France Market Insight
France Market Insight
France Market Insight
Note: This Insight is current at October 2019. Refer to Disclaimer on the final page. i
The EU’s mandate for a free trade agreement with Australia was approved in May 2018. There have been
several rounds of negotiations since June 2018. As a bloc, the EU is Australia's second largest trading partner,
third largest export destination, and second largest services export market. The EU was Australia's largest
source of foreign investment in 2018. France was the strongest voice against adoption of the EU’s FTA
mandate, and still has concerns around agriculture, environment and sustainable development.
Note: This Insight is current at October 2019. Refer to Disclaimer on the final page. ii
Trade policy and negotiations
France is a member of the EU, EU Customs Union and EU Single Market. France is closely integrated with
other European economies, but less so with other economies, particularly in Asia.
While the French government supports trade agreements and stands against protectionism, there are
significant forces in civil society that are less well-disposed to free trade and globalisation. France generally
advocates for trade that has in-built sustainable development protections and safeguards. France advocates
for these positions in a range of international fora, including the G7, G20 and OECD.
The European Council approved the mandate for an Australia–EU FTA in May 2018. Several rounds of
negotiations have been held since June 2018. Key issues in the mandate for France were around agriculture,
environmental, social and health standards, and treatment of its overseas territories. France stands to
benefit from improved access to the Australian market for key exports, such as cosmetics and
pharmaceuticals. French companies can use Australia as a launch pad to fast-growing Asian markets. France
also has interests around access to public procurement and protection of geographical indicators.
France is supportive of the WTO and wants to strengthen its role in the rules-based trading system. France
wants to resolve the blockage in the WTO’s dispute resolution mechanism. France is also supportive of
further progress on issues such as fisheries subsidies, agricultural support, services regulation and e-
France has protested strongly against the US’s application of tariffs on steel and aluminium, and has
advocated for retaliatory measures by the EU against the US if it proceeds with the tariffs.
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Note: This Insight is current at October 2019. Refer to Disclaimer on the final page. iii