for the sewage treatment has been studied as a pretreatment method
followed by an aerobic treatment step requiring less energy (even by 90% ) than the
conventional activated sludge process (Khan et al. 2011). The main combinations
of anaerobic/aerobic systems are shown in Figure 7.3 and reviewed by Chan et al.

Figure 7.3 ​Types of combined anaerobic–aerobic systems

Khalil et al. (2008) based on the large experience gained in India calculated
the net present value of sewage treatment plants adopting various technologies:
activated sludge process, trickling filters, stabilisation ponds, sequential batch
reactors, membrane bioreactors and UASB combined with a final polishing step
(ponds) or extended aeration systems. A 30 year life time of the investment with
a 12% interest was assumed and the year served as the basis for all calculations
was 2010. The net present values were in the national currency (rupee) and the

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132 Sewage Treatment Plants

currency rate was 40 rupees per US dollar. The net present value for a plant of
a 50 MLD total capacity (in rupee) was 8100 (activated sludge process), 4800
(trickling filters), 1000 (stabilisation ponds), 7600 (sequential batch reactors),
13100 (membrane bioreactors), 2700 (UASB and aeration pond), 3300 (UASB and
extended aeration system). The stabilisation ponds is the cheapest technology but
requires large areas which may not be available in all cases. The next cost-effective
technologies are those with the UASB used as a pretreatment step, while the other
aerobic technologies were far more expensive.
The anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBR) have also been studied. They
combine the features of anaerobic bioreactors and membranes which are able to
achieve separation of solids from the mixed liquor to a high degree. As a result,
the COD conversion (>85%) is similar to the one achieved in conventional aerobic
MBR without the cost of aeration, the total suspended solid removal is more than
99% (Lin et al. 2013). This is not the case for nutrient removal though; further
treatment is needed unless the treated effluent is used as a fertiliser. The two
common configurations with membranes located out of the bioreactor (external) or
inside the bioreactor (submerged) present advantages and disadvantages; the more
direct control on fouling and replacement of membranes, the higher fluxes but
more frequent cleaning, the negative effect on microbial activity due to the higher
fluxes and the high energy consumption (approximately 10 kWh/m3 product) in
the case of external An MBR, and the lower energy consumption, the more simple
and less frequent membrane cleaning and the milder operating conditions in the
case of submerged AnMBR. Lin et al. (2011) concluded that the decisive factors
for the life cycle cost of submerged AnMBR are the flux, the price and the lifetime
of membranes.

7.5.2 ​Treatment of preconcentrated sewage

via anaerobic digestion
Since the organic matter is low in concentration but high in total mass (considering
the high production rates) and the anaerobic digestion is more effective on high
organic load wastes, the concept of preconcentrating the organic fraction of
sewage prior to any biological treatment and digesting this concentrated stream
arose as an alternative to the disadvantages of digesting the sewage or the sludge.
The preconcentration step will result in a high organic load stream suitable for
digestion and a low organic load stream biodegradable further through less energy
intensive processes.
A modification of the activated sludge process has been developed by
Boehnke et al. (1997). It is based on the ability of the organics to interact with
the microorganisms of sewage to form flocs with excellent adsorption ability and
settling properties. This modified activated sludge process is known as AB process
and is carried out under high F/M ratios (3–6 kg BOD kg−1 MLSS d−1) in the first
(A) stage, while normal loading conditions prevail in the second (B) stage. The

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settled sludge from the A stage is very rich in organics and, in this respect, the A
stage could be applied as a preconcentration step (Verstraete et al. 2009). Other
preconcentration techniques include membrane filtration, dynamic filter filtration,
dissolved air flotation and on coagulation/flocculation by metal salt or polyelctrolyte
addition. The latter method is the chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT)
and has been studied with respect to the HRT, the types of suitable coaggulants, the
dose of coaggulants etc (Tchobanoglous et al. 2003; Libhaber & Jaramillo, 2012;
Harleman & Murcott, 1999).
Diamantis et al. (2013) made an economic evaluation of the CEPT process
followed by anaerobic digestion for a 2000 PE scenario, 15 years lifetime and a 6%
interest. They estimated the cost of the combined process as 0.2 €/m3 (0.1 €/m3 for
the CEPT and 0.1 €/m3 for the anaerobic digestion). The biogas produced suffices
for supplying the required energy to the digester and as a result the process can be
regarded as zero energy.
Moreover it seems that different strategies should be followed depending on
the scale of STP. For small scale STPs where anaerobic digestion of sludge is
not a feasible option, medium term storage of sludge is favored if biodegradation
is hindered. This is achieved by increasing the coagulant dose which ends up in
the concentrated stream inhibiting its biodegradation. Moreover, a high quality
supernatant is produced, simplifying the post treatment steps and reducing the
cost. On the other hand, for medium to large scale facilities, lower doses of
coagulant would not cause any problem in the digestability of the energy rich
concentrated stream.
Verstraete et al. (2009) introduced the term ‘used water’ for sewage regarding
sewage as a resource of energy and matter and not as something useless that can
be wasted. If energy, water and nutrients are recovered from the ‘used water’, then
the whole process for treating sewage can be economically viable with no waste
streams generated (Zero WasteWater). They estimated that the order of the total
cost for the combined preconcentration (dissolved air flotation or dynamic sand
filtration followed by ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis) and anaerobic digestion
steps vary between €0.66–0.95/m3. On the other hand, Verstraete and Vlaeminck
(2011) estimated that almost €1/m3 can be gained as profit from (a) recovering
water, heat, nitrogen and phoshorous and (b) producing energy from biogas and
biochar from digested sludge. This means that the zero wastewater approach can
be economically viable.

7.6 ​Conclusions
The evaluation of a technology developed or improved to yield high efficiency and
productivity should not be based solely on energy saving criteria or economic indices.
It is evident that a holistic approach is imposed in the case of sewage treatment. There
is a growing number of researchers that considered the sewage a resource and not
as waste. Based on this concept, there is an attempt to benefit from sewage as much

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134 Sewage Treatment Plants

as possible with the least cost and minimum environmental impacts. As a result,
concepts such as the ‘zero wastewater’ (Verstraete & Vlaeminck, 2011), the energy
self-sufficient sewage treatment plants (Jenicek et al. 2013; Frijns et al. 2013), zero
carbon footprint (Novotny, 2011, 2012) and so on, indicate the desired targets for the
future sewage treatment plant: recover anything recoverable from a STP, no energy
consumption, no environmental impacts. However, a sewage treatment plant based
on such integrated concepts may be a good option for new installations, otherwise
retrofitting existing conventional facilities to novel, anaerobic based facilities seems
to be costly (McCarty et al. 2011).
The anaerobic digestion process has a key role in all these schemes since it
has been related with energy and matter recovery as well as economic profit.
Cost efficient technologies or practices that improve the efficiency and biogas
productivity of the anaerobic digestion process are in the core of such schemes. This
justifies the continuously growing effort on anaerobic digestion which, although
regarded as mature technology, still remains on the top of scientific interest. It
should be noted however, that the conclusion on the economic sustainability of the
sewage treatment plants of the future is based on assumptions for some units of the
concept. Whatever the risk of false estimation is, it is evident that a vision leading to
a less energy intensive and costly sewage management is under shape and becomes
inspiring. Following this vision, the modifications on existing conventional sewage
plants are carried out and the positive results are demonstrated in numerous case
studies (see second part of the present book as well as Dewettinck et al. 2001;
Zeeman et al. 2008; Jenicek et al. 2013 and many others).

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Chapter 8
Resource recovery from
sewage sludge
M. G. Healy1, R. Clarke2, D. Peyton1,3, E. Cummins2,
E. L. Moynihan4,5, A. Martins6, P. Béraud7 and
O. Fenton3
Civil Engineering, National University of Ireland, Galway, Co. Galway,

Rep. of Ireland
2School of Biosystems Engineering, University College Dublin, Co. Dublin,

Rep. of Ireland
3Teagasc Environment Centre, Johnstown Castle, Co. Wexford, Rep. of Ireland
T.E. Laboratories Ltd., Loughmartin Industrial Estate, Tullow, Co. Carlow,

Rep. of Ireland
5 Danone Nutrition Ireland, Rocklands, Co. Wexford, Rep. of Ireland
6 Águas do Algarve S.A., Rua do Repouso, 10, 8000-302, Faro, Portugal
7AdP Energias, Rua Visconde de Seabra n°3, 1700-421 Lisboa, Portugal

8.1 ​Introduction
More than 10 million tons of sewage sludge was produced in the European Union
(EU) in 2010 (Eurostat, 2014). For the disposal of sewage sludge (solid, semisolid,
or liquid residue generated during the treatment of domestic sewage), chemical,
thermal or biological treatment, which may include composting, aerobic and
anaerobic digestion, solar drying, thermal drying (heating under pressure up to
260°C for 30 min), or lime stabilisation (addition of Ca(OH)2 or CaO such that pH
is ≥12 for at least 2 h), produces a stabilised organic material.
The Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC; EC, 2008) lays down measures
to protect the environment and human health by preventing or reducing adverse
impacts resulting from the generation and management of waste. Under the directive,
a hierarchy of waste is applied: prevention, preparing for re-use, recycling, other

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140 Sewage Treatment Plants

recovery and disposal. The objective of the Directive is to maximise the resource
value and minimise the need for disposal (EC, 2008). This has prompted efforts
within sewage sludge management to utilise sewage sludge as a commodity. The
terminology ‘biosolids’ reflects the effort to consider these materials as potential
resources (Isaac & Boothroyd, 1996). Biosolids may be used in the production
of energy, bio-plastics, polymers, construction materials and other potentially
useful compounds. However, as the disposal of sewage sludge is commonly
achieved by recycling treated sludge to land, nutrient recovery, particularly in the
context of pressure on natural resources, and potential barriers to its reuse on land
(environmental, legislative), deserves particular attention.
The aim of this chapter is to examine the recovery of nutrients and other
compounds, such as volatile fatty acids (VFA), polymers and proteins, from sewage
sludge. Due to the increasing awareness regarding risks to the environment and
human health, the application of sewage sludge, following treatment, to land as a
fertilizer in agricultural systems has come under increased scrutiny. Therefore, any
potential benefits accruing from the reuse of sewage sludge are considered against
possible adverse impacts associated with its use. Finally, the potential costs and
benefits arising from its re-use are examined.

8.2 ​Defining Trends for Municipal Sludge

The amount of sewage sludge produced in Europe has generally increased (EC,
2011), which is mainly attributable to implementation of the Urban Waste Water
Treatment Directive 91/271/EC (EC, 1991) and other legislative measures.
The treatment and disposal of sewage sludge presents a major challenge
in wastewater management. As seen over the last decade, the upgrading and
development of effective treatment plants has facilitated efforts to improve the quality
of the effluent (i.e., removal of microorganisms, viruses, pollutants). Subsequently,
legislation regarding sewage sludge in the EU (Sewage Sludge Directive 86/278/EEC;
EEC, 1986) and the USA (40 CFR Part 503; USEPA, 1994) has focused on effluent
quality and potential contamination. Within the EU, treated sewage sludge is defined
as having undergone biological, chemical or heat treatment, long-term storage, or any
other appropriate process so as to significantly reduce fermentability and any health
hazards resulting from its use (EC, 2012). Physical-chemical treatment of wastewater
has been widely practiced, introducing biodegradation and chemical advanced
oxidation for biological treatment (Mouri et al. 2013). In the treatment of wastewater,
biological treatments, such as aerobic and anaerobic digestion, appear to be the more
favoured option. Aerobic treatment has a high degree of treatment efficiency, whilst
anaerobic biotechnology has significantly progressed, offering resource recovery
and utilization while still achieving the objective of waste control (Chan et al. 2009).
A variety of sewage sludge treatment technologies can be employed and are
implemented according to regulations. As can be seen from Table 8.1, significant

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Resource recovery from sewage sludge 141

differences in sewage sludge treatments can be observed between the EU, USA and
Canada. With regards to sludge stabilization, aerobic and anaerobic treatments are
the most widely used methods of sewage sludge treatment. Within the EU, anaerobic
and aerobic wastewater treatments appear to be the most common methods, with 24
countries out of 27 applying this method (Kelessidis & Stasinakis, 2012).
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is most commonly used in Spain, Italy, United
Kingdom and Czech Republic (Table 8.1). Within the USA and Canada, biosolids
are classed according to their pathogenic levels. Class A biosolids contain
minute levels of pathogens and must undergo heating, composting, digestion, or
increased pH. Thus, these methods are more commonly employed (Table 8.1).
Class B biosolids have less stringent parameters for treatment and contain small,
but compliant, amounts of bacteria (USEPA, 2011). In order to achieve Class A
biosolids, the sewage sludge must undergo stringent treatment. Stabilization
methods such as aerobic, anaerobic, liming and composting, are the recommended
options in both the USA and Canada.

8.3 ​Sewage Sludge as a Resource

The two components in sewage sludge that are technically and economically
feasible to recycle are nutrients (primarily nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (N)) and
energy (carbon) (Tyagi & Lo, 2013). As sewage sludge contains organic matter,
energy can be recovered whilst treating it. There are a considerable amount of
nutrients within sewage sludge, especially P and N. However, P is fast becoming
the most significant nutrient due to depleting sources. Emerging technologies have
been developed to extract this valuable resource including KREPO, Aqua-Reci,
Kemicond, BioCon, SEPHOS and SUSAN, and are based on physical-chemical
and thermal treatment to dissolve the P, with final recovery by precipitation
(Cordell et al. 2011; Tyagi & Lo, 2013). Other resources include the reuse of sludge
for construction materials, heavy metals, polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), proteins,
enzymes and VFA. Table 8.2 gives an overview of resource recovery products from
sewage sludge, their typical values and uses. Apart from the recovery products
mentioned in Table 8.2, advances in technology have revealed innovative emerging
products from treated sewage sludge and include VFA, polymers, and proteins
in the form of worms, larvae and fungi. A short review regarding production,
processes and further use is provided on each emerging product.

8.3.1 ​Nutrient recovery from sewage sludge

Treated sewage sludge may be used as an agricultural fertiliser, as they contain
organic matter and inorganic elements (Girovich, 1996). The recycling of treated
sewage sludge to agriculture as a source of the fundamental nutrients and
metals required for plant growth is going to be essential for future sustainable
development, as it is estimated that there are only reserves of 50–100 years of

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Table 8.1 ​Global municipal sewage sludge treatment processes. 142

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Denmarka Francea Germanya Greecea,b Irelanda Italya Spaina Swedena UKa Czech Polanda Portugald USAc

Aerobic            
Anaerobic             
Lime           
Composting            
Lime  
Inorganics  
Polymers 
Thermal    
Drying belts  

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Filter press      
Centrifuges    
Belt filter press        
Sewage Treatment Plants

Thermal         
Solar drying    
Pasteurisation 
Long-term storage       
Cold fermentation 
bag filling
 Common use  most common use
aKelessidis and Stasinakis (2012); bTsagarakis et al. (1999); c Lu et al. (2012); dMartins and Béraud, pers. comm.
Resource recovery from sewage sludge 143

P depending on future demand (Cordell et al. 2009). When spread on arable or

grassland, and provided that it is treated to the approved standards, treated sewage
sludge may offer an excellent source of nutrients and metals required for plant
and crop growth (Jeng et al. 2006). Treated sewage sludge can also contribute
to improving soil physical and chemical characteristics (Mondini et al. 2008).
It increases water absorbency and tilth, and may reduce the possibility of soil
erosion (Meyer et al. 2001).

Table 8.2 ​Resource recovery products from sewage sludge.

Products Typical values and uses Reference

Nitrogen 2.4–5% total solids Tchobanoglous et al. (2003)
Phosphorus 0.5–0.7% total solids Tchobanoglous et al. (2003)
Heavy metals Typical recovery values: Ni 98.8%; Pérez-Cid et al. (1999)
Zn 100.2%; Cu 93.3%
Construction Dried sludge or incinerator ash. Tay and Show (1997)
materials Biosolid ash is used to make bricks
Bio-plastic Microorganisms in activated sludge Yan et al. (2008)
can accumulate PHAs ranging from
0.3 to 22.7 mg polymer/g sludge
Enzymes Protease, dehydrogenese, Tyagi and Surampalli
catalase, peroxidase, α-amylase, (2009)

Land application of treated sewage sludge to agricultural land can be relatively

inexpensive in countries in which it is considered to be a waste material. An
alternative, but costly, option in such countries is to pay tipping fees for its disposal
(Sonon & Gaskin, 2009). However, in some countries sewage sludge is seen not as
a waste but instead as a product containing valuable nutrients (e.g., the U.K) with
an associated fertiliser replacement value (FRV) and cost for its usage.
As the world population increases, pressure on natural resources, especially
food, oil and water, will increase. Inorganic fertilizer prices are tied to crude
oil prices globally and demand (Bremer, 2009): when prices of oil are high,
inorganic fertilizer prices also climb. For instance, in Ireland, the cost of
inorganic fertilisers has continually increased, with the cost of a mean kg of
N, P and potassium (K) rising from €0.41, 1.06 and 0.23 in 1980 to €103, 203,
105 in 2011 (Figure 8.1). Similar price increases of 13% were seen in the U.K.
in 2010 (Tasker, 2010). Recent fertiliser increases since 2008 can be attributed
to increases in both energy costs and global demand for fertilisers. Increased
prices and volatility are important considerations, as they lead to volatility in
farm input costs and profit margins, and make farm planning more difficult and
risky (Lalor et al. 2012).

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144 Sewage Treatment Plants

Figure 8.1 ​Trends in unit cost of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) in
chemical fertilisers in Ireland from 1980 to 2011 (Lalor et al. 2012).

Nutrient price equivalents of sewage sludge will depend on the nutrient

availability and the FRV of the nutrients in the sludge. The FRV of nutrients in
cattle slurry over time was calculated in Lalor et al. (2012) assuming a total N, P
and K content in slurry of 3.6, 0.6 and 4.3 kg m−3, respectively, and an assumption
of respective FRV of 25%, 100% and 100% (Coulter, 2004). Of course in treated
sewage sludge as in other nutrient streams, micronutrients used by the plant
give added value to the product. In addition, factors such as transport and land
application costs would also need to be considered in an overall assessment. It is
therefore essential that such data are known for treated sewage sludge.
There is a good body of literature that has examined its fertilisation potential
(Smith & Durham, 2002; Epstein, 2003; Singh & Agrawal, 2008). Siddique and
Robinson (2004) mixed AD-treated sewage sludge, poultry litter, cattle slurry and
an inorganic P fertiliser with five soil types at rates equivalent to 100 mg P kg−1
soil and, following incubation at 25oC for 100 d, found that AD-treated sewage
sludge and poultry litter had a slower rate of P release compared with cattle slurry
and inorganic P fertiliser. This may indicate that it may have good long-term
fertilisation potential.

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Resource recovery from sewage sludge 145

One of the main concerns associated with the use of treated sewage sludge as an
organic fertiliser on grassland are the loss of nutrients, metals and pathogens along
a transfer continuum (Wall et al. 2011) to a waterbody via direct discharges, surface
and near surface pathways and/or groundwater discharge. More recently, so-called
‘emerging contaminants’, which may include antibiotics, pharmaceuticals and
other xenobiotics, have been considered, as they have health risks associated with
them. Therefore, nutrient recovery from treated sewage sludge must be considered
against possible adverse impacts associated with its use.

8.3.2 ​Volatile fatty acids

Volatile fatty acids are short-chained fatty acids consisting of six or fewer carbon
atoms which can be distilled at atmospheric pressure (Lee et al. 2014). Proteins
and carbohydrates in sewage sludge can be converted into VFA to enhance
methane, hydrogen and poly-hydroxyalkanoate production (Yang et al. 2012). The
production of VFA from biosolids is an anaerobic process involving hydrolysis
and acidogenesis (or dark fermentation) (Su et al. 2009). In hydrolysis, complex
polymers in waste are broken down into similar organic monomers by the enzymes
excreted from the hydrolytic microorganisms. Subsequently, acidogenesis ferment
these monomers into mainly VFA such as acetic, propionic and butyric acids. Both
processes involve a conglomerate of obligate and facultative anaerobes such as
Bacteriocides, Clostridia, Bifidobacteria, Streptococci and Enterobacteriaceace
(Lee et al. 2014).

8.3.3 ​Polymers
Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) are the major constituents of organic
matter in sewage sludge floc, which comprises polysaccharides, proteins, nucleic
acids, lipids and humic acids (Jiang et al. 2011). They occur in the intercellular space
of microbial aggregates, more specifically at or outside the cell surface (Neyens
et al. 2004), and can be extracted by physical (centrifugation, ultrasonication and
heating, for example) or chemical methods (using ethylenediamine tetraacetic
acid, for example), although formaldehyde plus NaOH has proven to be effective
in extracting EPA from most types of sludge (Liu & Fang, 2002). Extracellular
polymeric substances perform an important role in defining the physical properties
of microbial aggregates (Seviour et al. 2009). There are many biotechnical uses of
EPS, including the production of food, paints and oil drilling ‘muds’; their hydrating
properties are also used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Furthermore, EPS
may have potential uses as biosurfactants for example, in tertiary oil production,
and as biological glue. Extracellular polymeric substances are an interesting
component of all biofilm systems and still hold large biotechnological potential
(Flemming & Wingender, 2001). A relatively new method for treatment of sewage
sludge is aerobic granular sludge technology (Morgenroth et al. 1997). A special

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146 Sewage Treatment Plants

characteristic of AGS is the high concentration of alginate-like exopolysaccharides

(ALE) with different properties compared to converted activated sludge. Aerobic
granular sludge technology produces a compound with similar characteristics as
alginate, which is a polymer normally harvested from brown seaweed. Alginate-
like exopolysaccharides can be harvested and used as a gelling agent in textile
printing, food preparation and the paper industry (Hogendoorn, 2013). Lin
et al. (2010) demonstrated that the potential yield of extractable alginate-like
exopolysaccharides reached 160 ± 4 mg/g (VSS ratio). It was also found that they
were one of the dominant exopolysaccharides in aerobic granular sludge.

8.3.4 ​Proteins
Vermicomposting (sludge reduction by earthworms) is a relatively common
technology, especially in developing countries with small scale settings. The main
product of this process is vermicompost, which consists of earthworm faeces that
can be used as a fertilizer due to its high N content, high microbial activity and
lower heavy metal content (Ndegwa & Thompson, 2001). Vermicomposting results
in bioconversion of the waste streams into two useful products: the earthworm
biomass and the vermicompost. In a study by Elissen et al. (2010), aquatic worms
grown on treated municipal sewage sludge, produced high protein values with a
range of amino acids. These proteins can be used as animal feed for non-food
animals, such as aquarium fish or other ornamental aquatic fish. Other outlets for
the protein could be technical applications such as coatings, glues and emulsifiers.
The study also revealed that the dead worm biomass can be utilized as an energy
source in anaerobic digestion. Experiments have shown that biogas production of
worms is three times that of sewage sludge. Other applications include fats and
fatty acid extraction. Treatment of sewage sludge using earthworms has been well
documented; however, research studies on protein extraction of earthworms grown
on sewage sludge are very limited.
Bioconversion of biosolids using fly larvae has been studied for years. Organic
waste has a high nutritional and energy potential and can be used as a feed substrate
for larvae. Apart from significantly reducing organic waste, grown larvae make an
excellent protein source in animal feed. The insect protein could be used in animal
feed to replace fishmeal (Lalander et al. 2013). One of the most studied species is
the larvae of the Black Soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.). The larvae of this non-
pest fly feed on, and thereby degrade, organic material of different origin (Diener
et al. 2011a). The 6th instar, the prepupa, migrates from the sludge to pupate
and can therefore easily be harvested. Since prepupae contain on average 44%
crude protein and 33% fat, it is an appropriate alternative to fishmeal in animal
feed (St-Hilaire et al. 2007). Proposals for other uses for the pupae other than
animal feed have been put forward. The other components of the pupae (protein,
fat, and chitin) could be fractioned and sold separately. The extracted fat can be
converted to biodiesel; chitin is of commercial interest due to its high percentage

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Resource recovery from sewage sludge 147

of N (6.9%) compared to synthetically substituted cellulose (1.25%) (Diener et al.

2011b). There has been ample research on the H. illucens and its contribution to
significantly reducing organic wastes; however, there are several knowledge gaps
on the potential utilization of the pupae in terms of protein, fat and chitin.
Filamentous fungi are often cultivated in food industries as a source of valuable
products such as protein and a variety of biochemicals, using relatively expensive
substrates such as starch or molasses (More et al. 2010). The biomass produced
during fungal wastewater treatment has potentially a much higher value in the form
of valuable fungal by-products such as amylase, chitin, chitosan, glucosamine,
antimicrobials and lactic acids, than that from bacterial activated sludge process
(van Leeuwen et al. 2012). The use of fungi for the production of value added
products has been presented by several researchers (Molla et al. 2012).

8.4 ​Legislation Covering Disposal of

Biodegradable Waste on Land
Recent estimates of the disposal methods of sewage sludge in EU Member States
indicate that although the amount of sewage sludge being applied to land in the EU
has dramatically increased, landfill and incineration are still common (EC, 2010),
particularly in countries where land application is banned. Less common disposal
routes are silviculture, land reclamination, pyrolysis, and reuse as building materials.
The drive to reuse sewage sludge has been accelerated by, amongst other legislation,
the Landfill Directive, 1999/31/EC (EC, 1999), the Urban Wastewater Treatment
Directive 91/271/EEC (EC, 1991), the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC;
EC, 2008), and the Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC; EC, 2009), which
places an increased emphasis on the production of biomass-derived energy.
The application of treated sewage sludge to agricultural land is governed in
Europe by EU Directive 86/278/EEC (EEC 1986), which requires that sewage
sludge undergoes biological, chemical or heat treatment, long-term storage, or any
other process to reduce the potential for health hazards associated with its use. In
the EU, land application of treated sewage sludge is typically based on its nutrient
and metal content, although individual member states often have more stringent
limits than the Directive (EC, 2010; Milieu et al. 2013a, b, c). Generally, when
applying treated sewage sludge based on these guidelines and depending on the
nutrient and metal content of the treated sewage sludge, P becomes the limiting
factor for application. In the USA, the application of treated sewage sludge to land
is governed by The Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge (USEPA,
1993), and is applied to land based on the N requirement of the crop being grown
and is not based on a soil test (McDonald & Wall, 2011). Therefore, less land is
required for the disposal of treated sludge than in countries where it is spread
based on P content. Evanylo et al. (2011) suggests that when soil P poses a threat
to water quality in the USA, the application rate could be determined on the P
needs of the crop.

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148 Sewage Treatment Plants

8.5 ​Existing and Emerging Issues Concerning

the Re-Use of Biodegradable Waste on Land
8.5.1 ​Societal issues
One of the major stumbling blocks in the use of treated sewage sludge as a low-
cost fertiliser is the issue of public perception (Apedaile, 2001). Concerns have
been raised over potential health, safety, quality of life and environmental impacts
that the land spreading of sludge may have (Robinson et al. 2012). This perception
could be, in part, due to the fact that treated sewage sludge is heavily regulated
or that animal manure is more commonly seen and used. In many countries such
as Ireland, for example, companies that produce products for the food and drinks
industry will not allow the use of the raw materials produced from agricultural
land which has been treated with treated sewage sludge (FSAI, 2008). This limits
their use as a fertiliser at the current time.

8.5.2 ​Nutrient and metal losses

Phosphorus and reactive N losses to a surface waterbody originate from either the
soil (chronic) or in runoff where episodic rainfall events follow land application
of fertiliser (incidental sources) (Brennan et al. 2012). Such losses to a surface
waterbody occur via primary drainage systems (end of pipe discharges, open drain
networks (Ibrahim et al. 2013), runoff and/or groundwater discharges. Application
of treated sewage sludge to soils may also contribute to soil test phosphorus
build-up in soils, thereby contributing to chronic losses of P, metal and pathogen
losses in runoff (Gerba & Smith, 2005). Dissolved reactive P losses may also be
leached from an agricultural system to shallow groundwater (Galbally et al. 2013)
and, where a connectivity exists, may affect surface water quality for long periods
of time (Domagalski & Johnson, 2011; Fenton et al. 2011).
The metal content of treated sludge and of the soil onto which it can be spread
is also regulated by legislation in Europe (86/278/EEC; EEC, 1986). However,
guidelines governing the application of treated sewage sludge to land (e.g., Fehily
Timoney & Company, 1999) mean that is frequently the case that application rates are
determined by the nutrient content of the sludge and not its metal content (Lucid et al.
2013). Regardless, concerns have been raised about the potential for transfer of metals
into water bodies, soil structures and, consequently, the food chain (Navas et al. 1999).
In countries such as the USA, where in the majority of states, treated sewage sludge is
applied to land based on the N requirement of the crop being grown and not on a soil-
based test (McDonald & Wall, 2011), excessive metal losses may potentially occur.

8.5.3 ​Pathogens
During wastewater treatment, the sludge component of the waste becomes
separated from the water component. As the survival of many microorganisms
and viruses in wastewater is linked to the solid fraction of the waste, the numbers

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Resource recovery from sewage sludge 149

of pathogens present in sludge may be much higher than the water component
(Straub et al. 1992). Although treatment of municipal sewage sludge using lime,
AD, or temperature, may substantially reduce pathogens, complete sterilisation is
difficult to achieve (Sidhu & Toze, 2009) and some pathogens, particularly enteric
viruses, may persist. Persistence may be related to factors such as temperature, pH,
water content (of treated sludge), and sunlight (Sidhu & Toze, 2009). Also, there
is often resurgence in pathogen numbers post-treatment, known as the ‘regrowth’
phenomenon. This may be linked to contamination within the centrifuge,
reactivation of viable, but non-culturable, organisms (Higgins et al. 2007), storage
conditions post-centrifugation (Zaleski et al. 2005), and proliferation of a resistant
sub-population due to newly available niche space associated with reduction in
biomass and activity (McKinley & Vestal, 1985).
The risk associated with sludge-derived pathogens is largely determined by their
ability to survive and maintain viability in the soil environment after landspreading.
Survival is determined by both soil and sludge characteristics. The major physico-
chemical factors that influence the survival of microorganisms in soil are currently
considered to be soil texture and structure, pH, moisture, temperature, UV radiation,
nutrient and oxygen availability, and land management regimes (reviewed in van
Elsas et al. (2011)), whereas survival in sludge is primarily related to temperature,
pH, water content (of treated sewage sludge), and sunlight (Sidhu & Toze, 2009).
Pertinent biotic interactions include antagonism from indigenous microorganisms,
competition for resources, predation and occupation of niche space (van Elsas et al.
2002). Pathogen-specific biotic factors that influence survival include physiological
status and initial inoculum concentration (van Veen et al. 1997).
Following landspreading, there are two main scenarios which can lead to human
infection. First, pathogens may be transported via overland or sub-surface flow to
surface and ground waters, and infection may arise via ingestion of contaminated
water or accidental ingestion of contaminated recreational water (Jaimeson et al.
2002; Tyrrel & Quinton, 2003). Alternatively, it is possible that viable pathogens
could be present on the crop surface following biosolid application, or may become
internalised within the crop tissue where they are protected from conventional
sanitization (Itoh et al. 1998; Solomon et al. 2002). In this case, a person may
become infected if they consume the contaminated produce. Therefore, it is
critical to accurately determine the pathogen risk associated with land application
of sewage sludge to fully understand the potential for environmental loss and
consequently, human transmission.
However, survival patterns of sludge-derived pathogens in the environment are
complex, and a lack of a standardised approach to pathogen measurement makes
it difficult to quantify their impact. For example, Avery et al. (2005) spiked treated
and untreated sludge samples with a known concentration of E. coli to quantify the
time taken to achieve a decimal reduction. The pathogen response was variable and
ranged from 3 to 22 days, depending on sludge properties. Lang and Smith (2007)
investigated indigenous E. coli survival in dewatered, mesosphilic anaerobically

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150 Sewage Treatment Plants

digested (MAD) sludge, and in different soil types post MAD sludge application.
Again, decimal reduction times proved variable, ranging from 100 days when applied
to air-dried sandy loam, to 200 days in air-dried, silty clay. This time decreased to 20
days for both soil types when field moist soil was used, demonstrating the importance
of water content in regulating survival behaviour. Therefore, in order to quantify
pathogen risk in a relevant, site-specific manner, it is necessary to incorporate both
soil and treated sewage sludge characteristics in risk assessment modelling. This
has been done previously by conducting soil, sludge and animal slurry incubation
studies, where pathogens are often spiked to generate a survival response (Vinten
et al. 2004; Lang & Smith, 2007; Moynihan et al. 2013). Pathogen decay rate is
then calculated based on decimal reduction times, or a first-order exponential decay
model previously described by Vinten et al. (2004), and has been shown to be highly
contingent on soil type and sludge or slurry combinations. Currently, the Safe
Sludge Matrix provides a legal framework for grazing animals and harvesting crops
following landspreading of treated sewage sludge, and stipulates that a time interval
of three weeks and 10 months should be enforced to ensure safe practice, respectively
(ADAS, 2001). However, further work is required to determine if these regulations
are overly stringent, particularly in light of the comparatively higher pathogen
concentrations reported for animal manures and slurries. For example, E. coli
concentrations ranged from 3 × 102 to 6 × 104 CFU g−1 in sludge (Payment et al.
2001), compared to 2.6 × 108 to 7.5 × 104 CFU g−1 in fresh and stored cattle slurry,
respectively (Hutchison et al. 2004). Therefore, environmental losses associated with
treated sewage sludge application may not be as extensive as previously thought, and
further comparisons on pathogen risk should form the basis of future research.

8.5.4 ​Pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceuticals comprise a diverse collection of thousands of chemical
substances, including prescription and over-the-counter therapeutic drugs and
veterinary drugs (USEPA, 2012). Pharmaceuticals are specifically designed to
alter both biochemical and physiological functions of biological systems in humans
and animals (Walters et al. 2010). Pharmaceuticals are referred to as ‘pseudo-
persistent’ contaminants (i.e., high transformation/removal rates are compensated
by their continuous introduction into the environment) (Barceló & Petrovic, 2007).
Pharmaceuticals are likely to be found in any body of water influenced by raw or
treated waste water, including river, lakes, streams and groundwater, many of which
are used as a drinking water source (Yang et al. 2011). Between 30 and 90% of an
administered dose of many pharmaceuticals ingested by humans is excreted in the
urine as the active substance (Cooper et al. 2008). In a survey conducted by the US
Environmental Agency (see McClellan & Halden, 2010), the mean concentration
of 72 pharmaceuticals and personal care products were determined in 110 treated
sewage sludge samples. Composite samples of archived treated sewage sludge,
collected at 94 U.S. wastewater treatment plants from 32 states and the District

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Resource recovery from sewage sludge 151

of Columbia were analysed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry

using EPA Method 1694. The two most abundant contaminants found in the survey
were the disinfectants triclocarban and triclosan. The second most abundant class
of pharmaceuticals found were antibiotics, particularly Ciprofloxain, Ofloxacin,
4-epitetra-cycline, tetracycline, minocycline, doxycycline and azithromycin
(McClellan & Halden, 2010). It was concluded that the recycling of treated sewage
sludge was a mechanism for the release of pharmaceuticals in the environment.
Pharmaceuticals have received increasing attention by the scientific community
in recent years, due to the frequent occurrence in the environment and associated
health risks (Chen et al. 2013). In 2007, the European Medicines Agency (EMEA)
issued a guidance document (ERApharm) on environmental risk assessment of
human medicinal products. It relies on the risk quotient approach used in the EU and
is also used for industrial chemicals and biocides where the predicted environmental
concentration is compared to the predicted no-effect concentration. The overall
objective of ERApharm is to improve and complement existing knowledge and
procedures for environmental risk of human and veterinary pharmaceuticals. The
project covers fate and exposure assessment, effects assessment and environmental
risk assessment (Lienert et al. 2007). A considerable amount of work focused on
three case studies. Two of the case studies focused on human pharmaceuticals,
β-blocker atenolol and the anti-depressant fluoxetine, and the third on a veterinary
parasiticide ivermectin. Atenolol did not reveal any unacceptable risk to the
environment but cannot be representative for other β-blockers, some of which show
significantly different physiochemical characteristics and varying toxicological
profiles in mammalian studies (Knacker & Metcalfe, 2010). Although found in
trace levels (several nanograms per litre), some therapeutic compounds such as
synthetic sex hormones and antibiotics, have been found to cause adverse effects on
aquatic organisms (Chen et al. 2013). Therefore, understanding their environmental
behaviour and impact has recently become a topic of interest for many researchers.

8.6 ​Quantification of Costs and Benefits from

Re-Use of Sewage Sludge
The main pathways for the disposal of sewage sludge in Europe is re-use in
agriculture, landfill and incineration. The implementation of the Landfill Directive
means that in the coming years, re-use in agriculture or incineration will become
common pathways. In countries that preclude the re-use of treated sewage sludge
in agriculture, incineration or alternative disposal methods, such as pyrolysis (used
in the creation of biochar), the creation of engineering products (e.g., building
materials; Hytiris et al. 2004), or reuse in power stations, may be alternative
options. Landspreading is estimated to be the most cost-effective means of disposal
of treated sewage sludge (Table 8.3); however, this does not take into account factors
such as legislative requirements, potential savings to the farmer through the use of
a low-cost fertiliser, or environmental benefits (or drawbacks) accruing from its use.

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Table 8.3 ​Some treatment and disposal routes for sewage sludge, capital and operating costs, and benefits and drawbacks

by marinhoeng@hotmail.com
(adapted from RPA, Milieu Ltd. And WRc., 2008; Fytili & Zabaniotou, 2008; Astals et al. 2012; Cao & Pawłowski, 2012).

Treatment/ Costs Benefits Drawbacks

disposal route for Capital Operating Overall cost
sludge € per ton DM
On-site treatment
Thermal drying 90–160
Anaerobic digestion 90–160 Biogas produced Elevated heating requirements
has a high calorific to heat digester, odour
value (15.9–27.8 potential.
MJ m−3).
Lime stabilisation 90–160
Composting 90–160

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Solar drying Land acquisition Labour 30–70 Low investment It depends on sunlight/air
and construction and operation temperature.
costs. Large areas are required for
Final product is the greenhouses.
Sewage Treatment Plants

useful for industrial Odour emissions.

Sewage volume is
Landfill Land acquisition Labour 309 Energy production Leachate production
and construction Vehicle fuel from gas capture GHG emission (may be
Electricity reduced in capture)
Landfill tax Noise, odour, dust generation
and gate fees
by marinhoeng@hotmail.com
Re-use in Labour 126–2801 Potential yield Potential application of
agriculture Regulatory improvement emerging contaminants to soil.
(landspreading) testing of soil Less reliance on Potential for leaching, runoff
chemical fertiliser and volatilisation.
Potential for introduction of
contaminants into food chain.
Thermal (incl. Land acquisition Labour 332–4112 Energy production Emissions to air, soil, water.
incineration, and construction Transport (but less than is Noise, dust generation.
wet oxidation, to site used within the Visual intrusion.
gasification and Quality process) Possible impact on human
pyrolysis) control Large reduction in health.
sludge volume. Incomplete disposal –30%
Thermal of solids remains as ash.
destruction of toxic In pyrolysis, majority of

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compounds. energy consumption is used
Pyrolysis can be to reduce sludge moisture
used to maximize content.
production of
Forestry and Labour 210–2503 Increased Leaching of nutrients to
silviculture Regulatory tree growth groundwater.
Resource recovery from sewage sludge

testing of soil Nutrient input Impact on ecosystems.

to soil
1About €40 ton−1 DM in Portugal (Martins & Béraud, pers. comm.) 2Cost for incineration (RPA, Milieu Ltd. And WRc., 2008) 3From Anderson
and SEDE (2002).
154 Sewage Treatment Plants

Depending on the type of treatment applied, costs associated with the re-use
of sewage sludge may include, amongst other issues, drying, lime amendment,
thermal drying costs, along with costs of installation of storage facilities in which
to carry out these treatments; labour, energy and transport costs; and where the
treated sewage sludge is re-used on land, soil and sewage sludge analysis costs and
other professional service costs (Table 8.3). Potential benefits accruing from the
land application of treated sewage sludge may be enhanced nutrient availability to
crops and enhanced crop yield, and in countries where sewage sludge, treated or
untreated, is considered a waste material (e.g., Ireland), there is a substantial saving
for the farmer.

8.6.1 ​Impact of nutrient recovery, energy/product

generation on energy and cost savings in a sewage
treatment plant
It is well known that the potential energy available in the raw wastewater influent
significantly exceeds the electricity requirements of the treatment processes.
Energy captured in organics entering the plant can be related to the chemical
oxygen demand load of the influent flow. Based on calorific measurements, a
capita-specific energy input of 1760 KJ per population equivalent (PE) in terms
of 120 g chemical oxygen demand of organic matter can be calculated (Wett et al.
2007). This specific organic load is subjected to aerobic and anaerobic degradation
processes, partly releasing the captured energy. Traditional wastewater treatment
plants (WWTP) have unusually high energy demands and create problems
associated with the disposal of sewage sludge and chemical residues. It is estimated
that wastewater treatment accounts for about 3–5% of the electrical energy load
in many developed and developing countries (Chen & Chen, 2013). Kapshe et al.
(2013) demonstrated how energy generation in four WWTPs in India can utilize
the methane recovery through anaerobic digestion to produce 1.5 to 2.5 million
kWh electricity for captive use every year. An additional benefit is the reduction of
80,000 tonnes of CO2 emission per year.
Dewatered sludge (15–35% D.S.) has a very low Lower Heating Value (LHV),
so its use in energy recovery or incineration is not currently feasible. Dried sludge
(about 70–75% D.S.), however, may be a valuable energy source, if mixed with
fuels (e.g., natural gas) and/or other waste with a high calorific value (e.g., Residue
Derived Fuels, RDF), as its LHV may reach up to 16 MJ/kg, allowing its use as
a secondary fuel in, for example, the cement industry. The reader is referred to
Tsagarakis and Papadogiannis (2006) for further information on energy recovery
from sewage sludge in a treatment plant in Greece.
Within Germany, 344 WWTPs in North Rhine Westphalia (NRW) have
undergone energy analysis (Wett et al. 2007) comprising two stages: a first stage,
where operational data are collected and energy consumption rates and biogas
yields are targeted; and a second stage, where optimization measures are adopted.

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Resource recovery from sewage sludge 155

By application of this protocol, energy costs can be reduced. Through the re-use of
energy produced during wastewater treatment, the long-term sustainability of the
WWTPs is enhanced, while also contributing to offset installation and on-going
operational costs.
In Southern European countries, including the Mediterranean area, cultural,
social and economic reasons means that the management of the sewage sludge is
not necessarily the same as in other EU countries. Here, recycling to agriculture
is the main route for final disposal. For example, in Portugal and Spain about
50% of the sewage sludge is recycled in agriculture (Milieu et al. 2013a, 2013b,
2013c). Therefore, sewage sludge management in these countries should be
governed by the following objectives (Martins & Béraud, pers. comm.): (1) pro­
vision of solutions that are technically and economically adapted to the economic
realities of these countries (lower investment and operating costs); (2) full legal
compliance, including the ability to adapt to future restrictions, which may be
placed on the disposal of treated sludge in agriculture; (3) diversification of the
final disposal of sludge with new sludge treatment systems; (4) reduction in the
quantity of sewage sludge to be disposed of; (5) optimization of the utilisation of
weather conditions for sludge treatment, which makes solar drying an appealing

8.7 ​Acknowledgements
The authors wish to acknowledge funding from the Irish EPA (Project reference
number 2012-EH-MS-13). M.G. Healy and A. Martins are members of EU COST
Action Water_2020.

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Chapter 9
Odour abatement technologies
in WWTPs: energy and
economic efficiency
José M. Estrada1, Raquel Lebrero1,
Guillermo Quijano1, N. J. R. Bart Kraakman2
and Raúl Muñoz1
1Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology,

Dr Mergelina Street s/n, 47011, University of Valladolid, Spain

2CH2M Hill, Level 7, 9 Hope Street, Chatswood NSW 2067, Australia and
Laboratory of Biotechnology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Julianalaan 67,
2628 BC Delft, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

9.1 ​Introduction
Over the past few decades, atmospheric pollution has become more important
since recent investigations have consistently demonstrated it poses a threat for
human health and natural ecosystems. In October 2013, the specialized cancer
agency of the World Health Organization (WHO) classified outdoor air pollution
as a human carcinogenic and related it to lung and bladder cancer (WHO, 2013).
The harmful consequences derived from polluted gas emissions have resulted in
an increasing public concern and the enforcement of the stricter environmental
legislations (Stuetz et al. 2001; Inrapour et al. 2005).
Odorous emissions constitute an important contributor to atmospheric pollution
and represent a significant contribution to photochemical smog formation and
particulate secondary contaminant emission (Sucker et al. 2008). Moreover, at
wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), the accumulation of specific odorants
such as H2S in confined spaces may reach lethal concentrations, entailing a severe
occupational risk to the operators (Vincent, 2001). H2S also leads to the corrosion
of valuable assets, reducing the life of the WWTP’s infrastructure.
Malodors are the main cause of the public complaints received by environmental
regulatory agencies worldwide (Kaye & Jiang, 2000). Malodorous emissions from
WWTPs rank among the most unpleasant ones and their nuisance on the nearby

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164 Sewage Treatment Plants

population is increasing as a result of the encroachment of residential areas on

WWTPs. These odours are caused by volatile organic compounds (aromatics,
aldehydes, alcohols, ketones), sulphur compounds (H2S, mercaptans) and ammonia,
which are produced throughout the WWTP, with the headworks and the sludge
treatment lines being the most important sources of malodours. Whereas they are
not a direct cause of disease, they negatively affect human health causing nausea,
headache, insomnia, loss of appetite, respiratory problems, irrational behavior, and
so on (Sucker et al. 2008; Zarra et al. 2008: Jehlickova et al. 2008).
Since WWTP operating companies are increasingly concerned about their public
image, malodorous emission control has become a mandatory and challenging task
for WWTP operators due to the particular characteristics of odourous emissions:
high air flow rates containing a wide range of chemicals from many different
sources at trace level concentrations (in the order of μg m−3–mg m−3), highly
variable in time and with climatological conditions (Iranpour et al. 2005; Zarra
et al. 2008). Depending on the type of source, the nature of the odorous compounds
emitted and the level of odour reduction required, different control approaches
might be adopted. Therefore, a detailed characterization of the key sources, the
odours emitted and their impact is essential prior to the implementation of any
odour management strategy (Capodaglio et al. 2002).
In this context, odour management at WWTPs should always consider
hierarchically emission prevention at the source, impact mitigation on the
nearby community and finally, odorant removal. Hence, a correct design,
operation and maintenance of the WWTP facilities must be ensured in the first
place. Good operation practices in WWTPs and modifications in the process or
plant configuration might prevent odour formation at source. This can be done,
for instance, by frequently cleaning the grit chambers and screening units, by
minimizing the sludge retention time in the sludge handling line or by operating
under adequate aeration and mixing in the wastewater treatment process units.
The installation of covers on specific process units or enclosures not only prevents
odorant emission, but also assists odour abatement by capturing the odorous
emission (Tchobanoglous et al. 2003). However, unwanted side effects from
covering process units, such as corrosion and reduced operator access, usually
require proper ventilation strategies.
The nuisance caused on the nearby population can be mitigated by enhancing
the dispersion and dilution of the emission. Thus, the implementation of
buffer zones (separation between the odour source and the potentially affected
population), turbulence-inducing structures such as trees or high barrier fences,
and chimneys can dilute the emission and reduce the odour impact (Capodaglio
et al. 2002; Tchobanoglous et al. 2003; Estrada et al. 2013a). Minimization of the
odour annoyance can also be accomplished by odour masking or neutralization, a
strategy commonly applied in extended or intermittent sources. However, the use
of masking and inhibitory agents is relatively controversial. Some studies have
demonstrated that, in spite of reducing the unpleasantness (the hedonic tone) of the

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Odour abatement technologies in WWTPs 165

emission, they might increase the odour concentration of the emission even above
regulatory limits (Decottignies et al. 2007; Bilsen & De Fre, 2008).
Finally, odour control technologies are implemented when neither prevention
nor mitigation are viable or sufficiently efficient. It is important to highlight that
the capital and operating costs associated with odour treatment using traditional
technologies (biofilters, biotrickling filters, adsorption and chemical scrubbing)
might represent from 5% up to 15% of the total costs of WWTPs (Kiesewetter et al.
2012). Odour abatement often involves covering and extracting foul air from the
odour emission source and subsequently treating this air using a specific process
unit prior to atmospheric discharge. These treatment technologies are based either
on physical-chemical or biological principles (Lebrero et al. 2011).
In this chapter, an energy/economic efficiency analysis of the most typically
employed odour treatment technologies (chemical scrubbing, activated carbon
filtration, biofiltration and biotrickling filtration) together with three hybrid systems
(chemical scrubbing with activated carbon filtration, biotrickling filtration with
activated carbon filtration and biotrickling filtration with chemical scrubbing) and
three emerging technologies recently applied for odour abatement (activated sludge
diffusion, activated sludge recycling and step-feed biofiltration) will be presented.
The sensitivity of this energy/economic efficiency towards design parameters such
as the length-to-diameter ratio (L/D) in packed based systems will be also evaluated.

