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Government of Kerala

Prospectus for Admission to

Professional Degree Courses in
Nursing and Para Medical Streams-2021-2022

Approved vide G.O.(MS) No.148/2021/H&FWD, Dated: 09.08.2021


Prospectus for Admission to
Professional Degree Courses in
Nursing and Para Medical Streams-2021-2022

Government of Kerala
Director of Medical Education, Thiruvananthapuram


Page Page
Clause ITEM Clause ITEM
No. No.

1 Introduction 4 8 Preparation of rank list 27

2 Courses, Institutions and Seats 5 9 Centralized Allotment Process 29

3 Duration of the Courses 5 10 Post Allotment Activities 36

4 Reservation of seats for various courses 6 11 Seat Allotment Protocol 37

Claim for reservation and certificates to be

5 8 12 Fee 38

6 Criteria of eligibility for admission 19 13 Liquidated damages 40

7 How to apply 22 14 Other Items 41

Page No. Page No.

No. Annexure No. Annexure

42 Proforma Certificate for Service quota

V (c) 70
List of Institutions included in the (NQ/MT/DO)

Distribution of seats under Special Proforma for Inter-caste Marriage

II (a) 54 V (d) 71
Reservation Certificate
Central Govt. Reserved seats and Proforma for Physical Fitness
II (b) 55 V(e) 72
authorities concerned Certificate
Proforma for Authorization Letter for
III (a) List of Scheduled Castes (SC) 56
VI the Centralized Allotment Process – 73
Spot allotment
Anti-ragging – Proforma for
III (b) List of Scheduled Tribes (ST) 58 VII undertaking by Candidates and 74

List of Other Eligible Communities Guidelines for uploading

III (c) 59 VIII 75
(OEC) images/documents

List of Communities Eligible for

IX List of District Facilitation Centres 76
III (d) Educational Concessions as is given to 60
List of Socially & Educationally
III (e) 61 X No objection cum possession certificate 77
Backward Classes (SEBC)
Certificate to Prove Nativity for
IV(a) 63 XI Form for Fee Refund 78
Certificate to Prove Nativity for Non
IV(b) 64 Guidelines for the assessment of
Keralite-I (NK-I)
XII income for the purpose of issuing 79
income certificate
Pro forma for Non-Creamy Layer
IV(c) 67
Certificate XIII Chart of PWD Reservation 82
Pro forma of Community
IV(d) 68
Certificate for SC/ST
Pro forma Certificate for reservation
V(a) uder Ex-Servicemen Quota 69 XIV Pro forma for EWS Certificate AAY/PHH 83
Pro forma Certificate for reservation
under Serving Defence Personal/Para Pro forma for EWS Certificate – Income
V(b) 69 XV and Asset
Military Force Personal Category

Prospectus for Admission to Professional Degree Courses 2021 in Nursing and
Paramedical streams, which has been approved by the Government of Kerala, is
published herewith. It contains general information and rules relating to the admissionto
Nursing and Paramedical Degree Courses-2021, and other connected matters. Candidates
are required to go through the Prospectus carefully and acquaint themselves with all the
relevant information. Candidates are also requested to visit the official website of the LBS
Centre( regularly for notifications and announcements.
The Prospectus issued in earlier years for these courses are not valid for the year 2021. The
English Version of the Prospectus shall only be considered as authentic, in the case of
dispute in any of the clauses of the Prospectus for admission to Professional Degree
Courses-2021. This Prospectus sets out the rules and regulations for selection and
admission to the following Degree courses conducted by Director of Medical Education
within the State of Kerala.
Name of Degree Course:
1. Bachelor of Science in Nursing [B.Sc. Nursing]
2. Bachelor of Science– Medical Laboratory Technology [B.Sc. (M.L.T)]
3. Bachelor of Science -Perfusion Technology [B.Sc. Perfusion Technology]
4. Bachelor of Science- Medical Radiological Technology-[B.Sc. MRT]
5. Bachelor of Science- Optometry[B.Sc.Optometry]
6. Bachelor of Physiotherapy [B.P.T]
7. Bachelor in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology [B.A.S.L.P]
8. Bachelor of Cardio Vascular Technology[B.C.V.T.]
9. Bachelor of Dialysis Technology[B.Sc.D.T]
10. Bachelor of Occupational Therapy [BOT]
Allotment will be done in the following new courses in Government Medical Colleges,
subject to the approval of the Government /KUHS :-
11. Bachelor of Medical Imaging Technology
12. Bachelor of Radio Therapy Technology
13. Bachelor of Neuro Technology

Admissions to the above courses are regulated on the basis of merit as assessed in the rank
list prepared based on the marks obtained in final year of the qualifying examination(s),
after having the normalization procedure as described in Clause 8.5.
This Prospectus is subject to modification/addition/deletion, as may be deemed
necessary by the Government.
Allotment of seats from the State Rank Lists for all courses in Self Financing Colleges will
be made in accordance with the orders of the Hon‟ble Supreme Court of India/Hon‟ble
High Court of Kerala or orders of the Government of Kerala/Government of India as per
the law in existence at the time of Centralized Allotment Process and will be notified

The list of the institutions in which the courses are offered, the number of seats available
etc. is given in Annexure I (Final list will be published later in the website The list is not complete).
Categorization of Seats
Government seats: Merit Seats against which the Director, LBS Centre makes allotment
are called „Government Seats‟.
(a) Government seats are available in all the Government Colleges, Government Controlled
Self Financing Colleges and in Private Self Financing Colleges that are willing to share
50% of their seats with the Government.
(b) Candidates who seek admission in Private Self financing Nursing Colleges are bound to
accept the conditions stipulated in the agreement between Government and Self
Financing Nursing College Management(s) and deemed to have accepted such
(c) In the case of self-financing Nursing Colleges run by institutions having minority status
granted by the Government or National Minorities Commission, 20% of the Government
seats shall be filled up from among the candidates belonging to the minority community
running the college, on the basis of merit. In case, sufficient candidates are not available
from the concerned community, the balance seats will be filled up from State Merit as per
the usual norms.
(d) The extent of availability of Government seats in Self Financing Colleges run by
institutions under Government control and other Private Self Financing Colleges are
given in the Annexure I.
Management seats: Seats other than „Government seats‟ filled up by management as per
interse merit Changes can be made only with Government approval.
Details of Seats for Nominees and under Special Reservation categories are given in
Annexure II (a).
Sl. Duration Compulsory Nursing
No (Years) service*/Rotating Internship**
1 B.Sc. Nursing 4 *12 Months
2 B.Sc. (M.L.T) 4
3 B.Sc. Perfusion Technology 4
4 B.Sc.(Optometry) 4
5 B.P.T. 4 **6 Months
6 B.A.S.L.P. 4
7 B.C.V.T. 4
8 B.Sc. Medical Radiological
9 B.Sc.Dialysis Technology 4
10 Bachelor of Occupational Therapy **6 Months
* Only for Govt. Colleges, after successful completion of the course and Registration
with Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council.
Note: 1. If clinical training facility is specified for the course it will be the part of the course and the student
is not eligible to get stipend during such training period.
2. Colleges, Courses and seats are subject to additions /deletion as per direction from the
Government, ,KNMC, KUHS, and INC.


4.1 Types of reservation in Government Colleges: Out of the total seats available for the
various courses, seats will be reserved for different categories as given under Clauses
4.1.1 to 4.1.4.
4.1.1 Reservation for Nominees: These are the seats set apart for the nominees of the
Union Territories or other States for the various courses. They have to satisfy the
academic eligibility criteria.
(a) Nominees of the Government of India: The Government of India, subject to the
eligibility conditions in clause 6, will make Nominations to these seats. The
distribution of seats under this category are available in Annexure II(a).Such
candidates should produce a Nomination letter of executive nature from the
Government of India.
(b) Nominees of Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands: These seats are
reserved for candidates of Kerala origin settled in the Union Territory of Andaman
and Nicobar Islands. Nominations to these seats will be made by the Administration
of that Union Territory and the candidates must possess the requisite qualifications
as provided under Clause 6.The distribution of seats is given in the Annexure II (a).
(c) Nominees of Lakshadeep: Seats are reserved for candidates of Kerala origin settled
in Lakshadeep. The candidates should be sponsored by the Administration of that
Union Territory and must possess the requisite qualification as per Clause 6. The
distribution of seats is given in the Annexure II (a).

Admission to the seats under Clause 4.1.1 will be completed by the admitting authority on or
before the date to be notified. The un-availed seats in these categories will be reverted to the
mandatory quota.

4.1.2 Reservation for Persons with Disabilities: Leaving the seats set apart under Clause
4.1.1, five percent of the seats available for the state for allotment from the state rank
lists, for all the courses in all the Government Colleges are reserved for the candidates
with disabilities. For details, refer Clause 5.3.
4.1.3 Special Reservation: These are the seats reserved for certain specific categories, for
different courses. For details (refer Clause 5.2.)
4.1.4 Mandatory Reservation: The remaining Govt. seats will be distributed as per the
mandatory reservation principle as contemplated in G.O. (P) 208/66/Edn. dated
2.5.1966, G.O.(MS) No. 95/08/SCSTDD dated 06/10/2008, G.O (MS) No.
10/2014/BCDD dated 23/05/2014 and as modified from time to time. The
percentage break-up of seats as per mandatory reservation is as follows:

a) For Government Institutions:

Sl.No Category Percentage

(i) State Merit (SM) 50%
(ii) Forward Community Members belonging to EWS category 10%
(iii) Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC) 30%
a) Ezhava (EZ) 9%
b) Muslim (MU) 8%
c) Other Backward Hindu (BH) 3%
d) Latin Catholic and Anglo Indian(LC) 3%
e) Dheevara and related communities (DV) 2%
f) Viswakarma and related communities (VK) 2%
g) Kusavan and related communities (KN) 1%
h) Other Backward Christian (BX) 1%
i) Kudumbi (KU) 1%
(iv) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 10%
a) Scheduled Caste (SC) 8%
b) Scheduled Tribe (ST) 2%

b) For Government Aided Institutions / Self Financing Institutions:

Sl.No Category Percentage

(A) State Merit 60%
(B) Socially and Educationally Backward Classes 30%
a. Ezhava (EZ) 9%
b. Muslim (MU) 8%
c. Other Backward Hindu (BH) 3%
d. Latin Catholic & Anglo Indian (LA) 3%
e. Dheevara and Related communities (DV) 2%
f. Viswakarma and related communities (VK) 2%
g. Kusavan and related communites (KN) 1%
h. Other Backward Christian (BX) 1%
i. Kudumbi (KU) 1%
(C) Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes 10%
a. Scheduled Casts (SC) 8%
b. Scheduled Tribes (ST) 2%

The total number of seats available for the different courses will be published prior to the
commencement of Centralized Allotment Process. The number of seats earmarked for
various categories for the different courses in Government and Self Financing Colleges
will also be finalized before the Centralized Allotment.
Admission to all the Government seats except for the seats reserved for Nominees will be
made on the basis of the respective rank in the published ranklist.
Types of reservation in Self financing Nursing Colleges: The reservation of seats in
Self Financing Nursing Colleges run by institutions under Government control and
other Private Self Financing Nursing colleges will also be finalized before the
Centralized Allotment
5.1.(i) Claims for Special/Mandatory reservations must be made by a candidate at the time
in the online application and the supporting documents shall be uploaded to the online
application within the stipulated time. The claim has to be specified in the application
in the respective places. Claims made after the last date of submission of application will
not be entertained even if supporting evidences are produced. The claims for Special and
Mandatory Reservation once made in the application cannot be altered by the candidate
under any circumstances.
(ii) Those who claim admission under Government Seats reserved for a Minority
Community, in a college having minority status granted by Government/National
Minority Commission, should specify the same in the application. They should attach
community Certificate, obtained from Revenue Authority/authority concerned, along
with the application. There is no restriction on annual family income for candidates to
apply against such minority seats. The list of colleges where such seats are available with the
name of communities concerned is given in the Annexure I.
(iii) Only candidates belonging to „Keralite‟ category (as defined in clause 6), are eligible for
claiming seats under Mandatory quota in Government Colleges and Special reservation
quota unless otherwise specified in the Prospectus. Details of reservation of seats, if any,
in Self Financing Colleges will also be finalized before the Centralised Allotment.
5.2 Claims for Special Reservation:
(i) All the candidates seeking admission under the „Special Reservation Categories‟ will
have to find place in the rank list. In case the admissions are based on inter-se merit list,
only those candidates who find place in the rank list will be considered for preparing the
inter-se merit list.
(ii) Candidates should mention the item of reservation claimed in the relevant columns in
the application and should be otherwise eligible as per Clause 6.
(iii) Candidates should attach along with their application, relevant Certificates as
mentioned for each item below, in support of the claim
(iv) Selection to the seats mentioned from 5.2.1 to 5.2.4 will be made on the basis of the rank
in the rank list prepared by the Director, LBS Centre. Selection to the seats mentioned in
5.2.5 and 5.2.6 will be made on the basis of the inter-se-merit of the candidates in the
merit list prepared for the purpose. For special reservations mentioned in 5.2.5 and 5.2.6,
only those candidates who find place in the rank list will be considered for inclusion in
the inter-se merit list.
(v) In cases where candidates are to be allotted to the „Special Reservation‟ seats on the basis
of inter-se merit list, the authorities concerned will forward to Director, LBS Centre for
Science & Technology, Extra Police Road, Nandavanam, Palayam,
Thiruvananthapuram-6950033, the preliminary merit list of candidates prepared on the
basis of the proficiency of the candidate in the respective fields. Such preliminary
proficiency list should reach the office of the Director, LBS Centre for Science &
Technology, Extra Police Road, Nandavanam, Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram-6950033
on or before the date specified. Lists received after this date will not be entertained under
any circumstances and the seats to which such admissions are to be made will be merged
to the mandatory reservation quota.
(vi) Seats under Special Reservation in Self Financing Colleges, if available, will be notified
separately. Such seats, if any, will not be shifted to Government Colleges under any
circumstances. The details of Special Reservation seats earmarked in Government
Colleges are given in the Annexure II (a).
5.2.1 Ex-servicemen Quota (XS): Applicants to this category should invariably produce along
with the application a Certificate in Annexure V(a)obtained not earlier than 6 months
from the date of notification from the military authorities or State/Zilla Sainik Welfare
Officer to the effect that he/she is the son/daughter of ex-serviceman or an ex-service
man himself/herself. The Certificate should clearly show that the benefit of reservation
has not been granted earlier to any member in the family. In the absence of the Certificate,
the claim will not be considered.

5.2.2 Dependant of Defense Personnel Killed/Missing/Disabled in action (DK): This

benefit will be available to one person only from the family concerned in respect of
each defense person killed in action/missing in action/disabled either during war hostilities
or in peace time circumstances of which are identical to activities during operational
engagements. They should invariably produce a Certificate in Annexure V(a)along with the
application, obtained not earlier than six months from the date of notification from Military
Authorities/Zilla Sainik Welfare Officer to the effect that he/she is the son/daughter/widow
of the defence person who was killed in action or missing in action or disabled in action. In the
case of disabled personnel, the certificate should specify that the concerned person was/is in
receipt of disability pension. The certificate should clearly show that the benefit of reservation
has not been granted earlier to any member in the family. In the absence of the certificate, the
claim will not be considered.
If no suitable candidates under this category are available for the concession, as per the
existing order/rules, the seats reserved for them will be given to the
son/daughter/widow of the defense personnel who died in harness (HR), if they are
otherwise eligible as per Clause 6. They should produce certificate in Annexure
V(a)along with the application form obtained not earlier than six months from the date of
notification from Military Authority/Zilla Sainik Welfare Officer to the effect that the
defence personnel had died while in service. The certificate should clearly show that the
benefit of reservation has not been granted earlier to any member in the family. In the
absence of the certificate the claim will not be considered.
If there are still no suitable candidates under these categories, the seats reserved for the
children/widow of defense personnel killed in action/missing in action/disabled will be
given to children of Serving Defense personnel or in their absence to ex-
servicemen/children of ex-servicemen.
Only one candidate from a family will be eligible for Special Reservation quota
under 5.2.1 and 5.2.2.
5.2.3 Serving Defense Personnel (SD): Seats are reserved for sons/daughters of serving
defence personnel from Kerala for admission to certain courses. Candidates seeking
reservation under this category should produce a Certificate in format of Annexure V(b)
along with the application obtained not earlier than six months from the date of
notification from the Officer Commanding to the effect that the candidate is the
son/daughter of serving defense personnel, with details of the station where he/she
works at present. Certificate obtained for other purposes will not be considered.
5.2.4 Paramilitary Personnel (PP): Seats are reserved for sons/daughters of personnel serving in
Para Military Forces/Dependant of Para Military personnel Killed/Missed/Disabled in
action including CRPF, BSF, CISF, ITBSF etc. Candidates seeking admission under this
category should produce a Certificate in AnnexureV(b) along with the application obtained
from the Officer Commanding under whom they are serving/were serving to that effect. The
Certificate should have been obtained not earlier than six months from the date of
notification. The purpose of issue should be shown clearly and the Certificate issued for
other purposes are not acceptable in any case. If seats are remaining unfilled, the same will
be filled up by the wards of CPMFS provided it is specifically shown in the attached
Certificate that the organization in which they are working/worked is a paramilitary force
under Government of India.
5.2.5 IAF Quota: As per G.O.(Ms)No.67/2020/H&FWD, dated: 18.04.2020 Government have
sanctioned 4 seats for Bachelor of Cardio Vascular Technology (BCVT) course at Government
Medical College, Kottayam for admitting four students exclusively from the Indian Air Force.

5.2.6 Sports Quota (SP): Candidates who claim reservation under Sports Quota shall fulfill
their eligibility based on the norms of Kerala Sports Council prior to submission of
Application, for the seats as prescribed in the prospectus.
(i) Candidates should apply online and send a printout of the application to the Secretary,
Kerala State Sports Council, Thiruvananthapuram-695001, on or before the last date of
submission of application. The Sports Council will allot marks to the candidates according
to their proficiency in sports. The maximum mark for proficiency is 500. The sports council
authorities will collect the application numbers from the candidates and furnish it in the
proficiency mark list for sports.
(ii) The mark list of candidates under „Individual Events‟ and „Team Events‟ should be
prepared separately and forwarded to the Director, LBS Centre for Science and
Technology, Extra Police Road, Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram-695033, to reach on or
before the date to be specified. In the case of candidates seeking admission to various
courses, the marks out of 500, awarded to the candidates for proficiency in sports will be
added to the aggregate marks, which was counted for ranking in the respective rank lists
computed out of 500, obtained by the respective candidates. Such candidates would be
eligible for a maximum of 1000 marks. The merit list for each category would be prepared
on the basis of inter-se merit of the candidate computed as above. A rank list of candidates
included in „Individual‟ and „Team‟ events will be prepared based on the inter-se merit
and published separately.
(iii) At the time of preparation of the rank list under sports quota, if there is any tie in the total
marks, it will be resolved by the same principle of resolution of tie for the preparation of
rank list, as the case may be.
(iv) The seats under sports quota will be filled up by giving equal representation to both
individual and team events. The principle adopted will be 1:1 which will be implemented
by allotting seats alternatively between individual event and team event. The allotment
will start with the event, whether individual or team, to which a candidate secures the
highest index mark from among the candidates considering exclusively for sports quota
reservation seats. If there is any vacancy in the 50% seats reserved for individual
events/team events, the seats shall be filled up by candidates from the other category.
5.2.7 NCC Quota (CC):The candidates seeking admission under the NCC quota should apply
online and send a printout of the application to the Deputy Director General, NCC
(Kerala), PB No.2212, Thiruvananthapuram-695010 through the respective NCC Unit
Officers where the candidates have been enrolled as cadets, before the last date for
submission of application. The seats under NCC Quota for admission to Professional
Degree Courses are restricted only to the NCC Cadets who are studying within the State
of Kerala.
(i) The state level committee, on the basis of the norms approved by the Government, will
award candidates, marks according to their proficiency in NCC. The maximum marks for
proficiency will be 500. The NCC authorities will collect the application number from the
respective candidates and furnish the application number in the mark list. The Deputy
Director General, NCC, will forward the list of candidates with their marks to the Director,
LBS Centre for Science and Technology, Extra Police Road, Palayam,
Thiruvananthapuram-695033 to reach him on or before the date to be specified.
(ii) In the case of candidates seeking admission, the marks out of 500, awarded to the
candidates for proficiency in NCC will be added to the marks obtained by the respective
candidates in the concerned rank list computed out of 500. Such candidates will be eligible for
maximum of 1000 marks.
(iii) At the time of preparation of the inter-se merit list under NCC Quota, if there is any tie in
the total marks, it will be resolved by the same principle of resolution of tie for the
preparation of rank list, as the case may be.
5.2.8 Service Quota: Candidates under this quota will be selected on the basis of their inter–se
seniority. Candidates seeking admission under this quota should apply online and
upload along with the application, the certificates in proof of age, qualifications, service
certificate in the prescribed format vide Annexure V(c) available for B.Sc. Nursing, B.Sc.
Optometry & B.Sc. MLT Courses.
(i). Nurse-Allopathy (NQ): Three seats are reserved for B.Sc. Nursing course for Nurses in
regular service under the Government of Kerala - one each under the Medical Education
Service, Health Services and Insurance Medical Services. The eligible candidates (as per
Clause 6) for this quota will be selected by the Director of Medical Education/Director of
Health Services/Director of Insurance Medical Services as per rules. The Director of
Medical Education shall forward these lists to the Director, LBS Centre for Science &
Technology within 10 days from the last date of receipt of applications if seats become
vacant, that will go to General Merit.
(ii). Departmental candidates (MT): [For B.Sc.(M.L.T.) course]: Six seats are reserved for B.Sc.
(M.L.T) course for Lab Technicians in regular service under the Government of Kerala -
two each under the Medical Education Service, Health Services and Insurance Medical
Services. The eligible candidates (as per Clause 6) for this quota will be selected by the
Director of Medical Education/Director of Health Services/Director of Insurance
Medical Services as per rules. The Director of Medical Education shall forward these
lists to the Director, LBS Centre for Science & Technology within 10 days from the last
date of receipt of applications. If seats become vacant, that will go to General Merit.
(iii). Departmental Candidates (DO): [For B.Sc. (Optometry) course]: Two seats in Regional
Institute of Ophthalmology, Thiruvananthapuram and one seat in Government Medical
College, Kozhikode, are reserved for Service quota candidates. All the three seats are
reserved for Medical Education Service. Service quota candidates will be selected on the
basis of seniority of the persons working as Ophthalmic Assistant or equivalent posts
under Medical Education Services, having 5 years service after completion of the
respective course. Candidates have to take eligible leave as per rules to pursue studies.
The Director of Medical Education shall forward these lists to the Director, LBS Centre
for Science & Technology within 10 days from the last date of receipt of applications. If
seats become vacant, that will go to General Merit.
No deputation benefits will be granted to the service quota candidates as per
G.O.(Rt.)No.2469/2010 H&FWD dated 29.06.2010.
Important: Candidates who claim special reservation quota will also be considered for
allotment against mandatory reservation seats provided they file options for the same.
Candidates applying under service quota will also be considered for allotment against
mandatory reservation seats provided they apply for the same and file college and
course options.

