BNW Upcl

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Basic Need Wage

Calculation for
Specialty Polyfilms (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Food Basket Analysis

Daily Consumption Per Person

Items Rate Calorific Quantity Calorie value Rate
Value intake in take
Rs. / Kg K. Cal /Kg Grams (Rs.

Wheat 45 3600 100 360 4.5

Rice 50 3600 250 900 12.5

Pulses& Nuts 90 3600 100 360 9

Vegetables& Fruits 50 600 100 60 5.0

Oil/Spices/Condiments 90 9000 250 225 22

Sugar 40 4000 50 200 2.0

Non Veg Items 175 4500 50 225 8

Milk & Milk Products 40 900 100 90 4

Total 2,420 67

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Food Basket Analysis dated 01/07/22
Market Basket (Minimum Livable cost) (4 Persons)
Particulars Expenditure Rs. Per Month
Education of children 2000
Other Cloth / Social emergency / Travel 1771
Food(66.75X 4persons) X 30 8,303
Medical Expenses 1200
Housing ( including ,power , water fuel ) 2126

Total 15,400/-

S.No Particulars / Sample Study Calculation

Husband, Wife , Elders-1, Child

1 House hold members
10 yr old

2 Total expenses for entire family 15,400/-

3 Cost of food 8,303/-

4 Cost of food / individual(8303/4) 2,075.75/-

% of food on total expenditure

5 54

6 Avg house hold size 4

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Wages as per ‘ S A I ’ formula

[Basic food basket x(1/% of avg.household expenditure spent on food) x

(0.5xavg. House hold size) x1.1]

In this company…..

2,075.5 x 1 / 54 x 100 x (0.5 x 4) x 1.1= Rs.8455/-

Minimum Wages for unskilled employee’s gross found

Pays Rs.15000 Per month as gross wages. After,PF& ESI Deduction Net Take

Rs.10,725 /- Per month. This meets the BNW as per SAI requirements.

DATE:01/07/22 Page 3 of 3


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