Machine Dialyse Hyd Trans 1883242
Machine Dialyse Hyd Trans 1883242
Machine Dialyse Hyd Trans 1883242
May 2005
188-3242 or 227-2479 Filter Cart Group
(Use on Hydraulic Tanks or Hydraulic Systems)
European Union Compliant
SMCS: 5050
Important Safety Information The message that appears under the warning
explains the hazard and can be either written
or pictorially presented.
Operations that may cause product damage
are identified by “NOTICE” labels on the
product and in this publication.
Caterpillar cannot anticipate every possible
circumstance that might involve a potential
hazard. The warnings in this publication
and on the product are, therefore, not
all-inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work
method, or operating technique that is not
specifically recommended by Caterpillar is
Think Safety used, you must satisfy yourself that it is
safe for you and for others. You should
also ensure that the product will not be
Most accidents that involve product operation, damaged or be made unsafe by the
maintenance, and repair are caused by failure operation, lubrication, maintenance or
to observe basic safety rules or precautions. repair procedures that you choose.
An accident can often be avoided by The information, specifications, and
recognizing potentially hazardous situations illustrations in this publication are on the basis
before an accident occurs. A person must be of information that was available at the time
alert to potential hazards. This person should that the publication was written. The
also have the necessary training, skills, and specifications, torques, pressures,
tools to perform these functions properly. measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and
Improper operation, lubrication, other items can change at any time. These
maintenance, or repair of this product can changes can affect the service that is given to
be dangerous and could result in injury or the product. Obtain the complete and most
death. current information before you start any job.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication,
maintenance, or repair on this product until
you have read and understood the WARNING
operation, lubrication, maintenance, and
repair information. When replacement parts are required for this
product, Caterpillar recommends using
Safety precautions and warnings are provided Caterpillar replacement parts or parts with
in this manual and on the product. If these equivalent specifications including, but not
hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury limited to, physical dimensions, type,
or death could occur to you or to other strength, and material.
The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Failure to heed this warning can lead to
Symbol” and followed by a “Signal Word” such premature failures, product damage,
as “DANGER”, “WARNING”, or “CAUTION”. personal injury, or death.
The Safety Alert “WARNING” label is shown
The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as
Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is
In case of injury or skin irritation,
DDD consult the Material Safety Data
To avoid personal injury or death, Sheet for chemical hazards and
carefully read and understand all first aid instructions for the fluids
instructions before attempting to being used. These sheets should be
operate any equipment or tools. available from the manufacturer/supplier of
Do not operate or work on a machine unless the fluid (s).
you read and understand the instructions
and warnings in this and all other applicable Contact with hot oil and
manuals. Contact Dealer Service Tools for components can result in
replacement manuals. Proper care is your severe burns. DO NOT
responsibility. Always follow all State and allow any hot oil or
Federal health and safety laws and/or local components to contact the skin. Before
regulations. opening a hydraulic tank make sure all
pressure is relieved.
To prevent possible damage to
your hearing, always wear ear Personal injury can result
protection when using this tool from removing hoses or
and/or working around noise- quick-disconnect fittings
generating tools. in a pressure system.
Failure to relieve pressure can cause
To avoid eye injury, personal injury. Do not disconnect or
always wear protective remove hoses or fittings until all pressure in
glasses or face shield. the system has been relieved.
Make sure no one can Check hydraulic oil lines,
be injured by flying objects or debris when tubes, and hoses carefully.
using tools or working on a component. DO NOT use your bare
Clean up all leaked or hand to check for potential
spilled fluids immediately. leaks. Always use a board or cardboard when
Oil, fuel, or cleaning fluid checking for a leak. Escaping hydraulic fluid
leaked or spilled onto any under pressure, even a pinhole size leak, can
hot surfaces or electrical components can penetrate body tissue, causing serious injury,
cause a fire, resulting in personal injury or and possible death. If fluid is injected into
death. your skin, it must be treated immediately by a
doctor familiar with this type of injury.
Personal injury can result
from slips or falls. DO Filter carts are capable of
NOT leave tools or producing static electricity
components laying when pumping oil through
around the work area and clean up all spilled the filter cart. This static
fluids immediately. electricity is not harmful to the filter cart, but
could cause damage to other equipment
Personal injuries which is sensitive to static electricity. The
can occur as a filter cart should always be grounded when
result of using working around flammable material or
pressurized air. flammable fumes. Static electricity (sparks)
Maximum air pressure at the nozzle must be can ignite these materials, resulting in
below 205 kPa (30 psi) for cleaning serious injury or death.
purposes. Wear protective clothing,
protective glasses, and a protective face
shield when using pressure air.
