1.1 Overview of Coconut:: Design and Fabrication of Coconut Fiber Extraction Machine
1.1 Overview of Coconut:: Design and Fabrication of Coconut Fiber Extraction Machine
1.1 Overview of Coconut:: Design and Fabrication of Coconut Fiber Extraction Machine
Coconuts (Cocos nucifera) are an integral part of tropical and subtropical landscapes, renowned
for their diverse uses and cultural significance. Often referred to as the "tree of life," They are
the fruit of the coconut palm tree, scientifically known as Cocos nucifera, which is native to
tropical regions of the world. Coconuts are known for their distinct flavour, aroma, and
numerous uses in various industries, including food, cosmetics and healthcare. Coconuts are
highly nutritious fruits that provide a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. The
meat of the coconut is high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats, including medium-chain
triglycerides (MCTs) that are known for their potential health benefits. Coconuts are also a
good source of essential minerals such as manganese, copper, and iron, as well as vitamins like
vitamins C and B. These are a versatile ingredient used across the world. Different parts of the
coconut, including meat, milk, and oil, are used in cooking to add flavour, texture, and
nutritional value to dishes. Apart from their daily purpose, coconuts are utilized in various
industries for their unique properties and sustainability Some industrial applications of
coconuts include Cosmetics, Hair Care, Biofuel, Handicrafts, etc. In this overview, we will go
through the various aspects of coconuts, including their nutritional content, health benefits,
culinary uses, and industrial applications.
Agriculture sector contributes for about 14% of the nation’s GDP, about 11% of its exports
earnings and half of the population still relies on agriculture for their employment and as its
principal source of income. Coconut palm provides food security and livelihood to large size
of population in the world particularly in Asia Pacific Countries. Considering the versatile
nature of the crop and the multifarious uses of its products, coconut palm is eulogized as
KALPAVRIKSHA (Tree of Heaven). Coconut is a source of food, beverage, medicine, natural
fiber, fuel, wood and raw materials for units producing a variety of goods. Coconut is also
interlinked with socio economic life of large number of small and marginal farmers in the
peninsular India. It is estimated that about 12 million people in India are dependent on the
coconut sector in areas of cultivation, processing and trading activities. With an annual
production of around 21,892 million nuts, coconut contribution to nation’s GDP is about 15,000
crores rupees.
Coconut has several commercial and traditional cultivars which can be sorted mainly into tall
cultivars, dwarf cultivars, and hybrid cultivars (hybrids between tall and dwarf plants). Some
of the dwarf cultivars such as 'Malayan dwarf' have shown some promising resistance to lethal
yellowing, while other cultivars such as 'Jamaican tall' are highly affected by the same plant
disease. 'West coast tall' (India) cultivar is drought resistant and the 'Hainan Tall' (China) variety
is cold tolerant. Other aspects such as seed size, shape and weight, and copra thickness are also
important factors in the selection of new cultivars. Some cultivars such as 'Fiji dwarf' form a
large bulb at the lower stem and others are cultivated to produce very sweet coconut water with
orange-coloured husks (King coconut) used entirely in fruit stalls for drinking (Sri Lanka,
The Coconut (Cocos nucifera) is a benevolent tree, a nature’s gift to mankind. The coconut tree
provides clothing, utensils and shelter therefore, is an important source of earning livelihood
to the people of coconut growing states. The coconut crop is grown in 12.2 million hectares of
land which constituted about 0.7% of net crop area of the world. India contributes about 15.46%
in area and 26.34% in terms of production of coconut in the world. The major coconut crop
acreage is concentrated in the states of Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
Karnataka stands second in area (507 thousand hectare) and production (5893 million nuts).
India is the third largest coconut producing country in the world. As per the survey reports
conducted by coconut development board in 2013-14 the annual production of coconut in
Kerala is 5798.04 million nuts and the state has become the 3rd largest coconut producing state
in the country. In Kerala about 60% of the coconuts are used for the manufacturing of oil and
the rest for the preparation of food. Copra and coconut oil are the two major products of the
coconut processing industry. Nearly 60% of the total production of nuts is utilized for food uses
and the rest goes in for oil extraction. In spite of the fact that Kerala has the necessary raw
material to launch new product lines, minimum efforts has been taken place for producing more
value-added products like coconut chips.
Coconut vinegar, desiccated coconut powdered has taken place in the application of modern
technology for full utilization of various coconut products such as desiccated coconut, coconut
cream powder, partially defatted coconut gratings, bottled coconut water, etc., Desiccated
coconut is widely used in the preparation of sweets, confectionery, curry preparation etc. At
present about 4000 tons of desiccated coconut is produced annually.
The main concentration of units producing desiccated coconut is in Kerala, Tamil Nadu,
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Orissa and Maharashtra. Desiccated coconut is not only a value-
added product but it being a labor-intensive industry will also generate a large number of
employment opportunities.
