Arts Statement-Of-research-Intent June 2023

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Initial Statement of Research Intent

Notes to the applicant:

 If your application progresses, you may be asked to submit a more detailed
Statement of Research Intent.
 Applicants should note that students are expected to submit their thesis after 3-4
years full-time study (6-8 years part-time).
 This Statement of Research Intent will be consulted by the Faculty as part of your
doctoral programme application. It will also be consulted as one of the selection
criteria for a University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship if you choose to apply.

Your details

Name of applicant:

Student ID (if known):

Department/s (if known):

Proposed supervisor/s (if known):

Are you applying for PhD with

No (Complete 1-4, 8-9)
scholarly creative practice?
Yes (complete 1-9)

Are you applying for the University

of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship?
Yes (Complete 10)
* Applicants can find academics who are accredited to undertake doctoral supervision on
the University Website and are expected to contact potential supervisors. For more
information, please see Discovery profiles.

Those unable to do so will be supported, but the application process may be delayed. If
no appropriate supervisor can be identified, the application will be declined.
Area of research interest

1. Provisional title of thesis or area of research interest:

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Initial Statement of Research Intent
2. Abstract:

Please provide an abstract of your proposed research, clearly identifying its aims and
objectives (350-word limit).

3. Scholarly context:

Please supply a concise review of the most significant research pertinent to your field

4. Research design:

Please describe the major methods and/or theoretical framework you will use to collect
and analyse the information needed in your research project and explain how these will
facilitate your goals (350-words).

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Initial Statement of Research Intent
PhD including Scholarly Creative Work (OPTIONAL)

A PhD must make an original and significant contribution to knowledge or understanding in its
field(s), meet internationally recognized standards for such work, demonstrate knowledge of the
literature relevant to the subject and the field(s) to which the subject belongs and the ability to
exercise critical and analytical judgement of that literature, and be satisfactory in its methodology,
quality and coherence of expression, scholarly presentation and format.

Scholarly creative work (written or otherwise) that forms an integrated whole with a written
document may, subject to the PhD including scholarly creative work policy and procedures,
be submitted for examination as part of the PhD thesis requirement. Scholarly creative work may
include, but is not limited to, written fiction or creative nonfiction, performance, exhibitions and/or
artefacts (such as images, composition, designs, models, structures, digital media).

 All PhD research projects must involve enquiry that is experimental and/or critical in
nature and be driven by an intellectual hypothesis, position, problem or question(s)
capable of being rigorously explored and of making an original and significant contribution
to knowledge and/or understanding in the relevant field(s) of study.
 While the work submitted for examination must present an integrated as well as rigorous
approach to an intellectual hypothesis, position, problem or question(s), the written
document (excluding any scholarly creative writing submitted as part of the thesis
requirement) remains the primary presentation of the outcome of the PhD research
project, and the primary examinable output. It must be approximately 60% of the
disciplinary norm (at the University of Auckland) for PhD thesis length where scholarly
creative work is not presented as part of the thesis requirement.
 Scholarly creative practice that forms part of the research process and/or generation of
material for analysis but which is not itself assessable as (part of) the presentation of an
original and significant contribution to knowledge and/or understanding may be reported in
the thesis but is not appropriate for submission for examination as part of the thesis

5. Research Design of Creative Work:

Please describe:
i. How the scholarly creative practice, philosophical paradigms and critical theories will
inform the research project
ii. How the written document and examinable scholarly creative work will form an integrated
and rigorous approach to the research topic.

6. Scope of scholarly creative work to be submitted as part of the thesis requirement:

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Initial Statement of Research Intent
Please provide a brief description of the type of creative work that you intend to submit for
examination (such as a script, performance, exhibition or artefact) at the conclusion of your

7. Required Resources:
Please identify your expectations of how the production of this scholarly creative work (and any
associated scholarly creative work within your research project) will be resourced.

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Initial Statement of Research Intent
8. Key work/bibliography:

Please list a select bibliography of major works that inform your research.

9. Relevant experience:

Please use this section to comment on any specific skills, knowledge, and experience
you bring to the proposed project? Briefly state why you are a strong candidate to
undertake the project described (350-words)

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Initial Statement of Research Intent
University of Auckland strategic objectives (OPTIONAL)

Only complete if you are applying for a University of Auckland or Faculty of Arts
Doctoral Scholarship (350-words).

10. Explain how your research fits with our strategic objectives.

For further details, please visit Faculty of Arts selection criteria for UoA doctoral

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