GST Return

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“A Comparative study of GST return”







(Teaching Assistant)



MAY, 2024


This is to certify that RINKU YADAV (211141132110) has carried out the research
work presented in this report entitled “A Comparative study of GST return” for the
award bachelors of commerce (hons) from Institute of Banking, Economics and
Finance, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi under my supervision.


(Teaching Assistant)


Page 2 of 60

I hereby declare that the project report entitled “A Comparative study of GST return”
which is being submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of bachelors
of commerce (hons), is the result of the project carried out under the guidance and
supervision of Dr. RAJAT KUMAR KAMBOJ (Teaching Assistant), designation, Institute
of Banking, Economics and Finance. I further declare that it has not been previously
submitted to any other degree/diploma.

Place: Jhansi


Page 3 of 60

This research study would not have been possible without the guidance and help of my
supervisor Dr.RAJAT KAMBOJ (Teaching Assistant) and several other individuals who
in one way or another contributed and extended their valuable assistance in the preparation
and completion of this study.

I have extended my supreme gratitude to Bundelkhand University Institute for providing

such an opportunity for students to broaden their perception in various fields of work
related to Economics, Banking, Finance and Commerce as well as organizing the whole
internship program and its effort to make sure that the whole internship program achieves
its desired goals.

I would also like to express my special thanks to the Training and Placement Cell, for
giving me a chance to spend my practice in their environment and helping me in my day to
day activities during the intern time.

I extend my grateful thanks to other employees who are connected to their platform who
helped me in moral and material needs as well as sharing with me their knowledge to
improve my theoretical knowledge to the real works.

Finally, I would like to express my special thanks to my families and friends for helping
me in all aspects and for appreciating me for spending all my time in the workplace during
my internship time.


Page 4 of 60
Table of Contents
Sr. No. Particulars Page No.

1 Introduction 1

3 Terminologies 4

4 Objectiveofstudy 5

5 Scopeof study 6

6 Needofstudy 7

7 ContributionduringSIP 8

8 HistoryofGSTandit’stypes 9

9 GSTreturns 24

10 Comparison of GSTR-3B with 29


11 Graphical representation and 46


12 Limitations 49

13 Researchmethodology 50

14 Literature 51

15 Findings 53

16 Conclusion 54

17 Bibliography 55

Page 5 of 60
The title of the project study “A Comparative study of GST return” gives us broad
knowledge about GST and analysis of GST return. The study also helps to know how
auditing of various GST return done in practical world of finance.
The Goods and Services Tax, or GST, is an indirect tax law applicable across India. It has
replaced multiple indirect taxes such as excise duty, service tax, value-added tax, octroi, entry
tax, and luxury tax. Laws pertaining to the same were put into effect on July 01, 2017, in
India. This indirect taxation system has gone through multiple amendments since to arrive at
the current juncture. However, it must be noted that GST does not replace customs duty,
which is still mandatory on imported goods and services. Every kind of product and service
attracts a different tax rate under GST. For example, luxury or sin goods are classified to
attract a higher interestrate, where as necessities have been included in lower and nil rate slab


SNGC is a team of individuals that collects, interprets, and maintains financial information
while providing quality customer service and
training.WestrivetoprotectthefinancialintegrityoftheUniversityin a changing regulatory and
technological environment. A department recognized for providing excellent customer
service, including training, and reliable, accurate financial information.
Our goal is to provide a full range of financial information: from
information,suchashowtointerpret thefinancialreports.Weprovide a full disclosure of the

University's finances in the Reports section.


 GST - The Goods and Services Tax, or GST, is an indirect tax law applicable across
India. It has replaced multiple indirect taxes such as excise duty, service tax, value-
added tax, octroi, entry tax, and luxury tax.
 Auditing is a part of the accounting world. It isan examination of accounting and
financial records that is undertaken independently.

 ComparisonofGSTR-3BvsGSTR-2A

 GSTR-3BwithGSTR-1


 ObjectiveofstudyingGSTreturnistoknowtheindepth knowledge about GST, how to file

GST return

 CompareGSTreturninvoicesforauditing.

 Understanding various aspects of GST which help company attime of auditing.


 AcquiringknowledgeofGSTandreturn

 GettingimportanceofvarioustaxslabinGST.

 UnderstandingcomparisonofGSTreturn.

 Evaluatingresultswithhelpofgraphs.

 Understandingrecursionofnotfillingreturn.


 NeedofSIPistogaininsideknowledgeofauditing

 Toknowworkingenvironmentofoffice.