As per the latest statistics available, Karnataka is the second state, next to Kerala, having largest
area under coconut cultivation and coconut production in India. The state contributes about
25% of the coconut area and 27% of the production in the country. Productivity of the state is
11628 nuts/Ha., compared to national productivity of 10736 Nuts/Ha. Among thirty districts,
Tumkur and Hassan are the major coconut growing districts. For the study 894 sample holdings
was covered spread across seven districts and yield data from 8940 palms recorded. Majority
of the palms covered under the study was Tall, within the age group of 15-60 years. Average
holding size in the state as per survey findings is 1.13 Ha, which varied from 0.51 Ha in
Dakshina Kannada to 1.63 Ha. In Tumkur. Coconut palm density for the state is found to be
131 per Ha., whereas the bearing palm density is 118 per Ha. Bearing palms in the sample
gardens selected constitute to almost 90 per cent of the total palms selected in the state. Yield
per palm estimated varied widely from 31 to 86. The lowest of 31 is in Chikmagalur district
while the highest of 86 is estimated in the district of Mandya. Based on the analysis of data
collected the annual per hectare yield is 5289 nuts in the state.
Production of coconuts in Karnataka state in 2012-13 is estimated to be 23451 lakh nuts, which
was 44083 lakh nuts as per the latest figures released by Department of Economics & Statistics,
Karnataka, the decline in production in Karnataka, as per the study was primarily because of
the severe drought coupled with pest and diseases. Increase noticed in intervals between
bunches and number of nuts existing in bunches relating to earlier stage seems less compared
to that in later stage (Table number) Production in Mandya and Mysore districts is not affected
to a great extend since better irrigation facilities are available in those two districts. The central
team under the chairmanship of Dr. Gorakh Singh, Horticulture Commissioner, Ministry of
Agriculture, visited the drought / disease affected coconut plantations in seven districts of
Karnataka i.e., Tumkur, Hassan, Chikmagalur, Ramanagara, Mandya, Mysore,
Chamarajanagara. Some pictures of the severely affected gardens are appended below.
Below figure shows the various coconut producing districts across Karnataka.
Dakshina Kannada contributes to 4% of total area under coconut cultivation in the state. This
is the eighth district in Karnataka as far as cropped area under coconut is concerned. The district
comprises of 7 taluks, of which Belthangadi has the maximum area under coconut cultivation
in the district and constitutes to about 32% of the total coconut cultivated area. Average holding
size as per survey findings is 0.51 Ha. Coconut palm density for the district is found to be 152
per Ha., whereas the bearing palm density is 138 per Ha. Bearing palms in the sample gardens
selected constitute to 90 per cent of the total palms. Based on the data collected the annual per
palm yield in the district is estimated as 56 nuts and per hectare yield as 7728 nuts and coconut
production in Dakshina Kannada for 2012-13 is estimated to be 1244 lakh nuts.
Hassan has the second largest coconut area in the State. Nearly 14% of area under coconut
cultivation in Karnataka is from this district. The district comprises of 8 taluks, of which
Arisekere and Channarayapatna were selected under the study. Of the 8 Taluks in Hassan,
Arisekere and Channarayapatna contributes maximum towards the coconut production in the
district (almost 81%). Average holding size as per survey findings is 0.74 Ha. Coconut palm
density for the district is found to be 141 per Ha., whereas the bearing palm density is 106 per
Ha. Bearing palms in the sample gardens selected constitute to three fourth of the total palms.
Based on the collected data the annual per palm yield in the district is estimated as 39 nuts and
per hectare yield as 4134 nuts and production of coconuts in Dakshina Kannada in 2012-13 is
estimated to be 2587 lakh nuts.
Mandya is the fifth largest district in Karnataka as far as area under coconut cultivation is
concerned. Nearly 6% of area under coconut cultivation and more than 8% of coconut
production in Karnataka is from this district. Average holding size as per survey findings is
0.62 Ha. Coconut palm density for the district is found to be 119 per Ha, where as the bearing
palm density is 107 per Ha. Bearing palms in the sample gardens selected constitute to 90 per
cent of the total palms. Based on the collected data the annual per palm yield in the district is
estimated as 86 nuts and per hectare yield as 9202 nuts, which is the highest among all the
districts selected for the study. Estimated coconut production for Mandya in 2012-13 is
estimated to be 2459 lakh nuts.
Coconut palms are tall, single-trunked trees that can reach heights of up to 30 meters (98 feet).
The trunk is cylindrical, smooth, and greyish-brown, The coconut palm is a tall, slender tree
that can reach up to 30 meters in height. It has a smooth, greyish-brown trunk which is typically
unbranched. The tree is topped with a crown of large, pinnate leaves that can grow up to 4-6
meters long.
The coconut tree provides food, fuel, cosmetics, folk medicine and building materials, among
many other uses. The inner flesh of the mature seed, as well as the coconut milk extracted from
it, form a regular part of the diets of many people in the tropics and subtropics. Coconuts are
distinct from other fruits because their endosperm contains a large quantity of clear liquid,
called "coconut water" or "coconut juice". Mature, ripe coconuts can be used as edible seeds,
or processed for oil and plant milk from the flesh, charcoal from the hard shell, and coir from
the fibrous husk. Dried coconut flesh is called copra, and the oil and milk derived from it are
commonly used in cooking – frying in particular – as well as in soaps and cosmetics. Sweet
coconut sap can be made into drinks or fermented into palm wine or coconut vinegar. The hard
shells, fibrous husks and long pinnate leaves can be used as material to make a variety of
products for furnishing and decoration.