9.2 ​Odour Abatement Technologies

Technologies based on physical and chemical odorant removal mechanisms,
such as chemical scrubbers or adsorption filters, are reliable and well-established
techniques. Chemical scrubbing constitutes nowadays one of the most commonly
implemented technologies in the odour control market due to its reasonably
high performance, lower operating costs compared to other physical-chemical
technologies and extensive experience in design and operation (Card, 2001; Sanchez
et al. 2006). Typically implemented in packed towers, odorants are transferred
from the gas phase to an aqueous solution containing a chemical oxidant (sodium
hypochlorite, sodium hydroxide or hydrogen peroxide) where they are destroyed
(Figure 9.1a). On the other hand, odour adsorption is based on odorant trapping
onto a fixed bed of adsorbent (commonly activated carbon, zeolites or silica-gel)
by intermolecular forces. Adsorption systems usually require a minimum of two
beds, alternating in operation for adsorbent replacement or regeneration (Figure
9.1b) (Turk & Bandosz, 2001).
The odour removal efficiencies (REs) of these technologies depend on the
hydrophobicity of the odorants. Chemical scrubbers offer REs > 99% for water
soluble odorants, but as low as 50% for the highly hydrophobic ones. On the other
hand, activated carbon adsorption (AC) presents the highest REs for hydrophobic
odorants (>99%), while supporting REs from 80 to 90% for those smaller pollutants
with higher water affinity (Lebrero et al. 2011; Estrada et al. 2013a).

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166 Sewage Treatment Plants

Figure 9.1 ​
Schematic illustration of a chemical scrubber (a) and an activated
carbon adsorption unit with steam regeneration (b).

Biological technologies such as biofilters (BF), biotrickling filters (BTF) or

activated sludge diffusion systems (ASD), are gaining ground as a result of their
high cost-effectiveness and low environmental impact derived from their reduced
energy or chemical requirements (Shareefdeen & Singh, 2005; Estrada et al. 2011,
2012). Biofilters are the most commonly implemented biotechnology for odour
abatement. The wide experience acquired over the past 30 years on their design
and operation, their relatively easy operation and maintenance and their moderate
investment and operating costs make biofilters often an adequate technology
for a cost-effective odour management (Estrada et al. 2013a; Prado et al. 2009).
They consist of a fixed bed packed with an organic or organic/inorganic material,
which hosts the microbial population responsible for the odorant biodegradation
(Figure 9.2a). The malodorous air is forced through the packed bed where
odorants are transferred to the biofilm and subsequently biologically oxidized
under aerobic conditions (Lebrero et al. 2011; Estrada et al. 2013a). In biotrickling
filters, microorganisms grow attached to an inert packing material, and a nutrient
aqueous solution is continuously irrigated through the bed (Figure 9.2b) (Lebrero
et al. 2011; Estrada et al. 2013a). The main difference between biofilters and
biotrickling filters is the continuous recycling of the aqueous solution in the latter,
while biofilters are only irrigated sporadically to maintain moisture, pH and
nutrient levels. Odorant mass transfer from the gas phase to the biofilm usually
determines the maximum REs achieved in these biotechnologies: RE > 99%
can be reached for water soluble biodegradable compounds, decreasing to ~75%
and 50–80% in BFs and BTFs, respectively, for the most hydrophobic odorants
(Delhomenie & Heitz, 2005; Kraakman et al. 2011). On the other hand, in ASD
systems the malodourous emission is employed for wastewater oxygenation by
directly sparging the emission into the aeration tank of the plant. Odorants diffuse
into the activated sludge broth together with oxygen and are biodegraded by the

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Odour abatement technologies in WWTPs 167

activated sludge (Figure 9.2c). Odour REs > 99% have been recorded in large-
scale WWTPs treating the odorous emissions in their aeration tanks (Kiessewetter
et al. 2012; Lebrero et al. 2011; Barbosa et al. 2006). ASD has been applied for
more than 30 years mainly in North America, and only in the past decade started
to be perceived as a real engineered alternative for odour abatement all over the
world. Recent works have ruled out the traditional concerns of detrimental effects
on wastewater treatment caused by the sparging of malodours in the aeration
basin due to pH modification by the H2S present in the malodorous stream or to
possible alterations in the structure of the biological communities responsible for
wastewater treatment (Barbosa & Stuetz, 2013). A more detailed description of
these odour control technologies can be found elsewhere (Delhomenie & Heitz,
2005; Lebrero et al. 2011; Estrada et al. 2013a).

Figure 9.2 ​Schematic illustration of a biofilter (a), a biotrickling filter (b) an activated
sludge diffusion system (c) and activated sludge recycling (d).

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168 Sewage Treatment Plants

Finally, activated sludge recycling (ASR) is an innovative odour treatment

approach consisting of the recycling of return activated sludge from the secondary
clarifier or aerobic activated sludge from the aeration basin to the head works
of the WWTP in order to aerobically or anoxically degrade potentially odorous
compounds or prevent their release (Figure 9.2d). The main advantages of
ASR are its low investment costs and the absence of covers and ductwork. Not
much information is yet available regarding this odour abatement method, but
preliminary studies have shown the potential for its application in WWTPs. A
similar and innovative strategy to reduce odour impact is based on the recycling of
effluents with high nitrate content, such as centrates from sludge dewatering, to the
headworks of the WWTP in order to promote anoxic conditions, thus allowing the
oxidation of potential odorants. The only study regarding this strategy estimated
savings of 310 USD per day in odour treatment by the implementation of nitrified
centrate recycling (Husband et al. 2010). ASR constitutes the most recent approach
to odour control and has emerged as a promising candidate for future research in
the field (Kiesewetter et al. 2012).

9.2.1 ​Design and economical parameters

A WWTP of about 300 megaliter per day (MLD) with an air emission of
50000 m3 h−1 with 39 model VOC odorants, H2S and methylmercaptan at trace level
concentrations and 40% of relative humidity was selected as a model malodorous
emission for the economical and energy efficiency analysis (Zarra et al. 2008;
Barbosa et al. 2002; Estrada et al. 2011). All technologies evaluated were designed
to support removal efficiencies >99% for H2S and >95% for odour concentration,
except for activated sludge diffusion and activated sludge recycling, where 75%
and 50% odour removal efficiencies were considered as realistic values according
to their current development state or, in the case of the ASD, due to the possibility
of the technology not being able to treat all the odorous emission produced in
the plant. Typical design and operational parameters of these technologies are
summarized in Table 9.1.
All investment and operating costs of the most commonly used odour abatement
technologies were based on Estrada et al. (2011) and (2012) and updated according
to the most recent available Chemical Engineering Process Cost Index (CEPCI)
2012 and the UBS Prices and Earnings 2012 report. Table 9.2 presents a summary
of the typical costs applied in the analysis.
Chemical scrubbing (CS). A two-stage NaOH-NaClO process with a total
height of 2 m, packed with Intalox Saddles and operated at an empty bed residence
time (EBRT) of 4 s (2 s per stage), was considered in this study. Packing material
lifespan, purchase costs and disposal costs were set up at 10 years, 1370 EUR m−3
and 137 EUR m−3, respectively. The total pressure drop in the system, including
ductwork, was estimated at 1000 Pa, and water was recycled at a rate of 180 L
m−3 min−1. Labour costs of 20700 EUR per media substitution were considered.

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Table 9.1 ​Data compilation for the design parameters and operating costs for the different technologies evaluated.
Technology Height Packing material EBRT Packing Packing Packing Labour, Pressure Others
material material material transport drop
lifespan purchase disposal and
costs costs handling

Chemical 2m Intalox Saddles 4s 10 years 1370 EUR 137 EUR m−3 20700 EUR 1000 Pa Liquid recirculation:
scrubbing (2 s per m−3 per media 180 L m−3 min−1
(CS) stage) substitution
Activated 0.6 m Granular 2.5 s 6 months 5.5 EUR 137 EUR m−3 20700 EUR 2250 Pa No regeneration of
carbon impregnated AC kg−1 year−1 the activated carbon
filtration (450 kg m−3) was considered in the
(AC) estimation of lifespan and

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Biofiltration 1m Compost 60 s 2 years 82 EUR m−3 48 EUR m−3 33130 EUR 1500 Pa Humidification:
(BF) year−1 0.02 kg water (kg air) −1
Irrigation by means
of 2 water nets with
49 drips m−2 and each
drip irrigating 1.9 L h−1 for
3 min day−1
Odour abatement technologies in WWTPs

Biotrickling 4 m (2 m Inert polyurethane 15 s 10 years 1370 EUR 137 EUR m−3 20700 EUR 1000 Pa Liquid recirculation:
Filtration per stage) foam (PUF) m−3 per media 7.2 L m−3 min−1.
(BTF) substitution Liquid renewal rate: 2.5 L
per g of H2S removed


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Table 9.1 ​Data compilation for the design parameters and operating costs for the different technologies evaluated (Continued).
Technology Height Packing material EBRT Packing Packing Packing Labour, Pressure Others
material Material Material transport Drop
lifespan Purchase Disposal and
Costs Costs handling
1 stage 2 m + 0.6 m PUF + Standard 9s+ PUF: 10 1370 EUR 137 EUR m−3 22770 EUR 2500 Pa Extended lifespan of
BTF + AC AC 2.5 s years. m−3 for PUF. year−1 2 years for AC due to the
AC: 2 4.1 EUR lower concentration of
years kg−1 for AC odorants to be treated in
the adsorption unit.
1 stage 2 m + 0.6 m Intalox Saddles + 2s+ Intalox 1370 EUR 137 EUR m−3 22770 EUR 2500 Pa Extended lifespan of 2
CS + AC Standard AC 2.5 s Saddles: m−3 for year−1 years for AC due to the
10 years. Intalox lower concentration of

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AC: 2 Saddles. odorants to be treated in
years 4.1 EUR the adsorption unit.
kg−1 for AC
1 stage 2m+2m PUF + Intalox 9s+2s 10 years 1370 EUR 137 EUR m−3 20700 EUR 1500 Pa
Sewage Treatment Plants

BTF + 1 stage Saddles m−3 per media

CS substitution
Step Feed BF 1m Compost 60 s 2.5 years 82 EUR m−3 48 EUR m−3 24850 EUR 1250 Pa BF modified by supplying
year−1 the odorous emission in
three different locations
along the BF height
(Estrada et al. 2013b).
Odour abatement technologies in WWTPs 171

Table 9.2 ​Data compilation for the operating costs based on previous studies by
Estrada et al. 2012 (updated to 2012).

Source Value Remarks

Energy EUR 0.105 kW −1

Chemicals Caustic soda EUR 0.175 kg−1 50% w/w, density 1.53 kg l−1
Hypochlorite EUR 0.210 kg−1 12.5% w/w, density 1.22 kg l−1
Activated Virgin EUR 4.11 kg−1 density 0.45 kg l−1
Carbon Impregnated EUR 5.50 kg−1 density 0.45 kg l−1
Water Potable EUR 1.12 m−3
secondary effluent EUR 0.56 m−3

Activated carbon filtration (AC). The adsorbent selected for the filtration process
was granular impregnated activated carbon, characterized by a density of 450 kg
m−3, purchase cost of 5.5 EUR kg−1 and a lifespan of 6 months (no regeneration of
the activated carbon was considered). The adsorption filter consisted of a 0.6 m
height column operated at an EBRT of 2.5 s, resulting in a total pressure drop
of 2250 Pa including grease filters and ductwork. The disposal costs of activated
carbon were 137 EUR m−3, while AC transport and renewal costs added up to
20700 EUR year−1.
Biofiltration (BF). A 1 m biofilter packed with compost with a lifespan of
2 years was selected in this study. The system operated at an EBRT of 60 s and
a total pressure drop of 1500 Pa (including the pressure drop of the humidifier
and ductwork). Irrigation of the biofilter was performed by means of 2 water nets
located at the top of the unit, each of them provided with 49 drips m−2 and each drip
irrigating 1.9 L h−1 for 3 min day−1. Total humidification requirements were estimated
to be 0.02 kg water (kg air)−1. The packing purchase costs were 82 EUR m−3, while
the costs associated to its disposal and transport-handling were 48 EUR m−3 and
33130 EUR year−1, respectively.
Biotrickling filtration (BTF). A two-stage BTF operated at acid (~2) and neutral
pH, respectively, with a total height of about 4 m (2 m per stage) was considered
as model BTF. Inert PUF, with a lifespan of 10 years and a cost of 1370 EUR m−3,
was selected as the packing material. Disposal and labour costs were estimated
at 137 EUR m−3 and 20700 EUR per media substitution, respectively. The total
pressure drop in the system and ductwork was 1000 Pa. The EBRT, liquid recycling
and liquid renewal rate were set at 15 s, 7.2 L m−3 min−1 and 2.5 L (gH2S removed)−1,
BTF + AC. This hybrid technology consisted of a single stage BTF and an AC
filter acting as a polishing step. Similar operating parameters as in stand-alone
technologies were used in the hybrid technology except for a shorter EBRT of 9 s
in the BTF and the use of standard activated carbon with a price of 4.1 EUR kg−1
and an extended lifespan of the packing material of up to 2 years due to the lower

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172 Sewage Treatment Plants

concentration of odorants to be treated in the unit after the treatment in the BTF.
The total pressure drop of this combined system was 2500 Pa.
CS + AC. A single-stage CS operated at an EBRT of 2 s was coupled with an
AC as a polishing step. The rest of the operating parameters were maintained as
in the stand-alone technologies except for the use of standard activated carbon
packing with a price of 4.1 EUR kg−1 and extended lifespan of 2 years due to the
lower concentration of odorants to be treated in the unit. A total pressure drop of
2500 Pa was considered.
BTF + CS. A single-stage CS acts as the polishing stage after a single-stage
BTF in this hybrid technology. EBRTs in the BTF and the CS stages can be set
at 9 s and 2 s, respectively, to fulfil the target odour and H2S REs. The rest of
the operating parameters were maintained as in the stand-alone technologies. The
total pressure drop of this combined system was 1500 Pa.
Step-feed biofilter (Step BF). The operation of the standard BF was modified
by supplying the odourous emission in three different locations along the BF
height (Estrada et al. 2013b). This configuration allows for an increased packing
lifespan of 25% compared to the conventional BF, while reducing the overall
pressure drop of the bed by 25% (total pressure drop in the step-feed BF of
1250 Pa).
Activated sludge diffusion (ASD). The odorous emission is sparged into an
activated sludge tank (devoted to wastewater treatment) with a depth of 4 m. An
additional pressure drop of 500 Pa was considered to take into account the ducting
required to conduct the emission to the aeration basin. Grease filters, corrosion
resistant blower, upgrade to fine bubble diffusers and instrumentation were
included as capital costs.
Activated sludge recycling (ASR). A sludge flowrate of 625 m3 h−1 is pumped
from the secondary settler of the activated sludge tank to the head of the WWTP,
representing 5% of the total wastewater flowrate treated in the plant (a model
WWTP treating 300 megaliter per day was considered, typical size of a WWTP
with approximately 50000 m3 h−1 malodorous air emission). Piping, sludge pumps,
dispensers, valves, instrumentation and automation needed were included in the
costs of this technology.
The CO2 footprint for each technology was calculated according to the data
shown in Table 9.3. The following transportation distances were assigned to
the different materials required in the technologies evaluated: 50 km of road
transportation to the compost needed in BF based on the possibility of locally
purchasing this packing material; 500 km of road transportation to the polyurethane
foam (PUF) and Intalox Saddles required in the BTF and CS, respectively, based
on the possibility of purchasing these materials inside the country; 5000 km of sea
transportation + 200 km of road transportation to the activated carbon, according
the present trend of activated carbon purchase from Asian manufacturers. Finally,
15 km of road transportation were considered for the disposal of all spent packing
materials in local landfills.

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Table 9.3 ​Data compilation for the calculation of CO2 footprint.

Source CO2 Unit Reference

Energy 250 kg CO2-eq IChemE (2002)
consumption GJ−1
Chemical Caustic soda 1376 kg CO2-eq Owen (1982)
usage tchemical−1
Hypochlorite 1065 Owen (1982)
Packing PUF 4300 Mattinen and
material Nissinen (2011)
Intalox 2950 kg CO2-eq Mattinen and
saddles tpacking−1 Nissinen (2011)
Compost 600 Boldrin et al. (2009)
Activated 1000 Agentschap (2012)
Transport Road (Truck) 0.127 kg CO2-eq IMO (2009)
Sea (Ship) 0.015 ttransported−1 IMO (2009)

9.3 ​Comparative Parametric Efficiency

9.3.1 ​Energy consumption
A simple analysis of the technologies can be initially made in terms of their energy
consumption during operation to achieve the target H2S and odour REs (99 and
95%, respectively). The energy requirements entail a significant share of the annual
operating costs and are responsible for a part of the environmental impacts in odour
treatment technologies (Alfonsín et al. 2013).
According to Figure 9.3, the hybrid technologies (BTF + AC, CS + AC,
BTF + CS) and the physical/chemical techniques presented the highest energy
consumptions (50–80 kW) among the odour abatement techniques evaluated. This
can be explained by the high pressure drop across the activated carbon beds in
AC, BTF + AC and CS + AC. On the other hand, chemical scrubbers presented
relatively high power requirements associated to their high liquid recycling rates.
This accounts for the high power consumptions in CS and BTF + CS, despite the
low pressure drops across their tailored packing material.
Conventional biological technologies such as BF and BTF exhibited moderate
energy consumptions. Innovative technologies such as Step BF and ASR also
presented moderate power consumptions of ≈30 kW. Biofiltration (BF) was the

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technology with the highest energy requirements among the biological techniques,
mainly due to the significant pressure drop in the system. Step feed biofiltration,
where the total gas flow is split and fed at different heights along the biofilter
bed, was shown to reduce the overall pressure drop across the bed without
significantly impacting BF performance, which resulted in similar pressure drops
to those recorded in BTFs (Estrada et al. 2013b). In ASR, the energy requirements
were exclusively devoted to the pumping of the return activated sludge from the
secondary settler at a flow rate of ≈5% of the total wastewater volume treated in
the plant. This rate was estimated based on recent experimental results and should
be able to reduce the hydrogen sulphide concentration in the inlet wastewater by
80–95% (Zhang et al. 2011).

Figure 9.3 ​Power consumption of the evaluated odour treatment technologies.

Finally, ASD presented the lowest energy requirements among the technologies
evaluated, since it only accounts for the energy needed to overcome the pressure
drop of the piping to conduct the air to the aeration basin (500 Pa). The energy
consumption associated to the bubbling of the air emission into the reactor was
not considered as an extra energy need for the technology, since these energy
requirements are usually already taken into account in the overall consumption in
the water treatment line of the WWTP (Estrada et al. 2011).

9.3.2 ​Energy efficiency parameter

Despite the overall energy consumption of the technologies for odour abatement
in WWTPs constitutes a relevant economic and environmental information, many
other parameters must be taken into account for technology selection. Economic
criteria such as investment and operating costs, together with the degree of

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abatement that a technology can offer, are usually most relevant when selecting
technologies for full-scale applications. Therefore, the application of ‘cost/benefit
parameters’ accounting for different aspects of the odour abatement process and
lumping information into a single parameter would allow for a fairer comparison
among odour abatement technologies.
In this context, the cost/benefit Energy Efficiency Parameter (EEP) was devised
to account for three key features of the evaluated techniques: one cost and two
benefits. The Net Present Value in 20 years (NPV20, EUR) was considered as the
‘technology cost’. The NPV20 accounts for the total amount of money spent in the
installation and operation of a technology for a period of 20 years and includes
both investment and operating costs as defined elsewhere (Estrada et al. 2011).
Any change reducing the operating or investment costs, such as more economic
construction or packing materials, lower salaries in work costs or an increased
packing material lifespan would reduce the NPV20 values as described in depth
in Estrada et al. (2012). The first ‘benefit’ considered was the odour abatement
performance quantified as odour RE for the corresponding technology. The
second relevant ‘benefit’ selected was the inverse of the power required (P, kW),
considering a low energy consumption as a potential benefit in a technology. Thus,
the EEP was defined as follows:

EEP = (9.1)
RE ⋅ ( P )−1

A technology with a low EEP value will be therefore preferred since ideally this
would entail a low NPV20, high odour REs and low energy consumption.
The main conclusions derived from the EEP analysis were in agreement
with those drawn from the total energy consumption data (Figure 9.3), with
physical/chemical and the hybrid technologies also exhibiting the highest
EEP values (Figure 9.4). Compared to the overall energy consumption, the
differences among technologies got sharpened using this parameter, CS + AC
being the less efficient technology in terms of costs and energy use. This finding
confirmed previous research on the field that concluded that physical/chemical
technologies are both more expensive and energy demanding than their biological
counterparts (Estrada et al. 2011). In the particular case of CS + AC, the high
operating costs of both individual technologies combined with their intrinsic
high energy requirements, ranked this technology as the less preferred with an
EEP value of 3.37 × 108 EUR kW. AC and CS ranked as the second and third
less efficient technologies (EEP values of 2.35 × 108 and 2.08 × 108 EUR kW,
respectively) based on the previously mentioned rationales. In this context, the
hybrid technologies involving BTF performed better than the above discussed
technologies despite exhibiting similar power requirements. Both BTF + AC
and BTF + CS exhibited EEP values below 1.5 × 108 (Figure 9.4) even though
they involved similar energy requirements to CS, AS and CS + AC (Figure 9.3).

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176 Sewage Treatment Plants

This enhanced EEP derived from the lower NPV20 of these technologies, since
the upfront biological technology significantly counter-balanced the overall
costs of the AC or the CS employed as polishing steps (mainly due to the lower
frequency of activated carbon purchase and replacement, and lower chemical
usage, respectively).

Figure 9.4 ​Energy Efficiency Parameter for the evaluated odour treatment

Interestingly, BF was the less efficient technology among the purely biological
techniques due to its high operating costs caused by the low lifespan of the
organic packing material (EEP value of 6.75 × 107 EUR kW). BTF and step feed
BF exhibited similar EEPs of 4.26 × 107 and 4.48 × 107 EUR kW, respectively,
as a result of their low operating costs and low energy requirements. ASR and
ASD emerged as the most efficient technologies in terms of economic and energy
efficiency. Despite their lower odour REs (75% for ASD and 50% for ASR vs 95%
considered for the rest of technologies), the low NPV20 inherent to ASD and ASR
ranked these techniques as the top performing technologies for odour abatement
in terms of EEP. However, it is important to remark that they might not be able to
achieve the odour removal required in some particular full scale applications, and
in these scenarios complementary solutions to odour control in WWTP should be
considered. In this context, ASR has been scarcely tested to date and ASD might
not be able to treat the whole malodorous emission when its flow rate exceeds
the aeration requirements of the wastewater aerobic treatment (Kiesewetter et al.
2012), which would entail the implementation of an additional treatment. In brief,
these wastewater treatment-associated technologies should be considered in future
WWTP designs and emerge as promising techniques, with limitations that must
be gradually overcome in on-site research programs.

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9.3.3 ​Sustainability efficiency parameter

Economic criteria have traditionally driven process selection at full-scale. However,
nowadays standards are gradually shifting towards more holistic approaches
including environmental aspects and process sustainability. Tools such as the
IChemE Sustainability Metrics and Life Cycle Assessment have been recently
applied to the most commonly implemented odour abatement technologies in order
to quantify their environmental and social impacts (Estrada et al. 2011; Alfonsín
et al. 2013). These comparative analyses provided a wider picture of the economic/
environmental/social performance of each specific technology.
In this context, a cost/benefit parameter can be defined in order to include
environmental aspects in combination with process economics. In our particular
case, a low CO2 footprint was considered to be a benefit anticipating any imminent
change in atmospheric legislation to prevent the accumulation of greenhouse gases.
Thus, the inverse of the CO2-footprint produced (CO2ftp, t CO2-eq m −3 treated) along
with the odour abatement efficiency were employed to define the Sustainability
Efficiency Parameter (SEP):

SEP = (9.2)
RE ⋅ (CO2 ftp)−1

A technology with a low SEP value will be therefore preferred since ideally
this would entail a low NPV20, high odour REs and low CO2 footprint. Any
parameter reducing the NPV20 would therefore be beneficial for the SEP. In this
context, the use of renewable energy sources would decrease the CO2 footprint
also improving the SEP results, specially benefiting those technologies with higher
energy demands.
The SEP (Figure 9.5) was strongly correlated to the EEP previously reported
(Figure 9.4) since the main contributor to the CO2 footprint was the CO2 associated
to energy consumption, and most technologies were designed to achieve similar
odour and H2S REs. The CO2 footprint associated to energy usage was at least one
order of magnitude higher than the CO2 footprint from other sources, except for
BF and Step BF, where it was only 3 and 5 times higher, respectively (Table 9.4).
Packing material manufacturing, transport and the untreated odour emission
contributed marginally to the overall CO2 footprint among the technologies
evaluated. On the other hand, chemicals manufacture became the second most
important contributor in CS and CS + AC. In technologies with low packing
material lifespan such as AC, BF and Step BF, packing material manufacture
constituted the second contributor to the total CO2 footprint. Finally, the untreated
odorous emission became the second most important contributor to the total CO2
footprint in technologies with low packing material and transport requirements
and/or low RE, such as BTF, ASD and ASR (Table 9.4).
The CS + AC hybrid technology was the least efficient technology due to
its high energy requirements and chemical usage, contributing to a higher CO2

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footprint (SEP value of 7.34 EUR t CO2-eq m −3 treated). CS and AC ranked second
and third in terms of sustainability efficiency with SEP values of 4.76 and 4.63
EUR t CO2-eq m −3treated, respectively, confirming the relatively poor performance
of physical/chemical techniques in terms of environmental impact. Despite the
absence of CO2 footprint associated to chemical usage, AC presented the highest
CO2 footprint associated to packing material manufacture due to its low lifespan.

Figure 9.5 ​Sustainability Efficiency Parameter for the odour treatment technologies

Table 9.4 ​CO2 footprint of the different technologies evaluated.

Footprint and Source (t CO2-eq h−1)
Technology Energy Untreated Chemical Packing Transport Total
consumption odour manufacture material
emission manufacture

BTF + AC 0.0543 0.0000 0.0000 0.0010 0.0001 0.0554

BTF 0.0257 0.0007 0.0000 0.0002 0.0000 0.0266
BF 0.0308 0.0006 0.0000 0.0106 0.0001 0.0422
AC 0.0459 0.0005 0.0000 0.0036 0.0004 0.0503
CS 0.0552 0.0012 0.0133 0.0001 0.0005 0.0702
CS + AC 0.0685 0.0000 0.0133 0.0010 0.0005 0.0833
BTF + CS 0.0512 0.0007 0.0001 0.0007 0.0000 0.0527
ASD 0.0102 0.0007 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0109
ASR 0.0257 0.0007 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0264
Step BF 0.0257 0.0006 0.0000 0.0053 0.0001 0.0317

Among biological technologies, standard BF and step feed BF exhibited higher

SEP than BTF (1.66 and 0.95, respectively vs 0.79 EUR t CO2-eq m−3treated) due to the

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short lifespan of their organic packing material, which increased packing material
transportation frequency and compost utilization, with the subsequent increase in the
CO2 emissions associated to those aspects. In our particular analysis, BF exhibited a
SEP value of 1.66 EUR t CO2-eq m −3 treated, very close to that estimated for the hybrid
BTF + CS system (SEP = 1.99 EUR t CO2-eq m −3 treated). BTF constituted the preferred
option in terms of sustainability among the conventional end-of-the-pipe odour
treatment technologies, with a SEP value of 0.79 EUR t CO2-eq m −3 treated. However, the
wastewater treatment-associated technologies ASD and ASR were indeed the most
cost-sustainable with SEP values of 0.53 and 0.09 EUR t CO2-eq m −3 treated, respectively.
This confirmed ASD and ASR are extremely cost-efficient, while entailing a low
environmental impact in terms of energy use and CO2 emissions.
Despite providing a limited knowledge of the overall environmental impact
of odour abatement technologies, the use of CO2 footprint as environmental
benefit parameter confirmed the widely accepted best performance of biological
techniques for odour abatement (Estrada et al. 2011). In addition, the SEP could be
formulated to include other environmental or social impacts relevant in the future.
Similarly, weighted factors could be added to tune the relevance of a certain cost
or benefit in the SEP definition. For instance, in a sensitive scenario where the
odour RE constitutes the most important parameter, the RE could be multiplied
by a sensitivity factor.

9.3.4 ​Robustness efficiency parameter

Process robustness constitutes a key issue in odour abatement technology selection
once the economic and environmental aspects have been evaluated. Under real
scenarios, any technology has to cope with odorant concentration fluctuations,
technical problems or shutdowns. Process robustness (R) can be quantified according
to the methodology proposed by Kraakman (2003), where the probability of an
operational upset or event to happen is multiplied by the negative effect caused in
the overall odour abatement performance of the technology evaluated. In this simple
way, the lower the values of R, the higher the robustness of a technology (Table 9.5).

Table 9.5 ​Robustness evaluation according to the methodology proposed by

Kraakman (2003) and the semi-quantitative evaluation in Estrada et al. (2012).



Step BF




Robustness value (R) 15 31 35 13 39 16 29 23 14 35

This estimated robustness (R) can be then included as a benefit in the previous cost/
benefit parameter SEP in order to have a more complete comparative parameter.

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180 Sewage Treatment Plants

This new parameter, defined as Sustainability and Robustness Efficiency Parameter

(SREP), includes process economic, odour abatement performance, environmental
impact (and energy, indirectly) and process robustness (Eq. 9.3):

SREP = (9.3)
RE ⋅ (CO2 ftp)−1 ⋅ R −1

Chemical scrubbing was the least efficient technology according to the SREP
as a result of its relatively low robustness due to the key importance of water and
chemicals for its correct operation (Figure 9.6). The high robustness of adsorption
systems derived from its relative simplicity and the fact that it does not rely on
water or process control to operate may explain the worldwide acceptance of AC
and all the AC-involving technologies among the WWTP operators and resulted in
SREPs comparable to biofiltration. The consideration of process robustness among
technology selection criteria entailed that the hybrid technology CS + AC would be
preferred over CS (SREP values of 118 vs 185 EUR t CO2-eq m −3 treated, respectively).
The hybrid technology BTF + AC, combining the low energy consumption and
environmental impact of BTF and the robustness of AC, remained at the level of the
step BF in terms of SREP (41 vs 35 respectively EUR t CO2-eq m −3 treated). BTF would
be the preferred conventional technology according to the SREP analysis due to
its balanced costs and sustainability despite not showing the highest robustness.

Figure 9.6 ​Sustainability and Robustness Efficiency Parameter for the evaluated
odour treatment technologies.

ASD and ASR also showed a proficient performance in terms of SREP. In

addition to their previously discussed economic and environmental advantages,
these activated sludge-based technologies benefit from a high robustness derived

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from their relative simplicity and ease of operation. Despite practical experience
available is scarce, especially for ASR, the high robustness of ASD for odour
abatement was recently confirmed (Lebrero et al. 2010). In addition, both pilot and
field studies suggest that the diffusion of malodorous emissions into the activated
sludge process does not negatively affect the efficiency of wastewater treatment
(Barbosa & Stuetz, 2013), but ASD might promote the development of filamentous
bacteria and induce a poor biomass sedimentation under high H2S concentration
scenarios (Kiesewetter et al. 2012).

9.3.5 ​Influence of the H2S concentration

The above defined parametric indicators represented a useful tool for comparative
technology evaluation since they allowed considering simultaneously process
economics, environmental impacts and robustness. However, the variable nature of
the odorous emissions must be taken into account in order to adapt the parameters
to different scenarios. Previous works have shown the significant impact of the
different operational and design parameters on both the investment and operating
costs of most odour abatement technologies (Estrada et al. 2011, 2012). H2S
concentration is a key parameter due to the wide range of concentrations and
variability found in malodorous emissions depending on the origin and treatment
of the wastewater. Moreover, the concentration of this compound is commonly
employed as a reference for the calculation of main design parameters of odour
abatement technologies, such as the estimation of chemical consumption in
scrubbers, water needs in biotrickling filters or packing material lifespan in
adsorption filters and biofilters (Estrada et al. 2011). Therefore, a comprehensive
understanding of the influence of H2S concentration on the different efficiency
parameters above discussed is also crucial for a successful technology selection.
The SREP was calculated for all the evaluated technologies at three typical
H2S concentrations in WWTPs: 5, 15 and 45 ppm (Figure 9.7). ASD and ASR
technologies were not included in the present analysis since not enough data were
available to evaluate the influence of H2S concentration on their performance. A
recent sensitivity analysis conducted by the authors highlighted the high sensitivity
of physical/chemical technologies towards H2S (Estrada et al. 2012). In the present
study, the SREP corresponding to the CS was the most impacted by variations in
H2S concentration. Indeed, despite the requirements of packing material in the CS
were not affected by H2S concentration, more water and chemicals (=operating
costs) were needed for the correct operation of the system. In addition, the increase
in chemical requirements implies higher CO2 emissions in their manufacture
and transportation. The second most sensitive technology to H2S was AC, where
higher concentrations of H2S reduced the lifespan of the AC (thus increasing its
NPV20), entailing a more frequent packing replacement (thus increasing the CO2
associated to its manufacture and transportation). However, it must be mentioned
that AC presented a similar SREP value to that of BF at low H2S concentrations.

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On the other hand, the combination of increased packing material and chemical
consumption at 45 ppm of H2S boosted the SREP value of the CS + AC. Finally,
the good performance of BTF + AC and BTF + CS even at high H2S concentration
must be highlighted, which confirmed that physical/chemical technologies highly
reduced their overall costs and environmental impacts when implemented in
combination with a biological technology.

Figure 9.7 ​Influence of H2S concentration on the Sustainability and Robustness

Efficiency Parameter of the odour abatement technologies evaluated.

Overall, biotechnologies presented the lowest sensitivity towards fluctuations

in H2S concentration, with BTF exhibiting the lowest SREP variations when
H2S increased from 5 to 45 ppm. This sensitivity analysis revealed that despite
the differences in SREP might not be significant at low H2S concentrations, the
selection of the optimum technology might result in important economic and
environmental savings in WWTPs with higher H2S concentrations.

9.3.6 ​Exploring alternatives to increase technology

efficiency: L/D ratio
The length-to-diameter ratio (L/D) ratio is an important reactor design parameter
to be analysed in order to improve the energy, economic and environmental
efficiency of odour treatment technologies. The height and diameter of the reactors
commonly employed are often fixed by conventional design criteria. L/D ratios
are usually high due to various reasons: (i) a lower diameter means a lower land
footprint, which might be a key issue when odour abatement techniques are
installed in pre-existing WWTPs with limited space availability or in scenarios
with high land costs (Estrada et al. 2011); (ii) the higher investment cost of units
with high area, whose components would have to be built on-site or transported in

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special trucks; (iii) the high gas velocities achieved in units with high L/D ratios
mediate an enhanced odorant mass transfer from the gas to the aqueous phase
or to the adsorbent surface, which is a key operational issue since mass transfer
limitations are commonly encountered in odour treatment applications (Kim &
Deshusses, 2008; Iranpour et al. 2005). Energy efficiency considerations apply
also in the selection of the optimum L/D ratio in biofilters, where a packed bed
height of approximately 1 m is commonly accepted as a maximum in order to limit
the pressure drop across the bed, and the diameter is then determined by the EBRT
(Iranpour et al. 2005).
However, in the current scenario of increasing energy prices around the
world, a modification in conventional design parameters such as the L/D ratio
could be considered. In this regard, technologies exhibiting the highest pressure
drops (i.e., AC, BF, CS + AC and BTF + AC) presented the highest benefits in
terms of reductions in power consumption derived from a decrease in the L/D ratio
(Figure 9.8). For instance, a reduction of 30% in the L/D ratio resulted in energy
savings of up to 22% in AC, 20% in both BF and Step-feed BF, 18% in CS + AC
and 21% in BTF + AC, mainly due to a decreased pressure drop in each reactor
configuration. In the particular case of CS, the benefits derived mainly from the
savings in energy consumption for liquid recycling. However, the energy savings
in a CS accounted only for 11% when the L/D ratio is reduced by a 30% due
to the low pressure drop across the packing material and the lower size of the
reactors employed. BTFs exhibited moderate savings of 15% when the L/D ratio
was reduced by 30%.

Figure 9.8 ​Influence of the L/D ratio on the power consumption of the evaluated
technologies, maintaining the rest of the parameters constant.

These results suggest that relatively small variations in the L/D ratio can strongly
impact on the energy consumption of the treatment technologies. Moreover,
unnecessary increases in L/D ratios, even by a moderate 30%, can derive in a

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184 Sewage Treatment Plants

superfluous energy consumption of approximately 20% for most odour abatement

technologies. This analysis was carried out assuming that odour REs remained
constant by changing the L/D ratio by +/− 30%. Based on the fact that not much
data are available in literature about this issue, more research will be necessary
in order to better understand the influence of such design parameter on odour

9.4 ​Conclusions
In brief, physical/chemical technologies exhibited an inferior performance than
their biological counterparts in terms of energy consumption, economic and
environmental efficiency.
Among biological technologies, biotrickling filtration (BTF) exhibited one
of the lowest energy requirements and better overall efficiency when process
economic, environmental impacts and robustness are taken into account.
Biotrickling filtration technology can be backed up by an activated carbon
filtration unit (AC) in order to increase its robustness, providing better sustainability
than AC in standalone applications. When backed-up by chemical scrubbing (CS),
the hybrid BTF + CS technology showed similar sustainability results to those of
BTF + AC, but a lower process robustness.
Standard biofiltration (BF) showed low energy requirements and environmental
impacts, however, its sustainability and robustness efficiency decreased to values
similar to those of AC when robustness was considered. However, biofiltration
performance can be increased in both economic and environmental terms when a
step-feed configuration is employed.
The lack of sufficient reliable data on activated sludge diffusion (ASD) and
activated sludge recycling (ASR) performance limited a complete comparison of
both technologies with the rest of well-established systems. However, preliminary
results showed their potential as low cost environmentally-friendly technologies
for odour control in WWTPs.
Physical/chemical technologies are the most sensitive technologies to variations
in H2S concentration. Overall, an increase in H2S concentration highly impacted
the chemical and/or packing material needs of physical/chemical technologies,
which at the same time entailed higher environmental impacts and operating costs.
On the other hand, biological techniques were less influenced by H2S concentration
fluctuations, which rendered biotechniques more predictable over time in economic
and environmental terms.
Finally, variations in the design of conventional technologies must be evaluated
to reduce power consumption and increase efficiency based on the increasing
energy prices. Limited reductions of 30% in the L/D ratio can yield reductions
in the energy requirements of ≈20% for most of the odour treatment technologies
here evaluated. However, there is still a lack of experimental data on the influence
of L/D ratio on RE of odour treatment technologies.

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Chapter 10
Instrumentation, monitoring
and real-time control strategies
for efficient sewage treatment
plant operation
Sergio Beltrán, Ion Irizar and Eduardo Ayesa
CEIT and Tecnun (University of Navarra), Manuel de Lardizábal 15,
20018 San Sebastián, Spain

10.1 ​Introduction
Over the last decades, the operation of urban wastewater treatment plants
(WWTPs) has been mainly focused on maintaining the amount of active biomass
required for removing the influent organic matter within the system. For this
purpose, the most common operation and control strategies were oriented toward
regulating the suspended solids and dissolved oxygen concentrations needed
to guarantee biodegradation (Olsson, 1987). However, stricter requirements in
effluent quality (especially for nutrient removal in sensitive areas) have been
promoting new, more flexible and efficient WWTP plant layouts. New treatment
plants incorporate complex combinations of aerobic, anoxic, anaerobic and
facultative tank reactors, and their optimum operation cannot be based on the
traditional strategies (Andrews, 1993), which are frequently based on rigid
and conservative rules that do not consider the interactions between processes
and their dynamic characteristics. For these reasons, new Instrumentation,
Control and Automation (ICA) tools are being progressively incorporated into
plants in order to optimally govern (both from an environmental and economic
point of view) all the dynamic and interrelated mechanisms that appear in an
urban WWTP.
The need to meet stricter effluent requirements at a minimal cost is not the
only reason for the significant increase in ICA implementation in recent years.
New advances in monitoring and actuation equipment are also crucial. On the
one hand, new on-line monitoring sensors and analysers are more reliable and
economical, and on the other hand the new actuators incorporate enough flexibility

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for implementing more efficient control strategies. In this sense, it is very important
to note that the dynamic behaviour of the WWTP processes should be taken
into account in the design and dimensioning stages in order to optimize future
operational costs.
Computation and data acquisition tools have also progressed significantly in
recent years. However, the lack of appropriate data management tools is presently
a limiting factor for a broader implementation and a more efficient use of sensors
and analysers, monitoring systems and process controllers in WWTPs. Therefore,
there is the challenge to develop new tools that are able to synthesize useful
information from the processing and analysis of combined data gathered from
several interrelated processes and deal with their heterogeneous characteristics
and storage decentralization (Beltrán et al. 2012).
It is clear that optimizing WWTP operation using automatic controllers
makes it possible to reduce operational costs. However, this reduction cannot
be generically evaluated because it depends on many factors like the size and
flexibility of the plant, the amount of available information, the wastewater
characteristics and the effluent requirements. This chapter focuses firstly on
the state-of-the-art of instrumentation for monitoring and control purposes.
Then it describes the main real-time control strategies for efficient sewage
treatment plant operation: control of the aeration system, control of chemical
addition, control of the internal, external and wastage flow-rates, and control
of the anaerobic processes. Finally, plant-wide control is addressed and several
conclusions are highlighted.

10.2 ​Instrumentation for Monitoring

and Control Purposes
During the last 20–25 years most wastewater treatment plants have been replacing
the old control and monitoring systems with new SCADA systems (Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition), which allow both the central monitoring of a
plant and its controllers and the storage of plant data (Garrett, 1998; Olsson et al.
1998; Lynggaard-Jensen, 1999). However, independently of the introduction of
SCADA systems, the control of plants remained mainly focused on strategies
based on actuation times (with a few exceptions such as control based on on-line
measurements of hydraulic flow-rates and dissolved oxygen concentrations). It was
not until the last half of the 1990s when the SCADA systems were completely
utilised, since the instrumentation needed for extracting plant information was
unavailable or considered too unreliable to be used in practical applications
(Bourgeois et al. 2001).
Nowadays, it is possible to measure in a continuous or semi-continuous way
nearly all the physical and chemical parameters relevant for the monitoring
and control of WWTPs (Olsson, 2012). For example, Table 10.1 shows the most
commonly used measurements taken by instrumentation.

