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An Industrial Report




An Industrial training report submitted to GICE,Visakhapatnam.

In partial fulfillment for the award of
Diploma in Chemical Engineering(OilTechnology)







This is to certify that MUDUNDI PARDHIV VARMA(21065-CHOT-
(21065-CHOT-048); ALIPATI BHARAT(21065-CHOT-001)bonified student at
Government institute of Chemical Engineering, Visakhapatnam hasundergone sandwich
industrial trainingin RASTRIYA ISPATNIGAMLIMITED,Vishakhapatnam. During

During the period of training his conduct is found to be .




The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any taskwould
beincompletewithoutmentioningthepeoplewhomadeitpossibleandwhoseconstantguidance and
encouragement grown all the efforts with success.This acknowledgementtranscends the reality of
formality when we like to express deep gratitude and respect to allthose people behind the screen
who guided, inspired, and helped us for the completion of thereport.
We take pleasure in thanking Mr.S.MURALIKRISHNA ,Sr.Manager
On conclusion, we will remember our experiences during this industrial training and putof
presenting the training experience to prove our ability and work for pride of the



 Introductionof“VSP”
 ModernTechnology&MajorPlant Facilities
 Safetyinindustry
 Firesafety
 Personalprotectiveequipment
 Profileon“VSP”
1. CokeOvens &CoalChemicalPlant:
 CokeOven
 CoalPreparationPlant
 CokeOvenBatteries
 CokeDry CoolingPlant
 CokeSorting Plant
 CoalChemicalPlant:
 PrimaryGasCoolers
 AmmoniumSulphatePlant
 FinalGasCoolers
 M.B.C(Mechanicalbiologicalchemical)
 TarDistillation
 P.C.L.A(Pitchcoolingloadingarea)
 NaphthaleneFractionCrystallization
 Benzoldistillationplant

 AirSeparationPlant
 LPG(Liquified PetroleumGas)
 CompressorHouse
 ChilledWaterPlant

3. Quality Assurance&TechnologyDevelopment:
 Thermalpowerplantlab
 Central Lab
 Cokeoven lab


4. ThermalPower Plant:
 Clariflocculator
 Pressuresandfilter
 Activatedcarbonfilter
 Ultrafiltration
 Reverseosmosis
 Strongacidcation
 Strongbaseanion
 Mixedbed

5. WaterManagementDepartment:
 KBR(KanithiBalancingReseviour)
 PumpHouse-1,PumpHouse-18
 SteelMeltShop,Blastfurnace

The role of ferrous metals in general and of steel in particular in national economy
isenormous. One cannot name an economic branch where ferrous metals find no
applications.The economic power of country is determined by its output of steel, since it
determines theprogress in the principle economic branches, be it mining, transport,
manufactureengineeringoragricultureimplements is unthinkablewithout steel.

An additional impetus for increasing the scope of steel manufacturers had been the
vigorousprogress in chemical engineering. It has turned out that steel can be very profitable
combinedwith certain novel materials for instance plastic combined with stainless steel are
ing purposes. As a result the manufacture of stainless steel has been appreciablyincreased in
order to cover these new demands in recent years. The world for the steel risescontinuously
and is expected toreach the level ofthousand million tons peryear by the

Tomeettheabove requirementsthefollowingironandsteelcompanies wereestablished:

 Tataironandsteelcompanyisthefirstever-integratedsteelplantinIndiain1908atJamshedpur.
 TISCOinBihar
 IISCOinBurnapur
 BhadravathisteelinKarnataka
 HindustansteelplantatBhilai,RourkelaandDurgapur


Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, the first coastal based Steel Plant of India is located, 16m South west of city
ofDestiny i.e., Visakhapatnam. A great emphasis has been made on total automation, seamless integration
andefficient up gradation, which results in wide range of long and structural products to meet stringent
dssuch as JIS, DIN, BIS, BS etc.
VSP has become the first interacted steel plant in the country to be certified to all the
threeinternational standards for qualify (ISO-9001) for Environment Management (ISO-1400) & for
occupationalhealth & safety (OHSAS-18001) The certificate covers quality systems of all operational,
arketingofficers, 23 branchoffices and 22stockyards located all over thecountry.
In order to increase the steel production reasonably high in the nation and remove the
regionalimbalances in industrial developments, the government of India took a great step in setting up the
coastal-basedsteel plant ofIndia isVisakhapatnam steel plant in AndhraPradesh.
This has resulted in a great demand for Visakhapatnam steel plant product in India and
abroadwhich are having international standards. Visakhapatnam steel plant is considered to be the first
integratedsteel plant in India to become fully ISO-9002 certified company. This certificate covers quality
systems oftraining and marketing functions over four regional marketing functions and 22 stock yards
located all overthe country. The decision of the government of India to set up an integrated steel plant at
Visakhapatnamwas announced by the Prime Minister Smt.Indira Gandhi. The plant was inaugurated
formally on 20thJanuary1971 by the primeminister.
The project was estimated to the cost of rupees 3,897.28 crores based on process on 4 th quarter
of1981butduringthe implementationof VSPishasbeenonservedthatthe projectcostasincreasedsubstantially
over the sanctioned coast mainly due to this and the approved concept were studied in 1986
therationalization has basically been from the point of view of obtaining maximum output from the
ent over what was envisaged earlier under the rationalized concept. 3.0 million tons of liquid steelisto
beproduced in ayear andthe project isestimated tocost 5,822 croresbased on4th quarter of1987.


Cokerateatanorderof543kg/ton hotmetal
Averageconverter lifeof 649heats.
Anaverageof11.5heats persequencein continuousbloom caster.


Modern technology has been adopted in many areas of production, some of them for the first time in

Dry quenchingof coke
On ground blending of sinterbasemix
Conveyorcharging andbell lesstop blastfurnace
Cast houseslag granulation forblast furnace
100%continuous casting ofliquid steel
Gasexpansionturbineforpowergenerationutilizationblast furnacetopgaspressure

→Cokeovenbatteriesof67ovens eachhaving 41.6cu.m volumes.
→Sintermachinesof312m2 area.
→Blast furnaceof 3200m3useful volume.
→ Steel melt shop with three L.D converters of 150 ton capacity each and 6 nos. of 4 strand
→Lightand mediummerchantmill of710,000tons peryearcapacity
→Wirerod mill of 850,000tons per year capacity


Industrial safety is a broad area of workplace safety, covering several issues

• General safety (issues and concerns that are common across all industries)• Site-
• Processandproductionsafety
• Materialsafety
• Firesafety
• Electricalsafety
• Building and structural safety (including temporary installations)

TheImportanceofIndustrial Safety:
Although every workplace and job task carry some safety hazards, industrialhazards are
environmental harm. Given thehighly specialized nature of the work, many of the jobsare carried
out by trainedand skilled employees. Workers who sustain lost time injuries can bedifficult
toreplace, even temporarily. Because of this, injuries can have significant effectson acompany's
production output, shipping schedules, fulfillment, vendorrelationships and customersatisfaction.
Good safety practices, then, not onlykeep workers safe but also help maintainemployee,vendor,and

• Preventing work-related fatalities, disabling injuries, illness, and damage tomachinery
• Ensuring continued production by preventing disruptive incidents• Reducing
workerscompensation costs, maintaining lower insurance rates, andminimizing indirect costs
• Strengtheningsafetycultureandincreasingemployeemorale •Meetingvendorandclientexpectations


Industrial safety takes place long before the work begins. In fact, itshould be part of the job planning
andsitedesign. Some important early andongoingconsiderationsinclude:

• Plant layout
• Firepreventionsystems
• Healthandhygiene
• Safetytraining

• Adequatelightinginworkareasandcorridors
• Flooringandworkingareasthatareeasytocleanandorganize.•Insulation
• Signboardsandwrittensafetyinstructions

Fire is a chemical in which combustible material combines withoxygen in atmosphere to giveheat
and flame except for spontaneous ignition,the process can only begin with a source, once ithas
begun, the heat producemay often be sufficient to support or even accelerate the process.
Thematerialsinvolvedin thecombustion processarehydrocarbons, other organic
Fire results from the combination of fuel, heat, andoxygen. Whenever a substance undergoes
achemical change by combining withoxygen, it usually liberates certain amount of heat.
Thechemical change iscalled as ‘OXIDATION’ this oxidation is accompanied by evolution of
calledascombustion. Infireserviceparlanceanduncontrolledcombustionisa‘FIRE’.

Fire safety is a set of practices intended to reduce destruction causedby fire. Fire safety
measuresinclude those that are intended to prevent theignition of an uncontrolled fire and those
that areused to limit the spread andimpact of a fire. Fire safety measures include those that are
plannedduring theconstruction of a building or implemented in structures that are already
standingandthose that are taught to occupants of the building. Threats to fire safety arecommonly
referred toas fire hazards. A fire hazard may include a situation thatincreases the likelihood of a
fire or mayimpede escape in the event a fire occurs.Class of Fire Example Method to
ExtinguishExtinguishing media A Solids(wood, paper, glass) cooling or starvation sand, water,
soda acidextinguisherBHydrocarbon,Oil (Styrene,Pentane,EthylBenzene,Diesel) Blanketing
orstarvation Dry Chemical Powder (DCP),Foam Extinguisher, CO2 Sand C GasFire
(LPG)Blanketing Co2 fire extinguisher D Metal Fire Blanketing Co2 &DCP Fire extinguisher
EElectricalFireBlanketing Co2&DCP extinguisher .


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) refers to protective clothing forthe eyes, head, ears,
hands,respiratory system, body, and feet. It is utilized toprotect individuals from the risks of injury
andinfection while minimizingexposure to chemical, biological, and physical hazards. PPE serves
asthe finalline of defense when engineering and administrative controls are insufficient
inreducingoreliminating risks.

According to the hierarchy of controls by the National Institute for Occupational Safety
andHealth (NIOSH), PPE (sometimes also referred to asPPE equipment)—is recommended to be
thelast level of defense to preventoccupational injuries, illnesses, and fatalities, but some
s.Herearesome benefits of using PPEs:
• Preventunnecessaryinjuryintheworkplace;
• Protectemployeesfromexcessivechemicalexposure;
• Prevent the spread of germs and infectious diseases including COVID-19;• Help
businessescomply with regulatory requirements(e.g., The PersonalProtective Equipment at
WorkRegulations1992 that’srecentlybeen extended tolimb workers);and
• Improveemployeeproductivityandefficiency.

However, even the strictest controls will not necessarily eliminateall the risks associated withmost
job tasks and this is where the need for PPE mustbe evaluated. A hazard assessment can
helpidentify which specialized PPE willbe required. There are numerous types of workplace
safetyequipmentavailable depending on thehazard exposureandwork conditions .



PPE includes safety goggles and face shields and should be used for tasksthat can cause eye damage
orlossof vision, sprays of toxic liquids, splashes, andburns.


• Checkifsafetyglasses complywiththeANSIZ87.1eyeprotectionstandard.

• Ensurethatthereareno cracksor deformitieson thelenses.

• Cleananddisinfectafteruse.

• Ensurethestrapisingoodworkingconditionandisfirmlysealedtothe cheekandforehead.

PPE includes full-face respirators, self-contained breathing apparatus,gas masks, N95
respirators,and surgical masks are used for a task that can causeinhalation of harmful materials to
enter thebody.Thisincludesharmfulgas,chemicals,large-
particledroplets,sprays,splashes,orsplatterthatmay containvirusesand bacteriasuchas COVID-
19,viral infections,and more.

• Ensure that the equipment is fit-tested and the employee has undergone propertraining
• Carefully read the instructions to determine if it is designed to help protectagainst the
hazardsyoumay face.
• Change filters on half-mask or full-mask respirators frequently. • Replacedisposable
respiratorswithevery use.
• Surgical masks are not to be shared with anyone. An Industrial Report onSTEEL
PLANTGovernment Institute of Chemical Engineering Page 90 • Avoid touching the surgical
mask afterwearingit.

• Change surgical mask timely and should be disposed of after use.• Replace
themaskimmediately if it isdamaged or soiled.

:PPEincludes thefollowingcategories toprotect employeesfromphysicalhazards
PPE includes hard hats and headgears and should be required fortasks that can cause any force
orobjectfalling to the head.

• Ensurethattherearenodents ordeformitieson theshelland connectionsaretightenedinside.
• Do not store in direct sunlight as extreme heat can cause damage. • Choose appropriate
cleaningagentsasit canweakenthe shellsof hardhatsandmay eliminateelectricalresistance.
• Always replace a hard hat if it was used for any kind of impact, even if thedamage

s, flamesand sparks, toxicchemicals,insect bitesandradiation.

• Ensurethat theyareclean andfreefrom cutsandburns.
• Alwaysget agood fitto ensurefull bodyprotection.
• Ensurebodysuitisheat-resistantclothingwhenworkingwithhightemperaturehazards.

PPE includes safety gloves and should be used for tasks that can causehand and skin burns, absorption
ofharmfulsubstances,cuts, fractures oramputations.


• Ensure hand protection fits perfectly with no spaces and is free from cuts, burnsand

• Always replace them if any sign of contamination was observed.• Use rubber gloves
whenworkingwith heat andelectricity to reducetherisk ofburnor electricalshock.

PPE includes knee pads and safety boots and should be usedfor tasks that can cause serious
footand leg injuries from falling or rolling objects,hot substances, electrical hazards, and

• Ensurebootshaveslip-resistantsolesthatcanprotectagainstcompressionandimpact.
• Ensurethesoleplateisingoodconditiontopreventpunctures.

PPE includes safety harnesses and lanyards and should bestrictly used for tasks that can
causefallingfrom heights andserious injury ordeath.

• Ensure that the straps are free from tears, deformities and burn marks.• Check
thebucklesif connected securely and tightly.
• Disposeoftheequipmentifusedafterafallingincident.

PPE includes ear muffs and plugs and should be used for tasksthat can cause hearing
problemsandloss of hearing.


• Ensuretheequipmentfittheearcanal perfectly.
• It is recommended to use formable earplugs to fit on different sizes of ear canals.• Use protectors
thatreducenoiseexposureto an acceptablelevel to havearoomfor communication.
• Ensureearplugs areclean andin goodcondition. Learnmoreabouthearingprotections .


Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited - Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (RINL- VSP)popularly known
as'Vizag Steel' the 'Pride of Steel', a leading Central PSU underthe Ministry of Steel is the first
shorebasedIntegrated Steel Plant in thecountry.

Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (VSP) is an integrated public sector steel plantowned by

RashtriyaIspat Nigam (RINL), built with an annual production capacityof about 3.00 million tons per
year ofliquid steel with provisions for futureexpansion. It is the only coast based integrated steel plant
inIndia.ThedetailedprojectreportwaspreparedbythePrincipalConsultant,M.N.Dastur&Company(P) Ltd
in 1980. The project had envisaged iron making capacity of 3.4 MTPY, liquidsteelproduction of 3
MTPY and rolled capacity of 2.66 MTPY including 0.246MTPY of saleable billets.The iron and steel
making facilities were generally basedon the utilization of Soviet equipment, whilerollingmills
werefrom other sources.

VSP has been able to achieve hot metal production of about 4.0 million tonsper year from
itstwo blast furnaces and in line with the hot metal production, steelmelt shop has also been able
toproduce about 3.5 million tons of liquid steel. Theplant is also producing about 3.17 million tons
peryearofsaleable steel, outof whichbillets forsaleconstitutedabout 0.18 million tons.


With a view to give impetus to industrial growth and to meet the inspirationsof the peoplefrom
south India, decided to establish integrated steel plant in publicsector at Visakhapatnam
(AP)andHospet (Karnataka)besides aspecial steel plantat Salem (TamilNadu).

The announcement was made in the parliament on 17th April 1970 by the thenprime ministerof
India late Smt. Indira Gandhi. A site was selected near Balacheruvu Creek near Visakhapatnam
citybyacommitteesetupforthepurpose,keepinginviewtheTopographicalfeatures,Greateravailability of
land and proximity to afuture port. The foundation stone for the plant was laid by
having an annual capacity of 3.4 million tons of hot metal. An agreement
wassignedbetweengovernmentofIndia andtheerstwhileUSSRonJune
12th,1979,forsettingupofanintegrated steel plant to produce structural & long products on thebasis of
detailed project reportpreparedby M/s M.N. Dastur & company.


s submitted in Nov' 1980 to Govt. of India.

The construction of the plant started on 1st February 1982. Government ofIndia formed a
newcompany called Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd. (RINL) on 18th Feb'82 and transferred the responsibility
ofconstructing, commissioning & operatingthe plant at Visakhapatnam from Steel Authority of India
Ltd.to RINL. Due to poorresource availability, the construction could not keep pace with the planned
cost.Inview of the critical fund situation and need to check further increase in the costs,
arationalizedconceptwas approved which was tocost Rs.6849 Crores based on4thquarter of1988.

The rationalized concept was based on obtaining the maximum output fromthe
ciency and lab our productivity. Thus, the plantcapacity was limited to 3.0 million tons of
liquidsteelperannum.In theprocess, onesteel melt shopand onemill werecurtailed.

The availability of resources continued to be lower than what was planned, and this
furtherdelayed the completion of the construction of the plant. Finally, allthe units were constructed
andcommissioned by July 1992 at a cost of Rs. 8529 crores. The plant wasdedicated to nation by
thethenprimeminister of India lateShri. P.V. Narasimha Rao.



Ironorelumps&fines Bailadilla,MP

BFlimestone Jaggayyapeta,AP

SMSlime stone UAE

BFdolomite Madharam,AP

SMSdolomite Madharam,AP

Manganeseore Chirupalli,AP

BoilerCoal Talcher,Orissa

Cokingcoal Australia

Mediumcokingcoal Gidi/Swang/Rajarappa/Kargali




Angles NutCoke Granulatedslag

Billets Cokedust Limefines

Channels Coaltar Ammoniumsulphate

Beams Anthracene

Squares HPnaphthalene

Flats Benzene

Rounds Toulene

Re-bars Xylene

WireRods Washoil

✓ UtilitiesDept.
✓ WaterManagement
✓ PowerGenerationandDistribution
✓ TrafficDept.
✓ QualityAssuranceandTechnologyDevelopment(QA&TD)
✓ProductionPlanningand Monitoring (PPM)
✓ Calcining&RefractoryMaterialPlant(CRMP)


Visakhapatnam steel plant is the most sophisticated and modernintegratedsteel

plant in the country. Modern technology has been adopted in manyareas of production, some
ofthemfor thefirst timein thecountry.Among theseare:
▪ Selectivecrushing ofcoal
▪ Dryquenching ofcoke
▪ Ongroundblendingofsinterbasemix
▪ Conveyorchargingandbelllesstopblast furnace
▪ Casthouseslag granulationfor blastfurnace
▪ 100%continuous castingof liquidsteel
▪ Gas expansion turbine for power generation utilization blast furnacetop
▪ Computerizationforprocesscontrol



Steelisanalloyofironandcarbonwithimprovedstrengthandfractureresistancecompared to other
forms of iron. Many other elements may be present oradded. Stainless steels thatarecorrosion-
andoxidation-resistant typicallyneed anadditional11%chromium. Becauseofitshigh
bicycles,machines, electricalappliances,andweapons.

Iron is the base metal of steel. Depending on the temperature, itcan take two crystalline
forms(allotropic forms): body-centered cubic and face centered cubic. The interaction of the
allotropes ofiron with the alloying elements,primarily carbon, gives steel and cast iron their range of
uniqueproperties. In pureiron, the crystal structure has relatively little resistance to the iron atoms
slippingpastone another, and so pure iron is quite ductile, or soft and easily formed. In steel,
smallamountsof carbon, other elements, and inclusions within the iron act as hardeningagents that
prevent themovement of dislocations. The carbon in typical steel alloys may contribute up to 2.14%
ofimportantinsteel: phosphorus, sulfur,silicon, and traces of oxygen, nitrogen,and copper.

Further refinements in the process, such as basic oxygensteelmaking

(BOS),largely replaced earlier methods by further lowering the cost ofproduction and increasing the
qualityof the final product. Today, steel is one of themost commonly manufactured materials in the
world,with more than 1.6 billion tonsproduced annually. Modern steel is generally identified by
facturing industries in the world, but also one of the most energyand greenhouse
gasemissionintenseindustries,contributing8%ofglobalemissions. [2]However,steelisalsovery
reusable:it is oneof theworld's most recycled materials, with arecycling rate ofover 60%globally.


VSP annually requires quality raw materials like iron ore, fluxes (dolomite, limestone)
cokingcoal and non-coking coal. It requires 12-13 milliontons of raw materials, which produces three
milliontons of liquid steel.It is provided with unloading, stacking and reclaiming facilities, which
includewagon,tippler, ground and track hoppers. Thevarious features are:
• Peripheralunloadingsystemforrailway wagons
• Blenderreclaimedforblendingoforesandfluxes.
• Storage yards to facilitate comfortable storage
andsupplyofraw materials.
• Ringgranulatorsforcrushingboiler coals.
• PLCcontrolofallsystems
• Mixerformixinglimeispurchasedandgeneratedfines.
• Conecrushers forthe crushing oflumpore.


Cokeismanufacturedbyheatingcrushedcokingcoalinabsenceofairatatemperature of
1000 C and for about 16-19 hrs. A coke oven comprises of two hallow chambersnamelycoal chamber
and heatingchamber.In theheating

chamber,gaseousfuelsuch asgas,coke ovengas is burnt. The heatso generated

isconductedthroughthecommonwallto heat&carbonizethe coking coalplacedinthe
Number of ovens built in series one after the other form a coke Ovenbattery.
AtVSP, there are four Coke Oven Batteries. 7 meter tall and having 67Ovens each. Each oven has
avolume of 41.6 Cu.M & can hold up to 31.6 tons ofdry coal charge. Carbonization takes place
at1000-1050degreecentigradeinabsenceof air for16-18 hours.
Red hot coke is pushed out of the oven and sent to Coke Dry Coolingplants
forcoolingtoavoiditscombustion.Thereare4CokeDryPlants(CDCP)eachhaving4coolingchambers. The
capacity of each cooling chamber is 50-52TPH. Nitrogen gas is used as the Coolingmedium. The heat
recovery nitrogen isdone by generating steam and expanding in two back pressureturbinesto

Sintering is an agglomeration process of fine mineral particlesinto a porousmass

by incipient fusion caused byheat produced by combustionwithin the mass itself.Iron orefines, coke
breeze, limestone, and dolomite alongwith recycled metallurgical wastes are convertedinto
agglomerated mass at theSinter Plant, which forms 70-80% of iron bearing charge in the BlastFurnace.
Sinter is hard, porous ferrous material obtained by agglomerationof iron
fines,coke breeze, limestone fines, metallurgical waste like dust, mill scale,LD slag. Usage of sinter in
B.Fincrease productivity by decrease in the coke rateand imposing the quality of hot metal
produced.Parametersof themachines are:
• Effectivearea312m2
• Sinteringarea276m2
• Capacity450 m2
• Sinterbedheight300mm


Iron is produced in the Blast Furnace by smelting iron bearing materials with the help
ofcoke and air. The solid charge materials like sinter, sizediron ore, coke etc. are charged in the
verticalshaft of the Blast Furnace from top andhot air blast is blown through tuyeres located at the
agent). The reducing gases, while ascending upwards comes into contactwith thedescending charge
materials. Eventually the charge gets reduced and hotmetal, slag and BF gas areproduced. Hot metal and
slag is tapped from tap hole.The Blast Furnace gas which comes out from topofthefurnaceis cleanedand
usedas fuel in the plant.
Hotmetalisproducedinblastfurnace,whicharetallandvertical.Rawmaterials are
Iron Ore, Coke, Dolomite, and Limestone. It is chargedfrom the top and hot blast at1100c-1300 c.

