OPPs - Unit1, Unit2-Basis Structural Modeling

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Unit :1

1. Object Orientation: Object orientation is a programming paradigm based on the concept of
"objects", which can contain data, in the form of fields (attributes or properties), and code, in
the form of procedures (methods or functions). Objects are instances of classes, which define
the structure and behavior of the objects.

Example: In a banking application, you might have objects representing accounts, with attributes such as
account number, balance, and methods such as deposit and withdraw.

2. Object Identity: Object identity refers to the unique identity that each object possesses, which
distinguishes it from other objects. Even if two objects have identical attributes, they are
considered different if they have different identities.

Example: In a social media application, two users may have the same name, but they are distinct
individuals with their own unique profiles and identities.

3. Encapsulation: Encapsulation is the bundling of data and methods that operate on the data into
a single unit, typically referred to as a class. It hides the internal state of an object and only
exposes the necessary functionalities through its interface.

Example: A class representing a car might encapsulate attributes such as speed and fuel level, along with
methods like accelerate and refuel.

4. Information Hiding: Information hiding is a principle of encapsulation that restricts the visibility
of certain components of a class, allowing only the necessary information to be accessible from
outside the class.

Example: In a banking system, the implementation details of how interest is calculated on an account
are hidden from users. Users only interact with the public methods provided by the account class, such
as deposit and withdraw.

5. Polymorphism: Polymorphism allows objects of different types to be treated as objects of a

common superclass. It enables methods to be written to manipulate objects of a base class to
behave correctly for objects of its subclasses.

Example: In a drawing application, you might have a Shape superclass with subclasses such as Circle and
Rectangle. Methods like draw() can be defined in the Shape class and overridden in its subclasses to
produce different shapes.
6. Generosity: Generosity is not a standard term in object-oriented programming. It might be a
typo or misinterpretation. If you meant "inheritance," it refers to the mechanism in which a new
class can be derived from an existing class, inheriting its attributes and methods.

Example: A class Animal can be a base class, and subclasses like Dog and Cat can inherit properties and
methods from the Animal class.

7. Importance of Modeling: Modeling is crucial in software development as it helps in

understanding, communicating, and visualizing complex systems. It allows developers to analyze
requirements, design solutions, and predict the behavior of systems before implementing them.

Example: Before building a house, architects create models (blueprints) to visualize and plan the
structure, layout, and design. Similarly, in software development, modeling helps in designing software
systems before writing code.

8. Principles of Modeling: There are several principles of modeling, including abstraction, clarity,
completeness, consistency, and simplicity. These principles guide the modeling process to
ensure that models accurately represent the system being developed.

Example: When modeling a car rental system, abstraction would involve focusing on essential features
like vehicle type and availability while ignoring irrelevant details like engine specifications.

9. Object-Oriented Modeling: Object-oriented modeling is a modeling technique used in software

engineering to model systems using the concepts of objects, classes, inheritance, encapsulation,
and polymorphism. It helps in understanding and designing object-oriented systems.

Example: When designing a library management system, object-oriented modeling would involve
identifying classes such as Book, Author, and LibraryMember and defining their attributes and

10. Introduction to UML (Unified Modeling Language): UML is a standardized modeling language
used in software engineering for visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting software
systems. It provides a set of graphical notations for representing various aspects of a system.

Example: In UML, a class diagram can represent the structure of classes in a system, showing attributes,
methods, and relationships between classes.

11. Conceptual Model of UML: The conceptual model of UML includes concepts such as classes,
objects, associations, inheritance, and interfaces, which form the foundation for building UML
diagrams to represent different aspects of a system.

Example: In a conceptual model of a banking system, you might have classes such as Account, Customer,
and Transaction, with associations representing relationships between them.
12. Architecture: Architecture in software engineering refers to the high-level structure of a
software system, including its components, their interactions, and the principles guiding their
design. It defines the framework within which the system operates.

Example: The architecture of a web application might include components such as a frontend interface,
backend server, and database, with defined interfaces and communication protocols between them.

Define Object identify with example

In software engineering, an object identity refers to a unique identifier associated with each instance of
a class or object within a program. This identifier distinguishes one object from another, allowing the
program to manage and manipulate individual objects separately.

Object identity is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming languages like C++, Java, and
Python, where objects are instances of classes and have their own state and behavior.