The mature fruit can be green, yellow, or brown depending on the tree is characterized by a
crown of large, feathery leaves, each composed of numerous leaflets arranged on either side of
a central rib. These leaves can be 4-6 meters (13-20 feet) long and are pivotal in the
photosynthesis process that sustains the tree. The coconut fruit, botanically a drupe, has three
layers: the exocarp (outer skin), the mesocarp (fibrous husk), and the endocarp (hard shell).
• Exocarp: The exocarp, commonly known as the husk, is the tough, fibrous outer layer
of the coconut fruit. It is composed of densely packed fibers that provide strength and
resilience, shielding the inner nut from environmental hazards such as pests, moisture,
and physical damage. This protective layer not only ensures the survival of the coconut
seed but also facilitates its dispersal by enabling it to float on water for extended
periods, aiding in its journey across oceans to new habitats. Microscopically, the
exocarp is composed of a thick cuticle, epidermal cells, and a layer of parenchyma cells.
The cuticle is a waxy layer that helps in reducing water loss and protecting against
microbial invasion. The epidermal cells beneath the cuticle are tightly packed,
providing structural integrity and further protection. The parenchyma cells form a
supportive tissue that helps maintain the exocarp's rigidity and durability.
Fig.1.6: Exocarp
• Mesocarp: The mesocarp, nestled between the tough outer exocarp and the inner seed
of the coconut, is a vital layer that contributes to the fruit's structure and nutritional
value. Also known as the "coconut meat" or "copra," the mesocarp is the fleshy, white
tissue that fills the interior of the coconut shell.
The mesocarp is composed primarily of coir, a natural fiber extracted from the husk of
the coconut. This fibrous layer can vary in thickness depending on the coconut variety
and maturity.
Fig.1.7: Mesocarp
• Endocarp: The endocarp of the coconut, often referred to as the shell or the inner husk,
is the hard, woody layer that encases the edible kernel or meat of the coconut. It is the
innermost protective covering of the fruit, providing a sturdy barrier against external
elements. The endocarp's impermeability prevents moisture loss and helps maintain the
ideal conditions for the coconut's internal environment, ensuring the longevity of its
contents. The endocarp is the hard, woody layer that encases the coconut seed. It is
known for its remarkable durability and resistance to environmental stresses. The
endocarp is composed primarily of lignin and cellulose, which give it its toughness and
• Kernel: The kernel of the coconut, nestled within its hard shell and fibrous husk, is a
treasure trove of nutrition and flavor. Also known as the coconut meat, the kernel is the
fleshy, white part of the fruit that lines the inner cavity. The coconut kernel is the white,
fleshy part found inside the hard shell of the coconut. It varies in thickness and
consistency depending on the maturity of the coconut. The composition of the coconut
kernel includes:
➢ Water: The water content of the coconut kernel decreases as the fruit matures.
Young coconuts have a higher water content, resulting in softer, jelly-like flesh,
while mature coconuts have firmer, drier meat.
➢ Lipids (Fats): The kernel is rich in fats, particularly saturated fats. Key fatty acids
found in coconut oil include lauric acid, myristic acid, and palmitic acid. Lauric
acid is especially notable for its antimicrobial properties and health benefits.
➢ Proteins: The protein content in coconut kernel is relatively low compared to other
nuts and seeds, but it provides essential amino acids that contribute to its nutritional
➢ Carbohydrates: The carbohydrates in coconut kernel are primarily in the form of
fiber and sugars. Dietary fiber in the kernel aids in digestion and contributes to
overall health.
➢ Vitamins and Minerals: The kernel is a good source of several vitamins and
minerals, including vitamin C, E, B vitamins (such as folate), and minerals like
potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and zinc.
➢ Phenolic Compounds: These are antioxidants that help in protecting the body
against oxidative stress and inflammation. The phenolic content can vary based on
the processing and maturity of the coconut.
Coconuts are broadly categorized into two main types based on their growth patterns and uses
TALL and DWARF varieties.
Tall varieties are the most common type of coconut palms and are primarily cultivated for copra
(dried coconut meat) and oil production. Key characteristics include:
• Height and Longevity: Tall coconut palms can reach up to 30 meters and have a lifespan
of 60-80 years.
• Fruit Bearing Age: They begin to bear fruit around 6-10 years of age.
• Nutrient Content: The coconuts produced by tall varieties often have a higher oil
content, making them suitable for copra (dried coconut meat) production and coconut
oil extraction.
• Yield: These palms can produce 50-200 coconuts annually, depending on growing
conditions. Tall varieties are often preferred for large-scale commercial production due
to their higher yield and longevity.
• Various types of tall varieties: East Coast Tall, Philippines Ordinary (Kera Chandra),
East Coast Tall, Chandrakalpa or Lakshadweep Ordinary.
Dwarf coconut palms are smaller and often grown for fresh consumption and ornamental
purposes. Key characteristics include:
• Height and Longevity: Dwarf varieties reach about 6-12 meters in height and have a
shorter lifespan of 40-50 years.
• Size and Growth: Dwarf coconut palms usually grow to a height of 5-15 meters (16-
50 feet), significantly shorter than the tall varieties which can reach up to 30 meters
(98 feet). They have a slower growth rate and a more compact canopy.