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Table 10.1 ​Commonly used measurements taken by

instrumentation in WWTPs (from Olsson et al. 2004)

Properties Constituents
Conductivity Ammonium
pH Biogas production
Redox Dissolved oxygen
Sludge blanket Nitrate
Temperature Organic matter
Turbidity Phosphate
Solids concentration

Aeration is one of the key systems for WWTP stability, performance and
operational costs, and consequently dissolved molecular oxygen (DO) sensors
are considered particularly important. The first DO determination was performed
by L. W. Winkler in 1888 by using a colorimetric method based on titration of
oxygen with thiosulfate (S2O3−2) and iodine (I2) (Winkler, 1988). The amount of
the DO is proportional to the amount of tetrathionate (S4O6−2) generated, which
is determined by reducing I2 to iodide (I−). In spite of being difficult to use for
on-line sensing purposes, automatic measurement of DO based on potentiometric
determination of the I− produced has also been developed (Orellana et al. 2011)
and it is still employed as a reference method for calibrating DO sensors since it
is the most precise and reliable titrimetric procedure for DO analysis (Standard
Methods, 2012). Commercial electrochemical (e.g., polarographic, galvanic) DO
sensors were already being used for control on a routine basis from the early 1980s.
These sensors are protected by an oxygen-permeable plastic membrane that serves
as a diffusion barrier against impurities, which makes electrochemical DO sensors
suitable for analysis in situ and particularly convenient for field applications such
as the continuous monitoring of DO in activated sludge. However, DO control was
still far from fully utilised in the early 2000s (Ingildsen et al. 2002b; Jeppsson et al.
2002). Nowadays, even though galvanic cells are the dominant electrochemical
technology, the control of aeration systems based on luminescence-based oxygen
sensors is growing rapidly. The advantages over electrochemical devices include
the ease of miniaturization, the lack of chemical reactive agent consumption, faster
response (<60 s), robustness and insensitivity to interfering agents (e.g., H2S, CO2
or NHX-N). The low maintenance, extended operational lifetime and reliability of
optic oxygen sensors are so notable that every major manufacturer of environmental
monitors is currently offering at least one model for in situ DO measurements in
water, rapidly phasing out the membrane electrode sensors.
Nutrient analysers (e.g., NH X-N, NOX-N, PO4-P) were emerging at WWTPs in
the early 2000s (Olsson, 2005) and they now have developed into in situ sensors
(e.g., ion-selective electrodes probes for ammonia and ultraviolet probes for nitrate

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and nitrite) for reasons of maintenance, costs, measurement delays and sensor
dynamics, resulting in easier control and better performance (Kaelin et al. 2008).
In the case of biological parameters, the on-line information is more reduced
and the most used analysers are the respirometers (Spanjers et al. 1998). Despite
the great expectations already present in the 1970s, there are not many controls
based on respirometry implemented in full scale (Trillo, 2004). Still, respirometry
is a viable method for in-stream early warning systems.
In anaerobic sludge digestion operation, gas production, gas quality, volatile acid
content, temperature, sludge feed rate, alkalinity and total organic carbon (TOC)
are usually measured (Spanjers & van Lier, 2006). The sludge blanket height in
the clarifiers is monitored today by reliable sensors that are used on a routine basis,
sometimes for the dynamic control of the return sludge (Vanrolleghem et al. 2006).
Further information of on-line measuring equipment in WWTPs is listed
in Rieger et al. (2003) and Vanrolleghem and Lee (2003). In addition, the
Water Environment Federation publishes an annual literature review about
instrumentation for monitoring and control purposes in WWTPs (e.g., Sweeney
& Kabouris, 2013).
In summary, it can be stated that instrumentation, including sensors, analysers
and other measuring instruments, is no longer the bottleneck for the control of
wastewater systems (Jeppsson et al. 2002). In fact, instrumentation for control
is no longer the main focus for international research. Currently, according to a
recent industrial marketing analysis, there are almost 100 sensor companies in
the world working with water (Olsson et al. 2013). Indeed, increased confidence
in instrumentation is now driven by the fact that clear definitions of performance
characteristics and standardised tests for instrumentation have become available
(ISO 15839:2003).
In a short time the research on sensors will become more focused by providing
relevant and reliable data on the problem at hand and they will deal with the
painstaking fouling problems whilst at the same time minimising maintenance
requirements. In addition, there is an exponential growth in the use of soft-sensors
for estimating process variables that considerably influence process behaviour but
cannot be measured on-line in a successful manner (e.g., active biomass, soluble
substrate). Such tools are being used as an effective utilisation for advanced control
and for the development of new optimization strategies, helping the operator or
a supervision system to take the appropriate actions to maintain the process in
good operating conditions, diagnose possible process failures or prevent accidents
(Haimi et al. 2013).
Finally, it can be said that although the instrumentation in wastewater treatment
systems has increased almost exponentially over the past decades, there is still no
standardized way to check data quality (fault detection) and know the source of
the error (diagnosis), even if a lot of progress has been made (Olsson et al. 2013).
While some years ago the scarcity of data due to the lack of reliable measuring
devices was a major limitation, at present WWTPs deal with extremely large

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Instrumentation, monitoring and real-time control strategies 193

volumes of data. Data logging and SCADA tools manage thousands of data
from all points of the plant on a daily basis, meaning that the likelihood that
errors or faults will occur has greatly increased. Processing and managing these
heterogeneous, incomplete and frequently inconsistent data appropriately often
exceeds the capacity of the WWTP staff. Consequently, valuable plant information
for diagnosis and optimisation continues to be limited, in this case due to the excess
of data rather than the previous shortage. Although several methodologies and
tools have been developed in recent years to support decision making at WWTPs
(Beltrán et al. 2012), at present it is clear that the optimum operation of WWTPs
urgently requires advanced data management algorithms and tools to optimize the
global operation of wastewater systems by adequately managing and using all the
information available in the plant at every moment.

10.3 ​Control of Aeration Systems

The level of aeration of biological reactors in WWTPs may be one of the first
manipulated variables that was automatically regulated (more than 40 years
ago). This early development was motivated by the advances made in dissolved
oxygen sensors (see Section 10.2) and because it plays a crucial role in the stability,
performance and operational costs of the process, accounting up to 50%–60% of a
plant’s total energy demand (Brandt et al. 2011).
The basic level of aeration control consists of keeping a stable dissolved
oxygen concentration in the presence of the disturbances associated with the load
fluctuations, manipulating the air flow-rate supplied to the bioreactors (regulating
the compressors’ speed or the opening degree of the airflow valves) or, in the case
where mechanical aerators are used, their speed or submergence. This is usually
done by a simple proportional-integral-derivative (PID) feedback controller
operated at constant set-point (reference value) or by an on-off control (see Figure
10.1). Generally speaking, it can be said that if the controllers have been properly
designed and tuned, these control loops are a mature and proven technology that
offers satisfactory results (Olsson, 2012). In fact, PI control or variations thereof
are today the most common strategies in full-scale.

Figure 10.1 ​Diagram of a DO feedback loop cascade control.

The most frequent problems of DO control at a constant set-point are related

to aeration systems of reduced flexibility, which are not able to adapt to the high

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fluctuations in oxygen demand that appear through time and at the different
treatment zones. Another common limitation in keeping DO constant is motivated
by the need to avoid the sedimentation of the suspended solids in the bioreactors,
which requires a minimum air flow-rate value that, in some cases, could be
excessive during the low load periods, and above all at the final zones of the aerated
bioreactors. In addition to the extra energy cost, the peaks in DO associated with
these situations can be detrimental for the anoxic or anaerobic bioreactors because
of the highly oxygenated water recirculations.
The reduction of the air flow-rate that is achieved with the incorporation of a
simple feedback control loop at a constant DO set-point is difficult to evaluate in
a general way due to the high dependence of the influent load fluctuations. In any
case, a reduction of between 20% and 40% in the air flow-rate is very common
(Åmand et al. 2013), in addition to there being other possible advantages from the
point of view of process stability and possible nutrient removal.
A second level of aeration control, which is a bit more sophisticated, consists
of varying the DO concentration with the aim of optimising costs and nutrient
removal. The DO concentration in the aerated zones of the biological reactors is
the manipulated variable with quicker time response when it comes to regulating
biological activity. On the one hand, the DO concentration in the aerated zones
must be kept high enough to favour the growth of non-filamentous microorganisms,
to guarantee the needed nitrifying speed and to maintain the adequate mixing
characteristics in order to maintain solids in suspension and to assure that the oxygen
is well distributed throughout the reactors. On the other hand, the DO concentration
must be low enough to avoid wasting energy and an excessive agitation that could
fragment the biological flocs, and to minimise as much as possible the oxygenation
induced by the internal recirculations in the anoxic and anaerobic zones. It is clear
that the nitrification is enhanced for high DO concentrations, but operating a plant
with relatively low DO concentrations not only promotes denitrification in the anoxic
zones, but it also encourages a certain simultaneous denitrification-nitrification in
the aerated zones (Olsson & Newell, 1999).
When it comes to assessing the oxygen requirements and thus the reduction
in energy costs that can be achieved by manipulating the aeration, it is important
to consider that a specific load to be oxidised in aerobic conditions is associated
with an equivalent consumption of dissolved oxygen that cannot be, in principle,
substantially reduced without increasing the effluent residual load. This
requirement is purely stoichiometric, so it cannot be avoided. However, aeration
efficiency can usually be changed, since the same DO can be supplied by different
air flow-rate values, basically depending on the efficiency of the aeration devices
and the difference from the DO saturation value.
In this way, a simple control strategy for adapting the DO concentration set-point
to the nitrification needs is the incorporation of a control feedback loop (Upper
layer, Figure 10.2) that selects the DO reference needed by the lower control loop
(Lower layer) on a continuous basis. This is done by using the discrepancy between

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Instrumentation, monitoring and real-time control strategies 195

the NHX-N set-point selected by the plant operator and the NHX-N that is measured
experimentally in the effluent. In this cascade, the three control loops work at
different time scales with the airflow control (see Figure 10.1) being the fastest.
This combined control scheme guarantees good performance.

Figure 10.2 ​Diagram of an NHX-N feedback loop cascade control.

The discrepancy is usually based on an average value of the experimentally

measured NHX-N (e.g., using a 24-h mobile averaged window, Suescun et al. 2001).
Consequently, the typical variation in the effluent concentration generated by the
daily load profile is filtered, and so the DO set-point selected by the controller
moves smoothly according to medium- and long-term disturbances (e.g., dry or wet
weather, unexpected load variations, changes in water temperature, weekly and
seasonal load variations, etc.). The width of the mobile average window can also
be used to ‘distribute’ these cyclical perturbations between the effluent ammonia
and the DO set-point. For example, a narrower mobile average filter (8 h or 12 h)
would reduce both the controller’s time-response and the height of the peaks in
the instantaneous effluent ammonia, but it does so at the expense of increasing the
short-term fluctuations in the DO set-point selected by the controller. Therefore, the
plant operator can select the most appropriate size of the mobile average window
for each particular plant. However, narrowing the mobile-averaged windows for
effluent ammonia will cause higher short-term fluctuations in the DO set-point,
and therefore there will be a net increase in the total air consumption for a similar
mass of ammonia that is removed. This negative effect is due to the nonlinear
relationship between the DO concentration and the nitrification rate combined with
the decrease in oxygen transfer efficiency at higher DO levels.
The advantages of applying this concept at full-scale has been widely
studied with numerical simulation, leading to an average energy savings of
around 10%–20% (Åmand et al. 2013). However, in spite of the excellent results
predicted by simulation, the implantation of this control strategy at full-scale
is still very limited.
One of the first examples of full-scale application of this control concept was
developed in the Källby WWTP (100 kPE, Sweden, Ingildsen et al. 2002a). The
plant incorporated a PI control loop with a limited range of DO operation, which
allowed the plant to achieve an effluent NHX-N concentration around the selected
set-point. The installation of the controllers at full-scale decreased the supplied

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air flow-rate in the range of 14% to 28%, depending on the NHX-N concentration
that was used as reference. The most likely improvement of the effluent nitrates
concentration was not studied.
A successful example of full-scale application was developed at the Galindo-
Bilbao WWTP, which has an average design flow-rate of 4 m3/s (1.5 MPE). The
specific design and preliminary verification of the most appropriate controllers for
the plant were based on the exhaustive and rigorous prior work of mathematically
modelling and simulating the system, which allowed the efficiency obtained to be
evaluated in a comparative way with different control strategies. The incorporation
of an automatic variation of the DO set-point in order to reach the required
24 h-averaged ammonia concentration at the end of the aerated volume enabled
the reduction of energy consumption in the range of 15% to 20% and effluent
nitrates (and consequently in total nitrogen) in 2.0 g N/m3 (Ayesa et al. 2006). The
different phases of the project lasted 8 years, combining model simulations, pilot-
plant experimentation and full-scale validation.
When there is a benefit to reacting quickly to a disturbance (e.g., to the NH X-N
influent load), such as in the case of ‘never-to-exceed’ effluent limits, feedforward
control can be used. In order to do this, more sensors and a mathematical model
of the controlled system are needed. Using feedforward without a feedback loop
is not recommended since feedback contributes to a more robust performance in
light of feedforward model uncertainty and it can compensate for non-modelled
disturbances. Essentially, there are two ways to use a feedforward control in an
effort to reduce effluent ammonia peaks: changing the aeration intensity (e.g., by
varying the DO set-point, see Figure 10.3), or adding more aerated volume (e.g., by
switching on aeration in a swing zone). However, the latter is preferred since the
nitrification capacity of the system may be exceeded (Rieger et al. 2012).

Figure 10.3 ​Diagram of an NHX-N feedforward-feedback loop cascade control.

Finally, it is also worth pointing out the possibilities of controlling the

aeration in sequential processes such as in sequential batch reactors (SBR) or
in intermittent aerated reactors. In these cases, the controllers of the phases’
duration are usually based on the interpretation of the trajectories of ORP
(Oxidation Reduction Potential) and/or pH. The ORP profiles show inflexion

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Instrumentation, monitoring and real-time control strategies 197

points generated by the transition among the oxic, anoxic and anaerobic phases
(e.g., the ORP ‘elbows’ that appear when the DO grows suddenly at the end of
the nitrification process and when the NOX-N run out at anoxic conditions and
anaerobic conditions start).
On the other hand, pH profiles also show variations motivated by the biochemical
transformations of nitrification and denitrification (e.g., ‘the NHX-N valley’ that
appears at the end of the nitrification and ‘the NOX-N peak’ that occurs at the end
of the denitrification). In addition to the trajectory variations, several controllers
use the absolute value of the measurements of ORP or pH, but it is a risky practice
because of the difficulty in choosing suitable values in each case. On the other hand,
it is clear that optimising the duration of each cycle phase induces an improvement
in the effluent quality, an increase in treatment capacity and therefore a reduction
in the total operating costs.

10.4 ​Control of Chemical Addition

The chemical precipitation of phosphate by using aluminium of ferric salts is
very fast in comparison with the biological transformations in the tank reactors.
Therefore, from the point of view of automatic control, perturbations can be
easily overruled with feedback loop controllers. However, depending on the place
selected for dosage and measuring, special attention should be paid to the hydraulic
response time of the reactors.
Chemical precipitation can be carried out prior to the biological treatment
­(pre-precipitation), in the biological treatment (simultaneous precipitation) or after
the biological treatment (post-precipitation) (Sedlak, 1991). The selection of the
most appropriate dosage in time should be adapted to the influent P load, because
an excessive dosage increases operational costs (due to the price of chemicals
and the increase in sludge production) and it does not improve the removal of
phosphate. Therefore, the convenience of introducing automatic control strategies
is clear, although the most appropriate strategy should be selected depending on
each specific case.
In the case of pre-precipitation, chemicals are added prior to the primary settler
and the large time delay from the dosage point to the effluent discharge (several
hours) makes it difficult to incorporate feedback control loops. Therefore, most
controllers have been based on open loops that regulate the chemical dosage
proportionally to influent flow or turbidity.
In the case of simultaneous precipitation, the dosage is directly introduced
into the biological reactors (normally at the end of the anoxic volume) and
the smaller delay times make it possible to implement feedback loops with
reasonable results. Finally, post-precipitation incorporates flocculation and
settling chambers after the biological treatment and facilitates very efficient
regulation of the feedback control, measuring the phosphate concentration just
at the end of the flocculation chamber.

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Nowadays, the reliability of the on-line phosphate analysers makes the

successful implementation of feedback loops with a return period of the investment
smaller than one year possible. A comparative efficiency analysis for different
post-precipitation strategies carried out in the WWTP at Källby (100,000 PE,
Sweden) (Ingildsen & Wendelboe, 2003) revealed that the relative consumption of
chemicals for constant dosage, flow-proportional dosage, load-proportional dosage
and PI feedback control were 100/95/80/60, respectively. Finally, it is important
to remark that, depending on the characteristics of the sludge treatment, the cost
associated with the reduction of sludge production can be comparable to the
chemical reduction cost (up to 75%).

10.5 ​Control of the Internal, External and

Sludge Wastage Flow-Rates
10.5.1 ​Control of the nitrates internal flow-rate and the
carbon external addition
The most extended configuration for the biological removal of nitrogen is the
denitrification-nitrification process (DN), mainly used when a low effluent
ammonia concentration (e.g., 2 g N/m3) is required. The conventional operating
strategies for the DN process are focused on the control of the effluent ammonia
and/or nitrate concentration, with denitrification being a key stage. For the plants
with nitrification and denitrification processes, the internal recirculation between
the biological reactors provides the nitrates required as electron acceptors (oxidising
agents) instead of oxygen to the anoxic zones for the removal of organic matter.
Therefore, the degree of the internal recirculation has to be large enough so that
the nitrates concentration in the anoxic zones does not limit the denitrification (e.g.,
1.0 g N/m3 is enough) while at the same time it should not be very high that would
cause an excessive pumping cost or an inhibition of the denitrification process
because of the dissolved oxygen contribution from the oxic zones.
Some control strategies have been studied for the appropriate regulation
of the internal recirculation flow-rate (Yuan et al. 2002). In practice, the most
implemented solution consists of the regulation of the internal flow-rate between
the oxic and the anoxic reactors so that the nitrate concentration at the end of the
anoxic zones is kept at a low value (e.g., 0.4 g N/m3). A simple Proportional-Integral
controller would be enough for implementing this strategy using only a nitrates
analyser (Figure 10.4). Such a control strategy has been successfully implemented
in the Galindo-Bilbao WWTP (Ayesa et al. 2006) and in the Mekolalde WWTP
(Irizar et al. 2014). This strategy maximises the use of the influent COD for the
denitrification process, and thus it also maximises the nitrate removal and the
denitrification rate. However, it is of limited efficacy in maintaining the effluent
nitrate levels because the maximum quantity of nitrates that can be removed is
determined by the ratio of COD/N in the influent wastewater.

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Figure 10.4 ​Diagram of an NO3 -N feedback loop cascade control.

The economic impact of the pumping costs associated with the internal
recirculation is really low because the height elevation of the water is low even
though the flow-rate could be high. Moreover, the implementation of this controller
does not have a direct economic implication since its effect is more focused on the
optimisation of the process and, in particular, on the optimisation of the use of
the plant denitrification potential. However, this optimisation always has indirect
economic consequences for the aeration costs since all the COD that is used under
anoxic conditions will not consume oxygen and will allow savings in the carbon
external addition when this is necessary.
When the limited factor of the denitrification process is the organic matter
and when internal addition is not possible (sludge supernatants, acid fermentation,
etc.), the most widespread practice today consists of applying an external carbon
source (e.g., methanol, ethanol, acetic, etc.), which enhances the denitrification rate
and the nitrate removal, especially in the case of WWTPs that treat wastewater
with an unfavourable COD/N ratio.
The control strategies with constant dosage do not allow the process operation
to be optimised since at high nitrogen loads or low temperature periods, an
immediate increase of the denitrification rate would be desirable, while at low load
periods the external carbon requirements would be lower. Therefore, there is a
need for regulating the quantity of the external carbon to be dosed into the system
in an automatic way.
When automatic control of nitrate recirculation is not available, the most common
strategy consists of regulating the carbon dosage so that the nitrate concentration at
the end of the anoxic zone is kept low. In this case, the internal recirculation flow-
rate is set to a level in which the average effluent nitrate concentration is kept within
the appropriate limits. Since nitrates are in the anoxic zone when the carbon source
is added, this strategy guarantees that the carbon source is instantaneously used for
the denitrification. However, although an average effluent nitrate concentration can
be fixed beforehand, this strategy does not have direct control on the effluent nitrate
concentration as it depends on the influent variations of COD and N. Moreover, this
strategy does not guarantee the maximum use of the influent COD for denitrification.
For example, when the nitrogen load is low, part of the anoxic zone is changed to aerobic,
even when external carbon is not added, due to an inappropriate nitrate recirculation.
The disadvantages associated with individual control of the nitrate recirculation
and the dosage of external carbon can be overcome by an integral control of

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both variables. The objectives of integral control are focused on meeting the
instantaneous as well as the medium- and long-term requirements on the effluent
nitrate concentration, maximising the use of influent COD for the denitrification
and minimising the dosage of external carbon. For example, the control proposal
in Yong et al. (2006) showed through simulation an average reduction of 42%–
47% in the effluent nitrate concentration.
It is not possible to make a direct quantitative evaluation of the benefits that are
obtained when an external carbon dosage control loop is implemented since they
clearly depend on the plant characteristics. It is clear that the automatic control
loops allow the dosage to be adjusted to the one that is strictly necessary for
meeting the effluent requirements, avoiding excessive dosages that could involve a
significant direct cost (because of the additive price) and an additional indirect cost
associated with the subsequent aerobic oxidation of the carbon excess.

10.5.2 ​Control of the external flow-rate or sludge

The sludge recirculation from the secondary settlers is commonly kept under a
constant flow-rate or proportional to the influent flow-rate. The latter, in principle,
allows a more stable sludge blanket height to be maintained in the presence of the
influent flow-rate variations, although the hydraulic disturbances in the clarifiers
can increase in excess. The main restrictions on its operation are the hydraulic
loads induced in the clarifiers, the sludge blanket height, the retention time in the
settlers and the dilution effects of the recirculated sludge.
From a general point of view, the economic implications of sludge recirculation
control are marginal, comparable to the rest of the plant controllers. The only
worth mentioning effect on the operation costs comes from the different level of
thickening that is achieved for large values of the sludge blanket height. In this
case, the sludge is more thickened, so the pumping costs are reduced, and in the
case of making the wastage from the thickened sludge, the wastage volume is also
reduced. In this way, the costs of the sludge treatment are reduced. However, the
economic implications of this effect are not usually significant.

10.5.3 ​Control of the sludge wastage flow-rate

The sludge wastage flow-rate is one of the most important manipulated variables for
the solids content in the process. Its known actuation limits are the impossibility of
selecting a specific type of biomass (since it works on the total solids of the system)
and its high response time (sludge retention time (SRT) is a stationary parameter
that cannot be changed instantaneously). For this reason, its use is generally limited
to control in the medium and long term (in response to seasonal variations) with
the aim of obtaining the desirable characteristics in the biomass. The sludge age
represents the average retention time of the solids in the biological reactors and as a

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result it has a direct effect on the solids that are attained in the process and in their
distribution. Each plant has its specific range of SRT since a longer SRT results in a
higher concentration of suspended solids and thus increases the solids loading into
the settler. A concentration that is too high could cause an elevated concentration of
suspended solids in the effluent, especially when coupled with high hydraulic loads.
On the other hand, a minimum SRT is needed to guarantee the necessary active
biomass. For example, in the case of nitrogen removal plants, a minimum SRT value
is essential in order to achieve nitrification, especially at low temperatures.
In a general way, higher SRTs mean lower sludge production, and therefore the
costs associated with sludge treatment are lower. However, the potential benefits
that can be achieved by methane production in the anaerobic digestion are also
lower. On the other hand, the oxygen required by the microorganisms increases
with sludge age. This increase is logically associated with a higher reduction in
the contaminant load of COD and nitrogen and with an increase in the biomass
endogenous respiration. Selecting the optimum SRT set-point for the different
operational conditions of a WWTP should take into account the intrinsic inevitable
limitations of the process (nitrification safety and maximum solids load to the
settler) and operating costs criteria (sludge treatment, aeration costs, etc.).
There are different strategies for controlling the sludge wastage flow-rate. One
option is to maintain a constant SRT via a feedforward loop, complemented with a
loop that stops the wastage flow-rate when the average effluent ammonia exceeds a
maximum fixed value (Olsson et al. 2005). Another option is to keep the solids mass
under a fixed range, such as the one that was successfully implemented in the Galindo-
Bilbao WWTP (Ayesa et al. 2006) and in the Mekolalde WWTP (Irizar et al. 2014).

10.6 ​Control of Anaerobic Processes

At the time of writing this chapter, the status of automatic control in real-world
anaerobic processes is in general limited only to those basic operations that are
strictly required to guarantee autonomous operation under normal conditions.
The characterisation ‘basic’ involves operations such as: (1) keeping the reactor
temperature and the recirculation flow-rate close to pre-set values; (2) feeding the
anaerobic reactor with a pre-set volumetric flow-rate; and (3), repeating a fixed
sequence of phases when the process operates in a semi-batch mode. The latter
combined with a user-friendly software for real-time process supervision (the
so-called SCADA software) provides plant operators with an adequate interface
for monitoring the process and adjusting the operating point in each situation. This
mode of operation in which plants are automated with low-level controllers and
operators who decide their reference values, has been usually called ‘conventional
operation’ or ‘semi-automatic operation’. Conventional operation has the advantage
of minimising the use of on-line instrumentation and thus the sensitivity of the process
to sensor failures. In contrast, the efficiency of the plant lies almost completely upon
the operators who cannot be in contact with the process continuously.

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Because of the over-dependence on plant operators, who should remain in

charge of the decision-making, the capacity of the process to accommodate hourly
disturbances (e.g., imposed by the continuous variation of the influent waste)
is limited. The result is a reduction in the efficiency of the process, which under
extreme conditions can even lead to a complete failure of the anaerobic reactor.
In order to prevent the above, two different approaches can be followed. The most
common solution is to absorb disturbances hydraulically by over dimensioning the
volume of the plant. The second approach, as one can guess, calls for the installation
of high-level controllers (also known as ‘advanced control’) that perform the actions
that operators are not efficient to carry out. While the first option entails higher
construction costs, the second one may require investment in on-line instrumentation.
Nonetheless, use of advanced control is preferable since it offers several benefits,
namely: (1) the plant volume can be decreased when advanced controllers are
present, and (2) by adapting the actuators to the disturbance characteristics, the
performance of the plant is optimised in the medium-/long-term.

10.6.1 ​Technological barriers
Although the benefits of an extensive application of advanced monitoring and
control solutions on the anaerobic processes are clear, faster development of control
products in this technology has been hampered for a number of reasons:
– Lack of on-line sensors. In the last decade, considerable research has
focused on the consolidation of a sensor technology specific to anaerobic
digesters. However, the so-called advanced instrumentation is still not
sufficiently reliable for use in full-scale real applications (Spanjers & van
Lier, 2006).
– The design and development of industrial control products involves real
aspects such as the physical and operational constraints of actuators,
disturbances in the form of sensor faults, noise, and so on, that need to
be considered at the outset (Liu et al. 2004a). This means extrapolating
control solutions that have been satisfactorily validated at laboratory or
pilot scale is not straightforward.
– The intricate non-linear nature of anaerobic digestion phenomena and the
intrinsic uncertainty of their mathematical formulations make the design of
control solutions a non-trivial issue.

10.6.2 ​Applications of control in anaerobic digestion

In the last few years automatic control of anaerobic digestion (AD) has become
a central research topic in the water field, as corroborated by the multiple works
on this subject that have been recently reported (Batstone et al. 2004; Liu et al.
2004b; Olsson et al. 2005). Unfortunately, most of these works on the control of
AD have not gone beyond experimental validations at either the lab or pilot scale.

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In addition to this, given that the feed flow-rate is the only manipulated variable
used for control, a surprising conclusion drawn from all these works is the lack of
consensus about which output signals (sensors) must be linked to this actuator. As
shown below, the list of suggested signals is relatively long: from pH, intermediate
alkalinity, hydrogen gas, dissolved hydrogen, volatile fatty acids (VFAs), effluent
COD, to methane gas, and so on.
Cord-Ruwisch et al. (1997), for instance, propose a very simple proportional
controller that automatically adjusts the feeding flow-rate by trying to keep the
dissolved hydrogen close to a pre-set reference. Antonelli et al. (2003) suggest
a similar control scheme where the dissolved hydrogen signal is replaced by
the methane gas flow-rate. In the same way, Rodríguez et al. (2006) argue
that hydrogen gas, being an intermediate process variable, becomes especially
appropriate for the early detection of abnormal situations (overloads, drops in
reactor temperature, etc.). On the basis of this argument, they design a very simple
control law to keep the hydrogen gas concentration around a pre-set reference.
Moreover, the non-linearity of the process is taken into account through a real-time
variable gain algorithm dependent on the instantaneous measurements of hydrogen
gas concentration and methane gas flow-rate. A more sophisticated cascade control
scheme is described in Álvarez-Ramírez et al. (2002), where the control signals for
the inner and outer loops are the concentration of VFA in the reactor and effluent
COD, respectively.
Fuzzy logic is another technique that has received considerable acceptance
in control solutions for anaerobic reactors. Just to cite a few examples, Estaben
et al. (1997) implemented this technique to control the pH and the biogas flow-
rate. Similarly, García et al. (2007) applied a fuzzy-based real-time system in a
pilot plant, which controls the anaerobic digester by monitoring the following
process variables: the ratio between the intermediate and total alkalinities (IA/
TA), methane gas production, the concentration of hydrogen in the gas headspace
and its rate of change.
Adaptive control techniques have also been used in control solutions for
anaerobic processes. An example is the adaptive controllers with linearisation
designed by Bernard et al. (2001) to control the IA/TA ratio and TA in an anaerobic
filter. Similarly, by using a simplified model to reproduce plant behaviour, a non-
linear adaptive controller to control the effluent COD was developed by Mailleret
et al. (2004). Méndez-Acosta et al. (2007) suggested a model-based non-linear
controller to regulate the effluent TOC and the VFA in the reactor. Although the
above approaches are of great interest in the academic research, their application
in real-world plants currently faces a major barrier: it is extremely difficult to
develop reduced models that guarantee good predictions for all operations taking
place in a WWTP.
A common feature of all the above control solutions is that the ultimate goal is
to keep one or more process variables close to a fixed reference value. Moreover, a
different control approach for anaerobic systems also found in the literature focuses

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its objective on maximising a process variable, usually the methane gas production
rate. These strategies, known as extremum-seeking, are especially appropriate when
it comes to controlling non-linear systems (Krstic, 2000). Moreover, extremum-
seeking controllers are classified in two main groups: (1) those that need a predictive
model to optimise the objective variable (Marcos et al. 2004; Guay et al. 2005);
and (2) those that apply external excitation in order to diagnose whether or not the
‘objective’ has reached its maximum value. It is actually its model-free condition
that makes this second group attractive from a practical point of view.
Reported works on model-free extremum-seeking controllers differ from each
other in terms of the pattern followed for external excitation. Thus, in Steyer et al.
(1999) a periodic pulse is superimposed on the feed rate and its effect on the
methane production observed in order to determine whether or not the organic
loading rate can be increased. In contrast, in Simeonov et al. (2004, 2007) a
sinusoidal excitation is applied in combination with an adaptation law for the
feeding flow-rate that is proportional to the gradient of the biogas production.
Liu et al. (2004c) proposed a cascade control scheme consisting of an inner loop
controlling the pH of the reactor at a pre-set value which is determined by an outer
loop. The outer loop compares the biogas production rate of the reactor with a
reference value, set by a rule-based supervision module on a regular basis in order
to automatically steer the process towards the maximum biogas production. The
validation of this control solution in a lab-scale anaerobic reactor fed with synthetic
wastewater reveals very good disturbance rejection properties as well as potential
to keep the process stable even at organic loading rates above 25 kg COD/m3 ⋅ d.
Some years later, the same control architecture was adopted and extended (Figure
10.5) by Alferes and Irizar (2010) to prove that the combination of extremum-
seeking controllers and optimum management of the equalisation tanks preceding
the anaerobic reactor leads in the medium/long-term to a significant increase in the
production of biogas. Comparative simulation results with respect to conventional
operation reveal improvement of about 20% in both the effluent quality and the
biogas yield. Nonetheless, the extent to which these estimates are valid during the
operation of a full scale plant still needs to be verified.
The economic evaluation of the automatic control of anaerobic digesters has
to be studied in function of the characteristics of each WWTP. For example, the
possibility of including pre-treatment steps that hydrolyse the sludge or digest the
sludge with other external substrates confirms the interest of having automatic
tools that allow the digester to work at its maximum efficiency. It is clear that
maximising methane production yields an important energy recovery (1.0 m3N of
methane is equivalent to 8570 kcal, i.e., it is equivalent to 1.15 l of gasoline, 1.3 kg
of coil, 0.94 m3N of natural gas or 9.7 kWh of electricity). However, it is also clear
that the potential of generating methane in WWTPs is determined by the quantity
and type of the available sludge. Therefore, a plant-wide control strategy operating
the system as a whole with a global objective should be considered instead of trying
to optimise the operation of the individual units separately.

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Figure 10.5. ​
Diagram of a control strategy for the maximisation of methane

10.7 ​Plant-Wide Control
In order to address the control of WWTPs in a reasonable way, it is necessary to
break the problem down into smaller parts, taking advantage of the separation
among lines and process units, as well as the different time responses of the
physical, chemical and biological mechanisms of the process. This allows the
control strategies to be organised in a hierarchy and enables the optimisation of
each subprocess to be resolved separately.
However, it is clear that the optimisation of the operation of a WWTP when
understood as a global system does not, in principle, have to be equivalent to the
result of optimising each one of the elements and process units (e.g., primary
settler, secondary biological reactors, anaerobic digesters, etc.). Therefore, the
global optimisation of the system has to take the interactions between the different
parts of the plant into account and use them to find the operational and control
strategies that optimise a global criterion. In some cases, this could mean that some
parts of the WWTP could be operated in a suboptimal way, while still contributing
into the plant operation an acceptable way or near the global optimum.
Speaking of the integrated control of sanitary systems, the first point of
improvement is taking advantage of the relation between the networks of drainage
and sanitation (including the sewers, retention tanks and storm tanks) and the
WWTPs. Taking the undesirable effects of the load variations in the WWTP into
account, an appropriate management of the hydraulic retention capacity of a sewer
network may induce a significant increase in the treatment capacity. The experience
gained with the combined operation of sewers, storm tanks and WWTPs shows
that integrating all these parts in a control strategy has great potential.
However, even in the WWTP itself, there is wide margin for designing operation
strategies and loops of automatic control that would comprise an integrated and
flexible control system. This is the so-called ‘plant-wide control’.

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The interactions among the different unit processes of the WWTPs are
realised through the recirculation of flow-rates that physically link them. There
are many interactions of this type among the different units of a WWTP, such as
the recirculation of oxygen and nitrates to the anaerobic zones from the sludge
drying systems, the recirculation of oxygen to the anoxic zones because of the
nitrate recirculation or the nutrient recirculation from the supernatant of the
sludge treatment. It is clear that the disturbances each recirculation imposes on
the process units have to be taken into account for the optimal control of the
whole system. In other words, the control set-points of each unit process have to
be supervised by taking into account the most relevant interactions among the
different control loops.
This integral operation also involves rethinking of the objectives, taking
into account the whole system. A clear example could be the discussion of the
global objective of sludge production (or sludge retention time), considering the
requirements needed for appropriate nutrient elimination, the costs of the sludge
treatment or energy recovery through methane or incineration. Another point of
great interest when global plant operation is considered is the decision regarding
the optimum use of organic matter in each unit process, considering, for example,
the sedimentation in the primary settlers, the operating costs associated with
aeration in the secondary treatment, the need for carbon for nutrient elimination
and the possibilities of energy recovery in the anaerobic digestion. These examples
clearly show the need for supervision of the local control loops by a global
supervision strategy that optimally manages the flexibility of the whole system.
Finally, it is important to note that the integral control of a WWTP is the one
that provides real possibilities for increasing the capacity of the global treatment
and as a result removing or postponing new investments when the size of the
WWTP is not sufficiently large. This can lead to important economic savings.

10.8 ​Conclusions
The full-scale implementation of automatic control strategies in WWTPs has been
severely limited for years because of a limitation in the sturdiness and reliability
of on-line monitoring devices and the operating flexibility of plants. However, in
recent years new analysers that are more reliable and require less maintenance
have been developed. In this way, the problem of the instrumentation is no longer
the bottleneck to progressive implantation of advanced automation in WWTPs.
On the other hand, the new treatment technologies, in addition to providing higher
efficiency, also provide higher operating flexibility, which can and must be taken
advantage by the automatic control strategies.
The concept of automatic control in WWTPs is closely linked to plant-wide
optimisation of the process, with all the implications that this has for the improvement
of treatment efficiency and the reduction of the operating costs. The results of
this optimisation are starting to be evident now. On the one hand, the long list of

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simulation studies have demonstrated the great advantages that are derived from
the implantation of automatic control strategies in WWTPs, which also enable the
detection of the most important points of improvement and a comparative analysis of
the efficiency of the different control alternatives. On the other hand, the results of
applying controllers are no longer limited to simulation studies. Instead the reports
that illustrate their successful implementation at full scale are increasing every
day, corroborating the improvement in the stability and efficiency of the process.
It can be expected that in a few years’ time the majority of the controllers whose
efficiency has been successfully evaluated by simulation will be experimentally
The economic implications resulting from the implantation of automatic
controllers in new WWTPs are increasingly more evident. Some control loops,
such as the ones that optimise aeration (at constant or variable set points), the
dosing of additives for physical and chemical precipitation and the dosing of
methanol for denitrification are demonstrating their capability to not only improve
process performance but also substantially reduce the operating costs and recover
initial investments in a short time. The cost reduction associated with other
automatic control loops is more difficult to quantify, since it significantly depends
on the specific characteristics of each plant, such as flexibility, treatment type,
size, effluent quality requirements, and so on. Therefore, it is highly recommended
that a simulation study be undertaken beforehand, making it possible to quantify
the expected benefits of each control strategy and prioritize the different available
alternatives, depending on the needs and limitations of each WWTP. It is also
important to note the interest in the automatic control loops for improving the
stability and general governability of the process, facilitating the final objective of
‘global optimisation’ of the WWTP.
The lines for the future developments of ICA tools are many and varied. Some
examples of the major challenges that have to be faced in the near future and are
being actively worked on now include the optimum operation of aeration systems
that minimises the energetic costs, the design of the most appropriate control
strategies that optimises the biological elimination of phosphorus, the adaptation
of the controllers to small-sized plants in which simplicity and toughness must take
precedence, and the plant-wide control that integrates the operation of the water
and sludge lines. In order to efficiently respond to these challenges it is necessary
that the research groups who are experts in the control and operation of plants
closely collaborate with the water engineering and control companies and the
entities that manage WWTPs.

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Chapter 11
Microbial Fuel Cells for
wastewater treatment
V. B. Oliveira1, L. R. C. Marcon2, J. Vilas Boas1,
L. A. Daniel2 and A. M. F. R. Pinto1
1University of Oporto, Portugal – Faculty of Engineering – Department

of Chemical Engineering – Centro de Estudos de Fenómenos de Transporte

2University of São Paulo, Brazil – São Carlos School

of Engineering – Department of Hydraulics and Sanitation

11.1 ​Introduction
There are different problems of using fossil fuels, which meet about 80% of the
world energy demand. One is that they are limited in amount and sooner will
be depleted and the other is that fossil fuels are causing serious environmental
problems (air pollution, ozone layer depletion and global warming). Therefore,
together with strong improvements in energy conservation and efficiency, new
technologies are needed to gradually replace fossil sources by renewable ones.
Based on that, in the last years, the interest in fuel cells has increased dramatically,
due to their high efficiencies, low or zero emissions of pollutants, simplicity and
absence of moving parts. Particularly, the interest on microbial fuel cells (MFCs)
has been growing, because they are able to simultaneously treat and produce
electricity directly from the wastes that our society produces and can degrade toxic
compounds and pollutants (phenol, sulfates and chromium). The MFCs operate
at ambient temperatures, are fueled by organic matter which is neither toxic as
methanol nor explosive as hydrogen and can contribute to optimize the overall
efficiency of wastewater treatment facilities.
The problem with MFCs is that they are technically still very far from attaining
acceptable levels of power output, since the performance of this type of fuel cells is
affected by limitations based on irreversible reactions and processes occurring both
on the anode and cathode side. Electricity generation in a MFC is accomplished by

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microbial catabolism, electron transfer from microbes to the anode, reduction of

electron acceptors at the cathode and proton transfer from the anode to the cathode
and all these processes affect the MFC performance. There has been a growing
amount of work on MFCs in the last years, both on the microbiological issues
and on the engineering ones (electrode materials, MFC configuration, membrane
technology, operational conditions), which managed to increase power outputs by
an order of magnitude.
This chapter discusses the key work done in order to improve MFC performance
based on the limitations described regarding both fundamental and technological
aspects of microbial fuel cells. The main goal is to provide a review on the
challenges and developments in MFCs and on the recent work concerning the
optimization of the operational conditions (such as pH, temperature, organic load,
feed rate and shear stress), on empirical and fundamental modelling and scale-up
studies. Towards the introduction of MFCs in the market, a cost benefit analysis
where this technology is compared with the traditional ones is, also, presented.

11.2 ​Operating Principle of a MFC

MFCs are similar to any other fuel cell having two electrodes separated by a
proton exchange membrane (PEM). However, they use organic substrates as fuels
to produce electricity instead of chemical compounds.
A MFC is an electrochemical cell that generates electricity based on the
oxidation of the organic compounds and reduction of oxygen. Figure 11.1 shows
schematically a typical MFC, comprising an anode, a cathode and a membrane
(PEM). The membrane is permeable to protons which ate the ionic charge carrier.

Figure 11.1 ​Operating principle of a Microbial Fuel Cell.

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As can be seen in Figure. 11.1, the organic matter, presented in a wastewater, is

fed to the anode compartment where the bacteria grow, oxidizing organic matter
and releasing electrons and protons. Protons flow to the cathode through the
membrane, while electrons reach the anode and move to the cathode through an
external electrical wire. Simultaneously, oxygen is fed to the cathode compartment
where it combines with electrons and protons to produce water.

11.3 ​Fundamentals and Challenges

In the last years, MFCs have been developed to generate electricity directly from
complex organic wastewaters such as food, domestic, chemical, swine, marine
and electroplating wastewaters (Holmes et al. 2004; You et al. 2006; Zhongjian
et al. 2008; Yong et al. 2011). Although, the proof of concept for this technology
was established decades ago, the first observation of electrical current generated
by bacteria is generally attributed to Potter in 1991 (Potter, 1911), the low power
output of MFCs remains problematic.
It is commonly accepted by the MFC scientific community that to achieve the
desirable levels of energy density, a MFC system must overcome the following key
• Electrodes: there is a need for new surface materials that favour biofilm
adhesion on the anode electrode surface and promote faster electron transfer
to the electrode;
• Anodes with higher electron-acceptor surface properties and cathodes with
higher electrochemical potentials would be welcome;
• Semi-permeable membranes or other proton exchange media: It is important
to increase the proton transfer from the anode to the cathode compartment,
while minimizing the risks of unwanted electron acceptor transfer from the
cathode to the anode compartment;
• Microbiology issues: research is focused on the isolation of bacteria that
grow on low cost substrates and are able to produce and transfer electrons at
a faster rate to the anode electrode. To this end, the enrichment with suitable
bacteria which form biofilms is the next step to gain enhanced power outputs.
Moreover, the parameters (such as hydrodynamic stress) affecting biofilm
formation, structure and composition are also important.
• Applicability in sewage treatment: is it important to verify if it is economically
acceptable to develop MFCs that are able to treat wastewaters with high
efficiency in order to compensate their lower electricity production and if
MFCs can compete with the traditional wastewater treatments;
• Operating conditions: the exact effect of operating conditions, such as pH,
temperature, aeration rate, feed rates on the MFC performance is still unknown.
The maximum performance of a MFC depends on the electrochemical reactions
occurring between the organic matter and the final acceptor, oxygen. The real cell

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potential is always lower than its maximum value due to three irreversible loss
types: the activation, the Ohmic and the concentration losses (Figure 11.2).

Figure 11.2 ​Schematic representation of a typical MFC polarization curve.

The activation loss is dominant at low current densities and is due to the
activation energy that must be overcome by the reacting species. Phenomena
involving adsorption or desorption of reactant species, transfer of electrons and the
nature of the electrode surface contribute to the activation polarization. In MFCs
where microbes do not readily release electrons directly on the anode electrode
surface, activation polarization gets lower when mediators are added to the anode
compartment. In the middle of the operating range, the predominant loss is the
Ohmic loss and is due to ionic and electronic conduction. This loss can be reduced
by shortening the distance between the two electrodes and by increasing the ionic
conductivity of the electrolytes. At very high current densities, the major loss is
the concentration loss and is due to the inability to maintain the initial substrate
concentration in the bulk fluid, mainly due to mass transport limitations. As can be
seen in Figure 11.2, the polarization curve of a MFC indicates the various loss types
and their extent over the current density range, pointing to possible measures to
minimize them and approach the maximum potential. These measures may include
selection of new microbes, mediators, substrates, modifications in the MFC design
(short spacing between electrodes) and configurations (improvement in electrode
structure, new catalyst and electrolytes). Besides the three major losses described
that lead to a decrease in power output, on the anode compartment of a MFC
methanogens compete with electrochemically active microorganisms to convert
organic material in methane, reducing the electricity generation process. Therefore
it is extremely important to study the effect of the different operating conditions on
methane production in order to avoid that and increase the power production.
In the earliest MFC concept, electrical energy was produced from living
cultures of Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces spp. by using platinum electrodes,

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although, the power output was very low. This concept only generated much
interest when it was discovered that current density and power output could be
greatly enhanced by the addition of electron mediators (Ieropoulos et al. 2005;
Du et al. 2007). Good mediators should be able to cross the cell membrane easily,
possess a high electrode reaction rate, should be non-biodegradable and non-toxic
to microbes and have low cost. Typical synthetic exogenous mediators include dyes
and metallorganics (neutral red (NR), methylene blue (MB), Fe(III)EDTA), but
their high toxicity and cost, instability and low efficiency limit their application
in MFCs (Ieropoulos et al. 2005; Du et al. 2007). These facts made scientists
look more closely at the microbiological features in the anode and to use bacteria
that could transfer electrons directly to the electrode and increase the Coulombic
efficiency, the so-called electricigens (Geobacter and Rhodoferax spp.) (Lovley
& Nevin, 2008). The use of these species is of interest because closely related
microorganisms have been found on the anodes of fuel cells harvesting electricity
from aquatic sediments and complex wastes (Holmes et al. 2004; Jung & Regan,
2007). Furthermore, these species have the ability to completely oxidize organic
substrates to carbon dioxide with an anode serving as the electron acceptor.
Also these types of bacteria develop biofilms on the MFC electrodes, allowing
considerable conversion capacity, and thus a potentially efficient microbial system
to enhance the electricity (Rittmann, 2008; Lovley, 2008). Despite the efforts made
in order to select the best bacterial consortia to achieve power densities needed
for MFC applications, the performances of this type of fuel cells still remain
lower than the ideal one. For a MFC it is also possible to enhance performance by
optimization of the operating conditions, such as electrode materials, fuel type,
proton transfer material, substrate concentration and feed rate, pH, temperature
and hydrodynamic stress.