Example in C++ demonstrating object identity using classes without dynamic memory allocation:

#include <iostream>

class Person {


std::string name;

int age;

Person(std::string name, int age) : name(name), age(age) {}

int main() {

Person person1("Alice", 30);

Person person2("Bob", 25);

std::cout << "Address of person1: " << &person1 << std::endl;

std::cout << "Address of person2: " << &person2 << std::endl;

return 0;


Address of person1: 0x61febc

Address of person2: 0x61fea0

What is UML:
UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a standard language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and
documenting the artifacts of software systems. UML was created by the Object Management Group
(OMG) and UML 1.0 specification draft was proposed to the OMG in January 1997. It was initially started
to capture the behavior of complex software and non-software system and now it has become an OMG
standard. This tutorial gives a complete understanding on UML.

UML is a standard language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of
software systems.

UML was created by the Object Management Group (OMG) and UML 1.0 specification draft was
proposed to the OMG in January 1997.

OMG is continuously making efforts to create a truly industry standard.

 UML stands for Unified Modeling Language.

 UML is different from the other common programming languages such as C++, Java, COBOL, etc.
 UML is a pictorial language used to make software blueprints.

 UML can be described as a general purpose visual modeling language to visualize, specify,
construct, and document software system.

 Although UML is generally used to model software systems, it is not limited within this
boundary. It is also used to model non-software systems as well. For example, the process flow
in a manufacturing unit, etc.

UML is not a programming language but tools can be used to generate code in various languages using
UML diagrams. UML has a direct relation with object oriented analysis and design. After some
standardization, UML has become an OMG standard.

Goals of UML
A picture is worth a thousand words, this idiom absolutely fits describing UML. Object-oriented concepts
were introduced much earlier than UML. At that point of time, there were no standard methodologies
to organize and consolidate the object-oriented development. It was then that UML came into picture.

There are a number of goals for developing UML but the most important is to define some general
purpose modeling language, which all modelers can use and it also needs to be made simple to
understand and use.

UML diagrams are not only made for developers but also for business users, common people, and
anybody interested to understand the system. The system can be a software or non-software system.
Thus it must be clear that UML is not a development method rather it accompanies with processes to
make it a successful system.

In conclusion, the goal of UML can be defined as a simple modeling mechanism to model all possible
practical systems in today’s complex environment.

A Conceptual Model of UML

To understand the conceptual model of UML, first we need to clarify what is a conceptual model? and
why a conceptual model is required?

 A conceptual model can be defined as a model which is made of concepts and their

 A conceptual model is the first step before drawing a UML diagram. It helps to understand the
entities in the real world and how they interact with each other.

As UML describes the real-time systems, it is very important to make a conceptual model and then
proceed gradually. The conceptual model of UML can be mastered by learning the following three major
elements −
 UML building blocks

 Rules to connect the building blocks

 Common mechanisms of UML

Object-Oriented Concepts

UML can be described as the successor of object-oriented (OO) analysis and design.

An object contains both data and methods that control the data. The data represents the state of the
object. A class describes an object and they also form a hierarchy to model the real-world system. The
hierarchy is represented as inheritance and the classes can also be associated in different ways as per
the requirement.

Objects are the real-world entities that exist around us and the basic concepts such as abstraction,
encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism all can be represented using UML.

UML is powerful enough to represent all the concepts that exist in object-oriented analysis and design.
UML diagrams are representation of object-oriented concepts only. Thus, before learning UML, it
becomes important to understand OO concept in detail.

Following are some fundamental concepts of the object-oriented world −

 Objects − Objects represent an en ty and the basic building block.

 Class − Class is the blue print of an object.

 Abstraction − Abstrac on represents the behavior of an real world entity.

 Encapsulation − Encapsula on is the mechanism of binding the data together and hiding them
from the outside world.

 Inheritance − Inheritance is the mechanism of making new classes from exis ng ones.

 Polymorphism − It defines the mechanism to exists in different forms.

OO Analysis and Design

OO can be defined as an investigation and to be more specific, it is the investigation of objects. Design
means collaboration of identified objects.

