30 Elf Guidelines

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--- A N O V E R V I E W ---

Prepared by a Working Group of the

Federal-Provincial Territorial Radiation Protection Committee



The Federal-Provincial Territorial Radiation Protection Committee was established to support

Federal, Provincial and Territorial government radiation protection agencies with their
respective mandates, in Canada.

The Mission of the Committee is to advance the development and harmonization of practices
and standards for radiation protection within Federal, Provincial and Territorial jurisdictions.

The Committee comprises a forum of delegates from each of the following government

Atomic Energy Control Board

Health Canada - Radiation Protection Bureau

Provincial and Territorial Radiation Protection Programs

To assist in fulfilling its mandate, the Committee may establish Sub-committees or Working
Groups to address issues of concern that are brought to the Committee's attention. The work
of the Committee may involve the preparation of public documents such as Position
Statements and Technical Reports; supporting the development and review of National
Standards, Guidelines and Codes of Practice; and briefing member organizations and their
governing bodies.

For further information on the Committee or its documents, please contact any of the
representative agencies listed on the inside back cover of this report. Comments on all
documents are welcome.






Concerns exist over the possibility that exposure to electric and magnetic fields (EMF) of
extremely low frequency (ELF) may present a health hazard to workers and the general
public. This concern has arisen as a result of the controversial and contradictory findings
in the scientific research, especially from epidemiological studies. This overview
summarises recent scientific information on health effects and provides a status report on
exposure guidelines that have been developed to date. The information is particularly
relevant for government officials in Canada responsible for formulating occupational and
public health policies and for providing guidance to interested or concerned persons.


The wide spread use of electric power particularly in industrial societies makes this issue
one of international concern. Health problems in the work place, thought to be associated
with ELF exposure were first reported in a group of Russian electrical switchyard workers
in the 1960's and created widespread scientific interest. In the late 1970’s and early
1980’s reports suggesting a link between ELF residential exposures and childhood and
adult cancers heightened public anxiety. Following these early reports, extensive
national and international research programs were initiated.

In Canada, concerns emerged during the mid 1980's which stimulated the formation of a
national Working Group on Electric and Magnetic Fields, co-ordinated by the former
Federal Department of National Health and Welfare. Representatives on this group were
drawn from Canadian labour, utility companies, academia as well as federal and
provincial government scientists. A report from the Working Group [1] published in 1989,
reached a number of conclusions based on the status of knowledge at that time. It made
recommendations regarding the need for further research as well as the necessity to
inform workers and the general public about this matter (see Appendix 1).

In the United States, a large number of research papers and overview reports have been
produced along with numerous conferences over the past 15 years. Unfortunately, the
findings remain controversial, contradictory and seem only to exasperate rather than
resolve public concern. The research findings are succinctly expressed in the conclusion

of the draft review report titled: “Evaluation of the Potential Carcinogenicity of
Electromagnetic Fields”, prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1990
[2]. The report was only an initial draft circulated for review and was never published. In
spite of clear warnings not to cite or quote, there was significant public citing and quoting.
The draft report conclusion which appears to have been adopted by the public was “While
there are epidemiological studies that indicate an association between EM fields or their
surrogates and certain types of cancer, other epidemiological studies do not substantiate
this association. There is insufficient data to determine whether or not a cause and effect
relationship exists.”

