Part - II E. M

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A/L Examination June - 2018

Conducted by Field Work Centre, Thondaimanaru.

In Collaboration with
Provincial Department of Education Northern Province.
Biology -II 09 E gFjp
II - 1 Grade: - 13 (2018) Time: - Three Hours

Index No: ………………………………………………………

Part II

A- Structured Essay

01) A. i). What is a macro molecule?

ii). Name a non-branched carbohydrate macro molecule.


a. Name the above mentioned carbohydrate.

b. Define the bond denoted by “a”.
c. Name the organic compound Y.
d. Give the laboratory experiment to identify the compound Y.

F.W.C Grade-13 (2018) June – 2018 1 Biology (Eng.) - II

iv). What is a quaternary structure of a protein? And give one example.
B. The following diagrams P and Q shows the different stages of the cell division.

d c


i). Identify a, b, c and d.

a…………………………………………….. b………………………………………………
c…………………………………………….. d………………………………………………
ii). Name the stages of cell division P and Q.
P…………………………………………….. Q………………………………………………

iii). State the phases for the following events takes place in the meiosis.
a. Formation of synaptonemal complex………………………………………………………..
b. Separation of pair of chromosomes………………………………………………………….
c. Independent assortment of chromosomes……………………………………………………
d. Cleaving of centromere………………………………………………………………………
e. Joining of micro tubules to kinetochore of the sister- chromatids…………………………...

iv). Name two protein molecule that regulate the cell cycle.
C. i). What is the role of enzymes in the metabolic processes?
ii). What is the function of the ATP in the metabolic processes?

F.W.C Grade-13 (2018) June – 2018 2 Biology (Eng.) - II

iii). Indicate the methods of synthesis of ATP in the cells and metabolic step/steps of each
Method Step/Steps
………………………………… ……………………………………………….
………………………………… ……………………………………………….
………………………………… ……………………………………………….
iv). Indicate the step, which fatty acids utilize in the cellular respiration.
v). What is the respiratory quotient you could expect when fatty acids are used as substrates?
vi). a. What is antenna complex of photo systems in photosynthesis?
b. What is the function of the antenna complex?
c. In which the reaction center is made up?
e. Give one event that could only performed by photo system II?

2. A.i). Indicate three characters which could be found only in phylum Cnidaria.
ii). Name the animal phylum which show the coelom first?
iii). Indicate the invertebrate phylum/phyla for the following characters.
a. Cephalization and lateral hearts………………………………………………………
b. External fertilization and endo skeleton……………………………………………...
c. Exoskeleton and lacks cilia…………………………………………………………..
d. Soft skin and nerve ring……………………………………………………………...
e. Planula larvae………………………………………………………………………...

F.W.C Grade-13 (2018) June – 2018 3 Biology (Eng.) - II

iv). Name one external character that shared by both Reptiles and Aves.
v). Reptiles are well adapted for terrestrial life. Indicate such three characters for terrestrial
adaptations found in reptiles.
B. i). What is respiratory surface?
ii).What is the physical process found in all organisms for gaseous exchange?
iii). What is the respiratory surface of the following organisms?
a. Garden snail………………………………………….
b. Star fish………………………………………………
c. Scorpion………………………………………………
iv). What is the location of the chemo receptors found in human for the sense of higher partial
pressure of carbon dioxide?
v). Name the nerve that conduct the impulses from the chemo receptors to the medulla
vi). Give three changes takes place in the metabolism in human who could take nicotine
C. i). Define the concept of water potential.
ii). Indicate briefly the role of endodermis in the radial movement of water in plants.

F.W.C Grade-13 (2018) June – 2018 4 Biology (Eng.) - II

iii). a. What are the principles for the upward movement of water and minerals in plants?
b. What is the theory for the above mentioned conduction?
iv). a. Plot a graph, for the experiment conducted to determination of water potential of
Colocasia petioles, in the following space provided.

b. Indicate how you could determine the water potential from the graph you have plotted.
c. What is the reason for the curling of the Colocasia petiole after cutting?
3. A. i). a. Indicate the exact location of the human liver.
b. Name the functional unit of the human liver.
c. What is enterohepatic circulation of the human liver?
d. Name the hormone that induces the ejection of bile into the duodenum.