Thus, it is important to understand the OO analysis and design concepts. The most important purpose of
OO analysis is to identify objects of a system to be designed. This analysis is also done for an existing
system. Now an efficient analysis is only possible when we are able to start thinking in a way where
objects can be identified. After identifying the objects, their relationships are identified and finally the
design is produced.
The purpose of OO analysis and design can described as −

 Identifying the objects of a system.

 Identifying their relationships.

 Making a design, which can be converted to executables using OO languages.

There are three basic steps where the OO concepts are applied and implemented. The steps can be
defined as

OO Analysis → OO Design → OO implementation using OO languages

The above three points can be described in detail as −

 During OO analysis, the most important purpose is to identify objects and describe them in a
proper way. If these objects are identified efficiently, then the next job of design is easy. The
objects should be identified with responsibilities. Responsibilities are the functions performed
by the object. Each and every object has some type of responsibilities to be performed. When
these responsibilities are collaborated, the purpose of the system is fulfilled.

 The second phase is OO design. During this phase, emphasis is placed on the requirements and
their fulfilment. In this stage, the objects are collaborated according to their intended
association. After the association is complete, the design is also complete.

 The third phase is OO implementation. In this phase, the design is implemented using OO
languages such as Java, C++, etc.

Role of UML in OO Design:

UML is a modeling language used to model software and non-software systems. Although UML is used
for non-software systems, the emphasis is on modeling OO software applications. Most of the UML
diagrams discussed so far are used to model different aspects such as static, dynamic, etc. Now
whatever be the aspect, the artifacts are nothing but objects.

If we look into class diagram, object diagram, collaboration diagram, interaction diagrams all would
basically be designed based on the objects.

Hence, the relation between OO design and UML is very important to understand. The OO design is
transformed into UML diagrams according to the requirement. Before understanding the UML in detail,
the OO concept should be learned properly. Once the OO analysis and design is done, the next step is
very easy. The input from OO analysis and design is the input to UML diagrams.
As UML describes the real-time systems, it is very important to make a conceptual model and then
proceed gradually. The conceptual model of UML can be mastered by learning the following three major
elements −

 UML building blocks

 Rules to connect the building blocks

 Common mechanisms of UML

This chapter describes all the UML building blocks. The building blocks of UML can be defined as −

 Things

 Relationships

 Diagrams


Things are the most important building blocks of UML. Things can be −

 Structural

 Behavioral

 Grouping

 Annotational

Structural Things

Structural things define the static part of the model. They represent the physical and conceptual
elements. Following are the brief descriptions of the structural things.

Class − Class represents a set of objects having similar responsibilities.

Interface − Interface defines a set of operations, which specify the responsibility of a class.

Collaboration −Collaboration defines an interaction between elements.

Use case −Use case represents a set of actions performed by a system for a specific goal.

Component −Component describes the physical part of a system.

Node − A node can be defined as a physical element that exists at run time.

Behavioral Things

A behavioral thing consists of the dynamic parts of UML models. Following are the behavioral things −

Interaction − Interaction is defined as a behavior that consists of a group of messages exchanged among
elements to accomplish a specific task.

State machine − State machine is useful when the state of an object in its life cycle is important. It
defines the sequence of states an object goes through in response to events. Events are external factors
responsible for state change

Grouping Things

Grouping things can be defined as a mechanism to group elements of a UML model together. There is
only one grouping thing available −

Package − Package is the only one grouping thing available for gathering structural and behavioral
Annotational Things

Annotational things can be defined as a mechanism to capture remarks, descriptions, and comments of
UML model elements. Note - It is the only one Annotational thing available. A note is used to render
comments, constraints, etc. of an UML element.


Relationship is another most important building block of UML. It shows how the elements are
associated with each other and this association describes the functionality of an application.

There are four kinds of relationships available.


Dependency is a relationship between two things in which change in one element also affects the other.


Association is basically a set of links that connects the elements of a UML model. It also describes how
many objects are taking part in that relationship.


Generalization can be defined as a relationship which connects a specialized element with a generalized
element. It basically describes the inheritance relationship in the world of objects.

Realization can be defined as a relationship in which two elements are connected. One element
describes some responsibility, which is not implemented and the other one implements them. This
relationship exists in case of interfaces.

UML Diagrams

UML diagrams are the ultimate output of the entire discussion. All the elements, relationships are used
to make a complete UML diagram and the diagram represents a system.