 Totackleinvoiceandsolvequeriesofclients.

 Tohandlerolesandresponsibilitiesinthecompany.



 ReviewofvariousGSTinvoices.

 DownloadGSTreturnfilefromgovernmentwebsite.

 ComparingGSTreturnwithinvoice.

 UnderstoodvariousGSTslabs.


Year Event

2000 PMAtalBihariVajpayeesetsupacommitteetodraft


2004 A task force is put together to figure out the

requirementstocreateandimplementGSTwiththe purpose of improving the

indirect tax system.

2006 The Finance Minister of India, P. Chidambaram,



2007 ThedecisiontophaseoutCentralSalesTax(CST)is



2008 TheECfinalisesthedualstructureofGSTforseparate


2010 The introduction of GST is postponed citing structuraland implementing


2013 TheStandingCommitteepresentsitsreportonGST.

2014 TheFinanceMinister ofIndiareintroducestheGSTBill


2015 TheLokSabhaapprovestheBillbutitgetsstalledin


2016 The Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN) goeslive; simultaneously,

the GST Bill as well as all amendmentsmadeupuntilthispointgetapprovedby


2017 The Cabinet approves the creation of foursupplementary bills on GST. Post

which, the Goods & ServicesTaxLawgetsimplementedinfullforceonJuly



1. StateGoodsandServicesTax(SGST)

The State Goods and Services Tax is one of the GST types which the government of a

particular state imposes. The state government taxes goods and services within the state

(intrastate, for example Mysore), andthe state government is the sole beneficiary of the

collected revenue.

 TheSGSTreplacesvariousstate-level taxessuch aslottery tax, luxury tax, VAT,

purchase tax and sales tax.

 However, if the transaction of the goods is interstate (outside the state), then

both SGST and CGST are applied. But, if the goods and services are

transactions within the state, only SGST is imposed.

 The rate of GSTis equallydivided among the two types of

GSTs.Forinstance,whenthetradersselltheircommodities within their state, they

must pay SGST and CGST. The

revenueearnedfromSGSTbelongstothestategovernment and revenue from CGST

to the central government.

 The SGST of various goods and services depends on thegovernment

notification published from time to time.


Commodities SGST

Common Groceries suchas Tea, 2.5%

Salt, Spices, Sugar, Etc.

Processed foods Electronicgoods 6%

CapitalGoods,toiletries,etc. 9%

Premiumluxurycommodities 14%


TheCentralgoodsandServicestaxappliestotheintrastate(withinthe state) supply of goods and

services. The central government taxes it. TheCGST Act governs thistypeof GST. Here,

therevenuegenerated from the CGST is collected along with the SGST and is divided

between the central and state government.

For instance, when a trader makes a transaction within the state, the


betweenSGSTandCGST,whiletherevenuecollectedundertheCGST belongs to the central



Commodities CGST

CommonGroceriessuchasTea,Salt, Spices, Sugar, Etc. 2.5%

Processed foods Electronicgoods 6%

CapitalGoods,toiletries,etc. 9%

Premiumluxurycommodities 14%


TheIntegrated Goodsand Servicestaxisa typeofGST,wherethetax

appliesontheinterstatesupplyofgoodsandservices.This GSTtypeis also imposed on the goods

and services that are imported as well as exported. The IGST Act governs it, and the central

government is responsible for the collection of IGST.

ThecollectedIGSTisequallydividedintocentralandstategovernment portions. The State portion

of the IGST is provided to the state where

thegoodsandservicesarereceived.TheremainingIGSTreceivedgoes to the central government.

For instance, when the trader makes a supply between two states, the type of tax in this case

would be IGST.


Commodities IGST

CommonGroceriessuchasTea,Salt, Spices, Sugar, Etc. 5%

Processed foods Electronicgoods 12%

CapitalGoods,toiletries,etc. 18%

Premiumluxurycommodities 28%

UnionTerritoryGoodsandServicesTax (UGST)

TheUnionTerritoryGoodsandServicesTaxisa typeofGSTimposed on thegoodsand

servicesintheunionterritories. Thisissimilartothe SGST but applies only to the union



Andaman and Nicobar along with Pondicherry and Delhi. Here the revenue collected by the

government belongs to the Union territory government. As the UGST is a replacement for the

SGST, they are collected along with the CGST.


 Theeliminationofothertaxes–

The introduction of the GST Act led to the replacement of other indirect taxes. The

major taxes are grouped into the GST.