11.4 ​Scale Up
Most MFCs studies were conducted at lab scales, however in order to make MFCs
suitable for real applications, such as wastewater treatment plants, it is critical
to achieve high power densities at a large scale. Also, for scaling up a MFC it
is mandatory to develop low-cost, simple construction and easy to maintenance
systems that can generate high power outputs. Many efforts have been made in
order to achieve these goals (Tender et al. 2008; Ieropoulos et al. 2008; Dewan
et al. 2008; Clauwaert et al. 2008; Dekker et al. 2009; Fan et al. 2010; Logan,
2010; Liu et al. 2008; Zhang et al. 2013; Zhu et al. 2013; Cheng & Logan, 2011;
Cheng et al. 2014; Zhuang & Zhou, 2009; Liu et al. 2008; Zhuang et al. 2009,
2010b, 2012a, 2012b; Ieropoulos et al. 2010a, Kim et al. 2012; Gurung et al. 2012;
Zuo et al. 2007, 2008; Lefebvre et al. 2009; Heijnea et al. 2011), but until now, no
consensus was found. The scale-up process can be accomplished by connecting
together single small units or by increasing the volume of a single unit (Tender
et al. 2008; Ieropoulos et al. 2008; Dewan et al. 2008; Clauwaert et al. 2008;

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Dekker et al. 2009; Fan et al. 2010; Logan, 2010; Liu et al. 2008; Zhang et al.
2013; Zhu et al. 2013; Cheng & Logan, 2011; Cheng et al. 2014; Zhuang & Zhou,
2009; Liu et al. 2008; Zhuang et al. 2009, 2010b, 2012a, 2012b; Ieropoulos et al.
2010a, Kim et al. 2012; Gurung et al. 2012; Zuo et al. 2007, 2008; Lefebvre et al.
2009; Heijnea et al. 2011).
The first demonstration of using a microbial fuel cell as an alternative and viable
power supply for a low power consuming application was reported by Tender et al.
(2008). The specific application reported was a meteorological buoy that measures
different parameters such as air temperature, pressure and relative humidity, and
water temperature. The MFC employed in this demonstration was the benthic
microbial fuel cell (BMFC), which operates at the bottom of marine environments.
It is maintenance free, does not deplete and is sufficiently powerful to operate a
wide range of low power marine deployed scientific instruments normally powered
by batteries.
Despite this first attempt, bringing the MFC technology out of laboratory
appears as a challenge in the MFC developments, due to the high power densities
and low cost materials required. Also, the reactor configuration, the operation at
large scale, the electrode performance and the longevity are key factors in MFC
scale-up. In the last years, some efforts have been made in order to scale-up MFCs
(Tender et al. 2008; Ieropoulos et al. 2008; Dewan et al. 2008; Clauwaert et al.
2008; Dekker et al. 2009; Fan et al. 2010; Logan, 2010; Liu et al. 2008; Zhang
et al. 2013; Zhu et al. 2013; Cheng & Logan, 2011; Cheng et al. 2014; Zhuang &
Zhou, 2009; Liu et al. 2008; Zhuang et al. 2009, 2010b, 2012a, 2012b; Ieropoulos
et al. 2010a, Kim et al. 2012; Gurung et al. 2012; Zuo et al. 2007, 2008; Lefebvre
et al. 2009; Heijnea et al. 2011), but there are still many challenges that must be
overcome before that.
One of the challenges of scaling up MFCs is to maintain the power outputs at
levels needed for real applications, since previous studies concerning this issue
revealed that the power density decrease in the scale-up process (Ieropoulos et al.
2008; Dewan et al. 2008; Clauwaert et al. 2008; Dekker et al. 2009; Fan et al.
2010). As mentioned before, one possible way of scale-up MFCs is to increase its
volume. However, large MFCs units can alter electrode spacing which will affect the
power density through changes in the internal resistance and non-uniform current
distribution (Logan, 2010; Liu et al. 2008; Zhang et al. 2013; Zhu et al. 2013; Cheng
& Logan, 2011; Cheng et al. 2014). Questions such as whether the energy generated
by MFCs increases linearly or not with their size and how power is related to the
surface area of electrodes and electrode spacing should be therefore answered.
Dewan et al. (2008) studied the relation between the limiting electrode surface
area (anode compartment) and the cell power output and found that the maximum
power density is not directly proportional to the surface area of the anode, but
is proportional to the logarithm of the surface area. Cheng and Logan (2011)
studied the effect of the anode and cathode electrode surface area on the MFC
performance and found that doubling the anode and cathode size can increase the

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power output to 12% and 62% respectively. Based on these findings, the three-
dimensional electrodes having the largest surface area for the same reactor volume
(compared to the other alternatives, such as carbon paper or carbon cloth), are
expected to be the best option for full-scale MFC (Cheng & Logan, 2011).
The electrode spacing is another important issue on MFC scale-up, since it
has significant influence on the cell internal resistance. Liu et al. (2008) studied
the effect of the electrode spacing on MFC performance. The electrode spacing
was found to be a key factor affecting the specific area, internal resistance and
power density. Also, in MFCs scale-up the large electrode array will affect the
biofilm growth on the electrode surface and will lead to a non-uniform internal
distribution in the cell. This will cause low energy generation, substrate utilization
and electrode utilization and less biomass production (Zhang et al. 2013; Zhu et al.
2013). Therefore, to maintain the power density during scale-up, the larger reactor
architecture must maintain or even reduce the electrode spacing by applying a
parallel electrode orientation (Liu et al. 2008; Zhang et al. 2013).
In the MFC scale-up process, as the reactor dimensions become larger, the
distance between the points where the electrons are generated and the leading-
out terminal where current flows out increases and consequently the ohmic losses
increase. Cheng et al. (2014) studied the impact of the anode ohmic resistance
on large-scale MFCs by changing the leading-out configurations and found
that a major part of the power loss from small to large scale was due to a bad
leading-out terminal. They found that an effective way to reduce the power loss
is changing the connecting configuration and the anode material since it reduces
the anode resistance, which is one of the limitations for high performances in
large-scale MFCs.
To avoid some of the problems of increasing the volume of a single MFC
unit, some effort has been puton the other commonly accepted configuration for
scale-up; the stack configuration. This consists of connecting single small units
together in series or parallel (Ieropoulos et al. 2008; Dekker et al. 2009; Zhuang
& Zhou, 2009; Liu et al. 2008; Zhuang et al. 2012a, 2012b; Ieropoulos et al.
2010a, Kim et al. 2012; Gurung et al. 2012). Ieropoulos et al. (2008) compared the
performance of three different sizes of microbial fuel cell (MFC) (large, medium
and small), when operated under continuous flow conditions using acetate as the
fuel substrate, by means of polarization curves. The authors, also, investigated the
connection of multiple small-scale MFCs, in series, parallel and series–parallel
configurations. Among the three combinations tested, the series–parallel proved to
be the more efficient one, stepping up both the voltage and current of the system.
The results from this study suggested that MFC scale-up may be better achieved
by connecting multiple small-sized units together rather than increasing the size of
an individual unit. When the single units are connected in stacks, voltage, current
or both can be increased depending on the stack size and configuration. This is
very useful since the power output needed can be met by adjusting the size of
the stack through the removal or addition of single units. It should be mentioned,

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that when cells are connected in series the voltage of the MFC stack is the sum of
the individual cell unit voltages. When the stack presents a parallel configuration
the stack current is the sum of the individual currents (Ieropoulos et al. 2008,
2010a). However, connecting multiple units together in series and/or parallel
present some problems, such as voltage reversal, voltage losses and unpredictable
operation (Zhuang & Zhou, 2009; Liu et al. 2008). Moreover, the connection of
multiple MFCs may be complicated if the units are running under continuous
flow conditions, which involves electrical and hydraulic connections. Connecting
multiple MFCs in continuous flow requires the units to be joined to an inflow
and outflow stream (Ieropoulos et al. 2008). However, a study regarding this issue
shows that there is a voltage loss when the cells are hydraulically and electrically
connected (Zhuang & Zhou, 2009). To overcome that, different studies regarding
the stack configuration have been performed (Liu et al. 2008; Zhuang et al. 2012a,
2012b). Another problem of the stack configuration is the fact that the materials
used for a single operating cell may be not the best choice for a stack ofcells. In
their work, Ieropoulos et al. (2010a) found that the PEM that allows the highest
energy output level in lab-scale MFCs was not the best option for stacks.
One major challenge to MFCs became suitable for real applications, is developing
low-cost, simple constructions and easy to maintenance systems that can generate
high power outputs. The noble metals used as catalysts (like Platinum) are very
expensive and therefore unsuitable for large-scale applications. Using different
cathode catalyst materials or other electron acceptors instead of oxygen to increase
current densities is desirable (Zuo et al. 2007, 2008; Lefebvre et al. 2009; Heijnea
et al. 2011; Zhuang et al. 2009, 2010b).

11.5 ​Operational Conditions
Operating conditions like pH, organic load, feed rate, shear stress and temperature
are key parameters for MFC optimization. The comprehension of their
interdependence is also important.

11.5.1 ​Effect of pH
The pH is crucial to the MFCs power output. Anodic pH microenvironment
influences substrate metabolic activity and in turn affects the electron and proton
generation mechanism. Generally, bacteria require a pH close to neutral for their
optimal growth and respond to the changes of internal and external pH by adjusting
their activity. Depending on the bacteria and growth conditions, variations in pH
can cause modifications in several primary physiological parameters, such as, ion
concentration, membrane potential, proton-motive force and biofilm formation
(Zhang et al. 2011; Yaun et al. 2011). Most MFCs are operated at neutral pH in
order to optimize bacterial growth conditions (Biffinger et al. 2008; Jadhav &
Ghangrekar, 2009; Behera and Ghangrekar, 2009; He et al. 2008; Puig et al.

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2010, Li et al. 2013b; Guerrini et al. 2013; Vologni et al. 2013). However, the
low concentration of protons at this pH makes the internal resistance of the cell
relatively high compared to chemical fuel cells that use acidic electrolytes.
The anode reactions produce protons and the cathode reaction consumes
protons. Accumulation of protons due to slow and incomplete proton diffusion
and migration through the membrane will cause a pH decrease in the anode. This
will lead to a decrease in the bacterial activity and the electron transfer in the
anode compartment. On the other hand, the continuous proton consumption by
the oxygen reduction reaction results in a pH increase in the cathode compartment
which, according to the Nernst equation, results in a decrease in current generation
(the oxygen reduction reaction rate decreases with an increase of pH) (Biffinger
et al. 2008; Jadhav & Ghangrekar, 2009; Behera & Ghangrekar, 2009; Erable et al.
2009; Zhuang et al. 2010a). The difference between the pH values in the anode
and cathode compartments causes a pH gradient, and consequently, a decrease in
the voltage efficiency and power generation especially at high current densities.
Therefore, neutral pH at the anode side and lower pH values at the cathode side
are desired. This can be achieved in a traditional dual-chamber MFC since two
different pH conditions can be maintained to optimize, respectively, the anodic
and cathodic reactions (Zhang et al. 2011; Yaun et al. 2011; Erable et al. 2009;
Zhuang et al. 2010a; Nimje et al. 2011). However, this is impossible in the case
of air-cathode MFCs, because only one electrolyte is present and the pH of this
electrolyte affects the reactions in both compartments (He et al. 2008; Raghavulu
et al. 2009). Since the air-cathode MFC configuration is more advantageous due to
higher power outputs and simplified reactor configuration, the research is focused
on maintaining a favorable pH value for both anode and cathode. According to He
et al. (2008), the air-cathode MFC can tolerate an electrolyte pH as high as 10 with
the optimal values ranging between pH 8 and 10. The anodic bacterial activity is
optimal at a neutral pH, while the cathodic reaction was improved at a higher pH.
Moreover, it was shown that the polarization resistance of the cathode was the
dominant factor limiting power output. Contrarily, in a continuous flow air-cathode
MFC, the higher power output was observed at acidophilic conditions (pH 6.3)
(Martin et al. 2010). Raghavulu et al. (2009), also, observed higher current densities
at acidophilic conditions (pH 6) when compared to neutral (pH 7) and alkaline (pH
8). The results showed that a better substrate degradation was achieved at neutral
conditions. The second best was for alkaline conditions and last one for acidophilic
conditions. Due to the poor cathodic oxygen reduction and the negative buildup of
a pH gradient between anode and cathode, Cheng et al. (2010) proposed a solution
to overcome these limitations. By inverting the polarity of the MFC successively
in the same half-cell they could neutralize the pH effects. They found that a mixed
culture forming an acidophilic biofilm can also catalyze the cathodic reaction of
oxygen in a single bioelectrochemical system. However, further research is needed
to explore the application of such bidirectional microbial catalytic properties for
sustainable MFC processes.

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The use of buffers is another way to maintain suitable values of pH in both

compartments (Li et al. 2013b; Vologni et al. 2013; Fan et al. 2007a, 2007b; Min
et al. 2008; Qiang et al. 2011; Nam et al. 2010; Torres et al. 2008; Fornero et al.
2010a; Ahn & Logan, 2013). The buffers affect MFC performance due to their
chemical composition and interaction with electrodes, bacteria, and membrane.
Moreover, an ideal buffer should be able to maintain constant pH without
interfering with chemical reactions or microbial physiology, facilitate proton
transfer to the electrode and increase the solution conductivity. Different buffers,
such as phosphate, bicarbonate, zwitterionic and borax buffers, have been used for
this purpose (Vologni et al. 2013; Fan et al. 2007a, 2007b; Min et al. 2008; Qiang
et al. 2011; Nam et al. 2010; Torres et al. 2008; Fornero et al. 2010a).
Phosphate buffers are the most commonly used in MFC and it was found
that increasing the buffer concentration the MFC power output is improved
(Vologni et al. 2013; Fan et al. 2007a; Min et al. 2008). However the cost of a
high concentration phosphate buffer as well as the depletion of phosphate in the
environment make their use problematic and efforts are being made to recover
phosphate from the effluent before discharge. Bicarbonate buffer sare considered
to be low cost and effective alternatives, although they can enhance the growth
of methanogens (Fan et al. 2007b). The zwitterionic buffers have a pKa slightly
higher than the one needed for the anode compartment, which is advantageous
for maintaining the pH value as the substrate is consumed. They are chemically
stable and do not interfere with biochemical reactions, but they can be toxic to
bacteria (Nam et al. 2010).
Despite the different types of buffers mentioned and their advantages, they all
present some problems and their use is not practical for full scale applications since
they entail an extra cost. Moreover, the type of buffer used has a hig himpact on
power production, since the various buffers produce different solution conductivities,
resulting in different ohmic resistances and maximum power outputs (Nam et al.
2010). In order to avoid some of these problems and to ensure a continuous feed of
a buffer at a low cost, the addition of acid buffers to the cathode compartment in
the form of carbon dioxide (Torres et al. 2008; Fornero et al. 2010a) and the use
of saline solutions in both compartments have been studied (Ahn & Logan, 2013;
Li et al. 2013b). Carbon dioxide is an acid that combines with the hydroxide ions
in the cathode compartment producing bicarbonate and carbonate. These species
can migrate to the anode compartment as hydroxide ion carriers at a rate much
higher than the hydroxide ions themselves and act as buffers on this compartment.
Therefore, carbon dioxide/carbonate or bicarbonate buffered catholyte systems are
produced (Torres et al. 2008; Fornero et al. 2010a). The carbon dioxide is available
as a waste gas in industrial settings, such as cement, chemical and petrochemical
industries, making it a low cost buffer. The use of saline solutions, such as sodium
chloride, was found to be an effective way to control pH and lead to an increase of
the solution conductivity, a decrease of the internal resistance and an increase of
the power density (Ahn & Logan, 2013; Li et al. 2013b). However, caution should

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be taken when using these highly saline solutions at the anode side, since the
anodic microbial communities can be affected (Lefebvre et al. 2012).

11.5.2 ​Effect of temperature
In conventional fuel cells, most of the experimental studies are performed at
high temperatures to favor the electrochemical kinetics in the anode and cathode,
increase the open-circuit voltage, reduce the activation over voltage (according to
the Arrhenius relation) and, thus, increase the performance. Moreover, an increase
in temperature leads to an increase in solution conductivity with a consequent
decrease in the ohmic resistance. However, the high cell temperature decreases
the membrane stability and the oxygen partial pressure. Both positive and negative
effects of temperature are similar to all types of fuel cells. In the case of biological
fuel cells, such as MFCs, the high temperature levels of the conventional fuel
cells are detrimental to the microorganism. In MFCs, temperature is one of the
most important parameters that affects directly the growth and the metabolism of
microbial populations, affecting not only the intracellular biochemical processes
but also, the extracellular chemical and biochemical ones (Jadhav et al. 2009;
Martin et al. 2010; Min et al. 2008; Guerrero et al. 2010; Campo et al. 2013;
Michie et al. 2011; Liu et al. 2012; Li et al. 2013a; Wei et al. 2013). An increase in
temperature, leads to an increase of the intracellular biochemical reaction rate, an
increase on the microorganisms metabolism rate, which results in an increase of
the microorganisms growth rate and an increase inpower outputs. But in the long
run, when the microorganisms are under high temperatures, the other important
compounds of the cell such as proteins, nucleic acids or other temperature sensitive
parameters, may suffer an irreversible damage, which will lead to a decline in cell
function. Therefore, the microorganisms growth rate and concentration decrease
and consequently the power output decreases. The growth and reproduction rates
of microorganism will be fastest and the cell function will not be affected only if
they live in the optimum temperature (Min et al. 2008; Wei et al. 2013).
Generally, different types of microorganism grow optimally at different
temperature ranges. The microorganisms used in MFCs are categorized in
mesophilic (32–42°C) and thermophilic (48–55°C), while at the transitory range
of 40–45°C, both mesophilic and thermophilic microorganisms function under
suboptimal conditions. The methanogens are more sensitive to rapid changes of
temperature. To some extent, this is an exciting field for research since the results
would have potential application in areas with large temperature variations. In the
case of MFCs, it was found that the more advantageous operating temperature
range is between 30°C and 40°C, leading to higher power outputs and microbial
activity (Jadhav et al. 2009; Martin et al. 2010; Min et al. 2008; Guerrero et al.
2010; Campo et al. 2013; Michie et al. 2011; Liu et al. 2012; Li et al. 2013a; Wei
et al. 2013). However, the startup time for a MFC operating at higher temperatures
(above 40°C) is longer than for low temperatures (below 40°C), despite the fact

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that the voltages increase with an increase in temperature. Moreover, under

temperatures higher than 40°C, it was found that the power output was initially
high, but decreased during operation and remained at low values (Min et al.
2008; Wei et al. 2013). In the sequel, it was found that decreasing the operation
temperature of a MFC from 40°C during start-up to 30°C during normal operation,
is beneficial. Once the biofilm is formed during startup, the microorganisms are
more robust to functioning at lower temperature levels without significant lost in
their performance (Michie et al. 2011; Liu et al. 2012; Li et al. 2013a) and saving
some heating costs. Martin et al. (2010) studied the influence of anode and cathode
temperature on power and methane productionin a MFC. They found that the
methane production on the anode compartment was more temperature sensitive
than power generation, since an increase in the anode temperature increased the
methane production more than the power production. The cathode temperature
appeared to have a more significant impact on the power production, than the
anode temperature, indicating that a significant charge transfer limitation prevails
in the cathode at low temperatures. Cathode heating may increase the catalytic
activity, while the effect on anodophilic populations was less pronounced. They
concluded that temperature rising may be useful if performed at the cathode, to
increase cathodic kinetics without increasing activity of methanogenic populations
in the anodic chamber. Also, increasing the cathode temperature instead of the
anode temperature could avoid some of the problems mentioned above regarding
the effect of the temperature on the microorganisms growth and metabolism.

11.5.3 ​Organic load
In the anodic chamber of a MFC, microorganisms produce electrons and protons
due to the oxidation of organic compounds. Therefore, the organic load presented
in the effluent will affect both the performance and the microbial community of a
MFC. Some studies have been conducted in order to study the effect of the organic
load on the MFC performance through the parameter, organic loading rate (OLR),
which is related to the capacity of conversion the organic substrates per reactor
volume (Jadhav et al. 2009; Behera et al. 2009; Martin et al. 2010; Guerrero et al.
2010; Campo et al. 2013; Aelterman et al. 2008; Mohan et al. 2009; Lorenzo et al.
2010; Reddy et al. 2010; Juang et al. 2011; Velvizhi et al. 2012; Ozkaya et al. 2013;
Jia et al. 2013). These studies allowed to conclude that there is an optimum range of
values for OLR which has a direct influence on the power output, COD (chemical
oxygen demand) removal and coloumbic efficiency (CE). Generally, increasing
the OLR, leads to an increase in the cell voltage, power output, as well as, the
COD removal rate. This is due to the fact that under higher organic loads, more
substrate is available to sustain the metabolic activity and more organic matter is
used for power generation. Moreover, increasing the OLR, the ionic strength of the
anodic solution is increased and the activity and concentration of the anodophilic
microorganisms are also favored (Martin et al. 2010; Velvizhi et al. 2012). However,

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higher organic loading rate lead to a decrease on power generation, even though
the increase on the substrate degradation occurs (Jadhav et al. 2009; Martin et al.
2010; Campo et al. 2013; Aelterman et al. 2008; Mohan et al. 2009; Lorenzo et al.
2010; Reddy et al. 2010; Juang et al. 2011; Velvizhi et al. 2012; Jia et al. 2013).
This can be explained by the fact that a further increase on the organic load leads
to an excessive nutrient supply. This additional supply will be metabolized by the
non-electricity generation microorganisms and/or will hindered the performance
of the biocatalyst, generating less current. The increase in the substrate removal
rate observed at high loading rates may be attributed to the direct anodic oxidation
(DAO) mechanism. This helps the further oxidation of the substrate leading to
enhanced removal rates (Mohan et al. 2009). Despite the fact that an increase on
the organic load leads to an increase on the power output and COD removal, the
Coulombic efficiency decreases (Jadhav et al. 2009; Martin et al. 2010; Campo
et al. 2013; Aelterman et al. 2008; Mohan et al. 2009; Lorenzo et al. 2010; Reddy
et al. 2010; Juanget al. 2011; Velvizhi et al. 2012; Ozkaya et al. 2013). This means
that most of the electrons produced from the oxidation of organic compounds are
diverted to non-electricity generating processes, such as methane production. High
organic loading rates cause saturated conditions which will lead to competition
between microorganisms involved in electricity production and other processes
(such as methane production), leading to a greater organic matter removal that may
not be directly related to current generation. Therefore, the Coulombic efficiency
decreases, despite the fact that the substrate degradation increases.
Studies regarding the effect of the OLR on methane production, show that the
volumetric methane production rate increases with an increase of the organic
loading rate (Martin et al. 2010). Therefore to avoid that, low organic loading rates
should be used (Martin et al. 2010; Lorenzo et al. 2010; Velvizhi et al. 2012),
but working in such conditions will lead to lower power outputs, higher internal
resistances and lower COD removal rates. So, it is necessary to find a way to
simultaneously increase the power and Coulombic efficiency and decrease the
methane production. Studies regarding that suggested that an optimized OLR can
be used to avoid in some extent the methane production and to shift the electricity-
to-methane production rate towards the electricity production (Martin et al. 2010;
Lorenzo et al. 2010; Velvizhi et al. 2012).

11.5.4 ​Feed rate and shear stress

Hydrodynamic conditions is one of the key parameters that affects the microbial
adhesion and biofilm formation (Pham et al. 2008; Rochex et al. 2008). Moreover,
biofilm development and electrochemical activity affect the MFC performance on
treating wastewater (Pham et al. 2008; Rochex et al. 2008). Pham et al. (2008)
studied the influence of shear rates on the establishment and structure of the
biofilm and on the MFC performance. They found that an increase on the shear
rate leads to a power output two to three times higher, the biofilm formed showed

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a double average thickness and the biomass concentration increased by a factor of

5. The development of a thicker biofilm may be due to an increase of the biofilm
cohesion as aresponse to the high detachment forces induced by the high shear
stress. Moreover it could be due to an increase of the biomass production resulting
from higher mass transfer. In these conditions, a higher electron concentration
is present on the anode electrode surface resulting in a higher power production.
However, there is a maximum value of shear stress, beyond which, cell detachment
prevails and reduced power production is observed (Pham et al. 2008). Rochex
et al. (2008) studied the effect of shear stress on the composition of biofilm bacterial
communities and found that higher shear rates decreased the biofilm diversity. As
a result, one species dominated the bacterial community making it more uniform
in terms of age diversion. The “young” microbial cells exhibiting high metabolic
activity expelled the mature in age cells and formed a more active biofilm as a
whole. A biofilm with these characteristics improves the electron conduction via
direct contact and enhances transfer via electron shuttles as more cells are involved
in electron transfer and more shuttles can be produced.
The ability of a microorganism to function under different flow rates would
be an important factor in the case of continuous MFCs installed in wastewater
treatments plants. Also, in order to achieve the best performance with a MFC, the
time needed for the formation of an efficient biofilmis crucial. Studies regarding
the effect of the flow rate on the MFC performance showed that the power output
of a MFC increases with the flow rate until a maximum value where an increase
on flow rate leads to a decrease in power output (Aelterman et al. 2008; Lorenzo
et al. 2010; Aaron et al. 2010; Juang et al. 2012; Ieropoulos et al. 2010b). Higher
flow rates may wash out the microbial community decreasing the microbial
concentration in the reaction media and consequently the power production. These
severe conditions also affect the biofilm formation, maturity and stabilization
leading to thinner biofilms attached to the electrode surface and consequently lower
power densities. Moreover, an increase in the flow rate limits the time available for
the microorganisms to degrade the organic compounds and/or form the biofilm
and as a result, both the Coulombic efficiency and COD removal are decreased
(Aelterman et al. 2008; Lorenzo et al. 2010; Aaron et al. 2010; Juang et al. 2012;
Ieropoulos et el., 2010b).

11.6 ​Modelling Studies
Fuel cell modelling has received much attention over the last decade in an attempt
to understand the phenomena occurring within the cell. Different modeling
approaches have been developed and have led to analytical, semi-empirical and
mechanistic models (Oliveira et al. 2007). In Figure 11.3 the models developed
for MFCs are categorized according to the features studied, such as dimension,
mass transport, pH effects, multispecies, biofilm, biochemical, electrochemical
and dynamic (Zeng et al. 2010; Picioreanu et al. 2007, 2008, 2010a, 2010b;

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Pinto et al. 2010, 2012; Oliveira et al. 2013, Zhang et al. 2014; Wen et al. 2009;
Marcus et al. 2007; Merkey & Chopp, 2012).

Figure 11.3 ​MFC model categorization based on areas of investigation.

Analytical models are an adequate tool to understand the effect of basic

variables on fuel cell performance. They can be used to predict voltage losses for
simple designs and can be useful for rapid calculations in these systems (Zeng et al.
2010; Picioreanu et al. 2010a; Pinto et al. 2010, 2012; Oliveira et al. 2013, Zhang
et al. 2014). However, they neglect some of the crucial features as the transient
performance and the dynamic behavior. Semi-empirical models allow designers
and engineers to predict the fuel cell performance as a function of different
operating conditions using simple empirical equations. They give quick predictions
for existing designs but fail to predict innovative ones, since their validity is limited
to a narrow window of operating conditions and cannot predict accurately the
performance outside this range (Wen et al. 2009). Mechanistic models are complex
models using differential and algebraic equations whose derivation is based on the
electrochemistry, biologic and physics governing the phenomena taking place in
the cell. These models involve extensive calculations, but predict accurately all
the phenomena occurring in the cell (Marcus et al. 2007; Merkey & Chopp, 2012;
Picioreanu et al. 2007, 2008, 2010b). It should be noted that most of the models
developed only consider the phenomena occurring in the anode compartment

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assuming a constant over potential in the cathode compartment, neglecting the

processes taking place there (Picioreanu et al. 2007, 2008, 2010a, 2010b; Pinto
et al. 2010, 2012; Wen et al. 2009; Marcus et al. 2007; Merkey & Chopp, 2012).
There are only a few models extended to both anode and cathode chambers (Zeng
et al. 2010; Oliveira et al. 2013, Zhang et al. 2014).
There are, also, some models based on partial differential equations to simulate
the multi species biofilm formation in the anode compartment (Marcus et al. 2007;
Merkey & Chopp, 2012; Picioreanu et al. 2007, 2008, 2010b). However, these models
are complex, require long computational times and may be difficult to implement
widely. To overcome these difficulties, simplified models that adequately describe
MFCs at various operating conditions while being suitable for process design and
optimization are needed.
Among the simple models that describe both anode and cathode chambers, only
few account for the biofilm formation in the anode compartment (Oliveira et al.
2013, Zhang et al. 2014). Zeng et al. (2010) and Zhang et al. (2014) developed one
dimensional and analytical models that integrate the biochemical reactions with
mass and charge balances and simulate both steady and dynamic behavior of a MFC,
including voltage, power density, fuel concentration, and the influence of various
parameters on power generation. The proposed models are easy to implement and
can serve as a framework for modelling other types of MFCs. However, the major
drawback of the model developed by Zeng et al. (2010) is the fact that the biofilm
formation in the anode compartment is not considered. The model developed by
Oliveira et al. (2013), is also a one dimensional and analytical model considering
the effects of coupled charge, mass transfer and biofilm formation, along with the
bio-electrochemical reactions occurring in the cell, but includes the heat transfer
effects.Therefore, this model allows the assessment of the effect of operating
and the design parameters on the biofilm thickness and on the temperature and
concentration profiles along the cell and consequently on the cell performance.

11.7 ​Economic Evaluation
The world demand for adequate sanitation and access to portable water leads to
the need to treat the wastewaters. As example in Unites States (US) 4% to 5% of
the energy produced is used in water infrastructures, such as water collection,
treatment and distribution. The costs of maintaining such infrastructures are
significant and is expected that will increase over the next years to maintain and
improve this infrastructures (Logan, 2008). Wastewaters contain energy, in the
form of organic matters, that we expend energy to remove rather than trying to
recover it. At a conventional wastewater treatment plant it was estimated that there
was 9.3 times as much energy in the wastewater than used to treat it (Logan, 2008).
Industrial, agricultural and domestic wastewaters are estimated to contain a total
of 17 Gigawatts, which is, for example, the same amount of energy that is used
for the whole water structure in US. Therefore, if this energy can be recovered a

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water treatment plant can be self-sufficient. The most common technology that
is used to extract this energy on a commercial scale is the anaerobic digestion.
However, anaerobic digestion requires meso-to thermophilic temperatures to
achieve sufficient turnover and limited methane solubility. The major operating
costs for wastewater treatment are water aeration, sludge treatment and wastewater
pumping. The aerobic treatment consumes large amounts of electrical energy
for aeration accounting for half of the operation costs at a typical wastewater
treatment plant.Also, the sludge treatment cost to wastewater treatment plants can
reach up to 500€/ton dry matter. Therefore, eliminating or reducing this two costs
can save appreciable amount of energy and can decrease the economic balance
of the process. Based on that, the MFCs appear as an interesting technology for
the production of energy from wastewaters. MFCs have many advantages over
the conventional technologies used for generating energy from organic matter,
such as: direct conversion of organic matter into electricity, which allows higher
conversion efficiencies; can operate at ambient or low temperatures reducing
the heat costs; do not require gas treatment since the gas produced in MFCs
is carbon dioxide which as no useful energy content; do not need energy input
for aeration since the cathode can be passively aerated; can be used in remote
locations (locations lacking electrical infrastructures); can use a diversity of fuels
allowing to satisfy the energy requirements for each application; and can reduce
considerably the solids production at a wastewater treatment plant, reducing the
operating costs for solids handling. However, the MFC technology has to compete
with the well establish anaerobic digestion technology since both can use the same
biomass to produce energy and have advantages and disadvantages. To implement
this kind of system, the cost which is one of the MFC challenges, needs to be
faced and exceeded. In order to become an advantageous technology, the cost
benefits of the MFC system (energy production and wastewater treatment) should
be higher than the total costs (implementation an operational cost). To achieve
this, the benefits should be maximized and the costs minimized. In general, high
conversion rates, whose evaluation is based on the power output, are a major
condition for low costs. However, this rate is limited by the energy losses in the
systems, already explained in the fundamentals and challenges section. Therefore,
it is extremely important to reduce these losses and as presented above different
studies have been done in order to achieve this. Moreover, it is fundamental to
identify the major costs related to the MFCs technology and find ways to reduce
them (Sleutels et al. 2012; Fornero et al. 2010b; Rozendal et al. 2008; Pham et al.
2006; Rabaey & Verstraete, 2005).
In the work developed by Rozendal et al. (2008) an overview of the estimated
implementation costs of a MFC based on the materials available commercially
and commonly used on these systems, as well as, a comparison of estimated costs
among the different wastewater treatments available is presented. They compared
the costs of MFCs technology with the anaerobic digestion (AD) treatment. The
authors concluded that with the materials available, the MFC capital costs are

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higher than those of conventional treatments, 8€/kg COD for MFC and 0.01€/
kg COD for AD. Among the different costs associated to the MFC technology,
they showed that the major percentage for the total cost is the cathode side
material (47%) due to the need of using platinum as cathode electrode to promote
the oxygen reduction reaction, with an estimate cost of 500€/m2. The second
major contribution for the overall cost (38%) is related to the membrane used to
separate both compartments with an estimated cost of 400€/m2. Therefore, MFC
systems can only became economically interesting if these larger capital costs are
reduced, based on changing the materials commonly used for less expensive ones.
The authors estimated a total costs of 0.4€/kg COD, which was acceptable and
near the costs of the AD. Also, it should be emphasized that 1 kg of COD can
be converted to 1kWh using anaerobic digestion while the same amount of COD
can be converted in 4 kWh when a MFC is used (Pham et al. 2006; Rabaey &
Verstraete, 2005). This shows a higher energy conversion rate when MFC are used
instead of the AD. Therefore, the slightly higher costs of the MFC technology may
be compensated by its higher conversion rate. The MFCs have, also, other benefits
over the AD such as operation on a small-scale, with low COD concentrations
and temperatures. Moreover, economic value can be added to this technology,
if besides the COD removal, the system is used for the production of valuable
chemical products instead of electricity. The production of hydrogen gas, caustic
or hydrogen peroxide that can be directly used in the treatment process, or the
removal of persistent and toxic wastewater compounds may provide an additional
cost benefit for the wastewater treatment plants when a MFC is used.

11.8 ​Summary
The fundamentals and challenges on MFCs have been summarized and the recent
modeling and experimental studies have been reviewed. An economic outlook of
this technology was also presented. As was mentioned for practical applications of
this technology cost effectiveness is essential. Therefore to a MFC be cost effective
the value of the products and of wastewater treatment (revenues) need to be higher
than the capital and operational costs. The production of the valuable chemicals
with MFCs as well as the reduction of the material costs are expected to offset the
higher capital investments of this technology. Apart from the economic aspects,
the MFC are a sustainable technology that can be adaptable to a wide variety of
application. They produce electrical energy from different array of electron donors
with different concentrations at low and moderate temperatures and no other
existing technology can achieve that.
Many studies have been focused on analyzing and improving single parts
of MFCs and different materials, designs, microbes, mediators and operating
conditions have been suggested, which manage to increase the power outputs.
However, power generation have not yet reached the levels needed for commercial
use. Also, the best operating and design conditions for one type of MFC may

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be not necessary the same to another type. Therefore, when developing a MFC,
the materials and conditions need to be carefully considered and chosen in order
to achieve the best performance which means the highest power output. Since
significant challenges still exist before a MFC can be ready to commercialization,
further studies on more cost-efficient materials and optimization of configurations
are needed in order incorporate large-scale MFCs in conventional wastewater
treatment systems.
The development of mathematical models is essential to a better understanding
and prediction of the main processes occurring in a MFC. These models can be
used to predict the effect of various operating and structural parameters on cell
performance and are a fundamental tool for the design and optimization of fuel
cell systems. In spite of the modelling work on MFCs developed in the past few
years, new models are still needed to describe the main biological, mass transfer,
energy and charge effects in the anode and cathode compartment of a MFC, as
well as the biofilm formation.
The developments both on experimental and modeling issues have led to an
increase on the MFC power output at lab-scale. Therefore, the scaling-up and
durability need to emerge as future development areas in the MFC research.

11.9 ​Acknowledgements
V. B. Oliveira acknowledges the post-doctoral fellowship (SFRH/BDP/91993/2012)
supported by the Portuguese “Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia” (FCT),
POPH/QREN and European Social Fund (ESF). POCI (FEDER) also supported
this work via CEFT.

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Part II
Innovative technologies and
economics in sewage treatment
plants – case studies

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Chapter 12
Management optimisation and
technologies application: a right
approach to balance energy
saving needs and process goals
P. Ragazzo1, L. Falletti2, N. Chiucchini1 and G. Serra3
ASI Azienda Servizi Integrati S.p.A., Process Control and Technological

Development, Venice, Italy

2 PH.D. Dep. Industrial Engineering University, Padua, Italy
3 Azienda Servizi Pubblici Sile-Piave S.p.A., Process Control, Treviso, Italy

12.1 ​Introduction
Energy saving is a widespread goal in any country but dealing with problems of
consumption rationalization is complicated. In fact even though it is clear that in
each energy sector, saving should be obtained by multilevel strategies, the general
trend is to pursue the goal without considering integrated approaches, sometimes
even adopting conflicting actions.
Integrated water cycle services play an important role in energy consumption –
about 6.3 billion kWh per year in Italy, in 2009–2011 (Terna, 2012) – and the
contribution of the WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant) – about 3 billion kWh
per year in Italy, in the same period – can be really significant.
Therefore as the energy consumption for wastewater treatment plants is a
significant fraction of total energy consumption – about 0.9% in Italy in 2009–
2011 (DPS, 2010; Co.N.Vi.RI, 2011) – and above all it represents a significant part
of the WWTP managements costs, applying energy saving strategies to wastewater
treatments is important; but it must be done by considering the overall factors and
avoiding negative impacts on depuration process.
Often this objective is only dealt with in terms of improvement of sludge
treatment, however other important aspects of the WWTPs – such as the lack of a
sufficient flexibility in the treatments, the oversizing and inflexibility of important
sections as the aeration, the pumping and mixing systems, as well as the adoption
of operative procedures not well adjusted on process real needs – can undoubtedly

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lead to severe limitations on management and energy issues. Therefore, the

correction of structures and management practices, represents the first important
step in terms of energy saving purposes, also because these factors often have an
impact on wastewater treatment processes, undermining the quality of discharges.
Some published data (Terna, 2012; DPS, 2010) indicate that, in the case of
Italy, the average energy consumption is about 37 kWh per equivalent inhabitant
(e.i.) per year, however in the case of absence of suitable flexibility, the effective
values can be much higher. This is the case for example of WWTPs supplied by
combined sewage systems where the designs are based on reference data provided
by technical handbook, for which the consumptions can be 4 times higher than the
average value above referred.
But also adopting very rigorous criteria of designing – such as circumstanced
data for the aeration dimensioning; pipelines with minimal head losses; flexibility
of treatment lines and devices – significant energy wastes could be caused by
wrong operating practices and/or lack of proper controls; for this reason what is
essential is adopting multi-level monitoring systems for the main process variables
and the influent characteristics.
Another problem is the tendency to adopt high energy-consuming technologies
without real needs, as it often occurs with membrane bioreactors (MBR) or
ultraviolet (UV) disinfection technologies, both inconsistent with energy saving
purposes but more and more encouraged in the last few years.
In this chapter, on the basis of the experience of two companies managing
integrated water service in northeastern Italy, some significant energy saving
experiences, obtained in municipal WWTPs in the years 2010–2013, are reported.

12.2 ​Energy Saving with Maintenance and

Control Operations
12.2.1 ​Initial situation of plants
All the WWTPs reported in this chapter treat municipal wastewater collected by
combined sewage systems; they operate with a conventional treatments sequence,
with the exception of WWTP7 that uses tubular membranes for final sludge
separation; some of them are located in the hinterland of the Veneto region, while
others serve tourist resorts near Venice and are subject to high seasonal fluctuations
in flow and organic loads. Only two WWTPs are made of multiple lines (Quarto
d’Altino, Jesolo), in this way they can work flexibly during the year. Table 12.1
reports operational conditions in terms of design e.i., actual flow rate and organic
load during year 2010 for the plants hereafter discussed.
The operation of the plants and the technologies applied were evaluated to highlight
the critical aspects in relation to both process and energy efficiency. This was possible
over a significant period of time using different multilevel control instruments for the
main process variables – such as sludge waste flow and recirculation ratio, oxygen
and total suspended solids in biological tank – and energy consuming sections.

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Management optimisation and technologies application 241

Table 12.1 ​Operational conditions of WWTPs – average values 2010.

Plant Location Lines Design Flow rate Organic load

e.i. m3/d kgBOD5/d
Year H.S. Year H.S.
WWTP1 Quarto 2 50,000 11,860 1,330
WWTP2 Musile Piave 1 10,000 3,190 140
WWTP3 Eraclea(1) 1 32,000 3,200 3,555 310 600
WWTP4 Caorle(1) 1 120,000 11,980 15,197 1,440 3,330
WWTP5 Fossalta 1 3,600 830 65
WWTP6 Jesolo(1) 3 160,000 26,840 32,115 1,810 3,270
WWTP7 Torre di 1 3,000 390 45
WWTP: wastewater treatment plant; e.i.: equivalent inhabitants; H.S: high season (summer),
(1) seasonal plant.

In most reported cases, the efficacy of the treatment was the primary goal of
the interventions and once the conditions able to guarantee the process reliability
were identified and set out, the energy saving goals were pursued. In other cases
instead the goal was the efficiency and the energy savings but when no the whole
wastewater treatment has been assessed, the effectiveness of some steps was
sometimes compromised. In Table 12.2 the typical energy consumptions of the
plants before the interventions are reported.

Table 12.2 ​Energy consumptions – average values 2010.

Plant Total Consumption Specific Consumption

kWh/year kWh/m 3 kWh/e.i.f. kWh/e.i.b.
WWTP1 1,934,630 0.45 39 87
WWTP2 309,250 0.27 27 144
WWTP3 620,070 0.54 55 151
WWTP4 1,468,880 0.34 34 117
WWTP5 184,190 0.62 64 194
WWTP6 2,740,370 0.30 30 160
WWTP7 636,930 4,5 462 969
e.i.: equivalent inhabitants; WWTP: wastewater treatment plant; kWh/e.i.f. and kWh/e.i.b.:
calculated on the basis of flows and BOD5 values respectively.

Regarding WWTP1 instead, where the reduction of energy consumption was

the main purpose, the areas requiring corrections were identified by monitoring

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242 Sewage Treatment Plants

all the utilities in terms of energy consumption and operation hours. Each section
was analysed by means of field surveys and spreadsheets, specifically designed to
compare actual and designed conditions and as a result the actions were conceived
only for pump stations, aeration systems and mechanical devices.
In all cases the interventions were developed on 3 subsequent levels: a first
level of immediate correction through management and maintenance procedures;
a second level with the implementation and minimal structural upgrades;
and finally a third long-term level, not dealt with in this chapter, concerning
the up-grade of entire treatment sections and/or the restoring of sewage systems.
In Table 12.3 the main critical situations founded in all the WWTPs are listed.

Table 12.3 ​Plants main critical aspects related to energy wasting.

Section Pumps and pipings Mixers and motors Air systems

Critical Pumps size Devices size Devices size
aspects Pumping station Aging-wearing out Flexibility
Regulation devices Regulation devices
Pipes configuration Balanced distribution
Hydraulic overloads Aging-wearing out
Aging-wearing out Diffusers fouling

12.2.2 ​Interventions on pumps and piping system

Verifying the adequacy of the use of the pumps was the first phase of the work
in this sector. In each station the pumps were monitored by measuring the
power consumption, the pressures and flows and their operating conditions were
assessed in relation to their performance curves. This enabled, where possible, the
optimisation of the hydraulic levels and/or the reduction of the head losses, or the
replacement of the inappropriate pumps.
In particular components and devices – such as impellers, shim plates,
coupling foot, valves etc. . . – were maintained to solve and avoid wearing-out,
damage or obstruction; level control devices were installed to maintain optimal
working conditions or to allow dischargings by gravity; inverters were installed
where possible, to let working conditions closest to the best efficiency point.
The second crucial evaluated point was the location of pumps’ installation
in the station, because excessive closeness could imply interferences among
the suction flows, causing even serious power loss; as well as when working in
multiple lines, discharging into the same pipe frequently leads to a significant
reduction in the overall system flow capacity. The flow capacity of the pumping
station at the WWTP1 for example – where 6 pumps were connected in parallel

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Management optimisation and technologies application 243

to one single pipe – is reduced up to 40% with pumps working simultaneously.

Considering the trend of the hydraulic load to the plant, this could imply an
energy waste of 40.000 kWh/year, therefore justifying the redesigning of the
pipe system.
Finally another important aspect evaluated in this area was the configuration of
the pipe systems, particularly in relation to their shape and connections, because
the presence of elbow curves, restrictions or T-connections can cause serious
increases in head losses.
Some examples of the interventions carried out in this area with the respective
achieved energy savings are shown in Table 12.4.

Table 12.4 ​Pumps and pipings – interventions and savings at WWTP1.

List of operations Total saving Specific savings

kWh/year kWh/m3 kWh/e.i.f. kWh/e.i.b.
Pump and valve maintenance 20,000 0.005 0.5 0.5
Level for gravity discharge 60,000 0.02 1.5 1.3
e.i.: equivalent inhabitants; WWTP: wastewater treatment plant; kWh/e.i.f. and kWh/e.i.b.:
calculated on the basis of flows and BOD5 values respectively.

12.2.3 ​Interventions on mixers and engines

Using the same above-mentioned criteria, namely improving the energy efficiency
without compromising the process requirements, the mixing systems were studied
in terms of actual performance and power absorptions, under operating conditions.
On the basis of the analysis even in this area, different interventions – such as
management procedures changes and/or devices maintenance or replacement –
were performed.
In this way for example at the WWTP1, ten old mixers in the denitrification
compartment – total power 24 kW – were replaced by 6 units with higher specific
axial trust – bigger and more performing propeller, gear between motor and
propeller- total power 13 kW – thus obtaining an annual energy saving around
94.000 kWh.
With reference to the engines and the other electromechanical utilities similarly,
as the need was to renew some part of the equipment, high efficient new units with
all their regulation devices, were immediately adopted.
With this approach at WWTP1, four new high efficient blower engines replaced
the old ones, working for oxidation, digestion and waste treatment, and this led to
10% efficiency increase.
At the same time some engines in sludge dewatering, pumping and air
compartments were equipped with inverters to adjust power consumption to real
needs. Table 12.5 summarizes the savings obtained in this sector.

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244 Sewage Treatment Plants

Table 12.5 ​Mixers and engines – interventions and savings at WWTP1.

List of operations Total Specific savings

kWh/year kWh/m3 kWh/e.i.f. kWh/e.i.b.
Mixers with gearbox 94,000 0.04 3.9 3.6
Speed regulators 79,000 0.02 2 1.8
High efficiency engines
​Oxidation (*) 130,000 0.09 8.2 7.5
​Digestion and waste treatment (*) 60,000 0.02 1.5 1.4
e.i.: equivalent inhabitants; kWh/e.i.f. and kWh/e.i.b.: calculated on the basis of flows and
BOD5 values respectively; (*): estimated values.

12.2.4 ​Interventions on air compression and distribution

This constitutes a high energy consuming sector where it is important to focus the
efforts on the rationalization of energy use: significant margins for energy savings
in fact are often possible in the oxidation compartments and they could be pursued
even using simple management interventions. Therefore the management of the
aeration systems and relative devices in each plant was carefully analysed to adapt
their use and the energy consumption involved to the different process needs;
where possible and useful of course, the blowers were also equipped with inverters
to modulate the oxygen supply. Some procedures were given out to the operators to
both detect the best working configuration and to provide guidelines to maintain it.
Simple interactive spreadsheets for the management moreover, allowed to rapidly
highlight and correct any deviation from the established operating conditions.
Hereafter some examples of the main interventions in this area are reported:
– In the oxidation compartment at the WWTP2, since a sufficient sludge
stabilization was achieved already in this tank, it was possible to replace
the two over-dimensioned blowers (28.5 kW each) – causing, although
regulated, oxygen concentrations higher than the process needs (from 4.5
up to 9 mg/L) – with the digestion one of 13 kW. This change resulted in an
energy saving higher than 90,000 kWh/year.
– In two other plants – WWTP3 WWTP4 – both subjected to significant seasonal
fluctuations in hydraulic and organic loads, the rationalisation of blowers,
aerators and turbines use, and their modulation during the summer, allowed
a total energy saving of 55,000 kWh as compared to the same period and
conditions in the previous year; Figure 12.1 shows an example of manual
modulation implemented at the WWTP4 from April to December 2012.
– At WWTP1 the air excess in oxidation process was deviated towards the
sand and grit removal compartment, allowing to switch off the dedicated
blower: this led to 36,000 kWh energy savings per year.