The visual effect of the UML diagram is the most important part of the entire process. All the other
elements are used to make it complete.

UML includes the following nine diagrams, the details of which are described in the subsequent

 Class diagram

 Object diagram

 Use case diagram

 Sequence diagram

 Collaboration diagram

 Activity diagram

 Statechart diagram

 Deployment diagram

 Component diagram

Exemple: simple UML model for a basic online bookstore system. We'll use class diagrams to represent
the static structure of the system.

Consider the following classes:

1. Book: Represents a book with attributes such as title, author, ISBN, and price.

2. Customer: Represents a customer with attributes like name, email, and address.

3. Order: Represents an order placed by a customer, containing information such as order ID, date,
and total amount.
4. Cart:: Represents a shopping cart where ccustomers
ustomers can add books before placing an order.

Now, let's create a class diagram to visualize the relationships between these classes:

In this diagram:

 Each box represents a class, with its name at the top.

 Attributes are listed beneath the class name, preceded by a minus sign (-).

 Associations between classes are represented by lines connecting them. For example, a
Customer can place an Order
Order, and an Order can contain multiple Book items.

 Multiplicity can be shown near the associations to indicate how many instances of one class can
be related to another. For example, a Customer can have multiple Orders,, so there's a "1 to
many" relationship between Customer and Order.

This simple UML class diagram provides a high

high-level overview of the structure of the online bookstore
system, helping stakeholders understand how classes are related and how data flows within the system.
Unit :2
Types Of Modeling:
In software engineering, there are various types of modeling techniques used to understand, design,
and communicate about software systems. Some of the common types of modeling include:

1. Structural Modeling: This type of modeling focuses on representing the static structure of a
system, including its components, relationships, and organization. Class diagrams in UML are an
example of structural modeling, as they depict the static structure of classes and their

2. Behavioral Modeling: Behavioral modeling concentrates on capturing the dynamic behavior of a

system, including how components interact with each other and the sequence of actions they
perform. Sequence diagrams and activity diagrams in UML are examples of behavioral modeling,
as they illustrate the flow of control and communication among objects.

3. Functional Modeling: Functional modeling emphasizes the functional requirements and

features of a system, depicting how the system should behave or respond to various inputs. Use
case diagrams in UML are commonly used for functional modeling, as they represent the
interactions between actors (users or external systems) and the system.

4. Architectural Modeling: Architectural modeling focuses on representing the overall structure

and organization of a system, including its subsystems, layers, and interfaces. Component
diagrams and deployment diagrams in UML are examples of architectural modeling, as they
show the physical and logical arrangement of system components and their deployment on

5. Data Modeling: Data modeling is concerned with representing the structure and relationships of
data within a system, including entities, attributes, and their associations. Entity-Relationship
diagrams (ER diagrams) are commonly used for data modeling, especially in database design.

These modeling techniques are often used together in the software development process to provide
different perspectives on the system being developed. They help stakeholders, including developers,
designers, and clients, to understand various aspects of the system and ensure that requirements are
accurately captured and communicated throughout the development lifecycle.

Basic structural modeling:

Basic structural modeling in software engineering involves creating models to represent the static
structure of a system using classes, relationships, common mechanisms, and diagrams. Let's break down
each aspect:
1. Classes: Classes are the fundamental building blocks of structural modeling. They represent the
blueprint for creating objects in the system. Each class encapsulates data (attributes) and
behavior (methods) related to a specific concept or entity within the system. For example, in an
online bookstore system, you might have classes such as Book, Customer, and Order.

2. Relationships: Relationships define how classes are connected or related to each other within
the system. They represent associations, dependencies, and interactions between classes.
Common types of relationships include:

 Association: Represents a connection between two classes, indicating that instances of

one class are related to instances of another class. For example, a Customer can place
multiple Orders.

 Aggregation: Represents a whole-part relationship between classes, where one class

(the whole) contains or is composed of instances of another class (the part). For
example, a Library can contain multiple Books.

 Composition: Similar to aggregation but with stronger ownership semantics, indicating

that the lifetime of the "part" objects is dependent on the lifetime of the "whole"
object. For example, a Car may contain an Engine.

 Inheritance: Represents an "is-a" relationship between classes, where one class (the
subclass) inherits attributes and methods from another class (the superclass). For
example, a SportsCar can inherit from a Car.

