BVoc OBE Syllabus 2021

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(Prepared as per Outcome Based Education

Framework to be effective from 2021 admission)





“Empowering Youth for a Skilled and Sustainable Nation”
M1. Offer quality education in emerging vocational domains in technology and

M2. Impart skills education to develop industry-ready, employable professionals.

M3. Promote entrepreneurial orientation and skills among the students

M4. Inculcate innovation mind-set in students to excel in the emerging dynamic, global

M5. Foster social commitment and sustainable business philosophy in students

Program Description

B.Voc. in Business Process and Data Analytics course is a Bachelors level vocational
programme conforming to National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF). Flexible course
exit with certification is provided at Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Degree levels
corresponding progressive job roles in the domains of Business Process and Data analytics.
Course curriculum is aligned with the norms of the concerned Sector Skill Councils (SSC) for
enabling the students to obtain skill certifications from the SSC concerned at various exit

The programme syllabus provides a balanced course coverage in the domains of management,
business process, data analytics, predictive modelling and quantitative methods of
management. The programme blends vocational skill development in these areas with
interdisciplinary knowledge of computing, statistics and social science to mould industry ready
graduates. Introduction to modern computing and data analytics methods provides the
graduates of this programme with a sound base for adapting to innovations in business

Programme Educational Objectives

Graduates of the B.Voc. program are expected to attain or achieve the following Program
Educational Objectives within a few years of graduation:

PEO 1: Identify and describe complex business problems in terms of analytical models and
find solutions that achieve stated objectives.

PEO 2: Interact effectively and professionally across all levels and functions of businesses
in a customer-centric, socially responsible and ethical manner.

PEO 3: Develop new and improved innovative business processes after gap analysis
through process redesign that supports organizational strategic objectives.

PEO 4: Identify lifelong learning opportunities to enhance knowledge base and vocational
skills that contribute to the professional advancement and societal betterment.

PEO 5: Deliver projects in a timely manner using project management tools and techniques
respecting the diversity of the team and exhibiting leadership skills where necessary.

Programme Articulation matrix

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5

PEO1 2 3 1 2

PEO2 3 2 3 2

PEO3 2 3 3

PEO4 3 3 2 2

PEO 5 3 3 3 2

Programme Learning Outcomes

Students in the B.Voc program are expected to attain the following programme learning
outcomes by the time they graduate the course.

PLO1: Apply quantitative modelling and data analysis techniques to the solution of real-
world business problems, communicate findings, and effectively present results using data
visualization techniques.

PLO2: Analyse the key business processes that drive the value chain of an organization
using principles of business process management, Big Data Analytical Techniques and data
mining methodologies.

PLO3: Identify and develop models using appropriate data analysis software for business
decision making.

PLO4: Use research-based knowledge and methods to conduct investigations on complex

problems and provide valid conclusions.
PLO5: Create solutions by utilising modern software tools and enhance organizational

PLO6: Apply ethical practices in everyday business activities and make well-reasoned
ethical business process and data management decisions.

PLO7: Effectively communicate technical and non-technical information through oral,

written and digital forms in an organizational environment.

Mapping of PLOs with PEOs


Domain Knowledge * *
Problem Analysis * * * *
Design/Development * * * *
of solutions
Conduct * *
Modern tool usage * * * *
Societal & Ethical *
Individual/Teamwork * *
and communication

Programme Structure


Sl. Course Name of the Course Hours Marks Credit

No No.
L T P Internal End
1 KBD English Language Skills 4 1 0 50 50 4
2 KBD Principles of Management and 5 0 0 50 50 4
1102 Organizations

3 KBD Statistics for Business 5 2 0 50 50 5

4 KBD Functional Management for 5 1 0 50 50 5
1104 Business
5 KBD Programming Languages for Data 2 0 6 50 50 5
1105 Analytics
6 KBD Mathematics For Data Analytics 4 1 0 50 50 5
7 KBD Workshop on Business 50 2
1107 communication skills (5 Days)

Total 300 350 30


Sl. Course Name of the Course Hours Marks Credit

No. No.
L T P Internal End
1 KBD Strategic Communication for 5 2 0 50 50 5
1201 Workplaces
2 KBD Information Systems for Business 4 0 2 50 50 5
3 KBD Operations Research 6 2 0 50 50 6
4 KBD Fundamentals of Business Process 4 1 2 50 50 5
1204 Management
5 KBD Database Fundamentals 3 0 4 50 50 5
6 KBD Project I -Organisation Study- 15 100 4
1206 working days.

(50 marks for continuous

assessment and 50 for written
report after completion of the

Total 250 350 30


Sl. Course Name of the Course Hours Marks Credit

No. No.

L T P Internal End
1 KBD Managerial Skill Development 3 2 4 50 50 5
1301 & Design Thinking
2 KBD Financial Accounting 5 0 0 50 50 5
3 KBD Business Environment and 4 0 0 50 50 4
1303 Ethics
4 KBD Production and Operations 4 1 0 50 50 4
1304 Management
5 KBD Data Visualization for Analytics 2 0 6 50 50 5
6 KBD Data Mining Techniques 2 0 6 50 50 5
7 KBD Workshop on Personal 50 2
1307 Productivity Improvement
(5 Days)
Total 300 350 30


Sl.No Course Name of the Course Hours Marks Credit

L T P Internal End
1 KBD Research Methodology 3 0 2 50 50 4
2 KBD Environmental Management 3 0 2 50 50 4
3 KBD Modern Project Management 3 0 2 50 50 4
1403 Practices
4 KBD Introduction to Econometric 5 1 0 50 50 5
1404 Methods
5 KBD Predictive Modelling 2 0 6 50 50 5
6 KBD Elective 1 3 0 2 50 50 4
7. KBD Project II -Business Process 100 4
1407 Mapping for a duration of 15
working days.

(50 Marks for continuous

assessment, 50 marks for a written
report after the completion of the

Total 300 400 30


Sl.No Course Name of the Course Hours Marks Credit

L T P Internal End
1 KBD Entrepreneurship 4 0 2 50 50 4
1501 Development and
Management of Startups
2 KBD Strategic Self Marketing & 5 2 0 50 50 4
1502 Personal Branding
3 KBD Digital marketing and social 2 3 4 50 50 4
1503 media analytics
4 KBD Big Data Analytics 2 0 4 50 50 4
5 KBD Text and Web Analytics 3 0 4 50 50 5
6 KBD Business Model Analysis 5 1 0 50 50 5
KBD Elective 2 3 1 2 50 50 4
Total 350 350 30


Sl.No Course No. Name of the Course Max. Credit

1 KBD 1601 Project III - Main Project & Viva-Voce 300 26
(Duration–80 days) Evaluation scheme will
comprise i) Continuous assessment–100 marks
ii) Final report – 100 marks &iii) Viva-Voce–
100 marks)

This project intends to provide students with

real hands-on experience on data analytics.
Students can attach themselves to an
organisation or work independently for this
project. However, the project requires real
business data for analytics.

2 KBD 1602 Workshop on Career Building (10 Days) 100 4

Total 400 30

E-1 Practical Accounting in Business Organizations
E-2 Computational Finance
E-3 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
E-4 HR Analytics
E-5 Introduction to Machine Learning
E-6 Case Development Skills for Analysts

General - Skill Compenent Ratio


Skill Component 109

General Component 71

Total Credit 180

Mode of Evaluation

Mode of Evaluation will be fully internal for all papers out of which 50% marks are for
continuous assessment throughout the semester and 50 % marks are for End-semester
examination. The courses offered under this programme are categorized into four groups
based on the learning objectives and assessment criteria.

I. Courses Under Group I

1. KBD 1102 Principles of Management and Organizations

2. KBD 1201 Strategic Communication for Workplaces
3. KBD 1202 Information Systems for Business
4. KBD 1204 Fundamentals of Business Process Management
5. KBD 1302 Financial Accounting
6. KBD 1303 Business Environment and Ethics
7. KBD 1304 Production and Operations Management
8. KBD 1402 Environmental Management
9. KBD 1502 Strategic Self Marketing & Personal Branding
10. KBD 1404 Introduction to Econometrics
11. KBD 1403 Modern Project Management Practices
12. KBD 1501 Entrepreneurship Development and Management of Startups
13. KBD 1506 Business Model Analysis

Assessment Scheme for courses under Group I

Assessed Cognitive Ability Weightage as a Percentage of Total

Remember/ Understand Marks
Apply/Analyse 40 %
Evaluate/ Create 40 %

II. Courses Under Group II

1. KBD 1205 Database Fundamentals

2. KBD 1203 Operations Research
3. KBD 1105 Programming Languages for Data Analytics
4. KBD 1103 Statistics for Business

5. KBD 1106 Mathematics For Data Analytics
6. KBD 1301 Managerial Skill Development & Design Thinking
7. KBD 1305 Data Visualization for Analytics
8. KBD 1306 Data Mining Techniques
9. KBD 1401 Research Methodology
10. KBD 1405 Predictive Modelling
11. KBD 1503 Digital marketing and social media analytics
12. KBD 1504 Big Data Analytics
13. KBD 1505 Text and Web Analytics
14. Practical Accounting in Business Organizations
15. Computational Finance
16. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
17. HR Analytics
18. Introduction to Machine Learning
19. Case Development Skills for Analysts

Assessment Scheme for courses under Group II

Assessed Cognitive Ability Weightage as a Percentage of Total
Remember/Understand 20%
Apply/ Analyse 20%
Evaluate/ Create 60%

III. Courses Under Group III

1. KBD 1107: Workshop on Business communication skills (5 Days)

2. KBD 1307- Workshop on Personal Productivity Improvement (5 Days)
3. KBD 1602- Workshop on Career Building (10 Days)

Assessment scheme for courses under Group III

Assessed Cognitive Ability Weightage as a Percentage of Total
Remember Marks
Understand 5%
Apply 10 %

Analyse 10 %
Evaluate 30 %
Create 40 %

1V. Courses Under Group IV

1. KBD 1206- Project I -Organization Study

2. KBD 1407- Project II -Business Process Mapping
3. KBD 1601- Project III - Main Project & Viva-Voce

Assessment scheme for courses under Group IV

Assessed Cognitive Ability Weightage as Percentage of Total Marks

Apply/Analyse 30 %
Evaluate/Create 70%

Assessment pattern for End-Semester Examinations

The question paper for the End-Semester examination shall be set by the concerned teacher in
advance which shall be scrutinized by the respective Centre/Department Council or by a
committee consisting of the HOD and faculty members offering courses in that semester to
ensure that:

- Questions are within the scope of the syllabus,

- Entire syllabus of the course is fairly covered in the question papers, and

- The question paper adheres to the assessment methodology for the course.

Modifications can be suggested by the council if necessary and such suggestions shall be
incorporated in the final version of the question paper. The End-Semester question paper for
Group I subjects shall have three parts namely Part-A, Part-B and Part C. The maximum marks
for End-Semester Examinations will be 50. In Part A, there will be 5 compulsory questions
which will be of short answer type. Each question in Part A carries two marks. Part-B will
consist of seven questions out of which students must answer four questions. Each question
will carry five marks in this part. In Part-C, student will answer two questions of 10 marks each
from a group of three questions. One case study would be preferred among the three questions

in this section. In case of Group II practical exams and Group III this pattern need not be
followed. For Group II, the pattern and number of questions can be varied according to the
nature of the subject and the same will be decided by the examiners concerned based on the
norms set by the Centre/Department council based on course learning outcomes. For Group III,
assessment will be conducted by the resource person/s using appropriate evaluation methods
following the course learning outcomes. In the case of Group IV, KBD 1206-Project I
(Organization Study) and KBD 1407-Project II (Business Process Mapping) the duration will
be 15 working days. Maximum marks for the above subjects will be 100 marks, apportioned
as 50 marks for continuous assessment and 50 marks for written report submitted on
completion of the project. For KBD 1601- Project III - Main Project and Viva-Voce the
duration will be 80 days. Evaluation scheme is as follows i) Continuous assessment–100 marks
ii) Final report – 100 marks and iii) Viva-Voce–100 marks.


Sl. Course Name of the Course Hours Marks Credit

No No.
L T P Internal End
1 KBD English Language Skills 4 1 0 50 50 4
2 KBD Principles of Management and 5 0 0 50 50 4
1102 Organizations

3 KBD Statistics for Business 5 2 0 50 50 5

4 KBD Functional Management for 5 1 0 50 50 5
1104 Business
5 KBD Programming Languages for Data 2 0 6 50 50 5
1105 Analytics
6 KBD Mathematics For Data Analytics 4 1 0 50 50 5
7 KBD Workshop on Business 50 2
1107 communication skills (5 Days)

Total 300 350 30

Course Description

The course covers grammar at an advanced application level in both the written and spoken forms
of English. Sentence patterns are developed from basic patterns after studying the construction
and usage of clauses and phrases. Enhancing communication skills in written contexts,
including writing under timed conditions, is the objective in learning written composition.
Learning about common errors of spelling, grammar and usage are essential for report writing
and helps in developing good editing skills.

Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand the usage patterns of language relating it Cognitive level-Understand
to the context.
LO2 Apply the rules of grammar in speech and written Cognitive level- Apply
communication to make it clear, concise and
LO3 Analyse clauses, phrases and sentence structures by Cognitive level- Analyze
comparison with standard forms.
LO4 Evaluate written communication, apply grammatical Cognitive level-Evaluate
rules and accepted usage patterns to correct errors in
such communication.
LO5 Create error free written compositions of different Cognitive level- Create
forms, avoiding common mistakes under the
influence of mother tongue

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 1 3
LO2 1 3

LO3 1 3

LO4 1 3

LO5 1 3

Module 1
Parts of speech: Modern English grammar - relevance - grammar of spoken and written
language, Words - parts of speech – brief introduction. Nouns - different types. Pronoun -

different types. Adjectives. Verbs - tense-aspect - voice -mood - concord - types of verbs –
transitive - intransitive-finite - non-finite.

Module 2
Parts of speech: Helping verbs and modal auxiliaries - function and use. Adverbs - different
types. Prepositions - types. Conjunctions - subordinating and coordinating. Articles -
possessives – quantifiers
Module 3
Sentence patterns and formation: Basic sentence patterns in English - constituents of sentences
– subject – verb - object - complement -adverbials. Clauses – types- analysis and conversion
of sentences – Active to Passive and vice versa – Direct to Indirect and vice versa – Degrees
of Comparison, one form to the other. Phrases - various types of phrases
Module 4
Writing skills: Written Composition – precis writing – outline story – expansion of proverb –
short essay, Practice exercises are to be given in all the forms to develop writing skills.
Module 5
Errors in writing: Errors in sentences – from mistakes in use of parts of speech - concord –
collocation - sequences of tense - errors due to mother tongue influence, Examples of common
errors to be discussed in class, exercises requiring error correction to be included as class
Recommended Books
1. Thomson, A. J., & Martinet, A. V. (2010). A Practical English Grammar. Oxford
University Press.
2. Swan, M. (2005). Practical English Usage 3rd edition. Oxford University Press.
3. Sinha, R. P. (2002). Current English Grammar and Usage with Composition. Oxford
University Press
4. Murphy, R (2012). English Grammar in Use, 4th edn, Cambridge University Press.
5. Collins, T. (2012). Correct your English Errors. McGraw-Hill.
6. Manser,Martin H (2010), Guide to Style: An Essential Guide to the Basics of Writing Style.
Viva Books.
7. Nelson, G., & Greenbaum, S. (2015). An introduction to English grammar. Routledge.


Course Description

As a beginner learning the fundamentals of business, this course helps to lay foundation by
giving a clear picture of types of business, and the factors to be considered to select one form
of business from the options. The schools of management thought help them analyse the
evolution of management theory. The Course gives importance to planning function in
management by clearly defining the steps and types of plans. The decision-making process is
discussed along with organization structures. Tools and techniques to make communication
effective are discussed. The leadership theories and motivational theories are critically
evaluated with pros and cons of each. The course finally puts a canvas of controlling processes
and techniques. The topics emerging challenges in managing like workforce diversity,
knowledge management and Innovation helps them get updated to the real-world scenarios in

Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand the types and forms of business Cognitive level- Understand
LO2 Apply managerial skills essential in organizational Cognitive level- Apply
LO3 Analyse present conditions in business to identify the Cognitive level- Analyse
ways of attaining the desired position in the future.
LO4 Evaluate motivation levels in employees Cognitive level- Evaluate

LO5 Create an environment conducive to innovation in Cognitive level- Create


Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 3
LO2 1 2 2

LO3 2 3 3

LO4 2 3

LO5 3 2 1 2

Module 1

Types of business- Manufacturing – Services- Merchandise – Hybrid, Forms of Organisation-
Sole proprietorship- Partnership- Corporation- Limited Liability Company (LLC)-
Cooperatives, Choice of form of Organisations. Management and Society- Ecological
environment, Ethics and Social responsibility.
Module 2
Management vs Administration, Managerial skills, Management Functions, Schools of
management Thought – Taylor and Fayol’s contributions, Behavioural Approach, Systems
Approach, Modern approaches.
Module 3
Planning- Importance and steps in planning, Types of plans- Strategy- Tactical and Operation
plans – Single use plans, standing plans, Limitations of planning. Decision making- steps,
Types of Decisions. Meaning of Organising, Process of Organising, Formal vs Informal
Organisations, Organisation structures- Factors influencing structures, Departmentation and
Organisation structures - Basis of Departmentation
Authority and Responsibility, Delegation- process, principles and types, Centralisation vs
Decentralisation- need and determining factors in Business.
Module 4
Directing –Meaning, principles of Directing, Communication-importance and process of
communication, Making communication effective – Transactional analysis, Johari Window.
Leadership-Importance and functions of a leader, styles of leadership- Theories – Trait and
situational theories in leadership. Motivation- Concept and importance- Theories–Maslow’s
need hierarchy, ERG theory, expectancy theory- Equity theory- Goal setting theory-
Reinforcement theory, Theory X, Y & Z.
Module 5
Controlling – Meaning, process and importance. Types of control – Traditional and Modern
control techniques, Cybernetic and non-Cybernetic controls. Emerging challenges in
managing- workforce diversity- knowledge management- Quality- Innovation and change -
Recommended Books

1. Tripathi P C, & Reddy P N, (2015) Principles of Management, Tata McGraw Hill

2. Koontz, H., & Weihrich, H. (2015). Essentials of Management: An International,
Innovation, and Leadership Perspective. McGraw-Hill Education.
3. Drucker, P. F. (2008). The Essential Drucker: The Best of Sixty Years of Peter
Drucker's Essential Writings on Management (Collins Business Essentials). New
York: Harper Business.
4. Robbins S P, Coulter Mary, De Cenzo D, (2016). Fundamentals of management,
Pearson Education India
5. Gilbert, D., Stoner, J., & Freeman, E. (2003). Management. Pearson Education India.

6. Gupta, C. B.(2011). Business Organisation and Management, Mayur Publications
7. Basu, C. (2017). Business Organisation and Management, McGraw Hill Education


Course Description

The course intends to provide students with a background on statistical methods and techniques
for business decision making. It develops the ability to analyse and interpret data to provide
meaningful information to assist in making management decisions; and develop an ability to
apply modern quantitative tools (Microsoft Excel) to data analysis in a business context.
Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Critically evaluate the underlying assumptions of Cognitive level- Evaluate

analysis tools
LO2 Understand and critically discuss the issues Cognitive level- Understand
surrounding sampling and significance
LO3 Discuss critically the uses and limitations of statistical Cognitive level- Understand
LO4 Solve a range of problems using the techniques Cognitive level-Apply

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 2 2
LO2 3 2 3 2

LO3 3 3 2 1

LO4 3 3 3 2

Module 1
Introduction to statistics, Introduction Data collection; Presenting data in tables and charts,
measures of central tendency and dispersion; Probability, Discrete probability distributions;
Continuous probability distributions.
Module 2
Sampling distributions; statistical estimation; Hypothesis testing, Statistical inferences based
on one sample test; statistical inferences based on two samples, Statistical quality control.
Module 3
Experimental design and analysis of variance; Simple linear regression analysis; correlation;
Multiple regression.

Module 4
Chi-square tests; Nonparametric tests: sign test, rank sum tests, one-sample runs tests, Rank
correlation, K-S.
Module 5
Time series forecasting, Decomposition of Time Series using Additive Models, Index numbers.
Note: The course delivery of this course is to necessarily use practice-oriented case studies and
lab-based sessions.
Recommended Books
1. Chandrasekaran, N., & Umaparvathi, M. (2016). Statistics for Management. PHI Learning
Pvt. Ltd.
2. Gupta, S. C. (2016). Fundamentals of Statistics. Himalaya Publishing House.
3. Keller, G. (2014). Statistics for management and economics Abbreviated. Nelson
4. Levin, R. I. (2008). Statistics for management. Pearson Education India.
5. Sharma, J. K. (2010). Fundamentals of business statistics. Vikas Publishing House.
6. Bajpai, N. (2009). Business Statistics. Pearson.
7. Shenoy, G. V.,Srivastava, U.K.,Sharma, S.C. (2002). Business Statistics. New Age

Course Description

To introduce students to concepts and practices in the business functions of marketing, human
resource management, and finance. Emphasis is on functional aspects of these so as to
familiarise students to the practices and organisational activities related to these areas.
Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand Segmentation, targeting, positioning Cognitive level- Understand

strategies used by popular companies in the market.
LO2 Apply integrated marketing communication to a Cognitive level- Apply
marketing strategy
LO3 Analyse and identify the problems relating to the Cognitive level- Analyse
recruitment and selection methods and sources used
in different ways by organizations.
LO4 Evaluate the capital budgeting policies of a firm Cognitive level- Evaluate

LO5 Create a job description that helps land the best hire Cognitive level- Create

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 2 1
LO2 3 2 3

LO3 3 2 2 2

LO4 3 2 1

LO5 1 2

Module 1
Marketing – definition, scope and importance, Strategic Planning, Segmentation, targeting,
positioning, Marketing mix – elements, Products – Classification, Product and brand
management fundamentals – product mix and its properties.

Module 2
Pricing - Objectives, Methods, and Strategies, Distribution – objectives, policies, strategies,
types of channel, marketing logistics, integrated marketing communication- elements of

communication mix- advertising, sales promotion, public relations, publicity, personal selling,
direct and online marketing.
Module 3
Introduction to Human Resource Management, Approaches to HRM; HRM Functions- Human
resource planning- Process of HRP- Job Analysis, Job Description, Writing a Job
Description, Job Specification.
Module 4
Recruitment and selection- Process; Concept and Significance of Training, Training
Needs, Training Methods, Types of Training; Performance appraisal: Importance and
methods of Performance appraisal; Compensation management- wage structure –Methods of
Wage Fixation- Concept of Incentives, Types of Incentive Scheme; Statutory HR
Module 5:
Financial management: meaning and scope of finance; financial goals: profit maximization,
wealth maximization; Finance functions- Investment, financing and dividend decisions.
Capital budgeting: nature of investment decisions; investment evaluation criteria- Net Present
Value, Internal Rate of Return, Profitability Index, Payback Period, Accounting Rate Of
Return, NPV and IRR comparison; risk analysis in capital budgeting. Working capital:
meaning, significance and types of working capital; financing of working capital; sources of
working capital.
Recommended Books

1. Desler G, Varkey B. (2016) Human Resource Management, 15th e, Pearson

2. Aswathappa, K. (2013). Human resource management: Text and cases. Tata McGraw-Hill
3. Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2007). Fundamentals of human
resource management.,6th edn (2015), McGraw-Hill Education.
4. Kotler P, Keller K, (2015), Marketing Management, 15e, Pearson Education.
5. V S Ramaswamy, S. Namakumari. (2013), Marketing Management, McGrawhill India.
6. Kazmi, S. H. H. (2007). Marketing management: Text and cases, Excel Books India.

Course Description

The course provides foundations in two of the most popular programming languages used for
data analytics – viz. R and Python. After having completed the course, the students should be
knowledgeable in the principles of programming in R for data management, visualisation of
data and basic statistical calculations. Augmented to this, the course enables the student.

Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 To understand the syntax of R and Python Cognitive Level-Understand

LO2 To take a large dataset, break it up into manageable Cognitive level- Analyse
pieces and use a range of qualitative and quantitative
LO3 To learn to write small Python programs Cognitive level-Create
LO4 To learn tools that help to communicate the findings Cognitive level- Understand
using R visualization packages
LO5 To acquire skills in Python programming for Cognitive level-Evaluate
processing text-based data and interpreting the results
LO6 To bring out the insights from the data analysis using Cognitive level- Synthesize

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3


LO1 2 1
LO2 2 1 3

LO3 2 1

LO4 2 3 3

LO5 2 3 3

LO6 2 3 3

Module 1

Python overview: Basic data types – Functions: arguments, block structure, scope, recursion –
Modules - Conditionals and Boolean expressions - Sequences: Strings, Tuples, Lists - Iteration,
looping and control flow - String methods and formatting.

Module 2:

File processing and Classes in Python: Dictionaries, Sets, Files – Text processing. Classes -
Class instances, Methods - Iterators and Generators - Regular expression – Exceptions handling
and testing.
Module 3:

Introduction to R: Getting started with an IDE – R Studio; Console as a calculator – variable

assignment – arithmetic in R - basic data types: numeric, integers, logical and characters –
type match errors – type checking – type conversion; Familiarization with packages.

Vectors and Loop functions: Create vectors – Element naming – Vector arithmetic – Select
elements – Multiple elements – Compare vectors – Logical vectors – Missing values – Modify
subset of elements. Control statements – if statements, for loop, repeat, while.

Module 4:

Arrays and Matrices: Array indexing – Array function – Array arithmetic. Construct matrix –
Matrix naming – Matrix indexing - Matrix multiplication, linear equations, determinants, Least
square fitting – Matrix partitioning – Frequency tables and factors – levels() and
summary()functions– ordered factor.

Lists and Data frames: Creating and modifying lists – select list elements - concatenate lists.
Creating data frame - select frame elements – Sorting – attach() and detach() functions –
Search path.

Module 5:

Reading data from file – Importing data from XML - built-in datasets – Editing data –
Annotating datasets – Sub-setting and merging datasets. Statistical tables and R – Distribution
of data – Sample tests. Plotting commands – Bar plots, Pie charts, Histograms, Box plots.
Contributed packages and CRAN – Namespaces. Debugging tools in R.

Recommended Books:

1. William N. Venables, David M. Smith (2009); An Introduction to R, Second edition,

Network Theory Limited.
2. Robert Kabacoff (2015); R in Action: Data Analysis and Graphics with R, Manning
Publication Company.
3. Guttag, John (2013); Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python, Spring
2013 edition, MIT Press.
4. Marl Lutz (2013); Learning Python, Fifth edition, OReilly media.
5. William MKinney (2012);Python for Data Analysis, OReilly media.


Course Description

Upon completion of the course, students will be familiar with the concepts of sets, linear
algebra, probability, differentiation and matrices. Students will be able to demonstrate an
understanding of the foundations of calculus as well as the ability to think logically and
critically through the application of fundamental mathematical techniques.
Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand sets, functions, and logical propositions and Cognitive Level-
their properties. Understand

LO2 Comprehend basic numerical techniques to solve linear Cognitive Level -

equations Apply

LO3 Understand fundamentals of Probability Theory and Cognitive Level -

Probability distribution functions Understand

LO4 Apply different methods to find the inverse and rank of a Cognitive Level -
matrix Apply

LO5 Apply mathematical principles to the analysis of data Cognitive Level -


Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3
LO2 3 2 3 2 2
LO3 3 3 3
LO4 2 3 2
LO5 3 3 2 2

Module 1

Foundation-Logic, Sets, Functions – Propositional Logic, Propositional equivalences,

Predicates and Quantifiers, Sets, Set operations, Functions, Sequences, and summation.

Module 2

Matrices, determinants, and inverse of a matrix. System of equations, Linear transformation -

rank and nullity, Consistency and inconsistency of linear system of equations, rank nullity
theorem, Echelon form of a matrix, and row- reduced echelon form of a matrix.Eigenvalues
and eigenvectors.

Module 3

Probability, basics, Conditional Probability, Bayes Theorem, Distributions - Binomial,

Poisson, Normal distributions, and related problems.

Module 4

Linear Algebra – System of Linear equations, Solving System of Linear equations, Linear
Independence, Vectors, Scalars, Addition, Scalar multiplication, dot product, vector projection,
cosine similarity.

Module 5

Differentiation: Limits and continuity, Derivatives of standard Functions, Rules for finding
derivatives; Different types of differentiation; Integration: Integration of Standard function,
Rule of Integrations, Formulas in Integration, Definite Integrals


1. Kenneth H. Rosen, “Discrete Mathematics And Its Applications”, 7th Ed, McGraw-Hill,

2. Sipser, “Introduction to the Theory of Computation, CENGAGE Learning, 2014. 4. Ernest

Davis, “Linear Algebra and Probability for Computer Science Applications “, 1st Edition,
CRC Press 2012.

3. Michael Mitzenmacher and Eli Upfal; Probability and Computing, 2ed, Cambridge
University Press, 2017

4. Sheldon M Ross; A First Course in Probability, 10ed, Pearson, 2018

5. Introductory Algebra: a real-world approach (4th Edition) - by Ignacio Bello

6. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Wiley India, 9th Edition 2011.


Sl. Course Name of the Course Hours Marks Credit

No. No.
L T P Internal End
1 KBD Strategic Communication for 5 2 0 50 50 5
1201 Workplaces
2 KBD Information Systems for Business 4 0 2 50 50 5
3 KBD Operations Research 6 2 0 50 50 6
4 KBD Fundamentals of Business Process 4 1 2 50 50 5
1204 Management
5 KBD Database Fundamentals 3 0 4 50 50 5
6 KBD Project I -Organisation Study- 15 100 4
1206 working days.

(50 marks for continuous

assessment and 50 for written
report after completion of the

Total 600 30

Course Description

This course aims to equip students with the tools needed to remain relevant in the modern
workplace. At the end of the course, students will be able to navigate the contingencies in a
typical workday and be able to put into practice the principles of effective workplace
communication and thereby equip themselves to be valuable employees.
Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand how information is transmitted, Cognitive Level-

listened to and interpreted in workplaces and the Understand
different models of communication.
LO2 Apply the concepts of nonverbal communication Cognitive Level- Apply
in strengthening the communication process at
LO3 Analyse the possible conflict situations arising Cognitive Level- Analyse
from lack of communication
LO4 Evaluate the influence of digital communication Cognitive Level- Evaluate
tools in workplaces and the difference in using
such media over traditional forms
LO5 Create appropriate communication frameworks Cognitive Level- Create
drawing on the verbal and nonverbal tools of
communication using traditional or digital

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 2 3
LO2 2 1 3

LO3 1 1 2

LO4 2 1 3

LO5 1 1 1 2 3

Module 1

Basics requirements for effective communication in the workplace, understanding the

communication loop in a work context - listening, clarifying, giving feedback - confirming if
the information has been understood as intended - working according to the information
received and sharing the progress of work.

Module 2

Verbal Communication Skills: Conversation - basic techniques - how to begin, interrupt,

hesitate and end - how to express time, age, feelings and emotions - how to respond - using
language in various contexts/situations - Language/Phrases for meetings; Phrases for
telephoning; Phrases for greetings, introductions, partings.

Module 3

Non-verbal Communication Skills: Body language: postures - orientation - eye contact - facial
expression - dress - posture - self-concept - self-image - self-esteem - attitudes.

Module 4

Handling Common Workplace Situations: Interviews - Group discussion- addressing an

audience - rules for creating effective presentations - How to handle conflict - understanding
cultural differences in a work context - Interaction with Clients/Customers; Formal/ Public
speeches - informative, persuasive, and ceremonial.

Module 5

Digital Workplaces: Navigating the digital workplace - what is a digital workplace - intranets
- chats and private messaging - discussion forum - internal blogs - email, enterprise social
media tools, portals, ticketing, issue tracking and case software - learning digital etiquette -
Digital task management using tools such as Trello.

Recommended books

1. Sasikumar V., P Kiranmai Dutt and Geetha Rajeevan. (2013) Communication Skills in
English. Cambridge University Press and Mahatma Gandhi University
2. Anderson, K., Lynch, T., & Maclean, J. (2004). Study speaking (Vol. 1). Cambridge
University Press.
3. Marilyn, A. (2010). Critical Thinking, Academic Writing and Presentation Skills (Mg
University Edition). Pearson Education India.
4. Mukhopadhyay, Lina et al. Polyskills: (2012). A Course in Communication Skills and
Life Skills. Foundation.
5. Dhanavel, S. P. (2011). English and communication skills for students of science and
Engineering. Orient Blackswan, Chennai.
6. Aggarwal, S. (2009). Essential Communication Skills, ANE Books.
7. Searles G. J. (2014) Workplace Communications: The Basics, Pearson Publications

Course Description

This course aims to help students identify managerial challenges and opportunities for
organizational advancement that may be resolved by the application of current new
technologies. Students will be equipped to identify opportunities for and successfully apply
various information technologies to gain competitive advantage. The course will help define
and recognize key enabling technologies that may advance organizations now and in the future.
Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand the information system Cognitive Level-

requirements of an organization Understand

LO2 Understand the role of business intelligence in Cognitive Level-

decision making Understand

LO3 Analyse the process of acquiring Information Cognitive Level- Analyse

Systems through Projects
LO4 Evaluate the various management information Cognitive Level- Evaluate
LO5 Assess the IT security and data privacy levels of Cognitive Level- Assess
an organization

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 2 2 2
LO2 2 3 1 3 1

LO3 2 2 3

LO4 2 2 1 2

LO5 1 2 1

Module 1

Information, Systems and Management - Information Technology and Strategy - The Virtual

Module 2

Decision Making and Business Intelligence - e-Commerce - Social Networking and Web 2.0
Management Support Technologies - The Network Economy: Trends and Opportunities.

Module 3

Information Technology Architecture - Knowledge management - Managing systems

development - Acquiring Information Systems through Projects - Managing Change.

Module 4

Organizing and Leading the Information Technology Function - Information Technology

Planning - Managing Information Technology Outsourcing

Module 5

Governance and Ethics - Managing Information Security and Privacy

Recommended books

1. Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P. (2015). Management information systems (Vol. 8).
Prentice Hall.
2. Applegate, L. M., Austin, R. D., & McFarlan, F. W. (2006). Corporate information
strategy and management. McGraw-Hill/Irwin Custom Publishing.
3. Robson, W. (2015). Strategic management and information systems. Pearson Higher
Ed.McNurlin, S. & Bui. (2013) Information Systems Management in Practice, Prentice
Hall (8th Ed).
4. Sousa, K., & Oz, E. (2014). Management information systems. Nelson Education.
5. Efraim Turban, Jay Aronson & Tin-Peng Liang. (2010) Decision Support Systems and
Intelligent Systems, Ninth International Edition, Pearson Prentice- Hall.
6. Galliers, R. D., & Leidner, D. E. (2014). Strategic Information Management: challenges
and strategies in managing information systems. Routledge.

Course Description

This course aims to impart knowledge and training on the use of optimization techniques under
resource constraints for various engineering and business problems. The course covers topics
on Linear Programming introducing the Simplex Algorithm, Duality, Transportation problem
and Assignment problem. Dynamic programming is introduced as a method to solve large
optimization problems. Inventory models show how mathematical models of real-world
resource constrained problems are generated and solved.
Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand the concept of optimal solutions for Cognitive Level-

constrained problems and mathematical Understand
formulation of real-world constrained problems.
LO2 Apply selected algorithms to identified linear Cognitive Level- Apply
programming problems.
LO3 Analyse problems under the general class of Cognitive Level- Analyse
transportation and assignment problems.
LO4 Evaluate the constraining conditions in real Cognitive Level- Evaluate
situations and develop mathematical
LO5 Create appropriate mathematical models using Cognitive Level- Create
linear programming or dynamic programming

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 2 2 2
LO2 3 2 2 2

LO3 2 3 1 1

LO4 2 2 2 2

LO5 3 3 3 2

Module 1
Introduction to Operations Research: Basics definition, scope, objectives, phases, models and
limitations of Operations Research - Linear Programming Problem - Formulation of LPP,
Graphical solution of LPP - Simplex Method - Artificial variables - big-M method - Two-phase
method - Degeneracy and unbound solutions.

Module 2
Transportation Problem - Formulation, solution, unbalanced Transportation problem - Finding
basic feasible solutions - Northwest corner rule - Least Cost method and Vogel’s approximation
method - Optimality test: Stepping Stone method and MODI method.
Module 3
Assignment model – Formulation - Hungarian method for optimal solution - Solving
unbalanced problem - Travelling salesman problem and assignment problem - Solving LPs
using Solver - Revisiting the formulation - Three types of LPs - Dual solution - Sensitivity
Module 4
Dynamic programming: Characteristics of dynamic programming - Dynamic programming
approach for Priority Management - Employment smoothening - Capital budgeting - Stage
Coach/Shortest Path - Cargo loading and Reliability problems.

Module 5
Inventory models: Inventory costs - Models with deterministic demand - model (a) demand
rate uniform and production rate infinite - model (b) demand rate non-uniform and production
rate infinite - model (c) demand rate uniform and production rate finite.

Recommended books

1. Srinivasan G. (2017) Operations Research: Principles and Applications, PHI Learning

Private Limited.
2. Taha H. A. (2013) Operations Research: An Introduction, Pearson.
3. Ravindran, A. R. (2016). Operations research and management science handbook. Crc
4. Hillier, F. S. (2012). Introduction to operations research. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
5. Kasana, H. S., & Kumar, K. D. (2013). Introductory operations research: theory and
applications. Springer Science & Business Media.
6. Shah, N. H, Gor, R. M. Soni H. (2007) Operations Research, Eastern Economy Edition


Course Description

The course introduces the idea of process thinking in business management and workflows in
organizations. Theory of business process model generation with specific reference to the
symbolic representations of BPMN is explained. Both quantitative and qualitative workflow
analysis methods and queue analysis models that help in process analysis and design of new
processes are explained.

Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand the terminology of business process Cognitive Level-

management and the notations used in BPMN. Understand

LO2 Apply process discovery, quantitative process Cognitive Level- Apply

analysis methods and business process
management principles to workflows in
LO3 Evaluate business processes as core, support and Cognitive Level- Analyse
management processes to identify the process
types, process architecture and process
LO4 Design process flows in business process Cognitive Level- Evaluate
modelling software.
LO5 Create redesigned business processes on the Cognitive Level- Create
basis of qualitative and quantitative analyses and
process insights.

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 2 1 1
LO2 2 3 2 1 2

LO3 3 2 1

LO4 3 3 1

LO5 1 3 3 1

Module 1
Introduction to BPM - The evolution of BPM - Process Modelling Languages- BPMN, Theory
of Process Orientation.

Module 2

Process Modeling - Process Technology / Workflow Architecture - Swimlane diagram.
Module 3
Process Automation - Process Discovery - Process improvement methods.
Module 4
Process Analysis (Qualitative & Quantitative) - Modelling and assessing the As-Is process and
To-Be process
Module 5
Introduction to Lean and TQM, Creating and Managing a business process using business
process management software.
Note: The course delivery of this course is to necessarily use practice-oriented case studies and
lab-based sessions.

Recommended Books

1. Dumas, M., La Rosa, M., Mendling, J., & Reijers, H. A. (2013). Fundamentals of business
process management (Vol. 1, p. 2). Heidelberg: Springer.
2. Sharp, A., & McDermott, P. (2009). Workflow modeling: tools for process improvement
and applications development. Artech House.
3. Harmon, P., & Trends, B. P. (2010). Business process change: A guide for business
managers and BPM and Six Sigma professionals. Elsevier.
4. Leymann, F. & Roller, D.(1997) Workflow-based applications, IBM Systems Journal.
5. Jeston, J. (2014). Business process management. Routledge.
6. Rosemann, M., & vom Brocke, J. (2015). The six core elements of business process
management. In Handbook on business process management 1 (pp. 105-122). Springer,
Berlin, Heidelberg.
7. Smith, H., & Fingar, P. (2003). Business process management: The third wave. Tampa:
Meghan-Kiffer Press.


Course Description

The course aims to impart the basic understanding of the theory and applications of database
management systems; to give basic level understanding of internals of database systems; to
expose to some of the recent trends in databases; to understand database transactions and to
understand advancements in data base systems.
Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Describe the fundamental elements of relational Cognitive Level-

database management systems. Understand

LO2 Explain the basic concepts of relational data Cognitive Level-

model, entity-relationship model, relational Understand
database design, relational algebra and SQL.
LO3 Analyse basic database storage structures and Cognitive Level- Analyse
access techniques
LO4 Describe the fundamental elements of relational Cognitive Level-
database management systems Understand

LO5 Construct the database by normalization. Cognitive Level- Apply

LO6 Familiarize with Non-relational Database Cognitive Level-


Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 3 1 1
LO2 3 3 1

LO3 3 3 1 2 1

LO4 3 2 3

LO5 1 1 3

LO6 2 2 2 2

Module 1
Introduction: Data: structured, semi-structured and unstructured data, Concept & Overview of
DBMS, Data Models, Database Languages, Database Administrator, Database Users, Three
Schema architecture of DBMS. Database architectures and classification. Entity-Relationship
Model: Basic concepts, Design Issues, Mapping Constraints, Keys, Entity- Relationship
Diagram, Weak Entity Sets, and Relational Model: Structure of relational Databases, Integrity
Constraints, synthesizing ER diagram to relational schema.
Module 2

Relational Database Design: Different anomalies in designing a database, normalization,
functional dependency (FD), Armstrong’s Axioms, closures, Equivalence of FDs, minimal
Cover. Concepts: overview of concurrency
control and recovery acid properties, serial and concurrent,
schedules, conflict serializability, Two-phase locking.
Module 3
Database Languages: Concept of DDL and DML relational algebra Structured Query Language
(SQL): Basic SQL Structure, Building and Maintaining a Simple Database Structure: Simple
Database, Create, Alter, and Deleting. Normalization using functional dependencies, INF,
2NF, 3NF and BCNF.
Module 4
Database Manipulation operations; Relational Operators: Union, Intersect, Except, Join, On vs.
Where, Nested Queries, Recursive Queries. Physical Data Organization: index structures,
primary, secondary and clustering indices, single level and Multi-level indexing, B+-
Trees. Functions, Triggers, Error Handling, Views.
Module 5
NoSQL Database Management Systems, Key-Value Stores- Document Stores- WideColumn
Stores – e.g. Redis, MongoDB, Cassandra. Hadoop data storage – e.g. Pig, Hive, HBase
Cloud Databases: Database as a service (DBaS) – e.g. Amazon SimpleDB, DynamoDB,
Google. BigQuery

Recommended Books
1. Elmasri R., Navathe S. (2013). Database Systems: Models, Languages, Design and
Application Programming, Pearson Education.
2. Silberschatz, A., Korth, H. F., & Sudarshan, S. (2011). Database system concepts, 6/e,
McGraw Hill.
3. Akerkar, R. (2009). Foundations of the semantic Web: XML, RDF & ontology. Alpha
Science International, Ltd.
4. Plunkett, T., Mohiuddin, K., Macdonald, B., Harding, D., Nelson, B., Segleau, D., Sun,
H., Mishra, G., Hornick, M., Stackowiak, R. and Laker, K., 2013. Oracle Big Data
Handbook. Oracle Press, New York.
5. Perkins, L., Redmond, E., & Wilson, J. (2018). Seven databases in seven weeks: a guide
to modern databases and the NoSQL movement. Pragmatic Bookshelf.
6. Thomasian, A. (2013). Database Concurrency Control: Methods, Performance, and
Analysis (Vol. 1). Springer Science & Business Media.
7. Lee Chao, Cloud Database Development and Management, 1e, CRC Press, 2013.
8. Hoffer Jeffrey, V. Ramesh, Topi Heikki, Modern database management, 12e, Pearson,
9. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, 6e,
McGraw-Hill, 2013.
10. Benjamin Bengfort, Jenny Kim, Data Analytics with Hadoop, O’Reilly Media, June

Sl. Course Name of the Course Hours Marks Credit
No. No.

L T P Internal End
1 KBD Managerial Skill Development 3 2 4 50 50 5
1301 & Design Thinking
2 KBD Financial Accounting 5 0 0 50 50 5
3 KBD Business Environment and 4 0 0 50 50 4
1303 Ethics
4 KBD Production and Operations 4 1 0 50 50 4
1304 Management
5 KBD Data Visualization for Analytics 2 0 6 50 50 5
6 KBD Data Mining Techniques 2 0 6 50 50 5
7 KBD Workshop on Personal 50 2
1307 Productivity Improvement
(5 Days)
Total 300 350 30


Course Description

To equip students with basic skills to become effective team players, problem solvers at
personal interpersonal, group and organizational levels.

Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand the fundamentals of Self discipline Cognitive Level-


LO2 Understand the methods, processes and tools of Cognitive Level-

design thinking. Understand

LO3 Show one’s own ability to work in teams Cognitive Level- Apply

LO4 Analyse the role of primary and secondary Cognitive Level- Analyze
research in design thinking
LO5 Integrate design thinking approach to develop Cognitive Level- Create

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 1 3
LO2 2 2 1 2

LO3 2 1 3

LO4 2 2

LO5 2 3 2

Module 1
Self-Management: Self Evaluation, Self-Discipline, Self-Criticism, Recognition of One’s Own
Limits and Deficiencies, Independency Etc. Thoughtful & Responsible, Self-Awareness
Team Building / Coordination Skills: Team Building Practices Through Group Exercises,
Team Task / Role Play, Ability to Mixing & Accommodation, Ability To Work Together
Module 2
Goal Setting: Wish List, Smart Goals, Blue Print for Success, Short Term, Long Term, Life
Time Goals. Time Management Value of Time, Diagnosing Time Management, Weekly
Planner to Do List, Prioritizing Work

Module 3

Stress Management: Causes of Stress And Its Impact, How To Manage & Distress, Circle Of
Control, Stress Busters. Emotional Intelligence What Is Emotional Intelligence, Emotional
Quotient Why Emotional Intelligence Matters, Emotion Scales. Managing Emotions.
Module 4
Why Design Thinking, The Design Process, Design Brief, Visualization, Ethnography,
Identifying Insights (Using Mind-Mapping Design Tool),
Module 5
Design Criteria, Brainstorming, Concept Development, Pitch, Assumption Testing,
Prototyping, Co-Creation, Learning Launch, Applying Design Thinking
Recommended Books:
1. Wentz, F. H. (2012). Soft Skills Training: A workbook to develop skills for employment.
2. Mitra, B. K. (2016). Personality development and soft skills. Oxford University Press.
3. Mackenzie, A., & Nickerson, P. (2009). The time trap: The classic book on time
management. Amacom., 1997.
4. Carnegie, D. (2017). How to win friends & influence people. Musaicum Books.
5. Goleman, D. (2006). Emotional intelligence. Bantam.
6. Liedtka, J., Ogilvie, T., & Brozenske, R. (2014). The designing for growth field book: A
step-by-step project guide. Columbia University Press.
7. Martin, R. L. (2009). The design of business: Why design thinking is the next competitive
advantage. Harvard Business Press.
8. Stickdorn, M., Schneider, J., Andrews, K., & Lawrence, A. (2011). This is service design
thinking: Basics, tools, cases(Vol. 1). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.


Course Description

Course aims to introduce students to the fundamental principles of accounting, maintenance of

accounts and finalization of accounts of business organizations. Students are expected to gain
the ability of using accounting information as a tool in applying solutions for managerial
problems, evaluating the financial performance, and interpreting the financial structure.
Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Describe the role of accounting information and its Cognitive Level-
limitations Understand

LO2 Develop the skill of recording financial Cognitive Level- Apply

transactions and preparation of reports in
accordance with GAAP
LO3 Develop the ability to prepare final accounts of sole Cognitive Level- Apply
LO4 Recognize circumstances providing for increased Cognitive Level- Evaluate
exposure to errors and frauds

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 2 2
LO2 2 2 3 2

LO3 2 2

LO4 1 3 1 1

Module 1
Basics of Accounting : Introduction-Book Keeping-Accounting-Objectives & Functions of
Accounting-Assets-Liabilities-Capital-Types of Accounts-Accounting Principles-Concepts-
Conventions-Double entry system-Golden Rules of Accounting-Accounting Equation
Approach-Systems of Accounting.
Module 2
Journal, Subsidiary Books and Ledger: Journal-Journalizing-Ledgers-Posting-Purchases Day
Book, Sales Day Book-Purchases, Returns Book-Sales Returns Books-Cash Book-Bills
Receivable Book-Bills Payable Book-Journal Proper-Petty Cash Book-Bank Reconciliation

Module 3
Trial Balance and Rectification of Errors: Objectives of Preparing Trial Balance-Rules for
Preparing Trial Balance-Suspense Account-Stages of Errors-Types of Errors-Steps to Locate
Errors-Rectification of Errors Before and After Preparation of Trial Balance.
Module 4
Depreciation Accounting: Factors in the measurement of Depreciation-Methods of Providing
Depreciation-Profit/Loss in the sale of Depreciable Assets.
Module 5
Preparation of Final Accounts of Sole Proprietors and Joint Stock Companies: Final Accounts
of sole proprietors and companies-Trading Account-Manufacturing Account-Profit and Loss
Account-Balance Sheet-Arrangement of Assets and Liabilities-Opening Entry-Closing Entry-
Adjusting Entry-Provisions and Reserves-Limitations of Financial Statement.

Recommended Books
1. Shukla, M. C., Grewal, T. S., & Gupta, S. C. (2016). Advanced Accounts. S. Chand &
Company Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Bhattacharyya, A. K. (2012). Essentials of Financial Accounting: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
3. Jain, S. P., & Narang, K. L. (2008). Advanced Cost Accounting. Kalyani Publishers.
4. Gupta, R. L., & Radhaswamy, M. (2017). Advanced Accountancy. Sultan Chand & Sons,
5. Maheshwari, S. N., Maheshwari, S. K., & Maheswari, S. K. (2013). An Introduction to
Accountancy. Vikas Publishing House.
6. Narayanswamy R. (2017). Financial Accounting: A managerial perspective. PHI
7. Raman B. S. (2018) Financial Accounting, United Publishers & Distributors


Course Description

The course intends to provide understanding of various components of environment and their
interdependence so that students can assess the likely impact of environmental changes on
business processes. The course examines the cause and effect relationship in the functional
areas of firms; and the economic and non-economic environments like social, political, legal
and regulatory, and technological environments - that affect them. It provides the knowledge
of Indian Economy, which covers macroeconomic and socio-demographic indicators, planning
structure and policies i.e. foreign direct investment, industrial, monetary and fiscal policy
implications. To enable students to understand the challenges and complexities faced by
businesses as it tries to maximize returns while ethically managing their duties to stakeholders
and society. It is also intended to help students develop an understanding of cyber law in India.

Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand the changing dimensions of Cognitive Level-

business environment Understand

LO2 Analyse the impact of monetary and fiscal Cognitive Level- Analyse
policies in achieving macroeconomic goals
LO3 Understand the process of ethical decision Cognitive Level-
making and leadership Understand

LO4 To analyse the Role of Ethical Culture and Cognitive Level- Apply
Relationships in organizations
LO5 Understand the concepts of electronic Cognitive Level-
signatures and Analyse threat to privacy in Understand

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 1 1 1 3 1
LO2 1 3 1

LO3 1 1 3 1

LO4 1 1 3 1

LO5 1 3 1

Module 1

Business environment: concept, significance and nature of business environment; elements of
environment – internal and external, Public sector and Economic development; economic
reforms New Economic Policy, Globalization, Global Competitiveness, corporate governance
Political and legal environment of business: Government and business; Regulatory bodies;

Module 2

Business Environment Analysis tools- SWOT, PESTLE, Value chain Analysis, Porter’s Five
Forces analysis, Foreign Trade and Balance of Payment, Small and micro enterprises in India,
Social responsibility of business; social audit, EXIM policy and role of EXIM bank, FDI
policy, Multinational Corporation (MNCs) and Transnational Corporations (TNCs), Indian
Financial System: Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Economic Trends, Price Policy, Stock
Exchange of India. National Income.

Module 3

Definition & nature Business ethics, Characteristics, The Importance of Business Ethics
(Ethical Theory), Stakeholder Relationships (Ethical objectivity), Emerging Business Ethics
Issues (Ethical Reasoning), Causes of unethical behaviour; Ethical Decision Making and
Leadership (Ethical Reasoning, Core Values, Objectivity), Work ethics

Module 4

Organizational Factors: The Role of Ethical Culture and Relationships (Ethical Theory,
Integrity, Objectivity). Managing and Controlling Ethics Programs (Independence, Integrity),
Globalization of Ethical Decision-Making (Integrity, Core Values), Sustainability.

Module 5

Cyber Crimes, Right to Privacy and Data Protection on Internet, Breach of sensitive personal
information and confidentiality under IT Act. Digital signature and Electronic Signature and
Data Protection, Creation and authentication of digital signature – E Contracting, E-mail
Contracting, E Commerce- Intellectual Property Issues in Cyber Space. Dispute Resolution in

Recommended Books
1. Shaikh, S. (2010). Business environment, 2/E. Pearson Education India.
2. Aswathappa, K. (2014). Essentials of business environment. Himalaya Publishing House,
3. Business Ethics, 2/e, A.C. Fernado, 2013, Pearson. Fernando, A. C. (2009). Business ethics:
an Indian perspective. Pearson Education India.
4. Ferrell, O. C., Fraedrich, J., & Ferrell, L. (2015). Business ethics. Ethical decision making
and cases.
5. Singh Y. (2012). Cyber Laws, Universal Law Publishing Co, New Delhi.


Course Description

To provide a broad understanding of Operations Management; to provide insights into the

management of strategic and functional issues in the operational environment of any
organization; and to provide the students with various concepts, tools and techniques for
operational, tactical and strategic decision making for effective utilization of resources and
meeting customer expectations.
Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand the role of operations strategy in Cognitive Level-

manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors Understand

LO2 Understand the different forecasting methods. Cognitive Level-


LO3 Evaluate location choices and plant layouts Cognitive Level- Analyze
according to requirements of organizations.
LO4 Examine quality management concepts and SQC Cognitive Level- Analyze
techniques in organizations.
LO5 Evaluate inventory control decision choices after Cognitive Level- Evaluate
selecting appropriate mathematical models helping
develop purchasing plans for organizations.

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 3 2 1
LO2 3 2 1 1

LO3 0 0 2 2 1

LO4 2 2 2 1

LO5 3 1 3 2

Module 1
Introduction to Production and Operations Functions, nature and Scope, decision areas,
Interaction of Operations Management with other functional areas of Management –
Manufacturing and Non-Manufacturing operations and their Classifications – Operations
Strategy as a part of Corporate Strategy – Operations Planning and Control – Operations
Forecasting: Forecasting methods.

Module 2
Facility Locations – Cost competition and Hidden factors – Steps in location selection – Types
of Manufacturing Systems and Layout – Facility Layouts – Layouts by Products and Process
– Life balancing – Design of Operations Systems: Aggregate planning and Master Scheduling,
MRP, CRP. Material Handling: Principles, Equipment‘s for Materials Handling.
Module 3
Work study, Time and Method study: Definition, Importance, Aims and Procedures,
Implications on Productivity, Work measurement, Work sampling, Work environment, and
Industrial safety, Value analysis. Design of Manufacturing process
Module 4
Materials Management – Functions – Material planning and Budgeting – Value analysis-
Purchase functions and procedure- inventory control- Types of Inventory- safety stock-
Inventory control systems- Perpetual- periodic-JIT-KANBAN. Managing vendors; Vendor
Analysis, Rating and Selection – Procedure and Criterions.
Module 5
Maintenance Management Function – Types of Maintenance – Total Productive Maintenance
(TPM). Statistical Quality Control (SQC), Cost of Quality (COQ), ISO 9000 certification, Total
Quality Management, OC curve , Control charts, SCM, Lean and Agile Manufacturing.
Recommended Books

1. B. Mahadevan (2015) Operations Management: Theory and Practice, Pearson.

2. Monks, Joseph, J (1988) Operations Management (Theory and Problems), McGraw
Hill .
3. Chase, Richard, B., Aquilano, Nicholaus J and Jacobs, Roberts, F( 2009) Production
and Operations Management, McGraw Hill.
4. Bhat,K.S ( 2010) Operations Management, Himalaya Publishing House.
5. Heizer, J and Render, Barry (2008), Operations Management, Pearson Education, New
6. S. N. Chary(2012) Production and Operations Management,McGraw Hill.
7. Adam, Everette, and Ebert,Roanld, J (1992) Production and Operations Management,
Prentice Hall India, New Delhi.

Course Description

This course introduces the basic design principles and techniques for visualizing data
interactively. The course intends to provide understanding on how visual representations can
help in the analysis and understanding of complex data in the first place. The course also
teaches on how to design visualizations, and how to implement interactive visualizations using
effective software tools. Students will also learn to evaluate the effectiveness of visualization
designs, and think critically about each design decision, such as choice of color and choice of
visual encoding. Students will create their own data visualizations and learn to use Open Source
data visualization tools.

Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Use knowledge of perception and cognition to Cognitive Level- Understand

understand data visualization
LO2 Apply data transformations such as aggregation Cognitive Level- Analyze
and filtering for visualization.
LO3 Examine opportunities for application of data Cognitive Level- Analyze
visualization in various domains.
LO4 Evaluate existing visualizations based on data Cognitive Level- Evaluate
visualization theory and principles

LO5 Design colour palettes for visualization based on Cognitive Level- Create
principles of perception.

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 1 2 2
LO2 3 3 2 1

LO3 2 2

LO4 1 2 1 1

LO5 1 3 1

Module 1

Value of visualization: What is visualization – Why create visualizations – Conveying

information to others – Telling stories with data – Data checking and verification - Data Maps
– Time series – Graphical excellence.

Module 2

Data and Image Models: Visualization reference model – data: physical and abstract types –
metadata, semantics, conceptual data – properties of images – conceptual model – relational
data model – statistical data model, dimensions and measures – Roll-up and Drill-down –
Visual encoding and sign systems - Multidimensional Data -Large design space.

Module 3

Design of Visualization: Visual encodings, mapping data to image – Design criteria,

expressiveness, effectiveness – Data transformation – Presentation, titles, captions,
annotations, legend and grid lines- Testing designs – Graphical integrity – Charting, Bar chart,
Line chart, Dot plot, Tables, Heat-maps - Data-based grids – Multi-functioning labels.

Module 4

Exploratory Data Analysis: EDA vs Classical Data analysis – Goals of EDA – Assumptions –
Data diagnostics – Statistical models into graphics – Confirmatory analysis – Hypothesis
formulation – Testing procedure, significance – Graphical inference. Text visualization: Text
data; documents, SMS, tweets, logs, tags - Word clouds, word trees and tag clouds – Theme
visualization – Topic modeling –Seriation, Quantification.

Module 5

Interactive Visualization: Interaction techniques; View specification – Navigation,

highlighting, filtering, sorting, extraction, recording, guiding – Pointing methods; hovering,
clicking, tapping, bubble cursors, area cursors, rubber banding – Dynamic queries – Sampling,
Binning and Aggregation – Multivariate data tiles – Data cubes – Visual querying of big data.

Note: The course is to be delivered through lab-based sessions

Recommended Books

1. Tufte, E.(2005). Envisioning Information, E. Tufte. Graphics Press, 2005.

2. Tamara Munzner, Visualization Analysis and Design, CRC Press, 2014.
3. Nathan Yau, Visualize This- The FlowingData Guide to Design, Visualization, and
Statistics, Wiley, 2011.
4. Scott Murray, Interactive Data Visualization for the Web, O’Reilly, 2013.
5. Colin Ware, Visual Thinking for Design, Morgan Kaufman, 2008.
6. Exploratory Data Analysis, NIST Engineering Statistics Handbook
7. Heer, J. and Shneiderman, B., Interactive dynamics for visual analytics,
Communications of the ACM 55, Vol 4, pp. 45-54, 2012.


Course Description

The course offers a comprehensive introduction to both data mining theory and practice. It
provides an understanding of major data mining techniques. This course is an introductory
course on data mining. It introduces the basic concepts, principles, methods, implementation
techniques, and applications of data mining.
Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand basic concepts and techniques of Data Cognitive Level- Understand
Mining stages
LO2 Analyze and reduce large sets of data to gain useful Cognitive Level- Analyze
business understanding
LO3 Evaluate data classification methods, models and Cognitive Level- Evaluate
issues regarding the same
LO4 Apply association rules for solving data mining Cognitive Level- Create
LO5 Develop data mining application based on custom Cognitive Level- Create
requirements using

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 2 3 2
LO2 3 2 2

LO3 3 2 2

LO4 3 2 3

LO5 1 3

Module 1
Basics of data mining: definition of data, information and data analysis, fundamentals of data
mining, data mining stages, Applications of data mining, Data Pre-processing: Need for Pre-
processing the Data, Data Cleaning
Module 2:
Data Integration and Transformation, Data Reduction, Introduction to data warehouse and
business intelligence.CASE studies: Download free data sets from online repositories, analyse
and clean them using tools such as MS Excel and SPSS.
Module 3

Classification models: Classification and Prediction: Issues Regarding Classification and
Prediction, Classification by Decision Tree Induction, KNN, Bayesian Classification, neural
networks, Support Vector Machines
Case studies: Using the clean data prepared in case study of module 1, classify using the
decision tree and SVM models using tools such as R/WEKA/MATLAB/PYTHON
Module 4
Association rules mining: Mining Frequent Patterns, Associations and Correlations: Basic
Concepts, Efficient and Scalable Frequent Item set Mining Methods, Mining various kinds of
Association Rules, From Association Mining to Correlation Analysis, Improvement of Apriori
algorithms and FP-Trees. Case studies: Using WEKA, perform association rule mining over
the standard transaction datasets.
Module 5
Advances in data mining, Time Series and Sequence patterns in Transactional Databases,
Mining Sequence Patterns in Biological Data, Graph Mining, Social Network Analysis and
web mining. Case studies: Create a sample text mining application using python/R to create a
keyword index for a set of uploaded files in a directory.
Recommended Books

1. Han, J., Pei, J., & Kamber, M. (2011). Data mining: concepts and techniques. Elsevier.
2. Hall, M., Frank, E., Holmes, G., Pfahringer, B., Reutemann, P., & Witten, I. H. (2009). The
WEKA data mining software: an update. ACM SIGKDD explorations newsletter, 11(1),
3. Gupta, G.K (2014 ) Introduction to Data Mining with Case Studies, 2014, Prentice Hall
4. Elayidom, M.Sudheep ( 2014) Data Mining and WareHousing, , Cengage Learning India
5. Zhao, Y (2015) R and data mining: Examples and case studies, Access at
6. Pujari, Arun K (2016) Data Mining Techniques,Third edition, Universities Press.
7. Soman, K.P, Diwakar, S, Ajay, V ( 2008)Insight into Data Mining, Prentice Hall India
8. PaulrajPonnaiah (2001) Data Warehousing Fundamentals, John Wiley& Sons
9. Roiger, R., Gaetz , M .W (2003) Data Mining – A Tutorial Based Primer, Pearson.
Online support training materials and videos:
 The NPTEL data mining course from IITKGP
 “Introduction to data analytics:” MOOC course from IITM
 The EDUREKA data mining certification program
 The Intellipaat Data Science Certification program
 Data mining with WEKA, MOOC courses from University of Waikato, Newzeland


Sl.No Course Name of the Course Hours Marks Credit
L T P Internal End
1 KBD Research Methodology 3 0 2 50 50 4
2 KBD Environmental Management 3 0 2 50 50 4
3 KBD Modern Project Management 3 0 2 50 50 4
1403 Practices
4 KBD Introduction to Econometric 5 1 0 50 50 5
1404 Methods
5 KBD Predictive Modelling 2 0 6 50 50 5
6 KBD Elective 1 3 0 2 50 50 4
7. KBD Project II -Business Process 100 4
1407 Mapping for a duration of 15
working days.

(50 Marks for continuous

assessment, 50 marks for a
written report after the completion
of the project)

Total 700 30


Course Description

Research Methodology is a hands‐on course designed to impart education in the foundational

methods and techniques of academic research in social sciences and business management
context. Research scholars would examine and be practically exposed to the main components
of a research framework i.e., problem definition, research design, data collection, ethical issues
in research, report writing, and presentation. Once equipped with this knowledge, participants
would be well-placed to conduct disciplined research under supervision in an area of their
choosing. Besides their application in an academic setting, many of the methodologies
discussed in this course would be like those deployed in professional research environments.
Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand some basic concepts of research and its Cognitive Level-
methodologies Understand
LO2 Be aware of the ethical principles of research, Cognitive Level- Analyze
ethical challenges and approval processes.
LO3 Apply quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods Cognitive Level- Evaluate
approaches to cases.
LO4 Develop literature review for a research problem. Cognitive Level- Create

LO5 Develop competence in scholarly writing and Cognitive Level- Create

research presentation.

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 2 3 2 3
LO2 3 3 2

LO3 2 1 3 2 1

LO4 3 1 2

LO5 3 1 3

Module 1

Research Process - Research Problem Formulation from a Decision Problem- Problem Audit -
Development of Appropriate Research Design: research design types, characteristics, overview
of data collection methods used for each type of design. - Research Ethics- Literature Search
and Review – Using reference management systems for literature review.

Module 2

Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Research: Qualitative and Exploratory Data
Collection Methods – Experience Surveys, Focus Groups, Depth Interviews - Secondary Data
Research – Observational Techniques – Survey Method –
Module 3

Measurement: Validity and Reliability - Basic Levels of Scales - Criteria for Scale
Development, Attitude Measurement Scales: Comparative and Non-comparative Scales. –
Questionnaire Design

Module 4

Sampling: fundamental concepts, Sampling methods, Determination of Sample Size – Types

of Sampling – Developing Appropriate Sampling Plan - Managing Field Work.

Module 5

Data Preparation: Data Validation – Data Editing and Coding – Tabulation: Single & Cross –
Graphical Representation of Data.

Testing of Hypothesis – Process, Type I and Type II Errors –Testing of Difference in Means,
Testing for Association. Research report preparation

Recommended Books

1. Booth, W. C., Colomb, G. G., & Williams, J. M. (2003). The craft of research.
University of Chicago press.
2. Bryman, A., & Bell, E. (2015). Business research methods. Oxford University Press,
3. Cooper, D. R., Schindler, P. S., & Sun, J. (2006). Business research methods (Vol. 9).
New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
4. Field, A. (2009). Discovering statistics using SPSS. Sage publications.
5. Hair, J. F., Celsi, M. W., Ortinau, D. J., & Bush, R. P. (2008). Essentials of marketing
research. McGraw-Hill/Higher Education.
6. Malhotra, N. K. (2008). Marketing research: An applied orientation, 5/e. Pearson
Education India.
7. Saunders, M. N. (2011). Research methods for business students, 5/e. Pearson
Education India.
8. Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2016). Research methods for business: A skill building
approach. John Wiley & Sons.


Course Description

This course is to raise awareness about the complicated and life supporting relationship of
environment and other human endeavours. Intended to be a general course suitable for
undergraduates it covers the fundamental relationships and cyclic processes that govern the
ecosystems on earth. This course prepares the learner to meaningfully contribute towards
sustainable development and reduce environmental degradation.

Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand the relationships between the biotic and Cognitive Level-
abiotic forms in ecological systems Understand

LO2 Understand ecological problems like pollution, loss Cognitive Level-

of habitat, waste generation and disposal. Understand

LO3 Analyse specific case studies on pollution and man- Cognitive Level- Analyse
made ecological issues like waste disposal.
LO4 Evaluate technologies for reducing the ecological Cognitive Level- Evaluate
footprint of human activities and reduce adverse
environmental impacts.
LO5 Assess the impacts of human activities on the Cognitive Level- Evaluate
environment by interpreting the complex relation
among population, natural resources and economic

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 2
LO2 1 3 2

LO3 2 1 3 1

LO4 3 3

LO5 3 3

Module 1
Environmental studies as a multidisciplinary field: Definition, scope, importance and
components - Natural resources and associated problems (forest, water, food, land and energy
resources) - Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources - Equitable use of
resources for sustainable lifestyles.

Module 2

Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Concept, Structure and function of an ecosystem - Energy flow
in the ecosystem - Ecological succession: Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids –
Types and characteristics of: Forest ecosystem, Grassland ecosystem, Desert ecosystem and
Aquatic ecosystems - Definition of genetic, species and ecosystem diversity -Bio-geographical
classification of India - Value of biodiversity - Biodiversity at global, national and local levels
-Hot-spots of biodiversity - Threats to biodiversity - Endangered and endemic species of India
-Conservation of biodiversity - In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.

Module 3
Environmental pollution and Environmental Legislation: Types of pollution - Solid waste
Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes - Role of an
individual in prevention of pollution - Pollution case studies - Environment Protection Act -
Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act - Water (Prevention and control of Pollution)
Act - Wildlife Protection Act - Forest Conservation Act - Hazardous Waste Handling and
Disposal in India - relevant Acts - Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation.

Module 4
Environmental ethics - Social issues and the environment - Issues and possible solutions -
Climate change - global warming - acid rain - ozone layer depletion - nuclear accidents and
holocaust - Case Studies - Wasteland reclamation - Consumerism and waste products - From
Unsustainable to Sustainable development - Urban problems related to energy - Water
conservation : rain water harvesting and watershed management - Resettlement and
rehabilitation of people: its problems and concerns - Case Studies - Public awareness.

Module 5
Human Population and the environment - Population growth - variation among nations -
Population explosion - Family Welfare Programme - Environment and human health - Human
rights - Role of Information Technology in Environment and human health - Case Studies -
Field work.

Note: Field work report: A short report shall be submitted by the students after a field visit
with an objective related to any of the broad areas covered in the subject.

Recommended Books
1. Ahluwalia,V.K ( 2016) Environmental Studies, Second edition, New Delhi, TERI
2. AninditaBasak (2009) Environmental Studies, Pearson.
3. Chawla, Sashi (2012) A Textbook of Environmental Studies, McGrawHill.
4. Davis, Mackenzie L., and Cornwell, David A. (2014) Introduction to Environmental
Engineering, Fifth edition, McGrawHill.
5. Glynn Henry, J., and Heinke, Gary W (2015) Environmental Science and Engineering,
6. Ramachandra, T.V., and Kulkarni, Vijay (2015) Environmental Management, New
Delhi, TERI Press

7. Thomas, Jacob (2014) Environmental Management: Text and Cases, Pearson.


Course Description

This course aims to familiarize students with the concepts of project life cycle and to develop
competency in project scoping, work definition, and work breakdown structure. At the end of
this course, students will be able to handle the complex tasks of time estimation and project
scheduling. Modules 3 and 4 introduce the students to the Agile methods for project
management. Module 4 provides an understanding of project management and its principles in
a contemporary iterative, incremental agile project environment. Module 5 introduces the
students to some of the powerful practices in agile methodologies.

Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand the challenges in project management. Cognitive Level-


LO2 Apply project cost estimating techniques and Cognitive Level- Apply
earned value management
LO3 Analyse risks involved in a project and find out Cognitive Level- Analyse
methods to reduce risks
LO4 Evaluate agile practices in latest software projects Cognitive Level- Evaluate

LO5 Evaluate an agile transition plan Cognitive Level- Evaluate

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 2 2 3 2 1
LO2 3 2 2 2 1 2

LO3 3 2 2 2 1 2

LO4 2 3 2

LO5 2 3 2

Module 1

Basics of Project Management - need for project management - project management

knowledge areas - the project life cycle - project management processes - challenges in project

Module 2
Organizational Structure and Organizational Issues: Concept of Organizational Structure -
Roles and Responsibilities of Project Manager - Leadership - Conflict Resolution. Resources
Considerations in Projects: Introduction - Resource Allocation - Scheduling - Project Cost
Module 3

Project Risk Management - Risk Identification - Risk Analysis - Reducing Risks - Project
Quality Management - Quality Concepts, Project Execution - Project Control Process - Purpose
of Project Execution - Project Close-out -Termination and Follow-up.

Module 4
Agile project management principles - Agile manifesto - Agile technical team: Roles and
responsibilities, team empowerment, leadership collaboration. Agile practices: iterative
development methodologies – SCRUM and XP, modeling, time-boxing - Agile project
planning – Sprint planning - Agile approach to estimating.

Module 5
Transitioning to agile – Agile metrics - User stories – story points – ideal days - Customer
Satisfaction and the KANO modelling – Velocity calculation – burn down chart – Customer
testing – Test first – Refactoring – Daily stand up – Pair programming – Continuous delivery
– DevOps - Software delivery as the Core Competency.

Recommended Books

1. Bentley, C. (2011).The Essence of the Project Management Method, 7th Edition. CAIS
2. Cobb, C. G. and Hoboken (2011). Making Sense of Agile Project Management: Balancing
Control and Agility, John Wiley and Sons.
3. Kerzner, H. R. (2013). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling
and controlling. 11th Edition, John Wiley and Sons.
4. Meredith, M.J. (2005) Project management: a managerial approach. 6th edition, Wiley and
5. Project Management Institute (2008). A guide to the project management body of
knowledge (pmbok guide). 4th edition.
6. Schwalbe, K. (2008) Information Technology Project Management, 5th edition.
7. Wysocki, R.K. (2014). Effective project management: traditional, agile, extreme, (7thEd):
Wiley India
8. Highsmith, J. (2009).Agile Project Management (2ndEd): Addison-Wesley Professional.
9. Goodpasture,J.C.(2014). Project Management the Agile Way: Making it Work in the
Enterprise (1st Ed),Cengage Learning India.
10. Kim, G., Behr, K., & Spafford, K. (2014). The phoenix project: A novel about IT, DevOps,
and helping your business win. IT Revolution.
11. Humble, J., & Farley, D. (2010). Continuous delivery: reliable software releases through
build, test, and deployment automation. Pearson Education.


Course Description

The course is designed to impart the learning of principles of econometric methods and tools.
This is expected to improve student’s ability to understand of econometrics in the study of
economics. This course intends to provide a thorough and sound understanding of the essential
theoretical base, an introduction into the important and useful techniques of modelling and also
an understanding of the broad applications of econometrics.

Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand the basic principles of decision making Cognitive Level-

using micro economic analysis Understand

LO2 Build, estimate and interpret linear regression models Cognitive Level- Apply

LO3 Use LOGIT and ANCOVA models for understanding Cognitive Level- Analyse
relationships and variables

LO4 Interpret key statistics and diagnostics typically Cognitive Level- Evaluate
generated by software

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 3 3 2 2 1
LO2 3 3 1

LO3 3 3 1

LO4 3 3 2

Module 1
Economics-Definition and Scope, Fundamental principles of economic decision making
Demand and supply, Types of Market structures

Module 2
Introduction to econometrics-meaning and scope, Methodology of econometrics, regression
analysis in econometrics, types of estimation in regression, Characteristics and properties of
OLS estimators

Module 3
Standard Error and T ratios, Decomposition of variations, R2 and ANOVA

Module 4
Multiple Linear Regression, Autocorrelation, Heterosedasticity, Multi collinearity, Dynamic
Module 5

LOGIT model, ANCOVA model, Estimation of production function, Estimation of demand


1. Baltagi, B.H. (2011), Econometrics, Springer, New York.

2. Dongherty, C. (2011), Introduction to Econometrics, Oxford University Press, New York.
3. Guarajti Damodar J. and Dawn C. Porter. (2009), Essentials of Econometrics. Fourth edition.
4. Koutsoyiannis, A. (2001), Theory of Econometrics (2nd ed.), Palgrave Macmillan Press Ltd.,
5. Maddala, G.S. (1998), Econometrics — An Introduction, New York:McGraw-Hill.
6. Wooldridge, J.M., 2013, Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, NewDelhi:


This course covers deep learning techniques used by practitioners in industry, such as Linear
Regression and classification models, the concept of generalisation, deep neural networks,
feature engineering, sequence modelling, and practical methodology. This course is useful for
those who want to start learning about deep learning and how it can be used to apply in various

Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand basic concepts and techniques of Cognitive Level-Understand

Predictive Modelling
LO2 Visualize and explore data to better understand Cognitive Level-Evaluate
relationships among variables
LO3 Applying dimensionality reduction and feature Cognitive Level- Apply
scaling to normalize the data
LO4 Devise solutions to practical problems using Cognitive Level- Create
Predictive modeling algorithms
LO5 Use of predictive models to uncover unknown Cognitive Level- Synthesis
patterns and new causal mechanisms in complex
LO6 Understand basics of Reinforcement learning and Cognitive Level- Understand
deep learning

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3


LO1 3

LO2 3 2 3 2 2

LO3 3 3 3

LO4 2 3 2

LO5 3 3 2 2

LO6 3 3 2

Module 1

Introduction to Predictive Modeling - Types of Predictive Models - Stages of Predictive
Modeling - Hypothesis Generation - Data Extraction - Data Exploration. Reading the data -
Variable Identification - Univariate analysis for Continuous Variables and Categorical
Variables, Bivariate Analysis, missing values, Variable Transformation

Module 2

Feature processing and scaling - Feature Transformation, Scaling and Encoding - Frequency
Encoding - Feature Generation - Feature Interaction - Date Time Features. Automated Feature
Engineering: Familiarization with Tools.

Module 3

Analytics Modeling - Dimensionality Reduction: Factor Analysis - Principal Component

Analysis (PCA) - Independent Component Analysis (ICA) – Projection techniques - Linear
Discriminant Analysis (LDA) - Selection & Boosting.

Module 4

Linear models: Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Polynomial

Regression; Classification - Logistic Regression - K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN) - Naive Bayes
- Decision Tree - Support Vector Machine (SVM) - Evaluating Performance of Classification
Models. Clustering - K-Means Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering.

Module 5

Introduction to Reinforcement learning and Deep learning - Upper Confidence Bound (UCB),
Q-learning – Sampling - Artificial Neural Networks - Convolutional Neural Networks – DNN
: Implementation ideas.

Recommended Books
1. Aggarwal, Charu C. (2018), Neural Networks and Deep Learning A Textbook, Springer
2. Livingstone, David J. (Ed). (2009), Artificial Neural Networks: Methods and Application,
3. Max Kuhn and Kjell Johnson (2019), Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical
Approach for Predictive Models, Taylor & Francis
4. Simon Haykin (2010) Neural Networks & Learning Machines,Third edition, Prentice Hall
5. Sudharsan Ravichandiran, 2020, Deep Reinforcement Learning with Python, Packt
Publishing; 2nd edition (30 September 2020)


Sl.No Course Name of the Course Hours Marks Credit
L T P Internal End
1 KBD Entrepreneurship Development 4 0 2 50 50 4
1501 and Management of Startups
2 KBD Strategic Self Marketing & 5 2 0 50 50 4
1502 Personal Branding
3 KBD Digital marketing and social 5 3 0 50 50 4
1503 media analytics
4 KBD Big Data Analytics 2 0 4 50 50 4
5 KBD Text and Web Analytics 3 0 4 50 50 5
6 KBD Business Model Analysis 5 1 0 50 50 5
KBD Elective 2 3 1 2 50 50 4
Total 700 30

Course Description

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the
following topics: Understanding the dynamic role of entrepreneurship and small businesses;
Organizing and Managing a Small Business; Startups- New Product or Service Development;
Business Plan Creation; and Small Business Growth and Performance
Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand entrepreneurial behaviours and Cognitive Level-

entrepreneurial motivation Understand

LO2 Understand managerial problems of new Cognitive Level-

enterprises: production, financing and labour and Understand
marketing problems
LO3 Analyse the economic costs and benefits of start- Cognitive Level- Analyze
LO4 Evaluate the process of becoming a start-up with Cognitive Level- Evaluate
current trends and Regulatory environment
LO5 Create a business plan for a business idea Cognitive Level- Create

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 2 2 1 1
LO2 3 3 2 1

LO3 3 2

LO4 3 2 2 1

LO5 2 2 2 3

Module 1
Entrepreneurial traits, types and significance, Definitions, characteristics of entrepreneurial
types, qualities and functions of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial behaviours and entrepreneurial
motivation, Achievement and management success, Entrepreneurial success in rural area,
Innovation and entrepreneur. Role of entrepreneurship in a developing economy.

Module 2
Mechanics of setting of new enterprises – size and location, industrial location factors
determining the industrial location. Search for business idea, sources of ideas, idea processing,
input requirements, Business plans: Components and Preparation of business plans, Sources of
Module 3
Feasibility Studies: Technical, marketing and financial: managerial problems of new
enterprises: production, financing and labor and marketing problems, Preparation of Feasibility
reports and legal process and documentation, establishing entrepreneur systems.
Module 4
The new model of Entrepreneurship- Business incubators and startups, Start up’s- Concepts,
models, characteristics, startup communities, startup terminologies and funding options of
start-up’s. Startups in India: Profile, Causes, Effects, Process of becoming a startup, Current
trends, Regulatory environment, Budget, Plans and Policies.
Module 5
Strategic planning and financial performance of start-ups, Economic costs and benefits of
startups. Role of Business Planning in Startup’s. Startup’s- Key to unemployment or reason for
future unemployed youth, impact of education and training, Resource constraints, Emerging,
young and high potential start-ups. Government initiatives- assistance towards Startup’s,
women initiatives and other backward groups. Startup India program
Recommended Books

1. Barringer, Bruce R. (2015) Preparing Effective Business Plans : An Entrepreneurial

Approach. Second edition, Pearson Education.
2. Barringer, Bruce R., and Ireland,R. Duane ( 2008) Entrepreneurship : Successfully
Launching New Ventures, Second Edition, Pearson Education.
3. Blank, Steven G., and Dorf, Bob (2012). The Startup Owner’s Manual: The Step-by-Step
Guide for Building a Great Company.KetS Ranch, Inc.
4. Drucker, Peter Ferdinand (2007). Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles.
Harper & Row.
5. Kuratko, Donald F., and Welsch, Harold P. (2004) Strategic Entrepreneurial Growth. ,
Second edition, Thomson/South-Western.
6. Kawasaki, G. (2004). The art of the start: The time-tested, battle-hardened guide for anyone
starting anything. Penguin.
7. Christensen, C. M., &Christensen, C. M. (2003). The Innovator's Dilemma,
HarperBusiness Essentials.
8. Baron, R. A. (2014). Essentials of Entrepreneurship: Evidence and Practice. Edward Elgar
9. Kuratko, D. F. (2016). Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, and Practice. Cengage Learning.
10. Blank, S., & Dorf, B. (2012). The Startup Owner's Manual: The step-by-step guide for
building a great company; BookBaby.


Course Description

The course aims to familiarize students with the use strategic marketing and personal branding
techniques for enhancing and promoting professional image. Upon completion of the course,
students should be able to create and project a professional image and attitude, demonstrate
good interview and networking skills. The course also aims to familiarize the student with
global business etiquettes and help them develop a personal brand to advance future career

Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand the importance of marketing Cognitive Level-

orientation and career development Understand

LO2 Analyse strategies for creating personal brand Cognitive Level- Analyse

LO3 Create personal branding statements, and integrate Cognitive Level- Evaluate
social networking into career branding;
LO4 Analyse self-marketing and personal branding Cognitive Level- Create
related data for self-assessment of self-marketing
and personal branding skills.
LO5 Create a strategic self-marketing plan. Cognitive Level- Create

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 2 3
LO2 2 3

LO3 2 3

LO4 2 3

LO5 2 3

Module 1
Overview of personal branding - Crafting Personal Brand Profile - Business Cards - Resume
writing - LinkedIn - Crafting personal brand - Knowing brand (Personal SWOT).

Module 2
Define branding and career goals - Understand how to position oneself - Define your message
- Establish social media accounts - Create digital portfolio - Layout and develop a resume and
cover letter
Module 3
Building a personal network - Personal branding in the work place - Writing personal brand -
Communicating Brand Online - Social media marketing

Module 4
Determine a brand strategy - how to leverage current professional and personal relationships -
Attending professional networking events.
Module 5
Build a brand action plan - Evaluate other successful personal brand campaigns - How to
maintain branding efforts.
Recommended Books

1. Susan Chritton(2012) Personal Branding For Dummies; John Wiley & Sons,
2. William Arruda and Dixson, K (2007) Career Distinction: Stand Out by Building Your
Brand; John Wiley & Sons.
3. Mobray, Kaplan (2009) The 10Ks of Personal Branding; iUniverse,
4. Michael Janda (2013) Burn Your Portfolio: Stuff They Don’t Teach You in Design School,
But Should; New Riders.
5. Erik Deckers and Kyle Lacy (2012) Branding Yourself: How to Use Social Media to Invent
or Reinvent Yourself,Second edition; Que Publishing


Course Description

To impart theory and practice of digital marketing and social media analytics in the age of
big data; to give basic level understanding of paid media, predictive modeling for ad
targeting and customer relationship management, measuring and managing product virality,
viral product design, native advertising, and engaging the multichannel experience; and to
expose to some of the theory and practice of randomized experimentation, AB testing and
the importance of causal inference for marketing strategy.

Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand digital marketing concepts, social Cognitive Leve-Understand
media analytics and tools
LO2 Examine social media CRM methods Cognitive Level- Analyse

LO3 Evaluate digital marketing plans by identifying Cognitive Level-Evaluate

correct measures
LO4 Evaluate strategic options for boosting customer Cognitive Level- Evaluate
acquisition, conversion, and retention using digital
LO5 Create a digital marketing plan and budget Cognitive Level-Create

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 2 2
LO2 2 3 2 1

LO3 3 3 3 1

LO4 3 3 3 1

LO5 2 3 3 3 1 2

Module 1
Social Media Analytics: Defining Analytics in Social Media and Types of Analytics Tools,
Differences of Social Media Networks, The Analytics Process, Metrics, Dashboards, and
Reports, Strategy of Marketing, Prescriptive Analytics, The Future of Social Media Analytics.

Module 2

Tools for Social Media Analytics: Identifying a Social Media Listening Tool, Understanding
Social Media Engagement Software, Purchasing Social Media Engagement Tools, Tools:

Social Media Listening, Search Analytics, Audience analysis, Modeling Social Media
Programs, Search Analysis.

Module 3

CRM Strategy in the Age of Big Data and Digital Advertising: Defining Social CRM, Rolling
Out a Social CRM Initiative, Identifying a Social CRM Solution. Mobile Analytics:
Understanding the Current Mobile Market Landscape, Identifying What Is Next for Mobile
Marketing, The Current State of Measuring Mobile, The Future State of Measuring Mobile
Marketing, Earned vs Paid Media, Predictive Modeling for Ad Targeting

Module 4

Viral Product Design, the Multichannel Experience, Randomized Experimentation:

Understanding the Conversation Audit, Identifying Online Influencers, Identifying Known
Issues, Social Customer Service Models and Conflicts, Formulating Research Plan, Conduct
of Report, Search analysis and ROI.

Module 5

AB Testing and Causal Inference in Marketing Strategy: Understanding Measurement

Fundamentals, Developing Your Measurement Reporting Cadence, AB Testing, Collecting
and Extracting Social Media Data form Twitter/ Flikr, Data Analysis, Visualization, and
Exploration of Data, Case Study on Structured and Unstructured Data.

Activities Recommended:

1. Modeling Exercise of Digital Marketing and Reporting of for easy understanding and

2. Case Study of Media Analytics in Twitter and Flickr.

Recommended Books

1. Noah Gray, Michael Fox, Social Media Marketing: Step by Step Instructions For
Advertising Your Business on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin
and Various Other Platforms, 2nd Edition, 2018.
2. Chuck Hemann, Ken Burbary, Digital Marketing Analytics: Making Sense of Consumer
Data in a Digital World, Que Publishing, 2013.
3. Raghav Bali, Dipanjan Sarkar, Tushar Sharma, Learning Social Media Analytics with R:
Transform data from social media platforms into actionable business insights, Packt, 2017
4. Alex Gonçalves, Social Media Analytics Strategy: Using Data to Optimize Business
Performance 1st ed. Edition, Apress, 2017.
5. Matthew Ganis, Avinash Kohirkar, Social Media Analytics: Techniques and Insights for
Extracting Business Value Out of Social Media, IBM Press, 1st Edition, 2015
6. Matthew A. Russell, Mining the Social Web: Data Mining Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,
Google+, GitHub, and More O'Reilly Media; Second edition, 2013.

Courses Recommended:


Course Description

To introduce big data terminologies and concepts, MapReduce programming model and its
applications. This course provides an overview of approaches facilitating data analytics on
huge datasets. Different strategies are presented including sampling to make classical analytics
tools amenable for big datasets, analytics tools that can be applied in the batch or the speed
layer of a lambda architecture, stream analytics, and commercial attempts to make big data
manageable in massively distributed or in-memory databases. Learners will be able to
realistically assess the application of big data analytics technologies for different usage
scenarios and start with their own experiments.

Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand the fundamental concepts of big data Cognitive Level-

analytics. Understand

LO2 Understand the various search methods and Cognitive Level-

visualization techniques. Understand

LO3 Apply various techniques for mining data streams. Cognitive Level- Apply

LO4 Optimize business decisions and create competitive Cognitive Level- Create
advantage with Big Data Analytics
LO5 Apply Map Reduce Concepts. Cognitive Level- Create

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 2 3 2 2
LO2 2 3 2 1

LO3 3 3

LO4 3 3 3

LO5 3 3 3

Module 1
Introduction to big data: Big Data Overview, The Value of Big Data, State of the Practice in
Analytics, Key Roles for the new Big Data Ecosystem, Characteristics of Big Data, Challenges
for Big Data Analytics, Big Data Applications, Big Data Use Cases: Patterns for Big Data

Module 2

Big data analytics: Data Analytics Lifecycle-Discovery, Data Preparation, Model Planning,
Model Building, Communicate Results, Operationalize, Case Study: Global Innovation
Network And Analysis (GINA), Modern Data Analytic Tools, Intelligent data analysis,
Analytic Processes and Tools,
Module 3
Big data technology and tools: analytics for Unstructured Data- Use Cases, MapReduce,
Apache Hadoop, The Hadoop Ecosystem- Pig, Hive, HBase, Mahout, NoSQL, In-Database
Analytics- SOL Essentials, In-Database Text Analysis, Advanced SOL, Data Analytic
Methods Using R-Exploratory Data Analysis, Statistical Methods for Evaluation, Big Data
Analytics with R and Hadoop
Case study: Installation and study of Apache Hadoop and implementation of a sample
wordcount MapReduce program
Module 4
Apache Hadoop: apache Hadoop and the Hadoop Ecosystem- The Hadoop Distributed File
System, Components of Hadoop, Analyzing the Data with Hadoop, Hadoop I/O, Setting up a
Hadoop Cluster, Hadoop Configuration, Security in Hadoop, Hadoop benchmarks, Hadoop
Ecosystem-Yarn, Pig, HBase, Mahout, Zookeper, Oozie, Flume, Sqoop
Module 5
MapReduce programming: Map-Reduce Implementation with Hadoop, How Map Reduce
Works, Anatomy of a Map Reduce Job, MapReduce Execution Pipeline, Designing
MapReduce Implementation, Map Reduce Types and Formats- Map Reduce Features
Case Study- IBM InfoSphere
Case studies focussing on clustering application for recommendation systems

Recommended Books
1. Clifton, B. (2010). Advanced web metrics mit Google Analytics: Praxis-Handbuch. MITP-
Verlags GmbH & Co. KG.
2. Prajapati, V. (2013). Big data analytics with R and Hadoop. Packt Publishing Ltd..
3. Marconi, K., & Lehmann, H. (Eds.). (2014). Big data and health analytics. CRC Press.
4. Warden, P. (2011). Big data glossary. O'Reilly Media, Inc.
5. Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Discovering, Analyzing, Visualizing andPresenting
Data, EMC Education Services, WILEY, 2015
6. Elayidom, M. S. (2015). Datamining and Warehousing. Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd.
7. Berthold, M. R., & Hand, D. J. (Eds.). (2007). Intelligent data analysis: an introduction.
8. Plunkett, T., Macdonald, B., Nelson, B., Hornick, M., Sun, H., Mohiuddin, K., ... & Segleau,
D. (2014). Oracle big data handbook. McGraw-Hill Education.
9. White, T. (2012). Hadoop: The definitive guide. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.
10. Zikopoulos, P., & Eaton, C. (2011). Understanding big data: Analytics for enterprise class
hadoop and streaming data. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media.

Course Description

The aim of this course is to be a primer for text analytics theory and practice. After taking this
course, students will have an understanding of how to independently obtain, parse, and analyse
textual information for organizations that want to extract valuable insights. The course provides
understanding of Twitter mining cases, webscrapers, crawlers.
Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand Entity extraction, text categorization Cognitive Level- Understand

and text clustering
LO2 Execute document summarisation Cognitive Level- Apply

LO3 Apply Topic modelling and latent semantic Cognitive Level- Apply
LO4 Develop Customer behaviour and access pattern Cognitive Level- Create
LO5 Create Customer profiling and segmentation Cognitive Level- Create

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 3 3
LO2 3 2 3

LO3 3 3

LO4 2 2 3 2

LO5 2 3 2 3 1

Module 1
Text and web analytics: Text Analytics- Text Analysis Steps, Collecting Raw Text,
Representing Text, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF), word 2 vector.
Module 2
Topic models; CSI; PLSA; LDA; Topic-based document index; Concept of ontology.
Module 3
Sentiment analysis, Senti WordNet, polarity computation
Module 4
Introduction data streams, opportunities and challenges, data stream, twitter mining-case study.
Module 5

Introduction to XML, XSLT, XPath, web mining, web scrapers, crawlers. Parser.
Recommended Books
1. Zhai, C.X. & Massung, S. (2016). Text data management and analysis: a practical
introduction to information retrieval and text mining. Acm Books.
2. Miner, G., Elder IV, J., & Hill, T. (2012). Practical text mining and statistical analysis for
non-structured text data applications. Academic Press.
3. Struhl, S. (2015). Practical Text Analytics: Interpreting Text and Unstructured Data for
business intelligence,
4. Silge, J. & Robinson, D. (2017). Text mining with r: a tidy approach, O'Reilly Media, Inc.
5. Kaushik, A. (2007). Web analytics: An hour a day (W/Cd). John Wiley & Sons.
6. Clifton, B. (2012). Advanced web metrics with Google Analytics. John Wiley & Sons.
7. Kelly, N. (2012). How to measure social media: A step-by-step guide to developing and
assessing social media ROI. Que Publishing.


Course Description

To equip the students to apply various conceptual frameworks to understand and analyse
business models in diverse markets. The course introduces the concepts, tools, and principles
of business model design aligned with the theories of strategic management. The main
emphasis will be on understanding how firm's unique resources and capabilities should serve
as a basis on which business model can be designed. In addition, throughout the course we
will touch up upon the requirements set by the business environments and the theories that
explain how companies are creating and maintaining competitive advantage.

Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Explain the importance of business models in value Cognitive Level- Understand
LO2 Interpret business models used by actual ventures Cognitive Level- Apply

LO3 Examine different business model frameworks Cognitive Level- Analyse

LO4 Construct and present a business model for an Cognitive Level- Create
innovative and viable new venture
LO5 Design and conduct tests for different business Cognitive Level- Create
model building blocks

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 3 2
LO2 3 3 3

LO3 3 3

LO4 2 2 2 1

LO5 1 2 2 2

Module 1
Business model – conceptual definitions and scope; difference between business model and
strategy; Need and relevance of business models; the concept of value: creating, delivering and
capturing value. Tool for designing and analysing business models: Business Model Canvas;
Four box model, business model wheel.

Module 2

Business Model Patterns; Designing business models; business model innovation; Market
segmentation, targeting and positioning. Identifying markets and assessing market
attractiveness; blue ocean strategy.
Module 3
Building and managing revenue models: Assessing competition and market structure;
Analysing cost structure and gross margin models.
Resource based view of the firm, Core competence, Competitive advantage and Competitive
strategy: role and relevance in business models.
Module 4
Designing Business Models from entry into incubation, Risk Management using business
model portfolios; Lean Start-ups. Product development and customer development for startups.
Module 5
Practical examples of Business models; Sustainable business practices and business models.

Recommended Books

1. Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business model generation: a handbook for
visionaries, game changers, and challengers. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Bernd, W. W. (2011). Business model management: Design-instruments-success factors.
3. Afuah, A. (2014). Business model innovation: concepts, analysis, and cases. Routledge.
4. Blank, S., & Dorf, B. (2012). The startup owner's manual: The step-by-step guide for
building a great company. BookBaby.
5. Ries, E. (2011). The lean startup: How today's entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to
create radically successful businesses. Crown Books.
6. Blank, S. (2013). The four steps to the epiphany: successful strategies for products that
win. BookBaby.
7. Kaplan, S. (2012). The business model innovation factory: How to stay relevant when the
world is changing. John Wiley & Sons.


E-1 Practical Accounting in Business Organisations
E-2 Computational Finance
E-3 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
E-4 HR Analytics
E-5 Introduction to Machine Learning
E-6 Digital Marketing and Social Media Analytics


Course Description

Develop accounts maintenance and finalization skills by associating the process with the Tally
Accounting Package. This course is designed to impart knowledge regarding concepts of
Financial Accounting Tally is an accounting package which is used for learning to maintain
accounts. As this course is useful for Commerce students to get placements in different offices
as well as companies in Accounts departments.
Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Do Voucher Entries and Inventory Records Cognitive Level- Apply

LO2 Process and record the business transactions and Cognitive Level- Apply
manage the accounts information
LO3 Understand the concepts of GST Cognitive Level- Analyse

LO4 Employ payroll accounting using software package Cognitive Level- Create

LO5 Implement statutory filing through identified Cognitive Level- Create

software package

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 3 1 1
LO2 3 3 1 1

LO3 3 3 1 1

LO4 3 3 1 1

LO5 3 3 1 1

Module 1
Fundamentals of Tally.Erp 9
Introduction of Tally.ERP 9-History of Tally-Versions of Tally-Company Features-
Configuration- Getting functions with Tally.ERP9-Creation/setting up of Company in
Tally.ERP9-Chart of Groups-Groups-Multiple Groups-Ledgers-Multiple Ledgers-Stock
Groups-Multiple Stock Groups-Stock Categories-Multiple Stock Categories-Units of Measure-
Godowns-Stock Items.

Module 2
Voucher Entries and Inventory Records in Tally.Erp9

Introduction-Types of Vouchers-Chart of Vouchers-Accounting Vouchers-Inventory
Vouchers-Invoicing-Bill wise details-Cost centers and Cost Categories-Multiple currencies-
Interest calculations- Budget and controls-Scenario management-Bank Reconciliation-Order
Processing-Recorder Levels-Batch-wise details-Bill of Materials-Batch-Wise Details-
Different Actual and Billed Quantities-Price Lists-Zero Valued Entries-Additional cost details-

Module 3
GST in Tally.ERP9
GST-GST Repots-CGST-CGST Repots-TDS-TDS Repots-TCS-TCS Repots-Creating Tax
Ledgers-Transferring Tax Credits of VAT-Excise and Service Tax to GST-Recording GST
Sales and Printing- Invoices-Recording GST Interstate Salesand Printing Invoices-Recording
an Advance to Supplier-under GST-

Module 4
Payroll Accounting in Tally.Erp9 and Technological Advantage of Tally.Erp9
Payroll Accounting-Payroll Report-Tally vault-Security controls-Tally audit-Backup and
restore-Split company data-Import and export of data-Printing Reports and Cheques-Create
Company Logo.

Module 5
Generation of Reports in Tally.Erp9
Financial Statements-Trading Account-Profit & Loss Account-Balance Sheet-Accounts Books
and Reports-Inventory Books and Reports-Exception Reports-Statutory Reports- Trail
balance-Day Books-List of Accounts-Stock Summary.
Note: 1. Fully practical classes with sufficient examples
2. Essential Software – Tally.Erp9

Tally.ERP9 Reference Book


Course Description

The computational finance program produces quantitative analysts who design and implement
financial models used by banks and investment companies to generate profits and reduce risk.
Computational finance support other industries and business functions that reach beyond
banking and finance. The program is designed for students interested in computational or
quantitative finance careers in banking, finance, and a growing number of industries. The
course intends to develop the financial analytical skills by associating the tools and techniques
available with Excel for financial data analytics.
Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Examine the construction of computational Cognitive Level-Understand

algorithms in solving financial problems
LO2 Understand the similarities and differences in Cognitive Level-
efficiency, convergence rate and complexity for the Understand
LO3 Interpret computational results both orally and in a Cognitive Level- Analyse
written report
LO4 Develop solvers for analysing financial derivatives Cognitive Level- Create

LO5 Use advanced software for pricing of financial Cognitive Level- Create

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 2 3 2 1
LO2 2 3 2 1

LO3 3 3 3 2

LO4 3 2 3

LO5 2 3

Module 1
Introduction to Data Analysis: Analysis and Interpretation; Types of Data Analysis - Data
Mining-Business Intelligence-Statistical Analysis-Predictive Analytics-Text Analytics; Data
Analysis with Excel-Ranges and Tables-Data Cleaning with Text Functions, Containing Date
Values and Containing Time Values; Conditional Formatting; Sorting and Filtering; Subtotals
with Ranges; PivotTable; Quick Analysis; Lookup Functions; Data Visualization-Band Chart,
Thermometer Chart, Gantt chart, Waterfall Chart, Sparklines and Pivot Charts; Formula
Auditing; Inquire; MS Excel.
Module 2

Financial Data Analysis: Time value of money-Annuity-Present Value of a series of Future
Payments (PV);Computation of EMI-Monthly Payment of Principal and Interest on a Loan-
Calculating interest and term of loan; Decisions on Investments-Cash Flows at the Beginning,
middle and end of the Year-NPV-XNPV IRR-MIRR-XIRR; Data Consolidation; What-if-
Analysis with Data Tables, Scenario Manager, Goal Seek; Key Performance Indicators (KIP).
Module 3
Time Series Regression Analysis: Annual Growth Rate (AGR) Compounded Annual Growth
Rate (CAGR); Time series plot-Sales and share price forecast using regression-Trend Setting.
Module 4
Financial Market Risk Analysis: Risk-Systematic- Unsystematic; Computation of Beta of
securities-computation of Risk Adjusted Rate using CAPM.
Module 5
Financial Statement Analysis: Comparative Statements, Common size Statements-Trend
Projection-Profitability Ratios-Debt to Equity Ratio-Fixed Assets to Total Assets Ratio-
Current Assets to Total Assets Ratio;
Note: 1. Fully practical classes with sufficient examples
2. Essential Software – MS Excel
Recommended Books

2. Excel 2016: QuickStart Guide for Beginners ( 2016), My Ebook Publishing House
3. Walkenbach,John ( 2016) Microsoft Excel 2016 Bible: The Comprehensive Tutorial
4. Winston,Wayne L.( 2016) Microsoft Excel 2016 - Data Analysis and Business
Modeling, Microsoft Press.
5. Makridakis, Spyros and Wheelwright,Steven C(1998), Forecasting: Methods and
Applications, Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons.


Course Description

The focus of this course is on the examination and valuation of the major investment vehicles
and strategies popular today. In particular, we will consider how investors allocate their
financial assets by forming, managing, and evaluating portfolios containing instruments. This
course aims at developing an understanding of the changing domestic and global investment
scenario in general and Indian capital market in particular with reference to availability of
various financial products and operations of stock exchanges. It aims at providing an in-depth
knowledge of the theory and practice of portfolio management. Important theories, techniques,
regulations and certain advancements in theory of investment will be covered with an aim of
helping the participants make sound investment decisions in the context of portfolio

Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Familiarize with the theory and practice of Cognitive Level-Understand

investment analysis and portfolio management
LO2 Understand the working of Securities Market Cognitive Level-Understand

LO3 Analyse the relationship between risk and return. Cognitive Level- Analyse

LO4 Evaluate strategies followed by various portfolio Cognitive Level- Evaluate

LO5 Valuation of equities and bonds. Cognitive Level- Create

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 3
LO2 3 2 1 2

LO3 2 2 2 1 1 1

LO4 1 2 2 1 1

LO5 2 2 3 2

Module 1: Introduction to Investment

Investment: Nature and Scope, Objectives, Investment and Speculation, Types of Financial
Investments, Sources of Investment Information.

Module 2: Securities Market

Indian Securities Market: Meaning, Functions, Role of Primary Market, Methods of Floatation
of Capital, Problems of New Issues Market, Recent Trends in Primary Market. Secondary

Market: Meaning, Nature and Functions of Stock Exchanges, Listing of Securities, Overview
of Regulatory Framework for Securities Market.

Module 3: Return and Risk Analysis

Return: Concept of Return, Computation of Return. Risk: Concept of Risk, Systematic and
Unsystematic Risk, Sources of Investment Risk, Measurement of Risk

Module 4: Securities Analysis

Fundamental Analysis: Analysis of Economy, Tools for Economic Analysis. Industry
Analysis: Different Stages of Industry Life-cycle, Key Factors in Industry Analysis. Company
Analysis: Tools for Profitability and Financial Soundness.
Technical Analysis: Theories of Technical Analysis: Dow Theory, Elliot Wave Theory.
Charting Tools.

Module 5: Portfolio Management

Introduction to Portfolio Management: Portfolio Management Process, Selection of Securities.
Portfolio Theory: Efficient Market Theory, Markowitz Model, Sharpe’s Single Index Model.

Recommended Books
1. Fisher,Donal E., Jordan, Ronald J.(1995)Security Analysis and Portfolio Management,
2. Reilly, Frank R, Keith C. Brown(2012) Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
(Indian Edition), Thomson – South Western.
3. Bodie, Zvie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus, Pitabas Mohanty (2015), Investments, Tenth
Edition,McGraw-Hill, New Delhi
4. Chandra, Prasanna (2012)Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Fourth edition,
5. Bhalla V. K.(2013)Investment Management – Security Analysis and Portfolio
Management, Nineteeenth Edition, S. Chand and Company., New Delhi
6. Khatri, Dhanesh ( 2017)Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, McGrawHill
7. Ranganatham R., Madhumathi R. ( 2012 )Security Analysis and Portfolio Management,
Pearson Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Course Description

The course offers a strategic view of organization’s use of HR data and its measurement
systems. It helps to understand the characteristics and importance of high-quality data and
equips you to find and collect that data, inside or away from the environment of organization.
This course intends to increase students’ awareness of the usefulness of HRM metrics and
analytics and equip in using them at the workplace.
Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand modern HR measurement methods & Cognitive Level-Understand

LO2 Interpret HR data to make insightful business Cognitive Level-Apply
LO3 Apply HR Modeling for Root cause analysis Cognitive Level- Apply

LO4 Develop predictive management capability for Cognitive Level- Create

firms using the modern tools of HR analytics
LO5 Develop HR metrics considering effectiveness Cognitive Level- Create

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 3 3 1
LO2 3 3 3 2 3

LO3 2 3 3 3

LO4 2 2 3 1 1

LO5 2 2 3 1 1

Module 1:
HR Measurement Models: Evolution of HR Analytics- Concepts- HR Analytics Maturity
Model- HR Analytics framework- LAMP, HCM: 21, Ethical issues in Analytics

Module 2:
Quantitative HRM and Applications: DCOVA- Defining the objectives- Collecting the data-
Organising the data- Data Visualization- Data Analysis-Descriptive Statistics

Module 3
HR Reporting: HR Metrics: HR Metrices in recruitment, training and compensation, FTE,
Utilization ratio, HR Score card, Dashboard creation (Practicals/Workshop mode)

Module 4
HR Effectiveness Measures: Linking HR measures to business results- Identifying and using
the key HR Metrics- Association and Causation (Practicals/ Workshop mode)

Module 5
HR Modeling: Root cause analysis of HR issues, Using historical data, Scenario Planning
((Practicals/ Workshop mode)

Recommended Books

1. Becker,B E ., Huafelid,M.A. &Ulrich.D(2001).The HR Scorecard: Linking people,

strategy, and performance. Harvard Business Review Press.
2. Bhattacharyya, D.K. (2017). HR Analytics: Understanding Theories and
Applications.Sage Publications.
3. Sullivan, J (2010). HR metrics. Kennedy Information.
4. Gregory, l E (2013).HR Metrics: Practical Measurement Tools for People
Management.Knowledge Resources. (ISBN: 9781869221690)
5. Bucknall. H., Wei Z (2007). Magic Numbers for Human resource Management. Wiley
6. Valerie, P., &Andreasson R. HR metrics: Bench marking human resources
7. Christman, W (2012) HR Metrics That Matter. HR smart
8. HR Metrics standards & glossary published by the HR metrics service. Version
8.0/December 2012
9. HR metrics service, HR metrics Intrepretation guide published by BC HRMA version 3.4 /
December 2012.


The course will give the student the basic ideas and intuition behind modern machine learning
methods as well as a bit more formal understanding of how, why, and when they work. It aims
to introduce methods for learning from data;

Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Understand basic concepts and techniques of Machine Cognitive Level-

Learning Understand

LO2 Evaluate the performance of a Machine Learning Cognitive Level -

Systems Evaluate

LO3 Evaluate popular Machine Learning Models Cognitive Level -


LO4 Devise Solutions to practical problems using Machine Cognitive Level - Create

LO5 Develop Improved Machine Learning Model Cognitive Level - Create

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3


LO1 3 2 2

LO2 3 3 1

LO3 3 3

LO4 2 2 3 2 1

LO5 2 1 3 3 3 1

Module 1 Machine Learning Basics

Definition of machine learning, Introduction to learning: supervised and unsupervised learning,

classification, clustering, regression - Python for Machine Learning: scikit-learn, Essential
Libraries, and Tools: Jupyter notebook, NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib, pandas, - Python exercise
on classifying Iris Species

Module 2 Supervised learning I

Machine learning models for classification and regression: K Nearest Neighbour classifier, k-
neighbors regression, Ridge regression, multiclass classification - Python exercise on KNN

Module 3 Supervised learning II

Probabilistic classification: Naive Bayes Classifiers, parameter estimation, maximum

likelihood method – Decision Trees: Building decision trees, feature importance. Cultivating

decision trees - Optimizing the complexity of decision trees. Ensemble models - Variable
selection - Categorical input consolidation - Surrogate models.

Module 4 Unsupervised learning

Types of unsupervised learning, Challenges, Preprocessing and scaling: Different kinds of

preprocessing, applying data transformations – Dimensionality reduction: Principal
Component Analysis(PCA), Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) – Clustering: K-
means clustering, Case study: Comparing image reconstructions using k- means, PCA and
NMF – Python exercise on PCA, K-means clustering

Module 5 Model Evaluation and Improvement

Cross-validation: Benefits of cross-validation, Stratified k-Fold Cross-Validation and Other

Strategies – Evaluation metrics and scoring: Metrics for Binary classification- Confusion
matrices, precision, recall, and f-score - Metrics for Multiclass Classification, Regression

Suggested Projects:
 Apply/Develop a machine learning method to solve a specific problem:
 A machine learning approach to classifying emails
 Predict stock prices based on past price variation
 Predict how people would rate movies, books, etc.
 Sentiment Analysis of Movie Reviews
 Cluster gene expression data, how to modify existing methods to solve the problem
Recommended Books
1. Andreas C. Müller & Sarah Guido, Introduction to Machine Learning with
Python: A Guide for Data Scientists, O’Reilly, 20172. Fritz Matt, Machine
Learning: Mastering the Basics; an In-depth Look at Machine Learning,
Createspace Independent, 2017
2. Peter Harrington, Machine Learning in Action, Dreamtech Press, 2012.
3. Ian H. Witten, Eibe Frank and Mark A. Hall, Data Mining: Practical Machine
Learning Tools and Techniques, 3 e., 2018.
4. Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa, Malik Magdon-Ismail and Hsuan-Tien Lin, Learning
From Data, AMLBook, 2012
5. Stephen Marsland, Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective, Chapman
and Hall/CRC, 2014
6. T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, J. Friedman. The Elements of Statistical Learning,2e.,
Springer Series, 2017.
7. Christopher Bishop. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. 2e., Springer-
verlag, 2011

Online Courses:
1. Prof. Ravindran, Introduction to machine learning,
2. Prof. S. Sarkar, Introduction to machine learning,
3. MIT OCW on Machine Learning,
Course Description

The course focuses on developing skills in building cases from client requirement analysis and
documentation & reporting involved in an analyst job. To provide understanding of the process
of developing cases from a client perspective and to develop writing skills for preparing and
delivering effective reports including informational reports, problem-solving reports, and
formal analytical reports. The delivery of this course is mostly through practical assignments
and group and individual tasks.
Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 Demonstrate skills in understanding client Cognitive Level- Apply

requirement and identifying relevant variables
related to decision problem/Case
LO2 Apply skills in data gathering for analysing the Cognitive Level- Apply
various dimensions of the given business situation
LO3 Analyse alternatives, risks and returns associated Cognitive Level- Analyse

LO4 Document and report business case Cognitive Level- Create

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 1 2 1 1
LO2 2 1 2 1

LO3 2 1 2 1 2

LO4 1 3 3

Module 1
Scoping the case- Identifying client requirements – Know the stake holders & key decision
makers; Understand the objectives of the client; Understand the strategic context; critical
success factors- Indicative costs- Time framework- Expected deliverables; Case Development
framework–6D framework
Module 2
Building the case - Identification of pain points/problems, developing the problem statement,
identify objectives; assigning metrics to objectives; Data gathering – Field Research Vs Desk
Research; Identifying sources of information- Developing instruments – Interview /survey
protocols; Case study Investigator skills & training; drafting the case – testing and refining

Module 3

Analysing risk and returns/ cost and benefits –evaluate alternatives against metrics- creating a
framework for alternatives –selecting a course of action – accounting of risks; Presentation of
the case – Identification and justification of the case- methodology- assumptions-Alternatives
– pros & cons - lessons learned.
Module 4
Case interview- Concept- types of case interviews- Skills for cracking a case interview -Case
Interview Frameworks – Common myths and misconceptions. Technical Research:
Conducting Technical Research, Researching at Work, Finding & Documenting Primary and
Secondary data, Evaluating Sources

Module 5

Writing Process: Drafting, Revising, Editing, Copyediting and Publishing, Document Design
and Graphics: Designing the document, ABC’s of Print Document Design, Page Design,
Designing Graphics, Constructing Graphics, Tables, Figures, Using Visuals Ethically.
Recommended Books
1. Chaturvedi, P.D & Chaturvedi, M ( 2017) The Art and Science of Business
Communication, 4e, Pearson.
2. Cosentino Marc P,(2016),Case in Point 9: Complete Case Interview Preparation,9e,
Burgee Press.
3. Developing a Business Case (2010), Pocket Mentor series, Harvard Business Review
4. Garner, B. A. (2012), HBR Guide to Better Business Writing: Engage Readers Tighten
and Brighten Make Your Case ,Harvard Business Review Press
5. Houp,K.W., Pearsall,T & Elizabeth Tebeaux (2005) Reporting Technical
Information,11e,Oxford University Press.
6. Kolin,P.C ( 2009) Successful Writing at Work,2e, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
7. Netzley, M & Snow,Craig ( 2016) Guide to Report Writing, Pearson.
8. Peter O.(2016),Consulting Frameworks: Use on your next startup, in an existing small
business, or to ace the case interview (Business Success) (Volume 7)
9. Raman, Meenakshi & Singh, Prakash (2012) Business Communication, 2e, Oxford
University Press.
10. Raymond, S. &Amy, G. (2015), HBR Guide to Building Your Business Case, ,HBR
Guide Series.
11. Smith-Worthington, D & Jefferson,S ( 2008) Technical Writing for Succes,3e,South
Western Cengage Learning.
12. Stephen,P.(2014), Case Interviews For Beginners, Create Space Independent
Publishing Platform
13. Tom, R. (2011) Case interview success, 2e, Create Space Independent Publishing
14. Victor C., (012) Case interview Secrets, Innovation Press
15. William, N. and Margaret, N.(2006), The Art and Craft of Case Writing, M.E. Sharpe

Group III & IV


Course Description

This workshop will help to create dynamic and professional presentations, organizing their
content for maximum impact, and creating a stronger connection with the audience.
Participants will learn to get important points across quickly in their business writing,
examining how best to target readers, select and organize information, use clear language, be
strategic, and achieve a stronger business tone. This workshop will provide participants with
easy to apply tools and strategies that can be implemented immediately, resulting in more
effective business communication.

Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 To understand the communication process for Cognitive Level-

interpersonal communication Understand

LO2 To apply communication techniques for effective Cognitive Level- Apply

public speaking

LO3 To collate data for presentations and reports Cognitive Level- Analyse

LO4 To decide on presentation formats based on Cognitive Level- Evaluate

communication requirements

LO5 To prepare effective Business reports Cognitive Level- Create

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 1 3
LO2 1 2 3

LO3 1 3

LO4 2 2 3

LO5 3 2 2 1 3


Course Description

This workshop focusses on increasing productivity by controlling priorities, improving

leadership skills to empower others effectively, enhance communication skills, develop a
positive attitude and become leader in team development and the increased productivity that
comes through collaboration.

Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 To understand the concepts of time management, Cognitive Level-

goal setting, personal productivity Understand

LO2 To apply modern time management techniques Cognitive Level- Apply

LO3 To analyse one’s strength and weakness Cognitive Level- Analyse

LO4 To evaluate goals in the context of teams Cognitive Level- Evaluate

LO5 To develop a personal growth plan Cognitive Level- Create

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 2 3
LO2 2 3 2 3

LO3 3 2 3

LO4 3 2 3

LO5 3 2 3



Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 To Understand the possibilities of digital self- Cognitive Level- Understand

branding for career success

LO2 To apply digital marketing techniques in Cognitive Level- Apply

developing online professional identity

LO3 To analyse alternate career pathways Cognitive Level- Analyse

LO4 To evaluate professional development plans Cognitive Level- Evaluate

LO5 To develop career growth strategy Cognitive Level- Create

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 3 2 3
LO2 2 3 2 3

LO3 3 3 2 3

LO4 2 3 2 3

LO5 2 3 2 3


Course Description

This study aims to understand organizational structures, processes, and practices. The study
needs to cover the structure, function and process of various departments. The Study will try
to analyse the business environment and the performance of organization and also interpret the

Course Learning Outcomes

LO1 To understand the organizational structure and Cognitive Level-

functions of departments Understand

LO2 To understand the application of principles of Cognitive Level-

management in real organizations Understand

LO3 To analyse the business environment of the firm Cognitive Level- Analyse

LO4 To interpret the findings from business Cognitive Level- Evaluate

environment analysis

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 1 2 3
LO2 1 2 3

LO3 3 2 3

LO4 3 2 3

(50 marks for continuous assessment and 50 marks for written report after completion of the



Course Description
The purpose of this project is to develop business process map using process mapping software.
The project will present who and what is involved in business processes and will reveal areas
where processes should be improved.
Course Learning Outcomes
LO1 Understand the business processes in an organization Cognitive level-Understand
LO2 Apply process discovery methods in a business Cognitive level- Apply
LO3 Analyse identified business processes using the tools Cognitive level- Analyze
of BPM
LO4 Evaluate the As-Is process using necessary Cognitive level-Evaluate
LO5 Create models of the business processes using Cognitive level- Create
representation tools like swimlane diagrams

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 1
LO2 1 1 2

LO3 1 2 2

LO4 2 1 1 1 2

LO5 1 2 2 1 3 1 3

Evaluation scheme will comprise of:

i) 50 Marks for continuous assessment

ii) 50 marks for a written report after the completion of the project


Course Description
The objective of Major Project is to provide students with practical exposure to the real
world of analytics whereby they get an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skill
acquired through the course. The students are required to undertake this project in a
Business Analytics firm. The project will be of 80 working days duration. Each student
will be allotted to a faculty guide for the project.
Course Learning Outcomes

Learning Cognitive Level

CLO1 Apply essential career skills including communication Apply
skills, time management and resource management skills
CLO2 Apply analytical thinking and methodological approaches Apply
based on previous course inputs on research methods.
CLO3 Use theoretical analytics methods and models in solving Apply
business analytics problems
CLO4 Design organizational interventions integrating Analyse
management, statistical and analytics concepts and real-
world requirements of organizations
CLO5 Prepare a comprehensive project report complying with Create
standard analytics project reporting norms learned from
associated courses and present it for expert evaluation

Mapping of course outcomes with programme outcomes: Low=1, medium=2, High=3

LO1 2 2 3 3 3 1 2
LO2 2 2 3 3 3 1 2

LO3 2 2 3 3 3 1 2

LO4 2 2 3 3 3 1 2

LO5 2 2 3 3 3 1 2

Evaluation scheme will comprise of:

i) Continuous assessment–100 marks

ii) Final report – 100 marks

iii) Viva-Voce–100 marks


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