Speak Now 3 WB

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Lessons 1-4 PEOPLE Vocabulary................................................. 1, 3, 5,7

Reading and Writing ....................................... 2, 4, 6,8
Video Comprehension ............................................ 9
Grammar ................................................. 10,11, 12
Lessons 5-8 VACATION Vocabulary............................................ 13,15, 17,19
Reading and Writing ....................... . .......... 14, 16,18,20
Video Comprehension ........................................... 21
Grammar ........................................................ 22
Lessons 9-12 ERRANDS Vocabulary............................................ 23,25, 27,29
Reading and Writing .................................. 24,26, 28, 30
Video Comprehension ........................................... 31
Grammar ........................................................ 32
Lessons 13-16 STORIES Vocabulary............................................ 33,35, 37,39
Reading and Writing .................................. 34,36,38,40
Video Comprehension ........................................... 41
Grammar ........................................................ 42
Lessons 17-20 FRIENDS Vocabulary............................................ 43,45, 47,49
Reading and Writing .................................. 44, 46, 48,50
Video Comprehension ........................................... 51
Grammar ........................................................ 52
Lessons 21-24 BUSINESS Vocabulary............................................ 53,55, 57,59
Reading and Writing .................................. 54, 56, 58,60
Video Comprehension ........................................... 61
Grammar .................................................... 62,63
Lessons 25-28 CULTURE Vocabulary............................................ 64,66,68, 70
Reading and Writing .................................. 65,67,69,71
Video Comprehension ........................................... 72
Grammar .................................................... 73, 74
Lessons 29-32 FUTURE Vocabulary............................................ 75, 77, 79, 81
Reading and Writing .................................. 76,78, 80, 82
Video Comprehension ........................................... 83
Grammar .................................................... 84,85

Lesson 1: Vocabulary PEOPLE

Part 1
Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.

I. single A. A person who doesn't have any siblings

2. engaged B. A person who is not married
3. divorced C. A person who is the oldest child in a family
4. fiance (m.) I fiancee (fem.) D. A person who was married but isn't any more
5. spouse E. A person who has an older brother and a younger sister
6. middle child F. A person who has promised to get married
7. firstborn G. The person you are married to
8. only child H. The person you are going to marry

Complete each conversation using the words and phrases in Part 1. In class, practice the conversations
with a partner.

Yumi: Hi, Matt. The other day I saw someone who looks a lot like you. Do you have a sister who is about
20 years old?
Matt: No. In fact, I don't have any brothers and sisters. I'm ------------------

Patricia: I heard you are getting married. Congratulations!
Dolores: Thanks. Now that I am------------------, there is so much to do to
plan the wedding.

Frank: I don't think I'll ever get married.
Anders: Really? You want to be--------- your whole life? Not me! I want to have a
________..., some kids, and a nice little house.
Frank: You're crazy!

Marco: Didn't you tell me you have a lot of brothers and sisters?
Paula: Yeah. I have three brothers and two sisters. I 'm the oldest so I always help my mom.
Marco: Oh, so you're the ------------------· That must be fun but also a little hard.
Paula: Yeah, but I love my brothers and sisters. It's always crazy at my house, but always fun.
Lesson 1: Reading & Writing PEOPLE

Part 1
Read the blog post below.

English Practice Pals

09/28/2012 09:34 dinorainDC@getmail.com
I'm looking for someone to practice Japanese with. I can teach you English. I live
in Washington, D.C. My family is originally from Brazil, but I was born in the United
States. My family lives here too. I am the first-born. I have two younger brothers
who are still in high school. I want to learn Japanese because I am moving to
Tokyo in January. I recently got engaged. My fiance has a new job. He has to move
to Tokyo for one year. He works for an electronics company and they have an
office there. Our wedding is in one month.
I'm very excited, but I'm also nervous. I have never been to Asia. I have never been
married before. I will feel more confident when I can speak some Japanese. I want
to learn about the culture too.
If you're interested in practicing English as you teach me some Japanese, please
send me a message.

Mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

I. Dinora was born in Brazil.

2. She lives in Washington, D.C.
3. She is the oldest child in her family.
4. She has two brothers.
5. Dinora's husband is in Japan.
6. She is going to move to Japan in January.
7. She's never been to Japan before.

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. Do you think this is a good way to find someone to practice a language with? Why or why not?
2. What information is good to include in this kind of post?

Write a post to introduce yourself to a student in another country. Use the blog post as a model.

Exchange your post with a classmate. How are they the same or different?
Lesson 2: Vocabulary PEOPLE

Part 1
Are these words positive, negative, or both? Write them in the diagram. In class, talk about your ideas
with a partner.

a role model a follower a loner a pessimist a know-it-all an optimist

a born leader a problem solver

Positive Negative

Complete the sentences with ideas from Part 1 and your own ideas. Make sentences that are true for
you. In class, take turns reading your sentences with a partner.

l. -------- is a born leader.

2. A--------------------------- should also be ________
3. I'm a----------------------------------------
4. I don't really like people who are-----------------------------
5. -------- is an optimist, but -------- is a pessimist.
6. A good role model must--------------------------------
7. A problem solver-----------------------------------
8. -------- should be class president. He/She is a(n) ------------------
9. Followers are often--------
Lesson 2: Reading & Writing PEOPLE

Part 1
Read the article below.

Student Union President Elections

On Monday, students will vote for Student Union President. Voting

will take place in the Student Union between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. The
results will be posted here the same evening.
Six candidates are running for Student Union President: Alan
Walker, Dalia Ramiro, Maria Cabral, Hanaa Nasser, Robert Graham,
and Ji-Won Kim.
As the editors of the school newspaper, we support Maria Cabral for
president. She is a born leader and problem solver. When she was
head of the campus tour guides, Cabral recorded the tour so visitors
could go independently. She also pushed the school to make the
paths easier for visitors in wheelchairs. Cabral has many good ideas
for the Student Union. She works well with other people, so she can
get things done. The school needs a leader and an optimist to develop school spirit.
The Student Union will have free coffee and cookies available during voting hours.


Complete the sentences with words from the article.

l. Students will vote for Student Union President on ________

2. Students can vote between and 5 p.m.
3. There are candidates for president.
4. The of the school newspaper support
5. They think she is a and
6. Cabral used to be
7. There will be free and -------- in the Student Union during voting hours.

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. What qualities do you think make a good student president?
2. When have you had a leadership role in the past?

People often need written recommendations for jobs or other positions. Write a recommendation for
someone you know. Use the third paragraph above as a model.

Exchange your recommendations with a classmate. Did you mention any similar qualities? Are the
recommendations persuasive?
Lesson 3: Vocabulary PEOPLE

Part 1
Unscramble the characteristics of people.

1. doyom 5. -------- belxefil

2. ilbaelre 6. -------- teamumir
3. iedosnrecta 7. -------- ivggriofn
4. taerum 8. ________ eresbilnops

Use the words from Part 1 to complete each sentence. In class, take turns reading the sentences with
a partner.

I. Whenever you have a problem, your uncle is always there for you. He is very ________
2. Even though he is only 18 years old, he is in his third year at university. He is very for
his age.
3. You like to change your plans a lot, but luckily your friend is and doesn't get upset.
4. When your brother does something wrong, your mother doesn't stay angry very long. She is

5. Movie stars who are angry one minute but kind the next become famous because they are

6. She's 20 years old, but she acts like she is 15. She's ________
7. People know you will take care of things in your classroom. They think you are--------
8. Your friend always thinks about other people and how they feel. She is --------

Use the words from Part 1 to write the opposites.

I. irresponsible-------- 4. inflexible ________

2. immature--------- 5. inconsiderate--------
3. unforgiving ________ 6. unreliable--------
In class, use the opposites with a partner.

A: My sister is a little irresponsible. Yesterday, she didn't call to tell my mom that she would be late for
dinner. My mom was worried.
B: So your sister needs to be more --------·
A: Yeah.

Lesson 3: Reading & Writing PEOPLE

Part 1
Read the letters below.

Family drama

Dear Dr. Drama, Dear Bummed,

I'm getting married next month and I have It sounds like you are the one who is
a problem. My brother and I do not get immature. You crashed your brother's car!
along. In fact, we haven't spoken in months. He has a right to be mad at you. Have you
He is older than I am, but he is moody made a sincere apology? Did you offer to
and immature. He is mad at me because pay for the repairs? I think you need to be
of something very small. I borrowed his more responsible. Apologize, and invite him
car one night to go out with some friends. to the wedding.
I went a little too fast and we had a little Dr. Drama
accident. I hit a tree, and there was a small
dent in the front and a flat tire, but that is
easy to fix. You could still see through the
crack in the windshield. Anyway, I think he
should be more flexible and forgiving. Now,
should I invite him to the wedding?
Bummed Brother

Answer the questions.

1. Who is Bummed having a problem with?
2. What is happening next month?
3. Is his brother older or younger?
4. Why did Bummed have an accident?
5. What happened to the car?
6. What does Dr. Drama tell Bummed to do?

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. Who do you agree with more, Bummed or his brother? Why?
2. What do you think of Dr. Drama's advice?

Write a letter to Dr. Drama asking for advice. Describe a real or imaginary problem you are having or
had in the past with someone in your family.

Exchange letters with a classmate. Write a response.

Lesson 4: Vocabulary PEOPLE

Read the conversations. What values are they talking about? Write your answer on the line. In class,
talk about why you chose the values. Then practice the conversations with a partner.

A: I don't understand this homework at all!
B: Don't worry. I 'll help you.

Mom: It's important to help your friends when they need it. And not to gossip about them.
And if someone says something bad about them, you shouldn't agree.
Son: I know, Mom. You tell me all the time!

A: Mateo always uses Mr. and Mrs. when he is talking with people he
just met.
B: And he never interrupts.

A: Collin never tells a lie.
B: Yeah, and at a store, if someone gives him too much money, he never keeps it.

A: Last night Mr. Sher stayed at school to help me until 8:00.
B: He's really great. He always gives students help, even when he needs to do other things.

Radio announcer: Last night, there was a big fire on Main and First. Before the firefighters
got there, some neighbors went into the house and helped the people.
We have a caller who was there.
Caller: It was amazing. The fire was everywhere. But the neighbors went in, even though it
was really dangerous.

A: Massimo doesn't give up. If he can't do something, he keeps practicing until he can.
B: I know. I saw him practicing basketball for four hours last Saturday!

News reporter 1: And now, a fantastic story! Last night, there was a big car accident.
News reporter 2: That's right, Bob. Two cars drove by without doing anything. But then a
man stopped to help, and because of him, no one died.
News reporter 1: He reminds us that it is important to help others.

9. _________ and---------
A: That team is famous because when they win, they are really kind to the other team.
B: And when they lose, they are kind, too.

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Lesson 4: Reading & Writing PEOPLE

Part 1
Read the essay below.

My Hero

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. They One day, a couple of boys started to
can be army generals, or presidents, or push me around on the playground.
police officers. A hero is someone who They threw my books on the ground and
changes your life, maybe even saves it. My ripped my homework. Other kids stood
hero is a 12-year-old girl whose name I around watching, but no one did anything.
never knew. Suddenly, a girl pushed her way towards the
When I was a child, I had many problems. I two boys.
wore glasses and was funny-looking. I had "Stop being bullies;' she said. They laughed
red hair that stuck out all over my head. I at her. She wasn't afraid. She picked up my
also had a speech problem. I couldn't say books and handed them to me.
the letters. I was smart, but I never talked The teasing didn't stop that day, but my fear
in school. The other kids teased me. They did. Her compassion and kindness gave me
called me names. Sometimes they pushed the courage to stand up for myself.
or tripped me. I hated school and I hated

Check the person or people who have each quality.

1. fear D the writer D the boys D the girl
2. compassion D the writer D the boys D the girl
3. respect D the writer D the boys D the girl
4. disrespect D the writer D the boys D the girl
5. immaturity D the writer D the boys D the girl
6. kindness D the writer D the boys D the girl

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. Why was the writer teased so much?
2. How common do you think bullying is? Why does it happen?
3. Have you ever seen or experienced bullying?

Describe your hero. Who is it? What did he or she do for you? What qualities does he/she have?

Exchange the description with a classmate. How are your heroes similar or different?
Lessons 1-4: Video Cloze PEOPLE

Watch A Weekend Away and fill in the blanks.

Maria: This is perfect. We get to go to New Eric: Sometimes, I wish I were more like
York City! I'm so excited! him. He's more---------
Eric: Is the hotel you and Jill staying in OK? than me, too.

Maria: I think so. It looked really nice in the Tom: Hey! So are you! And you're really ...
pictures . Are you nervous about staying Maria:
with Eric's ? Eric: Thanks, guys.
Tom: Not at all! I 'm excited to meet them. Maria: --------- to interrupt,
Especially his--------­ but I just got a text from Jill that she's
Where is Jill, by the way? on her way down.
Maria: I don't know. She said she was on her Eric: So, what was I talking about?
Tom: Your brother and how he's sociable.
Eric: She always says that. Well, we stilJ have
Eric: Right.
some time left before our bus.
Tom: I think we can learn a lot of
Maria: So, Eric. What's your brother like?
--------- from our family
Eric: He's the---------
(3) (15)
He's a---------
(4) Jill: Sorry guys.
---------, so he has lots of
(5) Eric: Jill, we're only going to be there for two
friends. And he has an awesome job. He
makes apps for smartphones. He's an
innovator and a--------- Jill: I know. Wait.
Tom: What?
Maria: Wow. He sounds so Jill: I forgot something upstairs.
Eric: What did you forget?
Tom: Yeah ... I can't wait to meet him. Jill: I definitely need another shirt .
He's my _________ Eric/Maria/: NO!
Lessons 1-4: Grammar A PEOPLE

Uses of need

Need means that the thing desired is very important or required.