3. Common Mechanisms: Common mechanisms are techniques used to organize and structure the
system's components. Some common mechanisms include:

 Encapsulation: Binding data and behavior together within a class and controlling access
to them through access modifiers (public, private, protected).

 Abstraction: Focusing on essential characteristics while hiding unnecessary details to

simplify the representation of the system.

 Modularity: Dividing the system into smaller, self-contained modules or components to

improve organization, maintainability, and reusability.

4. Diagrams: Diagrams are graphical representations of the structural model, providing visual
insights into the system's architecture. Common types of diagrams used in structural modeling

 Class Diagrams: Represent the static structure of the system, showing classes, their
attributes, methods, and relationships.

 Object Diagrams: Show a snapshot of the system at a particular point in time, depicting
objects and their relationships.
 Component Diagrams: Represent the physical and logical components of the system
and their dependencies.

 Package Diagrams: Show the organization of classes and other elements into packages
or modules.

 Composite Structure Diagrams: Describe the internal structure of a class or component,

showing how it is composed of smaller parts and how they interact.

By utilizing classes, relationships, common mechanisms, and diagrams, structural modeling enables
developers to design and communicate the architecture of a software system effectively. It provides a
blueprint for understanding, implementing, and maintaining the system throughout its lifecycle.

Structural modeling:
Structural modeling in software engineering is a technique used to represent the static structure of a
system. It focuses on capturing the components of the system, their properties, relationships, and how
they are organized. The goal of structural modeling is to provide a blueprint of the system's architecture
that developers can use to understand, design, and implement the system.

In structural modeling, the system is represented using various diagrams, with each diagram focusing on
different aspects of the system's structure. Some common types of structural modeling diagrams

1. Class Diagrams: Class diagrams depict the static structure of the system by showing the classes
in the system, their attributes, methods, and relationships with other classes. They provide a
visual representation of the types of objects that exist in the system and how they interact with
each other.

2. Object Diagrams: Object diagrams show a snapshot of the system at a particular point in time,
depicting the objects in the system and the relationships between them. They are useful for
illustrating concrete instances of classes and their interactions.

3. Component Diagrams: Component diagrams represent the physical and logical components of
the system, such as libraries, executables, and modules, and how they are interconnected. They
help to visualize the high-level structure of the system and its dependencies.

4. Package Diagrams: Package diagrams show the organization of classes and other elements into
packages, which are groups of related components. They help to manage the complexity of large
systems by organizing the components into cohesive units.

5. Composite Structure Diagrams: Composite structure diagrams describe the internal structure of
a class or component, showing how it is composed of smaller parts and how they interact. They
are useful for modeling complex classes or components with internal structure.
Structural modeling techniques provide a means for developers to understand the building blocks of a
system and how they fit together. By creating structural models, developers can identify design flaws,
improve the organization of the system, and ensure that it meets the requirements of stakeholders.
These models serve as a basis for further design and implementation activities in the software
development process.

UML, or Unified Modeling Language, is a standardized modeling language used in software engineering
to visually represent systems and their components. It provides a set of diagrams and symbols to
describe various aspects of a system's structure, behavior, and interactions.

There are several types of UML diagrams, each serving a different purpose:

1. Class Diagram: Represents the static structure of a system, showing classes, their attributes,
methods, relationships, and interfaces.

2. Use Case Diagram: Describes the functionality of a system from the user's perspective, showing
actors, use cases, and their relationships.

3. Sequence Diagram: Illustrates how objects interact with each other in a particular scenario over
time, showing the sequence of messages exchanged between objects.

4. Activity Diagram: Represents the flow of control in a system, showing activities, transitions, and
decision points.

5. State Machine Diagram: Models the behavior of individual objects or system states, showing
states, transitions, and events that trigger transitions.

6. Component Diagram: Represents the physical components of a system and their dependencies.

7. Deployment Diagram: Illustrates the physical deployment of software components on hardware


These diagrams can be used at different stages of the software development process, from
requirements analysis and design to implementation and maintenance. UML provides a common
language for communication among stakeholders, helping to ensure that everyone involved in a project
understands the system's structure and behavior.
UML modling with example
Sure, let's create a simple UML model for a basic online bookstore system. We'll use class diagrams to
represent the static structure of the system.

