Arpo 23 May

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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________

Positives, Negatives and Questions
 Write the sentences below in the past simple.

1. He goes to bed early. __________________________________________________

2. We don’t like onions. __________________________________________________

3. Stewart lives in Vancouver. _____________________________________________

4. Does she exercise? ___________________________________________________

5. I hate cooking. _______________________________________________________

6. They play video games. ________________________________________________

7. He knows the answer. _________________________________________________

8. I forget his name. _____________________________________________________

9. They don’t study history. _______________________________________________

10. Do they drive? _______________________________________________________

11. Jenny works at a hotel. _________________________________________________

12. Do you swim? ________________________________________________________

13. We don’t like the movie. ________________________________________________

14. Where do you live? ____________________________________________________

15. He doesn’t drink tea. __________________________________________________

16. They start class at 8:00. ________________________________________________

17. Does he eat breakfast? ________________________________________________

18. I don’t run fast. _______________________________________________________

19. He has a car. ________________________________________________________

20. Do you enjoy sports? __________________________________________________

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. ©

NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________
Positives, Negatives and Questions
 Find and correct the mistakes below.

1. They eat dinner at six o’clock yesterday.

2. Did Maria drove to work this morning?

3. I not finished my homework last night.

4. Did you busy last Monday?

5. Was she buy a new car yesterday?

6. I wanted to went to Montreal two years ago.

7. Was you late for the meeting?

8. Who did you talked to?

9. Where was you stay in Washington?

10. I was read that book last year.

11. John flied to Argentina last week.

12. He weren’t at home last night.

13. I not see the movie last weekend?

14. What do you did last night?

15. Did they has a good time at the party?

16. Did you in class yesterday?

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. ©

สาระการเรียนรูภาษาตางประเทศ (ภาษาอังกฤษ) scores
เรื่อง Past Simple Tense
Name ……………………………………… Nickname ………………… No. ………

Directions: Answer the questions. Past Simple Tense

Past Simple Tense มีโครงสราง ดังนี้

คือ ....................................................

was และ were ใชตางกันอยางไร

กริยาชองที่ 2 มี 2 แบบ คือ
What did they do yesterday? Regular verb กริยาปกติ หมายถึง
1. John …………………. (eat) pizza. ....................................................................
2. They …………………. (study) English.
3. He …………………. (drink) ice coffee.
เชน ........................................................
4. We …………………. (dance) at the party.
5. She …………………. (play) the guitar.
6. Eddy …………………. (watch) cartoon. Irregular verb กริยาอปกติ หมายถึง
7. Tom …………………. (sing) two songs. ..................................................................
8. Debby …………………. (send) an e-mail. ..................................................................
9. I …………………. (read) a book.
เชน .........................................................
10. Sammy …………………. (go) to the park.
11. Max …………………. (make) a card.
12. He …………………. (buy) a new shirt.

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