• Fruit Bearing Age: They start bearing fruit earlier, around 3-4 years of age.
• Yield: Dwarf varieties generally produce fewer coconuts per year compared to tall
varieties but are prized for their ornamental value and ease of harvest.
• Dwarf varieties are often found in gardens and small farms due to their manageable size
and quicker fruiting period.
• Various types of Dwarf coconuts: Malayan Yellow Dwarf Coconuts, Fiji Dwarf, Golden
Malay, Kalpa Jyothi
1. Coconut Water:
• The clear liquid inside a young, green coconut is known as coconut water.
• It is a popular beverage, valued for its refreshing taste and electrolyte content.
2. Coconut Milk and Cream:
• Coconut milk is made by grating the coconut meat and mixing it with water, then
straining the mixture.
• Coconut cream is a thicker version obtained from the first pressing of grated coconut
3. Coconut Oil:
• Extracted from dried coconut meat (copra), coconut oil is used for cooking, baking,
and as a dietary supplement.
• It is also a popular ingredient in cosmetic products due to its moisturizing properties.
4. Desiccated Coconut:
• Shredded and dried coconut meat used in baking and confectionery.
• It is commonly found in desserts like macaroons, cookies, and cakes.
Non-Food Uses
1. Coir:
• The fibrous husk of the coconut is processed to produce coir, a natural fiber.
• In generally there are two types of coir brown coir and white coir.
• Brown Coir: Derived from mature coconuts, brown coir is strong and durable. It is
primarily used for products that require high tensile strength, such as brushes, floor
mats, and upholstery padding.
• White Coir: Extracted from immature green coconuts, white coir is finer and softer
compared to brown coir. It is mainly used in making ropes, fishing nets, and finer
• Coir is used to make ropes, mats, brushes, and sacks, as well as for horticultural
purposes like soil conditioning and erosion control.
2. Coconut Shell:
• Coconut shells are the hard, outer coverings of coconuts, providing protection for
the inner meat and water of the fruit. They are a versatile byproduct of the coconut
industry, used in various applications due to their durability, density, and resistance
to moisture.
• The hard shell is crafted into various products such as bowls, spoons, and decorative
Coconut fiber extraction is a process that involves obtaining fibers from the husk of
coconuts, known as coir, which is a versatile material with a wide range of applications.
This natural fiber extracted from coconut husks has gained significant importance due to
its various applications and benefits.
The retting process in coconut fiber extraction is a crucial step that involves the
decomposition of the non-fibrous tissues surrounding the coconut husk to facilitate the
extraction of fibers. Retting is a natural process that breaks down the pithy material, allowing
the separation of the strong and durable coconut fibers.
Retting is the process of separating the fibers from the non-fibrous material in the
husk. This involves the use of water or other agents to facilitate the decomposition of the husk's
cellular tissues, making it easier to extract the fibers. The retting process can be carried out
through several methods, including traditional water retting, mechanical retting, chemical
retting, and biological retting.
Fig.1.16:Retting process
1. Mechanical Decortication:
The mechanical decortication process involves several stages, utilizing various types of
machinery designed to handle different aspects of the task.
• Husk Removal: The first stage involves the removal of the outer husk. This is typically
done using a decorticator machine equipped with rotating blades or rollers. The coconut
is fed into the machine, where the blades cut through the husk, and the rollers help to
separate it from the nut.
• Fiber Extraction: After husk removal, the fibers (coir) can be extracted. The coir is then
processed further for various applications, such as in the production of ropes, mats, and
other products. Machines designed for fiber extraction ensure that the coir is separated
cleanly and efficiently from the rest of the husk material.
• Nut Cleaning: Once the husk is removed, the inner nut is cleaned to remove any
remaining fiber. This step ensures the nut is ready for subsequent processing, such as
copra production (dried coconut meat) or extraction of coconut water and oil.
Fig.1.17:Mechanical Decortication
2. Manual Decortication:
Manual decortication involves several steps and requires skill and precision to
ensure the coconut is not damaged in the process. The traditional methods vary slightly
depending on the region and available tools, but the core principles remain the same.
1. Machete or Parang: A large, sharp knife used to cut and strip the husk.
2. Husking Spike: A metal spike driven into the ground, against which the coconut is
levered to remove the husk.
4. Small Knife: Used for finer work, such as removing stubborn fibers.
3. High Tensile Strength: Coconut fiber is known for its high tensile strength, making it
durable and long-lasting. This strength makes it suitable for various applications where
strong and resilient fibers are required, such as in ropes, mats, and geotextiles.
4. Water Retention and Drainage: Coir fiber has excellent water retention properties,
allowing it to hold moisture while also promoting proper drainage. This makes it an
ideal material for use in potting mixes, soil amendments, and erosion control mats,
where maintaining optimal moisture levels is essential for plant growth and soil
5. pH Neutral and Non-Toxic: Coconut fiber is pH neutral and does not contain any
harmful chemicals or toxins, making it safe for use in gardening, landscaping, and
agricultural applications. It does not leach any harmful substances into the soil, ensuring
the health and safety of plants and the environment.
