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Sta. Ana Avenue, Davao City

S.Y. 2023-2024

Digital Marketing Platform and the Abilities of Marketing Students in Higher

Education Institutions

Submitted by
Cifra, Kenneth

Lara, Alyssa Marie

Labayo, Rod Christian

Respuesto, Chada

Prado, Chivas Mikkolo

Submitted to

Wilborn Sepulveda


The use of various platforms in marketing is not new, but the rate at

which it is advancing here is similar to how it is advancing in other fields.

Maximizing the benefits of marketing platforms advancement in terms of

boosting product variations and sale is deemed vital in today’s market

demands. Marketing platforms enables wide options/varieties. There have

been several studies conducted that focus on the use of Marketing Platforms

and its benefits. According to Yopto’s, benefits are the following: Better

understanding of your customers' preferences with cross-channel data, more

powerful, data-driven segmentation, increased ROI on marketing efforts,

optimized performance across all marketing channels, and more engaging

marketing campaigns. As the world is evolving, the things in life makes

easier due to the innovations and creative minds of today’s generation. And

with that, the marketing students and even teaching personnel should be

able to adapt with today’s growth and enhancement of different digital

marketing tools. Digital Marketing Platforms helps the process of developing

a personalized, sustainable long-term online marketing plan (IBurke, 2015).

According to The International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, many

people across the world are spending their time online. They are browsing

the internet and looking for your products. In order to benefit from this

massive audience base, maximizing your online presence is key. This is

where digital marketing comes into the picture. Digital marketing is all about

reaching the right people at the right time. Hence, to begin with, one must

have an engaging online store with easy navigation to improve audience


Digital technologies, analytics and measurement, strategic thinking,

creativity and innovation, communication skills, branding and positioning,

project management skills, continuous learning and adaptation are all

important aspects to consider in the educational environment for marketers

in the digital world. Marketers have several possibilities as well as obstacles

in the digital age. The digital world’s educational environment for marketers

entails constant updating of knowledge and skills in the use of new digital

tools and marketing strategies, a deep understanding of the digital audience,

its behavior and expectations, and the ability to adapt to rapid changes in

technologies and platforms. Marketers in the digital world must be prepared

to continually learn, adapt, and enhance their abilities in order to function

successfully and achieve marketing goals in a rapidly changing digital

environment. The objective of this essay is to generalize the forms,

purposes, and opportunities of marketers’ educational operations in the

digital age, with an in-depth justification of each route. It was established that

the digital educational environment has a variety of advantages and

downsides that must be considered for proper use (Ruslan Dymenko, 2023).

The constantly evolving world has never been more complex than it is

right now. Businesses in the Philippines are significantly impacted by digital

marketing. By customizing it, it helps firms to market their goods to a bigger

audience outside regional borders and strengthen consumer connections.

The marketing industry experiences the same issue. Since then, addressing

information has never been simpler. Trends develop from conventional

production techniques. Researchers sought to understand how digital

marketing impacts Filipino consumers’ purchasing intent and customer

involvement. They were supplying similar businesses with labor. The

purpose of this study was to conduct a preliminary investigation into the

factors that clients take into account while buying accommodations. The

study was conducted in the Zamboanga City region, which offered fresh

insights for the local lodging sector. It was investigated what the clients’

stories had to say. Exploratory investigations investigate novel theories that

explain a specific occurrence, offering future research with evidence to back

their theories (Chavez, 2022) evaluating the efficacy of their efforts, and

even forecasting and calculating the likelihood that their use of it will work to

their advantage. Marketers are using these channels more and more for a

range of goals, gathering detailed research and data on every aspect,

assessing the success of their efforts, and even anticipating and estimating

the possibility that their usage of it will be advantageous. (Astoriano, L.,

Gerona, J. A. D., & Marzan, J. C. R. (2022)