5.3 Reservation for Persons with Disabilities (PD): (See the annexure-XIII)
Five percent of the seats available to the State for allotment from the State rank lists are
reserved for candidates with benchmark disabilities for all courses in Govt./Aided
Colleges as stipulated in Section 32, Chapter VI of the Persons with Disabilities Act 2016.
As per Clause 2 (r), Chapter I of the Act, „Person with benchmark disability‟ means a
person with not less than 40% of a specified disability where specified disability has not
been defined in measurable terms and includes a person with disability where specified
disability has been defined in measurable terms, as certified by the certifying authority.
Generally, Candidates who have a minimum of 40% disability alone will be eligible to
apply this quota.

(a) Generally, candidates who have a minimum of 40% disability alone will be eligible
to apply for this quota. For claiming reservation under PwD category, the
certificate of disability from the District Medical Board certifying the percentage
of degree of disability has to be produced before the State Medical Board at the
time of medical verification.
The certificate of disability from the District Medical Board must be
produced at the time of medical verification and it should be
uploaded to the online application.

(b) The State Medical Board constituted by the Government under the Chairmanship of
DME consisting of Medical Experts in General Medicine, ENT, Neurology,
Orthopedic Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry and Physical Medicine &
Rehabilitation, will examine the degree of Physical disability of the candidates who
are provisionally included in this category. The State Medical Board will have powers
to review the certificate issued by the District Medical Board.

(c) A State Level Committee constituted by the Government under the Chairmanship of
the Director of Medical Education consisting of the members in the Medical Board
constituted under the Chairmanship of DME, special invitees representing Nursing
& Para Medical Courses specialties will take a final decision on the eligibility of a
candidate for PwD quota as per the criteria fixed by the various Central Councils and
the suitability of the candidate to study a particular course applied by him/her.
Necessary orders constituting State Level committee and State Medical Board will be
issued by Government in due course and the same will be notified.

(d) Only those candidates who are having a minimum 40% of any disability and are
found to be physically suitable by the Committee for the courses opted by the
candidates will be chosen for a course as only the physically fit can undergo the rigors
of a professional course. The recommendations of this State Level committee will be
binding on the candidates. The selection of candidates under this category will be
based on the merit and physical suitability and not on the basis of the degree of disability.
The Director, LBS will prepare and publish the list of candidates eligible under PwD quota
based on the recommendations of the State Level Committee.
5.3.1 For claiming reservation, an attested copy of the certificate of disability from District
Medical Board, certifying the percentage of disability, issued not earlier 3 months prior
to last date for submission of application has to be uploaded during the online
application process. No document / certificate other than those mentioned above will be
considered for determining disability.
5.3.2 Based on such certificate candidates will be provisionally included under the „Persons
with Disability‟ category. The Director of LBS Centre for Science & Technology,
Thiruvananthapuram will publish the rank list of these candidates. However the
inclusion in this rank list is strictly provisional. The selection of candidates under PD
category will be based on the merit in the PD category list of “Admission to Professional
Degree Courses in Nursing and Para Medical Streams- 2021 “and physical suitability
and not on the basis of the degree of disability. The degree of physical suitability will
be assessed by a State Disability Board constituted by the Government of Kerala, with
Director of Medical Education as the Convener, before publishing the Rank list.
“In case no qualified candidates are available under PD Category, the seats will go
to General Merit.” Seats will be earmarked for the PD Category as per the order of
subjects shown in seat Distribution list published later .
(i) Candidates seeking admission under this quota, will have to satisfy the eligibility criteria
prescribed by the concerned regulatory bodies for „Persons with Disabilities‟.
(ii) As per notification F.No.1-5/ 2018/ INC dated 10th April 2019 of Indian Nursing Council, in
the case of B.Sc Nursing, “for disabled candidates 5% disability reservation will be considered
with a disability of locomotor to the tune of 40 to 50 % of the lower extremity “. Candidates
with low vision/ blindness or hearing impairment are not eligible to apply under this quota.
(iii) Candidates under this category desirous of being considered for the courses will have
to upload the Certificate of disability from the District Medical Board certifying the
degree of percentage of disability, issued not earlier than 3 months prior to the last
date of submission of application along with the Application.
No document/Certificate other than those mentioned above will be
considered for determining disability. Based on the Certificate uploaded
along with the Application candidates will be provisionally included under
the „Persons with Disability‟ category.
(iv) The Director, LBS Centre for Science & Technology of Kerala will publish the rank list
of such candidates who have been included in the category. However, the inclusion in
this list is strictly provisional.
(v) A State Level Committee constituted by the Government, as per G.O. (Rt) No.
2804/2010/H&FWD, dated 21.07.2010, under the Chairmanship of the Director of
Medical Education consisting of medical experts in General Medicine, ENT,
Neurology, Orthopedic Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry and Physical Medicine
and Rehabilitation will examine and assess the disability of the candidates who are
provisionally included under this Category. The State Level Committee will have
powers to review the Certificates issued by the District Medical Boards.
(vi) There will be special invitees representing Pharmacy, MLT, Nursing, Physiotherapy
and Ophthalmology specialties to this Committee in addition to Medical Experts who
will subsequently determine the suitability of a candidate, having minimum 40% of
any disability, for a particular course.
(vii) Only those candidates who are having a minimum 40% of any disability and are found
to be physically suitable by the Committee for the courses opted by the candidates will
be chosen for a course as only the physically fit can undergo the rigors of a professional
course. The recommendations of this State Level Committee will be binding on the
candidates. The selection of candidates under this category will be based on the rank
list and physical suitability, and not on the basis of the degree of disability.
5.4 Claims for Mandatory Reservation:
5.4.1 State Merit: The seats under the State Merit (SM) will be filled purely on merit basis
irrespective of the category/community to which the candidates belong.
5.4.2 Claim for communal reservation under the Socially and Educationally Backward
Classes (SEBC):
Reservation to the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes will be in accordance with
the provisions contained in G.O.(P)208/66/Edn. dated 2.5.1966, G.O(MS)
No.95/08/SCSTDD dated 06.10.2008 G.O.(MS)No.10/2014/BCDD dated 23/05/2014,
G.O.(P) No.1/2015/BCDD dated 01/01/2015and as amended from time to time and will
be in accordance with the Orders of the Hon‟ble Supreme Court of India/ Hon‟ble High
Court of Kerala or Orders of the Government of Kerala/ Government of India.
a) Candidates belonging to Socially and Educationally Backward Classes as per
G.O(P)208/66/Edn. Dated 02/05/1966, G.O(MS) No.10/2014/BCDD dated
23/5/2014, G.O.(P) No.1/2015/BCDD dated 01/01/2015, should produce a certificate
to the extent that the candidate belongs to the community which is designated as a
socially and educationally backward class and does not belong to the category of
creamy layer, in the proforma given as Annexure V of the G.O(P)No.1/2015/BCDD
dated 01/01/2015. The names of the castes and communities under SEBC are given in
Annexure III(e). Only the claim of the candidates of those communities that are
included in the list as incorporated in the respective annexure of the prospectus 2021
will be considered. Claims by the candidate belonging to other communities, which
are not included in the Annexure, will be rejected even if certificates from the
concerned revenue officers have been obtained and should be uploaded along with
the application.
b) Candidates belonging to Ezhava, Muslim, Other Backward Hindus, Latin Catholic &
Anglo Indians, Dheevara and related communities, Viswakarma and related
communities, Kusavan and related communities, Other Backward Christians and
Kudumbi communities, claiming reservation under SEBC Quota should invariably
upload the Non-Creamy Layer Certificate in the prescribed format for State
Government Education purpose obtained from the Village Officer/Revenue authority
c) The reservation under SEBC for children of inter-caste married couple: Children of inter-
caste married couple with either the father or mother belonging to a community included
in the SEBC list, or with father and mother belonging to different communities, both of
which are included in the SEBC list, are eligible for reservation under SEBC. Such candidates
should furnish a Non Creamy Layer Certificate specifying the community of the candidate
should invariably upload the Non-Creamy Layer Certificate in the prescribed format for
State Government Education purpose obtained from the Village Officer/Revenue
authority. The claim made in the Application will be final and cannot be changed
d) The candidates who are children of inter-caste married couple of whom one is SC/ST,
will be eligible for educational and monetary benefits admissible to SC/ST as per para
2(ii) of G.O. (MS)No.25/2005/SCSTDD dated 20/6/2005, if eligible for reservation under
SEBC, will be granted the same, based on the Non Creamy Layer Certificate (Annexure IV
(c))and inter-caste marriage certificate(Annexure V(d)) issued by Revenue Officials and to
be uploaded along with the online application.

5.4.3 Claim for reservation under Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Quota:

(a) Candidates claiming reservation under Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes quota should
obtain the caste/community Certificate from the Tahsildar concerned, in the proforma
given in the application specifically meant for them. SC/ST caste status of children whose
parents contracted Inter- Caste marriage will be subject to the orders/clarification issued
in GO (MS) No.25/2005/SCSTDD dated 20.06.2005, the judgment dated 10.08.2005 of the
Full Bench of the Hon‟ble High Court of Kerala in WP(C) 2483/2005 and connected cases
& G.O (MS) No.109/2008/SCSTDD dated 20.11.2008.
As per G.O (MS) No.109/2008/SCSTDD dated 20.11.2008, the children born of inter-caste
married couple of which one of the parents is SC/ST can claim the status of SC/ST on
proof of the conditions of acceptance, customary traits and tenets under which such
children are brought up.
The competent authority issuing SC/ST community Certificate to the children born of
inter-caste married couple of which one of the parents is SC/ST, should ensure that the
claimant is subjected to the same social disabilities and also following the same customs
and traditions and the community has accepted that person to its fold as such. The
authority to issue caste Certificate should ensure that:
(i) Each case shall be examined individually in the light of the existing facts and
(ii) The claimant has suffered disabilities – socially, economically and educationally.
(iii) The society has accepted the claimant to their original fold as one among them and
is living in the same social tenant.
Christian converts who have subsequently embraced Hinduism should produce
caste/community Certificate in the prescribed proforma. The following Certificate should
also be got recorded by the Revenue Official, below the Certificate "The Certificate is
The names of castes and communities concerned are given in Annexure III (a) and
III (b). Community Certificate from the Tahsildar is to be obtained in the prescribed
issued after observing the guidelines issued in the Government Circular No.
18421/E2/87/SCSTDD dated 15.12.1987.

(b) The applications for the reserved seats of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates
which do not contain SC/ST Certificate (Community Certificate) from the Tahsildar in the
prescribed format will not be considered on any account for claiming community
reservation against the seat reserved for SC/ST candidates [vide G.O. (MS)
31/90/SCSTDD dated 25.05.1990]. The community Certificate should clearly specify that
the candidate himself/herself (not the father or mother) belong to the Scheduled
Castes/Scheduled Tribes. The Community Certificates obtained as per G O. (MS)
No.136/07/RD, dated: 27.04.2007 will be accepted. The candidates who are reconverted
to Hinduism from Christianity of Scheduled caste origin should produce community
Certificate from the Tahsildar concerned along with a copy of Gazette Notification
regarding re-conversion.
(c) The claims for reservation under Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes quota will also be
subject to verification and clearance by the Screening Committee constituted for the
purpose by the Government vide G.O. (P) No. 19/2002/SCSTDD dated 20.4.2002, and as
authorised by Section 6 of the Kerala (Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes) Regulation
of Issue of Community Certificates Act, 1996 (Act 11 of 1996) and G.O(P) No.
15/2011/SCSTDD dated 01.02.2011.
(d) The SC/ST claims in respect of those who have migrated from one state to another will
be subject to the provisions of G.O. (MS) No. 10/86/SCSTDD, dated 12.02.1986. Only the
children of those who had migrated to this state before the promulgation of the
Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order 1950 and the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes)
Order 1950, and who ordinarily reside in this State can claim SC/ST benefits from the
State of Kerala. They must be able to prove this, if required.
(e) Claim of OEC candidates against the unavailed seats of SC/ST candidates: Other
Eligible Community (OEC) candidates are eligible for the unavailed seats, if any, under
SC/ST quota, as per G.O.(P) No.135/87/H.Edn. dated 06.05.1987. They should specify
their community status in the application. Such candidates should upload “Non Creamy
Layer” Certificate obtained from Village Officer concerned as per G.O.(P)
1/2015/BCDD dated 01.01.2015. Relaxation in marks in qualifying examination as in the
case of SEBC will be applicable to OEC Candidates (as per G.O.(P) No.53/2000/SCSTDD
dated 03.07.2000). The list of Other Eligible Community(OEC) is given in Annexure III(c)
of the prospectus.

(f) WARNING: Those who produce false SC/ST Certificate for claiming reservation under
SC/ST quota shall be liable for the penalties stipulated in Section 15 of the Act referred to
in Clause(c) above. Candidates and their parents who make such applications are warned
that in addition to prosecution they will have to suffer the following consequences, in case
the SC/ST Certificate produced is found to be false and the candidate does not belong to
any SC/ST communities, under section 16 of the Act, benefits secured on the basis of false
community Certificates will be withdrawn.
(i) Whoever not being a person belonging to any of the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled
Tribes secures admission in any educational institution against a seat reserved for such
castes or tribes or secures any appointment in the Government, Government
Undertakings, Local Authority or in any other Company or Corporation owned or
Controlled by the Government or in any aided institution against a post reserved for
such castes or tribes or enjoys any other benefits intended exclusively for such castes or
tribes by producing a false community Certificate shall, on cancellation of the false
community Certificate, be removed by cancelling the irregular admission in the concerned
educational institution, or as the case may be removed from the said service forthwith and any
benefit enjoyed by him/her as aforesaid shall be withdrawn forthwith.
(ii) Any amount paid to such person by the Government or any other agency by way of
scholarship, grant, allowance, stipend or any other financial benefit shall be recovered
as if it is arrears of public revenue due on land.
(iii) Any Degree, Diploma or any other educational qualifications acquired by such person
after securing admission in any educational institution on the basis of a false
community Certificate shall also stand cancelled on cancellation of the community
Certificate obtained by him/her.
5.4.4 Claim for reservation of candidates belonging to general candidates, who are
classified as EWS:
To avail reservation for Economically Weaker Sections in general category (EWS), to
all higher educational institutions other than minority institutions, where reservation
to other backward classes are provided, the candidates should upload necessary
certificates obtained from Village officer/Revenue authority concerned in the
proforma given in Annexure XIV/Annexure XV.
5.5 Other general rules for Special /Mandatory Reservation:
5.5.1 The seats unavailed by the Scheduled Castes candidates will go to the Scheduled Tribes
candidates and vice versa.
5.5.2 The seats unavailed by the SC/ST candidates will go to “Other Eligible Community”
(OEC) candidates. The seats that still remain unavailed will go to the State Merit Quota.
5.5.3 The seats unavailed by the SEBC category candidates will be allotted under State Merit in
the final allotment in the stream.
5.5.4 If any seat, in any special reservation quota, is left un-availed by the candidates belonging
to that particular category, those seats will go to the Mandatory reservation quota unless
otherwise stated.
5.5.5 The seats unfilled under the nomination categories given under Clause 4.1.1, when
released to the State will be added to the Mandatory reservation quota and the revised
total seats under mandatory reservation quota will be re-distributed and allotted as per
the mandatory reservation principles. The DME will inform the LBS Centre of such
seats before the first allotment.


a) Fee Concession and other Scholarships: Candidates desirous of being considered for any
fee concession/scholarship/any other benefits, based on annual family income should
upload Income Certificate from concerned Revenue Authority FOR CLAIMING OF “

b) Claim for fee concession to OEC candidates as listed in Annexure III (c):Candidates
belonging to Other Eligible Communities are exempted from payment of fee at the time of
allotment to Professional Degree Course under Government /Community Quota
irrespective of annual family income as per G.O.(MS) No.36/07/SCSTDD dated
03.07.2007. Those OEC Candidates who have submitted the Non Creamy Layer Certificate
for availing the applicable reservation will be granted the fee concession based on the Non
Creamy Layer Certificate. But those OEC candidates who do not come under Non Creamy
Layer Category should upload Community Certificate obtained from the Village Officer in
the format available in the website, for availing the fee concession. However as token of
acceptance of seat allotment, they have to remit an amount of Rs.1000/- as Caution
Deposit as per clause9.5.1.

c) Claim for fee concession to candidates belonging to Communities listed in Annexure

III (d)–List of communities eligible for educational concessions as is given to OEC:
Candidates belonging to Communities listed in Annexure III(d) whose annual family
income is up to Rs.6 lakh are exempted from payment of fee during the allotment to the
Professional Degree Courses under Government/Community quota as per
G.O(MS)No.10/2014/BCDD dated 23.05.2014. They should upload community and
income certificate from the Village Officer in the prescribed format.

d) Claim for fee concession to the children of Fishermen: Candidates who are the children
of Registered Fishermen allotted against merit seats or against the seats reserved for them
are exempted from payment of fees to Professional Degree Courses as per
GO(MS)No.47/14/FPD, Dated 09.06.2014. if they upload a certificate from Fisheries
Officer concerned of Kerala Fishermen Welfare Fund Board along with the application.
However as token of acceptance of seat allotment, they have to remit an amount of
Rs.1000/- as Caution Deposit as per clause 9.5.1.

6.1 Nativity: Only Indian citizens are eligible for admission to professional courses unless
otherwise notified. Holders of Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) cards/ Overseas Citizen of
India (OCI), will also be treated at par with Indian citizens for the limited purpose of
admission. However, PIO/OCI candidates will not be eligible for any kind of reservation.
Candidates seeking admission to the courses will be categorised as „Keralite‟, Non-
Keralite category I(NK-I) and Non-Keralite category II (NK-II).
(i) Keralite: A candidate of Kerala origin will be categorized as a „Keralite‟. Children
of All India Service (AIS) officers (Non-Keralites) allotted to Kerala cadre are
deemed to be „Keralites‟ as per G.O.(Rt) No.822/08/H.Edn dated 29.05.2008. But
they will not be eligible for Communal/Special/Persons with Disabilities
(ii) Non-Keralite Category I (NK I): A candidate who is not of Kerala origin but fulfils
anyone of the following conditions will be categorised as 'Non-Keralite Category
I'(NK I).
(a) A candidate who has undergone qualifying course in Kerala and who is
son/daughter of Non-Keralite parents belong to Government of
India/Defense Service, posted to Kerala.
(b) A candidate who has undergone qualifying course in Kerala and who is
son/daughter of Non-Keralite parents who are serving/served Government
of Kerala for a minimum period of two years.
(c) A candidate who is not of Kerala Origin but has been a resident of Kerala State
for a period of 5(five) years within the period of 12(twelve) years of his/her
(d) A candidate who is not of Kerala Origin but who has undergone his/her school
studies in Kerala from standard VIII to XII.
Non-Keralite Category I candidates will be considered against „State Merit‟ seats.
But they will not be eligible for Communal/ Special/Persons with Disabilities
reservation or any fee concession.
(iii) Non-Keralite Category II [NK II]: Candidates who do not come under „Keralite‟
or 'Non-Keralite Category I' will be categorised as „Non-Keralite Category II'. They
will not be eligible for Communal/ Special/ Persons with Disabilities reservation
or any fee concession.
Note: Candidates to be admitted in respect of seats reserved for the nominees of Union
Territories or other States will not be governed by Clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) above.
Candidates who are Indian citizens and who do not come under Clause 6.1.(i) and
6.1.(ii) may be considered for admission to Management Quota seats in Private Self
Financing Colleges subject to fulfilling the eligibility conditions vide Clauses 6.2 and
6.3. The admission will be based on merit and should be restricted to a maximum of
10% of management quota seats. This allotment/admission does not come under the
purview of this Prospectus.