WARNING Specifications
Always wear protective Description Specification
clothing while operating Operating pressure 138 to 827 kPa (20 to 120 psi)
any machines or
Variable delivery 0 to 409 Lpm (0 to 90 gpm)
equipment. DO NOT wear
any loose clothing, jewelry, watches, gloves, Supply air consumption 0.47 L/s (1 cfm) per 4.55 Lpm
(1 gpm) of fluid pumped
or anything else that might catch on
controls, tooling, side bars, or any part of the Suction lift Up to 5.5 m (18 ft)
equipment. Liters (gallons) per cycle 1.9 l (0.5 gal)
Operating temperature 0 to 93°C (2 to 200°F)
All substances and materials
DDD pumped through the oil filter Four (4) gang parallel Permits four (4) times the filter
cart must be handled and filter head area to capture particulates and
extends filter life.
disposed of properly. This is
very important when working with lubricants. Standard filtration 10 microns
Follow all federal, state, and local regulations on Outlet hose (one) 3 m (10 ft) long with a female
disposal of waste products. quick-disconnect end
Inlet hose (one) 3 m (10 ft) long with a male quick-
To prevent personal injury or death, disconnect end
only use the oil filter cart for the
Storage box 736 x 406 x 305 mm
intended use that it was
(29.0 x 16.0 x 12.0 in)
manufactured for, which is filtering
oil. Improper use of this equipment can Noise level 82 dB @ 758 kPa (110 psi) air
cause serious personal injury and/or
damage to the oil filter cart and other Overall dimensions 1295 x 889 x 1143 mm
property during operation procedures. (51.0 x 35.0 x 45.0 in) with hook
bar 1956 mm (77.0 in)
Weight 163 kg (360 lbs)
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
For more information, refer to SEBF8447
Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Procedure for Filtering Excavator (311-375)
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Hydraulic Oil or SEBF8446 Procedure for
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Filtering 300 Series Excavator Hydraulic Oil.
General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Guidelines for specific machines can also be
found in Caterpillar’s Systems Information
Typical Machine Set-Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 System (SIS).
Checking Contamination Levels . . . . . . . . . . 8
Taking An Oil Sample Using a
Portable Particle Counter. . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Calcuating Filtration Time If Particle
Counter Is Not Available . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Filter Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Air Pump Muffler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
188-7019 Air Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Serviceable Parts List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Introduction The quick-disconnects permit fast and easy
hose connection to a hydraulic tank when
The 188-3242 and 227-2479 Filter Cart Groups used with hydraulic tank adapters such as
are used to flush and clean hydraulic tanks or 193-5900 and 193-5903. Other adapters may
hydraulic systems which have a reservoir be required depending on the particular
capacity greater than 115 liter (30 gallon) and hydraulic tank. Refer to Caterpillar’s
less than 380 liter (100 gallon). It uses “Contamination Control Guidelines” in
standard filtration of 25, 10, 5, or 2 micron. Caterpillar’s Systems Information System (SIS)
The filter cart can be used in any filtering for specific parts and procedures.
application for oil contamination control. This
filter cart allows oil to be filtered directly from a
hydraulic tank (eliminates placing oil in
separate filtering cart/container).
This manual provides general information on
how to set up the filter cart, technical data,
serviceable parts, and adapters.
Oil is pumped through the filter cart using an
air-powered diaphragm pump. The filter cart
is designed with a suction hose, 3 m (10 ft)
long with a female quick-disconnect. The
return line is 3 m (10 ft) long with a male
quick-disconnect. Hose Ends Are Equipped With Quick-Disconnect Fittings.
The 227-2479 Hydraulic Filter Cart in kit form
includes every part needed to build the
188-3242 Hydraulic Filter Cart. The unpainted • The filter cart can filter hydraulic fluids from
steel frame requires assembly. Prints are 5W to 90W.
provided for welding and assembly. • Filter cart is easily moved around in field
conditions on three pneumatic tires.
• Oil is pumped through the filter cart using
an air-powered, diaphragm pump.
• The maximum output pressure of fluid being
pumped is equal to air inlet air pressure.
414 kPa (60 psi) is the recommended
operating or air inlet pressure.
• The filter housing has a differential pressure
gauge (dirty filter indicator) to indicate when
the filter element should be changed.
• All hose assemblies are made from
Caterpillar 844 wire-reinforced hose. These
hoses will not collapse when filtering hot oil.
• Extra tall hose hook for ease of hose
• Built-in storage box to hold optional adapter
• The filter cart is European Union Compliant.
General Information
Typical Machine Set-Up Filter carts are capable of
producing static electricity
1. Turn air supply ball valve (1) to the closed
when pumping oil through
position. Attach an air supply to the filter
the filter cart. This static
electricity is not harmful to the filter cart, but
NOTE: A quick-disconnect coupling (not could cause damage to other equipment
included) can be used to connect the air which is sensitive to static electricity. The
supply line. filter cart should always be grounded when
working around flammable material or
flammable fumes. Static electricity (sparks)
can ignite these materials, resulting in
serious injury or death.
An air supply in excess of 827 kPa (120 psi) will
damage the filter cart. To prevent damage,
install a 4C-7033 Regulator into the air supply NOTE: If the filter cart is used to filter different
line. For best results, set regulator to 414 kPa types of fluids, change the filter elements for
(60 psi). each filtering application.