There are two B.F’s each with avolume of 3200m3, each with 4 tap holes and with a
• Effectivevolume-3200m3
• Capacity-4860TPD
• Height -33.1m
• Numberoftap holes-4
Eachfurnaceisfacilitatedwith twoCastHouses,SlagGranulation Plants.
Thereare4Pig CastingMachinestohandle thepigironto castintoPIGS.

Steel is made in steel melting shopsin the refractory lined vessels called
LDConverters by blowing oxygen through the hot metal bath. While ironmaking is a reduction
process,steel making is an oxidation process. The oxygenreacts with impurities like carbon,
silicon,phosphorus, Sulphur etc. present in hotmetal to produce steel. No external fuel is required as
thesilicon & carbon releases huge amount of heat energy. Also, the carbon reaction releases
largequantities of gas rich in carbon monoxide along with huge amounts ofdust. The gases
releasedfromthe converter are collected, cooled, cleaned, and recovered for use as fuel inthe steel
plant. The entiremolten steel at VSP is continuously cast at the radial typecontinuouscasting machines
been conceivedforthe first timeinIndia.

Steel is an alloy of iron with carbon up to 18%. Hot metalproduced in B.F contains impurities suchas
carbon (3.5-4.25%), silicon (0.4-0.5%, manganese (0.3-0.4%), sulphur (0.04%max) andPhosphorous
(0.14%max). Toimprove the quality of steel, the impuritieshave to be removed
• Useful Volume-133m3
• Capacity-150tons
• TemporaryLining-TarredDolomite
• PermanentLining -Chromemagnesite
• Oxygen Working Pressure-16kg/cm2

Blooms produced in SMS-CCD do not haveasmuch
orcedBarsetc. by rolling them in 3 sophisticated highcapacity, high speed, fully automated rolling
mills namelyLMMM,WRM, MMSM.


The cast blooms from the continuous castingdepartment are heated and
rolledin the two high speed and fully automatedrolling mills namely Light & Medium Merchant
Mill(LMMM) andMedium Merchant & Structural Mill (MMSM). The billets produced inLMMM

inBarMill/ WireRodMill(WRM). Thefinishedproducts includewire rods& longproducts

likereinforcementbars, rounds, squares, flats, angles,channels, billets etc.

Blooms from Continuous Casting Division are rolled into billets, someof
whichare sold, and rest are sent to Bar Mill/WRM. Thecontinuous two-line Bar Mill comprises of an
8Stand Double Strandroughing train,2 nos. of 4 Stand Single Strand intermediate train & 2 nos.of
4Stand Single Strand finishing train. Loopers are provided in between the finishing standsfor
tensionfree rolling to obtain good surfacequality andtolerances. Housings are of closed top type. Roll
necksaremountedin anti friction bearings.

It is a unique rolling mill; it consists of Billet Mill and BarMill. It is facilitated with 2
walkingbeamfurnacesof200TPH heatingcapacityand 2standrollerhearth furnaces.Therollerhearth
furnaceconnectsthebilletwith thebarmill.


WRM-1: - The Mill is a high speed 4 strand No-Twistcontinuous mill designed to

produce850,000 Tons of wire rod coils per year. Rolledbillets of 125 mm x 125 mm square cross
section,length ranging from 9.8 m to 10.4m and weighing approximately 1250 kgs are used. The
mill isdesignedto roll steel stock of 0.9%max. Carboncontent.
WRM-2: -The Mill is designed to produce 6,00,000 tons per year ofrounds in coil form. The Mill
isdesigned to roll low, medium, and high carbon steel,case hardening steel, cold heading quality
steel,electrode steel, spring steel, bearing steel and free cutting steel. The mill shall use continuous cast
billetsof150 mm X 150 mm square cross section, 12 m length and weighing 2100 kgsapproximately, are
used asinput material.It is a 4-stand mill and is fully automated. The mill has 4zone combination type
preheatingfurnace of 2100 TPH capacity. The mill products include rounds and ribbed wire in size of
madeincoilfromhavingmaximumweightof1200kg.Themillisequippedwithretardedstill morelines
forimproving the quality of wirerods.


The Medium Merchant and Structural Mill (MMSM) is one of the modernrolling mills of
VisakhapatnamSteelPlant. Thisis asingle strandcontinuous millhaving aproduction capacity of850,000
year.Theimportant feature of this mill is that Universal beams (both parallel and wideflange) have
beenrolled for the first time in India using Universal stands. Parallelflange beams have an advantage
overconventional beamsbecause, for the sameweight, the section is stronger and stiffer due to greater
momentofinertiaand higher radius of gyration.
This mill is installed at ground level and has the capacity of roll 8,50,000 tons ofmedium
merchantproducts per annum. The feed materialsto mill are 250mm x250mm blooms. MMSM is a
high-capacity continuousrolling mill consisting of 20 stands arranged in 3 train i.e., roughing,
intermediateandfinishing trains.

d). ROLLSHOP&REPAIRSHOP(RS&RS): RollShop&RepairShop caterstotheneeds

ofthree Mills in respect of roll assemblies, geographically this dept. is in three areas asRoll shop-
1,Roll shop-2 and Area Repair shop. The main activity of this shop is rollpass design, grooving of
roll,assembly of rolls with bearings, preparation of guidesand their service and manufacture/repair
ofMillmaintenancespares.For thefirst timein thecountry, VSPhas adopted CNCtechnology
forgrooving steel rolling Mills rolls. High constant accuracy, higher productivity, useof standardtool
for any groove turning elimination of the use of different templates,easier to incorporate
groovemodificationetc. aresomeoftheadvantages of CNClathes overtheconventional one.


Roll pass design section takes care of design of grooves fordevelopment of

newsections, modification of existing pass designs for improvingthe productivity and quality.
oftheir performance, failureanalysisof rolls etc.


Cokeoven andcoalchemical plant

Coke is an important raw material in the production of steel. It isproduced by heating coal in the absence
ofair to remove volatile compounds andmoisture. Coke is used as a fuel and reducing agent in the
blastfurnace process, which is the most common method for producing steel. The coke reacts with the
ironore toremoveimpurities andproducecarbonmonoxide,which isused to reducetheiron oxidetomolten iron.
Coke also provides the necessary heat and chemical energyto keep the blast furnace process
runningefficiently.Without coke,steel productionwouldbemuch moredifficultand expensive.
Coal originated from the arrested decay of the remains of trees, bushes, mosses, vines
andother forms of plant life, which flourished in huge swamps and bogs millions of years
ago,during prolonged periods of humid, tropical climate and abundant rainfall. Streams
into theswamps and lake basins to form the coal beds carried an enormous amount of
vegetations.Owing to pressure, the streams have generally been crushed to an elliptical
section andformedcoal.


Coal is used in the form of coke to serve the purpose of iron ore reduction in
blastfurnace.Italsoservesas a heatsource .
Thereare2types ofcoal:

(1) CokingCoal. (2) Non-Coking

Coal.Thedifferent coking coals usedin

1)M.C.C - Mediumcokingcoal - BENGAL,
2)I.C.C - Importedcokingcoal - AUSTRALIA
3)I.S.S.A.C - Importedcokingcoal - AUSTRALIA
4)SOFT - Importedcokingcoal - AUSTRALIA
In VSP coking coal is used for producing metallurgical coke where as non-coking coal is used
forproducingthermal power(in boilers).





1. M.C.C 25-28 17-22 0.9

2. I.C.C 24-26 8-10 1.10-1.3

3. I.S.S.A.C 23-25 8-10 1.16-1.3

4. SOFT 30-34 8-10 0.9-1.0 COKE:

It is a
strongporous hard mass that is obtained by heating of the coal in the absence of air at
hightemperature.It is areactivefuel and satisfies theneed forblast furnace.
1. Itactsasheat producerinblastfurnace
2. Itactsasreducingagentbycarbonreductioninblastfurnacewith oxygenreaction.
3. Itgivesapermeablebed andalsoasaslag carrier.

Heating of coal in the absence of air at high temperatures to produce residue coke,
Its main purpose is to produce coke and the by-product known as coke oven gas from
whichvariousproducts areobtained and this is usedas fuel of high calorificvalue.

1. Naturalcoalistoodense and fragiletobeusedasafuelinthefurnace.
2. Coalisnot strongenoughto withstandnearly25meter ofburdenlying onitinsidethefurnace.
3. Coalisnearly“VOLATILEMATTERFREE”soitdoesnotcreateproblemsof
4. Ascomparedtocoalcokeis ofhighqualityandis highlyreactive.
5. Cokeishighly porousmass anditequalizes theblast comingfromthebottomof thecharge.
6. Ascokeis arigidhard massit doesnotcreatethe problemsof dustnascence.
7. Ascokeis arigidhard massit doesnotcreatethe problemsof dustnascence.


The ASH CONTENT in coke is very low i.e.) around 10%. So it does not arise problems of striking on

Thecokeovenand coalchemicalplant ismainlydivided intothefollowingdepartment:

1. CoalPreparationPlant(C.P.P)
2. CokeOvenBatteries
3. CokeDryCooling Plant(C.D.C.P)
4. CokeSortingPlant(C.S.P)
5. CoalChemicalPlant(C.C.P)


The main purpose of this plant is to prepare the coal by removing the foreign matter
andbringingto the sizesuitableforcarbonization orcokingprocess.

1.M.C.C - 15%
2.I.C.C - 40%
3.I.S.S.A.C.C - 35%
4.SOFT - 10%
It is the matter which is unstable at high temperature and converts itself into gaseous
stateliketar, benzenecompounds etc. it is around20-25%.

Itisa coal ranking.Itdecidesthepropertiesof coal. Itisaround1.12-1.14.

%of-3mm size particleswhich should be around70%-75%

Thecarbonleftbehind after theremoval ofthevolatilematterisfixedcarbon.
The % of ash present in coal. It can known by testing in the laboratory. It is around 17-22
inIndian coking coal & 8-10 in imported coking coal.

Theamountoftotal moisturepresentincoal.Thereliessomeinternalmoisturealso.


1.Coke - 746kgs
2.CrudeTar - 32 kgs
3.CrudeBenzol - 6.9 kgs
4.Ammonia - 4.1 kgs
5.COGas - 150kgs
6.Losses - 61 kgs



• ForeignmaterialseparationsectionDogimeters.
• Mixing bins
• Coalblending
• Hammermill
• Screening.

The coking coal is taken from coal yard by using bucket elevators on the conveyors. Then
itis sent to foreign material separation section. In foreign material separation section
thefollowingequipment exists:

1. 2Cylindricalscreens.
2. 2Suspendediron separators.
3. 2Selfunloadingsuspended ironseparatorsforseparating themagneticparticles inthecoal.

First the suspended iron separators separate the iron particles in the coal. After it
isdemagnetized, the separated coal falls on self-unloading suspended separators. It works
for19 seconds. After that coal is separated into +150 mm & -150 mm sized particles in
rotaryscreens. +150 mm sized particles fall in the chute and are sent back for crushing.
Whereas -150 mm particles are transferred to reversible conveyors. There are further
connected toshuttle conveyors for filling the bins. There are a total of 16 bins, equally
divided into 2rows. All the odds like 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 & the evens 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,
14, 16. Thecapacityof each bin being 800 T and aheight of 20 mts.


Inclinedangle - 8°

Feed endlength - 1.5

mDischargeendlength - 0.8

mMeshsize - 150 mm


These are arranged under each bin for blending the coal to produce quality of coke.
Mixingofdifferent coalsdepending upon blendcomposition does blending ofcoal.


In the old dosimeters the doors at the chute were operated and coal discharge was
controlled.There occurred some jamming of coal. So vibrators were used to clear the
jamming which isremoved now. In the new dosimeters the chute is made uniform and


Coal mixing bins are large containers used to store and blend coalfrom different sourcesor
grades. The bins are typically located near a coalpreparation plant or a power plant and are used
toensure a consistent supply of coalwith the desired characteristics. Coal mixing bins can be used
tostore different typesof coal separately, or to blend coal from different sources to achieve a
desiredqualityor consistency. The coal is typically stored in bins until it is needed, at which pointit
istransportedto theprocessing or combustion facility.

Mixingbinsareusedtostoredifferenttypesof coalwhicharescreenedintheFOSsection.
bins each havecapacity800tons.


Coal blending is the process of mixing coals from differentsources or grades

toachieve a desired quality or consistency. The goal of blendingis to create a coal with the
Blendingcanalso helptoreducethe

environmental impact of coal by reducing emissions of pollutants like sulfur dioxideand

nitrogenoxides. Coal blending is an important tool for optimizing the use ofcoal as an energy source
andensuringthat it is used efficiently and responsibly.

Coals of different types stored in mixing bins gets blendedtogether as ratio

i.e.,60%Australiacoal and10%ofIndia-A, India-B,India-C andIndia-D each.


A hammer crusher is a machine used to crush coal into smallerpieces. It

iscommonly used in coal handling plants and coal preparation plants toprocess coal for use in
powergeneration or other industrial processes. The hammercrusher works by using a series of
hammers tocrush the coal into a fine powder. Thecoal is fed into the machine from the top and is
crushed by
thehammersasitfallsdowntowardsthebottomofthemachine.Thecrushedcoalisthenscreenedtoseparate the
fine and coarse particles, with the fine particles being sent to thecombustion chamberorother
processing equipment. Thecrushedcoal issend toscreening.


Thecrushedcoalfromhammer millisscreenedto+3mm and-3mmsizecoal.
The+3mmsizecoalisrecycledto hammer crusherand-3mmsizecoalissent tocoaltower.

3mmsizecoalfromscreensarestoredincoaltower.Coaltowerconsistsof8pocketseach have1000Tons
capacity. Coal fromcoal tower isusedforcharging.


Coal is converted into coke by high temperature carbonization in the ovens of the
battery.There are 3 batteries working and the Battery – 4 is being constructed for more
production ofhot metal.


The total length of the battery is 100 mts. It consists of rectangular chambers
oflength 16 meters, 7 meters high and 0.14 meters width with removal door ends. Coke
ovenbattery is a combination of ovens and heating chambers in alternatively. There are
67ovens and 68 heating chambers in a battery. These ovens are OTTO-HOFFOMEN’S
by-product oven type. On the roof there are metal lids for the sake of charging purpose.
Thewidth of the coke discharge side is slightly more than the pusher side for easy
transport ofcoke outside. Heating flues are arranged in the walls between the ovens. There
areregenerators underneath the battery. The oven walls are lined with silica bricks of
highthermal conductivity. There is no shrinkage in the refractory walls. These bricks
ensurelonglife. All doors aresealed with refractory clay and watermixture.


1. Pushercar
2. Chargingcar
3. Doorextractorcar
4. Lococar




Coal is transported from coal preparation plant to coal tower above the battery. A
chargingcar travels on the battery and under the coal tower. 32 T of coal is charged in each
oven up toaheight of 6.7 meters outof 7METERS by chargingposition in each oven.


Since the coal drops by gravity, it should be levelled which is done by a levelling bar fixed
tothe pusher car. After levelling all lids and doors are replaced and coking process is
continueduntil mostof the volatile

matter is removed. This process takes a coking period of 17-18 hrs by indirect heating
withcokeoven gas or mixedgas(CO gas +BFgas) inabsenceof airat 1150°c.

After complete carbonization, coke oven gas is collected by hydraulic main that
isconnected to the ovens, which are sent to recovery plant for cleaning of gas. Later it is sent
torecovery plant for cleaning of gas. After cleaning CO gas is recycled back to the battery
forheating purpose. The product is 1-3% moisture contained coke. Yield of coke by

Calorificvalueofdi3fferentgasses usedforheatingpurpose:

CVofCokeovengas- 4200 K Cal

/Nm CVofBlast furnacegas - 750 K
Cal /Nm3 CVofMixedgas - 1000 KCal/Nm3

The walls start after 5 m level. Until 5 m level it is called the regenerator. The regenerators
servethe purpose of recovering heat by heat exchange between hot flue gasses and bricks. The
aircoming in. thus air gets preheated in the regeneration section takes this heat. In the first cycle
fuelgas flows through one set of flues and flue gas goes out through other set of flues. There are
136waste heat boxes through which air is supplied form one section and flue gas leaves through

As hot air is of low density and by the density difference suction is created by which fluegas
rises up out of the chimney. Checker bricks made of silica are placed in the
regenerationsection so that the contact area and time for regeneration increases and
maximum heat isrecovered.
 Totalnoof Batteries - 3
 Noofovens ineach Battery - 67
 Heatingwalls - 68
 Heightofeachoven - 7 mts
 Lengthofeachoven - 16 mts
 Widthof eachoven(P/S,C/S)- 38.5 / 43.5 mm
 Heatingwallthickness - 0.105 mts
 Coalcharging ineach oven - 34 ton’s
 Outputcokefromoven - 25 ton’s
 Noofverticalflues - 32
 Noofwasteheat boxes - 136
 Heatinggas usedin Battery1&2 - CO gas

 Heatinggas usedin Battery3 - CO +BFgas in 1:9ratios.

 Cokingperiod - 17-18
hrsCoketemperature - 1050°c
 Cokefluiditytemperature - 400-500°c
 Capacityofbattery - 97pushing/Battery/day
 CokingPeriodDetermination(C.P.D)

After pushing the coke from the Battery with a temperature of 1050°c, it is transferred into
C.D.C.Pforcooling purpose.


The C.D.C.P technology is adopted only in VISAKHAPANAM STEEL PLANT only

becauseinwet cooling thestrength of thecokeis reduced.
TheadvantagesofDRYCOOLING are:

1) Wasteheatrecovery(by producingsteam)
2) Pollutioncontrol(donebyclosedcircuit)
3) BetterCokestrength(thereis nothermal shockas in wetcooling) 4)

Coke form Battery falls into loco on the coke side, which is brought into C.D.C.P. The
locois lifted up and coke is charged into the cooling chambers. Later the chambers are
closed bylid and N2 gas is passed inside through a temperature of 55°c by a mill fan. The hot
coke iscooled from 1050°c to 180°c-200°c. There occurs no chemical reaction, as N2 is an
inert gas.The heated gas is utilized for producing steam in boilers. These boilers are water
tubeboilers, which are of capacity 25 T/hr. the temperature and pressure of the steam, are
440°cand 40 Kg/cm2. Cooled coke i3s convey6ed to C.S.P and the steam is used to run
backpressureturbinestation forproducing power of15MW.


 NoofC.D.C.P - 3/3Batteries
 Noofchambers - 4Chambers/eachC.D.C.P
 Capacityofeach C.D.C.P - 50-52T/hr
 Coketempbefore cooling - 1050°c
 Coketempafter cooling - 180°c-200°c
 Coolantused - N2gas

Coke from C.D.C.P enters the C.S.P section. Here coke is crushed, screened and later
conveyedto different consumers. In C.S.P dust will be removed from the coke with the help of
(25-80mm) is separated through 14- roll screen and sent to Blast Furnace. The remaining 0-25
mm fractions will be sent to vibrating screen. Here 0-10 mm particles called BREEZE
COKEisconveyed to SinterPlant and 10-25mm calledNUT COKEto Blast Furnace.


Many by products are extracted from the coke oven gas at this department. It consists of
1. Exhausterhouse.
2. Ammonium sulphateplant 3. M.B.C plant.
4. Tardistillationplant.
5. P.C.L.A
6. Naphthalenefractioncrystallization.
7. Benzolplant.
8. Benzoldistillationplant.

The coke oven gas from the separator is fed to the PGC from the top. The
coolerconsists of three zones. This is a shell and tube heat exchanger in which the CO
gasexchanges with service water in the top two zones and with chilled water in the bottom
zonethe tubes are inclined in all the zones. The inclination is maintained at 15°c with
thehorizontal. This provides any naphthalene condensate to drain easily. The main purpose
ofPGCis to cool thegas from 90°cto 30°c.


During this cooling process the naphthalene and traces of tar present in the gas condense
andthis is collected at the bottom of the PGC. The liquid collected at the bottom is sent to
theseal pot by gravity. The level in the seal pot should be maintained constant as this acts as
asealto the gas in thecooler.

Tar at a temperature of 90°c is flushed from the top of the cooler to remove the
condensednaphthalene on the tubes. The tar is then collected at the bottom in the seal pot.
Tar andnaphthalene from the seal pot is fed to the storage tank of the CPH. The CO gas
from thebottomof thePGC is fed to theelectrostatic precipitator.
GastemperaturebeforePGC - 80-95°c

GastemperatureafterPGC - 27-30°c

Servicewaterinlettemperature- 32-33°c

Servicewateroutlettemperature - 43°c

GascondensateflowtoeachPGC - 10-15 Nm3/hr

Chilledwaterinlettemperature - 11-12°c
Chilledwateroutlettemperature -20°c

Totalnumber oftubes - 409

ith aconical bottom. Each ESPis provided with aseal pot.


A round disk having electrodes in suspended state is present inside the

precipitator.Electrodes are nothing but SS metal rods. Three are present at the top of
precipitator, whichsupplies the necessary power to each ESP. high voltage of about 50,000
volts is supplied toeach electrode. Due to high voltage the fine and foggy stick to the walls of
the electrodes andtheyfalldown dueto gravity.Theliquidthus collectedat thebottom

Capacity 30,000Nm3/hr

Voltage 70KV

Numberofelectrodes 148

ESPinsulatorboxestemperature 80°C


These are centrifugal fans necessary to drive the gas from the batteries itself to
variousplantslikeASP, Benzene recovery andfinally tothemainheader ofthecokeoven gas.
Exhauster sucks the CO gas from the batteries. The pressure at the suction side of
theexhauster is -350mm WC and the discharge side is +2500mm WC. Due to increase in
thepressure the temperature is increased to 55-60°c. The flow of gas is controlled by
Askaniavalve, which is a butterfly valve. The function of this valve is to control the flow of
gas to theexhauster. When the quantity of gas is low then the valve is closed and when the
gas quantityishigh valve is opened.

