GRP 3 701A Meristem Culture of Banana
GRP 3 701A Meristem Culture of Banana
GRP 3 701A Meristem Culture of Banana
Marie Joy Gilian C. Calalang, Karla Hanriette Caña, Hemsly Austin Dela Cruz,
Gillier Dela Cruz and Ryza Camille Enriquez
genes and signaling pathways have refined meristem culture techniques, allowing researchers
to better understand the role of meristems in plant growth and development. Sterilization,
nutrient formulation, and automation advancements have increased success rates, making
meristem culture more efficient and scalable. The applications of meristem culture are
numerous. Crop yields and quality have increased due to the production of virus-free,
genetically uniform planting material. It is also helpful in the conservation of endangered plant
species and the preservation of genetic diversity. Despite successes, challenges such as
specific variation and optimization for recalcitrant species remain. Addressing these challenges
and investigating genetic modification within meristems are the next steps.
Bleach Solution.
Media Preparation
Set A:
Figure 1 : Removal of leaves and roots.
● MS + 20 ppm BAP + 100 ppm
Ascorbic acid (5 bottles or test tubes per
● MS + 20 ppm BAP + 1 g/L charcoal (5
bottles or test tubes per group)
Set B:
● MS + 10 ppm BAP + 100 ppm
Ascorbic acid (5 bottles or test tubes per
● MS + 10 ppm BAP + 1 g/L activated
charcoal (5 bottles or test tubes per
flow to dislodge and remove any detergent with 1 liter of water. Submerge
effectively break down and remove any against potential fungal growth, immerse
step, rinse the items once again under consisting of 10 grams of fungicide per
running tap water for an additional 5 liter of water. Allow the items to soak in
minutes to ensure the complete removal this solution for a period of 20 minutes,
sterilize the surfaces. Conclude the and genetically uniform banana plants.
Figure 6: Rinsing using sterile distilled water shoot, is carefully excised for culture
M1A 5 3 60 M1B 1 20
M2A 5 3 60 M2B 0 0
M1B 5 1 20
Table no. 3 Total number of culture with
M2B 5 0 0 shoots and shoot formation rate
Medium # of Cultures Contaminatio M2A, M1B, M2B), each starting with five
# Contaminated n Rate (%)
cultures. M1A and M2A show a
M1A 2 40
consistent 60% survival rate, while M1B
M2A 2 40
The table 2 reveals indicating no shoot formation. The data
M1B, M2B). M1A and M2A show a 40% underscoring the need for further
moderate susceptibility. In M1B, the rate shoot formation was entirely absent.
rate, indicating all cultures produced age and size to strike a balance
shoots, while M2A has an 80% rate. between gentler methods for younger,
M1B shows a lower rate of 20%, with smaller explants and more rigorous
only one culture developing shoots. sterilization for older, larger explants to
expected outcomes and make timely dynamic nature of plant cultures, regular
groups. In M1, groups 3 and 6 on the age and size of the explants,
response. The overall mean for M1 is and more rigorous sterilization for older
The overall mean for M3 is 40. These laminar flow hood or cleanroom.
culture environment at all times. On the ensuring optimal conditions for meristem
plus side, the formation of healthy callus culture success. Finally, the findings