Lec (7) Liq-Liq
Lec (7) Liq-Liq
Lec (7) Liq-Liq
Liquid-Liquid extraction
1- Definition:
The separation of the components of a liquid mixture by treatment
with a solvent in which one or more of the desired components is
preferentially soluble is known as liquid–liquid Extraction
2- Application:
1. Processing of coal tar liquids and in the production of fuels in
the nuclear industry.
2. Separation of hydrocarbons in the petroleum industry.
3. Separation of aromatics from Kerosene-based fuel oils to
improve their burning qualities.
4. Separation of aromatics from Paraffins and
naphtenes to improve viscosity of lubricating oils.
5. Prepare Benzene, Toluene and Xylene.
6. Production of anhydrous acetic acid.
7. Extraction of phenol from coal tar
8. Purification of Pencillin.
3- Cases of using Liquid-Liquid Extraction
(a) Bringing the feed mixture and the solvent into intimate contact,
(b) Separation of the resulting two phases, and
(c) Removal and recovery of the solvent from each phase.
The equilibrium condition for the distribution of one solute between two liquid
phases is conveniently considered in terms of the distribution law. Thus, at
equilibrium, the ratio of the concentrations of the solute in the two phases is given
by :
Where :K is the distribution constant.
This relation will apply if:
❖ Both solvents are completely immiscible.
❖ No chemical reaction occurs.
❖ The concentration are small.
❖ There is no association or dissociation of the solute.
The addition of a new solvent to a binary mixture of a solute in a
solvent may lead to the formation of several types of mixture:
(c) The solvent may be partially miscible with the original solvent
resulting in the formation of one pair of partially miscible liquids.
(d) The new solvent may lead to the formation of two or three
partially miscible liquids.
• Of these possibilities, types (b), (c), and (d) all give rise to
systems that may be used, although those of types (b) and (c)
are the most promising. With conditions of type (b), the
equilibrium relation is conveniently shown by a plot of the
concentration of solute in one phase against the concentration
in the second phase. Conditions given by (c) and (d) are
usually represented by triangular diagrams
10- Triangular Diagram:
• The system, acetone (A)–Water (B)–
methyl isobutyl ketone (C), as
shown in the Figure is of type (c).
Here the solute A is completely
miscible with the two solvents B and
C, although the two solvents are
only partially miscible with each
other. A mixture indicated by point H
consists of the three components A, B
and C in the ratio of the
perpendiculars HL, HJ, HK (divided
by the addition of all of them). The
distance BN represents the solubility
of solvent C in B, and MC that of B in
C. The area under the curved line
NPFQM, the binodal solubility
curve, represents a two-phase region
which will split up into two layers in
equilibrium with each other.
• These layers have compositions
represented by points P and Q,
and PQ is known as a “tie line”.
Such lines, two of which are
shown in the diagram, connect the
compositions of two phases in
equilibrium with each other, and
these compositions must be found
by practical measurement. There
is one point on the binodal curve
at F which represents a single
phase that does not split into two
phases. F is known as a plait
point, and this must also be found
by experimental measurement.
The plait point is fixed if either
the temperature or the pressure is
Within the area under the curve, the temperature and composition
of one phase will fix the composition of the other.
Applying the phase rule to the three-components system at
constant temperature and pressure, the number of degrees of
freedom is equal to 3 minus the number of phases.
In the area where there is only one liquid phase, there are two
degrees of freedom and two compositions must be stated. In a
system where there are two liquid phases, there is only one
degree of freedom.
One of the most useful features of this method of representation
is that, if a solution of composition X is mixed with one of
composition Y, then the resulting mixture will have a
composition shown by Z on a line XY, such that:
• For co-current contact with immiscible solvents where the
equilibrium curve is a straight line as in the present case:
Xn = [A/(A + S*m)]n Xf
On the basis of 100 kg feed:
mass of solvent in the feed, A = 95 kg,
mass of solvent added, S = 25 kg,
slope of the equilibrium line, m = 2.20 kg/kg,
number of stages, n = 5, and
mass ratio of solute in the feed Xf = (5/95) = 0.0527 kg/kg.
Thus: mass ratio of solute in raffinate,Xn = [95/(95 + 2.2 × 25)]5 ×
0.0527 = 0.00538 kg/kg solvent
Thus, the final solution consists of 0.00538 kg acetaldehyde in
1.00538 kg solution and the concentration = (100 ×
0.00538)/1.00538 = 0.536 per cent
With 95 kg toluene in the raffinate, the mass of
acetaldehyde = (0.00538 × 95) = 0.511 kg.
and the mass of acetaldehyde extracted = (5.0 − 0.511)
= 4.489 kg/100 kg feed.
12-Calculation of the number of theoretical stages:
Co-current contact with partially miscible solvents
Theoretical stages required if the final raffinate has 15%
of solute C assuming Co-current contact with partially
miscible solvents
Solution Steps
• 1- Determine point F on the line
between water and acetaldeyhde
by the composition of xf.
• Draw line between F and S (new
• Determine the point M by Phase
rule f/s=ms/mf
• After determining M take
parallel line to tie lines in
triangle to determine E1 and R1
• Connect R1 with S to determine
M2 by lever rule also
• After determining M2
take parallel line to tie
lines in triangle to
determine E2 and R2.
• Continuing the previous
steps until reaching a
value of R equals xn
• The number of steps
equals the total drawn
13-Calculation of the number of theoretical stages:
Counter current contact with immiscible solvents:
✓ If a series of mixing and separating vessels is arranged so that
the flow is countercurrent, then the conditions of flow may be
represented as shown in the Figure, where each circle
corresponds to a mixer and a separator.
✓ This stream passes through the units and leaves from the nth
unit as stream Rn. The fresh solvent S enters the nth unit and
passes in the reverse direction through the units, leaving as
extract E1.
• If the two solvents are immiscible, the solvent in the raffinate
streams remains as A, and the added solvent in the extract
streams as S. The material balances for the solute may then be
written as