 Increasescompatibility–

ThetaxcomplianceiseasierforMSMEorsmallscalebusinesses. In addition, the presence

of a single tax makes the process of filing a return easier.

 Increasestransparency–

The GST reduces the chances of corruption and increases transparency. For example,

in businesses there are reduced chances of a false input tax credit.

 Reductionofprice–

The GST bill imposes taxes exclusively on the net value-added

part,eliminatingtheprevioustax-on-taxsystemandreducingthe cost of commodities.

 Boostthecountry'srevenue–

A large tax-to-GDP ratio indicates increased government

revenues,indicatingahealthyeconomy.Inaddition,abroadertax base and greater tax

compliance can lead to an increased government income from GST operations.

 Highefficiencyandproductivity–

The GST in India intends to eliminate logistical restrictions and the time-consuming

filing process for the input tax credit.

Furthermore,byeliminatingtheentrytax,theproductivitylevels of businesses are

predicted to rise.



Thetaxslabof5%iswheretheGSTtaxactuallybegins. Theproducts which attract a 5% GST Rate

are skimmed milk powder, coffee, fish fillets, coal, fertilizers, ayurvedic medicines, insulin,

cashew nuts, agarbatti, Ethanol - Solid biofuels among a few others.

TheGST rate in India for services in the 5% tax slab includes smaller

restaurantsaffiliatedwithtransportserviceslikerailwaysandairtravel, standalone AC restaurants,

non-AC restaurants, and restaurants that serve alcohol.


The 12% slab includes items such as frozen meat products, butter, sausage, ghee, pickles,

fruit juices, namkeen, tooth powder, instant food mix, umbrella, medicine, cell phones, man-

made yarn, wooden frames for painting, photographs, Brass Kerosene Pressure Stove, Art

ware of iron, mirrors, etc.


TheGST rate in India is structured in such a way, that the bulk of the items fall under this

category. Some of the main items included are

flavoredrefinedsugar,cornflakes,pasta,pastriesandcakes,detergents, washing and cleaning

preparations, mirror, glassware, safety glass, sheets, pumps, light fitting, compressors, fans,

chocolate, tractors, preserved vegetables, ice cream, televisions (up to 68 cm).

Some others include marble & granite, paints, scent sprays, hair shavers, lithium-ion

batteries, artificial fruits, hair curlers, hairdryers, stones used in flooring, vacuum cleaners,

sanitaryware, leather clothing, wristwatches, cookers, stoves, cutlery, telescope, goggles,

binoculars, oil powder, cocoa butter, fat, detergent as well as artificial flower.


The 28% GST slab is the highest GST rate in India. It is mainly reserved for sin goods as well

as luxury items. The goods which are partofthisslabare,pan

masala,dishwasher,weighingmachine,paint, cement, sunscreen.

Automobiles and motorcycles along with hair clippers are also part of

thisslabwhichisalsoaboneofcontentionastheautoindustryisgoing through a downturn currently.



purchases,taxcollectedonsales(outputtax),andtaxpaidonpurchases (input tax). Once you file

GST returns, you will need to pay the resulting tax liability (money that you owe the


All business owners and dealers who have registered under the GST system must file GST

returns according to the nature of their business or transactions.

 RegularBusinesses.

 BusinessesregisteredundertheCompositionScheme.

 Othertypesofbusinessownersanddealers.

 Amendments.

 Auto-draftedReturns.

 TaxNotice.


GSTR-1 Returns of outward The due date is 11th of next

supplies undertaken by month

a typical registered Previously,theduedate

for GST return filing was 10th
of the next month.

GSTR-2 Returns of inward 15thofnextmonth.

supply of goods and

services as agreedby

the recipient of the

goods and


GSTR-3 A monthly GST return 20thofnextmonth.

filing of inward and

outward supplies of

goods and services.

GSTR-3B Returns of outward Previously it was the 20th of

supplies along with the next month for all

input tax credit is taxpayers. Now it's from the

declared and payment month of January 2020

of tax is affected by the onwards.


GSTR-4 GST filing for The due date is the 30th of the

taxpayers registered month succeeding a financial

under the composition year.

scheme under section

10 of the CGST Act

(Supplier of goods)


GSTR-5 Return for a non- 20thofnextmonth.

resident foreign taxable


GSTR-6 Returns that an Input

Service Distributor

files every calendar

month. It has all the

information of the
invoices on which

credit has been

received and are


GSTR-7 A monthly return that 10thofnextmonth.

has to be filed by the

deductors who are

required to deduct TDS



GSTR-8 Returns for the electronic 10thofnextmonth.



required to deduct Tax

Collected at


GSTR-9 Annualreturnfora 31stDecemberofnext

normaltaxpayer. financialyear.