I need to get my grandmother a birthday present.

In this use of the word need, the modal auxiliaries must, have to, or have got to
can provide the same meaning.

Rob needs to call his brother.

Rob must call his brother.
Rob has to call his brother.
Rob has got to call his brother.
Notice that must uses the infinitive form of the main verb without to.

Need can provide the same meaning as the modal auxiliary should to indicate

She needs to be more flexible.

She should be more flexible.

Need can be used as a noun or a verb with an object. It also has an adjective form.

Noun: Sara is in need of a new dress.

Verb: Sara needs a new dress.
Adjective: They help needy children.

Part 1
Complete the sentences with the correct form of need.

1. Jill ---="e�e�d�s�-- to explain the situation to her daughter.

2. Erik is in ________ of a place to stay when goes on his trip next week.
3. I have enough money. There is no ________ to worry.
4. Deborah doesn't like to be alone. In fact, she is very--------
5. That salesclerk was rude. I ________ an apology from her.
6. Monica really to be more responsible.

Rewrite the sentences with the words in parentheses.

1. Jenna needs to be more reliable. (have to)

2. Mark needs to take more responsibility. (should)
3. You need to be less judgmental. (must)
4. Lisa needs to visit her parents. (have got to)
5. Lee needs to e-mail his fiancee. (should)
6. We need to forgive and forget. (should)
Lessons 1-4: Grammar B PEOPLE

Expressions of quantity
You can use these expressions of quantity to describe how much or how many:

• all (100%) All of my siblings are older than me.

• almost all (95-99%) Almost all of my friends have small families.
• most (a large part; the majority) Most of my friends are reliable and considerate.
• some (a small to medium part) Some of my cousins live near us.
• both (2) Both of my parents are teachers.
• one (1) One of my brothers is an engineer.
• none (0%, not one of ) None of my friends have cars.

When using all, most, and some, the subject and verb must agree.

All of the students are in class today. All of the pizza is gone.
Most of my relatives are sociable. Most of my family speaks Portuguese.
Some of these books are interesting. Some of this book is boring.

When using both, the verb is always plural. When using one, the verb is
always singular.

• I have two daughters. Both of them are very sweet and intelligent.
• One of my sisters is a nurse.

When using none, if the subject is singular, the verb is singular. If the subject Is
plural, the verb can be singular or plural.
• None of the pie is left.
• None of this grammar lesson makes any sense.
• None of the students understand it. I None of the students understands it.

Part 1
Complete the sentences with the word that matches the quantity or is the correct form of the verb
in parentheses.

l. All of my friends are married (100%)

2. of my siblings live near me. (0%)

3. One of my cousins at the mall. (work)

4. None of the money left. (be)

5. of my cousins are the same age as I am. (the majority)

6. Some of my family English. (speak)

7. All of my friends to try new things. (like)

8. Both of my parents near me. (live)

Lessons 1-4: Grammar C PEOPLE

Using pretty
Pretty can be used to mean very.

My brother is pretty talented. My brother is very talented.

Lisa is pretty smart. Lisa is very smart.

Pretty ls usually used when the situation Isn't as serious (pretty bad c very bad).

Jason is pretty unreliable, but Lara is very unreliable.

Pretty can also be used to mean fairly (somewhat).

Sandra is a pretty good leader, but Marc is better.

Pretty does not have the same meaning as too.

This test is pretty hard, but I can do it.

This test is too hard. I can't do it.

Part 1
Circle the correct word to complete the sentences.

1. James ietoo interested in becoming student union president.

2. However, James is pretty/too unreliable, so no one will vote for him.
3. I can't visit my family because they live pretty/too far away-3,000 miles!
4. I'm happy because my sister lives pretty/too close to me-just a few miles away.
5. Tom and Jen are getting married pretty/too soon. We can hardly wait for the wedding!
6. Sandy is pretty/too independent. She is going to be very lonely some day!
7. Marta is pretty/too reliable, but her sister is much more reliable.
8. George is pretty/too unforgiving. He won't forgive me for forgetting his birthday.

Complete the sentences with pretty or very.

1. Flo is -----r�-�-- flexible, but she really doesn't like surprises.
2. Grant is -------- generous. He's the most generous person I know!
3. Peter is ________ rude. He interrupts people all the time!
4. Lisa is ____ friendly, but sometimes she seems a little shy.
5. I'm ________ mature, but my sister is much more mature than I am.

6. My roommate is -------- moody. She is always angry or unhappy about something.

Lesson 5: Vocabulary VACATION

Part 1
Rank these places to stay from a (most expensive) to e (least expensive). Then write two words or
phrases that describe the good points of each place.

I. dorm convenient locatlon. meet new people

2. hotel
3. motel
4. campground
5. youth hostel
In class, compare answers with a partner. Did you rank th� places to stay in the same order?
A: We can meet new people in dorms.
B: Yeah, and they are very convenient.

What do the places in Part 1 usually have? Write the places in the diagram. In class, compare answers
with a partner.

Business center Pool Neither

Answer the questions so they are true for you. In class, take turns asking and answering the questions
with a partner.

I. Do you prefer to stay in a single or double when you travel? Why?

2. Is it better to make a reservation or get a place to stay when you get to the city? Why?
Lesson 5: Reading & Writing VACATION

Part 1
Read the blog posts below.

Where to stay
I will be traveling in Europe this summer. I'll be at a friend's house in London for four
days but then I go to Paris, Florence, and Barcelona. Any advice on places to stay?
- Lilia 7 2 hours ago
Get a youth hostel pass. They have hostels in all of those cities. And they're cheap.
You will meet a lot of people.
- Wei 11 hours ago
Hostels are too noisy for me. I look for pensions. They are inexpensive and you can
get a single or double room. The information desk at an airport can help you.
- Rigoberto 70 hours ago
I only stay in hotels. They are usually cleaner and have restaurants. You can buy a
travel guide that lists hotels, the prices, and locations.
- Ludmila 8 hours ago
When I go to Europe, I like to travel by bike. If you're on a bicycle, campgrounds
are a good place to stay. Many campgrounds serve food too.
- Ana 4 hours ago

;\latch the traveler's name to the place they like to stay.

I. Ana a. youth hostel

2. Ludmila b. pension
3. I.ilia c. house
. i. Rigoberto d. hotel
5. \\'ei e. campground

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

I. \\'ho Jo you agree with?
2. \\'hat are some advantages and disadvantages of each place?

Part 2
Write your own post. Where do you like to stay when you travel? Why? What are some disadvantages?

Part 3
Exchange papers with a classmate. Do you like to stay at the same kind of place when you travel?
Lesson 6: Vocabulary VACATION

Part 1
Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right.

I. curfew A. sound(s)
2. key B. the place where you exercise
3. noise c. people who belong to a group
4. pool D. ordering food and drinks that are brought to your room
5. guests E. the time by which you must return to the place you are staying
6. bathroom F. expensive or important things
7. health club G. the place where you take a shower or bath
8. valuables H. the place where you swim
9. members I. the people staying at a hotel
IO. room service J. the thing you use to unlock a door

Imagine you are the manager of a new hotel and must decide what is allowed and not allowed. Write
the rules for each topic in Part l. You can also make suggestions instead of rules. (Please ... ) In class,
compare answers with a partner.

I. There is no curfew. You can stay out as late as you want.

Lesson 6: Reading & Writing
Part 1
Read the website below.

New way to stay

CouchSurfing for beginners irLanguage

Looking for a way to meet people and save money when you travel? Try CouchSurfing.
When you CouchSurf, you stay at a stranger's house for free. In return, you agree to
put up strangers in your home. You may actually sleep on a broken couch, or you may
have a nice bed. Wherever you end up sleeping, you should follow a few "rules:'
1. Bring a little present. Your host cannot charge you money to stay at his/
her house, but you should give something to be nice. You could make the host
dinner or bring something from your hometown.
2. Show consideration. Don't leave the couch or bedroom a mess. Pick up
after yourself. Don't be noisy or disturb the host when you come in at night.
3. Be friendly. One reason why people decide to host guests on their couches
is because they want to meet people and have new experiences.
4. Discuss arrangements ahead of time. Find out where to leave the key.
Ask what their schedule will be when you are there.
S. Respect their belongings. If you use the host's food, replace it or offer to
pay for it. Don't use anything without asking.

Write the number of the rule next to the detail.

a. Hosts often want to meet new people.
b. Offer to pay for any food you eat.
c. Make your bed/fold your blankets.
d. Your stay is free.
e. Ask about the host's schedule.

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. What are some advantages and disadvantages of this form of travel?
2. Have you ever couch surfed? Would you like to try it?
3. Do you know of any other interesting ways to travel?

Imagine you are hosting a couch surfer in your home. Write a list of rules you want them to follow.

Part 3
Exchange your instructions with a classmate. Are your rules similar? How are they different?
Lesson 7: Vocabulary VACATION

Part 1
Where do you find these things? Write the words in the diagram below. Add at least one thing to each
place. In class, compare answers with a partner.

TV sink shower closet toilet lamp desk bed


Hotel Youth hostel

Write the problems with a hotel room. In class, practice the conversations with a partner.

B: I'm very sorry. I'll have someone bring you a new remote so you can change the channels.

B: I can ask housekeeping to bring you some clean pillows right away.

B: I'll have a plumber come and look at it.

B: Let me get someone to come and clean it.
Lesson 7: Reading & Writing VACATION

Part 1
Read the hotel re, iew below.

Dew Drop Inn

The Dew Drop Inn opened last month on wasn't made. The table was broken, and the
Main Street in the downtown area. At first room hadn't been cleaned. We went back
glance, the lobby is attractive with a large downstairs and checked out. The manager
waterfall and colorful floor tiles. However, gave us a coupon for a free night's stay. The
on our visit, a pipe was leaking. There was rates are very inexpensive anyway, but it
water on the lobby floor causing a safety was a nice gesture. Maybe when they have
problem. The service at the front desk was solved their problems, we'll try again.
friendly but slow. The desk clerk couldn't
find our reservation, and when she did it ©©© Rooms
was incorrect. We asked for a room with ©©© Service
two double beds and they only had a room
©© Cleanliness
with a single queen. When we arrived at
the room, we were very disappointed. ©© Price
There were many problems with the room.
I We couldn't plug in the TV and the bed


\\'hat I!> good about the hotel ( + )? What i!> not so good (·)?Complete the chart.

PAIR WORK Discuss the question!>.

1. Do you want to go to the Dew Drop Inn? Why or why not?

Doe!> the review talk about things that are important to you?
3. \\'hat do you want to know about a hotel? What is most important to you?

Part 2
\\'rite a re,·iew of a hotel you know. Describe the rooms, the cleanliness, the service, and the price.

Part 3
Exchange review� \\'Ith a classmate. Do you want to go to his/her hotel? Why or w hy not?
Lesson 8: Vocabulary
Part 1
Would you like to do these jobs? Rank them from 1 (want to be the most) to 8 (want to be the least).

a restaurant server a train reservations agent

a flight attendant a travel agent
a salesclerk a hotel clerk
a bus driver a parking attendant
In class, compare answers with a partner. When you can, give reasons for your answers.
A: Ia like to be a travel agent the most.
B: Really? Why?
A: I know a lot about different cities and I like helping people.

In each conversation, there is a mistake. Cross it out and write the correct word(s) on the line. In class,
practice the correct conversations with your partner.

I. A: I can tell you when we're at the stop for 4. A: Would you want me to purchase your plane
the mall. ticket for you?
B: That eottld be great. Thanks. B: Yes, thank you. _________
would 5. A: Something to drink?
2. A: I be happy to order a size 10 for you. It'd be B: No. I'd like a cola, please. Oh, and when are we
here in a week. going to be landing?--------
B: That won't be necessary. _________ 6. A: I can give you a double instead of a single.
3. A: Do you like me to give you a minute to look at B: Really? I'd appreciating that.
the menu?
B: That's QK. ________

Part 3
In each conversation in Part 2, what is /\s job? Write the jobs listed in Part 1 on each line.

Lesson 8: Reading & Writing
Part 1
Read the notice below.

Tourism service careers

Do you love travel? Are you a people person?

The Department ofTravel and Tourism has an open house on Tuesday, 3-5 p.m. in Becket
Hall. Come learn about jobs in a fast-growing industry. This diverse field includes many
exciting opportunities.
• Flight attendants can fly all over the world. Their work requires
excellent communication and problem-solving skills, and the ability to
think on their feet. They may have to manage difficult passengers and
emergency situations.
• Travel agents need to have both excellent communication and computer
skills. They are constantly learning about the travel world, and thrive in a
fast-paced environment.
• Hotel personnel have a wide range of responsibilities. They need to care for
guests by taking their reservations and checking them out. Employees who
work at the concierge desk must have a thorough knowledge of their cities,
and also the creativity to help guests with any problem.

Write the name of the job next to the description.

1. checks out guests
2. has excellent problem-solving skills
3. has good computer skills
4. may need to handle emergencies
5. needs to know a lot about the city
6. works in a fast-paced environment

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. Which job do you think is the hardest?
2. What other travel jobs do you know about?
3. Would you like a job in the travel industry? Why or why not?

Think about a job field you know. Write a flyer for an open house to interest people in those jobs.

Share your flyer with a group of classmates. What job fields did everyone write about? Which flyer is
the most interesting? Why? Do you want to work in any of these jobs?
Lessons 5-8: Video Cloze VACATIONS

Watch Checking In and fill in the blanks.