6.1.1 Certificates to prove Nativity

(a) Keralites: In order to prove that a candidate is an Indian Citizen of Kerala origin for the
limited purpose of eligibility for admission, he/she has to produce one of the following
certificates along with the printout of the application itself.
(i) The true copy of the relevant page of Secondary School Leaving Certificate of the
candidate showing the place of birth in Kerala.
(ii) The true copy of the relevant page of the Secondary School Leaving Certificate of either
of the parents of the candidate showing Place of Birth in Kerala with corroborative
certificate to establish the relationship between the parent and the candidate.
(iii) The true copy of the relevant page of the Passport of the candidate, issued by
Government of India, showing Place of Birth in Kerala or of either of the parents of the
candidate showing Place of Birth in Kerala with corroborative certificate to establish the
relationship between the parent and the candidate.
(iv) A certificate of birth from the authority competent to register birth
(Panchayat/Municipality/Corporation) showing the candidate‟s or either of the
parents' (in which case corroborative certificate to establish the relationship between the
parent and the candidate is necessary) place of birth in Kerala, to be issued by a
competent registering authority.
(v) A certificate from the Village Officer/Tahsildar to show that the candidate or his/her
father/mother was born in Kerala (This is to be obtained in the prescribed format
along with the printout of the application).
(vi) A certificate from the competent authority showing that the parent of the candidate is
an All India Service officer allotted to Kerala cadre.

(b) Non-Keralites Category I [NK I]: In order to prove that the candidate is a Non-Keralite
Category I (NK I) for the limited purpose of eligibility for admission, he/she has to
produce one of the following certificates along with the printout of the application itself.
(i) A Certificate to be issued by the Employer is to be obtained in the prescribed format in the
application from the Head of the organisation, where the candidate‟s parent (employee) is
serving/served, and the „Certificate showing School studies in Kerala for Standards XI &
XII‟ is to be obtained from the Head of institution where the candidate underwent his/her
qualifying course in Kerala to satisfy the nativity condition under the sub-clause 6.1(ii).
(ii) A certificate of residence from the Village Officer/Tahsildar to the effect that the
candidate has been a resident of Kerala State for a period of five years within a period of
twelve years of his/her study (to be obtained in the prescribed format along with the
printout of the online application).
(iii) A Certificate showing School Studies in Kerala from Std. VIII to XII obtained from the
Head(s) of the educational institution(s) in Kerala in the case of candidates who have
undergone school studies in Kerala to prove that the candidate has undergone his/her
studies in the schools in Kerala from Std. VIII to XII. This certificate is to be obtained in the
prescribed format in the application itself [For details regarding the Certificate showing
School Studies in Kerala from Std. VIII to XII, see Annexure IV(b)].
(c) Non-Keralites Category II [NK II]: They should furnish the „Certificate of Completion of
Qualifying Examination‟ in the prescribed format in the application itself to prove their
nativity or copy of Passport issued by Government of India to prove Indian citizenship.
6.2 Academic Eligibility: Course wise academic eligibility requirement is as given below.
6.2.1 B.Sc. Nursing, B.Sc. M.L.T. and B.Sc. Optometry Courses: Should have passed Higher
Secondary examination conducted by Board of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala, or
examination equivalent thereto as approved by Kerala University of Health Sciences,
Should have separate minimum pass mark for Physics Chemistry and Biology and 50%
marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English put together.

6.2.2 B.Sc. Perfusion Technology, B.C.V.T.& B.P.T Courses: Should have passed Higher
Secondary examination conducted by Board of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala, or
examination equivalent thereto as approved by Kerala University of Health Sciences,
Should have separate minimum pass mark for Physics Chemistry and Biology and
50% marks in Biology separately and should have 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and
Biology put together.
6.2.3 B.A.S.L.P. Course: Should have passed Higher Secondary examination conducted by
Board of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala, or examination equivalent thereto as
approved by Kerala University of Health Sciences, Thrissur.
Should have separate minimum pass mark for Physics Chemistry and Biology and 50%
marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology / Mathematics /Computer Science/Statistics
/Electronics /Psychology put together.
6.2.4 B.Sc.Medical Radiological Technology Course, B.Sc. Dialysis Technology Course &
BOT: Should have passed Higher Secondary examination conducted by Board of
Higher Secondary Education, Kerala, or examination equivalent thereto as approved by
Kerala University of Health Sciences, Thrissur.
Should have separate minimum pass mark for Physics Chemistry and Biology and 50%
marks in Physics,Chemistry and Biology put together.
Note: The Vocational Higher Secondary Examination Kerala as been recognized as
equivalent to the Higher Secondary Examination Kerala.
(i) In two year Kerala Higher Secondary courses or examinations recognized equivalent
thereto with two year course where the Board Examinations are conducted in both
years, the total marks of two years in the respective subjects as shown in the mark lists
of the respective Higher Secondary Boards will be considered for academic eligibility.
(ii) In Higher Secondary courses or examinations recognized equivalent thereto where
Board Examinations are conducted only at the end of 12th class (final year), the marks

in the respective subjects as shown in the mark lists of the respective Higher
Secondary Boards will be considered for academic eligibility.
(iii) For all other type of Higher Secondary courses or examinations recognized equivalent
thereto, the marks of the respective subjects as shown in the mark list of the respective
Board of Examinations will be considered for academic eligibility.
(iv) The Vocational Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala, has been recognized as
equivalent to the Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala.
(v) In the case of nominees who are selected on the basis of the marks in the qualifying
examination, the academic eligibility as specified in clause 6.2 is applicable.

6.2.5 Relaxation in marks:

For all the courses, candidates belonging to Socially and Educationally Backward Classes
(as per G.O. (P) No. 208/66/Edn. dated 2.5.1966, G.O.(MS) No.95/08/SCSTDD dated
06.10.2008 and amendments thereof), will have a relaxation of 5% marks in the qualifying
examination. They need only 45% marks in the case of Biology where it is required
separately and 45% marks in the case of optional subjects put together. The Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates need only a pass in the qualifying examination.
The relaxation of marks in the qualifying examination extended to SEBC candidates only
will be applicable to OEC candidates even if they are allotted against the unavailed seats
of SC/ST quota. Also refer Clause 5.4.2(e).

In respect of candidates, included in the PwD quota list published by the LBS Centre, the
minimum marks required for admission shall be 5% less than that prescribed for
general category.
No rounding off of the percentage of marks to the nearest whole number is permitted.
For example, a score of 50 marks out of 100 or 150 marks out of 300 alone will be
considered as 50% marks and scores of 45 out of 100 or 135 out of 300 alone will be
considered as 45% marks for determining eligibility.
Candidates who have appeared for the Higher Secondary or equivalent examination will
be permitted to submit the application. However, they should attain the prescribed
qualification and submit copies of mark list before the last date prescribed for submission
of application.
Candidates should have attained the academic eligibility on or before the last date
specified for submission of application.

6.3 Age: Applicants should have completed 17 years of age as on the 31st December 2021. No
relaxation in the minimum age will be allowed. There is no upper age limit except
for candidates under service quota. The upper age limit for candidates under service
quota will be 46 years for B.Sc. Nursing, B.Sc.(M.L.T) and B.Sc Optometry as on

7.1 Application for admission to all the courses - B.Sc. Nursing, B.Sc. (M.L.T), B.Sc. Perfusion
Technology, B.Sc.(Optometry), B.P.T., B.C.V.T., B.A.S.L.P, B.Sc MRT, B.Sc. Dialysis
Technology , BOT can be registered only online through a single application. The
provision for applying online is available at the website
Submission of more than one application by a candidate will lead to rejection of the
7.2 Application Fee:
The application fee will be as follows:
For General candidates : Rs. 600/-
For SC/ST candidates : Rs. 300/-
For Service Candidates : Rs. 600/-
Candidates referred to in Clause 5.4.2 (d), who are children of Inter-Caste married couple
of which one is SC/ST who will be eligible for educational and monetary benefits
admissible to SC/ST as per Clause 2 (ii) of GO (MS) No.25/2005/SCSTDD dated
20.6.2005, should remit the fee meant for SC/ST and should attach an inter-caste marriage
Certificate from the Tahsildar with the print out of the online application form.
7.3 Remittance of Application Fee and Submission of Application Form

7.3.1 Candidates except Service candidates

Application fee can be remitted by all applicants except service candidates at any one
of the notified branches of a Scheduled Bank in Kerala, using the challan generated on-
line during the process of registration of application form online as described in clause

7.3.2 Service candidates

In the case of Service candidates, the application fee should be remitted in any
Government Treasury under the head of Account “0210-03-105-99”. After remittance
of application fee they should submit the application as prescribed under clause 7.6.
7.3.3 Service candidates seeking allotment under Open Quota
Service quota candidates desirous of being considered for allotment under open quota
also can apply for the same after remitting the requisite fee in bank (in addition to the
fee remitted in Government Treasury) by following the procedure applicable for open
candidates as specified in clause 7.3.1 and file the college options in time.
The application fee once remitted will not be refunded under any circumstances.

7.4 Availability of Prospectus

Prospectus can be downloaded from However, it will not
be available by post or from the Office of the Director of Medical Education or from any
Government Medical Colleges or from any other office.
7.5 Submission of Application Form (Except for service candidates)
Candidate has to visit the website and under „VARIOUS
ALLOTMENTS‟ click the link “Admission to Professional Degree Courses in Nursing
and Para Medical Streams-2021”
7.5.1 Step 1: Registration

Candidate should click the button “NEW CANDIDATE”. The personal details of the
candidates have to be filled in the page thus obtained. All the basic information, required
in the application are to be filled in at this step. Before filling the details, read the Prospectus
carefully. The data provided here will be used for processing the application. Any mistake
in filling this sheet or providing false/incomplete/wrong information will affect the
candidate‟s eligibility for admission or claim for reservation under any category. It is
obligatory that the candidate should fill all the items in the registration stage. If the data is
filled completely, after confirming that all the information given are correct and true, click
the Save and Continue button to complete the registration process.

Step 2: Fee payment

At this step, the candidate has to make the payment of application fee by way of Online
payment or by way of Challan.
Select the Mode of Payment
A. Online Payment
The fee may be paid by credit card/debit card/Internet Banking. On successful payment
of fee, a Payment Confirmation page will appear displaying the message „Transaction
Successful„. This page will display the Application number, Transaction Id, Challan
number, Date and Amount. Candidate should note this application number and challan
number which will be required for future LOGIN OF FEE REMITTED CANDIDATES. If
the payment is unsuccessful, the message „Transaction Unsuccessful‟ will be displayed. Due to
communication failure, if the outcome of the payment attempt is not displayed, the bank may be
contacted to ensure whether the attempt was successful or not. If the transaction was
unsuccessful then payment needs to be made again and ensure that it‟s successful. If the amount
was debited from the account of the candidate for an unsuccessful transaction, the debited amount
will be reverted to that account within 5-7 working days. After successful payment candidate can
resume filling of application.

B. Challan Payment
When mode of payment by challan is selected, a three part challan form (Candidate copy,
office copy and Bank Copy) will appear on the screen. Candidate has to take a print out
of the challan, produce the same in the bank and remit the requisite application fee at any
branch of the designated bank (which will be notified later). The Challan will contain the
system generated application number which the candidate should note for future login
After the remittance of fee in the bank, he/she will get back the candidate copy of the
challan from the bank. The candidate copy of the challan is to be retained by the
A candidate who remitted the fee by way of challan can continue with step 3 on the next
day or within the prescribed time limit for completion of the online application
submission process. The candidate has to click the button LOGIN (FEE REMITTED
CANDIDATE) button . In the page thus obtained he/she has to enter the Application

Number, Date of remittance, Branch and challan number regarding the fee remittance
if logging in for the first time. Now facility will be provided for creating password.
Service Quota candidates do not have to pay application fee as per Step 3. Instead they
should upload the scanned copy of the challan showing fee payment done as per Clause
7.3.2 .

Step 3: Application Entry

A registration ID will be provided to the candidate. Candidate should note this
Registration Id and password which are required for future login. Candidate should keep
them confidential. The candidate should fill all the remaining items in the application
entry stage including academic data. The facility to upload the corresponding
certificate/document in respect of claims if any will be available against each entry in
the application. The Candidate shall click the corresponding button and upload the
A recent passport size photograph of the candidate and Signature of the candidate, all in
jpeg format of given specifications are to be uploaded (Refer Annexure VIII for
guidelines). In addition all the certificates and documents in support of the various claims
made in the application should be uploaded.
Step 4: Final Confirmation and Print Application
After completing step 3, the candidate can preview the application before confirmation
and submission. After Preview the candidate has to accept the declaration and make
final submission. The facility to accept the declaration (Tick box) will be enabled only if
all the mandatory fields are filled and uploading of supporting documents and images
are completed. Candidate should then take a printout of the Application for future
Applications should be complete in all respects. A candidate will be considered eligible
for positioning in the Rank list, only if he/she has satisfied the eligibility conditions
prescribed in the Prospectus, under any category. Do not send the printout of the
Application Form and supporting documents to the Office of Director, LBS Centre
by post /e-mail/ in person. Candidates are liable to produce all the original documents
at the time of admission at the concerned allotted institution.

After the candidate has made final confirmation, an Acknowledgement Slip will be
generated and displayed, which can be printed. This will contain the
Acknowledgement Reference Number and Date. The Candidate must note down the
Acknowledgement Reference Number and Date for future queries.

If the final confirmation is not done, the application will be deemed to be incomplete
and thus will not be considered.

Candidates are requested to keep the Password and Registration ID strictly

confidential. Do not send the printout of the Application and supporting documents
to the Office of Director, LBS Centre by post /e-mail/ in person.

7.6 Submission of Application for service quota

Service candidates should apply online through the website
Application fee must be remitted as described in clause 7.3.2. After completing the
registration process as in step1 of 7.5.1, service candidates can proceed using the link
provided for them. Scanned copy of the challan receipt will have to be uploaded. After
completing online application submission, the print out of application form along with the
challan receipt and attested copies of certificates/documents should be submitted to the
„The Director, Directorate of Medical Education, Medical college P.O.
Thiruvananthapuram-695 011, Kerala‟, through proper channel to reach the Office of DME
on or before the last date prescribed. For any assistance, candidate can contact District
Facilitation Centres of LBS Centre. Candidates are requested to keep the Password and
Registration ID strictly confidential to protect their interest. (NOC to be obtained from

7.7 Certificates to be uploaded with online Application

1. Scanned copy of the relevant page of the SSLC or equivalent Certificate to prove
date of birth (Mandatory).
2. Scanned copy of Certificate in proof of nativity (Mandatory). (refer clause 6.1.1).
3. Scanned copy of the mark list(s) of Qualifying Examination (Mandatory).
4. Scanned copy of Certificates in support of any claim for special reservation/fee
concession, if applicable.
5. Scanned copy of Income certificate in the prescribed format, if applicable.
6. Scanned copy of Community Certificate obtained from the Tahsildar in the case of
SC/ST candidates (Mandatory).
7. Scanned copy of Non-Creamy Layer Certificate for State Government Education
purpose in the prescribed format from the concerned Village Officer for community
reservation claims in the case of SEBC/OEC candidates.
8. Scanned copy of Inter-Caste marriage Certificate,(if applicable) from Tahsildar.
9. Scanned copy of Medical Certificate obtained not earlier than 3 months prior to the
date of notification of application from the District Medical Board in the case of
„Persons with Disabilities‟ [PD].
Validity of Certificates: The validity of various certificates will be as given in the
following table:
Sl.No Certificate Validity (as on Closing Date of Application)
1 Non Creamy Layer Certificate One year
2 Community Certificate Three years
3 Income Certificate One year
Certificates issued after the closing date of application will not be considered

No claims whatsoever regarding reservations or fee concessions will be considered

after the closing date of application.
E-District certificate issued by the concerned revenue official can also be uploaded.

(i) Late or defective applications will not be considered under any circumstances.
(ii) Certificates without the signature of the issuing authority or that are incomplete
will be treated as defective and such Certificates will not be considered for
granting any claim.
(iii) Any Documents/Certificates furnished after the last date of submission of the
application will not be entertained under any circumstances.( Refer to the ruling
of the Honorable High Court of Kerala in 1995(2) KLT 629, 1999(2) KLJ 836 and
1999(3) KLT 773).
(iv)To claim any fee concession/scholarship: Candidates belonging to „Keralite‟
category as defined in Clause 6.1(i), who are not eligible for communal
reservation benefit and who wish to be considered for any fee
concession/scholarship/any other benefit based on the family income, that may
be announced by the Government/College/Admitting authority at any time after
the submission of application, should submit the income Certificate from the
concerned authorities separately, at the time of submission of application itself,
to avail of such concessions. Income Certificates produced after submission of
Application will not be considered for granting any such concession.

7.8 Publishing of accepted data after Initial Screening

The personal and academic details and reservation claims, accepted after scrutiny, and
the index marks of the candidates after normalization will be published in website for verification. Candidates must verify these details. In case
of any complaint, the candidate portal will be opened for a specified period for
rectification of defects and for uploading of valid documents where necessary. Candidates
alone will be responsible for consequences of non verification of their accepted
data/details and rejection of application for want of valid documents. No chance will be
given to the candidates after the stipulated time. Complaints will not be accepted under
any circumstances, after a stipulated time.
There will be Three Rank Lists prepared as stated below.

8.1 Rank List I:

For allotment to B.Sc. Nursing, B.Sc. (M.L.T) and B.Sc. Optometry (refer clause 6.2.1):
Rank Lists will be prepared on the basis of marks* obtained by candidates for Physics,
Chemistry, Biology and English put together at the final year of the qualifying
8.2 Rank List II:
For allotment to B.Sc. Perfusion Technology, B.C.V.T and BPT (refer clauses 6.2.2). Rank
List will be prepared on the basis of marks* obtained by candidates for Physics,
Chemistry and Biology put together at the final year of the qualifying examination.
8.3 Rank List III:
For allotment to B.A.S.L.P. course (refer clause 6.2.3): Rank list will be prepared on the
basis of the marks* obtained by the candidate for Physics, Chemistry and
Biology/Mathematics/Computer Science/Statistics/Electronics/Psychology together
at the final year of the qualifying examination.
Note: In case a candidate has studied more than one subject among
Mathematics/Biology/Computer Science/Statistics/Electronics/Psychology, the subject for which
the candidate has scored the maximum marks among them will be considered as the third
optional subject.
8.4 Rank List IV:
For allotment to B.Sc. Medical Radiological Technology, B.Sc. Dialysis Technology and
BOT (refer clause 6.2.4). Rank List will be prepared on the basis of marks* obtained by
candidates for Physics, Chemistry and Biology put together at the final year of the
qualifying examination.
8.5 Procedure for Normalisation: The marks scored by the candidates in each subject
vide Clause 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 in the Qualifying Examination conducted by various Boards
will be made comparable with the marks obtained by the students in the same
subjects in the qualifying examination conducted by the Directorate of Higher
Secondary Examination, Kerala.
Let „X‟ be the maximum mark secured out of 100 for a subject in the state Higher
Secondary Board and „Y‟ the maximum mark secured out of 100 for the same subject in
any other stream AISSCE/ISC/VHSE.
If „T‟ is the mark secured out of 100 for the subject by a student of the other board
(CBSE/ICSE/VHSE) in that year, then his /her normalized mark for the subject, say „Z‟
equals (T*X)/Y (the value to be corrected to four decimal places.)

