Portfolio Magda Wegrzyn 2023
Portfolio Magda Wegrzyn 2023
Portfolio Magda Wegrzyn 2023
Magda Wegrzyn, Joanna Małecka
Noise of Common Ground,
200 cm x 200 cm,
acrylic on canvas,
as a part of the exhibiton:
Arka Gallery
Wilnus, Lithuania,
Curator: Egle Ganda Bogdaniene
Because it is not true that all wounds are healed by tme.
CoCa Toruń, Poland
Because it is not true that all wounds are healed by tme.
CoCa Toruń, Poland
For about four years I was living and teaching in Kuwait – a desert country in the
Middle East. Through out this years I was facing many diferent types of censorship
that have been infict both on expats and Kuwaits. The work Silence in Kuwait is
a series of digital photographs dealing with diferent forms of oppression and lack
of freedom of expression.
Drawing Classes
Digital Photography
2017 - 2018
One Million to One
Bortkyrka Konsthall
Stockholm, Sweden,
Curator: Aleksandra Wasilkowska
Right, Zohre Alici in her bathroom, photo Simon Berg. Above, view from Zhohre's bathroom, photo MW
Magda Wegrzyn,
Hidden From the Gaze,
130 cm x 97 cm,
acrylic on canvas,
as a part of the exhibiton:
No ttle,
Bucket, ash in a form of bulbs
variable dimensions
Bulbs have been made out of ash from the burnt garbage from Torun,
Bydgoszcz and surroundings towns. Locaton: The Municipal Waste
Incineraton Plant.
Gallery Milość Torun, Poland
The main idea was to show that seeing is not objectve but interpreted and
The changes of the colour, paintng, acrylic on canvas, 3 x 160 cm x 300 cm, 2016
The changes of the colour, paintng, acrylic on canvas, 3 x 160 cm x 300 cm, 2016
The changes of the colour, paintng, acrylic on canvas, 3 x 160 cm x 300 cm, 2016
The changes of the colour, paintng, acrylic on canvas, 3 x 160 cm x 300 cm,
Lotery, sculpture, print on paper, plexiglas box on plinth, dimension variable,
Lotery is a project that focuses on the act of
crossing of the Blue Mountains by three explorers:
Blaxland, Wentworth and Lawson in 1813. The work
is a collecton of quotes from diferent books of
a diferent authors who had been writng about this
partcular event. Although the crossing itself its
a well known fact in Australia, the meaning of it and
the details regading the trip, varies depending on the
perspectve of the author, or a person who is writng
about it.
”The work ”Figure 4” atempts to think about ways of depictng and refectng about
changes in languages in Australian society afer colonisaton. ”Figure 4” is described in
a paper of Nicholas Biddle, ”Indigenous Language Usage”, Indigenous Populaton Project,
2011 where he writes that: ”There were between 200 and 300 Indigenous languages
spoken in Australia at the tme of European colonisaton. These fgures rise to between
500 and 600 when one makes less distncton between a language and a dialect. However,
according to McConvell and Thieberger (2001), less than half of these languages are stll
spoken, with many more currently endangered. Specifcally, according to the most recent
Natonal Indigenous Languages Survey (Department of Communicatons, Informaton
Technology and the Arts 2005), of the 145 Indigenous languages stll spoken in Australia,
110 are severely or critcally endangered. Despite this decline in the number of languages
spoken since colonizaton, data from the most recent (2011) Census shows that there
were 60,550 speakers of Indigenous languages across Australia. Most of these, however,
were concentrated in four jurisdictons—the Northern Territory, Queensland, Western
Australia, and South Australia ” p.2
Moreover, he adds that: ”Indigenous language usage is highly correlated with the
percentage of the overall populaton in the area who are Indigenous. This is demonstrated
in Figure 4, which plots the Indigenous share of the populaton of each IARE on the x-axis
and the percentage of that populaton who speak an Indigenous language at home on the
y-axis. The results presented in this fgure demonstrate a clear relatonship between
Indigenous language usage in an area and the percentage of the populaton in that area
that identfy as being Indigenous” p.8
Chimera Project
“But to be able to identfy and uncover lapses, an investgatve approach is of great importance. For journalists and artsts alike, a deep research is
the essental part of the working process. All of the invited artsts share a research-based artstc process and deal with the diverse aspects
abstract paintng can contain these days - but their methods and aims are diferent: while Johanna Binder examines the basic elements of paintng
(paint, canvas and frame), then takes them apart and deconstructs them, Magda Wegrzyn’s research is based on a mathematcal theory of
communicaton and addresses questons of percepton and communicaton in tune with aesthetcs, digital technologies and the medium of
paintng. Gabor Erdelyi’s minimalistc canvases are experimentng with the traditon of monochrome.”
Chimera Project
Wrong Signal, 100 cm x 900 cm, installaton, acrylic on canvas,