Maria: Wow, this ________ is Hotel clerk: Very well. So, you are Till!
really nice. Jill: No. Yes. Nevermind.
Jill: Yeah. It's better than the pictures. Hotel clerk: Here are your room
Jill: Good afternoon. We're here to --------· You can help
yourself to hot tea and coffee in your

Hotel clerk: Hi. Do you have a ________ ? room. You can't make noise after
midnight and you can't have any parties.
Maria: Yes, we do.
Maria: OK. No parties.
Hotel clerk: Can I have the name of the person who
made the reservation? Jill: Thank you.

Jill: Jill Willcox. W-I-L-L-C-0-X. Hotel clerk: Front desk. Who? Till?

Hotel clerk: Thank you. Hm ... Looks like there's no Jill: No, it's Jill - Yes. It's Till Millfox from
reservation. room 401.

Jill: But, I'm sure I made a reservation. Hotel clerk: Oh, hi. How can I help you?

Hotel clerk: I have a Till Millfox. Jill: The light in our room
Jill: That's me. Just spelled wrong. (13)

Hotel clerk: May I see your ________ (14)

Hotel clerk: Hm. It may need a new light.
________ ? But it says Jill
Willcox. And the reservation is for Till Jill: Yes, it does.
Millfox. Hotel clerk: Oh. Would you like me to send someone
Jill: Right. The person must have took down to ________ it?

the wrong name. Jill: Yes.

Hotel clerk: I see. Hotel clerk: I'd be happy to call Bob for you.
Maria: Can we speak to the manager? Jill: OK. Will he come soon?
Hotel clerk: I'll call him. Bob? This is Pam from the Hotel clerk: As soon as he answers the phone.

Jill: OK, thank you.
--------· I have a Jill
(7) Maria: Jill?
Willcox who says the reservation was
Jill: I'm on the phone.
made as Till Millfox. Uh huh. Hm ...
Huh. OK. Thanks. Maria: I can't see anything!

Jill: What did he say? Jill: Please, send someone soon.

Hotel clerk: Nothing. It was his-------­ Hotel clerk: I can bring some flashlights while
cs) you wait.
Maria: Listen. We ________ for the
hotel. Jill: Yes. Thank you!

Jill: Here's the ________ Hotel clerk: Now where are those flashlights? Here
they are.
Lessons 5-8: Grammar VACATION

Noun clauses

A noun clause is a dependent clause that can take the place of a noun
or noun phrase.
• Jill isn't here yet. I wonder where she is. I'm not sure if she'll come.
Who's that guy? I don't know who he is. But I know that he works at the hotel.

There are three types of noun clauses.

Wh- clauses (when, where, who, why, how)

• I don't understand why pets are not permitted in the hotel.
• Does anyone know how to make a train reservation online?
If clauses
• Do you know if there is air conditioning at the hotel?
• Can you tell me whether or not the restaurant is still serving breakfast?
That clauses (the word that is optional)
• I think that the toilet is broken. I I think the toilet is broken.
• Did you know that this is the oldest restaurant in Madrid?
• The concierge says we need to pay extra for another person to stay in our room.

Part 1
Read the sentences. Undereline the noun clauses.

l. Do you know how much the walking tour costs?

2. We don't know if the hostel has a kitchen.
3. The sign says we need to be in our rooms by l l p.m.
4. Did the manager say when the restaurant opens?
5. I'm pretty sure that pets aren't allowed in this hotel.
6. Do you know whether someone can foe the TV by this evening?
7. Can you tell me if it's far to the museum?
8. She didn't say what time the bus leaves.

Part 2
Unscramble the noun clauses.

l. I said leaks/faucet/the the faucet leaks

2. Do you know pool/the/is/where
3. Do you know a/gym/if/there's
4. The hotel said allowed/no/are/parties
5. I don't know that's/good idea/a/whether
6. The manager said 3 p.m./time/is/check in
Lesson 9: Vocabulary www.irLanguage.com ERRANDS

Part 1
How often do you go to these places? Put the places into the best column for you. In class, talk about
your ideas with a partner.

health food store hair salon food court electronics store office supply store
travel agency boutique dry cleaners
More than once a month Once a month Few times a year/Never

Complete the conversations with true information about your city. In class, practice the conversations
with a partner.

Lester: Can you teU me where a good food court is?

Eric: Do you know how much the haircuts are around here?

Leah: Do you know if I can use a credit card at the dry cleaners?

Renee: Can you tell me where I can buy health food?

Gus: Can you tell-me if there's a travel agency near here?
Lesson 9: Reading & Writing ERRANDS

Part 1
Read the e-mail below.

From: Jennifer Leonard

Subject: Visit to Rio
Date: June 8, 2013
To: Mariana Fernandes

Hi Mariana,
I'm really looking forward to my trip to Rio next month. I need to start making
arrangements. Do you know which airline has the best fares from Miami to Rio? I
may also try to get to Sao Paulo to visit friends. Is flying the best option?
Thank you so much for your offer to stay at your family's house when I am in Rio.
I can't wait to meet your husband and children. I hope it isn't an inconvenience. I
think I told you about the academic conference I am attending at the end of my
trip. I am giving a presentation and will have to make packets of materials. Do you
know if there is an office supply store near your house? Also, I think I may need a
haircut by then. Can you tell me where a good hair salon is? I have so much to do!
My mother says hello.

Complete the sentences.

1. Jennifer is going to _________ next month.

2. She is going to fly from
3. She is going to stay with _________ in Rio.
4. Mariana lives with her _________ and---------
5. Jennifer is giving a --------- at a _________ at the end of her trip.

6. She needs to find an _________ and _________

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

l. What do you think the relationship is between Jennifer and Mariana?
2. Have you ever stayed with someone in another country? Would you like to?

Imagine you are taking a trip to another city or country next month. Write an e-mail to someone who
lives there. Ask questions about the place.

Share your e-mail with a classmate. Did you want to know similar things?
Lesson 1 O: Vocabulary ERRANDS

Read the hints and write the words to complete the crossword puzzle.

3 4

1. When a salesclerk told you to pay less than the real price, you were ___
3. The money you get back because you paid more than the price.
5. When the letters in a word are not correct or in the wrong order.
6. When you can't find something, it's ___

2. A piece of paper you get after you buy something that shows what you paid.
4. When a salesclerk asked you to pay more than the real price, you were ___
Lesson 1 O: Reading & Writing
Part 1
Read the blog post below.

The Secret Shopper Scoop

Mike's Market Mistakes
Over the weekend, I went to the new electronics store, Mike's Market. I was
excited to look at the products and compare prices. Mike has advertised the
lowest prices in town on big-ticket items like flat screen TVs, video game consoles,
and cameras. At first, I was pleasantly surprised. The prices are low, but the low
prices come at a high cost. What do I mean?
Service suffers. Mike is saving money on employees, so service is poor. Very
few workers are in the store at any one time. It is hard to get help. I finally found
someone to go in the back to get a camera. When he returned, he had brought
the wrong one. It took 20 minutes to get the correct camera.
Mistakes matter. The price of the camera was $249. At other stores, the camera
usually costs about $300. What a deal, right? But when I got to the register, the
cashier charged me $299. We had to call the manager over for help. Again, I had
to wait a long time as she corrected her mistake.
Would I recommend Mike's Market? No. To me, time is money and I spent too much.

Match the cause to the result.

Cause Result
l. very few employees a. service suffers
2. low prices advertised b. hard to get help
3. overcharged at the register c. waited 20 minutes
4. brought wrong camera d. had to get the manager
5. saves money on employees e. blogger went to Mike's Market
6. took too much time f. no recommendation

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. Which is more important to you, service or price? Why?
2. What kind of customer should try Mike's Market?

Write about a bad experience you have had at a store or other place where you were a customer.

Discuss your experience with a classmate. Would you recommend the store to your classmate?
Lesson 11: Vocabulary
Part 1
Read the conversations. What job are they talking about? Write your answer on the line. In class,
practice the conversations with a partner.

A: My dog isn't eating. Can I make an appointment?
B: What time are you free?

A: I'm here for a haircut.
B: OK. Who is your appointment with?

A: I want lots of flowers and a huge cake. My fiance wants to have a performance after the dinner.
B: It will be a day you will never forget!

A: You need to know a lot about food and you have to be creative. If you are interested, you should
talk to some chefs and see if this would be a good job for you.
B: Can you telJ me how to set up an appointment with a chef?

A: You still haven't taken a foreign language. You must take at least one year of French, German,
Chinese, or Korean before you finish school.
B: I know. I'm going to take Chinese next year.

Mom: Let's have some photos taken of the family. The kids are growing so fast.
Dad: OK. I'll make an appointment. How about next Saturday?

A: Taku is great. Even when I couldn't get it to turn on, he got all my files off the hard drive.
B: Can you call him and make an appointment for me?

A: I've had a sore throat for three days.
B: You better make an appointment today. You know how busy his office gets.
Lesson 11: Reading & Writing ERRANDS

Part 1
Read the website.

Tips for making medical appointments

Everyone hates to wait at the doctor's office. You can save time and aggravation
by following the tips below.
1. Make an appointment for first thing in the morning or right after lunch.
Doctors can get further and further behind with each appointment. Avoid this
problem by being the first appointment in the morning or the first after lunch.
2. Call early for a same-day appointment. If you need to see a doctor
right away, you should call as soon as the office opens. Otherwise, their
appointments may all be filled.
3. Complete paperwork ahead of time. You can often get forms online or have
them e-mailed to you. Then you can fill them out at home rather than in the
office. Keep a copy of your medical history at home so you can get specific
details easily.
4. Wear appropriate clothing. You'll feel better if you are comfortable and wear
clothing and shoes that you can take off and put on quickly and easily.
5. List your questions ahead of time. This is your chance to get the doctor's
attention. Ask about any medical problems or concerns that you have.

Mark the statements T (True) or F (False).

1. You are less likely to wait if you make an appointment right after lunch.
2. You can always get an appointment for the same day.
3. You should keep a copy of your medical history at home.
4. It is quicker to complete paperwork in the office right before the appointment.
5. You should dress in business attire when you go to see the doctor.
6. It is best to save time by not asking any questions.

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. Do you agree with the tips above? Why or why not?

2. Do you have any other suggestions for making medical appointments?

Write tips for saving time or improving your experience making another kind of appointment or
arrangement (for example, visa interview, passport application, dinner reservation).

Share your tips with a group of classmates. Which tips are the most useful?
Lesson 12:Vocabulary ERRANDS

Part 1
Write the problem that matches the complaint.

I. I can't remember anything.--------

2. I don't have any money! _________
3. I feel like I have too many things to do. How can I get them all done? ________
4. I'm worried about everything. ________
5. I can't stay awake. ________
6. I feel sad all the time. ________
7. I feel like I'm all alone.--------
8. I have the flu. ________

Choose five of the problems from Part 1. For each conversation, write a recommendation (what
A says). Acknowledge the recommendation (what B says). Use a different acknowledgement for each.
In class, take turns reading your conversations with a partner. Can your partner guess which problem
you are talking about?



Lesson 12: Reading & Writing ERRANDS

Part 1
Read the posts on a teen advice website.

Author Message
Jellybean I've been struggling lately. School is hard and I'm
really stressed. I have so many papers to write. I also
have to read a lot. It takes me a long time to read. I
end up staying awake very late. I'm so tired the next
day, and then I can't think.
Batgirl I know just what you mean. Last semester I had a lot
of trouble also. The classes were much harder than
I expected. I was overwhelmed. At first, I cried a lot,
but then I realized if I was really organized, I could
get everything done. I also went to the writing
center to get help on my papers.
Sparkle167 You could talk to your teachers. They might have
suggestions. I have some learning problems. I don't
pay attention very well, and I'm very forgetful. One
of my teachers helped me get a note-taking partner.
It helps me a lot.

Write the name to complete the description.

l. -------- is forgetful.
2. ________ is stressed.
3. -------- takes a long time to read anything.
4. ________ was overwhelmed.
5. -------- has trouble paying attention and taking notes.
6. -------- gets help from the writing center.

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

l. How common do you think these problems are?
2. Do you think the students give good suggestions? Why or why not?

Write a post about a problem you or someone you know has had.

Work with a group. Share your posts and write responses. Give suggestions.
Lessons 9-12: Video Cloze ERRANDS

Watch New York Adventures and fill in the blanks.

Maria: We have some time before we meet Eric Pam: Oh, go to Soho. It can be
and Tom. --------, but there are tons of

Jill: We should walk around and go shopping! shops in that-------­


Maria: I want to do my hair, too! Maria: Wow. Is there also a place where I can get a

Jill: That sounds fun! Where should we begin? (12)

Pam: Hm ... I know a guy who does fabulous
Maria: Let's ask the--------
(1) hairstyles. Here's his -------­
--------· I'm sure she <rn
can-------- places to (14)
Jill: I'm afraid you gave me a room key.
Jill: Hi, Pam. Pam: Oh! Sorry.

Pam: Good morning. Jill: That's OK.

Maria: We want to look around. Can you tell us Pam: Here it is. Have fun, ladies!
where we should go? Tom: They should be here soon.
Pam: Sure! I have pictures I can show you too. One Eric: Wait. I think that's them.
thing you should do is-------­ Jill: Hi, guys! I had such a great time today!
around Central Park. It's in the heart of the
Tom: Hi, Jill. Where's Maria?
city. You can get a cool view of the city.
Jill: She should be here soon. I think that's her...
Jill: That's a great idea. Do you know of any good
Tom: That's definitely not Maria.
places to eat?
Tom: Um. Nice. Um. Day, huh?
Pam: The East Village is great. You can
Eric: Yeah.
get food,
________ food, just about Maria: Did you guys notice?
everything! Eric: Hm ... notice what?
Maria: Can you tell us if it's ________? Maria: My hair. It's the coolest hairstyle I've ever had!
Pam: It's compared to the rest So New York!
of the city. Oh, and another thing you should Jill: It's definitely fabulous.
do is go to Times Square! It's beautiful at Maria: You guys should totally go to Daniel LaBute's
night. ________ too!
Jill: What about shopping? Jill: Oh and we're late! Let's go!