Over the past ten years, lifelong learning and empowerment have

increased interest in the topic of soft skills. Skills are essential components

of employability and competitiveness for graduates and workers at any stage

of their careers. According to Cimatti (2016), soft skills are those that are
“used to indicate personal transversal competences such as social attitudes,

language and communication capability, friendliness and ability to work in

team and other personality traits that characterize relationships between

people.” The employability criteria and required skills in many marketing

disciplines have been the topic of research articles on marketing soft skills

that have been published in journals devoted to education over the past ten

years (Walker et al., 2009; Finch et al., 2013; Gregorio, 2019). Graduates in

marketing will also need to develop important new skills in order to keep up

with structural changes in the local and global digital economies, including

automation, technological advancement, and digital processes. In a

population of people aged 25 to 64, participation in adult lifetime learning is

crucial. Indication for long-term employability in the EU workforce strategy,

which may be the primary determinant of success in the carrier path (EC,

2016). Over time, as technology has advanced, so has our understanding of

marketing. Exposes distinctions between digital marketing strategies and

traditional marketing strategies. (Zengin, 2017; Özkavcı, 2021; Gökşin,


This study investigates the relationship between digital marketing

platforms and abilities of marketing students. In today’s advancement of

strategies in place for marketing student, knowing the contribution of digital

marketing platforms to the abilities of a marketing student; how important

enhancing these abilities will help them in their future career. This study will

be helpful to marketing students and future researchers that aims to know the

importance of digital marketing platforms to the abilities of marketing students.

The research aims to provide a framework of evidence for improving the

learning process, Digital Literacy in order to address this knowledge gap.

Statement of the Problem

This study’s primary focus is knowing the contribution of digital

marketing platforms to the abilities of marketing students in widening their

skills and knowledge. The study seeks to answer the following questions:

1.) What is the perceived level of respondents on the digital marketing

platforms in terms of:

1.1. social media;

1.2. customer engagement; and

1.3. purchase intention?

2.) What is the perceived level of respondents in their abilities in terms


2.1. basic soft skills;

2.2. digital and technical skills;

2.3. core marketing skills;

2.4. analytical skills.

3.) Is there a significant relationship between the perceived level of

respondents in digital marketing platforms and of their abilities?


This study will have the following null hypotheses, which will be tested at 0.05

level of significance:

Hₒ1: There is no significant relationship between the perceived level

of respondents in digital marketing platforms and of their abilities.

Hₒ2: The alternative hypothesis contends that a significant correlation

exists between these two variables.

Review of Related Literature

This section cites books, journals, and articles which are relevant to the

present investigation. It is composed of related literature and studies from

local and international field. It also provides explanations and connections

from previous to present researches.

Digital Marketing Platforms

Every advertising strategy that makes use of technology or the

Internet is referred to as digital marketing. Companies make advantage of

digital channels to interact with both current and potential customers,

including websites, email, social media, and engines like Google. The term

also goes by 'online marketing,' 'internet marketing,' or 'web marketing.' The

utilization of numerous digital channels and platforms to communicate with

customers. Digital marketing aims at reaching consumers who spend most of

their time online.

Social media has a significant impact on how people communicate and share

information, and it has become a crucial component of modern society. Since

social media platforms continue to expand and increase in relevance, there

will be a need to evaluate the vast literature seeing their impact on multiple

facets of society. The article aims to give insight into the complex impact of

social media on people, their communities, and society at large. Perhaps the

most significant developments brought about by social media is the evolution

of communication processes. Researchers have studied how platforms like

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have changed the way people

communicate, moving from face-to-face interactions Ellison et al. (2007)

highlight the positive impact of online social network sites, such as Facebook,

on social capital among college students, emphasizing the benefits of virtual

connections. Concurrently, Kowalski et al. (2014) provide a critical perspective

on digital interactions, prompting a comprehensive understanding of the

multifaceted effects of social media. The evolving landscape of digital

communication platforms shapes positive social connections, underscoring

the need for marketing students in higher education to navigate the nuanced

dynamics of online platforms for a responsible and effective digital marketing


to digital exchanges. The study by Ellison et al. (2007) found that

social media platforms make it easier to maintain weak ties, thereby

expanding individuals' social networks. However, this change has also raised

concerns about the quality of online relationships and the risk of

cyberbullying (Kowalski et al., 2014).