2. To reduce the risk of static electricity, while 3. If the unit is used for filtering oil from a
pumping fluids, attach one end of a ground machine:
cable (not included) to ground connection
a. Attach a length of 25 mm (1 in) ID
(2) and the other end to a suitable electrical
suction hose (B) to the adapter (A). The
hose length should allow the end of the
hose to be within 15 cm (6 in) of the
bottom of the tank.
b. Remove the filler cap and screen. 5. If the filter cart is used to filter oil from a
Screw either the 193-5900 Adapter (4 bulk storage tote, use the following tooling
inch diameter filler cap) or 193-5903 from the FT3016 Contamination Control
Adapter (2.5 inch diameter filler cap) Caps and Fittings.
onto the filler tube of the hydraulic tank.
Other adapters are available through
Caterpillar’s Systems Information System
NOTE: The S·O·S valve (4) in the adapter is
not used for taking an oil sample, but for
releasing pressure that can build up in the
hydraulic tank during the filtering procedure.
Checking Contamination
Taking An Oil Sample Using a
Portable Particle Counter
The S·O·S valve is used for taking oil samples.
This valve can be used with a standard
170-8500 Particle Counter. For the most
accurate test results, use the low pressure
sampling circuit.
Return Connection
Part Number Description Quantity
255-4302 Screw-On Cap 1
183-3873 Breather Assembly 1
255-4305 Bulkhead Fitting 1
5B-7666 Street Elbow (1-1/2 inch NPT) 1
7X-3387 Sampling Valve (1/4 inch NPT) 1
3B-7280 Close Nipple (1 inch NPT) 1
8B-5774 Reducer Bushing (1-1/2 inch x 1 inch NPT) 1
190-8316 Quick Disconnect Coupling with 1 inch NPT 1
(5) S·O·S Valve.
1H-2815 Pipe Nipple 1-1/2 inch NPT x 152 mm (6 inch) 1
1L-2782 Pipe Tee (1-1/2 inch NPT) 1
Storage Cap
Part Number Description Quantity
255-4302 Screw-On Cap 1
183-3873 Breather Assembly 1
Calculating Filtration Time If Maintenance
Particle Counter Is Not Available
Filter Elements
If an on-line, portable particle counter is not
available to indicate when contaminate levels The prefilter has a 100 mesh element for large
have lowered to an acceptable point, refer to particle removal. Also this prefilter acts as a
the following equation. This equation works dampening device to reduce the intensity of
with the 188-3242 Filter Cart only. Other pressure spikes caused by the air diaphragm
filtration units will have a different equation pump.
reference and will be noted when appropriate.
There are various conditions that must be
factored into the filtration efficiency of any filter
cart and application. Therefore, the following
equation must be viewed as only a simple
reference and not an absolute time or
efficiency result.
Compartment Oil
Capacity (gallons) x 140 Approximate
Cycles per Minute Filtration Time
If the filter is being changed too frequently in a 188-7019 Air Pump
filtering application, a larger micron filter can
be installed to first remove all the larger Repair parts are available for the 188-7019 Air
contamination particles. Pump. A 196-9504 Air Valve Repair Kit is
available for repairing the center section of the
air pump. A 188-7018 Diaphragm Kit is
available to replace the two diaphragms in the
pump. Complete repair instruction come with
each repair kit.
Serviceable Parts Serviceable Parts List (cont’d)
Optional Filter Elements for the Quad Filter Assembly
Serviceable Parts List
Item Part No. Description
Item Part No. Description
— 9U-6983 Spin-on Filter Element (5 micron absolute)
1 188-7019 Air Pump Assembly with synthetic media1
2 9U-6985 Filter Element (100 Mesh) (prefilter) — 9U-6984 Spin-on Filter Element (22 micron
3 9U-5870 Spin-on Filter Element (10 micron) with absolute) with synthetic media1
synthetic media1 — 188-7027 Filter Element (Water Removal)
Quad Filter Assembly
— 198-3188 Spin-on Filter Element (2 micron cellulose)
4 195-3164 Muffler (on air pump)
filtering media is compatible with petroleum and
5 9U-6986 Gauge (Dirty Filter)
6 8T-0846 Gauge (Working Pressure) water based fluids.
7 190-8316 Female Quick-Disconnect with 1 1/4 inch
NPT Serviceable Parts List (cont’d)
8 190-8317 Male Quick-Disconnect with 1 1/4 inch Dust Caps/Plugs
Item Part No. Description
9 190-8318 Female Quick-Disconnect with 1 inch NPT
— 8C-3451 Rubber Cap, 13 mm (1/2 in.) diameter for
10 190-8319 Male Quick-Disconnect with 1 inch NPT
S.O.S port
11 197-4626 Flexible Extension, 101.6 x 355.6 mm
(4.00 x 14.00 in) — 201-8057 Plastic/Rubber Plug, 66.8 mm (3 in.), for
190-8316 and 190-8318 Quick-Disconnect
12 197-4627 Solid Extension, 63.5 x 330.2 mm
Coupler, female end
(2.50 x 13.00 in)
13 3H-0976 O-ring (element to head) — 201-8059 Plastic/Rubber Plug, 44 mm (2 in.), for
190-8317 and 190-8319 Quick-Disconnect
Coupler, male end
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contact Dealer Service Tools on: