BNW Upcl
BNW Upcl
BNW Upcl
Calculation for
Specialty Polyfilms (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Food Basket Analysis
Total 2,420 67
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Food Basket Analysis dated 01/07/22
Market Basket (Minimum Livable cost) (4 Persons)
Particulars Expenditure Rs. Per Month
Education of children 2000
Other Cloth / Social emergency / Travel 1771
Food(66.75X 4persons) X 30 8,303
Medical Expenses 1200
Housing ( including ,power , water fuel ) 2126
Total 15,400/-
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In this company…..
Rs.10,725 /- Per month. This meets the BNW as per SAI requirements.
DATE:01/07/22 Page 3 of 3