Customer Engagement is the emotional connection that a customer has with

your brand over the course of multiple and continuous interactions. It is the

level of satisfaction, loyalty, and enthusiasm that your customers have for

your brand. Organizations that engage customers in a way that moves them

to make a change in behavior do so by finding ways to create emotional

connections through continuous, positive experiences.Verhoef et al. (2010)

and Bansal (2016) stress the importance of customer engagement as a deep

emotional connection formed through ongoing positive interactions with a

brand. This connection extends beyond transactions, shaping behaviors and

building loyalty. In the context of digital marketing platforms, this emotional

bond gains even greater significance. The evolving digital landscape offers

marketing students in higher education a unique opportunity to understand

and leverage customer engagement. By adopting Verhoef et al.'s conceptual

model, exploring antecedents, impediments, and consequences of

engagement, students gain a framework for navigating the complexities of

digital marketing. Integrating Bansal's focus on emotional attachment and

sustained positive experiences, students can craft strategies resonating

effectively on social media and digital channels. This highlights that the

capabilities of marketing students go beyond traditional methods, requiring a

nuanced understanding of customer engagement in the digital age. Armed

with this knowledge, students can adeptly navigate the dynamic world of

digital marketing, ensuring their strategies genuinely resonate and foster

lasting connections with customers.

Peter C, Werner J, & Manfred( 2010) states that, “Customer

engagement behaviors go beyond transactions and may be specifically

defined as a customer’s behavioral manifestations that have a brand or firm

focus, beyond purchase, resulting from motivational drivers”. Greenberg

(2008) emphasized on social media used for customer engagement. Some

forms of social media are tools –blogs, wikis, and podcasts. Some are user

generated content-comments, reviews, social tags and bookmarks, rankings,

ratings, photos and videos. They further clarified that these are instruments

and not substitutes for methodology for client engagement. They have their

own advantages and issues and ought to be utilized wisely.

Purchase Intention is defined as a consumer's willingness to buy a

product offered by a certain brand Clarence Clarence, Keni Keni (2021).

Furthermore, purchase intention can be interpreted as a consumer

consideration while purchasing a product or service Jundrio, H., & Keni, K.

(2020). According to several of these definitions, buying intention is the

process of making a purchase based on particular consumer factors.

Muddasar Ghani Khwaja, Saqib Mahmood, and Umer Zaman (2020) State

that as a result of modern marketing efforts, consumer mentality has been

considerably influenced. Businesses may look forward to more Internet

sales. In this light, electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) is a powerful marketing

strategy since it has the ability to reach a bigger audience in a short period of

time. Multinational corporations have even begun to prioritize eWOM. Rather

than investing large sums of money in traditional ads, focus on

communications. Customers' reach is not only expanded, but businesses

can also ensure that the Consumers have seen the message. Meanwhile, in

the words of (Ali Taha et al., 2021), the contemporary period has shifted

conventional marketing techniques to digital marketing methods. This

revolution emphasizes the importance of service providers via the Internet

via websites. Following the Covid-19 outbreak, the requirement for physical

separation has encouraged consumers to purchase online. E-commerce

shopping has increased dramatically. Consumers are also exploring new

brands, which is causing brand loyalty to crumble. Bharat, Gahlot., Poonam,

Rani. (2023) Coursera provides a program called Google Digital Marketing &

E-commerce Professional Certificate that equips people for a career in digital

marketing and e-commerce. The program teaches valuable skills such as

creating effective digital marketing and e-commerce strategies, engaging

customers through digital channels, and building online stores.During and

after the epidemic, interest in internet shopping surged considerably.

Because of the effortless buying procedure, individuals prefer to shop online.

Based on R.Vidhya (2021),

Abilities of Marketing Student

Another important question relates to which marketing skills and

knowledge students consider most important for their future work. It is clear

that the effectiveness of student learning is their marketing skills and

knowledge are likely to be reflected. It is believed that it is important to

pursue future marketing roles either as practitioners or researchers. In this

study, the researchers will be discussing the vital skills a marketing student

should possess.