6. Versatility: Coconut fiber is a highly versatile material that can be used in various
industries and applications. Apart from its use in horticulture and agriculture, it is also
used in erosion control, landscaping, construction, automotive, and textile industries,
among others.
8. Resistance to Rot and Decay: Coconut fiber is naturally resistant to rot, decay, and
pests, thanks to the presence of lignin and other natural compounds. This resistance
ensures the longevity of products made from coconut fiber, even in humid and damp
10. Supports Rural Economies: Coconut cultivation and fiber extraction provide
livelihoods for millions of people in rural communities around the world. By creating
employment opportunities and supporting local economies, coconut fiber extraction
plays a significant role in sustainable development.
Coconut fibre, or coir, is derived from the fibrous husk of the coconut and has numerous applications
ranging from agricultural uses such as soil erosion control to industrial applications like manufacturing
brushes, mats, and geotextiles. Efficient extraction of coir is crucial to meet the growing demand for
natural fibres. Coconut fibre, or coir, is derived from the husk of the coconut and has significant
industrial value due to its durability, buoyancy, and resistance to microbial degradation. The extraction
of coir involves several stages, including retting, decorticating, and further processing to produce fibres
suitable for use in various applications. With the growing demand for natural fibres in composite
materials, geotextiles, and eco-friendly products, efficient coconut fibre extraction has become a focal
point of research and development.
Fibre extraction is the process of removing the outer covering called husk from the coconut. Separation
of its husk from the nut (dehusking) constitutes the first, most difficult operation in its processing.
Dehusking is done by traditional manual methods or using tools and machinery. The use of which is the
popular traditional methods for coconut dehusking poses threat and unsafe to the life of people, some
cut their hands, and face as it usually bounces back on hitting the husk, laborious, and time consuming.
This chapter deals with review of research work done in past by various investigators on the topic under
study. This chapter reveals the review related to various technological developments on coconut
Historically, the extraction of coconut fibre was a manual process, labour-intensive and time-
consuming. Traditional methods included retting the husks in water to soften the fibres, followed by
manual beating to separate the fibres from the pith. This process, though effective, was not suitable for
large-scale production due to its inefficiency and variability in fibre quality.
The advancements of mechanization in agriculture brought about the first generation of coconut fibre
extraction machines. These early machines were primarily mechanical devices designed to replicate the
manual beating process on a larger scale. They improved production rates but often compromised fibre
quality and involved significant manual intervention.
Coconut fibre extraction was a labour-intensive process that relied heavily on manual labour. Traditional
methods included retting, where coconut husks were soaked in water for extended periods to loosen the
fibres. This was followed by manual beating to separate the fibres from the pith. According to studies
by Chandramohan and Marimuthu (2011), these traditional methods were inefficient and resulted in
inconsistent fibre quality.
The process of retting often took several months, depending on environmental conditions, and resulted
in significant water pollution due to the release of organic matter. Manual beating required extensive
labour and produced fibres with varying lengths and qualities, limiting their industrial applications
(Chandramohan & Marimuthu, 2011).
Y. Prashant, et al., Worked on Design and Development of Coconut Fiber Extraction Machine
Opportunity to develop a compact coconut fiber extraction machine which could be used in remote
villages so that unutilized husks from such areas could be tapped and fiber could be made available to
the Coir Industry directly. [10]
In 2014, Y. Prashant C. Gopinath, Vignesh Ravichandran it is observed that there are difficulties for
remote village to supply unutilized husks to coir industries directly. So there is a need to give solution
to overcome their difficulties and to arrive at solution, importance is given towards users operating
environment and mainly towards constrains like Safety, Function and reliability.
In 2020, OMONIYI, Temidayo Emmanuel and AYODELE, Emmanuel Bayo A laboratory scale coir
fibre extraction machine had been developed and its performance evaluated. It was observed that the
machine was cost effective compared to imported machine of similar specification. The performance of
the machine was dependent on the moisture contents of the fibre as the efficiency increased with a
decrease in the moisture contents.
In 2021, P. B. Mohan, R. Thiruppayhi, S. Sampath Kumar, Y. Mohamed Yasar Arabath, T. Pavithran the
project comprises of research and user study. Literature study is carried out based on the existing patents
on coconut fibre extraction machine, and it is observed that there are difficulties for remote village. So,
there is a need to give solution to overcome their difficulties Below are some of the conclusions based
on new derived process and new designed product and its functions.
In 2022, Daniel A. AMOSHIE, Heather R. BEEM, the global demand for cocoa is increasing, calling
for faster cocoa production processes. Cocoa pod breaking is a key step in the process and reliance on
manual methods has largely remained unaddressed. One adverse effect of reliance on manual labour is
the level of child labour in cocoa production increases.
In 2023, Mr. Omkar Surve, Mr. Sarvesh Gawas, Mr. Manthan Sankar, Prof. Ashish Suware The project
aims to design and develop a machine for extracting coco peat from coconut husk efficiently and cost-
effectively. Coco peat, also known as coir pith, is a by-product of the coconut industry and has several
uses; the extraction of coco peat from coconut husk traditionally involves manual labour, which is time-
consuming, labour-intensive, and not cost- effective. The machine is expected to increase the efficiency
and productivity of coco peat extraction, reduce labour costs, and improve the quality of the final
The extraction of coconut fibre has evolved significantly from manual methods to sophisticated
mechanical and automated systems. Technological advancements have enhanced the efficiency, quality,
and sustainability of fibre extraction, meeting the growing demand for natural fibres in various
industries. However, challenges such as husk variability, fibre quality, environmental impact, and cost
remain. Addressing these challenges through continued innovation and research will be key to the future
success of coconut fibre extraction machines. The integration of advanced robotics, artificial
intelligence, and sustainable practices will likely shape the next generation of extraction technology.