There has been a plethora of critical reviews, pubic inquiry reports, public review drafts,
summaries etc. published by Universities, Government Departments, Utilities, and other
expert bodies. For example, the National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurements (NCRP) in Bethesda, Maryland, set up a committee chaired by Dr. W.
Ross Adey to review the possible health effects of ELF’s. The National Academy of
Sciences committee, chaired by Dr. Charles Stevens, Salk Institute, California released
a report in 1996 concluding: “No clear, convincing evidence exists to show that residential
exposures to electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are a threat to human health,...There is
no conclusive evidence that electromagnetic fields play a role in the development of
cancer, reproductive and developmental abnormalities, or learning and behavioral
problems”. This report did leave the door open with regard to further research,
particularly into the causes of childhood leukemia. The United Kingdom's National
Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) established an Advisory Group on Non-Ionizing
Radiation in 1990 to review the scientific evidence and determine the extent to which this
evidence suggests possible health risks. The International Non-Ionizing Radiation
Committee (INIRC) of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) in co-
operation with the Environmental Health Division of the World Health Organization
(WHO) developed recommendations for 50/60-Hz electric and magnetic field exposure
limits. At the 8th Congress of the IRPA in May 1992, the IRPA established a new
independent scientific organization, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing
Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) as a continuation of the former IRPA/INIRC. (ICNIRP
reaffirmed the recommended interim exposure limits in 1992) In April 1998, ICNIRP
published guidelines for limiting electromagnetic field exposures for frequencies up to 300
GHz, including 50/60 Hz. [3]


The following sections provide a brief overview on (I) what is known and what is unclear
about the biological effects of (ELF) fields and (ii) information on the established
exposure guidelines, together with the rationale for their development.

(I) Effects

Research to date has included experimental investigations into the effects on

biological systems both in vivo and in vitro, and epidemiological studies on worker
groups and on the general public. Very early research focused primarily on the
effects of electric field exposure. During the last 15 years the primary focus of
research shifted to studying the effects of exposure to magnetic fields alone.
Recently, interest has been renewed in electric fields alone and in conjunction with
magnetic fields. [4] The primary research effort has been directed towards
determining whether a cancer risk exists. Much of the recent experimental
research has been aimed at identifying a possible mechanism for (ELF) to act as a
cancer initiator, promoter and/or copromoter.


The strongest source of positive evidence for associated adverse effects has come
from epidemiological studies. Such studies have suggested a weak positive
association between ELF exposure and leukaemia, brain cancers, breast cancer and
lung cancer. Nearly all of these studies were retrospective. Close examination of
the methodologies used in early studies show major weaknesses or flaws, such as;
number of cases too low to look at cancer subtypes, lack of specificity of exposure,
lack of reliability of exposure data, lack of statistical power and lack of control for

The majority of positive findings have very small risk magnitudes by

epidemiological standards and are unable to rule out other confounding factors or
environmental influences such as population mobility and other social/economic
factors and traffic pollution. No dose response trends have been established.
Recent studies are attempting to address some of these limitations. For example
the cross Canada childhood leukemia study whose results were expected to be
released in the fall of 1997, has a statistical power to detect a relative risk of 2.
Similarly, the large UK study currently underway (Doll, Richard et al, completion date
1998?) has 1000 childhood leukemia cases. A US study (National Cancer Institute
(NCI) and the Children’s Cancer Group (CCG) has released results, reference [5],
from their study involving 600 acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) cases. These
studies are able to detect low relative risks with greater certainty. It is generally
agreed that the limit of epidemiological power is close to being reached and that it is
unlikely that Epidemiology alone will be able to offer convincing proof to resolve this
issue. There is no reliable supporting data for an association between residential
exposure and cancer risk in the general public.

Occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields and its association with cancers

has received significant attention due to higher ELF exposures encountered in

occupational environments compared to residential. It has been alleged that
selective publication of positive findings in the literature suggests a biasing towards
an overall slight excess relative risk [6], [7]. The occupational studies are more
advanced than the residential studies. Some associations found in some of the
occupational studies as well as some non-associations have reached statistical
significance. The very large scale studies on utility workers [8]-[10] produced
contradictory results and no clear, convincing proof of a detrimental health effect
associated with exposure to electric and magnetic fields.