Basic soft skills are crucial for success in the modern workplace,

According to Meyer and Smith (2019); effective communication skills are

foundational among these skills. They argue that individuals who can clearly

convey ideas, actively listen and adapt their communication style to different

audiences are more likely to excel in their careers. Additionally, Robbins and

Judge (2018) highlight the significance of teamwork and collaboration. Their

research demonstrates that organizations that foster a culture of

collaboration tend to achieve better results and have higher employee


Digital and technical skills are set of skills that allow a person the

strategic use of information through information technology. These are

abilities required to use digital technologies. They can also be set of skills,

tools, and knowledge necessary to use networks, digital devices and

different applications on online mediums that facilitate the management of

information according to specific requirements of working environment,

learning environment, and problems solving situations. Dijk, J., & Deursen,

A. (2014)"Digital Skills" is a book that explores the necessary skills needed

to effectively use digital media, such as computers and the Internet. It draws

on van Dijks' research on inequality in the information society and uses

conceptual analysis and real-world observations to explain what digital skills

are, how they are distributed, how inequalities in skills arise, and how these

inequalities can be addressed by designers, educators, policymakers, and

Internet users. The American Library Association (ALA) defines digital skills

as “the ability to use information and communication technologies to find,

evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and

technical skills (Digital Literacy, 2017). Moreover, digital skills enable people

to live and work well in an era of rapid technological change. The importance

of digital skills has been recognized, often as a new literacy alongside

reading, writing and Mathematics. (Nason, 2014). Daellenbach (2018) states

that some educators feel that technical skills should not be provided by

universities, but still, these skills are desired by employers and therefore

might affect graduates’ employability. The author suggests that too many

technical skills are not necessary but including some of them in a marketing

degree might improve learning and offer value. Many other researchers

agree that technical skills should be part of marketing education even though

they might not be as important as meta-skills.

Core marketing skills. According to (Khan,2020) such firms may need

marketing skills for market responsiveness -- capability to take corrective

actions to serve changing market needs. The literature has established the

direct influence of marketing skills on Marketing performance. For example,

market planning, a form of skills, is positively linked to performance

(Assadinia et al., 2019). A recent report by McKinley Marketing Partners

(2017) revealed that various digital marketing skills are considered the most

attractive skills a marketing professional could possess when hiring. The

report also noted a growing level of cutbacks being made in traditional

marketing services, marketing operations and creative services compared

with digital marketing skills.

Analytical skills. When the students can identify a variety of difficulties,

define these problems, diverse unrelated problems, and create connections

between problems that share a concept in order to find suitable answers for

each circumstance, then they are said to have analytical thinking skills

(Fitriani et al., 2021). Based in rationality of thought includes dissecting the

material into smaller parts and figuring out how they relate to one another.

paying attention to the general structure, the component, and the other

elements (Astriyani et al.,2017). Moreover, To develop strong analytical

thinking abilities, students must become accustomed to solving and solving

analytical issues (Ilma, 2017). The function of high-level thinking abilities in

contemporary society must include a person's capacity to solve problems as

part of his contribution to society (Lateef, Dahar, & Latif, 2016). Meanwhile,
Chonkaew (2016) said that, pupils with analytical thinking abilities may

communicate their concepts comprehended and information put into

practice. Analytical thinking skill was very necessary to be used in working

as well as daily life in the 21st century by students (Paziotopoulos& Kroll in

Perdana et al., 2019) because they enable people to recognize issues, look

through pertinent information, and develop reasonable answers. In addition,

the digital marketing analytical abilities are highly advantageous in the field

of digital marketing since they lay the groundwork for audience awareness,

campaign optimization, and success measurement.

Theoretical Framework

The anchor theory of this study is the Social Marketing Theory

Bajracharya (2018), and supported by two theories; Social network theory
social media theory.
The anchor theory of this study is the Social Marketing Theory
Bajracharya (2018), and supported by two theories; Social network theory
social media theory.
There are two theories that anchors this study, David Chaffey’s

Theory (2012) of Social Media Marketing and the Skill Theory by Dr. Kurt W.

Fischer (2020) According to the theory, communication and human

networking are at the core of human behavior, and ultimately customer

behavior. Social media marketing therefore utilizes these platforms to

influence opinions on different products and services, ultimately lead them

into making purchases, and even maintain loyalty to one brand. This theory

focuses on social media as a relationship-building tool. Through such

interactions, a meaningful relationship is fostered between the business and

its clients. The significance of this theory to the study is that it brings in a new

angle of viewing the impact of social media marketing (Heinze et al., 2016).

