Zchek f18 Pds
Zchek f18 Pds
Zchek f18 Pds
ZChek F18 is oil-based powder, hence it needs to be used with ZChek 801 Cart oil. How-
ever when added with suitable water conditioner WA9, ZChek F18 can also be used with
water as a carrying medium.
ZChek F18 is designed to detect medium to very fine, medium and shallow, surface and
slightly subsurface discontinuities like inclusions, seams, shrink cracks, tears, laps, flakes,
welding defects, grinding cracks, quenching cracks, and fatigue cracks in Aerospace and
Aviation parts, Nuclear Power, Defense, forgings, castings, auto components(machining
cracks, grinding cracks, heat treatment cracks), fabrication, steel making (billets and bars),
surface transportation, oil and gas.
Color Under White Light Dark Brown
Color Under Black Light Yellow Green Fluorescence
Mean Particle Size 6- 11 Microns
Particle Size Range 1-16 Microns
Sensitivity 8-9 (Ketos Ring)
Max. operating Temperature 49°C Maximum
Settling Volume 0.1-0.4 ml
Disclaimer: We have taken best care to ensure that the information provided in this data sheet is accurate.
Our product is guaranteed to conform to the specifications provided. We make no other warranty; hence the
liability is limited to replacement of product only.
Doc. No.PDS/002/C-Oct-21