Capacity 67,000-76,000Nm3/hr

Power 1250KW

Maximumsuctionat inlet 500mm WC

gMaximumpressureatdelivery 2700mmWCg

Flushing liquor separated from the separators is fed to the condensate pump house.
Thisconsists of decanters and storage tanks. The tar and flushing liquor collected from
theexhausterhouseis storedin thestoragetanks.

Decanters are used to settle the flushing liquor by gravity. These are
mechanicaldecanters provided with scraper mechanism. This scraper is a chain like
arrangementprovidedat thebottom.

The flushing liquor is fed at the middle of the decanter. In decanters due to
densitydifference, flushing liquor, tar & sludge form as three layers from top, and the
flushing liquoristhen sent to the storagetanks.

A telescopic valve provided to the decanter removes the tar settled in the middle layer.
Thevalve works on the principle of ‘U’ tube manometer. Sludge removed by scraper
mechanismprovided at the bottom of the decanter. The scraper then dumps the sludge into a bunker
provided atthe end of the scraper. A motor provided with a gearbox runs the scraper. The sludge
from thebunkeris removed periodically.

Tar collected from the flushing liquor decanter is stored in the tar storage tanks. Then it
ispumped to tar decanters. The tar from the tar decanters contains less moisture and
sludge.Flushing liquor from the decanter is stored in the storage tank and again pumped to
batteries.Ifthe flushing liquoris excessthen 60%is sent toexcess flushing liquortanks.



Coke oven gas with a pressure of 2500mm WC from exhauster is fed to the ASP. Ammonia present
intheCO gas is recovered inASPas ammonium sulphate fertilizer.

The CO gas from the exhauster is fed to the pre-heater to preheat the gas to 6070°c.
Butaccording to our atmospheric temperature, this temperature is obtained after the
exhauster.Sothe gas is directly fedto thesaturator.

Saturator is a cylindrical vessel with conical bottom.It is provided with a bubbler
hood,which is duct prolonged to the middle of the saturator. The duct has a hood at the
bottomprovided with vanes like arrangement. Another ring like structure with small
openings isprovided at the conical portion, which is used for nitrogen feeding. Hot water
rings areprovided at the top of the saturator. Saturator is always maintained with acid bath
calledmotherliquor, which contains 4-5%of sulphuric acid.
The CO gas enters through the bubbler hood which is dipped in the bath. The gas
risesthrough the mother liquor. During this period, the ammonia present in the gas reacts
with thesulphuricacid in the liquor.

NH3 +H2SO4 NH4(HSO4)

NH4(HSO4)+NH3 (NH4)2SO4

Ammonium sulphate thus formed settles at the bottom of the saturator. Pure nitrogen is purged into
thesaturator through N2 rings at 4-5 kg/cm2. N2 purging increases the crystal growth. Pure sulphuric acid
(98%)is fed to the saturator to maintain the acidity in the saturator. The gas collected at the top of the
saturator isfed to the acid trap. As the gas rises up, some of the crystals may be carried with the gas and they
get stackedto the walls of the saturator at the top. Then the hot water is sprayed to the rings provided. The
crystalsattached to the walls of the saturator are washed away. When hot water is sprayed the concentration
of theliquor decreases.Soinletacidconcentrationincreasesto6-7%atthatperiod.Afterthereactionmotherliquor is
continuously drawn to the circulating tank provided at the side of the saturator. This acts as a sealfor the
saturator. From the circulating tank, mother liquor is fed to the mother liquor tank. The crystalscollectedat
thebottom arefed to thecrystal receiver tank by using pump.

2. ACIDTRAP:Theoutletgasofthesaturatorcarriessomeacidmist.Inordertoremovetheacidmist,the gas is
sent to the acid trap. It is a hollow cylindrical vessel. The coke oven gas from saturator
enterstangentially to the trap. Due to the centrifugal motion, the acid mist gets separated. The acid
collected atthebottom is fed to thecirculating tank. TheCO gas isfed to theBenzol recovery.


icalbottom.Theammoniumsulphatecrystalsettledattheconicalportionofthe tank, which is wet
with liquor. The mother liquor from the top of the receiver is fed to thesaturator.Theslurry
from thebottom isfed to thecentrifuge.

Centrifuge is a horizontal cylindrical structure having two drums inside it. One
drummoves with rotary motion and the other in reciprocating motion. The feed enters at the
centerof the rotation drum through pipe known as cone pipe. Crystals present in the slurry
areseparatedbythecentrifugalforceofthe rum.Hotwaterissprayedintothecentrifugetowashof
thefreeacidity that isthe acid layer on thecrystal.

The cleaned crystal is discharged into the outer drum which is reciprocating.
Thereciprocating drum pushes the material into the discharge chute. The liquor
seper4ated isthensent tothe saturator.Thedischargechute ofcrystals opens ontoa

Drier is fluidized bed type. The principle is based on the loose materials property
toacquire fluidity in the airflow under a definite air velocity. The crystal from the
centrifugecontains some amount of moisture. To remove this moisture crystals are to be
dried. Thedrier is provided with a screen at the bottom, ceramic rings are arranged at the
bottom of thescreen. The drier is provided with forced draught fan and air, heated in the
duct. A spreaderat the feed chute of the drier spreads the feed in all directions. Forced
draught fan sucks theatmospheric air and feeds to the drier. The discharge chute of the fan is
divided into 2sections .One for hot air and the other for cold air. The hot air duct is provided
with a steamheater. The air is heated to 120-150°c by using steam and this hot air is fed form
the bottomof the screen. The ceramic rings distribute the air in all directions and allow the
crystals influidized state. The temperature of the air is sufficient the moisture of the crystals.
At thedischarge end of the drier, cold air is passed which cools the crystal. When the
pressure levelof the fluidized bed reaches the set point (300-400 mm Wc) an automatic
discharge feederdischarge the dry ammonium sulphate to the bucket elevator .The elevator
discharges the dryproduct into the bunker, which in turn feeds the product to the bagging
machine. The zoneabove the fluidized bed is kept under 5-10 mm Wc in order to avoid
carryover of theammoniumsulphate particles out of thedr4ying unit to thedust catcher.

The air form the drier is sucked by the suction fan and fed to the cyclone
separators.Cyclone separators separate fine ammonium sulphate crystals in the air and feed
to thebunker. The air from the cyclones is fed to the dust collecting tank which contains
flushingliquor up to certain level. The dust – laden air is then fed to the bottom of the tank.
Thecrystalsthen dissolved inthe water and theair is vented intotheatmosphere.

The excess liquor from the saturator enters the mother liquor tank. Each saturator
isprovided with two mother liquor tanks. One is vertical and the other is horizontal. First
theliquor enters the horizontal tank. As the liquor has less density than the tar it floats. Then
theclear mother liquor from the bottom is fed to the vertical tank. Form the bottom of
thevertical tank mother liquor is fed to the saturator through the pumps provided.
Theconcentration of the liquor is maintained 10-12%. If the concentration decreases, the
densityoftheliquordecreasesand it may becontaminated. Then crystalsmay become back.

During carbonization of coal ammonia gets vaporized and flows along with flushing liquor in
gascollecting mains, a little amount of ammonia gets absorbed in flushing liquor. The excess
ammoniumliquor after separation of tar, containing free and fixed ammonia, phenols, pyridine bases and
cyanides,rodents are pumped to the fourth plate of the ammonia column for distillation of free ammonia.
Thecolumn consists of 24 bubble cap trays. 40% of liquor level is maintained in the column. Steam
isinjected at the bottom by steam coils. The purpose of steam is to supply the necessary heat required
fordistillation. As the liquor is distilled, free ammonia present in the flushing liquor evolves and rises to
thetop of the column. The distilled liquor from the bottom of the column is fed to the pitch tank.
Certainlevel of the flushing liquor is maintained in the tank and the over flow from the tank is fed to the
M.B.CPlant for treatment. The pH of the flushing liquor at the discharge end of the column should be 7-
7.5 andthefreeammonia should beless than 50 PPM.

The ammonia vapours collected at the top of the column are fed before primary gas coolers.
Thegases are not fed to the saturators directly as the temperature of the vapours is high and secondly
thevapours contains not only ammonia but also some traces of rhodanides and cyanides. These
chemicalsshould not be present in the ammonium sulphate fertilizer. To remove some content of fixed
ammonia inthe liquor, dilute NaOH solution is injected at the inlet of the ammonia column. The NaOH
reacts withthefixed ammonia compounds and forms as ammonia gas.



Coke oven gas after ammonia recovery consists of 0.8-1.12 mg/lit of naphthalene. These
naphthaleneparticlesareremoved byspraying tar.
Temperatureatthebottom ofFGC 50-

60°cNaphthaleneinCOgasafter FGC 0.4g/Nm3

FGCtartemperature 80-
90°cSpecificgravityof FGC tarmoisture 5%

GAS PRE-COOLER:The gas at 30-35°c is fed to the pre-cooler, which is indirect contact cooler. The
gasiscooledbychilledwater(150°c),whichpassesthroughthetubes.The gasiscooledto25-
27°csothatanyparticlescondensedarereceived in the seal pot.


Scrubbers are long towers consisting of aluminium packing or wooden sheets provided with
threelayers. The main drawback of wooden sheets is that it requires large cross-section and more height,
muggymaterials,whichsticktotheplatesandscrubbing cannot bedoneefficiently.

The CO gas from the gas pre-coolers is sent to the first benzol scrubber at the bottom. Solar oil
orde-benzolized oil is used for scrubbing the gas to recover benzol. Large amount of the benzol is
absorbedinthefirstscrubber. Atthe bottomofthefirstscrubber acertainlevel ofbenzolisedoil
ismaintained.COgas from the top of the first scrubber is fed to the bottom of the second scrubber in
which it comes tocontactwithfreshde-
benzolisedoil,whichremovesthetracesofbenzolremaininginthegas.ThebenzolfreeCO gas is sent to custo

Capacity 58,000Nm3/hr

Oilflowrate 150m3/hr

Benzol content ingasafter benzolscrubber 3g/Nm3

Specificgravityof solar oil 0.8428

Molecularweightofsolaroil 230

Flashpoint 132°c

Initialboilingpoint 270°c


Air from the atmosphere is fed to the suction side of the compressor through filters for removing


Reciprocating compressors are used to compress the air up to 6 kg/cm2. This is double acting piston
type,which consists of low-pressure side and high-pressure side. A motor drives the compressor. An
intercooleris providedbetween theLP side andthe HPside. An after coolerisprovided to coolthe air.

Air initially fed to the low-pressure side where it is compressed to 2 kg/cm2. Due to compressor
thetemperature of the air is increases and it is cooled in the inter cooler. This avoids decrease in
thecompressionefficiency on theOILCYCLE:

The DBO from benzol distillation unit is fed to the top of the second scrubber. Benzolised oil
fromthe bottom of the second scrubber is pumped to the top of the first scrubber through the
distributionnozzles. The benzolised oil collected at the bottom of the first scrubber is sent to the
benzolised oil tankfromwhereit is pumped to the benzol distillationsection.


Compressor house provided in the recovery plant is used to supply the plant air and instrument air. Air
iscompressed up to 6 kg/cm2in the HP side. The compressed air is fed to the after cooler. The purpose
ofthis cooler is to remove the moisture in the air. The air from the after cooler is fed to air receiving
tanks.Airin thereceiving tankscontain moistureand oilparticles. Sothis aircannot beused forinstruments.
This air is used for cooling and other purposes. In the compression of air the lube oil is used
forcompressor bearings. In this process, some oil is mixed with air. To remove this oil the air is fed to
theoil filter. The air is then fed to the coke filters where coke layers are placed. This removes moisture
anddust particles in the air. Then the air is fed to the dryers in which a bed of activated alumina is
placed.This eliminates complete moisture and from dryers the air is fed to the candy filters in which
very fineparticles of moisture and dust is removed. Then the air is again fed to the buffer vessels, which
is anintermediate storage. The dried air is supplied to the instruments and its pressure is in the range of



Toxic effluents generated in various sections of coke oven and by-product plant are collected
andpumped to the treatment plant from two pump houses. One at ammonium sulphate section and the
otherat tar distillation section. Excess flushing after removal of ammonia in ammonium stripping unit is
alsofed to this treatment plant. The combined effluent contains large amount of tar and oils and toxicants
likephenol, cyanide, thiocyanides etc. The effluent plant is designed to remove tar and oils with the help
ofmechanical separation methods followed by biological treatment at effluent namely two stage
activatedsludgeprocess to removeothertoxicants.
Phenolic effluent from two phenolic water pump houses located in CO & CCP are directly fed to pre-
aerators of tar settling plants. Excess flushing liquor ammonia stripping is also pumped to the same pre-
aerators to the double pipe heat exchangers where it is cooled from 90°c with the help of
recalculatingcooling water. Water inlet temperature is 34°c and outlet temperature is 45°c. Mixed
effluent at atemperature of about 50°c is distributed in equal positions in tar settling tanks by gravity. In
pre aeratorseffluent mixed thoroughly with the help of air. The tar settling tanks are provided with steam
heating coiland scrappermechanismattheconicalhopperbottom. Tarcollectedatthebottomofeach
tankispumped out in the tar collecting tanks ones in 3-5 days time. Tar settling tanks are provided for
removingtar and oil form the effluents. Oil floated on the surface of water and tar settles down in the
conicalbottom. Floated oil removed with the help of scrapping device and flows to oil collecting tanks

Over flow from the tar settling tank is collected in vertical steel tanks named phenolic water
collectingtanks from where it is pumped to the oil flotation tank through pressurized head tank. Air (5%
by volumeof water) is injected in the suction line of the pumps before it is pumped to the pressures tank.
In theflotation tank air bubbles through the water as the water is depressurized and the oil is entrained by
airbubbles and floats at the water surface. The entrained oil is skimmed with oil skimmer mechanism of
theflotation tanks and collected to the oil discharge to a tank called tar and oil collecting tank. After
oilflotation tank, water goes to the second phenolic water collecting tank, with the help of pump
collectedwater is send to second flotation tank to pressurized tank. Tar and oil from the collecting tank
are finallypumped to tar acid utilization plant. After removal of tar and oil the effluent is collected in
The averaging tank consists of two chambers and each chamber is having one over flow tank. In this
tankadding ortho phosphoric acid and bacteria nutrient. 73% strong ortho phosphoric acid at the rate of
20g/m3of water to be purified. From these tanks effluent is pumped to aeration tank of first
stagepurificationthroughshellandtubeheatexchangersto maintaineffluenttemperaturebetween35-38°c.
Cold circulating water is used for this purpose. In this first stage purification is done with the help
ofphenol destruction bacteria. To maintain their vital activity, compressed air from the air blower is
appliedtotheaeration tank.


Phenolic water after the first stage of purification is collected in a tank from where it is pumped
toaeration tank of second stage purification. In second stage of purification rodents and cyanides
aredestroyed with the help of rodents destructing bacteria. With each aeration tank (both 1 & 2 stage)
ofpurification sludge settling tank regeneration are attached. The over flow from each tank first goes to
thesettling tank where sludge settles down and the super latent water overflows to the collecting of
firststagepurified water collecting tank.

The settled sludge then flows to the attached regeneration from where it is recycled back to
theaeration tanks with the help of air lifting pump. Volumetric flow rate of sludge in each tank it’s
about80% of the volumetric flow rate of water being purified, to treatment unit for further treatment.
Inlet tothe treatment plant as well as excess sludge is taken from the bottom of the settling tank and
taken tosludge disposal facilities having sludge-drying beds. Treatment effluent from the second stage
ofpurification is collected on a tank from where it is pumped to l sewage treatment plant for
furthertreatment and dilution. Further culture of bacteria their accumulation two separate bacteria
culture tanksrequisitefacilities arealsoprovided which can be utilized and when required.

Two MS tanks each of capacity 800m3are provided as balancing tanks. Water can be pumped from
anyof the equipment, provision is there to take this water back treated water from the collecting tank
aftersecondofpurification can also be directed to abalancing tanks.


Tar is a viscous fraction obtained by the cooling of coke oven gas with ammonia liquor. During
thiscooling coke dust particles mixed with liquor and forms coal tar. It consists of large chain
aromaticcompounds, which can be distilled into light oils, phenols, naphthalene oil, wash oil and pitch.
Coal tar incoke oven gas is collected from CPH and final gas a cooler of benzol recovery is transferred to
tar and oilstorage.From thereit ispumpedto mechanized decanter in tar distillationplant.
Light oil - 0.5%

Phenolfraction -1-1.5%
Naphthalene - 5-6%

Washoil - 8-9%
Anthraciteoil - 18-19%

Moistur4e -5-6%


The tar from the condensate pump house is fed to the tar and oil storage of the TDP. The tar to
thetar distillation section is fed from the tar and oil storage tanks. This tar contains 5% of moisture,
whichcanberemoved in the decanters.



The tar from the TOS is fed to the decanters. It is provided with a scraper conveyer to remove
thesludge collected at the bottom and transferred to a bunker in the decanter small quantities of water
andflushingliquor collects at the topof layer which arecontinuouslyremoved.

The tar from the decanters flows through two strainers to remove suspended matter to a common
suctionheader of liquor plunger pumps for first stage. A plunger pump consists of three piston, suction
anddeliveryvalves, which pumpwith high pressure. Tar initially consists chloride salts and acid,
whichcauses corrosion and damages the piping present in the furnace and the plant. To prevent the soda
ashsolutionof 8%concentration is injected at thesuction sideofthepumps.

2NH4Cl + Na2CO3 ---------- 2NaCl + 2NH3 + CO2+ H2O

2HCl+ Na2CO3 ---------- 2NaCl + H2O + CO2

Theammoniaformedfromtheabove reactionsvaporizesalongwithwatervapourandlightoils.

It consists of two zones one is convection zone and the other is radiation zone. Furnace is having
fourburners where CO gas is used as fuel. Air draught is taken from the bottom of the furnace. The tar
fromthe filter is pumped to convection zone, which is at the top of the furnace. Here the temperature
increasesto 120-130°c. Controlling the airflow can control the flame length more the air longer the flame
and viceversa.This arrangementhelpsin controlling thetemperatures of tarin boththezones.

In radiation zone dehydrated tar is circulated which is pumped from second stage plunger pumps.
Thetemperature of the tar is increased to 400°c. The temperature of the tar should not increase beyond
400°casthis causethe formation ofB.Fgradepitch.

The flue gas from the furnace is sent to the atmosphere through the chimney. It is provided with a
baffleplatein order to assurecomplete combustion ofthe gas.

Evaporatorisacylindricalvesselhavingbaffle plates,whichchangethedirectionof gases.Evaporatoris
designed for the evaporation of water and light oils from the crude tar, which are fed at the middle ofthe
evaporator. The temperature of the tar at the inlet is about 120-130°c. Due to this temperature,
themoisture in the tar is evaporated. These vapours from the top of the evaporator are fed to the
twincondensed coolers. From the bottom dehydrated tar having less than 2% moisture is fed to the
dehydratortartank and pumped to theradiation zoneof thefurnace.

Pressurein theevaporator 0.3

kg/cm2Temperatures of vapours102-

105°cTemperatureofDTT <110°c

Baffleplates 3



Tar from the evaporator is fed to the DTT tank, which is used as an intermediate storage. The tank
isalways maintained 100% and the over flow tar from the DTT is fed to the decanter4. Tar is fed to the
IIstage tar pump from the bottom of the DTT. The pump discharges this tar to the radiation zone of
thefurnace where it is heated up to 380-400°c. This tar is fed to the second stage evaporator at the rate of

In second stage evaporator oil vapours and pitch are separated. Dehydrated tar from the radiation zone
isfed to the evaporator. Two baffle plates are arranged below the vapour inlet and five above the
vapourinlet. Four bubble cap trays are also arranged at the bottom of the evaporator. This
arrangementcompletely separates tar fraction form pitch. A protective plate is also installed as in first
stageevaporator. The oil vapours from the top of the evaporator are fed to the distillation column. The tar
atthebottom of theevaporator is calledas pitchandissupplied to thepitch cooling section.

Pressureintheevaporator 0.5kg/cm2

Numberofbubblecap trays 4

No. ofbaffleplates 7

Temperatureofthefractions 400°c

Fractionating column is designed to separate different fractions from tar. The column is provided
with59 trays out of which 56 are bubble cap trays and the remaining three baffle plates. Each tray has
42bubble caps. Mixed oil vapours from the top the second stage evaporator are fed to the third tray of
thefractionatingcolumn at atemperatureof 360-380°c.

As the vapours rises to the top of the column different fractions are obtained from different
trays.Initially vapours enter at about 360-400°c. Pure light oil is supplied as reflux to the top plate
rectificationcolumn to maintain top temperature of the column. Reflux is fed as the top temperature
increases. All thefractions are continuously drawn from the column. The vapours, which are not
condensed are collectedfromthetop of thecolumn and fedto thetwin condenser cooler ofthesecond stage.



Light oil is obtained from the column, which is lighter than all of the fractions the
toptemperatures of the column are maintained at 100°c. The light oil consists of phenol and
phenolcontaining water (PWC). The light vapours are cooled in twin condensed coolers and fed to the


Phenol fraction obtained is not in pure state at 160-180°c. It contains 22% phenol and 10-
15%naphthalene.Threetapings areprovided on 44.46and 48 trays.


Naphthalene fraction can be trapped from 24, 26, 28 and 30 trays. It is obtained at a temperature
of190-200°c. Steam jacketed lines are provided because decrease in temperature results in crystallization


There 5 tapping for wash oil on 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20. Normally wash oil will be tapped at
atemperature of 280-290°c. It is tapped from 6 & 8 trays. Anthracite II is heavier than all fractions. So it
isobtainedfrom 1stor 2 trays at 320-330°c.



These are shell and tube heat exchangers to condense the vapours. First stage coolers condenses the
gascoming from I stage evaporator and the II stage cooler condenses the gas leaving the column.
Thevapours pass through the shell and service water is used to cool the vapour passing through the tube
side.The vapours of I stage cooler are cooled from 102-50°c. The vapours of second stage coolers from
100-40°c. After condensation the vapours from both I & II stage condensers enter into separators I &

Separators are used to separate light oils from other fractions (NH 3 water and phenolic
water)obtained fm the top of the first stage evaporator and distillation column in separator I & II
respectively.Light oil obtained from the top the two separators flow to light oil tanks by gravity. At the
bottom of theseparator I ammonia water will be settled and at the bottom of the separator II phenolic
water will besettled.Both of themareremoved throughdip tubes toprevent light oilmixing with them.

Submerged coolers contain a coil inside the coolers through which the fractions from the
columnare passed. This coil is submerged in the water. The vapours are cooled from 80-50°c are sent
to thecollectedtanks.