Dr. Fischer's dynamic skill theory is a comprehensive theory of human

development that not only describes mechanisms of development and a

developmental sequence, but also considers the impact of contextual and

interpersonal factors on learning (Fischer, 1980; Fischer & Bidell, 2006). At

the heart of the theory is the skill, which is the capacity to act in a certain way

in a certain context. Skills include emotions, motivation, meaning, and

action (Mascolo & Fischer, 2010, p. 5). It takes time for skills to develop, and

as Dr. Fischer's research shows, skill variations are not unusual.

Development isn't like climbing a ladder, where every step is equivalent to

the perfect achievement of a new set of skills. Instead, development is like a

spider's web, with rapid change taking place through a series of pathways.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

The conceptual framework of the study is shown in Figure 1. As seen in

Figure 1, the Independent variables is Digital Marketing with three indicators:

Social media, Customer Engagement and Purchase Intention. On the other

hand, the Dependent variable of the study is the Abilities with three

indicators: Basic soft skills, Digital and technical skills core and Marketing

skills Analytical skills. The arrow connecting the two variables starts from

Digital Marketing and points to Abilities, signifying the assumed correlation

and influence.
The conceptual framework as shown in Figure 1 presents the interplay of the




. Social Media Basic soft skills

Customer Engagement Digital and technical skills

Purchase Intention. Core marketing skills

Analytical skills



Research Design

This study used Descriptive-Correlational method of research to

determine the contribution of Digital Marketing Platforms as a bridge to the

learnings of Marketing Students. Descriptive correlational design is used in

research studies for it aim to provide static pictures of situations as well as

establish the relationship between different variables (McBurney & White,

2009). As cited by Alberto et al (2011), descriptive method is also known as

statistical research, it describes data and characteristics about the population

or phenomenon of the study. This method is used to gather information in

order to test hypothesis to answer questions concerning the status of subject

in the study. Frequency distribution and percentages are used for the

quantitative data analysis. It was used to determine the proportion of

respondents who chose the various responses. This was done for each of the

relating research questions. The proportions are to show the diverse views of

respondents on the various sub issues. Tables, charts, and graphs are

employed also to ensure easy understanding of the analysis. The Correlation

research design finding can be used to determine prevalence, relationships

between variables, and to predict current data and knowledge events.

However, despite its many uses, restraint is necessary when using data

design and analysis. Key issues been identified for discussion and several

options have been put forward for analyzing data to help researchers reduce

errors. The study result will not be control, manipulate or alter the predictor

variable but instead, relies on interpretation, observation or interactions to

come a conclusion (Lee & Kowalczyk, 2011).

Research Locale

The research will be conducted at Holy Cross of Davao College,

Bajada Campus, Davao City. The survey will happen inside the campus of

Holy Cross of Davao College of Marketing students. This will be favorable to

the participants, in order to consider their comfort for them to adhere their

insights and feed backs to the researchers honestly and without hesitance. It

is part of the researcher’s duty to ensure that a good environment will be to

the respondents in gathering information to reflect upon and clearly articulate

the statements of the informants.

Population and Sample

The respondents of the study are made up of students from Business

Administration Major in Marketing Management from 1 st year to 4th year level,

specifically, students from Holy Cross of Davao College. The study used

simple random sampling. Simple Random Sampling is the “simplest and

most common method of selecting a sample, in which the sample is selected

unit by unit, with equal probability of selection for each unit at each draw”

(Singh, 2003, p. 71). According to Acharya (2013), “In this method, every

individual has an equal chance of being selected in the sample from the

population” (p. 330). Simple random sampling makes sure that every

person in a population has an equal probability of being chosen as a

response (Thomas, 2020).

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are made up of students from Business

Administration Major in Marketing Management from 1st year to 4th year

level, specifically, students from Holy Cross of Davao College.

