Online Student Information and Enrollment System, NIELIT
Online Student Information and Enrollment System, NIELIT
Online Student Information and Enrollment System, NIELIT
Student ID Card
Authorized Signatory
1. This Registration-cum-Identity card is for the limited purpose for proving Candidate's Identity at
NIELIT Examination center only.
2. This Card is valid for the particular level and the period specified overleaf, unless specifically
3. This registration number is to be quoted in all correspondence with the Society.
4. Please go through the details of Name, Date of Birth, Father's Name, Mother's Name or Guardian's
Name, Level, Address in case of find any inaccuracy report back the same immediately
5. Re-registration is to be applied within one year after expiry of validity period of registration number.
6. Loss of this card should be reported to the nearest Police Station and to the NIELIT. 1/1