Subject : Chemistry Year: 2012
Max. mark out of 100 secured in the state board =
100 Max. mark out of 100 secured in the ISC = 99
The normalized mark of an ISC student who secured 85 out of 100 in Chemistry will be
equal to (85*100)/99 = 85.8586.
In the case of students whose qualifying examination is Higher Secondary Examination
conducted by the Directorate of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala, the actual marks
obtained vide clause 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 will be considered for ranking.
If any Board/Authority provides results by Letter Grades/CGPA/OGPA etc., the
candidate concerned will have to submit the mark equivalent as required under Clause
8.1, 8.2, 8.3 from the Board/Authority concerned, failing which the decision on
equivalent marks will be taken by the authorities concerned based on available
information, which will be binding on the applicant.
If any Board/Authority fails to provide data requested and required for the process of
normalization, the data available at the time of processing will be made use of for
normalization in respect of candidates of coming under such Boards/Authority, which
will be binding on the applicant.
The total of the normalized marks in the subjects concerned, each computed out of 100
will be the index mark of the candidate for the purpose of preparation of rank lists.
Thus the maximum marks will be 400 in the case of Rank List I and 300 in the case of Rank List

8.6 Resolving of tie while ranking:

(1) For Rank List I , II and Rank List IV(Refer Clause 8.1 and 8.2): In case of a tie in the
total marks computed for ranking, candidates with higher marks obtained in Biology
will be placed higher in the ranking. If the tie still exists, the candidate with higher
marks obtained in Chemistry will be placed higher in the ranking. If the tie still exists,
the candidate with higher marks obtained in Physics will be placed higher in the
ranking. If the tie still exists, the percentage of total marks for the qualifying examination
and then the percentage of marks in English in the qualifying examination will be
considered for breaking the tie. Even after this, if tie remains, the age of the candidate
will be taken into account and the older will be placed higher in ranking than the
younger. If the tie still persists, the alphabetical order of the names of the candidates in
English will be taken into account (Eg. „A‟ has a higher priority than „E‟ and so on).
(2) For Rank List III (Refer Clause 8.3): In case of a tie in the total marks computed for
ranking, the candidate with higher marks obtained in Chemistry will be placed higher in
the ranking. If the tie still exists, the candidate with higher marks obtained in Physics will
be placed higher in the ranking. If the tie persists further, the percentage of total marks
for the qualifying examination and then the percentage of marks in English in the
qualifying examination will be considered for breaking the tie. If the tie still remains, the
age of the candidate will be taken into account and the older will be placed higher in
ranking than the younger. If the tie persists again, the alphabetical order of the names of
the candidates in English will be taken into account (Eg. „A‟ has a higher priority than „B‟
and so on).
8.7 Publication of Rank List.
The four Rank Lists will be published in the website the
date notified.
8.8 Publication of Category list.
Separate category lists will be published for community reservation, special reservation,
persons with disabilities etc. for each course.
8.9 Validity of the Rank lists
a) The Rank lists for B.Sc Nursing course will be valid upto the cut off date prescribed by
the Indian Nursing Council.
b) The Rank lists for Para Medical courses will be valid upto the cut off date prescribed
by the order of Government of Kerala /Kerala University of Health Sciences & apex
councils time to time.
9.1 An overview: The Centralized Allotment Process for Government Seats in Government
Colleges/Private Self Financing Colleges/Government Controlled Self Financing
Colleges and Management seats in self financing colleges (only where surrendered) for which the
allotment is made by the Director, LBS Centre for Science & Technology will be done
through a Single Window System (SWS). The allotment to various colleges and courses -
B.Sc. Nursing, B.Sc. (M.L.T), B.Sc Perfusion Technology, B.Sc.(Optometry), B.P.T,
B.A.S.L.P, B.C.V.T., B.Sc. Medical Radiological Technology, B.Sc. Dialysis Technology and
BOT will be done by the Director, LBS Centre. The allotments will be strictly based on the
options exercised by the candidate, the rank lists prepared by Director LBS Centre,
eligible reservation(s) of the candidate and availability of seats.
Candidates are advised to visit the website and keep a
constant watch on the leading print and electronic media pertaining to
notifications/instructions regarding allotment.
9.2 Registering Options
9.2.1 Candidate to register options: Candidates included in the Rank lists for B.Sc Nursing and
Para Medical courses 2021, will have to register their options in the stream(s) concerned
as prescribed under Clause 9.3, for being considered for allotments to the courses and
colleges under the respective stream(s).
9.2.2 Registering Options: Options can be registered only through the website, Candidates will have to register their options in single
stream or multiple streams (based on their eligibility) in the „Option Registration Page‟
accessible through the „Candidate Portal‟ within the stipulated period of time.
Candidates should access the „Option Registration Page‟ and follow the instructions
given therein and as described in Clause 9.3, to register their options for courses and
colleges. Options submitted to the LBS Centre,Thiruvananthapuram by Fax, Post, Hand
delivery.E-mail etc., will not be processed or considered on any account for allotment
of seats.
9.2.3 Facility for registering options: Candidates can register their options within the time
schedule specified, using any computer having Internet facility.
9.2.4 Time schedule for registering options: The facility for registering of options will be
available only during the period specified in the notifications to be issued by the Director,
LBS Centre. Wide publicity will be given through electronic and print media regarding
the schedule and related matters. The facility will be withdrawn once the time period is
over and candidate will not have access to this facility after this time period. A candidate,
not registering his/her options as per the time schedule announced, will not be
considered for allotments under his/her eligible streams against any of the seats
available then, irrespective of his/her rank. Requests for extension of time will not be
entertained under any circumstances for registering options under any of the streams.

9.2.5 Registering of options in respect of candidates included in different Rank Lists: A

candidate included in different rank lists, can register options of different streams
simultaneously based on his/her order of priority of courses and colleges. All options
available to the candidate, based on the streams he/she is eligible for, can be registered in
a single registration. For example, a candidate included in the all the rank lists can
register his/her options in the two streams together, within the specified period of time.
There is no separate time schedule for registering options under each of the streams. All
options to all eligible streams will have to be registered as per the time schedule. No
extension of time will be granted under any circumstances for registering options under
any of the streams.
9.2.6 Eligibility for registering options: Only those candidates included in the different Rank
Lists prepared and published by the Director, LBS Centre for 2021 are eligible to
register their options in the stream concerned. Moreover, the candidates registering their
options should satisfy all the eligibility conditions with regard to Nativity (Clause 6.1),
Academic qualifications (Clause 6.2), Age (Clause 6.3), etc., of the Prospectus for

admission to Nursing, Pharmacy and Para Medical Courses 2021. Academic eligibility
should be satisfied on the date of admission for various Courses. Principal/Head of the
Institution will be personally responsible for verification of eligibility condition as
prescribed in the Prospectus, when the candidate reports for admission. Only those
candidates who are found to be qualified as prescribed shall be admitted to the
college/institution irrespective of the fact that he/she has an allotment through the CAP.
9.2.7 Essentials for registering options: Candidates should have particulars such as
Application Number, Registration Id and Password of Nursing and Para Medical Courses
2021 in order to register their options in the website.
9.3 Procedure for Registering Options:
9.3.1 Any candidate, who wishes to register his/her options, should have the „Application
number‟, „Registration Id and „Password‟ readily available with him/her. The candidate
must also have access to Internet facility. The candidate should follow the procedure
given below for registering options:
(i) Log on to the Candidate‟s Home Page through the website using Application Number, Registration Id and
(ii) Select „Option Registration‟ link from the menu.
(iii) Register Options.
(iv) Save the Options registered.
(v) View and Print the List of Options registered.
(vi) Log off from the „Candidate Portal‟.
Application number, Registration Number, Password are candidate specific and hence are usable
for the concerned candidate only. Disclosure of the Registration Number and/or the Password to
others who may misuse them may result in tampering of the options made by the candidate. The
Director LBS/Government will not be responsible for any such eventuality.

9.3.2 Courses and Colleges available for registering options: A list of Courses (Course List)
and Colleges (College List) for allotments through the LBS will be available in the
Option registration page based on the stream(s) the candidate is eligible for. The
„Course List‟ link when clicked will show all the courses in the stream concerned with
their two letter codes. An overall idea of the Courses and Colleges and their Codes will
help the candidate to register his/her options without any difficulty.
9.3.3 Procedure for registering options in his/her Option Registration Page: By entering the
option number [ Eg: 1 – First Preference, 2 – Second Preference and so on.] for a course-
college combination the candidate can fix his/her preference numbers for the course-
college combinations displayed in the Option Registration Page. Here all the eligible
options of the candidate will be displayed course-wise and the candidate is expected to
enter his/her preference number for a particular combination.
9.3.4 Registering of the Options and saving/revising the Options registered:
(i) All eligible options of the candidate will be displayed on the Option Registration
Page. The candidate may follow the directions given therein to register the options. The
data entered may be saved regularly by clicking the „Save‟ button, so that the data already
entered is not lost due to unexpected reasons. The candidate should enter only those
options in which he/she is interested. Candidates should also note that he/she will be
considered for allotment only to those courses and colleges opted by him/her. So, a
candidate who has not opted for a course-college combination will not be considered for
allotment for that combination. Existing options, registered by the candidate and
available in the Option Registration Page, can be cancelled by entering the number '0' or
by clicking „Remove‟ button against that particular option to be cancelled and by clicking
the „Save‟ button again to update the change made. All options registered by the
candidate will be processed. If a candidate gets allotted to a particular seat, based on
his/her option, he/she is bound to accept it, failing which, he/she will lose that
allotment and he/she will not be considered for further regular allotments and all the
existing options in the stream to which the allotment belongs will be cancelled (Refer
9.5.1 (c)). The options once lost will not be available in the subsequent phases.
9.3.5 Viewing and Printing of the Option List based on the options registered: Once the
candidate completes the option entry, he/she can view his/her options by clicking on the
link provided. An option list will be generated and the candidate can take a printout of
the same and keep it for future reference. If the candidate wants to change his/her
options already registered, he/she may revise the options as desired and ensure that the
option list has come as per his/her preferences.
9.3.6 Logging off from the Option Registration Page: Once the candidate is satisfied with the
options registered, he/she may „Log off‟ the system by clicking on "logout" link. The
process of „Registration of Options‟ is complete when the candidate logs off. This action
is compulsory for preventing the misuse of his/her Option Registration Page by
9.3.7 Rearranging option priority: A candidate may change his/her option priority any
number of times within the time schedule permitted. The priority of options registered
at the time of closing of the facility for registering options alone will be considered for
processing. No candidate will be allowed to register options afresh to any stream at any
stage after the stipulated time as notified by the DIRECTOR, LBS CENTRE. The option
list once finalized cannot be augmented after the stipulated time for registering options.
But the modification of the option list will be allowed only for cancellation/deletion and
for re- arrangement of priority of options at the time specified in the notification by the

9.4 Trial Allotment

Based on the options registered up to a specified time point a Trial Allotment will be
published. Candidates may Add/Delete/Rearrange their options based on the results of the
Trial Allotment. There is no guarantee that the results of the Trial Allotment will be retained
in the actual Allotment.

(1) Candidates may collect the full details of colleges such as location, accessibility,
facilities available, fee to be remitted at the time of admission (other than the tuition
fee as per Clause 12) before filing options. The detailed addresses and telephone
numbers of the colleges will be provided in the website while registering the options
(2) Candidate shall take utmost care in finding out the respective codes of colleges and
courses of their choice from the list given in the website while registering their
options online.

If a candidate is allotted his/her first option and accordingly remitted the prescribed fee, that
candidate is bound to accept the allotment. Such candidates will not be considered for further
allotments. Candidates who want to forfeit the First option allotted, they should not remit the
prescribed fees. Such candidates will be considered for spot allotments only, if they required.


[Note: 1. There will be three regular online allotments. After each allotment the
candidate can pay the required fee / additional fee as indicated in the Fee Payment Slip,
which will be available for download from the student home page. The fee can be paid
using the fee payment slip or by online.
Note: 2. Those candidates who fail to remit the fee on or before the date specified and in
the manner specified under Clause 9.5.1, will lose their current allotment as well as their
chance to participate in remaining regular allotments.
Note: 3. The provisional Allotment Memo will be available after the third allotment only
in the candidate‟s home page. Candidate can take a printout of this memo to be
presented at the time of admission in the college. The candidates are to join the college
only after the third allotment as per the prescribed schedule, which will be shown in the
allotment memo.]
Based on the options registered, the first allotment will be published in the website on the date to be notified. The allotment of a candidate can
be seen in the Home page of the candidate. It will show the College & Course to which
the candidate is allotted along with the fee to be remitted.


(a) The prescribed token fee (Refer Clause 12) for the course will have to be remitted by
the candidate to the account of the Director LBS Centre in any one of the branches of a
prescribed scheduled bank which will be notified later or by way of online payment
as per the time schedule prescribed. On remitting the token fee, a fee receipt will be
issued by the bank to the candidate/can be printed from the Online Payment page,
which shall be produced in the college at the time of admission.
For Cash Payment, the student can click on the link „Tuition Fee Slip‟ in the
allotment page, which will show a Slip showing the token fee to be paid towards
part payment of tuition fee. The candidate will have to take a printout of this slip
and pay the fee at any one of the branches of the prescribed scheduled bank which
will be notified later. The candidate shall get the fee payment slip endorsed by the
bank. This shall be produced at the time of admission in the college.
(b) SC/ST/OEC, Children of Fishermen who get allotment, in Government seats shall
remit a token amount of Rs. 1000/- (as part of Caution Deposit) .

(c) Those candidates who fail to remit the fee on or before the date specified and in the
manner specified under Clause 9.5.1, will lose their current allotment as well as
their chance to participate in remaining regular allotments. However they can
participate in spot allotments if any, conducted.
1) Fee remitted by way of Demand Draft/Cheque etc. will not be accepted
under any circumstances.
2) The list of candidates who remit fees/caution deposit (for SC/ST/OEC) will
be updated regularly at the website Candidates
who remit fees should verify the list and ensure that their names have been
included in the list. If any discrepancy is noted the candidates should
immediately bring it to the office of the DIRECTOR, LBS CENTRE, Kerala.


Government Colleges Fee as mentioned in clause

Private/Govt. Controlled Self Financing Colleges Token fee of Rs.25000/-
Fee for SC/ST/OEC/Fishermen and others Token fee of Rs.1000
having fee concession.

9.5.2 Deletion/re-arrangement of options after the First Allotment:

(a) Candidates who remit the fee as per the first allotment within the prescribed time
limit will have the facility to Delete/re-arrange their higher order options before the
second allotment, during a specified period to be notified.
(b) After the first allotment, the options below the „allotted one‟ of the candidate will
automatically be removed from the option list of the candidate. For example, if a
candidate had registered 60 options in all, and if he/she is allotted his/her 40th
option, all options from 41 to 60 will be automatically removed from the option list.
Options from 1 to 39 will remain valid and will be considered for future allotments.
These options will be his/her „Higher Options‟ for the next allotment. He/she may
delete/rearrange any options among the remaining options as per his/her desire. But
the candidate will not be permitted to register any fresh options that were
available for registration initially, to the existing ones. Deletion/re-arrangement of options
can be done as per the procedure explained in Clause 9.3.7.
(c) If a candidate is satisfied with an allotment and does not want to be considered for
further allotment(s), he/she must delete all the remaining higher options.

A candidate retaining all or any of his/her higher options after an allotment is

bound to accept the new allotment, if any granted. In such cases, he/she will not
be permitted to retain the earlier allotment if any under any circumstances.

(d) The facility for deletion/rearrangement of options will be available during the
notified period only.


9.6.1 The second and third allotments will be published on the dates to be notified. If a
candidate has a different allotment than the one accepted in the previous allotment,
the fee for which is higher than that remitted as per the previous allotment, he/she
will have to remit the difference in fee through the same method as prescribed in
Cause 9.5.1. The amount to be remitted in this manner will be shown in the fee
payment slip which shall be obtained by clicking the related link shown on the
allotment page of the candidate.
If the Fee/Difference in the Fees is not remitted the candidate will lose their current
allotment as well as their chance to participate in remaining regular allotments.
9.6.2 If the fee for the course allotted in the current allotment is less than or same as the fee
remitted as per the previous allotment, no further remittance is to be made by the
candidate. Excess amount remitted by the candidate, if any, will be refunded, after the
completion of the entire Allotment process.
9.6.3 Forfeiture of the claims in CAP: The claims in Centralised Allotment Process
conducted by the DIRECTOR, LBS CENTRE will be cancelled under the following
(i) Non payment of tuition fee/token fee as specified in the allotment memo.
(ii) Non joining of the course/college within the stipulated time as specified by the
(iii) Discontinued with TC to join courses other than the courses allotted by the
DIRECTOR, LBS CENTRE or for any other reason.
9.6.4 Deletion/re-arrangement of options after the Second Allotment: -
(a) Candidates who have remitted the requisite fee as per the first/second allotment
within the prescribed time limit will have the facility to Delete/re-arrange their
higher order options before the third allotment, during a specified period to be
(b) As in the case of first allotment, after the second allotment also, the options below
the „allotted one‟ of the candidate will automatically be removed from the option
list of the candidate. He/She may delete/rearrange any options among the
remaining options as per his/her desire within the stipulated time. But the
candidate will not be permitted to register any fresh options that were available for
registration initially, to the existing ones. Deletion/re-arrangement of options can
be done as per the procedure explained in Clause 9.3.7.
(c). If a candidate is satisfied with an allotment and does not want to be considered for
further allotment(s), he/she must delete all the remaining higher options.
A candidate retaining all or any of his/her higher options after an allotment is
bound to accept the new allotment, if any granted. In such cases, he/she will not
be permitted to retain the earlier allotment if any under any circumstances.
(d). The facility for deletion/rearrangement of options will be available during the
notified period only.
After the third allotment is published, candidates can take a print of the Allotment
Memo by logging in, which will be available then. The allotment memo will contain all

details of the candidate along with the college and course to which the candidate stands
allotted finally [as on the third allotment]. The candidate can take a printout of this
memo to be produced at the time of admission.
The allotment memo and Receipt of Fee must be produced at the time of admission
along with other documents.
9.7 LAST RANK DETAILS:The last rank details of the allotment will be published after each
allotment and will be made available on the website. The last rank given will be the rank
of the candidate and not the position in the category list.


To facilitate filling up of maximum number of Government Seats in Government
Colleges/ Self Financing Colleges/Management seats in Government Controlled Self
Financing Colleges to which Director, LBS Centre for Science & Technology makes
allotment, if required, spot allotment(s) will be conducted on the date, time and venue to
be notified. The process/ method followed will be spot registration with online allotment.
The details regarding the availability of vacant seats will be notified for which spot
registration can be done. Candidates who take seats at the spot allotment will have to
remit the fees as per Clause 9.5.1. Those who get allotment in spot allotment and do
not take admission will not be considered for further allotments.
Unconditional NOC and Possession Certificate is compulsory for attending spot
allotment. (Annexure X).
10.1 Reporting at the College: Candidates need report for admission before the
Principal/Head of the institution concerned only when the announcement regarding
the same is made by the Director LBS Centre. He/she should report with the
originals of the following documents:
(i). Candidate‟s Printout of the Application Form.
(ii). Allotment Memo received online.
(iii). Receipt of Tuition fee remitted through allotment.
(iv). Certificate to prove date of birth.
(v). Original Transfer Certificate (TC) and Conduct Certificate from the Institution last
(vi). Original Mark list of the qualifying examination (Higher Secondary or equivalent)
and the Pass Certificate (if applicable)/Mark lists of all parts of B.Sc. Degree
examination and Degree Certificate (if applicable).
(vii). Eligibility Certificate from any University in Kerala, in case of candidates who have
passed a qualifying examination other than Higher Secondary
Examination/Vocational Higher Secondary Examination conducted by
Government of Kerala or the examination conducted by CBSE/ICSE/ISC and/or
Degree from Other Universities or Boards.
(viii). Migration Certificate, if applicable.
(ix). Physical Fitness Certificate in the relevant format obtained from a Medical
Practitioner not below the Rank of Asst. Surgeon given in Annexure V(e) of the
Prospectus, 2021.
(x). Certificate showing that the candidate has got himself/herself vaccinated against
Hepatitis B.
(xi). Income certificate from concerned Revenue Authority.
(xii). Undertaking as per Clause 14.2 vide Annexure VII.
(xiii). Any other document(s) required to be produced by the Head of Institution.
Fees other than the one already paid vide Clause 9.5.1, as applicable to the
course/institution, will have to be remitted by the candidate at the time of taking
admission in the college.
The candidate is specifically instructed not to share his/her Registration id
and Password to the authorities of institutions concerned at the time of

10.2 Verification of Documents: The Principal/Head of the College or Institution shall be

personally responsible for verification of original documents and satisfaction of the
correctness of the records produced by the candidate at the time of seeking admission in
the college/institution. The University concerned shall also verify the records produced
by the candidates who got admission in the college/institution by deputing special teams
and submit a report to Government within 10 days from the last date fixed for closing of
10.3 Failure to report for Admission: Candidates who do not take admission on the
prescribed date in the allotted college will lose their admission. Those candidates, who
fail to take admission in Government seats after being allotted to the Government seats
in the last allotment, resulting in the non filling of such seats, will be proceeded against
by the Government as per rules.
10.4 Closing of admissions: The final allotment/spot allotments in merit seats for Self
Financing Colleges will be based on agreement entered by them with the Government if
any. The last date for closing of admission to B.Sc. Nursing course will be as per the norms
of Indian Nursing Council (INC). The closing of admission to Paramedical Degree
Courses will be the same as the last date for admission to B.Sc. Nursing courses in Kerala.
11 Seat allotment protocol
11.1 Admission and Allotment in Government Colleges:
11.1.1 State-wide Principle of Allotment in Government colleges:
Admission/allotment of seats in Government colleges is governed by a „state-wide‟
principle of selection approved by the Government of Kerala in G.O.(MS)
No.122/98/H.Edn. dated 07.10.1998. According to the G.O., „Candidates of the
reserved category who will otherwise come in the open merit list will be allotted to the
college of his choice provided he would have been eligible for allotment to that college
if he was treated as candidate coming under reservation quota. While a reserved
category candidate entitled to admission on the basis of his merit will have the option
of taking admission to the colleges where a specified number of seats have been kept
reserved for reserved category but while computing the percentage of reservation he
will be deemed to have been admitted as an open category candidate and not as a
reserved category candidate‟. As per the above principle, all seats available for allotment
by the Director of Medical Education in Government colleges for a particular course
available in all the Government colleges put together will be computed state-wide and
the total seats so obtained for each course in these Colleges together, will be distributed
statewide for the different categories by applying the mandatory reservation principle
as mentioned in Clause 4.1.4. While following the above principle of allotment, the
institution-wise break-up of seats that is earmarked under each category as per the
mandatory reservation principle will be changed in certain colleges.
11.1.2 Allotment in Government Colleges to Candidates with multiple Claims under
Mandatory Quota:
All candidates included in the Rank Lists are eligible for allotment under State
Merit(SM). Candidates might be entitled for other reservation quotas also under
Mandatory Reservation. For example, a candidate may have the benefit of SEBC
reservation (EZ/MU/BH/LA/DV/VK/KN/BX/KU) or Scheduled Caste (SC) or
Scheduled Tribe (ST) claim. The seats will be offered on the hierarchy of quotas. The
hierarchy in order is as follows:
(i) State Merit(SM)-All candidates included in the Rank Lists are eligible for allotment
under State Merit.
(ii) A candidate without SEBC/SC/ST reservation benefit will be considered only
against the „State Merit‟ seats wherever available at the time of allotment. Such
candidates will be allotted a seat as per the availability of seats.
11.1.3 Allotments under Special Reservations:
Candidates may be eligible for Special Reservations and/or reservation benefits under
„Persons with Disabilities‟. Such allotment will be only to the colleges where the seats
have been identified. Allotment under these categories will not be governed by the
provisions of the GO referred to in Clause 11.1.1. The allotment of seats under Special
reservation will be taken up along with the General Allotment. However such
candidates will also be considered for allotments as per the Clauses 11.1.1 and 11.1.2, if
they are eligible for SEBC/SC/ST reservation benefits.
11.1.4 Seat allotment protocol in self financing colleges:
Allotment of seats in Government Controlled self financing colleges and private self
financing colleges will be college/institution wise. Details will be notified separately.
11.1.5 Authorization for Attending Counseling if any: In case, candidates are directed to
appear for a personal counseling at any stage of allotment process and a candidate is
not able to attend the allotment process on genuine grounds, the parent/guardian or
any authorized person can act as a proxy at the risk of the candidate, on production of
authorization letter in the form given in Annexure VI. Authorization letter once
received will be considered valid for the entire allotment process, unless the candidate
revokes it in writing.
12. FEE
12.1 Fee structrure applicable for Government Medical Colleges 2021 for the admission to
2021 batch will be as follows.