Overall, while several studies have found correlation between (ELF) and disease
occurrence, including cancer, there is little consistency from the data in human
studies. Although there is no conclusive evidence from the epidemiological
evidence that electric or magnetic fields cause a risk of cancer, in residential or
occupational environments, the research holds out a possibility of a weak risk. For
residential exposures there is little evidence to support the notion of a risk
associated with magnetic field exposure in children or adults. Whereas, for
occupational exposures the issue of leukemia and brain cancer in adults has not
been resolved. [11]

Experimental Research

Experimental investigations with cellular systems, tissues and animals has shown
that electric and magnetic fields can interact with these biological systems. Of the
various kinds of biological effects related to ELF exposure “... no plausible
biophysical mechanisms for the systematic initiation or promotion of cancer by these
power line fields have been identified.”[12]

Cellular chemistry effects involving the movement of calcium ions through cellular
membranes have been confirmed by several researchers. The significance of this
effect as it relates to possible adverse health outcomes is not understood.
Replication of early work by a few researchers who have found that ELF fields can
affect gene expression have not been replicated by other researchers. The ability of
magnetic fields (MF) to suppress melatonin release by the pineal gland during the
dark phase of the daily "light-dark" cycle is currently being studied in animals and
humans. The ability of MF to affect melatonin levels in humans has not been
conclusively established. Normal melatonin levels are individual dependant varying
from person to person by a factor of 2 and are affected by light, nicotine and
caffeine. The significance of this hormone as a possible precursors to adverse
health outcomes is not yet understood.

Direct effects on significant cellular molecules, such as DNA, have not been
observed. No direct mutagenic or carcinogenic effects on animals have been
observed. In contrast to ionizing radiation, this tends to support the assertion that

ELF fields are not a direct cancer initiator but does not rule out the possibility of MF
as a nonmutagenic carcinogen. Current research has shifted to focusing on the role
of ELF (particularly magnetic fields) as a tumour promoter or copromoter. Studies
have looked at mice treated with chemical tumour initiators and a promoter and
exposed to high magnetic fields (approx. 2 mT or 20 G). The study showed that MF
did not increase either the number of mice with tumours or the number of tumours.
No effects were observed on mice exposed without the chemical promoter. The
large variation in the rate of tumour formation among individual mice, especially
during the early stages, makes it difficult to determine if MF’s have the potential to
accelerate the growth and development of tumours.

Non-mammalian studies, generally on chickens and pigeons, have shown no

significant effects on fertility, morphology, behaviour or growth. Mammalian studies
concerned with prenatal exposure affecting postnatal growth and survival have been
few and have shown mixed results. The lack of replication of these studies remains
a major factor concerning the strength of the findings, positive or negative.

Summary on Effects

Recently the Bioelectromagnetics Society issued a statement regarding scientific

research on biological effects of electric and magnetic fields. The statement reads
“Some epidemiological studies have raised concern that risk of cancer may be
enhanced by exposure to electric and magnetic fields associated with distribution
and use of electric power. Strong criticism of these epidemiological studies has
been due primarily to the variability of results as well as the incomplete nature of
laboratory data to support the specific cancer findings. At present, there is no
scientific consensus as to which physical factors, the electric field and/or the
magnetic field, may be biologically important. Similarly, there is no clear indication
whether higher field levels present greater risk than lower fields. Whether adverse
effects are (1) real and significant, (2) real but of minor importance, or (3) non-
existent, must be determined by current and future research to allay public fears and
to provide industry a basis for appropriate response or action.” [13]

The overall view obtained from the research literature indicates that while some
biological effects of exposure to ELF electric and magnetic fields occur, there are no
resulting adverse health effects from these exposures. The observed biological
effects have not been shown to be significant in terms of a health hazard.
Therefore this lack of cause/effect evidence for disease induction for the exposure
levels of concern to workers and the general public prevents the derivation of
guidelines for protection against any chronic or long-term effects at typical low
levels that most people are exposed to.

(ii) Exposure Guidelines

During the second half of the twentieth century, there has been concerted effort to
establish and refine the radiation exposure standards and guidelines for ionizing
radiation. Emphasis on the non-ionizing portion of the electromagnetic spectrum
over the past twenty years has resulted in exposure limit values for the optical region
of the spectrum, as well as the radiofrequency and ELF regions.