Lessons 9-12: Grammar ERRANDS

Relative clauses

Relative clauses (also called adjective clauses) modify nouns. They are
dependent clauses, which means they are not complete sentences.

The suggestions that the hotel clerk gave Jill and Maria were helpful.

Relative clauses usually begin with a relative pronoun (who, that, whose,

Who refers to people.

• Casey is the one who went to Australia.
That can describe people or things.
• The woman that works at the front desk is friendly.
• No one likes the haircut that Maria got in New York.
Whose is possessive.
• Tom is the guy whose favorite meal is pasta.
Where describes places.
• The building where they live is right down the street.
• Note: That is often used with a preposition to describe places:
• The restaurant that we went to was really great.

Part 1
Circle the correct relative pronoun.

1. The drycleaners that�! take my clothes is close by.

2. The woman who/whose works at the health food store is very helpful.
3. The man who/whose hair salon is on Oak Street recommended a good veterinarian.
4. The salesclerk who/where helped me overcharged me.
5. Do you know the place where/that Jake gets his haircut?
6. The place that/where Tim took his laptop to does a good job.

Write the correct relative pronoun: that, whose, or where.

1. The salon where Dave gets his hair cut is in the mall.
2. The place Linda goes to everyday for lunch is called Max's.
3. Ask the waiter brought our food to bring us some water.
4. The customer bag is missing is talking to the manager.
5. The order the waiter forgot is for the man at Table 3.
6. Lara likes to get her hair colored at the salon ________ they play loud music.
Lesson 13: Vocabulary STORIES

Part 1

r ' /'
In the puzzle below, find the six words from childhood. The words go

� / i _____.. �

p G z u w D T G H T H A

B L H H T s E A D c A B H

0 B A A 0 y 0 R G H 0 G s
u c y A 0 R E u E R E s
B p M T G y D E c N M

0 N 0 B E R L y E K E L L

R L M D A 0 N L E G B B

M E 0 L T B u u u R H K

T J G M y R B N s T c 0

s H y 0 u R u A G D R c R

c c T G u L L H 0 L H 0

Q D L w L 0 E M D E 0 K H

F A N y H 0 p s c 0 T c H

0 p N 0 z z 0 p D u L N

Part 2
Look at the letters you didn't circle. Write every 4th letter below to find the hidden question. Write
your answer on the line. Take turns asking and answering the question with a partner in class.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ___ ?

Lesson 13: Reading & Writing STORIES

Part 1
Read the essay.


Have you ever wanted the chance to do Our school had a big performance every year.
something over again, only this time you There was one girl I really liked. She was
would do it differently? the smartest student in our class, and she
I used to be very shy when I was in high was nice and funny. I tried to invite her to
school. When teachers called on me in class, the dance one day. I approached her at her
I couldn't get the words out. When a girl locker. Just as I was about to speak, another
spoke to me in the hallway, I stammered girl came up. Instead of asking Helen to the
and blushed, or worse yet, I looked at the dance, I asked if she had a pencil. I was so
ground and just kept walking. I wanted to embarrassed. I didn't even go to the dance.
be friendly, but my nerves got the better of Over the years I've thought about Helen. I've
me. My heart used to beat fast and I'd start also gotten much more confident. Last year,
sweating. I found Helen on a social network. I sent her
a message and asked her out for coffee.

Circle the correct word or phrase to complete the sentence.

1. The writer used to be confident/shy in high school.
2. When teachers called on him, he couldn't answer/answered.
3. He wanted to be friendly/nervous.
4. One day, he tried to ask a girl to a game/dance.
5. Instead, he asked for a pencil/book.
6. Ten years ago/One year ago, he finally asked her out.

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. What were the writer's problems when he was in high school?
2. How has he changed?
3. Is there an experience you had when you were younger that you would like to do-over?

Write about an experience you had when you were younger that you would like to do differently. What
was it? What did you use to be like? How are you different now?

Share your experience with a classmate. Are there any similarities?
.· - , .· .- ·.·_"'�

Lesson 14: Vocabulary STORIES

Part 1
Are these words positive, negative, or both? Write them in the diagram. In class, talk about your ideas
with a partner.

lucky strange awful embarrassing scary disgusting romantic

Positive Negative

In each conversation, there is one mistake. Cross it out and write the correct word(s) on the line. In
class, practice the correct conversations with your partner.

I. A: How embarrassing! 4. A: I said I will ask her for an autograph. Why are
B: Yeah. But then she says she was sorry. you asking me again?
B: Because I don't want you to forget!
2. A: I said I would help her, but she said, "Forget it:'
B: What awful! 5. A: Bob went to Casual Dining last week.

3. A: Mom said she hasn't been there since last week. B: Yeah. He told to me that they had good food.

B: What? I thought she went yesterday.

6. A: What happened then?
B: Well, Matthew said he love her, and Maria said,
Lesson 14: Reading & Writing STORIES

Part 1
Read the book review below.

Best Books
A Visit from the Goon Squad
Jennifer Egan
Don't be put off by the unusual title, the strange structure, or the fact that this
novel won a Pulitzer Prize. It's really not all that intimidating once you begin
reading. Egan's novel moves around in time in surprising ways. The characters
behave in ways that are occasionally embarrassing, confusing, and just plain
awful, but in spite of that, I care deeply about them. Some readers may wish they
had a list of characters and relationships at the beginning to guide them through.
It can be a bit challenging to keep everyone straight. The theme of music runs
through most of the sections, and the novel itself is structured like an old­
fashioned album. The first half is the "A" side, the second the "B': Like the B side
of an album, the second half of the book is perhaps less immediately accessible.
Readers have to work a little harder in places to follow the "melody:' In fact, the
very last section is a PowerPoint"' presentation. How strange, but how interesting!
I recommend this book to anyone who likes music and novels, especially together.

Mark the statements T (True) or F (False).

1. A Visit from the Goon Squad won a prize.

___ 2. The novel has an unusual structure.
3. Jonathan Egan wrote the novel.
___ 4. The characters are good role models.
5. Music is both a theme and an organizing tool in the novel.
6. One section of the novel is written as a Power Point TM presentation.

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

l. What makes this novel unusual?
2. Would you like to read it? Why or why not?
3. What is your favorite book or story? Why?

Write a review of a book you have read. Give reasons for your opinion.

Exchange reviews with a classmate. Would you like to read his/her book? Why or why not?
Lesson 15: Vocabulary STORIES

Part 1
Choose the best word or phrase to complete each news headline.

1. School (cancels I denies) lunch program.

2. Richest man in the world (catches I donates) $1,000,000.
3. Money (saves I scores) the school lunch program.
4. President (closes I catches) flu, cancels trip.
5. Super Bowl XLVI (breaks I saves) record as most-watched TV program in history!
6. Popular restaurant (closes I crashes) because of bad economy.
7. Winter storm (causes I cancels) schools closings.
8. New plane (crashes I breaks), killing three.
9. Musician (denies I donates) rumors about new album.
10. Freese (scores /causes) the winning run in game six of the World Series!

Which word is different?Circle it. In class, with a partner talk about why it is different.

1. drop catch get

2. touch crash hit
3. cause allow make
4. hurt break fix
5. accept deny refuse
6. stop change cancel
7. score get miss
8. donate give take
9. rescue save find

Answer the questions. In class, compare answers with a partner.

1. Have you ever donated anything?___

2. What do people try not to crash?Give three ideas.-----------------------
' ;

Lesson 15: Reading & Writing STORIES

Part 1
Read the news stories below.

Weird News Stories

Man runs long distance in balloon
An Australian runner, Rob Ginnivan, ran 13 miles on a treadmill in a hot air
balloon. He has been running on land, sea, and now in the air to raise money for
heart disease. The year before he ran a land marathon (26.2 miles) in Morocco and
then a longer distance on board a ship.
Human beehive
A man in Poland put 30,000 bees on his body. He was only stung twice. He has
been working with bees his entire life.
Parakeet tweets address
A parakeet escaped from its owner's home in Yokohama, Japan. The police took
it into custody. It stayed quiet at the police station for three days. Finally, the bird
piped up, reciting its address, including house number, block, and street. The
parakeet and owner are together again.
Man, 103, dies, not from gunshot
A man in California died last week at the age of 103. He was shot in the head in
1917, and lived 95 more years with a bullet in his brain, a Guinness World Record.

Complete the chart.

Headline Places mentioned Detail

30,000 bees
Yokohama, Japan
Rob Ginnivan
Man, 103, dies

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. Which story do you think is the most interesting or unusual?
2. Why do people like these news stories?
3. What unusual stories do you know about?

Write a short article describing an unusual story you know about. Tell who, what, where, when,
and how.

Share your stories with a group. Whose story is most unusual?
Lesson 16: Vocabulary STORIES

Part 1
How important are these things to your life? Rank them from 1 (the 'most important) to 8 (the least
important). Then write one example of each. In class, compare answers with a partner.

a natura l disaster earthauakes

a political change
a sporting success
a key discovery
a royal wedding
e rity scandal
a celb
a daring rescue

Use the topics from Part 1. Write questions and complete the answers. In class, practice the
conversations with a partner.

A: -----------------------------------Olympics?
B: T hey were in
A: _______________________________________?
B: The ________ wedding was on-------- 29 in--------
A: _______________________________________?
B: -------- hosted ________ in ________
A: _______________________________________?
B: -------- was elected-------- 4 in--------

A: _______________________________________?
B: --------became ________ in ________
Lesson 16: Reading & Writing STORIES

Part 1
Read the article below.

What makes something news?

Journalism in all forms (print, broadcast, and digital) is about reporting the news. But just
what makes something newsworthy? How do editors decide what stories to feature? What
makes one story more "newsy than another?
Media professionals use the following criteria to judge a story's news value.
Time. News is just that - what's new. Something that just happened is going to be more
exciting news than something that happened last week.
location. People are much more interested in news that happens in their area. A local story
about a school fire may come before the news of a tsunami thousands of miles away.
Impact. A story is bigger news if it affects more people. A train crash that kills hundreds may
be more important than a plane crash that kills dozens.
Prominence. If the person involved in a story is famous, even something small can be news.
Everyone trips sometimes, but a president tripping might be on national news.
Conflict. If a story involves a disagreement between two or more parties, it's interesting.
That's why politics gets so much coverage.

Write the criterion next to the news summary. You may use more than one.

1. The Charlotte Observer newspaper reported a new highway will be constructed in Charlotte over the next
two years.
2. An earthquake affects a major city and damages many buildings.
3. Kate Middleton marries Prince William.
4. Presidential candidates exchange angry words at a debate.
5. A jury verdict just came back in the trial of a man accused of robbing over twenty banks.

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. Which criteria are most important to you when you look for news?
2. What recent news stories can you think of? Which criteria do they meet?

Write a summary of a recent news story. Make sure it meets one or more of the criteria listed above.

Exchange summaries with a classmate. Discuss what makes the story newsworthy.
Lessons 13-16: Video Cloze STORIES

Watch The Mystery and fill in the blanks.

Tom: Whoo. It feels good to be back home. Eric: Can you do it? I'm very--------­
(1 ll
Eric: Definitely. right now.

Eric: Tom? Did you --------­ Eric: Please?! Please?

the window before we left? Tom: Hi, is this the local police station?
Tom: Of course I did. Eric: Tell them we've been robbed and I'm
Eric: But the window is--------­ very upset.
Eric: Things are--------- Tom: Eric, my roommate, believes we've been
_________ the floor. robbed.
Tom: Strange! Maybe it was the wind. Eric: Tell them I'm very upset.

Eric: I think we've been robbed. I'm Tom: He says he's really upset. Mmm ...hm. No. No,
--------- something. the TV is here. Actually, everything is here.
Tom: Oh no! Let me go check my room. Eric: Except my antique. My grandmother gave it
to me in ---------
Tom: Everything is in my room. And the TV is (12)

here. What are you missing? Tom: Right. He's telling me he's missing an antique
from 1996. Mm-hm. Hold on. What does it
Eric: I don't ________ . Why would
look like?
anyone take Brownie?
Eric: It's round. It's very small. It's brown.
Tom: Eric, I'm sorry, but what is Brownie? Was it
reilly ? Tom: What is it exactly?

Eric: My grandmother gave it to me when I was a Eric: I have a picture of it. Here.
kid. It must be a lot of Tom: It's uh ...it's a ---------
(8) (13)
money right now! It's an antique! --------. Right. OK, thank you,
Tom: I read an story online officer.
that a person sold an old object from the Eric: What did they say?
1800s, thinking it wasn't worth anything Tom: T hat a teddy bear from 1996 is not an antique.
turned out to be an antique worth over a
Eric: Well, this is just awful! What could've
million dollars.
Eric: Wow, Tom. Thanks.
Tom: Eric? Is this Brownie?
Tom: I'm sorry, probably not the best time to be
Eric: Yes!
telling you that.
Tom: It was --------- the sofa!
Eric: We should call the ________ (15)
(10) Eric: How did it get there? ...Tom? Tom?
Tom: Um ...
Lessons 13-16: Grammar STORIES

Past tenses
The simple past describes an action or state that started and finished at a
definite time In the past.

• The phone rang. It was my friend Donna.

