Unit 1 - Part3

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KCA035: Software Quality Engineering(SQE)

What is Software Quality ?

What is Error?

•The Problem in code leads to errors, which means that a mistake can occur due
to the developer's coding error as the developer misunderstood the
requirement or the requirement was not defined correctly. The developers use
the term error.


•A programmer might type a variable name incorrectly – leading to an Error. It is

generated because of the incorrect login, loop, or syntax.
What is Software Quality ?

What is Defect?

•If the functionality of an application is not working as per the customer

requirement is known as a defect, It is found during the development phase
while unit testing.

•It is specified as the deviation from the actual and expected result of the
application or software.


•Like By giving wrong input may lead to a defect or Any error in code may lead to
a defect.
What is Software Quality ?

What is Bug?

•an error found during the testing phase is called a bug.

•It is an informal name specified to the defect.

•The Test Engineers submit the bug.

• Different type of bugs are as follows:

1. Logic bugs
2. Algorithmic bugs
3. Resource bugs
What is Software Quality ?

What is Fault?

•The Fault is a state that causes the software to fail to accomplish its essential

•It is an informal name specified to the defect.

•Sometimes due to certain factors such as Lack of resources or not following

proper steps Fault occurs in software which means that the logic was not
incorporated to handle the errors in the application.

•The Term Fault usually announced by System and Regression Tester.

• Different type of Faults are as follows:
a.Business Logic Faults
b.Functional and Logical Faults
c.Faulty GUI
d.Performance Faults
e.Security Faults
f.Software/ hardware fault
What is Software Quality ?

What is Failure?

•Once the software is completed and delivered to the customer and if the
customer found any issue in the software then it is the condition of failure of the
•In other words, if an end user finds an issue in the software then that particular
issue is called a failure.

•The Term Failure usually announced in Acceptance Testing.

A.Environmental condition
B.System usage
D.Human error
E.Way to prevent the reasons
What is Software Quality ?

Difference between Error ,bug ,fault and Failure:

Bug Defect Error Fault Failure
The Fault is a
The Defect is An Error is a
state that If the software
the difference mistake made
It is an causes the has lots of
between the in the code;
informal name software to defects, it
Definition actual that's why we
specified to fail to leads to
outcomes and cannot
the defect. accomplish its failure or
expected execute or
essential causes failure.
outputs. compile code.
The Testers
identify the
The The failure
defect. And it
Developers finds by the
The Test was also
and Human manual test
Engineers solved by the
Raised by automation mistakes engineer
submit the developer in
test engineers cause fault. through the
bug. the
raise the development
error. cycle.
phase or
End Part One

Thank You

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