The earliest exposure guideline for the (ELF) part of the spectrum was established
by the USSR in 1975 (see Table 1). This established an occupational limit for
electric field exposure. The last decade has seen increased activity in the
development of guidelines covering both electric and magnetic fields for exposure to
workers and the general public. The International Radiation Protection Association
(IRPA) published exposure limits addressing very high level exposure to 50/60 Hz
electric and magnetic fields in 1990. In April 1998, the International Commission on
Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) published comparable exposure limits
(Table 1) [3]. Similar high exposure limits have also been established for workers by
the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). The
exposure limits resulted from a review of the scientific literature that determined the
only established mechanism for health hazard occurrence from (ELF) exposure was
through the induction of significant electric currents inside the body. The basis for
the limits is simply the prevention of current densities in the body, exceeding 10
mA/m2. This limit corresponds to induced current densities that are generally at or
slightly above those normally occurring in the body (up to about 10 mA/m2). The
research literature has shown the following effects for the various current densities

1) between 1 and 10 mA/m2, minor biological responses reported.

2) between 10 and 100 mA/m2, visual and nervous system effects occur.

3) between 100 and 1000 mA/m2, stimulation of excitable tissue is observed

leading to possible adverse reactions.

4) above 1000 mA/m2, extra systoles and ventricular fibrillation can occur (acute
health hazards).

These exposure limits have not been based upon a consideration of cancer risk,
since such a risk has not been established. The situation for chronic exposure to
the very low levels (0.2 - 0.5 µT or 2.0 - 5.0 mG) of ELF magnetic and electric fields
that most people are exposed to, that is, levels below those known to cause acute
detrimental effects remains speculative and unresolved. Until there is a consistent
significant link between cancer and ELF fields or some other parameter associated
with power lines, a magnetic field exposure limit or guideline chosen well below the

above limits can not be established based upon the available data to protect against
suspected health hazards associated with chronic, long term exposure.

General Conclusions

Research into the effects of (ELF) electric and magnetic fields have shown that some
interactions between biological systems and the fields result in certain responses.
However, significant detrimental interactions at ambient fields to which human and
animals are typically exposed remains to be demonstrated. The research taken overall
indicates that the evidence is insufficient to conclude that electric or magnetic fields
cause a risk of cancer. Therefore the established exposure limit values can be used to
provide protection against the acute hazards that can result from high intensity exposure
levels. The research does hold out the possibility of a risk, but it is expected that
research efforts that are currently underway will likely address this concern. These
together with future research will determine whether there is need for lowering the limits
to provide protection against the consequences of chronic low level exposure.

Position Statement

In light of the above information and the need for guidance in Canada by policy makers,
health and safety professionals and the public, the Federal Provincial Territorial Radiation
Protection Committee has issued a position statement (see page 14) to address these


1. "Electric and Magnetic Fields and Your Health - A Report of the Working Group on
Electric and Magnetic (ELF) Fields" Health and Welfare Canada; 89-EHD-150, May

2. "Evaluation of the Potential Carcinogenicity of Electromagnetic Fields" United States

Environmental Protection Agency; EPA/600/6-90-005B External Review Draft,
October 1990.

3. “Guidelines For Limiting Exposure To Time-Varying Electric, Magnetic, And

Electromagnetic Fields (Up To 300 GHz)”, International Commission on Non-
Ionizing Radiation Protection, Health Phys. 1998 April, Vol.74, No.4, 494-522

4. “Leukemia following occupational exposure to 60 - Hz electric and magnetic fields

among Ontario electric utility workers.” Miller AB, To T, Agnew DA, Wall C, Green

LM, American Journal of Epidemiology 1996 July 15; 144(2): 150-60

5. “Residential Exposures to Magnetic Fields and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia In

Children”, Linet, M.S., Hatch, E.E., et al, The New England Journal of Medicine,
1997, Vol 337, No.1, 1-7.