During initial starting of the plant, the temperature of the tar does not reach up 400°c in second
stageevaporator will be diverted to start up tank until it reaches the temperature of 290°c similarly
columnbottom liquid will also be diverted to start up tank until the temperature of the column reaches to
330°c.Tarthen overflows to thedecanters.

Itcanbefurtherprocessed toproducecrudetarbasiscan beused topreparepyridine andheavy basis.
Light oil can be fractionized to produce small amounts of benzene, toluene, xylene and heavy

• Itismainlyusedinplasticindustry.
• Inthermosettingresinsmadewithformaldehyde.
• Inpesticidespreparation.
• Insecticidesandpharmaceuticals.
• Dyestuffsandcarpolactumforfibers.


• Usedinmanufacturingofpthallicanhydride.


• Itispurifiedtoproducepureanthracite.
• Itisusedtoproducecarbozoleand phenanthracene.


• Pitchcake.
• Industrialpitches.
• Roadtar.
• Refinedtar


Tarindecanters 75-80°c

Tarafterfirststagefurnace 120-130°c

TarafterDTT 100°c

Vapoursfrom firststageevaporator 105-110°c

Tarafter IIstagefurnace 380-400°c

VapoursafterIIstageevaporator’s 300-330°c

Pitchafter IIstageevaporator 330-350°c

Distillationcolumntoptemperature 100°c


Tarin firststage 9-10Nm3/hr

Tarinsecond stage 10Nm3/hr


Watercontentin Istagetar 5-6%
Watercontent inIIstagetar <1%

TarafterIstagepump 2.3 kg/cm2

TarsafterIIstagepump 4.5 kg/cm2

COgasbeforefurnace >100mmWC

Istageevaporator top 0.14-0.5 kg/cm2

Istageevaporator bottom 0.24-0.25 kg/cm2

IIstageevaporator top 0.35kg/cm2

IIstageevaporator bottom 0.4kg/cm2

Distillationcolumn top 0.04-0.06 kg/cm2


Pitch is a mixture of resins and straight chain aromatic compounds and oils. Pitch from
thebottomof IIstageevaporator is fed tothestorageatank ofPCLAby gravitymainly produces.
1. Pitchcreosotemixture

2. Mediumhardpitch
3. BFgradepitch
The main consumers are BALCO, NALCO, and INDALCO & HINDALCO. This pitch is
mainlyusedin manufacturingelectrodes in aluminium industries.

The pitch from TDS is stored in the storage tanks. The softening point of this pitch is about 65-
70°c.Anthracite oil, wash oil and pitch are mixed in respective proportions in PCM tanks. Initially,
anthraceneand wash oil are mixed in 1:1 ratio. The tank is filled up to 1.8m with this mixture and the soft
pitch isfilled up to 4m heights. Then the mixture is allowed to mix properly by keeping in continuous
circulationthrough a pump from bottom. This PCM is used as fuel in CRMP section, which produces
refractionbricks inVSP.

The softening point of the soft pitch is 65-70°c. To increase the softening point of the pitch up to 95-
110°cthepitch is fed to aseries of reactors.

Reactors are cylindrical vessels with conical bottom. A bubbler is provided inside, which is
fedwith air at a pressure of 5 kg/cm2. An outlet provided at the top removes the air injected. A
cylindricalsmall vessel on the top of the reactor is provided with baffles to remove any heavier
particles present inthevapours. Thevapoursmainly contain anthraceneand wash oilfractions.

Initially the pitch at 360°c from TDS is fed to the middle of the first reactor. Air is injected
throughthe bubbler, which is provided with a ring having small holes. As the air passes through the
pitch, itentrains any oil present in the pitch. The overflow from the first reactor is fed to the second and
similarlyto the third. Aeration is done in all the three reactors to increase the softening point up to 110
°cdepending on the requirement. Airflow to all the reactors increases up to 400°c. The MH pitch
afterobtaining the required softening point is fed from the third reactor to electrode pitch tank. From ETP
thetar is pumped to the overhead tanks. All the ETP and overhead tanks are provided with steam coils
tokeep the pitch in liquid state. The pitch from overhead tanks is pumped to the bay, which is a
largerectangular area where the pitch is allowed for atmospheric cooling. After complete cooling the
pitch insmall pieces is packed in bags. The vapours from all the reactors and storage tanks contain
someentrainedoilparticles. Thevapoursarefirstcondensedin ashelland tube heatexchangers(waterin


tubes and vapours on shell side). The condensed vapours are sent to the washer. In the washer,
thevapours are scrubbed with the light oils. The condensate collected called pitch distillates are fed to
thepitch distillate tank. The washer is provided with steam jet ejector at the top to draw the oil free
vapoursandis let out to the atmosphere.


Pitch is a mixture of high polymers, straight chain organic compounds and oils. Due to aeration
andeffective mixing in the reactor, the polymer oil bond breaks and resin bonds progressively
increasecausing softening point elevation. Due to effective agitation, new polymeric bonds formation
and bondbreakage large amount of heat is evolved. This increase in temperature leads to the formation of
opticallysensitive isomers i.e. optical isomers; which causes the pitch increase in optical activity. The
increase inaeration in the reactor increases the softening point of pitch to required levels and increases
the porosity,which will affect the strength and binding properties of the pitch. The aluminium industries
requirevariousconcentration of resin inthe pitch,whichplays mainpart inthe bondingproperty ofpitch.


BF grade pitch is used for preparation of BF mass for Blast Furnace tapping. This requires
highsoftening point of 170-180°c. So it is prepared separately in fourth reactor. Initially, pitch from
TDS ischarged for three and a half hours and air is injected through bubbler at the rate of 150 Nm3/hr
for 10-12hours.After softening point isattained to the bay bygravity forcooling purpose.

Pressure Temperature Airflow

(mmHG) (°C) (Nm3/hr)

Reactor1300to32 5 50

Reactor2 310to330 80

Reactor3 320to340 120

Naphthalene fraction obtained from the distillation column is 75-80% pure. This is purified up
to99% in NAFC section. Crystallizing out naphthalene from the melt obtained from TDP does

Naphthalene oil from tar distillation plant at 70-80°C is pumped to the overhead tanks of the
NAFCsection. The tanks are provided with steam coils. The temperature of the naphthalene oil is
maintained at85-90°C. One tank receives oil from TDS and the other from melting pot. The naphthalene
oil is then fedtothedrum crystallizer.

Drum crystallizer is a hallow cylinder with ribbed surface over its entire perimeter. The drum
isrotated at an rpm of 0.3 by an electric motor and reducer. The rotating drum is partially submerged in
oilbath. Two jackets are provided at the bottom of the drum one for naphthalene oil and the other for
hotwater. The oil form the over head tank is fed to the oil jacket. Hot water is circulated under the oil
jacketto prevent the solidification of naphthalene. Inlet and outlet to the service water is provided to the
side ofthedrum.

Service water is circulated inside the drum to cool the naphthalene layer formed on the surface of
thedrum. Knifes are provided on the surface of the drum to cut the layer formed on the drum. The flakes
arethencollected in ascrewconveyor andfedto thepress mixer.


capacity 25 T/hr4 of

fr4actionRotationperminute 0.3

Temperatureofhot waterinjacket 90-

100°cCoolingwatertemperature 18-20°c

Temperatureoffractioninbath 80-90°c

Naphthalenetemperature 60°c
It consists of a mixer and a press. Flakes from the conveyor are fed to the mixer in which
agitatormixes the crystals homogeneously. The temperature in the mixer is maintained at 60-65°c by
circulatinghotwaterin thejacket.

It consists of three filters mounted in a rotary table. This system is operated by hydraulic pressure
ata pressure of 160 kg/cm2.Oil is compressed and fed to different parts of the press. The press consists
ofsqueezing device, pushing device and table stopper. Squeezing device is provided with shift to
compressthe naphthalene into a cake. The filters are at an angle of 120 ° to each other. The naphthalene
mass fromthe mixer is fed to the filter through the charging neck of the mixer the press is operated by


The filter coincides with the axis of charging neck of the mixer. The mixer discharges the feed
intothefilter. Then the tablerotates.

After clamping the filter moves to the squeezing device. The squeezing device consists of
twocylinders,which compresses from top and bottom with 160-180 kg/cm2pressure. Theoil present in the
cakewill be separated from the holes provided in the filter. This is collected at the bottom. Then the cake

Thisoperationis doneafter squeezing.A cylinderfrom thebottom ofthefilterlifts thecakeforward

An arm like device pushes the cake into a chute. At this position, the lifted cylinder is in the
sameposition.Push out and pushoffoperations is doneinthethird position ofthefilter.


Afterallthecylindersreachtotheiroriginalpositions,thetablerotatessothatthefilter againcomes to the
first position i.e. charging position. All these operations are done automatically by gearmechanism. The
temperature inside the filter is maintained by supplying steam. All these six operationsare completed in
three & a half minutes. The naphthalene cakes formed are conveyed to the jaw crushers.The weight of
the cake form is about 40 kgs and 98% pur4e. The jaw crusher crushes the cakes and thecrusherpiecesare
conveyed to thebaggingmachinethrough achain conveyor.
Naphthalenebags weighting50kg each arestoredin thego down.

The oil separated from the filter is further processed to recover naphthalene present in the oil as
theoil contains 60-65% naphthalene. This pressed oil collected in the ground floor is pumped to
theoverheadtank. This oil is processed inmechanical crystallizes.

These are horizontal cylindrical vessels with the shaft running through the crystallizer. The shaft is
apropeller type agitator, which is fixed with a number of vanes. The shaft is run by a motor,
whichconnectedbyagearbox. Thereis aprovision forsprayingof water onthedrum. Thewater is collectedin


the water jacket under the drum. The de-naphthalene oil from the overhead tank is fed to the
mechanicalcrystallizer. Half of the volume of the crystallizer is fed with the DN oil. Due to slow and
continuousagitationofthe shaft,high retentiontimeandslowcoolingtheoil inthe crystallizerthickness.

nucleuses of the crystals are formed and the oil forms as the slurry. Constant agitation of the melt
resultsinthebreakageof weak smallcrystals originally formedwhich thenact asnucleusto newcrystals.
Cooling is done by natural convention by atmosphere for 16 hours. After 16 hours of
atmosphericcooling, 8 hours water-cooling is done by spraying water on the drum. After the
completion ofcrystallization,thevalveopenandthe slurryistransferred tomixerthrough screw

The slurry enters into the mixer through a filter, which filters any suspended particles in the
slurry.Mixer is a horizontal cylindrical drum provided with agitator. Mixer acts as a storage drum as
well asmaintains the uniform mixture by agitating the slurry. Then the slurry flows by gravity to the
centrifugebycontrolling thevalve.

The centrifuge used in the NAFC is of basket type. It is a batch wise centrifuge operating at a rate of
400liters of naphthalene slurry per batch. The retention time of each is 2 minutes. The centrifuge
consists ofa basket rotated by a motor. Feed enters through a feed chute, which aids provided with an
automaticvalve. There is a knife arrangement, which collects the naphthalene powder into a basket type
chute. Theslurryis dischargedfromthe rotatingbasket tangentially throughthe holesarranged.
Thecentrifugedoesthree operations.

During this period (20seconds) the material is fed into the basket after a flow rate of 400 liters,
thevalveis closed.

The power is separated from the slurry and the basket is rotated without slurry for about 1 minute.
Thenaphthalenepowder is allowed to dry during this period.

After the material is dried, the knife collects all the powder into a chute that is fixed to the door.
Theoil separated contains 40-60% of naphthalene. The soil is again recycled till its concentration
reachesbelow 30%. After this DB oil is pumped to the tar and oil storage section. The naphthalene
powder soobtainedis about 98-99%pureand this fed tothemelting pot through abelt conveyor.


This is a horizontal cylindrical drum, which consist of steam coils inside it. LP steam is circulated
inthese coils. The naphthalene powder gets melted due to high temperature and the liquid thus obtained
isfed to the main naphthalene friction overhead tank to increase the purity of the naphthalene oil
comingfromthedistillation section.

Benzol plant is provided to produce pure benzene, toluene and solvent naphtha. Benzol
plantconsistsof threesections:
• Benzoldistillationplant•Hydrorefiningunit• Extractivedistillationunit
Crude benzol recover from the coke gas is fed to benzol distillation plant. Various chemicals in the
benzolare recovered by distillation. BENZOL DISTILLATION PLANT (BDP): In BDP the benzolised oil
fromfinal absorption is pumped to the storage tanks of the benzol distillation. The BO is then stripped of
steam toget the crude benzol and DBO. This DBO is again pumped to benzol recovery section. Makeup
solar oil isadded continuously to compensate for the losses in the equipment. The BO is initially preheated
in threepreheaters, which are shell and tube heat exchangers. Preheating is first done in oil dephlegmators,
oil-oilheat exchangers and finally in steam preheaters. The temperature slowly decreased in order to
preventchemicaldecomposition of BO. Thetemperatureof theBO fed to thestripping column is about 130-

Stripping Column: Pre-heated BO from the exchangers is fed to seventeenth tray of stripping
column.The column consists of bubble cap trays. Low pressure (LP) of stream at a temperature of 1800C
and 3.8kg/cm2 is injected through BDO at the bottom of the column. Crude benzol in the BO is recovered by
steamdistillation. Steam distillation is done so that the partial pressure of the benzol decreases and easily
getvapourized. LP steam injected at the bottom not only maintains temperature of the column but also
decreasesthe temperature of the crude benzol. The crude benzol vapours along with steam from the top of the
columnare fed to the oil dephlegmators. The BDO from the bottom in which crude benzol is recovered is
pumped tothe decanter through oil-oil heat exchangers. The crude benzol vapours are partially condensed in
the oildephlegmators. The partial condensation removes any higher fraction present in the vapours which
furtherincreases the purity of the vapours. Three sets of dephlegmators are provided, two sets for oil and one
set forwater. The vapours are cooled to 92 – 950C in oil dephlegmator by pre-heating the feed to stripping
columnand further cooled to 840C in water dephlegmator. The condensate collected in the heat exchanger is
called‘PHLEGMA’. The phlegma from the exchangers, which contains water is collected in a separator.
Water isseparated and phlegma overflows to the phlegma collecting tank, from which tank phlegma is sent
tostrippingcolumn as reflux.

Regenerator: The continuous circulation of BDO forms some polymer due to heating and cooling.
Thispolymer must be removed from the BDO by regeneration. A regenerator is a hollow tank in which
steamcoils are arranged. Medium Pressure (MP) steam is circulated through these coils. Part of the
strippingcolumn is fed to the regenerator. Due to the pressure, CB vapours are collected at the top which in
turn to thestripping column. The bottom liquid from the regenerator is pumped out and stored in crude and

Crude Benzol Column – I: The vapours containing crude benzol from the top of the
strippingcolumn is fed to the crude benzol column – I (CB-I) through water dephlegmator where the crude
benzol isseparated to heavy crude benzol (HCB – used as furnace oil) and light crude benzol (LCB –
containsfractions of benzene, toluene, xylene). This column consists of 16 bubble cap trays. Simple
distillation iscarried out in this column. A re-boiler provided at the bottom of the column supplies the
necessary heat. MPsteam is used as a heating medium. A CB vapour at a temperature of 80 – 850C is fed to
the 6th tray of thecolumn. The lighter components are vaporized, and these are collected at the top of the
column, which arethen condensed into condenser by water. The condensed vapours are then fed to separator
where themoisture present in the vapours is separated and the LCB obtained is stored in CB – I tanks. Part
of the LCBisfed as refluxto theCB – Icolumn.Thebottom productobtained from CB–Icolumn isfed to CB –
TopTemperature70 – 800C Bottom Temperature115–1200C

Crude Benzol Column – II: CB – II consists of 6 bubble cap trays. The bottom product of
theCB – I, which mainly contains HCB with small amounts of CB – I column is fed to CB – II column.
Torecover the CB – I the liquid is to be distilled. The CB – I vapours An Industrial Report On
RINLGovernment Institute of Chemical Engineering Page 76 obtained from the top of the CB – II are fed to
CB –I column as reflux. The bottom product obtained from CB – II is called HCB. Top Temperature -

De-benzolised Oil: The DBO from the bottom of the stripping column is pumped through oil-
oilheat exchanger to DBO cooler. In DBO cooler, it is cooled to 45 – 500C. Due to high temperature
exposurepart of the solar oil may get decomposed. This decreases the absorption efficiency of solar oil. To
removethisdecomposed matter of DBO is fed to thedecanter.

Decanter: It is a horizontal cylindrical tank unlike mechanical decanters BDO is fed to

decantersat a temperature of 45 – 500C. A small amount of water is fed to the decanter which provides
better removalof sludge or muck form of oil. Water settles at the bottom carrying sludge with it. Oil layer is
formed abovethe muck layer. The residence time in a decanter is 3 – 4 hrs. Water is continuously drained
from decanters.Oilafter3 –4hrs isfed toBDOtank. Muckfromthedecanteris drained and senttothe


Due to contact of oil, water and muck oil-water emulsions and muck-water emulsions are formed.
Theseemulsionsfloaton thesurface ofthewater, whichisfed to emulsionbeaker alongwiththemuck

Emulsion Beaker : This is a horizontal cylindrical vessel provided with insulation.

Mediumpressure steam is fed through a coil into the beaker. The residence time for settling the oil, muck
and waterin the beaker is 2 hrs. Due to heating of emulsion, oil and water gets separated which is called as
‘De-emulsification’. Emulsion thus formed is broken and muck will float on water. This muck is fed to
mucktankand water is drained. Thetemperatureinsidethe beakeris 80– 900C.

HYDRO REFINING: In this unit hydrogen gas purifies the light crude benzol. Hydrogen
isrecovered from coke oven gas and CB – I from benzol distillation plant. CB – I consists of benzene,
toluene,xylene, solvent naphtha, non-aromatics and residue. Initially the CB – I is purified from sulphur,
non-aromaticsand other compounds. This consists of thefollowing sections:
• De-frontingsection
• Reactionsection
• Purificationsection

De-fronting Section: In this section carbon disulfide is removed from the crude benzol and this
iscalled de-fronted crude benzol. CB – I from the storage tank is pumped to a surge tank which is meant
forintermediate storage and then it is pumped to distillation column through feed pre-heater. The feed enters
thecolumn at a rate of 3 ton/hr. at 700C, 0.5 kg/cm2 . Sulphur content fed will be 2000 – 1800 ppm.
Thisdecreased to about 1200 ppm in the column. The distillation column consists of 30 bubble cap trays of
which17th tray is the feed tray. Steam is fed into re-boiler, which heats the bottom product recycled to the
column.The remaining bottom is called de-fronted crude benzol, is fed to the reaction section through feed
pre-heater. The sulphur is removed in the form of CS2 vaporizer. Part of it is fed to the column as reflux and
theotherpart is stored. The DCB obtained is at 700Cand this is fed totheintermediatestorage.


Reaction Section: This section consists of reactors and evaporators. Here hydro refining
takesplace in the reactors provided which remove the oxygen, nitrogen, and Sulphur content in DCB. The
de-fronted crude benzol is pumped to the de-fronted storage tank (V – 401) through a filter. The filter
isprovided to remove the solid particles and polymers, which may be present in the crude benzol. The
benzolfilter is an edge type filter and consists of a slotted tube inside a shell with a specified filter fineness,
which isdetermined by the slots and scrappers. This is agitated by a hard crank. The particles are retained at the
edges of theslots and must be scrapped off. If the pressure difference between the inlet and the outlet streams is too
high theconcerned filter must be opened and cleaned. filtered DCB is stored in the surge drum (V – 401). The drum
is set toapproximately two bars split range controlled by feeding N2and venting gases. From surge drum, the DCB is
fed topre– vaporizeratapressure of 30bars using 32 stagecentrifugal pumps.

Pre – Vaporizer: It is nothing but a vertically mounted shell and tube heat exchanger. The feed is
mixedwith a part of cycle gas (containing H2 approximately 15% of the total gas) before it is fed to the vaporizer. This
feedis pre – vaporized to about 160 – 1650C by means of the main reactor effluent passing through shell side. The
feed at atemperature of 160 – 1650C is fed to the third mixing nozzle of stage evaporator. This vertical heat exchanger
isprovided with turbulence promoters in the tube side to achieve high turbulence so that more heat exchange will
occur,andnoscaleformation isattained.Thisarrangementisprovidedasthefeedstockisinpartialvapourstage(gas–liquid
stage) and so fouling of the tubes will occur rapidly. This arrangement also provides easy cleaning of tubes
bysimplypulling the turbulence promoters.

Stage Evaporator: The stage evaporator is a long cylindrical vessel provided with three stages,
whichare separated by two plates. Demister pads are provided at the top of the evaporator. Each stage is provided
with amixing nozzle. Two re-boilers (E – 402 and E – 403) are provided for the second and first stage respectively. A
gaspreheater (E – 404) is also provided in which the rectangle gas (85% of the total gas) is pre-heated to 2100C by
themain reactor effluent. E – 402 and E – 403 are heated by hot oil through tubes at a temperature of 2500C.
Rectanglegas mixed with feed is passed through the shell side. Down comers are placed so that the liquid in the third
stage willenter the second and from second to first. Pressure inside is about 20 kg/mm3 . The DCB mixed with 15%
rectanglegas is fed at the third mixing nozzle of the evaporator. The vapours coming from the second stage and the
feed aremixed thoroughly and fed to the third stage. Lighter vapours are passed through the demister pads and to the
pre –reactor. The liquid containing lighter and heavier substance is passed through down comers to the second stage.
Herethe fed is mixed with the vapours from first stage in the mixing nozzle II and heated in re – boiler (E – 402). This
isfed to the top of the second stage. Liquid from 2nd stage flows to 1st stage. This liquid is pre – heated in E – 403
andmixed with 85% of the rectangle gas in the first mixing nozzle and again fed to the first stage. The temperature at
thebottom of the evaporator is 2100C. Due to heating of the feed the vapours are sent to the top and any residue
orpolymers in the feed are collected at the bottom. Part of the liquid from the first stage is fed to the residue flash
drum(V – 406) from where they are recycled to benzol distillation plant. The lighter vapours from the flash drum are
fed tothe surge drum (V – 401) nearly this residue would be 3 – 4% of total feed The vaporization of feed (DCB) in
theevaporatorisdonebyreductionofpartial pressureof DCB,whichismanipulatedbyadditionoftherectanglegas.
This results in lower operating temperature even at higher pressures. Vaporization of feed in heat exchanger should
beavoidedto reducefouling of surfaces.