The scope of this project is to design and fabricate a coconut (coir) fibre extraction machine for farmers
and micro-scale coir industries in India. The present study addresses to provide an effective solution to
the crushing process, reduce time and labour cost. Coconut fibre extraction machine which could be
used in remote villages so that, unutilized coconut husks from such areas could be tapped and fibre
could be made available to the Coir Industry directly. The remains of the coconut after extracting coir
can be used to prepare coco peat. The coco peat is presently used as major ingredient in organic farming.
This project also focuses on reducing the problem of disposing of coconut shell which otherwise used
for domestic heating or goes to land filling.
1. To design and fabricate the low-cost coconut (coir) fibre extracting machine.
2. To produce the coco peat bricks after extracting coir (fibre) from crushing.
This methodology for the present study involves the separation of coconut fibers and cocopeat
powder from the coconut husks, and this also involves materials and methodology consisting
of an approach for the design of a coconut fiber extraction machine.
Physical properties like size, sphericity, weight, thickness of husk etc. were studied. The
properties determinations are described below.
Coconuts vary widely in size depending on the variety and growing conditions. The size of a
coconut can influences its use and economic value. The coconut size was determined by
measuring the dimension of the principal axis; major, intermediate and minor of randomly
selected coconut fruits using steel scale. The major, minor and intermediate axes for coconuts
are shown in Fig. 4.1. The size of completely dry and moderately dry coconuts was measured
and recorded in the table 4.1 and 4.2 respectively.
The sphericity of a coconut refers to how closely it resembles a perfect sphere in shape. While
coconuts are commonly associated with being spherical, their actual shape can vary depending
on several factors such as variety, growth conditions, and maturity. A direct measurement of
the major, intermediate and minor axis of the seeds using a scale was done. Calculation of
sphericity was carried out using the following formula:
𝑆𝑝ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝑋
The weight of a coconut can varies depending on several factors, including its size, maturity,
and water content. On average, a mature coconut typically weighs between 1.4 to 2.3
kilograms. However, larger coconuts can weigh up to 4.5 kilograms or more, while smaller
ones may weigh as little as 0.9 kilograms. The samples of 15 green and dry coconuts were
randomly selected for determining the weight. The weight of the coconut was measured using
an electronic weighing balance and the observations were averaged, the randomly coconut
samples were selected and weighted on electronic weighing machine.
The thickness of the coconut husk was measured by preparing sharp needle at the centre of
coconut up to the hardshell and mark is made on needle. Then needle is moved from the husk
and with the help of steel scale length of penetration of needle is measured up to the mark that
we have made on needle.
1. Base
2. Hooper
3. Motor
4. Screener unit
5. Handwheel
1. Collection of Coconut Husks: The coconut husks are collected from various coconut
vending shops from the local market.
2. Designing and fabrication of coconut (coir) fiber machine which
involves the list of following mechanisms.
a) Feeding mechanism: This provides the passage for coconut
husk to be processed into the crushing chamber.
b) Crushing mechanism: Crushing mechanism is the process
responsible for breaking the coconut husk.
c) Driver and driven mechanism: This mechanism involves an
electric motor that will drive the crushing unit.
d) Sieving and Screening mechanism: The device was designed to hold, sieves
of different sizes, which are agitated to sieve the processed fibers into the
desired size.
e) Collection mechanism: The sieved fibers are collected through an open for
3. The remains of coconut husk after crushing are used for making coco peat bricks.
The methodology of the project is depicted in Fig.
The various steps involved during the fabrication of machine are listed below:
The preparation of a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) model involves several key steps to create
a digital representation of an object or product. Initially, we gathered requirements and
specifications for the intended design. Using specialized CAD software, we have done 2D
sketch of the model, typically starting with 2D drawings that outline the basic shapes and
dimensions. From there, they progress to creating 3D models, adding depth and detail to the
design. This process may involve various tools and techniques, such as extrusion, lofting, and
Boolean operations, to shape and manipulate the geometry of the model. Throughout the
preparation phase, attention is paid to accuracy, scale, and alignment with design requirements.
Additionally, we have used features such as fillets, chamfers, and surface finishes to enhance
the aesthetics and functionality of the model. Once the CAD model is complete, it can be further
refined, analysed, and optimized before being used for prototyping, manufacturing, or
visualization purposes. Effective preparation of a CAD model requires a combination of
technical expertise, creativity, and attention to detail to ensure the final design meets the desired
objectives and specifications.
Computer aided design or CAD has very broad meaning and can be defined as the use of
computers in creation, modification, analysis and optimization of a design. CAE (Computer
Aided Engineering) is referred to computers in engineering analysis like stress/strain, heat
transfer, and flow analysis. CAD/CAE is said to have more potential to radically increase
productivity than any development since electricity.