F.W.C Grade-13 (2018) June – 2018 5 Biology (Eng.) - II

e. Give three functions of bile.
ii). What are the events takes place in the heart during the QRS wave complex?
iii). How the autonomous nervous system acts on the functioning of human heart?
B. i). What is the control method found in vertebrates to maintain the internal environment?
ii). What are the main factor could be controlled internally?
iii). Indicate the two ways which the osmosis could be regulated in human.
iv). Name two structures which could eliminate the bile pigments in human.
v). Name the basic functional unit of the excretory structure of the following animals.
a. Planaria……………………………………..
b. Human………………………………………
c. Cockroach…………………………………..
C. Sexual reproduction of flowering plants are entirely different from other plants regarding
evolutionary processes.
i). Name the parts of the carpel of the flowering plant.
ii). What is the part in the stamen found as resemblance structure for microsporangium?

F.W.C Grade-13 (2018) June – 2018 6 Biology (Eng.) - II

iii). Indicate four structural differences between an ovules of flowering plant and Cycas.
Flowering plant Cycas
………………………………………… ………………………………………..
………………………………………… ………………………………………..
………………………………………… ………………………………………..
………………………………………… ………………………………………..
iv). Name a part that could be compared to a part of a flowering plant.
a. Female gametophyte…………………………………………
b. Microsporophyll……………………………………………..
c. Male gametophyte…………………………………………...
v). Briefly indicate the steps of the micro propagation in tissue culture.
vi). Indicate two processes of tissue culture other than micro propagation.

4. A.i). What is mutation?

ii). Indicate the major reason for the gene mutation.
iii). Indicate an example disorder for the following mutations.
a. Dominant mutation…………………………………
b. Lethal mutation…………………………………….
c. Somatic mutation…………………………………..
iv). What is the significance of mutation in evolution?
v). Genetic engineering is a well-known technology now a days using DNA molecule.
a. What are the enzymes involved with the DNA molecule in genetic engineering?

F.W.C Grade-13 (2018) June – 2018 7 Biology (Eng.) - II

b. What is agarose gel electrophoresis?
c. What is blotting technology of DNA?

B. i). What is extinction of life?

ii). What is the significance of extinction of life?
iii). Indicate the periods of mass extinctions and animals extinct during that periods.
Period Animal
…………………………………… ……………………………………………..
…………………………………… ……………………………………………..
…………………………………… ……………………………………………..
iv). Indicate the Genus name for following IUCN red data category.
a. EW…………………………………………………………
b. EN………………………………………………………….
c. NT………………………………………………………….
v). Indicate two objectives of bio diversity convention.
C. i). What is food spoilage?
ii). a. What are chemical changes takes place during the spoilage of carbohydrate food?
b. How it is termed the above mentioned spoilage in(C ii.a) .

F.W.C Grade-13 (2018) June – 2018 8 Biology (Eng.) - II

iii). What are biological poisons?

iv). Name the microbial genus of the following biological poisons that could be produced.
a. Cytotoxins……………………………………………………………………….
b. Endotoxins………………………………………………………………………
c. Enterotoxins…………………………………………………………………….
v). Indicate the major sterilizing method for the following practical processes.
a. Water………………………………………………………………….
b. Glass hypodermic syringe…………………………………………….
c. Pipette…………………………………………………………………
vi). Indicate the techniques and principles of pasteurization.

F.W.C Grade-13 (2018) June – 2018 9 Biology (Eng.) - II

G.C.E. A/L Examination June - 2018
Conducted by Field Work Centre, Thondaimanaru

In Collaboration with
Provincial Department of Education Northern Province.
Grade: - 13 (2018) gFjp –Biology
1 II ;

B – Essay

 Answer any four questions.

 Draw correct labeled diagrams where necessary.

05) Name the major biological molecules of the living matters and describe their functions.

a) Briefly describe the structure of the sarcomere of skeletal muscle fibre.
b) Briefly describe how the skeletal muscle fibres contacts.

07) Describe the characteristic features of angiosperms which enabled them to become dominant over the
other vascular plants during evolution.

a) Briefly describe the theories that have been proposed to explain the origin of life on earth
b) Describe the Darwin’s theory of evolution.

a) Briefly indicate the bacterial staining method in the laboratory.
b) Describe the general controlling methods and curative methods of microbial diseases.

10) Write short notes on the followings:

a) Root pressure and guttation.

b) Human sensory receptors
c) Global warming.

F.W.C Grade-13 (2018) June – 2018 10 Biology (Eng.) - II

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