Pre – reactor: The vapors from the top of the evaporator at 2000C are heated in a heat exchanger (E –
406) to 200 – 2250C by passing main reactor effluent through shell side. The reactor is provided with a bed of
catalysti.e., NICKEL MOLYBDENUM. In this pre – reactor such as di-olefins, styrene and CS2 are removed
byhydrogenation. Feed enters from the bottom of the reactors through catalyst bed. Hydrogenation of di-olefins,
styrene,takes place in the presence of catalyst. The temperature at the inlet of the reactor is 200 – 2250C and this
depends onthe life cycle of the catalyst. Due to the exothermic reaction the outlet temperatures increase to 210 –
2350C. Due tocontinuous operation of the catalyst bed polymerization products like coke will deposit on the bed
resulting in lowerefficiency.Thiscan beovercomeby increasingtheinlettemperatureof thereactor.Catalystactivitycanbe

determined by the temperature difference between inlet and outlet, which should be more than 100C.
Catalystscanberegenerated byheatingthebed withsteamandair. The reactions inthe pre– reactoris.
Di-olefins(CnH2n-2)+ H2 Monoolefins(CnH2n)
Cyclopentadiene(C5H6)+H2 Cyclopentane(C5H8)
Styrene(C8H8) + H2 Ethylbenzene(C9H10)
Carbondisulfide(CS2)+H2 Methane(CH4)+ H2S


Main Reactor: In the main reactor treated pre – reactor effluent is hydrogenated on special
sulphidemolybdenum catalyst. The main reactor consists of two beds of catalyst makeup gas i.e., pure H2 gas from
thecompressor at pressure of 18 bars provided more hydrogenation and hence complete saturation of olefin
hydrocarbons.The inlet temperature is about 2700Cand the outlet temperature is 3300C due to exothermic reaction.
Mainlydesulphurization, densification and olefin saturation feed stock occur in the main reactor. The hydrogen is fed
througha distributor below first bed of catalyst oxygen content in H2 gas should be very low so that no polymerization
occursin thereactor.Hydrogenationofaromaticsshouldbeprevented.Catalystdeactivationcanbedeterminedbytheamount
of thyophene content at the outlet of the reactor. If this increases hydrogenation of aromatics, coke
formationincreases.So,the temperatureof thereactorshouldbeincreasedor otherregenerations shouldbe done.
Mainreactions are:
Ethyl mercaptans + H2→ Ethane +
H2SThyophene + H2→ Butane +
H2SCoumarone + H2→ Ethyl benzene
+ H2Pyridine+ H2 →Pentene +H2
Pyridine + H2 →Butane +
H2Benzene + H2
Hence required to maintain a heater to which part of the effluent is passed. Heated and fed to the main reactor
suppliesthetemperature.Cokeovengasisusedasfuelintheheater.The effluentfromthemainreactorcollectedatthebottom,
which is at 3300C. This effluent is passed through (E – 407, E – 406, E – 404, E – 401) and finally cooled inwater
cooler (E – 408). This condenser effluent is fed to the separator. Before water cooling hot water is dosed into
theeffluent. This dissolves the deposits of salts such as NH4HS2 and NH4Cl. The cooled effluent at 500C is fed to
theseparator. A water leg provided separates the dosed water. The water free effluent is fed to the stripping column.
Thegases i.e., unreacted hydrogen gas and other gases are sucked by recycle gas compressor and are recycled part of
thegas is purged out through vent provided. The heat demand of the process is supplied by a separate hot oil system.
Thehot oil is used as a heating medium for several heat exchangers in hydro refining unit and extractive distillation
unit. Ahorizontal furnace is used to heat the oil, the furnace is fired using coke oven gas. Hot oil is pumped into the
coils intothe furnace. The temperature of the oil increases to about 340 – 3500C. The hot oil is pumped by a pump.
This is againrecycledtothesuction sideof (P-404).
Reassure Swing Adsorption Unit: The required hydrogen gas to HR units is supplied from this section.
Theclean coke oven gas after benzol recovery is fed to filter at a pressure of 800mmWC. Moisture and carbon
particlespresent in the gas are filtered and the filtered coke oven gas is fed to reciprocating compressor, which
compresses thegas to about 2.5 kg/cm2 . The compressed gas is again fed to the other compressor where the pressure
of the gasincreases to 6.5 kg/cm2 . The gas is then fed to another filter, which removes moisture in the gas. From the
filter thegas is fed to the pressures in the adsorption unit. It consists of 4 cylindrical vessels in a bed of molecular
sieves placedon.The cokeoven gaspassed fromthebottomofthe bed.And


gas. The hydrogen thus collected is fed to the makeup gas compressor. The gas is passed through one
catalystbed only. Currently, the remaining beds are being regenerated. This is because the catalyst for 180 sec only.
Then itmust be regenerated. This is done by using pure H2 gas. The regeneration of bed is done automatically. The
H2gas iscollected from the top of the bed and is fed to the makeup gas compressor. This is a vertical reciprocating
compressorof double stage. The H2 gas is compressed to about 30bar. The recycled gas from gas separator is fed to
the recyclegas compressor, which is a horizontal single stage compressor. Purification Section: This section consists
of astripping column in which the Sulphur content as H2S and any dissolved gases in the DCB are removed. Process:
Theliquid part from the separator is fed to the stripping column through a preheater, which is heated by BTX solvent
fromthe stripping column fed at a temperature of 1350 c is fed to the column the column consists of sieve trays. The
toptemperature is 125-1350C and bottom temperature is 1500C. Pressure is about 4.3 kg/cm2 . A re-boiler is
providedwhich supplies the required heat to the column. MP steam is fed to the shell side of the re-boiler. The gas
from thecolumn contains H2S. These are condensed in the condenser where water is issued. This condensate (700 C)
is fed tothe reflux drum. Part of the condensate is refluxed to the column. Moisture present in the gas is removed from
thewaterleg andtheoffgasesarefedtothe off-gasmains.
The bottom product called BTX solvent raffinate is passed through preheater where it is cooled and finally raffinate
iscooledinthe raffinatecooler which is cooledby water.Thisisstoredinintermediatestorage
Extractive Distillation Unit: In this unit, the BTX raffinate is processed to separate benzene, toluene and
xylenesolvent. Further benzene and toluene are also separated. Using ‘Extractive Distillation’ in which N-
FormylMorpholine (NFM) is used as solvent does separation of BTX into BT and X. Non-aromatic compounds
present inBTX are removed by pressure distillation solvent is recovered in solvent recovery column. Benzene and
toluene areseparated in BT separation column. The total heat required for the unit is supplied from various means
pressuredistillation receives heat from hot oil. The aromatic separation column and solvent recovery column
receives heatfrom thevapours ofthepressure distillationcolumn.The BTcolumnreceivesheatfrom the LPsteam.




Utilities (Water, Electricity and Gas) are essential services that play a vital role
ineconomic and social development. In steel plant, utilities play an important role in
theproductionand supplies basicrequirementsto correspondingunits.
• Liquidstorageanddistribution
• Cylinderfillingstation
• Compressorhouse
• Chilledwaterplant
• L.P.G plant



Air separation plant is one of the major production units in utilities department which produces
oxygen,nitrogen, argon. Atmospheric air consists of oxygen, nitrogen, argon, moisture, carbon
dioxide, carbonmonoxideandhydrocarbons. Themainconstituents areseparatedfromairin theAir
Nitrogen- 195.8oC 78%
Oxygen- 183Oc 21%
Argon- 185.8oC 0.9%
✓ Oxygenisusedinsteel makinginLDconverters andforgeneralpurposes.
✓ Nitrogen required for the BF high top cleaning systems, in dry quenching of coke, gas line purging as
apurgingmedium forLDconverter cleaning.
✓ Argon is used for homogenization of liquid steel in continuous casting and is required for welding in
▪ FreeAirCompression
▪ AirPre-CoolingUnit
▪ AirPurificationUnit
▪ AirCryo-CoolingUnit
▪ MainDistillationUnit
▪ ArgonUnit
A compressor sucks the atmospheric air through air filters. The filtersare of self-cleaning
type,which removes the dust particles in the air. A fourstage centrifugal compressor then sucks the dust free
air.The compressor is run by a motor and driven by a gearbox. It is provided with a main oil pumpand
auxiliaryoilpump, which supplies the lubeoil forthe compressor.
Air is pressurized in four stages up to 6.4 kg/cm2 . During the compression,
thetemperature of the air increases up to 50°c and this is cooled in an inter cooler. Inter coolers are shell
andtube type heat exchangers in which the shell side fluid is air and tube side is water. Each stage is
providedwith an inter cooler and fourth stage is provided with an aftercooler. The air temperature at the
discharge oftheaftercooleris 45°c.Air with6.4 kg/cm2 pressureis fed to theair-pre-cooling unit.
In the suction line of the compressor an inlet guide vane is provided which controls the airflow rate to
thecompressor.Anti-surgevalve is also provided tothe compressor in view of safely.


CompressorStages Pressureafter eachstage

First stage 0.7kg/cm2
Secondstage 2.0kg/cm2
Thirdstage 3.8kg/cm2
Fourthstage 6.4kg/cm2

. Chilled wateratatemperatureof 5°c is pumpedto theair watertowerat apressureof8kg/cm2.The tower
is provided with bubble cap trays, which increases the contact area of water with air. The pressureinside the
tower is maintained at 6 kg/cm2 . The temperature of compressed air decreased upto 8-10°c. Dueto decrease
in temperature, moisture present in the air gets condensed and the chilled water collected at thebottomis
again recycled
In this water, the service water is initially cooled with waste nitrogen to19-20°c. water is fed
fromthe top and waste nitrogen is fed at the bottom so that more contact can be provided. Water is sprayed
byusingdiffusers. Thewater collectedatthebottomof thetoweris pumpedto the refrigerationunit.
Water inlet temperature→ 32-
35°cWater outlet temperature →19-
The cooled water from the bottom of the nitrogen water tower is pumped to the refrigeration
unit.Refrigeration is done by vaporcompression Freon vapors are compressed in a compressor and fed to
thecondenser where it is condensed. The condensed vapors are again evaporated in the evaporator. In
theevaporator, the water is passed throughthe tube side and the water is cooled to 5-7°c. This chilled
water isfedto theair watertower.


This unit consists of dryers and post filters. Two electric heaters are also provided. The cool air at
atemperatureof 10°cis purified from CO2, moistureand hydrocarbons.
The air at a temperature of 10°c is fed from the bottom of the drier. Drier is a
horizontalcylindrical vessel in which two beds of activated alumina and molecular sieves are arranged.
Purification isdone adsorption process. The moisture in air is adsorbed by activated alumina and
molecularsieves adsorbcarbon dioxide and hydrocarbons. The activation time is 5 hrs.Then the drier is
deactivated which issubjectedto regeneration.
Regeneration of driers is done by wasting nitrogen. Waste nitrogen is initially heated in electric heaters to 220-
240°C.The hot waste nitrogen gasis blown from top of the regenerator for one and a half hour. Then the bedsare
heated, andthe moisture gets evaporated. After one and a half hours, thebeds are cooled by passing cold waste
nitrogen for threehours.During thisperiod, CO2 and hydrocarbons areremovedandthedrierisready foruse.

The dried air in the driers is fed to the post filters. These driers are meant for separating any dust
particlesgenerated due to air fraction in the driers. The post filters consist of line mesh through which the
air passesanddust is removed. Theair is then fed totheheatexchangers.


Thisunit consists ofmain heat exchangers and expansion turbines.
The dry and purified air from the air-purified unit is fed to the exchanger, which supplies
thenecessary cold for the process. The exchanger is plate type with counter current flow of fluids.
Theexchanger consists of several plates of fin type in brazed aluminium. The air passes through one side and
theendproducts likepureoxygengas, purenitrogen gasand wastenitrogen gasarefed throughanotherside.
These products enter at cryogenic temperatures and leave at about 10-13оC. The air entersat 8-10оC
andleaves the exchanger at -150 to -160oC. A part of the air is taken at an intermediate point of the
exchangersandfed to theexpansionturbine. Theotherpart isfed to thebottom ofthemedium pressurecolumn.
The air from the exchangers is fed to the centrifugal expansion turbine equipped with a
breakgenerator. This provides the necessary refrigeration to make up the thermal losses of the cold box.
Air iscooled from -135о C to -178оC. This temperature is attained due to the sudden expansion of the air.
Thenthepressureis dropped from 6 kg/cm2 to 0.6kg/cm2g
The column is a double column rectification unit provided with three sections. Medium
pressuresection (KO1), Low-pressure section (ko2) and the pure nitrogen section (ko3). The rectification
units areprovided with a suitable number of trays to achieve the required purity of the products. The main
feed to thecolumn is liquid air, gaseous air and the refluxes. The liquid air is from air liquefier, fed to the
NP columnand the gaseous air is from exchanger, fed to the NP column. The gaseous air from the bottom of
theexchangeris fed to themedium pressure column.
Part of this air is fed to the air liquefier (EO6) which is a plate type exchanger. The cooling medium is
liquidoxygen. The oxygen vaporizes and the gaseous oxygen is fed to the main heat exchanger. The air
liquefies intheair liquefierand the liquid airis fed at thebottom of themedium pressurecolumn.
This is the lower part of the column. It is provided with 46 trays of ripple sieve type. A pressure of
6.5kg/cm2 absolute is maintained in this column. At the top of the MP column a condenser-cum –
evaporator isprovided.This acts as a condenser for MP column andas an evaporator for theLP column.
The gaseous air from the exchanger is fed at the first tray of the column at a temperature of -177о C and
theliquid air from the air liquefier is fed at the 10th tray of the column. The up flowing gas becomes
enrichedwith nitrogen gas by contact with the down coming liquid. This results from the nitrogen
condensing inEO3.Theproducts fromthe column are.
Poor liquid at a temperature of -174о C from the 24th tray with low oxygen content is used and reflux on
thetop of the LP column after passing through nitrogen sub-cooler and an expansion valve. Rich liquid
having35-38% oxygen from bottom of the column is fed to the LP column through rich liquid sub-cooler
and anexpansion valve. The temperature of the RL at the outlet is -172оC. The rich liquid sub-cooler (EO4)
isprovided to cool the RL from - 172о C to -183о C. The liquid oxygen is fed through Eo4 which cools
theRL.Theliquid oxygen is fed to the oxygen filtersbeforethesub-cooler.


Low-pressure column is at the top of the column. It consists of 72traysof ripple sieve type. The pressure
inthe column is maintained at 1.5 kg/cm2 absolute. Temperature in the column is in the range of -185 to -
The air cooled in the expansion turbines is fed at the 60th tray of the LP column. Rich liquid from the
MPcolumn is fed at the 61st tray of the LPcolumn at a temperature of -190оC. Lean liquid from the MP
columnpassesthrough the EO5 and fed at the top plate of the LP column. The oxygen condensed from the
liquid airis collected at the bottom of the LP column at a purity of 99.5%. Pure oxygen liquid is withdrawn
from thebottom of the LP column. Liquid oxygen is fed to the LOX filters. These filters permit the abnormal
removalof hydrocarbons particularly acetylene products in oxygen path. Part of the liquid oxygen is again
fed totheLP column as reflux. Another part of the liquid oxygen before the LOXfilters is fed to the air
liquefier whereit is vaporized and fed to the main exchanger. Liquid O2 from the bottom of the 1 st tray is
pumped to theliquidOxygen storagetanks through EO5 sub-cooler.
Liquid nitrogen is passed through EO5 exchanger and fed to the pure nitrogen column, which consists of
15trays. Part of the NL from the exchanger is fed to the phase separator and the liquid N2 from three
bottomsisfed to the storage tank. The N2 vapors from the top of the phase separatorare fed top the pure
nitrogencolumn. The gaseous N2 from the top of the KO3 is passed through EO5 and recovered its cold and
it’spassedthrough main exchanger and is sent to customers.
No.oftrays ofMP column→46
Working pressure of MP column→ 6
kg/cm2No.oftrays of LP column→ 72
Working pressure of LP column
→1.42kg/cm2No. of trays of pure nitrogen


Argon unit is designed to process crude argon and crude liquid argon as 99% purity. Each argon
unitis havingacapacity of 120 NM3
For crude argon column a gaseous flow is taken from the LP column at 38th tray where argon content is 9-
11% maximum. This column contains70 trays and the pressure is 1.5 kg/cm2 This fraction is fed to
thebottom of the crude argon column (K1O) for partial condensation by vaporization of rich liquid in the
crudeoxygen condenser E40. Then the oxygen present in the gas is condensed and flows back to LP
column. Thenon-condensablegaseousfraction,whichiscalledascrudeargon.Thisgascontains95-98%of
The crude argon is fed to the warm argon unit through E41 heat exchanger where the vapors are warmed
upto the ambient temperature by exchanger with purified argon mixture. The crude argon from E41
iscompressed to 3-4 kg/cm2 in a compressor of water ring type. A stream of hydrogen gas is fed into the
argonvapoUrs before the compressor. The vaporsfrom the compressor are fed to the water separator B
10wherewater if any entrained from the compressor is removed. Crude argon and hydrogen gas mixture is
passedthrough reactor R10 where hydrogen reacts with oxygen present in the gas in the presence of
palladiumcatalyst. At the outlet of the reactor, argon gas contains less than10 PPM of O2. As it is
exothermic reaction,the temperature of the gas increases to 300-400оC. So de-oxo argon is cooled in E42
atmospheric cooler,then in E43 water cooler up to 40оC. This de-oxo argon is further cooled in X10
refrigeration unit up to10оC and send to B11 separator. Dueto cooling the moisture in the gas is condensed
and this condensedmoistureis removed in the B11 separator. The moisture free de-oxo argon is sent to
R11/R12 drier wheremoisture and CO2 are adsorbed. Argon gas from the drier is passed through F10 dry
type filter and furtherpasses through the E41 heat exchanger in which it is cooled to -164о c. This argon is
fed to thebottom of thepureargoncolumn.
Pure argon unit consists of pure argon column. The column isprovided with 60 trays and
tworeboilers one at the top (E 46) and the otherat the bottom (E 45). The de-oxo argon passed through the
E45condenser oftheK11column wherethegas becomesliquid. Thisliquidisexpandedandsentto H2separator
where unreacted H2 is sent to the compressor. Thisexpanded de-oxo argon is again fed to themiddle of the
K11column. The vapors rise to the top of the column and enter to the E46 exchanger where,the argon vapors
are condensed collected at the bottom. In the E46 exchanger, pure nitrogen liquid is used
tocondensetheargonvapors.From the bottom oftheE45 pureargonis fed tothe liquid argonstorage tanks.
The noncondensable from the top of the column are vented into the atmosphere. The noncondensable
mainlycontainnitrogen and hydrogen gases.
The requirement of oxygen in converters is cyclical, the pattern being characterized by high flow
ratesfollowed by periods of no consumption. These short time peak demands are met by providing buffer
vesselsat the SMS. The supply oxygen at this minimum pressure the buffer storage vessels should operate
between40-20kg/cm2 to releasethe required quantityof O2 during flowing.

Gaseous nitrogen is required for blast furnaces continuously at a pressure of about 8-10 kg/cm2 .
Gaseousnitrogen buffer vessels are providedat the blast furnace plant to meet the fluctuation demand of
BF. Forsupplyofnitrogen to various consumers, six compressors areprovided.
Storage tanks are long cylindrical vessels. The tank is provided with a cylinder inside the outer shell.
Theannular space is filled with perlite powder for reducing heat losses. Small amount nitrogen gas is
purged tomaintainpositivepressurein theannulus. Thisis doneto prevent any leakagesof theliquid.
Two liquid oxygen storage tanks each of capacity 1000m3 water volume have been provided. Three
liquidoxygen pumps of centrifugal typeeach of capacity 10 tons per hour at a discharge pressure of 41
kg/cm2 ,threevaporizesof thesteam bath typeeachwith capacity 10 T/hr arealsoprovided.
Three liquid nitrogen storage tanks each of capacity 1000m3 of water volume are provided. For meeting
therequirements, the liquid nitrogen will be pumped at 40 kg/cm2 and vaporized in a steam bath vaporizer.
Fourliquidnitrogenpumpseachofcapacity20T/hrata discharge pressure of41kg/cm2andthree vaporizeseach of
capacity 20 T/hr are provided. Liquid argon is stored in a tank of 50001 capacities. For meeting
therequirement,liquidargonispumped ata pressure of 7g/cm2 andvaporizedinatmospheric vaporizers .
Cylinder filling facilities are provided to ensure supply of O2, N2 and argon to consumers to who
pipedsupply is not provided. For the oxygen cylinder filling facility, a liquid storage tank of 5000 liters
capacitiesis provided together with 3 pumps of 200. 1 hr capacity each. Four filling facility, a liquid storage
tank of5000 liters capacity is provided together withtwo pumps of 100 1 hr capacities each. Two filling
manifoldseachwith20 pointsareprovided.Theargoncylinder fillingfacility isidentical tothatofnitrogen
The cylinder filling pumps operate at a pressure of 165 kg/cm2 . Atmospheric vaporizers are provided
forvaporizing the liquidoxygen nitrogen and argon after pumping. It is proposed to provide a total of
2000cylinder for oxygen, nitrogen and argon in the filling plant. The cylinder filling plant is provided
withcylinder testing and painting facilities.As argon gas at high purity is needed, argon cylinder manifolds
are tobe vacuum bed before filling argon cylinders. Vacuum pump is provided in thecylinder filling station
for thispurpose.












Chilled water is required for use in Air Conditioning systems of various plant control rooms and
electricalcontrol rooms in addition to this, it is also required for process uses such as in the primary gas
coolers incokeovenandby-product plant andin the pre-coolersof theturbo-flowers of power plantand
blower house. The total chilled water requirements for various process consumers as well as for the
airconditioningrequirements are6223 m3 /hr in 3.0m stage.
The chilled water pumps pump warm water from warm water storage tank through evaporators
ofcentrifugal chillers. This water gets cooled from 16⁰C. In chillers water is supplied computer center.
Chilledwater pump the warm water from warm water storage tank to the warm water common header.
Individualchillersout lets are connected to achilled watercommonheader.


The warm water from the consumer is returned back to warm water storage
tank.The warm water storage tank is an RCC tank. This tank and all chilled water lines all fully insulated
withthermo-coal insulation to avoid cold losses. By-pass arrangement is provided in the discharge header of
thechilled water pump to by-pass a part of chilled water to warm water. Storage tank in case of reduction
inconsumer requirement of chilled water. This results in a drop in a temperature of warm water. There
byreducing the heat load of the chillers and the temp. Of the chilled water at the chiller out let begins to
drop.This is sensed by temp. Sensors at the chilled water outlet lines from each chiller which in turn closes
theIGV unit, thus reducing the capacity and bringing the system in to equilibrium. The refrigerant cycle at
theevaporator. The warm water flowing through evaporator tubes is warmer than the refrigerant in the
shellaround the tubes consequently heat is transferred from warm water to the refrigerant; thus chilling the
warmwater.This heat evaporates the refrigerants at atemp.