Consider the following classes:

1. Book: Represents a book with attributes such as title, author, ISBN, and price.

2. Customer:: Represents a customer with attributes like name, email, and address.

3. Order:: Represents an order placed by a customer, containing information such as order ID, date,
and total amount.

4. Cart:: Represents a shopping cart where customers can add books before placing an order.

Now, let's create a class diagram to visualize the relationships between these classes:

In this diagram:

 Each box represents a class, with its name at the top.

 Attributes are listed beneath the class name, preceded by a minus sign ((-).

 Associations between classes are rrepresented

epresented by lines connecting them. For example, a
Customer can place an Order
Order, and an Order can contain multiple Book items.
 Multiplicity can be shown near the associations to indicate how many instances of one class can
be related to another. For example, a Customer can have multiple Orders, so there's a "1 to
many" relationship between Customer and Order.

This simple UML class diagram provides a high-level overview of the structure of the online bookstore
system, helping stakeholders understand how classes are related and how data flows within the system.

Type of modling
In software engineering, there are various types of modeling techniques used to understand, design,
and communicate about software systems. Some of the common types of modeling include:

1. Structural Modeling: This type of modeling focuses on representing the static structure of a
system, including its components, relationships, and organization. Class diagrams in UML are an
example of structural modeling, as they depict the static structure of classes and their

2. Behavioral Modeling: Behavioral modeling concentrates on capturing the dynamic behavior of a

system, including how components interact with each other and the sequence of actions they
perform. Sequence diagrams and activity diagrams in UML are examples of behavioral modeling,
as they illustrate the flow of control and communication among objects.

3. Functional Modeling: Functional modeling emphasizes the functional requirements and

features of a system, depicting how the system should behave or respond to various inputs. Use
case diagrams in UML are commonly used for functional modeling, as they represent the
interactions between actors (users or external systems) and the system.

4. Architectural Modeling: Architectural modeling focuses on representing the overall structure

and organization of a system, including its subsystems, layers, and interfaces. Component
diagrams and deployment diagrams in UML are examples of architectural modeling, as they
show the physical and logical arrangement of system components and their deployment on

5. Data Modeling: Data modeling is concerned with representing the structure and relationships of
data within a system, including entities, attributes, and their associations. Entity-Relationship
diagrams (ER diagrams) are commonly used for data modeling, especially in database design.

These modeling techniques are often used together in the software development process to provide
different perspectives on the system being developed. They help stakeholders, including developers,
designers, and clients, to understand various aspects of the system and ensure that requirements are
accurately captured and communicated throughout the development lifecycle.
Explain structural modeling

Structural modeling in software engineering is a technique used to represent the static structure of a
system. It focuses on capturing the components of the system, their properties, relationships, and how
they are organized. The goal of structural modeling is to provide a blueprint of the system's architecture
that developers can use to understand, design, and implement the system.

In structural modeling, the system is represented using various diagrams, with each diagram focusing on
different aspects of the system's structure. Some common types of structural modeling diagrams

1. Class Diagrams: Class diagrams depict the static structure of the system by showing the classes
in the system, their attributes, methods, and relationships with other classes. They provide a
visual representation of the types of objects that exist in the system and how they interact with
each other.

2. Object Diagrams: Object diagrams show a snapshot of the system at a particular point in time,
depicting the objects in the system and the relationships between them. They are useful for
illustrating concrete instances of classes and their interactions.

3. Component Diagrams: Component diagrams represent the physical and logical components of
the system, such as libraries, executables, and modules, and how they are interconnected. They
help to visualize the high-level structure of the system and its dependencies.

4. Package Diagrams: Package diagrams show the organization of classes and other elements into
packages, which are groups of related components. They help to manage the complexity of large
systems by organizing the components into cohesive units.

5. Composite Structure Diagrams: Composite structure diagrams describe the internal structure of
a class or component, showing how it is composed of smaller parts and how they interact. They
are useful for modeling complex classes or components with internal structure.

Structural modeling techniques provide a means for developers to understand the building blocks of a
system and how they fit together. By creating structural models, developers can identify design flaws,
improve the organization of the system, and ensure that it meets the requirements of stakeholders.
These models serve as a basis for further design and implementation activities in the software
development process.