GSTR-9A Annual return to be

filed by the registered 31st December of next

taxpayer under the financial year.

composition levy

anytime during the


GSTR-9C Certified reconciliation 31st December of next

statement financial year.

GSTR-10 A final return that To be filed within 3 months of

needs to be filed to cancellation of order.

make sure the taxpayer

pays off any liability



Form GSTR – 3Bis a monthly summary return filed by the taxpayer by the 20th of the next

month or 22nd/24th of month following the quarter. Taxpayersareallowed totaketheinput

taxcredit (ITC)based on the details declared by the taxpayer

Form GSTR – 2Ais an auto-populated form generated in the recipient’s login, covering all the

outward supplies (Form GSTR – 1) declared by his suppliers.

When the supplier files GSTR – 1 in any particular month disclosing his sales, the

corresponding details are captured in GSTR-2B and GSTR – 2A of the recipient. While the

filing of Form GSTR – 2 has been kept in abeyance, it’s still important under the GST

framework forthetaxpayerstoreconciletheITCclaimedinFormGSTR–3Band FormGSTR–


of ITCavailableasdisclosedinTable4(a)mustmatchwithtaxdetails disclosed in Form GSTR-2B

regularly, along with GSTR – 2A.

GSTR-3B vs GSTR-2A is an important exercise that businesses must

notmissouton.IthelpsbusinessesclaimthefullInputtaxcredit(ITC) and also reverse any excess

ITC claimed. In turn, the reconciliation before filing GSTR-3B will help avoid any potential

demand notices from the tax authorities.


 GST authorities have issued notices to a large number of taxpayers asking them to

reconcile the ITC claimed in a self- declared summary return Form GSTR – 3B with

the auto- generated Form GSTR-2B and Form GSTR – 2A. Such notices are issued in

Form GST ASMT – 10. The taxpayer would be required to reply to such notices or

pay the differential amount.

 TaxevadersclaimingITConthebasisoffakeinvoiceshavealso been penalised in the past.

 Reconciliation ensures that credit is being claimed for the tax which has been actually

paidto the supplier.

 Ensures that no invoices have been missed/recorded more than once, etc.

 IncasethesupplierhasnotrecordedtheoutwardsuppliesinForm GSTR – 1,

communication can be sent out to the supplier to ensure that the discrepancies are


 Errorscommittedwhilereportingdetailsin GSTR-1bysuppliers or GSTR-3B by

recipients can be rectified.


The details disclosed in Form GSTR – 2A and Form GSTR – 3Bmay not reconcile on

account of the following reasons:

 ThecreditofIGSTclaimedontheimportofgoods

 IGSTCreditontheimportofservices

 ThecreditofGSTpaidonreversechargemechanism, etc.

 TransitionalcreditclaimedinTRAN–IandTRAN–II.

 ITCforgoodsandservicesreceivedinFY2020-21butavailedin FY 2021-22.


 DownloadGSTR-2AanytimeacrossmonthsfromtheGSTportal to start comparing with

GSTR-3B data. Verify GST login once

usingOTP,andcontinuetoeasilyupdatedatainaclick,anytime and anywhere.

 Check the difference for every field such as B2B other than reverse charge to compare

ITC between GSTR-2A and GSTR- 3B.

 ITCcomparisonatPANandGSTINlevelisavailable.

 Knowthedifferencesinstantlyatamonthlylevelorataquarterly level, to take further


Auditing of GSTR-3B with GSTR-1

Comparing GSTR-3B with GSTR-1 is a much-needed process to be undertaken by every

taxpayer in order to ensure that there are no variations or gaps, which could, in turn, lead to a

demand notice from the tax authorities or unwanted issues that may arise and hinder the

accurate filing of the annual returns.

GSTR-3B is a monthly summary return filed by at ax payer by the 20th of the next month or

22nd/24th of month following a quarter. GSTR- 3B discloses supplies made during the month

along with GST to be paid, input tax credit claimed, purchases on which reverse charge is

applicable, etc., and also makes a provision for the payment of taxes, if any, for the relevant


GSTR-1 is a monthly or quarterly return filed by tax payers to disclose details of their

outward supplies for the month – along with their tax liability. Here, invoice-wise details are

to be uploaded so that the Government can keep a check on every transaction. This forms the

basis for the recipient of supplies to accept the same and take the eligible input tax credit.