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Figure 12.1 ​Incoming wastewater load and oxygen concentration in oxidation tank
of WWTP4 with different blower combinations and power consumption.

Another crucial point was to improve the efficiency of the air distribution network
and diffusers, introducing some periodical maintenance procedures such as: the
removing of the material interfering with the diffusers on the bottom of the aeration
tanks; the cleaning of the air supply networks by means of an online washing system;
the replacing of the damaged or obstructed membranes of the diffusers.
All the different interventions – enabling lower working pressures of membranes
and networks – led to a general improvement in the oxygen transfer efficiency.
Lastly the aeration devices were analyzed in terms of the installed powers and
energy yields in relation to the requirements, to identify those systems no longer
able to guarantee the required performance with suitable power consumption and
renew them. In this way, for example at the WWTP1, two lobe blowers were replaced
by a single turbo-blower equipped with inverter, this resulted in 200,000 kWh/
year estimated savings; a similar intervention has been scheduled for 2014 at the
WWTP4 – a turbo-blower of 75 kW in replacement of a 90 kW lobe blower- with
estimated savings of 66.000 kWh/year. In some other plants moreover old air
systems were replaced by fine bubbles diffusing devices.
A good choice, as it was for the WWTP1, could be to install pressure control
devices in the air networks, with the purpose of monitoring the diffusers fouling
trend and correct it at the right time.

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Table 12.6 refers to some examples of the interventions and the relative energy
savings obtained.

Table 12.6 ​Air systems and distributions – interventions and savings

List of operations Plant Period Total Specific savings

kWh/ kWh/m3 kWh/ kWh/
period e.i.f. e.i.b.
Diffusers replacement and WWTP1 Year 150,000 0.07 6.3 7.2
tanks cleaning
Oxidation air excess reuse WWTP1 Year 36,000 0.01 0.9 1
Blower changes WWTP1(*) Year 200,000 0.09 8.3 7.5
Air systems rationalization WWTP2 Year 90,000 0.07 6.7 41
and modulation
WWTP3 H.S. 25,000 0.07 1.7 12
WWTP4 H.S. 30,000 0.08 1.8 1.3
Air systems up-grade WWTP5 6 months 37,000 0.14 6.4 48

e.i.: equivalent inhabitants; kWh/e.i.f. and kWh/e.i.b.: calculated on the basis of flows
and BOD5 values respectively; WWTP: wastewater treatment plant; (*): estimated values;
H.S.: high season (summer).

12.2.5 ​When energy and process efficiency do not agree

When the energy savings purposes are pursued without firstly considering all the
treatment requirements, an energy improvement may lead to some negative impact
on process. This has been encountered at WWTP5 where the inefficient submerged
aeration system was renewed with the fine bubble membrane diffusers (Table 12.6).
In this WWTP in fact, where no denitrification treatment was included, it was just
the inefficiency of the aeration system to let the creation of an appropriate oxygen
gradient into the flocks of activated sludge; thus permitting a balance between the
ammonia oxidation and nitrate reduction in oxidation tank. When the fine bubble
membrane diffusers were installed, the oxygen penetration into the flocks did not
permit anymore the suitable redox conditions for the co-denitrification that before
led to a 50% of total nitrogen removal. Neither the subsequent replacement of
membranes with other ones having a lower number of holes, nor the partial switch-
off of the air networks led to a solution to the problem (Figure 12.2).
The same effect was observed in the WWTP6 – working with multiple lines
– where, despite the presence of a denitrification treatment, the replacement of
turbines in one oxidation tank, significantly reduced the total nitrogen removal.
Laboratory respirometric tests confirmed such worsening, with NUR changing
(Nitrogen Uptake Rate) from 0.08 to 0.01 gN/g VSS d (Figure 12.3).

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Management optimisation and technologies application 247

45 N H 4 o ut N - N O 3 o ut m o dif ic a t io n

ne w a e ra t io n
35 s ys t e m















Figure 12.2 ​Concentration of NH4+ and NO3-N in the effluent of WWTP5 in
2010–2012 (Ragazzo et al. 2013).

25 N-NO2+N-NO3


15 Line DON
Line O Before
Line O After
0 15 30 45 60 90 120 150 180 210
Time (min)

Figure 12.3 ​Respirometric tests (NUR) of sludge of WWTP6 (Ragazzo et al. 2013).

12.3 ​Energy Saving Choosing the Right

Choosing the correct technology should be based on a complete and comprehensive
evaluation of real goals and needs, taking into account the actual available
alternatives and their benefits. Thus difficult balances among different contrasting
aspects should often be found: management costs and energy consumptions are
among these, substantial issues that have to be considered. This kind of approach
however is difficult and choices frequently are not supported by any circumstantial
knowledge and are directly influenced by market trends.
Therefore even if advanced treatments are not required, they are adopted
resulting in high energy waste.
This is the case for example with membrane bioreactors (MBR) systems that
have been continuously proposed in the last few years as the best solution for all the

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problems in municipal wastewater treatment. They are certainly a good choice for
WWTPs having space problems and reuse purposes, but extending their application
anywhere is not a good solution: this in fact could entail energy consumption up
to 10 times higher as compared to conventional systems. This is evident from the
management experiences of advanced MBR technologies documented by Brepols
and Schäfer in (2010) where, for a large scale WWTP (80,000 e.i.) characterized
by high flow variations, energy consumptions were from 1.7 up to 9.3 times higher
than those registered in conventional WWTPs (30,000–160,000 e.i.) working in
the same conditions.
An example of a wrong application of this technology is represented by the case
where a cross flow tubular membrane system, suitable to treat homogeneous and
constant concentrated wastewaters, was adopted at a municipal wastewater plant –
WWTP7 3000 e.i.– receiving sewage from a combined system. In this plant, the
energy consumptions ranged between 4 and 6.4 kWh/m3 and, even though many
efforts were done to reduce the wastings – the optimization of washing procedures,
the addition of a pre-filtration stage and the redesigning of the pumping system –
consumptions are still from 3 up to 15 times higher than those of similar
conventional activated sludge WWTP.
Another system clearly in contrast with energy saving goals is the UV
disinfection technology, often proposed as the most credible alternative to chemical
disinfection in wastewater treatment.
However considering energy consumptions issues only, at doses expected to
be effective (40–80 mJ/cm2), the only UV radiation entails an additional impact
between 0.05 and 0.15 kWh/m³ and this could be even higher according to some
literature data stating the actual UV doses reducing pathogens are higher.
In any case, in contrast with the reasons supporting the adoption of such
technology, the chemical dosage is always required either to pursue the bacterial
reductions for reuse purposes and/or to support the UV inefficiency to reduce
pathogens or to maintain the cleaning of the mandatory filtration steps.
Moreover considering that available chemical alternatives are supposed to
be safe for the environment (also chlorine could be used without a significant
by-products production if dosed at a specific ratio with ammonium nitrogen),
adopting UV technology that implies such high energy consumptions, often does
not make sense.

12.4 ​Conclusions
The energy saving in relation to wastewater treatment is an important goal, but
stable results can be achieved only using integrated approaches and acting at
different levels: on the design criteria; on technology choice; on plant monitoring
and management practices.
Even though the energy saving should start from restoring the sewage systems
itself, the fact that the WWTPs are rigidly conceived on the basis of the only

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Management optimisation and technologies application 249

designing reference data and are provided with inflexible structures and machines,
implies significant energy wasting. Therefore a fundamental step to pursue energy
saving goals should be the cooperation among the different subjects – plant
managers, designers and so on – to meet the actual treatment needs, realizing the
most appropriate and flexible solutions.
This work, reporting the energy savings achieved in northern Italy through some
general interventions on the management and controls as well as through minimal
up-grades on machines and structures, shows how the multilevel approach could
lead to significant changes in energy consumption (Table 12.7).

Table 12.7 ​Energy savings for each WWTP, deriving from all interventions

Plants Period Saving Specific saving

kWh/period KWh/m 3 kWh/e.i.f. kWh/e.i.b.
WWTP1 Year 829,000 0.30 21 19
WWTP2 Year 90,000 0.07 6.7 41
WWTP3 H.S. 25,000 0.07 1.7 12
WWTP4 H.S. 30,000 0.08 1.8 1.3
WWTP5 6 months 37,000 0.14 6.4 48
WWTP7 Year 113,000 0.69 63 137
e.i.: equivalent inhabitants; kWh/e.i.f and kWh/e.i.b.: calculated on the basis of flows
and BOD5 values respectively; WWTP: wastewater treatment plant; H.S.: high season

Lastly a careful evaluation between advantages and disadvantages is

recommended when we assess the opportunity to adopt advanced technology
implying very high energy costs: the authors’ opinion in fact is that a conventional
wastewater treatment, if properly dimensioned and provided by flexible structures,
still represents the best way to constantly maintain effluent quality at even very
restrictive requirements.

12.5 ​References
Brepols C. and Schäfer H. (2010). Operational Cost. In: Operating Large Scale Membrane
Bioreactors for Municipal Wastewater Treatment, C. Brepols (ed.), IWA Publishing,
Chapter 7, London, UK.
Co.N.Vi.R.I. (National Committee for surveillance of water resources) (2011). Rapporto
sullo stato dei servizi idrici (Report on the state of water services). Annual Report to
the Parliament, Roma.
DPS (Development Department-Ministry of Economic Development) (2010). Obiettivi di
servizio – Servizio idrico integrato- S.11 (Service objectives – Water Service – S11). http://
www.dps.tesoro.it/obiettivi_servizio/servizio_idrico.asp (accessed 13 December 2013).

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Terna S. p. A. (2012) Dati Statistici sull’energia elettrica in Italia (Statistical Data on

Electricity in Italy) Available at: http://www.terna.it/default/Home/SISTEMA_
ELETTRICO/statistiche/dati_statistici.aspx (accessed 10 December 2013).
Ragazzo P., Falletti L., Chiucchini N. and Serra G. (2013). Management optimisation and
technologies application: a right approach to balance energy saving needs and process
goals. Water Practice and Technology, 8(2), 263–271.

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Chapter 13
Energy factory: the Dutch
approach on wastewater
as a source of raw materials
and energy
Ruud M. W. Schemen1, Rutger Dijsselhof 2,
Ferdinand D. G. Kiestra3, Ad. W. A. de Man4,
Coert P. Petri5, Jan Evert van Veldhoven6,
Erwin de Valk7 and Henry M. van Veldhuizen7
1Dutch Water Authorities Den Haag, The Netherlands
2Regional Water Authority Reest en Wieden, Meppel, Drenthe,

The Netherlands
3 Regional Water Authority Aa en Maas, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Noord

Brabant, The Netherlands

4Regional Water Authority Implementing Body Limburg, Roermond,
Limburg, The Netherlands
5Regional Water Authority Rijn en IJssel, Doetinchem, Gelderland,

The Netherlands
6 Regional Water Authority de Dommel, Boxtel, Noord Brabant,

The Netherlands
7Regional Water Authority Vallei en Veluwe, Apeldoorn, Gelderland,
The Netherlands

The energy factory is a sewage treatment plant (STP) that produces all the required
energy itself (Energy factory). The concept has given a strong boost to sustainable
innovation within the regional water authorities. This concept supports the philosophy
behind the ‘Wastewater management roadmap towards 2030’, which gives a new
perspective on wastewater as a source of raw materials, instead of a waste product.

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It also contributes to a more sustainable, circular economy.1 The energy factory

concept enables the Dutch waterboards to achieve their sustainable targets as agreed
with the national government. These regional authorities came together to create a
vision of how to develop energy-producing sewage treatment plants. Most of them
succeeded relatively quickly in defining a project of their own. Where there were
uncertainties or gaps in knowledge, joint investigation provided the answers. This
research was supported and facilitated by the Dutch Foundation for Applied Water
Research (STOWA).2 This practical approach is appealing, and was the keystone
of the ‘Green Deal’ that the Dutch Water Authorities signed with the national
government in 2011. In exchange, the department of economic affairs provided the
sector with advice on legislative matters and economic support for enhancing biogas
recovery from wastewater in the future. It has been shown that small modifications of
an existing wastewater treatment installation can render it non energy consuming. By
applying sludge pretreatment technologies (e.g., thermal pressure hydrolysis (TPH)),
there is an energy surplus. The best opportunities are found at the local level in
partnership with municipalities and industry. This vision is presented in more detail
in the Wastewater management roadmap towards 2030. A number of energy factories
have already been completed or are being constructed. Several others are still in the
preparation phase, with attention being focussed on the techniques to be used, effect
on sludge processing (dewaterability and dry solid concentration) and the period for
return on investments. This chapter is about the development of the concept of the
energy factory in the Netherlands and its opportunities for the Dutch waterboards.
The described case studies show the first examples how this is brought into practise
and gives global information about the cost savings.

Keywords: Energy Factory, Sustainability, Water authorities, Wastewater management

roadmap, struvite, sidestream treatment, phosphate removal, Nereda, Anammox, TPH,
biogas, CNG and LNG.

13.1 ​Energy Factory
13.1.1 ​The concept
Wastewater contains potentially 8 times the energy needed to purify it (Energy
Factory). This means that an STP can generate energy, at least in theory. From
this aspect, an energy-producing STP can considered to be an energy factory.
This involves two major aspects: minimizing energy demand and maximizing
energy production.
There are two pathways to minimizing energy demand: (1) Use of energy-
efficient equipment (high-efficiency motors, plate aerators, etc.); (2) use of process

1A Resource-efficient Europe – flagship initiative of the Europe 2020 Strategy cas.

2STOWA is the knowledge centre for regional water managers in the Netherlands. STOWA develops,
collects and shares the knowledge water managers need to properly perform their tasks.

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Energy factory 253

configurations with minimal energy consumption (A-stage3, sidestream treatment,

pre-sedimentation, aerobic granular sludge (Nereda), etc.) (Nereda®) (Specialists
day pre-treatment). Naturally, an important requirement is ensuring that effluent
discharge limits are never exceeded.
On the other side of energy productive processes, digestion of sludge is currently
the most important step, along with the reclamation/utilization of heat coming from
the wastewater treatment. There are several different options for maximizing this
energy yield: (1) Maximizing the volume of primary sludge (addition of chemicals
in the pre-sedimentation and/or A-stage), (2) pretreatment of the sludge (particularly
the secondary sludge which is non-readily biodegradable) to allow it to be further
broken down in the digesters (mechanical or with high pressure/temperature, (3)
increasing the yield of the conversion of biogas into electricity in Combined Heat
and Power (CHP) systems with Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) or fuel cells.
One of the advantages of thermal pressure hydrolysis (TPH) is that it almost
doubles the capacity of anaerobic digesters in dry solid load. The application of
TPH requires sidestream treatment in order to efficiently remove the extra nitrogen
load. These systems commonly also reclaim phosphate, which is present in high
concentrations in the digestate.

13.1.2 ​The history
In light of the increasing worldwide demand for raw materials and other issues,
the international Global Water Research Coalition (GWRC) has called for new
concepts and visions for the future of the STP. The Dutch contribution to this
discussion was the NEWater concept (NEWater). Nutrients, Energy and Water are
the major products addressed in this concept.
In early 2008, there was very little experience in the Netherlands on sludge
pretreatment for increasing biogas yield and/or faster sludge decomposition. WBL
(the regional water Board implementing body for Limburg) ascertained early
on that there were real energy gains to be obtained from secondary sludge, but
the available hydrolysis and other techniques were only economically viable for
very large installations. In 2008, together with Dutch firm Sustec, they began
investigating the potential of treating the sludge in a continuous process, ultimately
applying the process at pilot scale in 2009. The results were encouraging enough
for WBL to move to full scale application of thermal pressure hydrolysis (TPH)
at the STP in Venlo. The first TPH in the Netherlands was completed in 2012.
In the sequel, two more TPH pilots were constructed in 2010, one at the STP
in Amersfoort and another at the STP Hengelo. Both were successful, and they
ultimately led multiple regional water authorities to adopt the TPH technology.
The regional water authority Reest & Wieden applied a different technology, a
two-stage digestion process (thermophilic followed by mesophilic).

3A-stage as part of the AB-process.

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The development of the energy factory concept is the result of a unique approach.
Four regional water authorities (Aa & Maas, Hoogheemraadschap Hollands
Noorderkwartier, Veluwe and Rivierenland) developed the energy factory concept
as a response to a competitive project called by the Dutch Water Authorities.
Together these four authorities investigated the potential to convert an STP into an
energy factory. This joint approach generated so much enthusiasm that it did not
remain limited to these four pioneers; it very quickly became apparent that over
half of Dutch regional water authorities were interested in joining this network
organisation. By becoming a member, every water authority undertook the task to
transform its own STP into a concrete business case, setting out first the economic
target, and then actually implementing the conversion. The projects described in
the second part of this chapter are the tangible results.
The water authorities have come to agreement with the national government on
several issues.
– Multiyear Arrangement (MYA): in the period of 2005 to 2020, the
annual energy efficiency increases with 2% so in 2020 the specific energy
consumption is 30% less compared to 2005.
– Climate Agreement/Energy Agreement: in 2020, 40% of the energy
consumed by regional water authorities should be self-generated.
When national and international policies get connected on climate and energy,
the political support on a concept promoting these goals is increasing. This gave
an extra boost to this concept. Likewise, the national government is enthusiastic
about the water authorities’ approach. This led to the 2011 ‘Green Deal’ between
the Dutch Water Authorities and the ministries of Economic Affairs, Agriculture
& Innovation and Environment & Infrastructure. In this deal, apart from making
commitments to eliminate a wide range of impediments, the government also
allocated a research budget of half a million euro. This research budget has been
used to make further technological development in the field of gasification and
supercritical gasification possible.

13.1.3 ​The present state

In several cases (Kampen, Nijmegen) the STPs were converted to energy-neutral
systems with minor modifications such as fine bubble aeration, high-efficiency
CHPs and centralised sludge treatment. Furthermore, in order to create an energy-
producing system, greater investment and preparation time are required. In Venlo
the secondary sludge is treated to produce extra biogas. This biogas is needed to
produce electricity (CHP) and for the production of steam for the TPH proces. In
Echten they build an thermophilic digester to produce extra biogas. Both examples
are discussed in the second part of this chapter.
In 2014 a number of energy factories are currently being built in the Netherlands
using a combination of various technologies. It is interesting to note that in practice,

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Energy factory 255

these generally involve energy production as well as recovery of nutrients, due to

the fact that the digestion process releases a large amount of nitrogen and phosphate
into the digestate.
Although the regional water authorities were initially limited in improving their
own systems, at present they are seeking for new options in collaboration with the
local community. For example:
• Heat from the local environment being used by the STP or, vice versa, heat
from the STP being used to heat local homes (STP Apeldoorn).
• Biogas produced by the STP is being used as a green fuel for vehicles or
being supplied directly to industrial consumers (STP Den Bosch).
Local conditions lead to different opportunities and solutions and a blueprint for
the best Energy factory doesn’t exist.
The ultimate choice for technology depends on the results of the tendering
process. In order to take maximum advantage of the knowledge in the market,
the general practice is not to prescribe a specific technology but rather to
define results (i.e., biogas and phosphate production, dewatering efficiency
and breakdown of organic dry solids (ODS)). This allows the regional water
authority to be the launching customer for the application of innovative
At the time of this writing (May 2014), the energy factories in Venlo and Echten
are operating, Amersfoort, Apeldoorn4 and Tilburg are under construction, and
tendering for Hengelo and Den Bosch has started. Additionally, with modification
to the aeration, changes in operations and replacement of CHPs, many STPs have
already begun producing more biogas and electricity. Table 13.2 shows the key
figures for these energy factories. The projects are described in more detail in the
second part of this chapter.

13.1.4 ​Economic aspects
The treatment of wastewater costs energy and generates sludge alongside purified
wastewater. In the Netherlands, sewage sludge can no longer be used in agriculture,
due to the high content of heavy metals such as copper and zinc (Disposal of
sewage sludge by destination). As a result, most sludge is incinerated in mono-
incinerators. Generally speaking, the costs of sludge incineration are considerable
(€40–€60 per tonne of sludge cake). Converting this sludge into biogas at this
point serves two purposes: (1) The extra biogas can be converted into electricity,
reducing the amount of electricity that needs to be purchased elsewhere. (2)
It reduces the amount of sludge remaining, which reduces the costs of sludge

4The STP Apeldoorn is being implemented in phases. This refers to the last section (see also case

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256 Sewage Treatment Plants

processing. In addition, it has been shown that some measures have a positive
effect on sludge dewatering, meaning that less water need be transported and
evaporated. This combination makes the conversion of STPs into energy factories
financially attractive as well. The Investments for techniques like TPH are high
and are only attractive for larger STP. Therefore in practise they are mostly
combined with centralised sludge treatment. The same applies for the recovery
of phosphate. Struvite deposits can lead to extra maintenance costs, especially
when a higher concentration of dry matter is treated in the digestion process.
By removing the phosphate in a controlled manner (in the form of struvite), this
product can be sold separately, and it also means reduced maintenance costs and
less sludge.

13.1.5 ​The future (Wastewater management roadmap

towards 2030)
In the forthcoming years, the focus within the wastewater management sector will
expand into the additional utilisation of other sustainable energy sources and the
recovery of raw materials. The following advances are envisioned:
• Further development of technologies to reduce energy consumption and
increase energy yield (Cold Anammox, fuel cells, gasification, supercritical
• Conversion of biogas to transport fuel (Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)) to expand sustainability gains into the
transportation sector.
• Energy supply from renewable sources (wind turbines and solar panels) to
• Further monetization of raw materials from wastewater such as biopolymers
and bioplastics.
• Use of microfine filters for the separation of cellulose.
Additionally to these technological advances, the individual local characteristics
will become more important. This concerns the physical environment, the
administrative structure and the priorities for spatial planning. The local need and
availability of raw materials, energy and water are relevant as well. The roadmap
describes a set of local perspectives for future sustainable solutions (Wastewater
management roadmap towards 2030). These are not ready-made blueprints, but
should be seen as a useful starting point for identifying the options and targets.
The cooperation with the local community on jointly reclaiming energy and raw
materials is a component of the closed-circle economy.
The water authorities were asked to define the impact of the energy factory on
energy production in future. The results are shown in Table 13.1. At present, the
annual total energy consumption for wastewater purification by all regional water
authorities is approximately 8 PJ per year (primary energy consumption).

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Energy factory 257

Table 13.1 ​Impact of the energy factory on the energy production in future.

Year 2005 2012 2016 2020

Energy generated by STP (PJ/year) 1.7 2.3 3.1 4
Percentage of self-consumption (%) 20 30 40 50

13.2 ​Cases
In this section different cases are described. A general description of the plants
is given in Table 13.2 and Table 13.3 gives an overview of the measures taken to
transform the STP into an energy factory.

13.2.1 ​LNG production at ‘s-hertogenbosch

The major part of the ‘s-Hertogenbosch STP dates from 1973 and will not
achieve the stricter discharge requirements nowadays (Ntot 12 → 7 mg/l; Ptot
2 → 0,7 mg/l). The new system slated for construction will be designed for 320,000
p.e. In addition, the secondary sludge from three other STPs (Aarle-rixtel, Asten
and Dinther) will be centrally digested in ‘s-Hertogenbosch STP.
Tendering for the installation has yet to take place and the exact treatment
technologies have therefore not been finalised. The following measures are under
• Improved pre-sedimentation by means of injection of polyelectrolyte (PE).
• Augmentation of the biology by means of Nereda technology (Nereda®).
• Improvement of the digestion process by application of TPH or thermophilic
• The STP will no longer generate its own electricity, and the heat required
will be obtained from the municipal biomass power station.
• The biogas will be partially converted into bio-LNG, which will be supplied
to the municipal waste service as vehicle fuel. The rest will be supplied to
industrial consumers, which are eager to increase their green credentials.
• Sidestream handling of the resulting digestate, after dewatering.
Calculations show that the direct supply of the biogas to industrial consumers
is financially neutral as compared to the STP generating its own electricity in the
CHP. The refinement of biogas to bio-LNG is financially interesting if the product
can be sold directly to an end consumer as can be seen from Table 13.4 At the
same time, the municipality saves on diesel costs (Table 13.5). The moment that
the heat from the municipal biomass power station (fired by brush/cuttings) is used
for heating the digestion, the capacity of this installation will be used optimally.
With these mutual deliveries, there are local opportunities for all parties to seize
some sustainability (energy and emissions) and financial (total savings across the
value chain of up to €800,000 or more per year) advantages.

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Table 13.2 ​Description of the WWTP before transformation to an energy factory.
Plant Echten Plant Apeldoorn Plant Plant Tilburg Plant Venlo Plant Den Bosch Plant
Olburgen Amersfoort
Design capacity 169.000 317.000 137.500 350.000 300.000 310.000 307.000
in p.e. based on
150 g TOD (total
oxygen demand)
Primary treatment Screens (2 × 3 mm), Screens, primary Screens, Screens, grit Screens, grit Screens, primary Screens, primary
grit- and sand clarifiers, grit- and primary and sand and sand clarifiers, grit- and clarifiers, grit-
removal sand removal clarifiers, removal, removal sand removal and sand removal
grit- and sand primary
removal clarifiers

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Secondary Activated sludge Activated sludge (with Activated sludge Activated sludge Activated Activated Activated sludge
treatment (50% with biological pre-denitrification) (with biological (with pre- sludge (with sludge (with (with pre-
P-removal and m-UCT and chemical denitrification biological pre-denitrification) denitrification)
pre-denitrification) Biological and P-removal and chemical P-removal) chemical P
Sewage Treatment Plants

chemical P-removal and pre- P-removal) removal

Tertiary treatment – – – – – – Sand filtration
Sidestream Demon Anammox Demon (since 2010) Struvite Anammox – ? (project is in the Demon
proces (after and Struvite (must be increased, precipitation and tendering phase) since 2013
transformation to precipitation not planned yet) Anammox After Enhanced
an Energy Factory) (Airprex) After Nuresys voor Demon and
P-removal Pearl-reactor
voor P-recovery
Sludge line
Primary sludge – Gravity thickener Gravity Gravity – Gravity thickener Gravity

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thickener thickener thickener
and After
followed by
belt thickener
Secondary Sludge Gravity thickener Belt thickener pre Gravity Belt thickener Gravity Stirred up with the Belt thickener
followed by Belt thickening existing thickener thickener primary sludge and (4,55) and
thickener (new) BT, after buffer end (2 × 350 m3) treated with gravity after Wasstrip
thickening with ZBP thickeners thickening by
to 12% ZBP to 13%
Sludge digestion None/1 mesophilic 41 mesophilic tanks 2 mesophilic 2 mesophilic None/2 2 mesophilic tanks 3 mesophilic
Before/after & 1 thermophilic parallel (before and tanks (before tanks mesophilic (before and after tanks (before
tank after) and after) 3 mesophilic tanks and after)
Dewatering Plate and frame filter 3 centrifuges 2 centrifuges 2 centrifuges 2 centrifuges 1 centrifuge 2 centrifuges

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Energy factory

Using the biogas CHP CHP (future CNG Heating purpose CHP (future – CHP (future biogas CHP
and LNG), heating at potato CNG?) and LNG)
households processing
Energy 3,5 MWh/year 9,5 MWh/year 2,4 MWh/year 7,7 MWh/year 10 MWh/year 5,3 MWh/year 6,7 MWh/year
consumption before Incl bellen
transformation to
an Energy factory
Energy 0 12,3 MWh/year 1,0 MWh 5,0 MWh/year 0 MWh 4,5 MWh/year 3,1 MWh/year
production before 22.4 GJ/year Heat
transformation to
an Energy factory

Table 13.2 ​Description of the WWTP before transformation to an energy factory (Continued). 260

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Plant Echten Plant Apeldoorn Plant Plant Tilburg Plant Venlo Plant Den Bosch Plant
Olburgen Amersfoort
Energy 4,5 MWh/year 10 MWh/year 1,8 MWh 7–8 MWh/year 7,5 MWh/year 7,1 MWh/year
consumption after (mainly because of
transformation to the double sludge
an Energy Factory amount to be treated)
Energy 4,7 MWh/year 18.7 MWh/year Extra biogas 2–3 MWh/year 0 MWh 8.2 MWh/year
production after 30 GJ/year Heat 300.000 m3/
transformation to year (replacing
an Energy Factory natural gas)
Energy 420.000 euro −160.000 €/year 290.00 euro/ 2.688.000 euro/ 1.000.000 100.000 euro/year 370.000 €/year
costs before year year euro/year
transformation to
an Energy Factory
Energy costs after 60.000 euro −520.000 €/year 150.000 euro/ 700.00 – 750.000 – − 140.000 €/year
transformation to year 800.000 euro/ 1.200.000 = 450.000
an Energy Factory year euro benefit

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Sludge production 6.000 tds/year 11.100 tds/year Equal 6.797 tds/year 7.000 tds/year 3.650 tds/year 23.000 t/year
before and after 4.400 tds/year 46.500 t/year 14.866 tds/year 30.000 t/year 6.570 tds/year 19.000 t/year
transformation 8.700 tds/year 4.200 tds/year
26.750 t/year 15.000 t/year
Sewage Treatment Plants

Sludge disposal 2.700.000 euro/year 5.900.000 euro/year Equal 6.775.000 euro/ 1.530.000 785.000 euro/year 2.900.000 euro/
costs before 2.200.000 euro/year 3.400.000 euro/year year euro/year 1.410.000 euro/year year
and after 765.000 euro/ 2.400.000 euro/
transformation year year
Biogas production 0 6.000.000 Nm3/year 700.000 Nm3/ 2.480.000 Nm3/ 0 m3/year 2.0000.000 NM3/ 2.200.000 Nm3/
before and after 2.000.000 Nm3/year 9.000.000 Nm3/year year year 2.240.000 Nm3/ year year
transformation 1.000.000 Nm3/ 9.850.000 Nm3/ year 4.0000.000 NM3/ 4.200.000 Nm3/
year year year year
Investment costs 12.500.000 euro 10.000.000 euro 900.000 euro 6.000.000 euro 13.000.000 euro 10.500.000 euro
2 mesophilic tanks for the digestion of fluid waste.
Table 13.3 ​Overview of the measures taken to transform the STP into an energy factory.

by marinhoeng@hotmail.com
STP Aeration Digestion Return on Capacity of Nutrient Biogas Remarks
measures measures investment sludge processing reclamation production
time installation (Nm3/
(tonnes DS/year) years)
& reduction of slib
quantity (%)
Tilburg Anammox TPH <10 years 25,900 Phosphate 8,000,000 In the future, potential
45% DS 438 tonnes partnership with fruit/
59% ODS struvite veg waste and manure
‘s-Hertogenbosh Reference Depending on +/− 8 years 19,900 Phosphate. 4,000,000 Supply of bio-LNG to
design based tender. Reference 29% Is a the municipal cleaning
on a Nereda design based desirable, service, and supply of
system for the on thermophilic but not an biogas to industry
extra aeration digestion obligation
Amersfoort DEMON, TPH hydrolysis of 6.7 years 11,555 Phosphate 4,200,000 In the future, potential

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surface aerators digested sludge 49% DS Wasstrip & drying of sludge with
replaced with (internal cycle over 57% ODS Pearl residual heat
Energy factory

bubble aerators digester) Lysotherm

Apeldoorn None TPH of secondary +/− 8 years 11,000 Phosphate 6,500,000 Co-digestion and supply
sludge (Sustec) 50% Nuresys of heat to residential area
Echten surface aerators 2-stage digestion approx. 9 6800 Phosphate 1,800,000 First thermophilic
replaced with thermophilic/ years 27% 2000 tonnes digester for household
bubble aerators, mesophilic struvite (MAP wastewater
and a DEMON reactor)
Venlo The STP has TPH and agro- +/− 8 years 7000 Potential 2,240,000 First continuous TPH
sufficient digesters, both 40% phosphate installation in the
capacity. new CHP Netherlands
Olburgen Plate aeration None, extra PE 7 years 1300 Phosphate 1,000,000 Supply of biogas to
dosage in pre- 37% industry
sedimentation tank
262 Sewage Treatment Plants

Table 13.4 ​Comparison in costs (euro) between de different alternatives for the
STP ‘s-Hertogenbosch.

Alternative Investments Annual costs Annual revenues Netto profit

CHP 3.100.000 360.000 250.000 −110.0005
LNG 7.000.000 670.000 1.350.000 725.000

Table 13.5 ​Comparison in costs (euro) between fuels for the municipality of

Alternative Annual costs for Annual costs Totall Netto

transition to gas savings
Diesel 1.100.000 1.100.000
LNG 120.000 880.000 1.000.000 100.000

13.2.2 ​Thermophilic digestion at STP echten

Until 4 years ago, the regional water Board Reest & Wieden had three digestion
installations (Beilen, Steenwijk and Meppel) operational at its seven STPs. Two
(Beilen and Steenwijk) of the three would, however, require significant investments
to be upgraded to cater for the future demand. A study has shown that the
construction of a single central digester is more viable than renovating the existing
systems, and that the STP in Echten is a suitable location for the reason that this is
the central location for sludge dewatering. For this reason there is a plate and frame
filter press present at the STP. To increase the gas yield, a choice has been made for
digestion at two temperature levels.
The following steps have been taken:
• Successful creation of thermophilic (10 days at 55°C) and mesophilic (14
days at 35˚C) digestion
• Sidestream treatment (DEMON), 360 kg Kj-N in 450 m3 per day
• Installation of CHPs (600 kW(e)) allowing the STP to fully provide for its
own energy needs (approx 4 million kWh per year)
• MAP reactor for the reclamation of 200 tonnes of struvite per year (Airprex)
In times with lower biogas production there is an external dosage of glycerine.
Additionally, the use of thermophilic digestion has had a positive effect on sludge
The installation in Echten is the first in the Netherlands to operate using this
process. It became fully operational in mid-April 2013. Figure 13.1 gives an
overview of the STP Echten after the transformation to an Energyfactory.

5 Delivery route to industry is classified but neutral compared to CHP.

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Energy factory 263

Figure 13.1 ​Overview STP Echten of the waterboard Reest & Wieden.

13.2.3 ​Delivering biogas from STP olburgen to potato

The Olburgen STP treats primarily domestic wastewater. For the treatment of the
industrial wastewater, the regional water authority established a separate entity
(‘Waterstromen’). Waterstromen has a system onsite at the Olburgen STP that treats
the wastewater from “Aviko” (a food sector company that processes potatoes).
For the purification of the industrial wastewater, Waterstromen uses anaerobic
treatment followed by a struvite reactor and an Anammox reactor. New disc
aerators were installed at the Olburgen STP in 2004. These experienced significant
fouling, and must be replaced. In the old situation, the biogas generated at the
Olburgen installation was converted into electricity in a CHP. A portion of the heat
was used for heating the digestion, and the remaining portion was dissipated as
waste heat.
The following steps have been taken:
• A biogas line from the STP Olburgen to Waterstromen for the supply of
• A hot water line from Waterstromen to the STP Olburgen for the supply of
heat/residual heat to the STP for heating of the digestion
• Installation of a chemical dosage unit on the pre-sedimentation tank in order
to increase the primary sludge production
• Modification of the operation of the pre-aeration (turns off 75% of the time)
for energy savings
• Replacement of the bubble aerator discs by more efficient plate aeration,
leading to energy savings
With these measures, the biogas produced at the STP Olburgen can now be
supplied to Waterstromen, where it is combined with a portion of its own biogas
production, before being supplied to Aviko, some 5 km away from the STP.

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264 Sewage Treatment Plants

Supplying the industrial customer directly means that the gas does not have to be
transported to the natural gas network, so it does not need to be refined to natural
gas quality. Aviko uses the natural gas for heating purposes, which means the
energy content of the biogas is utilized virtually completely. Waterstromen, which
at present also has a surplus of residual heat, supplies heat to the STP to heat the
digestion process. This heat, which is released from the generation of power in the
CHP, was up to now dissipated as waste heat. The earn-back period of the first four
measures is 1 to 2 years. The earn-back period of the last measure, replacement of
the bubble aerators, is longer (15 years). On balance, the earn-back period is 7 years.
Additionally, all the concentrated waste water from the digestion is now routed
from the STP to the struvite reactor, so this phosphate is also reclaimed, creating
a ‘phosphate factory.’ The partnership that has now been initiated is seen as a
first step toward further cooperation. Further advantages of synergy that could be
obtained from scaling up biogas production from the digestion of waste, cuttings,
and so on are now being considered.

13.2.4 ​Centralised sludge treatment at STP Tilburg

The current Tilburg STP processes its own sludge as well as the sludge from
two smaller installations. In addition to this location, the bulk of the sludge from
regional water authority De Dommel, is dewatered at the Mierlo site (17,000 tonnes
DS/year). At present, only the sludge at Tilburg is digested. The rest (primary and
secondary) is, after dewatering at Mierlo, transported by road to the SNB mono-
incinerator in Moerdijk. A scenario study has shown that central processing of all
sludge from De Dommel at this location is the optimal scenario, in terms of energy,
robustness and sustainability. This also maximally utilises the advantages of TPH.
The following steps have been taken:
• Receiving station for mixing external dewatered sludge with the liquid sludge
from the Tilburg location
• Completion of a TPH installation (Cambi)
• Construction of a sidestream treatment facility operating under the Anammox
• Expansion of the existing digestion volume (from 2 × 4,440 m3 to 3 ×
4440 m3)
• Expansion of the CHP capacity from 2 × 265 KW to 1500 + 1200 KW.
• Expansion of the sludge dewatering.
• Phosphate removal through the use of Phospaq (438 tonnes struvite per year).

Because the water authorities’ expertise in the area of optimisation of biogas
production is limited, the choice was made to adjust the tendering process
accordingly. The black box approach was used, in which the request is defined in

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Energy factory 265

functional terms and it is then up to the market to find the best solution. This puts
the responsibility and process guarantee completely in the hands of the market.
The market is also responsible for adequate reduction of the extra nitrogen load
released with the digestate.
Figure 13.2 gives an overview of the STP Tilburg before the transformation to
an Energyfactory.

Figure 13.2 ​Overview of the STP Tilburg.

13.2.5 ​Hydrolizing secondary sludge with TPH at STP

The Venlo STP has no pre-sedimentation tanks, and so has no digestion capacity.
In the past, WBL elected to dry the sludge and sell it to ENCI, where it was burned
in the cement kilns along with other fuel. Drying sludge is relatively expensive
and energy-intensive. Now that these installations are reaching the end of their
useful life, alternatives are being considered. Based on laboratory research and
pilot studies, the regional water authority opted for continuous thermal pressure
hydrolysis. No additional sidestream treatment is required for nitrogen or
phosphorous removal, since the STP has sufficient residual capacity.
The following steps have been taken:
• Construction of two agro digesters (each 2200 m3)
• Construction of a filter in the excess sludge feed to the installation (approx.
1 mm mesh size)

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• Construction of a TurboTec® installation with peripherals, retention time

1 hour at 4 bar and 140°C
• Operation and maintenance contracted for a period of 6 years
The installation in Venlo processes sludge from Venlo STP, Venray STP and
Gennep STP. The hydrolysed secondary sludge is converted into biogas in the
digester. Dry solids breakdown is 40%, and the breakdown in ODS is 55–60%.
There is a guarantee for 28.8% DS for the sludge dewatering. The total investment
(filter, mechanical concentration, TPH, digestion, CHP and dewatering) is €6
million. The annual revenues are approximately €1 million, 25% of which is
reduced electricity costs and 75% of which is attributable to lower sludge disposal
costs. The investments will be earned back in approximately 8 years. The regional
water authority has another sludge dryer in operation, at the Susteren STP. The
sludge dryer at Hoensbroek is already closed and the potential for a TPH on a scale
of 8500 tonnes DS/year at this site is still being investigated.

13.2.6 ​Digestion of external biomass at STP Apeldoorn

The transition of the Apeldoorn STP into an energy factory is carried out in
phases. The first step to achieve complete energy self-sufficiency, the regional
water authority Vallei & Veluwe commissioned a separate digester in June 2009
to process biomass from third parties. The biogas generated from this digester
(3,500,000 m3 in 2013) is combined with the biogas from the STP (3,000,000 m3
in 2013) and converted into electricity in a CHP (8,750,000 kWh from external
biomass and 12,000,0006 kWh for the STP). The combustion of the biogas in
the CHP releases more heat than the STP itself requires. In cooperation with the
municipality of Apeldoorn and power company Essent, a useful application for this
heat was found: supplying heat to Essent, which distributes it through the heating
network to the residential neighbourhood Zuidbroek. In addition to the heat from
the STP (3000 GJ per month), Essent generates heat by burning biomass. The heat
from the STP is enough to heat 1170 homes. This arrangement has helped all three
parties to meet their own sustainability goals.
For the STP, this is the first step towards increasing energy production. At this
point, there has been some research into refining the biogas to natural gas quality
(CNG) for potential future sale of the extra biogas that will be generated after
implementation of TPH.
The following steps have been implemented since 2009.
• Construction of extra digester for the processing of external biomass (volume
2600 m3)
• Pasteurisation step for the processing of category 3 waste (min. 1 h at 70oC).
• Replacement of existing CHP with high-efficiency CHPs

6 Normally, this figure is 14,000,000 kWh, but due to maintenance this was less in 2013.

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Energy factory 267

• Use of ORC at the CHP

• Refining the biogas into green gas (trial)
The following steps will be implemented in the next 3 years
• Improvement of the biogas production from secondary sludge through the
use of TPH, thereby increasing the available digestion volume.
• Trial with refining biogas into LNG, including filling station.
Based on the experiences at Apeldoorn, Vallei & Veluwe has identified similar
opportunities for Ede (residential heating) and Harderwijk (green gas).

13.2.7 Reclamation of energy and resources

at STP Amersfoort
To attain sustainable purification, the Amersfoort STP pursued a process starting
with a focus on energy, which was then expanded to cover raw materials. The
next step was a regional approach (including the neighbouring purification
facilities of Nijkerk, Soest and Woudenberg). This led to a project consisting
of the following phases: (1) central digestion with TPH (2013), (2) Bio-P and P
reclamation (2014) and (3) sludge drying with residual heat (2015). In parallel a
study was conducted which showed that PE dosage for better separation in the
pre-sedimentation tank could have a negative effect on the effluent quality, and
that use of ORC in the CHP is not economically viable on this scale. Phases 1 and
2 have been tendered simultaneously in accordance with UAV-GC (Dutch Form
of Contract), with a maximum investment amount. Table 13.6 gives the result of
the tendering phase.

Table 13.6 ​Guarantees that have been received for Amersfoort STP.

Result Unit Guarantee

STP energy-neutral % 130
Regiona partially self-sufficient % 70
Sludge dewatering % DS 31
Return on investments period years 6.7
Phosphate reclamation regional % 42
Reduction in chemical use % 50
a STP’s Amersfoort, Nijkerk, Woudenberg and Soest.

The drying of the sludge with residual heat at STP Amersfoort has proven to
be impossible within the project period. The choice has now been made for a pilot
at STP Ede in the 2014–2016 period. The results of this pilot will be reworked for
STP Amersfoort in 2015.

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268 Sewage Treatment Plants

13.3 Conclusion(S)
It has been shown that the innovative approach of the Dutch regional water
authorities has led to a broadly supported concept with a new perspective on
wastewater (Waste as a Resource for Energy and Raw materials). The results of
this new concept have been proven by applying it in practice directly and initially
on a small scale. The coordinated, sector-wide approach has further increased the
support base for it. Additionally, this has also given the industry the freedom to
put their innovative ideas into practice, with the regional water authority taking
on the role of launching customer. The projects were not limited to the field of
wastewater purification, but instead the STPs were considered as a component of
the environment. As a result broad-spectrum solutions with greater benefit to the
environment and financial profits arose. The more sustainable way need not always
to be the more expensive way.

13.4 ​References
Energy Factory – Water Boards Inside Out, February 2009, www.energiefabriek.com.
(accessed 18 February 2014).
Wastewater management roadmap towards 2030 – A sustainable approach to the collection
and treatment of wastewater in the Netherlands, November 2013, www.uvw.nl. (accessed
18 February 2014).
Verslag specialistendag voorbehandelingstechnieken 21 juni 2011 (STOWA, Energiefabriek).
(Report Specialits day pre-treatment techniques 21 juni 2011). www.stowa.nl. (accessed
18 February 2014).
Afzet van zuiveringsslib naar bestemming, 1981–2011. (Disposal of sewage sludge by
destination 1981 – 2011), CBS, 2013 http://www.compendiumvoordeleefomgeving.nl/
indicatoren/nl0154-Afzet-van-zuiveringsslib-naar-bestemming.html?i=1–4. (accessed
18 February 2014).
Nereda® praktijk onderzoek 2010–2012 (Nereda® practical research 2010–2012), STOWA,
2013, Report 29.
NEWater, Op weg naar de RWZI 2030 (The STP of the future 2030), STOWA, 2010,
Report 11.