6. "Editorial Peer Review in Biomedical Publications" - Dickersin, Journal of the

American Medical Association 263, 1385 (1990)

7. "Publication Bias in Clinical Research " Esterbrock et al; Lancet ,1991,337, 867

8. “Cohort and Nested Case-Control Studies of Hematopoietic Cancers and Brain

Cancer Among Electric Utility Workers”, Sahl, J. D., Kelsh, M. A., and Geenland, S.,
Epidemiology, 1993, 4:104-114.

9. “Magnetic Field Exposure in Relation to Leukemia and Brain Cancer Mortality

among Electric Utility Workers,” American Journal of Epidemiology, 1995, 141(62):

10. “Cancer Risks Associated with Occupational Exposure to Magnetic Fields Among
Utility Workers in Ontario and Quebec, Canada and France:1970-1989”, American
Journal of Epidemiology 1994, 139:550-572.

11. “Nature and nurture: Possibilities for cancer control.” Carcinogenesis 1996: 17(2):

12. Statement by the Council of the American Physical Society, April 22, 1995, on Power
Line Fields and Public Health.

13. EMF Health and Safety Digest, June 1996, p.11

Report prepared by a Working Group of the Federal Provincial Territorial Radiation

Protection Committee.

Working Group Membership, (October 1, 1997):

Brian Phillips (Chair), British Columbia;

Maurice Bitran, Ontario;
Art Thansandote, Health Canada;
Randy Ross, British Columbia;


Extract from a 1989 Report "Electric and Magnetic Fields and Your Health"
(Reference 1)


1. The Working Group considers that additional research effort should be undertaken
in Canada to resolve whether there is association between exposure to 60 Hz
electric and magnetic fields and an increased risk of cancer. The Working Group
recommends that:

a. the Department of National Health and Welfare intensify its participation in its
ongoing research, and

b. an Advisory Committee be established to advise on the research. The

Advisory Committee will be available to review research proposals, comment and
make recommendations. It is suggested that this committee comprise
representatives of all interested parties, i.e. industry, labour, academia and
government. Additional technical experts will be asked to serve as consultants to
the AC when required.

2. The Working Group considers that workers and the general public need to be
informed on current understanding of health effects of electric and magnetic fields.
The Working Group recommends that the Department of National Health and
Welfare publish this report and the Working Group's document entitled "Electric and
Magnetic Fields and Your Health".

Key Research Issues

The Working Group has selected the following directions of investigation as the most
critical at the present time: cancer Epidemiology, exposure assessment and in vivo
animal cancer studies. All three areas are considered equally important and were
unanimously selected by all group members. There are now under way epidemiological
studies and exposure assessment studies, both in Canada and abroad. However, there
appear to be no comprehensive in vivo studies being carried out at present.
* Appendix E of that report is not included in this Appendix

Table 1 - 50/60 Hz Standards and Guidelines Limits for
Continuous General Public and Occupational Exposure

Electric Field Strength Magnetic Flux Density

(kV/m) (mT)

Standard Public Occupational Public Occupational

ICNIRP (1998) (60Hz) 4.16 8.33 0.0833 0.4166

USA, ACGIH (1998) 25 1.0

8.333 25* 0.533 1.333
CENELEC (1995) (60Hz)

UK NRPB (1993) (60Hz) 10 10 1.333 1.333

Australia, 5.0 10.0 0.1 0.5
NH&MRC (1989) (50Hz)

Germany (1989) (50Hz) 20.6 20.6 5.0 5.0

- 5.0 - -
USSR (1975) (50Hz)
- - - 1.76
USSR (1985) (50Hz)

Poland (1980) (50Hz) - 15.0 - -

* with time restrictions

ACGIH - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists

CENELEC - Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique (European Committee

for Electrotechnical Standardization)

ICNIRP - International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection

NH&MRC - National Health & Medical Research Council

NRPB - National Radiological Protection Board


1. The production of electric and magnetic fields are associated with the generation,
transmission and use of electricity. People are exposed to these fields not only
when they are near high voltage lines, but also at their places of work and in their
homes. Such fields are produced by distribution lines, transformers, building and
house wiring and by all devices that use electric power.