 Time and again, GST authorities have issued show cause notices to a large number of

taxpayers asking them to reconcile the total of sales disclosed in the GSTR-3B

summary return and the detailed GSTR-1 return.

 Reconciliation ensures that no invoice is omitted or recorded more than once in either

of the returns.

 This ensures a tax payer to arrive at an accurate amount of output tax payable on the

sales made in a period.

 From 1st January 2021, taxpayers must ensure that supplies declared in GSTR-1 must

match the summary total of supplies declaredinGSTR-3B.Otherwise, the GSTIN may

be suspended.

 Any late declaration of GST liability canal so attract interest.

 Reconciliation would also help the Government to allocate the right share of tax

revenue to the concerned states. This reconciliation is specifically useful to identify

any errors that have been made when entering the details of integrated taxes while

filing GSTR-3B.

 GSTR-1 forms the base for the recipients of supplies to claim input tax credit while

filing their returns. Hence, a timely and accurate declaration in both GSTR-1and

GSTR-3Bisnecessary, to avoid hassles with recipients at a later date, and also ensure

that only genuine input tax credit can be claimed.

Reconciliation at the time of filing of Annual return

 At the time of filing an Annual return in Form GSTR – 9, a reconciliation of outward

supplies is a must to ensure that the details disclosed match the details disclosed in

GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B, across all months. Details of tax paid during the year need to

be mentioned as well and this must tally with the total taxes disclosed and paid in


 Therefore, it is important that GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B match as the return-filing

system is integrated and a mismatch between the same could result in improper

disclosure in the annual return. GST Return and Analysis

Reasons form is matches in GSTR-3B vs GSTR-1

Most commonly, the details disclosed in Form GSTR– 3Band GSTR – 1 may not

reconcile on account of the following reasons:

 Reporting of supplies under the wrong table in GSTR-3B, but correctly reporting the

same when declaring it invoice-wise in GSTR-1. For example: Reporting zero-rated

sales correctly in Table 6A of GSTR-1, but incorrectly reporting it under Table 3.1(a)

in GSTR-3B.

 Issue of an invoice in a particular month, and issue of a debit or credit note at a later

date could lead to mismatches.

 Inter-state supplies made to unregistered persons omitted in GSTR-3B but declared in


 Value of supplies correctly shown but tax paid under the wrong head. For example,

IGST instead of CGST & SGST or vice- versa.

 Supplies that may have been amended after GSTR-1 has been filed. In other words,

any change of tax liability between the time of filing GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B.

 The time difference in reporting of invoices in GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B.



 Download GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B anytime across months and upload sales ledgers to

start comparing data. Verify GST login once using OTP, and continue to easily update

data in a click, anytime and anywhere.

 Check the difference for every field such as outward tax, outward taxable value,

supplies under RCM in both returns, etc.

 Data comparison at a PAN and GSTIN level is available.

 Know the differences instantly at a monthly, quarterly, orannual level, to take further


Repercussion on not filling ITR

The ITR filing deadline has been extended twice, first from the usual July 31, 2021, to

September 30, and then eventually, to December 31. Note that he last date for filing belated

ITR forFY2020-2021i.e. AY 2021-2022is March31,2022. For the uninitiated, AY i.e.

Assessment Year is the year post financial year(FY) where your income is assessed and


While the due date i.e. December 31 indicates the day seller can file income tax returns

without paying any penalty charges or foregoing any benefits, the last date i.e. March 31 is

the final day seller can file ITR with the IT department, after paying the relevant fine and


In the event seller miss out on filing your returns today, seller will have to pay a maximum

fine of Rs 5,000, a substantial reduction from the earlier levy of

Rs10,000.ThisisapplicableincaseincomeisaboveRs 5,00,000. If seller/individual income

ranges up to Rs 5,00,000, seller/individual will only be required to pay Rs1,000 as a fine for

filing ITR after December 31. But, if seller/individual annual income does not fall in the

taxable category, seller/individual will not be charged any penalties.

The midnight of 31st December is the due date only for individual taxpayers whose accounts

are not required to be audited.

Asellercanstillfileyourreturnsunder‘belatedreturns’,undersection 139 (4) of the Income Tax

Act, 1961. Here is a list of financial implications you will have to face :

Payment of penal interest on unpaid tax liability, if any. This amount, payable by assesses will

increase proportionately to the delay. seller/individual will also have to for ego any interest on

refund of excess taxes seller/individual have paid for the delay period.

