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Sa Petrology Reviewer

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WHAT IS PETROLOGY ? 3. Mafic Rocks:

PETROLOGY is come from the greek word petros Color: Dark-colored.
(rocks) and logia (means study) Minerals: Rich in iron and magnesium,
It was also a branch of geology that deals with the containing minerals like pyroxene and olivine.
study of rocks and their mineralogy, composition, Examples: Gabbro (intrusive), Basalt
characteristics, structures, and formation. (extrusive).
4. Ultramafic Rocks:
IGNEOUS ROCKS Color: Very dark-colored.
-These rocks formed from the cooling and Minerals: Very high in iron and magnesium,
solidification of molten magma or lava. mostly olivine and pyroxene.
-They are characterized by crystalline textures due to Examples: Peridotite (intrusive), Komatiite
the interlocking of crystals that form as the molten (extrusive, very rare).
rock cools.
Classification of igneous rocks BASED ON ITS TEXTURE
Igneous rocks are classified based on their texture
(which is determined by the cooling rate of the Phaneritic
magma or lava) This texture forms when magma cools slowly deep
underground, allowing large mineral crystals to
and their mineral composition (which is determined develop.
by the chemical makeup of the magma or lava).
TWO TYPES OF IGNEOUS ROCK This texture occurs when magma cools relatively
1.INTRUSIVE quickly, allowing small mineral crystals to form.
- Texture: Coarse-grained (phaneritic), with large,
visible crystals. Glassy
- Formation: Formed from magma that cools slowly This texture forms when magma cools so rapidly that
beneath the Earth's surface. mineral crystals don't have time to form.
- Examples: Granite, Diorite, Gabbro.
Properties and distribution
-Texture: Fine-grained (aphanitic), with small, hard-to- Granite
see crystals, or glassy with no crystals at all.
-Formation: Formed from lava that cools quickly on or
near the Earth's surface.
-Examples: Basalt, Rhyolite, Andesite.

Based on Mineral Composition

1. Felsic Rocks: -Intrusive
Color: Light-colored. -Phaneritic
Minerals: Rich in silica, containing minerals like -Quartz, Feldspar, and other mica minerals
quartz and feldspar. -Plutonic
Examples: Granite (intrusive), Rhyolite -felsic
2. Intermediate Rocks:
Color: Intermediate color.
Minerals: Contains minerals like plagioclase
feldspar, amphibole.
Examples: Diorite (intrusive), Andesite
Syenite Dolerite

-Intrusive -Extrusive
-Phaneritic -Aphanitic
-Less quartz more feldspar -Olivine,magnetite
-Plutonic -Volcanic
-felsic -mafic

Diorite Basalt

-Intrusive -Extrusive
-Phaneritic -Aphanitic
-Plagioclase feldspar and ferromagnesian minerals -Felspar, pyroxene
-Plutonic -Volcanic
-Intermediate -mafic


WHAT IS sedimentary ROCK?

Sedimentary rocks are the most

common rocks exposed on Earth’s
surface but are only a minor constituent
-Intrusive of the entire crust, which is dominated
-Phaneritic by igneous and metamorphic rocks.
-pyroxene, olivine,feldspar
-Plutonic classification of sedimentary rocks
-mafic Clastic


Composed of fragments of other rocks

and minerals, and are classified based
on the size of the particles that make up
-Intrusive the rock. For example, sandstone is a
-Phaneritic clastic sedimentary rock that is
-often very large quartz,felspar and mica composed of sand-sized particles, while
-Plutonic shale is a clastic sedimentary rock that
-felsic is composed of very fine particles.
Chemical Limestone:

Composed of calcium carbonate

Formed from the precipitation of minerals from from marine organisms.
solution. These rocks are classified based on the Found in Widespread, found in
minerals that make up the rock. For example, various regions globally.
limestone is a chemical sedimentary rock that is Forms in marine environments
composed primarily of the mineral calcite, while where calcium carbonate-rich
gypsum is a chemical sedimentary rock that is organisms accumulate.
composed of the mineral gypsum.

Fine-grained rock composed mainly

of clay minerals.
Abundant globally, found in marine,
lacustrine, and terrestrial settings.
Formed from the accumulation of plant or animal Forms from compaction and
remains. These rocks are classified based on the type cementation of mud and clay-rich
of remains that make up the rock. example, coal is an sediments.
organic that is formed from the stacks of plant
remains, while limestone can also be formed from the Breccia:
stacks of shell and other marine animal remains.