Course Government Colleges (Rs.)*
B.Sc Nursing 22,070/-
B.Sc. M.L.T. 19,870/-
B.Sc. Perfusion
B.Sc Optometry 20,970/-
B.C.V.T. 20970/-
B.Sc. D.T 20,970/-
*applicable for Government Medical College as per vide order
“The Students admitted under Government Merit quota in Self financing colleges are
eligible for scholarship as per the conditions in G.O(Rt) No.4236/2012/H&FWD dated
28.12.2012. and also as per the agreement executed with the managements. The fee of
other courses will be notified later”.
12.2 Candidates belonging to SC/ST communities allotted against merit seats or against the
seats reserved for them are exempted from payment of fee at the time of admission.
Candidates belonging to OEC admitted against merit seats or against the un-availed
seats of SC/ST are also exempted from payment of fee (As per G.O.(MS)
No.14/2005/SCSTDD dated 5.4.2005 & G.O.(Ms) No.36/07/SCSTDD dated
03.07.2007). Candidates belonging to OEC admitted to Government seats through
SEBC reservation are also exempted from payment of fee (As per G.O.(Ms) No.
50/2006/SCSTDD dated 22.09.2006) for the entire duration of the course. SC/ST
development department will reimburse the fees for eligible students as per clause 12.1
above.SC/ST/OEC candidates will have to pay the „Caution Deposit‟ as per rules.
12.3 Candidates who are children of Inter-Caste married couple of which one is SC/ST, will
be eligible for educational and monetary benefits admissible to SC/ST as per GO (MS)
No.25/2005/SCSTDD dated 20.6.2005 if they have submitted the „Inter-Caste Marriage
Certificate‟ issued by Tahsildar (Refer Clause 5.4.2 (d) along with the application and if
the claim has been accepted.
12.4.1 Transfer of fee to Colleges: The fee remitted by the candidates will be Director, LBS
Centre directly to the college where the candidate stands admitted at the time of
closing of admissions for the year. This will be done only after closing of admission for
the year 2021.
12.4.2 Refund of fee: Candidates who cancel their admission before the closing date of
admission are eligible for refund of fees. Refund of fee is also admissible to the
candidates who secure admission through an allotment of Commissioner for Entrance
Examinations, Kerala for the year 2021. Request should be given for the same in the
format prescribed in Annexure XI (with proof) to The Director, LBS Centre along with a
copy of allotment memo and fee receipt, within three month of closing of admission for
the course. Requests received after this period will not be considered.
12.4.3 Excess fee, if any, collected from candidates will also be refunded.
12.4.4. The amount of fee/excess fee collected will be refunded to the candidates only after
the closing of admissions for the year. The candidates need not submit any individual
request in this regard. No interest will be paid to the candidate on the balance amount
due to him/her.
12.5.1 No refund of fee will be made to candidates who apply for Transfer
Certificate/Cancellation of admission under any circumstances, after the last date for taking
admission by candidates consequent to the last spot Allotment. They will have to pay
Liquidated damages as stipulated in Clause 13.

13. Liquidated Damages

(a) Levying amount towards liquidated damages from candidates discontinuing their
studies in the first academic year:
(i) If any candidate admitted against „Government‟ seats in Government/Self Financing
Colleges, discontinues the studies after the cutoff date for closing of admissions fixed by
the Govt., to join other courses/colleges or for other purposes, he/she is liable to pay a
liquidated damage equal to total annual tuition fee (for the entire course) less the fee paid
by him/her. In all such cases the Transfer Certificate will be issued only after the
remittance of liquidated damages to the authority concerned. Candidates belonging to
SC/ST/OEC are exempted from this rule. Candidates belonging to „Keralite‟ category,
as per Clause 6.1.1, whose annual family income is below Rs.75,000/- and who have
submitted Income Certificate along with the application for admission to Professional
Degree Courses in Nursing, and Paramedical Streams 2021 will also be exempted
from payment of Liquidated Damages.
(ii) The candidates admitted against Management seats in Self Financing colleges under
Govt. control, on discontinuance of course after the cut-off date for closing of admissions
fixed by the Govt., for joining other courses/colleges or for other purposes are liable to
pay liquidated damages equal to annual tuition fee for the remaining years of study so
as to complete the total tuition fee for the course irrespective of annual family
income/nativity/reservation status.
(iii) A candidate who gets allotment and admission to a course through an allotment of LBS
Centre, Thiruvananthapuram for the year 2021 will be eligible for full refund of fee
remitted and he/she need not pay any liquidated damages.

(b) Levying amount towards liquidated damages from candidates discontinuing their
studies after the first academic year:
(i) Candidates admitted against Government seats in Govt./Self Financing Colleges or
in Management seats in Government Controlled Self Financing Colleges, who
discontinue the course after the first academic year, are liable to pay liquidated
damages equal to the total amount of tuition fee payable for the remaining year(s)
of study. The candidates who discontinue the course must remit the fee for
remaining years.
(ii) Candidates who are transferred from one institution to another, as per the
proceedings of the University concerned are exempted from payment of liquidated

14.1 The whole process of allotment to the courses viz. B.Sc. Nursing, B.Sc.(M.L.T), B.Sc.
Perfusion Technology, B.A.S.L.P., B.C.V.T., B.Sc.(Optometry), B.Sc. M.R.T., B.P.T, B.Sc.
Dialysis Technology and BOT for the academic year 2021 will be done by the Director,
LBS Centre.
14.2 Preventive measures against ragging:
According to the Kerala Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1998, „ragging‟ means doing of any
act by disorderly conduct to a student of an educational institution, which causes or is
likely to cause physical or psychological harm or raising apprehension or shame or
embarrassment to that student and includes teasing or abusing or playing practical jokes
or causing hurt to such students or asking a student to do any act or to perform something
which such student will not in the ordinary course be willing to do.
All institutions will have to abide by the directives of the Hon‟ble Supreme Court of India,
Dated May 16, 2007 in SLP No. (S) 24295 of 2006 University of Kerala Vs Council,
Principal‟s, Colleges, Kerala & Ors [with SLP (c) No.24296-99/2004 & W.P (Crl) No.
173/2006 & SLP (c) No.14356/2005] and the recommendations approved by the
Honorable Supreme Court of India on effective prevention of ragging in educational
In case, the applicant for admission is found to have indulged in ragging in the past or if
it is noticed later that he/she has indulged in ragging, admission may be refused or
he/she shall be expelled from the educational institution. It shall be the collective
responsibility of the authority of the institution to see to it that effective steps for
preventing ragging are taken. Anti-ragging committees and anti-ragging squads will have
to be formed to take effective measures against ragging and they should adhere to the
stipulations and effectively monitor and comply with the directives. Each of the student
of the institution and his/her parents, or guardian are required to submit a combined
undertaking at the time of registration/admission in prescribed format available in
Annexure VII which is mandatory for registration/admission.
14.3 The Director of Medical Education/Director LBS Centre will not entertain any request
for change of any date fixed in the Centralized Allotment Process/Admission from time
to time.
14.4 The candidates will not be allowed to have transfer from one college to another or one
course to another after the closing of allotment/admission process for the year 2021.
14.5 All disputes pertaining to the allotment for admission shall fall within the jurisdiction of
the Hon‟ble High Court of Kerala.
14.6 Any other items not specifically covered in this Prospectus will be decided by the
Government of Kerala / Director of Medical Education his/her decision shall be final.


List of Institutions included in the Centralised Allotment Process-2020- 21

Institutions included in the Centralised Allotment Process-2021-22 will be published later in
the website.

College Course Merit Mgmt seat for
Sl.No Name of Institution (Merit Contact No.
Code Code seat seat EWS

B.Sc. Nursing Government Colleges

1 ALN Govt. College of Nursing, Alappuzha NU 60 NA 5 22070 0477-2283365
2 AMN Govt College of Nursing, Kannur( Pariyaram) NU 60 NA 5 22070

3 KKN Govt. College of Nursing, Kozhikode NU 60 NA 6 22070 0495-2350208

4 KTN Govt. Nursing College, Kottayam NU 60 NA 6 22070 0481-2598469

5 TRN Govt. College of Nursing, Thrissur NU 60 NA 6 22070 0487-2208205

6 TVN Govt. College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram NU 75 NA 7 22070 0471-2444290

7 EKN Govt College of Nursing, Kochi, Ernakulam NU 60 NA 5 22070 0484-2754488

B.Sc. Nursing Colleges Under the State Institute of Medical Education and Technology

Tuition fee
63500 0484-2231530,
8 SEN SIMET College of Nursing, Palluruthy, Ernakulam NU 30 30
special 2351314
fee 17000
Tuition fee
SIMET College of Nursing, P.H.C Campus, Malapuzha, 63500
9 SPN NU 30 30
fee 17000
Tuition fee
SIMET College of Nursing,Muttathara, 63500
10 SIN NU 30 30
fee 17000
NU 30 30 Tuition fee 0467-2233935,
63500 8547499962
11 SKN SIMET College of Nursing, Uduma, Kasargode. special
fee 17000
B.Sc. Nursing Colleges Under Malabar Cancer Centre
Tuition fee
Institute of Nursing Science and Research, Malabar 63500
12 INN Cancer Centre, Moozhikkara, Thalassery, Kannur
NU 20 20 --
fee 17000
B.Sc. Nursing Colleges Under CPAS(Centre for Professional and Advanced Studies)
Tuition fee 0481-2598790,
Institute of Nursing Education, School of Medical 63500 2598356
13 UCN Education, Chuttipara, Pathanamthitta
NU 25 25 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0481-2598790,
Institute of Nursing Education, School of Medical 63500 2598356
14 UGN Education, Arppokkara, Gandhi Nagar, Kottayam
NU 17 17 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0481-2598790,
Institute of Nursing Education, School of Medical 63500 2598356
15 UKN NU 25 25 --
Education, Puthuppally, Kottayam
fee 17000

Tuition fee 0481-2598790,
Institute of Nursing Education, School of Medical 63500 2598356
16 ULN Education, Pala, Kottayam
NU 25 25 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee
Institute of Nursing Education, School of Medical 63500
17 UMN Education, Manimalakunnu, Koothattukulam
NU 20 20
fee 17000
Tuition fee
Institute of Nursing Education, School of Medical 63500
18 UNN NU 15 15
Education, Nedumkandam, Kattappana, Idukki
fee 17000

B.Sc. Nursing Private Self Financing Colleges – ( Thiruvananthapuram District)

Tuition fee 0471-2501020,
College of Nursing, Ananthapuri Hospitals & Research 63500 2506565
19 ACN NU 25 25 --
Centre , Chakka, Thiruvananthapuram
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0472-2887299
20 CON Co-operative College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram NU 37 38 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0471-2250233,
CSI College of Nursing, Karakonam, 63500 2250506
21 CSN NU 25 25 --
Thiruvananthapuram, (Christian -Minority community)
fee 17000
Little Flower College of Nursing, Tuition fee 0471-
Monvila, Kulathoor P.O. 63500 2590032,259004
22 JBN NU 20 20 --
special 2,9497454950,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 583,(Christian -Minority
fee 17000 9061879080
Tuition fee 0471-3081020,
KIMS College of Nursing, Chempakamangalam, Korani, 63500 3081021
23 KIN NU 35 35 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 047202805091 /
Nightingale College of Nursing, Nedumangad, 63500 0472 2960660 /
24 NCN NU 25 25 --
special 7902706944
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0471-2223632
NIMS College of Nursing, Aralumoodu, Neyyattinkara, 63500
25 NIN NU 30 30 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 9061097107,
P.R.S College of Nursing, Paliyode, Dalumugham P.O, 63500 0471-2257165 /
26 PRN NU 20 20 --
special 164
Neyyattinkara , Thiruvananthapuram-695125
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0471-224016,
Ruckmoni College of Nursing, Vellarada, 63500 2244695
27 RCN NU 25 25 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0471-2202598
Saraswathi College of Nursing, Parassala, 63500
28 SCN NU 25 25 --
Thiruvananthapuram 695502
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0471-2575010
S.P.Fort College of Nursing, Perumthanni, , 63500
29 SFN Thiruvananthapuram
NU 20 20 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0472-3041270,
Sree Gokulam Nursing College, Venjaramoodu, 63500 3041143
30 SGN NU 37 38 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0470-2602330,
Sivagiri S.N.Medical Mission College of Nursing, 63500 3259582
31 SVN NU 35 35 --
Varkala, Thiruvananthapuram
fee 17000

B.Sc. Nursing Private Self Financing Colleges – ( Kollam District)

Tuition fee 0474-3069450,
Azeezia College of Nursing, Diamond Hills, 63500 2465680
32 AZN NU 25 25 --
Meeyannoor P.O., Kollam 691537
fee 17000
Bishop Benziger College of Nursing,P.B. No. 46, Tuition fee 0474-2765582,
63500 2768201
33 BBN Saastri Jn., Kollam – 691001 (Christian -Minority NU 25 25 --
community) fee 17000
Tuition fee 0474 – 2530121,
Holy cross college of Nursing, Kottiyam, Kollam- 63500 2531258
34 HCN 691571(Christian -Minority community)
NU 25 25 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0475 - 2279787,
St.Joseph’s College of Nursing, Anchal.P.O, 63500 2270457
35 JAN Kollam(Christian -Minority community)
NU 25 25 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0474 2729582,
36 KDN N.S. Memorial College of Nursing, Palathara Kollam NU 15 15 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0474-2470303,
Mercy College of Nursing, Valakom, Kottarakara, 63500 2494370
37 MRN NU 30 30 --
Kollam (Christian -Minority community)
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0474-3069999,
Travancore College of Nursing, Medicity Hospital, 63500 2729393
38 TKN NU 25 25 --
Umayanallur P.O. , Kollam 691589
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0474-2532619
39 UPN Upasana College of Nursing, Kollam NU 38 37 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0474-2455501,
63500 0474-2455503
40 VCN Vijaya College of Nursing, Kottarakkara, Kollam NU 35 35 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0474-2764675
41 VNN V.N.S.S.College of Nursing,Karbala jn., Kollam NU 15 15 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0476-2722449
42 PHN Parabrahma College of Nursing, Oachira, Kollam NU 20 20 --
fee 17000

B.Sc. Nursing Private Self Financing Colleges – ( Pathanamthitta District)

Tuition fee 0479-
Archana College of Nursing, Archana Hospital 63500 2373384,238739
43 ARN NU 15 15 --
special 7
fee 17000
ST. Gregorios College of Nursing, Parumala P.O., Tuition fee 0479-2310393,
63500 2313026,
44 GCN Pathanamthitta Dist. 689626 (Christian -Minority NU 25 25 --
community) fee 17000
Tuition fee 04743-228246,
Holy Cross college of Nursing, Adoor, Pathanamthitta 63500
45 HRN NU 20 20 --
(Christian -Minority community)
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0468-2324008,
MGM, Muthoot College of Nursing, Kozhenchery, 63500 2279158
46 MGN NU 25 25 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0468-2324008 ,
MGM Muthoot College of Nursing , Ring Road, 63500 3200004
47 MMN NU 25 25 --
fee 17000
Mount Zion College of Nursing, Chayalode , Tuition fee 04734-243900
48 MZN Ezhamkulam, Adoor, Pathanamthitta.(Christian - NU 20 20 --
Minority community) fee 17000
Tuition fee 0468-2261249,
Poyanil College of Nursing, Kozhenchery, 63500 2210474
49 PCN NU 20 20 --
fee 17000
Pushpagiri College of Nursing, Pushpagiri Medical Tuition fee 0469-2602441,
63500 2700755
50 PGN College P.O. Tiruvalla -689 101 (Christian -Minority NU 25 25 --
community) fee 17000
Thiruvalla Medical Mission College of Nursing, Tuition fee 0469-2619041,
63500 2626464
51 TMN Anjilithanam, Kaviyoor, Thiruvalla, (Christian -Minority NU 25 25 --
community) fee 17000
Chitra College of Nursing(Chitra Institute of Medical Tuition fee
52 CTN Sciences & Research Centre), M.C Road, Pandalam, NU 15 15 63500
Pathanamthitta District- 689801 special
fee 17000

B.Sc. Nursing Private Self Financing Colleges – ( Alappuzha District)

*** Josco College of Nursing, Josco Multi Specaility Tuition fee 0479-2376644,
63500 2374982
53 JCN Hospital, Edappon, Pandalam, Alappuzha(Christian - NU 30 30 --
Minority community) fee 17000
Tuition fee 0478-2813438
S.H. College of Nursing, Green Gardens, Cherthala, 63500
54 SRN NU 20 20 --
Alappuzha – 688524(Christian -Minority community)
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0479-3012345,
St.Thomas College of Nursing, Pallickal P.O., 63500 2332028
55 STN NU 25 25 --
Kattanam, Alappuzha
fee 17000

B.Sc. Nursing Private Self Financing Colleges – ( Kottayam District)

Tuition fee 04828 - 212244,
Assisi College of Nursing , Propose P.O ,Erumely, 63500
56 AHN NU 20 20 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 04829-272000,
BCF College of Nursing, Chemmankary, Vaikom, 63500 274000
57 BCN Kottayam
NU 25 25 --
fee 17000
Caritas College of Nursing, Caritas Hospital, Tuition fee 0481-2792104,
63500 2790025
58 CAN Thellakom P.O .Kottayam -686016 (Christian -Minority NU 25 25 --
special Ext.1411, 2083
community) fee 17000
St.Thomas College of Nursing, Chethipuzha, Tuition fee 0481-2720947,
63500 2721595
59 CCN Kurisummoodu PO, Chaganassery, Kottayam-686 104 NU 25 25 --
(Christian -Minority community) fee 17000
Tuition fee 0481-2487550,
College of Nursing, Guru Group of Institute, 63500 2487570
60 GGN NU 15 15 --
Karukachal, Kottayam
fee 17000
Tuition fee 04822 - 254377
Little Lourdes College of Nursing, Kidangoor.P.O, 63500
61 LDN NU 20 20 --
Kottayam-686572(Christian -Minority community)
fee 17000
Mercy College of Nursing, Mercy Hospital, Pothy, Tuition fee 04829 238567
62 MUN Midayikunnu.P.O, Thalayolaparambu, Kottayam- NU 20 20 --
(Christian -Minority community) fee 17000
NU Tuition fee 04822-256559,
Mar Sleeva College of Nursing, Cherpunkal PO, Pala, 63500 256518, 215519
63 MAN Kottayam – 686584 (Christian -Minority community)
27 27
fee 17000
Thiruhrudaya College of Nursing, S.H. Medical Centre, Tuition fee 0481-2569840
64 THN Nagampadom, Kottayam - 686001(Christian -Minority NU 20 20 --
community) fee 17000
Tuition fee 8606375333,
Velankanni Matha College of Nursing, Thellakom 63500 8606375444
65 VMN NU 20 20 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0481-2495044,
Theophilus College of Nursing, Kangazha, 63500 2497410
66 TCN NU 18 17
Kottayam,(Christian -Minority community)
fee 17000

