551546699-cos-PRIYA KAJAL
551546699-cos-PRIYA KAJAL
551546699-cos-PRIYA KAJAL
Personal information
Passport number:
Issue date:
30 January 2020
Expiry date:
29 January 2030
Place of issue of passport:
Identification numbers
UK ID card number:RU8106617
National ID card number: Not applicable for MTI Tier 5 visas.
Employee number: 27863499
The date used in here will be the one stated by the
hospital on the AoMRC Application Form. It should
Work dates be 24 months. The rule of thumb is that it takes
about 4-6 weeks minimum from creation of the CoS
Start date: 25 May 2024 to obtaining visa and arriving to UK.
End date: 24 May 2026
Does the migrant need to leave and re-enter N the
UK during the period of approval? In the case of MTI placements, you are living in the UK during the period of visa
Total weekly hours of work: 40.00 therefore this box should not be ticked ('N' is correct ). As an MTI doctor, you
will still be able to travel overseas for leisure/work/domestic purposes.
West London NHS North West
City or town:
London 15 Marylebone Road
County, area district or province:
Migrant's employment