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Chapter 14
A new perspective on
energy-efficiency and
cost-effectiveness of sewage
treatment plants
Helmut Rechberger1 and Alicja Sobańtka2
Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality,

Resource and Waste Management

2Vienna University of Technology, Centre for Water Resource

14.1 ​Introduction
The cleaning performance of sewage treatment plants (STPs) is typically
expressed by removal rates (e.g., of nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P)). There are
also mandatory emission limits, such as a N-removal rate in excess of 70% at
temperatures >12°C for all STPs greater than 5,000 population equivalents (PE)
as well as an NH +4 concentration of less than 5 mgN/L (Phillippitsch & Grath,
2006), (Thaler, 2009). The advantage of using the N-removal rate as a measure
of cleaning performance is that it can be easily calculated. The N-compounds
are quantified by the N-content of the influent and effluent. However, in
this way, N is not differentiated in its various chemical species (e.g., NH +4 ,
NO3− , N2 etc.); thus, NH +4 and NO3− have equal weighting factors in the total
N-content, although the environmental impact of these two forms of N are
different. The Austrian Water Act and Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA)
assign different emission limits and impact factors to individual N-compounds
(BGBl II Nr, 98/2010), (BGBl II Nr, 99/2010), (BGBl II Nr, 461/2010), (Guinée
et al. 2002)). For example, NH +4 has a higher eco-toxicological impact on water
bodies than NO3− and therefore a lower emission limit. Other studies have
concluded that the role and fate of aquatic Norg is still unknown, which implies
that Norg in water bodies cannot be regarded as NH +4 (Westgate & Park, 2010).
N2O plays a major role in global warming (Kampschreur et al. 2009). The
omission of gaseous N-compounds is a drawback in the use of the N-removal

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270 Sewage Treatment Plants

rate, because wastewater purification can result in atmospheric pollution (e.g.,

the emission of N2O and NH3). Wang and colleagues have stressed the problem
of limited integration of N2O emissions from wastewater treatment (WWT)
into the overall N pollution reduction, and propose creation of a greenhouse
gas crediting system (Wang et al. 2011). In Austria, a performance indicator
(‘Leistungskennwert’: LW) has been developed to describe the cleaning
capacity of STPs that considers the effluent concentrations of NH +4 and NO3− .
Specific weighting factors are assigned to each species that reflect their different
harming potential on water bodies (ÖWAV 2000). Other N-compounds in the
effluent, such as Norg, gaseous N-emissions such as N2O, and N transfer to
sludge, are ignored.
To overcome the disregard of the speciation of N in the evaluation process
of wastewater treatment statistical entropy analysis (SEA) has been applied
(Sobańtka et al. 2012). This allows to quantify the entropy reduction achieved
by a STP expressing the benefit (cleaning performance) of the facility.
Specifically, SEA quantifies the distribution of a substance (e.g., a heavy metal)
among different material flows (e.g., waste, fly ash, and wastewater) before
and after a process (e.g., waste incineration). The change in the distribution of
the substance then indicates the concentrating power relative to the extent of
dilution (dispersion) of the particular process (Rechberger & Brunner, 2002).
To date, SEA has been primarily applied to the field of waste and resource
management to assess the efficacy of different processes in recovering
substances such as heavy metals (Kaufmann et al. 2008; Rechberger ,2001a,
2001b, 2012; Rechberger & Graedel, 2002; Yue et al. 2009). SEA has
subsequently been extended (eSEA) to enable its application to processes in
which the specification of chemical compounds is highly relevant, as is the
case for N. Such a system can, for example, specify the N budget of a farming
region. Statistical entropy, applied as a measure of concentration and dilution
thus serves as an agri-environmental indicator (Sobańtka et al. 2013). In a
separate study, the advantages of eSEA over the traditional N-removal rate
for the evaluation of the N-removal performance of WWT systems have been
demonstrated (Sobańtka & Rechberger, 2013).
The cleaning performance of STPs requires expenses, which can be expressed
as energy consumption and costs. The energy budgets and costs of STPs have been
studied extensively. Both metrics are usually referred to the pollution load of the
wastewater, expressed by population equivalents (PE). According to state-of-the-
art literature, large STPs (>100,000 PE) are able to operate more energy-efficiently
and cost-effective than small plants (Agis, 2002), (Nowak, 2002), (Lindtner et al.
2008), (Kroiss & Svardal, 2009), (Hernandez-Sancho & Sala-Garrido, 2009),
(Lindtner, 2010). In this chapter, both energy consumption and costs are related to
the N-removal performance of numerous Austrian STPs, quantified by eSEA, and
the influence of the size of STPs for energy-efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the
N-removal performance is investigated.

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A new perspective on energy-efficiency and cost-effectiveness 271

14.2 ​Methods and Data

14.2.1 ​Application of eSEA for the assessment
of the N-removal performance of STPs
The eSEA is applied to evaluate the N-removal performance of Austrian
STPs. First, a N-mass balance must be established: assuming that there is no
storage of N in the STP, the incoming N must equal the N that leaves the
STP. Figure 14.1a illustrates the flow of N-compounds before and after WWT
assuming the state-of-the-art biological treatment including both nitrification
and denitrification. Figure 14.1b illustrates the effect of WWT according to
statistical entropy.

Figure 14.1 ​Description of the N-treatment by means of statistical entropy (a)

Left: Schematic illustration of N-compounds through the WWT process; Right:
Reference situation: the wastewater is discharged without treatment into the
receiving water. (b) The direct discharge of wastewater to the hydrosphere results
in an entropy increase. WWT reduces the entropy, and the discharge of the
effluent to the receiving water results in a (small) increase. ΔH quantifies the
cleaning performance of the WWT process (taken from Sobańtka & Rechberger,

The emission of every single N-compound as described in Figure 14.1a will

result in a dilution process in both the receiving water and the atmosphere (i.e., the
environmental compartments). A later dilution of the N in the sludge due to further
sludge utilization is not considered. The water or air mass that dilutes a N emission
depends on both the emission concentration and the concentration of the respective
N-compound in the receiving environmental compartment. For example, surface
waters with a good ecological status contain approximately 1 mgN/L of NO3−
(BGBl II Nr, 461/2010). Thus, an emission of 1 mgN-NO3− /L would not contribute
to the statistical entropy, but an emission of 10 mgN-NO3− /L would produce entropy
because of dilution. A detailed mathematical description of eSEA can be found in

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272 Sewage Treatment Plants

(Sobańtka et al. 2012). The calculation of the statistical entropy of N-compounds

is additionally outlined in Table 14.1.

Table 14.1 ​Brief overview of the computation of the statistical entropy of

N-compounds in STPs.

Step 1: measured data M i , cim , cim,geog

Step 2: normalization of M i
the mass flow mim = (Eq. 1)
∑∑ i


X im = M i * c im (Eq. 2)
Step 3: calculation of the cim − cim,geog
diluting masses for each ′ = mi *
mim * 100 + mi (Eq. 3)
cim * cim,geog
′ =
cim 0.01 (Eq. 4)
cim − 0.99 * cim,geog *

Step 4: computation of the
H (mim ′ )= −
′ , cim ′ * log2 (cim
* cim ′ ) (Eq. 5)
statistical entropy im
i m

M i is the measured mass flow in kg per day. The index i refers to the wastewater,
effluent, off-gas, sludge, and the environmental compartments atmosphere
and hydrosphere. The variable cim (in kgN/kg) corresponds to the measured
concentration of a N-compound (m) in the particular mass flow i. The background
concentration of a compound m in an environmental compartment i is indicated
by cim,geog. The mass flows are normalized according to Equation 14.1. The
denominator of Equation 1 equals the total flow of N through the STP such that
the masses mi are related to one mass-unit of N (e.g., kg in the effluent per kg of
the total N throughput). Normalization is required to make processes of different
size comparable. In the next step, the diluting masses m’im and the corresponding
concentration terms c’im are calculated according to Equation 3 and Equation 4,
respectively. The mass-function calculates how much water or air is needed to
dilute the emitted concentration to its corresponding background concentration.
The dimensionless mass-function for the N in the sludge is computed according
to Equation 1. The statistical entropy H is then calculated according to Equation
5 for every N-compound in the effluent, the atmosphere and the sludge. Thus, the
statistical entropy is a function of the mass flows, such as the wastewater, effluent,
air and sludge, the emission concentrations and the corresponding background

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A new perspective on energy-efficiency and cost-effectiveness 273

concentrations of all N-compounds. More diluted mass flows and larger differences
between the emitted and the background concentrations result in increased
dilution in the environment and, consequently, in higher entropy values. Given
the assumption that dilution should be avoided whenever possible for sustainable
resource management, low entropy values are desired. The entropy values of all
emitted N-compounds are added to obtain the total statistical entropy of N after
WWT (HafterWWT). This value is compared with the statistical entropy determined
for a hypothetical scenario in which the untreated wastewater is directly discharged
into the receiving waters (HnoWWT). The benefit of a STP for N-treatment is then
expressed as the reduction in the statistical entropy (ΔH) relative to the direct
discharge of wastewater into receiving waters (see Figure 14.1b). A higher ΔH
value indicates a more favorable performance of a particular STP because it results
in less dissipation of N-compounds into the environment. The main advantage of
eSEA for the assessment of the N-performance of STPs is that all N-compounds,
as well as the flows of wastewater, effluent and sludge, can be considered both
qualitatively and quantitatively. The environmental impact is reflected in the
quantification of the dilution. Thus, a comprehensive evaluation of the N-removal
performance of a STP can be provided by this analysis. The disadvantages of eSEA
are the relatively large data requirement, the inability to perform the calculation
with a single equation, in contrast to the estimation of the N-removal rate, and the
lack of other studies that can be used to compare the results.

14.2.2 ​Data of Austrian STPs

The annual average values of the concentrations and respective fractions of NH +4 ,
NO3− and Ntotal in the wastewater and the effluent, the wastewater inflow, the sludge
volumes and the amount of N in the sludge are available for 56 Austrian STPs.
All of these STPs use both nitrification and denitrification processes and meet
mandatory emission standards (Phillippitsch & Grath, 2006). The data for each
STP are measured in their respective laboratories according to German standards.
Because gaseous emissions are not directly measured, the N2O emissions of each
STP are estimated to be 0.5% of the total N-input (based on an Austrian study), and
the N2 amount is estimated from the N mass balance (Kroiss et al. 2007). For each
plant, the energy consumptions (in kWh) and the total operating costs (in EUR)
of the mechanical-biological treatment process are available. The operating costs
include the costs for labor, energy, external services, and additional materials, as
well as other costs. The mean atmospheric background concentrations used in this
paper were obtained from the ESPERE Climate Encyclopedia (Uherek, 2004).
Both the NO3− and NH +4 background concentrations in the surface and ground water
are set in accordance with a very good ecological status of the water (BGBl II Nr,
98/2010), (BGBl II Nr, 99/2010), (BGBl II Nr, 461/2010). Norg is hardly present in
the hydrosphere; thus its background concentration is assumed to be approximately
four orders of magnitude smaller than the background concentration of NH +4 .

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274 Sewage Treatment Plants

14.3 ​Results and Discussion

14.3.1 ​Assessment of the N-removal performance
of STPs: eSEA vs N-removal rate
In Figure 14.2 the N-removal performance of 5 selected Austrian STPs according
to both the reduction in statistical entropy (ΔH) and the N-removal rate is shown.
The scaling for both indicators is between 0% and 100%, where 0% refers to
the absence of N-removal, for example, the discharge of untreated wastewater
(thus the complete load of N in the wastewater) into the receiving water. A 100%
removal rate describes a hypothetical situation in which all of the N-compounds
in the wastewater are removed. A 100% eSEA performance result indicates that
the WWT process transforms all of the N-compounds in the wastewater to either
harmless N species, such as N2, which has a high natural background concentration
in the atmosphere or concentrates the N in the sludge. Both situations (0% and
100%) are not realistic, but serve as a reference.

1 2 3 4 5
entropy ∆H and N -removal rate
Reduction in statistical




90 eSEA
N-removal rate

Figure 14.2 ​Assessment of the N-removal performance of 5 selected Austrian

STPs based on eSEA and the N-removal rate.

All of the STPs report N-removal rates of ca. 75%. Consequently, these plants
would be considered to exhibit equally good cleaning performances. The eSEA
results, however, reveal that there are differences in the N-removal performance of
the individual STPs. STP N°5 achieves the highest reduction in statistical entropy
(ΔH = 85%) and is thus the most favorable one. STP N°4 is the least favorable,
with a ΔH of 73%. STP N°1 achieves a ΔH of 74%, STP N°2 has a ΔH of 77%, and
STP N°3 attains a ΔH of 83%. In Table 14.2 the proportion of each N-compound
in the total N amount and its contribution to the statistical entropy after WWT
(HafterWWT), which has a direct influence on the reduction in the statistical entropy
ΔH, are summarized.

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A new perspective on energy-efficiency and cost-effectiveness 275

Table 14.2 ​Proportion of N-compounds to the total N after WWT and

contribution of the individual N-compounds to the statistical entropy after
WWT for 5 Austrian STPs.


N°1 N°2 N°3 N°4 N°5
Proportion of N-compounds to total N after WWT [%]
NH+4, aq. 3 10 2 2 1
NO3−, aq. 16 15 6 5 9
Norg, aq. 6 0 6 15 5
N2, gas. 53 63 65 56 74
N2O, gas. 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Norg, sludge 21 12 21 21 11
Contribution of the N-compounds to the statistical entropy after WWT
(HafterWWT ) [%]
NH+4, aq. 11 39 14 9 5
NO3− , aq. 45 49 23 14 46
Norg, aq. 28 0 40 63 39
N2, gas. 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3
N2O, gas. 3 3 4 3 4
Norg, sludge 13 9 19 11 6

STP N°4 emits more N in the form of Norg in the effluent to the river (15%) than
does STP N°5 (5%). Norg represents a composition of various organic compounds
that are naturally present in scarce quantities in rivers with a good ecological
status. Norg is therefore the main contributor to the statistical entropy after WWT
by STP N°4. STP N°5 achieves a higher denitrification rate because most of the
N is emitted as N2 (74%). By contrast, only 56% of the N leaves STP N°4 as N2.
The emission of N2 into the atmosphere does not generate entropy because of the
high concentration of N2 that is already present in the atmosphere (75% mass
fraction). Similar considerations can be made for the other STPs. These examples
demonstrate that the N-removal performance of a STP can appear quite different
if the different N-compounds, their distribution in the individual mass flows and
their dilution in the environment are considered.

14.3.2 ​Determination of the best practice STP:

energy-efficiency and cost-effectiveness
N-treatment requires expenses in the form of energy and costs. Energy is mostly
used for aeration processes during nitrification. A certain concentration of dissolved
oxygen (O2,diss.) is important in the nitrification process and, consequently, for

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276 Sewage Treatment Plants

long-term water quality. However, a very high concentration of O2,diss. can lead to
undesirable effects due to the incomplete denitrification caused by the recirculation
of O2 from the aerobic to the anoxic reactor thus inhibiting the denitrification
process (Flores-Alsina et al. 2011). To compare STPs of different sizes, the values
of both the energy-consumption and the costs are divided by the individual PE.
The energy-efficiency is defined as the energy consumption that is required for
every PE to achieve a reduction in statistical entropy. The cost-effectiveness is
calculated as the ΔH per PE-specific costs, which defines the cost-effectiveness
of the N-treatment as the reduction in the statistical entropy that is achieved for
every EUR and PE. In Table 14.3 the N-removal performance of the 5 analyzed
Austrian STPs according to eSEA and the energy-efficiency and cost-effectiveness
are presented. The best performances are indicated in bold.

Table 14.3 ​Comparison of the N-removal performance of five Austrian STPs as

assessed by eSEA, energy-efficiency and cost-effectiveness.


N°1 N°2 N°3 N°4 N°5
ΔH [%] 74 77 83 73 85
Energy-efficiency [kWh/PE/ΔH%] 0.15 0.11 0.12 0.19 (a)

Cost-effectiveness [ΔH%/€/PE] 62 (a) 23 32 8

(a) No data available.

According to the eSEA results, STPs N°3 and N°5 exhibit the best N-removal
performance. However, STPs N°2 and N°3 exhibit the most energy-efficient
N-treatment, and STP N°1 achieves the highest cost-effectiveness. The results
indicate that an energy-efficient N-removal performance does not necessarily
imply cost-effectiveness. Because all five STPs comply with Austrian mandatory
emission standards, it is reasonable to nominate the most energy-efficient or the
most cost-effective STP as the best practice STP, which in this case would be
STP N°1, N°2 or N°3. A different approach would be to propose the best practice
STP as the plant with good results in all 3 categories, which, according to the
analysis presented in this work, would be STP N°3. In Austrian benchmarking,
cost-effectiveness plays the decisive role, which is reasonable because the costs
for energy consumption are included and the relationship between the energy
consumption and the energy costs is usually proportional (Lindtner, et al. 2002),
(Lindtner, 2009). The low cost-effectiveness of STP N°3 compared to STP N°1, for
example, originates from higher expenses for labor and external services.

14.3.3 ​The influence of plant size

Large STPs tend to operate more energy-efficiently and cost-effective, according
to the classical definition of both terms. In this work, both the energy-efficiency

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A new perspective on energy-efficiency and cost-effectiveness 277

and cost-effectiveness are related to the N-removal performance as assessed by

eSEA for 56 Austrian STPs. Table 14.4 first gives an overview over the number of
STPs among the different size groups.

Table 14.4 ​Overview over the number of STPs among the different size groups.

Size group/PE
10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 >100,000
– – – – – – – – –
20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000
Number of STPs among the different size groups
10 10 8 10 1 4 0 2 1 10
STPs < 50,000 PE STPs > 50,000 PE
Total number of small and large STPs
38 18

Data on the cleaning performance of 38 small STPs (<50,000 PE) and 18

large STPs (>50,000 PE) are available. Among the small plants all size groups
are equally represented while among the large STPs those that are designed for
more than 100,000 PE are overly represented. Note, however, that data on energy
consumption and costs are not available for some of these STPs.
Figures 14.3 and 14.4 reveal the newly defined energy-efficiencies and cost-
effectiveness of all the STPs for which data were available.
The average energy-efficiency at 0.16 kWh/(ΔH% * PE) is better for the large
STPs (>50,000 PE) than for the small plants (<50,000 PE), at 0.21 kWh/(ΔH% * PE).
However, many small STPs can operate as energy-efficiently as larger plants (cf.
Figure 14.3). For example, a STP, which serves 167,000 PE reports the same
energy-efficient N-removal performance (0.13 kWh/(PE * ΔH)) as a STP, which is
responsible for 42,000 PE, and another STP, which serves only 22,000 PE. In total,
14 out of 15 large STPs and 16 out of 26 small STPs achieve energy-efficiencies
between 0.1 and 0.2 kWh/(ΔH% * PE) (numerical results are not shown). These
findings contradict the results of the state-of-the-art literature, which state that
large STPs operate more energy-efficiently (Nowak, 2002; Lindtner et al. 2008,
Kroiss & Svardal, 2009; Lindtner, 2010).
None of the smaller STPs reaches the high cost-effectiveness of the largest
STPs (79 ΔH%/(€ * PE)) (cf. Figure 14.4). The average value for the large STPs
(>50,000 PE) is at 46 ΔH%/(€ * PE) more than double the average value for the
cost-effectiveness of the small plants (<50,000 PE), at 21 ΔH%/(€ * PE). This result
is in agreement with literature findings (Lindtner et al. 2008), (Hernandez-Sancho
& Sala-Garrido, 2009; Lindtner 2010). However, some STPs seem capable of
achieving cost-effectiveness in the range of those of the large STPs. For example,
3 of the large STPs that serve 100,000 PE, 150,000 PE, and 200,000 PE, and
5 of the small STPs one responsible for 16,800 PE and four others designed

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278 Sewage Treatment Plants

between 40,000 and 48,000 PE report cost-effectiveness of approximately 23

ΔH%/(€ * PE). Another 3 large STPs designed for 70,000 PE, 180,000 PE, and
400,000 PE achieve cost-effectiveness in the range of 32 and 37 ΔH%/(€ * PE),
comparable to the cost-effectiveness of several small STPs that serve between
39,000 and 45,000 PE. A STP designed for 167,000 PE also reports higher cost-
effectiveness (79 ΔH%/(€ * PE)) than a STP, which serves 950,000 PE (62 ΔH%/
(€ * PE)). Another STP constructed for only 35,000 PE achieves cost-effectiveness
of 75 ΔH%/(€ * PE), a value in the range of the best cost-effectiveness among the
large STPs (>50,000 PE) (numerical results are not shown). These results can be of
particular importance for the design and operation of small, decentralized STPs.

Energy consump on per reduc on

in sta s cal entropy and PE


STPs > 50,000 PE
STPs < 50,000 PE

Energy-efficiency of 15 large STPs > 50,000 PE and 26 small

Figure 14.3 ​
STPs < 50,000 PE.


Reducon in stascal entrpoy per
costs of the mechanical biological

treatment [ΔH%/( €*PE)





STPs > 50,000 PE
STPs < 50,000 PE

Cost-effectiveness of 12 large STPs > 50,000 PE and 38 small

Figure 14.4 ​
STPs < 50,000 PE.

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A new perspective on energy-efficiency and cost-effectiveness 279

14.4 ​Conclusions
The use of eSEA offers a more comprehensive assessment of the N-removal
performance of STPs than the N-removal rate because it considers different
N-compounds, including gaseous emissions; the distribution of the N in the
wastewater, effluent, and sludge; and the dilution of the emissions in the
environment. The application of eSEA rewards STPs that transform and transfer
N-compounds from the wastewater into harmless (or less harmful) species, such
as N2 or NO3− , instead of into NH +4 or Norg, which would be discharged into water
bodies. The eSEA results can be related to the energy-consumption and costs of the
N-treatment. Thus, the evaluation can be extended to economic factors. The results
of the analysis of 5 Austrian STPs demonstrate that an energy-efficient plant is not
necessarily cost-effective. The N-removal performances, the energy-efficiencies
and cost-effectiveness of 56 different size STPs are compared, revealing that
individual, small STPs (10,000–50,000 PE) are able to compete with the larger
plants (50,000–950,000 PE). These results can contribute to the discussion about
the advantages and disadvantages of different size STPs offering a new perspective
on the efficiency of small, decentralized STPs.

14.5 ​References
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BGBl II Nr, 9., 99/2010. Verordnung des Bundesministers für Land- und Forstwirtschaft,
Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft über die Festlegung des ökologischen Zustandes für
Oberflächengewässer Teil II (Quality Objective Ordinance – Ecological Status of
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Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft (Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry,
Environment and Water Resources).
BGBl II Nr, 4., 461/2010. Verordnung des Bundesministers für Land- und Forstwirtschaft,
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Oberflächengewässer Teil II (Quality Objective Ordinance – Chemical Status of
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Astendurch den Betrieb der Schlammbelüftungsanlage (Estimation of the climate
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Phillippitsch R. and Grath J. (2006). Erhebung der Wassergüte in Österreich – Jahresbericht
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Österreichischer Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverband (ÖWAV) (2000). Kennzahlen für

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Chapter 15
Techno-economic assessment
of sludge dewatering devices:
a practical tool
Matteo Papa and Giorgio Bertanza
DICATAM-Department of Civil, Environmental, Architectural
Engineering and Mathematics, University of Brescia, via Branze 43,
I-25123 Brescia, Italy

15.1 ​Introduction
Sewage sludge management is a well-known key point in the operation of biological
WasteWater Treatment Plants (WWTPs): in effect, sludge treatment and disposal
often account for one half of the plant’s operating cost (Neyens et al. 2004;
Saveyn et al. 2008; Ruiz-Hernando et al. 2010; Ozdemir & Yenigun, 2013), so
that wastewater treatment processes may convert a water pollution control problem
into a solid waste disposal problem (Weemaes & Verstraete, 1998). Several EU
research funding programs have been issued in this field during the last decade:
among the latest, ROUTES (Novel processing routes for effective sewage sludge
management) and END-O-SLUDG (Wastewater transformed for good) projects
can be mentioned within the Seventh Framework Programme.
Moreover, sludge production has been unceasingly increasing, as a consequence
of both the growing quantity of collected and treated wastewaters, and the
application of progressively stricter standards for WWTPs effluent quality (Neyens
et al. 2004; Kouloumbos et al. 2008). In EU, the implementation of the European
Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD – 91/271/EEC) led to a strong
rise in sludge generation, up to 50% (Fytili & Zabaniotou, 2008): a total yearly
amount around 10 million tons of dry solids (referred to 2007 for EU27 + Norway)
has been reached (EEA European Environment Agency; Eurostat), and the
projection for the year 2020 is over 13 million (Kelessidis & Stasinakis, 2012).
Similarly, in China approximately 3 million tons of dry solids were generated
during the year 2007 (Wang et al. 2010).

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284 Sewage Treatment Plants

Activated sludge is a poorly dewaterable matrix (Dursun et al. 2006; Yu et al.

2008), nevertheless a strong reduction of sludge volume can be achieved by means
of mechanical dewatering (Qi et al. 2011), that, on the other hand, represents a
costly operation. High efficiency and reliability of dewatering systems must
therefore be pursued.
A crucial issue for mechanical dewatering lies in the choice of the proper
conditioning agent: chemical additives, such as high molecular weight polymer
flocculants (Boran et al. 2010), are commonly used to control the inter-particle
interactions in the suspension (Aziz et al. 2000). Capillary Suction Time (CST) and
Specific Resistance to Filtration (SRF) are established laboratory-scale tests used
to understand sludge behavior under different conditioning patterns (Scholz, 2005;
Peng et al. 2011): nevertheless, obtained information cannot be used to predict the
performance of full-scale facilities. Other critical factors, such as the pollution load
of the rejected water stream (i.e., the supernatant, which is recirculated back to the
plant and can induce an increase up to 25% for nitrogen: Mulder et al. 2001; Volcke
et al. 2006; Yang et al. 2007), device reliability, energy consumption, and so on,
can be assessed only by means of field experimentations.
From the other hand, full-scale investigations usually are merely focused on
dry solids concentration in dewatered sludge (Emir & Erdincler, 2006; Chen
et al. 2010), based on the assumption that this is the leading parameter describing
system performance. On the contrary, an integrated approach is fundamental to
properly assess dewatering devices (Mamais et al. 2009; Uggetti et al. 2011): the
global mass balance of solids (also considering the supernatant) and all process
parameters should be accounted for (Gratziou et al. 2005; Hong et al. 2009).
In this chapter, a practical tool for the evaluation of sludge dewatering devices
is presented: it can be adopted by WWTP managers as a Decision Support System
(DSS) to compare different machines or modes of operation. The whole procedure,
together with the decision making process, is illustrated through the application to
a case study.

15.2 ​Description of the Methodology

The innovative approach we propose is aimed at determining both the performance
and the cost of dewatering systems, based on experimental data. First of all, the
description, step by step, on how to carry out the experimentation is reported, and
then the data processing is in detail explained.

15.2.1 ​Operating procedure for test execution

The experimental phase consists of running the machine(s) to be evaluated under
real conditions. Two different scenarios can be separately assessed: the first
one is aimed at determining the best performance that the machine can achieve
under the working conditions (namely ‘optimal’) being necessarily defined by

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skilled operators; optionally, also a second condition, namely ‘reference’, may

be tested, through the a priori setting of one/more working parameters: in this
way, the machine flexibility to external constraints can be evaluated. In effect,
this situation can take place in WWTPs, if, for example, the type of conditioning
agent has been already chosen according to previously established commercial
agreements with suppliers.
The guidelines for procedure application are reported in Figure 15.1, as a
practical sheet to be followed.


The instruments necessary for the tests are:
• the devices (industrial-scale) to be tested, either installed in the plant or on mobile
• scales for conditioning weighing;
• counters to detect water consumption;
• boxes for sludge collection;
• flow-meters (for inlet sludge and conditioning, if not already detectable from the
control panel of the machine);
• current clamp for energy consumption (if not already detectable from the control
panel of the machine);
• trucks for sludge weighing;
• graduated tank for supernatant measurement.
The necessary staff is estimated in one person for each test, plus another operator (with
laboratory skills) for analytical measurements.
Time to be spent depends on the number of tests (at least one day for each test).
The device and all the instrumentations must be correctly installed at the WWTP, and the
sampling points defined.
In order to obtain as much significant results as possible, minimizing the number of variables
that can influence the performance, tests on more than one machine must be executed in
parallel, i.e. feeding the same sludge.
The number / duration of each run has to ensure the significance of the results: for example,
continuous systems (i.e. centrifuges and belt-presses) should work for 3 hours (the first one
dedicated to set-up); for batch systems (i.e. filter-presses), at least two upload/download
cycles must be performed. During the tests, sampling and monitoring phases are executed
(one per hour, and in the correspondence of any changes in device operating conditions),
together with experimental and analytical measurements.
In particular, the parameters to be measured are:
• total dry and volatile solids, on sludge samples (both inlet and dewatered);
• total solids, COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and total nitrogen, on supernatant
samples (raw and, optionally, filtered).
• flow-rate of fed sludge;
• production of dewatered sludge and supernatant: if the experimental measurement of
these flows is not possible (e.g. unavailability of trucks), they can be calculated by
means of mass balances (both global and on solids);
• power consumption;
• conditioning agent consumption;
• water consumption;
• optionally, other machine-specific parameters (e.g., in the case of centrifuges, RPM -
Revolutions per Minute -, bowl-screw differential, etc..).

Figure 15.1 ​Practical guidelines for test execution.

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Table 15.1 ​Items used for the calculation of the total treatment cost for sludge dewatering (as Euro per ton of total dry solids of
fed sludge).

Cost item (€/tTS) Symbol Calculation

Power: cost due to energy used by the machine $E.E. =E.E. ⋅ u.c.E.E.
E.E.: power consumption of device [kWh/t TS fed sludge]
u.c.E.E.: power unitary cost [€/kWh]
Conditioning: cost due to conditioning agent $cond =Cond ⋅ u.c.cond
Cond: conditioning dosage [kg/t TS fed sludge]
u.c.cond: conditioning agent unitary cost [€/kg]
Water: cost due to water used $H2O =QH2O ⋅ u.c.H2O
by the machine QH2O: water consumption of device [m3/t TS fed sludge]

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u.c.H2O: water unitary cost [€/m3]
Depreciation: machine depreciation cost, D I
assuming a service life n and an interest rate r T ⋅ Msludge
Sewage Treatment Plants

I: capital cost [€]

T: depreciation time [y] = [(1 + r)n - 1]/[r(1 + r)n]
Msludge: yearly sludge load fed to the machine [t TS fed sludge/y]
Maintenance: maintenance cost of the machine, M k ⋅I
typically provided by the company Msludge
k: specific maintenance cost, in the range 5–10% of investment
cost per year [y−1]
Labor: labor cost L =y.c.labor ⋅ hman/Msludge
y.c.labor: yearly cost of the operators working on the machine [€/y]

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hman: daily man hours spent by the operators for machine run [%]
Sludge disposal: cost due to the final disposal of S.D. =u.c.sludge disposal ⋅ SL
dewatered sludge SL: mass flow of dewatered sludge [tdewat sludge/t TS fed sludge]
Supernatant Oxygen demand: cost due to O2 =[0.5 ⋅ α ⋅ BOD + γ ⋅ (Ntot – Nass)] ⋅ u.c.O2
recirculation oxygen consumption during α: specific oxygen consumption for BOD oxidation [kg O2/kg BOD]
(treated with a the biological purification of BOD: BOD load in the supernatant [kg BOD/t TS fed sludge]
conventional supernatant recirculated in the γ : specific oxygen consumption for ammonia oxidation [kg O2/kg N]
biological wastewater treatment line (the Ntot: nitrogen load in the supernatant [kgN/t TS fed sludge]
process) hydrolyzed fraction, assumed Nass: nitrogen load assimilated by the activated sludge
a half of the total BOD) [kgN/tTS fed sludge]
u.c.O2: cost for the supply of 1 kg O2 [€/kg]
Supernatant sludge S.S.T.D.  BOD ⋅ Yobs [TS]supern ⋅ SUP 
treatment and disposal: = 0 .5 ⋅  +
 TSout TSout  ⋅ u.c.sludge disposal + 0.5⋅

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cost due to treatment and
disposal of  BOD ⋅ Yobs [TS]supern ⋅ SUP 
(i) the additional sludge  TSin TSin  ⋅ ($E.E. + $cond + $H2O )
obtained from supernatant
SUP: mass flow of supernatant [tsupern/t TS fed sludge]
purification (the hydrolyzed
TSin: total dry solids concentration in fed sludge [%]
TSout: total dry solids concentration in dewatered sludge [%]
(ii) the supernatant
[TS]supern: total solid concentration in the supernatant [g/L]
un-hydrolyzed fraction
u.c.sludge disposal: unitary cost for final disposal of dewatered sludge
[€/tdewat sludge]
Yobs: observed sludge yield [kg TS/kg BOD]
Techno-economic assessment of sludge dewatering devices

Reprinted from Journal of Environmental Management, 132, Bertanza, G., Papa, M., Canato, M., Collivignarelli, M. and Pedrazzani, R., How can
sludge dewatering devices be assessed? Development of a new DSS and its application to real case studies, 86–92, (2014), with permission

from Elsevier.
288 Sewage Treatment Plants

15.2.2 ​Data processing
Experimental data processing is aimed at:

(a) determining the technical performance of system: for a synthetic

evaluation, total dry solids (TS) concentration in dewatered sludge and
COD concentration in the supernatant are suggested as key-factors;
(b) calculating the treatment costs: key items are listed and illustrated in
Table 15.1, which also briefly reports the mathematical expressions used
for the calculation.

15.3 ​Application to a Real Case Study

An example of application of the DSS is described hereinafter, in order to highlight
the main strengths of the tool and its ability to drive through the decision making
process on the basis of both economic and technical issues.
The experiment was conducted in a WWTP consisting of 2 CAS lines and
1 MBR line (design size 400,000 p.e.; Q ≈ 70,000 m3/d), treating domestic and
industrial wastewater. The process scheme includes pre-treatments (fine screen
stage, grit/oil removal and equalization/homogenization), pre-denitrification,
oxidation-nitrification, secondary settling (for conventional lines) and
ultrafiltration (for MBR line). The sludge treatment line consists of: dynamic
thickening, anaerobic digestion and mechanical (centrifuge) dewatering.
Besides the machine currently working at the WWTP, three industrial size
centrifuges (labelled as #1, #2 and #3: main devices characteristics summarized
in Table 15.2), installed on mobile units, were assessed in order to rank them,
determining the most suitable one. Centrifuges were fed with anaerobically digested
and post-thickened secondary sludge. A pair wise comparison was performed and
tests were conducted under both ‘optimal’ and ‘reference’ conditions. In the latter
case, the conditioning agent and its dosage were a priori established, according to
the commercial supply contract currently in force.

Table 15.2 ​Main characteristics of tested devices.

Class (diameter) 480 mm 520 mm 535 mm
Max. weight 5000 kg 5300 kg 15,000 kg
Drum material Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel
Max. water capacity 70 m3/h 50 m3/h –
Max. solid flow-rate 1800 kg TS/h 1200 kg TS/h –
Max. drum rotational speed 3650 rpm 3650 rpm 3600 rpm
Max. acceleration of gravity 3.6 ⋅ g [m/s2] 3.6 ⋅ g [m/s2] 3.6 ⋅ g [m/s2]

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Techno-economic assessment of sludge dewatering devices 289

15.3.1 ​Technical issues
Technical performances are graphically summarized in Figure 15.2 as the
mean ± standard error, chosen in lieu of standard deviation to evaluate data
variability, being aware of the modest number of samples collected during each
test (n = 4). In summary:

"Optimal" conditions "Reference" conditions

Dry solids concentration in dewatered sludge



15% 24%




COD concentration in supernatant [mg/L]




Centrifuge 1 Centrifuge 2 Centrifuge 3

Figure 15.2 ​Dewatering efficiency of tested devices: total dry solids concentration
in dewatered sludge (up) and COD concentration in supernatant (down). Source:
Reprinted from Journal of Environmental Management, 132, Bertanza, G., Papa,
M., Canato, M., Collivignarelli, M. and Pedrazzani, R., How can sludge dewatering
devices be assessed? Development of a new DSS and its application to real case
studies, 86–92, (2014), with permission from Elsevier.

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290 Sewage Treatment Plants

• Centrifuge #1 obtained the highest sludge TS concentration under ‘optimal’

conditions, but the lowest under the ‘reference’ ones (thus pointing out a modest
flexibility). The best results were recorded during tests marked with “*” symbol
(I*, II*, and IV*), during which the machine was operated under the “supernatant
recirculation” mode, that is an advanced working system involving the return
of a supernatant fraction (up to 50%) inside the centrifuge. In addition, the
supernatant was slightly contaminated (low COD concentration).
• Centrifuge #2 achieved a sludge TS content lower than centrifuge #1 and
similar to centrifuge #3, under ‘optimal’ conditions; on the contrary, it proved
to be the best under the ‘reference’ conditions (showing a high flexibility).
The supernatant quality was generally the worst (high COD concentration).
• Centrifuge #3 performance was similar to centrifuge #2 as concerns sludge
TS concentration under ‘optimal’ conditions, while an intermediate efficiency
was recorded under the ‘reference’ ones. From the other hand, this machine
was capable to produce the best supernatant (see test V).
From the statistical point of view, a high degree of stability was recorded for
sludge TS concentration: the Coefficient of Variability was, indeed, always lower
than 5% for each device. On the contrary, the variability of COD concentration
in the supernatant was markedly higher, mainly due to the particulate matter
content: in effect, COD in filtered samples remained almost constant (data not shown).
Total nitrogen concentration in the supernatant was always in a narrow range (1400–
1700 mg/L) for all the centrifuges, as well, nitrogen being mainly in the dissolved form.

15.3.2 ​Economic issues
The total treatment cost was calculated under the following assumptions (i.e., the
numerical value of coefficients appearing in Table 15.1):
• α = 0.5 kg O2/kg BOD (explanation in Table 15.1);
• γ = 4.5 kg O2/kg N;
• hman = 1 h/8 h;
• I = 105,000 €, 125,000 € and 150,000 € for centrifuges #1, #2 and #3,
respectively; capital costs do not include equipment other than the device itself
(e.g., accessory apparatuses, the hosting building, . . .), because they were already
available at WWTP, and, anyway, they are exactly alike for all the machines;
• n = 10 y;
• r = 8%;
• u.c.cond = ranging from 1.5 to 1.7 €/kg;
• u.c.E.E. = 0.10 €/kWh;
• u.c.H2O = 1 €/m3;
• u.c.O2 = 2.63 €cent/kg;
• u.c.sludge disposal = 100 €/tdewatered sludge;
• y.c.labor = 35,000 €/y;
• Yobs = 0.5 kg TS/kg BOD.

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Techno-economic assessment of sludge dewatering devices 291

Figure 15.3 ​Economic assessment of tested devices: (a) weight of different cost
items (the meaning of the labels is reported in Table 15.1); (b) cost as a function
of dewatering efficiency; (c) overall comparison among tested devices. Source:
Reprinted from Journal of Environmental Management, 132, Bertanza, G., Papa,
M., Canato, M., Collivignarelli, M. and Pedrazzani, R., How can sludge dewatering
devices be assessed? Development of a new DSS and its application to real case
studies, 86–92, (2014), with permission from Elsevier.

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292 Sewage Treatment Plants

Some general outcomes arise from the analysis:

(1) the most important cost items are represented by sludge disposal (≈70–80%
of total treatment cost), conditioning agent (≈5–10%) and treatment and
disposal of the additional sludge generated by supernatant purification
(≈5–10%), as can be clearly evinced in the average distribution reported in
Figure 15.3a;
(2) the minimum treatment cost (evidenced with an arrow in Figure 15.3b, which
reports the results for centrifuge #1 as an example) does not correspond to
the maximum achievable sludge TS concentration: this highlights a conflict
between the ‘technical-’ and the ‘economic-optimum’.
As the comparison among the devices is concerned, Figure 15.3c reports the
best economic performance of each machine: the lowest cost was recorded for
centrifuge #2 (506 € per ton of TS in the fed sludge), with a saving of 8 €/tTS
(1.6%) and 22 €/tTS (4.2%) compared to centrifuge #3 and #1, respectively. These
differences (lower than 5%) may be considered not enough relevant to drive
into the choice of the most suitable machine. Here, another valuable feature of
the proposed DSS can be emphasized: the final decision may be supported by
collected technical data, the importance of which is strongly related to case-
specific factors. For instance, key issues might be the contamination of the
supernatant, the machine flexibility, power/reactants consumption, and so on.
In the current case study, the plant manager looked upon the device flexibility
as a core factor, thus addressing the choice towards centrifuge #2. In addition,
a noticeable saving (around 50€/tTS) with respect to the current dewatering unit
installed at the plant was evidenced; this highlighted the urgency and convenience
to substitute the existing machine.

15.4 ​Conclusions
This chapter presented a practical tool to assess and rank sludge dewatering
devices. First of all, for the experimental procedure and the data processing, a well-
established and standardized methodology, which can be easily followed whenever
a device has to be evaluated, has been implemented. As model outputs, the tool
provides both a technical (dewatering efficiency + process parameters) and an
economic (treatment cost, split up for item) overview. Thanks to a comprehensive,
objective and detailed representation of the costs, it is possible to drive the decision
making process through an economic-criterion (as usual for sectors with limited
economic resources, such WWTPs); anyway, the final decision on the most suitable
device can be also supported by the other technical parameters analyzed by the
DSS, the importance of which depends on the case-specific features.
In order to validate the model, it was applied to a real case study, where three
industrial size devices (mobile centrifuges) were assessed and compared with
the dewatering system installed in the WWTP. The latter was proven to be not

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Techno-economic assessment of sludge dewatering devices 293

convenient, with treatment costs higher (>10%) with respect to the tested centrifuges.
Among them, the cheapest one was identified (#2), and the role of ‘most suitable’
was assigned to it, also weighing the technical factors (mainly machine flexibility).
Moreover, as a general outcome, a conflict between the technical and the economic
‘optimum’ was highlighted: the minimum treatment cost may not correspond to
the maximum achievable sludge TS concentration.
In conclusion, the plant manager entrusted to the model can identify the ‘best
technology’ for this unit of treatment.

15.5 ​References
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to real case studies. Journal of Environmental Management, 137, 86–92.
Boran J., Houdkova L. and Elsaesser T. (2010). Processing of sewage sludge: dependence
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29(2), 696–703.
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and dewatering in the fate of nonylphenol in sludge-amended soils. Water Science and
Technology, 57(3), 329–335.

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Mamais D., Tzimas A., Efthimiadou A., Kissandrakis J. and Andreadakis A. (2009).
Evaluation of different sludge mechanical dewatering technologies. Journal Residuals
Science & Technology, 6(1), 27–34.
Mulder J. W., van Loosdrecht M. C. M., Hellinga C. and van Kempen R. (2001). Full-scale
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Chapter 16
Short-cut enhanced nutrient
removal from anaerobic
supernatants: pilot scale results
and full scale development of
the S.C.E.N.A. process
Daniele Renzi1, Stefano Longo2, Nicola Frison2, Simos
Malamis2, Evina Katsou2 and Francesco Fatone2,*
Alto Trevigiano Servizi srl, Via Schiavonesca Priula,

Montebelluna – Treviso (Italy)

2Department of Biotechnology, University of Verona, Via Le Grazie 15,
Verona – Italy
*francesco.fatone@univr.it – Tel/Fax: +39 045 8027965

16.1 ​Introduction
Enhanced nutrient removal in municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) can
be partly and efficiently carried out by treating the ammonium and phosphorus-rich
reject water (other terms for reject water are ‘return liquor’, ‘digester supernatant’
or ‘sludge digester liquid’) produced from the dewatering of anaerobic digested
sludge in order to meet more stringent effluent standards. In conventional plants
the nitrogen flow from the reject water constitutes 10–30% of the total N-load
(Cervantes, 2009; Gustavsson et al. 2011). As far as phosphorus is concerned, the
concentration in reject water can be up to 130 mg L −1 (Oleszkiewicz & Barnard,
2006; Pitman, 1999; Ivanov et al. 2008). High P concentrations may be reached
when anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge and organic waste are applied
(Malamis et al. 2014; Battistoni et al. 2005). Thus, the reject water is returned to
the activated sludge process and accounts for 10 to 50% of the nutrients in the main
stream of municipal WWTPs.
In addition, innovative schemes aiming at energy neutral-positive municipal
WWTPs consider the anaerobic digestion as the core process for biogas recovery
from sewage sludge. As a consequence, the enhanced nutrient removal from the

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296 Sewage Treatment Plants

digester supernatant is proposed to take place separately from the main stream and
becomes a significant stage within the new-conceived WWTPs.

16.1.1 ​Removal or recovery?
Separate treatment of the digester supernatant requires a minimum extension
because of the high temperature of the supernatant (25–35°C), potentially leading
to short sludge retention times (SRTs) and high reaction rates. Furthermore, a
high ammonium concentration and a low COD:N ratio favor high autotrophic
ammonium reduction rates. The alkalinity content is often around 1.1 mol HCO3
per mol NH +4 -N, while 1.98 mol HCO3 per mol NH +4 -N is required for complete
nitrification, so extra alkalinity is required if complete ammonium oxidation
is needed. Among the different treatment technologies for digester supernatant
(cfr Chapter 5), the innovative biological processes have been proved to be the
most economically sustainable in terms of nitrogen removal. Compared to the
physicochemical processes, these processes do not allow nitrogen recovery.
However, the sustainability of the currently available and future nitrogen removal
systems has been investigated by several authors (Mulder, 2003; STOWA, 2012).
Ammonium can be stripped from ammonium rich side streams (e.g., rejection
water) by means of air stripping. This is a well-known technique. In order to strip
ammonium a high pH is required (pH 10 to 12). Usually NaOH or Ca(OH) are
added as alkali to realize this pH increase. In the air stripping process the rejection
water is led through a stripping column in reverse flow through an air stream. The
ammonia is transferred to the air stream which is led to an absorber. The adsorbed
substance contains acid (H2SO4 or HNO3) in which the ammonia dissolves and
ammonium salts are formed. The ammonium salts are drained from the absorber
while the ammonia free air can be recycled to the stripper (STOWA, 2012).
In general, the energy demand of such a reference stripping varies from 100 to
150 MJ/kg N (aeration, heat, chemicals as well as their cost) and is significantly
higher than the energy demand of the nitrogen producing Haber-Bosch process
combined with Anammox (total 60 MJ/kg N).
This shows that nitrogen recovery is more expensive (1.9–3.2 €/kg N) than
nitrogen removal using Anammox (0.8 €/kg N) because of the higher energy
utilization, as well as the price and quantity of the chemicals required (NaOH or
CaO and H2SO).
In contrast to nitrogen, phosphorus is a limited resource which must be recovered
and reused. It is estimated that the remaining accessible reserves of phosphate rock
will run out in 50 years, if the growth of demand for fertilizers remains at 3% per
year (Gilbert, 2009; Elser & Bennet, 2011). Reducing usage will help the reserves
last longer, but the biggest gains will probably be derived from the recovery of
phosphates, both from wastewaters and livestock waste (Gilbert, 2009).
Struvite (MgNH4PO4 ⋅ 6H2O) is generally considered as the optimal phosphate
mineral for recovery as it contains 51.8% of P2O5 (based on MgNH4 PO2) and

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Short-cut enhanced nutrient removal 297

could potentially be used as a slow-release fertilizer. If the economic and life

cycle costs are taken into account, however, phosphate recovery in the form of
struvite may not be the best approach, for the following reasons: (1) production of
P-mineral with a high content of struvite from real wastewater is a difficult and
costly process; and (2) struvite is not superior to other phosphate based compounds
in terms of fertilization efficiency. Hence, phosphate recovery could be aimed at
any forms of phosphate-based compounds acceptable by the fertilizer industry,
depending on the onsite economic and environmental circumstances, including
the local regulations about recovered material. Accordingly, efforts should also
be targeted towards the use of (composted) sludge for effective fertilization
(Hao et al. 2013). The application of innovative short-cut nitrogen removal and
via-nitrite enhanced phosphorus removal can optimize the treatment costs and
resource recovery, taking into account the potential usability of the recovered

16.2 ​Short-Cut Nitrogen Removal and

Via-Nitrite Enhanced Phosphorus
Bioaccumulation: Fundamentals
Short-cut nitrogen removal (SCNR) through the ammonium oxidation to nitrite and
its subsequent reduction to gaseous nitrogen has gained increasing attention over
the last years. The adoption of nitritation/denitritation as opposed to conventional
nitrification/denitrification has significant advantages, since it theoretically reduces
the oxygen demand up to 25% and requires up to 40% less organic carbon source.
Furthermore, it decreases sludge production by 20–40% and carbon dioxide
emissions by 20% (Gustavsson, 2010). The completely autotrophic nitrogen
removal process is even more economically attractive as it further reduces energy
demand and has no external carbon source requirements. However, its operational
and environmental sensitivity and the facts that neither enhanced biological
phosphorus removal can be achieved nor nitrogen is completely removed are major
drawbacks for its potential implementation (Malamis et al. 2014).
To accomplish SCNR the growth of ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB)
must be favored against the growth of nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB). NOB
can be inhibited/washed out by maintaining a significant free ammonia (FA)
and/or free nitrous acid (FNA) concentration in the reactor (FA > 1 mgNH3 ⋅ L −1,
FNA > 0.02 mgHNO2-N ⋅ L −1) (Anthonisen et al. 1976; Gu et al. 2012). AOB
are also favored against NOB at alkaline pH (8–8.8) (Zhang et al. 2007), high
temperature (>25°C) (Hellinga et al. 1998) and low dissolved oxygen (DO)
concentration (0.3–1.5 mg ⋅ L −1) (Peng & Zhu, 2006; Blackburne et al. 2008).
SCNR has been examined for strongly nitrogenous effluents, such as landfill
leachate, supernatant produced from the anaerobic digestion of activated
sludge (i.e., reject water) and from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste
(OFMSW) (Hellinga et al. 1998; Fux et al. 2006; Ganigué et al. 2007; Ganigué

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et al. 2012) as well as from low strength effluents such as domestic wastewater
(Blackburne et al. 2008). Nitritation/denitritation has been examined for various
environmental and operating conditions, including low and high DO concentrations
in the reactor (Pollice et al. 2002; Blackburne et al. 2008; Guo et al. 2009a), high
temperature (Hellinga et al. 1998), high salinity (Ye et al. 2009), different FA and
free nitrous acid (FNA) concentrations (Park et al. 2010), different solids retention
times (SRTs) (Pollice et al. 2002).
SCNR can be conveniently coupled with suitable bioprocesses for phosphorus
removal through its accumulation in biomass and can be a sustainable option
resulting in the production of high added value products. In fact, the mechanism
of phosphorus uptake can be realized under anoxic conditions by denitrifying
phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs) that can utilize nitrate or nitrite
as electron acceptors (Kishida et al. 2006; Carvalho et al. 2007). Denitrifying
PAOs require less carbon source compared to aerobic PAOs (Li et al. 2011; Peng
et al. 2011). The rate of phosphate uptake can be higher in the presence of nitrite
compared to nitrate (Lee et al. 2001).