The past continuous indicates an activity In progress during a particular

time In the past.

• The phone rang while I was eating lunch. It was my friend Donna.

The past perfect continuous indicates that one event is in progress

immediately before, up to, or until another time or event.

• The phone rang while I was eating lunch. It was my friend Donna. She said she had
been trying to call me all morning.

The past perfect Indicates an activity that has happened before another
time or event.

• The phone rang while I was eating lunch. It was my friend Donna. She said she had
been trying to call me all morning. However, I had put my phone on vibrate and I
had left it in my bag, so I didn't hear it when it rang.

Part 1
Circle the correct past tense to complete the sentences.

1. I had hadQa lot of fun when I was a child.

2. Dave watched/was watching TV when he heard a loud noise outside.
3. Lisa looked tired. She told me she had been working/worked since 6 a.m. that morning.
4. Tim thought he won the race. Then he realized another boy had been getting/had gotten to
the finish line before him.
5. Mike and Molly were driving down Main Street when another car hit/was hitting them.
6. I couldn't find my ring. Then I remembered that I had been putting/had put it on the counter
before I did the dishes.
7. Steve and Ann had gotten married/got married in 2011.
8. We listened/had been listening to music all morning until the iPod suddenly stopped working.
9. Rob was working/worked at the deli when Brad Pitt came in and ordered a sandwich.
10. London was hosting/hosted the Olympics in 2012.
11. By the time we got to the campground, it had stopped/had been stopping raining.
12. Maya had told/had been telling a very interesting story when someone interrupted her.
Lesson 17: Vocabulary
Part 1
Who do you talk with about these topics? Write the types of friends in the diagram. In class, get
together with a partner and talk about why you put each one where you did.

an old friend an acquaintance a best friend a former friend a lifelong friend

a childhood friend a fair-weather friend

Don't talk about any


Personal problems Fun things to do

For each conversation, complete /\s comment and then write B's reaction by using a reply question.
In class, practice the conversations with a partner.

A: My best friend _________________________________
A: The other day I ran into a childhood friend and--------------------
A: -------- is a lifelong friend, but---------------------
Lesson 17: Reading & Writing FRIENDS

Part 1
Read the essay below.

Types of friends
People don't get to choose all of their relationships. Some, like our family members, are
chosen for us. Some we form as a result of school or work. But we can choose our friends.
My friends fall into three categories: fun friends, situational friends, and true friends.
Fun friends do activities with me. We may go out to dinner or play sports together. Sarah
is an example of a fun friend. I met her at school, and we discovered we both like to dance
and go to movies. We get together about once a week.
Situational friends are people that I like and see at school or at work. While we are in the
same situation, we enjoy spending time together. For example, Emily was in my English
class last year. We worked on projects together and studied for tests. We don't really get
together anymore.
True friends are people that I really care about. We value the same things. We know the
good and the bad about each other. Hannah is a true friend. We met in grade school. I talk
to her almost every day. She knows my hopes and dreams. We support each other.

Write F (fun), S (situational) or T (true) after each statement.

___ 1. We go to movies together.

___ 2. We value the same things.
___ 3. We are friends mostly because we work together.
___ 4. We talk about everything.
___ 5. We both like to dance.
___ 6. We used to study together, but now we don't see each other.

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. Do you have friends that fit into each category?
2. Does the writer do a good job explaining her ideas? W hy or why not?
3. How would you categorize your friends?

Write about the types of friends you have. Describe the category and give an example of each.

Share your ideas with a classmate. What categories did you use? Are they similar or different?
Lesson 18: Vocabulary FRIENDS

Part 1
What's impor tan t in a colleague? Rank these characteristics from 1 (the most impor tant) to 7 (less
importan t }. When colleagues don't have these characteristics, which cause the most pro blems? On the
second line, rank them from a (causes the biggest pro blems) tog (cause the least pro blems). If you
don't know, guess. In class, talk about your ideas with a partner.


Use your ideas from Par t l to complete the conversation. In class, prac tice the conversation with
a partner.
A: Wha t's important to you in a colleague?
B: The most important thing is how ________ someone is.
A: To me, a colleague needs to be --------· I think being ___�---- is
(2) (3)
less impor tant.
B: Why? Don' t you think that's importan t, too?
B: Interesting. To me--------------�--------------, too.
A: What do you think causes the most pro blems at work?
B: I think the most pro blems are caused by not being -------,-,.,...---- and -------,-,.,...----
(6) (6)
A: Yeah, but-------------------,,:::-----------------­
B: What a bout for yo ur boss?
A: It's important for a boss to be -------,-�--­
B: Yeah. but ________________�---------------�
A I know what you mean.
Lesson 18: Reading & Writing FRIENDS

Part 1
Read the course introduction below.

Welcome to English 101 !

Hello, students! My goal is to be the best instructor I can be. I'd like to know what
you think that means. What are the qualities of a good teacher?
Hi. I think a good teacher really knows the material and can present it clearly. A
good teacher answers students' questions and doesn't lecture all the time.
I agree with Aaron, but I also think a good teacher is supportive. She needs
to encourage students. Sometimes students don't understand or they make
mistakes. A good teacher helps them to do better.
A good teacher doesn't give too much homework. Many students are very busy.
They take a lot of classes or have jobs. It is hard to do a lot of assignments. A good
teacher is forgiving when students have problems outside of class.
I think the best teachers are reliable. They come to class every day on time. They
need to grade tests quickly.

Check the person who probably has each opinion.

Opinion Aaron Ming Pablo Sumaya

A good teacher understands students' problems.
A good teacher says positive things.
A good teacher understands the subject very well.
A good teacher covers most of the material in class.
A good teacher is responsible and organized.
A good teacher allows time f o r class discussion.

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. Whose ideas do you agree with the most? What other qualities should a good teacher have?
2. What qualities do you think a good student should have?

Write a post describing the qualities of a good student.

Share your ideas with a classmate. Are your ideas similar?
Lesson 19: Vocabulary FRIENDS

Part 1
Rank these ways of making new friends from 1 (the easiest for you) to 9 (the most difficult for you).
On the second line write a reason. In class, compare answers with a partner and talk about your

take a class
join a student club
make friends through friends
introduce yourself to people
join an online group
go to social events
use social networks
play sports
do volunteer work

Use your ideas from Part 1 and other ideas to complete the conversation. Partner 1 should comment
positively but Partner 2 should comment negatively each time but the last time. In class, get into
groups of three and practice the conversation.

You: 1. If you want to make new friends, the best thing to do is --------------
Partner I: 2------------------------------------�

You: 4. Well, another good idea is-------------------------­

Partner 1: Why?
You: 5.Because _________________________________

Partner 2: 7------------------------------------
You: What do you suggest?
Partner2: 8. ____________________________________
Lesson 19: Reading & Writing FRIENDS

Part 1
Read the e-mail below.

From: Brenda Ruiz

Subject: RE: Miss you
Date: May 7, 2013
To: Terry Miller

Hi Terry,
It's good to hear from you. I'm sorry that you're feeling homesick and you haven't
gotten to know many people yet. It was hard for me to find friends at first too.
Pretty soon you'll make friends from your classes. You could also join a club or
team sport. Do they have some there? That's a good way to meet people. Is there
a volunteer organization on campus? People who do volunteer work are usually
nice. Is there a common room in your hall? You can hang out there and watch TV.
Then you can get to know some of the people in your dorm.
Miss you too. Call me later.

Check the suggestions that Brenda makes.

D 1. Join a team sport. D 4. Do something with your roommate.
0 2. Join an interest club. D 5. Join a social network.
0 3. Do volunteer work. D 6. Hang out in the common room.

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. Which of Brenda's suggestions do you think are good ones?
2. What other ways can people make friends in a new place?

Imagine your friend is in a new situation (for example, moved to a new city, has a new job, is on a
study-abroad program) and needs to make new friends. Write an e-mail and make suggestions.

Exchange e-mails with a classmate. Which suggestions do you think are the best for meeting new friends?
Lesson 20: Vocabulary FRIENDS

Part 1
Write the words from the box to complete the definitions.

ignored involve joke problems feelings apologize

1. Anger, love, sadness, and happiness are examples of ________

2. Someone ________ you when they acted like they didn 't see or hear you.
3. To say you are sorry is to--------
4. Situations that are not easy are ________
5. To include someone in something is to------ -- them.
6. When you say something to make people laugh you tell a ________

Use the words from Part 1 to complete the story.

Even if you are lifelong friends, people have ________ in their relationships once in
a while. I'll give you an example. My friend is a little moody. Recently, even though he saw me, he
-------,-,.,----- me. Later, when I asked him about it, he made a -------,,,..,-----
and said I shouldn't be so serious about everything. He didn't
m. I guess
he didn't think he did anything wrong. That makes me wonder. "Doesn't he know he hurt my
________?" I don't want to -------,-,.,----- our other friends, but I want to
(5) (6)
find a good solution. What do you suggest?
With a partner talk about the question and offer solutions.
A: Something she might try is telling the friend how she feels.
B: What she could do is ignore the friend. and see how he feels.

Complete the sentences. In class, talk about your ideas with a partner.
1. I wish I had remembered ________________________________
2. I wish I hadn't forgotten about-----------------------------­
I should have put a reminder-------------------------------
3. I wish------------------------------ --------�
Lesson 20: Reading & Writing FRIENDS

Part 1
Read the blog post below.

Cyber Billy
Do you know that more people around the world have mobile phones than
have regular access to electricity or clean water? No wonder our phones are so
essential to us. But sometimes we can have trouble connecting in real life. Here's
an example:
On Saturday, my wife and I decided to spend the day together, doing all the
things we are usually too busy to do. We decided to go to the farmers' market,
then to a bakery for coffee and pastries, then to the park to listen to music.
Unfortunately, my boss and my brother had other plans for me. My boss called
and e-mailed me seven times about a project. My brother had trouble setting up
his new tablet computer. Everywhere we went, I was on my phone, either texting,
talking, or checking e-mail. My wife was furious.
Finally, my wife had enough. She told me to hand over the phone, or she would
find someone else to spend the day with. I had a moment of panic, but then I
turned it off, saving my battery and the day!

Mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

1. Billy is married.
2. He knows a lot about technology.
3. On Sunday, they went to the farmers' market.
4. Billy's boss contacts him only on workdays.
5. Billy's brother has a new computer.
6. Billy agreed to turn off his phone.

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. How did Billy's wife react to his phone use?
2. How did they resolve the problem?
3. What kinds of problems do people sometimes have because of their technology use?

Write a paragraph describing a problem you have had or know about that involves technology
(for example, video games, social networks, mobile phone) and a relationship. What was the
solution to the problem?

Share the problem with a classmate. How are the problems similar? What were the solutions?

Lessons 17-20: Video Cloze FRIENDS

Watch The Apology and fill in the blanks.

Maria: Tom isn't picking up my phone calls. Eric:


Jill: He isn't answering mine either. Jill: Oh! I have an ________


Eric: He must be really ________ Maria: What?


Maria: I can't believe we -------­ Jill: What's Tom's--------

(2) 110)
his birthday. ________ ?

Eric: I feel the worst! I live with him and Eric: Pasta?
I forgot. Jill: OK ... Second favorite thing.
Jill: One thing you can do is talk to him Maria/Eric: Oh, yeah ... Great idea!
when he gets home.
Jill: Check, please?
Eric: He's not really talking to me.
Tom: Happy birthday yesterday to me. Happy
Maria: We should have-------- birthday dear Tom, even though it was

Jill: He's not just an ________ yesterday.--------

(4) 112)
either. He always says birthdays are his ________ yesterday to me.
favorite days. Tom: Hello? Anyone there?
Maria: What if we tell him that we Eric/Jill/: ________ !!!!!!!!
remembered! We just didn't say Maria
any thing. Jill: Tom! It's just us.
Jill: I don't think I could do that. Eric: Tom, we're--------
Eric: I wouldn't feel ________ we forgot.
doing that. We should be Jill: We're really sorry.

(6) Tom: Guys! It's OK. This is the best birthday

Jill: What we should do is find him and ever! Two of my favorite things, pasta
and surprises!
Lessons 17-20: Grammar FRIENDS


Conditionals describe a condition and a result that follows.

If I study, I will do well on the test.

You will do well on the test if you study.
The if-clause can go at the beginning or at the end. If the clause is at the beginning, it is followed by a comma.
There is no comma if the clause is at the end.
The first conditional is used to express a possible condition and a result that is likely to

Form: [if+ simple present] + [will/can + infinitive]

If you apologize to Tom, he will forgive you.
If you join a club, you will make new friends.
I'll watch the movie with you if I get home by 9 p.m.

<:Jl,,lm. ·
The second conditional Is used to express an unreal or unlikely condition and its result. The
condition Is unreal because it is different from the facts that we know. We often use the
second conditional to express wishes or regrets.

Form: [if+ past simple] + [would/could+ infinitive]

If I didn't have to work, I would go to the birthday party with you. 0
If we were rich, we could travel all the time. �
y, <:_Jt,;C}.,f�,-
You wouldn't forget about important events if you wrote reminders in your calendar. irLanguage

Part 1
Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. If Dave weren't so busy, we w�pend more time together.

2. If Jake calls after 10 p.m., I won't/wouldn't answer the phone.
3. If Sara lied to you, she can't/couldn't be a very good friend.
4. I'm sure Lara wiWwould forgive you if you apologize to her.
5. If you weren't so shy, you can/could make some new friends.

Complete the sentences with will or would and the verbs in parentheses. Add commas
where necessary.