CAD/CAE builds quality form concept to final product. Instead of bringing in quality control
during the final inspection it helps to develop a process in which quality is there through the
life cycle of the product. CAD/CAE can eliminate the need for prototypes. But it required
prototypes can be used to confirm rather predict performance and other characteristics.
CAD/CAE is employed in numerous industries like manufacturing, automotive, aerospace,
casting, mould making, plastic, electronics and other general-purpose industries. CAD/CAE
systems can be broadly divided into low end, mid end and high-end systems. In this project,
CREO PARAMETRIC software is used for designing and modelling.
Creo Parametric, developed by PTC, is a leading 3D CAD software widely used in various
industries such as automotive, aerospace, manufacturing, and consumer products. Originally
launched as Pro/ENGINEER in 1988, it was rebranded as Creo in 2010 to reflect its focus on
creativity and innovation. Creo Parametric is known for its robust feature set that includes
parametric modelling, feature-based design, and associativity, which allows for easy
modifications and consistent updates across related parts. It excels in assembly modelling,
advanced surfacing, sheet metal design, and offers integrated simulation tools for structural,
thermal, and fluid flow analysis.
The software also supports detailing and documentation, ensuring comprehensive 2D drawings
from 3D models. Advanced capabilities such as Creo Simulation Live, generative design,
augmented reality, additive manufacturing, and IoT integration further enhance its
functionality, making it a versatile tool for designing smart, connected products. PTC provides
extensive training, certification, and support to help users maximize the software's potential.
Overall, Creo Parametric empowers designers and engineers to create innovative products
efficiently and accurately.
1. Body Frame
2. Hooper
3. Motor
4. Gear transmission box
5. Screener
6. Handle
The frame is the main supporting structure upon which other components of this
machine are mounted. The frame is a welded structure constructed from a 95 × 52cm rectangle
mild steel with dimensions of 52cm width and 95cm height. The steel is rigidly fixed onto the
frame so that the vibration and weight are uniformly distributed to the support frame below.
The symmetric structure of the main frame is designed to give a good shape and also better
ability to the entire structure. The Creo Parametric CAD model of the frame is shown in Fig.4.7
An Electric motor is an electrical machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical
energy. Most electric motors operate through the interaction between an electric motor's
magnetic field and winding currents to generate force. Here for our work, we used 1.5 HP
three phase motor to drive crushing unit.
A 1.5 hp motor is a versatile and commonly used electric motor that provides sufficient
power for a wide range of industrial, commercial, and residential applications. Whether
driving machinery, circulating air, pumping water, or powering appliances, these motors
play a crucial role in various systems and processes. Understanding their characteristics,
applications, and maintenance requirements is essential for selecting, operating, and
maintaining 1.5 hp motors effectively.
A gearbox designed using a worm and worm-wheel is considerably smaller than one
made from plain spur gears and has its drive axes at 90° to each other. With a single start worm,
for each 360° turn of the worm, the worm-wheel advances only one tooth of the gear wheel,
and the worm arrangement is considerably smaller in volume Therefore here we used a worm
gearbox to reduce motor speed, Gearbox with 40:1 gear is used ratio. Worm wheel principle is
used in the reduction gear box.
It is mainly used in the area where the high speed is to be reduced and thus increasing
the torque. Electric motors are generally high speed and low torque; hence the speed needs to
be reduced and torque needs to be increased to dehusk the coconut. A readily available gear
box is procured for this machine. It has the gear ratio of 4:1. That is 4 rotations of input shaft
turns the output shaft by one rotation.
Crushing blades are critical components used in coconut fiber extraction machines, playing a
fundamental role in the process of breaking down coconut husks to extract fibers. These
blades are specifically designed to efficiently shred and disintegrate the tough and fibrous
husks, separating the desirable coconut fibers from the outer shell. The crushing blade unit is
attached to the hooper and it is also connected to worm gearbox shaft. This unit consists of
five set of blades which is joined through bearings. The below CAD Model shows the
crushing unit.
The hopper is a critical component of coconut fiber extraction machines, facilitating the
efficient and reliable processing of raw coconut husks into valuable fibers. By serving as a
feeding mechanism, material distributor, safety enclosure, and conditioning chamber, the
hopper plays a pivotal role in the overall operation and performance of the extraction system.
Coconut Hooper is used to feed the dry coconuts into the crusher blades which are attached to
the hooper.
A pillow block refers to any mounted bearing wherein the mounted shaft is in a parallel plane
to the mounting surface, and perpendicular to the centre line of the mounting holes, as
contrasted with various types of flange blocks or flange units. A pillow block may contain a
bearing with one of several types of rolling elements, including ball, cylindrical roller,
spherical roller, tapered roller, or metallic or synthetic bushing. The type of rolling element
defines the type of pillow block. These differ from "Plummer blocks" which are bearing
housings supplied without any bearings and are usually meant for higher load ratings and a
separately installed bearing.
Fig.3.9: Bearings
1) Body Frame
2) Hooper
3) Motor
4) Gear Box
5) Screener and sieving unit
6) Handle
Coconut fibre, also known as coir, is a natural fiber extracted from the husk of the coconut.