16.3 ​Capital and Operating Cost of Anaerobic

Sidestream Treatment
16.3.1 ​Energy consumptions and costs of short-cut
nitrogen removal from anaerobic sidestream
In conventional nitrification-denitrification in the main line of WWTPs, the
electrical energy consumption is normally 3.5–5.7 kWh/kg Neliminated (Beier et al.
2008). Electrical energy consumption at the DEMON in Strass WWTP was
reported to be 1.16 kWh/kg N (Wett, 2007) and in the case of the SBRs in Zürich,
similar figures were reported: 1.0 kWh/kg N (Joss et al. 2009). The designed
electric energy consumption for the DeAmmon in Himmerfjärden WWTP was
2.3 kWh/kg Neliminated (Gustavsson, 2010), which is close to the consumption for an
SBR with nitritation-denitritation at Sjölunda WWTP in Sweden, 2.9 kWh/kg N
(Gustavsson et al. 2011). The electrical energy consumption in the DeAmmon in
Hattingen was reported to be as high as 5.6 kWh/kg Neliminated (Jardin et al. 2006)
and was explained by the low ammonium load (Gustavsson, 2010).
Personnel requirements were estimated to be 0.25 man/year for the DeAmmon
in Hattingen (Jardin et al. 2006). In all the marketing nitritation-anammox
solutions some license or royalties costs are required. There should also be certain
agreements on support, particularly in the event of failure.
Investments costs are very site-specific. The investment costs for a Sharon/
Anammox installation with a capacity of 1,200 kg NH4-N/day are estimated at
€2 million (2001). The operating costs are linked to the costs for energy, methanol,
and lye. In the Table 16.1 indicative economical parameters are given for a full-
scale Sharon-Anammox process (van Dongen et al. 2001), where the prices refer

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to the year 2001 and to design guidelines and technical data given by the authors
van Dongen et al. (2001).

Table 16.1 ​Full scale cost of Sharon-AnAmmOx process (van Dongen et al. 2001).

Parameter Unit Case 1 Case 2

N-load kg N/d 1200 1200
Flow rate m3/d 2400 1000
NH4 -conc. m3/d 500 1200
Investment € (x1.000) 2260 1810
Depreciation €/year (x1.000) 240 196
Maintenance €/year (x1.000) 46 41
Personnel €/year (x1.000) 11 11
Electricity €/year (x1.000) 82 76
Total cost €/year (x1.000) 374 325
Cost per kg Nremoved € 1.05 0.90

On the other hand, Siegrist et al. (2012) reported the cost of ammonia stripping
versus Nitritation/Anammox in SBR pointing out the 50% cost savings using the
biological processes (Table 16.2).

Table 16.2 ​Cost comparison ammonia stripping versus Nitritation/Anammox in

SBR (Siergrist et al. 2012).

NH3-Stripping Nitritation/Anammox
WWTP Opfikon WWTP St. Gallen-Au
19.2 t NH4 –Nelim/year 46.6 t NH4 –Nelim/year
Operating costs (chemicals, 2.50 0.60
energy, sludge disposal)
Maintenance costs (spare parts) 1.50 0.20
Personnel costs (25–30% of site) 1.50 0.70
Proceeds of sale of fertilizer 0.60 –
Capital cost 3.50 2.70
Net cost 8.40 4.20

Volcke et al. (2007) reported economic evaluations on the basis of the operating
cost index (OCI) for a simulated WWTP treating 21100 m3/day, which resulted in
reject water of 172 m3/day (Table 16.3).
As opposed to nitrogen, phosphorus is a non-renewable resource. There is a
wide range of technologies to remove and recover phosphorus from wastewater,

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including chemical precipitation, biological phosphorus removal, crystallization,

novel chemical precipitation approaches and other wastewater and sludge-based
methods (Morse et al. 1998).

Table 16.3 ​Economic evaluations of reject water treatment by

SHARON-AnAmmOx (Volcke et al. 2007).

Costs (€/year) No reject water Reject water treatment

treatment (BSM2) with SHARON-AnAmmOx
Effluent quality (EQ) 437400 359700
Aeration energy (AE) 194330 194530
Mixing energy (ME) 16200 16570
Pumping energy (PE) 57770 66620
Sludge production (SP) 239000 231000
External carbon addition (EC) 43900 2000
Methane production (MP) −128800 −123000
TOTAL (=OCI) 859800 747400

Struvite crystallization (SC) is the most widespread. The SC process removes

nitrogen and phosphorus from nutrient-rich wastewater by binding these two
compounds together in the form of crystallized struvite which can be used as
a slow-release fertilizer and can have commercial value depending on the local
regulations on the recovered products. The theoretical composition of the so-called
MAP (Magnesium-Ammonium-Phosphate) on a weight basis is 9.9% magnesium,
5.7% nitrogen, 12.6% phosphorus with the remainder being crystalline water.
MAP satisfies a need for mineral slow-release fertilizers and has many potential
uses in horticulture, for nurseries, golf courses, and so on. MAP is likely to be of
most benefit to customers as a ‘boutique’ fertilizer. An alternative to supplying the
product directly to end-users is to sell it in bulk to a fertilizer manufacturer for use
as a raw ingredient in their products (Munch et al. 2001).
The sales price for the MAP has a significant impact on the economics of
operating the SC Process. Until a separate business plan for the MAP has been
completed, a sales price has to be estimated. Based on the nitrogen and phosphorus
content alone, a sales price of $234/t is possible. This would be the price if the
MAP was to be used in broad-scale agriculture. However, the intention is to use
MAP as a ‘boutique’ fertilizer for specialized applications. For these applications,
much higher sale prices can be achieved. In Japan, a sale price of $3800/t has been
reported (Taruya et al. 2000). Dockhorn (2009) reported a price of struvite of
760 €/t MAP (6 €/kg P).
A business plan for the Australian market reported the operating cost of the SC
process and concluded the following: expenditure is mainly centered on capital

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acquisitions (of SC Process units of 200–400 k€), the actual costs of which may be less
than the current estimates used in these calculations, significantly increasing profits
returned: (a) Growth in net asset value from zero to $3.8 million in 5 years; (b) High
returns on equity of 44% in Year 5; (c) Profits returned in Year 2, profits consistently
increasing to $1.5 million in Year 5; (d) Most of the equity is held in physical assets.
However, besides the reasons concerning the agronomic properties and the
cost stated above (Hao et al. 2013), struvite may be not easily marketable due
to legislation constraints in some EU countries which can influence a lot the
economical sustainability of the scheme anammox + struvite.

16.4 ​S.C.E.N.A. System
16.4.1 ​Pilot-scale results ​S.C.E.N.A. system integrated in co-digestion of WAS and
OFMSW for bio-hythane production
The first pilot scale S.C.E.N.A. (Short-Cut Enhanced Nutrients Abatement) system
was applied and validated for the treatment of the supernatant of anaerobic co-digestion
of sewage sludge and organic fraction of the municipal solid waste (OFMSW) (Fatone
et al. 2011) within the pilot hall of the Treviso (northern Italy) municipal treatment
plant. The authors discussed the start-up strategy and carbon source to enhance the
short-cut nitrogen removal and via-nitrite enhanced biological phosphorus uptake
from anaerobic supernatant (Frison et al. 2012, 2013). The first integrated scheme
of (1) two-phase anaerobic digestion for the bio-hythane production (Cavinato et al.
2013) and (2) via-nitrite biological nutrients removal was proposed by Frison et al.
(2013) (Figure 16.1, adapted from Malamis et al. 2013).

Figure 16.1 ​ Biohythane production and scSBR integration in an anaerobic

co-digestion plant (adapted from Malamis et al. 2013).

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In this first scheme the hydrolysis reactor (dark fermentation) of the two-
phase anaerobic digestion is used to provide short chain volatile fatty acids to
the anoxic phase in the short-cut sequencing batch reactor (scSBR), which is
treating the anaerobic supernatant. Starting from the conventional activated
sludge inoculum, the start-up of the scSBR is carried out in two periods (Frison
et al. 2012) and the stable via-nitrite route is achieved in 15–30 days. Then,
nitritation-denitritation and significant phosphorus luxury anoxic uptake was
observed. However, the dark acid fermentation did not optimize the contents of
propionic and butyric acid that can enhance the via-nitrite (anoxic) biological
phosphorus uptake.
On the basis of pilot scale trials, Frison et al. (2013) calculated the specific
costs of via-nitrite nitrogen removal (Table 16.4). It was found that using the
OFMSW fermentation liquid instead of methanol, the overall specific cost for
nitrogen removal in the nitritation-denitritation decreased by 22%. In addition,
the enhanced phosphorus biological removal was an important added value of
the scSBR. Moreover, the added value of the contemporary via-nitrite anoxic
phosphorus uptake was not considered, thus underestimating the advantages of the
S.C.E.N.A. process with comparison to the complete autotrophic nitrogen removal
which must be followed by struvite recovery to achieve the same nutrients removal
from anaerobic supernatant.

Table 16.4 ​Specific costs comparison of nitritation with heterotrophic/autotrophic

denitritation (adapted from Frison et al. 2013).

Process option Type of carbon source Specific costs

– € kg N−1removed
Two reactor nitritation-anammox – 2.5
One reactor nitritation-anammox – 2.3
DEMON ® full scale
One reactor nitritation/denitritation Methanol 3.24–3.64
One reactor nitritation/denitritation OFMSW liquid fermentation 2.85

16.4.2 ​S.C.E.N.A. system integrated in conventional

treatment of sewage sludge
The S.C.E.N.A. system (Figures 16.2 and 16.3) was applied at the conventional
municipal WWTP of Carbonera (Italy), where a best available carbon source
(BACS) was produced from the fermentation of sewage sludge. Therefore, it
was called ‘Best’, for the enhancement potential on nutrient removal, ‘Available’
because it was recovered on-site from an available waste stream.

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Figure 16.2 ​Pilot-scale S.C.E.N.A. system.

Figure 16.3 ​The S.C.E.N.A. system integrated in Carbonera municipal WWTP.

The S.C.E.N.A. system in municipal WWTP can be described according to

the following key processes: (1) alkaline production of BACS from sewage sludge
(or OFMSW); (2) nitritation in aerobic conditions (so as to also minimize N2O
emissions); (3) denitritation and via-nitrite biological phosphorus uptake achieved
through the BACS dosage.
The biowaste derived alkaline fermentation liquid is rich in propionic and
butyric acid and has been found to be a high added value carbon source. Several
studies demonstrated that using sludge-derived Short Chain Volatile Fatty Acids
(SCVFA) resulted in superior BNR performance than using synthetic acetate

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(Tong et al. 2007; Zheng et al. 2010). Higher phosphorus removal efficiency was
achieved with the use of SCVFA derived from WAS compared to acetate (Tong et al.
2007). The authors explained that the presence of propionate was probably the reason
for better phosphorus removal, while the higher nitrogen removal efficiency might
be due to the better use of exogenous denitrification pathway for nitrogen removal.
In the sludge fermentation process, the pH plays an important role on the hydrolysis
of sludge and the production of SCVFAs from excess sludge in fermentation. Under
alkaline conditions, the yield of SCVFAs can be significantly enhanced (Yuan &
Weng, 2006). Recent studies have demonstrated enhanced SCVFAs production
and inhibition of methanogenic activity (resulting in less SCVFAs consumption)
under alkaline conditions (Wu et al. 2010). NaOH and Ca(OH)2 are widely used
for alkaline sludge treatment; the type of chemical that is used impacts on waste
activated sludge (WAS) hydrolysis, acidification and dewatering ability (Kim et al.
2003). Thus, the type of reagent that is used for the pH adjustment in alkaline
fermentation influences the effectiveness of the process. The optimum pH range
9–11 was reached using NaOH and Ca(OH)2 (Su et al. 2013). This technique is
not economically and environmentally sustainable and enhances the salinity of the
carbon source, thus decreasing the rates of nitritation/nitrification. Furthermore, the
sludge dewatering characteristics and the separation of the produced fermentation
liquid from sludge can be adversely affected from the use of NaOH (Su et al. 2013;
Longo et al. 2014). Recent studies have shown that the use of WAS fermented liquid
as carbon source results in the reduction of nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitric oxide
(NO) production during the via nitrite processes (Zhu & Chen, 2011).
Therefore, the initial S.C.E.N.A. process was upgraded for application in a
conventional municipal wastewater treatment plant and applied in the Carbonera
The Carbonera (Veneto Region – Italy) WWTP plant has actual treatment
potential of approximately 40,000 PE. The full scale wastewater treatment line
is composed of the following operation units: screening and degritting, primary
sedimentation, activated sludge process (+chemical P precipitation) and secondary
clarifier; anaerobic digestion of the sewage sludge and dewatering (by centrifuge).
Currently, an S.C.E.N.A. pilot system is operating for the separate treatment of
part of the reject water of the plant. The pilot unit consists of three main subunits:
the alkaline fermentation unit, the membrane unit for the solid/liquid separation
of the fermentation effluent and the sequencing batch reactor (SBR) for the via
nitrite nutrient removal. The pilot scale fermentation unit (reaction volume 0.5 m3)
receives mixed (primary and secondary sewage sludge) from the full scale WWTP
plant. The sewage sludge is fermented to produce an effluent that is rich is SCVFA.
An ultrafiltration (UF) membrane filtration skid is employed for the solid/liquid
separation of the fermentation effluent (MO P13U 1 m, Berghof, Germany),
while alternative less energy-intensive microscreens are under investigation and
validation at pilot scale. Fermented sludge is first screened through 50 mm to
prevent clogging of the membrane modules. The sludge fermentation liquid is then

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directed to the short-cut via nitrite SBR process (3 m3) that treats separately the
anaerobic supernatant, removing N and P via nitrite.
According to the pilot-scale results, the best parameters for the alkaline
fermentation of sewage sludge, the solid-liquid separation and the via-nitrite
nutrients removal were found out (Longo et al. 2015). The production of SCVFA
by alkaline fermentation has proved to be highly dependent on pH and temperature.
The use of wollastonite was tested in order to avoid the addition of chemicals in the
alkaline fermentation process. The fermentation liquid consisted mainly of acetic,
propionic and butyric acid (37, 34 and 15% respectively). Under the presence of
acids, the following silicate reaction can occur

CaSiO3 (s) + 2H + (aq ) → Ca 2 + (aq ) + SiO2 (s) + H 2 O (16.1)

Through the H consuming reaction, it is possible to maintain an alkaline pH (8–9).
Besides, an increasing pH also shifts the carbonate equilibrium towards HCO3- and
CO3−2 resulting in the precipitation of secondary carbonates as CaCO3 and Ca3(PO4)2.
The solid liquid separation is often the bottleneck of the process. The filtration
performance of the fermented sludge by membrane ultrafiltration was analyzed.
The addition of wollastonite decreased the CST and TTF (by 51% and 59%
respectively), resulting in more favorable dewatering potentials.
The fermentation liquid produced was tested as a carbon source for nutrient
removal into scSBR. The average influent, effluent characteristics together with the
nutrient removal efficiency measured are reported in Table 16.5 while the nutrient
removal rates are reported in Table 16.6.

Table 16.5 ​Average influent, effluent characteristics and

nutrient removal efficiency.

Parameter Influent (mg ⋅ L −1) Effluent (mg ⋅ L −1)

TKN 480–520 26–50
NH4 -N 470–510 20–35
NO2-N <0.5 4–25
NO3 -N <0.5 <0.5
PO4 -P 50–70 10–25
TP 80–100 15–25

Table 16.6 ​Specific nutrient removal rates.

sAUR (mgN/gVSS * h) 10–15

sNURBACS (mgN/gVSS * h) 45–70
sPUR (mgP/gVSS * h) 4.5–8

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The demonstration S.C.E.N.A. system was designed according to the

best parameters derived from the pilot-scale experimentation for the alkaline
fermentation of sewage sludge, the solid-liquid separation and the via-nitrite
nutrients removal.
Considering a design treatment potential of 40,000 PE the summary of OPEX
were preliminary outlined as in Table 16.7.

Table 16.7 ​Estimation of annual cost for reject water treatment in Carbonera WWTP.

C.A.S.P.* S.C.E.N.A.
ELECTICAL ENERGY €/year 28,000 13,300
SLUDGE DISPOSAL €/year 26,800 19,300
PolyAlluminiumChloride €/year 4100 –
WOLLASTONITE €/year – 800
*Current conventional activated sludge process.

As far as the environmental impact is considered, the S.C.E.N.A. system allows the
biological uptake of the phosphorus in a form that can be recovered after composting
of the S.C.E.N.A. sludge. The impact of the S.C.E.N.A. system was also preliminary
evaluated in terms of quality of the secondary effluent as shown in Table 16.8.

Table 16.8 ​Quality of the secondary effluent in current and simulated future


(mg ⋅ L −1) (mg ⋅ L −1) (mg ⋅ L −1) (mg ⋅ L −1) (mg ⋅ L −1) (mg ⋅ L −1)
Current scenario 5.1 4.45 1.56 7.31 2.83 8.87
(without S.C.E.N.A.)
Future scenario 5.04 4.67 1.33 3.59 2.32 4.92
(with S.C.E.N.A.)

16.5 ​Conclusions
Sludge reject water is a nutrient-rich flux which should be properly treated managed
for the technical, economical and environmental optimization of the nitrogen
removal and phosphorus recovery in WWTPs. The completely autotrophic
nitrogen removal is the most attractive biological process for the treatment of
sludge reject waters in municipal WWTPs with several full scale applications. This
solution cannot enhance the phosphorus bioaccumulation and should be followed
by struvite crystallization for sustainable phosphorus recovery.

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On the other hand, efforts for the technical, economical and environmental
sustainability of wastewater treatment plants should also address the novel
denitrifying biological phosphorus removal via nitrite which offers the potential to
integrate phosphorus and nitrogen removal in a robust single bioreactor in which
ammonium is oxidized to nitrite under aerobic conditions, while under anoxic
conditions the denitrification via nitrite and enhanced biological phosphorus uptake
occur simultaneously by the denitrifying phosphorus accumulating organisms.
Thus, the phosphorus could be recovered via the composted sludge.
The S.C.E.N.A. system achieved these objectives in the wastewater treatment
plant of Carbonera (Veneto region, northern Italy). Here the real anaerobic
supernatant was treated in a nitritation-denitritation short-cut SBR, where the best
available carbon source to enhance the phosphorus bioaccumulation was in-situ
recovered from the sewage sludge.
The OPEX estimation proved the economic viability of the system which led
the water utility Alto Trevigiano Servizi srl to apply the S.C.E.N.A. system by
retrofitting an existing tank. This will also minimize the CAPEX and demonstrate
how this system can be applied to integrate existing WWTPs.

16.6 ​References
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Chapter 17
Investigation of the potential
energy saving in a pilot-scale
sequencing batch reactor
Luca Luccarini1, Dalila Pulcini2, Davide Sottara3
and Alessandro Spagni4
1Enea – Technical Unit Models, Methods and Technologies for the

Environmental Assessment, Via Martiri di Monte Sole 4, 40129 Bologna, Italy

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di

Milano, Piazza L. da Vinci 32, Milano, Italy

3Biomedical Informatics Department, Arizona State University,
13212 East Shea Boulevard, Scottsdale, AZ 85259
4Enea – Technical Unit Models, Methods and Technologies for the

Environmental Assessment Water Resource Management, Via Martiri di

Monte Sole 4, 40129 Bologna, Italy

17.1 ​Introduction
Energy is one of the three highest costs for wastewater treatment facilities besides
personnel and sludge disposal (Lazarova et al. 2012; Zessner et al. 2010). Most of
the middle and large-scale wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are designed to
leverage some kind of activated sludge process; however, such processes are highly
demanding in terms of energy, since more than 50% of the total energy consumed
in WWTPs is normally used for aeration and mixing of the activated sludge tank
(Lazarova et al. 2012). Since the aeration systems are fundamental to support
the biological activity in activated sludge and, at the same time, the most energy
demanding process, much research and technological innovation has been funded
to improve their efficiency (Amand & Carlsson, 2012; Jeppsson et al. 2013).
WWTPs are designed to manage peak flowrates or at least a large fraction
of the worst-case scenario flow rates (Tchobanoglous et al. 2003). This leads
to the design of oversized tanks if compared to the volumes actually required

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312 Sewage Treatment Plants

to treat the average flowrate, so WWTPs usually work at low loading rates.
The design of oversized tanks (or ‘safety margins’) together with large plant
dynamics could cause large energy waste if plants are not properly managed
(Olsson & Newell, 1999).
Nowadays, an efficient management of any WWTP cannot ignore the support
offered through automation and information technology, in order to reach the
effluent quality standards required by legislation and process sustainability and
to limit the energy costs. To this aim, optimizing oxygen addition through the
aeration systems by using control logic or automatic policies is fundamental;
however, the choice of the most effective control logic or policy strictly depends on
the configuration of the evaluated plant.
This chapter provides an overview of a pilot-scale study carried out to evaluate
the potential energy saving for aeration in wastewater treatment by using sequencing
batch reactors.

17.1.1 ​Sequencing batch reactors

Sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) are based on a fill-and-draw activated sludge
technology with a timed sequence of processes (phases) that take place in the same
tank. SBRs present high operational flexibility due to the possibility of modifying
the duration of each individual phase (aeration, settling, etc.) depending on the
influent characteristics (flow and concentration) (Wilderer et al. 2001).
Among the advantages associated with this technology we can mention:
• elimination of the secondary settling tank and of sludge recirculation;
• good tolerability to flow rate and pollution loading variations;
• good clarification conditions due to the capability to control filamentous
• simple and compact construction, producing appreciable savings in terms of
civil engineering works.
• Applicability to simple automation;
Nevertheless, the drawbacks include the following:
• air system has to be over-designed because of the reduced aeration time per
cell and to cover the peaks in oxygen demand occurring at the beginning of
each aerobic phase;
• an elaborate and high performance decant system is essential.
Previously used by small and medium capacity plants, the SBR technique is
now applied to major urban areas too (over 1 million p.e.) (Degremont, 2007).
The largest SBR plants of the world have been working as secondary treatment
in the WWTP of Dublin City, Ireland, which serves 1.7 million p.e., in Yannawa
(Bangkok, Thailand), with size 500,000 p.e. (Kirkwood, 2004) and in Le Havre
(France), 415,000 p.e. The SBR is considered a ‘state of the art’ technology in

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Investigation of the potential energy saving 313

Germany and, up to 1999, 138 SBR plants for domestic sewage were built, while
about 50 SBRs were installed for industrial applications. The size of most of the
plants is less than 5,000 p.e., but the number of plants with a capacity of more than
10,000 p.e. is increasing. Among these, the largest SBR plant is located in the City
of Neubranbenburg and serves 140,000 p.e. Nowadays, SBR appears to be the most
appropriate treatment for wastewater management in sensitive coastal tourist areas,
where a good flexibility to seasonal fluctuations in wastewater quantity and quality
is very important (Tasli et al. 2001).
A SBR and a conventional (i.e., continuous-flow) activated sludge (CAS) plant can
be compared. Both the systems are designed to treat easily a wide range of highly
variable influent conditions. When the hydraulic loading increases, the hydraulic
retention time (HRT) in the continuous flow automatically decreases. In SBRs, the
same relationship is applied simply by changing the cycle time, adjusting the time set
for the idle phase. Indeed, this phase thus serves to buffer peak influent loads while
the react phase is kept in the required range (Wilderer et al. 2001). Most WWTPs
include a CAS process, where wastewater is continuously fed to the plants. In these
plants, aeration systems management is normally performed by one or more cascaded
controllers belonging to the relatively simple PID family (Wahab et al. 2009) or
by more advanced systems such fuzzy controllers (Baroni et al. 2006), which are
designed to continuously optimise the aeration of the aerobic tank (Olsson et al. 2005).
Biological nitrogen removal from wastewater is usually achieved via nitrification
and denitrification processes. During the nitrification process, ammonia is
oxidized to nitrate, which is then reduced to nitrogen gas using organic matter as
electron donor during the denitrification process. Therefore, while conventional
activated sludge plants require two tanks operating under different conditions (i.e.,
aerobic and anoxic), in SBRs nitrogen removal is accomplished in the same tank
by simply managing the switch on and off of the blowers. However, if the process
is not monitored, the length of the different phases is usually fixed considering
the time required to process the maximum load. Assuming that the plant works
properly, this conservative choice guarantees that the concentration of pollutants
in the effluent will generally be low, but, at the same time, it causes a significant
waste of energy. In order to save energy and increase the overall performance of
the treatment system, instead, the duration of the phases should not be set to a
fixed-time control strategy based on a worst-case, but, on the contrary, should be
managed according to the actual duration of the reactions, which, in turn depend
on wastewater load; in particular, aeration should only be maintained on as long as
the time necessary to complete nitrification.

17.1.2 ​Automation of sequencing batch reactors

Over the last decade, several studies have demonstrated that monitoring and control
infrastructures can be designed for SBRs management, allowing to optimise the
operating conditions and to achieve the best cost/performance ratio (Pat et al. 2011;

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314 Sewage Treatment Plants

Shaw et al. 2009). Moreover, SBR management should also be automated in order
to allow the plant to work continuously and autonomously (Marsili-Libelli et al.
2008; Spagni et al. 2008). Recently, the automation of SBR processes has been
performed using ‘intelligent control systems’, which rely on AI-based tools, such as
neural networks (Aguado et al. 2009; Luccarini et al. 2002; Luccarini et al. 2010;
Sottara et al. 2007) or fuzzy logic controllers (Marsili-Libelli, 2006; Ruano et al.
2010). These tools have been employed to analyse time series acquired by probes
installed in SBR tanks, trying to detect the end of the process reactions, in order to
optimize the length of the phases.
Recently, much interest has also been shown in the development of remote
control infrastructures, which should include a data acquisition system, a data
storage facility to store the data, a remote control channel to issue commands to
the actuators such as pumps and blowers, and a user interface. Such infrastructures
are desirable since plant management includes activities, such as the diagnosis
of malfunctioning or the regulation of control parameters, where the experience
of expert operators is fundamental. Moreover, Dürrenmatt and Gujer (2012)
investigating on the applicability of various data-driven modelling techniques to
support WWTP management, concluded that a high degree of expert knowledge was
available for long-term operation. All this available knowledge could potentially
be transferred to automated Environmental Decision Support Systems (EDSS) and
integrated with remote control infrastructures for plant running optimisation.
This work shows the potential advantages of the application of control systems
to wastewater treatment. Specifically, this study compares the amount of energy
effectively consumed with that theoretically required by aeration of a pilot-scale
SBR fed with real municipal wastewater. The former was estimated as the total
consumed energy by the blower considering a fixed length of the oxidation phase
according to the worst-case scenario. The latter, instead, was estimated as the
required energy considering a variable length of the aerobic phase, according
to the real duration of the nitrification process. The analysis has been executed
off-line, using the data collected in the course of seven days (28 complete cycles)
of uninterrupted running of the pilot plant. We focused, especially, on the
monitoring of the state of the nitrification process, manageable and controllable
by a knowledge-based EDSS. This infrastructure, presented as case-study able to
control the pilot-scale SBR plant in Sottara et al. (2014), allowed the application
of control policies, recognizing some anomalous operating conditions in order to
ensure a safe operation of the plant.

17.2 ​Description of the Case Study

17.2.1 ​Pilot plant
The experimental activity was carried out on a pilot scale SBR plant (Figure
17.1) which has been located side stream to the Trebbo di Reno (Bologna, Italy)
full-scale municipal WWTP, managed by the multi-utility company HERA SpA,

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Investigation of the potential energy saving 315

designed for 2,000 p.e. The raw wastewater was collected after an initial screening
The reactor had a working volume of 500 L and was fed with 150 L of screened
municipal wastewater 4 times per day. The plant has been equipped with a
mechanical mixer, a blower connected to a membrane diffuser set to provide a
dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration during the nitrification of approximately
1 mgO2/L, two peristaltic pumps for influent loading and effluent discharge (flow
rate = 6 L/min) and a pump for sludge wastage (flow rate = 1 L/min). Besides, it had
been equipped with a digital modular multi-parameter system for the measurement
and the on-line acquisition of pH, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), DO and
temperature. All signals were acquired in current (4–20 mA) as analog inputs by
a multi-function data acquisition device (National Instruments 6052E), while the
electrical components were actuated by a PLC (Omron Sysmac CJ series). The
equipment was located on a car trailer.


Data acquisition Effluent

management DO
cabinet pH Sludge
ORP waste

Figure 17.1 ​Schematic diagram of the pilot-plant.

17.2.2 ​Process monitoring
Preliminary experiments were performed without the use of EDSS, hardcoding a
fixed-phase duration policy, performing four 6-hour cycles per day. During the fill
phase, 150 L of sewage was loaded in the reactor. The anoxic phase lasted 90 min
while the aerobic phase was ensured by the activation of a blower for 3 hours. A
30-minute settling phase was necessary before discharging the effluent during the
draw phase. Sludge waste took place at the end of the aerobic phase to manage the
solids retention time (SRT) at approximately 20 d. The plant was operated under
similar conditions for a 6 month period, during which the influent, the effluent and

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316 Sewage Treatment Plants

the content of the tank were sampled approximately three times per week. Weekly
track studies were also carried out to monitor the trend of the biological processes
within a complete cycle.
The most relevant values of wastewater composition, measured during the
experimental period, were: total COD of 250–400 mg/L, soluble COD of 200–
350 mg/L, BOD5/COD (0.4–0.7), pH of 8.0–8.2, NH4+ -N of 45–75 mgN/L, and
total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) of 55–85 mgN/L. During the whole experimental
runs, the plant usually showed good removal efficiency, always higher than 80%,
both for ammonia and organic compounds. Concentrations of ammonia in the
effluent of a few mgN/L were occasionally observed, having been caused by
unusually high nitrogen loads occurring sporadically. Moreover, the fairly low
COD/TKN ratio and the variable characteristics of the treated wastewater caused
some variability of the nitrogen-oxidized forms in the effluent. The plant also
showed good settling characteristics and the total suspended solids (TSS) content
in the effluent usually remained below 50 mg/L. Figure 17.2 shows an example of
continuous on-line acquisition of pH, ORP and DO signals, which display both
high variability of the influent and the repetitiveness of the processes. Figure
17.3 confirms that it is possible to observe a relationship between the indirect but
easily measurable signals (such as pH, ORP and DO) and the biological processes
in SBR plants (Peng et al. 2004; Spagni et al. 2001, 2007). Figure 17.3 shows an
example of a cycle, where denitrification and nitrification processes take place as
expected with the relative pH, ORP and DO trends.






0 10 20 30 40
Time (h)

Figure 17.2 ​pH, ORP and DO trends in the reactor.

Source: (Luccarini et al. 2010).

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Investigation of the potential energy saving 317

Anoxic Oxic Settling




8 NO3-

6 NO2-

8.0 200 6
7.9 ORP
100 5
0 4


-100 3
-200 2

7.4 -300 1

7.3 -400 0
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (min)

Figure 17.3 ​Example of a SBR cycle: nitrogen forms above, pH, ORP and DO below.
Source: (Luccarini et al. 2010).

17.2.3 ​EDSS architecture
An effective optimization of the treatment process requires constant monitoring,
in order to adapt the configuration of the plant actuators to the actual state of the
process. Instrumentation, control and automation (ICA) is a reasonably cost-effective
solution to enable the continuous management of one or more plants, even when
the scale or the location of the plant would not justify the employment of human
personnel (Olsson & Newell, 1999). The control policies, however, are context-
dependent and involve some non-trivial decisions. The decision to switch from one
operational phase to a different one – typically the one that follows in the operating
cycle – is generally based on a trade-off between the attempt to ensure the correct
completion of the current process phase and the desire to minimize its duration.

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318 Sewage Treatment Plants

However, an optimal choice depends on the complete knowledge of the state of the
process, which to this date is not (economically) feasible. Since only an indirect
estimate is usually available, any decision should take into account the inherent
uncertainty about the real operating conditions. More generally, the automated
controller should also be able to detect, handle and possibly recover from
failures both in the process and the plant instrumentation, so that their impact
is minimized. This complex scenario suggests the adoption of an automated
Environmental Decision Support System (EDSS) (Poch et al. 2004): the
EDSS will constantly monitor the plant’s state, estimate the current operating
conditions and apply the appropriate policies to optimize the cost/effectiveness
ratio of the treatment process, actively involving the operators only when the
circumstances mandate it.
The EDSS we propose is based on the architecture shown in Figure 17.4. It is
based on a hybrid Service Oriented (SOA) and Event-Driven (EDA) Architecture.
Rather than building a dedicated, monolithic software, we have partitioned the
common functionalities of the EDSS into self-contained modules with different
responsibilities, including (but not necessarily limited to):
• A data acquisition service, that collects and pre-processes the signals
acquired in real time from the probes installed on the plant;
• A control interface, which commands the plant actuators (pumps, blowers,
stirrers, etc.) in order to enforce the desired operational conditions, according
to the policy recommendations;
• A data store, where historical time series are persisted for short- and
long-term usage;
• A user interaction module, to enable (remote) communication between the
EDSS and the plant operators;
• One or more modules implementing the decision support and decision
making policies, as described later in this section;
• Modules dedicated to functionalities supporting the architecture itself,
such as enabling security and authentication, or a registry of the available
The modules are exposed as services: the core of the architecture is based
on an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) that enables the communication between
servers and clients. The SOA, then, allows to implement more complex, higher
level functionalities by orchestration of the different services. SOAs, however, are
inherently request-driven: any process must be explicitly initiated by some client.
An EDSS with monitoring and control responsibilities should also be reactive, to
respond promptly to external stimuli such as the changes observed in the plant.
To combine the best of both approaches, (Luckham, 2007), we have created a
hybrid architecture where external events can trigger the execution of one or
more services. During their execution, services can generate additional events
which, in turn, might trigger additional computations, effectively creating virtual

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Investigation of the potential energy saving 319

Event Processing Networks (Luckham, 2001). The events themselves are filtered
and routed using a dynamic content-based routing service (Enterprise Patterns),
ensuring that events are delivered only to those subsystems for which they are
relevant. More details on the architecture can be found in (Sottara et al. 2009a).

Figure 17.4 ​EDSS architecture.

The core modules of the EDSS implement the analysis, decision and control
logic: in their development, we have adopted a model-driven, knowledge-based
approach, based on hybrid artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. A combination of
predictive models such as neural networks, rules, ontologies and business processes
has been used to model and execute the management and optimization policies.
When compared to ‘ad-hoc’ software, such an approach is considered more robust
and flexible from several perspectives. As in a model-driven architecture, the
separation of the model from the runtime platform allows the two components
to be developed independently, to the point that the latter is usually considered
commodity, while the real value lies in the former. The more declarative nature of
the knowledge base facilitates the interaction with stakeholders and subject matter
experts and improves maintainability.
The complexity of the application justifies the hybrid combination of modelling
techniques. Quantitative approaches such as neural networks are more suitable for
signal analysis and prediction, while declarative, logic-oriented techniques are more
appropriate to define the business logic and the operational policies to manage the
plant. In our EDSS, we have deployed an ensemble of different predictors to estimate
the process state (and thus the progress in each phase) using the indirect signals

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320 Sewage Treatment Plants

(pH, redox potential and DO concentration). We have applied self-organizing maps

to determine the advancement of the process and feed-forward neural networks to
estimate the concentration of pollutants (ammonia, nitrates) in the tank (Sottara
et al. 2009b) as well as to detect the state changes directly (Luccarini et al. 2010).
However, alternative techniques such as fuzzy logic (Marsili-Libelli, 2006) have
also proven to be successful and could easily be integrated in the EDSS.
The results of the predictors inform the phase control logic, which is defined
using a set of business rules. The rules generate the phase switch commands which,
in turn, are processed by the main control module. This module uses business
process to model the treatment cycles and their related management procedures:
details can be found in (Sottara et al. 2012a).
The entire EDSS is implemented using open source technologies with liberal
licensing models such as ASLv2. In particular, the EDSS core logic is run using
the open source knowledge integration platform Drools (http://jboss.org/drools),
a flexible, object-oriented inferential engine based on a production rule system
extended with support for complex events, business processes and, more recently,
other types of knowledge assets (Sottara et al. 2012b).

17.3 ​Results
The energy consumption, related to the oxygen used in the aerobic phase, was
investigated through an off-line analysis and the data collected by the data
acquisition system of the plant in May 2008 during seven continuous days.
The real duration of each nitrification phase (which determines the minimum,
necessary duration of the aerobic phase) was estimated considering ten minutes
after the identification of the ‘ammonia valley’ in the pH (point A in Figure 17.5),
the ‘ammonia break-point’ in the ORP (point B in Figure 17.5) or the ‘ammonia
knee’ in the DO time series (point C in Figure 17.5) (Al-Ghusain et al. 1994;
Spagni et al. 2001). Figure 17.5 presents an example where all these events
(ammonia valley, break-point and valley) are clearly visible; moreover, the oxygen
added during the aerobic phase which was not used for biological processes is
highlighted in the same figure (Figure 17.5). Figure 17.5 confirms a significant,
unnecessary energy consumption in the aerobic phase; in fact, we can easily
evaluate in the specific example that the effective duration of the nitrification
process is approximately 40% of the overall time the plant has been operating in
the aerobic phase. However, due to the variability of the influent wastewater, this
time changes continuously and, therefore, the relative length of the aerobic phase
should be adjusted accordingly on a case-by-case basis.
Using the signal profiles of the pilot-plant, the results were divided as follows:

• Percentage of nitrification time;

• DO consumption comparison for different cycles;
• Evaluation of energy saving.

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Investigation of the potential energy saving 321

Figure 17.5 ​Acquired signals and wasted oxygen (filled area).

17.3.1 ​Nitrification time
The effective duration of the nitrification process evaluated in two different days
of the first week of May, Friday and Sunday, is reported in Table 17.1. On Friday,
the required time to complete the nitrification in the cycles at 4:30, 16:30 and 22:30
was 30% of the fixed time, while at 10:30, the time was longer (55% of fixed time)
than others, which was expected since it corresponds to the maximum load of
the day. On Sunday, the required time to complete the nitrification process was
always longer than Friday, being 70% for the cycle at 10:30 and approximately
40% for the others. This longer time is related to life style of the habitants of
the specific residential area: in fact, the sampled wastewater was collected from a
sewer which serves a typical residential area, whose inhabitants move to the City of
Bologna for working activities during the week. It is noteworthy that the effective
nitrification time was, in average, approximately 40% of the total aerobic phase,
confirming that the length of that phase (chosen as a precautionary value) could be
significantly reduced when the plant is not fed with a peak load, and even more in

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case of a diluted load (e.g., during rain or storm events). Even with the maximum
observed load during the weeks reported in this study (i.e., the cycle on Sunday at
10.30) the time required to complete the nitrification was approximately 150 min,
while the total aerobic phase duration was set at 195 min. However, as observed
during the 6 month study, several cycles presented aerobic phases actually lasting
even longer than the worst-case pre-fixed duration (195 min), confirming the need
of an automatic control system for the proper and reliable management of the SBR.

Table 17.1 ​Time (as a percentage of the fixed time length

for aerobic phase) required to complete nitrification process
on Friday and Saturday.

Cycle Friday (%) Sunday (%)

04:30 26 35
10:30 56 71
16:30 29 42
22:30 30 44

17.3.2 ​Dissolved oxygen consumption

The duration of the aerobic phase was designed according to precautionary
principles to assure complete nitrification; therefore, the aerobic phase was set at
195 min. Over the study, according to the required to time to complete nitrification
(see Section 17.3.1), the required oxygen to actually complete the process was
always much lower. Moreover, the required oxygen followed significant daily and
weekly trends. In fact, the 10:30 cycle only (Table 17.2) turned out to be adequately
designed, because it treats the highest load of the day; nevertheless, although the
oxygen wasted was significantly lower than those during the other cycles, it was
still of approximately 20–40% confirming the potential energy saving by better
management of the SBR phase. On the contrary, the cycles at 4:30 (i.e., those during
the night) always resulted to be the ones with the highest unused oxygen (over
70%). In general, the amount of oxygen that could have been saved was always
rather high, being comprised between 20 and 70% (Table 17.2).

Table 17.2 ​Saveable oxygen for the aerobic phase (unit as percentage).

Cycle Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
04:30 64 64 68 75 73 71 63
10:30 34 43 27 37 36 29 21
16:30 67 64 74 65 69 56 55
22:30 66 58 68 69 68 70 54

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Investigation of the potential energy saving 323

17.3.3 ​Cost analysis
The electricity consumption shows large variation according to the applied processes
and the size of the plant. The cost analysis, thus, is evaluated on the basis of a small
(about 2,000 p.e.) full scale municipal WWTP. The energy consumption can be
estimated for small plants to be between 30 and 50 kWh per p.e. per year (a) (Becker
& Hansen, 2013; Kampschreur & van Loosdrecht, 2012).
According to the data reported in Table 17.2, approximately 50–55% of energy
related to aeration could be saved. Therefore, for the hypothetical full-scale plant, a
saving of 30,000 to 50,000 kWh/a corresponding to approximately 4,500 to 7,500
E/a at an electricity cost for aeration of 0.15 E/kWh (assumed as an average value
in Italy) could be achieved. Similarly, assuming a wastewater production of 200 L/d
per p.e., a saving equivalent to 0.03–0.05 E/m3 could be achieved.
Reaching an equivalent energy savings with a CAS plant is feasible, but the
required equipment is higher and much more expansive. First, a PI controller to
maintain DO concentration to a fixed set-point is essential and, consequently, an
inverter to regulate the air flow insufflated by the compressor in the oxidation tank.
Second, since the oxygen consumption depends on many factors, the best value of
the set-point is variable, but it can be estimated from ammonium measurements.
Today, this is a proven technology and the energy savings by DO control can be
significant. In effect, controlling the DO concentration to a constant set-point can
save 30–50%, while to base the set-point on ammonium measurement can save
another 10–15% (Olsson, 2012). Nevertheless, the investment costs to equip a plant
with this technology are probably too high for small and medium plants, for which
the SBR solution appears to be more sustainable, at least for plants which serve up
to 20,000 p.e.

17.4 ​Conclusions
The study confirms that small residential communities produce wastewater with
highly variable concentrations and flow rates, which could greatly affect the
WWTP processes.
Moreover, a continuous monitoring of the processes seems to be essential to
achieve an optimal cost/performance ratio, especially for those cases where high
influent variability occurs.
For this kind of very variable sewers, SBRs may be an effective and economic
solution; SBRs also seem to facilitate the monitoring of the processes.
For discontinuous processes, the use of cheap and reliable sensors, such as pH,
ORP and DO allows to observe the organic matter and nitrogen removal processes.
In particular, this study demonstrates that the aerobic phase in SBRs can be easily
and effectively monitored and controlled by using proper tools of analysis and
management policies. In fact, the results show that an energy saving up to 55%
can be achieved on the aeration energy consumption, when compared to a static
management, based on safety parameters used at design time.

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324 Sewage Treatment Plants

These signals may be used by a proper EDSS to deploy several predictors

and estimate the process state in real time. In particular, self-organizing maps
to determine the advancement of the process, feed-forward neural networks to
estimate the concentration of pollutants (ammonia, nitrates) in the tank and to
detect the state changes directly may be applied and be easily integrated in the
EDSS. Business rules and processes can then leverage the estimated values to
apply optimal management policies.

17.5 ​Acknowledgements
The authors thank HERA S.p.A for having partly supported the activities reported
in this chapter.

17.6 ​References
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Chapter 18
Economic impact of upgrading
biogas from anaerobic digester
of sewage sludge to biomethane
for public transportation: Case
study of Bekkelaget wastewater
treatment plant in Oslo, Norway
Rashid Abdi Elmi1 and G. Venkatesh2
1Senior Advisor, Oslo Vann og Avløpsetaten, Oslo, Norway.

E-mail: rashid.elmi@vav.oslo.kommune.no
2Researcher, Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering,

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, S P Andresensv 5,

Trondheim, Norway 7491.
E-mail: venkatesh.govindarajan@ntnu.no

18.1 ​Introduction
Mitigation of global warming is a top priority in the energy and environmental
policies of the city of Oslo. The city of Oslo targets a 50% reduction in greenhouse
emissions by year-2030 compared to 1991 levels (Byrådsavdeling for klima og
samferdsel, Oslo Kommune (2013)). One of the sectors being focused on, is public
transport. Meeting this ambitious target the city’s administration has set for itself,
entails the quick adoption of innovative approaches to optimisation of energy
consumption as well as alternate modes of renewable energy generation. Oslo has
stepped up to this challenge by effecting a switch from diesel to renewable energy
in its public transport system, since the beginning of year-2010. A wonderful
synergistic relationship has been uncovered in the process between one public
service (transport) and another (sanitation). The Bekkelaget wastewater treatment
plant (WWTP) in Oslo – more about which will be discussed later in this chapter –
in addition to performing its primary function of treating wastewater and ensuring
that the nutrient loading of the receiving water body (the Oslo fjord) is curtailed,
has doubled up as a site for renewable energy production.
Anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge is the oldest and the most-prevalent method
for decomposing and stabilizing organic matter in an oxygen-free environment.
In most cases, the essential and often the only purpose of digesting sewage sludge

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anaerobically has been (and still is) the partial sterilization and mass-reduction of the
sludge generated. Biogas is generated in the process. While it can be flared and released
into the atmosphere (as happens in many WWTPs around the world, where sludge is
anaerobically digested), it can also be valued for its energy-content. In the 21st century,
with climate change (read global warming) emerging as a key global concern, biogas
from sludge digesters ought to be looked upon as a source of renewable energy (Speece,
1996; Lemaand Omil, 2001; McCarty, 2001). Biogas in general – and sewage sludge
digester biogas in particular – has been a subject of interest for several researchers
in the fields of energy and water/wastewater engineering, with the water-­energy-
carbon nexus gaining increasing importance as a subject of research and analysis
(Venkatesh & Dhakal, 2008; Venkatesh, 2012). Figure 18.1 below (Venkatesh &
Elmi, 2013) is a simplified schematic sketch which illustrates the various ways in
which energy can be recovered (and used) from biogas in WWTPs.

