The document discusses key concepts in Java programming including object-oriented programming principles like classes, objects, inheritance, interfaces and packages. It specifically mentions class concepts like constructors, access specifiers and method overloading as well as core Java APIs and language features.
The document discusses key concepts in Java programming including object-oriented programming principles like classes, objects, inheritance, interfaces and packages. It specifically mentions class concepts like constructors, access specifiers and method overloading as well as core Java APIs and language features.
The document discusses key concepts in Java programming including object-oriented programming principles like classes, objects, inheritance, interfaces and packages. It specifically mentions class concepts like constructors, access specifiers and method overloading as well as core Java APIs and language features.
The document discusses key concepts in Java programming including object-oriented programming principles like classes, objects, inheritance, interfaces and packages. It specifically mentions class concepts like constructors, access specifiers and method overloading as well as core Java APIs and language features.
1. An________ is a software bundle of variables and related methods.
2. A __________ can be defined as a template/blueprint that describes the behavior/state that the object of its type supports. 3. The data members in an interface are _________ and __________. 4. ____________ keyword refers to current object. 5. The __________ keyword is used to refer to base class members from child class 6. A ______________ method cannot be overridden by subclasses. 7. ____________ classes cannot declare constructors. 8. ___________ is the capability of a class to use the properties and methods of another class while adding its own functionality. 9. _________________ is a named collection of method definitions without implementations. 10. ___________ is a collection of related classes and interfaces providing access protection and namespace management. 11. Fundamental classes are defined in ___________ package. 12. _____________ is an interpreter for bytecode. 13. The class that inherits is called a _____________ 14. ______________ is the ability for a message or data to be processed in more than one form. 15. The ____________operator is used to create a new object or a new array. 16. A constructor is used to__________ 17. Java is a ________________ language. 18. In java, the equal sign is used as the _________________operator 19. __________ must always be the first statement executed inside a subclass constructor 20. Classes for reading and writing(input and output) are in _________ package. 21. Calls to overridden methods is resolved at _______________. 22. _____java.security_______ package contains classes and interfaces that are used in enabling programs to encrypt data and control the access privileges 23. In java, source code is compiled into object code called ________________ 24. Java uses the ________ keyword to set the relationship between a child class and a parent class. 25. __________ always refers to the super class immediately above the calling class. 26. Classes for reading and writing(input and output) are in _________ package. 27. In java, a class can have methods having the same name but different parameter lists. This is called ________________ 28. _____java.net_______ package contains classes that are used in enabling programs to communicate via internet or intranets. 29. A ___________ is a class that extends another class. 30. _____ keyword is used by method to refer to the object that invoked it. 31. The type returned by relational operators in java is ________. 32. ___________ are special member functions having the same name as that of the class. 33. The keyword used to declare a interface is ____________. 34. Classes from which objects can be instantiated are called ____________. 35. The ____________ can execute java bytecode directly on any machine to which the interpreter and run-time system have been ported. 36. If you don’t implement all the methods of an interface while implementing,____________ specifier used for the class. 37. The other name for conditional operator is___________. 38. ______________ used to separate the hierarchy of the class while declaring an import statement. 39. Extension of a file created by compiling a source file in java is___________. 40. __________ is the statement of importing an entire package pkg. 41. ________ the argument type of program’s main() method? 42. ________ access modifier should be used when implementing interface methods 43. Interfaces are used to achieve __________ 44. ___________is the default value of float primitive type? 45. The Random class belongs to____java.util____ package 46. ___static______is used to access member of class before object of that class is created. 47. The default package imported by all java programs is _________________ 48. _______________ is used to convert the one type value to another. 49. _______________ method cannot be overridden. 50. ___________________modifier can be accessed only to classes in the same package. 51. _________________ package has the ability to analyze itself at runtime. 52. Each object is an instance of a class and each class belong to a _______ 53. ____________is an instance of a class. 54. __________ is a set of instructions generated by the compiler. 55. JVM executes the _______________ 56. _________operator is used to refer to the parent object of the currently running object. 57. ____ is a collection of related classes and interfaces 58. __________class supports constant strings 59. ________ class supports growable and modifiable strings. 60. __this()____can be used to invoke a constructor of the same class 61. Input Stream/Output Stream class is ____________ 62. An instance has state, __________________ and identity. 63. ___________ is a binding in which the class association is made during compile time. 64. _____________will be automatically invoked when an object is created whereas method has to be called explicitly. 65. __________method is used just before an object is destroyed and can be called just prior to garbage collection. 66. ____________must have different method signatures whereas overriding must have same signature. 67. The advantages of inheritance are __________ of code and methods of the super class by subclasses. 68. ____________ can be used to declare named constants. 69. ____________keyword is used to throw an exception manually. 70. ________ operator is used to get the values of instance variables