Seller/individual will not be able to set off losses against your current year's income if v fail to

file the ITR before midnight today.

Significantly, seller/individual will not be able to carry forward any losses despite timely

payment of all past taxes. This includes losses from business and profession, short-

termorlong-term capital losses or

any other losses. The only exception here is the loss from house property up to an amount of

Rs.2 lakh.

For carrying forward the losses, it is compulsory that seller/individual file all taxes before the

due date. Notably, taxpayers can carry forward their short and long-term capital losses to a

maximum of 8 assessment years immediately after the AY in which the loss was evaluated.

And in the situation seller/individual don't file income tax returns at all, seller/individual will

be subjected to a penalty that can range any where between50-200 percent of the assessed

tax. Inaddition, there is also aprovision of prosecution i.e. rigorous imprisonment of upto 7



Graph showing trends in GST collection in Rs.crore



 In the auditing of GST return extensive use of paper work is involved.

 There is no specified format to recorddataentries.

 It takes lot of time to record each entry in the excel format.

 Traders does not follow scheduled date to file return which increases work of filling


 Businesses does not record all transaction in GST return to save tax.

 Because of heavy traffic on website it takes lot of time and efforts to download file

from government portal.

Research methodology

A research methodology encompasses the way in which you intend to carry out your

research. This includes how you plan to tackle things like collection methods, statistical

analysis, participant observations.

Research methodology is mainly of two types:-

 Primary Data

 Secondary Data

During internship we have use primary data from seller such as purchase and sale invoice to

reconcile with the GST report filled by the seller .


G. Garg, analysed the impact of GST on Indian tax scenario. Hetried to highlight the
objectives of the proposed GST plan along with the possible challenges and opportunity that
GST brings. He concluded that GST is the most logical steps towards the comprehensive
indirect tax reform in our country since independence. GST is leviable on all supply of goods
and provision of services as well combination thereof. All sectors of economy i.e the industry,
business including Govt. departments and service sector shall have to bear impact of GST. All
sections of economy viz., big, medium, small scale units, intermediaries, importers, exporters,
traders, professionals and consumers shall be directly affected by GST. One of the biggest
taxation reforms in India– the Goods and Service Tax (GST) is all set to integrate State
economies and boost over all growth. GST will create a single, unified Indian market to make
the economy stronger. Experts say that GST is likely to improve tax collections and Boost
India’s economic development by breaking tax barriers between States and integrating India
through a uniform tax rate. Under GST, the taxation burden willbedivided equitablybetween
manufacturing and services, through a lower tax rate by increasing the tax base and
minimizing exemptions.

Pankaj Chand the authors in the paper have explored the concept of GST, the need to
introduce it in India, the hurdles in introducing it in India and suggestions to overcome the
same. The paper also discusses the benefits of introducing GST at the earliest. The authors
have discussed the options to introduce the dual GST in India which could be Concurrent
Dual GST, National GST or State GST. Under the concurrent dual GST the better option was
the one where GST is applied on both goods and services. The other option explored was
whether the Central GST would be on goods and services but state GST would be only on
goods since state to collect GST in services is difficult to determine. This option also
recommended one single return with both CGST and SGST details and PAN based
registration. The authors have also discussed the constitutional amendments required if GST
is ever to be introduced since without the amendment taxing both goods and services using
one tax is not possible. The paper also highlights the issues in the credit mechanism in the
CGST/SGST model since it is difficult to practically implement in terms of determination of
place where service is taxable. The other challenges to introduction of GST in India
highlighted are the availability of strong IT network, infrastructure and programmes,
agreement on other provisions like basic threshold, exemption to goods/services, rates to be

applied, etc.


 Found out various financial techniques which helped in


 GST return comparis on process

 Learned about various financial terminologies used in business.

 Learning about use of taxs labsin GST.

 Graphical analysis of current with previous data.


 Summer internship in SNGC Tax serve was very helpful for in learning about

financial and management aspect in the organization.

 During SIP I have gained knowledge of GST and how actual auditing is done to find

out frauds done by seller to save tax.

 In this process I came that working in an organisation and studying about working in

organisationis very different.


 Information from company Boucher and from various invoices of clients.

 Reference book:-

Good and service tax, Dr.H.C. Mehrota & Prof.V.P.Agarawal The simplified Indian

GST law, CA Prakhar Jain

 Web links:-


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