2. Studies to investigate the health effects of these fields have been taking place
around the world for more than twenty-five years. Such research has included
laboratory studies concerning the effects on cells, tissues and animals, as well as
studies on human exposure and Epidemiology.

3. Epidemiological studies suggest a weak association between increased risk of

certain types of cancer, and exposure to magnetic and/or electric fields; however
the findings are inconsistent and inconclusive. Experiments with animals and cells
show that these fields can interact with biological systems and with cellular
chemistry. These interactions, however, have not been shown to lead to adverse
health effects. Extensive world-wide research programs are ongoing in order to
clarify whether or not there are indeed health risks.

4. Research to date(1) has not identified any biophysical mechanisms that link the
initiation or promotion of cancer by power frequency field properties.

5. Recommended exposure limits to prevent acute health effects have been put
forward by an international committee of experts(2). It is extremely unlikely that
members of the Canadian public would be exposed above these exposure limits.
In the case of chronic exposure at ambient levels, currently available information
on health and bioeffects does not provide a basis for establishing more restrictive
exposure limits.

6. The Federa Provincial Territorial Radiation Protection Committee will continue to

monitor the results of new studies and re-assess this position as new information
becomes available.

*Position Statement issued by the Federal Provincial Territorial Radiation Protection Committee.
Council of the American Physical Society - (95/04/22)
ICNIRP Guidelines “Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields
(Up to 300 GHz),” Health Physics, Vol.. 74, No. 4, pp. 494-522, April 1998. The Guidelines recommend a limit of 4.16
kV/m and 83.3 µT (833 milligauss) for 24-hour exposure of the general public

Canadian Federal Ontario
Department/Agency Ontario Ministry of Health
Health Canada X-ray Inspection Services
Radiation Protection Bureau 5700 Yonge St, 3rd Floor
775 Brookfield Rd North York ON M2M 4K5
Ottawa ON K1A 1C1
Prince Edward Island Radiation Protection Service
Diagnostic Imaging Ontario Ministry of Labour
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Occupational Health and Safety Branch
PO Box 6600 400 University Ave, 8th Floor
Charlottetown PEI C1A 8T5 Toronto ON M7A 1T7

Newfoundland Canadian Federal

Department of Environment and Labour Department/Agency
West Block, 4th Floor, Confederation Atomic Energy Control Board
Bldg PO Box 1046, Stn B
PO Box 8700 Ottawa ON K1P 5S9
St. John NFLD A1B 4J6
New Brunswick Department of Medical Physics
Department of Health and Community Manitoba Cancer Foundation
Services 100 Olivia St.
4th Floor, Carleton Place, King St. Winnipeg MB R3E 0V9
PO box 5100
Fredericton NB E3B 5G8 Saskatchewan
Radiation Safety Unit
Nova Scotia Department of Labour
Nova Scotia Department of Environment Saskatchewan Place
PO Box 2107 1870 Albert St.
Halifax NS B3J 3B7 Regina SK S4P 3V7

Quebec Alberta
Programme de la radioprotection Legislation, Standards & Technical
Laboratoire de santé publique du Services
Québec Alberta Labour
20045, chemin Sainte-Marie 902-10808 99th Ave
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue PQ H9X 3R5 Edmonton AB T5K 0G5

British Columbia
Radiation Protection Branch Northwest Territories
BC Ministry of Health Department of Health and Social
210-4940 Canada Way Services
Burnaby BC V5G 4K6 Government of the Northwest Territories
7th Floor, Centre Square Tower
Yukon PO Box 1320
Workers’ Compensation Health & Yellowknife NWT X1A 2L9
401 Strickland St.
Whitehorse YK Y1A 5N8

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