Research Instruments

In this study, the researcher will be using adopted questionnaire

through google forms. The questionnaire is a set of orderly arranged

questions carefully prepared to answer by a group of people designed to

collect facts and information. We used Likert Scale Method in the survey

questionnaires to specify the level of agreement of the respondents to the


Ethical Consideration

Ethical considerations in research are a worldwide obligation aimed at

protecting the fundamental rights and well-being of human respondents

across the world. It is more than just a procedural formality; it represents a

basic commitment to maintaining scientific integrity, respect, and

beneficence. These ethical protocols ensure that research endeavors

prioritize the dignity and welfare of individuals involved, as mandated by the

Department of Science and Technology (2007) and the Philippine Health

Research Ethics Board (2022), and in accordance with the nine elements of

the institutional Holy Cross of Davao College Research Ethics Committee.

By adhering to these established ethical standards, researchers accept their

moral obligation to protect respondents from potential harm, respect

informed consent, preserve anonymity, and ensure transparency throughout

the study process. Moreover, the researchers are responsible for following

the guidelines and regulations set forth by the Department of Science and

Technology (DOST) and the Philippine Health Research Ethics Board

(PHREB). There are nine elements to ensure the safety and rights of the

respondents. The nine elements are social value, informed consent, risk,

benefits and safety, privacy and confidentiality of information, justice,

transparency, qualification of the researcher, adequacy of facilities, and

community involvement.

Social Value.

Our research emphasizes how important it is to prioritize social value

in the context of digital marketing platforms. It advocates for strategies that

not only drive business success but also foster positive societal impact,

which helps to align digital marketing endeavors with broader social

responsibility objectives. As we embark on the research journey titled ‘Digital

Marketing Platforms and the Abilities of Marketing in Higher Education

Institutions’ we recognize the immense potential for future social value

inherent in our study. We anticipate that our research will contribute

significantly to the improvement of educational practices within marketing

programs. It will play a role in supporting marketing students in achieving

academic success while ensuring their overall well-being. Additionally, we

foresee that our research will add to the ongoing conversation about

responsible digital citizenship in the context of social media usage. Through

our ethical commitment to rigorous and responsible research, we aspire to

make a meaningful and positive impact on both the academic community

and society as a whole. Students who are future researchers and other

would-be researchers may make use of the new knowledge or literature

that’s developed through this research undertaking.

Informed Consent

Informed consent in research stands as an ethical cornerstone, crucial

for ensuring the autonomy and rights of research respondents. Informed

consent form will be appended to the survey questionnaire. In this study, the

researchers' approach of providing a printed copy of informed consent to

respondents of legal age, along with a check mark symbol serving as their

index of agreement, underscores the commitment to ethical research

practices. Beyond being a formality, this informed consent document is a

tangible reminder to respondents that their involvement is entirely voluntary,

free from coercion, and they retain the liberty to withdraw their consent at

any stage of the study. It acts as a safeguard, stressing transparency and

respect for those who voluntarily contribute to the study, and underlining the

critical role of informed consent in protecting the dignity and rights of

research participants. Administration and procurement will be conducted


Risks, Benefits, and Safety

This study carries a low-risk profile, encompassing health, academic,

and economic dimensions, particularly for the business administration

students participating. The time, effort, and other resources extended by the

respondents to participate will be acknowledge and safeguarded.

Respondents will be assured that there are no dangers associated with their

participation. Academic risks are minimal as participation will not impede

regular coursework, they will be informed that they can participate in the

study at their most convenient and preferred time, and the study's findings

are academically beneficial. Economic risks are averted since respondents

will not incur costs or financial burdens to be part of the study. Furthermore,
students stand to gain significantly by participating. They acquire a

heightened awareness of their entrepreneurial inclination, contributing to

better-informed academic and career decisions. Furthermore, the

respondent’s to the actual survey had the chance to share in the creation of

relevant information, which is the benefit they will drive from the study. Their

cooperation also improves the business administration curriculum,

guaranteeing that future students receive a more personalized and practical

education. Thus, involvement promotes personal development and academic

improvement while helping the larger academic community. Our study

reveals the particular benefits of digital marketing platforms, respondents by

understanding the risk associated with these studies they can make more

educated decisions and better utilize the potential of digital marketing if they

are aware of the risk connected to these platforms. This knowledge

empowers stakeholders to allocate resource wisely and promote positive

outcomes in both individuals and community contexts.