Corresponding to the lower pressure in the evaporator. Evaporated refrigerant vapour flows through the pre-
whirl vanes IGV unit in to the centrifugal compression where it is partially compressed by the first
stageimpeller. It then mixes with the steam of gas, which comes from the economizer. The mixer of suction
andeconomizer gas enters the second impeller where it is compressed and discharged in to condenser.
Ifeconomizer was not used, this would all be generated at the evaporator and would all have to be
pumpedfrom the evaporator pressure to the condenser pressure. The pumping of a portion of the gas back to
thecondenser from the intermediate economizer pressure increases the cycle efficiency and saves


Compressed air is required in the various production methods of steel. Plant air is required for the
operationof pneumatic devices, pneumatic tools and for general purpose. Whereas dry air is required forthe
operationof instruments and controls. To meet the above requirements 4 no. of centrifugal compressors and
4 no. ofdryair units areinstalled.

Thecontentofhardparticles and mechanicalmixturein airmustnot exceed 0.5mg/Nm3of air. Hence air

isfiltered and cleaned of dust particles so as to avoid mechanical wear of the rotor and prevent it

The air is cleaned in self-cleaning dry type air filters (pulse clean). This pulse cleans intake air
filtersprovide a constant flow of filtered intake air. And eliminates the necessary of charging filters due to
highatmospheric dust conditions. Thus intake air filters reduces dust concentration in the exit air to 0.1
mg/Nm3this filtered air is fed to the fourth stage centrifugal compressor through a suction silencer. The
flow and thepressure of the discharge air will be controlled by the setting of the inlet guide vane unit
provided in the upstreamsideof the1ststageimpeller.

Air after getting compressed to 0.9 kg/cm2the temperature is raised to 110оc in the first stage and fed to
thesecond stage through the first stage inter cooler where air gets cooled to 45 оc to so thermal compression.
Airfromsecond stageat 2.6kg/cm2and 110оcis fed tothird stagethroughsecond stageintercooler after

getting cooled to 45оc. The compressed air from third stage at 5.0 kg/cm2and 110оc is cooled in third
stageintercoolerto45оc. Thisairis fedto thefourth stagefromwhichaircomesout at8.5 and
100 canddischarged through the discharge header, through a discharge silencer. All the inter coolers and
the aftercoolers are provided with moisture separation where the condensed moisture of compressed air
gets cooledandcollected. Thecompressorshall alwaysbeoperated withairflowabovethesurgeflowrate.

Compressed air passes through a pre filter to remove water droplets and dust particles. Water thus
collectedshall be drained through automatic drain trap. This air is directed to the distributor. From this
distributor apart of the air will go to the Regeneration bottle and the rest to the Adsorption bottle. There are
twonumbers of absorbers filled with silica gel as desiccant, in which one will be under adsorption and the
otherwillbeunder regeneration.

Regeneration is carried out by heating the part of air, which comes out from the distributor, is
anelectric heater and passed through the bed under regeneration. Moisture will be picked up from the hot
airfrom the desiccants bed and passed into shell and tube regeneration cooler. Moisture will becondensed
onthe shell side by circulating cool water in the tube side. Condensed water will be knocked off in
themoisture mixes with the rest of air in the distributor. Now the total air goes to the bottle under
adsorptionwhere moisture will be absorbed by silica gel desiccant. The dry air then passes through the
after filter toremove dust particles. This moisture dust air will discharge to a common header, which is
connected to theinstrumentairconsumernetwork.




 LPG is a mixture of propane (c3h8) and butane (c4h10). Generally 20:80 ratio is maintained .generally
itchangesaccording to weatherconditions.
 Theboiling point of propaneis-420cand butaneis -0.50.
 The LPG is a mixture of both propane and butane as butane does not vapourise ( i.e turn liquid to gas)
atcolder temperature. so propane is added to known percentage accordingly to vapourise butane at
 Astheboiling pointof propaneisless thanbutane.

NOTE: LPGis stored as a liquid under pressure and if is consumed in liquid form it can lead to
rapidvapourisation and expansion when exposed to normal temperature conditioned. This sudden
expansion cancauseexplosions orfires.

 LPGatatmospheric pressureandtemperatureisgas whichis1.5-2 timesheavierthan air.
 LPGis acolourless gas.
 LPG is generally a odour less gas. But the addition of ethyl mercapton additive to LPGgives the
smellofalert users ofaleak.
 LPGboilingpoint: -420c.
 LPGfreezingpoint:-1880c.
 LPGflamepoint: 19670c

 LPGonreactionwitho 2producescarbondioxide and wateroncompletecombustion. 
 At200cthesoloubility inwateris less than200ppm. LPG dissolvesin organicsolvents such asalcohol.

 Flammableandheavierthanair.
 Highenergylevelfuel.
 Storedwaterpressureasliquid.
 Largevapourtoliquid toliquid ratio.
 Itisverylightinweight.
 Noncorrosiveinnature.

In household sector as cooking fuel, heating and lightning
source.Inautomaticsectorasfuel fortoxic, vans,etc.

In agriculturesectorascropdrying

 Inthe LPGstorageplantsomespecificcoloursare usedforindicatingthetransporting material.
 YellowpipelineforLPG liquid.
 Orangepipeline forLPG vapour.
 PurplepipelineforLPG gas supplylinestoconsumers.
 Greenpipeline forwater.
 Bluepipelinefornitrogen gas forpurging purposeonly.
 Themain consumers ofLPG is sms-1 andsms-2 and Es&Fforgas cutting purposeonly.
 The main purpose of LPG storage installation is to store the LPG which came or supplied from
HPCLandsend it to theconsumers i.esms-1 and sms-2 according to their requirement.
 Therearetwo LPGstorageinstallations areplaced in theplant i.e LPGplant 1 andLPG plant 2.


1. BULLETS:Bullets contains both liquid and gas state of LPG according to weather conditions
itsratiois adjusted.
2. VAPOURISER: The liquid LPG from bullets pass into the coils of the vapouriser through
pipelinesystem. in vapouriser the coils are immersed in hot water at 20=250c temperature. Due to heat
exchangebetweenhot waterand liquid LPG,liquid LPG attains its boilingpoint andvapouriser.
3. ENTRAINMENT SEPERATOR: The vapours of LPG formed in vapouriser are sent to
theentrainment seperator to remove if any dirt or dust is present based on density difference and purify

4. PRESSURE REDUCTION SECTION: The purified LPG vapours are sent to PRS
toreduceoradjustthepressureoftheLPGvapoursaccordingtoconsumers requirementand
wassentto sms-1 and sms-2.

 LPG leaks as a gas or a liquid. If the liquid it will quickly evaporate and form a relatively large cloud of
gaswhichwilldropto ground as itisheavier than air.
 LPGcan causecoldburns to theskin anditcanactasa asphyxiation athightemperature.
 (ASPHYXIATION:Avapourorgaswhichcancauseunconsiousnessordeathofsuffocation).





(Quality Assurance & Technology

The QA & TD dept. has been set up to take care of activities pertaining to Quality Control
ofRaw Materials, semi-finished products, and finished products. The QA & TD labs are provided at
majordepartments like CO&CCP, SP, BF, SMS, Rolling Mills etc., in addition to Central Laboratory.
TheDepartment monitors the process parameters for production of quality products. QA & TD carries
outanalysis,testingandfinal inspectionincludingsparktestingoffinishedproductsandassignsgradestothem.
QA&TD is categorized into:



This department performs Qualitative and quantitative analysis of water, air, and oil in Steel plant and
thisdepartmentensures that thewater released by theplant shouldbein its norms.
Thesearethe followingsections:
➢ EnvironmentalLab
 OilTesting lab

➢ MicrobiologyLab

➢ WetLab

This is a sub lab of analytical section, QATD. This is a quality assurance lab. This
labperforms various tests on drinking water, recirculatory water, effluent water, and respirable air in
variousareasof Steel plant andsurrounding areas oraffectedareas by Steel plant.

➢ Drinkingwater:
As we all know, drinking water plays an important role in the life cycle of living organisms. As we
arerunning a metallurgical industry which involves in usage of different types of chemicals which are
carriedby moving wind and water which mixes with nearby drinking water sources which makes them
unfit fordrinking.

NormsofDrinking Water:
• PH– 6.5 to 7.5
• Ammonicalnitrogen-50ppm
• Chemicaloxygendemand-250ppm
• Volatilephenol-1ppm
• Oil&greases-10ppm
• Conductivity-0.5to3μs/cm
• pH
• TDS(TotalDissolvedSolids)
• Chloridecontent
• Sulphidecontent
• Total Hardness


• CalciumHardness
• MagnesiumHardness
• Fluorides
• Turbidity

➢ Effluentwater:

Effluent water or industrial wastewater is the aqueous discard that results from substances having
beendissolved or suspended in water, typically during the use of water in an industrial manufacturing
process arethecleaning activities that takes placealongwith that process.

• PH-6to 8
• AmmoniacalNitrogen-<0.2ppm
• Phenols-<0.2pp
• TSS(TotalSuspendedSolids)-<250ppm
• COD(ChemicalOxygenDemand)-<250ppm
• Oil&grease-<50ppm
• Cyanides -<0.2ppm

Tests doneforEffluentwater:
• pH
• AmmoniacalNitrogen
• VolatilePhenols
• TSS(TotalSuspendedSolids)
• COD(ChemicalOxygenDemand)
• BOD(BiologicalOxygenDemand)
• DO(DissolvedOxygen)

➢ Recirculatorywater:

Our earth consists of ¾th of water which is nearly 75%. But ocean holds about 96.5% of
waterwhich can’t be used for our needs. So, usable water is very less which is precious. So, we need to
conservewater. Industries uses a plenty of water daily, which can use again by treating it. Mainly the water
usage inboiler is more. So, the water is demineralized and then evaporated by the boiler to generate steam.
Steam isused to rotate the turbine which helps to generate electricity. The used steam will condense but
havingtemperature more 40°c. So, we need to cool to reuse it dispose it. In cooling process at cooling
tower, theyadd acids which prevents to form algae. The water is neutralized by adding some base in it and
again thewateris reused in theprocess.


• Nitrites
• Zinc
• Phosphates

➢ AirAnalysis:
Breathing is part of a process called respiration. All living things takes in oxygen from air
andleaves out carbon dioxide. This process helps to get energy to eat, grow and live. As we are running a
ferrometallurgy cell industry which deals with the raw materials and capable to produce the aerosols, CO2,
NO2,CO…. etc, in air. They should be analysed.

Tests done onAir:

• Totalsuspendedparticulatematter

• COanalysis
• Benzopyrene
Teststhatare beingdonein commonfor botheffluent and drinkingwater is:


pH buffer tablets of 4.02, 7.0 & 9.2 are taken, and each tablet is dissolved in 100ml of demineralized
(DM)waterin separate beakers.
▪ Samplesaretaken in100ml beakerand PH electrodeof ionselectivemeteris dippedin thesample.
▪ PHelectrodeiswashed withdemineralized(DM)waterandwiththesampletobeanalyzed.
▪ Theelectrodeisdippedinthesampleand thePH valueisnoted directly.

• Potassiumdichromate(K2Cr2O7)
• SilverNitrate(AgNO3)

▪ Take50ml ofsamplein conicalflask.
▪ Add2-3drops ofPotassium dichromate K2Cr2O7

▪ Then titrate with Silver Nitrate until yellow colour of solution turns brick red and then note
thecorrespondingvalues oftitration that gives thechloridecontent ofwater.
▪ Take 50 ml of sample in conical flask. ▪ Add 2-3 drops of Potassium di chromate K2Cr2O7 ▪ Then
titratewith Silver Nitrate until yellow colour of solution turns brick red and then note the corresponding
values oftitrationthat gives thechloridecontent ofwater.


• AmmoniaBuffer
• Ethylenediamenetetraacetic acid(EDTA)

▪ Take50ml ofsamplein conicalflask.
▪ Add2-3dropsofAmmonia Buffer andEdichromeBlackTindicator
. ▪ Now titrate the mixture with 0.01 N EDTA (Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid) until it turns blue,
thennotethecorresponding valuesoftitration thatgives thetotalhardness present inthe sample.


• PattonandReeder(P&R)Indicator
• SodiumHydroxide
▪ Take50ml ofsamplein conicalflask
.▪Add 2-3drops of P&RIndicator and sodiumhydroxidesolution.
▪ Now titrate with 0.01 N EDTA solution until it turns blue which indicates the end point and note
thecorrespondingvalues oftitration thatgives youthecalciumhardness percent presentin sample.



• Boricacid
• MixedIndicator•BorateBuffer•KOH


20gmof boricacid is dissolvedin 1000ml ofDM water.


Solution A: 0.1gm. of methyl red powder is dissolved in 50ml of ethanol. Solution B:

0.15gms.of bromo cresol green indicator is dissolved in 150ml of ethanol. Solution A and solution B are
mixed to getmixedindicator.

9.5 gm of sodium tetra borate is dissolved in 1000ml DM water & 0.5gms of sodium
hydroxidepelletsis added

33.6gmsofpotassiumhydroxideisdissolved in100mlofDMwater andiscooledsimultaneously


200ml of DM water is taken in one-liter volumetric flask and 27.8ml of 36N Concentrated
sulphuricacid is added slowly and is cooled under tap water simultaneously. The contents are made up to the
mark ofvolumetric flask with DM water. 100ml of the above prepared solutions are taken in one-liter
volumetricFlaskand is madeupto themark with DMwaterstandardizewith 0.1N sodiumhydroxide.

▪ 50mlvolumeofsampleistakenin 500mlkjeldal flaskand25 mlof borateBuffersolution isadded.
▪ 2ml of 6N potassium hydroxide solution and half amount of water is added and is connected to
▪ The distillate is collected in a conical flask containing 50ml of boric acid + 2 Drops of mixed indicator
▪ Thedistillateistitrated with0.1Nsulphuricacidandthe colourchangesformLight greentopink.

𝐴𝑚𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑁𝑖𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑔𝑒𝑛(𝑝𝑝𝑚) =𝐓𝐕𝐱𝐍𝐱𝟏𝟒𝐱𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎/V
N- Normality of Sulphuric acid Solution
(0.1N)V-Volume ofsample(ml)
Ammoniacal Nitrogen value can also be determined on instrument through which we get the Direct
valuedisplacedonscreen,onlybythe additionofSodiumHydroxideand thevaluecanbeconsidered directly.


▪ Glassmicrofiberfilter paper of47mm is takenand dried inaovenat100-1050 cfor1 hour.
▪ Thedriedfilterpaperiscooled inadesiccatorsandinitialweight (W1)istaken.
▪ Theweighedfilterpaperisplacedinacrucible andsuctionpumpisconnected
.▪Suitable volume ofsampleis passed by thesuction pump.
▪ Thefilter paper is removed and dried in aovenat 100-1050 cfor 1 hour.
▪ Driedfilterpaperis cooledindesiccatorsand finalweight(W2)istaken.
Calculation:𝑇𝑆𝑆(𝑝𝑝𝑚) =(W2 − W1)X106/ V
W2- Final weight of filter paper
(gms)W1 - initial weight of filter paper
(gms)V-volumeof sample(ml)


▪ TwosetsofBODbottles,each setcontainingtwobottleslabelledas blankandsamplearetaken
.▪20 mlof sampleispipetted intoBODbottleslabelled assample.
▪ 10mlofseedpreparedasperworkprocedure.
▪ TheBODbottlesarefilledup tothe mark withdilution withDM water.
▪ 10mlsampleistaken ina blankBODbottle.
▪ Dissolved oxygen content is measured immediately for one set of BOD Bottles by Membrane
ElectrodeMethod.(Blank & sample)
▪ The other set of BOD bottles are incubated at 200 c for 5 days in BOD Incubator. And the temperature
ofincubatoris monitored frequently.
▪ The BOD bottles are taken out from incubation after 5 days and dissolved Oxygen content is
measuredimmediatelyby MembraneElectrodeMethod forBlank(B2) & sample(S2)

BOD=(S1-S2)– (B1-B2) ×15
Where,S1= Initialdissolvedoxygeninthesample.
S2=Dissolvedoxygenleft outinthesampleafter 5daysincubation.

B1=Initialdissolved oxygenin theblank.

B2=Dissolvedoxygenleftoutinthesampleafter5 daysincubation.

POTTASIUM DICHROMATE SOLUTION:0.1N To 500 ml of distilled water add 4.903 gr
ofK2CR2O3 and 167ml of conc. Sulphuric acid and 33.3gr of mercuric sulphate cool the solution and
makethe Solution to 1000ml.
FERROUS AMMONIUM SULPHATE :0.1 N Dissolve 39.2gr of FAS in little amount of DM water
add20mlof conc. Sulphuricacid, cool the solution to makethe volume up to 1000ml.
SULPHURICACID REAGENTS:5.5 gr ofsilver sulphate per1kgof conc.Acid

▪ Washthedigestion tubes with20 % H2SO4 beforeanalysis to prevent contamination
▪ Fill the digestion tube with 1.5 ml standard potassium di chromate (K2Cr2O7) digestion solution and 3
mlofSulphuricacid reagent
▪ Add suitable volume of sample or diluted sample to digestion tube. Cap the tube tightly, invert the
tubeseveraltimes to mix thecontents completely.
▪ Repeatthesame procedureforblankwithDMwater.
▪ Place the tube in Block digester which is pre heated to 150° C & reflux for 2 hours & cool the
digestedtubeto room temperature
▪ Transfer the contents of the tube to a larger vessel & add small TFE covered magnetic stirring bar
forsuitableswirling forthepurposeof titration.
▪ The contents are titrated with 0.1 N Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate using Ferroin indicator. The end point
isasharp colourchangefrom bluegreen to reddish brown.
Calculation:𝑪𝑶𝑫(𝑝𝑝𝑚) = (𝐀−𝐁)𝐱𝟖𝟎𝟎𝟎𝐱𝐍𝐕
Where, A=volume of ferric ammonium sulphate consumed for
blank.B=volumeof FAS consumed for sample
N=normality ofFAS
V=volumeof sampletaken 8000=Milli equivalentof Oxygen in 1000ml perlitre


NormsofDrinking Water:
PH→ 6.5 to 7.5
Ammonical nitrogen →
50ppmChemical oxygen demand→
250ppmVolatilephenol → 1ppm
Oil &

Normsof Effluentwater:
PH→6to 8
TSS (Total Suspended Solids)→ <10ppmCOD
(Chemical Oxygen Demand)→<250ppmOil&
grease →<50ppm


Principle: This method is based on the ability of primary aromatized amines in presence of Nitrous acid
toproducediazo compounds intensively red violet colour.
▪ Take1mlor 2mloffiltered sampleinto100 mlvolumetricflask containing50ml ofDMwater.
▪ Add2 ml of sulphonilicacid and2 ml of 1-Naphtyl amine.
▪ Makeup thevolumewith DMwaterto 100ml. Keep it40 min.
▪ Observetheabsorbanceat520 nm.Runthe blanksimultaneously.

Conc.=100/volofsample×k ×Absorbance

❖ Alongwithnitrates,zincandphosphate contentisalsodeterminedforrecirculatingwater.

Industries involves in the large machinery which is mostly works in centrifugal action. Large
machineryneedslubricationpropertybecausemachineshould operate accordingtoourexpectations.


regular oil analysis on your lubrication system provides valuable insight into the operating levels of
machineand the lubricant analysis you are leaving the efficiency of your equipment to change. The oils used
and testinthis lab areTransformer oil, Reclaimed oil, Tanker oil (Hydraulicoil).
Transformer Oil: In Industries we need high voltage of current as well as low voltage. To alter the voltage
ofelectricity which keeping the electrical power unchanged we need a transformer. Transformer oil plays
animportantrole in transformer. So, weneed totest theoil periodically.
Reclaimed oil: Reclaimed oil or waste oil is defined as any petroleum based or synthetic oil that,
throughcontamination has become unsuitable for its original purpose due to the presence of impurities or
loss oforiginal properties. This oil can be re-refined into lubricants, processed into fuel oils, and used as
rawmaterials for the refining and petrochemical industries. These oils needed to check their physical
propertiestoconfirm thelifeof the lubricant pinpoint problemin themachinery.
Tanker oil (Hydraulic oil): It is a non-compressible fluid that is used to transfer power with in
hydraulicmachineryandequipment.Thisoilplays animportantroleinindustries sotheyneedtobetest periodically.


▪ 50mlof wellmixed sampleis takenin 100mlcentrifugetube.
▪ 50ml of tolueneis added and mixed thoroughly.
▪ Centrifuge tube is placed in centrifuge machine and the machine is rotated for a minimum of ½ hour
▪ Thevolumeof sediment settled at thebottom of centrifugetubeis noted and calculatedas % volume

▪ 100mlofwellmixed sampleistakenin 500mlroundbottomedflask.

▪ 100ml of tolueneis added and mixed thoroughly.

▪ Roundbottomedflaskisfixed tothecleanandstark apparatusalongwithwatercondenser.
▪ The whole contents are heated in a heating metal apparatus of 1100 c, all content volumes of
watercollectedin the receiver.
▪ Thevolumeof watercollectedin thereceiverisnotedandcalculated as%Volume


▪ Thespecificgravity ofoil ismeasured usingHYDROMETER.
▪ Pour 200 ml of sample oil into the hydrometer jar. Place the hydrometer in the jar and give it a quick
twirlto dislodge any air bubbles. Once the hydrometer has settled, take the reading from the appropriate
scale atthelowestlevel of theliquid’s surface.

TOTALACIDNUMBER: Itisameasureofconcentrationofacidicconstituentsinoil


▪ POTENTIOMETRIC TITRATORistheequipmentusedtodeterminetheTANofdifferentgradesofoil.

▪ Bytitrationmethod, takethesample&markthem inserialorder.

▪ Weighthesampleof 5g.
▪ Add35mloftitration solvent(Toluene+DM water)
▪ Switchonthetitratorequipment.
▪ Marktheweight of oil init.
▪ Wait for some time the value of TAN will be shown on screen, which can be noted and this TAN value
isusedto enhancethe quality control of lubricatingoil.

: ▪ CAPILLARYTUBEVISCOMETERisusedtodeterminetheviscosityofoil.

▪ Viscosity Analysis would be done with accurate tubes depending upon the oil degree of the oil
▪ Thentakethe sampleintubewiththe helpof vacuumpump.
▪ After the sucking of oil sample to a certain mark calibrated with some constant value, here constant
referstothetube calibrated valueor constant, which varies with tubes
.▪Insertthetubesin availablespots of viscositybath forover 30mins
▪ Thenwiththehelpof blower,oil issucked tothestartingmark.
▪ Intheequipment,constantvalueis noted.
▪ Thenthetimeis calculatedfromthestarting marktoendingmark.
▪ Viscosityiscalculated throughtimeand constantvalueofthattubes.
▪ Thenviscosityisanalysed.