This fiber is highly valued for its versatility, durability, and biodegradability, making it useful
in a variety of applications such as ropes, mats, brushes, and geotextiles.
The extraction of coconut fiber from the coconut husk involves several manual and mechanical
processes, including collection of coconut husks from retailers, drying of coconuts, feeding
mechanism, crushing mechanism, Driver and driven mechanism, Sieving and Screening
mechanism, Collection mechanism. which can be efficiently performed using a coconut fiber
extraction machine.
The working procedure of a coconut fiber extraction machine is discussed below, detailing each
step of the process and the mechanisms.
In this step the various coconuts have been collected from various retailers in local market.
The figure shows the collection of coconuts from retailers.
Drying coconut husks is a vital step in the processing of coir fibers and cocopeat. Traditional
sun drying, mechanical drying, and solar drying are the primary methods employed, each with
its own advantages and challenges. Ensuring that the husks are dried to the correct moisture
content is crucial for the quality and efficiency of subsequent processing steps. Advances in
drying technology and a focus on sustainability continue to improve the drying process, making
it more efficient and environmentally friendly. The below figure shows the drying of coconut
This process provides the passage for coconut husk to be processed into the crushing chamber.
In this process the coconut husks are feed into the hooper at the rate of five to six coconuts at
a time into the hooper. Below figure illustrates the feeding of coconut husks into the hooper.
In this process the crushing unit is used for breaking the coconut husk, and then extracted fibers
are collected and transferred to the screener and sieving unit. The below figure shows the
crushing of coconut husks in the crushing unit.
The collection of extracted fibers from coconuts, known as coir, is an essential process within
the coconut industry. Coir fibers, derived from the husk of the coconut, are valued for their
durability, resilience, and versatility, finding applications in a wide range of products such as
ropes, mats, brushes, and even eco-friendly materials like geotextiles.
Transferring extracted coconut fibers to a screener is a critical step in the processing of coir,
ensuring that the fibers are cleaned, graded, and prepared for their various end uses. This phase
involves several key processes designed to maximize the quality and usability of the fibers.
Below figure shows the transferring of coconut husk powder and fibers into the screener.
The crushed material is passed through screens or sieves to separate the long fibers from the
finer particles, which include the short fibers and cocopeat. Vibrating screens or oscillating
sieves are commonly used for this purpose. The different mesh sizes of the screens allow the
smaller cocopeat particles to fall through, leaving the longer fibers on top. The figure shows
the separation of extracted fibers and cocopeat powder.
To develop a coconut fiber extraction machine the first and foremost is to know about the
components, material used for fabrication and some of the mechanical properties which are
listed below:
1. Material Properties
2. Load analysis
3. Power requirements
4. Safety and ergonomics
The trapezium-shaped hopper with a top length of 0.7 m, bottom length of 0.3 m, height of
0.8 m, and width of 0.5 m, constructed from 3 mm thick mild steel, is adequately designed to
handle the load of coconut husks for the extraction machine. The stress calculations confirm
that the material can support the loads without risk of deformation or failure.
Hopper Dimensions
𝐴= × (𝐿1 + 𝐿2) × 𝐻
= × (0.3 + 0.15) × 0.3
= 0.0675𝑚2
𝑉 = 0.0675𝑚2 × 0.3𝑚
𝑉 = 0.02025𝑚3
V = Volume of the hopper, (m3)
A = Area of the hopper, (m2)
H = Height of the hopper, (m)
3. Structural Strength:
= 5 × 9.81 𝑚⁄𝑠 2
= 49.05 𝑁
4. Capacity of Hooper:
Volume of husk(V) =
5 𝑘𝑔
0.2 𝑘𝑔/𝑙
= 25 𝐿
= 0.25𝑚3
5. Stress Calculation:
Stress on Base (σb) =
= 726.66 𝑁/𝑚2
The crushing unit for the coconut fiber extraction machine, with dimensions of 200 mm length,
50 mm width, and 5 mm thickness, made from high carbon steel, is designed to effectively
handle the cutting force without yielding or failure.
1. Material Selection
The force required to cut through the coconut husk depends on the shear strength of the husk
and the area of contact.
𝐴 = 𝑊× 𝑡
= 0.05 m×0.005 m
= 0.00025 m2
𝐹= 𝜏 × 𝐴
=2500 N
4. Stress Analysis
To ensure the blade can withstand the cutting force without yielding, we calculate the bending
𝑊 × 𝑡3
= 0.05𝑚 × (0.005𝑚)3
= 5.208 × 10−12 𝑚4
𝑡 0.005
𝑦= = = 0.0025 𝑚
2 2
𝑀 =𝐹×
= 2500 𝑁 × 0.1𝑚
= 250 𝑁𝑚
𝑴 ×𝒚
𝛔𝒃 =
250 × 0.0025
5.208 × 10−12
= 1.2 × 109 = 1200 𝑀𝑃𝑎
Since 1200 MPa exceeds the ultimate tensile strength of the material (600 MPa), the crushing
unit would fail under this bending stress. Thus, we need to increase the thickness.
To ensure the blade does not exceed the yield strength, we solve for the required thickness (t').
Thus, the revised thickness of the blade should be 14.1 mm to ensure it operates within the
yield strength of the material.