B.Sc. Nursing Private Self Financing Colleges – ( Idukky District)

Holy Family College of Nursing , Muthalakodam Tuition fee 04862-229688,
63500 225857
67 HFN Thodupuzha East P O, Idukki District – 685585 NU 25 25 --
(Christian -Minority community) fee 17000
Tuition fee 04868 - 252240,
ST. John’s College of Nursing,Kattappana- 685515, 63500 273230
68 JHN Idukki(Dt.) (Christian -Minority community)
NU 30 30 --
fee 17000

B.Sc. Nursing Private Self Financing Colleges – ( Ernakulam District)

Carmel College of Nursing, Carmel Hopital, Tuition fee 0484 2626958, ,
63500 2625346,
69 CLN Asokapuram, Aluva-683101(Christian -Minority NU 20 20 --
community) fee 17000
Tuition fee 0484-2206734
Indira Gandhi Co-operative college of Nursing, Gandhi 63500
70 IGN Nagar, Kochi
NU 25 25 --
fee 17000
ST.Joseph’s College of Nursing, Dharmagiri, Tuition fee 0485 - 2824308,
63500 2862391
71 JKN Kothamangalam-686691, Ernakulam (Christian - NU 30 30 --
Minority community) fee 17000
Lourdes College of Nursing,Sidhi Sadan, Tuition fee 0484-2421998,
63500 2422143
72 LCN Chembumukku ,Thrikkakkara, Eranakulam (Christian - NU 35 35 --
Minority community) fee 17000
Little Flower College of Nursing, Little Flower Hospital Tuition fee 0484 – 2456448,
63500 3096492,
73 LFN & Research Centre, Anganmaly, Eranakulam-683572 NU 25 25 --
special 2452546.
(Christian -Minority community) fee 17000
Tuition fee 0484-2400632,
Lisie College of Nursing, Lise Hospital, P.B.No.3053 63500 2403000, extn.
74 LHN NU 35 35 --
special 4015
,Cochin(Christian -Minority community)
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0485-2823317,
Mar Baselius College of Nursing, Kothamangalam, 63500
75 MBN NU 30 30 --
Eranakulam. (Christian -Minority community)
fee 17000
Malankara Orthodox Syrian College of Nursing, Tuition fee 0484-3055661,
63500 3055660
76 MSN Kolencherry,Ernakulam-682311 (Christian -Minority NU 35 35 --
community) fee 17000
Tuition fee 0484-
Medical Trust College of Nursing, Medical Trust Tower, 63500 2843104,105
77 MTN NU 30 30 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0484 2605052,
Najath College of Nursing, Najath Super speciality 63500 2623693
78 NJN NU 20 20 --
Hospital, Purayur Desom, Aluva.
fee 17000
College of Nursing ,Nirmala Medical Centre Tuition fee 0485-2835151,
63500 2835343,
79 NMN ,Muvattupuzha Ernakulam -686 661 (Christian -Minority NU 25 25 --
community) fee 17000
San Joe College of Nursing,Pulluvazhy P.O ., Tuition fee 0484- 2594965,
63500 2596286
80 SAN Perumbavoor -683541,Ernakulam (Christian -Minority NU 25 25 --
community) fee 17000
Samaritan College of Nursing, Samaritan Hospital, Tuition fee 0484-2681450,
63500 2680511
81 SRM Pazhanganad ,Kizhakkambalam-683562, Ernakulam NU 25 25 --
(Christian -Minority community) fee 17000
Tuition fee 0484-2722476,
Sree Sudheendra College of Nursing, Ambalamedu 63500 2720476
82 SSN P.O. Ernakulam-682303
NU 20 20 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0485-2245285,
Well Care College of Nursing,Pampara, Vettikkal, P.O., 63500 2245239
83 WCN NU 15 15 --
Mulamthuruthi, Ernakulam
fee 17000

B.Sc. Nursing Private Self Financing Colleges –( Thrissur District)

Tuition fee 0487-2307574,
Amala College of Nursing,Amala Nagar P.O Thrissur – 63500 2304070,
84 ATN NU 25 25 --
680555 (Christian -Minority community)
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0487-
Aswini College of Nursing, Nadathara P.O., Thrissur - 63500 2317255,655725
85 AWN NU 30 30 --
special 6
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0487-2436113
Elite College of Nursing , Koorkanchery.P.O, Thrissur- 63500
86 ETN NU 20 20 --
fee 17000
Jubilee Mission College of Nursing, Tuition fee 0487-2421885,
87 JMN P.B.NO.737,Thrissur East-680005 (Christian -Minority NU 25 25 -- 63500 2432434,
community) special 2432435

fee 17000

Tuition fee 0487-2434817,

63500 2369021
88 MCN Mother College of Nursing, Pullazhi, Thrissur NU 25 25 --
fee 17000
Snehodaya College of Nursing, Sacred Heart Mission, Tuition fee 0480 – 2882283,
63500 2882281
89 SHN HospitalTrust, Kallettumkara .P.O Irinjalakuda,Thrissur- NU 25 25 --
680683 (Christian -Minority community) fee 17000
ST. James College of Nursing,River Bank Govt. Tuition fee 0480- 2710971
63500 3013501
90 SJN Hospital Road, Chalakudy Thrissur – 680307 (Christian NU 25 25 --
-Minority community) fee 17000
Tuition fee 0487-2204343
West Fort College of Nursing, Mulankunnathu Kavu, 63500
91 WFN NU 35 35 --
Pottur, Thrissur
fee 17000

B.Sc. Nursing Private Self Financing Colleges – ( Palakkad District)

Tuition fee 04922-225333,
63500 326263
92 CRN Crescent College of Nursing, Alathur, Palakkad NU 25 25 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 04923-223426,
Karuna College of Nursing, Vilayodi, Chittoor P.O, 63500 3223426
93 KCN NU 25 25 --
Palakkad, (Muslim -Minority community)
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0466-2344500
Nehru College of Nursing, Vaniyamkulam, Ottapalam, 63500
94 NHN NU 30 30 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0466-2249771
Seventh Day Adventist College of Nursing, SDA 63500
95 SDN NU 20 20 --
Hospital, Kanniyapuram, Ottapalam, Palakkad
fee 17000

B.Sc. Nursing Private Self Financing Colleges – ( Malappuram District)

Al-shifa College of Nursing, Lemonvally, Tuition fee 04933-224298
63500 224299
96 AFN Angadippuram, Perinthalmanna, Malappuram( Muslim NU 30 30 --
Minority Community ) fee 17000
Tuition fee 0483-2102260
AL Mas College of Nursing, Kottakal, Puthoor P.O. 63500
97 ASN NU 25 25 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 04933-232372,
College of Nursing, Moulana Hospital, 63500 300600
98 MLN Angadippuram.P.O., Perinthalmanna, Malappuram
NU 30 30 --
fee 17000
MES College of Nursing, Malaparamba, Palachode, Tuition fee 04933-258309,
63500 298300
99 MEN Perinthalmanna, Malappuram (Muslim Minority NU 25 25 --
Community) fee 17000
Tuition fee 0483-2832992
MIMS College of Nursing, Vadakkedathuparamba, 63500
100 MIN NU 30 30 --
Puthukod, Malappuram
fee 17000
Tuition fee 04933 - 218884
College of Nursing, EMS Memorial Co-operative 63500
101 EMN NU 35 35 --
Hospital, Perinthalmanna
fee 17000

B.Sc. Nursing Private Self Financing Colleges – ( Kozhikode District)

Sree Anjaneya College of Nursing, Malabar Medical Tuition fee 0496-2701666,
63500 2701667
102 AJN College Campus, Uliyeri, Modakkallur, Atholi, NU 30 30 --
Kozhikode fee 17000
Tuition fee 0495-2744739 ,
Baby Memorial College of Nursing, Kuthiravattom, 63500 2744539
103 BMN NU 30 30 --
fee 17000
JDT Islam College of Nursing, Vellimadukunnu, Tuition fee 0495 - 2730366,
104 JDN NU 30 30 --
63500 6539377
Kozhikode Malappuram ( Muslim Minority Community)
fee 17000

Tuition fee 0495-2290691

KMCT College of Nursing, Mampetta, Manassery P.O., 63500
105 KMN NU 25 25 --
Mukkom, Kozhikode, 673602
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0495 – 2730993,
Nirmala College of Nursing, Marikunnu. P.O, 63500 3212096
106 NRN Kozhikode-673012(Christian -Minority community)
NU 25 25 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0495-3254588,
National Hospital College of Nursing, Perumthuruthy 63500 3265888
107 NTN Road, Kozhikkode
NU 25 25 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0495-2432929,
P.V.S.College of Nursing, PVS Hospital, Panthirankavu, 63500 2432329
108 PVN NU 30 30 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0495-2482750,
Red Crescent College of Nursing, Chunkam,P.O, 63500 2484950
109 RDN NU 25 25 --
Feroke, Kozhikode
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0495-2282300,
Santhi College of Nursing ,Omassery P.O., Kozhikode 63500 2281393
110 SON NU 25 25 --
fee 17000

B.Sc. Nursing Private Self Financing Colleges – ( Wayanad District)

DM Wayanad Institute of Medical Sciences Nursing Tuition fee 04936-287070
111 DMN College, Naseera Nagar, Meppadi (P.O), Wayanad, NU 30 30 --
Kerala fee 17000
NU 20 20 Tuition fee 04936-220371,
Vinayaka College of Nursing, Kattayad Road, sulthan 63500 220102
112 VKN special
bathery, Wayanad – 673592
fee 17000

B.Sc. Nursing Private Self Financing Colleges –( Kannur District)

Tuition fee 0497-2827108,
A.K.G. Memorial Co-operative College of Nursing, 63500 2826420
113 AKN NU 30 30 --
Mavilayi, Kannur-670622
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0490-2351501
College of Nursing, Kerala Co-operative Hospital 63500
114 CHN NU 25 25 --
Federation Ltd, Nettoor, Thalassery, Kannur
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0497-2872310
Crescent College of Nursing, Ramapuram, Payangadi, 63500
115 CKN Kannur
NU 16 16 --
fee 17000
Canossa College of Nursing, ST.Martin De Porres Tuition fee 0497- 2754334,
63500 2860634
116 CPN Hospital, Cherukunnu, Kannur . 670301 (Christian - NU 25 25 --
Minority community) fee 17000
Tuition fee 0497-2761481,
117 DCN Dhanalakshmi College of Nursing , Kakkad, Kannur - NU 25 25 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0497-2797166,
Koyili College of Nursing, Kannadiparambu.P.O., 63500 2797188
118 KYN NU 25 25 --
fee 17000
Tuition fee 0460-2249163,
Lourde College of Nursing, Vellikkeel Road 63500 2220693
119 LKN NU 25 25 --
Junction,P.O Ariyil,Via.Pattuvam, Taliparamba, Kannur
fee 17000
NU Tuition fee 0497-2852800,
College of Nursing, Kannur Medical College, 63500 2856400
120 KNN Ancharakandy, Kannur -670612
25 25
fee 17000

B.Sc. Nursing Private Self Financing Colleges – ( Kasaragod District )

Laxmi Megham College of Nursing, Haripuram, Tuition fee 0467-2268870
121 LMN NU 20 20 --
63500 2268860
Kasargod, Pin -671315
fee 17000

Tuition fee 04994-227766

Malik Deenar College of Nursing, Thalangara, 63500
122 MDN NU 25 25 --
fee 17000

B.Sc Medical Laboratory Technology - Course Code : ML

Government Colleges
Govt Medical College(Academy of Medical Sciences),
1 AML ML 25 - 2 19870
Pariyaram, Kannur

2 KML Govt. Medical College, Kozhikode ML 24 - 2 19870 0495-2355331

3 TVL Govt. Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram ML 24 - 2 19870 0471-2443095

Self Financing Colleges

Al-Ameen College of Medical Sciences, Edathala,
4 AAL Aluva, Ernakulam
ML 15 15 80850 14500

Al-Shifa College of Paramedical Sciences,

5 AFL Lemonvalley, Angadippuram, Perinthalmanna, ML 20 20 80850 14500
Malappuram District

6 AHL Ahalia School of Paramedical Sciences, Palakkad ML 7 7 80850 14500

AKG Co-Operative Institute of Health Sciences, ML

7 AKL 15 15 80850 14500
Mavilayi, Kannur
Baby Memorial College of Allied Medical
8 BML Sciences,Baby Memorial Hospital Ltd., P.B.No.13, ML 15 15 80850 14500
Kozhikode - 673004
Institute of Paramedical Sciences, Anjarakandy,
9 CKL ML 15 15 80850 14500
College of Paramedical Sciences, EMS Memorial
10 EML Cooperative Hospital & Research ML 15 15 80850 14500
Centre,Perinthalmanna, Malappuram.

11 HCL Holycross College of Allied Health Sciences, Kollam ML 15 15 80850 14500

Co-operative Institute of Health Sciences, Mannayad , 0490-2351535,

12 KCL ML 16 16 80850 14500
Nettoor, Thalassery, Kannur.
KMCT College of Allied Health Sciences, Mukkam,
13 KTL ML 15 15 80850 14500
KVM Institute of Paramedical Sciences, P.B. No 13,
14 KVL Cherthala, Alappuzha-688 524
ML 15 15 80850 14500

Moulana Institute of Paramedical Sciences, Near

15 MCL Railway Station, Angadippuram P.O., Malappuram ML 15 15 80850 14500
MES Institute of Paramedical Sciences, MES academy
16 MEL ML 15 15 80850 14500
of Medical Sciences, Perinthalmanna, Malappuram

17 MHL Mother College of Paramedical Sciences, Thrissur ML 15 15 80850 14500

MIMS College of Allied Health sciences, MIMS

18 MIL ML 15 15 80850 14500
Academy Vazhayoor, Puthukode P.O, Malappuram.
Medical Trust Institute of Medical Sciences, MTIMS,
19 MTL ML 10 10 80850 14500
Seaport Airport Road, Irumpanam, Ernakulam - 682309
Presentation Centre of Allied Sciences,
20 PCL ML 15 15 80850 14500
Puthenvelikkara, Ernakulam-683594

Sree Anjaneya College of Paramedical Sciences,
21 SAL ML 13 13 80850 14500
St.Gregorious College of Health Sciences , Parumala,
22 SGL ML 15 15 80850 14500
Centre for Professional and Advanced Studies, School
23 SKL of Medical Education, Manimalakunnu, Kottayam
ML 15 15 80850 14500

School of Medical Education, GandhiNagar.P.O.

24 SML ML 15 15 80850 14500

Centre for Professional and Advanced Studies, School

25 SRL of Medical Education, Regional Centre, Angamaly, ML 20 20 80850 14500

26 STL SME, Thalappady, Kottayam ML 15 15 80850 14500

27 WFL West Fort Institute of Paramedical Sciences, Thrissur ML 15 15 80850 14500


Self Financing Colleges

AKG Co-operative Institute of Health Sciences,
1 AKP PY 25 25 0497-2931405 ,
Mavilayi,Kannur 2931406.

2 AWP AWH Special College, Kallai, Kozhikode PY 25 25

3 BCP BCF College of Physiotherapy, Vaikom, Kottayam PY 25 25

Bethany Navajeevan College of Physiotherapy,

4 BNP PY 25 25
Nalanchira P.O. , Thiruvananathapuram -015
JDT Islam College of Physiotherapy, Vellimadukunnu,
5 CCP PY 25 25
Co-operative Institute of Health Sciences,Mannayad,
6 CIP PY 25 25
College of Paramedical Sciences, EMS Memorial Co-
7 CPP operative Hospital & Research Centre, Perinthalmanna, PY 15 15
Institute of Paramedical Sciences, Kannur Medical
8 IPP PY 15 15
College, Anjarakandy, Kannur
KMCT College of Allied Health Sciences, KMCT
9 KCP Medical College Campus, Manassery P.O, Mukkam, PY 15 15
Little Flower Institute of Medical Sciences & Research
10 LFP Centre(LIMSAR) P.B.No.23, Anganmaly, Eranakulam- PY 15 15
Lourde Institute of Allied Health Science,
11 LIP PY 20 20
Pattuvam,Taliparamba, Kannur.
Medical Trust Institute of Medical Science, Medical
12 MTP Trust Hospital, Ernakulam
PY 25 25

Sree Anjaneya College of Paramedical Sciences,

13 SNP PY 15 15
Modakkalloor, Ulliyeri, Kozhikode

14 SMP School of Medical Education, Gandhinagar, Kottayam PY 20 20


Government Colleges

1 KMO Govt.Medical College, Kozhikode OP 20 -- 2 20970

Regional Institute of Opthalmology (Govt.Medical 0471-2304046
2 TMO OP 20 -- 2 20970
College), Red Cross Road, Thiruvananthapuram

Self Financing Colleges

04923 –225000
3 AFO Ahalia School of Optometry, Palakkad OP 15 15

Sree Anjaneya College of Paramedical Sciences, MMC,

4 AJO OP 15 15
Modakkalloor, Ulliyeri, Kozhikode
Al-Shifa College of Paramedical Sciences, Lemonvalley, 0493-3228088
5 ALO OP 15 15
Angadippuram, Perinthalmanna, Malappuram District
6 ASO Al Salama College of Optometry, Perinthalmanna, Malappuram OP 15 15

0484 – 2454846,
7 LIO Little Flower Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Angamaly, OP 15 15 3096666

Medical Trust Institute of Medical Sciences, Seaport Airport Road,

8 MTO OP 5 5
Irumpanam, Ernakulam - 682309
Susruta School of Optometry & Visual Sciences C/o. Giridhar Eye
9 SSO Institute, Ponneth Temple Road, Kadavanthra, Cochin-682 020
OP 10 10

10 AKO AKG Co-operative Institute of Health Sciences, Kannur OP 15 15


Government Controlled Self Finanacing Colleges

1 MCR Malabar Cancer Centre, Thalassery, Kannur MR 25 -

Self Financing Colleges

2 BMR Baby Memorial Hospital Ltd., PB No.13, Kozhikode MR 10 10

Centre for Professional and Advanced Studies, School of Medical

3 SMR MR 15 15
Education, Gandhi Nagar, Kottayam


Government Colleges
CV 5
1 MAV Government Medical College, Alappuzha 20970

CV 3
2 MCV Government. Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram 2 20970

CV 4
3 MKV Government. Medical College, Kozhikode 20970

CV 4
4 MTV Government. Medical College, Kottayam 20970

CV 4
5 TRV Government. Medical College, Thrissur 20970

Self Financing Colleges

6 MRV Medical Trust Institute of Medical Sciences, Ernakulam CV 1 2


Government Colleges
1 MKT Government. Medical College, Kozhikode PT 2 1 20970

2 MVT Government. Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram PT 4 20970

3 KTT Government. Medical College, Kottayam PT 4


Government Colleges

1 APD Government Medical College, Alappuzha DT 10 1 20970

2 KTD Government. Medical College, Kottayam DT 10 1 20970

3 MKD Government. Medical College, Kozhikode DT 20 2 20970

4 TVD Government. Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram DT 15 1 20970


Government Controlled Self Finanacing Colleges

Institute for Communicative and Cognitive Neurosciences
1 ICP LP 10
(ICCONS), Kavalappara, Shornur, Thrissur
Institute for Communicative and Cognitive Neurosciences
2 IMP LP 9
(ICCONS) Kavalappara, Shornur, Thrissur (Mgmt quota)
Institute for Communicative and Cognitive Neurosciences
3 IRP LP 1
(ICCONS) Kavalappara, Shornur, Thrissur (NRI Quota)

4 NIP National Institute of Speech and Hearing, Thiruvananthapuram LP 12

National Institute of Speech and Hearing,Thiruvananthapuram

5 NMP LP 12
(Mgmt quota)
National Institute of Speech and Hearing (NRI Quota Seats),
6 NRP Thiruvananthapuram
LP 1

Self Financing Colleges

7 ASP AWH Special College , Kallai, Calicut LP 15 15

MarThoma College of Special Education, Mar Thoma Mount,

8 CSP LP 20 20
Perdala P.O,Badiadka , Kasaragod-671551

9 BMP Baby Memorial College of Allied Medical Science, Kozhikode LP 10 10


Government Controlled Self Finanacing Colleges

1 NIT National Institute of Speech and Hearing , Thiruvananthapuram OT 10 80105 2596919

National Institute of Speech and Hearing,Thiruvananthapuram

2 NMT OT 9 119355
(Mgmt quota)

National Institute of Speech and Hearing (NRI Quota Seats),

3 NRT OT 1 187605
National Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2881960
4 PIT OT 10 80105
Irinjalakuda, Thrissur

National Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,

5 PMT OT 9 119355
Irinjalakuda, Thrissur(Mgmt quota)

National Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
6 PRT OT 1 187605
Irinjalakuda, Thrissur(NRI Quota Seats),

*** - The College having Minority Women's College Status



For. B.Sc.(Nursing), BSc.(M.L.T)& BSc.(Optometry) Courses
[See Clauses 4.1.1and 5.2]
QUOTA B.Sc. Nursing (General) B.Sc. MLT B.Sc Grand
Optomet Total








Government Colleges

Ex-Servicemen Quota (XS) 1 1 1

Depedant of Defence Personnel
Killed/Missing/Disabled in 1 1 1
action (DK)

Serving Defence Quota (SD) 1 1 1

Dependents of Paramilitary 1 1 1 1 2
Nurses Quota (NQ) 2 1 3 3
Departmental Candidates 3 3 6 6
Departmental Candidates 1 2 3
Sports Quota (SP) 1 1 2 2
NCC Quota (CC) 1 1 1 3 3
Government of India Nominees 1 1 1

Union Territory of Andaman & 1 1 1

Nicobar Islands Nominee
Lakshadeep Nominees 1 1 1
TOTAL 5 4 1 2 3 0 15 4 3 7 1 2 3 25
15 + 10 = 25

*Subject to change as per the decision of Government of Kerala



[See Clauses4.1.1, 5.2.3 and 5.2.4]
No Category Authority concerned
Students belonging to States / Health Secretary,
Union Territories State/Union Territory Government.
Liaison Officer, Kendriya Sainik Board, Ministry of
2 Wards of Defence Personnel Defence, West block – IV, Wing No. 5, R.K.Puram, New
Delhi – 110 066
Children of Para-Military
Ministry of Home Affairs, FP-I Section, North Block, New
3 Personnel:
Delhi – 110 001
For CRPF/BSF etc Personnel.

