Sa Petrology Reviewer
Sa Petrology Reviewer
Sa Petrology Reviewer
-Intrusive -Extrusive
-Phaneritic -Aphanitic
-Less quartz more feldspar -Olivine,magnetite
-Plutonic -Volcanic
-felsic -mafic
Diorite Basalt
-Intrusive -Extrusive
-Phaneritic -Aphanitic
-Plagioclase feldspar and ferromagnesian minerals -Felspar, pyroxene
-Plutonic -Volcanic
-Intermediate -mafic
Slate is a fine-grained, foliated
metamorphic rock this is created via
These rocks have a layered or banded
the alteration of shale or mudstone by
appearance due to the alignment of minerals
along planes of weakness in the rock.
means of low-grade local
Examples of foliated metamorphic rocks metamorphism.
include gneiss, schist, and slate.
Gniess Schist
Regional Contact Hydrothermal
These rocks have been subjected to These rocks have been subjected to These rocks have been subjected to
regional metamorphism, which contact metamorphism, which hydrothermal metamorphism, which
occurs over a large area due to the occurs when a rock is in contact with occurs when hot, chemically active
action of heat and pressure caused a body of molten magma. The heat fluids flow through the rock and
by the movement of tectonic plates. from the magma can cause the rock alter its minerals. Examples of
Examples of regional metamorphic to undergo changes in its mineralogy hydrothermal metamorphic rocks
rocks include gneiss and schist. and texture. Examples of contact include quartzite and slate.
metamorphic rocks include marble.
Marble: Gneiss:
Properties: Is primarily made up of calcium Properties: Composed usually medium- to
carbonate (CaCO3), which typically makes coarse-foliated; they are largely
up more than 90% of the rock. recrystallized but do no longer deliver large
Distribution: A popular choice for building quantities of micas, chlorite or different
facades, interior walls, flooring, and platy minerals.
decorative elements such as columns, Distribution: usually does not break up
arches, and moldings. alongside planes of weak point like maximum
Occurrence: Form through the other metamorphic rocks.
metamorphism of other rock types, such as Occurrence: a highly deformed crystalline
limestone or dolomite. metamorphic rock, is commonly found in the
QUARTZITE: cores of mountain ranges and in
Properties: A hard, durable metamorphic Precambrian crystalline terranes.
rock primarily composed of quartz grains Schist:
that have been recrystallized and fused Properties: Primarily composed
together. characterized by its distinct foliation,
Distribution: Strength and toughness lends layering, mineralogy, texture, parent rock
itself to many uses. minerals present in relationships, and metamorphic grade.
the geological environment. Distribution: widely depending on factors
Occurrence: The transformation of such as the parent rock, the degree of
sandstone into quartzite occurs through metamorphism, and the specific minerals
the recrystallization of quartz grains under present in the geological environment.
high-pressure conditions. Occurrence: Commonly found in regions
Hornfels: with a history of intense tectonic activity
Properties: It forms when magma heats and mountain-building processes.
other rock, which may be igneous, Slate:
metamorphic, or sedimentary. Properties: It is a fine-grained, metamorphic
Distribution: As an aggregate in the rock formed by compression of sedimentary
construction and road building shale, mudstone, or basalt.
Occurrence: They are used in a number of Distribution: It can be made into roofing
applications like in the field of slates, a type of roof shingle, or more
construction and landscaping. specifically a type of roof tile.
Occurrence: Slate is mostly made of clay but
the clay can change to mica under extreme
degrees of pressure.