C5-Financial Planning Modeling & Business Valuation

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Chapter 5

 Financial planning modeling: a simple case

 The change in funding decision: balancing


 Financial modeling and free cash flow

 Valuation shares

 Financial planning modeling focuses on using financial report
◦ Valuate business and its stock
◦ Analyse finance of business
◦ Analyse accountancy

 Financial planning model consulates from sales of business,

we assume that the entries on the balance sheet and sale
report will be changed directly or indirectly by sale

 Almost of financial planning models are
belong to sales. The factors in balancing
sheet and income statement are belong to
◦ Fixed assets
◦ Receivables
◦ Working capital demand
 However, there are some entries maybe not
belong to sales (debt, dividend)

Example: Financial planning modeling next 5 years:
 Revenue: 1.000; growth of revenue: 10%
 Current asset: 15% revenue at the end of year
 Short-term debt: 8% revenue at the end of year
 Net fixed asset: 77% revenue at the end of year
 Depreciation: 10% average of book value of fixed asset
 Long-term debt: not pay and not loan next 5 years
 Interest rate of borrowing: 8%/year
 Cash: balancing item

 Cash is balancing item, that will have two meanings:
◦ For calculation

Cash = Debt + Equity – current assets – net fixed assets

◦ For finance

In order to confirm cash is balancing items: to calculate refund itself

Income statement

Balance sheet

Năm 0: P233-235
Năm 1-5: P238-2429
 Financial report model in Excel always include
cells which link together. So the solution of
model must be based on ability of Excel when
solve them and create the circular

 In order to ensure the sheet model could

calculate, choose Tools/Options/Calculation
and click Iteration

 Problem: When cash is balancing item then debt does not
change. However, in some cases, cash and stock in model will
be negative.
 In this case, the economic meaning of these negative numbers
is that the obvious growth rate will make the growth of current
assets and fixed assets. While the demand of investment
increase and the dividend rate is high, so business must find
capital from outside

Case 2: Debt is balancing item, noted:
◦ Cash could not negative
◦ When business need more fund, they will lend or issue shares.

The new model will follow these conditions:

 Cash and stock is balancing item.
1.Current assets + net fixed assets > short term debt + long term debt
+ equity + accumulated retained earning: 1.cash: 0; 2.Funding
2.Current assets + net fixed assets < short term debt + long term debt
+ equity + accumulated retained earning: Not Funding


Case 3: Maintain rate D/E

 Long-term debt = D/E * (Equity + Retained Earning)

 Equity = Total of assets – short term debt – long term debt –
accumulated retained profit


Case 3: Maintain rate D/E

 Long-term debt = D/E * (Equity + Retained Earning)

 Equity = Total of assets – short term debt – long term debt –
accumulated retained profit


 Almost of forecast is for purpose to confirm
free cash flow – FCF

 FCF is the quantity of cash which is created

from cooperation without any fund – is the
best method to measure how the cash is
created from cooperation

 Using FCF to valuate enterprise and shares
 The value of enterprise is defined as its debt, stock which could
transfer to value of equity of enterprise


V0    ...  
(1  WACC)1 (1  WACC) 2 (1  WACC)5 (1  WACC)5

 V5 is the value of enterprise in year 5th and is approximate

present value of FCF from year 6th forward.

FCFt  5 
FCF5 (1  g %)t  FCF5 (1  g %)
V5   t
 t
t 1 (1  WACC ) t 1 (1  WACC ) t 1 WACC  g %


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