[As Amended by The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders (Second Amendment) Act, 2002
[Act 61 of 2002) Vide Part VIII – Kerala - Schedule 1 Notified in the Gazette of India dated
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Act 2007]
[See Clause 5.4.3 of Prospectus]
1. Adi Andhra Gavarai, Gavarai Naidu, Balija Naidu,
2. Adi Dravida Gajalu Balija or Valai Chetty)
3. Adi Karnataka 31. Koosa
4. Ajila 32. Kootan, Koodan
5. Arunthathiyar 33. Kudumban
6. Ayyanavar 34. Kuravan, Sidhanar, Kuravar, Kurava,
7. Baira Sidhana
8. Bakuda 35. Maila
9. xxx 36. Malayan [In the areas comprising the
10. Bathada Kannur, Kasaragode, Kozhikode and
11. xxx Wayanad Districts].
12. Bharathar (Other than Parathar),
Paravan 37 Mannan (മണ്ണാന്), Pathiyan,
13. xxx Perumannan, Peruvannan, Vannan,
14. Chakkiliyan Velan
15. Chamar, Muchi 38 xxx
16. Chandala 39 Moger (other than Mogeyar)
17. Cheruman 40 Mundala
18. Domban 41 Nalakeyava
19. xxx 42 Nalkadaya
20. xxx 43 Nayadi
21. xxx 44 xxx
22. Gosangi 45 Pallan
23. Hasla 46 Palluvan, Pulluvan
24. Holeya 47 Pambada
25. Kadaiyan 48 Panan
26. Kakkalan, Kakkan 49 xxx
27. Kalladi 50 Paraiyan, Parayan, Sambavar,
28. Kanakkan, Padanna, Padannan Sambavan, Sambava, Paraya, Paraiya,
29. xxx Parayar
30. Kavara (other than Telugu speaking or 51 xxx
Tamil speaking Balija Kavarai, Gavara, 52 xxx

53 xxx and (Carpenters who are known as
54 Pulayan, Cheramar, Pulaya, Pulayar, Thachan, in the erstwhile Cochin and
Cherama, Cheraman, Wayanad Pulayan, Travancore State) Thachar (Other than
Wayanadan Pulayan, Matha, Matha carpenters)
Pulayan 62 Thoti
55 xxx 63 Vallon
56 Puthirai Vannan 64 Valluvan
57 Raneyar 65 xxx
58 Samagara 66 xxx
59 Samban 67 Vetan
60 Semman, Chemman, Chemmar 68 Vettuvan, Pulaya Vettuvan (in the areas
61 Thandan (excluding Ezhuvas and of erstwhile Cochin State only).
Thiyyas who are known as Thandan, in 69 Nerian
the erstwhile Cochin and Malabar areas)

[As Amended by The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act,
2002 (Act 10 of 2003) Vide Part-VII - Kerala - Second Schedule Notified in the Gazette of
India dated 8.1.2003]
[See Clause 5.4.3 of Prospectus]
23 Malakkuravan
1 Adiyan 24 Malasar
2 Arandan [Arandanan] 25 [Malayan, Nattu Malayan, Konga
3 Eravallan Malayan (excluding the areas
4 Hill Pulaya, Mala Pulayan, Kurumba comprising the Kasaragod, Kannur,
Wayanad and Kozhikode Districts)
Pulayan, Kuravazhi Pulayan, Pamba
26 Malayarayar
27 Mannan (മന്നാന്)
5 Irular, Irulan
28 xxx
6 Kadar [Wayanad Kadar]
29 Muthuvan, Mudugar, Muduvan
7 xxx
30 Palleyan, Palliyan, Palliyar, Paliyan
8 Kanikkaran, Kanikkar
31 xxx
9 Kattunayakan
32 xxx
10 [Kochuvelan]
33 Paniyan
11 xxx
34 Ulladan, [Ullatan]
12 xxx
35 Uraly
13 Koraga
36 Mala Vettuvan(in Kasaragod & Kannur
14 xxx
15 Kudiya, Melakudi
37 Ten Kurumban, Jenu Kurumban
16 Kurichchan [Kurichiyan]
38 Thachanadan, Thachanadan Moopan
17 Kurumans, Mullu Kuruman, Mulla
39 Cholanaickan
Kuruman, Mala Kuruman
40 Mavilan
18 Kurumbas, [Kurumbar, Kurumban]
41 Karimpalan
19 Maha Malasar
42 Vetta Kuruman
20 Malai Arayan [Mala Arayan]
43 Mala Panikkar
21 Malai Pandaram
44 Maratis of Kasargod and Hosdurg
22 Malai Vedan [Malavedan]

[See Clause 5.4.3(e) and (f) of Prospectus]
[GO (Ms) No.14/2017/BCDD dated: 02.08.2017, GO (Ms) No.7/2013/BCDD dated: 19.07.2013]

1 Allar (Alan) OEC (SC)
2 Chingathan 1 Chakkamar
3 Irivavan
2 Madiga
4 Kalanadi
5 Malayan, Konga-Malayan(Kasargod, 3 Chemman/Chemmar
Kannur, Wayanad and Kozhikode 4 Kudumbi
Districts) 5 Dheevara/Dheevaran (Arayan, Valan,
6 Kundu-Vadiyan Nulayan, Mukkuvan, Arayavathi,
7 Kunnuvarmannadi Valanchiyar, Paniyakal, Mokaya,
8 Malamuthan Bovi, Mogayar, Mogaveerar)
9 Malavettuvar (Except Kasargod and 6 Scheduled Caste converted to
Kannur Districts) Christianity
10 Malayalar 7 Kusavan, Kulalan, Kumbharan,
Velaan, Velaar, Odan, Andhra Nair,
11 Panimalayan
Andhuru Nair,
12 Pathiyan (other than Dhobies)
8. Pulaya Vettuvan (Except KochiState)
13 Hindu-Malayali

List of Communities which are eligible for
Educational concessions as is given to OEC
[G.O (MS) No. 10/2014/BCDD Dated 23.05.2014]
1 Vaniya (Vanika, Vanika Vaisya, Vanibha Chetty, Vaniya Chetty, Ayiravar, Nagarathar
and Vaniyan
2 Veluthedathu Nair (Veluthedan and Vannathan)
3 Chetty/Chetties (Kottar Chetties, Parakka Chetties, Elur Chetties, Attingal Chetties,
Pudukkada Chetties, Iraniel Chetties, Sri Pandara Cetties, Telugu Chetties,
Udiyankulangara Chetties, Peroorkada Chetties, Sadhu Chetties, 24 Mana Chetties,
Wayanadan Chetties, Kalavara Chetties and 24 Mana Telugu Chetties
4 Ezhavathi (Vathy)
5 Ganika
6 Kanisu or Kaniyar Panicker, Kani or Kaniyan (Ganaka) or Kanisan or Kamnan, Kalari
Kurup/Kalari Panicker
7 Vilkurup, Perumkollan
8 Yadavas (Kolaya, Ayar, Mayar, Maniyani and Iruman), Erumakkar
9 Devanga
10 Pattariyas
11 Saliyas (Chaliya, Chaliyan)
12 Pandithar
13 Vaniar
14 Ezhuthachan
15 Chakkala/Chakkala Nair
16 Reddiars (throughout the State except in Malabar Area)
17 Kavuthiya
18 Veerasaiva (Yogi, Yogeeswara, Poopandram, Malapandaram, Jangam, Matapathi,
Pandaram, Pandaran, Vairavi, Vairagi)
19 Vilakkithala Nair – Vilakkithalavan
20 Vaduka – Vadukan, Vadugar, Vaduka, Vaduvan
21 Chavalakkaran
22 Agasa
23 Kaikolan
24 Kannadiyans
25 Kerala Mudalis
26 Madivala
27 Naikkans
28 Tholkolans
29 Thottian
30 Mooppar or Kallan Moopan or Kallan Moopar
[G.O (P) No. 208/66/Edn. Dated 02.05.1966.G.O. (Ms) No. 95/08/SCSTDD Dated 06.10.2008
G.O. (Ms) No. 58/2012/SCSTDD dated 16.04.2012 andG.O. (MS) No. 10/2014/BCDD.Dated
23.05.2014, GO(MS)No.05/2020/ BCDD, dated 16.03.2020]

I. Ezhavas including Ezhavas, 5. Bestha

Thiyyas,Ishuvan, Izhuvan, Illuvan and 6. Bhandari or Bhondari
7. Boya
II. Muslims (all sections following Islam)
8. Boyan
III. Latin Catholics and Anglo Indians
9. Chavalakkaran
IV. Dheevara including Dheevaran,
Araya,Arayas, Arayan, Valan, Nulayan, 10. Chakkala (Chakkala Nair)
Mukkuvan, Arayavathi, Valinjiar,
11. Devadiga
Paniakkal, Paniakel, Mukaya, Bovis-
Mukayar, Mukaveeran, Mogaveera,
12. Ezhavathi (Vathi)
V. Viswakarmas including 13. Ezhuthachan, Kadupattan
Viswakarma,Asari, Chaptegra, Kallassari, 14. Gudigara
Kalthachan, Kammala, Kamsala, Kannan,
Karuvan, Kitaran, Kollan, Malayala 15. Galada Konkani
Kammala, Moosari, Pandikammala, 16. Ganjam Reddies
Pandithattan, Perumkollan, Thachan,
Thattan, Vilkurup, Villasan, 17. Gatti
Viswabrahmanan or Viswabrahmanar, 18. Gowda
Viswakarmala and Palisa Perumkollan
19. Ganika including Nagavamsom
VI. Kusavan including Kulalan, Kulala Nair,
Kumbaran, Velaan, Velaans, Velaar, 20. Hegde
Odan, Kulala, Andhra Nair, Anthuru Nair 21. Hindu Nadar
VII. Other Backward Christians 22. Idiga including Settibalija
(a) SIUC 23. Jangam
(b) Converts from Scheduled Castes 24. Jogi
to Christianity
25. Jhetty
VIII. Kudumbi
26. Kanisu or Kaniyar-Panicker, Kaniyan,
IX. Other Backward Hindus, i.e. Kanisan or Kamnan, Kannian or Kani,
1. Agasa Ganaka
2. Kharvi 27. xxx
3. Aremahrati 28. Kalarikurup or Kalari Panicker
4. Arya, Atagara, Devanga, Kaikolan, 29. Kerala Muthali, Kerala Mudalis
(Sengunthar) Pattarya, Pattariyas, Saliyas 30. Oudan (Donga) Odda (Vodde or Vadde or
(Padmasali, Pattusali, Thogatta,
Karanibhakatula, Senapathula, Sali, Sale,
Karikalabhakulu, Chaliya, Chaliyan) 31. Kalavanthula
Sourashtra, Khatri, Patnukaran, Illathu 32. Kallan including Isanattu Kallar
Pillai, Illa Vellalar, Illathar
33. Kabera
64. Chetties, Udiyankulangara Chetties,
34. Korachas
Peroorkada Chetties,Sadhu Chetties, 24
35. x x x
Mana Chetties, Wayanadan Chetties,
36. Kannadiyans Kalavara Chetties and 24 Mana Telugu
37. Kavuthiyan, Kavuthiya Chetties
38. Kavudiyaru 64. Tholkolan
65. Thottiyan, Thottian
39. Kelasi or Kalasi Panicker
66. Uppara (Sagara)
40. Koppala Velamas 67. Ural Goundan
41. Krishnanvaka 68. Valaiyan
69. Vada Balija
42. Kuruba
70. Vakkaliga
43. Kurumba 71. Vaduvan(Vadugan), Vaduka, Vadukan,
44. Maravan (Maravar) Vadugar
45. Madivala 72. Veera Saivas (Pandaram, Vairavi,
Vairagi, Yogeeswar, Yogeeswara,
46. Maruthuvar
Poopandaram, Malapandaram,
47. Mahratta (Non-Brahman) Pandaran, Matapathi and Yogi)
48. Melakudi (Kudiyan) 73. Veluthedathu Nair including Vannathan,
49. xxx Veluthedan and Rajaka
50. Moili 74. Vilakkithala Nair including Vilakkathalavan,
51. Mukhari Ambattan Pranopakari,
52. Modibanda
Pandithar and Nusuvan
53. Moovari
75. Vaniya including Vanika, Vanika Vaisya,
54. Moniagar
Vaisya Chetty, Vanibha Chetty, Ayiravar
55. Naicken including Tholuva Naicker and
Nagarathar, Vaniyan, Vaniya Chetty, Vaniar
Vettilakkara Naicker, Naikkans
76. Yadava including Kolaya, Ayar, Mayar,
56. Padyachi (Villayankuppam)
Maniyani, Eruman, Iruman, Erumakkar, Golla
57. Palli
and Kolaries
58. Panniyar or Pannayar
77. Chakkamar
59. Parkavakulam (Surithiman, Malayaman,
78. Mogers of Kasaragod Taluk
Nathaman, Moopanar and Nainar)
79. x x x
60. Rajapuri
80. x x x
61. Sakravar (Kavathi), Chakravar
81. x x x
62. Senaithalaivar, Elavania, Senaikudayam
82. Reddiars (throughout the State except in
63. Chetty/Chetties including Kottar Chetties,
Malabar area)
Parakka Chetties, Elur Chetties, Attingal
83. Mooppar or Kallan Moopan or Kallan Moopar
Chetties, Pudukkada Chetties, Iraniel
Chetties, Sri Pandara Chetties, Telugu

Annexure IV(a)
Keralite candidates should furnish any of the Certificates given below to prove nativity as
a Keralite.
(i) Self attested copy of Birth Certificate/SSLC/Relevant page of the Passport of
candidate showing the candidate‟s place of birth in Kerala.
(ii) Self attested copy of Birth Certificate/SSLC/Relevant page of the Passport of
candidate‟s father/mother showing their place of birth in Kerala along with
corroborative certificate to establish the relationship between the parent and the

(To be issued by the Village Officer / Tahsildar / any other authority in the local body competent
to register birth in Kerala State)

(i) In case the candidate is born in Kerala

CERTIFIED that Shri/Smt/Kum….......................................................................................... House

…………….…………………… Village…………….…………….. District ................................................ is an applicant

for admission to Professional Degree Courses in Nursing, Pharmachy and Para Medical Streams2021 and that

he/she was born in Kerala.

(ii) In case ay of the parents are born in Kerala

CERTIFIED that Shri/Smt./Kum…………………………………………………. an applacant for admission to

Professional Degree Courses in Nursing, Pharmacy and Para Medical Streams2021 and his/her father/mother
Sri./Smt……………………………………… house ………………………………………… Village
………………………………… District .................................................. was born in Kerala.
Signature of the Village Officer/
Tahsildar/Birth Registering Authority :
Place : Name and Designation :
Date : Taluk :
(Office Seal) District :

* Strike out whichever is not applicable.

Annexure IV(b)


(To be issued by the Head of school where the applicant has completed his/her studies in Standard XII in Kerala State.
If the candidate has studied in different schools, appropriate certificates to that effect may be produced before the
Head of the Institution where the candidate has studied in Class XII, who will issue this certificate.)

CERTIFIED that Shri/Smt./Kum…….……………………………………………………………………, an

applicant for admission to Professional Degree Courses 2021 in Nursing, Pharmacy and Para Medical Streams,

son/daughter of Shri./Smt. ……………….....…………......……......of

…………………………………………………………………………………………... (address) has undergone his/her

school studies in Standards VIII to XII in the educational institution(s) situated in Kerala State.

Signature of the Head of the School : ……………………………………

Name : ……………………….....………

Designation : ………………………………...

Name of Institution: .. .. .. .. .…………………….....

(Office Seal) District : …………………………….....…

[See Clause 6.1.1(b)]
A “Certificate showing School Studies in Kerala from Std VIII to XII” issued by the Head
of educational institutions in Kerala is prescribed as one of the certificates to prove the
eligibility regarding Non-Keralite I status of candidates applying for Admission to
Professional Degree Courses – 2018 in Kerala State.
The Certificate is to be issued by the heads of the institutions (schools) where the applicant
has completed his/her studies in Standard XII.
The Head of the school (last attended by the candidate) may rely on the school
records/certificates for this purpose making sure that the candidate has undergone his/her
studies in Kerala itself in all the classes from Standards VIII to XII. In case of doubt, the
Heads of the schools may direct the candidate to obtain necessary proof of the same from
the schools attended formerly.
In any case the Heads of schools should make sure that the candidate has undergone
his/her studies for 5 years in Standards VIII to XII in the schools in Kerala.
A Non-Keralite candidate, who has undergone school studies in Standards XI & XII in
Kerala and who is son / daughter of Non-Keralite parent(s), who are not domiciled in the
State of Kerala but served/serving for Govt. of India / Govt. of Kerala should produce the
following two certificates


(For Non-Keralite parents working under Govt. of India / Govt. of Kerala only)

CERTIFIED that Shri/Smt

father/mother of Shri/Smt./Kum...………………………………………………….….., a
candidate for admission to Professional Degree Courses 2021 in Nursing, Pharmacy and Para
Medical Streams, had/has been employed as ………………………….....……………..
(Designation) from ………………to …………………(Date, Month & Year)
in…….....………………….………. ………………………………………………….(Name of Office
with District and State).

Signature :
Place : Name :
Date : (Office Seal) Designation & Address :

(To be issued by Head of the Institution where the candidate has studied for
the Higher Secondary or equivalent Examination in Kerala State)

CERTIFIED that Shri/Smt./Kum…………………………………………….…….., an

applicant for admission to Professional Degree Courses 2021 in Nursing, Pharmacy and Para
Medical Streams, and son/daughter of Shri/Smt ...................................................................... has
studied for not less than 2 (two) years immediately preceding his/her appearance for the
qualifying examination in ……………………………………………………… (Name of
Institution), an educational institution in Kerala State.

Signature of the Head of Institution :

Name :
Designation :
Address :
Place&Date : (Office Seal)

Annexure IV(c)


[Certificate to be produced by Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC) Other Eligible
Communities (OEC)
for admission to Professional Degree courses in educational institutions under the Government of
Kerala and in Government and Self Financing Educational Institutions other than minority
institutions under Article 30 (1)]

This is to certify that Shri./Smt. ……………………..……. .Son/daughter of ………………………

……………residing at……………… ……………… ……………

…………………Village………………..………………………… ……………………………

………….District/Division in the State of Kerala belongs to

………………..…………………………………………… ………………………… ……………………………

Community which is designated as a Socially and Educationally Backward Class (SEBC) / Other

Eligible Communities (OEC).

This is also to certify that the above Shri/Smt. ……………………………………………

……………………………………………… does not belong to the category of “Creamy Layer” in the

light of the guidelines dated ……………………………………………………………………… and the

schedule prescribed there under to exclude the „Creamy Layer” among the designated “Socially and

Educationally Backward Classes (SEBCs)/Other Eligible Communities (OEC)” in the State of Kerala.