1. If I were lonely I --�w�Q�Y�ld...,J.,_

·o�iD�--a club. (join)
2. If I want to make new friends I-------- volunteer work. (do)
3. Peter-------- new people if he isn't friendly. (not/meet)
4. If Matt forgot to come to a party he--------· (apologize)
5. Ben ________ argue with you if he disagreed with you. (not/argue)
Lesson 21: Vocabulary BUSINESS

Part 1
Are these things you can learn for free or are they sometimes but not always free? Write them in the
diagram. In class, talk about your ideas with a partner. Give reasons for your ideas.

leadership computer skills work experience overseas experience good school grades
a graduate degree communication skills knowledge of current affairs fluency in English
For free Takes money

Which of the things in Part l do you have now?

Which of the things in Part 1 do you want, or want more of?

In class, compare answers with a partner. Talk about how you can get those skills without spending too
much money.
A: I want more communication skills.
B: I do, too.
A: We could join a speech club. They take turns giving speeches and help each other get better.
B: That's a good idea. We could also watch speeches by famous people and learn what they did.
Lesson 21: Reading & Writing BUSINESS

Part 1
Read the memo below.

Final candidates for Regional Sales Manager

Leo Carvalho
Leo has 15 years of experience in sales, including supervision of other employees. His
recommendations are strong. Both references say Leo has excellent communication skills
and demonstrates leadership qualities. Leo has lived overseas and is fluent in both English
and Portuguese. However, he is not very familiar with technology or online marketing. He
has no experience with social media, but is willing to learn.
Ji-Eun Cho
Ji-Eun has a Masters Degree in Business Administration. She has only been out of
school for two years, but she received two promotions in that time. Her face-to-face
communication skills are not as strong as her use of technology. She has used social media
effectively to market products. According to her references, Ji-Eun is very capable, but
not always a good listener. She performs well under pressure, but can be impatient with
co-workers who work at a slower pace. She is fluent in English, Korean, and Japanese.

Write Leo, Ji-Eun, or Both next to each qualification.

-------- 1. Bilingual
________ 2. Graduate degree
________ 3. Work experience
________ 4. Leadership
________ 5. Strong computer skills
-------- 6. Good personal communication

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. Which qualifications do both candidates share?
2. What are their weaknesses?
3. Which candidate would you hire? Why?

Write a description of your own qualifications. Be honest.

Exchange descriptions with a classmate. Do you have any of the same qualifications?
What qualifications do you think you need to work on?
Lesson 22: Vocabulary BUSINESS

Part 1
How often do you pay for these products and services? Rank them from 1 (most often) to 7 (least
often/never). On the second line, write two or three ideas about how companies try to sell these
things. In class, compare answers with a partner.

fast food easy. saves time. cheap

online travel service
soft drinks
office supplies
bus line
amusement park
hair coloring

What do you think about each of the things in Part 1? Put them in the diagram . In class, with your
partner talk about why you put each one where you did.

Something necessary Something fun

Lesson 22: Reading & Writing BUSINESS

Part 1
Read the article below.

Advertising across cultures

If you want to advertise your product in toothpaste would "whiten your teeth:'
another country, make sure someone in Unfortunately, some people in that region
your company is fluent in that language often chew betel nuts to blacken their teeth.
and familiar with that culture. Some of the They think dark teeth are attractive.
most famous companies have made terrible • KFC's slogan promised that the fried
mistakes in marketing in other countries. chicken was "ftnger-lickin' good:' In Chinese,
• General Motors couldn't understand why this was translated to "eat your fingers oft:'
its new car wasn't selling in Mexico. Then • Mountain Bell Company wanted to
they realized that Nova means no go in promote its phone services in Saudi Arabia.
Spanish. They changed the name to Caribe In the ad, the company used a photo of a
and sales picked up. business executive sitting at his desk. His
• Pepsodent tried to sell toothpaste feet were on the desk. Saudis never show
in Southeast Asia. The slogan said the the soles of their feet.

Match the company to the problem.

--- 1. General Motors a. translation of brand name had a negative meaning
___ 2. Pepsodent b. translation of slogan had a strange meaning
___ 3. KFC c. a perceived advantage was actually a disadvantage
___ 4. Mountain Bell Company d. behavior shown was culturally inappropriate

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. How could companies avoid these mistakes?

2. Which do you think causes more problems in ads: culture or language?
3. What other marketing problems do you know of?

Think of a marketing campaign that you think did not work. Write a summary of the problem.
What was the product? What was the slogan? Why didn't it work?

Part 3
Share your summary with a classmate. Do you agree with the explanation of the problem?
What is a better way to advertise the product?
Lesson 23: Vocabulary BUSINESS

Part 1
Write the business that matches the definition.

shopping mall bank convenience store language school supermarket airline

1. a place to learn how to speak a different language

2. a company that flies people from one place to another
3. a place to buy food
4. a place that is open all day and night and has lots of drinks and snacks
5. a place that has one or more buildings with many different stores
6. a place to keep money

Part 2
Which businesses in Part 1 are becoming popular on the Internet?

Which businesses could be replaced by companies on the Internet?

In class, talk about your ideas with your partner. Give reasons for your answers.
A: Airlines can't be replaced by the Internet.
B: That's true, but we can buy tickets on the Internet instead of going to a travel agent.

Part 3
Answer the questions. In class, take turns asking and answering the questions with a partner. Ask
follow-up questions so your partner gives reasons for each answer.

I. How often do you go to shopping malls?--------------------------

2. Do you use online banks? ---------------------------------
3. How often do you go to convenience stores? --------------------------
4. Have you ever gone to a language school?---------------------------
5. Where is the nearest supermarket?-----------------------------
6. What are three things you can buy at a supermarket that you can't buy at a convenience store?

7. What is the most popular airline in your country?-----------------------

Lesson 23: Reading & Writing BUSINESS

Part 1
Read the article below.

Trend spotting
How do companies develop products that can become "the next big thing"? Every
company wants to create the next iPod, or Guitar Hero, or popular smartphone
app. Most companies employ people who act as trendspotters. For clothing
companies, trendspotters may hang out at malls or skating parks, or anywhere
else that teenagers go. App developers spend a lot of time online, following posts
on social media.
Just what makes a good idea become a trend? Malcolm Gladwell discussed this in
his book The Tipping Point. He says there are three factors that determine a trend:
key people, the stickiness of the concept, and the context. Certain people are
more important than others in creating a trend. They may know a lot of people
in a lot of different fields, or they may know a lot about a particular field, or they
may be very persuasive. When something is "sticky" it grabs hold of people - it
sticks in their minds. The context refers to what is happening at that time and
in that place. Some ideas won't become trends unless the situation is just right.
Trendspotters can sense when all three factors are in place.

Mark the statements T (True) or F (False).

1. Many companies employ trendspotters.

2. Trendspotters always go to the same places to find new ideas.
3. Teenagers often set trends in clothing.
4. One way a person can encourage a trend is by knowing many people in many different fields.
5. A good sign that something is a trend is when people keep thinking about it.
6. Context doesn't really matter.

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

l. Do you agree with Gladwell's theory about trends? Why or why not?
2. What kinds of people are trendsetters?
3. Does the job of trendsetter appeal to you? Why or why not?

Write a paragraph about a behavior or product that is or was a trend. What was it?
Why was it so popular?

Share your ideas with a classmate. Do you agree on what makes something popular?
Lesson 24: Vocabulary www.irLanguage.com BUSINESS

Part 1
When you think about going to a new store, what do you think about the most? Rank these things
from 1 (the most important) to 6 (the least important). In class, talk about your ideas with a partner.

service idea location marketing prices logo

Read the conversations. What topics from Part 1 are they talking about? Write your answer on the line.
In class, practice the conversations with a partner.

A: What's the most famous one in the world?
B: Maybe the yellow M on the red background for that fast food restaurant.

A: I stayed at that new hotel the other day, but I won't stay again. It's so far from everything.
B: Oh really?

A: This flyer was on my car.
B: It looks like there's a new restaurant in the area. That's a good way to tell people about it.

A: Have you been to that new Thai restaurant yet?
B: Yeah, it's reasonable, and the food is fantastic!

A: That hotel is just like every other one.
B: I agree. They need to think of something different. You don' t know if you are in New York or Paris or Beijing!

A: The manager was very helpful.
B: And the housekeeper gave me more towels without asking. I'd definitely go back there again.
Lesson 24: Reading & Writing I

Part 1
Read the blog posts below.

I've always wanted to own a bookstore. I've finally saved enough money to open
the business, but I'm not sure I can make it successful. So many people are buying
electronic books. I know my store would need a great atmosphere and good
books, but what else should I be thinking about?
I love real books and a lot of other people do too. However, I can buy them online
and they're often cheaper. Your store needs more than books to bring customers
in. What about a cafe? With home-baked pastries?
I think you need events to get people in the door. And not just readings. You
could have live music or trivia nights. You have to make the store a fun place to
OK, here are some obvious things. Your store needs an excellent location - a place
people are always walking by. You need wireless Internet because people who like
books also like to get online. You could sell both new and used books. Then some
prices would be low.

Complete the sentences.

1. Ann's dream is to------------

2. Bookstores are having trouble because ____________
3. Marco thinks Ann's store needs------------
4. Keiko suggests ____________
5. She thinks the store needs to be ____________
6. Nelson says the store needs------------

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. Are other businesses also being affected by recent trends in technology and online shopping?
2. Whose ideas above do you agree with? What other ideas might help a bookstore succeed?

Write suggestions for how to make another type of small business successful.

Share your ideas with a group. Which kind of business do you think will have the hardest time? Why?
Lessons 21-24: Video Cloze BUSINESS

Watch Toms Job Interview and fill in the blanks.

Interviewer: Sorry to keep you waiting. Tom: It's---------, and

Tom: Oh, it was no wait at all. ---------, and I know I
can do a great job.
Interviewer: It looks like you-------­
_________ grades at Interviewer: OK. Let's see how great you are. I want
university. You have the computer skills to use this picture in an ad. What do
we need. you think it's for?

Tom: Great. Tom: The environment?

Interviewer: But then, there are many Interviewer: Come on. You said creative.
students with excellent grades Tom: Hm ... I would use this
and _________ ---------for...
(3) (12)
_________ . What makes a paper company that uses
you different? ---------paper. I would
Tom: Uh. Well. Uh. People say that I'm a, use the words, "We save trees:'
um ... confident. A hard worker. Interviewer: That's a cool idea. It's definitely more
Interviewer: People say... or you know? creative than your first answer. What
do you think is needed for an ad to be
Tom: I know. I'm _________
_________ ?
a hard worker, and I'm (14)

_________ and trustworthy. Tom: I think a good ad needs to be


Interviewer: How are you reliable and (15)

? Interviewer: OK. Fewer and fewer people are buying

books from bookstores nowadays.
Tom: When I'm given a task or a
What is the reason?
, I make sure I do
my best. I don't let other people down. Tom: The main reasons are that online access
is more convenient and that people
Interviewer: OK. What is your greatest
have less time in their schedules.
Interviewer: Everyone knows those reasons.
Tom: Some people say... No ... I know my
What else?
greatest weakness is that I'm sometimes
too focused. Tom: Online stores have better ads?

Interviewer: That's not always a bad thing, is it? Interviewer: Online stores have ads everywhere.
That is the difference. OK, this went
Tom: No.
well. Nice job. We'll let you know in a
Interviewer: Why do you want to work in
few days. Thanks, Tom.
Tom: Thank you!
Lessons 21-24: Grammar A BUSINESS

Reported speech
Reported speech Is used to tell what someone has said or written. Quotation marks are

not used.

The teacher says that our test will be next Friday.
Mrs. Smith told me that she had lived in England for many years .
When we report words that were said in the past, we often move the tense back.
Jillian: Hi, Rob. I'm not coming to work today.
Rob: OK, I'll let Sheila know.
(later... )
Rob: Jillian called earlier. She said she wasn't coming to work today.
Sheila: Oh, thanks for letting me know.
Direct Speech Indirect (Reported) Speech
What did Harold say?
Harold: I'll drive you to your interview.
He said he would drive me to my interview.
Jada: You look nice in that dress! Jada told me I looked nice in this dress.
Geoff: I haven't bought my ticket yet. Geoff said he hadn't bought his ticket yet.

Part 1
Circle the correct verb form to complete the reported speech sentences.

1. Nick: "I have good grades:' Nick said h�has good grades.
2. Jen: "I taught myself Japanese:· Jen said she taught/had taught herself Japanese.
3. Sara: ''I' ll come in at 8 a.m." Sara said she would come/will come in at 8 a.m.
4. Lynn: "I have a resume:' Lynn said she has had/had a resume.
5. Paolo: 'TU call the manager:' Paulo said he will call/would call the manager.

Complete the reported speech sentences with the correct form of the verb in the first sentence.

cy,___ that product.

1. Sophie: "I won't try that product:' Sophie said she -�w�o�u�ld-n�'t...._..t ...,
2. Jack: "The ad isn't effective." Jack said the ad-------- effective.
3. Marc: "I'm not having an interview today." Marc said he ________ an interview today.
4. Molly: "I have gone to that new bakery." Molly said she to that new bakery.
5. Harry: ''I'll take you to work today." Harry said he me to work today.
6. Ana: "I volunteered at a school last year:' Ana said she at a school last year.
7. Dan: "I got my degree in 2012:' Dan said he his degree in 2012.
8. Max: "The job sounds interesting." Max said the job ________ interesting.
Lessons 21-24: Grammar B BUSINESS

Reporting verbs

Say and tell are common reporting verbs. Say and tell have similar meanings. Tell Is
immediately followed by a pronoun object. Say usually isn't.

Ann: She told me you didn't want to come.