Figure 18.1 ​
Options of utilization of biogas from sewage sludge digesters in
wastewater treatment plants, excluding the possible production of chemicals
(Venkatesh & Elmi, 2013). (The pre-treatment process for biogas cleaning and/or
upgrading have not been included).

As stated in Starr et al. (2012), biogas from anaerobic digestion process is

mainly a mixture of methane (35–65%) and carbon dioxide gas (15–50%). It may

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Economic impact of upgrading biogas from anaerobic digester 329

also contain traces of hydrogen sulphide, water vapour, oxygen, and siloxanes. The
concentration of each compound in the biogas depends on the type of substrate
digested, and its composition. Upgrading the biogas implies increases the content
of methane and removing carbon dioxide and other impurities from it. A study
from Finland stated that biogas from sewage sludge digestion has the highest
methane content and is least contaminated with benzene, hydrogen sulphide and
nitrogen (Rasi et al. 2007). This Finnish study also concluded that if biogas has to
be utilized as a transportation fuel (in addition to being a possible source of heat
and electricity), preference should be given to sewage sludge or manure given that
both have lower content of nitrogen, halogenated and silicon compounds; and so the
biogas generated therefrom is easier to upgrade. Appels et al. (2008), had put the
annual potential of biogas production in Europe at over 200 billion cubic metres,
and had stated that upgraded biogas would be an important future contributor to
the energy supply of Europe. While noting that biogas-use in Combined Heat and
Power plants in WWTPs was quite well-entrenched, this paper also observed that
its use as transport fuel was becoming more and more common in Europe.
At the time of writing, technologies to upgrade biogas to natural-gas standards
recommended for vehicle fuels, are in vogue. As listed in Zhao et al. (2010),
the main technologies used are water and polyethylene scrubbing (costs put
at 0.13 Euro/Nm3), pressure swing adsorption using molecular sieves (0.4 Euro
per Nm3), chemical absorption (0.17 Euro per Nm3), bio-filter, cryogenic separation
(0.44 Euro per Nm3) and membrane separation (0.17 Euro per Nm3). Ryckebosch
et al. (2011) conclude in their paper that most of the choices are determined by the
presence or absence of suppliers for the technology in the country; Sweden prefers
water scrubbers, Germany has a penchant for pressure swing adsorption, while in
the Netherlands, both these, as well as membrane technology is in vogue. Kaparaju
(2011) has noted that in year-2011, the water scrubber technology was used in 48
biogas upgrading facilities in Europe, physical absorption using organic solvent in
10, chemical absorption using organic solvent in 31, membrane technology in 6,
cryogenic separation in 1 and pressure swing adsorption in 41. The total installed
upgrading capacity in 2011 was approximately 115,155 Nm3 per hour. As far as the
capital investment in biogas upgrading plants are concerned, Urban (2009) has put
it at 1 million Euros on average, for plants treating 500 Nm3 biogas per hour, and
close to 3 million Euros for plants treating 2000 Nm3 biogas per hour; implying
economies of scale.
Bekkelaget WWTP – the WWTP in Oslo, has been using the chemical absorption
technology for upgrading biogas to biomethane, since the beginning of 2010. This
waste water treatment plant was built in 2001 with two thermophilic anaerobic
digesters for sludge treatment. The two digesters, during the period 2001–2010,
produced approximately 20 GWh-equivalent of biogas, annually (with a methane
content of 60–65%). Till 2010, most of the biogas (16.5 GWh) was used onsite
to deliver heat to the sludge digester (12 GWh) and for sludge drying (4.5GWh).
The rest – equivalent to 3.5 GWh – was flared. In year-2007, on the grounds of

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330 Sewage Treatment Plants

high operation and maintenance expenses, the sludge-drier was decommissioned.

Consequently, more biogas had to be flared. However, in the 10th year of the
lifetime of the Bekkelaget WWTP, a major change was implemented – the plant
evolved into a supplier of energy for the public transportation sector.
The objective of this chapter is to dwell on the economic impact of this change,
after a short description of the processes at the Bekkelaget WWTP.

18.2 ​Wastewater Treatment and Sludge

Handling at Bekkelaget WWTP
The Bekkelaget WWTP is fully owned by the City of Oslo but managed and
operated by a private company, Bekkelaget Vann AS (BVAS). The plant is located
about 3 kilometres inland, to the east of the Oslo fjord. The treatment process setup
(Figure 18.2) is situated inside a rock cavern. When the plant was constructed in
year-2001, it had a capacity of 270,000 PE (Population-equivalents). At the time of
writing, the capacity has raised to 320,000 PE. The plant handles an average daily
flow of 125,000 m3/d; the peak wet weather flow reaching over double this average
value. A capacity expansion project will get underway in year-2014, and by 2021,
the WWTP will be able to handle a load of 490,000 PE.

Figure 18.2 ​Bekkelaget WWTP Processes Flow chart (picture courtesy:

Bekkelaget Vann AS (BVAS)).

The influent wastewater is subjected to preliminary treatment (screening, sand

and grease separation) which removes inter alia, objects which may damage
pumps and other equipment down stream. This is followed by primary settling,
by which heavy sediments and fine grit are separated and pumped to the sludge

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Economic impact of upgrading biogas from anaerobic digester 331

handling process. The influent from this stage flows into the denitrification zone in
the activated sludge process. The activated sludge system consists of two zones –
anoxic and aerated. Nitrogen removal occurs in two steps – through alternating
biological processes. Denitrification occurs in the anoxic phase, while nitrification
in the aerobic phase. In this approach, ammonia is oxidised to nitrate which is
then denitrified to N2 gas. Ferrous sulphate is added to the excess recycled
activated sludge for phosphorus removal (simultaneous precipitation). The aerated
wastewater enters the secondary settler (also called the clarifier in Figure 18.2)
wherein the activated sludge flocs are removed, resulting in the outflow of a clear
treated effluent. This secondary sludge – also called biological sludge – is pumped
to the centrifugal thickener. The dual media filter (prior to which polyaluminium
chloride is added) is used as the final polishing step before the final treated effluent
is discharged to the Oslofjord.
The volume of the primary sludge is reduced in a gravity belt thickener
and polymer is added to it for conditioning. The biological sludge undergoes a
thickening process in a centrifugal thickener as mentioned earlier. The thickened
sludge, prior to entry into the two thermophilic anaerobic digesters, needs to be
heated to the temperature of the digesters. Post-digestion, the sludge is dewatered
by centrifuges, before being despatched for use as fertiliser in agricultural farmland
close to Oslo. The other important output from the digesters is, of course, biogas.

18.3 ​Biogas Handling at Bekkelaget WWTP

The WWTP produced approximately 3.4–3.6 million Nm3 of biogas annually over
the period 2001–2006; the equivalent energy value being 20 GWh. About 16.5 GWh
was utilized in-house to provide the heat for the thermophilic digestion process and
sludge drying; the former accounting for nearly 12 GWh. The remaining biogas –
equivalent to 3.5 GWh- was flared. The electricity consumption within the plant
was about 11 GWh annually.
In 2007, the sludge dryer was decommissioned owing to the high maintenance
expenses incurred, poor air quality in the rock cavern and the preference of
farmers- who were the main recipient of the treated sludge – for dewatered rather
than dried sludge. This is due to the fertilizer value of the dewatered sludge,
particularly its Nitrogen content. The total amount of biogas flared rose thereby,
from an equivalent of 3.5 GWh to 8 GWh. It was realised that the loss of usable
energy could be avoided. Several application options were evaluated. The plant
zeroed in on the following option – Upgrading most of the biogas generated
to vehicle fuel; installing a heat pump (consuming 2.6 GWh of electricity) and
new heat exchangers to provide the 13 GWh required for sludge heating prior to
digestion. Some biogas however would still have to be flared. In 2012, for instance,
out of 3.99 million cubic metres of biogas produced, 14.7% was used for heating
needs, 8% was flared and the remaining (3 million cubic metres) was sent to the
upgrading plant.

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332 Sewage Treatment Plants

At the upgrading plant (Figure 18.3), activated carbon is used to adsorb and
remove hydrogen sulphide, siloxanes and other undesirable constituents of the
biogas, which if present may corrode/abrade gas storage tanks, compressors and
the engines in which the biomethane will eventually be combusted (Ryckebosch
et al. 2011). The biogas upgrading facility at Bekkelaget, uses LP COOAB (Low
Pressure CO2 Absorption by an amine) technology. The amine solution used for
absorption of the carbon dioxide from the biogas, is regenerated by heating. The
heat energy required for the regeneration is provided by a pellet-fuelled boiler; the
heat requirement being 2.6 GWh annually.

Figure 18.3 ​The biogas upgrading plant at Bekkelaget, Oslo (picture courtesy:
Oslo Water and Wastewater Authority, Norway).

The digester biogas is upgraded to natural gas quality by this process. It

meets the vehicle fuel specifications which mandate that the combined CO2-N2
composition should be between 1.5%–4.5%, the rest being methane (Ryckebosch
et al. 2011). The annual production of biomethane is estimated at 2.1 million
Nm3, sufficient to replace the diesel consumed by 80 public transport buses in
the city of Oslo. The capacity of production of upgraded biomethane (over 97%
methane by volume; with methane loss less than 0.1%) is in the range of 195
and 488 m3 (measured at normal temperature and pressure – NTP – conditions)
per hour. Oslo Water and Sewerage Works (VAV), Waste-to-Energy (EGE) are
publicly run utilities. Oslo Water and Sewerage Works is responsible for the
supply and treatment of drinking water and sewage. EGE on the other hand is
responsible in producing environmentally friendly energy from waste. Both are

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Economic impact of upgrading biogas from anaerobic digester 333

owned by Oslo municipality. Ruter AS is a common management company for

public transport in Oslo and Akershus which is owned by Oslo and Akershus
County authority. Oslo Water and Sewerage Works (VAV) has an agreement with
EGE to facilitate the sale of biomethane and, in return, EGE is paid by 0.10 NOK
per m3 to cover its administrative expenses. The EGE in turn sells it to AGA
AS (an industrial gas company belonging to the Munich-headquartered Linde
Group), which in turn supplies it as transport fuel to the 80 buses operated by
RUTER AS (Figure 18.4).

Figure 18.4 ​Biomethane value chain – from producer to end-user (the increasing
thickness of the green arrows indicates the price increment from left to right, along
the supply chain).

18.4 ​The Economics of the Upgrading Facility

Table 18.1 lists the various cost elements for year-2012, and also explains how
these costs are expected to change in the future, annually, till year-2024. The
period 2010–2024 is considered in this analysis, as the lifetime of the upgrading
plant is set at 15 years. The costs incurred in years 2010 and 2011 are depicted in
Figure 18.5. In a life-cycle-costing analysis, the capital investment is committed in
a so-called ‘year-0’; which is the one in which there are no other cash-flows into or
out of the facility. In this case, this is Year-2009, as indicated in the second column
of Table 18.1. All the cash flows during the period 2010–2024 are discounted
to year-2009, using a discount rate of 3.1%. The annual inflation rate from 2012
onwards is assumed to be constant at 2.07% (Data sourced from www.inflation.eu,
in 2013). All other assumptions of changes over time have been included in the last
column of Table 18.1. The values are reported in Norwegian kroner (at the time of
writing, 1 NOK equals 0.123 Euro or 0.17 USD).

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Table 18.1 ​The cost elements and cash-flows explained. 334

by marinhoeng@hotmail.com
Cost Elements In 2012 Comments
Annual capital expenses
Fixed annual 2.53 Linear depreciation assumed over the 15-year lifetime
depreciation, after
discounting to year-2009
Interest payments 0.93 Constant payment of 930,000 NOK annually (at 2.44%)
Operation and maintenance expenses
Electricity 0.599 Consumption of 1 GWh assumed to remain constant till 2024. The tariff rate in Norway
fluctuates a lot, and is highly dependent on a host of external factors – precipitation,
temperature and demand from other countries on the Nordic grid (Eika, 2013). Tariff rate in
nominal NOK is assumed to rise in tandem with the general inflation rate – 2.07% per annum.

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Pellets 1.436 In 2012, pellets with an energy content of 4.49 GWh were consumed (2.47 GWh and
3.32 GWh in 2010 and 2011) From 2013–2024, the primary pellet energy consumption
is assumed to decrease from 2.6 GWh to 2.4 GWh uniformly, courtesy efficiency
Sewage Treatment Plants

improvement in the combustor. The cost of efficiency improvement is accounted for

in the rising maintenance expenditure. The unit cost of pellets (nominal NOK per kWh
primary energy content), in 2012 and 2013 is 0.33 NOK per kWh. This is assumed to rise
in tandem with the general inflation rate of 2.07% for Norway (the inflation rate in 2013,
which can be assumed to be constant till 2024).
Amine 0.259 Amine consumption in litres assumed to be constant over time (1400 litres from 2013
onwards, needed to replenish losses during regeneration. The facility was equipped with
amine for operation in 2010 and 2011 and the costs thereof were factored in into the
capital investment. The unit cost of amine assumed to rise in tandem with the general
inflation rate of 2.07%, from a value of 185.56 NOK per litre in 2013.
Activated carbon 0.03 Assumed to constant over time, at 1000 kilograms per year. The unit cost assumed to
increase in tandem with the general inflation rate of 2.07%, from a value of 33 NOK per

by marinhoeng@hotmail.com
kg in 2013. The facility was equipped with activated carbon for operation in 2010. In 2011
however, 1000 kilograms were purchased.
Salaries to employees 0.39 This is assumed to increase from 2013 onwards, at a rate of 3% per year (above the
general inflation rate). In 2010 and 2011, the salaries were 0.21 and 0.35 million NOK
General maintenance 0.126 Assumed to be 3.5% of the capital costs in 2010 (Starr, 2013); and thereafter rise
uniformly at a rate of 2% annually. As a plant gets older, maintenance expenses are
bound to increase. This also factors in the cost of phased efficiency improvement of the
Income to upgrading facility
Sale of biomethane 6.57 The energy equivalent of the biomethane sold annually assumed to remain constant at
19.9 GWh from 2013 onwards. If capacity of the wastewater treatment plant increases
and excess biogas is generated, we assume that this would be flared. This is taken into

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account into the cashflows.
The selling price of biomethane (per cubic metre at NTP conditions), is 3.3 NOK in 2012,
assumed to rise in tandem with inflation of 2.07% annually.
Compensation from EGE 0.27 The compensation paid by EGE for the flared biogas in 2012 was 0.27 million NOK. This
for flared biogas cashflow started in 2012. It is assumed that the total revenue (sale + compensation) in
every year after 2012, is the average of the revenues of the two previous years. This
results in an annual rise in the compensation paid of 2%. However, it can be assumed
that the compensation is not indexed to the general inflation rate. A rise of 30% in the
compensation paid, over the 13-year period thereby implies that the excess biogas which
may be generated when more wastewater is handled, would also be flared.
Economic impact of upgrading biogas from anaerobic digester 335
336 Sewage Treatment Plants

















Value in nominal NOK





Depreciaon Interest payments
Amine Acvated carbon
Pellets Electricity
Salaries General maintenance

Figure 18.5 ​Life-cycle costing of the biogas upgrading facility (from 2009–2024)
(the X-axis labels, which are the calendar years from 2009 to 2024 have been
omitted for the sake of clarity).

Figure 18.5 depicts the cash-flows over time. The X-axis labels have been
omitted for clarity. The capital investments are committed to year-2009, and the
income (positive values) and expenses (negative values) for years 2010 to 2024
follow thereafter. Using a discount rate of 3.1%, the cash flows are discounted back
to year-2009, in order to estimate the net present value (NPV). The NPV at this
discount rate is 13.63 million NOK. While 3.1% is the discount rate adopted by
Oslo VAV in its accounting, the authors have tested for a series of discount rates
ranging from 2% to 10%, in Figure 18.6. As long as the discount rate is less than
approximately 7.7%, the NPV would be positive and the investment economically
A sensitivity analysis can be conducted by assuming different unit cost scenarios
for electricity, pellets, amine and activated carbon, various selling price scenarios
for biomethane. Assumptions made about salaries and maintenance expenses, as

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Economic impact of upgrading biogas from anaerobic digester 337

well as about the quantities of resources consumed, could be changed. However,

the authors contend that these exercises would be beyond the scope of this chapter.
It has also been assumed that the capacity of the upgrading plant remains constant
and about 20 GWh of biomethane are produced annually. The possibility that
investments could be committed before 2024 to enhance its capacity and handle
more biogas is ruled out (the biogas flow rate handled by the plant, at the time of
writing is around 450 cubic metres per hour; considering uninterrupted operation
throughout the year).

Figure 18.6 ​Effect of different discount rates on the Net Present Value.

The prevalent confidentiality requirement dictated that the exact unit price
paid by the end-user RUTER AS (the last link on the right in Figure 18.4) for the
biomethane could not be disclosed to the authors. However, as per an analysis
done by Xynteo (Oslo, Norway), the price more than triples en route; and the
final selling price of biomethane is almost as much as that of the fossil-diesel
it replaces. Thus, RUTER AS does not really profit economically by switching
over from fossil-diesel to sludge-derived-biomethane; though environmentally,
it succeeds in ‘greening’ its operations. On the one hand, the carbon dioxide
emitted by the combustion of biomethane is biogenic, and on the other, emissions
of other pollutant gases (which would have occurred had diesel been used) are
reduced considerably.

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338 Sewage Treatment Plants

18.5 ​Conclusion
Whether the investment in the facility is profitable or not would strongly depend
on the assumptions made about the cashflows and the discount rate chosen for the
analysis. As mentioned earlier, the authors have only investigated the effect of
different discount rates for a fixed set of assumptions about the costs and price.
For this given set of assumptions, at the discount rate adopted by Oslo VAV (3.1%),
the investment in the facility turns out to be profitable. At the end of its 15-year
lifetime, though economically, the capital value of the plant would have been
depreciated down to zero, there would be a ‘technical’ salvage value, which along
with the net benefits incurred (as indicated by the positive NPV) over the 2010–
2024 period, could be carried forth into the next spell of operation, with the aid of
a fresh infusion of capital, and possibly an expansion in capacity to meet both the
rising supply of biogas and a likely rise in demand for biomethane.
In addition, the biomethane supply provides the Oslo municipality and the
public transport company RUTER AS with a ‘green profile’ and improves their
status in the eyes of the inhabitants of Oslo city who avail of the sanitation and
transportation services. Environmentally as well, the biogas-to-biomethane-to-
transport-fuel project contributes to the truncation of the carbon footprint of Oslo
city, while expanding its ‘green-print’ a little (refer Venkatesh & Elmi (2013) for
the environmental assessment which is beyond the scope of this chapter).
Diesel consumption by RUTER AS is supplanted by biomethane sourced
from Bekkelaget’s sewage sludge digester biogas, and the bus company benefits
economically in the process (Figure 18.7). In a green economy, after all, it is a
zero-sum game within the energy sector. What is good for the goose (read renewable
energy sub-sector) is not good for the gander (read fossil energy sub-sector).

Figure 18.7 ​A RUTER AS bus running on biomethane from Bekkelaget (picture

courtesy: Oslo Water and Wastewater Authority, Norway).

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Economic impact of upgrading biogas from anaerobic digester 339

18.6 References
Appels L., Baeyens J., Degreve J. and Dewil R. (2008). Principles and potential of the
anaerobic digestion of waste-activated sludge. Progress in Energy and Combustion
Science, 34, 755–781.
Byrådsavdeling for klima og samferdsel, Oslo Kommune (Department of Transport
and Environmental Affairs, City of Oslo) (2013). Miljø og Klimarapport 2013
(Environment and Climate Report 2013). http://www.enoketaten.oslo.kommune.no/
oslo_kommunes_miljo_og_klimarapport_2012 (accessed 18 November 2014).
Eika T. (2013). Statistics Norway. Personal Communication with Rashid Elmi (one of the
authors) in November.
Inflation. eu. (2013). Available at www.inflation.eu/inflation-rates/norway/historic-inflation/
cpi-inflation-norway.aspx (accessed 30 October 2013).
Kaparaju P. (2011). 2011: D5.1 Evaluation of Potential Technologies and Operational Scales
Reflecting Market Needs for Low-cost Gas Upgrading Systems. Valorgas. Available as
Final_version.pdf. (accessed 17 October 2013).
Lema J. M. and Omil E. (2001). Anaerobic treatment: a key technology for a sustainable
management of wastes in Europe. Water Science and Technology, 44, 133–140.
McCarty P. L. (2001). The development of anaerobic treatment and its future. Water Science
and Technology, 44, 149–156.
Rasi S., Veijanen A. and Rintala J. (2007). Trace compounds of biogas from different biogas
production plants. Energy, 32, 1375–1380.
Ryckebosch E., Drouillon M. and Vervaeren H. (2011). Techniques for transformation of
biogas to biomethane. Biomass and Bioenergy, 35(5), 1633–1645.
Speece R. E. (1996). Anaerobic Biotechnology for Industrial Waste Waters. Archae Press,
Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Starr K. (2013). Environmental and Economic Assessment of Carbon Mineralisation
for Biogas Upgrading. Thesis submitted in September 2013, in Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the PhD Degree in Environmental Sciences and Technology.
Universit at Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
Urban W., Girod K. and Lohmann H. (2009). Technologienund Kosten der
BiogasaufbereitungundEinspeisung in dasErdgasnetz. Ergebnisse der Merkterhebung
2007–2008. 123s. Fraunhoefer-InstitutfuerUmwelt-, Sicherheits-und Energietechnick,
Oberhausen (German).
Venkatesh G. (2012). The water-energy-carbon nexus. Asian Water, 28(2), Published by
SHP Media Sdn. Bhd. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Venkatesh G. and Dhakal S. (2012). An international look at the water-energy nexus.
Journal of American Water Works Association, 104(5), 93–96.
Venkatesh G. and Elmi R. A. (2013). Economic-environmental analysis of handling biogas
from sewage sludge digesters in wastewater treatment plants for energy recovery: case
study of Bekkelaget wastewater treatment plant in Oslo (Norway). Energy, 58(10),
Zhao Q., Leonhardt E., MacConnell C., Frear C. and Chen S. Purification technologies
for biogas generated by anaerobic digestion. Chapter 9, Climate Friendly Farming,
CSANR Research Report 2010–001. http://csanr.wsu.edu/publications/researchreports/
CFF%20Report/CSANR2010-001.Ch09.pdf (accessed 10 August 2012).

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Chapter 19
A wind PV hybrid system
for power supply of a sewage
treatment plant in a small
town in southern Brazil
Giuliano Daronco1 and Alexandre Beluco2
Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul (UNIJUÍ)/

Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento (CORSAN), Santa Rosa,

RS, Brazil
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre,

RS, Brazil

19.1 ​Introduction
The initial concern of mankind, with respect to hygiene conditions, was to
remove the wastewater from inhabited areas without worrying about the effect of
wastewater on the environment. The problem induced by the wastewater generation
was intensified when large cities started to develop. The first public sewer system
was built in Rome (Cosgrove, 1909). It was a huge channel called Cloaca Maxima
that had the purpose of transporting the waste water away from the people of the
city to the Tiber River. Few other cities had systems for removal of sewage before
the Middle Ages and even before the Industrial Revolution.
The gradual increase of population and population concentration in large cities
made the infrastructure for waste removal inadequate. At the same time, concerns
about the capacity of the receiving bodies to accept increasing amounts of sewage
without being affected grown (Science Channel, 2013). A method to reduce costs
in wastewater treatment and seek better overall performances is to reduce the one
of the highest costs: energy consumption (Marco et al. 2013).
The increase in demand for sewage treatment will naturally lead to the increase
of energy consumption. The increase in energy consumption will eventually
supersede the increase in power supply to consumers. A survey carried out by
Silveira et al. (2010) concluded that the energy consumption in sewage treatment
plants is in the order of 0.050% of total energy consumption in Brazil. This

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342 Sewage Treatment Plants

percentage will be doubled in ten years and quadrupled in twenty years, according
to projections in non worst-case scenarios.
There is a gradual evolution in the methods of treatment, in terms of higher
performance and lower energy consumption. One very interesting aspect would be
to install and use autonomous systems for power generation, such as wind turbines
and photovoltaic modules supported by diesel generator sets, possibly connected
to the grid. This would allow the installation of treatment plants in places far from
urban centers and close to the point of disposing the treated sewage to water bodies,
without requiring the extension of distribution lines for electricity.
Renewable energy is more suitable for decentralized use, with the energy
converters located close to consumers and providing supplies at concentrations far
lower than those obtainable with non-renewables. Among the renewable resources
with technical and economic viability to meet the typical demands of sewage
treatment plants, are mainly micro hydro, solar photovoltaic and wind power. The
gases released in sewage treatment plants, when in sufficient quantity and adequate
heat capacity, can often be exploited to recover a part of the heat energy they carry.
The photovoltaic modules can be used to meet the demands of sewage treatment
plants in places where sunlight is sufficient to produce a reasonable annual amount
of energy. However, the costs of PV modules are still quite high and equivalent
to the annual energy cost of a typical treatment plant. But it is possible to design
systems that have the support of a diesel generator or that are connected to the
energy system and are able to meet this energy demand.
Photovoltaic systems provide a power supply that has its own characteristics
and availability of energy concentration. A greater penetration of photovoltaic
components in hybrid systems necessarily require a reduction in their costs. The
increase in the world production of photovoltaic modules and a greater number
of incentive programs for their installation, among some other factors, could
contribute to cost reduction.
This chapter presents the results of a study on up-to-date alternatives for energy
supply to a sewage treatment plant that is under construction. The plant is located
near the town center and therefore connected to the grid. Among the alternatives
considered, wind turbines and photovoltaic modules were included. Generation
systems thus obtained were analyzed with respect to the best composition of the
energy system with regard to the energy cost using the software Homer.

19.2 ​The Sewage Treatment Plant Considered

in this Study
The sewage treatment plant considered in this study is located in the municipality
of Alto Alegre, in the northern center of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, the
southernmost state of Brazil. The city of Alto Alegre can be seen in the image goo.
gl/maps/JBCkm (Google Maps, 2014) and its location in the State appears in the
image goo.gl/maps/jlnTj (Google Maps, 2014).

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A wind PV hybrid system for power supply 343

The treatment plant will serve the population of the main city of the municipality,
built 370 meters above the sea level at the highest part of the watershed of Lake
Guaiba, near the lake formed by the dam of Passo Real. This dam [which can be seen
in the image goo.gl/maps/aT3zB (Google Maps, 2014)] is the first in a sequence of
hydraulic structures along the river Jacuí built by the electric state utility company.
The municipality had a total population of 2137 inhabitants in 2000, with 607
residents in the urban core (190 homes) that will be served by the plant. Figure 19.1a
shows a satellite image of the city. Sewage is currently eliminated through individual
solutions. The treated effluent will be disposed in a river that appears in the upper left
corner of Figure 19.1a, according to the current environmental legislation.

Figure 19.1 ​(a) Satellite image and (b) map of the city of Alto Alegre. On the map,
the city appears divided into two basins, one to the north, in light gray, and the other
to the south, in gray.

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344 Sewage Treatment Plants

The city was divided into two basins, because of the topography of the region.
The sewage from the southernmost part should be pumped to the north, where the
treatment plant is located. These two basins appear on the map of Figure 19.1b.
In Figure 19.1, the map in (b) is covering the region that appears in the image
of (a). On the map, the pumping station appears represented in the central region.
The map also shows the location of the treatment plant in the north, represented as
a rectangle, in a region that does not appear in (a).
The facility is under construction and it will consist of septic tanks followed
by an anaerobic filter. The total area occupied by the septic tanks will be 84 m2,
while the area devoted to the anaerobic filter is 108 m2. The septic tank should be
14 m long and 6 m wide, with a depth of 1.80 m. The filter should be 18 m long and
6 m wide, also with 1.80 m depth. Figure 19.2 shows a scheme of the plant, septic
tanks first and then the anaerobic filter. The effluent will be released respecting
environmental laws.

Figure 19.2 ​Scheme of the sewage treatment plant.

Daronco (2013) provides more detail about the plant.

The plant has been designed to achieve an efficiency of 30% and 80% removal
of the organic load in the septic tank and the filter respectively. The removal of
fecal coliforms has been designed to be 50% and 90% in the septic tank and the
filter respectively. The design flow rate is 7.40 l/s (estimated value in a 20-year
lifetime of the plant) and up-to-date flow rate is 5.54 l/s (2.94 l/s from the south
and 2.60 l/s from the northern basin).

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A wind PV hybrid system for power supply 345

The main consumption of electrical energy in the treatment plant is due to the
pumping station and blowers used in the filter. The pumping station will consist
of two pumps, one consuming 1475 kWh/h and the other consuming 0737 kWh/h.
The blowers consume 15.77 kWh/h. The average consumption is 539.46 kWh
per month. There is also an estimated consumption of 40.00 kWh per month for
auxiliary loads such as lighting and security system of the components of the
treatment system.

19.3 ​Components of the Energy System

The power supply to the sewage treatment plant in this study can be obtained with a
combination of photovoltaic modules, small wind turbines and diesel generators. A
system with such components needs buses in DC and AC. As energy supplies must
be provided without fail, the connection to the grid is necessary. Storing energy
in batteries can help to overcome periods of reduced availability of renewable
resources, reducing the energy uptake from the grid.
The diesel system consists of a set of generators used for power supply, aimed
to support the electrification of the sewage plant if needed. The average cost of
diesel is about USD$ 1.10 per liter and the nominal power of the diesel system is
5kW installed power. The acquisition cost for this equipment is USD$ 500 and the
replacement cost is US$ 400, with operating and maintenance costs estimated at
USD$ 0.05 per hour and lifetime estimated at 15,000 hours.
The diesel oil consumption is associated with the consumption of 0.72 g of
hydrocarbons per liter of diesel oil and the emission of 6.5 g of carbon monoxide
per liter of diesel oil, 0.49 g of particulate matter per liter of diesel oil and 58 g
of nitrogen oxides per liter of diesel oil. Emission limits, and even limit oil
consumption, may be established in order to prevent significant increases in its use.
The software HOMER (Homer Energy, 2009) allowed the acquisition of
data from solar availability in Alto Alegre, where the sewage treatment plant is
located. Figure 19.3 shows the solar radiation incident on a horizontal plane. The
acquisition cost for PV modules is about USD$ 6000/kW, with replacement cost of
USD$ 5400/kW and maintenance cost of US$ 300 per year and lifetime estimated
at 12.5 years.
Figure 19.3a shows the average incident solar radiation on a horizontal plane
for each month as well as the deviation from the average, the maximum and
minimum values. The maximum insolation occurs in January, while the minimum
occurs in June. Figure 19.3b shows the variation of sunlight available within the
day, with the lowest values appearing in the first and the last hour of the daylight
and the peak near midday. The variation of sunlight hours throughout the year is
also evident.
The system consists of wind turbines with a diameter of 13 meters placed on
towers of 28 meters. The area around the treatment plant is quite open and suitable
for the installation of wind turbines of medium size. The acquisition cost is

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346 Sewage Treatment Plants

USD$ 90,000, with replacement cost of USD$ 72,000, operating and maintenance
cost of USD$ 4500 per year and lifetime estimated at 12.5 years. The acquisition of
these turbines in pairs reduces costs for USD$ 162,000, USD$ 129,600 and USD$
8100 for each two turbines.

Figure 19.3 ​Incident solar radiation on a horizontal plane, obtained with software
Homer. In (a), monthly averages; and in (b) daily availability.

The series of wind data is synthetic, derived from characteristic parameters of

the region (mainly the Weibull shape parameter, equal to 2.5), shown in Figure
19.4: the average wind speed, the deviation from the average as well as the
maximum and minimum values. Figure 19.4a shows the typical variability of the
wind characteristics. Figure 19.4b shows the enhanced variability of wind over the
hours and days of the year as indicated by the intense variation in the gray scale.
Batteries 6FM200D model were adopted in the simulation (Vision Battery,
2013). This model is part of the database of the software and has features very
similar to the batteries available in the local market. Automotive batteries were
selected due to their availability in the market and their low cost. The model

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operates with 12 V, with nominal capacity of 200 Ah, equivalent to 0.66 kWh,
and a lifetime throughput of 256 kWh. The acquisition cost is USD$ 100, with
replacement cost of USD$ 90.

Figure 19.4 ​Synthetic series of wind speed at the site of the treatment plant, at a
height of 50 meters. In (a), monthly averages; and in (b) daily availability.

In this study, converters, which carry out the functions of both inverters and
rectifiers in a single component, were considered. The device can operate as
rectifier and inverter with 100% of total capacity, with performance of 85% as an
inverter and 90% as a rectifier. The lifetime is estimated at 12.5 years.
The energy provided by the network has a cost of $ 0.162 during off peak and
$ 0.80 at peak times. The sale occurs with values of $ 0.08 during off peak and $ 0.45
at peak times. The installed power is 22 kW, but the sale to the grid is limited to
10 kW, at no charge for the contracted power or operations d interconnection. The
peak time is from 19 hours to 22 hours.
Electric loads, all in AC, are divided into two sets. The equipment for sewage
treatment has an average consumption of 432 kWh per day and peak consumption
of 18 kW. This set of loads can not experience interruptions in the power

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348 Sewage Treatment Plants

supply. Lighting loads and safety, among other auxiliary loads, have an average
consumption of 50 kWh per day and peak consumption of 4 kW.
Figure 19.5 shows a schematic of the system considered for power supply to
the treatment plant. This figure was extracted from Homer interface. It shows the
DC and AC buses, as well as wind turbine, diesel generator and the connection
to the grid on the left side. It shows the PV modules and battery bank on the right
side. Between the two buses, the two sets of consumer loads and the converter
are shown.

Figure 19.5 ​Wind PV diesel hybrid system, connected to the grid and storing
energy in batteries, supplying energy to the sewage treatment plant considered in
the study.

This figure was taken from Homer and shows yet another of its commands.
Figure 19.5 left, the commands for insertion of the availability of energy resources.
Figure 19.5 right, the parameters for the simulation related to economic data, with
the control system and greenhouse gas emissions.

19.4 ​Simulations With Homer

The software Homer (Homer Energy, 2009), The Micropower Optimization
Model, was developed by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL),

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U.S. Department of Energy, and is available for universal access in its version
2.68 beta. Homer simulates a system for power generation over the time period
considered in the project at intervals of 60 minutes, presenting the results for a
period of one year (Lilienthal, 2004; Lambert, 2005). Homer interface facilitates
the composition of the system being simulated and the use of input data for the
The simulations were performed for an operation period of 25 years, with
12% annual interest and 6% internal rate of return. The different generators and
converters could operate simultaneously and in parallel and that can be adopted
generators with power less than the maximum value of consumer demand. The
generators will be triggered in order to maintain the batteries at a minimum of
80% of their maximum capacity and not just meet the demand.
The hybrid system designed to supply power to the sewage treatment plant
considered in this case study is shown in Figure 19.5. It is a wind PV diesel hybrid
system connected to the grid and storing energy in a battery bank. This system
is also simulated without PV modules, batteries and converter and without grid
connection, but it was always simulated with the maximum annual capacity
shortage equal to zero.
Simulations were performed for the following values for the optimization
variables: 0 kW, 8 kW, 12 kW, 16 kW and 20 kW for PV modules; 0, 2, 4 and 6
wind turbines; 0 kW, 5 kW, 10 kW and 15 kW for diesel generation set; 0, 8, 16,
24 and 32 batteries; 0 kW, 4 kW, 8 kW, 12 kW and 16 kW for the converter; 22 kW
for the purchase capacity and 10 kW for the sell capacity from the grid, when
Simulations were performed for the following values for the sensitivity inputs:
2 m/s, 4 m/s, 6 m/s, 8 m/s, 10 m/s and 12 m/s for the scaled annual average velocity
of the wind and US$ 0.80, US$ 0.95, US$ 1.10, US$ 1.25 and US$ 1.40 per liter of
A set of 2,000 simulations, with 25 different values for the variables of
sensitivity, were performed. The operation was repeated without PV modules,
batteries and converter and without connection to the grid. The results are
presented and discussed in the next section.

19.5 ​Results and Discussion

The results of the simulation of the complete system of Figure 19.5, connected and
selling excess power to the grid, indicate the optimal combinations of the energy
system components (Figure 19.6). The purchase and sale of power from the grid
have been taken into account in all cases. In the case of the lower wind speeds, the
solution of combining the diesel generators and batteries should be preferred. On
the other hand, in the cases of the highest wind speeds and lower diesel costs, the
combination of diesel gen set and wind turbines seen to be optimal, eliminating the
energy storage in batteries.

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350 Sewage Treatment Plants

Figure 19.6 ​Optimization space for the system of Figure 19.5, with the ability to sell
excess power to the grid.

The solutions of combining the wind turbines and batteries, including diesel
generators are more favourable in the range of lowest price of the fuel. The
polygonal line that divides gray and light gray hatched areas shows the costs in
these two areas are very similar. Few solutions do not require the use of batteries.
PV modules do not appear in the solution space.
The solution corresponding to the average values of wind speed and cost of
diesel observed in the region is obtained with a combination of three 5 kW diesel
generators, 16 batteries with 200 Ah each, two wind turbines and a converter
with 4 kW. This solution represents a total investment of US$ 467,374, an upfront
investment of US$ 173,100 and an energy cost of US$ 0.195 per kWh.
Levelized costs of the energy required in all cases are shown in Figure 19.7.
Obviously, the higher costs correspond to systems based on diesel consumption
and lower costs correspond to the solutions associated with higher wind speeds. In
the intermediate region, the costs are distributed in horizontal bands, meaning that
they depend more on the wind speed than the cost of fuel.
Similar simulations were performed assuming that the system is connected to
the grid but without the ability to sell the excess energy (Figure 19.8). As expected,
the combination of diesel generator and batteries is preferable at higher wind
speeds compared to Figure 19.6. Similarly, the solutions corresponding to higher
wind speeds and lower costs of diesel also occupy a region slightly larger in the
optimization space. A consequence of the inability to sell excess power is the increase
in the ­black-stripped region, or a larger number of solutions in the intermediate region
without diesel fuel consumption and with the energy storage in batteries.

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Figure 19.7 ​Levelized costs of energy for the system of Figure 19.5, selling excess
power to the grid.

Figure 19.8 ​Optimization space for the system of Figure 19.5, without the ability
to sell excess power.

In this case, the solution corresponding to the average values of wind speed and
cost of diesel observed in the region is obtained with a combination of three 5 kW
diesel generators, 16 batteries with 200 Ah each, no wind turbines and a converter
with 4 kW. This solution represents a total investment of US$ 477,381, an capital
investment of US$ 11,100 and a cost of energy of US$ 0.209 per kWh.

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The simulation of the system of Figure 19.5 without PV modules, batteries

and inverter will result in a space optimization with only two solutions. In both,
the diesel generator and the connection to the network, with or without wind
generators, will lead to increased costs.
Considering the simulation without PV modules, batteries and inverter, the
dividing line between the regions corresponding to these two solutions is located
below the top line of the region in black in Figure 19.6. These solutions represent
increases in the cost of energy of the order of 10% to 20% compared to results with
the system of Figure 19.5. The best solution is obtained with a combination of one
5 kW diesel generators and two wind turbines, connected to the grid, with a total
investment of US$ 537,389.
The simulation of the system of Figure 19.5 without the connection to the grid
results in the optimization space shown in Figure 19.9. All solutions include diesel
generators and batteries. The biggest share of the solutions corresponds to wind
diesel systems with energy storage in batteries. The PV modules appear only in
solutions with low wind speeds. The solutions to this system represent increases in
capital investment from 50% to 400% and in the cost of energy from 50% to 400%.

Figure 19.9 ​Optimization space for the system of Figure 19.5, without connection
to the grid.

In this case, the solution corresponding to the average values of wind speed and
cost of diesel observed in the region is obtained with a combination of three 5 kW
diesel generators, 16 battery with 200 Ah each, two wind turbines and a converter
with 4 kW. This solution represents a total investment of US$ 867,023, an initial
investment of US$ 197,000 and a cost of energy of US$ 0.350 per kWh.

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A wind PV hybrid system for power supply 353

The solution which presents the lowest cost was the first, involving a combination
of diesel generators, wind turbines and energy storage in batteries, besides the
connection to the network. The costs of these solutions were high, higher than
those obtained with the simple power supply of the interconnected system. The
need for plant operation without failure of the power supply contributes to higher
costs. Unfortunately, the PV modules do not appear among the feasible solutions.
Table 19.1 summarizes the main results. Three basic configurations of the hybrid
system were simulated. The three settings were composed of 16 200 Ah batteries,
a converter with 4 kW and three 5 kW diesel generators. One of the differences
between the first configuration and the other two is that the former was simulated
including the connection to the grid. Another difference is that the first and third
configurations include three wind turbines, while the second configuration did not
have wind energy.

Table 19.1 ​Summary of the main results of the simulations.

Configuration Optimization US$/ US$ US$ System components

space kWh capital total

#1 Figure 19.6 0.195 173,100 467,374 two wind turbines, three

5 kW diesel gen sets, 16 batt
w/200Ah, 4 kW converter,
#2 Figure 19.8 0.209 11,100 477,381 no wind turbines, three 5 kW
diesel gen sets, 16 batt
w/200Ah, 4 kW converter,
no sale of excess energy
#3 Figure 19.9 0.350 197,000 867,023 two wind turbines, three
5 kW diesel gen sets,
16 batt w/200Ah, 4 kW
converter, isolated

The lower capital cost of the second configuration is due to the absence of
wind turbines. The small difference compared to the cost of energy of the first
configuration, combined with limited financial availability, can enable this solution.
The difference of the total cost over the initial cost is mainly due to fuel
consumption. The third configuration involves a high annual fuel consumption, to
maintain the supply of electricity for 100% of the time. Better operation strategy
can yield better results.
Beluco and Daronco (2013) provide more details on the results.

19.6 ​Final Remarks
This chapter evaluated alternatives for energy supply at a sewage treatment
plant located in a small town in southern Brazil. The plant is located near the

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354 Sewage Treatment Plants

center of the city and therefore connected to the grid. Even so, some alternatives
were analyzed, including wind turbines and PV modules, using the software
The combination of wind turbines and a diesel generator with PV modules, with
the ability to sell excess power to the grid, results in a cost of US$ 0.195 per kWh.
This cost will raise to US$ 0.209 per kWh if there is no opportunity to sell the
excess energy to the grid. The cost of energy would raise further to US$ 0.350 per
kWh if no PV modules and storage batteries are included.
This feasibility study is only the first step in designing a hybrid system
based on renewable resources for power supply to the sewage treatment plant
considered in this chapter. The large sunny area suggests the installation of PV
modules and the typical wind potential in the region suggests the installation of
wind turbines, but the cost for connection to the grid will certainly represent the
threshold to be reached.

19.7 ​References
Beluco A. and Daronco G. (2013). Simulation Results with Homer on a Wind PV Hybrid
System for Power Supply of a Sewage Treatment Plant in a Small Town in Southern
Brazil. Internal Report, IPH, UFRGS. Available at www.beluco.net/reports/homer-
alto-alegre.pdf (accessed 22 August 2013).
Beluco A., Souza P. K. and Krenzinger A. (2008). A dimensionless index evaluating the
time complementarity between solar and hydraulic energies, Renewable Energy, 33,
Beluco A., Souza P. K. and Krenzinger A. (2012). A method to evaluate the effect of
complementarity in time between hydro and solar energy on the performance of
hybrid hydro PV generating plants. Renewable Energy, 45, 24–30.
Caetano Branco Company (2012). Branco Generators Set, www.branco.com.br/us (accessed
28 December 2012)
Cosgrove J. J. (1909). History of Sanitation. Pittsburgh, p. 124.
Daronco G. (2013). Wastewater Treatment Plant – Alto Alegre. Internal Report, CORSAN.
Available at www.beluco.net/reports/wwtp-alto-alegre.pdf (accessed 22 August 2013).
Google Inc. (2014). Google Maps. Available at maps.google.com (accessed 8 August 2014).
Homer Energy (2009). Software HOMER, version 2.68 beta, The Micropower Opyimization
Model. Available at www.homerenergy.com (accessed 9 September 2009).
Lambert T. W., Gilman P. and Lilienthal P. D. (2005). Micropower system modeling with
Homer. In: Integration of Alternative Sources of Energy, F. A. Farret and M. G. Simões
(eds), John Wiley & Sons, pp. 379–418, ISBN: 0471712329.
Lilienthal P. D., Lambert T. W. and Gilman P. (2004). Computer modeling of renewable
power systems. In: Encyclopedia of Energy, Cleveland C. J. (ed.), Elsevier, 1, pp. 633–
647, NREL Report CH-710-36771.
Marco R., Menendez P. E. and Black & Veatch. (2013). How to Use Energy at Waste Water
Plants and How We can Use Less. Available at www.ncsafewater.org/Pics/Training/
Menendez.pdf (accessed 12 December 2013).

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A wind PV hybrid system for power supply 355

Science Channel (2013). What is the history of sewage treatment systems? Available at
curiosity.discovery.com/question/what-history-sewage-treatment-systems (accessed
25 August 2013).
Silveira D. A., Beluco A. and Wartchow D. (2010). Projeção do consumo energético no
tratamento de esgotos sanitários. 2. Congresso Internacional de Tecnologias para o
Meio Ambiente.
Vision Battery (2013). Vision 6FM200D Model. Available at www.vision-battery.com
(accessed 2 April 2013).

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I n t e g r at e d e n v I r o n m e n ta l t e c h n o lo g y S e r I e S

Sewage Treatment Plants

Economic Evaluation of Innovative
Technologies for Energy Efficiency
Editors: Katerina Stamatelatou and Konstantinos P. Tsagarakis

Sewage Treatment Plants: Economic Evaluation of Innovative

Technologies for Energy Efficiency aims to show how cost
saving can be achieved in sewage treatment plants through
implementation of novel, energy efficient technologies or
modification of the conventional, energy demanding treatment
facilities towards the concept of energy streamlining.

The book brings together knowledge from Engineering,

Economics, Utility Management and Practice and helps to
provide a better understanding of the real economic value
with methodologies and practices about innovative energy
technologies and policies in sewage treatment plants.

ISBN: 9781780405018 (Hardback)
ISBN: 9781780405025 (eBook)

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