Place: Signature of Revenue Officer

Date: (Not below the Rank of Village Officer/Competent Authority)

(Office Seal)

Annexure IV (d)
Community Certificate for SC & ST
Note: (i) Candidate claiming reservation under SC/ST, should furnish the Community Certificate given below in
support of the claim.
(ii) SC / ST Caste status of children of parents contracted inter caste marriage will be subject to the orders /
clarifications issued in G.O. (M.S.) No.11 / 05 / SCSTDD Dated 22-03-2005, G.O. (MS.) No. 25 / 05 /
SCSTDD Dated 20-06-2005, G.O. (MS.) No. 109 / 2008 / SCSTDD Dated 20-11-2008, and judgement dated
10-08-2005 of the full bench of the Hon‟ble High Court of Kerala in WP 2483 / 2005 and connected cases.
(iii) As per prospectus clause 5.4.2(c) son / daughter of inter-caste married couple, claiming communal
reservation under SEBC, should produce the „Inter-caste Marriage Certificate‟ in the proforma given in
Annexure V(d) of the Prospectus.

(For Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe Candidates)

1. This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kumari ……………………………………………………………………………., son/daughter of

………....………….……………………………………… of ………………………………………………………………… House
……………………..……………………………………. Village/Town ……………………………………………….. Taluk
…………………………………………………………………….………………………………. District of Kerala State belongs to the
……………………………………………………………………………. Caste/*Tribe which is recognized as a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled
Tribe under:-

The Constitution Ammendment (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950; The Constitution Ammendment (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950 [As
amended by The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 2002 / The Constitution (Scheduled Castes)
Orders (Second Ammendment) Act, 2002].
Certified that Shri/Smt./Kumari ………………………………………………………… (name of person) Son/daughter of
……………………………………………………………… of ...................................................................................................................... House
……………………..……………………………………………….. Village/Town ................................................................................... Taluk
………………………………………………………. District is a member of Malai Araya Christian family converted to Christianity from
Hindu Malai Arayan Community, which is included in the list of Scheduled Tribes.

2. Shri/Smt./Kumari …………………………………………………………………………………………… and his/her* family ordinarily

reside(s) in ………………………………………..……………………………………………………….. Village/Town of
…………………………………………………………… District of Kerala State.

Signature of Tahsildar :
Place : ……………………….. Name :
Date : ………………………..

(Office Seal)

* Please delete the words/clause which are not applicable.

Note: 1. The term ordinarily resides used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the Representation of the
Peoples Act, 1950.
2. In case of X‟ian converts from SC who have subsequently embraced Hinduism should get the following certificate
recorded by the „Tahsildar‟ below the community Certificate. “The certificate is issued after observing the
guidelines issued in Government Circular no. 18421/E2/SC/ST/DD. Dated 15-12-1987”
3. Issue of Community Certificate to Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe will be regulated by Act II of the Kerala
(Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe) Regulation of Issue of Community Certificate Act 1996.
4 Certificate to persons belonging to Malai Arayan Commuity (ST) converted to Christianity should be in
this form.

[See Clause 5.2.1, 5.2.2]
Certified that Master/Kum. …………………………………………
.…………..………………………………….. an applicant for admission to the Professional
Degree Courses in Nursing, Pharmacy and Para Medical Streams, Kerala 2021, is the
son/daughter/Widow* of Shri/Smt
..…. …………………………………………………………………………….……………..
(Official address) who is/was an ex-serviceman/Defence Personnel
Killed/missing/Disabled in action and is/was in receipt of Disability Pension/Died-in-
Hardness* and that no one else in the family of the applicant has earlier enjoyed the special
reservation benefit applicable to them, for admission to Professional Degree Courses in
Signature of Military Authority / :
Place: State‟s Zilla Sainik Welfare Officer :
Date: Name :
(Office Seal)

* Strike whichever is not applicable.

[See Clause 5.2.3, 5.2.4.]
Certified that Master/ Kum. ……………………… ………………… …………… ……
an applicant for admission to the Professional Degree Coursesin Nursing, Pharmacy and Para
Medical Streams, Kerala, 2021 is the son/ daughter* of Shri/ Smt ……
……………………………… …….……………………………… … .................... (Official address)
who is a serving defence /paramilitary force* personnel presently working at
Signature of Commanding Officer:
Place: Name:
(Office Seal)
* Strike whichever is not applicable.

(See Clause 5.2.7)
Certified that Shri/Smt…………………………..………………………… …………………
………………………… …………………………………………………………………
…….………………………………..……. (Name & official address) an applicant for admission
to the Professional Degree Courses in Nursing, Pharmacy and Para Medical Streams, Kerala,
2021 is working as……………………………………….
………………………………..……………….. and is a regular employee in Kerala State
GovernmentService. His/Her duration of service in ..................................... (MES/DHS/IMS)
is……………years………….months ............. days as on the date of notification.

Place: Signature of Issuing Authority:

Date: Name, designation and
Address of the Head of Office:
(Office Seal)

[See Clause 5.4.2(c)]

Certified that Master/Kum ............................................................................................................ an

applicant for admission to Professional Degree Courses in Nursing, Pharmacy and Para

Medical Streams, Kerala, 2021, is the son/daughter of an Inter-caste married couple, and

his/her father Shri

………………………………………………………………………………………… belongs to

……………………….. Community and his/her mother Smt.

…………………………………………… belongs to ……………………………………


Place: Signature of Tahasildar :

Date: Name of Tahasildar :

(Office Seal) Name of Taluk& District :



[See Clause 10.1(ix)]
(To be filled up by a Medical Practitioner not below the rank of Asst. Surgeon)

I, Dr. ………………………………………………………………………….after careful personal

examination of the case do hereby certify that Sri/Kum.

……………………………………………… whose signature is given above is found physically

fit and suitable to undergo Professional Degree courses in B.Sc. Nursing/B.Sc. MLT/B.Sc.

Perfusion Technology/B.Sc. Optometry/B.P.T./B.A.S.L.P./B.C.V.T./B.Sc MRT/B.Sc. Dialysis

Technology (Strike out which is not applicable.).

His/Her height ….………… , weight ..…….……… , chest ..….………… and vision

…………….. …….

Signature :

Name :

Place : Reg. No. :

Date : Designation :

(Office Seal)

[See Clause 11.3]
I,……………………………………….……………………….………………...…… (name of
candidate) son/daughter of Shri./Smt........................................................................................ with
application number ………….. andRank No .…………….…… in ……………………
…………………. Rank list(s) do hereby authorise Shri/Smt ………………………………………
……………………..…………………(name & address of the person being authorized) to
represent me to report at the allotment venue for admission to Professional Degree Courses,
2021. The signature of the person authorized is attested below by a Gazetted Officer.

ph of Signature of Candidate: ……………………………..
Name : …………………………..…………………
Address : …………………………………………….
(Gazetted Officer to attest the Photograph ) ……………………………………………..
Name : ……………………………………………..
Designation :

(Office Seal)
Photograph of
attested by
(candidate to sign over the photograph) Signature of Candidate

I, undertake that the decision taken if any, by my authorised representative at the allotment
venue shall& be binding on me and I shall not have any claim whatsoever, other than the
decision taken by my authorised representative on my behalf.
Place :
Date : Signature of candidate
Note: An authorized representative attending Centralised Allotment Process must bring a
photocopy also of the filled up form. The same will be returned to the representative with
the seal of the LBS office. This copy of the filled up form having the seal of the LBS office
can be used in lieu of autherisation letter during subsequent appearances.


[See Clause 14.2]

I, Mr. /Ms .......................................................................................................................................................... , Application

No………………Course: ………………………………………….student of.............................................................. do

hereby undertake on this day ………………………… Month ……………… Year ........................ ,the

following with respect to above subject and Office Order No: ………………………………………………………

1) That I have read and understood the directives of the Hon‟ble Supreme Court of India on anti-ragging
and the measures
proposed to be taken in the above references.

2) That I understand the meaning of Ragging and know that the ragging in any form is a punishable
offence and the me is banned by the Court of Law.

3) That I have not been found or charged for my involvement in any kind of ragging in the past.
However, I undertake to face disciplinary action/legal proceedings including expulsion from the
Institute if the above statement is found to be untrue or the facts are concealed, at any stage in future.

4) That I shall not resort to ragging in any form at any place and shall abide by the rules/laws prescribed
by the Courts, Govt. of India and Institute authorities for the purpose from time to time.

Signature of Student

I hereby fully endorse the undertaking made by my child/ward.

Signature of Mother/Father and or Guardian

Witness : …………………………………..

Signature of Mother/Father and or Guardian

Witness : …………………………………..


For applying the candidate has to upload scanned images of photograph and signature to the
application portal.

Photograph of candidate:
For applying online, the candadate must have a scanned/digital image of photograph.
The Specification of photograph image should be be strictly followed.
1. Photograph must be in colour with a light colour background, white is preferable. It must be
taken by mobile phone/tab is not accepted
2. Photograph should be in passport size format and taken recently. Front view of full face and
shoulder portion of candidate is to be seen clearly in the photograph.
3. The face of the candidate should be at the centre and straight.
4. Photo, wearing caps and dark glasses will be rejected.
5. Scanned image file should be in jpg format (Jpeg).
6. Dimensions of the photograph should be 200 pixelsheight and 150 pixels width and image file
should be between 15 kb ansd 30 kb file size
7. Candidate‟s name and date of photo taken should be printed at the bottom portion of the
photograph with black letter and white background.

Points to be noted:
1. If the face in the photograph is not clear or the image is not as per the above guidenline, your
application is liable to be rejected.

In Future, Your Admit Card, Data Sheet and Allotment Memo will be printed with the same
photograph you have submitted at this stage. Moreover, in examination hall, the Invigilator has to
verify the same photograph for identifying the candidate. So strictly follow the specifications and
guidelines for the photo to be uploaded.

Signature of Candidate
1. On a plain white sheet, the candidate should put his/her signature with black /blue ink. Signature
should be clear.
2.Scan this signature and crop around the signature. Do not scan the full sheet. Scanned image file
should be in jpg format.(Jpeg)
3.Dimensions of the image of signature must be 100 pixels heightand 150 pixels width.
4.Image file should be between 10 kb and 30 kb file size.
Subsequent to selecting the two images, candidate needs to verify whether the photograph shown
in the screen is clear and sufficient to identify the candidate.
Press „Upload Images „button to upload all images to the application portal.
If you try to upload an image which is not in the prescribed format, an error messages will be
displayed in „upload images „column . All images should match the corresponding specification.
The images once uploaded cannot be changed after completing of „Fill Application‟ step.

1. All documents uploaded in proof of various claims made in the application must be in PDF format. The
file size should be from 30 kb to 100 kb. The documents must be legible and readable.
2. The document with digital signature should be valid with tick[√] mark. The document with digital
signature not verified (?) will be treated as invalid.

Annexure LXXVI

Sl no Place Address Phone Number

LBS Centre
0471 - 2324396
1 Thiruvananthapuram Nandavanam, Palayam
0471 - 2324148
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 033
LBS Regional Centre
2 Kollam First Floor, BSNL Karikode Telephone 0474 - 2970780
Exchange Building, TKM Road, Peroor,
Kollam - 691005
LBS Sub Centre 0473 – 4227538
3 KRM Towers, East of Central Junction
Adoor, Pathanamthitta
LBS Sub Centre
0477 – 2254588
4 Alappuzha Municipal Library Building
Thattampally P.O, Alappuzha
LBS Sub Centre
Kadavumbhagam Buildings 0481 – 2505900
5 Pampady
Near Police Station, K.K.Road,
Pampady, Kottayam.
LBS Local Centre
0486 – 2229442
6 Thodupuzha. GMDC, Neelima Complex
Mangattukavala P O, Thodupuzha.
LBS Regional Unit 0484 – 2541520
7 Kalamassery HMT Junction, NAD Road 0484 – 2551466
Kalamassery – 683 104.
LBS Regional Unit 0487 - 2250657
8 Thrissur Alumvettuvazhi Road 0487 – 2250751
Chiyyaram, Thrissur – 680 026
LBS Sub Centre
0491 – 2527425
9 Palakkad. II Floor, Charutha Chambers, Noorani
Shornur Road, Palakkad
LBS Sub Centre
0483 – 2764674
10 Manjeri Indira Gandhi Bus Terminal, Kacherypady
Manjeri, Malappuram.
LBS Regional Unit
0495 – 2720250
11 Kozhikode 17/420, Indira Gandhi Road
Kozhikode – 673 004.
LBS Sub Centre
12 Wayanad M A Building, Opp. JaamJoom 0493 - 6205939
HyperMarket, Pinangode Road,
Kalpetta,Wayanad - 673121
LBS Regional Unit
13 Kannur Old Engg. College Campus
Near S.N.Park, Kannur - 1.
LBS Sub Centre
14 Kasaragod. Taluk Office Compound

Annexure X
(See Clause no.9.8)
No Objection Cum Possession Certificate
(To be issued in the letter head of the institution)

This is to certify that this institution has no objection in

Sri/Smt………………………….(Name) S/o,/D/o ......................................................student

of ……………….course of this institution in attending the Spot allotment on

……………(date). This is to further certify that we are in possession of his/her original

certificates. If he/she secures an admission in the Spot allotment, the original

certificates will be released and transfer certificate will be issued to him/her


Place: Name and Signature of Head of Institution


(Office Seal)

Annexure XI
(See Clause 12.6.2)



Application No

Permanent Address

Address for

Contact Phone no.

College & Course

Fee Paid Fee Receipt No:

Name of Bank and


Account Number


Reason for cancellation

Signature of candidate Name & Signature of


 Allotment Memo
 Fee Receipt



[See Clause 5.6]

(1) Different purposes of IncomeCertificate:

(a) for availing fee concession in EducationInstitution.
(b) for securing seats in the quota reserved in professional colleges for the
Socially and Economically Backwardclasses.
(c) for obtaining loans from Government Departments, Kerala Financial Corporation etc.
for variouspurposes.
(d) for getting different kinds of pension such as Old Age Pension, Widow
Pension, Agricultural Labourers Pension, Pension for T.B Patients,
Leprosy Patients, Cancer Patientsetc.
(e) for getting financial aid available to theEx-Servicemen.
(f) for getting the loan available to the SC/ST for differentpurposes.
(g) for getting the relief given to the victims of naturalcalamities.
(h) for getting the artificial limb, cycle, etc., supplied to the physically
(i) for getting free rationetc.

(2) Definition:
(a) Family:-
For assessing the income of the family, the term of family would mean a family
consisting of
(1) Applicant
(2) Parents/Guardian
(3) Unmarried brothers and sisters/ dependant unmarried sons and
daughters living together in the same house, widowed daughters
actually dependant on thefamily.
(4) Spouse of thecandidate.

(b) Income:-
Income would mean the regular income actually earned by the family
members. Income of unmarried daughters and unmarried brothers and
sisters as the case may be should be reckoned for calculating family income.
Income of the members of the family living together alone need be reckoned.
(1) Income of widow's daughter/ sister will beexcluded.
(2) Terminal benefits will be excluded.
(3) Surrender leave salary will not bereckoned.
(4) Festival allowance will not bereckoned.
(5) Family pension will beexcluded.

(3) Different sources of income for the purpose of Income Certificate:

(i) Income from salary:

Salary income excluding H.R.A., Special pay, Deputation Pay/Allowances
etc., will be reckoned for calculating total income. T.A., P.T.A., honorarium
for special work etc. will be excluded for calculating salary income. D.A will
be included for calculating total income.
(ii) Income from pension:
The amount excluding the amount of commutation will be taken into
account for the purpose of Income Certificate. The pension will be assessed
on the basis of the Pension Payment Order.
(iii) Income from business:
This can be assessed on the basis of Income Tax Certificate. In the cases of
non-assesses the Income Certificate will be issued on the basis of declaration
filed by the persons concerned. In the case of non- assesses Income
Certificate shall be issued on the basis of the declaration filed by the
applicant/parent/or guardian in the case of students.

(iv) Income of persons employed abroadshall be assessed on the basis of the

declaration filed by the applicant / parent or guardian in the case
(v) Income of daily labourers:
Income Certificate shall be issued on the basis of the declaration filed by
the applicant/ parent or guardian in the case of student.
(vi) Income from property:
The income from property will include the income from produce viz.
coconut etc., value of improvements on landed property will be calculated
on the basis of the principles adopted for the purpose of land acquisition.
(vii) Income from rented buildings:
Income on this account will be calculated deducting the annual maintenance
(4) Assessment of income of the family having more members:

When there are more members in a family, the income available for distribution
will be less compared to a family having lesser number of members. In such
cases an allowance will be given to each member in excess of five. For example
if there are five members in a family, three children and parents, the income
from all members should be taken into account for computing family income.
If the number exceeds five, an allowance will be given to each additional child.
The amount of such allowance ( to be decided ) should be deducted from the
total annual income of the family for the purpose of Income Certificate.

(5) Variation of super checking:

There may be variation between the income assessed by the Village Officer and
that arrived at by higher officers on super checking. 10% or less of such
variation can be allowed.

(6) Period of validity:

Normally a Certificate issued to a person for a particular purpose should be

binding for a period of two years or for the term of the course.

(7) Cancellation of false Certificates:

The certificates obtained fraudulently, that is by willfully suppressing the

actual income or willfully giving false income, will becancelled.

(8) Authority:

The Village Officer shall be the authority to issue Income Certificate that is
required to be produce before the State Government Department or
Authorities. In the case of certificate required to be produced before the Central
Government Departments the Tahsildar shall be the authority to issue the
Income Certificate.

eincomeassessedbythe Village Officer. The Revenue Divisional Officer/Deputy
Collector shall be the Revisional Authority. Appeal against the income assessed
by the Tahsildar shall be preferred before the Revenue Divisional
Officer/Deputy Collector. The Collector shall be the Revisional Authority in

(9) Co-ordinating Department:

The Revenue Department in the Secretariat shall be the Co-ordinating

department in respect of the issuance of guidelines/instructions relating to the
grant of the Income Certificate, by Village Officer/Tahsildar. The Revenue
Department shall be consulted if and when any event/instructions are
proposed to be issued in the matter by other departments.

The Application of Income Certificate shall be in the prescribed form, duly affixing
Court Fee stamp worth Rs.1/-The Income Certificate shall be issued in the form,
prescribed by the Revenue Department.

(See the Clause No.5.3 of the Prospectus)
Disability Range
Sl. Disability
Benchmark Disabilities
No. Type Eligible for PD
Not Eligible for Medical course

A. Locomotors Disability
including the following 40% - 80% disability More than 80% disability
a. Leprosy cured person
b. Cerebral Palsy
c. Dwarfism,
d. Muscular Dystrophy Persons with more than 80% disability may also be allowed, provided
e. Acid Attack victims the State level expert committee to be constituted by the State Govt.
f. Others determines that the candidate is functionally competent with aid of
assistive devices.

1 B. Visual Impairment
(a. Blindness, b. Low Not Eligible Equal to or more than 40% Disability

Equal to or more than 40% Disability (Persons

C. Hearing Impairment with disabilities of 40% or more may be
(a. Deaf, b. Hard of Not Eligible allowed to pursue medical education, if the
hearing) extent of disability can be brought down to
below 40% with aid of assistive devices.)
D. Speech & Language
Not Eligible Equal to or more than 40% Disability
(a. Organic/ neurological
a. Specific learning
disabilities (Perceptual
Equal to or more
disabilities, Dyslexia, _
than 40% disability
Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia &
Developmental Aphasia
2 Equal to or more than 60% disability or
presence of cognitive/intellectual disability
b. Autism spectrum and /or if the person is deemed unfit for
Not Eligible
disorders perusing the course by the State level expert
committee to be constituted by the State
Equal to or more than 40% disability or if the
3 a. Mental illness Not Eligible person is deemed unfit to perform his/her

Disability due to Chronic Neurological

4 conditions 40% - 80% disability More than 80% disability
(a. Multiple Sclerosis, b. Parkinsonism)


Office of the ......................................

Date: .............................


(Vide G.O.(Ms.)No.2/2020/P&ARD dated 12.02.2020)

This is to certify that Shri/Smt/Kumari ................................................................

Son/daughter/wife of.......................................................................................... is a
permanent resident of ...... ...................................................................
………...District, Kerala State, whose photograph
is affixed below, is a member of Anthyodaya Annayojana (AAY)/Priority House Hold
(PHH) and that his/her name is included in the Ration Card issued under this category
and that he/she does not belong to a caste/class recognised as Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes or Other Backward Classes in the State and therefore he/she belongs
to Economically Weaker Sections in General Category.

Signature ...........................................

photograph of the
applicant Designation ........................................



Certificate No................ Date .......................

This is to certify that Shri/Smt/Kumari............................ ......................

Son/daughter/wife of .................................. ...................... ……………….
is a permanent resident of…......................................................... …...
...Village ............................................................................. Taluk………………………………..
...District in Kerala, Pin Code. ................... ,
whose photograph is affixed below, belongs to Economically Weaker Sections in General Category (*)
and that his/her family income is at Rs. ..........................
..............................................................................................................................(in words also) for
the financial year……………………………………………...and that his/her family does not
own or possess assets exceeding the limit specified in G.O.(Ms.)No.2/2020/P&ARD dated 12.02.2020 and
that he/she belongs to caste/community/class which is not recognised as a Scheduled Caste, Scheduled
Tribe or Other Backward Class as listed in List I, II and III in the Schedule to Rule 2 Part I, K.S & S.S.Rs,

Signature with Office Seal ................................

Recent passport
size photograph
of the applicant
Designation .................................................

(*) General Category means and includes all Castes, Communities and Classes of citizens other than
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes.


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