Rob: I didn't say her that. � Rob: I didn't say that.
Say and tell are commonly used reporting verbs but other verbs can be used to report the
idea of the quoted words.

"I'll lend you my car."

She offered to lend me her car.
"I won't buy the expensive jewelry:'
He refused to buy the expensive jewelry.
"Please come to the meeting:'
She invited me to the meeting.
Some reporting verbs follow the pattern verb + Indirect object + Infinitive
"We would like you to teach an English class:'
They asked me to teach a class.
"We want you to apply for the job:'
They encouraged me to apply for the job.
"Don't forget to bring your resume:'
She reminded her son to bring his resume.

Part 1
Circle say or tell.

1. Sam sai<l@me to bring the application.

2. Tina says/tells you have a new job.
3. Ben says/tells that the new company is hiring people.
4. Jane said/told us not to be late.
5. James said/told everyone a funny story.
6. I didn't say/tell, 'Tm not qualified for that job:'

Unscramble the sentences.

1. us/Marta/to leave/reminded ·Marta reminded us to leave

2. the bus/ Ana/to take/refused
3. to/her/invited/Jack/the office
4. some help/Sue/me/to give/offered
5. a computer class/Lee/to take/me/asked
Lesson 25: Vocabulary CULTURE

Part 1
Unscramble each of the verbs about expectations.

I. enilcde 5. ________ uopr

2. owb 6. ________ cpecat
3. wconegkeald 7. ________ cdeepxet
4. kaehs

Imagine a foreigner is going to visit your country. What should he or she know? Use the words from
Part 1 and the topics below to give the foreigner help. In class, compare answers with a partner.

I. eating
2. meeting people
3. greetings
4. drinking
5. at parties
6. entering homes
7. visiting someone
8. meeting for the first time
9. going out
10. teachers
11. going to hospitals
12. talking to teachers

Think about your answers in Part 2. How many times did you and your partner have the
same advice?_____
How many times did you have different advice?----- Talk about why with your partner.
Lesson 25: Reading & Writing CULTURE

Part 1
Read the website information below.

Study Abroad Culture Guide

University of North Atlanta
Students studying abroad with University of North Atlanta programs will experience
different cultures. See some examples below. You can find more information on the
page for the specific country.
Costa Rica: Time is one area that is culturally different. People in Costa Rica are
sometimes flexible with time, especially for social events. They may tell you they will
meet you at a cafe at 1 p.m. Don't be surprised if they don't arrive until 1 :30 p.m. or
even later. However, they will be prompt for scheduled events such as flight departures.
Japan: You may find that students behave a little differently in class. They may
ask fewer questions, and be less likely to say they don't understand something.
People often dress a little more conservatively and are sensitive to strong odors
including perfume.
Thailand: People in Thailand don't shake hands when they greet each other. Instead,
you are expected to give a wai. To make the wai, you put your hands together as if
in prayer and then bow your head slightly. The height of the wai depends on the
status of the people involved. You don't make the wai to a child or someone serving
you in a restaurant.

Write the country after each statement.

1. People do not shake hands as a greeting.

2. Students may ask fewer questions in class.
3. Adults don't make the wai to children.
4. People are often late for social occasions.
5. You shouldn't wear perfume.
6. People are on time for scheduled activities.

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

l. Which culture do you think is the most different from yours? Which is the most different from
American culture?
2. What differences in culture have you experienced?

Write about an aspect of culture that is different in your country from another country.

Share your description with a classmate. What topics did you write about?
Lesson 26: Vocabulary CULTURE

Put the words into the correct place in the puzzle. Then write a clue for each word. In class, compare
answers with a partner.

variety charity knowledge haste diligence ignorance virtue

2. 6.

1. 4.
2. 5.
Lesson 26: Reading & Writing CULTURE

Part 1
Read the blog posts below.

Proverbs about appearance

1. "Never judge a book by its cover:' It's an English proverb. It means that you
can't tell what something is like on the inside by looking at the outside.
- Elena
2. "If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck." I think this means the
opposite of the first proverb. It means sometimes the way something looks is the
way it really is. It's also a proverb in English.
- Bernardo
3. "Don't judge a horse by its saddle:'This is a proverb we have in Arabic. It means
that the things we have or wear do not determine who we are.
- Hamza
4. "Don't think there are no crocodiles because the water is calm."This is a Malaysian
proverb. It means that things can look one way, but that way may be wrong.

- Mira
5. "What you see is what you get."This is a saying I hear in English. There is even a
short form-WYSIWYG. People use it to talk about computers. It means what you
see on the screen is how it will look. �
- Ning

Complete the chart.

Is appearance a true or false
Writer Language
indicator of character?

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. Which proverbs do you agree with? What other proverbs do you know about appearance?
2. Can you think of two proverbs about another topic that are opposite in meaning?

Choose a different topic (money, success, work). Write about proverbs you know on that topic. What
do the proverbs mean? Which ones do you agree with?

Share your ideas with a classmate. Which proverbs are new to you? Do you think they are true?
Lesson 27: Vocabulary CULTURE

' ' /'

Part 1
In the puzzle below, find the six words about superstitions. The words go

� / i ___. +---

0 B y L y 0 R G u 0 G L

J u L B A L L E R B M u s
H s H A D 0 w E R N A M

0 v 0 B D E L A R K B L L

A R L D E c D R L E L B B

u E 0 c R N 0 u u K H

T J F G E R R y s T 0 0

s u y L u s u A N E R c E

c c A A u L w H 0 H H

Q c L T L 0 E M D c 0 K A

F A T y H A p s T 0 T N H

0 N G z z H p D T L N

Look at the letters you didn't circle. Write every 3rd letter below to find the hidden message.

Do you agree?Why or why not?��������������������������

In class, talk about your answers with your partner.
Lesson 27: Reading & Writing CULTURE

Part 1
Read the e-mail below.

From: Meera Patel

Subject: Wedding plans
Date: February l, 2013
To: Laura Rodrigo

Hi Laura,
I'm really excited that you can come to my sister's wedding. It will be so much
fun. Weddings in India are a little different from American weddings. There are
many rituals. One ritual is mehndi. All of the females in my family, and my sister's
friends, will come over for a party. As the bride, my sister will first get turmeric
paste put on her face, feet, and hands. (Do you use turmeric in the U.S.? It is an
orange spice.) Then a special artist comes and draws a complicated design in
henna on the bride's hands, arms, feet, and legs. The henna dye will come off in
a few weeks. According to tradition, the bride doesn't have to work in her new
home until the henna fades away.
Of course, after the ceremony there will be another big party and we'll have a
lot of food. You will also get to see some Indian perf ormance while you are here. You
can wear Western clothes, but I can also give you a sari if you want to dress

Circle the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.

l. Meera is from the United States/India.
2. Her sister/brother is getting married.
3. Mehndi is a wedding/ritual.
4. Henna/Turmeric is an orange spice.
5. The design is drawn on the bride's hands/face.
6. As long as you can still see the henna, the bride/groom doesn't have to work.

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

l. What wedding customs in other countries do you know about?
2. What are weddings like in your country? Are there other rights of passage you celebrate?

Write an e-mail to someone from another country. Describe a wedding custom or custom for another
important event.

Share your e-mail with a classmate. Which customs did you describe? Are there any similarities?
Lesson 28: Vocabulary CULTURE

Part 1
Put the words into the correct place in the puzzle.

ghost creature bear fake smoke UFO aliens aircraft balloon reflection gorilla costume

7 8


Write a clue for each word. In class, compare answers with a partner.

2. 1-���������������
4. ���������������- 9.���������������
5. ���������������-
1. ���������������- 5.���������������
2. ���������������- 8.���������������
3. ���������������-
Lesson 28: Reading & Writing CULTURE

Part 1
Read the article below.

Who made the Nazca Lines?

People have long wondered about the designs have something to do with water.
mysterious designs in Peru called the Nazca Ancient people in the area worshiped gods
Lines. They were created between 500 BC who could give them water, which was so
and 500 AD. You can only see them from important for their crops.
the air. They form shapes of animals such How did they make the designs? Small
as a monkey, a bird, a spider, and a fish. stones cover the ground in this area. The
Many people think that aliens, people ancient Peruvians could make patterns by
from another planet, must have made the removing dark-colored stones and exposing
designs. Perhaps they were landing strips for the lighter stones below. Whatever the
spaceships. Other people thought that the reason for the designs, they remain a tourist
designs must have been created to look like attraction.
constellations of stars. Some think that the

Mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

1. The Nazca Lines are in Peru.
2. They can be seen from the ground.
3. The lines create pictures of animals.
4. They were made 1000 years ago.
5. Some people think aliens must have created the designs.
6. People used light and dark stones to make the pictures.

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. What else do you know about the Nazca Lines?
2. Which reason for the Nazca Lines do you agree with?
3. What other "mysteries" do you know about?

Write a description of another mystery (for example, Stonehenge, the Bermuda Triangle). Why is it a
mystery? What do people think might have happened?

Share your ideas with a group. Which mystery is the most interesting?
Lessons 25-28: Video Cloze CULTURE

Watch Jack of All Trades and fill in the blanks.

Eric: Tom got the advertising job at the company!! Jill: It's fun and I get to my
Jill: That's amazing! . I just want to master
Maria: Congratulations!
Maria: Right. Jack of all trades, master of none.
Tom: Thanks guys!
Jill: Huh?
Maria: I'm not sure what kind of job I want.
Maria: What do you think it ?
Eric: I'm sure you'll figure it out. Sometimes, it (11)

takes time. Tom: I have no idea.

Maria: You know, Jill is doing something cool these Jill: Jack of all trades is someone who can
days. She's starting a-------­ do ________
Tom: That's great, Jill! What is your blog about? (13)
Maria: Right. And master of none means you can't do
Jill: It-------- the different
any of the things really well. So, what would
-------- of the
(3) happen if Jill tried to do many different things
(4) and write?
Tom: That's interesting.
Tom: She would be a jack of all trades, master
Jill: Yeah, did you know that in some Asian
of none.
countries like Japan and Korea, you're
Jill: But since my-------­
-------- to take your shoes off (14)
(S) is writing, I should focus on that and
before ________ the home?
________ .. it.
Tom: Really? (15)

Maria: Exactly!
Jill: But in America, we're expected to keep our
Jill: Maria?
shoes on.
Maria: Yeah?
Maria: That's ________
Jill: You should be a teacher.
Tom: This sounds really--------, Jill.
Lessons 25-28: Grammar A CULTURE

Word order of adjectives

Adjectives can be classified Into six major categories based upon what aspect of the
noun they are describing.

1. Opinion 2. Size 3.Age 4. Color S. Nationality 6. Material

beautiful short young green Korean cotton

unusual tall ten-year-old white Brazilian wooden
funny small old dark red African glass
exciting thin antique multi- American plastic
adorable fat 17th-century colored Mexican paper

Adjectives usually follow the order from Category 1 to Category 6:

• Hannah has an adorable small two-month-old Persian kitten.

• I bought an unusual large multi-colored Guatemalan cotton tablecloth.
• When he was scuba diving, Mark found a wonderful little ancient Greek metal coin.

Part 1
Write the adjectives in the correct place in the sentences.

1. red: The bride wore a beautiful ________ long---�c�e�d�--- dress.

2. African: The groom wore a long ________ multi-colored shirt.
3. unusual: Julie gave us a(n) -------- small wooden bowl.
4. new: We saw a(n)-------- interesting foreign movie last night.
5. thin: A strange-------- black cat crossed my path today.
6. glass: The flowers were in a large ________ antique green -------- vase.

Unscramble the sentences. Put the adjectives in the correct order.

l. silk/a/long/wore/antique/dress/She/white------------------
2. multi-colored/little/guests/hats/wore/The/paper/funny------------------
3. two-month-old/wedding/tiny/was/An/baby/adorable/at/th�-----------------
4. earrings/We/French/her/silver/gave/ 19th-century/pretty -------------------
5. He/a/white/shirt/wore/Mexican/cotton/stylish __________________
6. drank/cups/They/gold/small/beautiful/glass/from -------------------
Lessons 25-28: Grammar B CULTURE

Anything, Anyone, Nothing, No one

Anyone and no one can be used to express Ideas that have the same meaning.

Jill: Have you invited anyone to the party? Nick: I have invited no one.

Anyone Is used with a negative verb. No one Is used with an affirmative verb.

I haven't invited anyone to the wedding. = I have invited no one to the wedding
(I haven't invited � to the wedding.) (I have invited en�one to the wedding.)

Anything and nothing can be used to express ideas that have the same meaning.

Jill: I haven't said anything about the party. Nick: I have said nothing about it.

Anything is used with a negative verb. Nothing is used with an affirmative verb.

I haven't said anything about the wedding. = I have said nothing about the wedding.
I haven't said nothing about the wedding. I have said anything about the wedding.

Part 1
Circle the correct word to complete the sentences.

1. Anyone�as accepted the invitation.

2. Anyone/No one stood up when Grandfather entered the room.
3. Mark didn't bow to anyone/no one in the office.
4. We didn't say anything/nothing when Sylvia forgot to shake hands with the boss.
5. Ron knows anything/nothing about doing business in China!
6. I didn't bring anyone/no one a gift today, but I'll remember tomorrow.

Write the correct word: anyone, no one, anything, nothing.