Privacy and Confidentiality of Information

Protecting respondents' privacy and confidentiality is a paramount

ethical concern in this study. No personal information will be disclosed, and

pseudonyms will be employed to ensure anonymity. Adherence to the Data

Privacy Act of 2012 will be steadfast, guaranteeing that all data handling

complies with established legal standards. To safeguard physical research

files, they will be securely stored in a cabinet with a padlock, limiting access

to authorized personnel. Digital files will be equally protected, residing in the

lead researcher's password-protected Google Drive and laptop, with

exclusive access granted to the research team. Upon study completion,

stringent measures will be taken to ensure data security; printed documents

will be meticulously shredded, and digital documents will be permanently

deleted. This comprehensive approach to safeguarding privacy and

confidentiality underscores the researchers' unwavering commitment to the

ethical integrity of this study.


This study's selection of respondents through random sampling

aligns with practical considerations. Targeting individuals aged 18 years and

above pursuing a business-related bachelor's degree in private higher

education institutions (HEI) in Davao City who are enrolled in the second

semester of AY 2023-2024 will have the opportunity to participate in the

survey. It is to make sure that the respondents will be identified in

accordance with the study’s goals. The following criteria will be used to

choose the respondents: a student from the higher education institution that

is 18 years old and above. The voluntary nature of participation underscores

the respect for individual autonomy and ethical research practices. The

researchers will have the random sampling technique in choosing a

respondent for the studies. As an expression of gratitude for their valuable

contributions, respondents will be acknowledged with a heartfelt thank-you

message in the final manuscript, acknowledging their pivotal role in

advancing knowledge in business administration.


This study is underpinned by a steadfast commitment to upholding

integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct. The unequivocal declaration of

no personal, professional, or financial conflicts of interest ensures the

research's impartiality and credibility. In the event of any unforeseen conflict

of interest, the researchers pledge to promptly disclose it to the appropriate

channels, including the Holy Cross of Davao College – Research Ethics

Committee, research adviser, technical panel members, and respondents.

Such transparency underscores the dedication to preserving the study's

integrity. Furthermore, the researchers' readiness to actively participate in

academic forums, such as school-based, local, national, and worldwide

research summits, displays their dedication to information dissemination and

intellectual discourse. The willingness to pursue publication in peer-reviewed

journals demonstrates a desire to expose their findings to rigorous scrutiny,

assuring the highest levels of academic achievement. Finally, the gesture of

handing a hardbound copy of the completed manuscript to the Chairperson

of the School of Business and Management Education Program at Holy

Cross of Davao College demonstrates their sincere appreciation for their

academic institution and willingness to expand its academic resources.

Qualification of Researchers

The researchers, currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in

Business Administration major in Marketing Management formally enrolled in

Marketing Research, are actively advancing their research competencies

through the course Business Research (BACC 7) during the First Semester

of the School Year 2023-2024. Building on their prior experience in

conducting research during their senior high school years, particularly in

Practical Research 1 and 2, they bring a valuable foundation of research

skills and knowledge to their current study. They were qualified to carry out

the research activity as part of the subject requirement thanks to these

endeavors. The advisor will provide research guidance.

Adequacy of the Facilities

The researchers are completely devoted to guaranteeing the comfort

and well-being of their respondents throughout the data gathering procedure.

The decision to conduct surveys in the institution's well-lit, well-ventilated

classrooms, with plenty of room for mobility, demonstrates a genuine

concern for the respondents' physical comfort and safety. Furthermore, by

providing the required instruments, such as printed survey forms, pencils,

and ballpoint pens, the researchers reduce possible discomfort for

respondents while displaying a dedication to a smooth and effective data

gathering procedure.

Community Involvement

This study will have unwavering commitment to fairness, equality, and

respect for all the respondents in this study, ensuring that the respondents

will no prejudice and discrimination will be tolerated in any form. The

respondents' diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences will be

held in the highest regard throughout the research process. The

questionnaire will be respectful to the gender, culture, religion, tradition of the

respondents, before interacting with the community, researcher’s should

undergo cultural sensitivity training to understand the norms, values, and

traditions of the community respondent’s / participants. Overall, by prioritizing

respect for culture and local traditions in interactions’ with community

respondent’s/participants, researchers can uphold ethical principles, build

trust and rapport with the community and ensure the integrity and validity of

the research outcome. Is a paramount that every respondent’s feels valued,

heard, and respected. Furthermore, the study’s outcomes are poised to

substantially benefit the student’s academic engagement. Shedding light on

the relation to digital marketing platforms to the abilities of marketing


Data Gathering Procedures

To gather the information for this study, the researcher adopted a

questionnaire. It is divided into two survey questionnaires. The first set of

questions is talks about digital marketing platforms and the second is about

the abilities of marketing students. The first questionnaire has three

indicators while the later has four.