Classess in basic structural modeling

In basic structural modeling, classes play a fundamental role as they represent the building blocks of a
system's static structure. Classes encapsulate data (attributes) and behavior (methods) related to a
specific concept or entity within the system. Here's a breakdown of classes in basic structural modeling:

1. Attributes: Attributes represent the data or properties associated with a class. They describe the
characteristics or state of objects belonging to that class. For example, in a class representing a
Car, attributes could include make, model, year, and color.

2. Methods: Methods represent the behavior or actions that objects of a class can perform. They
encapsulate the operations that manipulate the state of the class or interact with other objects.
For example, in a Car class, methods could include start(), accelerate(), brake(), and turn(),
among others.

3. Relationships: Classes in a structural model can have relationships with other classes, indicating
how they are related or interact with each other. Common types of relationships include:

 Association: Represents a connection between two classes, indicating that instances of

one class are related to instances of another class. For example, a Customer class might
be associated with an Order class, indicating that customers place orders.

 Aggregation: Represents a "whole-part" relationship between classes, where one class

(the whole) contains or is composed of instances of another class (the part). For
example, a Library class might aggregate Book objects.

 Composition: Similar to aggregation but with stronger ownership semantics, indicating

that the lifetime of the "part" objects is dependent on the lifetime of the "whole"
object. For example, a Car class might compose an Engine class, as the engine is an
integral part of the car.

 Inheritance: Represents an "is-a" relationship between classes, indicating that one class
(the subclass or derived class) inherits attributes and methods from another class (the
superclass or base class). For example, a SportsCar class might inherit from a Car class.

4. Multiplicity: Multiplicity describes the cardinality of relationships, indicating how many

instances of one class are related to instances of another class. Multiplicity can be specified
using numbers or ranges. For example, a Customer may have multiple Order instances, denoted
as "1 to many".

By modeling classes and their relationships, structural modeling provides a clear and organized
representation of the system's static structure, enabling developers to understand the components of
the system and how they interact. This understanding forms the basis for further design and
implementation activities in software development.
Relationship in basic structural modeling

In basic structural modeling, relationships between classes describe how classes are connected or
interact with each other. These relationships provide valuable insights into how data and functionality
flow within the system. Here are some common types of relationships in basic structural modeling:

1. Association: Association represents a semantic connection between two classes. It signifies that
instances of one class are related to instances of another class. Associations are typically bi-
directional, meaning the relationship is navigable from both ends. For example, in a library
system, there could be an association between the Book class and the Author class, indicating
that a book is authored by an author.

2. Aggregation: Aggregation represents a whole-part relationship between classes, where one

class (the whole) contains or is composed of instances of another class (the part). Unlike
composition, the part objects can exist independently of the whole. For example, a Car class
may have an aggregation relationship with a Wheel class, indicating that a car is composed of

3. Composition: Composition is a stronger form of aggregation where the part objects are tightly
coupled to the whole object. The part objects cannot exist independently of the whole and have
their lifetimes managed by the whole. For example, a House class may have a composition
relationship with a Room class, indicating that a room is an integral part of a house.

4. Inheritance: Inheritance represents an "is-a" relationship between classes, where one class (the
subclass or derived class) inherits attributes and methods from another class (the superclass or
base class). Subclasses specialize or extend the behavior of the superclass. For example, a
Rectangle class may inherit from a Shape class, indicating that a rectangle is a specific type of

5. Dependency: Dependency represents a relationship where one class relies on another class in
some way. It could be a temporary association or a usage dependency. For example, if a class A
calls a method of class B, there is a dependency between class A and class B.

These relationships help model the structure and interactions within the system, providing a clear
understanding of how classes collaborate and share information. By capturing these relationships in
structural models, developers can design robust and maintainable systems that meet the requirements
of stakeholders.
Common mechanism in basic structural modeling

In basic structural modeling, several common mechanisms are used to represent and organize the
structure of a software system. These mechanisms help developers to design and understand the
components of the system effectively. Here are some of the most common mechanisms:

1. Classes: Classes are the fundamental building blocks of structural modeling. They encapsulate
data and behavior related to a specific entity or concept within the system. Classes define the
attributes (data members) and methods (member functions) that describe the behavior of
objects belonging to that class.