Composed of angular clasts
Clastic cemented together.
Clastic texture refers to rocks with visible particles Found in fault zones, impact craters,
volcanic regions, etc.
Crystalline Forms from accumulation and
Crystalline texture refers to rocks with visible crystals cementation of angular rock
fragments produced by faulting or
Organic mass movements
Organic texture refers to rocks with visible plant or
animal remains. Conglomerate:

Properties, Distribution, and Occurrence


Composed of rounded clasts

embedded in a finer-grained matrix.
Found worldwide in riverbeds,
Composed of sand-sized mineral particles alluvial fans, beaches, etc.
Found in Terrestrial, marine, and transitional Forms through lithification of gravel-
environments. sized sediment transported by water
Forms in areas with abundant sand deposits like or gravity.
beaches, riverbeds, and deserts.

WHAT IS METAMORPHIC ROCK? Quartzite is a metamorphic rock

primarily composed of quartz grains
Metamorphic rocks are formed from pre- that have been recrystallized under
existing rocks (igneous, sedimentary, or high pressure and temperature,
other metamorphic rocks) that undergo a resulting in a hard, durable, and often
process called metamorphism due to white or light-colored rock.
changes in temperature, pressure, or
chemical environment.
Marble is a granular metamorphic rock,
it is derived from limestone or dolomite
and It consists of a mass of interlocking
CLASSIFICATION OF METAMORPHIC grains of calcite or the mineral

Slate is a fine-grained, foliated
metamorphic rock this is created via
These rocks have a layered or banded
the alteration of shale or mudstone by
appearance due to the alignment of minerals
along planes of weakness in the rock.
means of low-grade local
Examples of foliated metamorphic rocks metamorphism.
include gneiss, schist, and slate.

Gneiss is a foliated metamorphic rock

that is a common distribute type of rock
high-grade regional metamorphic rock.
These rocks do not have a layered or
banded appearance and do not have a
preferred orientation of minerals. Examples
of non-foliated metamorphic rocks include Schist is characterized by its foliated
marble, quartzite, and hornfels. texture, which means it possesses
distinct layers or bands of minerals that
have undergone significant physical
EXAMPLE OF and chemical changes.


Gniess Schist
Regional Contact Hydrothermal
These rocks have been subjected to These rocks have been subjected to These rocks have been subjected to
regional metamorphism, which contact metamorphism, which hydrothermal metamorphism, which
occurs over a large area due to the occurs when a rock is in contact with occurs when hot, chemically active
action of heat and pressure caused a body of molten magma. The heat fluids flow through the rock and
by the movement of tectonic plates. from the magma can cause the rock alter its minerals. Examples of
Examples of regional metamorphic to undergo changes in its mineralogy hydrothermal metamorphic rocks
rocks include gneiss and schist. and texture. Examples of contact include quartzite and slate.
metamorphic rocks include marble.

Properties, Distribution, and


Marble: Gneiss:
Properties: Is primarily made up of calcium Properties: Composed usually medium- to
carbonate (CaCO3), which typically makes coarse-foliated; they are largely
up more than 90% of the rock. recrystallized but do no longer deliver large
Distribution: A popular choice for building quantities of micas, chlorite or different
facades, interior walls, flooring, and platy minerals.
decorative elements such as columns, Distribution: usually does not break up
arches, and moldings. alongside planes of weak point like maximum
Occurrence: Form through the other metamorphic rocks.
metamorphism of other rock types, such as Occurrence: a highly deformed crystalline
limestone or dolomite. metamorphic rock, is commonly found in the
QUARTZITE: cores of mountain ranges and in
Properties: A hard, durable metamorphic Precambrian crystalline terranes.
rock primarily composed of quartz grains Schist:
that have been recrystallized and fused Properties: Primarily composed
together. characterized by its distinct foliation,
Distribution: Strength and toughness lends layering, mineralogy, texture, parent rock
itself to many uses. minerals present in relationships, and metamorphic grade.
the geological environment. Distribution: widely depending on factors
Occurrence: The transformation of such as the parent rock, the degree of
sandstone into quartzite occurs through metamorphism, and the specific minerals
the recrystallization of quartz grains under present in the geological environment.
high-pressure conditions. Occurrence: Commonly found in regions
Hornfels: with a history of intense tectonic activity
Properties: It forms when magma heats and mountain-building processes.
other rock, which may be igneous, Slate:
metamorphic, or sedimentary. Properties: It is a fine-grained, metamorphic
Distribution: As an aggregate in the rock formed by compression of sedimentary
construction and road building shale, mudstone, or basalt.
Occurrence: They are used in a number of Distribution: It can be made into roofing
applications like in the field of slates, a type of roof shingle, or more
construction and landscaping. specifically a type of roof tile.
Occurrence: Slate is mostly made of clay but
the clay can change to mica under extreme
degrees of pressure.

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