1. --�N�o_on�e�-- forgot to respond to the wedding invitation, and all the guests are coming!
2. I don't think -------- at the party brought flowers to the hostess.
3. The guests didn't bring -------- to the wedding. They mailed the gifts instead.
4. I brought ________ to the graduation. I'll bring the gift to the party.
5. Mary doesn't have --------- to wear to a funeral.
6. Jake has --------- to wear to the funeral, either.
7. knew how to do business in Japan.
8. Lynn didn't want ________ to feel uncomfortable in Japan, so she made a list of tips.
Lesson 29: Vocabulary FUTURE

Part 1
How often do you use or see these things? Put them into the best column for you. In class, talk about
your ideas with a partner.

cash printed books landline phones laptops credit cards

DVDs watches language teachers gas-powered cars

All the time Sometimes Never

Part 2
In each conversation, there is a mistake. Cross it out and write the correct word(s) on the line. In class,
practice the correct conversations with your partner.
1. A: We probably won't drive anymore. 4. A: Computers would cook for us.
B: Yeah. Cars will all likely drive themselves. B: Wouldn't that be great?

2. A: In the future, people may definitely live on 5. A: Humans may probably go to Mars.
the moon. B: But it will be a long trip.
B: I'm not sure about that.
6. A: Robots would look just like humans.
3. A: Planes will use power from the sun. B: Do you really think so?
B: And it's like that cars will, too.

Look at the conversations in Part 2. Is A making a probable (P) or definite (D) prediction?
1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.
Lesson 29: Reading & Writing FUTURE

Part 1
Read the article below.

What may happen

In 1900, an American engineer named John Watkins wrote an article in the Ladies'
Home Journal magazine. He made predictions about what might happen by the
year 2000. Here are some examples.
1. Americans will be taller by one to two inches.
2. Photographs will be telegraphed from any distance.
3. Wireless telephone circuits will span the world.
4. Ready-cooked meals will be bought from establishments similar to our bakeries
of today.
5. There will be air-ships, but they will not successfully compete with surface cars
and water vessels for passenger or freight traffic.
6. There will be No C, X or Q in our everyday alphabet. They will be abandoned
because they are unnecessary.
7. English will be more extensively spoken than any other
language. Russian will rank second.
8. No foods will be exposed. Storekeepers who expose food to air breathed out by
patrons or to the atmosphere of the busy streets will be arrested.

On the line after each prediction, write T if the prediction proved true, F if it proved false.

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

l. What surprised you about Watkins' predictions?
2. What other predictions were made in books, TV shows, or movies about the future
that have happened?
3. What kinds of things do people make predictions about?

Write a list of eight predictions for the 21" century. What do you think will happen?

Share your ideas with a classmate. Do you have any similar predictions? Which ones are different?
Do you think that your classmate's predictions will come true?
Lesson 30: Vocabulary FUTURE

Part 1
Unscramble the things that may be affected by climate change. On the second line, rank the problems
from a (most serious) to h (least serious). In class, talk about your ideas with a partner.

I. iecspac
2. ciesaenimslap
3. iicste
4. snifaroetrs
5. errhstawfe
6. ostmrs
7. eslavelse
8. reosfacrle

If the climate changes, what will be affected? Put the words from Part 1 in the diagram. In class, with
your partner talk about why you put each one where you did.

Oceans Land
Lesson 30: Reading & Writing
Part 1
Read the article below.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Do you know what happens to all of those Much of the plastic breaks down into small
plastic drink bottles we use? They end up pieces. Fish and other marine life swallow it,
in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. This is so it can end up in the food chain. It is very
called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. There hard to take the plastic out of the ocean
is a large slow-moving spiral in the Pacific once it gets in there. The best way to deal
Ocean. The slow-swirling currents collect with the problem is to reduce the use of
garbage, especially plastic. Plastic makes up plastic and to recycle. If we can keep plastic
90% of the trash in the ocean. The eastern out of our trash, we can keep it out of
part of the patch is twice as big as the state the ocean.
ofTexas. It is the largest garbage dump in
the world.

Complete the sentences.

1. The largest garbage dump in the world is in the ________ Ocean.

2. The current there moves very -------- in a circular pattern.
3. Some say the-------- part of the patch is twice as big as Texas.
4. Ninety percent of the trash in the ocean is--------
5. The trash ________ into small pieces that fish eat.
6. We can help solve the problem if we-------- and--------

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. How much plastic do you think you use each day?

2. How much do you recycle?
3. What environmental problems do you think are the most serious?

Write about another environmental problem. What is the problem? W hat are the reasons for the
problem? What are some possible solutions?

Share your ideas with a classmate. Do you agree on the reasons and the possible solutions?
Lesson 31: Vocabulary FUTURE

Part 1
Use the words in the box to complete each chore. If a word is not needed, write an X. On the second
line, write two words or phrases about your chores. In class, compare your ideas with a partner.

out away up off

I. pick groceries, the room

2. clean
3. throw
4. put
5. take
6. wipe
7. drop
8. hang

Part 2
How often do you do the chores in Part 1? Put them into the best column for you. In class, talk about
your ideas with a partner.
Every day Several times a week Never
pick up the room

Complete the conversation with your ideas in Part 1. In class, practice the conversations with a

A: I really don't like to -------------- -......,...,....----------------

8: I know what you mean, but it isn't fun to ----- --- -----r.,,�------------' either.
A: That's true. It's easy to ------------ ----,,....----------------' though.
Lesson 31: Reading & Writing FUTURE

Part 1
Read the e-mail below.

From: Alvin
Subject: Weekend plans
Date: February 1, 2013
To: Elias
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Hey Elias,
Can't wait until the weekend. It will be great to see you. Listen, I've got some
good ideas for fun things we can do, but I also have to get some other stuff done.
My parents are trying to sell the house, and some people will probably come to
look at it this weekend. On Friday, I have to clean out the garage and my closet.
Then I'm going to drop old clothes off at a consignment store. After that, I have to
put away all my video games and other junk. I know that doesn't sound like much
fun, but at least my room will be clean! And then we can go out. My friends Becky
and Jane are having a party on Friday night, and there's a concert on Saturday
Bring a swimsuit. We're going to the beach on Sunday. It's not far and the weather
is supposed to be beautiful.

Put the events in order.

Becky and Jane are having a party.

They're going to the beach.
Alvin has to clean out the garage and closet.
He's going to put away his video games.
There's a concert.
Alvin's dropping off clothes.

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. How do you think Elias will feel when he reads the e-mail? Why?
2. What kinds of chores do you do around the house?
3. What kind of activities do you plan when you have a visitor?

Write an e-mail describing your weekend plans.

Exchange e-mails with a classmate. Whose weekend looks like more fun? Who has more work to do?
Lesson 32: Vocabulary FUTURE

Part 1
Write one or two words to complete each activity. If a word is not needed, write an X. Then match
each activity to its meaning.

I. own place A. to pay all your bills so you don't owe money to anyone
2. weight B. stop living with mom and dad
3. of debt C. use money more carefully
4. of my parents' home D. start living in your own apartment
5. money better E. do more exercising and be healthier
6. better shape F. have enough money so I can pay all my bills on my own
7. financially independent G. weigh less than I do now
8. graduate school H. study for an advanced degree at a university
9. be more confident I. believe more strongly that I can do something

Which goals in Part 1 do you have now? Choose the six most important goals. Put them in order from
the one you can achieve the soonest to the one that will take the longest. In class, talk about your ideas
with a partner.

Complete the conversations with your own goals and wishes. In class, practice the conversations with a

Meg: What would you like to do by the end of this English course?

Sharon: What do you wish you could do?
Lesson 32: Reading & Writing FUTURE

Part 1
Read the blog posts below.

Graduation and beyond

We've been counting down all year, taking notice of all the things that will end:
the last team soccer game, the last performance , the last English class, the last exam,
the last cafeteria cupcake. Now it's time to look to the future. My biggest goal is
to get a good job. Then I can pay off my school loans and get out of debt. A good
job will allow me to be financially independent. What about you? What is your
biggest goal?
- Jason
My biggest goal is to go to graduate school. I plan to travel this summer and then
go back to school in the fall. I'll be studying biology. I'm thinking about going into
- Anita
I'm not so ambitious. My goal is first to sleep and then to get my own place. I can
live with my parents, but I want more independence. I want to get an apartment
with friends.
- Eugene

Write J (Jason), A (Anita), or E (Eugene) next to each goal.

l. get an apartment with friends

2. study biology
3. get a good job
4. get out of debt
5. become a researcher
6. travel
7. live independently

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

l. Whose goals are the most like yours?
2. What do you think most people's goals are after graduation?
3. How do you think your goals immediately after graduation will change over the next five years?

Write about your goals after you finish school. What do you want to do? Why?

Share your goals with a group. What goals are the same?

Lessons 29-32: Video Cloze FUTURE

Watch The Future and fill in the blanks.

Jill: I can't believe you're moving out! Maria: Maybe, but things can't be exactly the
Maria: It seems like we met just yesterday! same. Things are --------- so
--------- these days.
Eric: I know. But hey, we will definitely see (9)

each other. Tom: That is true ... Hey, Eric. What should I do
with the stuff inside your desk?
Maria: Hopefully I get a job around here too.
Eric: I plan to-------- my
Tom: Of course you will! (10)
desk later.
Jill: Eric, why are you throwing that
Tom: OK.
--------- bottle away?
Maria: What are all your _________ in
Eric: What? I don't need it. I prefer plastic (11)
twenty years?
bottles anyway.
Tom: I want to have a family and have a really
Maria: --------- breaks down
(2) cool job where I travel around a lot.
extremely slowly.
Eric: I hope I've found the cure for cancer.
Jill: Yeah. Keep it. You can use it later.
Maria: I want to have my own place and be
Eric: OK . That's a really good idea.
--------- independent.
Tom: Do you guys think ________ (12)
Jill: I want to have my own website with
will in twenty years?
millions of visitors.
Maria: No, people won't use laptops because there
Eric: What if they don't have
will be large computer screens that look
--------- in twenty years?
like TVs everywhere! People will be able (13)

to use the computers anytime they want, Maria: It might be something else!
so they won't need their own! Jill: Maybe, one of us will think
Eric: Wow. That sounds cool. Have of ________
you guys--------- (15)
-------- what life will be like Maria: You guys want to get coffee?
in the _________ ? Maybe, cars Eric/Jill: Sounds good! OK!
will finally fly! Tom: Yes, before coffee becomes a thing of the
Jill: I think cars will run from energy in plants. past!
Tom: Twenty years from now, I think things will
be just as they are now.
Lessons 29-32: Grammar A FUTURE

Habitual present vs. Future time

Time clauses and If-clauses show the relationship between two events. They can
be used to show events that happen all the time (habitual) and future events.

After we get out of school, we meet at the fountain.

After we get out of school, we are going to meet at the fountain.
If we have time, we'll meet at the fountain.

If the events in the time clause or the if-clause and in the main cause are both
habitual, the simple present is used.

After we get out of school, we meet at the fountain.

time clause main clause

If I can't understand an assignment, I ask for help.

if-clause main clause

If the events in the time clause or the If-clause and in the main clause talk about
the future, the simple present is used in the time clause and in the If-clause.
Be going to or will is used in the main clause.

After we get out of school, we are going to meet at the fountain.

time clause main clause

If I can't understand this assignment, I'm going to ask for help.

if-clause main clause

Part 1
Circle the correct verb form to complete the sentences.
I. If I have enough money next year, I get�my own place.
2. When the weather is nice, we go/will go to the park on the weekends.
3. If Lynn has time this afternoon, she cleans/will clean her desk out.
4. After we graduate in June, we have/are going to have a party.
5. If Jonah has the money, he usually travels/is going to travel in the summer.

Complete the sentences with the simple present or the be going to form of the verb in parentheses.

1. After he gets home tonight, Carl his room. (clean)

2. After class ends on Wednesdays, Jake and Molly at the library. (meet)
3. If Sara has time tonight, she the recycling. (take out)
4. If I'm free this weekend, I to Mike's graduation party. (go)
5. If it isn't raining, we _________ soccer in the park on Sundays. (play)
6. After we play soccer this Sunday, we at the new pizza place. (eat)
Lessons 29-32: Grammar B FUTURE

Future time continued

May/Might/Could + verb express a possibility in the future.

• We may not go on a trip this year. It depends on our finances.

• The doctor said that I might need to get glasses. I hope not!
• I could end up paying a lot of money for new glasses.

Will expresses more certainty.

• The doctor will test my vision this afternoon. My appointment is at 2 p.m.

• We'll definitely buy an electric car someday. We want to protect the environment.
• Katya probably won't be in class tomorrow. She's pretty sick.

Maybe is an adverb that means possibly.

• Maybe we will see you at the coffee shop later.

Maybe is not the same as the phrase may be.

• Maybe I'll see you on Thursday night. But I may be too busy with work.

Circle the correct word to complete the sentences.

1. We definitely may@not have printed books in the future.

2. I 'm not certain, but we may/will not have English teachers someday.
3. Students will/could always need teachers-I'm certain of that!
4. Maybe/May be we won't use gasoline in the future.
5. However, I 'm certain that people will/might still drive cars.
6. Cars might/will use hydrogen, but other fuels are possible, too.
7. Most likely, people could/will live longer in the future.
8. It may be/maybe possible for cars to fly someday!
9. Scientists predict that robots will/could do many jobs in the near future.
10. I don't want to be late, so I might/will meet you at the theater at 8:45 p.m.
11. It's possible that my car isn't working, so I will/may be late.
12. Mara will/might certainly graduate in June-she's taken all the required courses.
13. Ronnie will/might find a job right away, but it's hard to find good jobs right now.
14. Luke won't/might not have any trouble finding a job-he's very talented!
15. I'm not sure what to do after college. I will/might travel for a while.
• Review vocabulary from the Student Book

• Extend speaking practice outside of class

• Build language skills with reading and writing activities

• Enhance accuracy with grammar practice

• Expand listening skills with additional video activities

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