Microorganisms or microbes is an organism of microscopic size, which may exist in its single celled form
oras a colony of cells. Some microorganisms that are seen to be beneficial to health, but some are
causativeagentsin many infectious diseases.
As steel plant is a large area there is possible of stockage of water which may cause development
ofunwanted microbes. In some cases, we deal with high temperatures and pressures which may kill
usefulmicroorganisms.So, we need to test drinking &processes water.

One of the most fundamental microbiological techniques is plate counting which is used to determine
thenumberof viable (i.e. living) cells in a s

▪ Dilutingthesample
▪ Platingthesample
▪ Incubatingtheplates
▪ Countingthecolonies
▪ Determininghowmanyviableorganismswereintheoriginalsample.

Sulphur reducing bacteria (SRB) is a bacterium that can obtain energy by oxidizing organic compounds
/molecular hydrogen and reducing sulphate (sulphate) to hydrogen sulphide. In essence, bacteria
‘breathes’sulphate. The SRB test is a small vial containing a culture gel that turns black if sulphides are
present in thetest sample.
Sulphides are produced when sulphates are reduced by bacteria. The amount of colour change can
becomparedwith theincluded chart to helpdeterminethe level ofcontamination.
Sulphur reducing bacteria are anaerobic organisms that cause corrosion and spoilage in multiple
industries.Thebacteriacan causeparticulardamageto oil pipelines and metal parts.
Sulphur-reducing bacteria (SRB) are strict anaerobes, with an optimal temperature range of between 25
and44°C and a pH between 5.5 and 9.0. There are currently over 20 well known genera such as
Desulfovibrio,Desulfmonas, Desulfotomaculum, Desulfolobus, Desulfobacter, Desulfococus,
Desulfosarcina. Thesefastidious microorganisms can be found in environments such as freshwater and salt
marshes or in thehuman body, mainly in the intestinal microbiota, where the species Desulfovibrio
desulfuricans is frequentlydetected.

▪ TheSRB testkit comesin apack sizeof10 slides/ testsper box.

▪ Add 2ml of thetest sampleto thetube

. ▪ Incubate the SRB test / dip slide at 30 degrees Celsius for up to 5 days. Check the test daily for the
▪ Ifthereisnocolour changeafter 5days,thisindicates anegativeresult.

The detection of E. coli in drinking water indicates fecal contamination and therefore that fecal
pathogensmay be present which can pose a health risk to consumers. Thus Ecoli test is done and if we
find somecontaminationthen necessary successivesteps aredone.

▪ TakeMacConkeybroth(Nutrient)
▪ Take5vails fordoublestrength(DS)solution foreach sample.
▪ Take10vails forsinglestrength (SS)solutionfor eachsample.
▪ 1control for D/S (minimum)
▪ 1control forS/S(minimum)
▪ For DSvailtake10mlofsample(drinkingwater).
▪ ForSSvailtake1ml,0.1(drinkingwater)sample.
▪ After proper addition of sample in sterilized condition, keep the vails in incubator at 37°C and for
48hours,study thereleaseof gas forpresent, if not report as absent

✓ Thepresenceof E-coli(Durham tubes)willcome upto thesurface.

✓ Maintainproper ascepticcondition that is to becooled in laminarflowwith UVlamp .

Aim: Toestimatethemoisturein(LCC,TCC)samplesusingDRYING OVENMETHOD.
▪ Labelthecrucibles
▪ Recordcrucibleweight

▪ Addsampleof20gandrecordsampleweight(wetbases)(W1)

▪ Placethe cruciblesindrying ovenfor1hour at100-200°C

▪ Afterdefined time removethecrucibles and placein desiccatorsto cool (up to 30-60min)
▪ Notedown the final weight(W2) when thesample attainsconstant weight.

%ofmoisturecontent =𝑊1−𝑊2/W∗100
W1 – Initial weight of
sampleW2– Finalweight


Aim:Determinationof aluminium asAl2O3for PolyAluminiumChloride samples.
ChemicalsUsed :
1. NitricAcid (1:12)
2. M/20EDTA
3. SodiumAcetateBufferSolution.
4. XylenolOrangeIndicator
5. Hydrochloric acid6.M/50Zincsolution

▪ Weigh accurately to the nearest 1 mg of Non -ferric sample ( for powder about 2.5 g & for liquid about
7g) in a weighing bottle. Transfer it quantitatively to a 500 ml volumetric flask with aid of about 150
mlwater,dissolve by shaking & makeup to mark.
▪ Pipette out accurately 20 ml of this solution to a 250 ml conical flask, add 2 ml of nitric acid (1:12) the
pHvalueshall bebetween 1-2 .Boilfor1 min,allow to cool& add20 ml ofM/20 EDTAsolutionexactly.
▪ Adjust pH to 3 with nitric acid or 10 percent sodium hydroxide solution using pH meter or thymol blue
pHtestpaper .Boil forabout2 min.
▪ Cool & add approx.10 ml sodium acetate buffer solution (pH of mixture should be 5.4-5.6 ,add 2-5
dropsofxylenol orangesolution oradd 30-50mg 1percent (w/w)xylenol Orangemixturein potassiumnitrate.
▪ Titrate the solution with M/50 Zinc solution until the colour of the solution changes from pale yellow
topalered indicatingreaching ofend point .Notedownthevolumeofzinc solutionconsumed during titration.
▪ In parallel, pipette out 20 ml M/20 EDTA ,add 2 ml of nitric acid (1:12) solution to a 250 ml conical

flask,addabout 20 ml distilledwater&proceed thetest as describedaboveforblank.



A - percent aluminum as Aluminium

oxideM1-Molarity ofstandard zinc
d-Litreof standardzinc solution usedinblankdetermination
a - Litre of standard zinc solution used for sample solution in
mlS-Sampletaken fortestin grams


Aim:Todeterminephosphate Contentin TRISODIUMPHOSPHATESAMPLE.
Reagents :
• Standardhydrochloric acid –0.1N

• Methylorangeindicatorsolution –0.01gmin100mlofwater
• Silvernitratesolutionabout5%
• Benzylalcohol
• Methylredindicator solution –0.15 gin500 mlofwater
• Standardsodiumhydroxidesolution–0.1N

▪ Weigh accurately about 2.5 gm of the material in case of anhydrous grade. And dissolve it in water .
filteroffinsolubles, ifany, andmakeup the filtrate andthe washingsto 250 mlin avolumetric flask.
▪ Transfer 25 ml liquor of the solution to 250 ml beaker, add 1 drop of methyl Orange indicator titrate
withstandardhydrochloricacid to light pink end Point
. ▪ Add sufficient sliver nitrate solution to precipitate all the phosphate. 2ml 0f Benzyl alcohol to
coagulateall the precipitate and 0.5 ml of methyl red Indicator. Titrate the liberated nitric acid with
standard sodiumhydroxide Solution
▪ Theendpoint shallbe from redtoyellow

𝑷𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒆%𝒃𝒚𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒔=Titrevolumeinml∗3.55 /M
M-Mass ingramsofsample,weighed Initially



This department of Coke oven ensures that the raw material (coal) which is imported from Australia is fit
Products, bi-products, waste products are analysed and
certified.Thisdepartment is sub divided as follows:
• CO&CCPlab(CokeOven&Coal Chemicallab)
• MBClab(MechanicalBiological Chemicallab)

As Indian coal is non coking coal and unfit for iron making. So, we import coal from Australia.
Importedcoal can’t be processed directly. We need to test and certify the coal as per the required norms,
thiscertification is done in the lab. There are some by - products which we can recover in the processes of
coalto coke (destructive distillation). This lab performs the test on the by-products which are recovered
We have a heat recovering system in the coke oven by which waste heat is recovered from coke
whilecooling. This heat is used to lift the water to steam and runs the turbine to produce electricity. The
waterevaporatedshould notcontain anyminerals &pHshouldbeincontrol, thewaterisbeing testedin thislab.

 Ultimateanalysisofcoal
 Calorificvalueofcoal
 Volatilematter.
 Moisturecontent
 Ashcontent
 Fixedcarbon percentage
 CompositionanalysisofCOgas
 Benzolrecovery
 Solaroil analysis

 Silicontest
 Phosphatetest
 pH
 conductivity

Aim:To determinethe silicacontent in Drum samples.
1.5%AmmoniumMolybdate 2. 5%Oxalicacid 3.2:21 Metol


▪ Take25 mlvolumeof sampleintest tube
▪ Nowadd 5%Ammonium Molybdateof1ml thengreen colourdevelops,waitfor5minutes
▪ Add 2 ml of 5% Oxalic acid & 1 ml of metol, allow it to settle for 15 minutes & then check
theconcentrationofsamplesin spectrophotometer.

Silicacontent =Factor ×absorbance

✓ Factortodeterminesilicacontentis2.79

Aim:To determinephosphateContent
1. 2%Citricacid
2. 5%AmmoniumMolybdate
3. 2:12Metol

▪ Take5ml ofsamplein testtube

▪ Nowadd 1 ml of2%Citricacid
▪ Nowadd 1ml of metoland 1 mlof 5%Ammonium Molybdate
▪ Then add 17 ml of DM water and shake it properly, we get sea blue colour Then, get the


MBC laboratory:
Coking of coal involves high temperature (nearly 1200°C) at this temperature the volatile
matterpresent in the coal is evaporated as coke Oven gas. This gas temperature is up to 600°C, so we need to
coolit. We provide a direct contact of CO gas to ammonia water. Ammonia is taken by CO gas and tar and
wateris get settled down. The water is treated before disposal into the sea in MBC treatment plant. This
treatmentinvolves in reduction of tar, phenols, rhodanides, ammonical nitrogen etc. The water is certified in
this labbeforedisposal into thesea.



 pH
 AmmonicalNitrogen
 Phenols
 Rhodanides
 Ammoniatest Phosphorustest
 COD(Chemical OxygenDemand)
 BOD(Biological OxygenDemand)
 DO(DissolvedOxygen)

Aim:Todeterminephenol content in samples of waterin cokeoven department .
1. Ammoniabuffer
2. AminoAnti–pyrine
3. PotassiumFerricCyanide

▪ Take 5 ml of sample in volumetric flask and for some samples like P1,P2 are taken 2ml due to
higherphenolconcentration in thosesamples.
▪ Then add 2 ml of Ammonia buffer, 2 ml of 2% Amino Anti – Pyrine ,2 ml of 8% Potassium
▪ Makeup withDM water andshakethem well.
▪ Theabsorbanceofsampleis determinedbyspectrophotometer,againstblank.

For 2 ml sample, Phenol (ppm) = 50 × absorbance × k-
factor.For5 mlsample, Phenol(ppm) =1000 × absorbance× k-

Aim:To determineRhodanides [SCN]Content
1. Zincsulphate
2. Zincchloride
3. 1%SodiumHydroxide

4. NitricAcid ( 4N)
5. FerricNitrate

▪ 50ml ofsampleistaken in250 mlvolumetric flask.
▪ 1ml ofZnSO4 &1 mlof 1%NaOH solutionareadded.
▪ The solution is thoroughly shaked & made up to 250 ml with. Again shaked and kept for 5 minutes
▪ Thesamplesarefilteredusing filterpaper&50 ml offilteredsampleistaken in100mlconicalflask.
▪ 1 ml of 4N Nitric Acid & 2 ml of ferric nitrate solutions are added & absorbance of the sample is taken
atwavelengthfor Rhodanides using blank as reference.

𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒇𝑹𝒉𝒐𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒔=250S× Absorbance× k– factor
S-Volume ofsample
✓ K-factorto determineRhodanidesis9.98

Aim:To determinephosphorus Content in samples.
Stannous Chloride : 2.5 g of SnCl2 is taken in 25 ml concentrated HCl & boiled in water bath until
SnCl2dissolvescompletely(Clear solution).Theremaining solutionis madeto50 mlin volumetricflask.(OR)
0.1 g of Tin metal is added to 2 ml HCl & 1 drop of 5% CuSO4 is added . The mixture is heated in
waterbathtill completedissolution . Thesolution is cooled& diluted to10 ml withDM water.
Ammonium Molybdate:10%Ammonium Molybdate– Solution –1
50 % Sulphuric Acid – Solution –

50%SulphuricAcid– Solution – 2Bothsolutions mixedin 1:3ratio.

▪ 2ml ofsampleistaken in100 mlvolumetricflask

▪ 2ml of Ammonium Molybdate& 6 to 8 dropsofStannous Chlorideareused.

▪ Thesolutionwas madetomark withDMwater &absorbancewas takenagainstblank (DM water)


𝑷𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒔𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕=100S ×absorbance × k– factor

This is the major source of electricity in steel plant, which can produce more than 315 MWe of
electricity.This power plant has 6 boiler, each boiler takes 125m3 /hr of demineralized water. The water is
importedfrom KBR (Kaniti Balancing Reservoir). The water taken from KBR is rich in salts and silicates
which isunwanted thing. So, we need to demineralize the water. DM water is tested and certified by this
lab. Thispowerplant use boilercoal as afuel, so theytest thecoal beforeburning it.

 Ashcontent
 Calorificvalue
 Moisturecontent
 Fixedcarbon percentage
 Gaschromatographyoffluegas

This is an alternative power plant which was introduced recently, have a capacity of 180 MWe. This
poweruses blast furnace andcoke oven gasas the fuel inthe boiler.This power plantuses
totalwastewaterwhichis generated in the steel plant. This power plant has a special water demineralization
plant in which the waterfirstgoes through ultrafiltration-RO filtration-thento demineralization.

Tests donefor DMwaterare samein boththelabs .

 P-alkalinity
 M-alkalinity
 Total hardness
 Calciumhardness
 Magnesiumhardness
 Chlorideestimation
 Silicontest
 Phosphate’stest
 SO4test

Aim:To determineP &M Alkalinity.
1. StandardH2SO40.02 N
2. PhenolphthaleinIndicator
3. MethylOrangeIndicator

Procedure :
▪ Take25(or)50ml sampleinconical flask& add2-3dropsof phenolphthaleinIndicator.

▪ If pink colour develops titrate with 0.02 N H2SO4 till the pink colour disappears .If pH is 8.3 ,then
notethevolume ofH2SO4 required (A)
▪ Add 2-3 drops of Methyl Orange indicator to the same flask & continue titration, note the value
ofSulphuricacid used(B) tillpH falls to4.5 (or) Orangeyellow colour changeto OrangeRed.
▪ Incase,pink colourdoesnot appearaddition of phenolphthaleincontinuetodotest forM-Alkalinity
▪ Calculatetotal‘M’&'P'Alkalinityasfollows&expressinmg&CaCO3/litre

𝑷−𝑨𝒍𝒌𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚=A×1000/ml of sample
𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍𝑨𝒍𝒌𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚= (A+B)×1000/mlofsample

Aim:To determinethe silicacontent in MCR samples, DMWATER Sample
1. 5%AmmoniumMolybdate
2. 5%Oxalicacid3. 2:21Metol

▪ Take100 ml volumeofsampleintest tube.
▪ Nowadd 5%Ammonium Molybdateof4ml thengreencolourdevelops ,waitfor5minutes.
▪ Add4 mlof 5%Oxalicacid only indrum samples inorder toneutralizephosphate content& 1 mlof metol
,allow it to settle for 15 minutes & then check the concentration of samples in spectrophotometer
atwavelengthof90 nm.

✓ Factortodeterminesilicacontentis2.79

Aim: To determine sulphate content of UT Inlet, RCPH sample, Make Up water, Clarified & SBA
SampleinTPP Lab.



▪ Take25 mlof sample& diluteit to4 timesi.e., makeup to 100ml

▪ Thentakethissample intotesttubeup tomarked levelon resttube

▪ Nowadd 1 mlof Conditioning agent& pinch ofBariumChloridepowder suchwhite colour develops.
▪ Now, Check the concentration of sulphate in samples & note down the corresponding values at 83-85
nmofwavelength using HACH meteronwhich the values aredisplayed onscreen.

Aim:TodetermineAmmoniaContent inCEP sample

▪ Take50ml ofCEPsampleinconicalflask.

▪ Thenadd3mlofSodiumPotassiumTatrateand 1mlofNesler’sreagenttosample.
▪ Then, note the NH3 concentration using HACH meter at 31 nm wavelength & note the

1. 1:9HCl

2. Dimab

▪ Take50 mlof feedsampleinconical flask
▪ Thenadd2ml of1:9 HCl &2ml ofDIMAB(DiMethyl– AminoBenzaldehyde) reagenttosample.
▪ Note the Hydrazine ( N2H4 ) Concentration using HACH meter at 31 nm wavelength and note
✓ The phosphate content procedure is same as we do in CO & CPP lab and the test for hardness
issameasin waterlab.


Parameter Make Upwater Clarifier p H-4
pH 7.5– 9. 0 8.0–8.5 9.0
Conductivity(μS/cm) 200-350 200-350 600-1200
Turbidity(NTU) 10-25 <10 <100
P-Alkalini Nil Nil nil
M-Alkalinity 90-140 100-150 200-300
CaHardness 40-60 40-60 200-240
MgHardness 50-60 50-60 200-300
TotalHardness 90-120 90-120
Chlorides 16-20 16-20 60-80
Sulphate 15-30 30-60 60-120

✓ TheNormsforeveryparametershouldbemaintainedsuchthat
whentheyaredisposedoutthereareenvironmentalfriendlyand doesn’tharmany aquatic life

✓ In the same way the norms for Drinking water are to be maintained such that as we consume it be would healthy
&doesn’t harmhealth of mankind.

✓ Thisistheimportanceof QA& TDdepartment inhandlingthematerialsor substancesineco-friendly way..




Vizag steel plant power station is a 315 megawatt captive coal plant. In Andhrapradesh the power plant
has120megawatts of gasfiredcapacity.It fuels thevizagsteel plant.
Demineralisationistheprocessof removingmineralsaltsfromwaterbyusingtheionexchangeprocess.
Demineralization water is water completely free or almost of dissolved minerals as a result of thr
1 .distillation
2 .deionization(ionexchangeprocess)
3. Membranefiltration(reverseosmosis)
Demineralised water also known as deionisation water, water that has mineral ions are removed.
Mineralions such as cations of sodium, calcium, iron, copper,and anions such as chlorides, sulphides,
nitrates, arecommon ions present in water. Deionisation is a physical process which was specially
manufacturing ionexchange site for the replacement of the mineral salts in water, with water forming h+and
oh-ions becausethe majority of water impurities and dissolved salts, deionization process and high purity
water is generallysimilar to distilled water and this process is quick and without scales build-up.
Demineralisation technologyis the proren process for treatment of water. Dm water produces mineral free
water by operating on theprincipleof ion exchange degasification and polishing demineraliserwater system.
Inthermalpowerplantboilersproducessteamusedtoproduce electricity.
Chemicalsusedindm plant:


• ALUM <120m3/hr,
• CHLORINE <1.5kg/cm2

Clarifloc <140m3/hr,
RESERVIOR carbonfil
ullator <2kg/cm2 PressureF
ilter ter


xchanger Anion


Raw water from Godavari river is stored in Kanithi Balancing Reservoir (KBR) for 40-
50days.From KBR theRawwaterissenttothepumphouse-1
Frompumphouse-1thewaterissenttoflash mixer.Inflashmixerweaddchemicals.

(A) Alum:Itisusedto removeturbidity.
(B) Chlorine: It is added to remove bacteria present in water.
(c)Polyelectrolyte: It is used as coagulant and to remove unwanted


• From flash mixer the water is sent to clariflocculator. In clariflocculator the sludge
andclarifiedwateris separated.

• Then the sludge is removed by draining. Clarified water is stored in clarified water

• Then the sludge is removed by draining. Clarified water is stored in clarified water

• Byusingclarified pumpsthewaterissent tothepressuresandfilters.

• Inpressuresandfilters, turbidityanddirtparticleswillberemoved.

• Then the water is sent to the activated carbon filter. In ACF, free chlorine and traces of

• Then the water is sent to the cation exchanger. In cation exchanger remove all the
captionspresentin the water.

• ThenthewaterissenttotheDe-Gassers.InDGCO2willberemoved.

• Thenthewater issent toDGstoragetank.

















A rapid (or flash) mixer is used to uniformly disperse and blend chemicals, such as coagulant aids,
the purpose of neutralization, odor&color control, and/or to aid in the removal of solids. Flash Mixers
orRapid Mixers Mechanism are widely used in all Industrial, water & Waste Water Application for rapidly
anduniformly dispersing Coagulant all over the tank liquid. Usually slow to medium speed impellors
aredesigned for optimum power consumption for maintaining turbulent stage of liquid. Baffled tanks
arepreferredand give betterresults forlargesizeofflash mixers.


Clariflocculator is a combined flocculator and clarifier in which floc formation and its subsequent
removalby sedimentation occur. It has two concentric tanks where the inner tank serves as a flocculation
basin andtheoutertank servesas a clarifier. In theClariflocculator, thewater enterstheflocculator, wherethe


flocculating paddles enhance flocculation of the feed solids. As heavy particles settle to the bottom,
theliquid flows radially upward in the clarifier zone,. The clarified liquid is discharged over a peripheral
weirintothe peripheral launder.


These filters are the most popular method for removal of turbidity from water. The Pressure Sand
Filterconsists of a multiple layer of sand with a variety in size and specific gravity. These Filters are
designed toremove turbidity and suspended particles present in the feed water with minimum pressure
drop. TheseFiltersarecustom designed to suit the processrequirement.


Activated carbon filters are generally employed in the process of removing organic compounds
and/orextracting free chlorine from water, thereby making the water suitable for discharge or use in



Degasser is an essential part of any Demineralization Plant (DM), where it removes dissolved
carbondioxide (CO2) in order to reduce the load on anion exchanger that further maximizes
regenerationfrequency.Degassertowers usedinthis processaremadeofFRPor MildSteelor


exchange one ion for another, hold it temporarily, and then release it to a
regeneratesolution.Inanion exchangesystem,undesirableionsin
acceptable ions .Ion exchange is the process through which ions in a solution are transformed into a
solidwhich releases ions of a different type but of the same polarity. This means that the ions in solutions
arereplaced by different ions originally present in the solid. Ion exchange is a chemical reaction in which
freemobile ions of a solid, the ion exchanger, are exchanged for different ions of similar charge in solution.
Theexchanger must have an open network structure, either organic or inorganic, which carries the ions and
whichallows ions topassthrough it.




Ultrafiltration (UF) is a water purification process in which water is forced through a

semipermeablemembrane.Suspended solidsand high-molecular-weightsolutes remainon oneside ofthe
membrane, the retentate side, while water and low-molecular-weight solutes filter through the membrane


Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification process that removes ions, unwanted molecules and
largerparticles from drinking water using a partially permeable membrane. As a result, the solute is kept on
themembrane'spressurisedside andthe puresolvent isallowed topassto theotherside.Reverse
Osmosis(RO)works by reversing the principle of osmosis, the natural tendency of water with dissolved salts to flow
through amembrane from lower to higher salt concentration. This process is found throughout nature. Plants use it to
absorbwaterand nutrientsfromthe soil.