2. Attributes: Attributes represent the state or properties of a class. They describe the
characteristics or data associated with objects of the class. Attributes are typically represented
as variables within a class and provide information about the current state of objects.

3. Methods: Methods, also known as member functions, represent the behavior or operations that
objects of a class can perform. They encapsulate the algorithms and logic that manipulate the
state of the class or interact with other objects. Methods define the actions that objects can
take and enable the behavior of the system.

4. Relationships: Relationships define how classes are connected or related to each other within
the system. They represent the associations, dependencies, and interactions between classes.
Common types of relationships include association, aggregation, composition, inheritance, and

5. Inheritance: Inheritance is a mechanism that allows a class (subclass or derived class) to inherit
attributes and methods from another class (superclass or base class). It enables code reuse and
promotes the creation of hierarchical relationships between classes. Subclasses can extend or
specialize the behavior of the superclass.

6. Encapsulation: Encapsulation is a mechanism that binds the data (attributes) and behavior
(methods) of a class together, hiding the internal implementation details from the outside
world. It promotes information hiding and protects the integrity of the class's data by providing
controlled access through public, private, and protected access modifiers.

7. Abstraction: Abstraction is a mechanism that focuses on the essential characteristics of an

object or system while hiding unnecessary details. It allows developers to model complex
systems by focusing on the relevant aspects and ignoring irrelevant details. Abstraction helps to
simplify the representation of the system and improve understanding.

8. Modularity: Modularity is a principle that promotes the division of a system into smaller, self-
contained modules or components. Each module encapsulates a specific functionality or aspect
of the system, making it easier to understand, maintain, and reuse. Modularity enhances the
organization and scalability of the system architecture.
By utilizing these common mechanisms, developers can create well-structured and maintainable
software systems that effectively capture the requirements and behaviors of the real-world entities they

Basic structural modeling:

Basic structural modeling in software engineering involves creating models to represent the static
structure of a system using classes, relationships, common mechanisms, and diagrams. Let's break down
each aspect:

1. Classes: Classes are the fundamental building blocks of structural modeling. They represent the
blueprint for creating objects in the system. Each class encapsulates data (attributes) and
behavior (methods) related to a specific concept or entity within the system. For example, in an
online bookstore system, you might have classes such as Book, Customer, and Order.

2. Relationships: Relationships define how classes are connected or related to each other within
the system. They represent associations, dependencies, and interactions between classes.
Common types of relationships include:

 Association: Represents a connection between two classes, indicating that instances of

one class are related to instances of another class. For example, a Customer can place
multiple Orders.

 Aggregation: Represents a whole-part relationship between classes, where one class

(the whole) contains or is composed of instances of another class (the part). For
example, a Library can contain multiple Books.

 Composition: Similar to aggregation but with stronger ownership semantics, indicating

that the lifetime of the "part" objects is dependent on the lifetime of the "whole"
object. For example, a Car may contain an Engine.

 Inheritance: Represents an "is-a" relationship between classes, where one class (the
subclass) inherits attributes and methods from another class (the superclass). For
example, a SportsCar can inherit from a Car.

3. Common Mechanisms: Common mechanisms are techniques used to organize and structure the
system's components. Some common mechanisms include:

 Encapsulation: Binding data and behavior together within a class and controlling access
to them through access modifiers (public, private, protected).

 Abstraction: Focusing on essential characteristics while hiding unnecessary details to

simplify the representation of the system.
 Modularity: Dividing the system into smaller, self-contained modules or components to
improve organization, maintainability, and reusability.

4. Diagrams: Diagrams are graphical representations of the structural model, providing visual
insights into the system's architecture. Common types of diagrams used in structural modeling

 Class Diagrams: Represent the static structure of the system, showing classes, their
attributes, methods, and relationships.

 Object Diagrams: Show a snapshot of the system at a particular point in time, depicting
objects and their relationships.

 Component Diagrams: Represent the physical and logical components of the system
and their dependencies.

 Package Diagrams: Show the organization of classes and other elements into packages
or modules.

 Composite Structure Diagrams: Describe the internal structure of a class or component,

showing how it is composed of smaller parts and how they interact.

By utilizing classes, relationships, common mechanisms, and diagrams, structural modeling enables
developers to design and communicate the architecture of a software system effectively. It provides a
blueprint for understanding, implementing, and maintaining the system throughout its lifecycle.

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