OfficeOrder1 03092019

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No. A-22012/5/2019-Ad.

Government of India
Ministry of Corporate Affairs

5th Floor,' A'- Wing, Shastri Bhawan,

Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi
Dated: ~D.08.2019


With the approval of Competent Authority, transfer/posting of following Junior Time

Scale officers of the Indian Corporate Law Service, appointed on the basis of Civil Services
Examination (CSE), 2016 are hereby ordered as under, subsequent to completion of their
Professional Training in ICLS Academy, IlCA Manesar on 06.09.2019:

S.No. N arne of Officer Present posting Posting on completion of

Professional Training
1 Sh. Ashutosh Kumar Rai AROC in 0/0 ROC, Delhi
2 Sh. Alok Pandey AROC in 0/0 ROC, Delhi
3 Sh. Amit Kumar AD in 0/0 RD (NR), Delhi
4 Sh. Mohit Kumar AROC in 0/0 ROC, Kolkata
5 Sh. Aeshala Vamshi Krishna AROC in 0/0 ROC, Delhi
6 Ms. ApamaHS AD in 0/0 RD (WR), Mumbai
7 Sh Syed Hamid Ali Shah AROC-cum-AOL in % ROC-
Bukhari cum-OL,J&K
[for office at Srinagar]
8 Sh. ArjunC AROC in 0/0 ROC, Chennai
9 Sh. Pamireddygari . AROC in 0/0 ROC, Hyderabad
Suryaprasadreddy Asstt. Director
10 Sh. K. Nikhil (Under Training) at AROC in 0/0 ROC, Chennai
11 Sh. M. Harshavardhan Reddy ICLS Academy, AROC in 0/0 ROC, Kolkata
12 Sh. Gaurav Kumar Manesar AROC in 0/0 ROC, Kanpur
13 Sh. Gandikota Mahesh AROC in 0/0 ROC, Hyderabad
14 Ms. Nupur Aishwarya AROC in 0/0 ROC, Delhi
15 Sh. Sabari Raj AROC in 0/0 ROC, Mumbai
16 Sh. Kajale Vaibhav Nitin AROC in 0/0 ROC, Mumbai
17 Sh. Anu Vivek AROC in 0/0 ROC, Ahmedabad
18 Sh. Basanagiri R. Ambedkar AD in % RD (NWR),
19 Sh. Bhagure Anil Shamlal AROC in % ROC, Mumbai
20 Sh. Pattern Prem Prakash AD in % RD (SER),Hyderabad
21 Sh. Gokulnath A AROC in 0/0 ROC, Kolkata
22 Sh Dizianlung Panmei AROC in % ROC, Kolkata

2. Shri Ajay Pawar, appointed in ICLS on the basis of CSE, 2016 alongwith above named
officers has not completed the prescribed Professional Training due to prolonged absence from
the Academy. Therefore, he will be kept on the strength of Academy and detailed to 0/0 ROC,
Mumbai on OJT.

3. The officers mentioned in the table above stand relieved with effect from 06.09.2019
(AN) with direction to report to their respective offices.

Under Secretary to the Government of India
Telefax: 011- 2338 3507

Copy to

1. Officers concerned with instructions to submit INo dues I to [t. Director, ICLS Academy
from the concerned offices/ authorities. They are further directed to settle their pending
bills in respect of TA/ DA advanced sanctioned to them.
2. PS to CAM/ MoS
3. % Secy/ AS/ DGCoA/ JS (MP)/ JS (K)/ JS (G)/ EA/ DDG/ Adviser (cost)/ DIls/
Dir (L&P)
4. [t. Director, ICLS Academy, IlCA for conveying suitable instructions to the
probationary officers and completion of requisite formalities
5. All RDs/ ROCs/ OLs/ ROC-cum-OLs/ CRC, MCA
6. Regional Director (NR), Delhi with request to take appropriate action for effective
operationalization/functioning of Srinagar office immediately.
7. Ad.!/ Cash/ Vigilance/ Coordination/ General/ APAR Celli R&I, MCA Hqrs
8. Pay & Accounts Officer, MCA, Delhi/ Mumbai/ Kolkata/ Chennai
9. E-Gov. Cell for placing on MCA website in Employees' Corner under Transfer/
Po stings
10. Personal file/ service book of officers concerned
11. Guard file-2019

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