Raw water to Visakhapatnam Steel plant by Visakhapatnam Industrial Water Supply Company
Limited(VIWSCO) on chargeable basis and is supplied from Yelaswaram Reservior (located in East
GodavariDistrict at about 153km from Steel plant) and/or River Godavari (located in East Godavari near
Rajamundryat about 200km from steel plant). The water from Yeleswaram reserviour is supplied through
an openYeluru canal and water from Pump house on River Godavari travels in a pipeline of 55km in length
andjoins into Yeluru Canal at about 2km from Yeleswaram reserviour. The raw water from the canal flows
toVisakhapatnam Steel plant reserviour I.E. Kanithi Balancing reserviour (KBR). Before entering into
KBR,raw water flows through a parshall flume structure where rate of water flow is measured in million
gallonsper day (MGD). Last Year One More Reserviour i.e. a new reserviour came into existence for
additionalstorage of raw for steel plant and named as LBR-2. ,first one being as KBR=01. The main supply
canal isextended to supply raw water to KBR-2 with a new parshall flume to measure the rate of flow of
waterenteringintoKBR-2. Bothreservoirsareindependent rateof flowmeasurement atits parshallflume.

KBR-1(spread over 300 hectares) is divided into two compartments (Eastern

compartment&Westerncompartment) andraw
/or both the compartments. Raw water enters into KBR-1 from its north side and its intake pump house(ph-
1)and firstgroup (installed 5nopumps) supplies rawwater to plant(to RWTP locatedinsidethe plantabout
5.5 km from ph1. Through 3 no of pumps 1200 dia PSC underground pipes and second group at pump
housesendsrawwaterto18MLD treatmentplant. Raw waterfromKBR-1 canbedrawn from individual
compartment. Raw water from KBR-1 enters into pump house through travelling water screens and the
firstwater chamber is called Pumping pit which sends water into next pit called Gravity pit. From Gravity pit
rawwater flows by gravity to RAW WATER TREATMENT PLANT(RWTP). First group pumps are
operatedwhen reserviour level is less than around 19 meters else water flows by gravity. There is no
flowmeasurement arrangement at IPH to measure the flows to RWTP. The second group of pumps 3no at
IPHpumps raw water to 18MLD plant through one underground CI pipe and MS over ground pipe. There
aresmallpumpstorecoverseepagewaterfromreserviourflowinginthetoedrainandthiswater ispumpedbackto
eastern compartment.


It receives raw water through the two (CI & MS) pipes from IPH of kbr-1 and treats it to make
drinkingwater. Raw water is received into cascade areator. From the aerator water flows to clariflocculator
wherecoagulant (ferric alum) solution dosed. The clarified water (overflow) flow to 4no of gravity sand
filters(having different grades of gravel & sand as filter media). The filtered is water is storage in two
storagereservoirs namely on ground reservoirs (OGR) i.e. OGR 1 &2. The capacity of OGR- 1 is 800m3&
ogr-2 is2750 m3.For disinfection of water, sodium hypo chloride generated from electro-chlorinator or
commercialgrade hypo or bleaching powder solution is used. Ogr-1 supplies drinking water to stage-1 pump
house andOgr-2 supplies drinking water to stage-2 pump house. Stage-1 pump house pumps water
throughunderground pipe network to service reservoirs-1 (sr-1) located near UKKU club from where
drinking wateris distributed to residences of sectors -1,4,5,6,7 & CISF colony. Stage-2 pump house pumps
water to servicereservoir-2 (sr-2) from where drinking water is distributed to residences in sector-8,9,10,11.
Drinking waterfrom stage-2 pump house is distributed to residences in sector-12. Stage-2 pumps drinking
water to servicereservoir-3(sr-3) which distributes drinking water to residences at sector -2&3. These
service reservoirs areoverhead tanks (OHTs) the drain (sludge water) of clariflocculator ,filters back washed
waste water and anygland leak water in the stage -1&2 pump house are sent to a sludge pit and after
separation, the water ispumpedback to clariflocculator.











It receives sewage water from (i.e from kitchen, toilet , bathroom) generated in the township
areas(i.e residences, shopping complexes, general hospital, clubs, schools, restaurants, main
administrationbuilding, technical training institute, HRD centre, CISF barracks, guest houses, town
administrationdepartment, agro forestry department etc). Sewage is pumped from its raw sewage sump to
4no of aerators.From the aerators the water flows to clarifier. The clean water from the clarifier and after
disinfection bycommercial grade sodium hypo chloride flows to balancing tank for onward pumping of
this secondarytreated sewage water to ultra filtration plant. UF is located inside the plant at RWTP zone
and about 4kmsfrom 0mld. At UF the secondary treatment sewage water is further treated to be used in
recirculating watersystems


Raw water from kanithi balancing reservoir is taken via raw water treatment plant to makeup
watersump after treatment in RWTP. This water is called makeup water. Makeup water is supplied to
variouspump houses to makeup for the various losses in recirculating system or consumption of consumer
end likewater for cleaning, flushing, spraying. The total holding capacity of makeup water sump is 1900m3.
Waterfrom main sump enters the individual sumps through bar screen to screen out the grass, weeds, etc.
There aretwo main lines of dia 120mm going one on each side of the plant plaza road. There are four
butterfly valvesinthemain header in the pump house. Thesecan beused to isolatetwo sumpsat a timeduring


8nosof makeupwater pumpsand ventilation systemaretheunits that areavailable inpump house 1.

Thedrinkingwaterandfirefightingwaterforpumphouseno-24(foradministrationbuilding,trainingcentre, project
office, CISF) and for plant (except TPP, COCCCP, RMHP, sinter plant zones where F&Dwater is being
supplied from Pump house-28) is supplied from Pump house no-2. The water for drinking andfire fighting
purposes is distributed throughout the plant by underground pipeline networks. Same water isusedforboth
drinking and firefighting purposes.


InPumphouseno-2followingequipmentsare available:
1. six no of treated (fire and drinking)water pumps(two pumps no.6&1 for supply to pump house-24 and
fourpumpsno:2,3,4,5 forF&Dwaterpurposes with interconnectionbetween their headers).
2. Oneof electrical firefightingpump and two numbers ofdiesel firefighting pumps.
3. Eightnoofpressurefilters.
4. Twono ofairblowersforairscoring offilters.
5. Bleachingpowdersolution dosingsystem.
6. Dieselgeneratorset.
7. Dieseldewateringpump


8. Backwashwaterpump.
9. Gaschlorinationsystem.

Makeup water from pump house 1 is enters the raw water of mains ph-2 along the pressure filters. This
rawwater passes through the filter beds of the pressure filters. The filtered water then goes on ground
reservoirthrough filtered water main. Bleaching powder solution is injected into this filtered water main
forchlorination of drinking water. Water from OGRs are pumped by PH-2 pumps to overhead tank
These are six treated water pumps in PH-2 which pump OGR water to the overhead tank at 30m level.
belowthis OHT at ground level chlorine solution is added into the two uptakes pipeline for the purpose
ofchlorination of drinking water before it is let into overhead tank out of six maximum four treated
waterpumpsrun ata time.This isduetolimitations ofelectrical panelandcableload carryingcapacity.
The bleaching solution pump house there is an MSRL tank over which an agitator is installed. This is
forpreparationand storageof bleaching powder solution.
1.Bleachingpowder reacts andevolveschlorinegas whichishighlytoxic.
2. UsePPEs livePVC, apron,gum boots, eyeprotector, safetyhelmet, gloves,and nosemask.
3. Useproper ventilation whilepreparing solution.Doorand windows oftheroom must bekept opened.
Ensurecoupling guardsbeforestartingtheequipment.

UsesofWaterin aCokeOven:
Water plays a crucial role in several keyprocesses within a

Quenching:Thisisthe mostsignificantuseofwaterinacokeoven.Afterthecoking
processis complete,thehot cokeneeds toberapidlycooledtopreventcombustion and
ensure its quality. This is achieved by quenchingthe coke with largequantitiesofwater.

Gas cooling and condensation: The hot gases produced during the
cokingprocess contain valuable byproducts, such as tar and ammonia. Water is used to
cool andcondensethesegases,allowingfor therecoveryandseparationof thebyproducts.

Steam generation: Steam is crucial for various processes in a coke plant,

includingdriving turbines, heating equipment, and stripping ammonia from coke oven gas.
Water isusedtogeneratesteaminboilers.


Equipment cooling: The high temperaturesinvolved in the coking process

necessitatecontinuous cooling of various equipment likepumps, compressors, and tuyères.
Water iscirculatedaroundthesecomponentstomaintaintheirtemperatureandprevent

Dust suppression: The coking process generates a significant amount of dust, which
canbe harmful to the environment and workers'health. Water sprays are used to suppress

Cleaning:Wateris usedforvarious

Hydraulic systems: Some coke plants utilizehydraulic systems for operating specific equipment. Water
isusedas the hydraulicfluidinthesesystems.

USES: To treat slurry particles forms small particles to large particles. Depend on the quantity of TSS,
PACis supplied.
USES: Antiscalant, Remove Chlorine, To Control TSS &TDS Below 100, Inhibit Fungal Growth
AndAerobicBacteria On RoMembranesWhen UsedAs APreservativeSolution.
ACIDUSES :To Maintain PH And
USES:To RaiseThePHLevel OfTheWater

USES:Tomaintain phandused asacleaningpowderfor membranefilters.
USES:To kill
USES: To provide alkalinity and to maintain
USES: Used as a cleaning solution for membrane filters, descaling heat transfer surfaces in heat
exchangerandto maintain/ control PH
SULPHATEUSES:It is alkali substance


From the effluent treatment plant (ETP), the effluent water is send into ESTPS estimating sewage
transferpumping station. Then the water is send into flash mixer. In the flash mixer, add poly aluminium
chloride , itworks as a coagulant to extract and clump together contaminants, collodial and suspended
matter. And thenthe water is sent into the clarifier. In the clarifier, add polyelectrolyte for blending
suspended solids inwastewater and allowing them to settle. And then the water is sent into chlorine contact
tank which we addchlorine to kill bacteria and some other impurities. And then the water is sent into
pressurized sand filters toremove turbidity and suspended particles present in the feed water with minimum
pressure drop. Then thewater is sent into activated carbon filter to remove chlorine which we add in the
chlorine contact tank andremoving organic compounds and extracting free chlorine from water. Then it is
sent into ultra filter feedtanks for storage and then it is sent into ultra filtration skids to remove essentially all
collodial particles fromwater and some of the largest dissolved contaminants. And then it is sent into ro
membranes to remove alarge majority of contaminants from water by pushing the water under pressure
through a semi-permeablemembraneand last it is sent into permeate tank.

















An effluent treatment plant (ETP) utilizes various processes to remove contaminants

andpollutants from wastewater, transforming it into cleaner water suitable for discharge


1. Pretreatment:
 Screening: This stage removes large objects like rags,sticks, and debris
usingbarscreensand grinders.
 Equalization: The wastewater flow is balanced
toensureconsistenttreatmentthroughout theplant.
 Oil and grease removal: Oil and grease are separatedfrom the wastewater
usinggravityseparators or skimmers.
2. PrimaryTreatment:
 Sedimentation: The wastewater is allowed to settle inlarge tanks,
allowingheaviersolids to sink to the bottomas sludge.
 Clarification: The remaining liquid is clarified using specialized
equipmentlike lamella settlers or dissolvedair flotation (DAF) units to remove
3. SecondaryTreatment:
 Biological treatment: Microorganisms like bacteria areused to
decomposeorganic matter in the wastewater. This can be done in various
ways, includingactivatedsludgeprocesses,tricklingfilters,androtating
 Aeration: Air is pumped into the wastewater to provideoxygen for
 Secondary sedimentation: After biological treatment,the wastewater
settlesagainto remove theformedbiologicalsludge.
4. TertiaryTreatment(Optional):
 Disinfection: This step eliminates harmful bacteria andviruses using
methodslikechlorinedisinfection, ultraviolet(UV)radiation, or ozonation.
 Filtration: Filtration through sand filters or membrane filters further
removesanyremainingsuspended solids.
 Advancedtreatment:Dependingonthedesiredwater
quality, additional treatment processes like reverse osmosis or ion
exchangecanbeemployed to removespecificcontaminants.

5. SludgeTreatment:
 Thickening: The sludge removed from the variousstages is
thickenedusinggravity thickenersor centrifuges toreduceitsvolume.
 Digestion: Anaerobic digestion decomposes organic matter in the
sludge,reducingits volume andproducingbiogas.


COOLING TOWERS: cooling tower is a specialized heat exchanger to which air and water are
broughtinto direct contact with each other to reduce the water temperature. It is an arrangement of
technologies thatremove damaging impurities from your cooling tower feed water, circulation and blow
down. Cooling towertreatment involves using select filtration technologies and chemical products in order
to remove toxic orotherwise damaging impurities from your cooling tower system. Proper water treatment in
cooling system tominimise the risk of corrosion, scaling, and microbiological build up. A water cooling
tower is used to coolwater, expelling building heat into the atmosphere and returning colder water to the
chiller. A water coolingtower receives warm water from a chiller. This warm water is known as condenser
water because it gets heatin the condenser of the chiller. Heat is transferred from hot water into the cooling
water through anfan/agitator. The evaporation of a small percentage of this cooling water in a cooling tower,
then reduces thetemperatureof thecooling water, allowing it to be used forcooling again.

1. NATURAL DRAFT COOLING TOWER: It is an open, direct contact system. It works using
aheat exchanger, allowing hot water from the system to be cooled through direct contact with
freshair.No fansareused sinceit works on natural convectionprocess.
2. INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER: Induced draft implies on inlet fan placed on the top
ofthe cooling tower and creation of low pressure. Axial flow are always used in this type of draft.
Ininduced draft cooling tower, air is given both sides of cooling tower as the dried air enters
thecoolingtower gets contact with water.
3. FORCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER: Forced draft means an exhaust fan forced at the base
ofthe cooling tower which then causes over pressure. The hot water from the particular department
arecollectedthrough longpipeareenters intothe cooling tower,fans arelocated atthetopof thetower.






Water plays a crucial role in the continuous castingprocess of steelmaking,

servingseveralessential functions:
1. Cooling:
 Mold cooling: Water jackets are used to circulatewater around the
 Spray cooling: As the strand exits the mold, it is immediately sprayed
withwater to further cool the surface and control the solidification
 Secondary cooling: After the initial solidification,the strand continues to
becooled with water sprays as it travels down the run out table. This
processensurescompletesolidificationand preventsinternaldefects.


2. Lubrication:
 Moldlubrication: Wateris mixedwith alubricantto createathinfilm onthe
mold surface, reducing friction and preventing the molten steelfrom
sticking.Thisallowsforsmoothstrandmovementand preventssurfaceimperfections.
 Runout table lubrication: Water is used to lubricate the runout table,
facilitatingthemovement of thestrand and minimizing wear
3. Descaling:
 High-pressurewaterjets: Waterjetsareusedtoremovescale(oxide layer)
from the surface of the strand before it enters the finishing mill.
Thisprocessensuresthequality ofthe finalproductand improvesmillefficiency.
4. Hydraulics:
 Water is used to operate various hydraulic systems within
thecontinuous casting plant,including mold clamps, strand
5. Dustsuppression:
 Water sprays are used to suppress dust emissions generated during
thecontinuous casting process. This improves air quality in theplant and
protectsworkers' health.
6. Equipmentcooling:
 Waterisused tocool variousequipment usedinthecontinuous castingprocess,
such as pumps, compressors, and motors. This prevents overheating and
ensuresthesmooth operation oftheplant.


Water is used in the blast furnace to cool and fragment the slag, which is a byproductof
theprocess. To keep the refractory materials from burning out, plates, staves, or sprays for
circulatingcool water are built into them 1. The slag can be cooled and fragmented using a
granulationprocess,inwhich moltenslagis subjectedto jet streams of waterorairunderpressure12.
Alternatively, in the pelletizationprocess, the liquid slag is partially cooled with water

The process of liquid iron production in the blast furnace the flue gas is produced. The flue
gascontains iron particles. We use water tocapture the particles in flue gas. The pump house 6
waterissprinkle onthe B.Fgas, the wateris captured theparticles inthegas.

Anotheruseof thewaterin theblast furnace iscoolingpurpose.Waterispumpedcontinuously.Incase

the power is not coming the pumps are notworked,atthattimeoverheademergencytanksareused.

 Furnace walls: Water jackets circulate water toabsorb heat and
 Tuyeres:Watercoolsthe airinletpipesto
 Hotblast:Waterspray reducesthetemperatureof thehotairentering
 Slag: High-pressure water jets solidify moltenslag, reducing dust
 Dustsuppression:Watersprayscontroldustem
issionsand improveairquality.

 Waterscrubbers:Removepollutants fromfluegastoreduceairpollution.
 Boilerfeedwater:Generatessteamforvariousplantpurposes.
 Equipmentcooling:Coolspumps,
 Hydraulic systems: Operates variousmachinery within



 - Water is a crucial resource for efficient and safeblast furnace

operation,contributing to cooling, granulation, gas cleaning, and other
 Theamount ofwaterusedvariesbased





Both total hardness and calcium hardness are commonly measured in water
qualityassessments.Here aretheproceduresforeach:
 Watersample
 EDTAtitrant(0.01M)
 EriochromeBlackTindicatorsolution
 Burette
 Erlenmeyerflask(250ml)
 Magneticstirrer
 Stirbar
1. Preparethesample:
o Pipette50 mlof thewater sampleintotheErlenmeyerflask.
o Add2mlofthe indicatorsolution.
o Addasmallamount ofbuffersolution(pH10).
2. Titration:
o FilltheburettewithEDTAtitrant.
o Placethe flaskon themagneticstirrer and startstirring.
o Slowly add the EDTA titrant dropwise
o The color of the solution will change from red toviolet to blueish-
greyas theendpoint isapproached.
o Stoptitratingwhenthecolorjustturns blueish-grey.
3. Calculations:
o RecordthevolumeofEDTAtitrantused(V).
Calculate the total hardness as
 Watersample
 Calmagiteindicatorsolution
 CalciumstandardsolutionAmmonia-cyanidebuffersolution

 Burette
 Erlenmeyerflask(250ml)
 Magneticstirrer
 Stirbar
1. Preparethesample:
o Pipette50 mlof thewater sampleintotheErlenmeyerflask.
o Add2mloftheCalmagiteindicatorsolution.
o Add1mloftheammonia-cyanidebuffersolution.
2. Titration:
o Filltheburettewithcalciumstandardsolution.
o Placethe flaskon themagneticstirrer and startstirring.
o Slowly add the calcium standard solution dropwisewhile
o The color of the solution will change from red toblue as the
o Stoptitratingwhenthecolor justturnsblue.
3. Calculations:
o Recordthevolumeofcalciumstandardsolutionused(V).
o Calculatethecalcium hardnessasfollows:
Calcium hardness (mg/L) = V * Calcium
 Usedistilled ordeionized waterfor preparing solutionsandrinsing glassware.
 Makesureall glasswareis cleanandfreeofcontaminants.
 StandardizetheEDTAtitrantandcalciumstandardsolutionregularly.
 The procedures described here are general guidelines.Consult the
specificinstructionsprovided by the manufacturerofthetest kitsused.
 Wearsafetyglassesand gloveswhenhandlingchemicals.
 Disposeofwastechemicals properly.
 Followallsafetyprotocolsforyourlaboratory


 Glassmicrofiberfilterpaperof47mmistakenanddriedinaovenat 100-1050cfor1

 Thedriedfilterpaperiscooledinadesiccatorsandinitialweight(W1)istaken.

 Theweighedfilterpaperisplacedinacrucibleandsuctionpump isconnected.
 Suitablevolumeofsampleispassedbythesuctionpump.
 Thefilterpaper isremovedand driedinaovenat100-1050cfor1hour.
 Driedfilterpaperiscooledindesiccatorsandfinalweight(W2)istaken.

W2- Final weight of filter paper
(gms)W1 - initial weight of filter paper


Aim:To determineP &M Alkalinity.
1. StandardH2SO40.02 N
2. PhenolphthaleinIndicator
3. MethylOrangeIndicator

Procedure :
▪ Take25(or)50ml sampleinconical flask& add2-3dropsof phenolphthaleinIndicator.

▪ If pink colour develops titrate with 0.02 N H2SO4 till the pink colour disappears .If pH is 8.3 ,then
notethevolume ofH2SO4 required (A)
▪ Add 2-3 drops of Methyl Orange indicator to the same flask & continue titration, note the value
ofSulphuricacid used(B) tillpH falls to4.5 (or) Orangeyellow colour changeto OrangeRed.
▪ Incase, pink colourdoes not appear additionof phenolphthalein continueto dotest forM-Alkalinity
▪ Calculatetotal‘M’&'P'Alkalinityasfollows&expressinmg&CaCO3/litre

𝑷−𝑨𝒍𝒌𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚=A×1000/ml of sample
𝑴−𝑨𝒍𝒌𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚=B×1000/ml of sample 𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍𝑨𝒍𝒌𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚=(A+B) ×1000/mlofsample


FlowdiagramsofBF-1 pumphouses

There are two working and two standby pumps to supply water to hearth &
underhearth. Return water from BF-1 comes to heat exchanger HE-01 (1W+1S).The cooled water
fromHE enters to pump suction then again supplied to BF-1.Make up water to circuit is added
from P-11 & P-12 pumps. In case of total power failure diesel pump is started and EOHT
emergencyvalveis opened.



There are two working and two standby pumps to supply water to hearth & under hearth.
Waterreturns from BF-1 to heat exchanger HE-01 (1W+1S).The cooled water from HE enter to pump
suction thenagain supplied to BF-1.Make up water to circuit is added from GR-11 &12 pumps. In case of
total powerfailurediesel pump is started and EOHTemergency valve is opened



There are two working and two standby pumps to supply water to tuyers. Return water
fromBF-1 comes to GR-V hot water sump .GR-V pumps (2W+2S+1DP) supply water to CT-3 &3A.The
cooledwater from cooling tower comes to GR-3 sump & then again supplied to BF-1.Make up water to
circuit isadded from pump house-1 make up water line. In case of total power failure diesel pump is started
andEOHTemergency valveis opened.


There are two working and two standby pumps to supply water to GCP. Return water from GCP comes
toTHK-1 & then to GR-VII hot water sump .GR-VII pumps (2W+2S) supply water to CT4&4A.The
cooledwater from cooling tower comes to GR-VI sump & then again supplied to GCP. Make up water to
circuit isaddedfrom pump house-1 makeup water line.



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