The mode of the gathering was the questionnaire method in printed form. In

gathering the data, the researcher will follow the following procedures:

 A letter was sent to the Research Ethics Committee for the approval
of the survey that will be conducted inside the school premises.

 With the approval of the Research Ethics Committee, the researchers

will secure an informed consent of the respondents before the

administration of the questionnaires. then distributed the printed

questionnaire to the marketing students.

 The researchers gathered the responses of the questionnaires and

check whether they answered all questions.

Data Analysis

The researchers in analyzing the data used the following statistical tools:

Mean. The mean is the mathematical average of a set of two or more

numbers (Hayes, 2023).

Standard Deviation. This was used to measure the amount of

variation or dispersion of a set of data values. The standard deviation (SD)

measures the extent of scattering in a set of values, typically compared to the

mean value of the set. The calculation of the SD depends on whether the

dataset is a sample or the entire population (Omda & Sergent, 2023)

Pearson-r. This tool was used to measure the significant relationship

between digital marketing platforms and abilities of marketing student

Survey Questionnaire

Digital Marketing Platform and the Abilities of Marketing Students in

Higher Education Institution
Name (Optional):______________________

General Instructions: This questionnaire consists of two parts. Part I is digital

marketing platform. Part II abilities of marketing students. Please check each item's
corresponding numbers following your observation. Use the scale below to assess
objectively. Please be truthful in your responses.

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree

Part I. Digital marketing platform

The Purpose of this part is to help you gauge your understanding of fundamental
business concept and principles. whether you're a building entrepreneur, a student
studying business, or an individual seeking to enhance your business acumen, this
survey will serve as a valuable tool to assess your knowledge in the key areas in

As a business administration student Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
1. I often use social media application.
2. I follow brands on social media.
3. Social media affect my vision of brands.
4. Social media influence my purchases.

5. The promotional emails I receive contain

information that is relevant to me.
As a business administration student Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
1. I often Social Media.
2. I often read advertisement posts on Facebook.
3. I often use the “like” option on advertisement posts on
Social media..,
4. I often comment on advertisement posts online.
5. I often share advertisement posts on Social Media
As a business administration student Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
1. Social media applications increase my interest in
purchasing products from advertisements.
2. I am very likely to purchase the product advertised
and recommended by my friends on social media.
3. Purchasing online is more convenient.
4. I have positive purchase intentions on the
advertisements posted on Facebook.
5. I like to purchase in online market because you can
see the reviews of other consumers.

Part II. Abilities of Marketing Students


As a business administration student Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
1. I know the basics of oral communication and
presenting skills.

2. I use my emotional energy to motivate others.

3. I am able to sense the emotional undercurrents in
my group.
4. I like to work as a team and hear the ideas of my
group in every project.
5. I am flexible in my work and able to adapt
As a business administration student Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
1. I am very confident when it comes to working with
technology at home and school.
2. I can create a report or presentation with the help of
technology and internet.
3. I know how to access any mobile devices.
4. I know how to sell products and services on the online
5. I have knowledge on usage of different social media.
As a business administration student Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
1. I have the ability to plan, organize and manage my
time effectively.
2. I know how to create contents in every social media
3. Creativity is essential for marketing students.
4. Sales knowledge and management skills is essential
for marketing students.
5. I have the ability to manage multiple marketing tasks.
As a business administration student Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
1. I have the ability to synthesize information into
meaningful and actionable reports.
2. When discussing, I present facts and practical
examples to justify my stance on the matter.
3. When there is misunderstanding in the group, I intend
to hear the explanation of both party before making a
4. I am data-driven/data- oriented.
5. I am precise and I focus my attention to the details of
my work.


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